A Beautiful MessChapter 17: Final Preparations free porn video

The phone rang the next morning. I wasn't even awake yet and I could already hear Charlotte's voice.
"I love you, my sweet, beautiful, sexy man. How are you?"
"Fantastic now."
"Me too. Except I'm dying inside every minute I'm away from you."
"Is everything ready to go for tonight?" I asked with a grin she could probably see right through the phone.
She sighed.
"My parents' flight leaves at 2:15. I want you to take the afternoon off with me so we can drive them to the airport. I don't drive so well downtown, but I wanted to see them off. Can you do that?"
"Of course."
"Then we should be home by the time school's done and we can get Steve and Sheila to meet us at my place."
"Then we'll be fucking," I said.
"Oh my god, yeah!"
"I can't wait!"
Charlotte just groaned in response, a long, slow, frustrated groan, like a starving woman with a steak dangling before her nose.
"I gotta go take a bath," she said. "I'm so excited."
She giggled, and I throbbed again.
"How do you feel?" she asked me. "Are you ready?"
"Every minute is torture until then, my dear. I swear."
"Once this is done, I'm not gonna stop doing you," she said. "I'll be a slave to your every pleasure for the rest of my days, and I'll just fucking love it. You deserve nothing less, my master."
"I fucking love you, Char. Dammit!"
I almost felt like crying, she dazzled me so much. I closed my eyes and saw her breasts in front of me, bouncing as I fucked her, and the look in her eyes, and the smell of her skin, her gorgeous long hair sprayed out like golden angel wings beneath her, her wet sexy thighs spread in a welcoming display of sexual submission, her tongue sparkling between her lips like a sweet wet peach, calling me forward into a kiss...
"I gotta go," she said. "I'm going nuts over here, just thinking about it."
She was apparently thinking the same thing I was, and that made it even sexier. I shuddered, snapping myself out of the lustful stupor.
"Me too," I replied.
"Soon, my love. Okay?"
"Yeah. Soon."
School was hell. I sat through my three morning classes like a total zombie. I had a hard on through the whole thing too, and that made it even worse. Girls were poking each other and pointing at me, whispering and giggling. I didn't care much about that though. The thing that pissed me off was how slow the clock was going. Every time I glanced up at the clock expecting ten minutes to have gone by, I was dismayed to see that it was only a minute or so later. This went on for three hours and it was torture.
Suddenly someone slipped a note into my hand: Can I get a piece of that?
I glanced up and saw about four different girls staring at me. Which one had written it? I gave them a lazy smile and went back to pretending to stare at my text book.
A second note found its way into my hand: I'm serious. I really want to fuck you!
I glanced up at the four girls and raised an eyebrow this time. I looked from one girl to another to another, scanning for clues as to who wrote it. Nobody 'fessed up though. Finally I pointed at the note and looked puzzled at them. They all looked over at Janine Best who, when she saw me glance over at her, gave me a killer sexy smile and a wink. She was pumping a lolly-pop slowly in and out of her mouth. I shuddered.
Ah Janine Best, the gothy-looking little sex pot who'd been mildly flirting with me a few days before. Apparently she had stepped up her campaign to seduce me. I returned her smile and turned back to my book.
Moments later, another note slid into my hand: Charlotte said she's fine with it, if you're game. Are you?
I wrote back: When did she say this?
She replied: On the phone last week.
I concluded the correspondence with this: We'll talk.
When class was done, I waited for everyone to leave the room so they wouldn't see me walk out with an erection thrusting out of my pants. I just sat there watching everyone leave, still pretending to be engrossed in my text book. When the teacher followed the last student out, I began throwing my books into my bag. Then I headed for the office, telling them I would not be in classes that afternoon as I had errands to run — personal family business that they didn't ask about. I also told them I might not be in the next day either, depending on how I was feeling. Friday was a day off. The secretary nodded, scribbled down a note to herself about it and waved me away.
Over by the front doors I chatted with Steve for a bit, reminding him to meet us at Charlotte's house at around four.
"I can't believe how lucky you are!" he said. "I would kill to fuck Charlotte Lawsen, and here you are making porn with her."
"You wanna keep it down there, buddy?"
"Oh, sorry," he said. "I'm just excited. That's all. You're the luckiest bastard on earth."
As if to underscore that statement, Janine walked up right then, dangled her panties in front of me and dropped them into my palm, right in front of Steve and anyone else who might have been watching. I shook my head at her, smiling, and she raised an eyebrow at me.
"I meant what I said, Mitchell. My number's on the underwear. Don't keep me waiting."
Then she swaggered away, looking a little shaky on her feet.
Steve stared at me completely stunned. I turned to him a grinned, shoving the panties into my pocket.
"Holy fuckin' shit!" Steve said. "You're a god! I swear!"
"Nah," I said. "She's a friend of Charlotte's. She's just teasing me."
"Didn't look like a tease to me! She looked like she would have dropped to her knees and sucked you off right here and now, if you would have told her to!"
"Girls don't just give away their panties like that, man! She totally wants you."
"I belong to Charlotte now."
"Lucky bastard."
Then I got serious again.
"So be at Charlotte's at four, then. And remember, we're there to work. No fucking around. Got it?"
"I got it."
"In fact, you might want to jerk off a couple of times before you get there, because it might be hard to deal with if you don't. You'll be coming in your pants."
"Way ahead of you, man. I've been jerking off all day."
"Okay, too much information, but whatever. Come prepared to work."
Then I was in my truck driving over to Charlotte's house.
They were eating lunch when I got there. It was quiet. I gathered they were feeling a bit hung over. There were still a couple of porn stars flopped about on couches and chairs, not passed out or anything, just sort of lazily relaxing, waiting to see the Lawsens off. Doug was there too.
"How's it going, man?" he said.
"It's good," I replied, in my best clued-out schoolboy voice.
"Cool," he said back, and went back to the plate of food he was eating.
"Well, it looks like it's time to go," Ron said. "You all look after my little girl now. Pop in on her through the week. Make sure she's okay."
"Dad!" she said. "I don't need anyone to check up on me! What am I? Nine years old?"
"Come on, Ron," Stephanie said. "She's a big girl. She can take care of herself. Besides, she's got Anthony here with her. I'm sure he won't leave her side the entire week."
"I'm not planning to," I said.
"In any case, a pop-in won't do any harm, will it?" Ron said.
"Dad," Charlotte said. "I need privacy. This is our first weekend alone together. I don't want babysitters popping in on me!"
"I just wanna make sure you're gonna be okay."
"I'll be fine. Look at me. I'm sixteen! I'm not a little girl anymore."
Ron kissed her on the forehead.
"Pop in on her, guys. She needs supervision. Even if it's just a quick hello and goodbye, I'll want to know she's okay."
His word seemed to be final, and Charlotte didn't argue anymore.
The group helped them to the car with their suitcases and Charlotte and I got into the front. Ron and Stephanie got in the back. They waved us off and piled into their own cars one by one.
There was little conversation on the way to the airport. I drove, nervously obeying every traffic law the entire way, and Ron and Stephanie kissed and cuddled in the back seat. I shot Charlotte a glance and she grimaced at me in panic. What were we going to do? How can we get into making a porn movie with her dad's friends popping in on us every few hours? We'd be caught for sure!
We got them to the airport and waved them off as they boarded the flight. In spite of her exasperation, Charlotte did genuinely seem like she loved her dad, and would miss him dearly. She hugged him hard for a long time and kissed him on the cheek. Her mom gave her a hug as well, and told her to take good care of me.
Then they were gone.
"Oh god, Anthony! What the hell are we gonna do!?"
"I have no idea! Do you think he knows what we're planning?"
"I don't think so. He always gets people to check up on me like that."
"We're gonna need a lookout."
"I think so. We need someone to stay upstairs the whole weekend and give us a shout if anyone stops in. We have to be ready at a moment's notice to stop everything and look like we're simply playing pool down there or something."
"Who to get though?"
"Who can we trust?"
"I don't know."
We thought about it as we walked to the car, and all of a sudden Charlotte noticed a bulge in my pants.
"What's that?" she asked. "In your pocket?"
"Oh!" I said, laughing light-heartedly, "That is a pair of panties, courtesy of your good friend Janine Best, who you supposedly set upon me like a bitch in heat."
Charlotte laughed loud at that.
"She really came after you? I thought she was just kidding?"
"Well nothing happened. She passed me a couple of notes in class but I said maybe later. Then she brought me her panties when she was on her way out of the school, as a souvenir I guess."
Charlotte laughed again, apparently unphased that a friend of hers was hitting on me.
"How well do you know Janine?" I asked.
"I've known her for years. We're not exactly best friends or anything, but she's always been cool to me."
"Do you think she'd be cool to stand watch for us?"
Charlotte's face lit up like I'd just turned on a light bulb in front of her.
"She would actually. She owes me a favor."
"What favor?"
"I told her she could fuck my boyfriend, of course."
I laughed.
"So she'll do it?" I asked.
"Not for the entire weekend. I think we'll have to get two people."
"I could call Mick," I said. "He'd be cool for sure."
"Yeah, he would. I think that will work. It's still pretty scary though. We're gonna have to get all the shooting done in the first two days. I'm too nervous to drag it out any longer than that, with daddy's babysitters popping in on me every few hours."
"Janine and Mick will be there though."
"Yes, but do you realize how dead I'd be if they fell asleep on watch or something and I got caught?"

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