Oregon Coast Ch. 02 free porn video

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Being wealthy isn’t as great as it sounds. I never tried being poor, of course, when your name is the same as one of Oregon’s biggest timber companies that’s not really an issue. It was always understood that the family money was just that: there to be taken care of, added to, and used as needed, but not ours to waste. The only thing worse in my family than wasting money was acting superior because of our luck in ancestors. I’ll never forget the time my brother (who for a while we actually had answering to ‘Dumb Dave’) tried to impress some airhead girls by making fun of the Hispanic laborers who were building Mom’s new formal garden out past the pool house. Dad didn’t say much- he never did- but the look in his eyes scared me. A couple weeks later Dad told me quietly that Dave wouldn’t be going with us to sail the San Juan Islands when school got out, and we should find another crew member. When we saw Dave again, he had a lot of stories about the fish cannery in Alaska where Dad had sent him to spend the first half of the summer gutting salmon. He had callused hands, some expressions that almost gave our Spanish master a heart attack, and a deep respect for the hard working Mexicans who had shown him the ropes on the fish line.

Anyway, when I finished prep school I had enough money in the trust fund to go to Europe for a while. I had been All-American as a soccer goalie, and figured I should go take the European leagues by storm while I was hot. It took me a couple of years bouncing around the bottom levels of the UEFA to realize that being hot in American soccer was a long way from being a star in European football, and I just wasn’t going to make it to the top with the skills I had. I went back to the US to finish college knowing that I didn’t have to wonder for the rest of my life what would have happened if only had given it my best shot.

College was a bad fit socially, since most of the students were fresh out of high school and excited to be on their own away from Mom and Dad for the first time. I did my own thing, studied, and ignored the campus partying for the most part. After celebrating Hogmanay with the West of Scotland Football Association, a bunch of kids drunk on Keystone just didn’t impress me.

One night I was walking back to my apartment across campus and encountered a bunch of said drunk frat boys who decided to make cracks about my Real Madrid jersey. I was annoyed- Real Madrid is a hell of a team and I had worked hard for that jersey, even though I never actually made the team. I told them to piss off, and they started making cracks about ‘soccer fags’ and getting hostile. I was starting to wonder if I had gotten in over my head when I heard a deep voice behind me.

‘Hey, guys, are we going to have a problem here?’

I looked around. The speaker was something over six feet tall and at least half that wide, none of it fat. His voice and smile looked friendly, but his attitude made it clear that if they jumped me he was more than willing to jump in and even things up. Typical loudmouths, they muttered some threats and disappeared. I stuck out my hand.

‘Hey, thanks for the help!’

‘It’s nothing. I get tired of these stupid kids getting drunk and causing problems for people who are here to learn something.’

‘Well, can I buy you a beer anyway?’

‘Sure, why not?’

That’s how I first met Brian. We both had seen something of the world and were there to get our educations and move on. Brian never said much about his background, but he didn’t appear to have a family that stayed in touch with him and occasionally mentioned dealing with the VA to pay his tuition. I once asked him how he got the terrible scars on his arm, and he mumbled something about ‘Afghanistan’ in a way that discouraged me from probing further. He was a hell of a decent guy, though, and we quickly became friends. He got in the habit of coming home with me for the holidays, and we spent quite a few weekends out at my family’s house on the Oregon coast fishing and doing the constant maintenance a beach house needs.

After graduation, he went to work for a good sized construction company and I took the place that was waiting for me in the family timber business. Brian appeared to be doing well, and Dad had already made clear, in his quiet way, that when he was ready to buy out the company he was to come to Dad for the money. Dad got where he is partly by being a good judge of character.

When we got out to the beach that weekend, we found my uncle’s company running team already there. They’re cool people for the most part, and we had plenty of space. Brian looked a little dazed after the introductions, but I didn’t give it a lot of thought. Once we got to work on the deck we intended to fix, the reason became clear.

‘Tell me about Jennifer!’

‘She’s a terrific girl. Sweet, smart, and you obviously noticed how pretty she is already. Toss me that pry bar.’

‘Catch. Some of those folks seem to think that you and her have something going?’

‘Oh, some of those busybodies at Uncle Graham’s ad agency think we’d make a good couple. Every time I go over there they manipulate me into taking her to lunch.’

‘And you don’t like her?’

‘I think the world of her! We realized after the first couple lunches that we just don’t have any romantic attraction to each other. She calls me sometimes when she needs someone to go to some social function with her, and vice versa, but that’s as far as it goes. I guess people see us together at those things and jump to conclusions.’

‘You telling me a girl that looks like that can’t find a date? I can’t believe that!’

‘More like she gets tired of men constantly chasing her. She’s got her own life going and she’s not man-hungry like a lot of these girls. She doesn’t seem that interested in dating.’

Brian was grinning.

‘And you can’t take those weird girls you like to date to high society functions!’

This was an old jibe, and I knew it was a loser for me, but I couldn’t just let it go.

‘Look, just because I got tired of those finishing school clones I grew up around doesn’t mean I date weird girls!’

‘Really? What about that one who HAD to show us the tattoo on her butt?’

‘It was on her hip!’

‘If it’s even partly covered by her Pikachu panties she doesn’t need to show it to people she just met! What kind of grown woman wears Pokemon panties anyway?’

‘Uh… a cute one? What was Doc Miyahara getting so upset for, anyway?’

‘He wasn’t upset, he was trying not to crack up! He said later he had seen those same characters on the back of trucks in Japan when he was visiting over there.’

‘Don’t tell me…’

‘Afraid so. She said it said ‘beautiful flower’ or something like that? Doc says it’s actually Japanese for WIDE LOAD!’

I had to laugh at that.

‘OK, I give up. That girl with the WIDE LOAD on her hip in Japanese was a little odd. Where’s the tape measure?’

‘Here. Yeah, I can just see your mom’s reaction if she had decided to show off her butt tattoo at one of her parties!’

‘Hip, not butt! I still remember Mom’s reaction the time one of Dave’s dates tried to show off her pole dancing skills. I don’t need to see that again!’

Brian was an adopted son as far as Mom was concerned, and had privileges to criticize members of the family. In fact, I suspect she would have swapped Brian for Dave if she could have.

‘They gave up on Dave acting like he had any sense a long time ago, but they still have hope for you. Why don’t you pick out one of those preppy girls who won’t give me the time of day and give them some grandkids like Mom’s always talking about?’

‘Seems to me that Bitsy Monroe gave you a lot more than the time of day last New Year’s!’

‘I’m not gonna confirm or deny that anything happened. Still, when I called her up the next week, she said that she’d had a lot to drink and didn’t reme
mber anything, and hoped I was gentleman enough to forget it too.’

‘Ouch. Sorry.’

‘I’m not. Who wants to deal with a sloppy drunk? I was just being polite. Anyway, you’re avoiding my question.’

I took a deep breath and sat on the edge of the deck.

‘You know why those girls like me better than you? They think my last name would look awfully good next to theirs on a platinum Amex card! They figure any girl who marries me will be set for life. That’s actually true, but I don’t need a woman who’s just interested in my money.’

Brian sat next to me and popped the lid off his Black Butte Ale.

‘You think your money is the only thing you have to offer? Maybe some of them just like cocky jerks!’

‘Thanks, asshole. How do I know the difference, though? Anyway, come help me carry the lumber from the truck. We’re wasting daylight here. Talk to Jen. Like I said, she’s a great girl, but isn’t a flirt. Don’t take it personally if she’s a little standoffish.’

Oddly enough, Jen came wandering into my room as I finished getting dressed after my post-construction shower.

‘Hey, kiddo, what’s up?’

‘Lots of people around here this weekend. Who’s this Brian guy?’

‘My best friend from college. Really solid guy.’

‘Yeah, he looks it. How come I never met him before?’

‘Since when do you want me introducing you to new men? Why, you like them big?’

Jen turned a little pink.

‘Hey, I was just curious! Don’t jump to conclusions.’

‘Well, Brian’s single, sober, solvent, and sane. One of the best people I know, and Mom wants to adopt him. Give the guy a chance if you’re at all interested, and you won’t regret it.’


Jen looked thoughtful, kissed my cheek, and walked out without saying anything else. I kept my mouth shut- a girl’s entitled to a little mystery- but I noticed that the two of them seemed to spend most of the evening deep in conversation. The next morning Jen was glowing and Brian couldn’t stop smiling, and the looks they were giving each other when they thought no one was watching nearly set the house on fire. I don’t need to know what, if anything, happened that night, but it didn’t surprise anyone that they quickly became an item.

We were even less surprised six months later when they showed up for dinner with the gang with a diamond on Jennifer’s finger and Brian grinning like the village idiot. All he had been able to talk about since that first weekend was how great Jen is, and while we gave him a hard time about it, the truth is we all liked her and figured he was a lucky SOB.

Brian walked in my back door a few weeks later looking stressed.

‘Hey, John, if Jennifer asks I’m not here!’

‘Trouble in Paradise?’

‘Nothing serious. I’m still so crazy about that girl I can’t see straight, and I can’t wait to marry her. Getting there is about to kill me, though!’

‘How so?’

‘You know that apartment complex we’ve been building out in Beaverton? The roofing subcontractor flaked on us and I’ve been out there all day with a crew racing to cover the roof sheathing before this next rainstorm hits. Now Jen wants me to go look at china patterns or flower arrangements or some damn thing. I guess telling her that whatever she likes is fine with me isn’t good enough. I mean, I lived on MREs out of the bag for nine months straight in Afghanistan and now I’m supposed to care what the plates look like? I just can’t do it tonight!’

‘Well, there’s Guinness in the fridge, although I still say only a barbarian drinks it that cold. SportsCenter will be on in a couple minutes. Grab a beer and I’ll call out for pizza.’

‘Thanks, man, I owe you for this.’

‘Keeping the groom sane is part of the best man’s job. Don’t worry about it.’

The doorbell rang fifteen minutes later, and I grabbed my wallet and went to answer it. I cultivate a reputation with the local pizza joint as a big tipper, and they take good care of me in return. Instead of a high school Mario Andretti bearing a Meat Lover’s Special, though, I found Jennifer on my porch. She had a friend with her- a Gothy looking dark haired girl I had seen around her house once or twice- and steam coming out her ears.

‘Don’t even try to tell me that Brian’s not here, John! The big jerk’s truck is out back!’

The Man Code is strict. If I could save a buddy from having his girl mad at him I had to do it.

‘Look, Jennifer, this is all my fault. I, uh, asked him to come over…’

‘Oh, give it up! You men and your stupid Code!’

Well, smart women can be a mixed blessing. She brushed past me and found Brian looking trapped on the couch.

‘Brian, you knew we were supposed to go look at china patterns tonight! You know how long I’ve been waiting for you? If you aren’t serious about getting married, just say so and we’ll call it off!’

The look on Brian’s face was painful to see. This had gone far enough. I grabbed Jen’s arm.

‘Come out on the deck with me. Now!’

She went along semi-willingly.

‘OK, Jennifer, listen to me for a minute. First, he was just telling me before you got here how much he loves you and can’t wait to marry you.’

She was starting to relax a little.


‘Ever since he met you you’ve been all he can talk about. I’ve never seen a man so totally head over heels as he is over you. It’s almost disgusting.’

A smile was starting to fight its way through her angry expression.

‘Second, lighten up on the guy! This wedding stuff is a female show, he doesn’t care if it’s under a bridge or bigger than Princess Diana’s as long as he ends up with you. Don’t assume he doesn’t care about the marriage because the fooferaw goes right over his head!’

The smile was winning out.

‘Third, look at where he is. He started from nothing and is well on his way to building a solid future, and he’s doing it for you. If he knocks himself out at his job it’s because he wants a better life for you and the children you’ll have someday. He’s showing how much he loves you in his own way.’

Now she was really smiling.

‘Finally, would you really want a guy who’s obsessed with flower arrangements and china patterns? I know some like that, and they wouldn’t have kept the satiated smile on your face that you’ve had since you met Brian!’

Now she was laughing.

‘OK, OK, I see your point! I guess all this wedding stuff has my perspective messed up. Now let me go so I can go apologize to the big dope!’

Brian saw her coming and stood up like a man facing a firing squad. She marched right up to him, threw her arms around his neck, and kissed him like she was trying to melt his fillings. He looked startled but caught on fast and didn’t fight his good luck. Eventually she pulled back and rested her cheek on his shoulder.

‘Brian, I’m sorry. This wedding planning stuff has me going nuts. We need to take a break from it. Finish your beer and let’s head back to your place. Your shoulders feel like you could use a good back rub!’

I caught Brian’s eye over her head. He silently mouthed something like ‘I REALLY owe you!’ He wasn’t dumb, though, he grabbed her hand and got out of there as fast as he could. I shook my head and turned back to find the other girl eyeing me with disdain. I put on my best smile.

‘Hi, I’m John. I know I’ve seen you around, but I’m not sure I know your name.’

I might as well have said ‘Hi, I’m Gary Ridgway!’ She looked down her nose and spoke flatly.


I eyed her a little. Under the black spiky hair were big green eyes in a delicate face, and a smoothly curved body under the odd black clothes. A very pretty girl, actually, if you looked past her deliberate efforts to look strange. Not that it looked like it was going to matter to me.

‘Uh. Listen, you want some pizza? Looks like I’m not going to have all the guests I thought.’

‘No. I have to go.’

And out the door she went. It was strange- I know I don’t look like Brad Pitt, but most women don’t hate me on first sight either. A minor mystery at best. I grabbed a slice of pizza and went to check the World Cup rankings on satellite. As soon as I found the channel the doorbell rang. There was Lydia on the porch.

‘I just realized that Jennifer took off with the car keys. Can I call a cab?’

‘Don’t bother. Let me grab my keys and I’ll drive you home.’

‘Well, if you insist.’

Nothing seemed to melt her ice. I couldn’t see why a girl as sweet as Jennifer hung out with this snob, but I never claimed to understand women.

When I found my keys, I remembered that Dave had borrowed my pickup and left me his Porsche 911 until he brought it back. Most girls don’t mind a ride in a 911, but Lydia obviously wasn’t most girls.

‘You want me to ride in this?’

‘It’s what I have at the moment, unless you want to wait until my Rolls Royce gets back from the shop. Sorry if it isn’t good enough for you!’

She finally looked a little ashamed of herself.

‘Sorry, I’m just not used to cars this fancy. I’m more into bicycles myself.’

‘It’s just a car. My brother’s, actually- he borrowed my pickup and left me this.’

‘So you’re more the pickup type?’

‘Ever try to tow a boat or haul firewood with a Porsche? It’s not easy, believe me!’

Her smile suddenly made clear how striking she really was. She could have given Jennifer competition in the looks department if she had made the effort. That was the only smile I got that night, though, when I pulled up to her place she just said ‘thanks’, got out, and went in the house without looking back.

It turned out that Lydia was one of Jennifer’s housemates and was scheduled to be in the wedding, which was why they were running around together that night. I saw a lot of her over the next few months as the big event started to come together. To everyone else, she was friendly and charming. Me, though, she still treated like something she had to scrape off her Doc Martens. Once I overheard something about ‘rich smartasses’ that might or might not have been about me. The fact that the description fit on both counts didn’t explain the whole thing to my satisfaction. She wasn’t just a weird chick with a pissy attitude, she was a genuinely kind and witty young woman and smart as a whip. It was only me that she couldn’t stand.

Lydia really didn’t own a car, and Jennifer kept assigning me to pick her up for all the activities and events that kept happening as the wedding approached. It was easier because I could just toss her mountain bike in the back of my Ram 2500 and drop it at her house when I dropped her off, which would have been complicated with the little Hondas and Toyotas her girlfriends drove.

One afternoon I had to go to the high school where she taught English to get her. I had been out in the woods all day cruising timber, and was dressed in my dirty boots and Carharts. The sun was out for a change, so I dropped the tailgate and sat on it reading a book as while I waited for class to let out. Pretty soon I was surrounded by a small crowd of teenagers. The faces were every color known to man, but kids are kids the world over.

‘Nice truck, man!’

‘Thanks. I work in the woods and it’s good for dirt roads.’

‘Whatcha reading?’

‘Henry Thoreau. It’s a book called ‘Walden’ about a year he spent living in the wilderness in a cabin he built himself. He was kind of the first environmentalist.’

‘Cool, I guess. Whatcha doing here?’

‘I have to pick up Ms. Lydia. You guys know her?’

That got a big, enthusiastic reaction. Apparently they all had her for one period or another and loved her class.

‘So are you her boyfriend?’

‘Not hardly. We’re friends with a lot of the same people and I’m giving her a ride to meet some of them.’

One big red headed kid pushed forward aggressively.

‘Well, why not? You don’t think she’s pretty? Not good enough for you?’

This fifteen year old tough guy was ready to punch me for disrespecting his favorite teacher. I stopped myself from laughing just in time.

‘Do I look blind to you? Of course she’s pretty, and she seems really smart and kind too.’

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Jack and the Rollercoaster

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A Different Sort of LifestyleChapter 35 Rollercoaster

The rides were small and unexciting. The carnival games were lame. The food was standard carnival fare. It didn’t matter as far as Ted was concerned. He was in heaven with the most beautiful girl he had ever met. Sitting down at a picnic table across from Amy, Ted handed her one of the drinks he had just purchased. She accepted it with a smile and a quick thank you. Looking at her date across the table, Amy said, “I’m really impressed.” “By what?” Ted asked looking around. “You don’t seem...

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Playing DoctorChapter 3 Emotional roller coaster

All I could see was the bore of the pistol pointed at my midsection. The barrel looked wide enough to drive a bus through, and it was pointed right at me. Then, with an odd moment of clinical detachment, I noticed the blood on his hand, red and fresh. He jarred me out of my thoughts by jabbing me hard in the side with the pistol. "I said, 'Drive, ' dammit!" With my hands shaking in fear, I started the car and put it into reverse. Somehow I managed to avoid hitting any other cars, though...

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Goes Around Comes Around

By Jax_Teller I had done many things in my life to make money but this was going to be different. As a young man, a fighter and ex-military man I was well conditioned and fit so to speak. I had been living life hard and fast and this job was going to be more than just interesting, it was an awakening. I would do just about anything for money as long as my moral compass wasn’t too upset. Sexually, I had been paid to perform privately and publicly. I had sexual encounters with both males...

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Dhanya8217s Diary Chapter 6 Extra Class For The Horny Student

“Ma’am, is this the paper you are looking for?” Kiran exclaimed holding up a letterhead. Dhanya was barely listening. She had Tony’s hands on her breasts, He held her right nipple between his thumb and index finger. The bliss she was experiencing was exhilarating as she slowly started losing a sense of her surroundings. “Ma’am, is this the paper?” Kiran repeated the question. Dhanya turned around disinterestedly and in a feeble voice, she replied, “Yes, Kiran, that is the document I was...

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Groomsman gets the Bride on her wedding night

I met Julie while we were in college. Initially, I thought she was out of my league when it came to dating. She was 5'6" 125-130lbs, pale skin with blonde hair and blue eyes. She was big into golf which is why we hung out often. She started dating a friend of mine and the three of us would golf 4-5 times a week and hang out together too. Over time, Julie and I became more like brother and sister. Talking trash, she was always getting on me about girls I dated, nothing was off limits. Julie and...

2 years ago
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Changing our Friends

I have been happily married for 3 years. My wife is beautiful. We are both 28. I stand 6'00" and have an average build. Margo is 5'7" with a great ass and perky, firm tits. We both work-out regularly and consider ourselves to be in great shape. Back in college, a buddy taught me a fun party trick-how to hypnotize someone. It works most of the time. As everyone knows, under hypnosis, you can't make someone do something they wouldn't want to do (i.e. commit murder, or fall in love with...

1 year ago
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Paying the Rent in Jail GayPT3

I woke up in the morning, still on my mattress on the floor. My boy pussy was on fire and my panties were soaked with lube and cum. I went to our cell's toilet and let out a stream of my new master's cum. I couldn't believe I still had that much in me! I looked around for Jermane, but he wasn't in the cell. I figured he must have gone to his job in the kitchen and I'd finally have some alone time to contemplate my new life. Before I could get too deep in thought, a crackle came from the metal...

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After being married for just over ten years, I had noticed that over time, my marriage had started declining. I knew that it was partially my fault, but I'd gotten increaseingly frustrated at the fact my wife simply didn't have interest in sex. For awhile I thought she was cheating. I pursued that angle, and discovered there was nothing there. She'd just stated to me over time she'd gotten "older", and it "didn't get her worked up like it once had", and so on and so forth. So for the...

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Mystery Flasher

My first sexy story, written about fifteen years ago (you can tell by the music references!), based off a fantasy I had while working retail. "Hi," she said. I looked up. She was leaning onto the information desk at the record and book store where I worked, and she smiled the perfect smile that beautiful women do so well. Though it was late and I was a bit tired, I immediately slipped into "helpful employee" mode (trying not to enter "helpful employee staring at gorgeous babe" mode, at least...

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Aunty Rose Summer Heat

I thought my husband was joking when he claimed that one of the neighbours was flirting with him. It turned-out that he hadn’t been exaggerating as I saw her doing it at a friend’s barbeque. ‘Rose’ was fluttering her eyelashes and touching him unnecessarily, but it was when she laughed at one of his stupid jokes that I knew she wanted him. I moved in to protect my man. I’d had a couple of glasses of red wine and Rose was in serious danger of getting a slap if she didn’t back-off. Matt, my...

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Margaret the old antique dressed lady

Anita and I had been invited to attend a costume party at a local convention center; the place was too large; ideal for a dance floor.I had chosen to be The Zorro; but Ana laughed when she saw me dressed in that costume, saying she would be Cat Woman.A very sexy Cat Woman, I told Ana, a very slutty one also…She looked hot in her feline costume; so I asked her for a quick blow and of course, Anita gave one just wonderful…Once we got into the party, I noticed it was in full swing.Lot of people...

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HOME VISITThe phone rang late on Friday night “hello I said “ is that John came a unfamiliar voice, Yes I replied , Its Mina from the other night, I recalled in vivid detail the BJ she had given me in my car , (the night I helped her daughter in the pissing rain and sleet). How her tongue on my hard cock was to much to take and when she swallowed all my hot CUM down her mouth I memory I thought would never happen again.What Can I do for you Mina I asked, she replied she and her daughter would...

2 years ago
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My first lesbiansex in my life

Hello friend ,I am Nazoo khan lesbian lady 28 year old.My figure is 38 28 38.I have healthy whitish sexy body.Here i am going to share with you a story of my first sexual encounter in my life with the my aunt.I love ISS site,i am big fan & crazy to read stories on this site,i am encouraged by reading all kinds of story so posting my experience over here.I have a neighbor aunt about 30 years with 2kids 1 son & 8 months girl baby,uncle works in a bank.I was just 18 years old that time,in this age...

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Carla Michaels

Carla Michaels and her long-time friend, Jenny Banks were lying back on their lounge chairs, watching the two handsome young men playing in the pool. "Doesn't seeing them make you wish that you were twenty-five again?" Jenny said as she turned to Carla and it looked like her giant nipples were about to explode under her tiny, black bikini top. "God yes!" Carla moaned as she continued looking over both of the young men and their very toned bodies. "Just imagine what they could do to us...

3 years ago
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A Day In The Life of Harlowe

Introduction: This is Part 1 of Harlowes story. It is completely fictional. This is Part 1 of Harlowes story. It is completely fictional. Feel free to leave comments. Please dont leave a negative rating just because it isnt your type of story. If you dont like the themes listed, you dont have to read it. That being said, I hope you enjoy the story! thanks for reading! Part 1: My day started out like any other. I woke up at the alarm and didnt want to get up. I got dressed for school. Who...

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Part 1 Succumb

“Are you done yet?” Adam shifted impatiently in bed while Cassidy remained behind the closed bathroom door. He was feeling pretty antsy and very horny. What the hell was she doing in there? “One second!” she yelled back. It was well after eleven o’clock, and Adam was starting to lose his patience. She knew how much he hated staying up late on a work night. He worked a very high-pressure job in finance and was an early riser anyway. He would never say it to her face, but in the back of his mind,...

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Not This TimeChapter 11 Manon

Work was a hassle. My class schedule forced me to leave Emily at the college daycare center while I was in class. I didn’t want her to be in daycare while I worked, too. But we were just coming into the prime listing/selling season. I needed an inventory if I was going to make money this spring and summer. I made phone calls with Emily sitting on my lap. I did neighborhood research with Emily on my back. I pulled comps and did market research with Emily asleep in her stroller beside me. And I...

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Party Time

I was loading the boot of my car with shopping that I had purchased from the supermarket and was bent over the boot of the car. The back of my short skirt was riding up so that the beginnings of my ass cheeks were on show as I only had on a small thong under my skirt. Just then a red classic corvette convertible pulled into the parking lot. It looked like one of those cars that guys spend so much time on. Engine sticking up out of the front of the cover and bright polish silver trim and pipes...

4 years ago
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My skills got me out of a DUI

I recently had an experience that could have ended so badly but instead ended magnificently.My wife was gone for the weekend so I was home alone. I had gone out with a few friends and had some cocktails. About 11:30 pm I was on my home. I live in a rural area so there’s not much traffic so I wasn’t too worried about my driving abilities. I was almost home when I saw the red and blue lights behind me. My heart started pounding as I knew I was legally past the limit and this was going to cost a...

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My Friends dad 14

We were both very stunned to say the absolute very least. Then we very slowly closed the door and started whispering. “Was your daughter just fucking my mom?” I asked. “Yes, holy shit,” John replied. Then we kissed once and after seeing that, we couldn't just look once. So I slowly opened the door and we both watched a little more. I felt a little bad, but at the same Jeanette watched us too few times before. I also was wondering how did that happen with them. I thought we had a thing, but I...

2 years ago
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Sweet CarolineChapter 23

Many things happened in the next week. Our refrigerator arrived the next morning, and we put the leftover frozen food in it. Caroline’s University of the Pacific envelope showed up in the mail, meaning she had to get down to the University and select her classes for her first semester. All of our signs were ready, the ones for our new offices in the Stanford Center, as well as our Stockton offices. We’re using Jeremy O’Malley’s maintenance man, Mort Robertson, who should be quite the help...

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Second ChanceChapter 21

"All rise. Court is now in session, the Honorable T. Clyde Thorson presiding." When we arrived at the courthouse I could feel the curious eyes of the court personnel looking me over. My bald head, crisscrossed with vivid scars did not fail to capture their attention. I noticed the court clerk, a sweet, grandmother type, apparently moved by the pitiful sight I made. That couldn't hurt my case. I tried even harder to sit up straight and act like a man, not a wounded child. Mr. Bell had...

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Being Naughty with 2 strangers

Being Naughty with 2 strangersBy Dina PetroThe resort was very huge, spread over a wide area with many activities and fields, I was all alone spending a couple of days, it was mid-afternoon of a hot summer day when I took my dress off, stayed with a two piece bikini, sun tanning next to a playground in the middle of a green area surrounded by many trees.Two men walked into that field, a black guy and a white guy, both in their early thirties, real good looking men, and seemed to be flirty, they...

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Mother Son On A Lonely Sea Beach

My name is Rahul matured 24 years and I live in Mumbai alongside my crew. There lives my mom Sushma matured around 43 years and my dad Ram Lal matured around 46 years. My dad is a businessperson and is an obsessive worker. He is regularly in terrible wellbeing and typically depend on drinking in night because of his work exhaustion. I don’t know anything about their sexual coexistence however believe that it is bad as mother is not in glad state of mind ordinarily and father never tends...

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La detective

"Signor Giuli mi dispiace ma questi sono i fatti" - ero nel mio studio e stavo mettendo al corrente un mio cliente degli ultimi aggiornamenti sul suo caso: tre mesi fa la figlia era stata rapita durante una crociera nel mediterraneo la polizia non ha mai trovato niente, allora si era rivolto alla mia agenzia, mio marito aveva lavorato diverse volte per la sua società e quando lo informai che mio marito era rimasto ucciso ed io avevo preso il suo posto nell'agenzia era rimasto sorpreso ma mi...

Group Sex
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Dead Stick 9

"Shit! You mean she was that way with all of you?" I asked shocked. "I thought to you guys she'd at least be a lot more civil. Laughing the elder nodded his head then he got serious, "How many more levels have you gone up?" The elder asked him. "As of today I have raised seven and a half, I might have enough to piss him off that's about it, I might even get him to feel it." I told him with all seriousness. "Seven and a half? Crap son I can only think of one, no two...

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The easy way to pick up girls

Well it's simple ...... you just need to get yourself a kid, under five years old is best, a toddler is good but a baby is better. Now before you dismiss this idea and stop reading think about it, all women love babies even those who don't want kids of their own. You only have to see them fussing round a pram to see the effect babies can have........ Oh yes babies are the best babe magnet you can get. How do I know this? ......Well as a result of a drunken one night stand this girl I...

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Crossdressers Spanking Scene

My roommate and I were both bi and part-time cross-dressers. We were also familiar with consensual B & D and had already worked out several code words, then went a step further and wrote scenes for each other, so that when we're in the mood, we could call up the scene rather than try to explain it or coach someone through it.   Sometimes we did a scene to please each other sometimes we asked for a scene because we were in a specific mood.   So it was that I got an e-mail at work, which...

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Angelique Part One

"I am visiting Los Angeles on business," she spoke in a sultry Brazilian accent. "I'm from Brazil, actually," She traced the edge of her glass with her fingertips. "I am here alone this evening," she held her glass by the stem and swirled it on the bar. "But I suppose you could say that I'm, " she paused to smile playfully. "Looking for someone, so to speak." Angelique turned slightly to face Balla, she was wearing a black burlesque corset & long skirt, she crossed her legs...

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Jerryrsquos World ndash Sleepover with Tiffany

I left Terri and Bev to get on with it knowing that they would end up crashing out in Bev’s bed, I know her too well.I was beat and I couldn’t leave Tiffany alone all night so decided to go back upstairs and kip with her, I was drained and needed a rest.I crept up the stairs and into the bedroom and Tiff hadn’t moved a muscle so I lifted up the sheet and suck in beside her, feeling someone get into bed she shifted onto her side and put an arm around my back, so sweet I just drifted off.It was...

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Straight man enjoys chubby fem guy

So I met the straight guy online he said he was looking for full figured woman nice tits nice pussy. I messaged him and asked him have you ever been with a somewhat chubby fem guy he said know. I explained to him I had breates like a female and a bottom like a pussy just tighter. He would make love to me same as he would a girl. He was gamed to give it a try. Oh and did we enjoy each others company. We got together at his house I came in we started talking a bit he had some porn on. We had a...

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Wild ChildChapter 3

Juli was elated. She was finally going to get her motor scooter after wishing for one all these years. She just knew she and her friends would have the best of times riding and flirting and showing off their hot bodies in front of all the boys and men. She dressed quickly in a tight pullover shirt and her pleated white miniskirt that she loved so much. She always loved to wear it with white panties underneath and wondered if anyone could see them as she bent forward or squatted. Today would...

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Surrendering to BBC

You catch my attention from across the empty locker room. I am sitting on the bench, tying my shoes you emerge from the shower room. My eyes drift over your muscular body, glistening under the lights. I feel a stirring inside my belly as I realize that I am staring at you. I try to break my gaze but my eyes are now fixed on your exposed cock and balls.Like the rest of you, your cock is quite an eyeful. It is clear, even from a short distance, that you aren’t even remotely hard and, even...

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Captive at the Red Keep

You look out from the window from your chambers in the Red Keep. Black smoke rises above the rooftops filling the air with the smell of ash and soot. You cringed at the scent. You always hated it. You couldn't tell if it was from the burning debris or the corpses. Perhaps, it was both. You could hardly believe all of this is happening. Deep down you had hoped you were dreaming. You wanted this to be all just some terrible nightmare, and soon enough you'll wake up in your bed covered...

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Chudasi Aunty Ko Choda

Hello friends this is my first story on ISS and I keep often reading stories on ISS and I like to read it. M Sahil from delhi and male 24. I’d like to share my incidence with you people without wasting much of your time I’d like to tell u the actual part! This incident occurred with me recently actually, I had lost my cell phone due to which I had purchased blackberry curve as my friends suggested further story and I would like to tell in Hindi please give me feedback at Doston mein blackberry...

4 years ago
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JewelChapter 6

I woke up the next morning, to the smell of coffee and bacon. I threw on just enough clothes to be decent, and walked into the kitchen, where I saw my girl, fixing breakfast for us. Jewel was humming a tune I recognized as being from a Disney animated movie from long ago, but she was in a bra and panties, a far cry from any Disney animated movie sequence. "Hi, Joseph!" "Hi, Jet," I responded. That made her giggle, which made her breasts jiggle, which I enjoyed seeing. "I don't know...

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