A Message To Cane Toads free porn video

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This story is partly auto-biographical, I’ll leave it up to you to work our which is fact and which is fiction.


I don’t know if the brain of every male of the species Homo sapiens works as mine does but if it does then the species will die out within several generations. The mating urge in my brain is strong, it would need to be given the number of times it has got me nowhere, it urges me to home in on the most attractive female of the species at whatever function I happen to be and move to separate her from the herd. But, as life would have it, as I make my move, the female of choice who, up to that moment has been carrying on an animated conversation with a couple of other females of the species, catches my eye and her expression changes and, in that instant that heralds my doom, in her eyes I now have the looks and personality of a cane toad.

Maybe I set the bar too high given the impediment of an appearance that is obviously unattractive to women. Tonight was no different to any other (Friday) night so I retreated to the bar and got myself something strong. ‘You blew it again didn’t you?’ I looked around at the source of the interruption to find myself confronted by a mid-bar female. I should explain the bar system, the object of my desire is definitely ‘high bar’, your supermodel or film star while at the other end of the scale are the ‘low bar’ and they just are too horrible to contemplate, what is known to the less sophisticated of the Aussie male population as a 12 beer shiela (girl), in-between are the ‘mid bar’ and they make up the vast majority. ‘Why is it that every male heads straight for the one female that he has no prospect of catching and in the process succeeds in pissing off every other female?’

‘Was I that obvious?’

‘Jesus effing Christ you might just as well have had a flashing neon sign over your head that said ‘Warning incoming cane toad’. Yes you were that obvious.’ Had she been reading my thoughts? How else would she have known about me and cane toads? ‘Men like you should target women who just might be interested in them, not some drop dead gorgeous female who has her choice of what’s on offer.’

‘So you’re saying that I should concentrate on someone like you for instance?’ Let’s see where this leads, she looks interesting enough.

‘Well I wouldn’t go that far just yet but get me a drink and we’ll see, but I’m definitely not what you guys consider a twelve beer girl.’ This is in reference to the saying that after twelve beers any girl is attractive.

‘Before I get you a drink I think I should at least know your name, I’m Maurice Allen.’ (Not my real name by the way.)

‘Pleased to meet you, I’m Rebecca Courtney.

I got her a drink. ‘So, do you make a habit of confronting men at functions and expounding your behavioural psychology theories on them?’

‘Not really, I just observe behaviours at shows like this, it’s interesting and you learn a lot about humans, men in particular.’

‘I know what you mean, I do a similar thing myself but in a different way for a different reason.’

‘How so?’ Now she was curious rather than dismissive.

‘Well I look at people and make up scenarios about them, take for instance the woman you thought to be the object of my lust. I would picture her as a sad and lonely person, maybe not now but in the future.’

‘Go on, I would disagree with you but I’m intrigued to hear your reasons.’ Intrigued is a jump up from curious.

‘Okay, to look at her is to look at perfection personified and the problem with that is that she will always be looking for the perfect partner hence the ‘don’t even think about it’ look she gave me. She’s and egoist and because of that if the chosen one doesn’t live up to her high standards she will say to herself, ‘I don’t have to put up with this, I can do better.’ And she will end the relationship. For me the success of any relationship is compromise, I know that I’m not perfect so why should I expect my partner to be perfect, but for her that isn’t the case, she’ll probably go home with some lucky guy tonight but in the morning something will be a turn-off, his morning breath or he farted in bed, it doesn’t have to be a major turn-off for her to want nothing more to do with him. End of story.’

‘And what do you do, if anything, with these fantasies?’

‘I use the observation in a story, sometimes it’s just a thread while at other times it is the story bridge, it links the elements of the story just as a bridge in music links the elements of a song.’

‘What sort of stories do you write and have you had any published?’ Now I really had her interest.

‘I write erotic romance stories, I’d hardly call them porn, and I post them on a porn website. I don’t get paid for them but it helps to develop me as a writer.’

‘Have you ever thought bout becoming a serious writer and getting work published?’

‘Of course, in fact I have actually written several novels but I’ve never actually had any published, oh I did try at one stage, I submitted a novel to a publisher who told me that it would be successful and that I was a great writer but the bottom line was that they probably told that to everyone, the author had to pay for publication and market the book himself. Do you realise what the competition is like out there at the moment? Unless you can attract the attention of a mainstream publisher, and they will only look at your work if an agent tells them that it’s good, it will never see the light of day.’

‘You said that you’ve written several novels, what are they about, are they erotic romances like your short stories?’

‘Now that’s a field that is over-populated. No, nothing like you see in the romance section of bookshops with Fabio on the cover and heaving bosoms inside. No, they were serious books about serious matters.’

‘Such as?’

‘Well the first one was part of my therapy after the breakdown of my first marriage, the original draft of some sixty thousand words took all of ten days on an old typewriter and this from someone with dyslexic fingers. It was a science fiction novel about this couple from the future coming back to the present to try to stop World War 3 and during the process the emphasis shifted from the futility of war to the futility of trying to prevent war.’

‘That’s a defeatist attitude isn’t it?’

‘Not really, what it was saying was that there are forces at play, very powerful forces, whose raison d’être is to keep war happening. The business of war is a very profitable one for a few who see the loss of life as collateral damage. You realise that there are two major causes of war, the first is greed pure and simple, a country has a commodity such as oil that another country wants but doesn’t want to pay the high asking price for it, or wants guaranteed supply, so it attacks the other country on patently spurious grounds such as say, weapons of mass destruction, to achieve its goals.’

‘And the other?’

‘Religion. Most of the world’s major religions espouse peace and love but on their terms and if others do not, or are unwilling to, comply with these terms then war breaks out. This dates back to Old Testament times when the children of Israel were wandering in the wilderness, every tribe the encountered they beat the crap out of because this was their land, God chose them to rule over it. Then the Christians arrived on the scene and set up their holy sites Bethlehem and Jerusalem in the middle of Israel demanding free access to these sites. The advent of Islam didn’t cause too many problems for this even though they controlled much of the region, what really irked the Christian nations of Western Europe was that the trade routes from the East, India and China, all passed through this region, greed set in and an excuse was found to mount a ‘Crusade’ the reason for which was to guarantee continued access to the holy land, an access that they already had. Since that time the Christi
ans, Jews and Muslims have been at each other’s throats even though they all worship the same God and regard the same man, Abraham, as their Patriarch. Go figure.’

‘That sounds heavy going.’

‘That is the background for what begins as essentially an amusing ‘fish out of water’ story of people from the future trying to adapt to living in the present of the story.’

‘So you can’t stay serious for long, is that it?’

‘No, although one of my maxims is that the day that I lose my desire to learn and my sense of humour then it is time for me to shuffle off this mortal coil because life has become meaningless. My second novel is a murder mystery with a twist.’

‘Most murder mysteries have at least one twist otherwise they aren’t mysteries.’

‘The twist in this one is that there are two murders committed in the same location twenty odd years apart by different people but using the same method. The first murder is not discovered until the time of the second murder but no cause of death is established, the location of the body is the only reason that it was declared a murder. The second murder, and murder it was, was declared an accidental death, the link between the two was, and this is not revealed to anyone other than the readers when there are some, is that the perpetrator of the second murder witnessed the first and used exactly the same method.’

‘And the reader is told how it was done?’

‘Yes, but don’t worry it is highly unlikely that it will happen again.’

‘But you’re not going to tell me.’

‘You’ll have to read the book if it’s ever published.’

‘How about you let me read the manuscript?’

‘No, I don’t think so. One of the reasons that I haven’t submitted any of my books to publishers is that I don’t know if I can handle the criticism or rejection, my feelings are easily hurt.’

‘I’ll accept that but I won’t stop trying. What about number three?’

‘This one required a lot of research, it is based on the bombing of the Hilton Hotel in Sydney in 1978, you see I never believed that the Ananda Marga were involved other than in a very minor role. My research looked deeply into the political climate in Australia and globally at the time, in particular the involvement of the spy arm of a major world power who were alleged to be major players in the world drug trade as well as the attempted destabilisation of various governments, including Australia’s. My fear is that if this book ever sees the light of day I will have to continually look over my shoulder because of my analysis of the disparate threads led me to reach a conclusion that I believe is very close to the truth.’

‘I think I should walk away now, you’re too dangerous to know.’

‘The next two won’t change that situation much. The next is a thriller centred on an author who is encouraged to invest money through a broker. He finds that his money has been invested in a scheme to import a large quantity of cocaine and demands the return of his investment. This leads to a couple of murders for which he is the prime suspect, him being beaten up a couple of times in an effort to find what he did with his money, a kidnapping and what is thought to be his death in a car bombing in the middle of New York. The fact that this was unsuccessful gives him the opportunity to take on the persona of ‘the Avenger’ and provide evidence and facilitate the arrest of several high profile investors and the downfall of several organisations. He even attends his own funeral.’

‘So you’ve again trod on toes, huh?’

‘You could say that. My last effort could have even wider reaching repercussions for a high profile branch of the Christian church. A disgruntled member of an evangelical Christian church, one of the ‘Prosperity doctrine churches, has had enough with the continued promises of an increase to his wealth in response to his diligent tithing that he sues the church for its failure to honour that promise on the basis that God never made such a promise therefore it is a church promise.’

‘I presume that you’re talking about a large sum of money here?’

‘Let’s put it this way, the man in question has contributed a hundred dollars a week for the last twelve years not actually because of a promise of a scripturally based seven-fold increase in his wealth, but he hit on this as a way that he could challenge the church’s teachings in an open forum. If you simply multiply what he contributed by seven, the amount in question is four hundred and thirty-six thousand eight hundred dollars, not to be sneezed at. If you multiply his contribution by the power of seven the amount is considerably higher, some thirty five trillion dollars. Now if you calculate the amount on the basis of a seven hundred percent per annum increase, which is what was promised, with the interest compounded monthly the amount goes right off the Richter scale, so yes you could say there is a large sum of money involved. What the people who have been sucked in by the prosperity doctrine don’t realise is if God had the money to commit to this promise He wouldn’t need to borrow from his followers in the first place.’

‘That is a very large can full of very large worms you’ve kicked over here, you realise that don’t you?’

‘Yeah, the legal ramifications for these churches are huge and there have been precedents of a sort in the States where people have had their contributions refunded on the basis that the return wasn’t forthcoming in the promised time frame.’

‘So I gather from all of this that you’re something of a shit stirrer.’

‘If you mean that having a go at a situation that’s not quite right makes me a shit stirrer then I suppose I am and I make no apology for that, too many people are so complacent that these people can get away with murder. Hey, enough about me what about you, what do you do?’

‘You guessed right when you said something about behavioural psychology because that’s what I do and the difference between us is that you invent stories around the characters you observe while I try to establish the truth to them.’

‘Okay smarty pants, how would you classify me?’

‘Where do I start? You’re obviously an intelligent man and when you get a bee under your bonnet about something you are very dogged in your pursuit of the truth even though it may take ages. You can string together two or more sentences so I’d say that you’re articulate even though you’ll disagree with that because of the limited size of your comfort zone and your fear of stepping outside that. You live on your but not from choice and you’re afraid of entering into a relationship for fear of rejection which is why you head for the unattainable girls, because you know that you’re going to fail it’s no big deal to you when that happens, failing when you should succeed is much more painful for you. Until you overcome that fear you’ll never find a lasting relationship. How am I doing so far?’

‘How many years have you been studying me?’

She looked at her watch. ‘About half an hour. Moving on now, you’ve been married more than once and your view of women is based on those experiences. That you’ve chosen the subject of the Evangelical church for your last novel suggests that your last wife was a member of that church and she hurt you badly because you revealed to her the truth as you saw it of the business called church as opposed to the Christian religion but she chose to not understand you.’

‘You’ve got that right, even when I was to show her in her blessed Bible that I had scriptural support for my beliefs she would agree that I was right but then say that she couldn’t go along with my stance because it went against church teaching and that I should take it up with leadership. I did on a number of occasions and the Pastor that I spoke to on these occasions agreed with the individual examples of where I could justify my position, but when I attempted to lump several examples in one general discussion I was told that no further discuss
ion would be entered into. One example in particular was when I contended that they could not tell me that if I did not worship under their rules I would not get into heaven no matter how good I was, I pointed out that they had no say as to who got a guernsey in the great hereafter and to suggest otherwise was to put themselves above God, I even gave them scriptural validation for my view (Romans 11,34) where it basically ‘who are you to tell God what to do.’ I realised that I was on my soap box again and this wasn’t good if I was to proceed this relationship any further and I’d just about reached the decision that I wanted to.

‘I can understand your passion but even you will have to concede that it’s a Quixotic tilting at a very powerful windmill and you will probably never be allowed to succeed.’

‘I don’t like to admit defeat but I guess that you’re right.’

‘I’m not telling you to give in, what I would suggest is that you seek another way of tackling this. If you continue to bang your head against a brick wall all you’ll end up with is a headache and a wound on your head that never gets a chance to heal.’

‘What would you suggest?’

‘As I see it we have a couple of short term choices, we could totally legless and when we wake up in the morning we’ll realise that there are worse things in the world, like a throbbing hangover, the only problem with that is that we have to find our way home in that drunken state, not a pleasant thought, what with RBT’s everywhere. (RBT’s are random breath testing units that seem to bob up whichever way you decide to drive home and the cops that operate them have no sense of humour and no sympathy for anyone over the .05 blood alcohol limit).

‘I don’t think that I like that.’

‘Another choice is that we could adjourn this interesting conversation to my place where, with the help of copious quantities of booze we’ll probably solve all the problems that beset this world of ours and be unable to remember a thing in the cold light of sobriety.’

‘That seems to me to be a complete waste of time.’

‘Or. . .’ She looked at me with an interesting expression. ‘We could adjourn to my place and make mad passionate love into the wee small hours and wake up mid-morning and after a quick breakfast to restore our depleted energy resume where we left off.’

‘That I like the sound of but I must warn you that there’s a limit to how much punishment you’ll be able to stand from my monster twelve inch cock.’

‘Twelve inches eh?’ She grabbed a handful. ‘More like twelve millimetres.’

‘Oh he’ll rise to the occasion when the time comes.’

‘We’ll see, come on.’ Grabbing my hand she headed for the front door and the anticipation of what was to come encouraged me to follow. We made small talk while waiting for a taxi and during the trip to her apartment.

Her apartment was not what I would have expected, I guess that I generalised that someone of her profession would be ordered bordering on the obsessive but this was not the case, there were books scattered over the dining table as if she would have an idea and need to investigate there and then and when she finished she moved to the next thought in the progression and the research became a past left standing. ‘I need to pee, there’s a bottle of white wine in the fridge can you open that while I’m gone.’

I heard her flush but she didn’t return straight away, that would be because she had changed from her party clothes to her p-a-r-t-y clothes, nothing more than a robe held closed by a belted tie that looked as if it would it would come apart if I just pulled on one end of it. ‘Wow! That leaves little to the imagination.’

‘If you need to lighten the load, the loo’s down the hall. Second door on the right, and please, if you stink the place out give it a squirt with the deodorant before you leave.’

After a splash and squirt I returned to find her seated on the 3-seater with her legs tucked up under her and sipping on a glass of wine, the robe parted giving me a glimpse of what appeared to be on offer. I wasn’t getting carried away just yet so I picked up my glass and sat. ‘Now where were we?’ She touched my glass with hers and took a healthy swig from her glass, it would appear that she approached life in the same way, taking it in gulps rather than tentative little sips, this could be an interesting night for me.

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The Cane Miss Bush and Me Part 2

Four full days had passed since my caning from Miss Bush, and four full days had passed since I had last masturbated. This was without doubt my longest period of abstinence since I had discovered the pleasures of this immensely pleasurable, yet sometimes frowned upon, pastime. Being caned naked by a beautiful woman was embarrassing enough in itself, but somehow I seemed to have the fortitude to overcome that. My dear old grandmother often used the expression 'What goes around comes around,' and...

4 years ago
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A Candy Cane Aventure

M/FAna and I had formed a relationship by now, after being found out by her boyfriend. We decided to take a weekend retreat to a hotel room. It was December, Christmas time.The weather was cold and icy. We lay on a bed together, flipping channels, trying to decide when to start fucking. I had a surprise for her. I bought her a present, a foot long one inch diameter candy cane. Neither she, not I, expected us to take the turn we did.We made out, embracing each other's warmth in the cold weather....

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A Candy Cane Adventure

M/FAna and I had formed a relationship by now, after being found out by her boyfriend. We decided to take a weekend retreat to a hotel room. It was December, Christmas time.The weather was cold and icy. We lay on a bed together, flipping channels, trying to decide when to start fucking. I had a surprise for her. I bought her a present, a foot long one inch diameter candy cane. Neither she, not I, expected us to take the turn we did.We made out, embracing each other's warmth in the cold weather....

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Sugar cane fields

Anwar Sheikh sat under a shady Neem tree on the banks of an irrigation canal, feeling rather tired and a little bored.He looked around at the fields of sugar cane and occasional clump of date palm trees without interest.His company car was parked at some distance from him under a tree, on a dirt track that ran parallel to the canal. His driver had flipped the hood to let the engine cool down, and was taking a nap in the shade.Anwar at 27 was a sales representative for a large agro?Chemical...

5 years ago
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Cane and Abyll

“Bradley just left,” I whisper cautiously into the phone and then return the receiver to its base. As quickly as my legs could carry me, I run into the shower and wash my husband’s scent from my body – inside and out. I towel off and rub a handful of strawberry-scented lotion onto my skin. Gleefully, I skip back into my marital bed and cover my naked body with soft ivory sheets. And I wait for him. I can’t believe I’m really doing this . . . I met my husband at a fetish party five years...

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Sugar Cane Epilogue and Prologue

Sugar Cane Revisited – The Prologue Obviously this adventure had to end sooner or later. Our host of characters can’t simply hang out on an island hideaway forever. As was pointed out, jobs and mortgages and all the other shit await!! Where will we go form here? Since much of this is pure fantasy, why not play with another fantasy that we all have from time to time. The fantasy of leaving it all behind. The fantasy that made that country song “Take this Job and Shove it”...

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Matt and Daddy cane me

This Fictional Story is written by Jennifer Jones and contains explicit sexual material and situations involving consenting Adults No reference to u******e persons is intended or implied. No reference to real Persons dead or alive is intended or implied. I was sitting on the terrace under the cabana by the pool, reading one of my favorite erotic novels. When I read like this I put it inside a Business Reports magazine so Daddy won’t suspect anything. I was particularly aroused this day...

4 years ago
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5 years ago
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Sugar Cane Epilogue and Prologue

Sugar Cane Plantation – The Epilog Sugar Cane Revisited – The Prologue Obviously this adventure had to end sooner or later. Our host of characters can't simply hang out on an island hideaway forever. As was pointed out, jobs and mortgages and all the other shit await!! Where will we go form here? Since much of this is pure fantasy, why not play with another fantasy that we all have from time to time. The fantasy of leaving it all behind. The fantasy that made that country song "Take...

4 years ago
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Can I Cane You

"Can I cane you?""What?" I asked, nearly spilling my coffee."Can I give you a caning?""What, like a..."Sarah put down her coffee, leaned forward. Her red curls tickled my face, and she whispered, "With a stick, on your bare bottom, like a naughty boy."She sat back and raised her eyebrows at me with a nervous smile."Why would I... I'm not sure a crowded cafe is the place to discuss-""Walk me home. I'll pay for the coffees."Without waiting for a response, she got up and headed for the counter. I...

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Cut by the Cane

“May I be excused now Miss?” The time was now exactly a quarter to four – his appointment with the Headmaster was in ten minutes. Miss Sheighal had just finished chalking up on the blackboard the piece to be translated into French for homework. “And what makes you think you can sneak off early Brown?” she challenged jokily and then wandered over to Jason Brown’s desk. He handed her the plain white envelope which contained his formal notification of punishment. As she read it Jason watched...

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Cum to the Cane

Struggling slightly cur eased his rock hard cock against the sheets. Bound hand and foot he knew he should remain still or he would strop and cum before Mistress Reana returned. She had met him at the door after work instructing him to strip; blindfolded him and led him forward, remaining silent until they stopped walking. 'Kneel.' 'Yes, Mistress.' His wrists had been fastened behind him and her hand had guided his head forward until his nose and mouth were enveloped by her wet, warm...

5 years ago
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Sugar Cane Plantation Chptr 1

The Sugar Cane Plantation - Chapter 1 She always felt so much at home when she visited the island. Silly really since she spent almost all of her time elsewhere – working long, tedious hours at the law firm. Still, her vacations always brought her here to the warm breezes, the smell of the ocean, the lush foliage. So it seemed that each time she was able to visit, she was coming home. This time it would be a little different. In the past she had always stayed at one of the...

4 years ago
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Sugar Cane Plantation

She always felt so much at home when she visited the island. Silly really since she spent almost all of her time elsewhere – working long, tedious hours at the law firm. Still, her vacations always brought her here – to the warm breezes, the smell of the ocean, the lush foliage. So it seemed that each time she was able to visit, she was coming home. This time it would be a little different. In the past she had always stayed at one of the big resorts. The ones with the private beaches, and golf...

4 years ago
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20 gauge needles A bamboo cane an a graphite dowe

Kana says, “If you beat it long enough, girl cum will appear.” 20 gauge needles. A bamboo cane an a graphite dowel rod. I ****d its ass three times, pissed on and in it, burnt its tits with cigarettes, savagely caned the bitch and gave it twenty on the snatch with the belt, each shot hitting as hard as I can. But don’t take My word for it. Take the meats. This was the response I got the next day: “Let me share what I remember, what I loved, what keeps lingering in my...

2 years ago
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Canes Girl

Canes Girl CBA Billie was moving around on the stage with cat like grace, slowly taking off her clothing one item at a time, all the while keeping to the beat of the music. She had become quiet skilled at making the movements and swinging on the pole, pretending like it was her lover. She would make little twerking movements while making eye contact with the various patrons in the audience, coaxing as much money as she could out of their pockets. She was quiet adept at getting...

3 years ago
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College with a Cane Pt 0103

Note: This is a work of historical fiction. Though my wife and I met after I had completed my master’s degree, I loved my experiences in my undergraduate college. In this on going story, I will be exploring the way our relationship would have developed if we had met during our collegiate experiences College With a Cane, Freshmen Year, Part 1 ‘Erik!’ ‘Nnuuuuhhh—?’ ‘Erik! Wake up!’ ‘Hhhhhbbbbnnnrrr—‘ ‘Erik! Wake up you douchebag! Your alarm has been going off for 15 minutes!’ I slowly...

4 years ago
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College with a Cane Pt 05

College With a Cane, Freshmen Year, Part 5 Many thanks to MissBoePeep for her editing help! In addition, I’m humbled by your votes, dear readers. And for giving Part 4 of this series enough votes to get that chapter the H of ‘Hotness’! Finally, I’d like to give a shout out to RaleighBoy and Peterspeter — I hope you both don’t mind me referencing your ongoing stories set in the college environment in this story. ***** Mohinder, Jake and Pablo had caught Donna and me in an intimate moment....

3 years ago
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Cum before the Cane

I had this scenario, a fantasy that seemed really exciting. All I needed was a helpful couple to enact this with me and that would be that, another one crossed off the list or perhaps to be repeated again and again. You never know till you try. A couple, with at least one female, to administer a thrashing, with me totally naked, restrained, but the twist being that I would have been ‘milked’ of any sexual excitement before the caning. I had done something similar after a heavy session , with a...

4 years ago
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Sirs Cane

School always had a profound effect on me, By nature I'm a people pleaser so if I displeased anyone I always took it to heart.I was never one to actively seeking trouble but it seemed to find me even when I was trying to be a good boy!!In that respect I always took whatever punishment was coming to me as it was always just but never unfair....Years later I realised that I missed the structure of being mentored and also occasionally disciplined to keep me from "coming off the rails" as once I...

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CANED BY MISS BROWN part 2 Major Webley

Scotland 1953As the months past. and the summer holidays drew near, Stella and Dawn often talked about what sort of thing happened at WEBLEY HALLTrust me Stella, you are going to be the biggest hit there.Dawn would tell her.Well what sort of things go on there then,Stella asked a few times.Each time Dawn would say.Well all sorts of things really,Mike and the Major.Discussed throughly, what people wanted to do when they could go to a place with no sexual boundaries.And you would be surprised at...

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SCOTLAND 1960Stella Brown was in her office at St Augustine Catholic girls school.It was 16:30 and she was waiting for Mary Jones a lower Forth former to knock on her door.Mary Jones had been caught cheating in her Maths exam and therefore had her 2nd appointment in two months with Miss Brown and the Cane for Cheating.Knock Knock.Come in.Mary walked into the office her face fell as soon as she saw Miss Brown sitting at her desk bending the cane between her hands.Stella Brown the aforementioned...

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Caned For Speeding

I was just moments from being taken into the arena to be disciplined. I was in the waiting area of the arena, which was the modern socially acceptable name for the Discipline Centre. They still kept men and women separate and so I knew that I would be disciplined by a female disciplinarian and the watching crowd would be made up of women and girls. Of course, the minimum age requirement for anyone in the arena, either attending to be disciplined or to watch or, indeed, to be a disciplinarian,...

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Debbie Caned

It was 1966 and a year to remember for many reasons. I was at Harrow Grammar School a very strict but with excellent sport and academic results. Debbie, my girlfriend, was nearly seventeen, a real beauty and I was in the year above. We had been going out for about six months and we felt very much in love.She was very popular at school with staff and pupils and excelled both academically and sports-wise.Corporal punishment was not common but used when teachers thought it was warranted. Teachers...

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A Girlfriend is Caned

It was the end of another week, Friday 6th June 1969 to be precise, as Debbie Abbott and her new boyfriend Martyn Wetherby headed towards the main door of the school on their way home. Hand in hand, they made their way through the large and imposing arched doorway and out into the summer sunshine, smiling at each other at every opportunity.With her parents on holiday in Spain, and her elder sister away at university, Debbie had invited Martyn to spend the weekend at her house, their first real...

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Candy Cane

Candy Cane . That’s the scent that has been left lingering in my clothes tonight, and the more I smell it, the wetter my panties become. It’s the most sensuous thing, the way you blow the smoke from your hookah into my mouth, your lips so close to mine, yet not close enough to touch, or to kiss me passionately the way I’ve secretly wanted you to for all of these years. It’s a trick I’m guessing you picked up working nights at the hookah lounge downtown, along with the way you know how to pack...

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370 A cane at the lakes edge

A cane at the lakes edge.We were away on a weekend break as we had not been getting along well this last month, just one of those married spats that happen now and then, she had not been that happy, since her sister Joanne had come to stay since their mother had died, I can`t see why she was pissed off, it was her idea I shagged her sister, though after with a woman`s logic she said that I dint have too… and it would have been a compliment if I had refused saying she was enough… silly bitch,...

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Candy Cane

Candy Cane . That's the scent that has been left lingering in my clothes tonight, and the more I smell it, the wetter my panties become. It's the most sensuous thing, the way you blow the smoke from your hookah into my mouth, your lips so close to mine, yet not close enough to touch, or to kiss me passionately the way I’ve secretly wanted you to for all of these years. It's a trick I'm guessing you picked up working nights at the hookah lounge downtown, along with the way you know how to...

First Time
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Debbie Caned Again

After our caning for Debbie using a crib sheet, we didn't imagine we would be back in trouble two months later.  Deb's and I played truant to watch a film, Goals at the pictures. Our exams were over and I was due to leave school for University that August if I got my expected grades, Deb's had her A level year to complete.  We wrote each other notes excusing us from school and signed them. Not being in the same class and school nearly over we didn't envisage any problems.  The signature was...

2 years ago
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Mistletoe Candy Canes a Lesbian

Introduction: Frigid MILF turned by one of her husbands young employees. Mistletoe, Candy Canes & a Lesbian Summary: Frigid MILF turned by one of her husbands young employees. Note 1: This story is dedicated to DAVE who requested it for his wife. Note 2: Thanks to MAB7991, goamz86 and LeAnn for editing this story. Mistletoe, Candy Canes & a Lesbian You havent had sex in over a year! I asked my colleague Dave, stunned by his admission a moment ago. He shook his head as he took another...

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Getting Caned True Story

About five years ago, when I'd just started out with my present firm, I was one of about ten female solicitors. We had a large open plan office, and we girls were all at one end in our own enclave. It was very spacious, and our desks were quite a distance apart, and there were screens which gave us some degree of privacy. One of the girls found a thing on the internet. It was a short film of a woman being caned on her bare backside. I only watched for a minute or so then had to go and take a...

1 year ago
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New uses for candy cane

The night was young. 8 o'clock to be exact. I had just gottin out of the shower. My body was shinning in the light from the wet, warm water as I walked nudely into my bedroom with the windows fully open. As I lay on my bed and stroked my vagina with my pink spiral dildo, there was a knock on the door. It was my electrician telling me that there would be experements done on the neighborhood electricity and i wouldn't have power for at least 12 hours. You must understand that i had not had sex...

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Circumstances Lead To Two Caned Female Backsides

It was now two days since Yvonne and Tony Marsh had spent the Friday night at the home of Sheila and Jim Butcher. That night and the evening that preceeded it had involved wife swapping and the spanking of both women's backsides.All four of them were currently aged sixty but Sheila was fast approaching her sixty-first birthday.All participants had thoroughly enjoyed the evening and night but now, some forty-eight hours later, they were putting things into perspective. There was a conversation...

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Sugar Cane Plantation Chptr 3

The Sugar Cane Plantation - Chapter 3 The two men, one leading the other by a leash attached to the thumb cuff imprisoning his cock, followed Cynthia back into the playroom. Sharon beamed as Eric was led in since he had clearly chosen the cock whipping over a night in the fiddle. As Cynthia thought about it, he had probably made a wise choice. As painful as what the women planned for him might be, it would at some point be over, while being locked in the feared fiddle would be a...

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