Lotus Flower StewChapter 4
- 3 years ago
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Fumiko, while playing the role of a dutiful, submissive, Japanese wife, was not stupid. She had married Hiroto when she was seventeen, and he was twenty-five. She had Suki ten months later. She was also quite beautiful, and Hiroto didn’t like her going out in public without him. As a result, she spent almost every waking minute taking care of Suki, exercising and doing yoga to keep fit, or doing whatever her husband required of her. Since she didn’t go out with friends, like many American women do, she had plenty of time to learn about the world via the internet, something Hiroto was unaware she even knew how to use. When Hiroto had said they would not be traveling to America to see her daughter and grandbaby, she promptly began her research, so that when an opportunity presented itself, she could take one of the most outrageous and, frankly, dangerous actions she’d ever made. That was, of course, defying her husband.
Applying for a B2 visitor’s visa was easy. It could all be done online. Going to the interview wasn’t a problem, either. While she wasn’t encouraged to go out and run around town, she wasn’t cloistered, either. The wait time for an interview was only two days, in Tokyo. Once she knew Hiroto was going away, she made the appointment. Then, using “house funds” she bought her ticket and openly defied her husband for the first time in their marriage.
By the time Hiroto found out his wife was gone, and where she had gone, she was sitting in a rocking chair, gazing raptly into the eyes of her granddaughter.
To avoid Hiroto finding out about her plans before she could employ them, Fumiko told no one of them, other than the Americans at the embassy in Tokyo. So the first knowledge Suki had of it was when the phone rang and her mother excitedly said, “Konnichiwa!” It was a moment or two before Suki could get her mother calmed down enough to learn that she was at the Will Rogers World Airport, in Oklahoma City, and was asking Suki to come get her.
The uproar was instantaneous, but short-lived. Suki still didn’t have her driver’s license. Rather than hustling things together to take babies along, Bob just said, “I’ll go get her. Make me a sign so she’ll recognize me.”
Thus it was that Fumiko Nakioto had an experience very much like her daughter had, some eighteen months previously. She found herself in a strange place in a strange land, among people whose language she wasn’t comfortable trying to use, though she spoke it better than Hiroto did. She was the one who helped Suki practice English. She was nervous. Her terror at what Hiroto would do - later - had been stuffed into a tightly closed box in her mind, but that box had cracks in it.
Basically, she was a mess when she saw a tall American coming toward the waiting room her daughter had told her to sit in, with a placard that had her name on it in Japanese characters.
Bob’s experience was also very much like his previous greeting of a Japanese woman. She looked like an older, more mature version of her daughter, poised but nervous. She was pretty, and Bob noticed that, but his primary interest was in making her comfortable. He knew she had helped Suki practice English, and Suki had taught them all a few phrases in Japanese. He used one of greeting to try to put Fumikio at ease and bowed. He smiled at her when she stood, timidly, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.
“Hi,” he said, warmly, switching to English. “I’m Bob. I guess I’m your in-law.”
“In-law?” said Fumiko, softly.
“Suki is married to my son,” explained Bob. “That makes her my daughter-in-law ... or daughter by law.” His eyebrows raised and he smiled. “Welcome to America.”
Fumiko had been strong for as long as she could be. There were only two other people in the waiting room and both were reading. This man was related to her. She could cry in front of him.
She rushed into his arms and did so.
Bob found himself holding a slightly shorter version of Suki in his arms. She was sobbing softly and trembling, and he knew she had to be scared half to death. So he just held her and patted her on her back. Eventually she calmed, and he moved his hands so she could pull away from him when she was ready. When she did so, she looked down at his shoes.
“I have dishonored you,” she whispered.
“Suki felt the same way when she got here,” said Bob, smiling. He reached to gently lift Fumiko’s chin, until her dark eyes were exposed. “By American custom, you have not dishonored either yourself or me. You have simply been honest about how you felt. Would you like to go see Suki and Kei?”
“Very much so,” said Fumiko, who was steeling her emotions in the same way she did when she knew Hiroto was going to punish her. It was the only method she knew of to bring her passions under control. She’d understood what Bob had said, but could not comprehend how such a thing could be true. The only thing she could do was keep going, until Suki could explain things to her.
Bob tried to chat on the ride to the house, which took an hour. Fumiko wasn’t used to chatting, especially with strange men. Still, his demeanor was warm and friendly in a way that made her feel safe. Slowly, she began to reply to his questions.
By the time they got to the house, she was astonished to find that she liked this strange, American man, the first man with a full, bushy beard she’d ever met.
It was only the first of many things that would transform Fumiko Nakioto’s life in a way she could never, in her wildest dreams, have imagined.
The reunion of mother and daughter, and the introduction of granddaughter to grandmother, was also emotional. When Suki cried happily - and more importantly, openly and unashamed - Fumiko worried less about her own response. She knew of Emma and Tim, of course, having been told of them in letters and phone calls. That they were there, grinning, Emma holding her own baby, made the woman feel less constrained by her own cultural norms.
“This is all so strange,” she said, in Japanese, to her daughter. “America is so strange!”
“I know,” commiserated her daughter. “But it’s also wonderful. You can do anything you want, here, Mamma.”
Fumiko raised her granddaughter in her arms slightly.
“That much is obvious,” she said.
Suki blushed, and dipped her head.
“I love him very much,” she said.
“Is he good to you?” asked Fumiko. “Does he beat you?”
“Never!” said Suki, her eyes wide. “He would never touch me in anger, Mamma. That is against custom, here.”
“Good,” sighed Fumiko. “Your father will beat me severely when he finds out what I have done.”
That’s how Suki found out that her mother had a maverick side she would never have suspected was there.
Everything was strange for Fumiko. The first meal she had in America was odd, both because of the food she was served, and because they perched her on a chair to eat it. She was used to sitting on the floor. She was also used to serving, rather than being served. When Bob picked up a plate of something called meatloaf, and handed it to her, she felt giddy. He was serving her! And he was serving her first, as if she were an honored guest!
The house these people lived in ... that her daughter lived in ... was huge, by Japanese standards. The room she was shown, and told she would sleep in, was large, with a soft bed and window that looked out into what seemed like an immense stretch of grass. Large trees were everywhere. And there were hundreds of other houses, just as big, on the streets Bob had driven her through. Most impressive, though, was the fact that these houses did not adjoin each other. There was open space between them all. She knew Hiroto would have said that was wasteful, but she loved it.
Her first night in America was spent in exhausted slumber. She didn’t even dream about Hiroto, or how she knew he would react when he returned home to find her gone. When she woke in the morning, it was to be pampered, and fed pancakes just like they had in Japan, though much thinner than the ones she prepared sometimes.
She got to hold little Kei as much as she wanted to. The rocking chair in the living room, that gave her a view through a big picture window to the street outside, was her favorite place. It was February, and snow covered everything. To her, it was a fairyland.
She soon got to know Emma, who was used to taking care of both babies while Suki was at classes. Tim’s work schedule was strange, and he slept until nine or ten in the morning. With Bob working, either at his business or in his home office, that left only Emma and the babies. It was quiet. Kei’s neck muscles were firming up, and her head wobbled only a little when she sat up. If placed on her stomach, she raised her head and kicked her legs, looking around. Anything she could grasp with her hand went straight to her mouth. She loved to be placed in a battery-assisted swing, which she would happily stay in for half an hour or more.
Ethan was still an infant. Fumiko didn’t care whose baby he was. If Emma needed to do something, Fumiko would happily hold Ethan, tickling his nose, or toes, chattering to him in a language he would later grow up hearing, learning, and speaking.
Much of what Fumiko learned about America came from her budding relationship with Emma. Fumiko’s arrival had been so unexpected, there hadn’t been time to formulate a plan for what to do about where Emma would sleep. The spare bedroom had been turned into a nursery, with two cribs in it. Emma slept with Bob, but hadn’t gotten around to moving all her “stuff” out of her old room into the master bedroom. Fumiko could be given Emma’s bed, but Emma had to sleep somewhere, too. Moving the cribs, to re-open that room as a guest room was hastily discussed while Suki was welcoming her mother to America, but they didn’t want to do that. Tim’s job required that he have a few hours in a quiet room to sleep, and putting both cribs in the master bedroom wasn’t a palatable idea, either.
The fact that Fumiko, exhausted from both stress and the trip, crashed early gave them some breathing time, and there was a relatively short discussion about what to do.
“It is no problem,” said Suki, discussing all this for the first time. “For Emma to give up her room to a guest shows respect. If we tell my mother that she moved into Bob’s room to give my mother a place to stay, she will feel honored.”
“So I can still sleep with him while she’s here?”
“My mother will not think that is unusual,” said Suki. “Just don’t let her know you are having sex.” She covered her mouth with both hands and then removed them, grinning. Bob was so preoccupied that he missed her joke about how loud Emma could be during sex. Emma merely stuck her tongue out at her sister.
“If you say so,” he said, sounding unconvinced.
“Believe me,” said Suki. “Remember when I got here, and thought I was supposed to serve Emma in the shower?”
Emma grinned.
“My mother would happily do the same for you, Bob-san. If she perceives Emma as serving you, she’ll think that’s normal.”
“You’d love that,” growled Emma.
“One Japanese woman being seduced in this house is plenty,” snorted Bob.
“It won’t be a problem,” said Suki.
And, as far as anyone could tell, it wasn’t. Fumiko seemed to take no notice of the fact that Emma slept in the same room as her father. Perhaps that was a product of knowing that, in Japan, a single mother was looked down on, and economically disadvantaged. It was very difficult for a single mother to get by in Japan. Generally speaking, no one talks about them, and most people ignore them, if they can. Fumiko may have perceived that Emma’s father was ‘taking care of her’ so she would not be destitute.
It became clear to Fumiko, though, that the love between Emma and her father was extraordinary. It was warm, effusive, all the things Fumiko knew her own daughter had never experienced with her own father.
Within three days, Fumiko decided that sending Suki to America had been the best thing that could ever have happened to her.
Fumiko observed other things in this strange house. She saw the closeness with which her daughter hugged Bob. She saw Tim, sitting between Suki and Emma, watching TV, holding hands with both of them.
And once, when she got out of bed to go get a drink of water, she saw Emma, her arms around Bob’s neck, giving him a long, soulful kiss in the kitchen. Had she had time to think about these things, she might have become concerned.
But Hiroto got back home and discovered his wife had run off to America, like an errant child.
Full of outrage, he set about going to get her.
He would drag her back.
He would punish her for her temerity.
He was tired of the women in his household dishonoring him.
Hiroto Nakioto was a misunderstood man. It could also have been said that he would better have been born a hundred years earlier than he was. Or at least before 1947.
Hiroto would have fit in perfectly with his people when the predominant belief was that all Japanese descended from the gods, and that all other races were inferior. He would have made a good samurai, at least the part of samurai that was mental.
In Japan, he could get away with thinking like that. Allowances were made for ‘throwbacks’ like Hiroto, at least as long as they didn’t cause any trouble. Compare it to those in America who are still fond of saying, “Save your Confederate money, boys, the South will rise again.” Nobody takes them seriously. They aren’t really a threat to anyone.
They are tolerated as long as they don’t do something based on their outdated beliefs that affects other people. Like fly the flag of a vanquished army. Some people are “affected” by that when they choose to get offended, instead of just deciding such actions only advertise that the “offenders” have a fondness for losers.
For Hiroto, doing something about his outmoded beliefs was when he decided to punish his errant wife the instant he saw her, instead of waiting to do so in private.
To be fair, conditions were perfect for a man like Hiroto to do something foolish.
His anger was like that of a forest fire, that rages, and then smolders for days, waiting for a fresh breeze to whip it into flame again. He had never been outside Japan, and the process of getting official permission to go to America - easy as it was - infuriated him. For Fumiko, the process of getting a visa seemed unbelievably quick and easy. For Hiroto it dragged on insufferably. And who were these Americans ... who had the temerity to think they had the right to decide whether or not he was good enough to visit their stinking country?
Then, his hate festered while he endured the (non-Japanese) passengers and crew of the plane that spent much too long getting where it was going. The food was awful as well.
He went a step further than his wife, taking a commuter flight from Will Rogers to Westheimer Airport in Norman, and then proudly showed a Pakistani cab driver the return address on an envelope that had contained a letter from the girl who had caused all this pain. He seethed as the cab took him to the place where all that had ruined his life had begun, the house of Robert Livingstone. His intent was to get his wife and daughter, put them in the same cab, and take them back to Japan. As for what he thought of as the bastard child, it could starve as far as he was concerned.
It was pure coincidence that he arrived at a time when Tim was home and Bob was not. It was also coincidental that Emma was the one who went to find out who was pounding on the front door.
Hiroto ignored the young woman who ‘admitted him’ and stalked past her, into the house. He found his wife and daughter in what looked a common area, with a couch and two upholstered chairs in it. A large flat-screen TV was mounted on one wall. Fumiko gave a squeak of what was probably a mixture of surprise and consternation, before he began punishing her. He didn’t have the long, thin cherry dowel he especially liked to whip her with, so he had to use his hand instead. He slapped her so hard he broke her lower mandible and knocked her an entire body length away. Suki, who was holding Kei after having changed her diaper, screamed, something that was ironically satisfying to Hiroto, who decided to slap his daughter as well.
Tim stood, immobile except for his head, which turned left and right as if he were some mechanized, human-looking machine. The cause of his immobility was the two naked girls standing in front of him. Emma was on the left, and Suki was on the right. This mode of dress resulted from Emma’s decision to take charge of Suki’s “education”. “Okay, to start with, it’s better if we’re naked,” she’d said. “Why?” asked Suki. She had no problem being naked with her new friend. She was just curious...
Bob made himself go limp in the chair. He had been relaxed. Now he was not. The little tarts were gone. He’d watched their jiggling butts as they scampered off to bed. He reflected on his ... situation ... and tried to figure out how things had gone so horribly wrong. They’d gone wrong with Emma, though losing her mother could be blamed for part of that. But now Suki was doing the same thing! Did all teenage girls form crushes on older men? Did all of them choose a man to trust and explore...
Had everyone slept the night through, waking up in the morning might have been entirely different than it actually was. Bob had imbibed, though, and his older bladder wasn’t happy along about three in the morning. Being on the outside of the bed, he simply got up in the dark and went to the bathroom, Braille style. He’d long ago decided turning on a light in such situations was counterproductive. He could almost stay asleep if he did things in the dark. When he touched his penis, and felt...
Suki had finally taken Fumiko to bed, lying with her until the now-exhausted woman fell asleep, and then dozing off there, herself. Bob explained everything to Tim when he got home. The next day started Tim’s two days off. He knew that Suki liked for him to wake her up when he got home, both to tell him the news of the “day” and to make love. He didn’t mind sleeping alone for one night, but couldn’t imagine what things would be like the next day. He hoped Fumiko didn’t go somewhere else. He...
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Flower....There is a young Eastern European woman working as a waitress at a local Chinese restaurant. The last 5 or 6 times we have visited I have found myself feeling very attracted to her sensually and increasingly more sexually. The desire to be with her is increasing every time I meet her and I feel I need to let her know but cannot summon the courage. I want her know how I feel and see if she feels the same for me.Yesterday we had a family party and I had just taken my seat when I saw her...
© Copyright 1999 DASTARDLY DODO ALL Rights Reserved John looked through the window of the flower shop to see if his sisters where there. He had left home after a row with his parents and hadn't seen his sisters in three years. Then, three months ago, he had heard his parents had died and he decided to come back to take care of them. Now he wondered if it was the right decision. He sighed and entered the shop. "Hey, if that isn't my favorite flower girl!" A voice boomed from the...
Book Nine: Blossoming Danger Chapter Seven: Flowering Passion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Knave Angela – Drakin Castle, The Haunted Forest Dust danced through the beams of sunlight as I raised my big, heavy tit to my mouth and licked at the salty cum staining my mound. I moaned, savoring the flavor of the swarthy orc's jizz. My tongue dragged across my pale flesh to my pink nipple coated in a glob of his cum. I sucked it into my...
I was at a restaurant, texting my girlfriend, Jessica, when it happened. I saw something that I could not and would not be able to forget. And I knew, at that precise moment, I needed to see more.I saw a cute girl walking in my direction, holding a bagel in her right hand.The girl looked like she was about 19 or 20 years old. She had brunette hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a white tank top and a light blue miniskirt. She was already showing off a lot of skin, but I still wanted to see...
I was so nervous that day. Walking quickly to the flower shop. My mind racing with so many different thoughts.What if she wasn't there today? No she was always there! What if she didn't have time to talk today? No she always made time to talk! What if she didn't want to hear what I had to say to her? I needed to stop thinking and just get to her shop.As I rounded the corner and the shop came into sight I stopped dead in my tracks and almost turned and ran the other way! My heart was pounding so...
Straight SexTracy exited the train and walked up the stairs into the midday sunshine and the Saturday Manhattan crowd. The air was thick with humidity, the crowd different from the usual hustle-and-bustle business population that dominated the weekdays. Today it was tourists, roving bands of teens, families, and shoppers who meandered about the sidewalk in varying speeds. Tracy joined the stream of pedestrians and made her way to Finey’s, one of her grandmother’s favorite dining establishments. ‘Tracy!’...
A case of nerves combined with sexual tension settled upon Tracy as the cab pulled up in front of an industrial building that had been converted to residential lofts. William put his hand on the Tracy’s back and guided the way, even though it was obvious which way to go. As he led the way to the front door, it was now Tracy’s turn to curious about William’s living space. She had a few of her own hang-ups, but they mostly had to do with taste. On the ride up the elevator, she prepared herself...
I was in an apartment laundry room when I saw them for the first time. And my cock went as hard as a rock. I've seen a lot of hot girls. I've seen a lot of girls that wore some very sexy things and that showed off a lot of skin. However, the girl that I saw on that Friday evening was one that I would never forget. The girl with the pink flowered panties. I was putting my clothes in a washing machine when the girl walked into the room. I didn't know her name or who she was. All I knew was that...
VoyeurThanks to b0b for beta reading this! Knave Angela – Drakin Castle, The Haunted Forest Dust danced through the beams of sunlight as I raised my big, heavy tit to my mouth and licked at the salty cum staining my mound. I moaned, savoring the flavor of the swarthy orc’s jizz. My tongue dragged across my pale flesh to my pink nipple coated in a glob of his cum. I sucked it into my mouth, tingles racing through me. I shivered, a heady thrill racing through me, growing with every breath. Thrak’s...
“Spread her open” said Paul as he took more pictures. The flash of the camera filled the room with light. It had been crudely decorated to look like a young girls bedroom, with brightly coloured mismatched furniture, dolls, teddies and bedclothes that read ‘Daddies Little Princess’. The whole room was covered in filth and grime, its walls adorned with dirty hands prints. Blood and cum stains. A vile smell hung in the air, powered by the stale smell of urine and excrement coming from a...
Sheathed within you to the very root, even the slightest motion, the most minute shift of hips grinding, make me cry out your name. It's more than just a reflex for those specific syllables to form into a sound that helplessly escapes my throat in ragged needy breaths. It's beyond a prayer to some unseen faith.It's like a primal incantation, a chant that calls to something so deep and ancient in human beings that we will never discover a name for it. The things that reach us the deepest, that...
Love StoriesJust goes to show how once you've been made love to and fucked so hard you will always come back for more. My asian flower called me on Monday, and I know she had been out of town for the weekend with family, as soon as she got home she picked up the phone to tell me she was back. I know she didn't want to go on this trip with her family but had anticipated being at home by herself until I came over, but that didn't work out. I knew she would be horny as hell over the weekend, so I planted...
It's been a while since I wrote about my asian flower, because she and I have not been together for a while, schedules, jobs, k**s, all the areas of life have been in full swing. Well let me tell you, I thought my Asian Flower didn't want any more loving from her black prince, but I was wrong. I was at her home while she worked, and she knows the things that turn me on! I love when she wears those very small shorts where you can see the ass cheeks hanging out, and she has the most gorgeous legs...
The Flower Institute in old Amsterdam made its claim to fame for its name by elegant deflorations. It orginated last century, after a special request from a young lady of noble class in Poland. She provided the founding capital for the erection of the foundation with its noble aims. Look what happened.Her hymen was on auction. Not to the highest bidder. Her financial offer was set. The most promising gentleman would get the honour to make her a woman.The announcement was only in Polish. As a...
The Flower Girl Janet L. Stickney [email protected] "We know that you don't want to do this honey, but Janice was hurt really badly in the accident and we need someone to fill in, and you know perfectly well that it has to be a family member, and you are the only one that is the right age!" "But mom! A girl? You want me to dress up as a girl? Why can't Debbie do it? She's a girl." "That is true, Debbie is a girl, but she is only six years old. That's why she'll be the...
Your sweet lips spread so wide Showing their pinkness way up inside Your nectar flows freely from within covers my lips my tongue and my chin How sweet do you taste as I lick your smooth flesh Your arousal excites me to do my very best I lick each lip with the most tender of care set my sights at the clit hovering up there I push with my fingers on the hood that is there covering your clit from my amorous care I expose your button to the view of my eyes I lick and I suck and listen to your...
Erotic PoetryAntonio and Tracy worked together in thoughtful silence on a mammoth floral arrangement for a hotel lobby. It was something Tracy could do herself, but she wanted to practice delegating. Antonio was surprised to see her take a seat. ‘I’m pregnant,’ she blurted out. Seemed like as good a time as any. After a moment of stunned silence Antonio asked, ‘Are you getting married?’ Tracy looked at him in surprise, not that the thought had not crossed her own mind, but that this would be Antonio’s...
Last week was my wife's 65th birthday. She works out does yoga and stays in shape and still looks good. I had ordered her flowers for her birthday and after they came she told me the delivery man was black. I told her damn, she should have invited him in. She said he was young he wouldn't want to do anything to do with an old woman like her. I told her she might be surprised. here is my fantasy of what happened.I saw the flower delivery van pull in the driveway and a good looking black man...
Amsterdam was first in the world with many things. Good and bad. The first financial bubble: speculation in the tulip market. Tulips aren´t even Dutch, they originate from Turkey. The first banks as well. Happy to finance, speculate and invest in American independance. As the Brits were our favourite enemies. But also the first "Flower Institute" for transforming classy virgins into full blown women. But that´s a long story. Patient readers: welcome to next paragraphs.We did the "Golden...
Tracy woke up alone in William’s bed. After a brief panic, she saw him on the floor and relaxed. He was kneeling on the rug near the couch, perfectly still with his eyes closed. She was not sure what to make of it in her sleepy state, but then it registered that he was meditating. Tracy rose quietly and tip-toed to the bathroom, and when she returned, he was back in bed. ‘Good morning, Kitten.’ ‘Hi,’ she answered, standing halfway between the bathroom and bed wearing William’s t-shirt. ‘You...
Amelia's husband had recently been made redundant and they were struggling to make ends meet, so when Amelia saw an ad in the local newspaper for the post of an assistant at a small flower growing farm she decided to apply. She had always loved growing stuff and had natural green fingers that enabled her to grow almost anything. She was offered an interview for the following day and so she got up extra early and attired herself in her best summer dress ready to meet the owner of the...
CuckoldThe old man was curled up on a bench in the bus terminal in San Francisco. His eyes were red from lack of sleep. He hadn’t eaten in 4 days. ‘How the hell did I ever get to this?’ he asked himself. Years of drug abuse and alcoholism had taken a great toll from him. He was sixty five, but he looked like ninety five. His hair dragged down his back to just under his shoulder blades. In the front, he had no hair. When viewed from the top, he looked like a furry toilet seat. He was just dropping off...
Hana put her cell phone down on the table and sat on her bed for a few minutes. For the past six-month her and Oji chatted online, on the phone and even in person, but to her Oji was only a friend. At the time she was dating someone else, but the guy broke up with her and now she sat there on the bed unsure about her feelings towards Oji. He had cheered her up when she was down, she always had a great time hanging out with him and she found that she was comfortable talking to him on the phone....
The wonderful thing about long lasting friendships is that they often create strange, but very interesting combinations of people. In a small group of friends, who have known each other for years, where the need to hide uncomfortable truths or embarrassing facts should no longer be present, where the need to impress and excel at things should no longer be needed, where genuine friendship should allow everyone to be who they really are, the question still remains – do we ever really reach a...
I was so nervous that day. Walking quickly to the flower shop. My mind racing with so many different thoughts. What if she wasn’t there today? No she was always there! What if she didn’t have time to talk today? No she always made time to talk! What if she didn’t want to hear what I had to say to her? I needed to stop thinking and just get to her shop. As I rounded the corner and the shop came into sight I stopped dead in my tracks and almost turned and ran the other way! My heart was pounding...