Missionarsstellung indian porn

4 years ago
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Zwei Schwestern auf der Couch

Zwei Schwestern auf der Couch Heute mal ich, Kristin, der weibliche Part von uns beiden, und ich werde von einem Erlebnis mit Caro, meiner Schwester, erzählen: Mittlerweile waren Max und ich schon einige Monate zusammen. Neben anderen Gemeinsamkeiten, wie gut Essen gehen, ähnlichen Musikgeschmack und Reisezielen, lagen wir auch was Sex angeht absolut auf einer Wellenlänge. Missionarsstellung oder einfach nur im Schlafzimmer auf dem Bett waren natürlich die allerersten Erlebnisse, aber wir...

2 years ago
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Bank berfall 2016

Christina Schneider saß am Frühstückstisch und las die Online Ausgabe der „Düsseldorfer Morgenpost“. Griechenlandkrise oder die Flüchtlingsfrage interessierten sie heute weniger denn je. Ihr komplettes Interesse galt einem Banküberfall, welcher sich vor zwei Tagen in Essen ereignet hatte und über den immer mehr Details an die Öffentlichkeit gelangten. Banküberfälle an sich waren leider nichts Besonderes, aber dieser war anders verlaufen als üblich. Die Täter, man sprach von drei Osteuropäern,...

2 years ago
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Das leichtgl ubige M dchen vom Land

Hallo zusammen, Bitte schreibt mir Anregungen. Ihr könnt auch eigene Kapitel verfassen. Zur Hauptperson: Michaela Huber ist 19 Jahre alt, alle nennen sie eigentlich nur Michi. Sie hat einen gut trainierten Körper mir schönen festen C Brüsten. Sie ist 1,65m groß und hat schwarze Haare welche ihr bis zum Po Ansatz gehen. Seit 1 Monat ist sie nach Wien gezogen, da ihre Eltern verstorben sind und sie weg vom Land wollte. Zur Zeit kann sie bei Fremden durch Couch surfen übernachten. Sex hatte sie...

4 years ago
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Tims Abenteuer

Hallo, mein Name ist Tim und ich möchte hier einige außergewöhnliche Ereignisse aus meiner Jugend berichten. Eigentlich hatte ich eine sehr normale und schöne Kindheit und Jugend, wie sie wahrscheinlich sehr viele andere auch hatten. Der einzige Punkt in dem ich mich wahrscheinlich von den allermeisten meiner Altersgenossen unterscheide ist mein Körperbau. Ich habe schon als Kind angefangen, recht intensiv Sport zu betreiben und im Laufe der Jahre habe ich wohl schon fast alle Sportarten...

3 years ago
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Meine Mutter und mein Freund

Meine Mutter ist Kellnerin und hatte einen Arbeitskollegen der war damals 28 Jahre alt und ich 23. Manchmal war ich bei meiner Mutter im Lokal und so habe ich ihn auch kennengelernt. Wir waren uns sympathisch und fingen an uns zu befreunden was trinken gehen und solche Dinge. Ich habe aber immer mitgekriegt wie meine Mutter über ihn geredet hat wie lustig er ist und wie sie mit ihm in der Arbeit geflirtet hat. Einmal waren wir was trinken und haben über Frauen gesprochen und irgendwie fiel das...

2 years ago
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Dominante Bekanntschaft 5 Die Pr auml sentation

Dies ist die Fortsetzung von Dominante Bekanntschaft 4 : Erste Woche Teil 2SonntagIch wache früh auf. Das gibt mir Zeit noch etwas zu lernen. Um kurz vor neun Uhr gehe ich zur Wohnung von Anna.Sie öffnet mir wieder im Pyjama. Wie gestern gehen wir ins Bad und es folgt eine gründliche Spülung bei mir. Zum Schluss gab es noch eine Ladung Schmiere hinein, damit es sich schon gut verteilen kann. Damit nichts tropft bekomme ich wieder die Latexhose. Diesmal ist in ihr auch ein ausblasbarer Plug am...

2 years ago
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Anjas Weg nach Ghana

Mein Weg nach Ghana beginnt im zarten Alter von 17 Jahren. Bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt verlief mein ganzes Leben vorgeplant und eigentlich ereignislos… vor allem sexuell. Meine stinkreichen Eltern haben mich schon in jungen Jahren in ein Internat abgeschoben. Und im katholischen Mädcheninternat im Süden Bayerns bekommt man zwar schon einen theoretischen Einblick, was die Welt zwischen den Frauenbeinen mal zu bieten hat, aber an der praktischen Erprobung hapert es dann doch gewaltig. Jetzt im...

3 years ago
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Der Club

So langsam war absolute Ebbe in meiner Kasse. Keine Ahnung wie ich die nächste Miete zahlen sollte. Warum hatte ich auch nie sparen gelernt. Aber wozu auch. Meine Eltern schwammen im Geld. Dumm war nur, dass ich mich mit ihnen total zerstritten hatte, als ich an meinem 18. Geburtstag von zu Hause ausgezogen war um mit meinem Freund Bernd, der mein Vater hätte sein können, zusammen zu leben. Der Altersunterschied von 28 Jahren und die Tatsache, dass er noch verheiratet war, waren einfach zuviel...

2 years ago
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Hochzeitsorgie Teil 1 Die Ank uuml ndigung

Holger, 47 Jahre, 188 cm, 90 kg, kurze dunkelbraune Haare mit leichtem grauen Schimmer, keine athletische Figur aber sportlich schlank, kam am Freitagnachmittag gegen 16:00 Uhr von seinem Job als Ingenieur der Produktionssteuerung eines Anlagenbauers nach Hause.Holger und seine Frau Heike, 43 Jahre, 163 cm, 47 kg, glatte schwarze schulterlange Haare, zierliche sportliche Figur, liebten es zu Hause nackt zu sein. Seit dem ihre Tochter ausgezogen war, hatten sie es sich angewöhnt, noch bevor sie...

3 years ago
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Armin und Lea Teil 7

Beide Familiengruppen genossen es, den anderen zuzuschauen und dabei untereinander selber Sex zuhaben.Armin fand es einfach nur supergeil, wie ihm die Mutter seiner Freundin seine Eier lutschte und an seinem Schwanz saugte, während er dabei zusah wie seine Freundin auf ihrem Opa einen wilden Ritt vollführte. Dann wurde sein Blick magisch von dem wilden Gestöhne der anderen Gruppe angezogen. Auf dem Bildschirm sah er, wie die Inge vom Bruder, der Schwägerin und dem eigenen Mann hart rangenommen...

3 years ago
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Auml gyptisches Viagra funktioniert

Vor einer Woche sind mein Mann und ich vom Urlaub aus Ägypten zurückgekehrt und obwohl Ägypten ja nun nicht gerade ein erotisches Urlaubsland ist, möchte ich euch von einem Erlebnis berichten, das insbesondere mir viel Spaß bereitet hat. Auch, weil mein Mann nichts davon mitbekommen hat.Unmittelbar nach unserem Flug wurden wir per Bustransfer in unser all inclusive Resort verbracht, wo wir unser Zimmer bezogen. Die Anlage war sehr weitläufig aber gepflegt und wir waren zunächst mit unserer Wahl...

2 years ago
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Das erotische Experiment

Hallo Freunde von Fictionmania und Transgendered Stories, hier meine zweite Geschichte die wie ihr Name ein Experiment ist. Alle Personen berichten aus ihre Sicht den Fortlauf der Geschichte. Die Geschichte konzentriert sich darauf, den Leser die Moeglichkeit zu geben in die Rolle jeder der drei Personen zu schluepfen. Was fuehlt mein Gegenueber gerade ? Was denkt er gerade ueber mich ? Wer hat sich das nicht schon mal gefragt ? Ein Experiment, wie bereits erwaehnt. Ich...

3 years ago
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Hallo Freunde von Fictionmania und Transgendered Stories, hier meine dritte Geschichte ! Sie ist vom Inhalt her mehr ein Klassiker, aber ich hoffe sie gef?llt euch trotzdem. F?r alle Leser unter 18 Jahren gilt : Diese Geschichte enth?lt detailierte Beschreibungen von sexuellen Handlungen und ist f?r Euch nicht geeignet. Anregungen/Kommentare an [email protected] Verdammt ! * I. Ein Wiedersehen mit Leonie * Verdammt! So hatte ich mir das Wiedersehen mit...

3 years ago
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Sabina II Freundschaften halten nicht ewig

Die 31 j?hrige rotblonde Sabina hatte ihren Ehemann betrogen. Als ihr Mann Sven dahinterkam, zwang er seine Frau sich ihm zu unterwerfen. Mit striktem Sex- und K?rpertraining erzog er sie zur gehorsamen Sklavin. Doch nachdem er Sabina von einem Hund hat nehmen lassen und sie zwang Pferdesperma zu schlucken hatte sie Rachegef?hle. Wird Sven die Angelegenheit aus der Hand gleiten? Wen die ganze Geschichte interessiert, der findet sie in der Story Sabina und ihr neues LebenDanke f?r das positive F...

4 years ago
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Luzufers heimt ckischer Eros

Key-words: FemDom, Oral duty, cunnilingus anilingus, dirty, golden shower, consensual bugging & sex, cheating, pregn,. Luzifers heimt?ckischer Eros Von MASOSTUD ? 2010 by Masostud Alle Rechte vorbehalten / all rights reserved.  Inhalt/ Summary: Martin k?mpft um seine Arbeitslosigkeitsunterst?tzung, denn er f?hlt sich von einer hinterlistigen Frau ruiniert, deren Rache seine Existenz vernichtet hat. Aber zuvor muss er seinen ungew?hnlichen Werdegang mit sexuellen Perversionen bekennen.VORWORT: Das ...

3 years ago
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Zwei kleine Fotzen

Eine nach der AnderenEiner der Samstagnachmittage an denen ich allein zu Hause sa?. Um nicht wieder so einen einsamen Abend zu verbringen beschloss ich in das Cafe um die Ecke zu gehen. W?hrend ich meinen Kaffee trank sah ich der H?bschen am Nachbartisch zu. Ihre blonden Haare hatte sie zu einem Pferdeschwanz gebunden. Sie war etwa 1,60 gro? schlank aber mit ganz netten Br?sten. Meiner Phantasie freien lauf lassen dachte ich ?Komm zu mir?. Also h?tte sie mich geh?rt stand sie auf, lief in meine Richt...

1 year ago
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Die neue Nachbarschaft

Es war ein lauer Sommerabend, die Sonne ging gerade unter und Jennifer und Tom Neumann verließen gerade ihr Haus. Die beiden freuten sich sehr auf diesen Abend. Erst vor knapp einem Monat waren sie in die Gegend gezogen und sie hatten es noch nicht wirklich geschafft Kontakt zu ihren Nachbarn aufzubauen. Der heutige Abend sollte das ändern. Tom war 28 Jahre alt, Jennifer 27. Sie war schlank und hatte hellbraune Haare, die sie meist zu einem Pferdeschwanz zusammengebunden trug. Sie war Toms...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Fifteen Forever Girls from Outer SpaceChapter 5 Amazing Grace

Mo rode in a fury through the car park after Grace. It was just typical of that brazen Italian bitch hoe that she’d tricked him into saying he already had a bike, so that he’d be the only one on a mountain bike, with its huge, slow knobbly tyres, while everyone else had a road-racing bike. He didn’t even have cleats on his shoes, so he could only push the pedals on the downstroke while the girls could power the upstroke too. They’d pulled that trick on Paul as well, he could see. Well ......

3 years ago
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The Family Pt 1

"You lost?" She asked me as I listened to her beautiful French accent. "What?" I asked her with one eyebrow raised. She giggled cutely before continuing her jest with a teasing grin. "You're at a gay bar and you're sober and alone. Did you just get dumped?" Like I said, I felt like in idiot enough. Now, having this incredibly beautiful girl tease me was not exactly boosting my self esteem. I rolled my eyes, slightly insulted by her comment. "As a matter of fact, I...

3 years ago
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Miss Britt Memories 9

The death of Margret really hit Miss Britt hard. We were really busy in the office one afternoon when Miss Britt got a call on her private personal phone. "Hello......yes this is Mary Jane......OH LORD!......when did it happen?......and where is she now?.......I'll get back to you, I need to think for awhile.." She hung up the phone and walked out of the office and upstairs. After about an hour I went upstairs to check on her, nowhere to be found on the 2nd floor so I went up to the...

3 years ago
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Always Something There To Remind Me

The alarm went off, blaring out a loud buzz instead of its usual music, and Jay opened an eye blearily and switched it off. 8:00 AM, he thought. Not early, but too early for his tastes. Why had he turned it on, anyway? It was Saturday…wasn’t it? Friday night seemed a little hazy now, which probably meant he’d enjoyed himself. He certainly wished he remembered it a little better, though. Coffee and a look at the calendar would help. He fumbled around for his glasses, found them and sat up....

2 years ago
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Manipuri Vs Punjabi

Hello, I am here again after a gap of some months. I have already posted two erotic personal stories of which I did received a handful of good comments that incites me to carry on with more stories. Today, I will be narrating to all of you my third real incident that happened to me last month. Let me remind you myself as Mr. Lanchenba Meetei, 21 years old lad from Imphal, a beautiful city of Manipur state. I look as tall as about 5.4 feet, weighs 54 kg approx. I discovered myself as being a gay...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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In the woods

There is something deeply primal and erotic about being naked outside. Since my early teens I have loved stripping off in public woods. I would undress and hide my clothes under leaves or a bush (there is a reason for that, but that's another story) and just walk around, sometimes for hours. Following people whenever I saw them, but keeping out of sight myself. The thrill of being caught adding to the fun. Of course I have been spotted a few times and depending on who saw me I would either...

4 years ago
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Broken WingsChapter 6

James woke up in the afternoon feeling hungry. Angela was sleeping on her side and she had resisted when he tried to hug her. She told him flatly that she wasn't used to sleeping with a man so she needed her space. He gave her what she asked but he wasn't happy about it. He caressed her naked thigh and she moved instantly. "James?", she whispered. He pulled her close and she snuggled up to him hearing the beating of his heart. "What's wrong?", she asked. "I'm hungry", he replied...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 91

This shorty is compliments of Dingwall42‎ Little Jonny “I bet you haven’t got one of these”. Little Mary “No, but my Daddy has two of them. He’s got a small one for wee-weeing with and a big one for cleaning Mummy’s teeth.” These are from a dedicated reader... An innocent young man went into a strip club for the first time. Not wanting to watch the show alone, he sat down next to an older gentleman. “Come here often?” he asked. “Not really” the guy replied. “I usually wait until I...

4 years ago
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Timewalker pt 3a long

The Adventures of Béla, the Vampire Girl Book 4: Time Walker Part 3a Chapter 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It had been almost a week since their daughter, Alicia, had left to return to D.C. The house didn’t seem empty, though. Little Nathan, Jake and Tabatha Hedron’s five-year-old son, completely filled it. Frank and Tanya loved having Nathan, their great-grandson, around. The youngster put them back on a schedule like normal, living people. What with starting school and...

2 years ago
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Subiksha 8217 s First Sexual Encounter

Hello readers! I’m writing this for the first time about my sexual encounter, so excuse me for the errors. I’m Subiksha (not my real name). I’m 20 years old, and I’m from Chennai. I’m in the third year of college now. I stay with three other girls in a PG. During my second year, when , I was caught by a roommate. Her name is Harshini. She was not from my college, but she’s elder to me. When she caught me, she didn’t confront or said anything. After a few days, when we were talking, she casually...

3 years ago
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The Flight of the naked Goddess 5

I wake up beside Zuleidas warm body next to me and I am so happy! The memory of last nights delightful intimate play lingers sweetly in my mind. She is still asleep and she looks relaxed and content, as I softly pull the sheet off her luscious body to inspect her more closely. Her little snake is curled up cosy in its warm hairy nest like a naked chick, but it flinches under my tender touch and rises like magic softly in my hand. My friend stirs and starts to moan - she wakes up and smiles...

4 years ago
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Accidental CrossroadsChapter 12

Accidental Crossroads: 12 The Powers that Be? Who the fuck are they? Are they the same as the Powers that Be on Cassandra? I'm a mess. The putt-putt of the four cylinder jeep entered in to his thoughts. She's back. Sultry rolled to a stop right by the front steps, practically fell out of the drivers side door and ran up the steps. She crossed the porch, nearly jerked the front screen door off its hinges and hollered, "John! Where are you?" "In the kitchen, Sultry Wench. What's the...

2 years ago
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Learning To Eat Cum Two

Lynne lay next to me in bed, asleep. She looked so sexy and now after her willingness to feed me my cum the night before she became even more desirable.  I gave her a quick kiss but I had to get up and go, a three day conference one hundred miles away awaited me. As she started to stir she said, “Don’t you go wanking yourself off whilst away, we don’t want you to waste your spunk, save it up for me and I’ll give you a treat over the weekend.” So, I was away at the conference. I couldn’t...

4 years ago
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First Cuck experience

First Cuck Experience: I had just met the girl about a year previously and the sex was amazing. She lived in Oxford at the time in a shared house.Most weekends I went to see her and the sex between was quite adventurous and noisy. Her house mates thought we were on d**gs as we were at it night and day and everyone in the house could hear us and we didn’t care!We explored each other’s boundaries which seemed few, this involved sex in and outdoors including in the grounds of Blenheim palace (...

4 years ago
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The Private Detective and the Blonde Haired Brown Eyed Waitress

Private detective Craig King is on his way to his favorite diner for supper when he hits a traffic jam. After an hour and a half of sitting in this bumper to bumper traffic jam Craig arrives at the diner. After parking his car in his usual parking place he shuts down the car's engine, gets out of the car and walks inside the diner. Once he was seated at the table his favorite waitress and good friend Miss Ashley Russell a young woman with gorgeous blonde hair and brown eyes walks over to his...

3 years ago
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The Slave PrincessChapter 5

Rystall stood naked under a hydrospray in the harem shower, soaking down her red-orange hair with warm water and rubbing soapy lather over her lavender skin and breasts. She moaned softly as she brushed her hands over her sensitive purple nipples. Lyn Me stood under an adjacent hydrospray, lifting one of her legs and sliding her hand up and down its slick wet smoothness with her own bar of soap in hand, washing away the sweat and sexual juices generated from their earlier performance. "Hi...

2 years ago
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Becoming sissy Jenny Part one

Hi, my name is Jonas and I´m 25 years old. This is the Story of how I became a sissy. So actually my name is Jenny now. But lets not get ahead of ourselves. The story has a slow build up, I hope it´s interesting for someone. Thats part one, I will continue the story from time to time. Everything sexual in this story happens to people over the age of 18.I guess it all started whit my mom being a gold digger. One of those women who have a pretty face and a nice body and try to make a living out...

3 years ago
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22 November 2008Chapter 5

“I can feel my abdomen twitching,” Wendy mentioned. “You’re having a contraction and the epidural is masking most of the pain you would feel,” the nurse said monitoring the strength of it. Wendy said she was thirsty so Karen gave her a small cup with ice chips in it. Several minutes later, Dr. Clements returned. “How are we doing?” “Mrs. Hayward has had two more contractions about seven minutes apart,” the nurse replied. The doctor did another examination of Wendy. “You’re moving along...

2 years ago
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Shadows From the PastChapter 45

For once, when Cassie stands at the edge of the pit, it is because she has willed herself here. The Presence hovers at the edge of her senses, exhibiting a faint wisp of curiosity. "I promised I would do this if you let me choose," says Cassie as she peers into the swirling vortex. She pauses for its reaction, and it is as the night before. She senses it in the pit, as if still feeling the need to entice her. "I wish you would talk to me," Cassie says in a forlorn voice. "I wish I knew...

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Joanie and the JunkyardChapter 3

When Anselm McDougal came back home from fighting the Hun in France in December of 1918 he returned to the small cotton-growing town of Gushing Springs, Texas. While he was in Europe his job in the army was Motorcycle Courier. He drove an Indian Brave (Indian Motorcycle Company was founded in 1901, Harley Davidson in 1903). After the war, because there was a glut of cotton caused by the slowdown of war production, the commodity became depressed and there were no jobs in town. In the Army,...

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Mrs Robinson

Jean Robinson was the first contact I ever had on a Dateline computer date.  Her name and phone number was on a list of six names I was sent and I phoned up and had a chat.. We made a date and a few days later I picked her up outside her house in Norwich and we went in my car to a nearby pub for a drink and a chat.   Jean was a dark haired lady in her late 30's, slim about 5 ft 6 ins tall, of average looks, dressed in a white blouse and black pleated skirt.  We spent a couple of hours in quite...

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Love is Stupid and Great Ch 02

That next morning, Oliver woke up pretty early, as he only slept about three hours. The couch definitely wasn’t ergonomic and he had a good idea why that married couple tried to throw it out in the first place. He laid in bed for probably an hour or so before he got up. But after a quick breakfast of mini wheat’s and some tea, he went to check his email. And… well… ‘Motherfucker! Goddamn it!’ Yeah. Oliver had checked his email, hoping to hear back from some of the people he had lined up to...

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Letting Loose With The Boss

I love my job and I love the work I do. I think that's helped by the fact that I have one of the biggest crushes on my boss. I feel the need to please him in everything I do and so in the last couple of months, I've really delved into my work and became insanely focused on that. I often work late at night and all weekend, just so I had could give my boss some positive news.My boss could see how hard I was working and would often comment, saying that whilst it's always great for progress in the...

Office Sex
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Our School Head Mistress Sure Likes It Up Her

It’s supposed to be a secret but our Head Mistress Miss Evans has been Fucked by god knows how many lads here over the years! Fuck knows how she has got away with it but we don’t really care as she’s our very own Cum bucket so we are not going to say anything! Not sure but I think it all started years back when she started seeing this young lad that was here back then! Sometimes when in a class she tells us what she has got up to & such like with School Boys’ Lets just say she has a thing...

3 years ago
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Craving his cock

My boyfriend has left me for basic Army training. He left yesterday and I'm already craving his dick. I'm craving the taste of his thick cum pouring down my throat, his cock pounding his dirty little slut's pussy, and his fingers entangling with my hair as he bends me over any accessible counter. He made sure to give me as much dick as I wanted the past couple days. Especially my good morning fucks. I feel so dirty... My body's on fire, my stomach is twisting, and my lower lips are drooling at...

3 years ago
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Married Two virgins 8211 Pooja And Payal

This is Raj from Mumbai. I am 21 single 6 ft, fit body and business guy and I love to have sex. I have had sex with my girlfriends, neighbor, and her daughter,many friends and 2 hot college professor from my college.I have a 6″ long and 3.5″ thick cock which I know to use perfectly and trust me I don’t finish at least for 2 hours.And I mean it!! I completed my graduation from Mumbai university. I used to have sex on regular occasions and since I started my work I had very less time to get...

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Searching Part three of the Brandt Family seriesChapter 15

“Does she sleep with you”? Tyler asked. “No. In fact, she seldom likes to be in the house at all. She has a bed in the garage that she usually prefers, but since she hasn’t seen me for so long, this is an exception.” Tyler had to admit, even as much as he liked dogs already, this little girl had won his heart immediately. According to Katie, she was a mix between a Cirneco del Etna and a Boxer that Katie had rescued from the shelter in Orange County where she volunteered and brought her...

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Muslim Lund Mere Chut K Ander

Hyy…Gyss mai yaha bikul new hu…Agr kuch bhi galty ho to plss maaf kariye ga and I hope ki aplogo ko mere story pasand aaye… Samajh nhi aa ra haa kaha se shuru karun.To chaliye mai bataty hu apne baare me meri height 5 feet 6 inch hai or mera rang bikul gora hai …Mere boobs ka size 34 or cup d hai .Meri kamar bhi achiii kashi badi hai .Mai kafi attractive hu….. Or ab baat karty hu apne boyfriend ki to mera bf muslim hai uska name faizal hai or wo bhut masst lagta hai bhut zyada cute hain mast...

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THE TUNNEL OF TERRORIn the late summer, just before school started, Veronica always went to the state fair with her friends. This year she set off for the fair early one hot, summer morning with her friends, Jane and Diane. They laughed and talked all the two hour ride to get there. Arriving at the fair, they joined the crowd of people circling the dusty midway lined with food stands, rides, and other amusements. By late afternoon, the three of them were getting bored, until they stumbled...

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Part 43 The Day is Here

Of the Adventures of John and Holly Part 43: The Day is Here It seems so strange that this day is here. It’s one of those days that always seem to be so far in the future that you don’t want to even think about it. Now that it is actually here, it seems like no big deal at all. It was the same in high school. The anticipation leads up to it, then it happens, and you wonder what all the fuss is about. College graduation day is today. Here I stood looking in the mirror at the person...

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Interracial Foursome

My name is Alyssa. I am 23 years old. I’m 5 foot with, blonde hair and around a hundred pounds. Men say I am very pretty for my size and very sexy. Kind of built like a gymnast. I don’t feel my breasts to be very big, but boyfriends in the past have liked to rub on them. My friend works at a local restaurant and of couple guys she works with, detail cars. I was interested in getting my car detailed and she said that she could probably help me out. So I took my car to the restaurant...

2 years ago
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My Girl Kathy

It all started at my birthday party when her family and her came over to my party. She was wearing tight jeans and a sweater, and was looking very good. She came over and told me happy birthday and the whole bit. She gave me a hug and a little kiss on the cheek which of course drove me absolutely insane. As I sat at the table waiting for my cake she put her hand around me and she was standing right next to me and i was sitting so when i returned the favor my hand was right about her ass....

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Cop N Ass

Mike pulls the leather jacket down off her shoulders, leaving her arms imprisoned in their sleeves, tightly zipped, and then exposes her lush full heavy breasts and her hugely hard nipples. ‘Glad to see you wore nothing underneath,,’ he observes before pulling her long thick hair and head back hard. He kneels in front of her and sees she has soaked the leather pants in her crotch area, evidenced by the dark patch on the leather. ‘No panties too, well done.’ He pulls her leathers to her knees...

2 years ago
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Komal ko chauda

Hi friends Rocky again with a new story.Thank you for your response for my previous stories.I am young guy of 32 years with a lund size of 7 inch and i am expert in pussy kissing i can kiss the girls pussy for 45 minutes jisse woh wahin par 3 baar jhar jati hain.Now coming to my story.Mumbai main ek exhibition lagi thi main delhi se woh attend karne gaya wahan ghum raha tha to mujhe meri purani dost mili joh mere sath delhi main hi job karti thi.Hum log ek dusre ko dekhte hi khush ho gaye lekin...

1 year ago
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Jimmy gets Married

PATTY A TEASING WIFE How long will Patty leave Jimmy outside the bedroom with the doors closed tightly rubbing his little dick wondering what Patty is doing ? Or does he know what she is doing. Can he hear the vibrator as it gets her pussy off as his little dick can’t? How many times will she have an orgasm? The longer she leaves him outside waiting the more he loves it He encourages her to go in the bedroom and play with herself.He wishes she would go in and shut the doors more often. ...

4 years ago
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rich boys love 7 0

when i got home i told my mom i wont be home for dinner tonight and that i was having my meal at harveys house my mom had calm down over the harvey matter and said "use a condom" we laughed and i said "no really i am going for a meal" so i walked off to my bedroom to get changed i got into a prada shirt and a pair of black boss pants i redid my hair and brush my teeth again i went down stairs to ask my mom if she would drive me to school so i could pick up my car she agreed and took me...

4 years ago
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Popping my anal cherry

My boyfriend and I had been together for nearly a year, meeting when I was 17 and sexually inexperienced, we had enjoyed discovering each others bodies. One thing we hadn’t yet done was anal sex but it was something my boyfriend had mentioned doing a few times. He was very keen to try, I was more reluctant. The few times he had pressed his cock against my bum hole it had felt uncomfortable and strange. I had seen many examples of it in porn we had watched and decided it would be worth a try but...

2 years ago
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Luke Takes a Wife Ch 02

Thanks for all your kind comments, please keep them coming. I’m not sure right now how long this is going to be but I have tons of ideas. Thank you for taking the time to read this. * Luke is stunned throughout her little speech. Suddenly this quiet little creature has turned into a fireball and he can’t help but feel his body react to her. Getting to his feet quickly and turning to walk out of the room, knowing if he stays in the same room with her any longer he won’t be able to hide his...

3 years ago
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Veiled SecretsChapter 4

September 18, 2007 Matt Traverse looked at the file on his desk, his pencil tapped the manila color and his thoughts played seesaw in his head. Philip had called a couple of weeks ago, catching them up on their father's condition. He sounded concerned. More and more Chad Traverse mentioned Delilah, seeing her, talking to her, missing her. After that call, Matt reflected back on the years, years that were full of laughter and sadness, joy and pain. He thought of the lies that were woven in...

2 years ago
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Blessings and Fufillment

Blessings and Fulfillment CD, Gay, anal, oral, cuckold, forced, magic, MF, MMF It had been over a year since the last time I had been home. This time, I was not the hotshot computer programmer with the sexy girlfriend any more. You see, I had been "down-sized" at work six months ago and because I had not found a high paying job fast enough, Carla, my girlfriend of three years, had left me. After she left me, I realized that she had only been with me for my money. All of the good...

2 years ago
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Lonely Mom s Passion

I was going home during a school break to see my mother. My parents split up when I was five and even now at twenty, I don't know what happened to my father. My mother doesn't like to talk about it although I want to know what happened between them. My Mom now lives in a small house along a lake front. I am not sure how she can afford the house as she only works part time or when she wants to. I pulled up to Mom's place and I went to the front door.Mom greeted me with a big hug and I put my...

2 years ago
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Another ChanceChapter 86

You remember last time, the girls had discovered that teasing a Negro in the middle of KKK country was no joke. Not that Ann Arbor was KKK land ... but Detroit ... that's another story. Henry needed workers ... not skilled workers but people who would work, and living a sharecroppers life in the south was unending work for next to nothing. White trash ... not a nice term ... but they were in the same boat as the 'liberated' blacks. Not even second class citizens. A pretty girl seldom made...

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Public Masturbation 3

In 2023 the newly liberal government passed new laws permitting masturbation in public. Originally it was just a six-month pilot program but was such a huge success that the laws were made permanent. Sex crimes overall were down and people in general became more liberal about their sexuality. Even the divorce rate came down. Let me give you some of my background. I started a small company when I was in my twenties that grew exponentially over a short period of time into a huge success. I...

3 years ago
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Cuckold yes or NO

I got married to a beautiful mature Lebanese woman, love was divine and making love was great! Cuckolding never entered my mind. She seldom initiated sex but she truly enjoyed it. I know she did because, after her second orgasms, she transformed into a wild woman. She wanted more. And more. It’s like after she came twice, she was eager for sex and pleasure, wherever it comes from! And that’s when I started to get suspicions that she could, under certain circumstances, become a slut,...

2 years ago
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Darcy s Younger CousinChapter 2

My wife's dowry and my income from the family trust was more than enough to cover my new family's expenses since we were a frugal household and in truth were ensconced in my father-in-law's expansive estate with no expenses for servants or food. I had every intention of striking out on my own but my wife's reluctance combined with my appreciation for the fine lifestyle with little or no expenses weighted my decision in favor of satisfying my wife's desires. My cousin Darcy was...

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F whores 4


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Мо первый опыт МЖМ Это случилось пару лет назад. У меня был парень на 2 года старше меня. У нас были прекрасные отношения со страстным сексом! На тот момент мы были вместе около 3 лет и нам не было скучно:) Я частенько ходила погулять с ним одевая откровенную одежду, короткие платья без нижнего белья либо прозрачную блузку так что было отлично видно грудь. Вообщем ему нравилось когда все видно☺️ Так вот один раз мы пошли гулять с его лучшим другом и я решила одеться как бизнес леди но под...

3 years ago
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Goodbye Kelly

I hung up the phone and thought that life can be just so damned delicious sometimes. I guess there is truth in the saying that 'what goes around comes around.' Kelly and I got married the week after we graduated from high school. I went to work for my dad in his construction business and Kelly started working as a secretary at the auto plant. My dad's business was growing and I grew with it. It hadn't hurt that I'd spent every summer vacation since I was thirteen working for him and when...

4 years ago
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Making Mom SuckChapter 6

That evening they sat outside under an ancient oak on padded chairs around a wrought iron table. Judy was having a beer and her son iced tea. They were both naked. The sun was setting on top of the barren mountains, and although it was still hot, there was a breeze blowing in from the north, cooling the evening. Judy sat the way her son asked her. Her ass was slumped past the padded chair, legs wide open. He sat a few feet in front of her, gazing at her hairy cunt as she twisted and...

2 years ago
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Helpless CaptiveChapter 8

Inside of the dust stuffy cabin, Jim, Lydia, and Mark were all growing impatient. They watched with envy the crowd filling the valley, wishing that they, too, could be down there listening to the music, drinking beer and smoking joints. They stared at each other and then back at Kathy. Mark slumped against the wall, lifeless and worn; never having had a hangover before, he was convinced he was coming down with the flu. Gurgles and belches rumbled in his empty stomach and he took caution not...

4 years ago
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The Conference

It was really flattering, really, to have my boss ask me to speak at a conference in Reno. Yes, I was the one who'd done most of the design on the water quality model, but I still feel like a peon, someone holding up the totem pole from the bottom. When I think of conferences like this, I think of the important people speaking about important work they've done. I don't think of simple, staff engineers talking about basic tasks they've done. It was actually at that point that I realized I...

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The girl with the scars in her eyes

The Girl with the Scars in Her Eyes Have you seen her? The girl with the scars in her eyes? Because she tries to be invisible. She thinks its safer, but its also very lonely. Have you touched her? The girl with the scars in her eyes? She often flinches when people reach out to her. But she looks with longing at those who are being touched. Have you spoken to her? The girl with the scars in her eyes? She'll try to keep the conversation light. Even though she...

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A new beginning

A new beginning by CrosswriterSynopsis: The final few hours during which a submissive woman binds herself in submission to a dominant lesbian couple.1.A cold shiver ran through Cecilia as she waited for the call. Thoughts about her future assailed her mind. Over a year of chatting and meetings had gone by, which had culminated towards this very moment. Cecilia waited to see whether she would be stood up again or whether this would be the start of a new life.Earlier in the week, Cecilia had...

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I Thought She Made You Up Ch 02

Damn, I need an editor bad. Here we go. …………………………….. So, after spending a year having sexual adventures with two beautiful, intelligent women twice my age, I was suddenly on my own again. It was hard for me to adjust. I compensated by putting as much overtime in at my job as I could, saving the money for my dream of college. I still took community college classes and was almost done with my associate degree. I dated from time to time, and had a couple of short relationships, never anything...

4 years ago
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A Single man begins a new flat share with three women

I had been looking for a place to live for several months but the residential lettings market had hit rock bottom and there wasn’t much around. Having given up with the agencies I resorted to local ads and word of mouth, which led me to a first floor flat in a very large converted house. It seemed nice enough located in a quiet leafy side road not far from the centre of London, a conservative area with Edwardian houses seemingly very proper and ordinary. The main door led through to a...

2 years ago
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Beta testing

College is finally over, i graduated in computer science and got admitted into a startup enterprise as the intern for this summerI am super excited, apparently there is a new game to test and ill be the tester for the whole summerMy first day i met my boss , henry the tall fat black guy who interviewed me for the jobwalking me to a coffee shop for a meetingHenry was a successful entrepreneur, someone to look up to like a mentor, his calm voice making me feel part of something i didnt read the...

2 years ago
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Cuckolded By Mom And Wife

Hello I want to tell you the story of how I became a sub of my mom and wife. Before I begin let me give a small background on my family. It consisted of my mom, dad and myself. Mom was the bread earner of the family. Her name is Shikha and she is the vice president of a private company and earns a good salary apart from amenities like housing, car etc. We live in a large 3-bedroom apartment in one the posh areas of the city. To be short my Moms earning is more than enough for the three of us....

1 year ago
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After the Run Part 2

But I wasn’t done, not yet. I picked you up, put you over my shoulder, and carried you over to the sofa. I pulled your shorts and panties off of your legs. You brought your legs together to make it easier. I put a pillow under your head, and then another under your ass. You spread your legs open, and I could see the inner wet pink pussy, which contrasted nicely with your dark outer pussy lips. The aroma of your recent orgasm was intoxicating. Your eyes, half closed, were begging me to lower my...

3 years ago
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The Weekend Away

It was now into 2010 and my Aunt and I had struggled to get much time to ourselves, only managing a few little quick sessions here and there but nothing to fully satisfy is both to the degree that we wanted. During a phone coversation with my Aunt she had the perfect excuse to get away for a weekend and take me with me so once we worked out the date it was only a matter of time before we had our dirty little weekend away together. We didnt go too far, only into the north of scotland. It was...

1 year ago
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Lady Cecelia Ch 02 Pt 03

Lydia took up her robe, hooded cloak and candle to make her way from Cecelia’s chamber door. Satisfied she was asleep she opened it to find both their handmaidens waiting. ‘Is my Lady asleep?’ she was asked. ‘She is well comforted and sleeping, girl,’ Lydia instructed, closing the door,’ Now go find your bed and rest.’ The girl turned toward the steps and disappeared into the darkness. ‘Come then, Annalette.’ Lydia spoke quietly to the girl who remained and she began leading Annalette to the...

4 years ago
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Summer 2000 true story

My name is Helga, and my husbands, is Ricky. I am 5’5 wear a size 34C bra. I am a blue eyed, blonde from German,y with great looking legs and a nice ass. I met my husband at one of the HOT New York parties. We started talking, have a few drinks and he took me home, because the girl I came with, was busy with some guy and I was sure she was glad that I left her alone. We hit it off well, and started going on dates and finally got married. He was 27, and I was 26. We have been married now for 10...

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My Boyfriend my Mother and Sister

My older sister, during her delivery, suffered a catastrophic brain injury, that left her with learning and reasoning difficulties, that required her other sisters, including myself to look after her as we all grew up in a very loving and caring home.Her sisters including myself were beautiful girls, as mother herself a former model, could attest to being from good genetic stock. In all there were four of us girls and as I was the youngest, it started to fall upon myself to take more time with...

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Class Reunion 0

It was supposed to be a class reunion as always and no one would have a syllable itself presented what happened that night. They met at the train station. There were not all come. Of the female members only Ramona, Renate, Sybille, Viola and Birgit came. The five women faced Bernd, Wolfgang, Thomas, Frank, Volker, Jörg, Toni and Norbert. They greeted with warm Embrace. Then they went to the hostel. There is a food was first prepared. Then there were the drinks. They talked,...

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My wife and my best friend

When we arrived Matt had a beautiful home on the intercostal waterway. His house had three bedrooms and a large open floor plan. In the backyard he had a nice deck with a hot tub and a nice motor boat docked in the water. Matt welcomed us and showed us around taking us to our room to put our belongings up. We sat in the back and had some drinks and caught up on old times and what we had been doing over the past decade. Matt had never married and teased that nobody could compare to Deb. Deb...

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Grandmother What Big Teeth You Have

The mad vampire Drusilla bounded into the room from the balcony, her long black ringlets bouncing up and down on her satin covered chest, and twirled about in a euphoric daze. Her slim, graceful limbs poetry in motion. The moon high above had been telling her the most naughty tales and there was a portent of change on the winds. Daddy, her sweet Angelus, would soon be coming home to play... Dru's eyes met Darla's as soon as she entered the room. Darla was an old vampire, though not so ancient...

1 year ago
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MomsFamilySecrets Bunny Madison Moms Battery Powered Orgasm

Bunny Madison has been going through batteries like crazy. She can’t find any anywhere, which she shares when her stepson Juan Loco asks what she’s up to. Opening one last drawer, Bunny finds a pair of batteries and leaves the room. Juan waits a bit before going to Bunny’s bedroom to ask what she’s up to. She’s mid-masturbation with her vibrating toy, but even as she’s reassuring Juan that she’s fine Bunny’s toy runs out of batteries. Juan...

1 year ago
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SlutInspection Rosalyn Sphinx Wife Brings Home Slutty Teen Rosalyn Sphnix

Rosalyn Spinx is making out with your wife right in front of you!!!!! Is this real? Either way you’re more than happy to watch. Once they invite you to join in though, it’s game on. Your wife gives your cock to Rosalyn like it’s a present and Rosalyn swallows it right up. It’s so cute when Rosalyn lays on top of your wife, you just need to slip your dick into her pussy. Can you believe your wife loves watching you fuck her friends?! She flips Rosalyn over so you can hit it from the back while...

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Tara 5 BoasChapter 8

They excused themselves from Bailey and finally sat to have their dinner. None of them was quite sure afterwards if the meal was good or not. The tension between them grew, as the meal went on. Each little touch and contact of the eyes seemed to escalate the excitement they all felt. Not one of them thought for even one moment that it wasn’t going to happen. While they cleaned their plates, by mutual agreement, they didn’t linger. They did, however, hurry back to the Motel. Serpin surprised...

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Sweetness Chapter 1 (1) It started with an accident. I mean that; I did not want one of my many secrets getting out, but you can't plan everything. In my case, I didn't plan on rolling my SUV. It was a Thursday and it was early, too early. I had just left the golden arches and with a fresh cup of piping-hot coffee, I was ready to start my work day. The sun wouldn?t make an appearance for a while yet; when you own your own company, you start early and stay late, and I almost...

4 years ago
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I got up the next morning and walked Renee to her car before heading to work. The problem that was developing was that each time Renee tried one of these new crazy things with me, she thought I would just be with her from then on and leave Amanda alone for good. She had a difficult time understanding that she still had a boyfriend and as long as that was the case, I would never just be with her. If she left him, I honestly probably would've dated her exclusively. I liked her and...

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Rock Climber

Matt smiled easily at his group as he started his introduction to six couples, 8 guys and a single girl: 21 people, a good class size. He held up a climbing harness and explained its parts before demonstrating how to put it on. After handing them out, he moved among his students, ensuring they had it on properly, making the occasional adjustment. Although only a freshman, he had been climbing for years. His credentials had so impressed the staff that they allowed him to lead the Activity...

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Fucked My Cousin Hard

Hey this is the even what happened to me some 5 months back when I was for my holiday to Delhi. I was there for relaxing as I just completed my b.com and I was there for some rest and enjoyment I went to Delhi as I know it’s a happening place I went to friends dad home as they are quite cool person even kind of family to me. I will like to describe the family they are just three members in the home aman uncle, neeta aunty and there daughter TAMANNA she is some one the main pic of this story. I...

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Salt Part 1

Well I'm married now, I have three little ones, and I've long since retired any notion of these desires to seek the company of the licentious and wild sort of girl. I love my wife and the family we have birthed, but regardless, my mind often wanders backwards into the unforgotten territories of my youth; the important memories, the painful memories - the good shit. This particular instance of which I'm about to tell of was one of those painful sort. This event in my life seeded...

3 years ago
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Masturbation wild dirty

Just want to get it off my chest. I masturbated and i do often due no confidence of penis size. Im on the small side. 4.5 inches hard thats it. Anyway everytime i do recreational i get so worked up turned on. I had a few women laughed giggled or just didnt find me attractive mo more. So i masturbate. But on recreational its vrry different. I watch live cams and i make up fantasies in my head. I have this idea people always follow me on recreational. Like as if a bunch of people follow me...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 556

Canadian humour A young Vancouver woman was so depressed that she decided to end her life by throwing herself into the ocean but, just before she could throw herself from the docks, a handsome young man stopped her. “You have so much to live for,” said the man. “I’m a sailor, and we are off to Italy tomorrow. I can stow you away on my ship. I’ll take care of you, bring you food every day, and keep you happy.” With nothing to lose, combined with the fact that she had always wanted to go to...

4 years ago
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The Jade DragonChapter 2

Elizabeth woke once, in a confused half asleep half awake state, she mumbled something and went back to sleep, a deep soothing noise like a big cat purring over her slipped into her dreams, she Mmmmmmmmm'ed as the sound seemed to wash over her, it was a sound both soothing and comforting and yet very arousing, she wanted to get closer to it, snuggle up to it, melt into the purr. She shivered as the cool night air touched her sleep warmed skin, her back arched and she squirmed closer into the...

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Mistaken Identity Scott s Chapter 1

Yay! third Sunday of the month is here! And with it, Daphne's version of Chapter 2 on Patreon, as well as Scott's version of Chapter 1 on Fictionmania (and MistressDyvia.com)! I've been anxious to get these both out for weeks now. Lol. I currently plan to release publicly one version of each chapter, a month after the release of the second version on Patreon... so everyone gets the whole story, but those of you in my patreon get both versions of each chapter, meaning not only do you get...

3 years ago
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Just an Old Fashioned Romance

Introduction: This story is intended to be a modern romance with a kinky twist. For the romance, I’ve worked hard to provide sympathetic characters, an interesting story, and, of course, a happy ending. For the kink, I’ve provided BDSM, non-consent, incest, anal, minor scat, exhibitionism, implied gay, mature, interracial, and group. Please let me know if I succeeded with either the romance or the kink. Or, best of all, if I succeeded in blending them together. My first scene was inspired by...

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Maxine Stone s New LifeChapter 105 Breaking the No Routine Routine

Most of the weekdays passed easily. I had not realized how much I needed to build up my reserve energy. After three days of doing nothing more than showing the two vacant apartments, I felt as good as I had in years. Not better, but I was back at my highest level of energy. In those three days I had also established a routine that I enjoyed. Every one of those three mornings, I dressed like an Eskimo, started Gus's bike, then rode to breakfast at the local Hardee's. On the morning after...

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