Oregon Coast Ch. 03 free porn video

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Ever get the feeling that no matter how hard you try, things always go wrong? I’ve tried to understand women ever since I figured out that they were different from me, and it usually ends in disaster. The worst was the time my brother John and I had some girls over to hang around the pool while work was underway on Mom’s new formal garden. I noticed that the workers were talking to each other in Spanish, and I tried to make the girls laugh by doing my best impression of Speedy Gonzales.

I guess the bikinis and smell of coconut oil made me stupid, and I didn’t see Dad walking by. Next thing I knew I was standing in front of the desk in his study getting the lecture about how belonging to a wealthy family didn’t make me better than anyone else, and Dad wasn’t raising any racist snobs. Then I found myself on a plane to Alaska, and ended up the only Anglo on a fish cannery crew. I learned that those Mexicans were actually really decent guys, and that it doesn’t pay to act like a snob.

It took a while to get John to stop calling me ‘Dumb Dave’ after that one. Even then, I lived in fear that it would start up again with some of the things I got involved in. Every time I got around a pretty girl my brain and/or tongue seemed to shut down, and I ended up making a fool of myself. I bought a Porsche 911 hoping that it would make me a little more impressive to girls, and found that the type of girls it impressed weren’t the type I wanted. I learned that one the hard way, too.

I met Brandi (‘with an I’) one day at Washington Park as I was tossing my stuff in the trunk after a tennis match. Brandi was impressed enough by my Porsche to walk up and start chatting with me, one thing led to another and I asked her out. We went out a couple times, and it went well enough that I asked her over to our house one night when Mom was having a party and I needed a date. Brandi had always struck me as a cute, quiet, demure type, and I was really expecting that for once I was going to look like I knew what I was doing with women. That lasted into her fourth or fifth mimosa, maybe fifteen minutes after we arrived. An hour after our arrival, I’m not sure if the caterers or Mom were getting more worried. Then Brandi somehow decided that she had to demonstrate her pole dancing skills on one of the light poles by the pool. The dress she was wearing, while a little short, had appeared appropriate when I picked her up. It was less so when she was hanging by her ankles from a light pole above the crowd’s heads. I doubt she remembers what she looked like with her white butt in a leopard print thong hanging in the air like a second moon, but I’m sure no one else who was there has forgotten the sight! Mom was furious and that, I thought, was the last of my relationship with Brandi.

Then, a couple weeks later, Brandi called me and announced that she was pregnant. OK, there had been that one incident in the passenger seat of the Porsche way out in the woods, but even I know enough to take precautions in that kind of situation. Still, she was claiming that I was the only possibility and demanding that I start kicking in child support. Dad was pissed, but he doesn’t let that stop him from protecting the family. Before long, his private investigator reported that ‘Brandi’ (a stage name, apparently) had been snorting cocaine and pulling the train with various alleged musicians the whole time she had been dating me, and that there were, to put it mildly, many possible fathers. John and his buddy Brian went and had a private talk with her, and that was the last of that. Dad threatened to have me gelded if I ever got into a situation like that again, though, and I believed him!

After the Brandi incident I decided to forget about women for a while and concentrate on work. The company computer systems were a hodgepodge of various types of hardware and software, half of which couldn’t communicate with the other half, and they badly needed an overhaul. Computers are logical and do what you tell them to, and I get along with them a lot better than women. After nine months of hard work everyone was telling Dad how much easier I had made their jobs, and the productivity figures were way up. I had the Brandi incident pretty much lived down.

It was during that period that Brian and Jennifer got married. I had known Jen for a while through John and, like every other man she knew, had a small crush on her. Hey, she looks like Cindy Crawford’s blue eyed sister and acts like one of the guys- how could I resist? She always seemed out of my league, though, and treated me like a little brother. Frustrating, but there it was. Anyway, after she met Brian, you couldn’t have proved by her that any other man in the world even existed. Brian was openly crazy about her, and while she was more subtle, you could tell it was mutual. Besides, as gentle and easygoing as he is, Brian has always intimidated me a little. He’s an extremely large individual and carries battle scars he picked up in Afghanistan, although he rarely talks about it. There are rumors that he picked up some medals there, too, although he will only admit to a ‘purple Talibani marksmanship award’, whatever that is. I never had any hope of beating him out for Jen, but I wouldn’t have felt safe trying.

Not long after the wedding, John started dating Jen’s housemate Lydia. Lydia teaches high school English and tends to dress like a Goth, which doesn’t completely hide the fact that she’s just as pretty as Jennifer. She’s an incredibly nice girl and always seemed interested in how my life- especially my love life- was going. Back to being every pretty girl’s little brother, I guess. I could have easily developed a mini-crush on her too, but the Man Code puts my brother’s girl as far off limits as it possible to get- as if she would ever have even looked at another man anyway! That situation took its natural course, and before I knew it they were planning another wedding.

One day Jen and Lydia showed up at my office and announced that they were taking me to lunch, no matter how much I protested that I needed to monitor the SQL dump I had running. Lydia always goes straight to the point.

‘You know our housemate Karen?’

Of course I knew who she was. Small, blonde, curvy, and extremely cute, with a feisty attitude twice as big as she is. I found her highly intriguing, but I rarely got over there and of course couldn’t think of anything intelligent to say when I did see her.

‘What about her?’

‘She’s going to be a bridesmaid in Lydia and John’s wedding. We want you to escort her to the pre-wedding functions.’

‘When I agreed to be a groomsman, no one said anything about that!’

‘What are you complaining for? She’s beautiful!’

‘Can’t deny that. It’s just that every time I bring a girl home it turns into a disaster, and if I do something stupid with one of your best friends at my brother’s wedding I’m going to get sent to the loony bin once and for all.’

They gave each other one of those female looks that would have had any sensible man scrambling for the next plane to Vladivostok. Jen took over.



‘We think it’s time for your luck to change. You’re actually a decent guy, aside from the natural male tendency to get blinded by a big set of boobs. Don’t look at Lydia like that, big boobs don’t automatically mean a girl’s stupid.’

‘I’m not-‘

‘Never mind. Your problem is that you can’t tell a bimbo from a quality girl. We’re picking you out a girl we know for certain is no bimbo. Give this a chance.’

‘Do I have any choice about it?’

In unison:


Well, hell, they had a point: there are worse problems than being forced to escort a cute, classy girl to some elegant parties. Might as well accept my fate like a man.

When I arrived to pick up Karen for the first party, Jennifer looked me over critically while I waited for Karen to finish getting ready.

‘Not bad, not bad…Th
anks for getting a haircut like I asked…if you’re going to wear a tux, though, we need to work on getting the bow tie straight…’

She made some adjustments to the tie and cummerbund and reached up to straighten my hair a little.

‘Jen, come on, I’m old enough to dress my wharble wharble gurk…’

I had just seen Karen coming down the stairs. Maybe a blonde in strapless black silk sounds like a cliché, but if she knows how to pull it off- and Karen sure did- the effect is stunning. Jen glanced over her shoulder.

‘Deep breath, Dave! Take a deep breath!’

I did. She looked up at me, amused.

‘She’s just a girl, Dave!’

‘She’s a goddess!’

‘No, she’s not. Just relax and be yourself and things will go fine. Did you think about some stuff to talk about like I told you?’

‘Uh, yeah, I’ve got the list here someplace…’

‘Gimme that!’

Karen glided over to us and gave me a friendly smile.

‘Hi, Dave! You’re right, Jen, he does clean up pretty good!’


‘What my idiot adopted brother-in-law is trying to say, Karen, is that you look amazing. Which you do. Right, Dave?’

‘Yeah, right, you really do.’

Karen put on a terrible imitation of a Southern accent.

‘This old rag? Why, aren’t you just the sweetest thing!’

We all cracked up, and I got a feeling that this might actually work out.

‘OK, you two kids get out of here. Brian’s coming by here to pick me up and I want some private time since I haven’t seen him all day.’

‘Newlyweds! Sheesh!’

‘Don’t knock it if you haven’t tried it, Dave! Just go!’

When we got out to my car Karen looked it over casually.

‘This the turbo version?’

‘No, normal fuel injected.’

‘Yeah, my brother had a 911 Turbo for a while. I thought the turbo made it even twitchier coming out of corners, but he liked it.’

‘You used to race sports cars?’

‘He did. I just drove it for fun and helped him navigate for a couple rallies.’

‘Not any more?’

‘He took a job back East.’

I opened the door for her.

‘Not exactly designed for girls in dresses, are they? Give me a hand here.’

Her tiny hand almost disappeared in mine, but I could definitely feel some muscle in it. Not to mention what felt like an electric shock running up my arm. From the look in her eyes when she glanced up after getting safely settled in my passenger seat, she felt something too.


I thought I heard a slight tremor in her voice, but I told myself it was just wishful thinking.

The conversation kept going fairly well as we drove out to the country club. She knew enough about computers to at least ask a couple intelligent questions about my job, and knew even more about Porsches. At the party, she chatted easily with the older women about their gardens, knew how the Blazers were doing, and complimented Mom on having such polite sons. She fended off one of the older men who had had too much to drink without my help and waltzed smoothly with Doc Miyahara, who she seemed to know from somewhere. Basically, the whole room was eating out of her hand. After dancing with me for a while, she pulled me out on a balcony to cool off and catch some fresh air.

‘You know Doc M?’

‘Sure, I work at OHSU. Didn’t you know that?’

‘Somehow no one told me. I should have asked earlier, I guess. What’s the story with Doc?’

‘What do you mean?’

‘He seems like such a shy, quiet guy, but Brian and all the veterans they hang out with treat him like some sort of hero. I asked him once what he did over there, and all he said was that he did his job like everyone else.’

‘That’s what he always says. He saved Brian’s life after he got shot, and saved a lot of other lives too. There’s a Silver Star hanging in a corner of his office at the hospital.’

‘A Silver Star? What’s that?’

‘A medal two steps down from the Medal of Honor. They treat him like a hero because that’s what he is.’

‘Wow. You’d never know it, would you?’

‘That’s how he likes it.’

‘So what do you do there?’

‘I’m a surgical nurse.’

‘How did you get into that?’

The conversation flowed from there into our histories and hopes for the future, and before we knew it the catering staff was shutting things down. I tucked her back into the 911 and drove her home. I had to park a block and a half from her house, so I got out and walked her to her porch. The sidewalks are uneven around there, and she was clinging to my arm as she negotiated them in her high heels. I stopped at the bottom of her porch steps, not sure if she wanted me to follow her or not. Her hand slid down my arm and slowly slid through my fingers as she stepped up onto the first step.

‘Well, good night…’

She turned to me. The step brought her eyes up to the level of my shoulders. She reached up to straighten my tie again.



‘Thanks for taking me. I had a great time with you tonight, and I can’t wait to do it again.’

‘Well, there’s that garden party in a few weeks…’

‘Kind of thick, aren’t you? Let me spell it out: if you were to call me up before then and ask me on a date, just the two of us doing something together, I’d jump at the idea.’

‘That’s the best idea I’ve heard in a long time!’

‘Act on it, then.’

Her hands slid onto my shoulders and her head tilted a little.

‘Here’s another good idea for you to act on…’

Her lips were soft and warm, and her small body fit snugly into my arms. If I thought I had ever kissed a woman before, it was nothing compared to this. Way too soon she gently pushed my shoulders back.

‘I’m going to call it a night, Dave. Tonight really was fun. Call me.’

She disappeared into the house. My feet must have touched the ground as I walked back to my car, but I felt like I was floating all the way back to my apartment.

The first call the next morning was from Mom.

‘Where did you find that lovely young woman you brought to the party last night?’

‘Jennifer and Lydia set it up. She’s a friend of theirs.’

‘I swear I’m going to adopt those two.’

‘One’s already a daughter in law and the other’s about to be.’

‘Not only are two of my boys settled down with absolutely charming girls, they’re working on finding another for the third. Daughter in law doesn’t seem like enough.’

‘Calm down, Mom, it was just a first date. It went great, but don’t start planning another wedding yet.’

‘Went well, please. I didn’t raise you to abuse the English language. She’s not some awful drunken gold digger, and for you that’s a major improvement. You can’t blame me for getting my hopes up.’

‘Are you ever going to forget that?’

‘As soon as you’re settled down with a girl like Jen or Lydia, I’ll stop worrying.’

‘Fine, Mom, whatever. We still on for dinner Sunday?’

‘Of course. Why don’t you bring Karen?’

‘Because she’ll think I’m insane if I bring her to dinner with the family after one date. Don’t worry, it’s not like I need encouragement to see her again.’

‘Good, I won’t worry. I have to go, there’s Jennifer on the other line!’

Great, my love life was being dissected and planned without me. So far, though, the results were looking damn good.

The next Saturday I took Karen for a hike and a picnic lunch at Multnomah Falls. At the top of the Falls, we found a spot overlooking the Columbia River Gorge and spread out the food. Karen had a healthy appetite for a small person, which was a relief. I can’t stand women who pretend they eat like birds.

‘This is good cheese!’

‘Mom has friends who make it on their farm. We swap them for wine from our winery.’

‘That’s where this bottle came from?’

‘Yep. Like it?’

‘It’s really good. Your mo
m seems cool.’

‘That’s pretty close to what she said about you.’

‘Really? I passed the mom evaluation already?’

‘The last girl I brought to a party turned out to be a stripper with a substance abuse problem. I’m sure seeing me with a sophisticated woman like you was a big relief.’

Karen stared.

‘You have got to be kidding me!’

‘What, you don’t consider yourself sophisticated?’

‘No, stupid, about the last party. You telling me that before me you were into strippers?’


‘Look, I didn’t realize what was going on until it was too late! She seemed perfectly normal when I met her!’

She gave me a dirty look.

‘You better start from the beginning.’

So I told her the first half of the Brandi saga. I figured I was on thin enough ice without mentioning the pregnancy scare. By the end she was howling with laughter.

‘I can just imagine the look on your mom’s face with your date hanging from the light pole by her ankles!’

‘I still have nightmares about it!’

‘Well, I go to yoga class with Lydia Tuesday nights, but I’ve never pole danced in my life! No wonder your mom was so pleased!’

‘Mom likes almost everyone, but she loves Jennifer and Lydia like daughters. I think she was glad to see me with a friend of theirs instead of some gold digger.’

Karen dried her eyes.

‘Well, I guess I can’t say a whole lot.’

‘How’s that?’

‘No one told you about my failed engagement?’

‘What? No, but now you have to.’

‘I guess I do… He seemed like a really good guy until I got off work early one day three weeks before the wedding and decided to go by his place and surprise him with some fresh cookies. He sure was surprised!’

‘Lemme guess- he was with another girl?’

‘Another guy! Plus, he was wearing my favorite negligee! I thought Jennifer had borrowed it for her ski weekend with Brian!’

My turn to laugh.

‘I could try to picture that, but I don’t want to!’

‘Is it too much to ask for a boyfriend to think I look better in my lingerie than he does?’

‘Well, you’re never going to have that problem with me!’

I gave her an exaggerated leer.

‘Just to make sure, though, we should play Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show one of these nights…’

She punched me in the arm, giggling.

‘Yeah, in your dreams!’

I wiggled my eyebrows like Groucho Marx.

‘How did you guess?’

At that she jumped on me, tickling me until I begged for mercy. The wrestling turned into making out, until we heard someone coming up the trail. She still kissed like no woman I had ever known.

After we caught our breath, she got a serious look on her face.

‘Dave, I want to get something out of the way.’


‘At the hospital, I get hit on regularly by doctors who think I’ll be impressed by their money or fancy cars or whatever. It’s just part of the environment- in fact, it’s why a lot of young women choose to work there! Not me, though. I like my work, and I don’t date doctors. If I was looking for a rich man, I’ve had plenty of offers!’


‘So my job pays very well. I lived with Jen and Lydia all this time because hanging out with my girlfriends is more fun than living alone, not because I couldn’t afford my own place. I don’t mind dating a wealthy guy- in fact, I’ll let you buy me dinner at the Lodge when we get back down there- but I don’t need or want your money. I’m no gold digger!’

‘I never thought you were. Just for the record, I’m not even slightly gay, either!’

She laughed.

‘I never thought you were. God, we really know how to pick them, don’t we?’

‘I think that’s why Jen and Lydia are pushing us together. I can’t blame them for thinking we need adult supervision!’

She looked me in the eye.

‘So far, I’d say they’ve done damn well.’

‘So would I!’

I pulled her into my arms for a long, slow kiss.

The next day Lydia showed up for dinner on John’s arm. She could hardly wait to pull me out onto the terrace after the servants cleared dessert.

‘Well, how did things go with Karen?’

‘She’s incredible. I can’t thank you two enough for setting us up.’

‘I knew it! She seems to like you too?’

‘That was the impression I got when we were saying goodnight last night.’

‘What, you saw her again?’

‘I took her for a hike and dinner at Multnomah Falls. We had a great time.’

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Jack and the Rollercoaster

I am English, and this story is written in the style of english I have used all my life. The spelling and grammar reflect that. If some of my readers don’t understand my phraseology, don’t tell me I can’t write english. Just email me and ask! Where does life take us? Why is it that when you have settled on one course, fate comes knocking at your door and takes you off on a tangent? That’s what happened to me, it seems to keep happening to me. I get used to my life, then fate throws a surprise...

3 years ago
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A Different Sort of LifestyleChapter 35 Rollercoaster

The rides were small and unexciting. The carnival games were lame. The food was standard carnival fare. It didn’t matter as far as Ted was concerned. He was in heaven with the most beautiful girl he had ever met. Sitting down at a picnic table across from Amy, Ted handed her one of the drinks he had just purchased. She accepted it with a smile and a quick thank you. Looking at her date across the table, Amy said, “I’m really impressed.” “By what?” Ted asked looking around. “You don’t seem...

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Playing DoctorChapter 3 Emotional roller coaster

All I could see was the bore of the pistol pointed at my midsection. The barrel looked wide enough to drive a bus through, and it was pointed right at me. Then, with an odd moment of clinical detachment, I noticed the blood on his hand, red and fresh. He jarred me out of my thoughts by jabbing me hard in the side with the pistol. "I said, 'Drive, ' dammit!" With my hands shaking in fear, I started the car and put it into reverse. Somehow I managed to avoid hitting any other cars, though...

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Prison Bitch

It all started when i was 15 years old, i was running around with the wrong crowds, it started off small with shoplifting, then progressed to break and enters into stores and houses, then from there stealing cars. ended up spending from 15 to 18 in juvenile detention. After i turned 18 it was adult time, i was still doing the same crap, B&E's, car thefts, ended up getting 4 and a half years in prison. I'm a smaller guy, i'm around 5'10", but i'm skinny, long blonde hair halfway down my back, i...

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Sticky Sweet

Alana Fowler, a single 26-year old baker/dessert entrepreneur, was in her apartment in midtown Atlanta, thinking up ideas for cakes for her bakery/dessert eatery called Sinfully Sweet and Decadent. Her bakery has cupcakes, layer cakes, cookies, cinnamon rolls, and other desserts so rich that would make even a hardcore aerobic addict want to cheat on their diet. One of her new ideas was a new vanilla layer cake that was beyond vanilla. She was already in the kitchen, writing down dessert ideas...

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How I Saved My Best Mate From The Priesthood

I ad this mate Simon at school. He was a good soul, always cheerful and a bit of a clown. But he had no confidence with the ladies. I never saw him even talk to a girl. We went our separate ways when we left school. I went into bricklayin. I saw him in a park years after we left school and we clocked each other just like that. ‘Aye-aye’ I said, ‘ow you doin Simon? Long time no see’ He looked up at me. He’d put on weight and his face was chubbier than before but it was im all righty.

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If I Told Her to Take Her Clothes Off She Just WouldChapter 20

“Do you think she could do drums?” I suggested quietly to Alice the next morning, lying in bed stroking her smooth, firm ass while Faye was in the shower. “I was thinking the same thing,” murmured Alice, reaching over to stroke my ass with her sensual, long fingers, “just ... how to find out?” “Yes, we mustn’t set her up for a fail.” “It’d kill her if she started and we replaced her. I mean, even if she could do it a bit, for us now, you know ... Kimie and Senz are seriously good - we...

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Duty and Duplicity Book 5 of Poachers ProgressChapter 17 Shadrach of Napoli

“Gone? Gone where? Gone when?” My questions were aimed at the Neapolitan Royal Guard officer commanding the piquet guarding Cleopatra’s Palace. Fortunately, he knew me from the ball I attended at the Royal Palace on New Year’s Eve, otherwise, like as not, he would have sent me off with a boot up the backside. And who could have blamed him? I was a disgusting and frightening sight; begrimed as a chimney sweep, blood stained clothing, hair a tangle, face unwashed, and chin unshaven. “Where...

2 years ago
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Its My PartyChapter 71

Time: Friday, April 1, 2019 12:25:00 PM, reset plus00:11:57 “I knew it!” cried Tom. He was standing with Carla, Suvarna, and Tajana in the far back entrance room. They were by the elevator, and its four-meter sliding door was open about ten centimeters. Tom stuck in his fingers and with a moderate amount of effort pushed the door aside. All of this was possible because Carla had been playing withMadison’s old Leophone. She had popped it out of the power cradle and discovered the phone came...

4 years ago
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The Accidental SpyChapter 3 Checking Out the Border Crossing

There was a stiff wind coming down from the mountains that chilled the bones and made Harry push his collar up to his already chapped ears. He was standing in a darkened doorway not far from the hotel watching the front and the side entrances. He had been there almost two hours already and was ready to call it quits and head back to the warmth of the room. This was the sort of thing that had to be done just to keep your tracks hidden. He told Olga "The Dancer" to stay in the room and watch...

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Being Thorough

Hello! This is another one that has been in bed with me frequently. As with pretty much all my other stories, it’s the loss of/giving/taking of control that really gets me.This one goes out to all my fellow horny introverts who just can’t bring themselves to flirt like normal people and thus simply daydream about their manic pixie dream alpha person to come up to them and – without much ado and discussion - sweep them off their feet, right into their bed, right onto their cock or into their...

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My Mother inlaw

It all started one morning when we had spent the weekend at my Mother In Law’s apartment. I woke up to my wife getting dressed for work as usual. I stared at her as she walked around the room practically naked. All that was covering her was her purple panties. ‘Why are you staring at me like that?’ She asked as she was combing her hair in front of the mirror. I replied, ‘Because you have an amazing body and I enjoy looking at it.’ She giggled and then turned to me and started to strut over...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Cadence Lux Lilly Lit Big Sis Takes A Squirt

Lilly Lit cautiously peeks her head in through a bedroom door. She glances around the room, then is satisfied that the room is empty. She hurries inside, looking pleased with herself, though still looks back at the door once or twice to check that she is indeed alone. ‘I always wondered what Cadence keeps stashed around here… I always hear her moaning through the walls at night, so I bet she’s got some REALLY naughty stuff hidden around here!’ she giggles to herself. She...

2 years ago
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More Than What Melissa Wanted

 I looked down at my body and tried to control the way my breasts heaved. My heart was racing faster than a formula 1 car. I knew I had to do it. I knew that. I stood and watched the door to the barn to see whether there was any indication of who was inside. I could just about see the rather dim lighting trying its best to leak around the doorframe and through the odd gash in the wooden slats. I started to walk closer to the door and stopped just out of reach of the door handle. I kept asking...

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Engagement Se Leke First Night Tak 8211 Ayushi Rachit 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Ayushi hai. Main aaj aapko apni engagement se suhag-raat tak ki hot kahani sunane jaa rahi hu. Mera figure bahut sexy hai. Meri height 5’6″ hai aur mera figure 38-30-39 hai. Mera rang bahut fair hai, aur main dekhne mein bhi bahut khoobsurat hu. Figure bhi mera well rounded hai, jisko dekh kar har ladka pagal ho jata hai. Main jab se jawaan hui thi, tab se mere peeche bahut se ladke padte the. Jab main thodi badi hui, to meri sabhi friends ke boyfriends the. Aur wo mujhe bhi force...

1 year ago
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I Always Knew She Was BrokenChapter 13 Unexpected Love

From a slovenly, self destructive stand still, Amy's case had me running hard. I found my skills perfect for the civil suit. When not working on it, I began finding connections to investigate the Hell's Angels situation in Amsterdam. Also I started working out more than usual and began learning Jujitsu as well as gun training and knife fighting. My detective friend advised these trainings and I found them fulfilling and invigorating. Amy joined me for all of them and they made her...

2 years ago
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A Drop of Lightpart 1

A Drop of Light…part one Most of my stories are based on true events. Names of course have been changed to protect the …innocent!!! LOL   The stark bright light caught the drop as it fell, a flash like broken crystal as it landed on the small of her naked back. She started, her back arched like an awakening cat. Mmmmm she murmured. As the hot oil slowly worked its way down between her buttocks. She squirmed as the drop slowly joined the small pool of now warm oil in the pucker of her ass....

3 years ago
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A Stitch In Time Chapter 2 Rome

He'd been aligned in the chamber so that he's be facing south when he arrived. Remembering the time constraint, just 15 minutes, he moved to the container. He was already wearing the toga of a Roman citizen. Also sandals on his feet. It was June, the days would be warm, this night a rare cool relief. It would be different in the crowded city. Getting used to the smells, the close humanity, of past times would be one of the difficult parts of his mission. In the box he retrieved the sack...

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 5

The four girls looked up when the head nurse came inside the waiting room. "Ladies, follow me for your physical," the head nurse said. The girls stood up and followed the nurse through the corridors again. This time, most girls tried to hide their breasts and vulva in someway while following the head nurse. It was only Sylvia, who still wasn't showing any distress about her nakedness and Petra held her arms in front of her big breasts. The woman brought the girls to a room where they...

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Computer Man

I was standing in my arsehole of a boss’s office, smiling at the dickhead. He likes to order people about as if he owns the place, but one day he will work for me. I left and drove off in my van. Climbing into the back I started all the monitors. When I heard that our company was putting in a bid to wire and maintain all forty houses on each of the one million pound houses on a new estate. I was the only person to see the potential. I am a graduate electrician and in my spare time...

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Friday at Home

Friday at Home By CDVeronica My wife Victoria knows that I like to dress in panties. I typically slip into a pair when I get home from work at night. I also sometimes wear a silky nightie to sleep in. The more frilly and feminine the clothing, the better I like to wear it. I don't think Victoria really likes it, but she lets me because she knows I enjoy it. Occasionally when Victoria was at work in the past I was able to dress up even more. I have a long red wig that I...

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A Stupid Prize

It’s a boring Wednesday morning, A unemployed guy is sitting home half listening to the radio, thinking to himself how bad his life is. When his phone rings. He answers, Hello. Is this Michael Days, the man on the other end says. Yes. You just won the stupid prize of the day from ksyt. I did, he says in shock. Yes and all you have to do is say I’m more stupid then ksyt. O.k., I’m game, I’m more stupid then ksyt. All right, your prize is… a tour of the weather channel, please hold for...

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A Strange Happening

At the time this happened my wife Jean and I had been married for about 5 years. She was 24 and I was 29. Once or twice a month we would go to breakfast on Saturday at a little café in the office building where I worked. After breakfast we would go home and have a leisurely couple of hours of sex. We both loved to have an old-fashioned missionary style fuck. Then Jean would push me onto my back and climb over me for a sloppy 69 session. After I had sucked all my cum out of her pussy and she had...

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Why I am the pervert that I am Part 1

This is a memoir and confession to explain why I believe I am the true pervert that I am. If you can't handle this TRUTH than PLEASE turn back NOW!To the outside world and CLOSE personal friends and family I appear to be an upstanding and righteous man. The only problem is that I just have one DEEP secret. Sexually, I'm a seriously perverted person. Sometimes I feel ashamed and embarrassed. Other times I feel aroused and act on it only to feel guilty later. If I had no other way to vent and...

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Shadow on the EdgeChapter 23 Jade

We were on a simple movement from one location to another. There wasn't supposed to be any hostiles around for many klicks. The sun was shining and we were skirting a set of woods. It was a day made for poetry. Something about birds, sunshine and that stuff when charging out of the woods came tanks like I've never seen before. They didn't register on my MAGs and the IR reading was very weak. They turned their guns on us and opened fire. I would have thought that we were still out of range...

4 years ago
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The Fan ClubChapter 7

“So, what did you want at the food court, or did you want to go into TGI Friday’s?” I asked my three lovers, who also happened to be my sisters. “TGI Friday’s works for me. You’re not exactly poor and neither are any of us. But I must apologize for the fact that, despite what I claimed at first, I’ve clearly caught feelings for you. So have these two, I dare say. Hey, we’re your sisters! Can you blame us for wanting ... more with our awesome brother from Wales? You’re our man! Our bro! Our...

1 year ago
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Chat room love

This is a REAL chat I had with a girl I met on an anonymous chat board. Enjoy... ;)You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!Stranger: wanna fightYou: sureStranger: r u a guy or girlYou: guyYou: I dont bitchfightStranger: ok *pushes u*You: *hands up in classic defence position*Stranger: *giggles and punches u in the nose*You: *mutters ow and kicks you in the balls*Stranger: im a girlYou: well shitYou: lolStranger: *kicks u in the balls and runs to the bedroom and crawls under the...

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New friends in a new town

A few years ago Ben and I moved to Michigan. I got a job as a developer at a local company near Livonia. I was walking out of a meeting one day, when a gorgeous black woman waved me over. I had only been with the company a few weeks so I had no idea who she was. She was wearing a white pencil skirt with an all red button down, red heels to match."You're a computer person?" she asked. "I am""Can you help me with this thing?""Maybe", I smiled, "let me take a look". I put my hands on her desk, and...

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How to get a raise

I feel like I’m constantly introducing and describe myself but here we go. My name is Tayler, and I’m eighteen years old. I have big bouncy tits (c-cup), a cute little butt, long brown hair which is typically straight, tan skin, and brown eyes. I work at a little pizza shop by where I live, where I have two managers. One of them is named Jared. He is a little taller than me but not by much. He has light brown hair and a little hair on his chin. He is a great guy, and an amazing manager to...

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WIFE'S BLACK FUNI wrote earlier about my Mother's long term affair with a Black Man while we lived in Virginia in the early 70's. Despite my Mother's affair with a Black guy I never imagined that my wife would ever do anything like that. She was very conservative as a young women having grown up and attended college in Kansas. She had only been intimate with 3 guys before we met and married. I met her after I moved to Kansas City to take a job with a local television news show. Susan was a...

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Episode 154 Femdom

IntroductionThis story follows on directly from https://xhamster.com/stories/episode-153-iqras-brother-10042244 , which I urge you to read first to make any sense of this perversion. Iqra wishes to deny she has approved any use of her name in this or the previous episode, but I am hoping that Mistress Susanna and Mistress Nuri give their approval before publication..At SchoolThe headmistress announced that this week's Muslim Sex Ed Class was going to be a rather different affair for Iqra,...

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Fucked to a neighbour8217s aunty

I am a great fan of desi stories given in the section and got the interest to share mine experience also which i experienced some 6 months ago. These are the stories which made me get the aunty to fulfil my thrust of cunt. I hope you will enjoy this true experience. I am a middle class boy with the fair body. I have not given my name for some reason and also not given a name of the aunty involved in this story for some reason. In our neighbourhood there was one family of 3 members use to live....

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The Magic of LifeChapter 2

Gary sighed. Just once, he thought, couldn't he be attacked in nice, sunny weather? Sword drawn, he stood up with his back to the wagon, rain feeling like hail on his bare head. He could barely see the three "potential" thieves spread out before him. Out of habit, Gary refused to consider them such until they actually attacked. Before then, there was always the possibility they'd run away, and a thief who didn't bother him was no thief in his book. "I have three over here,...

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Spring Garden Encounter

Where does this story come from? A prim and proper British video on PBS showed this woman walking through an English Garden, hell old men are as horny as young men, so why not write a dirty story about it? There is nothing true about this story, no real people, no real activities, but image fucking a stranger that is begging for it!It was early spring, the weather was warming enough to venture out to the parks without a jacket, but still cool enough to remind a person that summer had not yet...

4 years ago
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Licking Her Feet Until I Cum

It was a normal day at work. I was sitting at my desk doing what I do every day. For the past three months I had been fantasizing about a girl at work. I didn't want to have sex with her; I just wanted to know what her feet looked like. She had always worn closed shoes, as specified in the standards of the office. I had no idea what her feet looked like, which made me want them even more. One day while she was sitting at her desk I looked over and she had kicked off one of her shoes. I could...

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Hi, im gopika, elavunnaru, naku chala messages, inka boothulundalani, ok,try chestunnanu, idi kuda nachutundi kadu, o.kena, story kelite,bava, attanu dengina taruvata, kalpana(vadina ),nenu t.v choostu elavundi vadi modda andi,bagundi, annanu, baga cheekava andi, sigupadutu nekela telusu, annanu, nakanta telusu, andi, ammanu, koduku dengadamemiti annanu, daniki,tanu, adadi ante magadi kosam puttinattu, dengichkovali, vadevarayaina okate, modda kavali ante, antu pooku meeda, dress pi nunde...

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Wife Humiliates husband

Hi all this I Akhil, 30 years, from Chennai. I think you would have read my stories of farm house humiliation, naked in river bed, CFNM stuff. This one is a bit of wife humiliation and domination one. I am 30 and my wife is 26 yrs. We got married 2 years back and my wife(name Archana) is a bit dominating type like she will call me vada, poda and sometimes in front of the maid servants as well. I love the domination from her side. When she calls me vada or poda I will see the maid servant( name...

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