- 3 years ago
- 34
- 0
This is, unhappily, an autobiographical story with just a few name changes, and maybe a few slight memory errors, as it has been a few years. The subject matter is decidedly dark, even by my standards, so you have been warned. This is deliberately in present tense because that is the appropriate voice here. Special thanks to Sbrooks and Crkcppr for editing and beta reading it for me. Any remaining errors are entirely mine -- probably added after their assistance. And thanks again to everyone for the encouragement and support
“You don’t have to do this.”
She doesn’t mean that. Not really. This is something we both know has to be done. I have a duty here.
I carefully scrape the last of my mustache off with the razor and rinse it off. It’s a straight razor, old school, but when you take off facial hair like mine, it’s a lot better choice than one of those Schick whatever-the-hell-they-are-calling-them-now with the five blades. I’ve been on relaxed grooming standards for almost a year, so the long, hooked, Winnfield mustache was pretty thick. Can’t have that in dress uniform though.
“Yeah. I know.”
She shifts against the doorframe where she’s standing, watching. There’s a little suppressed fear in her face. She doesn’t want to think about this, she hates thinking about this.
“It’ll be fine.”
She looks away. This is harder on her than it is on me, I think.
“It will be, I’ll be back this evening and we’ll get dinner.”
She gives a weak smile as she follows me into the bedroom. “How about if we just get pizza, the kids would love that.” She’s trying to be positive and upbeat, but it’s not easy.
“That will work.”
She watches transfixed while I pull on my shirt and tie, then my jacket. Then she walks over to her dresser and picks up a small silk sack. It’s just a little over an inch by two inches; it’s edged in black ribbon and has a tiny black silk drawstring. She sewed it last night, by hand. This isn’t something you use a machine to make.
Her breath catches as she hands it to me. She obviously can’t think of anything to say that won’t make things worse.
We make small talk, but it’s just filler until I see the black car pull up out front, and I have to leave. She hands me three brand new, precisely folded, starkly white handkerchiefs to tuck in my inside jacket pocket as I walk out.
Private Malone is just sliding out of the driver’s seat when I come down the steps. He barely has time to stand up before I open the passenger door.
“Morning Private.”
“Morning Sergeant.”
I see her staring out the window as we pull away. I pretend not to see her, she pretends to believe I don’t. There’s a bit of silence before he starts talking. “We’re meeting the van at the church. I figured you’d want to get there ahead of time to take a look.”
“That works. Is the van on schedule?”
“Sergeant Callahan said to tell you he has everything locked and cocked over there.”
I nod. If Callahan says he has it, he has it.
It’s damn near a two hour drive to the church and Private Malone can’t make it that far without talking. “The Sergeant Major said you didn’t have to do this.”
“We all have to do this. It’s part of it.”
Maybe he’ll understand. If he does, it will make him a better Soldier.
“But he said you volunteered.”
“Not really.” I don’t want to make myself out to be better than I am. I didn’t seek this. I just didn’t hide from it. “They asked if I was willing to do it, and I don’t have anything more important.”
Actually, there isn’t much that qualifies as “more important.”
The conversation dies after that. Even he can’t find anything to talk about. For a guy who can talk for 20 minutes about the various cures for ice cream headaches, that’s saying something.
As we get closer to the church, I can see the neighborhoods grow bleaker and greyer. I wonder for a minute if it’s my imagination, but from the graffiti, it pretty clearly isn’t. We’re on the outskirts of New York City, in a particularly run down area. Everything seems grey and dark, even though, against all the oppressive weight of the day, the sun is shining.
As we roll to a stop in front of the church, I realize it’s even worse than it looked.
The church is a small square structure topped by a slightly askew steeple, with peeling white paint and steep steps leading to a narrow cracked door. Surrounded by an eight foot fence topped with barbed wire. It looks like all it needs is a machine gun nest.
“Stay here.”
Malone looks around and gets out to stand by the front of the car. There’s no reason to ask why I want him there. It’d be tough to drive the car back without wheels.
There’s a damn electric pole right in front of the gate, if the gap were any closer I’d have to turn sideways to slide past it into the church. That will be a problem.
I walk up the uneven steps to the front door and walk in. It’s just one big room, all decorated with black ribbon and dark purple flowers. A balding middle aged black man in a black suit is doing something at the altar and turns to watch me walk up. The wooden floor feels unsteady, sort of soft under my steps.
The Preacher eyes my uniform critically for a moment. I’ll get no credit from him for doing this. Like me, he sees it as my duty. He doesn’t waste time on introductions.
“You see the electric pole?”
“We can get by it, it won’t look pretty, but we can.”
“Can’t ask for more.” He goes on to point out the arrangement, where the casket will have to be set. I notice an alcove off to the side of the altar with a saxophone leaning in the corner. He follows my gaze.
“We don’t have a piano, but his Uncle Charlie said he’d come play. He’s pretty good, used to play in the clubs.”
I want to say something pleasant, something helpful, but all that comes out is, “That will do.”
He stops for a second, thinking. “Do you need him to play ‘Taps’?”
“No, we have a bugler, he’ll be waiting graveside with the firing party.”
I can tell by his face he doesn’t like the words “firing party.” I can sense that he really is a man of peace. Besides, it’s a reminder of how it all happened.
“Oh, yeah, I guess you would.”
We finalize the last few details of how this is going to be done before I head back out.
Malone is talking to an older gray-haired black man in a black suit. He’s obviously here for the funeral, but he has a red and black brocade vest on under his suit jacket. From my days in band in junior high school I recognize the smell of valve oil.
“You must be Uncle Charlie.”
He grins and extends a firm, calloused grip. “The Private here said you were the man.”
“I am for now, anyway.”
“I was telling your Private here that the car will be fine out here today.” He paused, shaking his head with a slight smile. “Wouldn’t try it tomorrow, but today? It’ll be fine.” He glances over at a small grocery across the street where a large man is sitting in chair. He wasn’t there earlier, I’d have noticed. There’s an axe handle leaning against the wall behind him.
“Thank you, Sir. I appreciate it.” There’s something about him, the way he looks at my uniform. “You served?”
“1967 to 1968. Pleiku in ‘Nam.” His face darkens. “Different shithole, same shit.” He eyes my ribbon rack critically. “Guess you’ve seen a few shitholes.”
“A few.”
He nods toward Malone. “He said you didn’t have to do this.”
“Like I told him. We all have to do this.”
A terse, joyless smile. “Thanks anyway. You have a bugler?”
“He’s already at the graveside.”
He nods and I can’t tell if he’s relieved or disappointed. Maybe a bit of both.
We wait silently, until the van shows up with my casket detail; I get them arranged and we go over the issues. None of them are happy about the electric pole, but we’ll do the best we can.
Family members and friends begin to pour in, funeral black clothing is the order of the day, a few sparks of color in pins or necklaces, but not much. My detail is waiting in the van, but I’m standing near the gate. A reminder of everything. A few of them stare curiously, especially the kids, but not just them. It’s hard to believe this many people will fit in there. I wonder if the Preacher will remember to keep the first pew on the left clear for us. If not, we’ll adapt.
After the stream of people stops, Uncle Charlie and I just stand together. He glances over at me with a raised eyebrow. “Don’t mind the stares, they don’t see many Soldiers around here. Or white people. You’re probably used to it.”
I smile at that myself. “Pretty much.”
We stand for a bit longer, watching a thin veil of clouds sliding over the sun, leaving it shining bleak and pale. The world seems to have finally figured out what kind of day this is. My assistant brings the detail over from the van, pulling on their white gloves. They form up and we wait about five minutes more. Right on schedule.
The hearse rolls to a stop in the perfect place. We have to wait for the immediate family to get organized. A couple of Aunts have the two kids in hand, but the Widow is shaky at best. Captain Keisha Parrish catches my eye and shakes her head just a little. She’s the Casualty Assistance Officer and she’s telling me the Widow isn’t handling this well at all. After hearing the story, I didn’t expect her to. A wizened, dignified woman notices the exchange between us, and moves to help the Captain get the Widow up the steps.
There’s supposed to be an OIC here, a Brigadier General from what I’ve been told, but he isn’t here and I can only wait so long before we start. Bringing the flag-draped casket past the electric pole and up the steps is less of fiasco than I’d expected. The hard part will be taking it out.
As the NCOIC, I trail the casket into the gloom of the church. Technically I’m there to give orders, but I don’t say a word. We’ve drilled over the last few days and the detail is following the cues of my assistant in the front. We’re moving at “Slow March,” half the speed of a standard march. There’s a dreamlike quality to it all. As if it’s taking place under water. It’d all be silent except for the floor; it groans with a soft dying sound with every step of the detail. I know without thinking that this sound will stay with us. Every man and woman on the detail will remember it forever.
With the casket placed and Honors rendered, my detail and I slide into the empty pew. The Preacher remembered it after all.
It’s a sea of black faces. The Soldiers of my detail are the only white faces here. I’m the darkest one of us, and that’s mostly sun blasted tan.
Out of the corner of my eye, I can see the Widow. Despite her family, despite Captain Parrish, she is as alone as it is possible to get. Even the family seems to unconsciously lean away from her, as if they are afraid to catch something.
I study the pictures of the Soldier to either side of the casket. I don’t know him, I’ve never seen him. Neither has any of my detail. But then, that’s why we’re here. That’s why the family shrinks from the Widow. That’s why the pall over this funeral is even darker.
He was a Sergeant First Class on his second tour in Iraq, unexpectedly extended with no notice. Stationed up by Mosul. A real hellhole.
I learned the rest from Captain Parrish, it had all spilled from the Widow in a horrible instant in her living room. Keisha wasn’t supposed to talk about it with anyone, but some burdens are too heavy to bear alone, and we’d served together in other places.
She’d been angry, alone, and scared. The last time her husband had deployed, three of his squad had been killed and she’d seen their families crushed by the loss. It ate at her. She irrationally blamed him for the feelings. They tried to talk when they could, but every talk ended in an argument. He was too distracted to care about her. That’s how it felt anyway.
He was probably too concerned with surviving the next day.
She was angry, alone, and scared. Maybe if she’d talked to a chaplain or a counselor things would have been different. But she hadn’t. And it wasn’t It started at, of all things, a church picnic. A charming guy; funny, a good listener. He was harmless, until he wasn’t. She met him for a couple lunches and he fed her compliments. Eventually, of course, it happened. She wasn’t thinking clearly, because she did the one thing she’d always thought she would never do. And as disappointed in herself as she was, she was still angry and fearful, though she didn’t feel so alone. So began months of surreptitious meetings, though she certainly wasn’t as discreet as she thought. She was as angry at herself as she was at her husband, and decided she needed to have it out with him. She wrote a letter, written entirely in one drunken evening, blaming him for everything, revealing the affair.
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BOUQUETS AND DETONATIONS I understand passion's flowering, Dynamite's need to explode, The zeal of fire in a forest, The grimaces of determined ice, A bullet that will penetrate anything, When I am on my elbows and knees Before you my mind set on pleasing You and servicing your needs. Anal intercourse or, for that matter, Fellatio makes a woman sympathetic To a man, especially one like me, Whose breasts are counterbalanced By the weight of cock and balls And millions of...
“Yes?” His personal assistant, Miles, opened the large oak door and stepped into Alex’s office, a white folder stuffed with papers in his hands. “Evening Miles,” Alex said, putting his pen down. “I have all the material you asked for,” Miles told him, handing him the folder. “Already?” Alex said, taking it from Miles and opening to the first piece of paper. “I’m impressed Miles.” Taking his time and reading through all the papers, Alex was even more impressed with everything he read....
It Was Chinese New Year, 2024, when The Waning began. No one noticed at first, everything seemed normal, except the incidence of wild animal attacks rapidly rose to levels that would have been considered madness before the beginning of the Waning. However, as the months went on, everyone started to notice something: no one was getting pregnant. Something else changed too, crops planted by humans or any machine would not grow. Our stored food lasted for a month of vicious rationing, but all too...
InterracialYou can look, but you can touch, too! This is the hope of Tyler, the pervy boyfriend of Raven Redmond’s roommate. Raven just moved in with them due to some financial problems, and Tyler’s stoked because she’s got big natural tits, which puts his flat-chested girlfriend to shame. But he’s not trying to split up with his girl, he just wants a sneak peek of Raven’s big boobs, which is why he spies on her in the bathroom…until he gets caught! Raven understandably laughs it off until Tyler takes it...
xmoviesforyouI had just started working, not yet old enough to drive and still a virgin. I used trains to go to and from work, and one afternoon I was waiting for a train and I just happened to be standing near the male toilets. It is an old station, with buildings made of bricks, but very little in the way of seating. So I was leaning against a wall near the toilet entrance when I noticed a man in his mid fifties looking at me. He was well dressed in a suit and he carried a brief case. It has always struck...
Romi Rain is so grateful that her friends allowed her to stay at their place while she sorted things out for a few weeks. In fact, she’s SO grateful that she decides that there’s no better time to thank her friend’s husband Ryan than when he’s in the shower! Rome takes it a step further by telling her that she wants to share something with him, too — her! So, off come the clothes and out come Romi’s big tits and fat juicy ass, and into the shower with her friend’s husband she goes! After a...
xmoviesforyou“Six o’clock in the morning, my head is ready to explode. I can’t believe I made it home alive. I don’t remember where I went or what I was drinking, and now it’s made me sick. And I’m not denying that I get this way when I try to get over you. I get this way when I try to get over you. Sometimes it hurts so much to lose the one you love.” Robert leans against the tree, his car a good five hundred feet away. The sun is just breaking over the trees, casting the woods into an eerie glow, like...
I suppose I had better get the one where I had my fantasy, out of the way. It's not that interesting, unless you are me! When dressing I always fantasised about two things, either having sex with a guy whilst wearing lingerie and stockings or being pounded by a big black guy with a 12 inch cock. I got one but not the other!In one my chats with Steve he asked me about my cross dressing and why I did it etc. I told him that above all, I just love cross dressing. He had tried it in the past...
Hi, I am Priya Koshy from Bangalore. I am working as professor for a college. I am aged 42, 5ft10inch tall, fair, slim but have right amount of flesh across my body. My figures are Bust: 36″, Waist: 24″, Hips: 37″. I am married to Dr.Koshy and he is in Middle East and I am living with my daughter. My daughter was in love with one guy and she told me that she wants to marry him. I am bit worried about this affair, as I know most of the guys are not serious about it and I don’t want my daughter’s...
That Friday night I had been between my sensual wife’s spread legs, fucking her like crazy. The next morning I woke to Ana's warm mouth on my cock. She was between my legs and holding my hard dick to her mouth as her soft fingers caressed my entire shaft. She alternated using her tongue and lips to pleasure me…We maintained eye contact until she moved her head in position to swallow my entire dick while I lay back against the pillow and closed my eyes. I moaned with pleasure…I loved Ana’s horny...
Ally sat at the end of a cheap hostel table listening to young Westerners discussing the nuances of social circles back home. She focused more on the slowly advancing time of her iPhone than the chattering of her friends, as her mind lingered on the afternoon’s events, the wrong turn down the sleazy side street of Soi 6, and a young Thai prostitute she’d encountered. An unfamiliar wild streak built within, and she wished away the monotony of another night in a hostel with Westerners. She was...
LesbianDavid couldn't wait to fuck his little pussy for the weekend and he had been waiting for this for months. Sarah, his little slut with her big boobs and round ass, 1.75 meters tall, just over 18. His cock just couldn't be any harder when he thought about her. That night she called him up and David stopped by at her place. He knocked on the door and the door open and there she stood, in her panties, inviting him in for a good fuck. He undid his pants when she lead her to her bedroom, oh, he was...
Erotic FictionI looked down at my victim, then to the other, I knew what I had done. I was aware of my master pieces and I knew that nobody would appreciate them like I did, humans truly are pathetic vermin. They don't understand that what I have created was not a sin, not wrong, it was beauty, it was human nature at full blossom and what we all have deep inside, it was genius. I was thinking back to times which had been so previous... the times I had gotten revenge on Jessi and Shannon... the things that...
When you have been flying above the clouds for too long, it feels banal and lacking once your feet touch the ground again. The euphoria you have felt gives way to a yearning emptiness inside your heart, one that cannot be filled by anything but another trip into the limitless skies. Thus, the Sunday after Cordelia had dropped me off at my home had dredged on in agonizing slowness. Every few minutes I found myself frozen in the middle of whatever I was doing, my thoughts once again filled with...
Billy was concerned and very self-conscious. He had entered what he felt was the beginning of becoming a man. His body was developing, his voice was cracking and, down below, he was growing an erection whether he wanted to or not. He was also a little confused. His emotions were in turmoil. One minute he was happy and cheerful and the next he was suddenly angry and sullen. The problem was he had no idea why the wild emotional swings. Frankly, he was confused. Thoroughly and completely confused....
“How may I pleasure you?” you ask. “I don’t know,” I reply. “That might take a bit of thought.” “Well, tonight is your night to be pleasured–to do what you will with me.” I think fo a few moments before I finally respond. “All right. Stand over there, in front of me.” I motion for you to go to the middle of the floor. You do so. “Strip for me,” I say....
Anticipation had built through the evening; a meal, a drink and eventually home to the sofa and some meaningless film on the too large tv. Neither knowing what might happen, neither knowing if they dared to hope anything would happen but both slowly filling with a desire to share and explore. During some lull in the film he made a choice, talking himself into a bold move he turned his head towards her and unexpectedly found her looking at him, head mere inches away and with lips slightly...
Straight SexAs Donna brought her pistol to bear on the guy, he said, "Wait! I just have an envelope." "Ease it out," she commanded. He pulled out an envelope and she took it. She felt it as if to check to insure it wasn't a danger. "I'm sorry, sir, but we don't know you and we can't be too careful." "Actually, I'm happy to see that Mr. Kegler is that well protected." I took the envelope from Donna and she holstered her weapon. I think every male in the place watched her do that. Donna...
May 31, 1993 Looking unhappy, President Rohrbach said, “It was a quiet weekend.” Cabinet Member Neyer said, “There wasn’t a single riot or protest anywhere.” “Jade Force said they’d end the civil war in five days. It looks like they did it,” Cabinet Member Goil said. President Rohrbach said, “They printed the treaty in the Saturday and Sunday morning papers. We’re stuck with it.” He knew that the introduction of term limits on Senators, and competitive elections, would have far reaching...
Tommy and Georgette are holidaying in Mexico. Georgette goes into the bathroom early on their second day, shuts the door and looks out the window without turning on the lights.She sees a light go on in a bathroom window across the way and sees a man standing in front of the toilet. He drops his boxers and grabs his penis. He stretches the skin on the end of his penis outwards and then pulls it back behind his glans and proceeds to piss into the toilet.Georgette is amazed. She has never seen a...
Oral SexSunday's chores seemed to take forever. I was beginning to feel like this day was more like me walking to my own death than just another day on the farm. Emily had come down to help, as did Heather. She was still gloating about us being in trouble. "I'm hoping that they make you two do all the chores for a month. I would love to get out of doing them." "Heather, would you shut up before I make you throw up." "And how would you do that?" I reached down like I was going to put my...