Vanished Ch. 23 free porn video

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Chapter 23: The Brothers

‘Up you get, Suzie,’ Master gently said setting me on my feet. My bum stung from his abuse. I knew I’d be sporting a rainbow bruise both front and back from my day in the village. ‘Girl, you’re getting heavy. We’ll have to watch your come intake for a while,’ he said with dead seriousness.

The room erupted. Master’s comment had the exact effect he’d sought. He’d entertained his clients at my expense again. I stood there red-faced. Not knowing what else to do, I shook out my tangle of curls. ‘Oops! That’s the wrong move,’ I mused as the room tilted and then spun. I guess I was still not back on terra firma after having been dangled upside down over Master’s knee for far too long. Idly I chewed the inside of my lip diverting my attention to physical pain. It seemed to diminish my emotional turmoil. The trick I was still attempting to learn was to let pain work its magic. To say I was wet down there would have been an understatement, his spanking had ignited my sexuality.

There was a lovely warm-looking sunbeam shining in the door, which just seemed to lure my poor chilled body toward it. Heaven. I also hoped to see my big wild cats again. It was only later that Master told me how beautiful I’d looked standing there in the doorway with the sun creating a halo for me.

For a while Master just casually leaned against the door jam watching me. Others’ hands broke the spell by pulling my arms behind me, pinioning them. I gazed up at the mother cat and her twins while I introspectively thought of my lost life. What he physically did to me was of little concern at that moment because I was elsewhere. A smattering of chuckles behind made me aware of my surroundings. Hating the intrusion of this assortment of weirdos, I turned giving them a withering look of indignation. I wondered why I’d bothered, they only laughed harder.

This public humiliation and ridicule was alien to me and I hated being the subject of it. I’d spent much of my previous life ensuring that my family and I met the socio-economic norms for our station. It seemed important at the time. Yeah, I probably was a snob. But I always fit into my surroundings and people respected me. I possessed faultless style and pizzazz allowing me to carry myself with panache. Heads turned as I entered rooms. I quite liked the attention. Never had I felt, seen or expected that anyone would sneer at me. Perhaps some of my competitors had said a few derogatory comments, but they soon changed their tone, as I was not a person to be trifled with, personally or professionally.

Master swung a heavy-looking padlock around on his finger. I recognized it. It was called a Master lock. ‘Apropos, don’t you think, slut?’ I knew its heavy welded steel plate ensured its durability. In fact, I’d carried one exactly like it in my gym bag. I wondered if it had survived the fire. A shudder rolled through me, momentarily I shook recalling my brush with death.

While he fiddled with my cuffs and the silly lock, I longingly gazed at the mother cat washing one of the cubs. I believe Master understood my need to seek visual refuge, and that’s why he’d not stopped me from seeking sanctuary in my sunbeam.

‘Shit,’ Master said mildly frustrated. Perhaps it was my swaying caused by my wooziness that was annoying him, but that wasn’t my fault. My head pounded from the time I’d spent hanging over his knee.

‘Ronnie, do me a favor, get rid of this damn cape, will ya?’

‘Yes, sir,’ said the overly eager Ronnie, plowing through the crowd. Master was attempting to make amends with his shit-head cousin for his earlier tirade. Moving with an exaggerated swagger, Ronnie confidently, no, cockily stepped to me. He unsuccessfully wiped the smile off his face as he tried to look stern. Instead it came off as a sneer. Ronnie basked in Master’s praise, I swear he lived in constant need of Master Geoff’s approval.

Ronnie was not my Master, therefore he was unworthy of my servitude. I wouldn’t kowtow to him. He stepped toward me. I knew I should show any master respect. But I would not show him respect. I met him eye to eye. I threw out an unspoken challenge. Because I stood relatively close to the door, only he saw my facial expression as I gave him my arrogant stare accompanied by a scathing smile. I was pushing the envelope, but I couldn’t help it. As he reached in to undo the clasp, I lowered my chin. I thought, ‘man does this shit-head push my buttons.’ I expected that the weasel would whine to Master about my behavior and he didn’t disappoint me.

‘Gawd damn it, Geoff! Your whore is sumthin’ else,’ he said raising his hand. ‘I’m gonna remind her of her place.’ Locking eyes, I braced for his assault. Instead of looking sinister standing there with his arm raised, awaiting permission, he looked foolish. I nearly laughed aloud.

The room was abuzz as the others chatted, watching us. They must have anticipated that my training was about to be a doozey because they were jockeying for positions. The doms I’d seen when I looked over my shoulder were pushing their subs down onto their knees to observe the correct subservient pose. Compliantly the subs knelt. I wondered if I’d ever accept this role. It seemed unlikely knowing me. Anyway I was going home, back to my family, they could do whatever they wished in this remote resort for weirdos. Soon I’d be gone.

‘You afraid to hit me?’ I hissed at Ronnie through clenched teeth. ”Fraid of my Master beating the crap out of you, huh?’ I said pugnaciously, in one those taunting tones of ‘my Daddy’s bigger than yours’. I gave him my biggest, warmest smile. One of those ‘butter can’t melt in my mouth’ smiles that I always associated with Scarlett O’Hara. The room fell silent and collectively held its breath.

Someone in the back asked, ‘what’s goin’ on?’

‘Suzie said …,’ someone answered. I thought I must be making headway, whoever it was addressed me as Suzie, not slut. It thrilled me to realize someone at least saw me as more than a piece of property.

The group said, ‘Shhh.’ ‘Later…’ ‘Shut up!’

‘Fuck, Geoff,’ Ronnie whined.

Master instructed Ronnie in such a quiet tone I just knew he was boiling, ‘Ronnie, for shit’s sake, – just take it off her without anymore of your damn theatrics. How you treat your girls is your business, but you daren’t touch my Suzie. Understand?’

‘My hero.’ He’d given me the fortitude to withstand yet more punishment. I wanted to laugh, but I knew better than to laugh aloud, inwardly I giggled. My eyes sparkled with mirth. My expression and stance infuriated Ronnie even more.

‘Suzie,’ Master said evenly, but the warning was clear. He’d never raised his voice to either Ronnie or me. It reminded me of how Dad used to speak to my sister and me when we interrupted him while he was reading the newspaper.

As if to comply, I lifted my chin, my eyes challenging Ronnie. He stepped in again to manipulate the simple hook and eye. In a voice barely above a whisper, I spit, ‘fool.’ The look in his eyes was priceless. His look was worth whatever punishment my impertinence would earn me. He was impotent and I knew it. Others chuckled at his discomfort. Master couldn’t resist any longer either, he laughed boisterously, in effect granting the others permission to join in, too. The subs laughed the loudest.

‘Shhh, please don’t laugh at my Master.’ Ronnie’s senior sub, who must have been easily pushing forty-five, if she was a day, shushed the other subs. ‘You’re only making things worse for us. Please stop.’ Some did out of respect for their sister.

Unable to manipulate the simple clasp, Ronnie yanked, ripping the sheer material. The rip sounded excessively loud to me, but I knew it wasn’t. Collectively everyone held his or her breath. ‘There!’ he said dramatically whipping my short cloak off with a flourish.

Master simply said, ‘Later Ronnie, you and me.’ Though I couldn’t see Master’s reaction to Ronnie’s sacrilege,
I could visualize him shaking his head in disgust. I’d seen that look when I’d misbehaved and I just knew Ronnie was in for it later.

Throwing my cape at my Master’s feet, the crestfallen Ronnie stepped behind his subs as he patted their heads. I caught their look of adoration, out of the corner of my eye. I pursed my lips in disdain. I wondered if Ronnie understood the ramifications of his daring carelessness.

Now Master easily snapped the lock. The sound was ominous as the metal-to-metal clunked shut. Perhaps it was just my overactive imagination, but the dangling lock felt much heavier than I’d expected when he let it fall. Wiggling my hands, I positioned my cool palms against my overheated bruised cheeks. All too quickly my inflamed ass negated the cooling factor.

‘Next,’ Master said. My head swiveled in time to see Buddy, Master’s most trusted friend, step forward with more black leather. It turned out it was an upper arm harness. Attaching one cuff to my upper right arm, he deftly pulled the other one snug too. The leather felt deliciously cool. He ratcheted my arms until my elbows nearly touched. My shoulder blades grated. Immediately I felt pain sear through me because of the undue strain on my shoulders.

I remained stoic.

Master asked, ‘Who wants the honor?’

‘Pick me,’ was chorused with, of course, Ronnie being the first and the loudest.

‘I think not. You had your chance, bucko.’

I didn’t recognize the voices of the others who volunteered nearly as quickly. However I did assume correctly that they must be the two new Doms in residence. They were in the newest cabins beyond the training center. The talk was that they were brothers from Seattle, newbies to Eagle’s Nest. They were here looking for training and to purchase a couple of subs.

‘OK, you two,’ Master said good-naturedly. ‘Come on down,’ he said, with all the showmanship of the man who made those words a household phrase, bringing guffaws from most folks.

‘Step round here,’ Master said stepping in front of me with his arms out. Obediently, I looked at Master’s feet. Two thirty-something men stepped up beside him, they each wore sandals and khaki hiking shorts. Stealing a furtive glimpse, I realized they were considerable shorter and stockier than my Master. They looked like computer geeks with their long thinning hair. One had his pulled into a ponytail while the other wore it like Ben Franklin. They had the pasty look of people who spent too much time in front of a computer screen. But that wasn’t the only thing that gave them away. Nor was it their thick glasses, it was their round-shouldered appearance that comes with working too many hours on keyboards.

‘Seattle. Wonder if they work with Bill and crew?’ I thought.

From behind Master’s back he brought forth a silver pair of nipple clamps with another padlock dangling from them. ‘See these,’ he said addressing the two men. They nodded, for how could they help but see them.

‘Dork, I think that’s sort of a moot point,’ I thought disgustedly. For the umpteenth time I wished he would take me home, then I would allow Master to do all these horrible things to me willingly. I didn’t appreciate the public humiliation. He seemed to be getting a kick out of it, if his tented jeans were any indication. I knew how large his engorged cock would be, were it not for the tight restraints of his pants, my mouth watered.

‘Enough, woman,’ Master said sharply. Unintentionally my eyes flew up as I wondered if I’d inadvertently spoken aloud. His eyes sparkled impishly at me. To this day, I don’t know whether I spoke aloud or he just anticipated my jeer, but it amused him.

‘John, Todd, I have a very pleasant little initiation for you. And it will make my task easier,’ he said as he idly swung the weighted clamps in a wide arc with one hand. My eyes met his and then rightfully slid back to the floor.

Somehow I knew I was the sacrificial lamb in their rite of initiation and I was terrified. What now?’

Fearfully I comprehended what was coming. I’d been set up. Master had cinched me into this almost too small bustier, strapped my arms back until my breasts stuck straight out – presentation style. Yes, that’s the word, presented, my tits were bare and there for the taking. Still it hurt to realize yet again Master was sharing what was his with his friends and guests. It made me feel more like chattel than a person. My worth at that moment in my mind was less than that of Master’s old dog. I vowed he would not break me.

‘No, please,’ I whispered barely managing not to sound like a whiny bitch. Master just arched his eyebrows, as if to say, ‘really.’ He patted the men’s shoulders. They knelt at my feet. Their heads tipped back reaching for their reward. I was too tall. I stood ramrod straight, too, not giving a millimeter. Just because he was letting them use my body did not mean that I had to willingly submit. Inwardly I smiled having a great old laugh at these two wimps stretching their necks as they tried to attach themselves to my nipples. So close yet so far. John and Todd only managed to successfully lick the underside of my nipples and aureole.

I chuckled. Master murmured, ‘Bend, my slutty Suzie. Bend or else.’ I didn’t much like his tone of voice, so ominous and deep. After pushing on my head hard enough that I was forced to bend from the waist, my breasts sort of swung free. Two eager mouths sucked on my tits. They reminded me of baby birds seeking food only to find their solace in my nipples. Anyway, once there they sure knew what to do. I felt like a cow with twins rooting against her udder making her let her milk down. I expected that is exactly what I looked like too. He’d effectively reduced me yet another notch. Sadly, I shook my head.

I stared at the two heads. They weren’t just thinning, they were virtually bald. When I compared them against my Master they were unworthy of more than passing scrutiny. Once again I was proud of how well my Master came out upon comparison. There was no one quite like him.

‘Suzie, girl, why are you so enthralled with his monster? You should hate his guts. Fight.’ Though I talked to myself, attempting to fuel my ire, I couldn’t. The truth of the matter was our relationship was changing. Yes it was better, if I could stop comparing it to my upbringing and past life. But, if the past was the norm then this is an aberration. I loved how my body ruled my being when Master Geoff touched me. I loved how alive I felt. I loved how I tingled in anticipation even if Master was in the same room.

I was not going to let them or him know that I was humiliated. Mentally I squared my shoulders as my eyes roamed the mountainside looking for a focal point. I found it. There on a different ledge, in the warm sun, was momma cat nursing her two cubs. I felt an instant affinity to her. I wondered if she minded my intrusion. I minded this crowds’ intrusion.

What I hadn’t counted on were the sensations generated by these men awakening my tired body. I’d assumed I’d be too spent from my emotional tirades combined with my physical abuse to react to further sexual stimulation. I mean after all I am human. But the old bod was ready to play again. Initially when I recognized my body’s responses, I batted them down. Thinking of my babies and all I’d lost should have deadened my libido. It didn’t. Soon my ass cheeks clenched as my labia swelled. Actually my clit started to ache and pulse rather quickly. These guys were pros, they knew just how to tease and suck.

Closing my eyes, I rode my spiraling roller coaster to climax. I say roller coaster because just as I was cresting they stopped. My passion ebbed. I wanted to beg for release. Instead I bit my tongue. An involuntary groan of disappointment escaped me. I was sure down there on their knees they could smell my sex. As if rehearsed, they rose and with open mouths sucked on my hardened nipples. ‘Yes,’ slipped out before I was able to bite it off.

This time my spiral was faster, but by then their suckling was much brisker. These boys knew how to pleasure a woman just using their mouths. Up and up I climbed my imaginary track with only minor bumps as they pushed me ever higher, only occasionally letting my arousal slip. My escalation reminded me of those theme park mountain climbing rides that spiral around and around. Only in this case, the core around which I was spiraling was my own climax. A couple of times they let me crash and then their steady sucking would resume.

The only sound in the room was their slurping and the pleasant whispering wind, which rushed up the valley through the open door to kiss my overheated, over-sensitized body. My playmates’ long straggly hair rustled gently. I felt mine fluttering around my sweaty face. On my last plunge I noticed my back ached from my unnatural stance.

This time I begged. I begged for release. ‘Master, I promise I’ll be good, just please, please fuck me,’ I panted as I crashed again. ‘Oh, Master, please. Have a heart. Fuck your slut. Do it right here for all I care, just please do it, please.’ My groans of unrequited orgasm were just plain animalistic grunts. I prayed for release. All my sense of degradation and humiliation was forgotten in my need. At that moment, just anyone would do to push me over the peak. I was neither proud nor particular. I’d have gladly let Ronnie fuck me.

‘Ride it Suzie, ride it, girl.’

‘I can’t. I need your cock. Master, fuck me.’

Maybe John and Todd were given some high sign or maybe they just took pity on me, but they efficiently finished their task. They granted my wish. Can you believe it? Those two made me climax right there. My orgasm was of monumental proportions and they’d only ever touched me with their mouths. I wouldn’t have believed it possible, if I hadn’t lived it. This was no faked climax to end my torture. My body was one orgasmic thing, every cell shared my explosion of ecstasy. I moaned. I groaned. I screamed.

With closed eyes, I wavered, collapsing into my Master’s strong arms. My orgasm rolled through me as every fiber of my being quivered. He held me as my body quaked with strong aftershocks. Perspiring faster than the breeze could dry me, I stuck to Master’s shirt and hairy arms. Master gently cooed against my cheek, ‘Suzie, you never cease to amaze me. You’re the perfect slut. You’re a good girl. I’m so proud of you.’ I lay panting in his arms. My racing heart slowly returned to normal.

I smiled shyly at my boys. ‘Thank you.’

In unison they said, ‘anytime, ma’am.’

My legs still were spongy when Master stood me in place again. I docilely stood there watching as his warm hand correctly positioned my breast while his other attached the cloverleaf clamps to my erect nipples. It hurt. I felt the tug of their weight. Master adjusted them slightly before he released the weight, letting it pull on my clamped nipples. I gasped at the suddenness of it. It really hurt.

While I stood gasping, Master and someone else worked behind me. I winced. Attempting to turn to see what was happening, I heard Master say, ‘Eyes straight ahead. Don’t you bother yourself.’

Tension on my arms, tension on my shoulders, it was starting to hurt. My arms were pulled away from my back slowly. I attempted to remain upright. I couldn’t. The pressure was too great. The pain was too intense. I bent like a tree in a gale force wind. Tighter and tighter the tension became. I bent further.

As I was about to arch my feet onto my tiptoes, I felt my ankle cuffs being pulled sideways. No one said anything, I just went with the flow, as all my attention was riveted on my aching shoulder joints. My spreading stance only added to the tension being borne by my shoulders. My feet were clamped tight to the floor. There would be no respite by standing on my tiptoes.

Master kissed my cheek fleetingly. I opened my eyes and dared look at him, imploring him to halt this assault. He tweaked my nose as if to say buck up there, girl.

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My only excuse is that I was really sore from a five day backpack in the Sierra and the ad sounded innocent enough. A massage was just what I needed and was offered at no cost so I called the number. It was a male voice that answered but even though I was a bit put off by the idea of a guy doing the massage my muscles convinced me to do it anyway and I gave him my address.As instructed I was freshly showered and in nothing but a bathrobe when he arrived. We chatted while he setup his table and...

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Claiming a hot Jewish girlfriend

You laugh as you are meeting Jennifer Weinstein in the restaurant and begin talking to her about the newest roleplaying game that she is taking part in. You smile politely and engage with her, and her beautiful blue eyes, and behind her glasses frames. She is absolutely gorgeous, standing at 5'11 with curly light red hair, a small B cup, and a slim body that comes down to her great heart shaped ass. She isn't large by anyone's imagination, but she has curves in all the right places for her body...

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Going for the Triple

In the past one of the more delightful times I had as a younger, perhaps slightly more active man than now, was to end up bedding three members of the same family and then a family friend as well. Even though it sounds like incest, in fact as I wasn't related to them it wasn't. The best thing about it all was that they all knew about the others - so it was the choice of all worlds, no jealousy, no bitching, nothing. I think the worst remark I heard in all the time I was with them was, "Hey,...

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Stephanies Virginity

They met in the break room on a Friday while Jasmine was preparing her boss' cup of coffee and he was there looking for something to eat. They started talking and the attraction was obvious from the very beginning. He offered to take her out to dinner that same evening and she accepted. By the end of the evening they were back at her place with her ass in the air as Peter pounded her pussy hard from behind. Jasmine was a single mom to her daughter Stephanie, a beautiful girl starting off...

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Private Sapphire Lapiedra Busty Beauty Enjoys Oily Fuck

Today on, we have the pleasure of introducing you to Sapphire Lapiedra, a spectacular brunette with a huge pair of tits who has come to Private Specials, Big Boob Seduction for a debut that she’ll never forget! Armed with her sensational curves, Sapphire gets straight to work oiling herself up as she treats the lucky Alberto Blanco to a deepthroat blowjob and a hot titfuck. Then enjoy the rest of the action as this busty beauty gets on all fours ready for a gonzo style pounding...

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Bhauja Ghihana Adaya Kale

Hi all. Mora ghialia bhai o ghodagehi bhauni mane tumaku mora banda ra namascar. Mu vibek bhubaneswar re ruhe bahuta dina dhhari iis ru story padhila pare mu mora pratham sex encounter ku khanti odia bhasare lekhuchhi. Kehi bi unsatishfied aunty o bhuja mananku anurodh je semane mo tharu ghiana khaibaku chahuthile mail kari paranti vibe re, kintu pura secrete menatain karibaku padiba. E kahani sebe ra jebe mu sailasree vihar re ghara bhada nei rahuthili praya di varsa purve. Mu rahuthiba pakha...

3 years ago
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Watching The Girl I Love

When I was 25 an incident occurred that changed my life forever. I was dating a girl named Alex who I had met when I was 14, but she moved away when we were 15 so we didn’t have the chance to really be together. We stayed loyal to each other for years and met up in college. Once we were out of college we lived together and worked the usual 9 to 5 jobs. Everything was going well and we were planning on getting married the following year.We got into a large number of fights for a while and we...

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First Encounter With Pretika

By : Shon Hey I’m a guy 18 years old who will let you know about encounter with a woman who I wanted to fuck. My name is Shon and her name was Pretika. Well the story starts off by the day pretika came to my house. She was a married woman who has had two children. Firstly let me tell you she is short not very tall, has black skin.She was a family friend. She was good looking so before you ask me why I was interested, you should know the answer. Pretika was doing the dish when my dick started...

2 years ago
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Light and DarkEpilogue

We're ridin' in the whirlwind searchin' for lost treasure This Hard Land, Bruce Springsteen Abbeyview Heights Industrial Estate, Dunfermline, December 10th Gabriel staggered to his feet, off-balance and disoriented by the concussive blast that had followed Sophie's lunge. He remembered masking her approach, muffling the sound of her footsteps and ragged sobbing. Caerys had also done something, he remembered, because Sophie's image had shimmered and disappeared from sight until the...

2 years ago
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Weekend Fun With My Love

Hey all.. this is Swarna back with a new experience to share.. It’s been two months that I have been away from iss .. Due to lot of work and busy schedule couldn’t be in touch… Thanks to all who kept writing to me and over chat & here you go… It was Friday evening 7:30 pm I came home early so that I can prepare dinner for our date, continental was on my mind. 9pm was our date in the balcony. I was busy making dish in kitchen when someone grabbed me from back, little surprised but I knew it was...

2 years ago
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Barbie Doll Ch 02

Barbie Doll – an old man enjoying with a real life doll LEGALESE: Don’t read this if you are underage, if it is illegal in your area, if it is offensive to you, or if you cannot distinguish fiction from reality. This is a work of fiction. All sexually active characters are above the age of consent on their planet of origin. Copyright (c) 2015 by Acup A word of warning, I write good stories, I hope, with some decent sex in them. If you’re looking for a stroker look somewhere else. For all...

2 years ago
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The AcademyChapter 10

Jack: "All right," I replied. "First thing's first. What would you do to get off this rock?" Frieda blinked. Then she thought for a moment. Finally, she assumed a rueful expression. "Look, Jack, I'm really starting to like you -- you get more impressive by the minute -- but I'm not Beth. At this point, you could tie a piece of twine around her neck and she would follow you everywhere if, when and until you got lucky and stumbled into a pickup -- no offense Sweetie! -- but I'm not...

3 years ago
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When I met Camilla

My name is Joel and I consider myself an artist. I’m a photographer for the love of the moment. That means that I take pictures to stop time, to fix a specific moment, object, person, or color in my memory. When I look at the pictures I’ve taken I can remember the noises, the perfumes, and everything else comes back to my memory. Some of my pictures have been published in books and shown in exhibitions under a pen name. I care for my anonymity because it allows me to take pictures without being...

1 year ago
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Second ChanceChapter 28

Janelle went back to whatever she was doing prior to being sent to keep me company. I was very sorry to see her go, but she had a job, and her job was important. The Judge had me moved to their facility in Knoxville, which put me very close to Jonesville, Virginia, and the DeBusque Companies. The first person I saw was Roberta Ellison, though she had no idea I used to be David, and we were old lovers along with her Aunt Francine Mathers, another Federal Judge. I kept my surprise to myself...

1 year ago
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My maths teacher

It was 3 pm in the afternoon on a friday. As instructed by nair mam, i reached doorvani complex, where she stayed, with all the notes of maths 5 i had. Nair mam was the m5 lecturer in our college. On my request she had agreed to coach me, To help me get through m5 at least this time. I had already cleared the final year, but somehow could not get past this subject. I wasn’t that bad; yet the marks would never read 40! She opened the door with a smile. She was known to be rude in college. But...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Natalia Queen Young And Glamorous 18 Year Old Teen Natalia Queen Is A Very Naughty Slut

The Queen Returns! Natalia Queen is back for more pussy pounding, this time from Jessy Jones. Cute little 18 year old Natalia is looking like the girl next door in her sexy pink sequin bikini with rhinestone accents and black high heels. She’s outside teasing in the backyard as she runs her hands all of her body before removing her top to expose her perky teenage tits. Natalia unties her bottoms and slides them to the ground then spreads her butt cheeks wide to give us a glorious view of her...

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Exploring My Teacher 8211 Part 2 Blackmail

I was one of her favorites as I was good in academics and an innocent boy in her eyes. She used to take help from me whenever required be it anything. One day, she had asked me for my reference book as she was not able to understand some of the sums. She promised to give it back the next day. The next day I went to her for my book. She told that she will search for it and give it to me. I waited and she didn’t come even after a few minutes had passed. I decided to check and found her bent in...

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The Grinch

Fifty-seven year old Lydia Mae Valentine smiled with love at hearing the voice of her daughter, Tonya on the phone.“Hi Mama, how are you?” Tonya asked.“Hi baby, I’m fine. I’m getting along. Thank you for the dinner plate," Lydia said.  "The chicken was delicious.""It was no problem, Mama," Tonya said.  Her mother's vision wasn't completely gone but it was close to it.  Tonya knew that soon her mother would have to move in with her.It was two days before Christmas and it had been somewhat of a...

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One Lucky GuyChapter 34

Mom and Cindy were naked as they waited for us to step off the elevator. Before anyone could introduce them, Mom reached out to Karen. “Karen, you are so beautiful and I would love to know your workout regimen. If you’re brave enough, please take your clothes off before we hug the first time. We want to see your sexy, hard body.” “Here in front of the elevator?” She had her arms crossed, gripping the bottom of her Polo shirt when Mom told her. “After seeing that pic Rachel sent of you, I...

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MY GirlFriend Fucks Another Guy PT2

A couple years had passed since Aaron fucked Noele at that party and not much had changed in my love life. I found myself getting into similar situations frequently. Not quite as brazen as another man fucking my date in front of me, but I was becoming very subservient to the women I was dating. I would pay for everything, shower them with gifts and oral pleasure, but as soon as it came time to fuck them I would either cum too quickly or be unable to get it up and they would use me for awhile...

2 years ago
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My Danish DaughterChapter 2

I was more sauced than usual that evening, perhaps because I was aware that I had little time left that summer with Magda and I could use something to relax, given the stress of dealing with her determination to get her way. I had to fight my own natural desire to fuck her in her sweet pussy, which could have resulted in pregnancy by her old man, so she already had that traitor between my legs on her side. After all, no man with even the slightest degree of heterosexual impulse could avoid...

3 years ago
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Looking through my old Diaries Part two

April1992Leo and JeanetteI was still a novice at this swinging game not knowing what to expect hoping it would be just like the porn videos I was watching as and when I wanted to being single now ,I got a letter from a couple Leo and Jeanette who wanted to meet me first for a drink but they lived quite away in Aberystwyth so they booked a room for me in a hotel so I was hoping that maybe this would be a night of sex , anyway I wrote in my diary “ Went to Aberystwyth to meet Jeanette nice...

3 years ago
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Teaching The Class

She had always wanted to be a teacher. Maybe it was all the great experiences she had with teachers as a kid. But Jessica Anderson had always wanted to be a teacher. People would always say she was too beautiful to be a teacher though, too sexy. They also thought she was too wild, and they were probably right. She became a teacher though, and she taught for almost a whole year until something happened. She taught two classes, math, and health. A little out of the ordinary, but she was a great...

1 year ago
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Shadow and LightChapter 2

Liz’s Bathroom, Immediately Following Jeff and Nancy stood before Liz in their bathrobes, with tails waving behind them. Fur coated their bodies but all Liz could do was stand there. Then Nancy took a step forward and Liz backed away quickly. Initially she thought Max healing her had resulted in her current appearance but that was obviously not the case. Nancy looked back at Jeff who also stepped further into the bathroom, “Honey, I know this is strange,” he said. “Yeah. Strange is the...

3 years ago
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SLuT9 pt 15

"The Day After" Friday, December 22, Morning Dave found himself alone in Jennifer's bed the next morning. Olivia and Jennifer had been in the bed when he'd fallen asleep. Out of necessity, he had sent Emily into the master bath to take a shower after their fun and then sent her back to her own bedroom to avoid unnecessary and possibly dangerous questions from Emily's cousins, Molly and Megan. Dave lay there looking out the window thinking about the past few days and about events yet...

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When Did You Fall in LoveChapter 4

Sam and I resumed our walk and I asked her if she remembered that day at the gravel pit. "Do you remember the day at the gravel pit that you first showed me your breasts?" "What is with all of these questions? How come we are taking a trip down memory lane?" She asked. "Are you gonna keep asking me questions, or is this little talk gonna come to an end right now? Believe me when I say that you will understand when I get through." She sighed heavily and said, "OK, your question is do...

1 year ago
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Summary: Sean doesn't know much, being a virgin and all, but he knows one thing: that first time should be at least pretty perfect, with butterflies in his stomach and love at first sight. This is the reason why he doesn't want to just hook up and have sex, by frequenting gay bars, as his close friend suggests. When a sexy dangerous good-for-nothing punk lands in his bed, is not for sex, though, and he has no hopes that he could score with Max, who seems to be light years apart from everything...

2 years ago
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Priestly PromiscuityChapter 29 Sherry Sets Up June

That night, after lights out, her friend June came to her bed and Sherry wasn't sure what to do. She knew that she should leave because the priest would be waiting for her but, in order not to arouse suspicion; she remained with the other girl. It was quick, but it just whetted Sherry's appetite for Father Murphy's ministrations as she and June made another journey to Lesbos. Then, as her friend was relaxing in the restful aftermath of her orgasm, Sherry asked her to return to her own...

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Luc Jenny chapter 2

Once I recovered from the shock of being seen, I realised that I still held my now flaccid cock in my right hand, cum leaking from its end. I quickly shook the last drops off, wiped the tiled wall, and re-arranged my clothes before I head out of the house towards Mrs. Callaghan’s. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… I saw him coming over. He was quite cute, a fact I hadn’t noticed before. My grandma explained the situation and soon he was busy at work, his shirt thrown over some...

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The Point Chapter 4

The following day was a game-day. Mark didn’t join Zach for a workout. He suspected that Zach was in the weight room anyway. Instead, he headed to the court in regular gym-clothes and put in some practice time alone. It was about three hours before the game, so he had roughly an hour to practice on his own before the others started showing up.Mark heard a deep voice that could only belong to Coach S., “Look at who is the first one here. You are making a habit of this, Mark.”“Trying to, Coach....

Gay Male
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 2 StephieChapter 31 Holiday Season Part II

December, 16, 1987, Chicago, Illinois “Steve, Jamie’s on the phone,” Dave said. “We’ll take it in the conference room.” Dave, Julia, Elyse, Stephanie, and I went to the conference room to hear what Jamie had to say. “It didn’t go well,” he said. “They pretended to not know what I was talking about.” “So what are our options?” Julia asked. “Prepare an invoice for the software, say, fifty seats, and one year of support, and send it to me. I’ll send it, along with a demand letter, and a...

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Sadhu Baba Ki Chamatkar

Meri naam Sumana Banerjee hai, Yeh stories aaj say 4 saal pehalay ki hay Jab meri age 19 saal ki thi, aur main 12 th class exam dene ke lia study kar rahi thi. Mujhe uss samay sex ke bare me kuch bhi idea nehi thi. Main 12th class me two times drop ki thi. Main parai likhai me bahut komjor thi. Main sarir se buxom figure ki thi. 19 saal me hi mere sarir ki size 38-26-38 ki thi. Mai 5’ 5” ki thi. Meri boobs bahut bare bare thi, aur meri jangha itni moti thi ki dono jangha chalte sami ek sath jur...

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One Handed Tales 9 Carla Vicky and Mistress Cindy

One Handed Tales #9: Carla, Vicky and Mistress Cindy By Sarcastic Slut I slipped the long woollen cloak from my shoulders and let Vicky catch it before it fell on the floor. The tight, heavy satin busti?re top showed my breasts and my pretty shoulders to good advantage. I was dressed entirely in black and smoothed my flared velvet mini skirt down over my bare thighs as I accepted the drink handed to me by Carla. "Thank you, slut," I said. She curtsied and replied, "You're w...

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EvilAngel Rebel Rhyder Rim Job Anal Squirt

Adventurous porn star Rebel Rhyder looks adorable in tiny Daisy Duke shorts and a skimpy top. The busty butt babe strips and shows off her luscious tits. Dominant director/stud Bryan Gozzling gives her a rundown of the nastiness to come. He chokes her and feels her up, stretching Rebel’s sweet holes for the camera. She moans and makes out with him. The deviant dude stuffs his hard cock up her ass. Raunchy anal sex leads to immense rectal gaping and a throat-fucking blowjob. Dirty Rebel...

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The BachChapter 5

“Happy, happy, happy,” I thought as I drifted in and out of sleep on the Sunday morning of my holiday, wondering if I should get out of bed yet. I felt wonderfully relaxed as Mum had come to my room last night and we’d fucked and played for nearly two hours before she had wearily made her way back to her bed. However it was the thought of what had happened yesterday during and after our walk that had my morning erection aching away as well as what I’d got up to last night ... actually I’d...

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Sissy Story Chapter 05 Finale

All the stuff, some dishes, the leash, the collar, the toys, a chew bone and a ball with a bell in it, a couple of bags of training reward dog treats, and some dry dog food, were ready the next day. His dog tag and dishes with his name on them would take a couple of weeks, but I thought that was way too long for the first time in a chastity belt. I wanted him fired up, not frantic and thinking of ways out. I felt like it was most important to start having fun. Mom agreed, so I sent off...

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