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The reminder tone from my computer roused me from my book. Well I think it did, the book wasn't very good so I could well have been dozing.

That tone told me that it was twenty past four and very shortly Betty my secretary would be in with yet another cup of coffee; the last cup she'd bring me that day before she went home. Anyway I liked it to look like I was actually working whenever she popped into my office; it gave me my excuse for staying at the office until well after six every evening.

To be truthful there wasn't really much for me to do, the guys did almost everything; I just read a few reports and tried to look like I was busy when anyone looked in on me. Well it kept me occupied and out of the golf club until it was time for me to have dinner at seven thirty.

On cue a few seconds later there was a gentle tap on the door and then Betty came in carrying my coffee.

"You off now Betty?"

"Not quite Mr Wilbury, I'm afraid that Mrs Wilbury is outside and she wish's to see you. Shall I show her in?"

"Shit!" I replied.

Betty didn't flinch at the comment; I suspect it was what she expected to hear me say or something like it anyway.

"Yes please Betty, and you'd better bring her a coffee or something as well. Then you scoot off home, I don't want Bill or the children blaming me because their tea is late."

"Thanks John, I'll see you in the morning."

"If I'm still alive, that woman makes me want to commit hara-kiri."

"Oh, she's not that bad. She just seems to have a problem with you."

"You don't know the bitch like I do, Betty." I told her.

Betty smiled back at me, and then opening the door waved Mrs Helena Fordyce-Wilbury into my office asking her what she'd like as a beverage as she did so.

In the usual dismissive tone that she used to anyone she didn't consider her equal, Helena snapped. "Tea please, Earl Grey if you have it?"

With a smile, Betty was gone.

Helena stepped over to my desk and took a seat opposite me. Immediately I realised that something was troubling her; Helena was avoiding eye contact with me.

Now just because her name is Wilbury, I don't want anyone to go getting the idea that we were related. Well we were related but we aren't blood relatives or anything like that. Although, I suppose some folks might consider that we were, because Helena was my deceased brother's widow. Anyway I'm sure you understand what I'm getting at.

Where was I, I lost myself for a minute. Which isn't very surprising where Helena Fordyce-Wilbury is concerned, she's enough to send any levelheaded man into the nut house.

Christ, I had never been able to stand the sight of the woman. Eh ... all right, maybe a bit of an exaggeration, because Helena had a figure to die for and a very attractive face. But she was just about the biggest bitch it had ever been my misfortune to encounter.

The trouble was she had my brother mesmerised from the moment he clapped eyes on her. I can't say I could blame him, if she could keep that trap of hers shut for long enough at one time I'm sure I'd have been tempted as well. Not that the likes of me would ever get the chance to get into Helena's knickers.

I really suppose that I'd better go back to when I first ran into Helena Fordyce. I was in college back then and by the look of how I dressed and behaved I suppose most people would have considered me to have been a bit of a tearaway. Personally, at the time I figured that I was the local incarnation of Arthur Herbert Fonzarelli, the Fonz to most people. Like Fonzie I sported a tight pair of denims and a leather jacket. And I'm not blowing my own trumpet here when I say that I had no shortage of females volunteering to ride pillion on my Moto Guzzi. Yeah well, I was god's gift to the girls at my college and didn't I — and everyone else around town - just know it.

Okay so where does Helena Fordyce come into the equation, you ask. Well every street has two ends. I stood at one end, a down to earth handsome young man, and Helena stood at the other end. What's the nearest parallel I can draw? Oh yeah, you remember those flash moneyed birds in the film Clueless? Yeah well, take your pick Helena was a dead ringer for one of them, with one slight exception. Helena was a real looker; she dressed impeccably and very sexily, care of Daddy's credit card. But she was also exceedingly intelligent.

So bright in fact that she was the star turn at any student prize giving that she ever attended. Yeah well, I never did get invited to many of those kinds of do's. Except maybe for where - another part of the equation stepped in - my brother Brian was concerned. Brian had always been bright; nerdy type bright if you know what I mean.

Whereas I kind-a scraped by, by the seat of my pants; Brian waltzed through his education without having to work-up a sweat.

No one, and I mean absolutely no one, could ever have mistaken Brian for me. We didn't look like each other, he couldn't ride a motorbike to save his own life, and he was about as good with the females as your average brick. I'll get back to Brian later; let's get back to Helena and my history.

Well, I'd taken one look at Helena and figured that she'd look real good on the rear seat of my Guzzi. The problem was Helena had taken one look at my bike and realised that it wasn't a sports car. What's more, she considered that the guy sitting astride the thing was a complete moron. A conclusion that - with hindsight - I think she was most probably correct in coming to, at the time.

Yeah, I tried giving her all the old bull, but she wasn't about to fall for any of it, and extremely eloquently told me to sling my hook. I'd given it my best shot without success so I moved on to pastures new and more fertile.

Would I? Yeah any guy would have been a fool not to; man that girl had just about everything a randy little shit like me could want at the time. But there were other fish to fry that didn't call for me to suck up to a stuck-up bitch like Helena Fordyce.

As time passed I saw Helena around college and the town quite a bit. We never spoke, more like looked daggers at each other. You know what really pissed me off? If ever I looked her way the bitch would be staring back at me with a hateful expression in her eyes; I knew the bitch was making sarcastic remarks about me to her mates. Things went on like that right up until the day she vanished.

At the time I had no idea where she went and I didn't much care. Not for one second did I draw any comparison with the fact that my little brother Brian had gone off to University at about the same time.

On leaving college I'd found myself a job with what I thought was a property maintenance company. Not quite humping bricks around, but near enough. I was a kind of office boy come general dogsbody. But the old boy who owned the place kind-a took a shine to me.

It wasn't until I had actually got the job that I discovered we did maintenance of particular types of property, i.e. Banks and medium to high security installations. It was a pretty big surprise to me that I'd ever passed the vetting procedure. But then again, a bit of a Jack the lad with the ladies, I might have been; but besides a couple of traffic violations, I'd never been in trouble with the law.

Anyway I settled in and over the following few years became part of the organisation, not a big part, but a pretty important part because nearly all the paperwork — contracts, quotes, bills and the like eventually passed across my desk. But that was in the future; to start with I was everybody's dogsbody, but that had the advantage that I got to know all the grunts. You know, the guys that actually did carry the brick and got their hands dirty.

My brother Brian was away at university for three years. He did come home for the holidays and the like, not that I ever saw much of him. We'd always moved in different circles, it seemed even more so since he'd gone away to Uni. I did hear that he was dating a girl at Uni, but Brian was always pretty tight lipped about his love life. I don't know why, but I kind-a got the feeling he was scared that I'd steal his girlfriends from him.

I've no idea why I got that feeling, maybe I'd chatted up girls Brian had had his eye on when we were younger. But if I had it was never intentional. As I tried to explain earlier, I had the gift of the gab and most — but not all — eligible females seemed to fall at my feet. My little brother was a complete nerd.

But things had changed once I was in full time work. Just a few weeks after getting my job I'd met Catherine. They say that there's a woman for every man and as far as I was concerned Catherine was the one intended for me. Shortly after we started dating my beloved Motor Guzzi was consigned to the back of the garage to be replaced as my means of transport by a rather flash if very ancient Mercedes.

Damn thing cost an arm and a leg in service bills and drank the juice like it was going out of style, but it did have a very comfortable rear seat and plenty of room to party. Catherine loved that car and so did I.

Around the same time I had to do something drastic about my nickname as well. Being named after a TV character is all very well when you're young, but it didn't go down too well in the office, or with Catherine's folks either. Trying to get rid of a nickname that just about everyone — including your brother and sister — calls you by, isn't as easy as it sounds. What really surprised me was the amount of people who thought my name really was Fonzarelli; I'd been known as Fonzi for so long.

It took a year or so and even now, what some fifteen something odd years later, some folks still refer to me as Fonzi on occasions. Anyway eventually I got the idea over to most folks that I was John Wilbury.

Catherine and I got engaged after we'd been together about a year and we were soon talking about the big day, although that was to be another year away.

Brian got into the habit - when he came home from Uni for the holidays - of borrowing my Merc to take his secret girlfriend out in. Catherine and me settling for the Moto Guzzi for a change; I still kept the beast legal, she was like an old friend.

I never pushed Brian on the identity of this secret love of his; I'm not sure why, perhaps for the reason I mentioned earlier. But my sister Gwen gave the poor bugger some real stick for not letting on who he was dating. Gwen even inferring to me on occasion, that she was worried that Brian might be gay. That was one fear I felt I was pretty safe on allaying; I'd seen the way Brian's tongue hung out when he met some of my girlfriends when we were younger.

It was about a week before my wedding when Gwen met Brian's girlfriend for the first time, and boy did she get a shock. She was shocked enough to burst into my bedroom at three in the morning and wake me to tell me about it.

"John, John wake up! You'll never believe this, Brian's girlfriend is that Fordyce bitch!"

Now I suppose I'd better explain here that Gwen is my little sister and in her eyes her big brother could do no wrong. My enemy was Gwen's enemy and there was no discussion to it. What comments Helena Fordyce had made about me within Gwen's hearing I never found out, or maybe Gwen had just picked up on the animosity somehow. Anyway as far as Gwen was concerned, Helena Fordyce was — or had been - a non-person.

I had to work quite hard on Gwen to persuade her that if Helena was Brian's girlfriend she should treat her as she would mine i.e. Catherine. Not that I ever think there was any love lost between Gwen and Helena.

I was to gather that it had been quite a shock to Helena when she learnt that Brian and I were brothers. Like most people in our peer group Helena had only known me as Fonzi. To learn that my real name was John Wilbury must have been quite a surprise for her. Oh, somehow she knew that Gwen was my sister — she must have heard it somewhere around town, although they had never really known each other — so when Brian introduced the two of them, it must have been a real shock for Helena.

Probably almost as big a shock as Gwen had got, when she realised what a good-looking girl her brother had managed to net. Brian hadn't been short-changed in the old looks department, but he definitely never had a way with words. Poor bugger was usually pretty tongue tied, around pretty women when he was younger.

I first clapped eyes on Helena again at the reception. Although I do think, with all those people sitting in the church it must have been Helena's eyes that nearly burnt a hole on the back of my neck. Come on, you know the sensation; everyone was watching Catherine and I during the service; but since I'd first met her years before, I'd always got that particular sensation when Helena was around somewhere.

Brian introduced us at the receiving line. Helena was polite and even gave me a kiss on the cheek, but her eyes said something different. Never could put my finger on exactly what, eventually I decided it had to be hate. What I'd ever done to the girl, except ask her out on a date I never had been able to figure out.

As far as Helena and Catherine's relationship went. Well, it never could have been considered anything other than undeclared war. They would be polite to each other but that atmosphere was always there, like something about to explode just under the surface. The odd thing was, I could remember the two of them hanging around together quite a lot when they were younger.

But they must have had a serious bust-up about something somewhere along the line. About the only time I ever heard my Catherine use profane language was when the subject of Helena came up. I asked her several times what the war was all about, but I never did get a straight answer.

Life went on and eventually Brian and Helena graduated and got married themselves. Unfortunately I couldn't attend their wedding, because I was involved in a road accident three days before. Yeah, my beloved Motor Guzzi went to that great scrap yard in the sky. I spent several months in hospital with a compound fracture of my lower left leg and an assortment of other somewhat more minor fractures.

Quite nasty really, but eventually it did net me nearly thirty-five thousand in compensation from the drunk bastard who ploughed into me's insurance company. That cash was to turn out to be very useful less than two years later.

It took me — and all the staff - at my firm by complete surprise when the old guy who owned the place had his heart attack and trotted off to ride my Moto Guzzi. I really think the guy was a frustrated biker, because he always would natter on to me about motorbikes; often digging out his pictures of himself as a young man on his old ex army Norton.

Anyway, if the shock of the old boy's death wasn't big enough, the news that his heirs had sold the company to our main rival, really did kick us all in the teeth.

A large group of us — my fellow employees and I - were sitting in the pub after we got the news that the company had been bought for its contracts and every last one of us was going be made redundant. When I realised that tucked away in my head somewhere were the details of every contract the company had and more importantly, their value and renewal dates.

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A cure for Stuttering

"Aunt S-S-S-Sara," Jeremy stutters as his eyes bulge out towards my tanned globes, hanging just inches from his face. As I stand up, I can't help but notice that his eyes aren't the only things that are bulging at the moment. I guess that answers the question! "Your mother thinks your gay," I tell him matter-of-factly as his eyes roam from my tits down to the tiny triangle of material disappearing between my legs. "G-G-Gay?" he looks at me incredulously. "W-w-w-why w-w-would...

2 years ago
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Bike Rides With Rima Kolkata

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers this is my first story… So koi mistake hua toh maaf kardena… Mai raghu from kolkata, mera age 24years hai… Average built body, 7″ lamba nd 4.5″ mota lund jo kisi ki bhi bhukh ko mita de… Funny nd caring bhi hu… Jiske wajah se girls mujhe bahut pasand karti hai… Mera graduation completed hai… and higher studies k sath khud ka business bhi chalata hu… Ap apna comments jarur karey… pe mail bheje ya hangouts . Toh story pe atey hai.. Mai apna business k...

2 years ago
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First Time This is just an old story I found the

My head swirled with thoughts that I could not control. He was in my bed, laying on top of the satin sheets that covered the king sized mattress. He smiled warmly at me and sat up, awaiting my next move. I thought about what I wanted to do to him, and what I wanted him to do to me. I wanted to feel his warm hands on my skin. My fingers itched to run through his auburn hair. I yearned to caress my mouth against his, to have our bodies pressed against one another. His eyes stared into mine; I...

2 years ago
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I turned my wife into a cock sucking slut

Chapter one I got married at 21, my wife, Debbie, was just 17, she wasn’t always a slut and when we first started dating I was only the second guy she ever screwed. She was a Catholic school girl that came from a well to do family and they were very strict. She was a brunette, with big tits and a rather chubby body, but all in all she was pretty cute. She was a cousin to my friend and had known her for 5 years before we ever...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Ivy Lebelle Pin Up Beauty

Sexy hot and wild pinup babe Ivy Lebelle just can not contain those beautiful tits of hers. No matter what they just want to pop on out no matter the outfit she wears. Small Hands is not a man to complain and will even help her get out of those clothes if need be! She loves to be a naughty girl as she strips down letting those tits fly free and smiles mischievously when she shows off that sexy trimmed pussy! Small Hands fucks her from all the best angles penetrating that tight pussy deep with...

1 year ago
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Fleet Veterans

I joined the fleet marines as soon as I turned seventeen. Four years later I was a gunnery sergeant and the war ended. Everyone that had brains knew the fleet would get a lot smaller. The war had been going on for seven years. Hundreds of thousands had died and many times that had been wounded. The empire had gone from eight standing fleets to sixteen, now it was going to shrink. I began to plan and make contacts in support and supply depots. I also began looking for others that would be...

2 years ago
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Lost Empire 80

0003 - Conner- Thomas 0097 - Ace - Zimmel 0098 - Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) 0125 - Lars 0130 - Gillese 0200 - Ellen 0250 - Tendra 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human) 0805 - Toran 0808 - Radella 0881 - Handrax 0908 - Tara - Mara 1000 - Sherry -------------------------- Ungrown - unnumbered ------------------------ 0100 - Derry (father ship) Rescued from Tendraxians so far ----------------------- 4 on Shelby 2 in re-gen 8 on...

2 years ago
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DemiGodChapter 4 Power and Responsibility

To say that Gary was suitably impressed with Pauline was something of an understatement. After cheerleading practice the next day, Jake found her waiting docilely at the front steps of the school for her Master to pick her up. She got in his car without comment, knowing what service she was supposed to provide that night. Her demeanor was subdued, even pensive as they stopped at Gary's house and stepped inside, but she did not resist in any way. This was what her owner required of her, and...

3 years ago
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Discipline Correspondant

The Discipline Correspondence School. The Submissive woman after searching the internet located an interesting site. She could not believe her eyes, it was exactly what she was looking for discipline orientated site that would actually tailor its levels to the Sub. Eagerly she joined and filled out her Submissive questionnaire. The next few hours were exquisite torture for her, what would be her first lesson. And would she be able to complete the tasks, if not what would they demand as...

2 years ago
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How i fucked army lady

Hi iss readers this is Rohit hope u remember me i had posted this half story long back . I got good response from belgaum city and near by . I got many mails . And i was inspired to write the full story so i am continuing it hope u ll enjoy it . I am writing story again from beginning . Now it starts…First of all before starting let me thank to the most best site in india for sex stories indian sex stories . This is a wonderful site and this sites has inspired me a lot . Before starting i yuke...

3 years ago
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The other man0

Sexually Don and I got along very well. We tried it in various positions and various places. We seemed to do it every chance we got. Although we didn’t really do any kinky stuff, we talked about different things as we screwed which made things extremely exciting and resulted in mind blowing orgasms for both of us. We talked about dominance and submission, public sex, swinging with other couples, two women together and even two men together. One of the things Don liked to talk about...

1 year ago
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Blood BondsChapter 7

It was almost dawn. They were walking slowly, Nicole leading the way while a few feet behind her Ethan traced the tiny path in front of them, mindful of his surroundings. His eyes darted this way and that with a nervousness compounded by the lack of sleep. Each tree, bush and grove ahead seemed to him a perfect place for an ambush, but none carried the tell-tale signs. Nature all around them continued to be ever present; the plentiful cries of small monkeys and night-birds mingled with the...

3 years ago
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My Isekai Life in DD FireChapter 25 Isekai Life Dancing at the Mouse

With the haycarts still burning, we had no other choice but to make a way out through one of the manufactories. We chose one that lead in the direction we wanted to go, and Katriana smashed the chains open with her warhammer. I felt a little bad, so I cast Mending on the padlock while we made our way though- at least this way the owner wouldn’t be out an expensive, precision-made device, and besides that, the square was probably going to be crawling with guards as soon as they could access...

3 years ago
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Advice for Voyeurs A Public Sex Story

Last weekend, my BF and I set out to have sex in a local park. We go there often and know where the good spots are if we want to get caught. We went to a spot where we knew we had a good chance of being seen, yet it isn’t out in the open enough to really get in trouble. We parked and went to the edge of the woods about 50 yards from the parking area. We stood there and made out and started taking off each other’s clothes. This spot seems to attract people who want to catch someone because any...

4 years ago
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What was Angus Thinking

Angus Reese was abit drunk and really high but that didn’t explain the sudden curiosity about how boys have sex. Sure, he’d seen a few pornos and, as any good liberal should, attended his fair share of gay pride parades, usually with lesbian friends. He liked pussy and a fair set of tits bouncing from just above the opening of a silk blouse rocked his johnny something fierce. But as some distant intellectual exercise, Angus wondered just exactly how blokes, well, did it. The whole “similar body...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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The Psycho Stalker Who Blew Me Middle 8211 Part 2

Hello everyone on Indian sex stories. I thank Indian sex stories for giving me this opportunity. This is Aadristh from India.This is my next submission to Indian sex stories and enjoy this story. For feedbacks and comments I will be reachable at About me : am Aadristh, 25 years guy studying at Bangalore (India). This is a true experience of mine.This has been put up on ISS after telling her so.This happened a few days back.For long,i was chatting on a online forum with a 18 year old girl who...

3 years ago
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Naughty School Girl

I was pretty tall I suppose, always stood an inch or two higher than the rest of the girls in my class, even though I was slim too. I was mostly legs, which I suppose are my best feature, my thighs were slightly bigger than any other girl of my body shape, not too much, it just gave them a nice curve before my hips, very womanly. I worked my way up my body in the mirror, my body hinting only slightly at a hourglass shape figure. I had small-ish boobs for my age, as the rest of the...

1 year ago
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Daddy a chevy oxy

"Let's get going," daddy told me. He seemed like he was kind of in a rush. And I understand it was late in the afternoon. As we climbed into his truck he told me that we needed to make one more stop. "Where?" I asked. "We need to go to the Brown Derby,"  he said. That was a local store where we got our alcohol. I smiled knowing it was going to be one of those nights. We stopped at the Brown Derby and Daddy got himself some Captain Morgan. My father loved drinking Captain...

3 years ago
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Craiglist MemoriesRound 2

So, it was just a week till I got an email from the sexy soon to be mom. She let me know how wonderful last time was and is seeing if I am free tomorrow evening after her shift. I am, but the bad news is I have work early in the morning so won’t be able to stay past 9. She says we can get a lot done during those 3 hours, and we sure did. So, I come over at the right time, and saw no one home. 5 mins later a car pulled up, and I got tight assed really quick. Fortunately for me, it was her....

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My wife and I were invited over to our friend’s house. I’ve known Roger and Heather for as long as I have been married, which is coming up to ten years. My wife has known them for longer as do her parents, well my mother in law any way, as my father in law is no longer around. Roger and Heather both live a very extravagant life style, and both are very open in their sexual habits. They are not married, but have lived together for more than twenty years. They love each other, but both have...

1 year ago
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Monica and Sandi

orgasm of the evening. Light sparkled off the sweat that poured over her creamy skin. Her bountiful breasts heaved in ecstasy as Monica ate out the blonde's tasty pussy. The taste of strawberries was unmistakable. (That was a great idea that Sandi had with the whip cream and ripe berries.) Her new craving for tongue was insatiable; Monica ran her tongue over the prickly surface of Sandi's shaved twat. To watch them it would be difficult to tell that this was only Sandi's first...

1 year ago
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January 1964 My sisters Boyfriends mate

January 1st 1964My family were using the flat in the basement of the hotel this winter because the hotel was being redecorated for the summer season, My sisters and I were using our bedrooms on the first floor, until they were needed for decoration, I was about 17 ½ now, The sexual encounter I’m going to write about happened the morning after my parents had given a New Years party, I went down to get a drink of water at about 04.30. I went into the kitchen and poured myself a glass and decided...

2 years ago
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My first sex expierence with my chachi

Hi m karan roy and a regular ISS reader.This story is about my first sex expierence with my chachi.First i explain she is 35 years round ass ,juicy lips and figure around 34-26-34.I had a great owner for her and didn’t looked her with wrong sense.But as i grow i don’t know when this owner changed into love.I tried to see every part of her body with all possible view as she was making charts for her son on the floor i used to sit on the bed so see her boobs,when she goes to bathroom i used to...

1 year ago
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Grandma Madelines First Gloryhole

I remember one night after dinner we sat on the couch together, enjoying a casual conversation, however like most of our conversations it turned into a sexual conversation. “So what is a sexual desire you have, anything kinky?” My grandma asked I sat there, shocked looking at my grandma. “What do you mean grandma” “I mean what kind of fantasies do you have or what do you wanna try?” “Uh...well...I’m haha wow I’m not sure” “Oh come on Michael what do you wanna try. I’m serious let’s...

2 years ago
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Home Again part 2

Katy walks slowly backwards towards the bedroom. Her eyes are fixed on mine. Her hand is still under my chin as she guides me to follow her. She stops as we reach the side of the bed, then pats her hand twice on the bedspread. I sit up straight on the bed, place my stockinged feet on the floor and look at the wall in front of me. This is how she trained me early in our relationship, and now it's a routine that I would not dream of questioning. I stare at the wall, as Katy walks across the...

1 year ago
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Yoga Teacher

Jennifer c***ds - Yoga One Something about spending time on a hot, secluded beach made Jack wonder if there would be enough time for both he and Jen to get in one last romantic memory before he had to return to San Francisco. Leafing through the color brochure he’d found at the hotel, one page caught his attention.“Afternoon in Paradise” was how it began. “Imagine you and your sweetheart being whisked away to a private tropical paradise. Enjoy your privacy on a special hidden beach with a...

2 years ago
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TJ MorgChapter 95

TJ had been fully occupied and had let his net slide for a watch or two. He got back to it while Allie and Kat were resting. One of his contacts had posted an unconfirmed report that Sema was destroyed based on assessments of the last vids of the Armada deploying into the planet bombarding formation as it approached Sema in its n space. That same contact reported the Sema reaction mass fueling facility had been destroyed as the Armada had been approaching. The vids were attached. TJ...

3 years ago
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Tranny orgy

You can live with someone and never really know them.I was running a car wash in West Palm beach and every day I would take lunch at a cafe down the Blvd. The food was good, and cheap and I had the hots for Debbie, this built to the hilt redhead chick working there. She wasn't any great beauty but she had a body to die for. 36 DD tits. big hips and thick legs. Just my type. After a couple weeks I got the nerve to invite her to TGI Fridays for some drinks.After a few, she started talking about...

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