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Author’s note: This story is inspired by rachlou’s wonderful story series, ‘Show Me Heaven.’ There is nothing much similar about these stories, except the basic premise of a shy girl who is lured from her shell by a caring girlfriend and a patient man.

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Jane Smith finished filing the last of that day’s work, and neatly stacked the leftover documents in her In box for when she returned to work on Monday.

She was particular about leaving work with a clean desk, a trait that extended to her private life as well. She lived by the motto, ‘a place for everything, and everything in its place.’

Her little house was neat as a pin, without a bit of clutter anywhere. Nothing was out of place, and you eat off the floor in her kitchen, that’s how squeaky-clean she was.

Of course, she had a lot of time for housecleaning, because her social life was pretty much non-existent. At the age of 28, Jane had never had a serious relationship, not even close.

Oh, she had dated some in the past, but they had usually been arranged through a dating service of some sort, or had been set up by her mother, who worried that her only child was going to end up alone, never to give her grandchildren.

Her dates always seemed to end in disaster. Either the guys were all over her wanting nothing but sex, or she embarrassed herself some way, or the guys were complete losers, nerds that were too geeky even for her to stand to be around.

It wasn’t that she was bad-looking, far from it. She was cute, with a pleasant smile and luscious shoulder-length dark hair that was naturally curly.

But she believed her body was the stuff of nightmares for any prospective boyfriends. She was taller than average, around 5-10 and thin, just this side of skinny, and she was all but flat-chested.

For that reason, and plenty more, Jane was painfully shy, and she preferred blending in the crowd. Heck, even her name was nondescript. Jane Smith. See Jane run. Run, Jane, run.

As she waited for 5 o’clock to roll around that cold Friday afternoon, she stared out the office window contemplating her nothing social life. After her last dating disaster six months earlier, Jane had finally just said to hell with it, had crawled in her shell and contented herself with keeping her house and tending to her two cats.

Suddenly, her reverie was interrupted by a cheery voice from behind her.

‘So, are you coming or not?’ Dana Kilpatrick said.

Their company’s annual Christmas party was the next night, and Dana had been after her friend to come with her and go to the party. What social life Jane did have was pretty much limited to Dana and her boyfriend of the moment.

They worked for one of the large insurance companies that were headquartered in Hartford, and the company always rented a reception hall at one of the city’s nicest hotels to treat its employees for a holiday bash.

‘I don’t know, Danie,’ Jane said. ‘You know I don’t have a date, or anything, I don’t have anything to wear, and I’m not really in a festive mood these days.’

‘All the more reason for you to go,’ Dana said brightly. ‘You need to get out of that shell and live it up a little.’

Dana then turned serious. She worried that her friend and long-time colleague was retreating more and more into herself, and she was convinced that if the rest of the world could see the Jane she knew, they’d be beating a path to her door — if only she’d let them.

Jane wasn’t sure she could take a repeat of the previous year’s party, when she accidentally overheard a conversation about her, and the remarks of some of her colleagues were not flattering.

‘Janie,’ Dana said, taking her friend’s chin in hand and lifting her face up so they could look eye-to-eye. ‘Just because some people are rude assholes doesn’t mean you should believe what they say. You’re better than that. If you let them dictate what kind of person you are, then they win. God, girl, you have so much to offer. You’re smart, you’re pretty and you’ve got plenty of wit. Please, say you’ll come. You need it. Who knows, maybe you’ll meet someone special.’

‘I highly doubt that,’ Jane said with a derisive snort. ‘Look at me. I’m not very pretty, I’m built like a board and I stumble over small talk I appreciate what you’re trying to do, but…’

‘Bullshit,’ Dana said forcefully. ‘I don’t want to hear that. I know the real you, and I’m not going to let you keep putting yourself down. I care about you, and I want you to be happy. Come on, Jane, come to the party with us. You deserve to have a good time.’

Jane thought about what Dana said, and she realized her friend was right. Besides, it wasn’t like it was a date. She’d be with her friend, and she liked the guy Dana had been dating for a couple of months. She sighed and made her decision.

‘OK, I guess I’ll go,’ Jane said. ‘On one condition.’

‘What’s that?’ Dana asked.

‘You go shopping with me in the morning to buy a dress,’ Jane said. ‘I was serious about not having anything to wear. I haven’t bought a new dress in ages, and I’m tired of the ones I’ve got.’

‘Deal,’ Dana said. ‘Tell you what. Why don’t you go ahead and pack a little overnight bag, then you can just change over at my place.’

‘I guess that’ll be all right,’ Jane said, still sounding a little reluctant about the idea.

‘Janie, you won’t regret it,’ Dana said. ‘I promise, you’ll have a great time. I’ll pick you up around — what? — 11-ish?’

‘Sounds good,’ Jane said, and so the die was cast.

Having decided to attend the party, she made up her mind that she was going to try to have as good a time as she possibly could. Maybe she’d have a couple of glasses of wine, or maybe a beer or two. Jane hardly ever drank, so the idea of having a few drinks was a daring one for her.

Jane was feeling restless as she tried to fall asleep that night. Dana’s suggestion that she might, ‘meet someone special,’ had stirred her imagination.

She was a ‘nice’ girl, and shy to a fault, but she was a normal woman with the normal needs and desires of any other normal woman. For years, she had pictured her dream lover, and had long nurtured her fantasies about that person.

She was seeing him that night as she struggled with sleep. He was darkly handsome, with dark hair and dark eyes that hinted at mysteries abounding.

It was the eyes that held her in her dreams. They were kind, but with an undercurrent of passion lurking just below the surface. They seemed to bore into her soul, to see the romantic heart that beat beneath her plain-jane personality.

Without consciously thinking about it, her right hand slid under the waistband of her sweatpants, into her cotton panties. She ran a finger through her labia and groaned softly at the liquid fire she encountered.

Jane did not often masturbate, an attitude that went back to her mother’s starchy religious beliefs. She had drummed into Jane’s head that such a practice was sinful, but Jane had learned how to do it anyway, and when she was feeling down about herself, she would do it to gain some measure of self-sufficiency.

This was one of those occasions. She squirmed in her bed as she alternated stroking her swollen clit and sliding two fingers into her hot little pussy. She imagined her dream lover taking her, fantasized about him making love to her.

While working her right hand between her legs, she slid her left hand under her t-shirt and clutched at her chest, squeezing one of her sensitive nipples with her fingers. Rhythmically, she stroked herself as the sensual feelings mounted.

God, she wished she could find a man who could do this for her, instead of having to do it herself. As quickly as the thought crossed her mind, it was drowned out by the lustful feelings swelling through her body as she worked her hands faster and harder on her writhing body.

Hard, insistent, the i
maginary thrusts of her dream lover climbed to a crescendo as Jane’s climax came to a head.

As she fantasized about his swollen manhood filling her with his hot cream, she arched her back and shivered as the orgasm rippled through her slender body. As she did, she remembered what had happened to her so many years ago, and how it had affected her life.

Jane rolled onto her side, sobbing softly as a tidal wave of shame washed through her soul. Why was she always the wallflower? Why did she always have to be the one that people looked through? Why was she the one who always went to bed alone?

It was with those questions rattling around in her mind that she drifted off to sleep.

^ ^ ^ ^

Ryan Hebert wasn’t having a particularly good time as he wandered through the crowd of party-goers, beer in hand. He’d been with the insurance company about six months, and he really didn’t know anyone very well.

Yet, because of his background as a professional baseball player, he often found himself put on the spot by the guys in the office who were jock wannabees looking for some reflected glory, and women who acted like the Baseball Annies he often encountered during his career.

He just wasn’t that comfortable talking about himself like that. It sounded so much like bragging when he talked about his pro career.

It wasn’t like he’d been famous or anything. He’d only gotten as far as Double-A, finishing his career just down the road at Norwich, in the Giants’ farm system.

He’d stayed in Connecticut because he’d had a girlfriend at the time that he was planning to marry, but that relationship had been blown up a couple of months earlier when he caught her in bed with an old boyfriend.

By this time, he was stuck in New England, with a good job at a good company, and, honestly, he’d grown to like it there. In a lot of ways it reminded him of his native Louisiana. The people were kind of quirky, a little clannish, just like the folks back home, and there was a definite pride of place that was strongly reminiscent of his home in the bayou country.

Of course, there wasn’t the biting, mind-numbing cold in the South that he’d had to come to grips with in Connecticut. But this was his second winter up north and he was a little more acclimated to it than he’d been the year before.

He didn’t look like an athlete, being fairly short of stature and slender. But he’d been a left-handed pitcher with good velocity, a wicked curveball and a studied knowledge of how to pitch.

He’d been the star for his small-town high school team, but didn’t get any Division I offers, so he ended up playing two years at LSU-Eunice, a junior college not far from his hometown with a very good program. He’d helped them make it to the JuCo World Series and that paid off in an offer to pitch for Louisiana-Lafayette, another solid program.

His senior season, he’d gone 8-3 with a 3.16 ERA and helped the Ragin’ Cajuns get an NCAA regional berth. That caught the Giants’ attention and they’d picked him in the 13th round of that year’s draft

At Lafayette, he took his schoolwork seriously, graduating with a degree in business, and that had helped him land the job with the insurance company when arm trouble ended his playing career.

Truthfully, he wasn’t all that broken up about having his playing career cut short. Sure, he was disappointed that he didn’t make it to The Show, but the life of a minor-league player meant a life of wandering from one end of the country to the other, of endless bus rides from one town to the next, of cutthroat competition to get ahead.

He sighed as he surveyed the crowd and listened to the music at the party. A live band had been hired and they were well into their first set. The dance floor was packed, but Ryan wasn’t terribly interested in getting out among the masses.

Actually, that wasn’t quite true. He was interested, but he just hadn’t seen anybody yet that he was all that fired up about asking to dance.

Then he happened to see her, and something tugged at his heart. She had a wine glass in her hand and she was swaying slightly to the music, but she had an almost sad look on her face like she was lonely. Here she was in this crowd of holiday revelers and she just looked utterly out of place.

Ryan studied her intently for several long seconds. She was a little taller than average and quite slender, almost thin. She wasn’t classically pretty, but she was cute, with dark curly hair that fell just to her shoulders.

She was dressed quite stylishly in a fairly snug dress that stopped an inch or two above her knees. It was a burgundy color in a kind of shimmery material and she had a large scarf draped about her shoulders that added a splash of color to her ensemble.

Jane and Dana had had a good time shopping, then having lunch at a nice chain restaurant. Eric, Dana’s boyfriend, had arrived around 6 o’clock and they had driven to the hotel.

On the ride over, Jane started feeling the blues coming on. Dana and Eric were trying their best to make her a part of their night, but they were still a couple sitting together in the front seat of his car and she was single sitting alone in the back seat.

As long as they were grazing at the buffet table, and could mingle and chat with her co-workers, she didn’t feel quite so out of place. But when the band started up and the couples started filling the dance floor, she felt like the fifth wheel.

She would never know what caused her to look up, perhaps a feeling that she was being stared at. Whatever it was, she turned her head and nearly dropped her glass. Her stomach did sudden somersaults as she locked eyes with a man standing maybe 30 feet away.

She just gaped in astonishment as she looked at the face from her dreams, the man in her fantasies. He wasn’t real tall, but he had the same dusky complexion, the same dark hair, the same dark eyes that smoldered with a barely-restrained fire, the same mysterious smile.

Almost in a daze, she realized that he was walking up to her — to her! She felt herself flushing and there was a roaring in her ears as she tried to process everything that was assaulting her senses in that moment.

‘Hi,’ Ryan said with a smile. ‘You look like you could use some holiday spirit. Would you like to dance?’

Jane was stunned. This good-looking guy was asking her to dance? Then she shook herself and set her jaw.

She made up her mind in that moment that she wasn’t going to blow this. The man of her dreams had just walked out of her fantasies and asked her to dance, and she’d be damned if she let the moment slip away because she was too tongue-tied to respond.

‘I’d love to,’ she said and smiled broadly. She swallowed down the last of her wine, set the glass on the table nearby and walked out onto the dance floor.

Dana happened to look over in Jane’s direction a few minutes later and grinned at her friend, giving her a little thumb’s up to indicate her approval.

In fact, she was a little shocked that the darkly handsome Ryan had singled out Jane for a dance. She said a little silent prayer that the guy wasn’t going to toy with her friend’s emotions. She’d seen the surprised look of excitement on Jane’s face, and she so hoped it wasn’t going to dissolve into cruel disappointment.

If she’d known the thoughts that were going through Ryan’s mind at that moment, Dana would have known she had little to fear. Ryan was captivated by the way Jane moved on the dance floor. It wasn’t overtly sexy at all, but it stirred something in his soul.

As a pro ballplayer, he’d had plenty of casual sexual relationships, plenty of women who’d flaunted their sexuality in his face. This woman — whose name he still didn’t know — wasn’t like that at all. She moved easily to the beat of the music with a certain sensuality, but she seemed to be extremely modest, and he sensed that she was quite shy.

They danced several
fast numbers, and the look of joy that was splashed across Jane’s face excited Ryan to no end. He’d seen how lonely she’d looked before, and to see her now gave him an immense sense of satisfaction.

Finally, there was a slow number, and Jane seemed to tense up at the prospect. She knew once this hunk got close to her shapeless body that it would be all over.

Ryan did indeed take note that the woman’s body wasn’t real curvy, but he liked the way she felt in his arms, and he could feel himself getting hard at her nearness.

Jane was shocked then to feel the hard ridge of flesh boring into her abdomen. This was so unexpected that she could feel herself flush and a hot flash of arousal surged through her loins.

After the song ended, they both decided they needed a break and something to drink, so they walked off the dance floor, and as they walked, Jane was stunned when their hands fell into an easy clasp like they’d known each other forever.

As they strolled casually to the bar, they finally introduced themselves. Jane was captivated by Ryan’s exotic Louisiana accent, the soft way he rolled his R’s, the way it seemed like English wasn’t his first language.

‘So, Ryan A-bare, that’s a pretty interesting accent,’ Jane said playfully. ‘It doesn’t sound like you’re from around here.’

Ryan told her a little of his background, but deliberately didn’t tell her about his baseball career. He wanted Jane to accept him for who he was, not because he’d been a ball player at one point in his life.

Jane told Ryan a little about herself, fearful that he’d find her mundane, but not caring. For some reason, she felt relaxed around this man, like she’d known him all her life, which, in a sense, she had.

She didn’t tell him that she’d had fantasies about a man that looked just like him. She didn’t want to spook him. It wasn’t until he asked how she came to be at this function without a date that the old Jane resurfaced.

‘Oh, I’m not very attractive,’ she said, dropping her head to stare at her lap. ‘I’m not very pretty and I’m not very sexy and I never know what to say.’

Ryan had been around enough to pick up on the undercurrents of loneliness that ruled Jane’s life, and he knew that he faced a tough job if he was to pick her up from the depths.

And it was a job that he was looking forward to, because he was definitely feeling something for this slender wallflower, something besides pity. He wasn’t sure what it was about her, but something about Jane Smith excited him in any number of ways.

‘Jane, listen to me,’ he said softly. ‘Don’t ever sell yourself short. I happen to think you’re very pretty, and sexy is such a relative term. Never forget that the most important sex organ a person has is the one right between their ears.’

Just then, the band started back up and Ryan more or less insisted that they get out on the dance floor.

Jane and Ryan danced through the entirety of the band’s second set, and more than a few shocked eyebrows were raised when those who knew her saw Jane so thoroughly enjoying herself, and with such a great-looking guy.

By the time the band took its next break, Jane was in a state of euphoria, and Ryan was definitely showing genuine interest.

‘Would you like to step outside for a breath of fresh air?’ Ryan said.

‘I’d love to,’ Jane said, her stomach in knots.

I was a little chilly out on the terrace where the smokers had congregated. Ryan pulled his jacket off and offered it to Jane, and she took it gratefully. They stood looking out at the city, with their arms around each other.

‘So how does a guy from Louisiana end up in Connecticut?’ Jane asked.

Ryan thought, ‘Here it is, the baseball question.’ But he wasn’t going to lie, and he wasn’t going to hide his background. So he told her in as straightforward a fashion as he could about playing ball and ending his career in Norwich.

‘Really,’ Jane said, matter-of-factly. ‘I guess we have something in common, then. I’m a big baseball fan. Go Sox!’

They laughed at that, and Ryan felt another connection with this woman, who seemed to be blossoming before his eyes. They talked baseball for a bit, and Ryan found that she was indeed very knowledgeable about the game.

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Tasha was an all-around athlete. Her father had been transferred to the power plant that sat on the outside of town. He was an engineer and worked long hours. Her mother had passed away from cancer three years prior to her moving to our town, so it was just her and her dad. She had been an all-district hitter and outfielder in softball. She also ran cross country and soccer. She was eagerly welcomed to each of the respective teams at our school. She instantly moved up to be one of the most...

4 years ago
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Dear Diary, UR my BFF and the only one I can really talk to *exhale, breathe!!!!* except Mommy and Daddy, of course, so I’m going to share this with you since I want to remember it forever and ever. Thanksgiving = giving of thanks. After several months, Daddy and I did it again (fucked our brains out, you know), and Mommy too. Heaven-sent fun! And then the next day after Daddy’s birthday was when all our relatives came to our house for the big feast. Believe me, we had everything...

2 years ago
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Ice Cream

I looked around the restaurant nervously. I used to be really good at the dating thing, but years of not using my dating and flirting muscles had led to their atrophy. Blind dates like this one were especially trying because let's face it; a blind date is like sticking your arm in a geyser. Most of the time nothing happens, but if your timing isn't right you can get hurt pretty badly. A regular date is bad enough. But at least then you've already met the person and know something about...

3 years ago
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Infidelity 101 Chapter Two

Looking at Jason after I'd hung up the phone, I thought back to when I was his age. Remembered what it had been like when I’d been a teenager screwing boys in cars on dates and in beds when the parents weren't around. Sex back then wasn't the practiced love making that age and experience brings, but it was always energetic! Looking at Jason's lean, muscular, toned body, I knew that sex with him would be energetic as fuck! Knowing what I know now... What I could teach a boy... I knew it wouldn't...

2 years ago
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My First Black Cocks

I discovered that I enjoyed watching porn films when I mistakenly clicked on our PC's history and found out that Richard my husband, had being viewing various sites. I guessed he was watching when I'd gone out or to bed. I didn't mention it to him, reckoning that most men like porn and anyway I had my own secret fetish which he was unaware of. There was nothing wrong with our sex lives, we were quite adventurous, though with him frequently travelling and working away we didn't fuck as much as...

2 years ago
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Angels And Insects

Marcus woke just before dawn, hunger squirming through his guts, angrily twisting; burrowing deeper like a maggot gnawing away at his rotten core. He stumbled to the bathroom, barely making it in time to vomit the remains of last night’s meal into the sink - thin ropes of bile dragged reluctantly from his body, burning the back of his throat.Placated for now, the hunger retreated and he ran the tap, splashing tepid water onto his face until the nausea faded. It was getting harder these days to...

Oral Sex
1 year ago
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Mistys driver

ride home from soccer practice. I had just finished dropping off the Baxter twins a couple of real bratty 13 year old boys who had just about worn my patience thin playing with all of the controls and knobs in my van. I had one kid left to drop off, a cute little 12 year old girl named Misty. Her house was out in the country about 15 miles away, but I didn't really mind because I figured it would be a nice quiet drive and would help relieve the tension brought on by...

1 year ago
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The College Age Of Sandamali

My name is sandamali..(sanda = moon ,maali= necklace) but I’m not a beauty as the moon..But most of the males,even females attracted to me, I don’t know why..I’m still thinking. So this is my sex story.It begins once I was a college girl.I was too innocent when I experienced those things which changed me and my life my father kept me away from social life so that I would not become a bad girl but now I think that is the bad thing. What do you think?What is the sexiest dress for a teen...

3 years ago
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Getting aroused watching black male strippers

My good girlfriend Laura was reaching finally her forty years old; so other ladies from the wild wives’ group decided to go to a male strip club to celebrate a party there. We all were having a good time, plenty of drinks to lose inhibitions. All the male dancers were younger guys and mostly of them were black…Those guys got totally naked during their routines, showing us how well hung were all of them, specially the black guys. The girls cheered up on Laura, to have a lap dance with one black...

2 years ago
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HungerChapter 8

He could see the black bag, half empty now, on the table just fifteen feet away from him. If I can get to it, he thought, it's only another 30 feet or so to the long stainless steel sink where I clean the utensils. I could wash the flour down the sink, and then it would be gone. But he was so weak. He didn't know how he'd be able to get his shaky legs to walk that far, and then lift the bag and tote it to the sink. It seemed like a herculean task. Then he heard the women again, fighting...

2 years ago
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SynergyChapter 10

"You are purposely dripping that syrup on my boob," Teresa complained happily. "The better to lick it off," he grinned and stuck out his tongue. Teresa was sitting on his lap with just her robe loosely tied around her. The top was loose enough that one breast was fully exposed and with her crossed legs the top leg was bare almost up to her crotch. She was feeding him pancakes with her fingers and he took considerable pleasure in licking his utensils clean and the area below them when the...

2 years ago
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Deputy MarshalChapter 7

Eddy went back to the jail and made sure that the prisoners were properly taken care of. There was a problem of crowding, but none of the other prisoners were willing to be in the same cell as the Chinese giant. Finally, everybody was sorted out and the handcuffs were removed. Eddy sent the temporary deputies home with his thanks and the request that they all come back at 1:00 PM tomorrow. He had something important to discuss with them, but he needed to get to Bill's parents' house before...

1 year ago
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Furry Lust

When I donned my fursuit to go out for my first public event, I was flushed with anticipation. I was more than a little nervous too, not knowing what to expect and worried about etiquette and what others would think of me. But for the first time in a long while, I felt a bit like a child again, believing that I can be anything and do anything that I had dreamed about. I had custom ordered my fursuit months ago and received it last week. My introduction to the furry fandom had been accidental...

4 years ago
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Erpressungssex im Hotel

Unterschlagung = spezielle Dienste Frankfurt: Chris und Zarifa sitzen in einer Lobby eines exklusiven Hotels. Zarifa war Anfang 30. Sie hatte braune gelockte Haare mit sportlicher Figur und einer Körbchengröße von 75 D. Chris war 25. Beide arbeiteten im Vertrieb in der Zarifa als Regionalleiterin tätig war. Chris war als Assistent der Geschäftsführung tätig und wollte mit Zarifa ein paar Zahlen besprechen. Chris war schon lange scharf auf Zarifa, aber sie war schon lange verheiratet. Als...

3 years ago
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Lund Wale Baba

I am Nooni from Karachi and my mail id is , now I want to tell u my real story,mein ye story Urdu,mein likhoin gat a k sahi tarah se ap lougoin ko samuj ah sakey kahoin k meri English b bohat achi nehi hai weisy tu mien ne Graduation ki mhoi hai Punjab Univerty se ,agur kesi ko jadoo ho ya koi hasssab kerwana ho tu wo b kerta hoin , aur kesi ki shadi na ho rehi ho ya husband payar na kerta ho ya saas tang kerti ho her kaam ka ellaj Qurani Ayaat se kerta hoin ,agur koi bahnj women ho jo...

1 year ago
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Bad Week For Mommy Chapter 1

I want to THANKS to ALICE522 @ XHAMSTER to correct and edit my text:Bad Week For MommyChapter 1 It was Monday, 10th of January 2011 . Mother was allowed to meet with her lady friends who meet almost every weekday, to chat, drink coffe, and have a good time together. I told her I expected her at home at 05,30 pm, and turned my eyes to the place in our bedroom where our toys including the whip, were kept, ready for instantaneous use. She was a good girl, and good mommy to me, her only son....

3 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 11

I woke up and looked at the clock. It was five-thirty am on Saturday morning. I realized I was snuggled up next to Tamara. Those kinds of realizations are necessary when you haven't been beside anyone for the past six months. It was very nice though. I lay there for a few minutes just looking at her. What had happened that brought her into my life. Was it Fate, destiny, Miller Genuine Draft? Who knows and who really cares. This brought back a poem I wrote many years ago: When Paths...

3 years ago
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My 1st gay sex

I was 14 and my sports teacher Mr B married and 45 asked to stay back and help him with the gear. We went to pee and he caught me looking at his cock and asked if I want to touch it When I said I did he locked the doors to the change came up behind me kissing my neck and put his hands down my shorts playing with my cock and slid my shorts off. I got a little scared as I could feel his cock through his shorts against my ass and I wasn't sure what was going to happen. He took his top and...

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The BachChapter 5

“Happy, happy, happy,” I thought as I drifted in and out of sleep on the Sunday morning of my holiday, wondering if I should get out of bed yet. I felt wonderfully relaxed as Mum had come to my room last night and we’d fucked and played for nearly two hours before she had wearily made her way back to her bed. However it was the thought of what had happened yesterday during and after our walk that had my morning erection aching away as well as what I’d got up to last night ... actually I’d...

3 years ago
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The Landlords Submission

It wasn’t long after I put the ad out, that I heard back from someone. I got a call from a woman looking to rent. Her name was Kendyll Terrell. I invited her over for a quick little interview. I watched a video online on how it’s important to screen your renters. Some people aren’t worth the money. When she finally arrived, I was greeted by the most beautiful black woman I’ve ever seen. She’s half a head taller than me, but she’s got thick thighs and an ass that makes my mouth water. Don’t...

4 years ago
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The Burmese Maids Revenge

Edinburgh, 1952 When the mid-day post arrived, a letter from my cousin Allister was included with the other items that dropped through the mail slot in front door. When I stood at the console table sorting the mail, I noticed that more and more of the stamps on the letters bore the visage of the young queen who had ascended the throne after King George's untimely death. Once everything was spread out on the table, I decided that my cousin's letter deserved attention first. Allister was...

2 years ago
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My encounter with Mami part 1

Hi everyone, my name is rocco(((secret name))). I am from delhi. Im 27, 5’6, fair, athletic build. Won’t reveal the size of my cock coz even a tongue is more than enough to satisfy a woman. Guys, lemme tell you one thing, this story is not a fiction…it’s 10000% true, except the names, every word that would be written is true. So without wasting any more time, let’s get to the story straight away… Story has only two characters, me and my mami……. Sapna (name changed), ye iss story ki heroine...

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Gabby Goes To Ikea

Gabby and Phil shared something in common with millions of other couples around the world: Gabby liked to go to Ikea, while Phil despised it. For the past several weeks, Gabby had taken stock around the house. Their son Anthony had just turned four, and he required a bigger bed and some children’s furniture rather than nursery items. The threadbare rug in the dining room, bought at a garage sale just after their wedding, needed replacing. Many of their dishes and bowls were chipped. Some new...

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Youll Understand Soon Enough

"No Juan...Daddy just won't let me be with you," Stacey said amongst impassioned kisses from her Latin lover. Stacey's father forbade her from seeing Juan since she had gotten pregnant from him. "It's ok babe...I've got a plan to make your dad understand what we have," Juan said as he pulled away from Stacey looking her in the eyes. Juan's eyes were a beautiful emerald green that Stacey just couldn't help but get lost in. Stacey was a gorgeous girl with an average physique including...

3 years ago
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The Accidental Portal TripChapter 3

I had been hunting on the south side of the river and had just rowed my way back across, when I heard a small voice call me. “Mr. Steve, Mr. Steve.” Little Jimmy called to me as he ran down the path toward the river. “Whoa! Slow down Jimmy, what is the problem?” “There are some bad guys at my dad’s inn.” Jimmy’s dad Albert ran the Riverbend Inn where I was staying. “Okay, Jimmy do you know how many bad guys are there?” “Six and they are giving my Pa a hard time.” “Okay, Jimmy I will...

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Sex Chat With Gorgeous Friend

Hi Everyone, I am Rohan from Bangalore, big fan and regular reader of ISS. I have been reading stories from almost 7 to 8 years. I always wanted to share my many stories here but scared somewhat. Now I am going to share my real chat with the girl I met on social network. I am well fit as I go for regular gym with 6” and 2” thick dick, anyone can love my dick and turn them on anytime thinking of physic. This is happened when I met a girl on one of the social network. I met this girl and started...

1 year ago
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Married Into Petticoats Chapter 3

Married Into Petticoats a story by Prim The story so far: Simon Barber has just married Monica, but found as they arrived back at her mother's house, that he was to be placed under the orders of his new Mother-In-Law, Veronica. With the help of her doctor friend, Catherine Del Mar, Simon's resistance is overwhelmed by a combination of chastisement, medication and intimate persuasion. Chapter 3: Simon undergoes more advanced sexual conditioning. His tired penis...

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The new roommate1

She texted me that she was here. I look up at my phone and see the most beautiful blonde walk in the door. I had posted the ad of a few social media sites so I had an idea of what she looked like but I would have never imagined this. She was wearing a black beanie and had sunglasses on. A loose fitting shirt and sweat pants. But just by looking at her I could tell she had a gorgeous body. She has deep blue eyes and dirty blonde hair peaking barely out from under her beanie. "Hey Natalie."...

3 years ago
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A Miraculous Affair

Cameron Miracle. It was fucking miracle he didn’t come to the university every day with a black eye. He was a douche, no two ways about it. Every girl he ever met seemed to think so; at least, once he had their way with them. Until then, it was like they were his property; he’d do whatever he wanted with them, and while with them… and they wouldn’t care. They’d follow him around like a lost puppy until he was bored with them, then look for the next girl. It was almost mind-boggling. The guy...

2 years ago
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Hotel bang

Hotel bang. Not long ago my wife and I had a weekend away at a posh Hotel. We do this every so often away from the k**s to spice up our sex life and keep it interesting. Karen, my wife, packs all her sexy undies and toys and we take the camera and film ourselves at it. This always gets Karen going so I knew we”d have a good night. Karen has a good body with 36Ds and I love spunking over those big tits. On Saturday night Karen dressed herself up in her tight black dress...

1 year ago
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DarkX Chloe Couture My Big Brothers Best Friend

When the bubbly blonde teen Chloe is caught masturbating by her brother’s best friend, she’s obviously terribly embarrassed. But after a moment of panic, she realizes that things might not be that bad after all. He’s already seen her lovely blonde pussy, and she’s still awfully horny, maybe he could just finish her off, she cutely suggests. After all, her erotic fascination was about how big and dark and hard she imaged that python between his legs. And once he pulls it...

1 year ago
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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 30

Tolkien said it best: "Now it is a strange thing, but things that are good to have and days that are good to spend are soon told about, and not much to listen to; while things that are uncomfortable, palpitating, and even gruesome, may make a good tale, and take a deal of telling anyway." The trip to Sebewaing wasn't fraught with heavy seas and high adventure. There were no pirates, no secret rendezvous with a Nazi U-Boat, not even anything as terrifying as a strafing by black aircraft...

3 years ago
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Disparate HousewivesChapter 6 A New Resident

Bob Turner climbed out of his car and grabbed his briefcase. It was still early afternoon on a Friday, but he had given himself the afternoon off. He unlocked the front door and went into the house. Setting his briefcase down in the foyer, he called out, in a high, false voice, “Lucy, I’m home!” Paige smiled in the kitchen where she was washing dishes. “Jack? Is that you?” she called out sweetly. Bob wandered into the kitchen. “Who’s Jack?” He came up behind Paige and kissed her on the back...

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The Game between Diana and I

As Diana walked into the room, and we were alone, I decided that it was the day that we would play the game, and I would be under her for the first and hopefully not the last time. She and I sat the sofa in the living room and I asked her if she wanted to play a game. She accepted. The game consisted of having an arm wrestle and the winner would 'move up' on their opponent until one of them sat on the other's face. She won all the rounds until she was sitting on my chest. I told her that I...

1 year ago
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The Legend of Super Dick Nastyjournal entry 6

The Legend of Super Dick #Nastyjournal entry 6Diamond part 1I'll call her diamond since I'm not using real names...i first saw her dancing in one of Atlanta most popular strip clubs,this was in 2014.i was in a private booth smoking a blunt when i saw her walk by,as I've said i like women of all races and sizes,but my weakness is a blonde with a big ass,When I see blonde hair i get a feeling over my body like a naughty sensation,but when i lay my eyes on a blonde girl with a big ass i can't...

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