Lotus Flower free porn video

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‘Does this feel good? Just relax, let yourself go.’

I moan involuntarily as I feel Lori’s hands, covered in warm oil, work their way down my spine. Her expert fingers massage my muscles in a circular motion, her hands sliding lower, her fingers hesitating where the towel rests loosely on my hips. I take a deep, shaky breath.

‘Jasmine, you have been coming here for a month now, you need to relax.’ Lori’s voice is soft, deep and sexy, which sends chills down my spine. She moves, her fingers curl, her nails trace lines on my skin. I intake my breath sharply.

Laughing, she moves to the end of the table and begins massaging my feet. Her hands are strong and yet somehow gentle as they glide inch by inch, over the skin working up my calf to my thigh. Her hands gently knead the skin, getting closer to my inner thigh where her fingers absently skim the edge of my panties, lingering there, or did I imagine it? She then makes her way to the top of my other thigh and then down, slowly. My body is achingly aware of how soft and gentle her hands are, leaving my skin tingling and my heart pumping. When she gets to my calf, my intake of breath causes her to pause.

‘Sore spot there?’ She questions as she massages the spot a bit harder. ‘It’s from wearing those high heels. They look great on you, but they play havoc on your muscles.’

After a few moments, she slowly, agonizingly works her way back up the inner part of my thigh, once again touching the crotch of my panties, which have begun to dampen, I hold my breath waiting. Can she see a damp spot? Feel it? I swallow hard, waiting. The intercom crackles, breaking the tension in the room.

‘Lori?’ crackles Kiki, the owner of the massage parlor, ‘Are you almost done with Jasmine? We need to close up early tonight, remember?’

Lori walks over to the wall intercom, ‘Yes, Kiki. I’m done. We will be right out.’

I sit up and begin securing the towel to cover my semi-bare body taking a quick glance at Lori and see her watching me. We look at each other for a moment, not saying a word, our eyes saying everything. My body betrays me, sending jolts of electricity through me. My nipples harden. Unspoken words that, if said, would have ruined the moment or perhaps have sounded foolish. I feel my face heat up and am sure that my cheeks are bright red. I lower my gaze first and pretend to fix my towel. I feel, rather than see Lori walk towards me.

‘Hey,’ she says, lifting my chin and looking deep into my eyes, ‘I’ll meet you outside to book your next appointment.’ I nod and find myself waiting. Waiting to feel her lips brush against mine, but instead her finger tips my nose and she walks out of the room. I close my eyes, shaking my head, feeling a bit confused. I hurriedly get dressed remembering my date with Tony.

Still contemplating my reaction, I walk out of the room and notice that Kiki and Lori are having a heated argument. When they hear my approach they turn and watch as I walk towards them. I smile, feeling a tugging in my body as I watch each girl’s gaze sliding up my body, from head to toe. I know I look very good today, the form fitting black dress I am wearing hugs the curves of my body, strappy black heels, my brown hair in soft curls framing my face.

All the while I am watching Lori and when her eyes finally reach mine, I get a familiar tingling in my pussy. Feeling a bit anxious, I nervously lick my lips, immediately drawing her attention there. She smiles at me, crinkling her nose and giving me a wink. My hand involuntarily reaches to my breast, palm flattening, I slowly slide my hand down my torso, over my firm abdomen, quickly over my mound, across my leg to my side smoothing out my dress. Lori has watched the whole, quick movement. I turn to look at Kiki who is oblivious to what is happening, her head bent over the appointment book as she tells me when my next appointment is and then enters it in the book.

When I say my goodbyes, Lori smiles, gives me a quick wink, turns around and makes her way back into the massage room. This gives me a chance to watch her as she walks. The slow swaying of her hips is mesmerizing. For the first time, I see her without her white lab coat. Her athletic, lithe body, framed perfectly with spandex shorts, gives perfection to a shapely backside. I absently touch my own backside wondering if it looks just as good. I also wonder if she knew I was watching at her. When she disappears through the doorway, I say goodbye to Kiki, who murmurs a ‘goodbye’ in return.

Sitting in traffic, my mind wanders to the first day I came to the Lotus Massage Parlor. I work for a large record company in the City, which has just acquired a very influential musical client who, as my boss has ordered, ‘Wants to be waited on hand and foot and we will do this to keep her satisfied.’ My staff and I have been working very long hours trying desperately to keep her ‘satisfied’. During a rare lunch hour, my secretary, Patricia, hearing my cry of pain when I bent over to pick up a file, suggested that I get a massage. She told me about Lotus, telling me how wonderful both Lori and Kiki make her feel and warning me that Kiki’s massages are a bit rough while Lori’s massages would not only help my back pain, but would relieve all the tension that has been building up these past few months.

She was right of course. I have suffered through two of Kiki’s massages, thinking that she would beat the pain back into me which is why I try my hardest to book each appointment with Lori and in doing so, we have become quite friendly. We have talked about her relationship with Kiki and I have told her about my current ‘relationship’ with my friend, Tony.

Lori is a stunning woman, with soft, shiny black hair, that she normally keeps in a bun. She has light brown skin, full red lips and blue eyes, a beautiful combination, making her look very exotic. Today was the first time I had actually seen her body as she is always wearing a white lab coat, which, I assume, is the outfit that Kiki prefers her masseuses to wear.
I have fantasized about being with other women, and Lori does excite me in a way I never thought possible, but I have never thought about pursuing that sexual urge, until today. As I continue to think of Lori and questioning my sexual preference, my cell phone rings. I smile when I hear Tony’s voice on the other end.
‘Hey, beautiful, ‘ Tony says. ‘Are we on for tonight?’

‘Yes, if I ever get out of this traffic! ‘ I moan, looking outside my car window and suggest that we meet at one of the restaurants not too far away from where I am and start to get a warm feeling inside. Tony is a wonderful guy, handsome, tall, funny. He has these soft, brown eyes that send shivers down my spine whenever he looks at me. Full, kissable lips and a body! Oh my! He has wonderful shoulders, so muscular that lead to a perfectly sculpted back and rock hard butt! He and I met at a health club we were members of in the City. While working out on side by side treadmills we got to talking, realized we had a lot in common to the point where we could almost read each other’s minds. We became instant friends. He is what I consider a ‘friend with benefits’.

It took awhile before he made his first move but when he did, it was as if we had been lovers forever. The best part is that he is a great lover, always taking his time with me, never rushing to get the ‘deed’ over. I knew tonight would be the same. Not that our relationship has gotten into a pattern, it’s just that we can barely keep our hands off one another. After dinner we would head back to either his apartment or mine and have sex. Something I haven’t had in about two weeks and was anxiously awaiting, the feel of his hands and lips on my body. I take a deep breath smiling to myself.

I see Tony standing outside the restaurant and am immediately aware of my body’s reaction to him. God, he looks good! I ponder about telling him I think we should skip dinner altogether
, but my tummy growls and realize I haven’t eaten much today. We hug each other tightly and I take a deep inhale of his cologne. ‘Mmm..you smell good’ I whisper in his ear. Stepping away and holding me at arms length, he does a slow appraisal of my body suggesting that we eat as quickly as possible.

Dinner was delicious, the conversation light with tons of sexual overtones, my rubbing his leg with my foot doesn’t help much either, so we decide to skip dessert altogether. When we finally make it to my apartment, Tony’s hands are up my dress before I even shut the door. Murmuring against my lips how much loves the way my legs feel without stockings, how soft they are. I feel my skirt lifting higher as he slowly slides his hands under the hem, gripping my hips, slowly sliding his fingers inside my lacy tanga . . . down the round fullness of my ass, languidly up once again to my hips . . . his hands so warm as they lay flat against my stomach for a moment before running a finger down the center, caressing the lips of my wet slit lingering there before moving backward dipping into my wetness. I close my eyes pressing my body against his, feeling the warmth of his body through his clothes. All of a sudden Lori’s face appears, snapping me back into reality. Tony, noticing the change in my demeanor, pulls away, looking at me with inquisitive eyes.

‘What’s up?’

‘Nothing. Just let’s go in there.’ I say, taking his hands and leading him to my bedroom, while he lifts up my hair and kisses the back of neck. I giggle and turn to him as we reach the edge of my bed. His tongue tracing a fiery path down my neck stopping only to remove my dress and toss it to the floor. He grabs my waist and effortlessly lifts me up. I wrap my legs around him bracing myself as he drops me down on the soft bed, his body pushing me deep into the mattress. His lips are so soft as they nibble on my neck pausing to lick the skin, causing tiny goose bumps to form on my legs. As his hands run over my thighs he laughs whispering in my ear how much he loves being able to do that to me.

I pull my legs tighter around him, drawing him closer to me, moaning as his tongue begins its descent. I arch my back as his hands flatten against it, drawing my body closer to his mouth. With one quick movement, he undoes my bra, using his chin to slide the straps from my shoulders leaving tiny kisses in their place. His tongue slowly circles my breast, linger on my hard nipples, tugging, nipping gently. I moan as he moves to position himself lower between my legs, his tongue trailing down my stomach, leaving a wet path in its wake, lower still passing my mound. I arch my hips, wanting him to lick me through my panties, but he only grazes it with his chin, licking the crevice between there and my thigh, then down my leg, hesitating at my knee. Deliberately, he begins working his way slowly up the other leg nipping the soft skin of my inner thigh up to the moist area throbbing between my legs. When he pauses, I look down at him, smiling.

‘Are you going to be a naughty boy tonight?’ My fingers tug at his hair until he looks up at me rubbing his chin against my mound before lowering his lips.

‘Yes, Jazz,’ He whispers against my wet mound. ‘And you, will you be just as naughty?’
I grab his head, holding him tightly there, feeling his breath as he whispers to me, loving the tingling sensation running though my body.

‘Yes, Tony…I may need a spanking.’ I laugh as Tony, lifting my leg at the knee, swats my behind. Squealing, I pull away, rolling to my side in a lame attempt to get away from him. Inches apart, we look at each other, smiling.

‘Come on, Tony,’ I say, ‘Undress for me.’ I toss my bra to the side and remove my panties trying not to lose sight of his body.

Tony has an incredibly fit, muscular body and enjoys showing it off. Taking his time getting off the bed, he stands up, slowly peels off his shirt, swinging it around, letting it fly across the bed, where it lands on my head. I laugh, deeply breathing in his scent and then drop it to the floor, humming a burlesque-type song, while he undoes his jeans, letting them fall to his feet, his hard member jutting out from his boxers.

‘Ooh, very nice, Tony ‘ I say, clapping and giggling.

Kicking his jeans to the side, Tony jumps on the bed. This motion bounces and tilts me over onto my stomach. Pulling me close, he begins kissing and licking my back, I wiggle my body as the heat from my skin collide with the coolness of his tongue. Instinctively, I raise my ass, arching my back as he trails a long, hot line with his tongue slowly from my neck, pausing here and there to kiss or suck my skin, down to my hips. With my hips raised, I push my ass out to accept his mouth and his tongue as he trails a line between the cheeks . . . his hands spread my thighs and he licks me slowly. I moan as he grabs my hips and pulls me closer to him. Just as I think I can’t take it anymore, he gently pushes me onto my back, my hands entangling in his hair, bringing him closer as he draws my nipple in his mouth, using his tongue and teeth to gently, slowly bring it to a hard nub. Sucking it, circling his tongue around the bead, I moan again, loving the feeling, the tingling sensation my eyes slowly opening to watch him and I see HER face. I blink twice, ‘Oh, God,’ I think, shutting my eyes again, trying to erase the image, but her face is so vivid in my mind. ‘What is wrong with me!’ I tell myself to concentrate, but I can’t help fantasizing that it’s now Lori’s tongue circling my hard nipple, her hands caressing my hot, throbbing body.

I imagine Lori’s hands running down the sides of my body, over the soft skin of my thighs and then dipping into the warm wet patch of hair between them. I spread my thighs, allowing a finger to separate the lips, as it rubs the skin. I know that this image is making me wetter, but I don’t care as my fantasy starts to overtake me, leaving me powerless. I see so clearly a vision of her lips and tongue traveling down my abdomen. I lift my hips giving passage to my swollen lips. The tongue begins to stroke, slowly at first but as I move my body against it, mashing it against my clit, the motion gets faster, purposeful. I grab a handful of hair and cry, ‘Yes, please! Eat me!’ The sound of sucking noise below makes my nipples tingle, become hard, standing straight out. . .hands grab my hips, pulling them up closer to the mouth . . . the lips . . . the tongue. Oh God! The tongue! I moan and grind myself down on it, feeling it fuck me.

I can’t control my reaction. My orgasm builds instantly, my body arching, hips thrusting, absorbing, demanding. It comes quickly, furiously! My hips buck and thrust until the orgasm stops and yet my body can’t stop its quivering. I never experienced an orgasm so instant, so strong. No cognizant thought exists, only lust, sex.

‘Wow!’ Tony moans as he rolls onto his back. ‘Now that was goooood!’

‘Mmmm..’ I moan in agreement, not being able to use my voice right away. ‘How about I take care of you now?’ I feel so bad having a fantasy about a woman while Tony gave me oral sex that I can’t even look at him at this point. I never did that before and I was feeling horrible. Not that I minded ‘taking care’ of him. His reactions to the way I made love to him always made me feel wonderful. I loved the way his cheeks would flush, how he would bite his bottom lip and look at me with these incredibly sexy eyes.

‘Do you honestly think I would say no?’ Tony laughs, caressing my calf with his hand. ‘By the way. Who is Lori?’

‘WHAT?’ I exclaim, sitting upright looking down at Tony. ‘What did you say?’ Thankful that it’s dark in the room since I am sure my cheeks are blazing red and my face would betray me.

‘I could have sworn you said the name ‘Lori’ just before you came.’ Tony murmurs against my leg.

‘No…I am sure I said, ‘Oh, Lordy’.’ I only hoped he would believe that. ‘You know how crazy you make me!’

I felt a pang in my stoma
ch and prayed that Tony’s laughter against my leg meant that he was believing me.

‘Hmm..Well, if there is another girl, you really should share, I mean, after all….’
‘Right.’ I laugh, moving my leg gently tapping his chin, ‘Now why would I want to share you?’ I say softly as I roll over crawling on hands and knees between his legs.

‘Oh, there’s plenty of me to go around.’ His voice becoming a whisper.

‘Oh, my, my!’ I murmur against his hard, thick shaft. ‘There certainly is…’ I manage to get out before I take him into my mouth. I use my tongue to circle around the shaft. I know exactly how he enjoys blow jobs. I made sure I perfected mine with him. Asking questions while I performed each one. ‘Do you like it this way or that?’ I would ask him. ‘Does this feel good?’ ‘What if I used my finger to do this?’ Each time I performed a blow job, it got better and better. And today, he was going to get the best one, ever!

As I flattened my tongue, I gently graze my teeth along the sides of his shaft. I wouldn’t take him deep in my throat right away. I used my tongue to circle around the ridge, bringing it down to the sack, then gently sucking on one of his balls. I worked my tongue around so that my mouth was just below the sack, licking the tiny spot in front of his anus.

I bring my tongue up along his shaft, nibbling and sucking the skin. When I reach the tip, I flick it with my tongue. I bring my lips around it, using my teeth to scrape the ridge, my tongue constantly moving on the head. I take my hand and massage his sack as I am sucking on the head. Slowly sliding my hand up and down, using my fingertips to tickle him. Going down, I cup his sack, massaging it as I take his cock fully into my mouth, bringing it deep into the back of my throat. While massaging his sack, I take my finger sliding it back and forth on the taint, bringing it up to get it wet with my saliva, then down again.

‘Turn over, Tony.’ I tell him. He doesn’t hesitate. I lay down beneath him as he gets on his hands and knees. At this point I have his anus in my view as I raise up, licking it with my tongue. I can feel him shiver and lift my body slightly so that my tits rub against his hard cock. I blow lightly over his anus, watching as it puckers slightly. I reach down, wet my finger with my pussy juice, bringing my hand back up to circle around the hole, dipping just slightly into it. I hear Tony moan. ‘Do you like that?’ I whisper as I nip his left ass cheek. ‘Oh, yeah!’ is the response I get. I feel pre-cum on my cleavage and slide my body up and down against his shaft.

Bringing my body down a bit, I can take Tony in my mouth, deep into my throat, caressing his sack with my hands and then working up to his ass. I can feel his cock getting stiffer and plunge my finger into his tight hole. I hear Tony’s deep intake of breath. He moans deeply as I pump my finger, in and out. I circle the hole while using my other hand to move up and down his shaft, skimming my nipples with the tip of his cock, while I lick and suck on his sack. ‘Oh, fuck!’ I hear him murmur against my pussy, his tongue starting to lick me again. I raise my hips moving them up and down feeling my excitement begin to grow. I moan into his pelvis. My hand is moving faster now on his shaft as I feel his ass close tightly around my finger, I bring his cock deeper into my mouth, sucking on it as his body jerks, pumping, thrusting. His licks become longer, his tongue pressing down harder. My orgasm comes quickly as I grind my pussy against his mouth as he sucks and licks my clit, tugging, pulling, mashing it with his tongue and lips.
I can feel his breath against me becoming labored as he rests his head against my inner thigh, I hear him groan, feel his body tensing, making itself ready to cum. I feel him quiver, pulse, with warm cum sliding down my throat. Using my hand I stroke him faster, milking his cock from the base, drawing every drop of cum up his shaft into my waiting mouth. I swallow his cum while, my tongue and mouth never faltering from its sucking, taking it all in, enjoying him.

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Every community has one, larger communities may have several, but if you look closely, you will find the Wallflower. They are friendly yet quiet, seemingly self-contained, seldom sitting in a group although not always alone, and never the center of attention. They are pretty, they are not, they are plain, mysterious, tall, short, slender and not so slender, but without exception, they know they are a Wallflower. As young children, the Wallflowers were often alone on the playground, or they...

4 years ago
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A Message in Flowers

When I went to my car to go to work on Tuesday, there was a small bundle of flowers waiting on it, the stems trapped under the driver's side windshield wiper. They were delicate, white blossoms and they were covered in dew, like the rest of my car. I looked at them for a minute, finally deciding that someone must have made a mistake and left them on the wrong car. They were too pretty to throw away and such a shame to waste, so I ran them back into my apartment and put them in water. Then, I...

Love Stories
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The Fucking Flowers

The first dream. I felt Jason’s hand as he cupped my right breast and began to squeeze me as he sighed “Goodnight, sweetheart, as usual you were a terrific fuck. Sweet dreams, baby.” he said as he lightly pinched my nipple and kissed me on the cheek. He watched as Mistress continued to tie me for the night. My legs were tied together at the ankles and the knees and my wrists were tied together and then a chain was attached from my wrists to my ankles. Keeping my hands just above my pussy...

4 years ago
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New TG: "Flowers" by Vickie Tern M/F Wife No minors! Flowers by Vickie Tern "Why are you changing your shirt? We're late as it is! They're expecting us!" My wife, a little exasperated, her eyes snapping. "Sara!" Me, also a little exasperated, feeling pressured from two directions. "I can't go like this! I'm still wearing my bra! They might see! You're always worried about the neighbors, what will the neighbors...

4 years ago
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Linda Wallflower

Linda was a very quite girl with no confidence. She was put down and out by her over bearing mother and father. She was the girl no one ask to dance, no friends to speak of. Her mother drove those away and would never allow her to stay out. Today she was 17 and 364 days old. Tomorrow was her 18th birthday as like every other birthday no party organised. Her parents always celebrated their birthday with big parties and she was expected to stay in her room. Looking at herself in the mirror, her...

2 years ago
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Charlies Flowering

Warning: This story contains depictions of intersexuality and menstrual periods that may not be completely faithful to reality. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Charlie's flowering. Charlie Merton was a typical 11 year old boy. He was in sixth grade in elementary school, and he was about to finish it. He was nervous, like most boys on his last year on elementary. He was about to stop watching the friends he had made. His school was small, so...

4 years ago
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Dont Fuck the Flowers

"Have you ever fucked a fish?" Ennis Ezquerra chose to drop that little gem, casual-like, around the campfire during mess. "Ezquerra, what the fuck are you talking about?" Donald Finney asked. The whole unit knew Ezquerra was a completely disgusting fucker with few, if any, redeeming social graces. Picture the greasiest excuse for a building super you could think of. You know, the kind of lardass that spends his days squatting in the basement of a part-firetrap, part-cockroach breeding...

2 years ago
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Hearts and Flowers

Hearts and flowers. Damn it, Tori was surrounded by hearts and flowers, and she hated every second of it. Of course, it was no different from any other Valentine’s Day. Tori had been working at the candy shop for five years now, and every year when the red and green of Christmas gave way to the red and white of Valentine’s Day, she felt like screaming. It was a good job other than those couple months a year, but damn, those couple months were hell. Tori couldn’t remember a time she’d liked...

2 years ago
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Lynn Flowers

LYNN FLOWERS By Jane Howard The following story is copyrighted by the author and cannot be duplicated or reproduced anywhere or for any purpose without the author's consent. This story is a continuation of Jane Howard's RUNAWAY, which is also available on FICTIONMANIA. Reading the prequel first is not mandatory. Actually, it might be more fun to read this story first and then read the prequel. LYNN FLOWERS is rated R for mature situations and...

3 years ago
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Carla the Wallflower

The wallflower, everyone I know knows at least one. You know that girl or guy that is always there but know one wants to be in a relationship with them. They are usually a little nerdy, and are always there to help sort things out. They are usually on the chess team or the math team or something like that. Carla, was the one wallflower that really stands out in my head. I knew her in high school, and although we talked all the time, I didn’t really feel attracted to her. Right out of high...

2 years ago
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The Wallflower

                      The   wallflower.    She sat at her table, quiet, watching the noisy throng in front of her.  She had dreamt of this moment, and now it was here- her very first taste of what she had read about and chatted about on her computer was here in front of her- and it was everything she had dreamed- and yet nothing like it. Why had she come, she thought ruefully. Online, she could at least pretend she was attractive; here in reality, even with her best on, she was what she’d...

1 year ago
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Black Orchids and Wildflowers

Black Orchids and Wildflowers by Armond 1. Friday, 5:00 PM Sam was all about helping people. But for Samuel Albert, Esq., this week of endless legal counseling needed to end. Friday had stretched into three forevers, crawling by like a turtle, appointment after appointment. Or was that sliding by like a snail? Tricky things, metaphors. His last of the day, appointment, not metaphor, was Last Will and Testament drafting time with sweet Mrs. Beasley and her son...

3 years ago
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Madhavi Flower Between Flowers

Hi, this is Radhakrishna once again with a hot encounter with a sexy flower selling beauty. I am 28 years of nice looks and a horny guy. Whenever I have free time, I used to roam on the roads to chase the girls. In the process I found a girl, who sells the flowers at a flower stall near my house. First let me describe her. Her name is Madhavi of 25 years and unmarried girl. She always wears chudi. She is fair in color and has very cute face. But her main drawback is her personality. She must be...

4 years ago
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One Red Flower

The following is my true story. Funny to recall that I was once so naïve I didn’t realize that a girl could get pregnant having sex if the boy had already cum once. I blew Anthony off and then I agreed to have sex with him. We came so close… so incredibly close and I remember how bad it hurt with him trying to get inside me. Then my grandfather knocked on the door and that was the end of it. I was still a virgin… thank god. I started dating Michael six months later and our relationship was...

2 years ago
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The Mayflower

The Mayflower I had worked for two summers on my uncle’s farm to save up enough money for my first car and my insurance too. She wasn’t much but I loved her. She was a 1966 Ford Mustang. There was lots of rust and the seats were worn badly but she was all mine. With four on the floor, bucket seats, and enough power to get up and go, I was in heaven. The engine was in the best shape of anything else in the car. I named her “The Mayflower.” I figured that with my own car I could start...

3 years ago
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aunt Kim deflowers

This is a true story.i am Claira . the hot sun shone threw the night sky as I saw her.aunt kim gazing at me. Spellbound. As I felt the satin against my warm firm breast. she glared spellbound. Locking the door *I fell into a slumber,as a ghostly touch warmed my nipple.and I felt a warm ghost like kisses softly rubbing my breast. Caressing..me..rubbing me..’ silence relax’ I heard as slow soft kisses embraced my nipple.as I felt a warm pinch of my nipple. And my nipple being slowly...

1 year ago
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Aunt Kim defloweres

I am clara this is based on a true story. .. destiny is remarkable—- The cabin creaked as it was old Victorian . It was warm and filled with candles all the lights were off. As the rainstorm thundered from outside. Darkness becomes, as the rain storm showered the walls. Crackle crackle. In darkness she rose. Like a ghost. The cabin lit with candles and the smell of lavender filled the room as I slept. .. as if in a dream aunt Kim entered.. sliding herself next to me and caressing my breast....

4 years ago
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Sheena8217s Defloweration

This is my first submission to this site and if you like it please leave a comment so that and I get to know your feelings. Any suggestions are also welcome in form of comments. all dialog are in Hindi while the narrative is kept in English according to your comments I would come up with complete Hindi or complete English version as soon as possible. Now enjoy the story. I hope you enjoy the experience like I did. Another summer day in Delhi and the mercury was shooting above 40. Sheena was...

3 years ago
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The Irresistible Deflowerer

Samantha lived with her mother and father in the suburbs of New Brunswick, New Jersey. Right behind their house was another that faced onto the next street over, the boundary between the two back yards marked only by a few shrubs. Samantha’s mother told her that Mr. Burns, the man who lived there, wanted to pay someone to water his plants and take in the mail while he was gone for a couple weeks. She went over before he left so he could show her what needed to be done. He also asked her about...

1 year ago
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Author’s note: This story is inspired by rachlou’s wonderful story series, ‘Show Me Heaven.’ There is nothing much similar about these stories, except the basic premise of a shy girl who is lured from her shell by a caring girlfriend and a patient man. ^ ^ ^ ^ Jane Smith finished filing the last of that day’s work, and neatly stacked the leftover documents in her In box for when she returned to work on Monday. She was particular about leaving work with a clean desk, a trait that extended to...

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Jane Smith finished filing the last of that day's work, and neatly stacked the leftover documents in her In box for when she returned to work on Monday. She was particular about leaving work with a clean desk, a trait that extended to her private life as well. She lived by the motto, "a place for everything, and everything in its place." Her little house was neat as a pin, without a bit of clutter anywhere. Nothing was out of place, and you eat off the floor in her kitchen; that's how...

2 years ago
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Texas Flower

Texas, 1848 My name is Susana Jackson. I was widowed two years ago at a young age after my husband Jacob moved us here. I did not like living in this hot place after my native Ohio, and after he died, I was so lonely. I now have two friends here and I need to run Jacob’s general store, so I am busy and do not have time to think about my loneliness. About a year after Jacob passed on, I was tending the store one day and a young Mexican came in. His staring at me filled me with anxiety. But I...

1 year ago
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Room Of Flowers

She slowly walked through a room full of flowers, she knew something was strange about a room full of flowers, but the scent of them filled her senses and she no longer cared about something as strange as that. She slowly smelt each of the feet as she walked over many different flower petals, not knowing how they got there; they looked so fresh. She reached over to grab a red rose, and smelt it, not even caring when she cut her finger on one of the many thorns the one rose held. She followed...

2 years ago
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FLOWERS by dkb Amy walked down the street with her menfolk. Little Tommy sat astride her shoulders, holding on to her forehead, little lord of all he surveyed. He was still a constant delight to her, even after three years of being a mum. He was a paradox, clumsy, helpless and dependent and yet also supremely confident, as if everything was there for him and nothing could possibly go wrong. Oh, he cried sometimes, when something startled him or when he hurt himself. But he could...

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April Showers Bring May Flowers

I sit in front of the gravesite and place the flowers on her grave, which I have been doing every April first for the past forty years. I read the head stone as tears come to my eyes. Forty years ago... It’s ten-o-clock at night, I am sitting in my broken down car, and it’s raining like a motherfucker. If I had gone to spring break in California, I’d be sitting on the beach right now. I’m feeling sorry for myself when I hear a tap on the window and see May from school standing there. I am...

2 years ago
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The First Gay Guy I Deflowered

This is a first time story about the first gay guy who's anal virginity I had the pleasure of taking.I am bi and had been having gay sex for sometime. I had my first gay sexual experience when I was 18. He was a friend of my girlfriend. She was bi too but we never did a threesome with her gay friend and I. He taught me how to fuck a guy, how to get suck and suck a cock. He never fucked me. I was not fucked for the first time until a few years later. Here is the story of how that happened:It was...

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Summer Flowers

(The following story is a work of fiction and any reference to any individual, living or dead, is coincidental. This work also contains material of a sexually explicit nature and is not intended for readers under the age of eighteen or where such literature is forbidden under law. Criticism is solicited and appreciated, but only if you’ve voted.) * * * * * It all started in the late fall of 1953. I was stationed to Thule, Greenland as part of the Air Force detachment there that provided...

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FlashedSay it with Flowers

Kevin had been in the pub with his mates since leaving the office. "Another one, lads? My shout." He rose unsteadily, staggered to the bar, winked at the busty barmaid and ordered more beers. She flashed him her stunning smile in return. When his mobile phone rang, he looked at the screen before answering and let out a resigned sigh. "Hey, Sal." "Where the fuck are you, arsehole? It's fucking Valentine's Day!" "Eh?" "We were going for dinner. At Chico's. That posh Italian...

4 years ago
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Desert Flower

Running Eagle, naked except for a leather breech-cloth, a red headband and moccasins, heard the melodious humming coming from the camp before he could see the owner of the voice. The naked figure of his female patient, extending her arms above her head greeted him. She looked like a mountain lion stretching her limbs after a rest in the shade. Despite the apparent danger, his gaze zoomed in on her taut breasts and her long spread-out legs. Her smooth pussy was prominent and the sight caused the...

2 years ago
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The Forbidden Flower

The town I lived in was pretty small with about twenty thousand people. I could do whatever I wanted. Go downtown, go to the park, hang out with friends. My parents never worried about me. I was an only child so I didn’t have to worry about a sibling bothering me. All my friends were close to me and there were no secrets between us. Because of that I told them about my new obsession. I enjoy playing with myself, and started doing it quite often. They all thought I was weird, and so did I. We...

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My Young Flower

"Brandon, time for dinner!" yelled my mother Kassy from outside my door. "ALRIGHT MOM! JESUS!" I yelled as I stood up to walk out of my room, turning my computer off before I left. I was at 16 years of age and sadly still a virgin, also roughly 5 feet, 11 inches tall with green eyes. "Wow Brandon! Yell a little louder next time and maybe my ears will fall off!" yelled my sister Rose, rubbing her ear in pain. "Well who would complain, would be an improvement on your.... Hideous...

1 year ago
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The Forbidden Flower

Introduction: This is part one of a long story. Enjoy. MY LIFE WAS GREAT. I had lots of friends, a wonderful home, and lots of freedom. I couldnt imagine anything better. The town I lived in was pretty small with about twenty thousand people. I could do whatever I wanted. Go downtown, go to the park, hang out with friends. My parents never worried about me. I was an only child so I didnt have to worry about a sibling bothering me. All my friends were close to me and there were no secrets...

3 years ago
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Allies Flower

Dawn crept over our camp like a soft sonata two lovers enjoy by candlelight. Soft and damp with dew. I breathe deep. Everything green and wonderful – spring. Allie awakes to join me. The rest of our camp near comas from last night’s drunk. While the rest pounded cheap beer and passed joints, Allie and I sipped and shared. Her eyes held me then – something lingering about her irises that hinted at a lifetime beyond what most girl’s in college had felt. Kindred spirits. “Good morning.” She...

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Jasmine my new favorite flower

‘Break one-nine,’ blared out of the speaker on my dash. I reach over, grab the mike and respond, ‘Go ahead breaker.’ ‘Thanks for the break, anyone wanting a little commercial company go to five,’ a sultry voice responds. I drop down to channel five and hear, ‘Anyone make it?’ ‘Go ahead darling, you got some company, where you at?’ ‘I’m mobile, around the front street area, how about you?’ ‘Coming up on the exit now, where you want to meet?’ ‘You know where the empty warehouse is on...

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mature lady as blossom flower

....while it was dark one day in amid of my walk to nearby small garden area in solitude, i was much tired up, had no energy to do any sort of activity, simply while walking few steps towards my solitude i bummed a smoke just to get some relaxation to reach till garden, but completely unaware of what i am gonna see right ahead next to my way, while it was not much walk i seen on my right there was a hut , i seen it with all curiosity that hut seemed to be some abondoned place, there was just a...

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The Skimpy Cafe Mays Flower

It did until she got on the bus and sat down and had a moment to scan for anyone else. And there he was. The drunkard from a few nights ago. The one who assaulted her at the Inn. He was asleep in the back and she suppressed a squeak as she hurried to the front of the bus, as close as she could to the driver. May practically held her breath the entire forty minute ride to the print shop and just as she stood to leave the drunkard’s eyes fluttered open. His expression grew dark as he...

2 years ago
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The Gathering Book 1Chapter 13 Mary Leibowitz the Lotus Flower

Marilyn walked into Adrian 's ten minutes early and although there were few people sitting at tables, heads did turn and eyes followed her as she made her way to the bar. Besides being a very good-looking woman, stylishly dressed, she carried that well-fucked aura about her as well. To the young woman behind the bar she said, "Hi, I'm meeting a friend here for lunch, but I'd like a vodka martini with two olives, please." The bartender smiled at her and asked, "Will that be on the...

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