MaquisChapter 20 free porn video

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Chepstow, South Wales. Late October.

Lieutenant-Colonel Matt Wardle looked up at the discreet knock on his office door. The door was already open, a signal to his subordinates that he was available. He nodded invitation to enter to his adjutant. “Come on in Paul.”

Matt frowned slightly as he saw the pale face of his normally quite florid faced adjutant. “Sir,” the voice wavered very slightly, but Captain Paul Quinnell cleared his throat gently and tried again. “Sir, there’s been an incident.”

“Incident? What sort of incident?”

“B Company were up at Warcop doing a ten day anti-tank training exercise.” Matt nodded but didn’t interrupt. “They had not long left the base this morning to head back here when they appear to have been attacked.”

Wardle frowned and glanced at the digital clock on the wall. As he looked, it flicked to 08:41. “Attacked?” Wardle’s frown deepened. “How attacked? By whom? When?”

“The attack would have happened about or maybe just after five-thirty-five this morning, and the MPs from Warcop were on the scene very quickly. It appears to have been light automatic weapons. The MPs and medical orderlies from Warcop have recovered eighteen bodies. There were also three very seriously injured survivors who had obviously,” Quinnell paused, swallowed convulsively, and then continued, slightly slower. “They had quite deliberately, callously, been left to die. Two may still not survive. Two men managed to escape off the coaches and hide, but the rest of the coaches occupants are missing.”

“Missing? There should have been over eighty men on those coaches. What happened? Where are they now?” He raised a hand. “Hold on. I think I should get Major Fjeld in here to hear this as well.”

“Yes sir.

Wardle picked up the phone and dialled his second in command.

“Tommy, step into my office please. It looks like we might have a bit of a situation.”

“Yes sir.”

Major Thomasina, “Tommy”, Fjeld came in a few moments later, carrying just a notepad and pencil. “Sir?”

“You’d better hear what Paul has to say. I think we may have a fight on our hands.”


Wardle took a few moments to précis the little he had got from his adjutant so far, then turned back to his adjutant.

“Paul. Sorry. Carry on.”

“Yes sir. In answer to your last question ‘where are they’ that’s unknown sir. According to the two uninjured survivors, a rifleman and a lance-corporal, both from number two platoon, it was the Security Patrol. They shot up the coaches, killing both drivers instantly. The survivors, some of whom are thought to have had serious injuries, were taken off and herded into what I’ve been told looked like prison vans.”

“Prison vans?” Wardle looked angry now. “Those animals have gone too far this time.”

“Sir, it was off-duty members of B company who beat up on a Safety Patrol two weeks ago.”

Wardle’s eyebrows went up in surprise. “Ah. So it was. Hmmm. That sort of leads to a number of questions. Was it chance that they were the ones attacked here? If not, how did they know? How did they find out? How did they find out that B company were now at Warcop? Also, what sort of weapons? Did any of the survivors see? How many were there? Of course where were my men taken?” He frowned at the captain.

Quinnell nodded and continued. “I’ve got an initial report from the MPs on the scene, which includes initial interviews with the two escapees.” He flicked open a folder and scanned the front sheet of the thin pile. “According to Corporal Richard Edwards, who managed to escape from a smashed side window of the second coach, he counted about twenty-five Patrollers. He does say that this is likely to be an underestimate though, but also says it was sufficiently dark that he may also have counted the same people more than once.

“Rifleman David Yates escaped out of the back of the same coach and hid underneath it. He says there were over fifty Patrollers. It should be noted though that all the riflemen in number 2 platoon are only months out of basic training, and Yates himself only turned eighteen a month ago. Edwards has been with us for seven years. I’m reading more than a bit of panic in Yates’ report unlike in Edwards’ report.” Wardle nodded and signalled Quinnell to continue. Fjeld said nothing but just listened and scribbled notes onto her own pad.

“Edwards thinks they were using something like H&K machine pistols, but cannot confirm it for certain. The MPs have certainly found a lot of spent 9mm ammunition, both cases and rounds, appropriate for an H&K. Almost all of the dead appear to be from the front coach, where most of the officers and senior NCOs were sitting. Only six of the dead were from the second coach, but that includes the driver. The three seriously injured and taken to hospital are a corporal, a lance-corporal and a rifleman; the rifleman from coach one, the others from coach two. I’m told the rifleman and the corporal are not expected to make it. Major Langtry and the second lieutenant are missing, the three other officers are accounted for in the dead. Four junior NCOs are also assumed to have been taken captive, three corporals and a lance-corporal. It looks like the officers and senior NCO’s were specifically targeted.”

Wardle listened, his face expressionless now, but a feeling of hatred and rage was building up inside him. His voice when he finally spoke though was calm. “How far from Warcop were they when they were attacked?”

“Less than three miles sir. They were on the,” he paused and consulted his notes again, “the B6259 a few hundred yards before it crosses the River Eden, just where it turns south to go around Great Musgrave. It’s why the MPs were on the scene so fast. Apparently one of the gate guards heard something and reported it. The camp commandant acted on it instantly despite it being not yet six in the morning. I’m guessing he either had suspicions, or he has had previous problems. I’ll try and find out later. The gate guards had logged our men through about five minutes earlier, at zero-five thirty-one so they were immediately suspicious. The call to the duty officer was logged at zero-five thirty-seven.”

“It’s less than forty miles from there to Catterick barracks,” mused Fjeld.

“Yes Ma’am, I wondered that too.”

All three were wondering if the captured men were now at Catterick, which they now knew was the main training base for both the Safety Patrol and the new Security Patrol.

“Go on. What about the support vehicles?”

“There were three MAN SV nine-tonners. They left just on forty minutes beforehand and the vehicles and the nine crew are still on the road.” The captain glanced quickly at his watch. “If they are on schedule, they are due to stop at Keele services on the M6 sometime in the next,” he looked at his watch again, then at the clock on the wall, “well, about now. They are expecting to meet up with the coaches there, if the coaches hadn’t already caught them up. I’m hoping they contact here when they don’t contact the coaches. All the vehicles have satellite trackers on them, so I’m trying to get hold of someone who may be able to track them, just to ensure they still are actually on the road.”

Wardle nodded. “Is there a list of the dead?”

“Only a partial list sir. Two bodies were unidentified at the scene. The bodies were too badly, erm, damaged for a quick and easy identification, and for security reasons, everyone was in civvies.”

Wardle closed his eyes. “Who do we know has died?” he asked dully.

“Captain Martin, Lieutenant Jacobsen, Lieutenant Hi, CSM Grant, Serjeants Phillips and Eddings. Edwards thinks one of the unidentified bodies is that of the other serjeant, Serjeant Oldfield. If that’s the case, all the senior NCOs except the Company Quarter Master Serjeant are dead, plus three of the five officers. The remaining deceased are four corporals, two of whom were the coach drivers, two lance corporals and a rifleman, plus the two unidentified.

“We know neither of the unidentified bodies are Langtry or the missing Second Lieutenant, Skipton. According to Edwards, one of the bodies may be that of Lance-Corporal Eddison, the other may be that of Rifleman Tim Jones, Major Langtry’s clerk. If that’s true, then both the Jones brothers have been killed: Corporal Martin Jones is one of the confirmed dead.”

Wardle dropped his head into his hands in grief, but also to give him a few moments to think. “Thank you Paul. Let me know as soon as you have any more information. And try and pass the message on to Colour-Serjeant Williams on the nine-tonner.” He looked up. “No. Belay that. Don’t tell the CQMS anything until he gets back here. I don’t want him or his men doing anything rash.”

“I don’t think Williams will do anything rash, sir.”

“No, probably not. But let’s not risk anything until we know more.” He shook his head. “What the hell Brigadier Haldane will make of this I don’t know.” He nodded his dismissal to Quinnell, but before the captain could move, another man sauntered into the office with a smug grin on his face.

“So where’s B company then? Wasting tax-payers money? Shooting at sheep?”

“Go away,” snapped Fjeld.

“Now now,” the interloper said coldly, his smile gone in an instant. “Don’t forget who I am.” He stared at Fjeld, eyeing the attractive woman lasciviously for a moment, before turning to Wardle.

The three officers stared grimly at the newcomer. “Chief Assault Leader” James Bail was an unpleasant individual who looked to be barely twenty years old, but he was the political officer that had been imposed on Wardle from outside some two months earlier.

“What do you want?” asked Wardle equally coldly.

“Just checking you’re not doing anything you shouldn’t.” Bail grinned maliciously at them, his good humour back again. “You know. Like getting in my way. And of course I’m making sure you’re doing what you’ve been told.”

“Like what?” asked Wardle coldly.

Bail turned and pointed at a notice board on the wall. “You can’t spell. I’ve told you before. S - e - r - G - e - a - n - t,” Bail spelled the word letter at a time, emphasizing the ‘g’. “You keep spelling it with a ‘j’ That’s just stupid.”

“Go away,” Quinnell snapped. “In this regiment, in The Rifles, we spell it the traditional way, the old way, the English way,” he leant slightly on the word ‘English’, “with a ‘J’. The fact that we’ve told you this before and you can’t seem to take it in, just makes you pathetic.”

Bail stared at Quinnell. “Pathetic eh? Well we shall see what you’re made of soon.” He turned to Wardle. “If you see B company, give them my regards.”

He turned and sauntered casually out of the office again, giggling madly.

“I want to...” Captain Quinnell didn’t finish his sentence.

Wardle nodded. “He knows what’s happened. He probably knew before it happened.”

“That’s how they knew of course.” Fjeld’s voice was tight with grief and frustration.

Wardle nodded again. “Should have occurred to me too.” He frowned. “What happened to B Company’s Political Officers? I’m assuming they weren’t on board the coaches, and there would have been no room on the nine-tonners.”

“No sir. The POs travelled up in a couple of Discoveries I believe,” said Quinnell. “Four by fours anyway. The Warcop gate guards logged them out nine minutes before the coaches left. It seems they, the POs that is, were furious that the support vehicles had already left, left without them being aware of it. I now think it’s probable they were hoping to catch those men in the same trap, so I’m hoping that the thirty minute head start means they reached the M6 before the Security Patrol could catch them. It’s also why I’m hoping they’ll get in touch when they reach Keele.”

“Hmm. Do you know that part of the M6, or that part of the country at all Paul?”

“Not really sir. I grew up in West London, never really travelled much north of the M25 before I was twenty. I’ve been to Warcop of course, but not for a good few years now.”

“Mmm. That part of the M6 rarely has much traffic, and at that time of the morning could be all but deserted. They need to get as far south as the Blackpool junction before the motorway gets busy enough for us to say they are safe.” He paused for a moment, then added, “For some strange definition of the word ‘safe’.”

“Oh.” Quinnell moved over to peer at a map on the wall. “Hmm,” he said after a moment. “That’s the best part of seventy miles to that point. Twenty of that before they even get onto the M6.”

“Something like.” Wardle frowned. “But with the restrictions on travel these days due to fuel shortages...” he trailed off, then looked at Quinnell. “Let me know if you hear anything new. I’ll get on to Brigade HQ, but I suspect whatever monkeys they have hanging around there will already know, and my guess is will already have passed on the news.”

“Yes sir. Very probably. I’ll leave you to it.” Quinnell put the folder onto the colonel’s desk, and left smartly. The RSM would need to know, both because CSM Grant had been a close friend, but also to help ensure discipline amongst the ranks when the news eventually broke.

Fjeld also left. She knew Wardle would be in contact with Brigade shortly, in the mean time she would see to the defence and security of the base.

Regimental Serjeant Major Cooper took the news calmly, he had noticed that many of the ‘minders’, political officers, seemed to be in a meeting of some sort, including his own minder, Squad Leader Cooke. He now knew what the meeting was about. “I’ll ensure the men don’t do anything until you’re ready sir.”

Quinnell paused in surprise, then nodded slowly. “Thank you. And you’re right, we will do something.” He paused and shook his head slowly, “though what or how soon I don’t yet know.”

“Yes sir. I look forward to it.”

“As do I.”

Salutes were exchanged and Quinnell went back to his office to inform all the remaining officers, while Cooper went searching for the other senior NCOs on the base. An hour later, only a small number of people on the base, all civilians, did not know what had befallen ‘B’ company. There were many angry mutterings, but the NCOs kept a very tight grip on the men, and both A and C companies went out on long runs, both to keep them occupied and out of the way, as well as to channel their energies into something at least semi-productive. Everyone else left on base were kept very busy with other activities. Many of the minders were physically unfit, so the serjeants knew they would not accompany the troops on their run.

When the political officers had first arrived on base, some two months earlier, it had been obvious just how unfit they were, and plans were made to rub that fact in. Two mornings after the minders had appeared, each of the CSMs in the battalion had ordered their men out for a ten mile cross-country run. The minders had heard about the run, and some had turned up expecting to run alongside the troops; and keep an eye on them at the same time. They were all wearing gym kit and trainers; totally unsuitable to the muddy terrain they would be running over. To the surprise of the POs, the soldiers were all in full battledress including helmet and boots, each carrying a fifty-six pound Bergen rucksack, webbing with attached gear and their personal weapon. Not one of the POs had managed more than five miles, the first one dropping out after barely a mile. The soldiers, with their heavy loads, had just kept running, jeering at each ‘sissy’ Patroller as he dropped out.

They had never been accompanied again, but a week later an order had come down through the political officers stating that the morning runs had to be around the base running track where the troops could be watched.

RSM Cooper had completely ignored the order, and each of the CSM’s had followed suit, the three SP’s on the gate being roughly brushed aside as the men left. The day after that nearly forty armed SP’s had blocked the entrance to the base. The gate guards had very quickly passed on the message; and that day, making it look like it had been planned that way all along, the men did drill training on the parade ground. It had been a bitterly cold day, and the gate guards had deliberately wound up the armed Patrollers outside by standing where they could be seen, the guards all holding mugs of steaming hot coffee.

Since then the officers had rarely allowed the men off base, as much for their own protection as anything else. However two evenings before their training deployment to Warcop, Major Langtry and CSM Grant had relaxed the restrictions and allowed the men of B company to go into Chepstow for the evening. Not many had bothered, but about a score had walked the two and a half miles in, intending to start at a pub and move onto a nightclub later, finishing the evening at a late night Indian restaurant for a curry before walking home again.

It hadn’t quite gone as planned. The men had naturally drifted into three groups, each of which had started at a different pub. The smallest group, of four, had been in a fairly loud pub not far from Chepstow castle for maybe ninety minutes, drinking, chatting and laughing with some of the local girls, when a group of six males, all in their mid twenties and obviously quite drunk, decided to pick a fight with the soldiers. This had gone badly for the six, as the soldiers were still reasonably sober. The fight had been swift and brutal with three of the six thugs ending up all but unconscious, though this was as much to do with the alcohol inside them as it was to do with any thumps they had received.

Accompanied by the derisory laughter of the other patrons, the youngest of the four soldiers had told the one thug who had managed to remain standing, albeit with an eye that would be black and closed by the following morning “I don’t think you children should be allowed out without your mummies.”

“I’ll remember you,” had come the response. “You’ll wish you hadn’t messed with us.”

“Go away,” came the rejoinder. “You’re not wanted here.” The soldier had deliberately turned his back on the furiously embarrassed thug, showing his utter contempt.

The six battered and bruised thugs left the pub, but then the landlord had spoken softly with the four soldiers. “You really need to be getting back to base. They were Security Patrollers. They’ll be back for you in real force before long. I enjoyed seeing them taken down a peg or two, but if you’re still here when they get back you’ll be lucky if you get just a severe beating.”

The four had nodded and left, thanking the barman, and apologising for the trouble. Spotting the second group of half a dozen men who had not long come out of another pub, they passed on the news. For a few minutes they stood and talked it over and then began to walk slowly back through town heading home. The ten men were all somewhat put out, but they also knew when an orderly retreat was necessary. They had just reached the edge of town when, having heard about the fight from other people in the town, the remaining nine squaddies had joined them, and the nineteen men set off at a reasonably quick march back to barracks. It could have been only minutes later when four trucks had roared up each containing a round half dozen Patrollers, all armed with steel piping or similar.

Again the fight had been swift and brutal. Despite being both outnumbered and initially unarmed, the soldiers hand-to-hand combat skills and superb levels of fitness as well as their training in team-working, had easily matched and exceeded the limited skills of the SPs both to fight together as a unit, and to use their weapons. Indeed before the end, most of the squaddies had been armed with the same pipes that not long before the SPs had been armed with. A few of the squaddies came out of the fight with some painful injuries, one with a cracked radius, but all twenty-four Patrollers had left with far worse injuries than any of the nineteen soldiers, and all had vowed bloody and fatal revenge.

To Lieutenant-Colonel Wardle it looked like this was the trouble promised. He wished, and not for the first time, that Langtry and Grant had not allowed the men to go off base. But it had happened, and there was nothing to do about it now.

Picking up his phone, he dialled Brigade HQ. It would not be a happy conversation, he expected, and in that he was correct.

At that moment Brigadier Andrew Haldane(RM) was having his own problems. As the man in command of 3 Commando Brigade, his problems extended further than just the fact that he had lost entirely two of his four Royal Marine Commando regiments. Whilst he had managed to hang on to all the other regiments under his command, almost all were half the size, and in a few cases smaller than they had been two years before, with the sole exception of the First Battalion The Rifles, the only army unit under his direct command, and he’d just been notified that that was about to change. It was to lose two of its three companies. One immediately, one in four months time. His entire brigade would be not much bigger than a reinforced battalion. Worse, he had just received an order to put the whole of his command on alert, yet hadn’t been told why. Some unofficial sources suggested Belfast, but he couldn’t confirm it.

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Glamorous, young Naomi Swann lounges on the bed in a skintight dress and high heels, dreaming about a threesome of deepthroat blowjobs. Dreams come true: Jonni Darkko and Jason Moody come over to use Naomi’s pretty face! The golden-haired babe kneels and sucks each dick, gagging and slobbering all over her tiny, natural tits. They fuck her mouth upside down, drilling the back of her throat, coating Naomi’s face with her gag spit. The sexy cocksucker takes a double cum facial as her...

4 years ago
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Once More With FeelingsChapter 19 Getting to Know Me

Wendy was unusually quiet when we went to bed Thursday night. I couldn't really blame her. It had to be a lot like walking in on a secret meeting only to discover that life, as you knew it, was actually run by a committee. She just cuddled real tight to me that night and kept telling me how much she loved me. I knew she needed reassurance so I just showed her with gentle kisses and soft murmurs about how much I loved her and that I never wanted us to be apart. I could feel her tears on my...

2 years ago
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Love Family SingersChapter 18

Two bowls of Sugar Crisp later, I went to my keyboard and pulled out some of my music, to look through. The doorbell rang, Charles got it to let in the other girls, except April who stayed home, not feeling well, and I told them to go have some fun, while I figured out what we were doing. Coming through the kitchen door, was Nevina, with Mom right behind her, asking, “Find anything, Michael, Honey?” “I have a song that either of you could sing with me, or maybe both of you; look it over...

2 years ago
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I wake up one morning and

I Wake Up One Morning... I wake up in my wife's body in a changed world of dominant and aggressive men and submissive and horny women. How and why did this happen? Will things return to normal and if so, how? And will it happen before I lose myself as Melissa? And how many violations at the hands of men will I have to suffer on the way? James Smith - The Husband Melissa Smith - The Wife Ms. Jameson - The head of Clerical and Admin VP Carl Angstrom - The head of the...

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HumbledChapter 2 A Humble Introduction

The next day all I could think about was that guy on his knees, with his balls sac pulled behind his legs, sucking another man's cock while getting a whipping. All day I wondered what it would feel like to have my balls sac pulled behind my legs with no mercy. What it would feel like to be in his position? I even cruised the net looking for pictures or videos of men in that position. But I didn't know what the device is called. Finally, when I ran a search for 'cbt devices', I saw it....

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The Book of Eli

The knock at the door is light, tentative. A female voice asks, "Can I come in?" "Give me a minute," Eli said quickly. He moves to the bed and covers his book with the blanket. He opens the door, revealing a beautiful young woman in a thin, tight summer dress that more than adequately reveals her womanly shape. "Someone already came with food and water. I got everything I need." "Are you sure about that?" she responds, moving closer. She sees him back a bit; her offer would have been obvious to...

4 years ago
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To Bi or Not to Bi Part 1

From: [email protected]: [email protected]: Have you ever …? Dear Mari,First, my apologies for my sudden departure yesterday. And, yes, the lying. I had to be nowhere, and I wanted to be nowhere more than with you. I took flight! Again! And after the way our relationship is developing, it was silly taking flight. We are becoming partners in breaking our demure silences about our real sexuality, aren’t we? Believe me, dear Mari, I want us to continue.So, it was not your raunchy story...

3 years ago
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just US last

As I swallowed your precious semen I didn’t stop liking your dick I didn’t want to stop o loved the noise you made but I knew that there was nothing more. So I got up once again kissing every inch of your body. Up to you nipples given that was as high as I could go and you passed you hand through me neck and made me look up. I will never forget that satisfaction look you had I had accomplished what I was looking for. I have just given you the best dick like you had ever had.   You put your...

Straight Sex
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the wanabe hooker and her client

Ok..... so you have sent me out to pick up a blackman and white manand they think they are coming back for a threesome with me?Client yepso the black man i pull is a big bloke with long dreads, the white man is quite a fine boned fashion conscious pretty boyvery chiselled jaw and high cheekbones but with the fullest lipswe get bk tothe room giggling and rather drunk having got a couple of bottles of wine on the way back.. im explaining ive never done anything like this before ..but i just felt...

2 years ago
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Return from Sally IslandChapter 11

When school started for both of us in the early fall, Sally was ready. She had her new laptop computer and knew how to use it. She'd rapidly mastered touch-typing and the intricacies of Microsoft Word, and in a pinch she could do research on-line. She took to dormitory life like a young woman who'd grown up with her normal allotment of pajama parties and Friday night football. She was twenty, going on seventeen. But it wasn't Friday night football she was going head for when each school...

3 years ago
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Just Cant Wait

Tania huddled against me in the back of the rather chilly sanctuary of St. Mark’s United Church as the minister droned through a Bible reading. Resting her head on my shoulder, my girlfriend lightly stroked my thigh with her fingers. As the reading ended, the congregation stood for a hymn and, a bit reluctantly, we joined them. Candles and dim lights were the only illumination as the congregation celebrated Christmas Eve.My girlfriend and I weren’t usually churchgoing types. Tania followed a...

Quickie Sex
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Phoenix Rising the Immortality CurseChapter 30

I took a nice long break—most of a real-world day—after dealing with Gloria. I can see that my notifications will no longer be denied. One in particular cannot be dismissed. Notification As you continue to walk the Path of Heart’s Desire, you will be given an opportunity to learn those things that slip your mind living your dreams. Each time you attain a new level, you will have the opportunity to dream of one skill that lags behind. This dream will take the place of one day focused on the...

1 year ago
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Carters Exploits Part One The One Night Stand

The all too familiar story seemed so close to Carter's life that he could've sworn that he wasn't alone. But even he knew that was, unfortunately, his existence. How he was meant to be. And he had come to like it that way. The Gothic Lounge was bustling with the spirits of those raving around it. Everyone was jumping, singing, dancing and having a good time. It was a nice sight, seeing so many people happy over his efforts. He was sure to make his money back from the renovations to this place:...

2 years ago
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Chandigarh Ka Mota Lund

Hello kamukta story loving friends mera naam pinky h aur main bahut hi sexy hu aur main delhi me rahti hu aur mera figure 36 30 38 h. Meri chuchi aur gand bahut bade bade h aur mujhe colony ke bahut sare ladke line marte h aur mujhe dekh kar khub comments karte h aur main bhi bahut sare ladko ka lund apni chut me le chuki hu. Mujhe apne se bade logo se chudwane me bahut maja aata h jaise ki koi uncle type log mujhe chodte h to mujhe bahut maja aata h kyu ki wo log bahut acche se chodte h aur...

3 years ago
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Breeding Mommy Chapter II

Over the next few days, we’d keep a fairly similar routine. He’d get home from school and I’d greet him with a hug before giving him a loving blowjob in his bedroom, swallowing his semen, before starting in on dinner. There’d even be times where I’d give him a second round of head while in the middle of cooking.He’d be sitting on the counter with his hard cock out and his pants around his ankles, and I would just work away at him with my mouth and hand until he came. And when he did, and he...

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Secrets of Liberty Mountain Yesterdays TomorrowChapter 10

The tour of the Colony consumed most of the day, and I welcomed the chance to sit down and collect my thoughts. We were back in the cabin with about twenty minutes to spare before dinner. I wanted to use the time to clean up before supper. Darlene had left to rekindle a long lost friendship or love affair, I had the evening to myself. Her parting words were, “Don’t jump into too many beds and if you do, save a spot for me.” I had a real affection for Darlene. She was unusual in that she was...

1 year ago
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Camping Trip Chapter 4

Wednesday Evening  After dinner we went back to the hotel. Taking the elevator up to our floor, Beth pressed me against the wall as she kissed me. Kissing her back, my hands grabbed her firm arse cheeks. I pulled her to me as our kiss became more passionate. When the doors opened, an elderly couple where waiting to enter. We broke our kiss, and they smiled as we exited holding hands.Entering the room, I walked over to the jacuzzi tub to turn on the taps. Beth walked over and poured in some...

2 years ago
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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 78 The Experience On Film Weekend Party Studs

Mark When I took Sheila and my other friends to Denmark, I did not expect to be in a porno flick. I didn’t expect Sheila to be in one either, but now she was, and per plan, so were our six friends, although Wes and Scott had been surprised by how easily they got roped into the adult movie business. All it took was watching some of the filming, and they were hooked. My surprise came late on Thursday morning when Rolfe and Juul, the co-directors, producers, and actors in the various adult...

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The Pantyhose RapistChapter 4

"A re-enactment? Are you fucking crazy!" Michele Bouvier hissed into her phone. "Look, I know it's a big ask; but we have nothing to go on. Forensics is not giving us anything but maybe we can use a re-enactment to establish this guy's MO. What we record during the re-enactment may help convict this guy when we finally arrest him; a pattern of behaviour will add greatly to any circumstantial evidence we might gather," Mike pleaded. "But it won't be shown on TV, not on Crime Stoppers...

4 years ago
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I Open Up his Ass Pegged

"How would you feel if I used a strap-on, on you?" Amy looked at Tim with a mischievous smile."I don't know." Tim was a little nervous, and he looked at how nice Amy was, lying there naked and beautiful next to him. She had a petite body, and very soft skin, a tight pussy, and now Tim started to image this girl, wrapped in leather wanting to take his ass."Well it looks like you're starting to get excited." Amy noticed his erection starting to grow, and she quickly grabbed his dick started to...

2 years ago
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Separating the TwinsChapter 4

I had my second photo shoot in Atlanta a week after the previous one. This one was a nude shoot. The same staff was there, the photographer and her assistant, also female. There was one additional person, a middle-aged woman, nicely dressed, who watched from one side. She identified herself as Mrs. Simmons, and that was all I knew about her. Being naked in front of other people was something I'd gotten used to in the last couple of years. The photographer was all business, and from time to...

4 years ago
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Love Me Like its Valentines Day

I was an aspiring rock star in London. Aspiring, you see. That means still trying, not having accepted defeat yet. I had a full-time job in an off-licence in south-west London, but my band did gigs once a week or so. There was a pub right on the river and we played in the basement.It must have been May or around that time. It was the weekend of the Rugby League Cup Final between two teams from the north of England. We didn’t usually attract much of a crowd, so that Saturday night when there was...

Group Sex
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Star Wars SexA Jedi Holiday

Set 2 years after Attack of the Clones. Anakin Skywalker and his wife Padme Amidala have been give time away from the clone wars that rage throughout the galaxy to spend with each other. The Nubian cruiser sailed elegantly through the blackness of space around the jungle world of Cerron. Padme entered the cockpit to find Anakin working the manual controls. “What’s wrong/” she asked. Anakin turned and smiled “Hyperdrive overheated. I’ve had to drop back into normal space to repair it”. Padme...

3 years ago
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The Great River Part Three

Talan could only manage a groan as he felt her hand slide onto his cock, gripping the firm shaft through his underwear and causing it to throb. He'd never imagined, beyond a few guilty fantasies, that Alya would ever touch him there and now that she was all he could think of is how good her hand felt as she rubbed him. For her part Alya had been surprised by how hot and hard he felt through the cloth, and at the groans that were coming from him as she rubbed him. The young noblewoman smiled and...

First Time
2 years ago
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Would you like to do it again

Saturday morning in No-Wheres-Ville USA parked at a truck stop killing hours. Never good, if you're not moving you're not making money. Cleaning and fixing marker lights just basically enjoying the sun. I’ve had the few friends I knew by to yak so really hadn’t got much done so far. No matter I was on my 34 hour reset. The Pete had LED lights all over, but I had used one style to keep the cost and repairs down. Lights do burn out even LED’s. I’m on the ground in front of the truck just...

Straight Sex
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My Favourite Number

69. There’s no better number in my opinion. Technically, it’s just a number, but let’s admit it Lushies – we all know what pops in to your mind when you think of it. I’ll admit, I’m exactly the same. In fact, I’ll even go in to detail. This is what I think of. I am in the shower, the hot water streaming over my skin as I chat to you from behind the curtain. Unfortunately our shower is just too small to both be in there together, so you are waiting patiently for your turn. Finishing up, I turn...

3 years ago
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Ruths big night part 2

After having Bob fuck her as she jerked off the Drunk on the bench, Ruth had been wondering what Bob meant when he told her he had more fun in mind for the night and as he turned the car into the car park she was still no wiser. She was trying to figure out where this car park was and where they were going when he turned the engine off and leaned over to her and kissed her deeply, thrusting his tongue into her mouth and swirling it around her own tongue. “Come on.” He said then turned on...

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It8217s Just Begnining

By : Hotlove Hello ISS Readers, this is Sameer 22 years old from Ludhiana, Punjab. I daily read stories I am fan of incest, desi and group stories. Here is my first story and it’s all true. Story is between me and my college junior it all happens in year 2009. This is my first story even I’m not the writer by profession so kindly ignore the mistakes. Mail me your comments at . Now it comes with story, it all started when I was in 2nd year of my engineering. A girl name Vanisha (name changed)...

2 years ago
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Blind Date

A blind date. Well not really. Just a coffee between two friends who have never met.I chose a public place. The local Morrisons supermarket cafe - I know - real romantic!I got here early and sat in the car park for ages just waiting, nerves getting the better of me.Should I call it off, do I really want to meet him. We have some really racey conversations on line, why spoil it.I went in and loitred around the cafe entrance and as I looked up I saw this amazing man walking towards me. That must...

3 years ago
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A Very Wifey Welcome

"Can she hear us?" The wife asked. "Oh yes, I thought this would be all the more delicious if the only sense she was robbed of was her sight," answered her husband. "Where do we start?" "No rush ... you go freshen up after work, be girly for a while and all that ... I'll keep this one safe and ready until you are done," said the husband and sent his wife off with a quick kiss and a slap on the ass. The girl was naked apart from the blindfold, a cuff attached around each wrist and...

4 years ago
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Pool party

When I woke up, it was still dark out. I glanced at my alarm clock, and it was only 3:30am. God, was I ever going to get a full night's sleep? For the last couple of weeks, I was having trouble sleeping, and most of the time I would wake up with a raging erection which I would have to take care of before I could fall back asleep. I suppose that wasn't entirely uncommon for a nineteen year old guy like me, but this problem stemmed from a particular circumstance that had been happening for about...

3 years ago
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Demon BaitChapter 8

“Well, this is a fine kettle of fish,” I said in a sarcastic voice, as I continued to look at the gang of Major Demons assembled outside of the restaurant. “Is there fish?” Al asked, licking his chops. “No, Al, we are the fish,” I told him in an annoyed voice, before turning to the others. “Can you three transfer out of here by yourselves?” I asked. “Yes,” Cassius said in a relieved voice, while Binne looked uncomfortable. “Maybe,” she said. “Go ahead and transfer then. I’ll hold them...

1 year ago
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The Contract Ch 08

This is my eight installment on my first submission. I would like to thank Knightshado2 for reviewing the story. I hope you enjoy. Comments are welcome! ***** Very Early Monday Morning 12/11/2006 ***** I engaged Mr. Sato again. After a flurry of blocked attacks, Mr. Sato finally acquired an arm and threw me. WHAM! I was exhausted, and could only lay there as Mr. Sato lauded over me. ‘And that waza is called ikujinonai ahou otoshi, or the spindless wimp drop, which is required of any real...

2 years ago
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A Nanny Femtastic Chapter 1

A NANNY  FEMTASTIC! Chapter 1 My story starts during a very bleak time in my life where I was unable to find continuous work of any meaningful type. I had, I suppose, looking back now, rather stupidly pursued Child and Nursery Care as a further education route. Much to my parents consternation!  Yes I was the only guy in the college but I thought I would soon move into management positions and my career path would take off! It was actually cool to have so many women around me, and I did...

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Bobbie the Bimbo Part 1

This is a work of fiction presented as simple entertainment for the reader. The characters portrayed here are entirely fictitious and should they resemble any actually persons, either living or dead, it is purely coincidental. The themes presented in this story are of an adult nature featuring but not limited to sex, lesbianism, homosexuality, transgenderism, domination, etc. Should such topics offend the reader, them please go else where for your entertainment as you will not like...

2 years ago
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Working the List

I walked out of the massage parlor carrying my backpack and pulled out my list. Mentally, I crossed off the third item on it. My great grand-aunt had been VERY rich when she died and she left me a VERY large sum of money on the condition that I "made my husband happy." Unfortunately, he just HAD to ask me if I had ever cheated on him, which I had. Don't get me wrong, I'm not morally opposed to lying to the twerp, it's just that I'm extremely BAD at lying; always have been. So my husband ruled...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Making Out With My Uncle Years After

Hi I’m Honey, 30, single and horny. I’m so pleased to read all your lovely emails and am here again to share my hot experiences with you. As I narrated in my first story “Hot love with my uncle,” I had a good time with my uncle during my graduation days. Later we mutually agreed to discontinue the affair. Later after I moved from there to a different city, we rarely contacted each other. We would see each other only for family functions and talked as normal uncle and niece. Life went on and I...

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The Adventures of Lance Steele Ch 01

I sat in my office smoking a Lucky Strike and reading the paper. The Japs were still in Washington trying to negotiate an end to their assets being frozen. DiMaggio had a 40 game hitting streak for the fucking hated Yankees. It was sweltering in my office on Main Street. The fan in the window was succeeding only in blowing hot air around the room. Outside, the palm trees at Five Points corner were still. I poured myself two fingers of whiskey. It was quality stuff, a dime a pint. But, it kept...

1 year ago
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El of a ThingChapter 16

THURSDAY 8:20 P. M. Residence of Director Ainsworth, Pilot's Grove, MD There are three character elements needed for a successful political career: One: An ego the size of Yellow Stone National Park. Two: A sense of ethics that would fit inside a thimble. Three: A killer instinct that is 'never' put on the back burner. Up until ten minutes ago, Glen Ainsworth had possessed all three of these things in abundance. Right now, he was having great difficulty trying to decide whether it was...

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