DestinyChapter 7 free porn video

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I was wrong. Next morning, I went down and found Charlene looking delicious in her bikini and doing one of her special breakfasts. Today, she made a wonderful egg casserole with salsa on the side for the strong at heart. I helped with the fruit bowls and coffee. Tyler staggered in looking tired. I handed him a cup of coffee and winked. "Too much activity?"

"I feel like a kid asking for a second helping of ice cream. It's a great idea, but he has no room. Then, you were just a little depraved in the night."

"Get this straight. I haven't had enough of you yet."

He pointed to his cock. "It's this I worry about getting straight. I may have to call in the second team."

"Bring 'em on."

Dad showered affection on Deborah when they were seated. Paul distracted Charlene, who wanted to share the glory. After breakfast, Tyler and Paul cleaned up, under the careful supervision of Charlene.

I noticed that Dad and Deborah were looking at his laptop, heavily engrossed in serious conversation and it wasn't about fucking. She listened and stroked his neck as he described something about a trip to Asia. I suggested that the rest of us retire to the patio for more coffee or to read the paper or whatever. After an hour, I went back in for more coffee and water to find them still seriously engaged in conversation about what was on the computer.

I said to the group, "While we recover, let's take a homework break. I know that you all have work."

Paul jumped up and said, "Yeah. I was worried that I would get behind with all this beautiful distraction. I brought my bag."

I said, "Okay, let's meet back here in two hours and we'll draw straws or something." Tyler and I went to my room, Charlene went to the guest room, and Paul worked on the patio. Anyone coming in wouldn't have suspected a thing. The revelers were seriously at work. Tyler and I had practiced working together and we did. If we'd been horny, I suppose we'd have found it more distracting.

I guess I could thank Dad, or fate, or Mom for leaving, but right now, all my senses were on overload. Somehow, I concentrated on work and did my homework. The smells of the others, particularly Dad, wafted through my memory. I read in psychology that smells are the least forgotten of the sensory impressions — something about it's being stored in the old brain. Most important was the emotional connection that we all shared. We had a real family that would go to great ends to help each other. Being an only child, yes, Tyler put en end to my fake identity, I hadn't ever had that many others who gave a shit about me. I knew I would do all in my power to help them, too. My peers I mean. I couldn't get Charlene's smell out of my mind either, even though I didn't approve of her perfume. After a quick shudder wondering when it would all end in disaster, I remembered Dad's advice that there is no law of nature that requires good things to go bad. He talked about cycles and I have to learn more about cycles.

I finished what I was doing and went downstairs after Tyler pleaded for fifteen more minutes. Paul and Charlene were chatting. Dad and Deborah hadn't moved from their position at the computer. I walked over and patted Dad on the back. "Lunch?"

"In a minute. We'll go out. Think of someplace."

"You come get us and I'll pick a place."

An hour later, we were all chatting on the patio when they came out. I said, "We voted on ribs."

At the Rib Palace, Dad and Deborah continued their conversation about selling microbreweries. The rest of us gossiped about school. I had this sudden feeling that we were two people short in the conversation.

Back home, Dad said, "I'd like to talk to you all in the den."

Oh my God, she's going to be my new mother.

He started. "Deborah and I have hatched a plan to do more marketing of our products. If we can work out the details, we will take a survey trip to Asia in about two weeks. It will be her first trip and my regular calls."

Paul was first. "Who is going to run the food business while you're gone."

Deborah replied, "We want you and Destiny to do the house calls and deliveries. I will be online everyday to answer questions. You've been at this long enough to know how to do it."

"For how long?"

"We think we can make the circuit in about two weeks or so."

Paul looked at me. I said, "I've never done these things."

Deborah said, "I will spend time with you and you can make some calls with me. In two weeks, I believe you will be able to do it."

"Will they trust someone my age?"

"I will train you and dress you to look older. All you have to do is sell."

I must have sounded sarcastic. "Oh, is that all I have to do?"

Dad said, "No, you have a house to run, a school to attend, and other activities. I'm trying to keep you busy."

Charlene paled. This was obviously not good news and I wondered if she could keep from crying. I felt compassion for her like never before. Then, of course, I quit the altruism trip and felt sorry for myself. I would have had him some of those nights.

Deborah said, "You said you were in drama. Selling is drama, but you have to learn to listen and the client doesn't always follow the script. We have prepared scripts on what to emphasize for what kind of client, so you have to be able to classify them."

I must have sounded naïve, but I asked, "Why are you doing this?"

He smiled, and said, "Because I think we can. I have skills and she also has knowledge and skill that I don't have. Between us, we can greatly improve the distribution of our product lines. Right now, I'm dependent on microbreweries. I have to have some new products and she can help identify potential markets. We need to find out what our previous clients might also buy and then provide it to them."

We talked two more hours. Tyler and Charlene participated, but I don't think they were as enthralled as Dad and Deborah with the new scheme. I took Charlene to the other room and held her. I whispered, "I know how you must feel. Tyler has to go home to have dinner with his folks in an hour or so. I'm going to lure him to my room. Do you want to lure Paul?" I still had my arms around her feeling her breathe deeply.

"I don't know. I guess I'm kind of out of the running as long as she's here." Then, she figured it out. If she didn't lure Paul, what would she do? She surely didn't want to watch Dad amuse Deborah. She said, "Give me a minute. I need to freshen up."

I chatted with Paul and Tyler until she returned. She looked like the beauty queen she was. She had brushed out her hair and freshened her face so that the potential tears didn't show. With a big smile she went to Paul. "Maybe you'd help me find something in my room?"

Paul was up and at attention faster than a West Point cadet. "I'll help you look."

I winked at Tyler and took his hand. "I need to find something in my room, too."

We played around with really exciting sex games until Tyler had to go. I walked him to his car in my bikini and gave him a scorching kiss. By then, he didn't have much scorch left. Before he left, he asked, "Are you going to be able to fill in for her?"

"I don't know, but I'm going to try. Some days, I wish I didn't have to take every dare. lf I hadn't dared myself to attack you, we wouldn't be here now. I'll take now."

"Every time I think about how long I waited to ask you out, I want to kick my own butt. Now, things are just fine with me. Really fine."

I didn't know what the plan was for Dad and Deborah. Charlene would have to decide to stay or go home. She'd have to go get school clothes anyway. I figured Paul would go home to get ready for his school. If Deborah stayed, I'd be alone. Poor baby. I decided to lay out some food and let them serve their own plates. Charlene and Paul dragged in looking like they had been doing what they had been doing. I dragged Dad in and Deborah helped me organize the food.

We took our plates to the patio to sit around and enjoy the food and the evening. After a few minutes Dad opened.

"Paul, I'd like you to consider staying with Destiny while we're out of town. I know she's capable of staying by herself, but I'd feel better if there were two people here to fight off the burglars."

He replied, before I could open my mouth, "Well, I could do that, but I'd have to bring my dog." A Golden Retriever, I hope!

Dad was full of surprises. I liked this one. I just hope Tyler doesn't think I'm replacing him.

I said, "That would be fine with me. I like dogs." I paused for effect. "Oh, I like Paul, too."

They all had a laugh at my remark. Even Charlene giggled and I guess she was recovering from her prior shock.

Deborah said, "If you're willing, you can go with me on some calls this week. Can we go up and look at your wardrobe?"

Charlene went with us and helped pick out some clothes. In my closet, I had only one outfit that seemed appropriate for business. I felt out of place since I usually could dress nicely for the right occasion.

Charlene came up with an idea. "Let's go look through your mother's closet. I'll bet we'll find plenty."

We quickly moved to Dad's bedroom and into Mom's walk-in closet. I had this fleeting memory that all three of us had shared that bed with satisfaction. Deborah went through numerous suits, dresses, and combinations. She pulled out about a dozen outfits.

She said, "Try these on quickly for size and I'll find the accessories. Any chance you could wear her shoes?"

"I'll try. I've worn some of them just fine."

We worked for an hour until we had six combinations that I could wear right away. Some of them were last year's, but in suits and office clothes, that won't matter as much as at the country club.

She said, "I'll take you to get some of these others altered. I don't think your mother will need them for a while." She looked at my feet and said, "I think we might get you some new shoes, too. I want you to be prepared for a while."

"I thought you'd only be gone for two weeks or so. Surely I can get through that period with these clothes."

She smiled pleasantly and said, "Well, that's true only if we don't succeed, then I'd be back doing your job for a while. Daniel raised my hopes and dreams. Since I never plan to fail, my guess is that you'll have that job for the foreseeable future as will Paul."

"You guys are really going in business together?"

"Yes, but only if we can find suitable business to go into. He's quite a master and I have some skills that could help us build a company."

She looked directly at Charlene. "Hey, girl, how are you fixed for money?"

She blushed. "Well, if it weren't for Destiny taking care of me, I'd be much worse off. My folks aren't as well off and they're supporting brothers in college."

"Why don't you come with Destiny and me for some calls and see if you think you'd like it and be able to do it. It pays a helluva lot more than McDonalds."

Her eyes were always gorgeous, but when they light up as they just did, she glows. "You mean I could go out and sell with you?"

"Since you're one of the family, I think it would be great. Then, everyone would have a part of the action."

She hugged Deborah, her archenemy, and said, "I would be honored to give it a try. It's all new to me."

The floor seemed to shake under my feet as I could feel our lives changing dramatically if this all worked out. Charlene really needed the money and I'll just bet that Tyler could use some extra change, given his situation.

I asked her, "What could Tyler do?"

"I know: he could help Paul and maybe both of them can pick up some of the other work. Almost everything we do takes place between four and nine in the evening, so it would conflict only with your homework and maybe some events, although we can always find a way to take a day off." She paused for a while and then said, "Bring Tyler by and let me interview him. I'll find out if he has any relevant skills."

Charlene looked at the clock and said, "I'll have to go home soon, while my parents are still up. I'll have to have permission, but I think they'll be thrilled."

We all went back downstairs to find Dad going over some papers.

He said to Paul, "If we have a deal, you can start moving in when you're ready. That is, as soon as Deborah can get organized. You can set up your office in the guest bedroom. Let me know if you need anything to set up your computer."

Charlene went to Dad and kissed him firmly. She whispered to him and he laughed. She kissed Paul and whispered to him as well. She kissed me and whispered, "What a day. What a weekend. I can hardly believe it. I'll see you in the morning. The way things look, you might even get the prize tonight."

Deborah held out her arms and said, "Me, too?"

Charlene kissed her and held it. Deborah's arms were around her and we were all witnessing a beautiful event. Deborah whispered, "That's nice. Maybe more later. I hope you can join our team."

Deb kissed Dad, and then me and said, "Okay, Paul, let's go home and start getting organized. Things will really change around here very soon."

After they were gone and I could breathe for a while, I went to sit with Dad on the couch. I asked, "Can we do this?"

"Yes, I think we can. We're no worse off if it doesn't work, but if we start a company, you won't be totally dependent on me. You'll have your own business." He put his arm around me. "I've always wanted to start a business that could be grown internationally. Maybe it's vain, but it's like breaking par on the golf course. Something to strive for that not everyone can do."

"What do you mean I won't be a dependent? I'm fond of you just the way you are."

He laughed. "No, I'll keep you as a daughter, but you'll have your own source of income that you'll have to manage."

"It's all happening so fast, I'm overcome."

"The first day Deborah came here, I talked to her and found out that she's very smart and capable. We've now spent at least eight hours planning and thinking things through. I'm more optimistic than before."

"Well, I need to do a few things before we go to bed. I do plan for you to hold me tonight."

He smiled, shrugged, and said, "Of course. Why not? We're all on this team together."

"I'll see you at eleven."

In my room, I organized myself for tomorrow, reviewed some notes for a test, and laid out my clothes. Just as I headed for the shower to do my hair, my phone rang. People didn't usually call this late.


"Mom? Where are you?"

"I'm at the spa. I finagled a way to call you without people listening, although I don't much care. How are you?"

"Are you okay?"

"I'm a lot better. They work us hard and feed us little. I'm down ten pounds and have only forty to go."

'I'm glad to hear that. You sound better."

"I am better and the counseling has helped me get my head organized. Every day gets better." She paused. "How are you?"

I summarized the situation for her, making sure it was the PG version. She then said, "You know, I was such a mess when I left that I didn't tell you anything about helping run the house. There's an Excel folder on my computer called 'What's Next?' that has all the regular information on it. You won't believe this, but last night, I woke up wondering if I called the people to service the air conditioners."

I laughed. "That must have been some dream."

"Better than many others I'll tell you. Anyway, if you open it and go from chart to chart, you'll see my scheme for getting maintenance done. Daniel did what he could, but he was gone and so was I."

I told her about the groceries and the food service. She thought that was brilliant. Then, she said, "I hope your new guy works out for you. Believe me, I know what it's like doing without." So, she did know about Tommy, too.

"He's great and I'm keeping him until he goes off to school. Then, I don't know what I will do."

"Didn't learn anything about letting older boys get to you?"

"Apparently, not enough. However, if I want to keep him, I can go to school when he does and catch up using online courses."

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One of our strict rules is outer sex only, no intercourse with our third or fourth person, though that leaves a lot of options for mutual sexual pleasure. At the appointed time on Sunday Roger is wearing just a pair of jeans that showcases his tanned torso. I am wearing a short black silk blouse which barely covers my pubic area. It has a row of buttons down the back with only the top one fastened, so when I walk my naked ass is on full view, something Roger likes very much. “You really do...

4 years ago
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Fractured RealityChapter 23

Wednesday, June 2, 3109, 9:00 PM Rebecca paced restlessly before the gate. Gudrun had used a rinse on her hair last night, adding the remembered touch of gray, and then expertly applied makeup that made her appear 10 years older than her actual age. In a few minutes time, once Siri sent the gate to December 18, 2014, at 9:24 pm, Young-Rebecca would tumble through backwards and whack her head on the floor. She would discover Rebecca in the detested purple lounge wear that was as close as she...

2 years ago
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The New StartChapter 9 The Second Home

The original compound could hardly be recognized. Buildings had been expanded and new ones had been built till the compound was nearly five times as big as it had been originally. Dawn's vegetable gardens had grown into large fields that covered acres and acres and bordered two sides of the large compound. Dawn very seldom worked in these fields anymore but instead supervised a small army of robotic cultivating machines that took care of the daily routine. A warehouse had been built to store...

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A lady in chaps

I had recently moved to a fairly large Western city, where I was delighted and surprised to learn that there lived a lot of cowboys. Men in tight jeans and thick leather boots, smelling of the outdoors and the sweat it produces. I was giddy to meet a few of them, so I signed up at the gym near my apartment complex, and it wasn't more than a couple weeks before I had a few "friends." In particular, one group of eager young men -- some older, some a little younger -- than me, who were all already...

Quickie Sex
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Vegas Jackoff Party

Hi my name is Rob and the story that you are about to read is completely true. It happened two years ago and I have to say that it was probably one of the strangest nights that I have ever had. A little about myself, I am 50 years old, 5ft 10 inches, 185lbs, with about a 7 inch cut cock. My wife doesn’t like a hairy man so I do manscape and keep myself trimmed close or completely shaved. I live in Las Vegas, I am happily married with 2 grown k**s and why I did what I did is still a mystery to...

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The sun was hot on our sweaty, semi-naked bodies as we basked in the hot summer sun, Jacque' rock-hard naked titties were pointing at the wide blue sky, the nipples firm. Her hips were hunching slightly as the sun worked its sexual magic on us. As I watched, her aureola and nipples began to swell from the heat being generated in her loins; my cock began to stiffen, causing the pouch of my g-string to bulge, her hand moved across her chest wiping the sweat from her titties, causing a slight...

3 years ago
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Becoming a Cock Worshipper

I first realized I was bi the summer after high school. Up until then I had only been really interested in girls. Like any high school guy I watched a lot of porn and soon realized that I really liked really nasty deep throat blow job scenes. I especially enjoyed watching a girl choke and gag and cover a hard cock in her spit. I also realized that my favorite scenes always involved a really big, thick cock, and the more I watched the more I found myself attracted to the guy in the scene and his...

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summer ends

The basement of their home that housed the laundry equipment had been partitioned to provide a small recreation area with a bed in the centre and screened dressing area where his mum kept her collection of sexy lingerie recently purchased from an Internet sex site. Everything relating to their incestuous relationship was kept in that basement room, so that when they finished their sessions she could dress in day clothes, walk upstairs, shut the door, and return to ordinary life. At the...

2 years ago
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My WayChapter 11

As Jamie climbed the steps to his room, the power pulled him to hers. “Are you asleep?” he whispered. “No, come on in.” The room was dark except for the moonlight shining in her windows. She slid over and patted the mattress for him to sit. “Is something wrong?” She asked. “No, everything is alright.” He answered. “Would you mind if I just laid here with you for a little while?” There was no sexual implication in his words; he just needed to be near her. In no time, she could hear the...

2 years ago
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Enslaved Chapter 50

That same morning, Quentin Osman’s sailing yacht lay far out to sea, heaved-to. A sea-anchor trailed over the stern. The morning was pleasantly warm and lolling in a deck-chair, Quentin was using a pair of powerful binoculars. He was using them discreetly, bringing them only fractionally above the ship’s rail. They were focussed on another vessel further out to sea... a small, luxury motor cruiser. It, too, was stationary.Damn it, where is the woman, said Quentin under his breath? Why doesn’t...

4 years ago
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Sweet Tits

“Darlin’, you have the biggest breasts I think I have ever seen.” I froze and stared at my newest customer. As a waitress I was used to being hit on by men of all ages but never had anyone been that blunt with me.“I don’t suppose you’d let me cop a feel, would you?” he asked, still grinning.“Jesus, Jerry,” his dining partner said, shaking his head. He seemed to be the same age as ‘Jerry.’“I believe being upfront and honest is the best policy,” Jerry said pointedly to his friend.“I think being...

1 year ago
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I've been back at high school for two weeks now and just last weekend I engaged in something that warrants a story. I date the president of one of the fraternities so of course I love to fuck. I'm open for almost anything and one night my boyfriend asked me if I would help him out with this years pledges. "I have an idea for what the pledges can do this year." "Mmhmm?" "Part of being in a fraternity is being fraternal, yes? You know doing stuff together." "Go on." "And one of your fantasies has...

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Frankie Chocolate Part 1

Frankie was beginning to wonder what else she could try, when she was online and a message flashed up from a guy called Kai.As she opened his profile, the biggest chocolate cock she had ever seen popped up on the screen in front of her eyes, the picture having been taken just after he had cum was covered with his juice.Her eyes nearly popped out at the sight and her pussy began to throb instantly, she read his details and she was quite disappointed to see he wasn’t close to her.She felt her...

3 years ago
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The New Girls Chapter 1 The arrival

As the girls enter the building, Asher would be wearing a short black mini skirt, a low cut V-neck black tank top, with black stripper heels. Angel would be wearing a low cut black batman shirt reveling just enough cleavage to be a tease; in addition she wore tight form fitting black skinny jeans with black combat boots to top off the outfit. The girls walked the halls with their iPods blaring music from their headphones. Even with several teachers and nuns demanded the girls to turn it down,...

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Caroline Ch 0605

(Hi, If you are new to this series please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will! Only a little bit of sex here – still developing the characters). Joanna’s Tale, 04: Sex on the phone! I awoke very early, it was still dark and, for some unknown reason, felt very lonely. I got up and found my way to the master bedroom, crept into bed with Mike and Lena,...

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Drug Wars 1 The Courier

DRUG WARS 1 – THE COURIERChapter I – Back to MiamiThe girl watched in silence as her plane descended over Miami and approached the airstrip. She had the privilege to travel on business class so the eight hour flight was really comfortable, but unfortunately not too relaxing. Not for her. She was excited, and with every minute the landing got closer, Tara felt her heartbeat quicken. During the rest of the long flight she could divert her thoughts by watching some silly movies about vampires and...

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When I returned to my room I saw a note on the table by my mom asking me to meet her. As I was tired i slept that night . Next day morning I gotup and saw the time was 10.30 am. I freshned up and went down to the dining table. I asked servant to bring coffee. My mother brought me coffee. She asked why did I not come to her room. I was silent. U come to my room I want to talk to u she said. I finished my coffee and went to her room and asked her why she called me. She was quiet. She said that...

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Hurry Late For Work

“Damn it!” Jessalyn Hendricks could not believe her luck. She had hit every traffic light between her apartment and her office. She was already 15 minutes late for work. Standing now in the lobby of the massive skyscraper that housed her law firm, the elevator slammed shut in her face. Desperately, she hit the open button, but her attempt was in vain. She debated taking the stairs, but quickly vetoed the idea. Jessalyn could not imagine trying to run up to the 38th floor in a pair of heels and...

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The Outlaw and the Innkeepers Daughter

Author’s Note: This story was written at the suggestion of a medieval re-enactor friend who served as the template for the main character. She has recently passed away and this story is now dedicated to her memory. Goodbye Artemas Innkeeper of the Inn of the Drunken Hare, March 5, 2008. * The two forest outlaws watched nervously from the edge of Barnesdale Woods. Well concealed, they took their time to assure themselves that no one along the Nottingham road would see them approach the old...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 7 INTERLUDE SIF

She had big dreams and great plans, not so long ago and then things happened. At first it was like escaping prison. Leaving that backwater, male infested Nilfeheim behind and go with Egill to Pluribus. Oh what a change. Oh what a world this was. Her aunt turned out to run an escort service, earning quite a tidy sum each day from sending out girls and boys to keep well paying customers company and providing more than companion ship for an extra fee. At first she really wanted to please Egill...

4 years ago
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Wet Lightening

The summer rain pounded against the roof, swirled down the gutters and turned the yard into a huge mud hole. The pack of kids, boys and girls ranging from 4 to 14, ran in and out of the back slider, whipped into a frenzy of delight by the rain, the mud, the mess and the fact that none of the adults were paying them much attention. As if the energy was contagious, the dogs barked joyfully each time a young body streaked past. At the kitchen table, Melissa was in a deep discussion with Joy,...

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Esha Ki Chudai 8211 Part 3

Mera naam Kabir hai aur main Pune ka rehne wala hu. Aj main apko bataunga ki kaise maine Esha ki gaand marke suhagraat manayi thi. Esha suhagraat us raat ko manti thi jis raat pehali bar usko koi chode. Ab halaki uski shadi ho chuki thi. Lekin uske hisab se uski suhagraat pehele hi hogayi thi. Lekin tab usne sirf apni chut marvayi thi. Ab mujhse gaand marvakar suhagraat mananewali thi. Esha ek number ki maal hai 5ft 5in height, figure 34-24-36 hai. Brown color ki akhe aur kandhotak lambe...

2 years ago
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The Wild Fun With Couples In Bangalore 8211 Part I

Hello Readers, I am Aryan from Bangalore. Been a regular reader of ISS and yeah have been having lots of wild fun. This story is about one of my encounters with a couple in Bangalore. About me, am 29 good looking guy with good experience in wild fun. About the couples, he: 32 and she: 30. Sorry I won’t give out names/details about them as that’s one of my rules to maintain secrecy. Coming to the story – we met over internet and exchanged emails about who we were etc. but never exchanged our...

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Teacher Teacher chapter 5

They then give them to their twin daughters for their eighteenth birthday present. The trap was sprung on the second day of the new school year as the two teachers surrendered their freedom to keep from being sent back to Mexico to face charges. Three days later each of the teachers through different paths, have now accepted their fates, and are starting to embrace their servitude. Although you can read this as a standalone story, to get a better idea of how they got here you should read the...

1 year ago
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Sera a real life like teen sex doll I was in the bedroom watching porn , Sera was on the bed , leaning against the headboard , her knees raised and legs slightly apart , between her , porn and smoking I was really getting aroused . A mature man living alone I had all the privacy at home I needed to fill my fantasy's and taboo lusts for the forbidden sexual satisfaction I wanted . Naked at my laptop I watching teen porn , 18 yo teens with small breasts , the young looking ones that wanted daddy...

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An evening at the beach

“We're right on time.” I grab the towels and icebox, you the food. We make our way through a winding path between the black and white trunks and see the beach stretching out in front of us. We're not alone there, but it's only a dozen or so other people, that have found the place as well. I choose a spot directly under a birch's branches, still on the sand. I feel it hot under my bare feet, it's been soaking up the sun's heat all day. I spread the towels next to each other, creating a...

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Daytona Day 1 of 5

Daytona Day 1 of 5 I am only going to set this up once so… Master had 5 of his buddies over last Sunday (2/21/16) to watch the Daytona 500. It was in the mid 40’s so my naked ass was outside grilling some food and the guys were just sitting around shooting the shit. For those that don’t know, I am a 24/7 sub/slave for my husband/Master so at home I am always nude. Anyway, eventually the talk turned to the race and who they thought was going to do what. I am and always have been a big Dale Jr....

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Hooked Chapter 2

Her body was trembling violently when she awoke a few hours later. The strain from the ropes wasbreaking her down, tears already falling down her sleepy face. She had been crying in her dreams, too.“Please let me down,” Penelope whispered.No response.“Please, please... let me down,” She begged her head sagging against her chest.“Please!” She was crying out now, the pain becoming more unbearable the more her body woke up fromits numbness.She was not sure how long it took her to fall back asleep...

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The Ritual

She was lead, blindfolded and caped, into the huge hall and as she walked, the cape opened enough to show that beneath it she was scantily clad and tanned. With the cape closed they could all see that she was tall and that she walked firmly, especially considering that she did not know what was ahead of her. Most of the women who were brought to them in here walked very uncertainly, not really sure that they really wanted to be here now that it had started, but this one seemed unusually...

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What does it mean to be a sissy

Sissies are a distinct breed of transvestites. A sissy is a transvestite who’s primary sexual interest lies not just in wearing feminine clothing, but in becoming an exaggerated version of femininity. Femininity as seen through the lens of traditional hetero male sexual desire. Sissies are not seeking to become women in a normal sense, but are instead seeking to become the object of their desires. Their ultimate fantasy woman if they were normal, rather than being a sissy. Sissies are...

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Muleskinner BluesChapter 4

It took me until the end of the year to completely recover from the gunshot wound inflicted on me by the raider. My recovery was slower than I hoped because the wound became septic and Ma had to remove more of the flesh surrounding the bullet's entry point. The turning of 1866 found me hale and hardy, though, and the incident was reduced to a jagged scar on my buttocks that I could not see anyway. We loaded the wagons and made our final preparations during the first week of March. We...

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