Oregon Coast
- 4 years ago
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This one is a little personal, my father in law was a Japanese-American GI in WW2 and there are a lot of echoes of my family in Doc M’s family.
The Battle of the Lost Brigade happened in October 1944. Like the Light Brigade at Balaclava, the 442d was ordered by incompetent generals to do a militarily impossible task and did it on sheer courage, at great loss to themselves. For this and many similar feats the all Japanese-American 442d became the most decorated unit in the US Army, including twenty one Medals of Honor.
I used to think that my country had outgrown the attitudes that led to the internment of the Japanese-Americans. After 9/11 I’m not so sure. I’ve heard way too many allegedly responsible people call for all Muslim Americans to be classified as ‘the enemy’. I’m proud that the Japanese American Citizens League has led the resistance to such stupidity.
There’s probably no way to write about racial/ethnic issues without offending someone. I’ve done my best, so I won’t apologize. I do hope my respect for all ethnic groups came through.
I have great respect for veterans, but am not one myself. I don’t want recognition I didn’t earn.
I grew up looking at the picture of Uncle Ed on the mantelpiece in our living room. There he stood in that old-fashioned GI uniform, surrounded by his identically dressed buddies, grinning and aping for the camera somewhere in England. It wasn’t until I was in fifth grade or so that I realized what the flag with the gold star next to the picture meant. In college I figured out that Uncle Ed was only a couple years older than I was then when he and eight hundred comrades in the 442d Regimental Combat Team died in an ultimately successful struggle to rescue two hundred and fifty American soldiers cut off behind German lines. I was never allowed to forget the lesson, usually delivered by Grandma:
‘You have a good life in America? People treat you like a real American? All we Japanese have in this country, we owe to your uncle and the 442! After what they did, nobody say that we’re not as American as anyone else! Never forget!’
It wasn’t until high school, though, that I heard the other half of the story. I came home in shock and asked Grandma if she had ever heard of a ‘relocation camp’. It was like I had struck her. She sat heavily at the kitchen table and motioned me to the other side, and for the first time in my life I saw tears in her eyes.
‘Yeah…yeah… I was at the camp when they sent me that Gold Star for your Uncle Ed.’
‘What camp? Where?’
‘Don’t ask me about that. It was a bad time. Shikata ga nai.’
I knew what that meant: don’t complain about things that can’t be changed. It also meant that she had said all she would ever say on the subject. Just to be sure Mom warned me that night, in no uncertain terms, that I was never to bring up the internment again. The way their country had treated them, and the loss of everything they had worked for, was just too painful for my proud grandparents to talk about.
When the money ran out after two years of college, I was faced with a bit of a dilemma. The military was the obvious next step, especially for someone who had been raised to idolize the Nisei soldiers who had paid in blood for my generation’s opportunities. On the other hand, I had a Buddhist’s deep seated revulsion for killing and couldn’t see myself as a machine gunner. After talking to a recruiter and a couple of 442d veterans, I joined the Navy as a medical corpsman.
Being a corpsman turned out to be a good fit with my interests. Fitting in with the other guys was a little harder. Let’s be honest here: I’m kind of small, Asian, wear glasses, refused to carry a weapon, and wasn’t interested in drinking and chasing floozies off duty. It’s not exactly the image of your average Seabee. The guys treated me well enough, especially since I was always willing to quietly fix up injuries and infections they didn’t want to explain to the chain of command, but I got more than my share of practical jokes pulled on me too.
Then came 9/11, and the whole focus of military life changed. We had never even seen a map of Afghanistan before then, assuming that a landlocked country was irrelevant to the Navy, but when they needed bases built quickly they hollered for all the construction experts they could find. Within a few months we were in Afghanistan and hard at work.
The guys treated me differently over there. I guess when people are actually getting wounded a corpsman gets more respect. They seemed to think it was a big deal that we had to go to where the wounded fell to help them, which I never understood. A wounded soldier isn’t going to get up and run to cover while the corpsman waits for him, so going to him is part of the job if you want to be effective. Sure, it can be dangerous, but the monks had taught me that life’s not permanent and it’s a waste of time and effort to pretend that it is. Besides, as a Japanese-American serviceman I would rather die than disgrace the proud tradition I had inherited. I had a job to do and I did it.
I wasn’t doing anything special when the odds caught up with me. We were on our way to run a sick call in one of the local villages when an IED went off under our Humvee. Must have been a small one, because all it did was break my leg in a few places and tear up our driver with some fragments. Getting her bleeding stopped was the last useful thing I did before the military medical pipeline sucked me up and spit me out again in Landstuhl, Germany.
Once my leg was pinned back together I was off to the US for recuperation and physical therapy. The process left me with a lot of free time, which was good because Grandma was getting old fast. As long as I showed up for roll calls and medical appointments, no one cared if I spent the rest of my time with her at the retirement home.
I did get a bit of a shock the first time I made it all the way to her room on my crutches. I knew the Gold Star and the picture of Uncle Ed would be on display, but I wasn’t expecting the one next to it. Me, in my dress blues, shaking hands with the President on the day they awarded me my Silver Star. Someone had put me in for it without telling me, and while I didn’t think I deserved it I wasn’t going to turn it down either.
‘What’s this, Grandma?’
‘You make me proud, Emerson. Made the whole family proud. Your uncle would be proud too. You a credit to our name.’
Suddenly all the pain and boredom I was going through didn’t seem like such a heavy burden.
Eventually the powers that be decided that my leg was never going to be fit for active duty again, and I was discharged with a disability rating and the right to lifetime VA medical care. Between the VA and GI Bill benefits, I also had funding to finish college and go on to medical school.
Internship and residency at Oregon Health Sciences University was one of the hardest experiences of my life, but I always made time for the monthly gathering of the guys I had served with in Afghanistan. Pretty much all of us were out of the service and moving on with our lives, but the things we had been through together were a lifetime bond. I needed those guys to keep my perspective on life beyond the hospital, and they were always happy to see me.
This month the gathering was at a bar in Northeast Portland that someone had heard about. We had spent the first hour or so catching up, and I had gotten up to use the head. On the way back I had managed to get in a conversation with a cute little brunette who was helping her friend celebrate her upcoming wedding, and wasn’t in any hurry to get back to our table.
I guess I should mention that I like Asian-American girls just fine, although not as much as some of my white friends. Unlike them, I had grown up around Asian girls and didn’t buy into that whole geisha/M. Butterfly fantasy. Besides, their momma’s
reaction when they heard that I’m a medical resident could be a little overwhelming. I’ll go out with a pretty Japanese-American girl any chance I get, but that doesn’t mean that I’ll pass up a chance with an attractive girl of any other race. This girl was cute and friendly, and I was having a great time flirting with her.
‘Hey, gook, why don’t you stick to your own kind?’
I turned. Shaved head, suspenders, boots- the whole skinhead package designed to look tough. Not uncommon in Portland, but stupid and usually dangerous only in groups. A couple others were watching off to one side. I tried Plan A.
‘You’re making a mistake here. Why don’t you go hang out with your friends?’
Behind him I could see what he couldn’t: the guys I came with had noticed the problem and were getting up from our table. He had too many drinks in him to listen to reason.
‘Why don’t you make me?’
The girl I had been flirting with was standing there, wide eyed. I spoke to her quietly.
‘Could you stand back, please?’
She promptly did. A deep, Spanish accented voice came from behind him.
‘Hey, ese, if you got a problem with the Doc you got a problem with the rest of us. Why don’t you maricons go drink someplace else?’
Manny Rodriguez wasn’t much taller than I was but he was built like a fireplug. Over a lot of bull sessions in Afghanistan, I learned that he had been a rising star in the East Los Angeles Surenos when he realized that he was attending way too many funerals and was going to be the guest of honor soon if he stayed on the path he was on. The Marine Corps had turned his life in a completely new direction. Now he was an urban planner, wore a tie to work, and spoke without a trace of an accent, but when he got angry the tough cholo rose to the surface quickly. He still had the absolute loyalty to his friends that his early life had ingrained in him, and threatening one in his presence was close to suicidal. The skinhead was starting to catch on. Desperately, he looked up at Brian.
Brian was our petty officer in Afghanistan, and still our natural leader. He’s probably 6’3′ and close to 300 pounds of muscle. On the inside you couldn’t find a gentler, kinder man, but he won’t hesitate to use his size to intimidate people who start trouble for no reason.
‘Are you really going to stick up for this spic and gook?’
Brian’s eyebrows rose. His voice was calm, quiet, and even deeper than Manny’s.
‘The spic and the gook are my brothers. You’ve been given two chances to walk away peacefully, and you’re not getting another. Now get moving.’
Out of the corner of my eye I saw one of the guys open the front door of the bar. What the skinheads weren’t realizing was that this scenario had played out in a lot of bars and EM clubs all over the world, and they were the only ones who didn’t know what their role was about to be.
‘Don’t you have any white priiiiiiiiii…’
He didn’t finish the sentence before he went flying out the open door without touching the ground to land on his hands and knees in the street. Manny and Brian turned to his two buddies.
‘You guys want to be next?’
They had their hands up defensively.
‘No, no, we’re cool.’
‘Good. Go pick your friend up and don’t come back.’
They quickly scrambled out the door. Manny grinned up at Brian.
‘You getting rusty, compadre. You almost hit the doorjamb with that pendejo.’
‘Me? You threw the timing off, you ugly dwarf. I was going to ask someone else to help me throw the next one.’
They laughed and turned back to their beer.
I looked around. The little brunette’s entire party was staring at me, wide eyed.
‘What the heck was that?’
‘Guys I served with in the Navy. We’re having our monthly reunion. I tried to warn them not to push it, but if they had any brains they wouldn’t be skinheads.’
‘Are those guys always like that?’
‘Best people I’ve ever known, but we didn’t survive Afghanistan to take crap from punks like that at home. They would have done the same for anyone else at that table.’
I motioned the girl aside.
‘Look, I don’t want to put a damper on your friend’s bachelorette party. Could I call you some other time?’
‘Uh, sure. Got a piece of paper?’
One thing medical types are never short of is notepads with the name of some drug or another printed on them. She quickly scribbled down a phone number and handed it to me, and I went back to our table to catch the tail end of Manny’s story about his struggle to pass Statistics so he could finish his MBA. Nobody thought the whole skinhead thing called for further discussion. In the scale of things we had seen together, it just didn’t signify.
A couple days later I called the number on my notepad. An extremely calm male voice answered.
‘Holman’s Funeral Service. How may I assist you?’
‘Excuse me?’
‘Holman’s Funeral Service.’
‘Is this 232-5131?’
The professional calm was wearing a little.
‘Yes it is. Do you need immediate services or would you like information on pre-need arrangements?’
‘I guess you can bury my love life if you want.’
‘May I connect you to Alcoholics Anonymous? They may be able to help you more than I can.’
‘Sorry to bother you.’
The guy hung up abruptly.
The next day at lunch I was bitching to Karen about it. She’s a surgical nurse. Really nice girl, very pretty, and I sometimes regretted that I hadn’t asked her out when she was single. Shikata ga nai, Grandma would have said, she’s happily engaged to one of Brian’s adopted brothers and considers me more or less another brother.
‘Why can’t a girl just say no when a guy asks for her number? Here I’m looking forward to talking with what I thought was a cute girl I’d met, and instead some undertaker accuses me of drunk dialing. It’s embarrassing.’
‘It was rude of her, but you have to realize that your crowd can be intimidating. We both know that Brian and Manny are a couple of teddy bears, but it’s not obvious to people who don’t know them.’
Manny wasn’t exactly a teddy bear, in my opinion. I once saw him beat a would-be suicide bomber to death with an entrenching tool in a desperate effort to prevent him from blowing up a school, but it wasn’t a story I wanted to tell Karen. I had also seen him rendered completely tongue tied and red faced by a little frivolous flirting. Karen’s totally in love with Dave, but she still likes being a girl and doesn’t see any harm in acting like it.
‘What, was someone going to rough her up for saying she wasn’t interested? Oh, who cares, no use worrying about it now. I just get tired of all these games. Why can’t I find a pretty, sensible girl like you or Jennifer and not have to deal with all these games any more?’
‘Well, the fact that eighty hours of work is a light week for you doesn’t help.’
Karen thought for a second and smiled.
‘You know, it was Jennifer and Lydia who set me up on a blind date with Dave. Let me talk to them about it. This could be fun.’
A couple weeks later Lydia called me up.
‘Hey, Doc, barbecue at Jen and Brian’s place next Saturday! Be there or be square. Plus, I’m bringing a new teacher I want you to meet.’
Lydia teaches high school and is married to another of Brian’s adopted brothers. One more in the long list of incredibly sweet, pretty girls I met too late. Lydia tends to put on a Gothy persona and is always coming up with odd, outdated expressions.
‘I assume Karen told you I was tired of the singles game?’
‘She let me in on it. Us boring married folks have to have our fun somewhere.’
‘I get the impression that you and John cook up plenty of fun.’
‘No comment. Anyway, Brian said I had to warn you ahead of time that she’s Eric Jones’ cousin.’
I swallowed hard. Eric had been my biggest fail
ure in Afghanistan, a respected member of our unit who had died under my hands during an ambush. I never thought I deserved the Silver Star they gave me for trying to save him, and I never forgave myself for failing. Hearing his name still hurt.
‘I’ll try to look past that. What time?’
‘About two. And don’t take that attitude, she’s a really nice girl.’
‘I’ll be there as soon as I get off work.’
Lydia dropped it and hung up.
Jen and Brian live in an old farmhouse that Brian converted and modernized, with some help from Jen. The farmland’s mostly gone, but they have enough left for a big back yard. There were quite a few people there by the time I got away from the hospital, including enough I knew to get started on a couple of conversations. After a while, Brian and Jennifer turned up with a young woman in tow. Eric’s cousin, obviously: Eric had been black and this girl was at least part black.
‘Hey, Doc, I want you to meet someone. Allison Jackson, this is Emerson Miyahara. Call him Doc like everyone else does.’
She gave me a bright smile. Remarkably pretty young woman, really. Kind of like a young Halle Berry.
‘So you’re the famous Doc Miyahara? Eric used to talk about you a lot. I’ve wanted to thank you for a long time for what you did for him. Is it OK to hug a hero?’
‘Whatever I did for him wasn’t enough, and I’m not any damn hero. I want to apologize to you and your family for losing him. And I don’t need any damn hug for it, either.’
Jen gaped at me, and Brian shook his head with a frown. Allison looked like I had slapped her. She turned and walked away without another word, and Brian went after her. Jen turned on me. She may look like Cindy Crawford’s prettier sister, but her temper would have scared my drill instructor.
‘Emerson, what the hell is wrong with you? I’ve never seen you treat anyone like that, especially a cute young woman who obviously thinks you hung the moon. Is this how you’re going to act when we try to help you?’
‘Look, Jen, you don’t know what it was like in Afghanistan. Losing Eric is hard for me to deal with.’
Wrong thing to say.
‘Have you forgotten that my husband was right next to you during that ambush? Do you have any idea how many nights I’ve spent holding him after he woke up screaming about it? Maybe I wasn’t there, but I sure as hell know how hard it is for you guys to deal with. Brian’s finally come to the realization that what happened to Eric Jones wasn’t his fault. It wasn’t yours either, but it sounds like you’re not ready to believe that.’
She sighed.
‘Because of you Brian’s alive and has two arms, and I’ll always be grateful for that. That doesn’t give you a right to be rude to my guests, though. I expect you to go find that young lady and apologize.’
What could I say?
‘I guess I was rude, Jen. I just hate being called a hero over that stuff.’
‘Make that explanation part of your apology, then. Get going.’
I found Allison sitting in a gazebo toward the back end of the lawn. She didn’t look happy to see me.
‘I didn’t think you wanted anything to do with me.’
‘Allison, I was a jerk to you, and I came to apologize.’
Her expression didn’t soften.
‘Yeah, you were. I was trying to be nice to you.’
‘Look, Eric’s death was my biggest failure as a combat medic. I can’t accept people calling me a hero over it. You hit a raw nerve.’
She turned to me, her expression softening a little.
‘Eric was as much a big brother as a cousin to me. I read everything there was to read about that ambush after we buried him, including the autopsy report. Two bullets through both lungs and the aorta? A full team of surgeons couldn’t have saved him, never mind a combat medic at the side of a dirt road. You can’t blame yourself. My family and I sure don’t.’
‘People keep telling me that, but I can’t accept it. It was my responsibility to keep guys alive until the medevac got there and I failed.’
‘Sometimes there’s nothing you can do. Shikata ga nai, Mom would have said.’
I looked at her with the obvious question in my eyes. She half smiled, half shrugged.
‘Mom was full blooded Japanese. She met Dad when he was stationed in Okinawa. If you know what box I’m supposed to check on those forms you’re doing better than I am.’
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“Really, Xavier, I don’t understand,” Lucas commented, looking somewhat vexed with his friend’s determination. “You usually get bored rather fast with them. Please at least promise me he can be mine once you are done with him.” They were talking over dinner, while Cory was tending the table quietly, trying hard to ignore the butterflies in his stomach upon hearing the masters’ conversation. “I believe that it would be no issue for a repeat performance if you come visit us,” Xavier sipped...
"John Doe come on we need you on the front line." "Ah I'm coming Jim." you stood up from your bed that you was napping on. Jim threw a weapon in your direction. What weapon was it? sword and short knife - Not useful long range but great close range MM Pistol - Short range good but long range not useful. Reloading easy. Sub-Machine gun - Good close, close quarter very good, long range okay. Reloading easy. AK-47 - A powerful long range weapon. Reloading was a bitch
Part 2 : Since that night it had been several days before I was able to sneak off to my post outside her window. This time running the whole way hoping I had not missed anything I got there just in time for her to walk in and start her undressing routine that I enjoyed so much. Cock in hand hard and dripping pre-cum I was ready. This time started out very much the same she undressed down to her underwear, she was not thin but not heavy either pretty face brown hair full beautiful breasts...
My mom was divorced when I was very young. It was just her and me living together while I was growing up. I hate to admit but she was kind of slutty. And what excited me most was her sexy size 5 curvy high arched feet. And she used them like a weapon, dangling her stiletto high heels at just the right moment when men of interest were around. Although she was slutty, she was a religious slut, attending church every Sunday. This particular story happened when I was 14. We were driving to church...
Of the Adventures of John and Holly Part 40: Homework Well, we watched the videos that we bought at the store. The famous female pornstars seemed to take on several guys a lot. That was the one thing our videos were really lacking. So far I had been the only guy involved, and Holly and Steph the only girls. So the next logical step would be bringing in more people. We collectively decided that the sex club is an ideal way to do this. It had been a few months since we had gone, so we...
Hi friends, I am new writer and I was a regular reader of iss. ..now I am going to write my own story real experience….send yours comments and feedback to “”. I am Vijay,age 22, I am from Chennai,complete BE and now working in a small company and I also an part time masseur.my mom name is Lakshmi,age39 her bra size 42c and panty 100cm. She looks like serial actress and fat.na en ammava chinna vayasula irunthae sight adipan na 12 vayasula irunthu Kai adipan..ipa varaikum na daily Kai adipan...
Anyone who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story. —————————- Crime and Punishment: Bimbomania! Round Four By: Chrystal Wynd I couldn’t stop my boobs from jiggling. I sighed. My CFM walk- they said it was short for ‘come find me,’ but I knew it was really ‘come fuck me’- was too complex for me to overcome. My whole body was...
Introduction: Clarke finds out about the secret of his daughter, 15, whos inviting customers over to her bedroom for years. Info: The story came up to me while I was writing the next part of my Jenny wants to be a slut-stories. The characters of this storyline are mentioned in this story as well. May in one of the next parts, I will merge the storylines. Notice: This story is about incest and sex with young girls. If you dont like it, dont read it. ...
Hank smiled warmly at her daughter and replied, "I was wondering if you were ever going to stop your monologue long enough to pretend to be civilized. Samantha Conroy, I am very happy to introduce our host and hostess at luncheon today, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Carlson." When the girl heard the name, her jaw dropped and she slid off the sideboard. Suddenly, she was embarrassed by her appearance and was obviously torn between fleeing the room and meeting the people she had heard about all her...
Hi, I am Jai and this story which I am going to narrate is a real-life incident, which happened in my friends’ life and I have narrated it as he explained it to me. Just sit back, relax and enjoy while shagging your dick. I even gotta see some encounters after my friend explained this experience. It’s a long story and I will try to make it as interesting as possible. I am a good looking, 5’8 tall and have a 6-inch strong dick. I work out regularly which helps me go really long sessions on the...
IncestNorthern Nevada is a great place to live. Not that the Pacific Northwest is less, by any manner of speaking, but since I am in the electronics business and working with Software, and this has become the second Silicone Valley, it was the natural place for me to hang my hat, and here it hangs, at least for the moment.My life has involved quite a bit more travel than I like of late, and my routes back and forth across the country and from top to bottom would resemble a spider’s web if you were to...
SwingersAfter the 1st trimester had passed Ginger & Oliver virtually lived at Daddy and Maracks, their sex drive was insatiable. As their time for birthing got closer they were fucking every opportunity they could. One morning Ginger walked over to the farm and wanted Daddy & Marack to fuck her pussy and arse. after they had cum in her she got both to double fuck her pussy, all of a sudden there was water all over the bed Gingers waters had broken, they phoned her mum to pick her up and take...
The week passed pretty uneventfully, mom and dad were still away looking after grandpa and we were still staying at the Johnsons. School had been busy all week so not much happened other than eating and sleeping in the evening, then Saturday a girl from Tommy's class was having a sweet sixteen party so my sister Susan and I and his sister Kate were invited along. So we all went, a typical sixteen year old girls party, lots of giggling and boppy music. After a while Kate and I were getting...
We had to shift from the village while my father was transferred from the block office to join at Bhubaneswar on a promotion.My transfer certificate was taken from the village school and admitted in the Govt. school. I was excited to see the huge school building and large number of students reading in the school.The premises was wide spread.My village school was very small with thatched school rooms with very few teachers and students. At the tiffin break I could notice that a group of boys are...
By Sunny DISCLAIMER: THIS STORY IS NOT REAL IT’S JUST FANTASY. HI friends i am Sunny . main 19 saal ka B.com student hoon. Bass friends main aap logoko jyada boring nahi karunga aab story par aate hain. ye mera aur mera didi ki real story hain . ek din ka baat hain .me jaab class 10th me padh ta thaa.tab mera behen collage main padhti thi .wo bahot khub surat thi.uski figure ke baare me kya bataoon dosto aap logoko.uski figure 33-26-34 ka tha.wo hamesha salwar pahenti thi.isliye wo aur bhi...
Everything in this story is True. ([/b]Names have been changed)My names Tom I was 21 when this story happend. My girlfriend at the time was Hailey she was 18 and completely stunning she was blond with blue eyes and had a kind of pixi type look about her she was 5ft2 with milky white skin and a toned body and perky c cup tits which were a perfect handful she had a round firm ass and a tight bald pussy she knew she was sexy and wasn't shy about teasing people as she loved the attention.We have...
Red Hot, Elle Alexandra finds herself deeply confused about her sexual orientation as she wakes up to find a text from her past lesbian lover. Married now, she tells herself she’s happy however, she can’t help shake the feeling that deep down, it’s a pussy that she wants not, her husband’s cock. She decides to seek out the best therapist in the business, the gorgeous Celeste Star, to gain some clarity on her current situation. As Elle begins to tell Celeste her troubles,...
xmoviesforyouSaturday, May 28, 2005Heather couldn’t believe it had already been ten years. Ten years since she’d sat in one of those classrooms. Ten years since she’d heard Mrs. Wagner’s warbling voice. Ten years since she’d heard that bell ring for the last time. Ten years since she’d walked across that stage. Heather’s ten-year high school reunion was approaching rapidly, and she was surprised to find herself slightly nervous. In this case, “approaching rapidly” meant a matter of minutes—less than an...
TrueThe world of Remnant is home to many people with their own stories. Some are sad and full of tragedy while others are heartwarming and sweet. Then there are the ones that are Wild and Incredibly Lewd! Lucky for you my friend this happens to be one of them, and not only that but you will have the bonus of controlling how things will turn out for these lovely ladies putting their fates into your hands! Considering how there are so many women to choose from it only makes sense to want to see them...
Hi friend’s this is Karan 27 from Anand,Gujarat ka rehne wala hu contact me at Muje chudai ka bhot shokh he mera lund hamesa chut aur gand ka swad chakne ko betab rehta he aj me apko meri pichli real story bhabhi ki tadap ka dusra part pesh karta h ye isliye kyuki aapko pata chale k ye silsila shuru kaise hua. Meri pichli story me maine aapko bataya ki kaise maine meri bhabhi niki ko choda jab mere bhaiya nahi the tab.ab suniye aage ki kahani mere ghar ke baju me sumit rahta hai jinki do...
Yeah I know it is quite "taboo" to even think about having a sexual encounter with the sister of a wife but the pent up fantasy frustration has to come out somewhere... My wife is an attractive blonde, fit and a great mother in her 40s, looking at it from a taboo perspective I have often "released tension" by fantasizing about her sister, tall blonde, active, happy and a little more lively than her sister (my wife) and a few years younger but still over 40.I woke up this morning thinking about...
FantasyThis story is partly auto-biographical, I’ll leave it up to you to work our which is fact and which is fiction. * I don’t know if the brain of every male of the species Homo sapiens works as mine does but if it does then the species will die out within several generations. The mating urge in my brain is strong, it would need to be given the number of times it has got me nowhere, it urges me to home in on the most attractive female of the species at whatever function I happen to be and move...
September 2810:36 amUCLA- Scott HallRoom 602Tori Vega was having a spectacular dream, but the reality that she slowly woke up to, as the sun peeked just enough to hit her eyes, was some-thing far more wonderful. She first noticed the smell. It was the smell of sex, sweaty and hot, but also of a guy's body wash. Old Spice or something… But man, did it smell good to her.Taking a huge whiff, her eyes opened and she found herself in just her underwear, in Jade's room, and most surprisingly, with...
I’m a glutton for punishment. Sometimes as opposed to enjoying porn, I want porn to torture me. I want porn to make me its little bitch. When that urge hits, it’s not the most hardcore degenerate shit that I lean towards. To me, looking at non-nude porn is all the torture I can handle.I’ve seen every debaucherous act that one human being can possibly do to another one thousand times over. There isn’t a single thing on this earth that I haven’t cum to. I’ve seen four midgets doing handstands...
Reddit NSFW ListWhen two of the guards came into her cell, it was very crowded and Laura, resigned now to being fucked countless times a day, thought that they would have to take her outside if they wanted to do a threesome on her. Instead, one of them cuffed her wrists behind her back while the other released her ankle chain. Then she was bundled out of her cell and out of the large room along a dreary corridor. At the far end of the corridor she came into another large room where there were several rods...
A new neighbour moved in four doors down from us, she was asking us the logical questions over the fence, when does the trash cart come? Where’s the nearest store? Etc, etc. As it was a lovely day and the sun was shining I invited her over to our house, saves shouting over the fence. I opened the front door and she came through our house into the back yard, sitting at our table I made her a coffee.It turned out she was a lot chubbier than Donna, I’d say 15 stone easy, 48D tits and a really...
It had been a very busy day for Sarah at the office. She was having to prepare a presentation for the accounts team describing changes to the various systems that they were going to use for the next financial year. This came straight after the month-end when Sarah and her team were all particularly busy.Sarah took her job seriously but there were some very rare occasions, like today when she became short-tempered when things weren't going well enough. She was in the accounts office which was...
SpankingIt was a hot summer evening. My buddy, Tom and I were cruising our neighborhood after our fruitless double date with our steady girlfriends. We had gone from a movie to a park to make out with them, but it just wasn't happening. The girls were eager to kiss and cuddle, but wouldn't allow any form of petting. Of course, we came away with a severe case of blue balls, severely frustrated. That's how we found ourselves. I was driving and Tom riding with me, talking about our bad luck with the...
Randy was happily surprised to discover that his little brother is a big slut! I honestly didn’t ever plan to fuck my little brother. And I really don’t give a damn if you believe me or not, but it was Billy that came on to me. Now, I will admit that I was horny as a three-peckered goat, that first night. And seeing as how I was a lot older and a lot bigger than him, I suppose I could have made him stop. But like I’d said, I was about to bust a nut even before I went into the bedroom Billy...
Elizabeth "Betty" Bubble was considered by most to be the best cheerleader on the Center City squad because of her world class splits. Her legs were so flexible that horny males in the audience could not help but picture her poised on the end of their species propagating friendly weapons in various positions and angles best suited to their imagination. Her father and brother got so hot and bothered watching her practice at home that they made excuses to be elsewhere when she perfected her...
The next morning, Elliott went into his mother’s room as he had the day before, finding her lazily opening her eyes from a night of contented sleep. She pushed the covers down and then opened her legs. They started the day with him servicing her once again. The routine was the same as the day before, with him using his mouth to bring her to orgasm before she allowed him his own relief—and then he lowered his mouth and pleasured her again. That day at school, Elliott noticed that Mrs....
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Chapter 15 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Going Ogre-board Someone groaned nearby, but the sound reached Eldon’s ears as a distorted and hollow moan. Light flickered from the other side of his eyelids, making it difficult for him to get some rest. The groan sounded again, annoying him. He was getting some good sleep in, until that moaner decided to be rude and not stay quiet. “Would you knock that off? I’m trying… to…” he trailed...