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Duty By Armond "...the deep-breasted mountain nymphs who inhabit this great and holy mountain, neither man nor god are they: long lived, eating ambrosial food, and with the immortals, tread the graceful Dance..." - From the Homeric Hymns "PriestESS! The low voice boomed throughout the temple "Where are you, Priestess? She is dying! Already it is hard for her to draw breath!" The weary, armor and helmet-clad man, still sweaty and blood-soaked from battle, looked mournfully upon the woman that he held so lightly in his massive arms. Gently, he placed her at the foot of the altar step. "I've failed you, Iambe." "If only my Champion could battle poison with his sword, then I would be cured," the young queen smiled back weakly. "I should have been here to prevent this treachery!" "You are too hard on yourself, Siproites. Was it not I that ordered you to travel the length of my kingdom with your old battle brigade? Our people so love their champion and wished to see him one last time before he hung up his mighty sword." "Still I should have..." "And did not ..." She held up an unsteady hand to quiet him; he saw her grimace in pain from even so simple an act. "...And did not the traitorous duke lay in ambush for you in the highlands with his cutthroat army of mercenaries? Yet still you routed him! Gods I would have loved to have seen you in that battle, fighting as of old!" "No, it is not you that failed me, my Champion. Good though you are, you cannot be in two places at once. Your duty extends only so far, great battle bear." "My charge to you has no bounds! If you die then will I follow. Rest easy my queen, after I run to ground the mad dog that did this evil, and kill him - slowly - with my bare hands, I will walk the path of my ancestors. I fear they will not greet me with honor." "You speak as if Iambe is dead, Siproites, yet she lives." The white- haired priestess admonished, appearing suddenly from behind the temple altar with her ceremonial staff in hand. "And so your charge to protect her life yet remains," "Then you can heal her Rhea?" Siproites asked, a glimmer of hope spreading across his broad-bearded face, these days more gray than black. "Heal her?" A bitter laugh escaped Rhea's lips. "Would that I could. I have come just now from the dining hall where I examined the plate the queen used in her midday meal. Some assassin has worked their evil well indeed; I believe the poison to be the Red Death." "And what do we know of this 'Red Death,' Priestess?" "None good at all! It brings a hideous ending, a slow, agonizing paralysis followed by asphyxiation, and there is no antidote in this world." With a moan Iambe doubled over in pain, and the massive warrior roared in frustration: "Then is all hope is gone? Would that I had some foe to strike!" Siproites smashed his fist upon the stone floor, which shuddered under the blow. "Cannot you do something, Rhea? Work some magic to banish this evil from her body?" "I have no magic against this wickedness, Siproites," Rhea answered in strained voice. "Fire and ruin, Priestess, you speak in riddles! You hint of actions to be taken, yet plainly state there is nothing to be done!" "Contain your wrath, Siproites, and I will explain. I have said there is nothing of this world that may help. But there is a healing to be found ...elsewhere ...which may save Iambe." Siproites furrowed his brow in exasperation and started to speak, but the elderly woman raised her hand to silence him. "Please, let me finish before you start mauling me with more questions, bear. Deep in the dark forest, where cypress grows thick, there is a valley called Gargaphie. Where this vale narrows sits a grove, which the goddess of the wild wood calls home." "In the center of her grove lies a crystal spring, a pool called Nymphaios. It is said that the water of life itself feeds the spring, and its qualities are ... wondrous strange. The goddess often refreshes there and works divine magic using its miraculous properties." "And you think," Siproites had contained himself for as long as he could, "that this ...this water, will counteract this Red Death poison?" "I hope so. If anything could do it..." "But how do you get this water of life? Do you pray to the goddess for help? Is there some ceremony that must be conducted? This all seems so ...uncertain and indirect. Forgive me. I am unskilled in these spiritual matters; I am a plain man and need to see a clear path forward." Rhea laughed "Don't try your 'simple man' routine on me, Siproites. You have as sharp a mind for intrigue as any in the land." "There is a plain way forward, though. The gods have little interest in our petty affairs. As high priestess, I have found that they most appreciate those who help themselves. We must fetch the water. Would you agree to take on this quest, Champion?" "A quest? You would send me to the grove of the goddess? But ...that is in the realm of the gods! How is such a thing possible? And would it not be forbidden for any but priestesses to visit her sacred grove? Surely it is you that must go to the goddess for this water? " "As to the how of it, you shall see how in a moment. You are right though, it is a place of deadly peril, and I should never think of sending a man to her sacred place... but we are in need of someone with strength and speed. I have neither." "You won your post as Queen's Champion and have held it for these many years by besting all challengers throughout the kingdom. You are our defender supreme; it is you, or none at all. Be our Champion one last time! And, if you are careful and cunning, you may gather the water and return without being seen." "I'm to ...steal this water? From the goddess? Why? Why not just ask?" "She would not be ...pleased ...to find a man in her grove." "And so what would happen if I am discovered?" The old priestess looked Siproites directly in the eye. "I will not lie to you, Siproites, if you are lucky, she will kill you swiftly." "And if I am not?" "The goddess can sometimes be ...cruel." "Then I forbid it, Siproites!" Iambe had somehow raised her head, her voice feebly calling out: "You have done enough! Your entire life has been spent in service to me and my mother before me! You've sacrificed any chance for love and family... And just as you are to finally receive your reward and rest, we call upon you to undertake this impossible deed?" "NO! You should not now be made to die for me...or worse! I forbid this!" "But my queen," Rhea implored, "it is your only hope!" "But he is..." Iambe could hold herself up no longer, "weary already from battle..." "Rest, my queen. Worry not of my stamina... You know me, I am ever ready for a fair fight or the thrill of the hunt." The truth was that he was very weary, not so much from this latest battle, but from all his many battles over the years. There could be no rest now, though, there were actions to be taken. He turned again to the priestess: "I am unsure of this, Rhea. You have been friend to me since I came to the palace as page some twenty-five years ago. So, old friend, if you tell me there is a chance, however unlikely, then I will do it. I would march down to the underworld if it would save this queen." "Where I would send you is not far at all from the underworld, Siproites. But I tell you truly, there is a chance, there is hope." Without hesitation Siproites replied: "I accept the quest." "Excellent! I knew you would! Time is precious; every second brings Iambe closer to death." Rhea handed Siproites a leather waterskin. "You must leave immediately; now! Be swift. Call upon all of your courage and strength and journey to the heart of the realm of the gods. Fight your way through where there is no way. Bring back the life- giving water to me." Rhea's voice echoed in the vaulted temple chamber. The high priestess then removed a fist sized crystal stone from a black velvet cloth bag that hung by her side. The stone pulsed with green energy. Rhea placed the stone within the clawed tip of her staff. "As high priestess to the goddess, this is my most sacred ...and secret... possession, none but my successor was to know of its existence. But necessity dictates otherwise..." "Gods! What is that?" Siproites had never seen actual magic at work. "It is an orb made of purest moldavite, and is not of this world. Its energy seeks to return to its own land, the realm I am sending you to - if properly used it can cut a passage way through, like so: Rhea raised her dark cypress staff overhead and a look of tight concentration passed across her face. Light shot from the staff's tip and began to form a green ball of sparkling energy in front of them. Soon the ball grew, elongating into a large green ellipsis, a doorway portal. "Speed of the wing-footed one, Champion. The portal shall await your return. Now hurry, for life slips quickly from the queen, and all depends upon you..." "... and may the goddess bless you ...my Champion," Iambe whispered. Siproites felt his throat constrict as he looked upon both ailing queen and frail priestess. Then, holding the leather bag tightly, he leaped through the portal, through the green glow... *** ...and into a forest. There were no signs of sunlight through the canopy of leaves, except for a dim emerald glow from high above. Siproites had a hard time determining the kind of forest this was, for there appeared many different kinds of trees - pine, oak, ash, gum and fern. "This makes no sense," he murmured. "Forests are either evergreen or broadleaf. They are not every tree jumbled together." Concentrating was difficult - everything shimmered and shifted in the shadows, and as he tried to focus on one tree, it changed from pine to ash to oak. As with the trees, the forest sounds perplexed him; there were too many to identify. Like a chorus, it was, but a strange one, blending somehow a sense of serenity and danger. A roar from something nearby startled him, a roar followed by a crashing sound of wood splitting. Something dark and enormous was moving his way. Siproites searched quickly for a path to take him away from the crashing sound, but there were no paths, so he strode directly into the thick of the forest. He began to jog. As he picked his way through the underbrush, he heard another roaring, and saw a bright flash of fire, followed by a long scream of a wounded animal that abruptly cut off. 'Dragons!' Further along, he heard the resonant laugh of a man and the scream of a woman. He glimpsed a flash of golden light in the distance, followed closely by the incongruous sound of melancholy panpipes. "This is indeed the realm of the gods," he whispered in awe. He picked up his pace. Soon, he stumbled over what he thought a log. As he looked at it more closely, though, it moved. An enormous bright green snake with black-hatched stripes quickly coiled round Siproites, and immediately began its death squeeze. Siproites tensed his massive muscles to counteract the constriction, and with his stout hands grabbed the neck of the snake to mount a desperate counterattack. Just as he thought his own body would burst, he felt the serpent's neck go limp, and the coils unwind from his body. Repulsed now, he kicked free of the snake. He backed away crab-like and pushed his way up through thick vines and sharp bushes. Siproites began to run. He scrambled past a laurel tree that at first he swore was a maiden running, and began to climb a steep rising embankment. As Siproites climbed, the earth moved under him suddenly, and he struggled to remain on his feet. "What vermin walks upon me thus, a mouse?" boomed a voice. Siproites tumbled back down the moving landscape. When he recovered his feet, he saw a massive head crowned with a fig leaf laurels peering down upon him, yawning as it did. 'Mother goddess herself! A titan! For cert I am dead,' He cleared his voice and spoke as loudly and deeply as he could: "Good sir, I am called Siproites, and I have come here on an errand of great urgency! I mean you no harm. Can you direct me to the pool called Nymphaios?" The giant laughed outright and the ground shook as if rattled by thunder. "Mean me know harm? You are lucky I have recently supped or you would already be on your way to my stomach." The giant slowly stood, and when erect, Siproites, tallest of men, did not even reach the giant's knees. "I will let you go, mouse, if you promise to provide me with a fitting meal another day..." "...I will," He started to respond, then stopped. Siproites was tempted to say anything to be able to run from the mountainous being and continue on his quest, but he could not lie. "...I will try, oh great..." "Sykeus... you look upon Sykeus, tiny speck." "I will try great Sykeus, to somehow fulfill your request. It is all I can promise." "Hmm." the giant regarded Siproites critically and pondered. "A warrior ...You look somewhat tough and chewy. I think you might be more trouble than you are worth to eat and ... as I have said ...I am not that hungry..." "Very well, I accept your promise." Sykeus peered off into the distance, and then pointed. "Her holy pool is that way, little man, although I would think you should be running from rather than to it. Not even I dare to drink from its sweet waters for fear of her." "I have no choice; thank you, great Sykeus!" Siproites replied and headed off in the direction Sykeus had pointed. "Good look, brave mouse," Sykeus chuckled after him, "although I would not wager good nectar that you will fulfill your promise." Siproites continued his grueling urgent pace for a long clip, and soon fatigue began to set in. It was then that, Siproites tripped on a tree root and tumbled into a ravine thick with thorny underbrush. As he picked himself up, he blinked as he saw what was strewn about the ground: gold nuggets piled high around what looked like a giant nest. Peering into the nest, he saw four foot long oval chunks of magnificent blue agate. Siproites felt an urge to gather the gold and agate, but fought it sternly. 'I have not come to this place for treasure!' he gruffed. Before he could move on, though, a terrible screeching made him look up. There, above him on the edge of the ravine, stood a terrible creature: twice as large as an ox, it had the head of an eagle, the body of a lion, and at the end of its fore and hind legs, large razor sharp talons. "Gods! First a giant, now a gryphon!" he dismayed. Siproites had heard only legends about the mythical beast, but from those tales, he knew he was in deep trouble. The beast screeched again and leaped closer to Siproites. Siproites looked around in desperation for a something to defend himself with, and spied only brush and trees. He grasped an enormous limb and with a mighty heave, ripped it from its tree. The gryphon closed now on Siproites and swiped at him with its talon. Siproites parried with the branch, then thrust into the beast, pushing it back. The gryphon was surprised, and backed a pace to observe its prey. It attacked again, and Siproites defended as best he could. Over the following minutes a strange frenzied bout unfolded, the fabulous beast attacking with razor talons and Siproites using his renowned fencing skill to defend and counter. Even for all his famed ability, even as the best swordsman of his land, Siproites could barely manage a stalemate with the gryphon. Soon he was bathed in sweat and breathing heavily. The gryphon, too, was panting hard. Siproites wiped the sweat from his eyes and called out: "Great beast, I swear by the gods I am here to steal neither your gold nor wondrous stones. Allow me to pass, mighty enemy!" The gryphon backed away to again regard its foe. It seemed to understand, and in a saluting gesture, backed much further away. Siproites saluted in return, saying "Be at peace, worthy foe. You show great heart! Would that we could fight together as friends!" The gryphon screeched loudly in reply. Siproites scrambled out of the ravine and quickly left the beast behind. 'Time! I've wasted too much time!' He began to sprint now, near mindless, through a sea of green folding in upon green. Deeper and deeper he ran, deeper into green dark that seemed without end. Branches ripped his face. His arms were covered with cuts and welts and Siproites began to develop the eerie feeling that the very trees themselves were attacking him, barring his way. Still he struggled forward and though his chest felt as if it would burst soon and blood pounded hard in his ears, with one last colossal effort, Siproites smashed his way through a writhing knot of trees. And stumbled into a clearing, where saw he... a pool of crystal water, reflecting, ...a glowing golden crescent moon, ...a midnight black night, ...and stars that gleamed like jewels. The pool's soft waves lapped gently upon a shoreline covered by soft white sand and spring green grasses, dotted, here, there, with a kingdom's fortune of radiant, shining, sparkling sapphires, rubies, emeralds, diamonds. "The stars themselves have fallen to this place," he whispered in reverence. Near the shore stood a group of female figures, their voices echoing round in laughter and sweet song. His eyes were drawn to the center of the spring, where stood another, bathing, a beauty, or rather Beauty itself, so luminous: his mouth could form no words, his heart stopped beating time stopped moving. She ...strode now to the shore and the sight of her was too much for mortal to bear. 'LOOK AWAY!' Something deep inside him instinctively warned, screamed, and with a mighty wrenching of will, he turned his head. Dazedly, he burrowed back into the brush next to the shore. At that moment another man suddenly burst through the brush nearby and tumbled onto the shore. He was a hunter, bow still in hand and a dozen or so hunting dogs came crashing through with him. After picking himself up off the sand, the man looked out into the pool and stared openly at the goddess. The hunter became transfixed by the nakedness of the goddess; he could not tear his eyes from her body, could not mask his rising...lust. Shrieking in alarm, the other female figures rushed swiftly to shield the goddess with their bodies. She, with eyes flashing fire, pushed through them, walking straight towards the hunter. Her anger seared the air into waves of heat. Siproites could feel, hear, see, smell and taste the energy, the raw wrath, building around her. The terror of the forest, so palpable moments ago, seemed as nothing to this... "Do you enjoy the sight, Actaeon?" Her keen voice knifed through the grove. The young man said nothing, only continuing to basely stare. "Then tell the world what you have seen, if you can!" With cupped hand she swept water from the spring upon the man. For a moment, nothing happened. Then, suddenly, the man's feet and legs began to sprout fur, and turned to hoofs and hind legs. Actaeon doubled over in pain as his torso changed to an animal's belly, and arms and hands became front legs and hoofs. Last to change was his head, where great horns grew from his temples, his nose began stretching, browning, elongating, his eyes dimming large and black. Throughout this bizarre metamorphosis, Actaeon's eyes were wide with horror, his mouth open in silent scream. Then, the changes were complete, and a great brown stag stood pawing and trembling before her. "You'd better run, my stag," she cooed, "I fear your hounds have picked up your scent." The only sign of human recognition left was a further widening of eyes by the stag, and with a great bound, he raced away towards the forest dark. His hounds, his own hounds, which had been whining and sniffling about, perked up their ears and began barking. Then all raced after the stag, howling, blood running, teeth bared, smelling the kill. Their barks slowly faded into the dark green. Laughing, she walked to where Siproites lay hidden in the brush. "Come!" Compelled, he knelt before her, with lowered head. "Why have you come to my holiest of places, mortal man? Do you seek to steal my pretty baubles you see strewn about as countless others, or are you here as Actaeon in simple lust?" "Neither," he pleaded, still using all of his mighty strength of will not to turn his eyes towards her. Yet his entire being desperately yearned to look upon her face! "My queen lies dying from a poison. Your water is her only hope. Please help me save her, goddess." "Save her? But that is your task, hero, not mine." "...I ...will give you," he struggled, "...my life in exchange for hers, goddess ...if you will save her." It was hard, perhaps the hardest task he had ever been charged with, so hard not to simply lift his eyes to her glory. "You bargain with what you do not possess, for your life is already mine. No man leaves my grove alive." He could resist no longer, and in anguish raised his head upward to gaze full upon the face of the deity... ...and saw the sun. No! A thousand suns! And million moons! And stars? More stars than exist numbers! She smiled. "Be at ease, my poor brave Siproites. Unlike Acteon, your purpose is pure. You are welcome to take from my pool. You may fill your vessel, and bring it to your queen...I grant you safe and swift passage out of the forest. When you reach her, sprinkle the water upon her face, and she shall be saved." "Thank you great Lady!" Siproite's heart leaped to the sky with joy. "But first ...you have a choice to make, for you may not leave here as you are...alive." "B-but why, Lady? He asked unevenly, for after looking upon her, he was dizzy, and felt as if his very being was beginning to dissolve in her presence. "This is my holy grove, here my essence is purest. Regardless of you motives, man, you cannot be here. The fire demon does not last long in the home of the water spirit. It is the way of things, Siproites," she said softly. "I can either change your nature so that you may live, or grant you painless death." He labored to understand her meaning. "How would you ...change me?" "You must become of my nature, to live...." Siproites' soul whirled. "Would ...would I ...be able to return to my land?" His voice was from far away. "For a time." Hesitation held him, for he had witnessed Actaeon's terrible fate. Siproites yearned to choose a clean death. Indeed, he was not far from it: a final blackness had begun to edge his consciousness. But, duty demanded he live, that he leave this place alive to save Iambe. So, in lowest of whispers: "Change me, as you will, oh my goddess." "As I will?" She laughed mirthfully. "So be it!" Once again she swept her hand into the pool. Compassionately, she baptized his head with the sacred water. "So be it!" *** "'ave ye seen 'im this way afore?" the scruffy and odorous body guard asked in muted tone. "He's been pace 'n back n' forth for near 'alf a day." "Duke Gyges ne'er takes defeat well," answered the second guard, whose own odor battled the first's for foul supremacy, "at the moment, he wants t' kill someun real bad, he does. Instead he's 'avin to hole up like a rat and it's not set'n well with 'im" "Would you two SHUT UP? Or shall I kill you both to relieve my distress?" "Sorry m'lord!" was the quick dual response. 'They're right, of course,' he considered, 'my need to kill something is so obvious that even these imbeciles can discern it.' "Siproites!" the Duke spat. "Oh, how the man must be made to suffer! I hate the very letters that sound his name!" "My plan was masterful! To kill both the legendary 'Champion' and the queen herself in the same day would have created chaos in the kingdom, giving me my opening to seize power! Yet at every turn he foiled me, humiliating me upon the battlefield, and then somehow finding a way to avert the queen's death!" "How? How how how," howled the duke. "I can answer that, my love," a voice from a shadow in the abandoned warehouse replied. "And I know you will enjoy immensely the telling of it." "Arachne! How long have you been here? Were you followed?" The wiry, dark complexioned woman did not deign to answer; both knew she was for too skilled to have been detected by the Queen's Guards. "It seems your sovereign has ordered her guards to have you killed on sight, dearest. Is that why you have taken up residence in this charming residence with your pungent friends?" "But they have no proof that I was involved in the assassination attempt. And I have hundreds of witnesses that saw me at the battlefield ...ah..." "...getting your ducal posterior whipped?" Duke Gyges glared at her as she continued, "And of course, no one could determine who, or even how the queen was poisoned, so there was absolutely no evidence that tied you to it." "Yes, exactly! So it is completely unfair...uh, by the way, how DID you do it?" "It was really too easy. I placed the poison in the stuffing of the queen's small hen. The tasters only tasted the hen meat." "Ah! What wonderful simplicity. I adore your patient deviousness, Arachne. But as I was saying, without proof of my involvement in the attempt, it is ...unjust that the queen has summarily marked me for death." "I do not believe the queen is concerned about fairness or evidence, Duke. She determined that you alone had motive, and called for your execution." "She has not been known for swift action before. What has charged? It is a bold move to call for my death without trial. It was Siproites that was behind this, I am certain of it!" "I would agree Siproites is the cause of it, but indirectly so. She is angry about what has, um, befallen her Champion." "I don't understand, Arachne. And why are you smiling like a predator waiting to strike? What do you know?" "I know something that will please my lord to no end. But before I relay it, please ...tell me again of our future together." Internally he rolled his eyes. She often did this, it was so tedious! He would have to humor her again. But if she were to outlive that usefulness? "Yes, lovvve. I would rule a kingdom and you would govern by my side ...as my queen. Our enemies ...would be laid low before us ...and the people ...would tremble at our name." Arachne closed her eyes as she imagined it, which was convenient for him, because it meant that only his voice need sound sincere. "But Siproites has yet again obstructed our plans. It is he that keeps us apart. I loathe him with every fiber of my being, may the gods strike him down!" The duke spoke these last words with true sincerity. "Then take heart, my Duke, your prayers have been answered!" "Eh, how so? Siproites is dead?" "Better! Much better! After the queen recovered, I hid again in the secret closet next to her chambers, to learn how it could be so. For Red Death brings certain death, there is no cure." "There, though the peep hole, I spied the queen, the high priestess, and one I took to be a new lady-in-waiting for the queen. I listened and to my wonder learned the how of the queens' cure and of Siproites fate." "Go on," the duke urged, intrigued. "Though there is indeed no earthly cure for the Red Death, Rhea knew of a healing spring in the realm of the gods. With magic she sent the Champion there to bring back this water. He found the healing spring and ... mark this... found it surrounded by fabulous jewels, then returned to save the queen with its magical properties." "So what is good about this? Another legendary feat for the great hero?" "But wait and hear the best part, my lord! The fickle goddess of the wildwood ensnared him there and must have been angered greatly because..." "Yes! Out with it! Because what?" "Because before she let him return, she transformed him into a woman! My Duke, your terrible dread foe is now smaller and weaker than me!" "Bah! You seek to make me the fool with such a tale. It cannot be, Arachne. Why are you vexing me thus? I have killed - you have killed for me - for less affront." "By the gods I swear it is so! 'Mighty' Siproites would now be powerless before you." "Truly? If only it were only so! Ah how I would love to make him... suffer! But...what bitter irony is at work? My army is destroyed, my coffers bare and my followers in hiding! Cursed I am, that have no means to press my advantage," the duke wailed. "My Duke, I have prepared a plan. Strike now, while your enemies are in disarray and surprise is on our side! "Now?" "Yes! We shall turn your disgrace into triumphant victory! Gather, say, a dozen of your hiding guards, and have them gather up provisions I have prepared." "Under darkness we make our way to the palace. I know secret ways to bring us undetected to the Queen's Chamber. There we quietly thread, to surprise the queen and force Siproites to guide us back to the spring to gather the jewels that await us there. " "With that wealth, we can buy an army and a fleet... buy a kingdom! ...and our dreams shall come to pass!" The image of the larger than life man he had feared and despised for so long now as a defenseless woman, submissive before him, had utterly captured the duke's mind: "Yessss. All will be as you say ...I must know if this thing is true. The things that I would do to bring suffering and pain ...to her." "Then follow me," Arachne said with some hesitation, for she did not quite know what to make of the strange expression the duke now wore: savage, almost lustful... *** "Siproites sleeps still, my queen." Rhea whispered low. "It is no wonder; I cannot imagine the toll of such a ...thing. It was through strength of will alone that our Champion could return at all. Surely this ranks foremost among Siproites' many wondrous deeds! "Tell me again, Rhea." Iambe briskly ordered. "Tell me the sacrifice was worth it." "Listen, my queen, he did what he knew had to be done; Siproites was a not hero only when it was convenient, his was a life anchored by commitment to duty." "And where did that get him? Where? The hero of Hundred Mile March, the brilliant general of the Battle of Leto's Plain, the slayer of the Black Bull, is now an exotic little 'she' curled up in my bed!" "Please, my queen, keep your voice low ...we cannot imagine all that he, ...no no, she ...she is most definitely that now... endured to bring the healing water to you. "I had hoped to reward the greatest hero of our land by granting him a duchy and giving him the hand of some pretty nobleman's daughter. But what do I do with 'her' now? Marry her off to some handsome lord?" "I do not know either, my queen! She is most disoriented, and there is an aura about her that is like unto my stone from the gods' realm! There is mighty magic working within her still. I do not even know..." Rhea whispered even lower, "I do not even know if she is ...human ...anymore." "It was so sad, so sad!" The queen was pacing now, agitated. "It took all I had to not breakdown in front of her, when this pretty little sprite insisted that she must protect me until a new Champion is found." "...But when Siproites' unconquerable broadsword 'Dharma' was brought, she could barely lift it, BARELY LIFT IT! I could see the shame and utter loss on her face when she asked for a lighter sword." "So, was it truly worth it, Rhea?" The queen asked, nearly shouted, again. "Answer me now, Priestess! Better I should have died, than to see Siproites reduced to this!" The sound of laughter and wooden panel sliding open startled the queen and the high priestess. Rhea raised her staff defensively as Duke Gyges stepped into the queen's chamber. "Wouldn't it be funny, wouldn't it be delicious, if after all the noble Siproites has sacrificed, yet still you died? How terribly anticlimactic!" The duke raised his sword and advanced towards Iambe. "The we should strive to ensure that such a tragedy does not occur, shouldn't we?" A small lithe being, with creamy brown skin, short black pageboy hair and oriental-hazel eyes had charged into the room to interpose between duke and queen. Her loose-fitting short white tunic revealed much of the creature's silky smooth legs, and did little to conceal her healthy feminine chest. Her face was set with purpose and her upheld hand gripped a gleaning thin saber. "But you are lovely! Can this be truly you, great Siproites? Let's see!" The duke suddenly thrust his broadsword towards the girl. She deftly parried. The duke thrust again, again she parried. The duke thrust a third time, and this time as his body moved forward, she counter thrust attacked. Abruptly, the duke hopped backwards, tightly holding his right shoulder. "First blood!" the girl cheerfully claimed in musical contralto voice. The duke's face burned red with anger. He raised his sword and for a second time advanced on the girl. Again his thrust, her parry, his feint left, thrust right, her parry - riposte, his parry - riposte and as his body moved forward in the riposte, once more she counter thrust attacked. The duke retreated this time holding his left shoulder, which began to seep red. "You do seem to possess Siproites' celebrated skill with blade. But there is one thing of his that you clearly do not possess... well...um ...two things. But I speak of his legendary strength. With that the duke let out a war cry and swung his sword as hard as he could at the girl. Although she parried, the force of the blow sent shock waves up her arm and caused her to stagger back. Already his second hammer blow arced towards her, and its smashing force upon her parry brought her to one knee. The thought quickly occurred to her that the duke was using his superior 'brute' force to simply hack her into submission. With a heavy grunt, the duke swung a third crushing blow, but instead of parrying, the girl shifted her weight at the last moment, causing the duke to stumble forward when his sword whistled through the air unchecked. She whip-kicked with her right leg, knocking the duke's legs out from under him. As he clattered to the floor, she sprang up, and instantly her saber was at his throat. "Yield," she said, simply. "Yield or die." "Ah, so it IS you, Siproites! What is it like to be trapped in such a fetchingly soft body? It fights well, granted, but do not you wish me to personally show you what it truly designed for?" "You do not sound as if you are yielding, Duke Gyges, so you must be choosing death." She pressed her saber's tip into the duke's throat, drawing a thin trickle of blood. "Hold!" He gurgled. "Hold...gentlemen, show the ...the lady ...the true reality of the situation." The duke's men quickly filed into the Queen's Chamber from the hidden room. Six held bows, which they drew with nocked arrows and leveled at the girl. "They will not kill me before I open your cursed throat, duke!" "No, I know this, of course." The duke then yelled in annoyance. "Please aim at the person I instructed you to, you idiots!" The six turned and aimed then at the queen, who stepped back a pace. Rhea started to move in front of Iambe, but Lady Arachne had also slipped into the room during the fight and blocked her way with a long thin black dagger. "Now, drop your weapon, or she dies." The duke sneered. The girl blinked apprehensively, but answered coolly, "If I do, then you will certainly kill her. The moment I hear a bowstring pop, you will be dead." The duke snorted. "It appears we have a Persian standoff. But you are mistaken if you think I am here to kill the queen. My army is destroyed, my lands are forfeit, and I am a hunted man, all thanks to you. So I now only wish to leave this miserable place ...I came to present a proposition ...to you." "Proposition? Your propositions invariably involve deception and treachery, Duke Gyges." "Yes, you know me too well, FAIR Siproites," he goaded. "Still, listen and see if further bloodshed may be averted. I have been made to understand that the place where your wondrous transformation occurred is also littered with a king's ransom of jewels. If you agree to take me there, I shall allow the queen to leave here unharmed." "What madness is this? You wish me to take you to the place of the gods?" the girl said in a whisper. "Do you not see what it has done to me? You have no idea what it is like, the dangers that await!" "It is my offer. Either accept it, or let the bloodshed begin." "Oh? And just how would I accept it? I say 'yes' and everyone would smile and lower their weapons? Please!" "Yes, I do have a poor record of keeping my word, don't I? But ...you are a man of, er ...were a man of your word. If you promise that you will surrender to me and take me to your bejeweled pool, I shall let the queen leave this room ...at once." Iambe became dismayed when she saw the girl considering the duke's offer. "No Siproites! It is a trap!" "Yes. I am sure it is a trap within a trap, even. But if he lets you leave alive...then I must..." "...I accept. Let the queen leave now and I shall do as you say." "Say it! I must hear Siproites' oath!" She sighed, then drew herself up: "On my honor, I swear, that if you let my queen leave freely and unharmed, I shall ...surrender to you ... and lead you to the pool of the goddess. May I be eternally exiled from the halls of my ancestors ...if I break this oath." A malignant smile spread across the duke's face. "Then let the queen freely depart, gentlemen, we have Siproite's word. Do not obstruct our queen; Queen Iambe, you may move without fear." The queen walked hesitantly to the chamber entrance. She opened the dark oaken door, looking back uncertainly on first Rhea, then the girl. She saw the girl silently mouth 'run' and at that the queen stepped through the door and closed it. The sound of 'Guards! Guards!' echoed down the hallway. The girl breathed a sigh of relief and moved the sword from the duke's throat. The duke quickly stood, "We haven't much time before the entire Guard is here. Please proceed with your part of the bargain, beautiful Siproites." "Rhea?" the girl asked resignedly, "please use your magic to ...open the way once more." "But Siproites..." "Please, Rhea, I gave my word. You must!" Rhea shook her head sadly, quickly reattached the green crystal to her staff and concentrated. Soon another portal glowed before them. "What wondrous magic! Remarkable! ...And now, Siproites, give me your sword." Slowly, the girl handed the shiny saber, hilt first to the duke. With a slow chilling grin, he took the weapon, and without warning, backhanded the girl, sending her reeling. "That felt...wonderful! The first of sooo many to come! Quickly, Arachne, bind her arms tight. We must hurry!" Arachne produced a long thin silk cord and, while two guards held the girl, Arachne tied the girl's arms tightly behind her back. "Why do you treat her thus?" Rhea cried. "She gave you her word!" The duke grinned, "Fool that she is! Listen to me well, Priestess. If you wish to see her alive again, then have this ... this magic door ...waiting for us when we finish our little errand. I shall have my dagger to her throat as we return. If we are not granted safe passage away, then your pretty hero's blood will be upon your hands." The girl looked up at Rhea sadly: "Good bye, Rhea. And protect the queen while I am gone." Rhea nodded sadly in return. "Goodbye... Champion" "Taking care of queen, even in face of death?" The duke laughed aloud. "Duty to the last, eh Siproites? I shall so enjoy what is to transpire next!" He roughly grabbed the girl by her hair and pulled her into the green glow of the portal. Arachne followed closely, and the duke's guards, stepped hesitantly, one by one, into the mysterious door. Several minutes later, a heavily armed contingent of the Queen's Guard burst into the room, followed by an anxious Queen Iambe. "Rhea, where...?" "They have gone through, my queen." The portal still glowed vibrant green before them. "Then we shall follow! Guards!" "No! Hold, my queen! The realm of the gods is perilous to mortals! I only relented to sending Siproites because it was life or death ...your life... and because as our people's greatest hero in memory, he stood a chance if any did. Return he did, but, well, you know what befell...no, my queen, do not go through to the gods' realm. I fear it will mean the death of all who enter." "But Rhea, Siproites needs our help now! It is she that must be saved. There is no knowing the depths of sadism Duke Gyges shall visit upon her..." "I owe her my life. This kingdom owes her. Countless times over. Cannot just this once we forget about responsibility and be selfish and ...just save her?" "No. NO! I too wish to leap into the void to save my dearest friend. But if I did it would show gravest dishonor. To risk and lose all he gave would hurt him far more than anything Duke Gyges could do to...her." The queen was quiet for a time, as she considered Rhea's words. "Then, what do we do?" She took a deep breath, "we wait. We hope. And if she returns, we help, help her live, help her as fiercely as she has helped us all! "...and if she never returns?" Rhea looked away out the window, at a rising crescent moon. "Listen, my queen. When Siproites was but a pageboy and I just a priestess, we would talk long into the night about the infinite power that upholds and sustains the world and the heavens. Was it the gods' designs, or simply random chance, we would wonder?" "He told me that for him, the kingdom, the world and the stars in the sky, all were upheld by one very simple thing: each rock, tree, animal, person, or god, must fulfill its function in life, its duty." "So, to honor Siproites' life and his sacrifice, we must do OUR duty. Her back stiffened, "I, to serve the goddess to my utmost and pass her teachings and love to the people. You, to being the wisest and best queen our people have known, as Siproites said you would." Tears streamed down Iambe's face, "I will try. The goddess knows I will try. But Siproites ever acted selflessly, and this was the reward?" The queen gave out a long sigh, "...do you ... do you think she may ever know ...peace, or happiness? There was never one who deserved it more. And I so yearn for it to be!" Rheas' eyes watered as well, "We will pray, my queen. Oh, will we pray!" *** "Well, which way?" the duke had grabbed a handful of Siproites' hair, twisting and bringing her close to his face in one motion. He released his hold and shoved her roughly forward. "Speak, HEro." She stumbled and fell hard upon the ground. The duke's men laughed and catcalled as Siproites struggled to her feet with tied hands. She longed to lead them straight to their much deserved deaths, but she had given her word, so she looked about the otherworldly forest to find the way to the pool. Though she could not explain it, the forest seemed familiar to her, with the feeling of return. This time, she found the way not by picking the darkest part of the forest, but by an intuition, a tug. She wondered at this. "That way," she motioned with her head. The duke grabbed her face and wrenched it around to his once more. "Do not lead us astray Siproites, for I can do things to that new body of yours that will make you beg me for death." The duke moved away a pace as he organized his men, and Arachne slipped up to whisper in her ear: "You would not believe what he is capable of! If you're nice, I may try to spare you the worst of it. After all," she smiled wickedly, " we girls need to stick together." After they had traveled for many minutes, their column abruptly stopped. "What is it, Eryx?" the duke called forward. "Something is headed this way, m'lord," the point guard's worried call came back from the heavy bush ahead, "and it is big!" Suddenly there was a roar, a flash of fire and a scream. Then trees were smashed down as a giant green scaly dragon, with roasted Eryx dangling in its mouth, came crashing upon them. Everyone scattered in the chaos. Two of the duke's guards grabbed the bound girl and carried her away from the rest of the group and into a dense thicket. After running with her for several moments they dropped her to the ground, where one guard quickly covered her mouth with his hand while the other stood and searched in a 360 degree radius. "I don't sees no ones, Adelphos," the standing guard advised in a low tone. "That there's good news, Orrin," Adelphos replied, as he sat atop the struggling girl. "I spect we should 'ave enough time to get proply introduced to the lady." The girl bit Adelphos' hand, which he withdrew with a yelp. "Get off me, worm!! Ggullll," the hand had been replaced over her mouth. "You'll see my worm soon enough my pretty little 'arlot. My friend 'n I 'ave been admirn' yer assets since we laid eyes on ye. And now we'll takes our reward for sav'n ya from the 'orrible monster. Shall I take first honors, Orrin, or will it be both agether?" Before Orrin could reply, the girl managed to swing her leg over Adelphos' chest and flipped him off of her in a precise wrestling move. He tumbled into Orrin, knocking him to the ground as well. Hesitating not an instant, the girl tottered to her feet and flew off into the trees, with the lustful guards stumbling and cursing after. When she had run some distance, she stopped to get her bearings, and spied a mound ahead that looked very familiar. "Sykeus?!" Suddenly the mound stirred and a gigantic sleepy head raised. "Eh? What's this? A nymph with tethered arms has roused old Sykeus from his sleep?" "I... its me, um ...Siproites," the name seemed hard to say. "The one who came here earlier and promised to return again when you were hungry." The giant's eyes squinted as he tried to fathom the girl's words. Then he let out a long rumble of a laugh. "Ahhh, the thick-hided warrior, I remember! I see you found the goddess' pool after all. But I cannot eat you now, for you are one of hers; she would have my head for it." She wondered at this, but shrugged when its meaning escaped her. "Well, that is good to hear, but I can still fulfill my promise, for close behind me are two who you may wish to... ingest." "Truly?" He raised his head higher in interest. "Ah! It is so, there they are!" The massive titan jumped to his feet surprisingly quickly, and bounded a couple of large paces. Just as quickly he returned with screaming Orrin in his left hand, and terrified Adelphos in his right. "You fulfill your promises most excellently, little nymph. Is there any way I may thank you for this fine meal?" "Could you cut these bonds that bind my hands?" "Hmm." Sykeus considered. " My own hands are awfully large to snap such a tiny thread. I may accidentally remove one of your arms in the attempt. If that is acceptable, I will try at once." "N- no thanks, Sykeus, I may have need of my arms. Perhaps if you could point me to where the other mortal men are in the forest, I shall go to rejoin them." The titan cocked his head to listen to the forest sounds. Then he waved Orrin in a direction. "They lie that way, perhaps twenty paces." "Twenty of your paces?" "Yes, and from the sound of things they are battling something." "A dragon?" "No, I smell no fire. It is something else, a very angry something else." The girl began walking in the direction the titan had indicated, but turned her head back to Sykeus for a moment. "Fare you well great Sykeus." "Farb wuklg tof youg, liltgle nymphms" The titan was already vigorously chewing Orrin; only a booted foot still protruded from the titan's lips. Adelphos had fainted in his other hand. "Noble Sykeus! Surely you have heard that it is rude to speak with food in your mouth?" she called from a distance. A hearty belch was his reply. A disconcerting sense fell over the girl as she wandered through the forest in the direction the giant had pointed. She was feeling more and more at home in this strange land and less and less that she knew who she was, or what she was becoming still. She tried to speak a mantra of reassurance: "Siproites I was, ...Siproites I am ...and Siproites I shall ever be." The words didn't sound right, spoken in her new high musical voice. She tried again, though, hoping that its repetition would make the odd feeling pass. "Siproites I was, Sipro ...Si ...I am ... I am Sip ... I ..." Something prevented her from speaking her own name! She huffed in frustration, then blurted out: "and ...Dianthe...I shall be !" 'Dianthe! What name is this?' A loud screeching interrupted her meditations, a screeching followed by agitated shouts of men. She ran as best she could towards the noise and came upon the duke's men in a clearing. They had just cast several ropes over a magnificent gryphon and were trying to subdue it. "Where have you been?" Arachne snapped, grabbing the girl by her bound arms. "I was um ...separated when the dragon came through and have just now found my way back. What are they doing with the beast?" "Denes the Lessor wandered into yonder ravine," she answered. "He came out yelling of piles of gold, then that creature rose up behind him and slashed him in two." The girl quickly glanced to see a head and torso of a man lying in a bloody pool nearby, and a pair of legs further on. "Rather than simply kill it," Arachne continued, "the duke has devised another plan. He wishes to capture the beast alive and bring it with us when we return to our land. It will be a surprise gift he will unleash upon the Queen's Guard that most surely shall be waiting to ambush us on our return." "My love is ingenious is he not?" she added, smiling in admiration. 'She actually believes that that ...vicious animal could love something other than himself, that ...that he loves ...her!' the girl stared at Arachne in disbelieving wonder. Arachne mistook the look, "Too late you realize the true magnificence of Duke Gyges." She then painfully twisted the girl to bring her close. "Always remember that he is mine!" she hissed into the girl's ear. She stepped away a pace. "But come. The duke must know that his favorite guide has returned." Arachne led the girl to where the duke stood coordinating the attack upon the gryphon. "No, you fools, you must throw the ropes together and pull at the same time!" "How goes it my lord?" "Not now, woman, cannot you see..." he barked as he glanced quickly at Arachne in disgust, but a look of momentary surprise flashed across his face when he saw the girl. "Ah, Siproites! The men grumbled that their pretty guide had deserted them, but I told them that like a bad drachma you always turn up. After all," he laughed, "you gave me your word..." "...Hey Melancton, you dolt, you've gotten too close!" One of his guards had tried to loop a rope around a fore-talon of the gryphon. The beast swiftly sliced the man's arm off with a free hind- talon. Melancton lay writhing and screaming on the ground, the blood pouring from the stump. Another of the guards left the attack to help bleeding man. "You! Aristo! Back to position! Melancton will tend to himself. I must have this beast!" Turning to the girl again he said, "What good fortune has befallen us already on this journey! There is a river of gold in the ravine! And Lady Arachne has informed you of my plans for the beast and the Queen's Guard? Clever no?" "I think it folly to possess a weapon that cannot distinguish friend from foe." "Ha! What a very Siproites-like thing to say. It truly highlights your weakness: you actually care what happens to your men." The girl shot a look to Arachne as if to say, 'this is the man that you think loves you?' Arachne caught her glance and quickly looked away. It took nearly an hour, and many severe lacerations to the duke's men, but they eventually won the upper hand in the struggle and immobilized and tightly tied together the talons of the screeching beast. When they finally had time to aid Melancton, they found that he had not tended to himself very well, having, in fact, bled to death. The duke took the loss in his typically compassionate fashion: "Gods' cruelty! Another man down! At this rate I shall have none left to carry my treasure save myself! ...Has anyone seen Adelphos or Orrin?" He thought a moment then turned to the girl. "Siproites, I seem to recall them following after you when the dragon charged our troop. Have you done something with them, perhaps?" She laughed, "look at me! Do I look as though I could ...dispose of your guards with this body, bound as it is? Or do you suppose I have a giant at my call, that has snatched them away at my command?" The duke looked at her for a long moment and an expression passed over his face that made her uneasy. "No, I suppose not. You look ...helpless ...to me, and I freely admit that I find it very ...stimulating." Darkly he smiled, and ran his hands through her hair, whispering "Oh the plans I have for you, my pretty little hero." She tried to pull her head away but he grasped her hair tightly to pull it close to his. The thought occurred to her that he was trying to kiss. "Duke Gyges?" Arachne called out. Gyges released the girl and stepped back a pace. As Arachne approached, she saw the duke's face bore the same strange look it had when first he learned of Siproites' transformation. "I have stitched and woven your men's wounds together as best I can. But they must rest before we move on." "Yes, yes, I suppose so," the duke replied, irritated at the interruption. "We'll make camp here. We shall eat what food you packed and sleep for some hours before pushing on. I'll set up a rotating watch for the gryphon." The duke had further inspiration "...and take our pretty guide with you. Secure her also so that she may be watched with the beast. Place her ...just ...barely ...out of its claws reach." Arachne's eyes were lit with delight, "immediately, my lord!" "Why?" the girl asked Arachne in confusion as she shoved the girl her forward. "I've given him promise ... I could have run away, but didn't. Why?" "Because he can. Because it pleases him. You should learn to accept this, slave, for it is your future. You are no different to him than the beast we captured or treasure we collect. You are his to do with as he wishes. And" she grinned, "you are also mine!" "Lady Arachne, please heed me! He will betray you too. He betrays everyone. He is evil itself..." Arachne slapped the girl as hard as she could, once, twice, and a third time, finally knocking the girl down. "Silence! Don't ever speak those words to me again!" The girl looked up through stinging pain, "I was only trying to..." Arachne slapped her again. "I see that I shall have to silence you myself." She quickly removed some cloth and rope from one of the packs the guards carried. Stuffing the cloth in the girl's mouth, she wound the rope tightly around her head to keep the cloth in place. "There. Any more advice for me? No? Then move!" She shoved the girl forward again. Later, much later, the girl stewed as she worked against the ropes that bound her hands and legs. Arachne had gone to great effort to utterly degrade her. She asked if the girl needed to relieve herself before she was secured, and the girl at first thought it the smallest of kindnesses. But when Arachne insisted on watching the bound girl struggle to perform the unfamiliar act, or rather a familiar act delivered in an unfamiliar way, the real goal became clear. The girl had needed relief badly, and turned beet red, when, as she awkwardly managed to squat, Arachne burst into harsh laughter: "Oh great Siproites, where has thy manhood fled?" She stripped the girl of her clothing, and tied her in a way that caused pain to burn through over-stretched joints. Her final cruel touch was to blindfold the girl. So there she lay, unable to talk or move or see or do anything but think, on Arachne's question that still rang in her ears. Deeper even than her loss of male-ness, she wondered: 'Where has my humanity fled?' Had she not always been true? Had she not always fulfilled her duty? Her honor? Then why had she come to this? Why this her reward: humiliated, helpless, and naked before her enemies, trapped in an alien body, lost in an alien land? For the first time in her long, storied life, despair welled up in her, a bile taste coming to her mouth. 'This must be exactly what the duke had intended,' she bitterly thought. So she tried instead to think of past memories of battle, or hardships, where resolve had seen her through. To drink courage from those memories. But they would not come, save as hollow-eyed ghosts. 'Is there nothing then? Is it all nothing? All I was, all I did, all meaningless?' Then, a true image did form in her mind, she saw again, saw for the first time: the face of the goddess, as it smiled upon her at her the spring, smiled on her now: "Come to me... Come to me... Come to me..." Tears of sorrow mixed equally with tears of ecstasy, and she gave herself, at that moment, gave herself completely, to simply, feeling. Her tears streamed from her blindfolded eyes, down off of her cheeks, and where they dropped, delicate white-scented flowers sprang from the ground. * Little nymph! Do not cry, I will help you.* Her weeping softened as she turned her head to hear who had spoken. *Over here, little one.* The words formed in her head rather than coming to her through her ears! An image of the fierce regal face of the gryphon staring at her in concern appeared in her mind. *Y-yes? * *I will help you, we can help each other escape these dreadful mortals.* She could talk with the creature by thinking! How odd! *Y-you called me nymph. Why?* It was what Sykeus had called her as well. The gryphon sounded amused, *You play with me now, little nymph. Only nymphs and gods can speak to all things living, as you speak to me now.* The girl puzzled over that response for a moment. *What is your name, noble gryphon?* *I am swift-footed Ava,* she answered proudly. *Which nymph are you?* No name would come to her! She knew who she had been, but could not even think its sound as applying to her now. *I don't know!* she replied miserably. *Don't fret, beautiful one. Surely these men have worked some evil upon you to make you forget. But listen now, for I see the man guard has fallen asleep!* The girl reasoned that the sentry... Erasmus was it? ...must be exhausted from the fight with Ava and the wounds he received. *If you will come closer, I can cut your bonds with my talons.* In a way she could not understand, much less explain, the girl knew she could trust the powerful beast. But Arachne had bound her well. *I cannot move! The bonds are too tight!* *Try, little one, I do not know how long the man guard shall sleep. You must be free and I must save my eggs! * 'The agate stones are her eggs!' She knew this, but how? *Okay, I'll try.* With intense focus and patience and force of sheer will, the girl scotched and wiggled and moved first a hair's width closer towards the gryphon, then another, and another... She could not help but smile at the ridiculous image she must present, a naked girl wiggling in the dust. 'I wonder how the ballads would sing of this...the Slayer of Black Bull, the Hunter of the Winter Solstice Chase, the Wiggler of the Four Inches...' *Good! There! Now hold still.* She felt a slight tug at her arms, and then they were free. She stretched them out in relief, then quickly removed the blindfold and gag and untied her legs. Moving swiftly, she removed the ropes from Ava as well. *Thank you little one.* The gryphon nuzzled the girl's face. *What shall we do now? The men have my eggs, and they have taken all my gold.* *We shall save your eggs, but ...why do you need to save your gold?* Ava shrugged her lioness shoulders, *It is what gryphons do...we guard gold. It is our duty.* The girl understood that completely. She thought a moment, then intuition came to her. *The pool of the goddess is close by isn't it?* *I think so. You would know better then I.* *Yes! I feel it calling me! It is just over there!* *Through the thrashing trees. Perhaps so, yes! * *Wait here but a few more minutes, Ava. I have a thought to draw them away to the pool of the goddess. When I do, you will be free of them.* *No! It is too dangerous for a little one such as you. Instead, let me slash them all with my talons!* *But if you should become hurt, then what of you eggs? * Worry crossed the gryphon's ferocious face, *It is true they soon hatch! And if I am hurt or killed, they die. But you cannot do this alone! We fight together!* *Patience fearless Ava! Trust me. For the fates have decreed ... it is my fate, I think ...I don't know how to explain this ...it is fated that I ...lead them to ...the goddess' pool. Something awaits them there, and also me, although I know not whether it be good or ill.* She loosely wrapped the ropes around Ava to give the appearance she was still secure. *When I draw them away from here, they may leave one to guard you. If so, I am sure you will introduce yourself to him.* The powerful creature looked at the girl with a fierce gleam in her eye. *That conversation will be brief...* The girl smiled mischievously in reply, and hurried off into the green dark. Her approach to the sacred pool of the goddess differed markedly from her last. This time, the trees brushed lightly against her, caressingly... She stopped once to touch a mighty oak and felt its pulsing sap, heard its strange sentience speak to her in her mind, in the same manner as her speech with the gryphon. Its language was of tones and colors, and when she pulled her hand away, she had learned that through the rustling of leaves, and branches, the trees whispered to each other. Further on, she stopped among cool vining plants, that gently curled their shoots around her body, wrapping her in exotic leafy clothing. When she arrived at the spring of Nymphaios this second time, she found it empty and quiet, save for a gentle wind across the grassy shore. Even empty, she could feel the hum of its power, the power of the goddess of the wild wood. A voice called from deep in her soul, a sweet fluting voice that sang to her,: 'you are home.' Gingerly, she walked to the magical water's edge and knelt down, where she saw the smooth erotic face of a woman, staring back at her with mysterious oval hazel eyes. "Have we met? What is your name?" she asked the reflection. *Dianthe* the reflection answered. 'That name again!' Sighing, she turned away, and began examining the jewels that lay upon the beach. After a moment, she found what she needed, a large, almost ostrich sized emerald that glowed with mesmerizing green light. With jewel in hand, she darted back into the forest, dancing towards where the duke and his men lay sleeping. *** The duke grumbled in his fitful slumber. Every so often he was awakened by some strange noise of this accused place. Returning to sleep was a chore; Arachne had not anticipated that they would be gone from their land for more than a few hours and so had included neither tents nor bedding in the provisions she had prepared. The duke was forced to find what comfort he could with leaves and soft ground. 'Cursed woman!' He knew it was not her fault, but it made him feel better to say so. He blinked in disbelief when he saw a green glowing orb floating towards him. As he focused, he saw that the object was an enormous emerald held by small hands. It was, by far, the largest jewel he had ever seen. "Duke! Duke Gyges! Look! See! Your reward is near! You

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Life of Indian Housewife at InLaws 3

continued....."Oh! Babuji, how I wish to take your 'lund' (cock) inside me now, and then again and again and again, as many times as you would like. I long to hold it inside my warm, wet womb!" Erotic words uttered by the bahu, and without inhibition!The words from his bahu touched a raw nerve in Balwant. The a****l lust had taken over both his bahu and him alike."I cannot stay without touching your lund and holding it......" He heard her say.The shy woman was now behaving like a randi...

1 year ago
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While the husbands are away

The six of them had always got along, so when the men announced they were going away on a golfing weekend the girls decided to treat themselves to a pamper weekend. As they pulled up the driveway of the large country hotel they let out a collective “Wow”. If the standard of service was as impressive as the building they were in for a fabulous weekend. After checking in they decided to go straight to the pool for a swim. They signed in, were given their towels and went through to the changing...

2 years ago
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Deaths Hunt

James clutched his chest as it blossomed yet again with a fiery pain. His breath grew short, forcing him to drop back into his chair. He stared at the fire beside him, allowing the warmth to revitalize him. The doctor's words echoed through his mind. "Terminal illness," he had called it. A death sentence. James muttered faint whispers over and over, the words obscured by the sound of his heavy breathing. It took him a while before he could actually speak aloud the phrase that had been so...

3 years ago
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Helen Doesnt blowshe sucks

Introduction: My friends mother showed me how much some women love cock! Look honey, doesnt he have bedroom eyes? Helen and her husband were discussing the color of my eyes! I couldnt believe she described them as bedroom eyes, that seemed a little odd, especially to a 15 year old horny guy who had only been jacked off once by the whore at Whittier High School, in California. I had to forgive Helen though. It was her weekend off and she had powered down more than a few beers and she was...

2 years ago
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Lilith Live on Late Night

The television broadcasting studio near Broadway was bustling with excitement because the number two network programming department had landed the fabulous “Lilith” from Hollywood as their newest stellar entry for the late-night sweepstakes. The struggle for number one on the ratings was more important than ever this season because all the big networks were talking about their most important issue. That issue was the pressure to make a successful merger across the media landscape. The lattes...

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The LottoChapter 21

Martha the MILF The next few weeks were a whirlwind for Tanya. She was sent to our HMO physicians and dentists for checkups and remedial work. We were all gratified to find she got a clean bill of health from the Doc's and only needed a few fillings and elected to not have her near perfect teeth straightened. Lisa found a good on-line program for High School equivalency courses and Tanya, as we expected, tested into 12th grade level and was sure to get her diploma, not just a GED, within...

1 year ago
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Methamphestrogen by Bailey Thayer I could see my neighbor's clothesline clearly from my second-floor bathroom window. It was Saturday, laundry day, and my neighbor's live-in girl friend was just starting to hang up wet clothes to dry. There she stood, barefoot, wearing a set of daisy-dukes and a white cut-off tank top. I could see the outline of a purple bra under her shirt. A bra strap hung lazily off her left shoulder, and when she bent over to retrieve something from her laundry...

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Sensual SuccubusChapter 2

Jim Blanton was a little frustrated that Chandra was taking so long to respond to his attention. He was accustomed to quicker success. He knew she was aware of his reputation, both scholastically and as a lover. Just thinking about her handsome, exotic face, with its huge eyes and dark lips made him squirm. Add to that those huge tits, and wide hips, and he felt hardness start in his prick. Why couldn't she just surrender like the college girls? He had scheduled them to work together today,...

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A Much of a Which of a WindChapter 45

The questions went on for hours; the sun had long since set outside before any of them let up. They went on so long that I had to ask for something to eat; I hadn't had anything since breakfast, which was a distant memory by then. They brought it to me, too, a sandwich one of them found someplace. I'd long since been uncuffed, and I wolfed it down with the water they kept providing me. A lot of the questioning had to do with the Liberator, which most of them had never heard of. They simply...

3 years ago
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Mysterious Tease

I was sitting in the corner of the room in my tiny library cubical. I couldn't stop tapping my pencil rhythmically and absentmindedly on the desktop. Normally I was a giggling ball of fun, drawing attention to myself with my crazy talks. Unfortunately not today. Instead, I was supposed to be studying for the looming finals next week, but I was a little preoccupied with a mystery. I couldn't focus on my work, I glanced down at my newly ruined mechanical pencil. Who was this guy? My mind kept...

3 years ago
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What happened between The Ex Files and Ill Be Seeing You

"So, do you wanna grab dinner?" Jack Carter asked Allison Blake. "Hmmm..." She leaned in for a quick kiss, then pulled away. Looking at him lovingly. "No." She stood up and walked around the couch, then turned back to him. "I was thinking...maybe breakfast." She grinned at him, then began to walk slowly up the stairs. "Okay...well..." Jack said, taking a moment to understand what she was suggesting, then becoming excited by the prospect. He followed her up the stairs. By...

2 years ago
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Power Chapter Ten Psych Subject

We were paid twenty-five dollars an hour for each session. One Saturday we were told that we would be paid two hundred dollars to take a day-long battery of tests. The results would go into a database where we were identified only by a code number. Only Dr. Wagoner, the head of the Psych Department, had the key to the code. She would give us our results if we wanted them. My first actual job was in some advanced class that was studying motivations. It was all over my head. They were talking in...

4 years ago
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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 32

Jack looked at the house. "I guess we should make an appearance." "I want to take our stuff upstairs. I'm sure Bozo needs to get out." "You're right. He's been up there since this morning." Jack got the door but there was no mad scramble to get down the stairs. I felt a hard knot in my chest as my first thought was that something must have happened to him. It must have shown on my face because Jack said, "I'm sure he's downstairs in the house." I took my bag into our room,...

2 years ago
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Destination Japan Chapter 5

DESTINATION JAPAN CHAPTER 5 Paris, sweet Paris, one of the main cities in Europe and a place where a lot of people dream of coming. I had travelled a lot of miles since flying out of Japan, now I found myself in Paris. I was used to looking my best, but to look the part of an american backpacker, I had to look the part. Upon my arrival in Paris two nights ago, I had found an apartment to stay in for a while, I had seen it advertised in one of the many papers and had seen to it...

3 years ago
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I had desperately needed this vacation. Things hadn’t been going well with my girlfriend, seems like we are fighting all the time. So I decided that I needed to get away for some time to myself. I’d always wanted to go to Cancun, so I just went. Flying in over the Caribbean was amazing. The water is the most beautiful color I’d ever seen. If you haven’t seen it, I can’t describe it. I’d always been fascinated with the Mayan Indian area, so I had plans to see some of the old ruins. I know for...

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Breaking Free From Her Shell

“I’ve spent my whole life trapped in a shell,” she said.  “I went from living with my parents to living with my ex.  I’ve been dying to break free.  But I don’t know if I can do it.  I need someone else to take control.  I need someone to give me a push.”It was just after ten on a Thursday night.  We walked along an elevated path overlooking the Mississippi.  There were people in the distance, but it was a quiet night and the city was shutting down.Sadie had recently ended things with the only...

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Shaadi Me Mausi Ko Choda 8211 Part 1

Sabhi readers ko indianarjun Ka sex bhara namashkar.aaj main aapko apni Ek Sachi ghatna batane jaa raha Hun jisme main ne apne mama Ki shaadi me mujhse Sirf 4 saal badi mausi ko patta Kar choda Aur majje kiye.main aapko Bata dun Ki meri age 21 hai rang gora body Ek dam fit Aur land 7 inch Ka Aur Mausi ko age 25 hai rang gora size 36-34-38 matlab unke boobs Aur gaand bahut fooli Aur chaudi hain jo unki body pe 4 Chand laga deti hai . Dekhne me wo Ek damm maal hai Aur jo Bhi usko Ek baar dekh le...

1 year ago
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My cousin Jo and I Part 12

We move to Christy’s bedroom. Entering Jo says “Dick get on your back on the bed. Christy finish what you started. Susie lay by Dick.” Christy straddles me sliding my cock into her tight cunt. I take one of her tits in hand toying with it. I watch as Susie lays beside me and Jo on her side by her. Jo and Susie begin kissing. Jo’s hand is at Susies pussy. Christy is riding me. I’m in turmoil trying to watch all thats going on and with Christy fucking me. It almost impossible to keep up....

3 years ago
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6 December 2006Chapter 5

Dan and Karen were relaxing when the house phone rang. He smiled, recognizing the name on the caller ID. “Remember me telling you about Joyce, the flirty bowler from down the street?” He answered the phone, placing it on speaker. “Hi Dan, its Joyce Young, I’m glad I caught you at home. I really need to ask you a big favour. Can you bowl with me tonight?” “Why Joyce, this is so sudden, are you asking out on a date to bowl you?” He kidded. “I’m just teasing you.” “We’re short a player and I...

2 years ago
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Seducing the Man in Black

At 2 am Laurie comes home from the late shift, earlier than usual. She tosses her frumpy nurse’s scrubs to the floor next to the rest of her laundry, both dirty and clean. “I’ll clean up tomorrow,” she says to herself, knowing she won’t. After a long shower that fogs up the mirror and leaves more water on the floor than her regular shower, Laurie makes her way to the bedroom of her tiny, one-bedroom apartment, vibrator in hand. “I can always count on you.” She squeezes the handle of her...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 2

“You know, Jamie did help you rescue me, Varys. I just thought that I should point that out,” Tyrion observed to Lord Varys, who smiled calmly in response. “Of course. I did not mean to imply otherwise, though I suppose that my words could have been more carefully phrased. I simply wanted to make it clear that you do not owe the kind of debt to your family that would cause you to spare Cersei from her doom. She blamed you, framed you with your father’s aid, spied on you through Pycelle,...

4 years ago
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Resident Evil OutbreakChapter 2

Author’s Note: I would like to thank Kingtoll88, who can be found at hentai-foundry dot com, for writing the two sex scenes, and Emily Thayer for editing the chapter. Tuesday, October 16, 2018 C.E. Abandoned Dorm Room, Raccoon University, Raccoon City Arthur sleeps in the abandoned dorm room that he had been using as a bedroom for some time now. Arthur slept alone, while Alice and Jill spend the night talking about their current situation. All of a sudden, he wakes up when he feels...

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A Cloak of Lies Ch 10

How long she sat in the moldy cell, Camille had no way of knowing, but she was thankful for the company of the woman named Lorette. At first, she had been unsure of the woman, no longer knowing who she could trust or what to believe, but it was plainly obvious that Lorette had been a victim in all of this, just as Camille was. Lorette’s story soon unfolded in the many long hours, or maybe even days, they spent together. She told of her father, a scientist who was being forced to create a new...

1 year ago
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The New StartChapter 27 Sonya

Xtos grudgingly ceded respect to the six humans that had escaped its city of robots. After the single robot had returned and reported the discovery of the survivors it had sent several expeditions to destroy these puny humans. None of these expeditions had returned. In the course of their search they had discovered the village of the Silka's and destroyed it. A few of the humans had escaped but had been hunted down and killed. Some of them had fled through a pass in the mountain chain but...

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Masters Dinner Party

I have always felt like there was something missing in my life. It was right in front of me, but never close enough to reach, until I met him. Last Friday, my best friend Tanzy and I went out clubbing, when I accidentally bumped into him. When my arm came into contact with his, electric shocks passed through my body. Looking up at the tall, handsome man, his dark midnight eyes held mine. I tried looking away, but they were like magnets pulling me closer. He smiled, and it felt like all the wind...

1 year ago
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MrPOV Gia Di Bella Pump My Tight Cunt

Gia DiBella is a barely-legal whore who can’t get enough. She’s also your student. You’ve noticed the way Gia eyes you in class, so when she showed up to your door — unannounced — well, it didn’t really surprise you! Gia’s an exotic blend of Italian and Filipina with a whole lotta Slut added in for good measure. Maybe it has something to do with being nineteen? How about Gia’s beautiful D’s — or her nice, pink, shaved cunt? Gia rubs...

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La infiel Diana y sus cornudos Antonio parte 3

Les seguí contando ya al día siguiente seria el último día que estaríamos en la finca desperté a eso de las 9am nuevamente sintiéndome como un miserable como poco hombre arrepentido de dejar que ahora el primo me le surtiera pija a mi novia y la dejara bien cogida me decía no lo voy a permitir no me la voy a dejar coger nuevamente.Baje el camarote David seguía dormido con cara de satisfacción, me puse una camiseta unos zapatos y baje ya la mayoría estaban despiertos incluso el tio que pervirtió...

3 years ago
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My wifes first time at 15 a true story

This story is completely true. It took me over 20 years to get it out of my wife Jennie.When she was 15 she was getting pretty horny and was sick of being a virgin. She had a friend, Bobbie, who felt about the same way but had the advantage of being 16- old enough to drive.One Friday night Bobbie drove them to a club that featured beer and rock music. They both looked hot, in different ways. Jennie was thin, with small breasts and a tiny waist over long legs. Bobbie had big tits but a thin...

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Amma kodukuoka mancham

Na peru BABU, ma amma peru DEVI. Na age apudu 18yrs ma mom age apudu 41, oka roju, naku endhuko ma ammani mutukovalani, thanatho sex cheyyalani anipinchindhi, nenu chatuga, ma amma snanam chesetappudu, choosevaadini, naku 15 yrs age ninchi.Sare, ipudu , nenu 17 yrs lo unapudu em jarigindho chebuthanu,appudu, ma father vere town lo job chesevaaru, memu hyderabad lo unnamu, summer kadha, nenu ma amma. Hall lo kindha padukunnamu, naku oka chinna sister undhi,adhi bed meedha padukundhi, ma mom baga...

1 year ago
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Isbardia The Wedding PartyChapter 3

Hickory asked, "What is the name of those foul creatures?" Aylia replied, "Most of us call them 'groks' because of that ridiculous noise they make just before they fire the flame. At least, that's what we call them in public." That brought a wry laugh from the rest of the party. More groks appeared as if by magic, but Nosef pointed to some strange looking structures and said, "That's where they are coming from. Maybe we can shut off the supply of groks by destroying what looks like...

4 years ago
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More fun with Jean

It seems like forever since I've seen my neighbour Jean, but this morning my luck was in. Me and Lisa were out last night and when we got home we enjoyed ourselves, as usual, by watching some great porn films. After a few hours of pleasure Lisa went to bed leaving me to carry on watching and stroking as I normally do. As morning arrived I kept a look out for Jean in case she came into her garden as she often does. I opened the blinds enough so that if she looked over she would definitely see...

3 years ago
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Brother Make Sister Slut For Friends 8211 Part 1

Hi friends I am from tamilnadu I am new writer I am going to write story in tamil … Keep your hand in kunju (penis) boys and girls in punda (pussy). Nanum yen sisterum yapavum onna tha irupom nanga randu parum yalathaium share panipom nanga best frdsa iruinthome … Ok first en sister size soldra breast 34 ass jatty size 90 semmaya irupa age 18 1styear bsc padikira name anitha . Na 3nd year college padikira age 21. En sister first day collegeku na tha kuptu pona bikela en friends pathutaga but...

1 year ago
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Coventry Interview

One day I was informed that the girl had come and wanted to see me for the interview, so I called her in. As is my custom I stood up to go and open the door when she knocked. Honestly, I meant to do my job and really test her but when she walked in I suddenly had a hard on. I dont know why my dick has a tendency to greet females before I do. To make matters worse I did not have a brief on. I only had mi boxer shorts and one of mi loose trousers. Much as I tried to hide the prick, it was...

3 years ago
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The importance of knowing yourself

Right off the bat let me say this story does not have a happy ending (no pun intended).As I stated in another story/account, ever since I was sexually aware I enjoyed a hightened sexual sensation when something was in my rectum. The closer the size to a large male penis the better the sensation, the more powerful the orgasm. The desire for something in my rectum would come in a cycle, every 8 or 9 months, but the instant I came the desire was gone and all I felt was akin to shame or...

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Roomies Ch 01

I’ve been working on this series for awhile now, and figured I was finally far enough along to submit some of it and see what kind of response I get. PLEASE, if you like what you are reading, VOTE and COMMENT! I love feedback and thrive on your votes to tell me if you like it! Lesli was ecstatic: She was finally here, in her dorm room, ready to start her freshman year of college! What a relief to finally get away from home, away from her mom and step dad, and be able to do all the things she...

2 years ago
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My Race Is RoyalChapter 7

Heather lay back on her bed with one arm covering her face, the other by her side and her hand squeezing and releasing the duvet. She was still trying to come to terms with what was going on with Donnie McGregor. "Girl, you have got to get a grip! I can't believe how quickly I turn to mush around him. I've never acted like this before. It's like I'm in heat or something whenever I'm close to him. Even chatting online tonight, what was that about? He takes charge and my panties get wet...

1 year ago
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Alyx in Wonderland Chapter 5

Thank you to everyone who has left comments for previous chapters. Your support mean a lot to us. If you feel too shy to leave a comment, or have questions you'd like to ask, or maybe you want to tell us about your own work. Any of the above you can contact us here: [email protected] Now for this week's episode... Chapter 5 Becca Seven hours on a flight with Louise. My dream and my worst nightmare rolled into one. I'd spent hours the night before deciding on the...

4 years ago
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Forever Again Ch 05

Author’s Note: This story depicts graphic lesbian sex and mind control. If these topics do not interest you or are prohibited in your area please back out now. This is the fifth installment of a long story. Those that have read my other stories will know that I tend to have some story behind the sex so if you’re looking for a quickie this story may not be to you liking. For those of you that haven’t backed out, I hope you enjoy my words. ~CD ***** Over the next few weeks Vala discovered...

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Kitty and Mr Connors

Part 1 The last year of school had been a drag for Kit, science in particular. Mr Mathers, a grumpy old coot with little patience and a quick temper had been making life hell for her. Most of her school life Kit had enjoyed science right up until she got Mr Mathers. Now she groaned in despair whenever she thought about attending that class. Sometimes she wished the old goat would just keel over, have a fit, fall down a flight of stairs and break a leg, anything really just so long as she didn’t...

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A Come BackChapter 51 Silk

"Thank you." I said softly, twisting my hands. Billy merely inclined his head. "I mean, I had a few things of my own of course, but nothing that would be this..." I waved at the tree where the crystal ornaments reflected the lights causing prisms to dance. Still nervous I blew out the candles on the kitchen island. The candles in the living room I'd let stay. There were some on each table, some on the mantle. I flipped the light off in the kitchen. The tree, candles, and the fire was...

1 year ago
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Need to first add that this is a total work of fiction, everyone mentioned and any locations do not exist except in my imagination.Once again it’s a fictional story of making the odds more even so a woman’s birth control isn’t fool proof when she does porn. I still wonder if anyone is actually working to make this a reality. Boy would that change the industry.MAGIC DUST – SECOND HELPINGMr. J here and this time I’m in the Southeast at one of those conventions where owners of amateur websites...

2 years ago
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I will never forget the first time I watched my father masturbate.So much has happened in the four years since that night, to us and between us, that I don’t recall the exact date, but I know it was early in the summer between my sophomore and junior years of high school, not long after I turned 16.I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Kelly and I’m now 20, and a sophomore at a large university in the town where I went to high school. I’ve lived alone with my dad since my mom ran off...

3 years ago
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The African soldier was humping away while he made me stand in the corner and look. As he got closer to coming, he suddenly stopped and asked "You want me to knock her up or do you wanna be a rubber for my load". I stood there dumfounded. My wife, panting heavily from his fucking her, spoke as best she could."Gasp! ... I told him ... Gasp! ... about you sucking ... Gasp! ... pussy clean before... Gasp! ... to keep ... Gasp! ... me from getting ... Gasp! ... pregnant... Gasp! ... Sucking him...

3 years ago
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Never Been There Before

   In my earlier years when I was some what innocent to sex I had the best encounter ever. It all stared when I we moved to a new neighborhood. I must of been seventeen or so. After making my rounds with the easy girls in the neighborhood, I developed a bit of a reputation. I was the new guy with a huge dick and I knew how to use it. Around the same time we moved in a couple moved in next door. I never seen them, but, Moms and Pops went over and introduced them selves to them. I heard them...

Wife Lovers
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My Best Friend Turns my Boyfriend into a Slut

There was going to be a mess underneath us. Her dark skin rumbled as she gyrated into me, her teeth sinking in as a took the long cock deeper into my pussy. My stilettos wrapped around her waist. They were sharp and gave me 6 inches of height. Behind me, his little submissive moans trickled across my skin. He scraped his teeth on my neck and shoved his cock in my ass. So thick, I didn’t think I could take it, but I was so mad with lust, how could I deny my body any pleasure. I wouldn’t, and...

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Karen My School Teacher 18

Karen, My School Teacher - Part 18By HosieryQueenPart 18I felt a bit frightened that she just left me like this. I looked in the mirror, but I couldn't see anything at all. Just me with a pink ballgag in my mouth, a pink dog collar with ‘pantyhoseslut’ written on it, all bound up. I felt something start vibrate. It went straight to my horny pussy. “Mmm!” Then the machine shoved the dildo, shape gently in my pussy. My god, she wasn't k**ding. It started feeling good.“Mmmm...Mmm!”The next ten...

4 years ago
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At the Movies

I am waiting in the park close to the entrance to a run down and shabby porno cinema. It is a seedy part of town, full of second-rate strip joints and sexshops. You have already received your instructions and I am waiting for you to arrive. I see you turn the corner and walk towards me. You are wearing a leather trench coat which fits snugly showing off your shapely figure. Your legs are sheathed in black silk stockings and you are wearing 6inch open toed stilettos. Your hair is pulled back in...

1 year ago
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The Runesmith Chronicles 18

“I must say, it feels rather homey in here,” said Kal looking around the roc’s cavern.Ikuno stared at him like he had grown a second head, “Have you lost your ever-loving mind? How on earth could this place feel ‘homey’?”Many hours ago, they had gone exploring the roc’s cavern, a task that turned out to be much larger than expected. at the top of the slope was a crossroads that split off in three directions, instead of being a single large cavern. The southern path sloped down before opening up...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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MB2 Mommas Children Part 1

MB2 - Mommas Children (Sequel to Mommas Boys) Written by Dauphin http://dauphinsworld.activeboard.com/ Part 1 I am getting older, but Society is not learning. I am Miss Isabella and I know many of you read the first story about me called Momma's Boys. I know people hated me when they read this story, thinking that I forced one boy to be a sissy and another boy to act like a baby. They think I was too dominating. Some thinks I should even be put in jail. I don't think that people...

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Your ApartmentPart 2

Your Apartment...Part 2I’m sitting on the couch feeling the cum beginning to dry on my face and body, while you lay on the floor dozing. Suddenly she announces, “It’s been fun, but I’d better go.” She stands and starts to take the 7in strap on off when I make a split second decision, “why don’t you stay and we’ll grab a shower” I tell her. “Sure, why not” she says and we both get up and start to walk to the bathroom. You stay put for a minute, watching her big juicy ass as she follows me into...

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one night when i woke up

this was one night over msn to each other. Imagine if i was lying on your bed...You walk over im only wearing a bra and the pair of tie up pants...As you approach me i lean up tu give you a kiss...I notice your bulgin boxers and get wet from spottin it... I sit you down and pull what can only be described as throbbing i lick the head... A little bit of precum comes out and i get a tad wetter... You tug on one side on my pants...They immediatly come loose havin been barely tied properly....Since...

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The Art of Imagination

No one could make her more furious than he could, no one could push her beyond all her boundaries the way he did when they argued. Their arguments were both frequent and drawn-out; they were both strong and had opinions on everything, most of which were diametrically opposed. Any time they spent together was liable at some point to rise into disagreements over almost any topic, from politics to housework. And yet, they sought each other like rain to parched earth. Their relationship was like a...

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My Mistake

Nancy Woodley slipped out of her dress and hung it in the closet then pulled her slip up and over her head and tossed it into the dirty laundry. Now in nothing but her bra and panties she sat down on the bench in front of her dressing table and looked at herself in the mirror. At 41 she knew that she could easily pass for being in her early thirties, her blonde hair hung down past her shoulders and set off her totally tanned body and sea green eyes. Her body was lightly freckled and even with...

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I light some candles and gently heat some edible massage oils. I lay her down on her front I lean down close to her and tell her how beautiful she is. I rub the oil onto my hands and start with the back of her neck, after I've massaged it I give her neck a nice slow kiss. Next to be massaged is the shoulders and as with her neck after massaging them I finish with a kiss. I can't wait to kiss the small of her back and her buttocks but I won't rush I don't want to miss an inch. After the buttocks...

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my ass fuck

i'm doing some police officers. I guess the rumor is that I have a thing for cops etc... not the case, but that's ok. it gets me fucked haha.I like them because they're younger, strong, don't want trouble.I mostly do out of town cops, but there is one local - I wanted a fuck so I txtd him this morn, that I wanted to fuck.he said sure, he'd gotten off at 2 in the morn. I picked up a couple of bagel sandwiches, took a partial bottle of baileys I had.we had the bagels, coffee, then took the bottle...

4 years ago
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Fun Time With Jaison Mom 8211 Part 1

Jaison mom is Versha, age 41. She is fat and fair just like malu aunties. She has big breast and ass. She can attract any men by her assets. Her husband is a marketing executive. So he can’t spent more time in his home. He comes his home at late night. Some days he can’t come home due to his work. Her only son Jaison, studying engineering. I am David, age 23, living in chennai. I am working in small IT firm. Jaison is my friend and he is my neighbor. Jaison home is opposite to my home. He is...

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