Duty, Honor, Country, Family, Part One free porn video

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Duty, Honor, Country, Family Part One By Danielle J brief synopsis- Army Captain Tom Slater has been asked by the FBI and the US Army, to infiltrate a Japanese organized crime family. But first the Captain has to undergo some interesting DNA therapy and training to prepare him...her for the mission. This story is dedicated to Sharonna. Sharonna created a few stories featuring what she called the 'Community Service' program. My transformation and plot in this story were inspired some by Sharonna's story U.S. Marshals. I want to say thank you to Andi, Circe, and in particular Daphne for their help with this story. Enjoy. This is part one of a long story with just a smidgen of sex. Some parts will be Rated G, and others will be R rated. If you're looking for either a short story or lots of sex, don't bother reading. ***** Captain Thomas 'Tom' Slater arrived at Fort Riley's main gate a little past two thirty on May 2nd 2007. He was third in line, his Toyota pickup truck loaded with almost all of Tom's belongings. Some may have described this scene at the gate with the Army(Military) saying 'hurry up and wait' but not Captain Slater. He was a veteran of two tours in Iraq, and was reporting to Riley two days ahead of schedule that day. Tom liked to be punctual. "Good afternoon Sergeant," Tom said to the black enlisted man at the front gate. The Captain, was already prepared and handed the sergeant his driver's license, a copy of his orders, plus his military jacket. The Sergeant handed all of these back to Tom within sixty seconds of getting them. "Welcome to Fort Riley Sir. Do you need directions?" "No Sergeant, I know the way," Tom replied back. After rolling up his car window, he drove through Fort Riley's main gate. A little more than thirteen years had passed since the Captain's last visit to the base, but Tom knew his way around like it was yesterday. For those in-processing at Riley, the first stop was the 1st Replacement Center. It is located on Custer Avenue, in Building 208. Tom parked his truck in a parking lot across from the building before walking inside. Just like at the front gate, Tom was third person in need of being waited on. Here it took a little longer, but the Captain soon got to the front of the line. "Good afternoon Sir," said the female sergeant behind the desk. Tom was in civilian clothes at present. "May I please have your MPRJ and other records?" Tom handed them straight over to the Sergeant. Today would only be the first step in the Captain's in processing. Usually anywhere from a week to ten days were required to complete this process for a soldier completing a PCS. The length of time varying on whether the military member had dependents or not, where they were coming from, and what unit they were being assigned to. As for Tom, he was thirty-years-old, very single, and in possession of his first orders since returning from Iraq with a period of fourteen months of convalescence at Walter Reed in between. Over a year earlier, an IED wounded Tom while he was serving in Iraq. The explosive blowing a hole in Tom's right leg that required four operations. After these were done, Tom had to undergo physical therapy and be medically cleared for active duty. All of this had only been completed two weeks previous. Tom, who had grown up as an Army brat, was very eager for his new assignment. Promoted to Captain after his wounding in Iraq, Tom would be commanding a company in the 1st Infantry Division. Sgt. Hook spoke up only moments after getting Tom's orders. "Sir, you need to go in that room and make a phone call to this number." Tom looked at the piece of paper he was given. On it was written a seven digit number, the area code of which was the same as Fort Riley. Without saying another word, the Captain did as he was told. The phone number Tom called was picked up after three rings. "Major Hollins." "Sir, my name is Thomas Slater, Captain United States Army. I was told to call you." "Yes Captain, it is good to hear from you. Are you at Fort Riley at present?" "Yes sir. I'm at the Replacement Center." "Captain, we need to talk. Can you be at Fort Leavenworth tomorrow morning, say at 1030 hours?" Tom Slater had been to Fort Leavenworth just once in his life. A visit to the base with his family when he was sixteen years of age. Leavenworth was best known to the general public as the home to United States Disciplinary Barracks. The post was also home to U.S. Army Combined Arms Center, also known as CAC and the Command and General Staff College. "Of course sir," Tom replied back. He was clueless as to why he needed to go to Leavenworth but orders were orders. "Do you have a pen and piece of paper handy?" Major Hollins asked. Tom confirmed that he did. "Good, write this down." A few minutes later Tom walked out of the office. Sgt. Hook was still there and not helping anyone at that moment. "Can I have my jacket and other things back?" "Of course sir," the female Sergeant replied back. A few minutes later, Tom Slater was back in his truck, and on the road again. The drive to Leavenworth Kansas would take approximately two hours. ***** On arrival in Leavenworth Kansas, Captain Slater checked into a Days Inn near the Army installation. A room had been reserved there for him. Knowing no one in that town, Tom had dinner and then went to an early movie. By 2230 the Captain was in bed and fast asleep. Tom had no idea why he had been summoned to Leavenworth, but didn't dwell on it. The Army always had a reason and Tom would learn what it was soon enough. Rising at 0530 the next morning, Tom began his day with a morning exercise routine he'd been doing for years. The last part of which was a three-mile jog. Tom took pride in having gotten back to his old exercise regimen after his wounding in Iraq. After his jog was finished, Tom returned to his room to shower and dress. Then the Captain went to a nearby diner for breakfast. Tom checked out of his room a few minutes before 1000. Unlike the day before, Tom was wearing his Army uniform for whatever business he had been summoned to Leavenworth for. Fort Leavenworth was five minutes away and after being waved through the main gate, Tom drove straight to the Adjutant General's Office on McClellan Ave. Tom checked in at the desk and was told to take a seat. A sergeant telling Tom someone would be with him shortly. Major Hollins emerged from an office a few minutes later. "Captain Slater?" Tom sprung to his feet and saluted the Major. "Yes I'm Captain Slater, I'm reporting as ordered sir." The major took Captain Slater's hand and shook it. The informality struck Tom as odd or strange. Little did Tom know but his day was about to get a whole lot stranger. "Good to meet you Captain. I'm Major Edward Hollins. Please come with me." Captain Slater was shown into the same room Major Hollins had come out of. It was a windowless, plain office with one desk, three chairs and little else. There was one other person in the room. She was in her mid to late twenties, stood about 5'4, was wearing a grey business dress, and was clearly of Asian heritage. "Captain Slater, this is FBI Special Agent Gabrielle Tanaka." Tom shook the woman's hand. "Nice to meet you Ma'am." Major Hollins took a seat behind the desk. After shaking Tom's hand, Agent Tanaka sat to the Major's left. Captain Slater was told to take a seat. "May I see your Jacket?" Major Hollins asked. Tom passed the MPRJ, besides his other documents across the desk to Major Hollins. Tom sat quietly as Major Hollins studied his MPRJ. He had a thousand questions to ask, biggest of which was why he had been summoned to Leavenworth, but Tom remained silent. Soon enough Tom would start to get some answers. "Everything appears in order," Major Hollins said after less than a minute. "Captain you're probably wondering why you were brought here." "Kind of sir." Major Hollins let out a short laugh. At the same time Gabrielle Tanaka's face showed no sign of emotion. The look on the FBI agent's face remaining unchanged since her shaking hands with Captain Slater. "You'll learn soon enough. First we have some questions for you. After that we have something for you to read, we'll discuss it after you're done." "I'm ready sir." The first question from Major Hollins took Tom by surprise. "Your mother is Japanese, isn't she?" "Yes sir, she is." "Midori Sasaki Slater?" "Yes sir, that is my mother's name? "You've visited Japan a few times in your life?" Tom smiled briefly. "I actually lived there for almost seven years starting when I was seven years old. My father was stationed then at Camp Zama" Stewart Slater Sr, a career enlisted man, had been assigned to Camp Zama three times during his career. The first occurring in the early 70's, the second and third period of times happening between 1984 and 1991. In between two three year stints at Zama, Stewart Slater did a one-year remote tour in Korea. During that period of time, the sergeant's family stayed behind in Japan. "When was the last time you been to Japan?" This Tom had to take a few seconds to recall. "When I was seventeen. I traveled to Japan with my mother and sisters for my grandfather's funeral." "Your mother is from the island of Hokkaido?" Hokkaido, whose main city was Sapporo, was the northern most major island in Japan. "Yes my mother is from Hokkaido." "How's your Japanese?" "Sonna ni joozu ja nai." Not so good. "You're modest Captain," Agent Tanaka said, finally speaking up for the first time. "I'm badly out of practice Ma'am. My mother is from Japan and its been quite some time since I had any need to use it other than when speaking with her," Tom replied back. His mother, while some wouldn't say fluent in the language, spoke and understood English. "I did take two elective courses in Japanese at college also. That's some time ago." For a few minutes Major Hollins quizzed Tom about his education. The Captain had originally been a reservist, working on degrees in both accounting and economics. That all changed when 9-11 happened. Tom deciding to become a full-time soldier. In need of fighting men and women for The War on Terror, the Army was only too happy to oblige Tom Slater. Tom had gotten his degrees but was never able to take the CPA exam. He explained this to Major Hollins. "You are able to read Japanese?" Tom nodded his head. "Kind of sir. I haven't had much reason to practice of late." Again Tom was being modest. While in Japan, he had learned not to just speak the language but read it also. This being the result of Midori Slater's influence. Besides attending all of his regular classes at Zama's elementary and middle schools, Tom took Saturday classes in Japanese. He had done quite well in these. Growing up at Zama wasn't the easiest of experiences for a 'haifu' or half Japanese. Facing prejudice both on base and off, Tom Slater became a bit of a introvert when young. His friends all being carefully chosen, but once selected, Tom was very outgoing and sociable with those boys and girls who mattered to him. Like twin brother and sister, Hiroshi(or Hiro) and Suki Kobayashi. Tom Slater met the siblings through a Judo(Something Tom excelled at) class he attended with Hiro. Hiro was Tom's best friend during the last four years he lived in Japan. Maybe more importantly, Suki Kobayashi was Tom's first crush. She was the girl he shared his first kiss with. Life in Japan had shaped Tom in many ways. He was a leader of men in the Army, but when it came to his personal life, the Captain was shy and modest. Tom was well liked and friendly but without many friends. Those he did have, the Captain was very close to. Major Hollins passed a folder across to Tom. "Try practicing with this." Tom opened the file, and not surprisingly, found it to all be in Japanese except for two photographs that had names printed underneath. The Captain began to read. "Take your time Captain. I'll be back shortly." "Yes sir," Tom replied back, his head still buried in the folder. It took Tom over ten minutes to read the file. By that time Major Hollins was back in the room. "They're police reports on two US airmen murdered in Yokohama." Agent Tanaka smiled thinly. "Correct Captain. What else did you learn?" Tom gave the FBI agent a rundown. "Tech Sgt Swanson had a wife and two children." "Yes he did," Major Hollins replied back. "Are there any leads? The report mentions none, sir." Major Hollins nodded. "Nothing concrete, or provable in court. We do believe the airmen were killed by people working for this man." Captain Slater was handed another file. A picture inside showed a middle aged Japanese man. "Goro Watanabe?" "Yes, Goro Watanabe is his name. Have you heard of him?" Tom shook his head. "No sir. Not before today." While Major Hollins leaned back in his chair, FBI agent Tanaka filled Tom in. "Goro Watanabe is one of the most powerful men in Japanese organized crime today." "Yakuza?" "Yes Captain." Agent Tanaka began to fill Tom in some more. Both airmen, Fred Swanson and Robert Unger, were believed to have been in debt to loan sharks working for Goro Watanabe. When it became obvious both men wouldn't be paying back what was owed by them in addition to being their being PCSd back stateside, the airmen were murdered. Both killings had taken place twelve to fifteen months earlier. Captain Slater even remembering a Stars and Stripes article on Tech Sgt. Swanson. By now Captain Slater was drawing his own conclusions. "You want my help in putting Goro Watanabe behind bars?" "Yes Captain." Major Hollins spoke up for the first time in over five minutes. "Captain before we get to that, I want you to go to lunch with Agent Tanaka." "Lunch, sir?" "Yes, lunch Captain. When you come back, we'll talk some more." The time was a little past 1130. "Very well sir." "One last thing Captain. Till you return, you're to speak to Agent Tanaka in Japanese only. Is that understood?" "Yes sir." Captain Slater left the room moments later. Special Agent Tanaka coming with him. "Where to now?" "Japanese Captain." "Gomen nasai," Tom said with a slight bow of his head. This got a thin smile in return from Agent Tanaka. Tom and Agent Tanaka went to a small Mom and Pop diner in Leavenworth. There they discussed everything but Army business. From the weather to politics, to almost anything. Captain Slater quickly concluded this was a test to see just how good his Japanese was. The question Tom began asking himself, was why was he was needed in some plan to bring down Goro Watanabe. Tom got his answer not long after he and Agent Tanaka returned to Major Hollins office shortly after 1300 hours. "How did the Captain do?" "He needs polishing but Captain Slater should be fine." Captain Hollins nodded his head as he leaned forward in his chair. "Captain, it is time we tell you why you were brought here." "Thank you sir. I have been wondering." "We want to put you inside Goro Watanabe's empire." "A source to get inside information on this....thug?" Tom Slater may have used the term 'mother fucker', except for the fact a lady was present. "Yes, Captain exactly. This assignment, which I stress is voluntary and which you may refuse, is both dangerous and highly unusual." Tom was used to the dangerous part. He had done two tours in Iraq, the first back in 2003 and lasting twelve months. The second tour, that began in 2005, lasted ten months rather than the planned eighteen. It being abbreviated because of Tom being wounded by an IED. Getting inside a Japanese crime family was certainly the unusual part. Tom would hear out Major Hollins and Agent Tanaka before passing judgment or volunteering for special assignment. The briefing was moved to another room. In it were fifteen to twenty chairs in a semi circle facing a large screen television. Captain Slater and Agent Tanaka both took seats in the front row, three chairs apart. "We have some video for you to watch Captain." "Yes sir." The video Tom first saw looked as if it had been taken in a park, but the Captain quickly changed his mind. It was a garden and a sizable one. A man in his sixties or maybe early seventies was ambling around tending to his flowers. Major Hollins hit the pause button. "That is Keiji Watanabe. Also known as Uncle within the Yakuza family headed by Goro Watanabe." "Don't let the name fool you," Agent Tanaka said to Captain Slater. "Keiji Watanabe is absolutely ruthless." Captain Slater knew the meaning of the name Keiji. It was cautious ruler. "Goro Watanabe is this man's nephew?" Major Hollins answered. "Yes Captain, Goro is his nephew." "Prior to Goro, Keiji Watanabe was head of the family. Nowadays he is more like a trusted advisor." Captain Slater nodded as he studied the face. The video wasn't very good. Where did the FBI get it? "Goro Watanabe wasn't supposed to take over the family. In 2001, a war broke out between some of the Yakuza families. One of the casualties was Keiji's son Hideki. Hideki was being groomed at the time to be the future boss or Oyabun." Oyabun meant family head in the world of the Yakuza. While he was half Japanese, Tom Slater knew very little about Japanese organized crime or the culture surrounding it. More video of Keiji Watanabe was shown. While this was watched by Tom, he was told of the man's background and history It was all pretty sketchy, Keiji Watanabe was a very private man. "Where was the video shot?" Gabrielle Tanaka had the answer. "An estate Keiji Watanabe owns. It is located near Mt. Fuji." Majestic Mt. Fuji was fairly close to Yokohama. The capital of Kanagawa prefecture, Yokohama was the home base for the Watanabe Yakuza family. Camp Zama, where Tom Slater had lived for seven years, was also in the Kanagawa prefecture. The next person to appear on screen wasn't a pleasant looking chap at all. A short heavyset bull of a man with a crewcut like hair cut. "That's another of Goro Watanabe's Saiko-komon(Senior Advisors). His name is Dai Hashimoto, also known as Tiger." Captain Slater watched the video of short squat man, who if he had been 100 or more pounds heavier, could have have been a sumo wrestler. The names Dai, which means large boy, fit the man to a tee. After the introduction to Dai Hashimoto, Tom was given some background on some of the shareigashiras in the Watanabe family. There were at least five that the FBI knew of, Agent Tanaka said. "Last but not least, there is the family's accountant or some may say chief financial advisor," Major Hollins said as he advanced the DVD to its next chapter. On the screen popped a closeup picture of a young woman's smiling face. She didn't look a day over eighteen and if not beautiful was certainly cute. She reminded Captain Slater of one of his cousins. "That is Hiromi Sato. Don't let the photo fool you, she is twenty-seven- years-old. Born November 3rd, 1979 in the small coastal village of Hiroo. Hiroo is in the Hokkaido prefecture." "Ms. Sato is a graduate of the University of Tokyo. Class of 2001." Captain Slater nodded. The University of Tokyo was Japan's most prestigious school. "What was her major?" "Accounting," Agent Tanaka replied. "Our sources say Hiromi Sato is a whiz so far as numbers and understanding the financial markets goes," Major Hollins said as he began giving some more information about the woman. A video of a meeting taking place at the home of Keiji Watanabe was shown next. Present were Keiji, his nephew Goro, Dai Hashimoto, Hiromi Sato and at least two shareigishiras plus guards. The audio wasn't of good quality and only snippets of conversation could be made out by Captain Slater. "Where did this video come from?" "Captain, we have a source in the Watanabe family. You'll learn more in due time," Agent Tanaka replied. As Major Hollins narrated the meeting, Captain Slater was already drawing conclusions as to what lay ahead for him. Or was it her? It was too mind boggling, something out of a science fiction story. Captain Slater had to be wrong. Glancing to his left, Tom noted how Agent Tanaka was paying attention to him not the film. Like she was sizing him up. For what, Tom asked himself. Then Major Hollins stopped the video. It was all over and it was time to get to business. Before anything else, Major Hollins turned the lights back on in the room. "Captain, we're going to get right to the point. We want you to become Hiromi Sato." Captain Slater's conclusions from a few minutes ago proved accurate. "Sir, how is that possible?" "One moment Captain." Major Hollins went to a nearby phone and dialed a number. "Tell Dr. Wagner to come in." Not another word was spoken till Dr. Wagner arrived about two minutes later. She was a tall Nordic blonde and drop dead gorgeous. Dr. Wagner wearing a lab or doctor's coat that hugged her feminine figure. Age? Captain Slater thought 23-25 but he was only guessing. Dr. Wagner walked straight over to where the television and DVD player were. "Dr. Wagner has a video to show you Captain. Please watch and listen. Your question should be answered shortly." "Can we proceed?" Dr. Wagner asked in a husky voice with a strong German accent. "Yes Doctor, we're ready," Major Rollins replied. While Dr. Wagner restarted the DVD player, Major Rollins again turned off the lights in the room. "If you're wondering Captain, Dr. Wagner is an expert in genetics." "Thank you sir," Captain Slater replied as the video presentation began. Dr. Wagner began a fifteen minute lecture on DNA Therapy. While Dr. Wagner tried using plain language, most of what the scientist said flew over Captain Slater's head. The German born scientist along with some other colleagues of hers, invented a method to change a person's form with a synthesized DNA altering drug. The drug when combined with a certain dosage of radiation, would alter the person receiving the injection. At least that's how Tom understood it. It all sounded like the work of mad scientists. Mad scientists who in conjunction with the US Army and FBI wanted to change Tom Slater into a woman. That's if the Captain volunteered for the assignment. At present Tom would need a lot of convincing before allowing Dr. Wagner to use her drug on him. Dr. Wagner began saying. "The patient you are seeing now is Hans Uhlman. Age forty-seven, he was suffering from terminal lung cancer." A male patient was shown being placed in a MRI like machine. "Is the patient awake?" "No Captain, he isn't. A patient is sedated and will stay so for the first twenty-four to thirty-six hours after being injected." A camera with a time stamp in the bottom corner focused on the man's face. The patient was middle aged, had wrinkles, the beginnings of a double chin and a hairline that had long since begun receding. Hans' nose was average to large. This all begun to gradually change. Time snaps were taken every five to ten minutes. The changes at first were almost invisible, but gradually became more noticeable. "This procedure must be painful." "That is why we sedate the patient Captain," Dr. Wagner answered. "How about afterwards?" "The patient suffers some discomfort, muscle weakness, disorientation, lack of balance, and feelings of constant nausea. These symptoms all disappear within twenty-four to seventy-two hours after the patient wakes. When the video ended a man around twenty five years of age lay in the same place the forty-seven-year-old man lie hours earlier. A full head of blonde hair, blue eyes instead of brown, and jug handle like ears being just three of the most visible changes to Hans Uhlman. "You have me sold doctor," Captain Slater said as he stared at the image on the television screen. "I never believed anything like this was possible." "We have another patient to show you now," Dr. Wagner said as she picked up the DVD player's remote control. "No need to doctor. I...." Major Hollins spoke up. "Captain just sit back and watch." "Yes sir." The second video didn't focus on just the patient's face, but their whole body. This male patient lay totally naked on a similar slab to the original patient. There was no part of his body that couldn't been seen. Including the man's genitalia. "Our next patient is a white male, age twenty-six. He was serving a fifteen year sentence for drug possession in South Carolina before volunteering to be a test subject for the DNA therapy I helped create." Again the time stamped video began. Changes again were gradual, but not as much so as the first patient. After two time stamps you could the man's skin color already changing. It was darkening. Other changes began kicking in, the man's body began getting smaller, and at the same time his face changing. Most striking of all, his male genitalia was beginning to disappear. By hour fifteen it was either damn near microscopic or totally gone on what was once a white man's body. For when the process was done, the body was now of a South Asian female, probably Indian. Approximately the same age as the man she had started out as. 'They really can change someone's....make that my sex. This is just incredible.' Captain Slater thought to himself. "The patient is now an Indian age twenty-four. The Chromosomes, blood chemistry, and physiology now entirely matching someone of the female gender. A fully functional woman." "You mean they can reproduce?" "Yes Captain, the patient has a woman's reproductive organs after treatment." "Incredible isn't it Captain?" Agent Tanaka asked. "Ma'am the word incredible doesn't do justice to what Dr. Wagner just showed me." Major Hollins went to turn on the lights back on. Just before he did so, Dr. Wagner spoke again, "Captain you will soon be experiencing the same therapy. I guarantee you it will be a pleasant experience." "Doctor, just finish your talk," Major Hollins said as he turned the lights back on. "Very well Major," Dr. Wagner then went on to discuss the changes done to her patients. All had been either terminal cancer patients or men and women serving time in prison for non-violent crimes. Dr. Wagner explaining that a cancer patient's new body was free of the disease that had been about to kill them. "How about the prisoners? What was done to them?" That proved to be a little more complicated. Some prisoners, but just a handful, were given the choice of accepting their gender change in exchange for their freedom. Only a few took this option, the others all asking to be reverted back to their previous body. "How did that work out?" Captain Slater asked. "Messy," Major Hollins replied back. Dr. Wagner then began explaining what was done to those patients who asked to be returned to their previous form. Before their first change, three DNA samples were taken from all of Dr. Wagner's patients. These were then frozen. The patients who opted for a return to their original form, were again given the synthesized DNA/Radiation therapy. "The success rate was only fifty-two percent." Captain Slater said nothing. A temporary change of gender, as Dr. Wagner and Major Hollins called it was one thing, but having it become permanent was certainly not in the Tom's future career plans. "Of the other patients who failed to revert to their original form, severe abnormalities occurred." "Like what?" Dr. Wagner asked for the lights to be turned off again. Major Hollins took care of this. As soon as the lights were off, Dr Wagner restarted the video. "In the cases of these patients you are about to see a mutation occurred. We're still uncertain how this happened, but we do know that the DNA the person was injected with combined with the original DNA the patient had at the time of their second injection. What came next was a human freak show. Male bodies with a woman's head. A black man from the waist up and white woman from the waist down and others. After pictures of six patients were shown, Captain Slater had seen enough. "I think I understand." "There is a risk Captain, we had to tell you this before hand," Agent Tanaka said. "I appreciate that Ma'am." Major Hollins spoke. "We're through now Dr. Wagner. You may leave." Dr. Wagner gathered her things. Before stepping out, she spoke to Tom one last time. "I hope to see you soon Captain." Captain Slater watched the Doctor as she swivelled her way out of the office. Had she used the DNA treatment on herself?. Had Dr. Wagner once been a man? That mystery would have to wait for another time. Major Hollins wanted to get right back to business. "Dr. Wagner and her researchers are working on an improved process. In a few months they will test it. The hope is that this improved DNA treatment will make the reversal success rate over eighty percent and the chance of abnormalities to around five percent or even less." "I understand sir." "Captain, as I said before we won't order you on this mission. It is strictly voluntary. Would you like to hear exactly what we'll be asking of you?" Tom had made up his mind but thought it prudent not to give his answer yet. "Yes Major, I'd like to hear it." ***** For the next five hours, with only a one hour interruption for dinner, Major Hollins and Agent Tanaka explained in detail the plan they had for Tom Slater. It was complicated and risky, but if it succeeded, justice would be served for two murdered US airmen in addition to possibly putting part of the Yakuza permanently out of business. "A great deal of thought has been put into this plan," Major Hollins said. "I can see that sir." "For operational security, only six people will know both your identity and mission. We don't want to risk blowing your cover if you volunteer." "I appreciate knowing that." "Agent Tanaka and myself are two of the six. The others will be in Japan." "The one person you mentioned before, who would assist me. Are they already in place? "Yes Captain, they are." Captain Slater just sat there quietly. Despite the efforts of Major Hollins and Agent Tanaka, Tom's mind remained unchanged. His answer was still no. "As we told you Captain, we have a D date in mind for when we would insert you or someone else in the place of Hiromi Sato. First, we will give you a few days to think this over." "I appreciate that Major." Major Hollins took a folder that he kept nearby and opened it. He then passed a slip of paper to Tom. "Agent Tanka and I suggest you visit your parents for a few days. That in order to think this plan over. Perhaps ask your family for advice." The piece of paper Tom Slater was given was a eticket itinerary. A one- way plane ticket from Kansas City Missouri to Seattle Washington for the following day. Tom's parents lived in northwestern Washington state, about an hour and a half drive from Seattle. Captain Slater took the Major's suggestion to visit his folks as an order. "I'll do that sir." "When you've made up your mind, you call me but no later than next Wednesday," Major Hollins explained to Tom. Tom was then given a number to call when he made his final decision. He was to call any hour of the day, no matter what the hour. "Don't feel rushed Captain." 'Sure.' Tom thought to himself as he folded the slip of paper up and put it in a uniform pocket. He could tell the Major wanted an answer pronto, like tomorrow. Or better, yesterday. "I appreciate that sir." A few last things were gone over. For the trip in to Kansas City, a car with an Army sergeant to drive it, was waiting outside for Tom. A hotel room near Kansas City airport had also been reserved for Tom. Tom was also told if he accepted the mission, he could possibly be up for promotion afterwards.(No guarantee though)and given any and all assistance he...she needed after returning from Japan.(Tom taking this to mean if stuck as a woman, career and some financial assistance to get resettled would be offered. A whole new wardrobe would be needed. Those boxer shorts Tom had bought a week earlier would no longer be of use.) Also Tom's possessions would be stored by the Army. That included his truck and its contents, plus other belongings that were already in storage at Fort Riley. "We want to make this as smooth and risk free as possible for you," Major Hollins said as he began to rise from his chair. Tom and Agent Tanaka got up also. "You're dismissed Captain." After saluting Major Hollins, Tom said goodbye to Agent Tanaka and then left the room. ***** Tom arrived in Seattle a little after 1130 local time the next day. He had flown Delta Airlines from Kansas City with a change of planes in Salt Lake City. After collecting his one and only bag, Tom went straight to the rental car counter. It was over two hours later when Tom pulled up outside the country home in Darrington Washington that his parents owned and lived in. Being located in the mountains, it was still a crisp May day even in mid- afternoon. The sound of someone operating a chain saw could be heard. The place Tom's parents chose to settle in after Stewart Slater Sr's retirement from the Army was heavenly if a little remote. Darrington Washington lay in the western part of the Cascade Mountain chain. Beautiful Whitehorse Mountain was only miles away. Tom knew why his parents chose to move here. His father loved the outdoors, and this part of the Cascades was a great place to fish and hike. Both activities Stewart Slater loved to take part in. As for Tom's mother, Midori Slater loved this part of Washington state for it so reminded her of the region of Japan she had grown up in many years ago. The only trouble Tom had with any of this, was the remoteness of where his parents lived. It was two miles out of town, and at least a half hour from more developed parts of Washington State. The Slaters were getting on in years, and even if in good health, Tom worried for them like any good son would. Tom got out of his car, grabbed his bag off the back seat, then set off for the front door of the Slater home. However Midori Slater beat got there first. "Tom, it is so good to see you," said the smiling white haired biological mother of three. "Come in, come in." Before doing that Tom bent down and kissed his mother. "Hi Mom, how are you?" "I'm wonderful. Come in." Tom's parents had a three-bedroom one floor country home spread out over some 2,000 sq. feet. The first room one comes into on entering the house is the living room which had as its main feature a fire place. Waving for her son to sit down on a couch, Midori Slater began asking her son some questions. "Was your trip good?" "Yes Mom." "You must be hungry." "Not really Mom. I had...." Like most Moms, Midori Slater worried her children didn't eat enough. "I will make you lunch. We won't have dinner till seven, you must eat." "Whatever you say Mom." Tom's mother fixed him a Peanut butter and jelly sandwich. The mother serving it with a glass of milk, like she had for her son when he was young. While Tom ate his lunch, he caught up with his mother on what was going on in their lives. Stewart and Midori Slater were about to celebrate their thirty fourth wedding anniversary the next month. The couple met in 1972, at the Sapporo Winter Olympics. Midori Sasaki Slater, in spite of her silver hair, looked younger than her fifty-five years of age. She and her sixty-eight year old husband Stewart were very happily married and devoted to each other.. Since Tom averaged talking to his parents twice a month or more, there wasn't much new to discuss. Tom deciding not to mention his visit with Agent Tanaka or Major Hollins at Fort Leavenworth. "Your sisters are coming. They will be here by seven." Susan Slater Zebriskie was married to airman named Simon Zebriskie. Simon was stationed at Mountain Home Air Force Base in Idaho and he and Susan had a seventeen month old son named Shannon. Tom Slater's sister was a stay at home Mom. Deborah Riko Slater lived outside of Portland Oregon. Like her brother, Deborah was unmarried. She did however have a live-in boyfriend, an architect named Donald Mason. The youngest of the Slater children was a social worker. All three of the Slater children coming to their parent's home simultaneously was unusual but not unprecedented. "That's good Mom. We'll have a family re-union. Are Don and Simon coming?" Midori Slater shook her head. "No just your sisters, but Susan is bringing Shannon also." Shannon Zebriskie was the one of three grandchildren Tom's parents had, but the only one living nearby. It would be a crowded and noisy weekend at the Slater home. The family members who would be missing that weekend were Stewart Slater Jr and his family. Stewart was Tom, Susan, and Deborah's half brother, the only child from Stewart Slater Sr's first marriage. Like his father, Stewart had chosen the Army as his career. That ended in August 2006 when Sergeant First Class Stewart Slater was killed by an IED in Iraq. Tom's brother now lay buried in Arlington National Cemetery. Stewart at the time of his death left behind a German born wife Ilsa, a four-year-old son named Paul and a fifteen-month-old daughter named Nicole. In early 2007, Ilsa Slater and her children had moved back to Germany. The Slaters never discussed it, but Tom knew his parents missed both their son and his family very much. When he was through eating, Tom got up from the kitchen table. "I'll change clothes before seeing if Dad can use some help." By the time Tom got outside, he found his father chopping branches off a tree the father had recently cut down. For a man nearly seventy years of age, Stewart Slater had the strength and stamina of a man half his age. He was wearing no shirt in spite of the cold, and had been working on his 'project' for almost five hours. Stewart was showing no sign of letting up. Stewart Slater's 'project' was to build a log cabin home with his own hands. While never said, Tom thought his father did the homebuilding not as a hobby, but as an enticement for one of his children to come move in alongside their parents. Midori and Stewart being happy to give up their main home if it meant having one of their children living close by. "Son, its good to see you," Tom's father said as he put down his axe in order to shake his son's hand. "Good to see you too Dad. What can I do to help?" "I want to get this chopped and sawed into smaller pieces," Tom's father explained. "Take the chainsaw and start working on that part." Tom offered to switch jobs with his father. Swinging an axe was hard work, but Stewart Slater would hear nothing of it. The two men then went to work. An hour later, while stopping for a drink of water, Stewart Slater had a question for his son. "So did you meet that FBI woman and Major....Major Hollins? The Major said there was something they wanted to discuss with you." ***** Tom was astonished by his father's question. The Army Captain now knowing the 'suggested trip' home by Major Hollins was no accident. Did his parents know what the Army and FBI were asking of their son? The answers to those questions didn't become available till the next day. Tom spent the rest of Friday assisting his father. After that was the Slater family get together. Tom and his sisters getting re- acquainted with each others lives. While the family was talking Friday night, Stewart Slater invited his son to go fishing the next morning. Tom accepted of course. In order to go fishing, Tom and his father rose at 0530 the following morning. Midori Slater got up also in order to make breakfast for her husband and son. This provided Tom his first chance to talk to his parents about what happened in Kansas. The Captain was still prepared to say no. "Tom, why would you not do what Army ask?" Midori Slater asked as she poured everyone a second cup of coffee. "Mom, if I do this mission the change to me could be permanent." "Yes but you still be alive." Tom looked at his father, but the man was saying nothing. His face an expressionless mask. Retired Army Sergeant Major Stewart Slater was clearly keeping his feelings and opinions to himself for the time being. "You should do what the Army asks you." Tom was starting to question himself. Would it the act of a coward by if he said no to the Army? Midori Slater sat down at the kitchen table across from her son. "Gabrielle Tanaka is a nice lady. You should help her." Tom looking up at his mother got the message she was relaying her son. Midori Slater like all good mothers, wanted to see their children happy, married and with children of their own. Right then there was no one in Tom's life. That had pretty much been the story of his personal life since late 2001. When 9-11 happened, Tom was engaged to a Karen Gibson. On hearing of her fiance's plan to change careers, Karen put her foot down. Tom being given a choice, Karen or the Army. The rest is as they say history. Based on their careers, and other factors, Tom was not likely to know Gabrielle Tanaka on anything but a professional basis. Back to the subject at hand, what to do in regards to the mission Tom was being asked to do. Tom had seen combat during the initial invasion of Iraq back in 2003. Then coming back to Iraq to fight the insurgency in 2005. In each case Tom had put his life on the line for his country. What Major Hollins was asking wasn't all that different, the US military and Japanese police wanted Tom's assistance to bring down a person responsible for killing Americans. A risky and dangerous business that could cost the Captain his life. Just like serving in Iraq. The key difference between Iraq and Japan was simple. Even if Tom Slater returned home alive and having accomplished his mission, the Captain could still be a loser. "Men and women come back from Iraq. Without arms, without legs, they learn to live on. You will too Tom, if same happen to you." Tom's mother made a very good point. "Mom, you could lose your son." "I lose son already. I gave Stewart for my country. I'd do it again if country ask me." Midori Slater was as patriotic as any American, maybe more so. Tom's mother loved her adopted country and always would till the day she died. Later on when they were out fishing, Stewart Slater expressed his feelings to his son. Mostly by retelling his son some of the experiences the retired Sgt. Major had when serving in Vietnam. "I've faced almost every danger imaginable son, but I never backed down once. When asked to fight I fought. Life is uncertain, but we can't run away from it." "Dad I never have." "Then tell the Army you'll do what they ask of you," Stewart Slater said as he cast his line into the stream. "These criminals are little better than Al-Qaeda. They sell dope to children, did you know that?" Tom knew his father's opinion so far as drug dealers were concerned. The father considered them some of the lowest scum on Earth. "Yes Dad, I know." Later that evening, Tom had a talk with his sisters. Deborah and Susan. The sisters, unlike their brother, had gotten their looks from their mother. Susan and Deborah both knowing what was being asked of their brother by the Army and agreeing with their parents on what course Tom should take. "Big brother, we will always love you. That will never change," Susan Slater told Tom. "Look at the bright side," Debbie said with a giggle. "If you remain a woman afterwards, you can join Susan, Mom, and I in going to the mall." Susan Slater gave her sister a dirty look. She sympathized with Tom, and understood what her brother feared. This wasn't the time to make fun of it. "Tom, you'll be fine. As they told us and you, the doctors are working to improve the formula. I'm betting it will all be set by the time you get back home." On Sunday, Tom went to church with the rest of his family. Afterwards the Slaters had lunch in Darrington. While eating his meal, Tom came to a final decision. After excusing himself, Tom went to a pay phone in the back of the diner. There he made a long distance collect phone call. "This is Major Hollins. Whom am I speaking to?" "Major, its Captain Tom Slater." "Hello Captain. I assume you made your decision." "Yes sir I have." "And what is it?" "Sir, I want to accept the assignment you offered me the other day." ***** A car with two FBI agents in it arrived at the Slater home at 0700 sharp the next morning. Tom was up and dressed already, as was the rest of his family. "Good morning Captain. Are you ready?" asked FBI Special agent Gabrielle Tanaka. "Yes I am," Tom began saying his last goodbyes to his family. First to say goodbye were Tom's sisters. Both Susan and Debbie kissing and hugging their brother one last time as they wished him well and good luck. Then Tom and his father shook hands. "Remember General MacArthur's speech at West Point?" Tom got the message his father was relaying him. "Duty, Honor, Country." "Exactly, good luck son. Get that Japanese bastard, whatever his name is." "I will Dad." Last but not least was Tom's mother. "Be safe Tom." "I will Mom," The Mom then gave her son one last goodbye hug and kiss. "Love you." "Love you too Mom." Special Agent Tanaka watched and waited in silence as Tom Slater said his last goodbyes. Who knew if or when they would ever see one another again. Tom picked up his bag and was about to walk over to Agent Tanaka, when Midori Slater said one last thing. It was in Japanese. "Gabi-erru-san no koto wa suki na no. Kaette kara, ano hito to daato o sureba wa doo?" "I'll try Mom," Tom then walked over to the waiting FBI agents. "Are you all set?" Agent Tanaka asked. "Yes Ma'am," Tom said as he placed his bag in the trunk of the car Gabrielle and the other FBI agent had arrived in. "How about my rental?" "Agent Collins will turn it back in for you," Gabrielle Tanaka told Tom as she climbed in the driver's side of the car. Tom taking the front passenger seat for himself. Tom and Agent Tanaka didn't say another word till the car was on I-5 heading south. "Where are we going?" "SeaTac," Agent Tanaka replied. SeaTac was short for Seattle Tacoma International Airport. "There is a Gulfstream waiting for us there." "Then where do we go?" "Maryland. Are you familiar with Fort Detrick?" Captain Slater nodded. Of course he had heard of the Army installation that was home to USAMRMC which is short for United States Army Medical Research and Material Command. It was at Fort Detrick that research was done for fighting biological warfare. "Yes Ma'am, but I've never been there." "You will be later today." That was the last bit of conversation Tom had with Agent Tanaka before getting to SeaTac airport. As previously announced, a Gulfstream Jet was waiting to take Tom and Gabrielle back east. Other than the flight crew, they were the only people on board. As Tom buckled himself in, Agent Tanaka relayed some information to Tom. "The flight takes about five hours. There's a refrigerator in back with sandwiches, fruit and beverages. Feel free to help yourself to any of it once we're airborne." "Thank you Ma'am. I'll do that," Tom replied as the plane began to taxi. Reaching down with his left hand, Tom unzipped the duffel sack next to his seat and removed a book he purchased only a few days earlier in Salt Lake City. "Interesting reading?" Agent Tanaka asked. The book Tom was reading was 'Fiasco' by Thomas Ricks. "Yes Ma'am." The plane was airborne a few minutes later. It was then that Agent Tanaka asked another question. "What do you think of the war?" "Forgive my language Ma'am, but it's a clusterfuck." "Do you think we can win in Iraq?" Tom shrugged. "I'm just a lowly Captain. " Agent Tanaka smiled. "I know. What is YOUR opinion?" "Winning will be difficult if not impossible. I don't think we can ever stabilize the situation on the ground even if the US were to stay there fifty years. We'll be out in five or less, there is no support in the American public for a long-term occupation." "For what its worth Captain, I agree," Then Agent Tanaka left Captain Slater to continue reading his book, while the FBI agent took out a notebook computer to do some FBI related work. Tom was growing tired of reading by the time the Gulfstream was about a half hour out from Maryland. The Captain putting the book back in his bag before going to the restroom in the back of the plane. When Tom was back, Agent Tanaka spoke again. "You'll need to finish that book by Saturday or Sunday latest." "I think I can manage that Ma'am." "Captain we'll be working together over the coming months, maybe for over a year even. You can call me Gabrielle if you wish." "How about Gabby?" "I don't like that name." "Gabrielle it is. Call me Tom." Nothing was said again for about a minute. Except for an announcement from the plane's Captain. "We'll be landing at Frederick Municipal Airport in fifteen minutes. Please buckle yourself in if you haven't already." After the announcement was done, Gabrielle spoke again. "Are you excited for the assignment, Tom?" Tom smiled for a second. "I don't know if excited is the right word, but I'm prepared for it and will do my best to make it a successful mission." "That's good." "How long before I get that treatment Dr. Wagner told me about?" "Is 0800 tomorrow too soon?" "No Ma'am...I mean Gabrielle it isn't." "Tom we have a one hundred day schedule to get you changed to Hiromi Sato, trained and prepared, and then successfully planted in her place. Day one was when we met at Fort Leavenworth." "We have to move fast then." "Yes Tom we do. Normally an operation this complex would be planned for and prepared over a period of six months, or even over a year." Tom hoped the rush job didn't end with him or her laying dead in some Yokohama Alley or being dumped in Tokyo Bay with his feet in cement. "I'm ready." The plane landed in Frederick Maryland ten minutes later. After the plane came to a stop by a hanger, Tom and Agent Tanaka disembarked from the aircraft. An FBI agent with an unmarked car was there waiting to take them to Fort Detrick. ***** At Fort Detrick, Captain Slater was shown to a large hospital like room in one of the base's many buildings. The room consisting of a hospital bed, a small sitting area, plus a television set. There were no windows. Not long after Tom got settled in, Major Hollins showed up. "Captain glad you could join us. How was the trip?" "Good sir." "Any questions right now?" "No sir, Agent Tanaka filled me in. Are we still on for tomorrow morning?" "Yes Captain we are." "I'm ready sir." "Good, I'll leave you then. We'll see each other again tomorrow, till then I'll leave you with Agent Tanaka and the good people here at Fort Detrick." Tom had only eaten a fruit on the plane trip east. His stomach was beginning to growl. "Can we grab something to eat?" "Absolutely Tom. There's an excellent steakhouse five minutes from here. Does that sound good?" "Perfect. A hearty meal for the condemned man." Gabrielle laughed slightly. "You aren't condemned Tom. Just going to be altered slightly." Having one's sex, or as Dr. Wagner would say gender changed, wasn't a slight alteration in Tom's opinion. More so if the process couldn't be reversed. "Let's get going, I'm starved." Tom and Gabrielle left the room a minute later. ***** Since Tom's dinner would be his last meal till after his alteration was complete, the Captain ate heartily. Getting a 15 oz. Prime Rib, baked potato, plus a slice of apple pie to eat. Gabrielle having informed Tom that he would have to begin fasting at 2300 hours. While they had dinner together, Tom and Gabrielle talked. Being in public, the topic of the Captain's mission was off limits. Instead they discussed almost anything, but quickly the conversation turned to each other's backgrounds and Tom's recent trip home to Washington. "You did such a good job selling my family on this mission, that they sold me too." "Tom, we went there to better understand you before selecting you for this job," Gabrielle said before taking a sip of iced tea. Tom was having a beer to drink. "I will admit that I, the Bureau and Army hoped your family would help you make the right decision. Did it bother you what I did?" "No Gabrielle it didn't." Gabrielle smiled. "Good." Tom turned reflective for a moment. "Before I left Walter Reed, were those psychological tests I underwent somehow connected to this?" "Yes Tom they were. Trust me, from now on you'll know everything the Bureau or I know in regards to your assignment. We're taking your personal safety very seriously." "I appreciate that," Tom replied back. At the same time his and Gabrielle's salads and rolls arrived. The next subject of conversation was each other's personal backgrounds. Since Agent Tanaka already knew about Tom's, the conversation mostly centered around Gabrielle. Since they would be working together, Gabrielle didn't mind sharing some personal information about herself. Gabrielle Tanaka was the second of three children, all girls, born to a fourth generation Japanese-American Fresno State College Professor and his Stay at Home Mom wife. Dr. Makoto Tanaka and his family living in the same city he taught Advanced Chemistry in. After high school, Gabrielle went to the University of California at Berkeley. There she decided to major in Criminal Science in order to pursue a career in law enforcement. "My parents were shocked when I told them what I wanted to do for a career." "I bet they were. How are they now?" "They still don't accept it. Mom keeps asking me when I'll settle down," Gabrielle said. Tom could feel the sexual tension between him and the attractive FBI agent. If the Captain was reading Gabrielle's body language right, the feelings were mutual. "You sure we don't have the same Mom?" Gabrielle laughed. "No, I don't think so." "My Mom told me before I left to ask you on a date after I came home from Japan." Again Gabrielle smiled. "Yes I heard that also. I think we can do something about that. To make Mom happy." Conversation continued about Gabrielle's career in law enforcement. She never picked up a gun in her life before age 21, but was an exceptional shot. "492 out of 500 is excellent." "Thank you." "Maybe we can have a match some time before I go." Gabrielle nodded her head. "I don't know if we'll have time but we can try. As part of your preparation, you'll do a firearms refresher course." "You aren't related to figure skater Kristi Yamaguchi? You two do look a little alike." Tom got another warm smile from Gabrielle. "Actually we are. We have the same great grandmother." "Do you know Kristi well? She seems very nice from her appearances on television." "A little but Kristi and I haven't seen each or talked in a few years," Dinner arrived right then. The Prime Rib was both tender and delicious. An hour later Tom and Agent Tanaka were back to the room at Fort Detrick. There, Gabrielle briefed Tom, about what to expect in the next couple of days. "I'll awake twenty-four to thirty-six hours afterwards?" "Correct. You'll feel a little dizzy or nauseous for a day or two at most. That is all." "Have you ever worked with someone who went undercover like this or something similar?" Over dinner Gabrielle had told Tom she had been working for the FBI for four years, the last two of which were spent in its Organized Crime Division. Gabrielle smiled thinly. "Lets say if I have, I couldn't tell you." "That's all the answer I need," As time continued to tick away, Tom found himself paying less attention to the Oriole game on television and more to the fine specimen of womanhood in his presence. "Gabrielle can I ask you something without you getting angry at me?" "Go ahead Tom." "Seeing that I may not......be a man after tonight, you wouldn't allow me one last chance to you know..." "Make love to me?" "Yes I find you very attractive." Gabrielle smiled. "Tom, I like you but I have to say no." "Sorry if I offended you." "No Tom, you didn't. I may well have said say yes but for where we are right now. Thank you for the compliment also." "You're welcome." Tom knew what Gabrielle was saying. "It could endanger your job with the bureau because we're working together right now?" "Exactly." "I should have thought of that." Again Gabrielle gave Tom a warm smile. "You have a lot on your mind right now, it's understandable." Gabrielle had mentioned earlier on that she'd be leaving by ten. Before leaving she reassured Tom about both the formula and the chances of returning to his old self on return from Japan. "Dr. Wagner and her researchers are confident about the new formula. While you're busy, they'll be testing it on volunteers. When you get back, I'm betting the chances of success will be like Dr. Wagner promised. "Eighty percent." "Or more. So Don't worry Tom." "I won't," Then Tom laughed. "Maybe I can ask the nurse to help me out tonight. If she's my type." Gabrielle laughed very hard. "Good luck with that." "Will you be here tomorrow?" "No, it's my day off. I'm going to get a few personal things squared away and done that I been putting off." "Have a good time." A few minutes later Agent Tanaka left the room. Before leaving, Gabrielle surprised Tom by allowing him a brief kiss Tom was tired of the baseball game and was looking for something else to watch, when his nurse for the evening entered the room. "My name is Emma. You are Tom Slater, am I right?" "That's me Ma'am." The heavyset forty to fifty year old nurse, who looked as if she worked on diesel trucks on her off days, handed Tom a plastic sack and a hospital gown. "Please place all the clothing you are wearing in the bag and then put the gown on. I'll be back in a few minutes to start your IV. Any questions?" "No Ma'am," Tom answered back. This nurse was definitely not his type. Nurse Halprin was back five minutes later and Tom was ready for her. The first thing the nurse did was put a needle into Tom's left hand. This was where he would get the IV. After the IV was started, Nurse Halprin had paperwork for Tom to sign. "Sign on all the forms on the line I've highlighted for you." Tom did this without reading any of the forms. "Anything else?" "Just this." Nurse Halprin handed Tom a small covered specimen cup and a plastic bag. In the bag was a recent copy of Playboy. Tom looked at the jar and magazine. No questioning of Nurse Halperin was necessary, Tom knew what these were for. "This is strictly optional. When you're done, call me so I can pick it up. Any questions?" "No Ma'am." After the nurse was gone, Tom looked at the things he was given and after a slight shrug, went right to work. Who knows if he'd be in need of it in sometime in the future. ***** Tom had no idea what time it was when he woke up the next morning. There was no clock in the room in addition to his nurse/diesel mechanic having taken his Tom's watch along with his clothing. A pretty blonde haired nurse in her late twenties entered the room a few minutes later "Good morning Mr. Slater, I'm your nurse for today and my name is Christine Jennings. How are you feeling?" "Can't complain." Christine began her examination by checking Tom's vitals. After that the nurse began getting ready to draw some of the Captain's blood. "Sleep well?" "Yes I did." After his blood was drawn, Nurse Jennings left the room. At the same time, a Dr Dietrich entered the room. Once he was through introducing himself, the doctor asked Tom his medical history. Other than his being wounded in Iraq and having an appendectomy done at age sixteen, there was little to discuss. Shortly after that, things began to pick up. Major Hollins was back."Ready for the big day Captain?" "Yes sir, very much so," Tom said trying to sound enthusiastic in place of the reservations the Captain honestly still felt. "Good. Any last minute questions?" "No sir." Major Hollins went over a few last things with Tom. Mostly about the chain of command, till further notice Tom's immediate superior officer was the Major. In the future he would receive orders from Major Hollins through Special Agent Tanaka, and several other people when he finally reached Japan. While Major Hollins was explaining this, Nurse Jennings came in with a few pills for Tom. The Captain took them with a small sip of water. "Are these to help put me to sleep?" "Partly Captain Slater," Nurse Jennings replied back. "If you need anything else, just buzz me. They will bring you to the lab in thirty minutes." "Thank you nurse." Major Hollins left a minute or two later. After he did, Tom got up to make one last trip to the bathroom. It could be his last chance to do it standing up. After that Tom decided to watch ESPN but he couldn't really concentrate on the broadcast. Too much was on his mind. It was around 0720 when Nurse Jennings came in the room one more time. "How are you doing?" "Fine." "How are you REALLY doing?" Tom wouldn't admit to being scared, even though that was how he felt partly. "Nervous." "Don't feel that way, you'll be fine." "That's what everyone keeps telling me." "Everything will be fine," Nurse Jennings said with a slight grin. "Almost everything. I mean but for that big guy down there." 'Yes, big guy will be gone all right.' Tom thought to himself. He felt like a man knowing he was about to be castrated. "You don't look like you have cancer?" "I don't." "Can you tell me why you're doing this?" Tom laughed for a second. "Would you believe I have over two hundred unpaid parking tickets?" Nurse Jennings laughed very loudly. "No I wouldn't. I think I get the answer now, you can't tell me." "No I can't." "I was in your spot about two years ago," Nurse Jennings began explaining. "Back then I was twenty-five years old and had advanced testicular cancer. The doctors had given me only a few months to live." Tom was surprised by the nurse's revelation. The woman apparently was trying to cheer Tom up. "One day over at NCI a doctor told me about this program and asked if I wanted to be a test patient. With little other prospect than a painful death, I jumped." "Can I ask you something?" "Absolutely. By the way I was a nurse too before this." Tom wasn't thinking about that, but it made sense to him. "Why didn't you just become another man, if you don't mind me asking?" "No, I don't mind asking. Dr. Wagner and the other doctors couldn't guarantee my original cancer would go away with a new male body." "It did go away afterwards?" Tom asked. "Absolutely, I got a clean bill of health." "That's great news then." "I'd rather be a live woman than a dead man any day. You'll be fine Captain." "You know I'm in the Army?" Tom asked just before he let out a big yawn. He was beginning to feel a little sleepy. Christina laughed. "Yes, it's in your medical file." Tom was about to say something else, when two orderlies entered the room. "It's time to go," one of them said. Christine began to unhook Tom's IV. When that was completed, the nurse lowered the bed rail. Tom made an easy transfer from the bed to the waiting gurney. Tom had one last question for Christine. "Will you be in the lab with me?" "No, I won't. You'll be fine like I said." A few minutes later Tom was down in the lab room. Around five or six men and women were there in preparation for that day's procedure. As soon as he got there, Tom was moved from the gurney to a flat, solid, and very uncomfortable table. A pillow was placed underneath the Captain's head and his IV restarted as soon as he was laying down again. Dr. Wagner came over shortly after that. "Good morning Captain." "Hello doctor. I'm all yours," Tom said to the woman he considered a mad scientist. By now T

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Duty Honor Country Family Part Seven

Duty, Honor, Country, Family- Part Six By Danielle J Author's note- Thank you to Stacy for her help. I must also say thank you to the creators and writers of the television show, Get Smart. ***** Gabrielle Tanaka watched as Hong Kong faded away from view, the FBI agent looking out a window on the Cathay Pacific flight she was a passenger on. In four hours Gabrielle would be physically back in Tokyo again. As for Gabrielle's heart, it was somewhere else. It was with Tom...

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Duty Honor Country Family Part 26

Duty Honor Country Family- Part 26 By Danielle J Thank you to Puddin for all her help preparing this story chapter for publication. ***** Grant Williamson and Robert Mueller discussed Agent Ripley's Swan Song presentation as they travelled to their Alice Springs hotel. "What are we going to do about Chuck McBride? He could blow Swan Song." Robert was a little testy with Grant, maybe due to the jet lag he was suffering. "I know that, Grant. Tomorrow, I want you to speak to...

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Duty Honor Country Family Part 31

Duty Honor Country Family- Part Thirty One By Danielle J Thank you to Puddin for all her help preparing this story chapter for publication. Also a note of thanks to Kimmie and Kris for some help they gave me. ***** Japanese Justice Kunio Hatoyama was in his own chambers, looking out over the Tokyo skyline, on the phone with FBI Director Robert Mueller. "I will have an interview with the Prime Minister this afternoon in order to discuss Swan Song with him." "Thank you,...

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Duty Honor Country Family Part Three

Duty, Honor, Country, Family Part Three By Danielle J Note- I used a plot device once seen in a Tom Clancy novel, "The Bear and the Dragon." Chalk it up to a lack of computer expertise or imagination from me. I just didn't know how else to work this part of my plot. In any event it's just a very tiny bit of the story that follows. I want to say thank you to Andi and Daphne for their help with this story. ***** Hiromi had been up around about an hour, when she heard the sound...

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Duty Honor Country Family Part 19

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part Nineteen By Danielle J Thank you to Puddin and Kimmie for their help with this chapter. ***** Hiromi Sato heard the bolt slide into place. She was officially outdoors now and she had one hour to enjoy it. It was a summer morning in Northern Japan. As she walked around the yard, Hiromi breathed in the cool air that came off the nearby mountains. Her ears picked up the sounds of distant workers. Sometimes, when out in the yard, she would hear...

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Duty Honor Country Family Part 10

Duty, Honor, Country, Family Part Ten By Danielle J Synopsis- A clash between Hiromi and her grandfather nears even after a unexpected event shakes the Watanabe Yakuza. At the same time the Swan Song committee prepares to bring Agent Ripley in from the field, whether she complies or not. Warning- There is a one scene involving violence against a woman that while not graphic could shake up sensitive readers. Thank you to John and Puddin for their help. Author's note- Readers...

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Duty Honor Country Family Part Eight

Duty, Honor, Country, Family- Part Eight By Danielle J I want to thank Puddin for her help in preparing this story for publication. ***** Hiromi went straight to the basement area rather than her apartment after arriving at the Negishi Bay apartment tower. Before heading down a flight of stairs, she gave an order to Kimo, "Go upstairs and fetch one of my robes." The Negishi Bay apartment building had both central air and heating due to the building's recent construction....

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Duty Honor Country Family Part 30

Duty Honor Country Family- Part Twenty One By Danielle J Thank you to Puddin for all her help preparing this story chapter for publication. ***** As Ripley's immediate superior, Grant Williamson was the first Swan Song committee member to be notified of Charles McBride's desire to see Hiromi. The Deputy Director went to wake Robert Mueller and tell him the news. "McBride says he wants to come to see his wife tomorrow morning. He is asking to be picked up at his mother's home at...

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Duty Honor Country Family Part 29

Duty Honor Country Family- Part 29 By Danielle J Thank you to Puddin for all her help preparing this story chapter for publication. ***** Gabrielle went from the meeting room to her work station. Once she was signed onto her computer, she brought up the Hiromi Sato Witness Protection report. She had five copies of it printed off. The next stop for Gabrielle was to find the Japanese Swan Song delegation. She had been notified a few minutes earlier that Justice Minister Hatoyama...

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Duty Honor Country Family Part Four

Duty, Honor, Country, Family- Part 4 By Danielle J ***** A few things happened that Monday morning, one odd and the other a concern to Hiromi. Both happened shortly after she and Chuck woke up. After a good morning kiss, Chuck said, "Is everything all right? You seem a little off of late." "I'm fine. Have I been doing something wrong?" "No, not at all. It's just since you came back from Kushiro, I don't know how to put it but you seem different." "Different as in bad?"...

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Duty Honor Country Family Part 22

Duty Honor Country Family- Part Twenty Two By Danielle J Thank you to Puddin for all her help preparing this story chapter for publication. Author's note- Hong Kong is one hour behind Japan time. During the summer time, Oregon is fifteen hours behind Hong Kong, Washington D.C. twelve hours. ***** Gabrielle listened almost without comment for some ten minutes as Cassie Myers described the political activism of her boss and his family. Ever since he'd married Shania Wrenn, Grant...

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Duty Honor Country Family Part 18

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part Eighteen by Danielle J Synopsis- Ripley makes some vital decisions as tensions rise between rival Yakuzas. This chapter is probably the closest I have ever come to something X- rated. There is a very violent scene below but also more importantly a long scene with two people getting very intimate. I must thank Puddin for her helping me prepare this story for publication. ***** Police detectives Yeijiro Mazaki and Juri Hayakawa reported in...

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Duty Honor Country Family Part 15

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part Fifteen By Danielle J I need to thank Puddin for helping me prepare this story chapter for publication. Her kind help and ideas are invaluable. Note- Yokohama Japan is thirteen hours ahead of East Coast United States time. Germany is six hours behind Yokohama time. Also note, a person who had Open Heart Surgery could indeed travel internationally less than two months after coming out of the hospital. I had major cardiac surgery in August 2008...

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Duty Honor Country Family Part Six

Duty, Honor, Country, Family- Part Six ***** On December 5th, Dr. Wagner and her team found a common denominator among four of the five unchanged patients. If this was the cause of why the DNA therapy hadn't worked, the five remaining patients would remain their present gender the rest of their natural lives. There was still some debate over whether the preliminary conclusion was correct. Patient 99's DNA donor lacked the same medical history as the other four donors. Or did...

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Duty Honor Country Family Part 13

Duty, Honor, Country, Family- Part Thirteen By Danielle J I must thank Puddin for her help with this story. ***** Hideichi Ishimoto was shown into the study of Keiji Wantanabe. The elderly Oyabun was waiting for the shareigashira. "What can I get you to drink?" Keiji asked at the same time he waved with his right hand to tell Hideichi to sit down. The Oyabun had on a kimono, one he usually wore when going to bed. "Scotch and water," Hideichi replied. One of Keiji's bodyguards...

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Duty Honor Country Family Part 12

Duty, Honor, Country, Family- Part 12 By Danielle J Thank you to Puddin for her help with this chapter. Author's note- The main character in the story goes by many different names. At the beginning he was Captain Slater, later on she became Hiromi Sato. The Swan Song committee calls her Agent Ripley. Chuck McBride refers to her as Kimi-chan or 'my little sports car'. I won't even touch the other aliases for the character, but say she is also is a Yakuza accountant and...

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Duty Honor Country Family Part 16

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part Sixteen By Danielle J Synopsis- Tom Slater receives messages from the Swan Song committee and Gabrielle Tanaka at the same time she prepares for a move to Hong Kong. I must express my thanks to Puddin' for helping me prepare this story chapter for publication. Also thank you to Linda Beth, Xoop, and Janet for their help. ***** "Hiromi-san, should the next Oyabun ask you to work for the family, would you do it?" "Of course I would do that,...

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Duty Honor Country Family Part Nine

Duty, Honor, Country, Family- Part Nine By Danielle J Thank you to Puddin and John for their help with this chapter. ***** On the same weekend that the subtropical system pounded Japan, Hiromi reached the breaking point over the sluggish behavior of her work computer. Hiromi summoned Omar Rafique to the office of Watanabe Trucking on a Saturday afternoon. "How may I help you, Sato-san?" "My PC is very slow," Hiromi replied. "This morning I had to re-boot the computer. When...

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Duty Honor Country Family Part 11

Duty, Honor, Country, Family Part Eleven By Danielle J Thank you to Puddin and John for their help. Author's note- Let me remind readers, in Japan cars are driven on the left side of the highway. ***** Hiromi was furious as she stormed out of her grandfather's house. She would not go away without a fight. As she climbed into the Fairlady, Hiromi's mind was already fast at work. What would be her next step? First thing, Hiromi wanted to get as far away from Keiji Watanabe...

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Duty Honor Country Family Part 23

Duty Honor Country Family- Part Twenty Three Thank you to Puddin for all her help preparing this story chapter for publication. Also thank you to Kimmie for her assistance. ***** Gabrielle's heart ached as she sat alone in her hotel room after Hiromi left. She had never loved anyone as much as she did Tom, now Rebecca, and she kicked herself for her reluctance to tell him before it was too late. Their chances of having a future together now looked bleaker than ever. Chuck McBride...

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Duty Honor Country Family Part Five

Duty, Honor, Country, Family- Part Five By Danielle J ***** Hiromi went to the Yokohama Baystars game that she was invited to by Goro Watanabe. Her approval of the killing of Takanori Yokoyama still troubling Hiromi. The game was on a Thursday night and against the Tokyo Yakult Swallows in the first of a four game series. Tokyo and Yokohama were arch rivals and at present the Swallows held a three game lead over the Bay Stars. Yokohama needed a series sweep or at least three out...

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Duty Honor Country

This story is for enjoyment only. It may be reposted or archived in any free location, but not used commercially. It's not for children. Please take due care to keep it from those who aren't mature enough to understand that it is fiction, not advocacy of a particular lifestyle. ______________________________________________________ Duty, Honor, Country by Brandy Dewinter Chapter 1 - Tradition? The lines of uniformed bodies stood patiently in sunlight brightly...

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The Honor Of Serving My Country High Heel Camp

THE HONOR OF SERVING MY COUNTRY - HIGH HEEL CAMP By Katharine Sexkitten I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. Can you imagine? For a feminine-leaning man like me, one more or less just discovering his passion for cross-dressing, what could be better than waking up every morning and opening the door to a closet full of pretty clothes? Skirts, dresses, blouses, leggings, shoes. The works. Plus, every kind of lingerie item imaginable, all in my sizes. Like a free pharmacy to a...

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The Honor Of Serving My Country Duty Calls And Booty Calls

The Honor Of Serving My Country - Duty Calls And Booty Calls By Katharine Sexkitten It was a cold, grey morning outside, the day they unwrapped me. Looking down slowly, after weeks of nervous anticipation, almost dreading what I'd see, I couldn't help myself. My emotions got the best of me and I lost it, crying. Great bubbling tears and sobs wracked me, my eyes instantly so filled with liquid that my own vision of myself was distorted, seeing everything rounded and wavy, like...

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Mommys Maid of Honor Part II

Mommy's Maid of Honor, Part II By Sandy Brown I sent Mother a text and told her I would be arriving home at around 3. I don't know why I rang the doorbell instead of using my key, but after having been gone for a year, it somehow seemed the right thing to do. Mother answered the door, looking radiant, beautiful, and happy to see me. It looked as if she had spent the whole day putting herself together. Everything about her look was flawless. The cute coeds at my college had nothing...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 41 Family Honor

October – Year 1 We drove back to the hotel and made love to the wafting aroma of White Castle. After a great night’s sleep we rose, made love, showered, made love, showered, made love, blew off another shower and went to the lobby for breakfast. “Waffles and apple juice make a very nice simple breakfast. I tried the milk, but it tastes funny.” “You mean it tastes like cow’s milk and not the milk you are used to?” “Uh-huh! I guess that is more accurate.” I chuckled. We finished up and...

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DutyBound part one

They were duty-bound. As soldiers in the United States Army they had duties to fulfill. But that didn't stop them from falling in love. And then, they were duty-bound to get married and live happily ever after.  It started simply enough. Private Lovall was sent to Schofield Barracks as her first duty station after completion of her initial training. She was a lusty lady, sexy and sweet. And she loved making love to men, and to women also. She liked sex and she always had. Here in Hawaii she had...

Love Stories
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Honor Thy Mother Thy Father Ch 21

Note: This is a work of FICTION! Although the areas this story takes place in are real, all of the landscapes depicted, the people described, and everything else this story uses to make it enjoyable reading for you are NOT REAL. As you read this story, try to remember: This is a Novel 86. Fun and Games. Fred and Sharon entered the bedroom finding the four girls by the headboard with pillows behind their back. Before Fred could reprimand them, Sharon asked, ‘Why aren’t you in the appropriate...

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Maid of Honor

Maid of Honor Janet L. Stickney [email protected] In many of the stories I had read on the Internet, being the bride in a wedding was a constant theme, a good one to be sure, but still, just fiction, and I very seriously doubted that any guy could actually pull it off with any realism; maybe, but probably not. I liked to dress up, and did so when ever I had the chance, starting from a very young age. I thought that I was moderately good at it, not perfect to be sure, but in my...

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Maid of Honor

Maid of Honor Janet L. Stickney [email protected] In many of the stories I had read on the Internet, being the bride in a wedding was a constant theme, a good one to be sure, but still, just fiction, and I very seriously doubted that any guy could actually pull it off with any realism; maybe, but probably not. I liked to dress up, and did so when ever I had the chance, starting from a very young age. I thought that I was moderately good at it, not perfect to be sure, but in my...

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Life With AlphaChapter 9 Beta Bayonetta

Before I get into the details of our next recreated character, I'd like to give some general updates and information on my women so far. One impression I'd like to correct is that we all got along all of the time. We actually do get along very well, given the variety of people living in the house, but there have been some noticeable arguments and even one catfight. However I hadn't recreated any characters who were mean-spirited or thrived on conflict, plus we had a special advantage when...

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For King and Country Part 4

King and Country part 4 by Miss K Four: Tsuruga, Fukui Pref., Japan... Red Fist of Justice Complex ("The House")... and Kamchatka, Eastern Siberia ==== "THE PROBLEM IS," said the voice, "YOU HAVE NO FRAME OF REFERENCE FOR THIS EXPERIENCE, DO YOU?" "No," I replied. "It's just that this is so insane that I can't fucking believe any of it." **** I was still sitting on the floor. I was sitting on the floor of an enormous, natural cavern, within the hillside. Within the...

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For King and Country Part 1

King & Country (part 1) By Miss K Prologue: Tangier.. Heathrow.. Vauxhall I heard the sea breaking below my window just before dawn and woke. I knew I was to fly back to London that morning. My leave of absence was over and I was to return to work. I lay in bed, feeling the grumble in my belly and rubbing the stubble on my chin from three days' growth. The heat was rising now, inexorably moving the coolness of the night aside as the blinds rippled in the rising...

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Maid of Honor

The Maid of Honor Janet Stickney I had always liked to look at the models in the catalog, especially the prom and bridal dresses with their satin and lace corsets and panties. I even started an album and pasted in the best pictures. I knew it was unusual for a 17 year old boy to do this, but the clothes looked so nice, the lingerie so sexy that I couldn't stop. I was laying on my bed going through the album when mom and my sister came into the room. Both of them knew...

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My Final Fantasy Part I A Country Home

My Final Fantasy: Part I- A Country Home John had decided to locate his new marketing and distribution center just outside Durham, off Thorpe Road. As he would need to do some entertaining John leased a large country home in Langley Park about 5 miles west of Durham. The home is convenient as it is just off the A691. The main house is a large 5 bedroom home with a big entertaining room that extends onto a large outdoor deck. The home has an indoor Jacuzzi pool and outdoor swimming pool, a large...

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My Final Fantasy Part I A Country Home

My Final Fantasy: Part I- A Country Home John had decided to locate his new marketing and distribution center just outside Durham, off Thorpe Road. As he would need to do some entertaining John leased a large country home in Langley Park about 5 miles west of Durham. The home is convenient as it is just off the A691. The main house is a large 5 bedroom home with a big entertaining room that extends onto a large outdoor deck. The home has an indoor Jacuzzi pool and outdoor swimming pool, a large...

Love Stories
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Anna and Ramone

I’d like to thank michchick98 for her help in editing my story. Any grammatical errors found in the story are purely mine. Present day Anna and Ramone were eating ice cream in her apartment whilst reminiscing of their time together. They’d been friends for 20 years now and although life had pushed them into different directions, they remained the best of friends. It was November and they were discussing their plans for Christmas. They’d both turned 30 in the course of the year and were...

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The Shiny LadiesChapter 12 Ramone

Kay spent a moment, considering what tact to take. "Tell me about Ramone Diaz." Monica blinked. "My fiance? We met in college. He is a resident at Chihuahua General Hospital." "He must be busy." "Very. He works eighteen to twenty hour days. The few days he has off he spends sleeping." "When did you last see him?" "I take the bus once a month to see him. I last saw him two weeks ago." "How do you think your new job will affect your relationship?" Monica shook her head. "I...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 18 Ahh Kiyone

"Ok," Kiyone was saying evenly, halting as she was passing through and under the Torii. "Now repeat it back to me." "No touching, no button pressing, no lever throwing." Mihoshi sighed, taking the final step up. "No cable disconnecting, no tying or untying for that matter." She continued after pausing beneath the Torii's arch, reciting in a sing song voice complete with rocking her head back and forth in time with the meter of her words. "And if I see anything in my way higher than...

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Rhaan Debt of Honor one

HUH! Here I am jumping ahead of the full story, wanting to start in the middle than the beginning where I should. So, let us start with two of the main figures, central to this spectacular series of sensuous events… These first two are my mother, and her friend Linda, who is a worker at the town’s great library, just like mother. Each is a contrast in their appearances. Just by looking at them, it’s dead obvious… Mom maintains a healthy, lush brown tan that sets off her fully...

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Love and Family During the Great DeathChapter 21 Honor or Desperation

After they settled the girls in their new home in the trailer, David took Maggie to her husband's pharmacy so she could get what she needed of his. He'd planned to take Ellen but she'd begged off, saying she wanted to be there to watch over the girls and make sure they didn't get so overwrought over what had happened to Erica, Julie and Sara that they'd expose themselves. When she said that, Linda spoke up, saying that she'd like to go. Although both Alice and Amy wanted to go,...

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Honor Thy Mother Thy Father Ch 29

Note: This is a work of Fiction! Although the areas this story takes place in are real, all of the landscapes depicted, the people described, and everything else this story uses to make it enjoyable reading for you are NOT REAL. As you read this story try to remember: This as a Novel 122. (Tuesday, December 17) Final Wedding Preparations Julia held Sharon by her right arm as they toured the wedding facility. She wanted to make sure that Sharon did not feel like a fifth wheel, as she did when...

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Zukos Honor

Tags: Deepthroat, Young/Old Zuko Zuko stepped off the ship in confidence and hope. That beacon rocketing towards the heavens could only mean one thing; the Avatar was here, and he would have to wade through a swarm of peasants to get to them. "I know that you people are harboring the Avatar, release them into Fire Nation custody and I can guarantee your safety," the banished prince spoke into the sea of indigenous people. "Ahhhhhh!" Zuko felt his patience slipping as a boy no older...

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Duty By Armond "...the deep-breasted mountain nymphs who inhabit this great and holy mountain, neither man nor god are they: long lived, eating ambrosial food, and with the immortals, tread the graceful Dance..." - From the Homeric Hymns "PriestESS! The low voice boomed throughout the temple "Where are you, Priestess? She is dying! Already it is hard for her to draw breath!" The weary, armor and helmet-clad man, still sweaty and blood-soaked from battle, looked...

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The Maid of Honor Ch 01

This is a fictional account: David Ashton yawned lazily and stretched his neck. It had been a long day, he’d been driving for just over 15 hours. The sun had almost finished setting as he and his sleeping passenger arrived at their destination. He parked his friend Rachel’s car and nudged her as he opened the car door and stretched. David was a good looking guy. He was 23, 5’11’ with dark wavy hair, broad shoulders and piercing grey eyes. Rachel Monyard was one of David’s best friends she...

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To Love Honor and Obey

To Love, Honor, and Obey By Jennifer White Mark was a 36 year old man who had never married before. He finally found the love of his life, and had proposed to her. The wedding took a lot more preparation than he had ever imagined, but now it was getting close to the big day. He was looking forward to that night, because his best man Bob, a close friend since high school, was throwing a bachelor party for him. His last chance for one wild fling. They met up with ten of his friends,...

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LoveHonor Obey

Love Honor and Obey - REVISEDNote: This story was told to me by a couple I know after the wife sucked me off. They swear it’s true. Enjoy. The day I met this perfect beauty I had to have her. Tinya and I dated for several weeks before I even tried to have sex with her. I did not want to take a chance at making her mad. I had the night I decided to make my move all planned out. The restaurant was very expensive. Great food and wine. Wonderful atmosphere. She was late in meeting me but when she...

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Guest of Honor

You awake in the large, fluffy bed. Your Girlfriend Cait would love it here. Squinted, your eyes observe the thick golden bedpost. They look antique, you think to yourself. One look around in your room and you have to acknowledge that just this small guest room must be worth more than, than everything you own back at home. Hell, the bed alone should be enough for that. While looking around, you hear a rambling in the corner, right where you lay down your clothes the day before. You shot up and...

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The Rape of Persephone

Deep under the earth, in the realm of gloom, and death Hades sat contemplating his predicament. There on his thrown, sitting next to his three-headed dog Cerberus, was Hades clothed in dark robes, waves of silk black hair to his shoulders, a beard like most Greeks which showed his intelligence that was achieved over the many centuries, weaved with the muscles of a true male god, and the face of a warrior who has had to live an existence in the darkness far too long....

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Life In The Country Part II

Life In The Country (Part 2 of 2) As the winter turned to spring and as the school year began to draw to a close Madge could feel her excitement grow as she busied herself in preparation for another summer visit from Timmy. The day soon arrived when she met him at the bus depot. She watched as the noon bus slowed to a stop, the loud hiss of the air brakes sounding, the driver opening the large door so the passengers could file out. She noticed the...

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Boris meets Goddess Persephone

And yet, Boris always believed he was in control. How fool of him, and to that he could only agree, bound and sweating as he was, on the floor in the men’s bathroom of the night club, eyes closed so he could pretend he was not anticipating the moment he’d be finally pimped out in real life by a woman he had never met in the flesh before tonight. *** It all began with a simple click, as it always does, doesn’t it? Your usual ?Follow? button on twitter, one of hundreds accounts of dominant women...

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Sex in the Country Part 1 The Things Wet Dreams are Made of

Let me begin these memoirs by telling you that I was adopted when I was three years old by a young couple who couldn't have children of their own. My mom to be was infertile. Three years after adopting me, they adopted twin girls, Rachel and Renee, who were five at the time. Four years after that, a few weeks after my 10 th birthday, “Dad” was killed when he lost control of the twin engine Cessna that he was piloting and crashed into the side of a mountain. After that, “Mom” raised us as a...


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