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This one is a little personal, my father in law was a Japanese-American GI in WW2 and there are a lot of echoes of my family in Doc M’s family.

The Battle of the Lost Brigade happened in October 1944. Like the Light Brigade at Balaclava, the 442d was ordered by incompetent generals to do a militarily impossible task and did it on sheer courage, at great loss to themselves. For this and many similar feats the all Japanese-American 442d became the most decorated unit in the US Army, including twenty one Medals of Honor.

I used to think that my country had outgrown the attitudes that led to the internment of the Japanese-Americans. After 9/11 I’m not so sure. I’ve heard way too many allegedly responsible people call for all Muslim Americans to be classified as ‘the enemy’. I’m proud that the Japanese American Citizens League has led the resistance to such stupidity.

There’s probably no way to write about racial/ethnic issues without offending someone. I’ve done my best, so I won’t apologize. I do hope my respect for all ethnic groups came through.

I have great respect for veterans, but am not one myself. I don’t want recognition I didn’t earn.


I grew up looking at the picture of Uncle Ed on the mantelpiece in our living room. There he stood in that old-fashioned GI uniform, surrounded by his identically dressed buddies, grinning and aping for the camera somewhere in England. It wasn’t until I was in fifth grade or so that I realized what the flag with the gold star next to the picture meant. In college I figured out that Uncle Ed was only a couple years older than I was then when he and eight hundred comrades in the 442d Regimental Combat Team died in an ultimately successful struggle to rescue two hundred and fifty American soldiers cut off behind German lines. I was never allowed to forget the lesson, usually delivered by Grandma:

‘You have a good life in America? People treat you like a real American? All we Japanese have in this country, we owe to your uncle and the 442! After what they did, nobody say that we’re not as American as anyone else! Never forget!’

It wasn’t until high school, though, that I heard the other half of the story. I came home in shock and asked Grandma if she had ever heard of a ‘relocation camp’. It was like I had struck her. She sat heavily at the kitchen table and motioned me to the other side, and for the first time in my life I saw tears in her eyes.

‘Yeah…yeah… I was at the camp when they sent me that Gold Star for your Uncle Ed.’

‘What camp? Where?’

‘Don’t ask me about that. It was a bad time. Shikata ga nai.’

I knew what that meant: don’t complain about things that can’t be changed. It also meant that she had said all she would ever say on the subject. Just to be sure Mom warned me that night, in no uncertain terms, that I was never to bring up the internment again. The way their country had treated them, and the loss of everything they had worked for, was just too painful for my proud grandparents to talk about.

When the money ran out after two years of college, I was faced with a bit of a dilemma. The military was the obvious next step, especially for someone who had been raised to idolize the Nisei soldiers who had paid in blood for my generation’s opportunities. On the other hand, I had a Buddhist’s deep seated revulsion for killing and couldn’t see myself as a machine gunner. After talking to a recruiter and a couple of 442d veterans, I joined the Navy as a medical corpsman.

Being a corpsman turned out to be a good fit with my interests. Fitting in with the other guys was a little harder. Let’s be honest here: I’m kind of small, Asian, wear glasses, refused to carry a weapon, and wasn’t interested in drinking and chasing floozies off duty. It’s not exactly the image of your average Seabee. The guys treated me well enough, especially since I was always willing to quietly fix up injuries and infections they didn’t want to explain to the chain of command, but I got more than my share of practical jokes pulled on me too.

Then came 9/11, and the whole focus of military life changed. We had never even seen a map of Afghanistan before then, assuming that a landlocked country was irrelevant to the Navy, but when they needed bases built quickly they hollered for all the construction experts they could find. Within a few months we were in Afghanistan and hard at work.

The guys treated me differently over there. I guess when people are actually getting wounded a corpsman gets more respect. They seemed to think it was a big deal that we had to go to where the wounded fell to help them, which I never understood. A wounded soldier isn’t going to get up and run to cover while the corpsman waits for him, so going to him is part of the job if you want to be effective. Sure, it can be dangerous, but the monks had taught me that life’s not permanent and it’s a waste of time and effort to pretend that it is. Besides, as a Japanese-American serviceman I would rather die than disgrace the proud tradition I had inherited. I had a job to do and I did it.

I wasn’t doing anything special when the odds caught up with me. We were on our way to run a sick call in one of the local villages when an IED went off under our Humvee. Must have been a small one, because all it did was break my leg in a few places and tear up our driver with some fragments. Getting her bleeding stopped was the last useful thing I did before the military medical pipeline sucked me up and spit me out again in Landstuhl, Germany.

Once my leg was pinned back together I was off to the US for recuperation and physical therapy. The process left me with a lot of free time, which was good because Grandma was getting old fast. As long as I showed up for roll calls and medical appointments, no one cared if I spent the rest of my time with her at the retirement home.

I did get a bit of a shock the first time I made it all the way to her room on my crutches. I knew the Gold Star and the picture of Uncle Ed would be on display, but I wasn’t expecting the one next to it. Me, in my dress blues, shaking hands with the President on the day they awarded me my Silver Star. Someone had put me in for it without telling me, and while I didn’t think I deserved it I wasn’t going to turn it down either.

‘What’s this, Grandma?’

‘You make me proud, Emerson. Made the whole family proud. Your uncle would be proud too. You a credit to our name.’

Suddenly all the pain and boredom I was going through didn’t seem like such a heavy burden.

Eventually the powers that be decided that my leg was never going to be fit for active duty again, and I was discharged with a disability rating and the right to lifetime VA medical care. Between the VA and GI Bill benefits, I also had funding to finish college and go on to medical school.

Internship and residency at Oregon Health Sciences University was one of the hardest experiences of my life, but I always made time for the monthly gathering of the guys I had served with in Afghanistan. Pretty much all of us were out of the service and moving on with our lives, but the things we had been through together were a lifetime bond. I needed those guys to keep my perspective on life beyond the hospital, and they were always happy to see me.

This month the gathering was at a bar in Northeast Portland that someone had heard about. We had spent the first hour or so catching up, and I had gotten up to use the head. On the way back I had managed to get in a conversation with a cute little brunette who was helping her friend celebrate her upcoming wedding, and wasn’t in any hurry to get back to our table.

I guess I should mention that I like Asian-American girls just fine, although not as much as some of my white friends. Unlike them, I had grown up around Asian girls and didn’t buy into that whole geisha/M. Butterfly fantasy. Besides, their momma’s
reaction when they heard that I’m a medical resident could be a little overwhelming. I’ll go out with a pretty Japanese-American girl any chance I get, but that doesn’t mean that I’ll pass up a chance with an attractive girl of any other race. This girl was cute and friendly, and I was having a great time flirting with her.

‘Hey, gook, why don’t you stick to your own kind?’

I turned. Shaved head, suspenders, boots- the whole skinhead package designed to look tough. Not uncommon in Portland, but stupid and usually dangerous only in groups. A couple others were watching off to one side. I tried Plan A.

‘You’re making a mistake here. Why don’t you go hang out with your friends?’

Behind him I could see what he couldn’t: the guys I came with had noticed the problem and were getting up from our table. He had too many drinks in him to listen to reason.

‘Why don’t you make me?’

The girl I had been flirting with was standing there, wide eyed. I spoke to her quietly.

‘Could you stand back, please?’

She promptly did. A deep, Spanish accented voice came from behind him.

‘Hey, ese, if you got a problem with the Doc you got a problem with the rest of us. Why don’t you maricons go drink someplace else?’

Manny Rodriguez wasn’t much taller than I was but he was built like a fireplug. Over a lot of bull sessions in Afghanistan, I learned that he had been a rising star in the East Los Angeles Surenos when he realized that he was attending way too many funerals and was going to be the guest of honor soon if he stayed on the path he was on. The Marine Corps had turned his life in a completely new direction. Now he was an urban planner, wore a tie to work, and spoke without a trace of an accent, but when he got angry the tough cholo rose to the surface quickly. He still had the absolute loyalty to his friends that his early life had ingrained in him, and threatening one in his presence was close to suicidal. The skinhead was starting to catch on. Desperately, he looked up at Brian.

Brian was our petty officer in Afghanistan, and still our natural leader. He’s probably 6’3′ and close to 300 pounds of muscle. On the inside you couldn’t find a gentler, kinder man, but he won’t hesitate to use his size to intimidate people who start trouble for no reason.

‘Are you really going to stick up for this spic and gook?’

Brian’s eyebrows rose. His voice was calm, quiet, and even deeper than Manny’s.

‘The spic and the gook are my brothers. You’ve been given two chances to walk away peacefully, and you’re not getting another. Now get moving.’

Out of the corner of my eye I saw one of the guys open the front door of the bar. What the skinheads weren’t realizing was that this scenario had played out in a lot of bars and EM clubs all over the world, and they were the only ones who didn’t know what their role was about to be.

‘Don’t you have any white priiiiiiiiii…’

He didn’t finish the sentence before he went flying out the open door without touching the ground to land on his hands and knees in the street. Manny and Brian turned to his two buddies.

‘You guys want to be next?’

They had their hands up defensively.

‘No, no, we’re cool.’

‘Good. Go pick your friend up and don’t come back.’

They quickly scrambled out the door. Manny grinned up at Brian.

‘You getting rusty, compadre. You almost hit the doorjamb with that pendejo.’

‘Me? You threw the timing off, you ugly dwarf. I was going to ask someone else to help me throw the next one.’

They laughed and turned back to their beer.

I looked around. The little brunette’s entire party was staring at me, wide eyed.

‘What the heck was that?’

‘Guys I served with in the Navy. We’re having our monthly reunion. I tried to warn them not to push it, but if they had any brains they wouldn’t be skinheads.’

‘Are those guys always like that?’

‘Best people I’ve ever known, but we didn’t survive Afghanistan to take crap from punks like that at home. They would have done the same for anyone else at that table.’

I motioned the girl aside.

‘Look, I don’t want to put a damper on your friend’s bachelorette party. Could I call you some other time?’

‘Uh, sure. Got a piece of paper?’

One thing medical types are never short of is notepads with the name of some drug or another printed on them. She quickly scribbled down a phone number and handed it to me, and I went back to our table to catch the tail end of Manny’s story about his struggle to pass Statistics so he could finish his MBA. Nobody thought the whole skinhead thing called for further discussion. In the scale of things we had seen together, it just didn’t signify.

A couple days later I called the number on my notepad. An extremely calm male voice answered.

‘Holman’s Funeral Service. How may I assist you?’

‘Excuse me?’

‘Holman’s Funeral Service.’

‘Is this 232-5131?’

The professional calm was wearing a little.

‘Yes it is. Do you need immediate services or would you like information on pre-need arrangements?’

‘I guess you can bury my love life if you want.’

‘May I connect you to Alcoholics Anonymous? They may be able to help you more than I can.’

‘Sorry to bother you.’


The guy hung up abruptly.

The next day at lunch I was bitching to Karen about it. She’s a surgical nurse. Really nice girl, very pretty, and I sometimes regretted that I hadn’t asked her out when she was single. Shikata ga nai, Grandma would have said, she’s happily engaged to one of Brian’s adopted brothers and considers me more or less another brother.

‘Why can’t a girl just say no when a guy asks for her number? Here I’m looking forward to talking with what I thought was a cute girl I’d met, and instead some undertaker accuses me of drunk dialing. It’s embarrassing.’

‘It was rude of her, but you have to realize that your crowd can be intimidating. We both know that Brian and Manny are a couple of teddy bears, but it’s not obvious to people who don’t know them.’

Manny wasn’t exactly a teddy bear, in my opinion. I once saw him beat a would-be suicide bomber to death with an entrenching tool in a desperate effort to prevent him from blowing up a school, but it wasn’t a story I wanted to tell Karen. I had also seen him rendered completely tongue tied and red faced by a little frivolous flirting. Karen’s totally in love with Dave, but she still likes being a girl and doesn’t see any harm in acting like it.

‘What, was someone going to rough her up for saying she wasn’t interested? Oh, who cares, no use worrying about it now. I just get tired of all these games. Why can’t I find a pretty, sensible girl like you or Jennifer and not have to deal with all these games any more?’

‘Well, the fact that eighty hours of work is a light week for you doesn’t help.’

Karen thought for a second and smiled.

‘You know, it was Jennifer and Lydia who set me up on a blind date with Dave. Let me talk to them about it. This could be fun.’

A couple weeks later Lydia called me up.

‘Hey, Doc, barbecue at Jen and Brian’s place next Saturday! Be there or be square. Plus, I’m bringing a new teacher I want you to meet.’

Lydia teaches high school and is married to another of Brian’s adopted brothers. One more in the long list of incredibly sweet, pretty girls I met too late. Lydia tends to put on a Gothy persona and is always coming up with odd, outdated expressions.

‘I assume Karen told you I was tired of the singles game?’

‘She let me in on it. Us boring married folks have to have our fun somewhere.’

‘I get the impression that you and John cook up plenty of fun.’

‘No comment. Anyway, Brian said I had to warn you ahead of time that she’s Eric Jones’ cousin.’

I swallowed hard. Eric had been my biggest fail
ure in Afghanistan, a respected member of our unit who had died under my hands during an ambush. I never thought I deserved the Silver Star they gave me for trying to save him, and I never forgave myself for failing. Hearing his name still hurt.

‘I’ll try to look past that. What time?’

‘About two. And don’t take that attitude, she’s a really nice girl.’

‘I’ll be there as soon as I get off work.’

Lydia dropped it and hung up.

Jen and Brian live in an old farmhouse that Brian converted and modernized, with some help from Jen. The farmland’s mostly gone, but they have enough left for a big back yard. There were quite a few people there by the time I got away from the hospital, including enough I knew to get started on a couple of conversations. After a while, Brian and Jennifer turned up with a young woman in tow. Eric’s cousin, obviously: Eric had been black and this girl was at least part black.

‘Hey, Doc, I want you to meet someone. Allison Jackson, this is Emerson Miyahara. Call him Doc like everyone else does.’

She gave me a bright smile. Remarkably pretty young woman, really. Kind of like a young Halle Berry.

‘So you’re the famous Doc Miyahara? Eric used to talk about you a lot. I’ve wanted to thank you for a long time for what you did for him. Is it OK to hug a hero?’

‘Whatever I did for him wasn’t enough, and I’m not any damn hero. I want to apologize to you and your family for losing him. And I don’t need any damn hug for it, either.’

Jen gaped at me, and Brian shook his head with a frown. Allison looked like I had slapped her. She turned and walked away without another word, and Brian went after her. Jen turned on me. She may look like Cindy Crawford’s prettier sister, but her temper would have scared my drill instructor.

‘Emerson, what the hell is wrong with you? I’ve never seen you treat anyone like that, especially a cute young woman who obviously thinks you hung the moon. Is this how you’re going to act when we try to help you?’

‘Look, Jen, you don’t know what it was like in Afghanistan. Losing Eric is hard for me to deal with.’

Wrong thing to say.

‘Have you forgotten that my husband was right next to you during that ambush? Do you have any idea how many nights I’ve spent holding him after he woke up screaming about it? Maybe I wasn’t there, but I sure as hell know how hard it is for you guys to deal with. Brian’s finally come to the realization that what happened to Eric Jones wasn’t his fault. It wasn’t yours either, but it sounds like you’re not ready to believe that.’

She sighed.

‘Because of you Brian’s alive and has two arms, and I’ll always be grateful for that. That doesn’t give you a right to be rude to my guests, though. I expect you to go find that young lady and apologize.’

What could I say?

‘I guess I was rude, Jen. I just hate being called a hero over that stuff.’

‘Make that explanation part of your apology, then. Get going.’

I found Allison sitting in a gazebo toward the back end of the lawn. She didn’t look happy to see me.

‘I didn’t think you wanted anything to do with me.’

‘Allison, I was a jerk to you, and I came to apologize.’

Her expression didn’t soften.

‘Yeah, you were. I was trying to be nice to you.’

‘Look, Eric’s death was my biggest failure as a combat medic. I can’t accept people calling me a hero over it. You hit a raw nerve.’

She turned to me, her expression softening a little.

‘Eric was as much a big brother as a cousin to me. I read everything there was to read about that ambush after we buried him, including the autopsy report. Two bullets through both lungs and the aorta? A full team of surgeons couldn’t have saved him, never mind a combat medic at the side of a dirt road. You can’t blame yourself. My family and I sure don’t.’

‘People keep telling me that, but I can’t accept it. It was my responsibility to keep guys alive until the medevac got there and I failed.’

‘Sometimes there’s nothing you can do. Shikata ga nai, Mom would have said.’

I looked at her with the obvious question in my eyes. She half smiled, half shrugged.

‘Mom was full blooded Japanese. She met Dad when he was stationed in Okinawa. If you know what box I’m supposed to check on those forms you’re doing better than I am.’

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The rides were small and unexciting. The carnival games were lame. The food was standard carnival fare. It didn’t matter as far as Ted was concerned. He was in heaven with the most beautiful girl he had ever met. Sitting down at a picnic table across from Amy, Ted handed her one of the drinks he had just purchased. She accepted it with a smile and a quick thank you. Looking at her date across the table, Amy said, “I’m really impressed.” “By what?” Ted asked looking around. “You don’t seem...

3 years ago
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Playing DoctorChapter 3 Emotional roller coaster

All I could see was the bore of the pistol pointed at my midsection. The barrel looked wide enough to drive a bus through, and it was pointed right at me. Then, with an odd moment of clinical detachment, I noticed the blood on his hand, red and fresh. He jarred me out of my thoughts by jabbing me hard in the side with the pistol. "I said, 'Drive, ' dammit!" With my hands shaking in fear, I started the car and put it into reverse. Somehow I managed to avoid hitting any other cars, though...

4 years ago
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The Day I Got Lucky And Banged My Landlords Wife Part 8211 2

After that wonderful experience with Swetha that day, she went on a vacation with her husband and children which were about 5 days. Once she came back she had called my parents to their house to offer them some sweets which they had bought on the journey back to Bangalore. Sadly I wasn’t at home that day once I came back home my mother had told me we received sweets from them. And then I realized 5 days were over and she’s back. I was kinda excited and the same time wanted to see her. The next...

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Theresa My Neighbor Whore Chapter 2

I gave Theresa's ass a good smack. "I didn't say you could look at me! Eyes straight ahead, whore!" She instantly whipped her head back straight and looked at the wall in front of her. I placed both hands on her hips as if I was about ready to fuck her and felt her shudder with excitement. Then one hand, I began slowly sliding up her spine and she held her breath waiting to see what would happen next. My hand slid up to the back of her head and I massaged her scalp for a moment."Mmmm..."Then I...

2 years ago
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LA FunChapter 71

My small bodyguard was riding my hips with her eyes closed and softly muttering to no one in particular. She was going to have to help me with my Japanese more so that I could understand what she said at times like this. I rolled us over so that I was on top and gave her all I had, because I was but seconds away from liquefying my entire body and shooting it all out through my erection. Sumi wrapped her arms and legs around me and seemed to vibrate as she almost wailed in her orgasm. She...

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My Dream Shoba Aunty

Hi guys, this is Chethan once again…you can mail me at Last year this incident took place. I had a sexy Aunty just next door of my house. Her name is Shoba. She is damn hot, tall, wears low waist saree. She looks sexier when she wears black saree. Her age is 32 and she has 1 kid of just 7 – 8 months. But she seems as if she is just 24. Her figure is 38 28 38. Her hubby works at Mumbai. He comes twice or thrice a year. She is milky white in colour. Whenever she is at home I can find her pointed...

1 year ago
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Jamie Comes Home

Jamie tossed her suitcase on the white bedspread and smiled to herself. She was home now, home from college. Her degree was tucked solidly away in its leather binding beneath her stacks of jeans and T-shirts. Glancing around at the room about her, her smile became a grin. Each and every thing, from the green-veined wallpaper to the strawberry design on her quilt, the Victorian-style dollhouse in the corner to the warm wood of the aged dresser, remained the same. As her mother had promised in...

1 year ago
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Dont Tell Mommy Part Two

I couldn’t help but smile when driving. I was briefly absorbed in daydream… **My pussy was dripping wet as Bailey kept tonguing my lips and asshole. It felt so wrong… ** I was imagining my wet pussy thrusting into Bailey’s wanting teenage face, but I was suddenly pulled back to reality as I came up to a red light. I thought, Holy shit. I was just in the hallway with my wet panties on the ground and my fingers deep inside my pussy as I joined my naughty fifteen-year-old daughter in...

2 years ago
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 150

Right out of the gate, Tuesday morning started off with a bang. The Boxer and the JBG ships had seized four fishing scows in the Indian Ocean near the Yemen Oman border. They were flying Pakistan flags while dragging fishing nets. They were acting suspiciously and maneuvering too erratically to be fishing and also had no dingy in the water tending the nets. All four were stopped after requiring shots to be fired over the bow. An inspection revealed that the holds were filled with Iranian...

1 year ago
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I’d slept with Sam the first day I had met her. Well, shared a tent with her. It was her 16th birthday and we were camping, so I had drunk a bit. But, being 17, and having a girlfriend, and not being a bastard, we talked and then fell asleep, separate sleeping bags, but next to each other, just the two of us in the tent. God, it took some restraint not to try anything. But I’m not one for messing around with girls, and managed to stick to my guns. It was over a year later now, and we had grown...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Summer Brooks Mini Easter Bunny Babe Gets Slammed

Summer Brooks is a teeny tiny Easter bunny babe with only one goal which is to get fucked by a male Easter bunny to repopulate their dying breed. She seduced him with her tight ass and fluffy bunny tail. He followed her all over the yard and into the house where he stuffed her face with some bunny dick. She did not make a peep and took that cock down like a slutty bunny should. Her pussy was then pounded in multiple positions until she was blessed with a historic load of some yummy man made...

4 years ago
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My wife and young Blacks

Let me start with my wife. At age 50 she still makes much younger women jealous. Blond hair blue eyes and a terrific body. Very few lines or wrinkles. She really looks to be mid to late 30's. At 5'3" with 38D's and a small waist she looks good in anything she chooses to wear. Men always look her over real good everywhere we go. A long time ago early in our marriage it made me a little jealous but now it just makes me horny. We've been married almost 25 yrs now. Over time I became obsessed with...

3 years ago
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A short lesbian intermezzo a birthday party

The other day Paul and I got an invitation to a milestone birthday party in an upscale hotel. I was in a lustful mood, wore a half-cup bra, and a sheer white blouse. Our hosts, Linda and John, are close friends. Linda was briefly my friend with benefits. Thus the majority of guests were strangers to us, lovely people. I opened the blouse one button more, testing the waters so to speak, and let all the folks with a sense of good taste have a look at my deep cleavage. Linda was the first to...

2 years ago
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Debbie Sets the Tone

Debbie and I had been dating for almost eighteen months and early into our relationship had discovered a mutual fascination with spanking. We both enjoyed switching from top to bottom especially when combined with role play which kept evolving in terms of complexity. One evening when I arrived home late and slightly drunk I quickly picked up on Deb’s foul mood as she sat watching the news in the family room.  “What’s up babe?” I slurred “It’s after midnight, did you think about calling to...

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Two encounters of Christen and her rich cousin

I had a lunch date with my cousin Christen. Well, I almost forgot the meeting – sure, I had written it down, but it seemed so inconclusive with the large events that now occupied my head. So when I finally arrived downtown at Sherlock Holmes, I was out of breath and worried that I had missed her. I was almost thirty minutes late! But as soon as I turned the corner into the restaurant, I saw her sitting there. When I came up she stood and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I...

1 year ago
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My beginning and pathway to group sex Part 9

Continuing story. Please read Parts 1 – 8 first to understand where I am in my development.   My ‘at school’ boy responded to my challenge of finding somewhere better by inviting me to his house the next day.   Both his parents and his older sister worked, so we had a couple of clear hours after school to be alone.   He told me during the day that we could go to his house, and I was on edge all afternoon in anticipation.   I knew what I wanted to try.   Later, at his house, we went to a...

2 years ago
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Sleepovers Arent Just for Girls

"So, Gabby, are you doing anything yet for the weekend?" Megan asked her friend Gabriela."Nothing so far. Why?""Well, my parents are heading to our cabin in Oregon for the weekend, and since I’m seventeen now, I asked them if I could stay home alone without anyone watching me, and they said yes. So I was thinking, do you wanna have a sleepover this weekend?""Hell yes," Gabriela excitedly responded. “We haven’t had one of those for months, and you know how much I like what we did last...

2 years ago
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Behno Ki Badalkar Chudai Ki

Hello readers mera naam AMIT hai aur main sexy stories ka regular reader hun meri age 23 year hai me T.Y.BCOM me padh ta hu. meri story mere ghar ki hai jisme meri behan ke sex ki kahani hai meri behan ka naam POONAM hai Uski ki hight 5.4” hai aur 22 saal ki hai wo dikhne main utni gori nahi hai par hai bhut sexy. Who bahut sundar hai jise dekhkar koi bhi mard use chod ne ko razi ho jaye. Uska Figure 36*26*37 hai. Uske boobs kafi bade hai or gand to itni mazedaar hai ki jab who chalti hai to...

1 year ago
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Alien Love

Mary Jane casually unbuttoned her soft silky blouse. As she slid it off, over her shoulders and down along her arms, she slowly turned to glance into the bathroom mirror. “Not bad,” she observed, “for a 40 year old.” And, even though she was closer to fifty, she still maintained a very supple figure. Her breasts were full-formed and still perky. She marked her cleavage as she ran her hand softly over her bra-covered chest. She tingled, even turned a bit red, as she embarrassingly saw herself in...

3 years ago
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Changes in Donna

I guess you could say it started innocently enough I guess you could say it started innocently enough.? I was trying to get my wife to let go of her inhibitions a little, that?s all.? I suppose I?d better explain.?  Donna is a conservative lover.? She was raised in the belief that sex is between married people trying to make babies, not just for the sheer fun of it.? So she?d spread her legs and let me in, almost as often as I wanted.? She?d lie there if I was on top or she?d climb on...

2 years ago
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Trust Fund Baby

Monday, Oct. 1, 2018 Kaitlyn squirmed on the hard wooden seat. This wasn’t worth it, she thought, not for the crappy $100 her brother paid her. He’d pocketed the rest of the $500 that elfyn3410 paid them last night. But then, he did all the work, he said (that was certainly bullshit), and it was his idea in the first place, right? Sure, but it wasn’t his rear end got spanked last night. “You made $700 this week. You want to complain about making $700 in a week?” I made that pittance one...

3 years ago
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Brushing Mom8217s Hairpart1

Mom’s door was open and she was sitting in front of the mirrored dresser brushing her hair. Mom was dressed in a pale blue nightdress I had seen before, though I could only see the bit covering her hips and the lower six inches of her back; the rest was covered by her hair.”That’s so sweet,” Mom said as I put her mug down on the dresser in front of her. “Will you stay for a few minutes with me?” “Sure.” I took my mug over to the bed and sat down, tossing the tray behind me. I sipped hot...

2 years ago
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Rewarding talent

Rewarding TalentThe story of how Anna Perez joined Colonel Marcos’s team.Major Juan Xavier Marcos leaned back in the passenger seat of the jeep and inspected his fingernails with careful precision. His left leg was bent, the foot resting on the dashboard. Beside him his driver looked round, scanning the street for any possible danger. Behind them two other soldiers glowered and clutched their rifles, annoyed they were being kept out of all the fun but hoping that there might be an opportunity...

1 year ago
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JapanHDV Maki Koizumi In the hot springs with Maki Koizumi and a lover of sexy nude

Hot springs in Japan are full of naked women! Sometimes they are older women and sometimes they are sexy hot young women with great tits like Miss Maki Koizumi. We have seen this angel before in her lesbian fuck shows with other hot Japanese women and even as a bathroom cleaner sucking men off in the toilet. But this is the first time we get to see her out in nature enjoying the hot springs. What a lovely body she has and it is so perfect. We could watch her relax in the hot springs all day and...

3 years ago
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Lust 8211 Part 1 A Son Discovering Incest

Hi guys, my name is Rahul and I am a new author in the community of ISS. I love reading sex stories and there are so many good writers here. Every time I read a new story, it feels so fresh and good. So that’s why I decided to share my experience with you guys. I hope you guys will enjoy it. So, a little introduction of my life – my name is Rahul, I am 22 years old and I live with my family which contains 4 members, me my mom dad and my big sister. We live in Mumbai, India. Let me give you some...

1 year ago
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Louises Surprise

Lou dunked the dirty beer glasses into the sink. ‘He’s done it again, ‘ she growled. ‘Who’s done what?’ asked her boss, the landlord, as he pulled a pint of bitter. ‘Ted, of course. Crept up behind and spanked me.’ ‘I’ve told you before, keep away from him.’ ‘How can I when I have to collect the empty glasses?’ ‘Dunno, but I’m not about to upset my oldest customer.’ He looked down the bar to a man waving for his attention. ‘Customer’s waiting, Lou.’ As she took his order, Lou realised...

2 years ago
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Things We Do In Secret

We head down to our secret place, where the two of us can be alone. Usually it takes a while before one of us makes the move but it’s been too long. I grab you and hold you close with our lips meshing and our tongues wrestling. Our hands are roaming each other’s bodies squeezing, feeling.This lasts for maybe five minutes when you tell me to lie down. I comply and lie down and watch you slip off your pants to show me your glorious panties. You then slide those of to show your lovely mound and...

Quickie Sex
1 year ago
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They Can Wait

Josh pulled his car up to the sidewalk and parked. He was already late as it was and he still hadn’t picked up his party that evening. Josh lightly jogged to the door and rang the doorbell. A woman in her late 40s answered the door. “Oh my god, look at you Josh!” “Hey Momma Joan.” After what seemed a long embrace Sam’s mom told Josh she was upstairs. Josh took his time climbing the stairs. It had been a year since he last seen her. He opened the door to heavy metal music and a girl in a tank...

2 years ago
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My sexy 43 year old Aunt seduced and fucked hardco

------------------------------------Sexy Aunt seduced by her Nephew---------------------------------------------Hi, FRIENDS this is Nalini again, Thanks for the wonderful response I got from you people for my story “Blackmailing my lactating maid for milk”, urged me to start my new story. I am a simple house wife residing in Bangalore and newly married having a satisfied sex life with my husband.The story I am going to narrate now is about my Aunt Jaya who is living in Hyderabad, with her...

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Our Adventure So It Begins

Everyone sees me as this ‘good girl’ type, but no one knows what I’m truly like. I come to this park every day and read my book. It’s Stephen King’s classic, Misery, I’ve read it a few times, though no one knows this. However today, I’m having a hard time focusing on my reading. I’ve been people watching most of the afternoon. It’s your typical afternoon here: nannies are here with their kids, a few guys playing catch football and, of course, the joggers, walkers and runners are in full swing....

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straightened his stance and put a pleasant smile on his face, hoping she wouldn't notice how nervous he was. After all, he was simply there to have dinner as a friend, right? Rob and April met each other two years earlier when they were in training for a tech support job at a major insurance company. Rob immediately felt a connection with April, and they struck up a friendship. All during training (which included some 15 other people) they spent lunches together, eating in the cafeteria...

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Illicit Desires Ch 09

As I walked up the Jetway into the main terminal of San Francisco International Airport, I glanced at my watch. It was 2:35. That was Central time. I was now in the Pacific time zone, so it was actually 12:35. It took me forty-five minutes to retrieve my luggage at the baggage claim and pick up my rental car. After that I had to negotiate the freeway traffic into the city. By the time I pulled up in front of the Claymount Inn it was a quarter to three. The Claymount Inn was a small four star...

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I find myself listening in secret darkness, hearing... things: The voice of the lizard, the pounding of drums, a saxophone, a soft, wet moan. (The orchid blooms on a windowsill of the deserted room, its beauty unseen and unremarked, but a blossom, still... for a while.) They roam distant streets, lost in love, or its reflection, its throbbing erection lost in moist tenderness, like their first kiss. Torsos of women, faceless, without identity, without...

1 year ago
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Hotel Clerk

I was not looking forward to a full week away from home in a far away city. Business was taking me there and my boss insisted that I would be the logical choice to attend. I resisted but finally agreed and packed my bags and headed for the airport. In order to save costs the company booked me for a full week including a Saturday night stay over even though the conference would end on Friday. I left the airport and hailed a cab and instructed him to take me to the Radisson Airport Hotel. I paid...

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Tour De Frances IV

Tour De Frances IV Our high heels clicked up the stairs and down the hall to the kitchen. We could see Miss Palermo standing at the doorway waiting for us. "Lets go girls, it's almost 3:00! Frances, you're not swinging those hips sweetie." I quickly slowed down my walk and began to bounce my hips with my high heel steps. "That's much better dear, you girls can line up right here." The three of us stood at attention and Miss Palermo looked over Michelle. She picked up her hands checking...

2 years ago
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The Au PairChapter 11

"What am I going to do about Tim?" Kathy stomped back and forth across the back yard, working out her frustrations by aggressively cleaning out the accumulated brush and trimming back the trees around the pool and patio. "I can't be in love with him," she reasoned to herself. "I just can't! One date ... I mean, it was just one date!" She picked up a pair of hedge clippers and started to attack the bushes which bordered the pool deck. "Life just isn't fair! Why did he have show...

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