Oregon Coast Ch. 05 free porn video

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It all started with a call from my old service buddy Brian.

‘Hey, Manny, we’re having a beach party in three weeks at John’s house. We want to have one last get together before Allison gets too big to go out.’

Finals were coming up, but when people are celebrating the impending birth of your best friend’s first son, you show up even if it’s inconvenient. I don’t know why those guys thought that February was a great month for a beach party. Storms blow in all the time, and while it may be fun to watch from in front of a roaring fireplace, it’s hell to drive through. That’s one reason I bought the Element: while in my younger days I wouldn’t have been caught dead in it- and still wouldn’t in the barrio- it’s a great bad weather vehicle. Lydia came looking for me with another girl in tow.

‘Manny, you’re heading back early, right?’

”Yeah, I have finals in Marketing and Statistics next week.’

She pulled the other girl forward a little bit.

‘Listen, Emily here wants to head back early too. She rode out with us. Would you mind giving her a ride back?’

I looked at her. Small girl with red hair and porcelain skin to go with the Irish name, along with a cute little nose.

‘No trouble at all. Hi, Emily, I’m Manny Rodriguez.’

Lydia looked a little abashed.

‘Sorry, forgot you two hadn’t met.’

‘How are you on statistics, Emily?’

‘We just met and you’re asking for measurements? Lydia, are you sure I should go off alone with this guy?’

‘Not your statistics! I was asking if you’d help me study for my finals on the drive back. I’m working on my MBA.’

Emily’s blue eyes twinkled.

‘I figured it was something like that. Sorry, but I’m a librarian. I can help with Dewey Decimals, but that’s about the closest I get.’

‘Well, I may try you on flash cards anyway.’

‘Sure, no problem.’

Lydia spoke up.

‘To answer your question, Manny served with Brian and Doc in Afghanistan, and they literally trust him with their lives. You’re actually a lot safer with him than by yourself.’

‘Really? Well, I guess I’ll take your word for it. When do you want to leave, Manny?’

‘Can you be ready in an hour?’

‘I’m pretty much packed already. Let me go say some goodbyes and I’ll be good to go.’

Emily headed off toward the other end of the house. Watching her go was pleasant. Lydia nudged me.

‘Whaddaya think, Manny? Pretty cute?’

‘Would you girls knock it off? I’ve got enough on my plate without looking for a girlfriend right now. She is cute, though.’

‘Cute, bright, and single. No harm in giving you a chance and seeing what happens.’

‘I’m going to drop her off at her house, and that’s all that’s going to happen.’

Lydia smirked.

‘That’s what John said about me.’

‘John had a crush on you from day one.’

‘Day two. I was a real bitch to him when we first met.’

‘Don’t talk about yourself that way, Lydia. You’re one of the kindest people I know.’

‘I’m just being honest. The last thing I wanted was another rich preppie hitting on me.’

While she tried to keep it a secret, it was common knowledge that Lydia’s family was extremely wealthy and she grew up in the ritziest waterfront suburb of Seattle.

‘John’s not like that. Last time we were in LA he fit in with my homies from the barrio without even trying. Of course, using him as a ringer on their soccer team helped. The other team was baffled by the goofy looking gabacho who stopped everything they threw at the net.’

‘He’s not, but it took me a while to figure it out. Making it up to him has been a lot of fun. Anyway, just get to know her. She’s a really neat girl.’

‘Not giving me a lot of choice, are you?’

Allison Miyahara wandered up.

‘Manny, only you would complain about us trying to find you a pretty girl.’

Lydia gave her a gentle hug and a kiss on the cheek, and I did the same.

‘Of course you like the idea. You used to be one of the pretty girls they were trying to fix up, and look at you now. You look beautiful, by the way. How’s Doc taking it?’

‘I feel fat. Emerson’s going nuts, and taking me with him. With all the pregnant women and babies he’s taken care of, you’d think he wouldn’t be so freaked out about me.’

‘It’s different when you’re madly in love with the pregnant lady in question. Maybe Brian and I should take him out and get him drunk one of these days.’

‘I hate to encourage you bums, but it might do him some good. At least it would give me a break. Call me later.’

‘Will do. It’s about time for another veterans’ meeting anyway.’

Allison laughed.

‘Meeting, my rapidly expanding butt. All you guys do is get half cut and tell lies.’

‘What’s wrong with that? Your butt looks fine to me, too.’

Emily came around the corner as I finished the sentence, with Emerson alongside her carrying luggage.

‘Manny, you dumb wetback, just keep your eyes off my wife’s butt!’

‘Chinga te, Doc. You’re the one who goes around with his eyes closed all the time, so don’t complain about mine!’

Doc dropped the luggage and jumped me, and we wrestled around a little on the carpet before Lydia yelled at us to break it up. I helped him up.

‘Seriously, compadre, you OK? You know Al and the baby are going to do great, right?’

‘I know they’re doing great, but you have to remember that I don’t deal much with the easy pregnancies. It’s the problem ones that doctors spend a lot of time on. It’s hard not to get nervous about it.’

‘I was just telling Al that Brian and I need to take you out for some R&R. I’ll call you in a week or so.’

‘Sounds good. Be careful driving back.’

‘You too. Remember that you’ve got my godson with you now.’

I hugged him for real, and then hugged Al. I made sure Doc saw me pat her rear end. He growled and Al punched me, giggling. I turned.

‘Ready to go, Emily?’

She was staring at me with a look of disbelief.

‘Uh, yeah, I guess so.’

Emily was quiet for the first mile or so. I finally asked.

‘Something wrong?’

‘Is there some reason I shouldn’t think I’m driving off into the woods with a lunatic after that little performance?’

‘What, you mean Doc and I?’

‘Racial insults, fighting, and groping his wife, and you act like best friends? What’s going on with you two?’

‘Lydia mentioned that we were in the service together, right? I guess we tend to revert to acting young and crazy when we get together. You know I’d never actually hurt Doc, right?’

‘It did look like you were holding back.’

‘Doc M is the bravest man I’ve ever known, but probably not the strongest physically. The guys used to say that carrying his brains and his, uh, cojones around didn’t leave a lot of space for muscles. I don’t have anything to prove by outwrestling him, and he proved everything he ever needs to in Afghanistan.’

‘And the racial stuff?’

‘Privilege of brothers in arms. The last idiot who made a racial crack to him in front of me and Brian had to be carried away by his friends. Between us it’s just a joke. He really is my best friend.’

‘You’re starting to sound like a violent guy.’

I stared out the windshield, thinking about it.

‘I guess I’ve seen more than my share of violence, and it doesn’t scare me. That doesn’t mean I like it. Look, enough about me for a while. How did you become a librarian?’

‘Well, I tried bullfighting, but the red hair screwed up my career. The bulls kept chasing my head instead of the cape. I needed some excitement in my job, and this was the next best thing.’

I glanced at her and caught the twinkle in her eyes.

‘Why don’t I believe that?’

‘Because you’re smarter than you look? How about I got a work-study job in the library in col
lege, liked it, and made it a career?’

‘That I can believe. You know the Girls from college?’

‘I used to help Karen find nursing texts once in a while. We ran into each other again after college and started hanging out. A familiar face goes a long way when you’re new in town.’

‘Well, they’re all extraordinary women. Being a friend of theirs says a lot for you.’

‘Back atcha. They wouldn’t give you the time of day if you weren’t a decent guy at heart.’

‘I try to be, anyway. Hope I didn’t scare you goofing around with Doc.’

‘You did have me wondering there for a while.’

‘Anyway, want to try me on some Statistics terms?’

So she found the flash cards and drilled me for a while. Eventually I told her to stop.

‘Look, this storm is getting really bad. I need to concentrate on the road.’

The wind was getting strong enough to push the truck around on the road, and the snow was starting to hurt visibility.

‘Is this safe?’

‘In a few more miles we’ll be over the top and things should improve.’

We didn’t quite make it over the top. As I came around a bend the road disappeared under a mass of snow, rocks, and tree trunks. I carefully stepped on the brakes.

‘Looks like a snowslide. We’re not getting through here any time soon. I’m heading back to see if we can get through a different way or at least find a place to stay warm until the Highway Department reopens the road.’

I did a careful three point turn in the road- getting stuck in a ditch would be a major embarrassment up here- and headed back. We made it about three miles before we found the road blocked by some fallen trees. I got out to take a look and came back with some bad news.

‘Those trees are too big to pull out of the way with this truck, I don’t have room to get around them, and I don’t have a chain saw to cut a way through. I think we’re stuck for a while.’

Emily was looking a little scared.

‘Are we going to be OK?’

‘No reason we shouldn’t be. I have food and water in the truck, and the Highway Department will be working hard to reopen the road. All we need to do is sit tight until they come through.’

‘How long will that be?’

‘Depends on how bad things are. Anything on the radio?’

She had been fiddling with it.

‘All I can pick up is that this is a major unexpected storm. They aren’t saying how bad the roads are. How about that side road a couple miles back?’

‘Most of those are just logging roads that go up into the hills a few miles and dead end. See, that one’s not even on the map. Heading up there will just make things worse.’

She shivered a little, looking out at the dark evergreens half hidden by the hard-blown snow.

‘Are there wild animals up here?’

I almost laughed before I saw the look in her eyes. She wasn’t kidding.

‘The same you get anywhere in the woods. Deer, elk, coyotes, the occasional bear or cougar. They’re all going to be hiding from the storm and they don’t want to go near people anyway. We’re fine in the truck.’

I drove back until I found a turnout on the side of the road, pulled off, and parked.

‘I’m going to have to turn the truck off so we don’t burn up all our gas. It may start getting a little cold. If you have extra clothes you may want to put them on.’

I mentally slapped myself for looking in the rear view mirror as she bent over the back seat to reach her luggage. She did have an extremely shapely little rear end. Not gentlemanly, maybe, but what was I hurting? She came up with a white cable knit sweater and pulled it on.

‘Nice sweater.’

‘Thanks. It’s my old family pattern.’

‘How’s that?’

‘Every Irish fishing family had its own sweater pattern. Made it easier to identify any bodies of drowned fishermen that washed up.’

She shuddered.

‘That’s a pretty morbid thought under the circumstances, isn’t it?’

‘What’s the big deal? At worst we’re stuck out here overnight. We’re not in any danger.’

‘Easy for you to say. I’m a city girl from Boston. You’re an ex-Marine who’s been all over the world.’

‘Former Marine, please. There’s no such thing as an ex-Marine. Once a Marine, always a Marine.’

‘Sorry. With all the Former Marines around Southie I ought to know that.’


‘South Boston. More Irish there than in Dublin, and a big tradition of serving in the Marines.’

‘That’s where you’re from?’

‘My roots are there. My parents moved to the burbs when I was young. Where are you from?’

‘East Los Angeles, originally.’

‘Tough place.’

‘It could be, but I have a lot of good memories too. Anyway, are you really scared by this?’

‘Uncomfortable, anyway. I’m out of my element here.’

‘Look at it as a chance to learn something new. I promise you won’t get eaten by bears.’

She laughed.

‘I am being a little silly, aren’t I?’

‘Not for a librarian. You want to work on my tests some more?’

‘Sure, why not?’

She helped me work through my finals prep until it got too dark to read. She was obviously a smart girl, and while she didn’t know much about business school she was a quick study.

‘Let’s see what they’re saying on the radio about the roads.’

I turned the car on and ran it for a while to reheat the interior while she searched the stations. From what they said, we were looking at being stuck a while before the Highway Department came through.

‘Anyone expecting you?’

‘What could I do if there were? I already checked and my cell phone is out of range.’

‘Hmm, so’s mine. Oh well, you hungry?’

‘What have you got?’

I crawled into the back and grabbed the used whiskey box full of supplies that lives back there. Then I folded down the rear seat, creating a fairly wide, flat space.

‘Ever had an MRE?’

‘Can’t say I have. What’s that?’

I pulled a flat tan package out of the box and held it up.

‘Meal Ready to Eat, AKA Meal Rejected by Ethiopians. I promised myself I’d never eat one again after I got out of the service, but I keep a few in the truck for emergencies. Crawl on back here where we’ve got some room.’

She settled herself cross-legged across from me and picked up one of the packages.

‘Hmm, chicken and rice? Is that good?’

I stifled a laugh.

‘They all taste the same to a guy from East LA.’

‘What’s so funny?’

‘Aw, you don’t want to know.’

‘Sure I do.’

‘Well, there’s this thing called ‘Skippy’s List’ that’s been floating around military e-mails for years. Supposedly it’s a list of things some grunt was told by his sergeant to stop doing. There’s about a hundred of them.’


‘One of them is ‘don’t use the chicken and rice MRE for a sexual lubricant.”

Emily’s lip curled, and she gave me an old fashioned look.

‘I hope you don’t think you’re going to need that tonight.’

‘I wasn’t suggesting anything! You asked what I was laughing about. I can’t look at a chicken and rice MRE without thinking of that.’

She glanced at the package and tossed it back into the box.

‘Now I can’t either. What else do you have?’

She settled on chicken fajitas, and I got out my Swiss Army knife and showed her how to open up and use the contents.

‘Does this ‘flameless ration heater’ thing work?’

‘It does, but it gives off a lot of gases. It’s not a good idea to use it in an enclosed space.’

‘You really know how to show a girl a good time, don’t you? Oh well, here goes.’

We ate the MREs cold. Emily grimaced at the finish.

‘Well, could have been worse, I guess. Can we check the radio?’

According to the radio there was still major damage and they didn’t expect to get the roads open until morning.

‘I guess we’re stuck here overnight.’

I hesitated.

‘Look, I only have one sleeping bag in here, and the only sensible thing to do is to share it. That’s not a sexual proposition, so don’t get mad.’

‘In for a penny, in for a pound. I just have to warn you that if my brothers hear about this you may find yourself standing at the altar down at St. Patrick’s with an Irishman holding a shotgun in the front pew.’

‘Protective, are they?’

‘Don’t get me started. I was lucky to go on one date a year in high school because they terrorized all the boys who took any interest in me.’

‘That must have kept them busy.’

‘You sure you’re not part Irish with that kind of blarney? You wouldn’t say that if you knew me in high school.’

I wasn’t going to push the flirting when she was stuck with me in the middle of nowhere- she was obviously skittish already.

‘Well, anyway, let’s get settled down.’

I pulled out the sleeping bag and started getting it out of the bag.

‘Hey, look out the window for a minute.’

‘What? Oh, OK.’

I turned my back and heard her moving around. Suddenly an elbow caught me in the back of the head, and I turned.

‘Ouch! What the heck are you doing?’

She finished some odd contortions by producing something white and lacy from under her multiple layers of sweaters, which she quickly stuffed into her duffle bag.

‘How hard is it to give me a little privacy?’

‘I was fine until you hit me in the head! What are you doing, anyway?’

‘Sorry. I can’t sleep with a bra on, never could. Don’t let that give you ideas.’

‘Uh, yeah, no problem.’

I already had all the ideas I needed, but I wasn’t going to admit it and get her even more nervous. I laid down next to her and got us covered with the sleeping bag.

‘Want to study some more?’

‘Let’s save the flashlight batteries for now.’

‘OK… So tell me how you got to be friends with Brian and Doc.’

‘My platoon got assigned to pull security for their engineering unit. They had been having a lot of trouble with Talibani types sneaking around at night planting bombs, vandalizing stuff, and sometimes probing in force. Those guys were pretty tough for squids, but they’re not trained infantrymen and having to deal with security themselves was slowing down their construction work.’

‘And you got to be friends that way?’

‘Right. Once my guys figured out that trying to pick on Doc would start a major fight every time we all got along.’

‘That happen a lot?’

‘Not after we had been there a few days. Once my guys realized that Doc had absolutely no fear when it came to helping a wounded guy who needed him, they felt the same way.’

It was actually fun swapping stories in the dark, but it was getting cold. We were laying there shoulder to shoulder looking at the roof and kept trying to arrange the sleeping bag to cover both of us fully. Emily finally gave a big sigh.

‘This is silly, Manny. We’re both cold and uncomfortable and there’s no reason to be. Would you mind if I put my head on your shoulder?’

‘Heck, no.’

I put an arm around her, and she settled herself against me. She was definitely warm and smelled terrific.

‘I still don’t want you getting ideas, but you have to admit this is a lot warmer and more comfortable.’

Well, parts of me were getting less than comfortable, but I knew she didn’t want to know about that.

‘Yeah, it is. This is a real improvement on sharing a Bradley with six infantrymen who haven’t showered in two weeks.’

‘I’ll take that as a compliment, I guess. Let’s get some sleep.’

I was awakened in the middle of the night by a sharp pain in my ribs. I stirred, and Emily elbowed me again.

‘Hmphh? Whassup?’

‘You mind moving your hand, Romeo?’

Lessee… She was spooned up against me, head on my bicep, that hand out of the covers-no problem there- other hand resting on her sweater with something soft under it- Oh. That hand jumped like her right breast had suddenly glowed red hot.

‘Damn, I’m sorry. I was asleep and didn’t feel much under all those clothes. Didn’t realize what I was doing.’

‘If you’re going to grope me, could you at least not complain that it’s an unimpressive experience?’

‘I wasn’t groping you! Why do girls always get a complex about their breast size, anyway?’

I could feel her giggles as her body rested against me.

‘Why do men drool over big breasted women? That’s a conversation for another day. I know you didn’t mean it. Sorry about the elbow.’

She firmly moved my hand to rest on her upper arm.

‘Let’s just get some sleep.’

I pulled her in a little tighter and we went back to sleep, only to be awakened a couple hours later by the sound of chain saws and heavy equipment. I sat up and wiped a clear space on the glass.

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Wyoming/Ute, Intergalactic Roller Coaster By: Malissa Madison Coyote was sitting across from Otter in the joint Trucking terminal when Little Elk called from Earth. He was wanting to discuss something big with Tim and Old Elk. "Yo, Jumper, you got your ears on?" asked Coyote over the long range Interstellar Radio. "How about it Bull Elk you copy?" began Otter. Bull Elk had just dropped through the Lyconian Portal to the Terrellian System. Jumper was...

2 years ago
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Love Rollercoaster

Chris had a big smile on his face as he drove home from work. It was Sunday and the first day of his three day break. He was thinking of his sweetie, Trina who was at home waiting for him. She had sent him a sexy photo of herself in the bathtub covered in suds with the caption, "all of this is for you". The thought of her body made his nature rise. He was ready to ride those rollercoaster curves of hers and he couldn't wait to get home. He shook off that thought and laughed to himself. He had...

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Jack and the Rollercoaster

I am English, and this story is written in the style of english I have used all my life. The spelling and grammar reflect that. If some of my readers don’t understand my phraseology, don’t tell me I can’t write english. Just email me and ask! Where does life take us? Why is it that when you have settled on one course, fate comes knocking at your door and takes you off on a tangent? That’s what happened to me, it seems to keep happening to me. I get used to my life, then fate throws a surprise...

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A Different Sort of LifestyleChapter 35 Rollercoaster

The rides were small and unexciting. The carnival games were lame. The food was standard carnival fare. It didn’t matter as far as Ted was concerned. He was in heaven with the most beautiful girl he had ever met. Sitting down at a picnic table across from Amy, Ted handed her one of the drinks he had just purchased. She accepted it with a smile and a quick thank you. Looking at her date across the table, Amy said, “I’m really impressed.” “By what?” Ted asked looking around. “You don’t seem...

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Playing DoctorChapter 3 Emotional roller coaster

All I could see was the bore of the pistol pointed at my midsection. The barrel looked wide enough to drive a bus through, and it was pointed right at me. Then, with an odd moment of clinical detachment, I noticed the blood on his hand, red and fresh. He jarred me out of my thoughts by jabbing me hard in the side with the pistol. "I said, 'Drive, ' dammit!" With my hands shaking in fear, I started the car and put it into reverse. Somehow I managed to avoid hitting any other cars, though...

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PornHub Gifs

There are many ways of consuming smut, and everyone seems to agree that porn videos and XXX pictures are awesome. Still, others prefer to jack it to porn in GIF format (Animated Sex Pictures). Basically, Gifs are like short videos, just that they don’t have a sound. I could sit here all day and educate you on how Gifs are made, but I’m not in the fucking mood. And I would rather point you to a site that has some of the hottest XXX Gifs on the internet.Anyone who watches porn has come across one...

Porn GIFs Sites
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Entrapped Enslaved 1113

Thanks for reading! I bring you the next few chapters. Things are getting a little bit rougher in these chapters. I would like to thank everybody who voted (positive or negative) as it really helps me know if I'm doing any good. I would especially like to thank those that commented. If you have any requests for future chapters, let me know. We have an entire summer to fill with all kinds of fun stuff! ;) Also, you can vote and comment anonymously and without logging in. Gimme some...

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The Case of the Enslaved NurseChapter 3 Lorettarsquos Revenge

CASE FILES - PERSONAL NOTES - PATIENT 71 - DAY 59 (Continued) “Yes?” Her lot in life was not one of degrees. She was very young, very pretty, very petite and very desirable. I was pleased to observe that my assessment from the numerous photos I’d seen was correct. She was also very shy and very easily led. The only place where I would not have used that particular adverb is that she was NOT very bright. Also, I wouldn’t have thought her to be the perfect trophy wife. She undoubtedly made...

1 year ago
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Getting to know the neighbours

Paul and Mike were a married couple in their 30s who moved in next door to me early this year. They are good neighbors and to our mutual delight we discovered we had a common interest of nudism and had a few evenings of naked relaxation. Paul revealed a fit smooth body apart from a thick bush around his cock which was very impressive indeed. The I saw it was a wow moment – nine fat inches of man-meat! Mike was a very lucky man, who was also quite a sexy guy; slimmer, with a beard and a real cub...

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Treys Obsession

Trey was well above average looking. In fact, he was fucking gorgeous. His most striking feature was his copper coloured hair, a tone which hairdressers were totally incapable of replicating. His lithe, well-proportioned body was almost totally hairless, except for small tufts of red hair above his cock and in his armpits. Trey’s slightly prominent top canine teeth gave him a naughty boyish smile and everywhere he went, both men and women couldn’t keep their eyes off him. Being gay, however,...

Gay Male
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beautiful stranger

Today has been a particularly long and boring school day... When the buspulls up to my stop, I can't wait to get on my way! I'm exhausted. AlthoughI don't usually sit up front, I was too tired to walk to the back so I seatmyself into the first empty seat I spot. "Oh great!" I thought to myself,"another blonde bimbo" glancing to the girl next to me. When I looked up ather, she caught my glance and smiled. My initial reaction had now changed tototal envy, maybe even attraction. I had always...

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Exposure manifesto at work

Like most guys who get into this sort of thing, I led my wife into posing for some porno pics, then having got them, I showed my friends at work. It was through my own fault that my wife Margie found out what I'd done. She had several times asked me, quite casually it seemed to me, whether I'd shown the pics to anyone. At first I told her that I hadn't, but then after she asked again on a couple of further occasions, and as I say, sounding so casual about it, I thought that she in fact wanted...

4 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 4 Song of DesireChapter 2 The Erinyesrsquos Passion

Knight-Errant Angela – Ghost Wolves Tribal Lands, Federation of Larg I gripped my sword as I faced Injuriae, the furious winged-woman standing naked before me. Her body was pale, her breasts small and conical, and a silver ring pierced through her clit. The flickering fire of her burning whip, clutched in her right hand, painted her body in dancing reds and oranges. Black-feathered wings spread out behind her, blocking out the starry, night sky. I swallowed. She was some sort of...

1 year ago
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My Mom Sister

My mother’s sis to had always had been inclined towards me. She too was my favorite and as a teenager I was a great admirer of her body. A perfect hourglass figure 38C and a hairy pussy that I had often seen when peeping. She had this fear of sleeping alone so whenever she was in our place I was to sleep with her. Once we both were not very sleepy and while watching a movie, we got down chatting. I was 19 then. She shifted the topic to my girlfriends and asked whether I was physical with them....

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HaremChapter 8 Introductions

Each girl was instructed to put a leather hood on. The attachable gag and blindfold were in place. One at a time the girls were brought to a large playroom and instructed to kneel and wait. Once all five girls were kneeling I had them remove the blindfold and gag. Eve was kneeling next to me. I began to explain how Eve was now responsible for their care. They were to obey her as they would obey me. Failure to obey her would be just as bad as failing to obey me and would be punished just as...

2 years ago
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Beginning With Younger Brother 8211 Part 2

Hello Everyone!! Thanks for your feedback. It really motivates me to write next past pretty soon. Those who don’t me, I am 22 year old girl from Gujarat. My figure is 34 27 36. I am not virgin. I lost it when I was 18. Story about that some other time. This story is about I had sex with my younger brother. His name is Mahesh.. This is my second story. Continuation of the first story “Beginning with Younger Brother Part-1” . Please give your feedback on to my brother or to me. To give you...

3 years ago
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My wife gets lucky at friends wedding

One of the ladies in my wife's office got married in June. My wife informed me that she and I would be going. I really didn't mind because weddings always mean lots of women wearing dresses and free booze. The day if the event I was told by my wife to shower and shave everything smooth. I am kept shaved always so all I had to do was some touch up work. After a nice hot shower I was drying my hair while standing at the mirror. My wife walked up behind me and said don't stop, I have something to...

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Shadow on the EdgeChapter 11

A week later we showed up at the drop point to Providence. There was a Leopard Dropship with four Mechs and two aerospace fighters waiting for us. They exchanged places with the No-Name Leopard and gave the Colonel the message. He didn't even unload. We just extended the sails and started a quick recharge. Two days later we were on Tortuga Prime. All three of the Dropships dropped. We had every Mech that we could man aboard and went in ready to repel an invasion. Captain Jacobs is a Very...

4 years ago
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Cammy Whites snapgasm

Cammy smiled as she saw the poor nerdy-looking male typing away at a computer. She slid out of the air duct and then made it look as if she was walking up to him. Her boots clacking against the tile floor of the building. She even went so far as to put a little extra sway in her hips as she moved towards him. Leonhard heard the clacking, and turned his swivel chair around, petrifying in a moment as he saw an intruder in his room. A sexy, female intruder. Trying to keep calm, he asked, in a...

2 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 78

Adam awoke in a tangle of flesh. The night before had been less enthusiastic than he had expected. After the discussion drew to a close, the girls all were content with gentle play. There was none of the experimentation or outright debauchery that marked some of their earlier couplings. Sarah was still cuddled up tight to his left side, her arm draped around Allie's back. Shelly was on his right, holding hands with Sarah. Allie was on top of him, with her face burrowed into his chest as far...

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Emmys First Gangbang

Emmy’s First Gangbang. Emmy’s first gangbang happed a few months after we me Stephan. I had been back from Georgia for about 2 weeks when Stephan came over while Emmy was at work. He told me he had a surprise for Emmy that night. He instructed me to stock the fridge with beer, and take her out and get her drunk. After 2 months of fucking her while I was away Stephan Learned quick that Emmy got super wild when you got just the right amount of alcohol in her. On the way back to our apartment I...

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Salamander 2Chapter 23

(Four) I contacted the security guard. The demon had taken out one of its enemies and somehow portrayed itself as some poor helpless victim but it showed no sign of injury now. Seeing how it dealt with a fully grown man would be informative. "Good evening friend, the day has arrived. Are you prepared?" I asked. "You bet, I've been itching for payback to that freak," he replied. "Very well this evening will be when your opportunity presents itself. I will contact you with further...

3 years ago
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My Brother My LoverChapter 22

It seemed as if she'd been asleep forever, but Amber finally woke up in a hospital bed. She tried to move but felt so sore. Her arms showed many bruises. She looked around and saw no one in the hospital room. She tried to remember what had happened last night but her mind was blank. Her body shifted in the bed since she needed to go to the bathroom. As she tried to move, her body hurt more and more. "You need help?" She heard a soft female voice call out. Amber looked up to see a...

2 years ago
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Turning Poing Ch 9

Robert is about to reach another turning point in his life and he has no idea that it is about to happen. I woke up early Thursday with a raging hard on. I was up and out taking card of my chores. When I finished I went back to the house for a shower. I was in no big hurry this morning, I knew Mary was not home and I would go to the lake later. When I got to he bathroom I really had to piss but I held it until I got the water adjusted in the shower. I stripped, stepped in the shower...

4 years ago
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Service Call

Cindy pulled into her driveway and carried two bags of groceries into their rancher. She worked mornings as a teacher's aide at their local elementary school, and loved having her afternoons free. She was in her middle forties, and her two children were grown. Being home alone, it got lonely sometimes until her husband came home. She was busy putting away the groceries when the doorbell rang. "Who can that be?" Cindy muttered to herself. She opened the door and a muscular, young black...

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Secretary Day after Day

Monday – Giraffe on Rollerskates There are a million ‘secretary’ stories and fantasies out there. I have often used varying scenarios to help myself cum. Here is the beginning of one… (there will be more as I’ve completed Tuesday and Wednesday) She had just started the new job. A secretary. Well below her station, but the unemployment was running out, there were no jobs that fit her degree. She could copy, and email, so figured she was qualified. She wasn’t sure exactly what her new boss did,...

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A Beautiful MessChapter 17 Final Preparations

The phone rang the next morning. I wasn't even awake yet and I could already hear Charlotte's voice. "I love you, my sweet, beautiful, sexy man. How are you?" "Fantastic now." "Me too. Except I'm dying inside every minute I'm away from you." "Is everything ready to go for tonight?" I asked with a grin she could probably see right through the phone. She sighed. "My parents' flight leaves at 2:15. I want you to take the afternoon off with me so we can drive them to the...

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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter XIII The Sisters

Had Alice been her normal size, she might have run laughing down the garden path, stopping to push her nose into this bloom or that and inhale the wonderful bouquet of scents that they had to offer. Still, she could admire them from afar. Or rather, from below.“So many colors, some I have never seen or even imagined!” she exclaimed, turning in place until she’d made a full circle. “I wonder whose garden it is. Mostly likely a wealthy lord or even a Duke or an Earl. Dash and bother, I wish I was...

Group Sex
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Treasure Island

Part one I was born under a lucky star, had a fairy for a godmother, whatever. Anyway,for some reason I'm a winner. And now you expect me boasting about my successfulcareer, how I surged to the top in no time, the power I hold, the fabulousamounts of money I earn. Sorry to disappoint you. I never entered the rat race,actually I'm unemployed, permanently, never in my life had a proper job. Aha,you think, spoiled son of a wealthy family. Nope. My old man was a truck driver,who died of a heart...

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Their StoriesChapter 2 Allans Story

God I felt wrung out. It had been a rough week with the client. One of the truisms of this business is that when you do the initial study everyone says this is a slack time. When you come back to implement the new programs, the volume of business is exactly the same but now they say they are in the really busy season and don't have the time. That is what I had gone through for the week. Actually it had worked to my advantage because using that as an excuse I had convinced the client that I...

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The Holiday Part 4 of my mother in law experienc

My wife had just left the house so I phoned Helen, ‘There’s a poblem’ I said Helen (my mother in law) and I were planning a secret break on the coast together. We planned a four or five day break so we could be totally alone together for a few days. After our last sex session we decided that we needed an extended period of ‘quality time’ together. We had gathered information on little cottages on the coast we could stay at together, and I was going to book it in a few days for a few weeks time...

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Hot HusbandChapter 2 Same Game New Rules

After breakfast we went about our usual Saturday chores. We’re somewhat atypical in that Wallace doesn’t do the yardwork while I do the housework, rather I help him with the yardwork, then he helps me with the housework. We talked as we worked, mostly about what we were doing, and idle chit-chat, while carefully avoiding talking about our “game.” When we finished our chores, I hopped in the shower and was soon joined by Wallace who started kissing me all over. “Honey,” I said, “stop, I’m...

4 years ago
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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 4 Sex CampChapter 20 The Scat Kat

As the girls neared their bunk house Ana said to Lana, "so are you going to tell her instantly?" Smiling Lana said, "The only thing I'm going to do instantly is go to bed and try to rest before tonight's party." She then rubbed her cunt quickly and added, "And as for telling her, no, I think I'll wait until my pussy isn't super open from fucking a horse to tell her." "Well Sister," Ana said, "personally I think the two of you have wasted enough time already, I mean it's been...

2 years ago
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My first time

My 1st timeWhat follows is an entirely true story, detailing my 1st male to male sexual experience.When I was a boy I was very active in sports. Among the sports that I played was basketball. I was a member team sponsored by my Catholic Church. I was an altar boy at church, and therefore was used spending time alone in the presence of priests. The story, however, has nothing to do with any sexual experiences between me and members of the priesthood. When I was 13 I was a member of a basketball...

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After a hard day at the office

I had surfed through a truly hard and bad day at office.Everything had gone wrong from early morning; the coffee machine got broken; my secretary was in her second period day and she was totally upset; my slutty Boss was even worse with her own period; a dumb coworker had tried to fuck me in the bathroom and he had ended with a hard kick in his balls… and the worst news were that my beloved hubby called me to say he would leave in less than an hour, since he had an emergency trip outside of...

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Mast Mummy

Hello friends, its raj here ajj mai jo story apse share karne ja raha hu woh meri mom ki hai unka naam sonia hai or figure 38 34 40 hai boob ek dam gol gol mushkil se ek hath may ek ayega wese toh yeh kahani kafi purani hai lakin asal incident 3 se 4 month back huya maine unkay bare may kabi bura nahe socha tha jab tak unhone raat ko alag dressing nahe karna shuru kiya tha.unka woh pink kurta jo ke unhone nay kafi time say nahe pehna tha kyu ki woh unhay tight tha ussay unhone nay night dress...

4 years ago
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First Glance Of Mom8217s Pussy

Hi, incest story readers, This is my first story for ISS and to incest. This is Ashish from Bangalore aged 30 years with an average height. My family includes mom and dad. Since the story is about my mom I would like to describe how my mom looks. Her age is around 56 years and is very fair. She has a round breast with average size. My mom’s most beautiful asset is her thunderous thighs. She usually wears nightie at home and saree while going for work. She has the habit of raising her nightie...

2 years ago
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Pickup Loop HoleChapter 2 Under the Radar PickUp

"Mary" was Operations Officer Popov. I'm not sure about ranks. Mary Popov wore soft clothes, not a uniform. Her office was less formal than Colonel Ney's. She had a work station in the corner of the room, a couch with a coffee table and a pair of facing arm chairs. There was a fireplace—had to be fake. Fires in a closed environment are a very bad idea. The floor looked like wood covered with several different carpets—and a bear skin rug, too. Native American art decorated the room—from...

3 years ago
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Thoughts Sensations and EmotionsChapter 28

You'd think I'd get used to sick minds, but roaming around in Helen Deaver's head made me feel dirty, so as soon as I returned to the safe house, I stripped to take a shower. The meeting, although the Deaver woman didn't realize a meeting had taken place, had been successful. I'd given Dad the names of five members of Melville's coven we didn't know before, and he'd contacted our P.I. firm to start the dossiers on each of them. What I need, I thought as I toweled my body dry, is some...

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