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This is, unhappily, an autobiographical story with just a few name changes, and maybe a few slight memory errors, as it has been a few years. The subject matter is decidedly dark, even by my standards, so you have been warned. This is deliberately in present tense because that is the appropriate voice here. Special thanks to Sbrooks and Crkcppr for editing and beta reading it for me. Any remaining errors are entirely mine -- probably added after their assistance. And thanks again to everyone for the encouragement and support

“You don’t have to do this.”

She doesn’t mean that. Not really. This is something we both know has to be done. I have a duty here.

I carefully scrape the last of my mustache off with the razor and rinse it off. It’s a straight razor, old school, but when you take off facial hair like mine, it’s a lot better choice than one of those Schick whatever-the-hell-they-are-calling-them-now with the five blades. I’ve been on relaxed grooming standards for almost a year, so the long, hooked, Winnfield mustache was pretty thick. Can’t have that in dress uniform though.

“Yeah. I know.”

She shifts against the doorframe where she’s standing, watching. There’s a little suppressed fear in her face. She doesn’t want to think about this, she hates thinking about this.

“It’ll be fine.”

She looks away. This is harder on her than it is on me, I think.

“It will be, I’ll be back this evening and we’ll get dinner.”

She gives a weak smile as she follows me into the bedroom. “How about if we just get pizza, the kids would love that.” She’s trying to be positive and upbeat, but it’s not easy.

“That will work.”

She watches transfixed while I pull on my shirt and tie, then my jacket. Then she walks over to her dresser and picks up a small silk sack. It’s just a little over an inch by two inches; it’s edged in black ribbon and has a tiny black silk drawstring. She sewed it last night, by hand. This isn’t something you use a machine to make.

Her breath catches as she hands it to me. She obviously can’t think of anything to say that won’t make things worse.

We make small talk, but it’s just filler until I see the black car pull up out front, and I have to leave. She hands me three brand new, precisely folded, starkly white handkerchiefs to tuck in my inside jacket pocket as I walk out.

Private Malone is just sliding out of the driver’s seat when I come down the steps. He barely has time to stand up before I open the passenger door.

“Morning Private.”

“Morning Sergeant.”

I see her staring out the window as we pull away. I pretend not to see her, she pretends to believe I don’t. There’s a bit of silence before he starts talking. “We’re meeting the van at the church. I figured you’d want to get there ahead of time to take a look.”

“That works. Is the van on schedule?”

“Sergeant Callahan said to tell you he has everything locked and cocked over there.”

I nod. If Callahan says he has it, he has it.

It’s damn near a two hour drive to the church and Private Malone can’t make it that far without talking. “The Sergeant Major said you didn’t have to do this.”

“We all have to do this. It’s part of it.”

Maybe he’ll understand. If he does, it will make him a better Soldier.

“But he said you volunteered.”

“Not really.” I don’t want to make myself out to be better than I am. I didn’t seek this. I just didn’t hide from it. “They asked if I was willing to do it, and I don’t have anything more important.”

Actually, there isn’t much that qualifies as “more important.”

The conversation dies after that. Even he can’t find anything to talk about. For a guy who can talk for 20 minutes about the various cures for ice cream headaches, that’s saying something.

As we get closer to the church, I can see the neighborhoods grow bleaker and greyer. I wonder for a minute if it’s my imagination, but from the graffiti, it pretty clearly isn’t. We’re on the outskirts of New York City, in a particularly run down area. Everything seems grey and dark, even though, against all the oppressive weight of the day, the sun is shining.

As we roll to a stop in front of the church, I realize it’s even worse than it looked.

The church is a small square structure topped by a slightly askew steeple, with peeling white paint and steep steps leading to a narrow cracked door. Surrounded by an eight foot fence topped with barbed wire. It looks like all it needs is a machine gun nest.

“Stay here.”

Malone looks around and gets out to stand by the front of the car. There’s no reason to ask why I want him there. It’d be tough to drive the car back without wheels.

There’s a damn electric pole right in front of the gate, if the gap were any closer I’d have to turn sideways to slide past it into the church. That will be a problem.

I walk up the uneven steps to the front door and walk in. It’s just one big room, all decorated with black ribbon and dark purple flowers. A balding middle aged black man in a black suit is doing something at the altar and turns to watch me walk up. The wooden floor feels unsteady, sort of soft under my steps.

The Preacher eyes my uniform critically for a moment. I’ll get no credit from him for doing this. Like me, he sees it as my duty. He doesn’t waste time on introductions.

“You see the electric pole?”

“We can get by it, it won’t look pretty, but we can.”

“Can’t ask for more.” He goes on to point out the arrangement, where the casket will have to be set. I notice an alcove off to the side of the altar with a saxophone leaning in the corner. He follows my gaze.

“We don’t have a piano, but his Uncle Charlie said he’d come play. He’s pretty good, used to play in the clubs.”

I want to say something pleasant, something helpful, but all that comes out is, “That will do.”

He stops for a second, thinking. “Do you need him to play ‘Taps’?”

“No, we have a bugler, he’ll be waiting graveside with the firing party.”

I can tell by his face he doesn’t like the words “firing party.” I can sense that he really is a man of peace. Besides, it’s a reminder of how it all happened.

“Oh, yeah, I guess you would.”

We finalize the last few details of how this is going to be done before I head back out.

Malone is talking to an older gray-haired black man in a black suit. He’s obviously here for the funeral, but he has a red and black brocade vest on under his suit jacket. From my days in band in junior high school I recognize the smell of valve oil.

“You must be Uncle Charlie.”

He grins and extends a firm, calloused grip. “The Private here said you were the man.”

“I am for now, anyway.”

“I was telling your Private here that the car will be fine out here today.” He paused, shaking his head with a slight smile. “Wouldn’t try it tomorrow, but today? It’ll be fine.” He glances over at a small grocery across the street where a large man is sitting in chair. He wasn’t there earlier, I’d have noticed. There’s an axe handle leaning against the wall behind him.

“Thank you, Sir. I appreciate it.” There’s something about him, the way he looks at my uniform. “You served?”

“1967 to 1968. Pleiku in ‘Nam.” His face darkens. “Different shithole, same shit.” He eyes my ribbon rack critically. “Guess you’ve seen a few shitholes.”

“A few.”

He nods toward Malone. “He said you didn’t have to do this.”

“Like I told him. We all have to do this.”

A terse, joyless smile. “Thanks anyway. You have a bugler?”

“He’s already at the graveside.”

He nods and I can’t tell if he’s relieved or disappointed. Maybe a bit of both.

We wait silently, until the van shows up with my casket detail; I get them arranged and we go over the issues. None of them are happy about the electric pole, but we’ll do the best we can.

Family members and friends begin to pour in, funeral black clothing is the order of the day, a few sparks of color in pins or necklaces, but not much. My detail is waiting in the van, but I’m standing near the gate. A reminder of everything. A few of them stare curiously, especially the kids, but not just them. It’s hard to believe this many people will fit in there. I wonder if the Preacher will remember to keep the first pew on the left clear for us. If not, we’ll adapt.

After the stream of people stops, Uncle Charlie and I just stand together. He glances over at me with a raised eyebrow. “Don’t mind the stares, they don’t see many Soldiers around here. Or white people. You’re probably used to it.”

I smile at that myself. “Pretty much.”

We stand for a bit longer, watching a thin veil of clouds sliding over the sun, leaving it shining bleak and pale. The world seems to have finally figured out what kind of day this is. My assistant brings the detail over from the van, pulling on their white gloves. They form up and we wait about five minutes more. Right on schedule.

The hearse rolls to a stop in the perfect place. We have to wait for the immediate family to get organized. A couple of Aunts have the two kids in hand, but the Widow is shaky at best. Captain Keisha Parrish catches my eye and shakes her head just a little. She’s the Casualty Assistance Officer and she’s telling me the Widow isn’t handling this well at all. After hearing the story, I didn’t expect her to. A wizened, dignified woman notices the exchange between us, and moves to help the Captain get the Widow up the steps.

There’s supposed to be an OIC here, a Brigadier General from what I’ve been told, but he isn’t here and I can only wait so long before we start. Bringing the flag-draped casket past the electric pole and up the steps is less of fiasco than I’d expected. The hard part will be taking it out.

As the NCOIC, I trail the casket into the gloom of the church. Technically I’m there to give orders, but I don’t say a word. We’ve drilled over the last few days and the detail is following the cues of my assistant in the front. We’re moving at “Slow March,” half the speed of a standard march. There’s a dreamlike quality to it all. As if it’s taking place under water. It’d all be silent except for the floor; it groans with a soft dying sound with every step of the detail. I know without thinking that this sound will stay with us. Every man and woman on the detail will remember it forever.

With the casket placed and Honors rendered, my detail and I slide into the empty pew. The Preacher remembered it after all.

It’s a sea of black faces. The Soldiers of my detail are the only white faces here. I’m the darkest one of us, and that’s mostly sun blasted tan.

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see the Widow. Despite her family, despite Captain Parrish, she is as alone as it is possible to get. Even the family seems to unconsciously lean away from her, as if they are afraid to catch something.

I study the pictures of the Soldier to either side of the casket. I don’t know him, I’ve never seen him. Neither has any of my detail. But then, that’s why we’re here. That’s why the family shrinks from the Widow. That’s why the pall over this funeral is even darker.

He was a Sergeant First Class on his second tour in Iraq, unexpectedly extended with no notice. Stationed up by Mosul. A real hellhole.

I learned the rest from Captain Parrish, it had all spilled from the Widow in a horrible instant in her living room. Keisha wasn’t supposed to talk about it with anyone, but some burdens are too heavy to bear alone, and we’d served together in other places.

She’d been angry, alone, and scared. The last time her husband had deployed, three of his squad had been killed and she’d seen their families crushed by the loss. It ate at her. She irrationally blamed him for the feelings. They tried to talk when they could, but every talk ended in an argument. He was too distracted to care about her. That’s how it felt anyway.

He was probably too concerned with surviving the next day.

She was angry, alone, and scared. Maybe if she’d talked to a chaplain or a counselor things would have been different. But she hadn’t. And it wasn’t It started at, of all things, a church picnic. A charming guy; funny, a good listener. He was harmless, until he wasn’t. She met him for a couple lunches and he fed her compliments. Eventually, of course, it happened. She wasn’t thinking clearly, because she did the one thing she’d always thought she would never do. And as disappointed in herself as she was, she was still angry and fearful, though she didn’t feel so alone. So began months of surreptitious meetings, though she certainly wasn’t as discreet as she thought. She was as angry at herself as she was at her husband, and decided she needed to have it out with him. She wrote a letter, written entirely in one drunken evening, blaming him for everything, revealing the affair.

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The Girls ClubChapter 13 A daddy Again

It was shortly after lunch, and a quick shower at the apartment that Tony arrived at Joan's house. Joan met him on the doorstep, and flung her arms round his neck. It was the same every time they had met, since her eviction of John. Tony had not pressed charges, after John's attempt to kill him, but only on condition that he stayed away from her. The warning had not been necessary, as he was now remanded in custody, waiting for trial on a long list of offences. Over the past few weeks,...

4 years ago
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Threesome Anal StrapOn Angela

I had just began to really find myself sexually by my 3rd year of university. I had found out that I love anal sex, especially with myself and my ever growing set of toys. I had found out that I am a squirter and I learned complete control over the muscles that allow me to cum over and over on will. And while I had not had very many men in my life I had begun to be more comfortable with the fact that men do in fact find me attractive. I had spent a long time being jealous of women with curves,...

1 year ago
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A Wedding Day to Remember Ch 02

Terry lays down the law.I could not shake that feeling that they had taken me to yet, because of either damn luck or maybe on purpose; they would not take me to that climax, that big one that I had felt building and building as they used me. They came several times, and I only had that one small climax. Needless to say, I felt that I had been cheated, not being able to achieve that climax that I had wanted and at the time felt that I needed so bad. I was glad that Sandy and Terry did not want...

2 years ago
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Do I Just Rob Or Do More

It's quitting time for you. Just another Friday afternoon. You are looking forward to the weekend; the kids are going to grammas tonight and maybe you can convince her to keep them one more night and then you can have the place to yourself; just you and your b/f! You get in you car and don't notice the black truck that was driving by but has stopped now. You start up your car, turn on the music and air, and drive home oblivious to your surroundings. I watch as you drive off and think,...

1 year ago
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The Christmas Gift Part 2

The Return of Mrs. Claus I had spent the whole day washing one of my Christmas Eve outfits, over and over again, trying to get the smell of mothballs out of the fabric, what little fabric there was. There really wasn't much to it. A Sexy Santa under-wired bra with fur trim and a ruched miniskirt with a polka dot bow and candy cane . It was the last outfit that I had bought before Jeff's death. Memories of Jeff came flooding back to me but only for a moment before thoughts of the man that was...

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Only Fans! I love the social media generation. I’m not saying I’m big into tweeting or twittling or whatever, but I love that there’s this whole culture of beautiful women sharing photos of themselves, trying to out-sexy all their friends. One big complaint I have is that most social media sites still don’t really allow nudes. Take a guess why I was so excited to hear about OnlyFans.If you’re into naked girls, and I’m sure you are, you’ve probably heard rumblings about this site. I’ve heard it...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
4 years ago
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Savita Bhabhi Episode 50

Three men outside a dance Bar: ‘Are we really going to a dance bar? I thought they were all shut down.’ One of them raises the question. ‘there are still a few secret ones open’ another guy says The third one, excitedly-‘yah! This one has the sexiest randis bhai!’ All three enter the dance bar and are thrilled to see young men and women dancing and drinking. Most of the women were dressed in tight skimpy clothes bringing much pleasure to the eyes of men. ‘wow! Kya maal hai!’ expresses the guy...

1 year ago
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Nashili Kaamwali Ka Nasha

Hi friends mera name rahul hai or mein Haryana ka rehne wala hoon meri height 5.11” hai aur dick size 8” lenth and 3” mota hai, nd mujhe pyaar batna bahut acha lagta hai. plzz do mail me my email is . and mujhe lagta hai ke “if u want pleasure, u have to give pleasure”. agar app apna 100% doge to apko. I am 26 year nd my body is in a gud shape. ye story mere kaamwali ki hai uski age koi 28 ke karib ki hai and woh married hai (newlly married). uska naam sunita hai or dikhne mein bahut jayada...

2 years ago
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My Friends Daughter Chapter 5

All persons in this story are over the age of 18. This story is complete and utter fiction. But please read on for your personal enjoyment. I would also recommend that you read the previous four chapters, My Friend’s Daughter chapters 1, 2, 3 and 4 for a better understanding of the story. Also feedback and comments are encouraged and welcomed. Thank you for reading and for voting.My Friend’s DaughterChapter 5 If you haven’t read Chapters 1,2, 3 and 4. I suggest you do as it will give you...

4 years ago
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A Little Bitty Tear Let Me DownChapter 2

Unfortunately for her she must have hit the window a little too hard. Just as the police arrived, the windowpane shattered and Sally cut her arm quite badly on the shards. It seemed that only a couple of moments passed before the paramedics and ambulance arrived. I assume the police called them; I didn't! Then I had a policeman knocking on the door. I'd watched him talk to both Sally and Robert before he did so. "Good morning, sir. Would you like to give me your side of this little...

3 years ago
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By the Lake and in the Van

It was his turn to receive so after moving to his back, I went to my knees. It didn’t take much to find his dick that night as the stars shown on his skin. I still think he has the most beautiful dick I’ve ever seen. I slid my hand over his smooth hard shaft and lowered my head till my lips touched his head. I parted my lips slowly building up till they were completely open and my mouth enveloped him. I felt him hard in my mouth and my hand as the wetness of my mouth coated him and I could...

1 year ago
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Something to be Thankful for

She had just turned eighteen and she was smoking hot. Long, wavy black hair than hung halfway down her back, plump lips, sexy brown eyes, an adorable little button nose, little B cup titties that would just be enough for a handful, a slender waist, and an ass that looked very spankable. He walked downstairs and found his mom in the kitchen, cooking up a storm. "Anything I can help with", he asked after hugging her. She handed him a bowl with potatoes that needed to be mashed and pointed to...

3 years ago
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A Thousand Words Part Two

With her husband presumably out of the country, Rhea decides to do a little shopping for his homecoming present. http://i.imgur.com/Nozunbh.jpg Rhea mulled over the events of the recent past as she drove towards her destination. More so than yoga, it was driving that gave her a sense of tranquil. Especially when she was driving her black Porsche Cayenne, which she affectionately referred to as The Pearl. She turned off the main road and sped down an almost empty inroad towards the old...

1 year ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 674

The Grounds Just Outside Ship Jeff turned to Sergeant Higgins, who had come roaring up in a Humvee, followed by numerous other Security personnel. “Sergeant, take command here. Secure that weapon,” he said, motioning to the pulse rifle lying a few feet from the body. “Everything is bound to be recorded because of all the Security cameras, and I imagine Ship has a recording also. I suggest that you delegate someone to go with the pilots so they can give their statements. She will provide...

4 years ago
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Sex With A Hot Maid Christmas Gift

Hi everyone hope all is well .As all old readers know me, for new readers I’m romil from ahmedabad gujarat. Last story me kafi mail aye girls k b jinme se kai logo ko satisfaction de chuka hu aur sex chat b kar raha hu I’m with good physics average looks and most important having a tool which is capable to satisfy any girl or aunty . Koi b ladki aunty bhabhi ya koi çouple jo intended ho muje mail kare privacy and satisfaction guaranteed so coming to the story which happened before a week,...

2 years ago
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One Seductive Night

The scent of a home-cooked meal greeted Michelle when she walked in the door, surprising her and her stomach. It tightened in anticipation for the promising flavors that should by all means accompany the smells. Before she could take off her coat, her husband Pete rounded the corner and greeted her with a long kiss. "Well, this is a surprise," she said, after kissing him back and welcoming his warm embrace. "How did you manage to get home before me?" She sniffed the air and added, "and what in...

2 years ago
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curva curvelor

Aventuri cu cea mai curva dintre curve.Sotia mea. 2 A trecut o saptamîna de cînd eu si sotia mea Lili am fost fututi de Doru,un pustan super dragut .Am mai încercat sa i-o sug unui coleg de munca la care am fost in vizita dar era prea beat ca sa i se scoale.M-am multumit sa-i fut nevasta care toata noaptea, cît am stat la masa, m-a mîngîiat cu picioarele pe pula.Mi-a parut rau ca nu a venit si Lili .Aveam ocazia sa o vad în actiune cu o femeie, sigur fiind ca nu ar fi refuzat.Dar sa va spun ce...

3 years ago
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The Man Opposite Door Part 8211 2

This indian sex story is a continuation too, ‘The Man Opposite Door’. Even if you have not read the previous part, you carry on with this part. Though for more details about the protagonist and their stats, refer to the older part. For feedbacks and suggestions, message me on . I could feel a heavy arm around my waist and could feel a strong chest instead of my pillow. And slowly the happenings of yesterday night came to mind. I could feel the warmth from Arjun’s body, spreading into mine....

3 years ago
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Discovering I Want to be a Girl

I'll never forget the first time I experienced being a girl. I had been dating my girlfriend for some time, and she was very shy and quite sexually inhibited. I on the other hand was a raging deviant, and with time we had started to do more and more daring things. Using toys was first. We bought her a 7 inch pink dildo, and watching her come as she laid on the bed was so horny. A beautiful redhead, with white skin and freckles, me watching her face as the cock slid in and out of her. Seeing her...

1 year ago
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My Friend

My Friend By Karen Hansen I hear the doorbell ring and let in my friend, Chris. I was wondering... almost hoping somehow he'd change his mind or some type of emergency would call him away. But he's here and really jazzed about idea. Any other time, this would be a great day as I watch him walk into bathroom to begin showering and shaving off the body hair. My stomach tightens as I sit on the sofa, with a glass of wine, trying to relax while the whole thing runs through my mind....

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The Offering

The janitor was far from surprised to see light streaming from beneath the door bearing the placard Cameron Baxter, Curator Antiquities, despite the late hour. With a smile and a shake of his head, he continued down the hall, planning to return at the end of his shift – as usual. Inside, Cameron tucked an errant lock of curly, walnut brown hair back behind her ear and sighed. Though she’d expected the result, the email confirming her suspicions about the small collection of late period Egyptian...

1 year ago
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Heaven Sent Chapter 1

He was walking his dog as he did every day about this same time. He had a particular path through the park by his Allentown, Pennsylvania home that weaved it's way through the park and ended up being a measured mile when the circuit was completed. He had just reached the halfway point and was on his way back home when suddenly his dog started behaving very strangely. "What is it, Maggie? What's wrong, girl?" he asked his three-year-old German Shepherd. She had frozen in place, looking straight...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Kylie Page Between Her Tits

Ryan Driller’s book doesn’t stand a chance when busty babe Kylie Page struts into the room wearing a robe and high heels. The robe falls to the ground, revealing a sheer bra and panties that reveal every luscious curve. When she pushes Ryan onto the couch so that he knows that she’s in charge, he’s happy to let her have her way. Reaching up to fondle and squeeze Kylie’s tits, Ryan lets her run her soft hands all over his heated body. He pays plenty of attention to...

2 years ago
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Jamaica Vacation

While watching interracial porn, where white ladies on vacation in Jamaica were long dicked by natives, my girlfriend Cindy admitted to me that she had been fucked by a black guy while in high school. After watching the porn, she related the following story to me.She told me a black guy would catch her alone and repeatedly tell her he was going to fuck her. The rumor around school was that he was on a quest to fuck as many white girls as possible. Rumor also had it that he had been very...

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Becoming Emily Part XI

“Are you sure that you’re only 18?” his eyes continually scanned my young naked body.“Yeah. Why?” “You certainly don’t fuck like an 18 year old.”“Had that cock in a lot of 18 year old pussy?”“A few.” he laughed. “And I have never had one that fucks as good as you.” I felt a beam of pride at knowing that I was a good lay. “When was your first time?”“My first time?” this was something that I had yet to even think about. I mean I really couldn’t tell him that my first time was just a couple weeks...

2 years ago
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No Panties Friday

No Panties FridayThe Journey to Workby Kinky TashaEarly one Friday morning, somewhere on the outskirts of the fair city of Perth, Dr Mia Rose was rudely awoken by a noisy council refuge vehicle which had stopped momentarily, down on the street right beneath her bedroom window, to empty half a dozen rubbish packed wheelie bins. Dr Rose glanced over towards her brightly lite red LED clock which sat upon her dressing table to see that it was only 0630 hours, so she rolled over on to her side,...

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