Sisselixer: Free Refill 3 free porn video

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Sisselixer 2: Free Refill By: Terinas Tiger Part 4 of the ongoing 34000+ word sequel to the original Sisselixer! This story has already been completely written and will be uploaded 1 chapter at a time every 2 weeks on friday until it is done. If you want the whole thing now, however, I am selling early access PDF copies for $15.00. Just email me at [email protected]! And for those who need a link to the previous part, here: =1610152017412601416 Part 4: When Romeo Met Julian Jeffrey had decided to keep going forward with his experiment. Over the next three days, he snuck more of the cherry-flavored soda out of the beverage container labeled "Brutbeer" his roommate Mikey was keeping in their fridge. He ignored the other three; "Sisselixer", "Poppa Pop" and "Tropitwink Punch" all were disinteresting to him. He was only interested in getting as swole as possible, and that was a goal he needed BrutBeer for. Each day he drank the same dose just before his workout, then focused on exercising as much as he could. There were some setbacks. Whenever he was on the sauce, he had trouble keeping his mind focused and un-horny. He had no filter and said things that would've made him blush. He kept catching himself staring at men's bulges through their workout clothes. Looking back at his behavior during his workouts he could identify several times he'd found reason to bend over on the floor to accidentally flash his toned bubble butt to anyone who cared to gaze his way, as if advertising. The worst instance had been when he had actually grabbed a discarded jockstrap in the locker room and huffed it for the musky smell of sweat and stink on it. Every time he worked out it felt like there was some new gay humiliation that would seem so attractive at the time, only to make him cringe and blush about later. At least he had been able to keep from humping someone else in the showers like some of the Sisselixer-drinking males he'd seen going to the Sweet Gainz gym often did. But even with all the complications, it was hard to argue with results! Jeffrey had lost about seven pounds in one week by sampling the transformative soda. He hadn't gained much muscle mass, but his gut was shrinking. He'd almost dropped a pants size, having to resort to a belt to keep his pants from sliding down and hooking on his plump bubble butt. His arms and legs were more toned now, and although they were slender he felt more flexible. He could almost bend one of his legs behind his head, and if he'd had the gut to go back to Tiny's Yoga class he suspected he'd have done quite well with it. The only side effect seemed to be that he was getting hairier: His hair had grown down almost to his neck, and he kept finding gray tips along the edges of his shaggy brown locks, even when the soda was wearing off. His body hair seemed to be getting thicker as well, though the added gray and white hairs he kept finding there made him feel like some kind of old man. Flexing his arms, he looked up at the mirror in the gym's locker room, frowning at his reflection. "Aw... I feel stronger, but I almost seem to be shrinking... isn't BrutBeer supposed to make me some hulking giant?" A squeeze to the rump made him jump and squeal. His voice was still a bit higher pitched as he waited for the last effects of the transmorphic soda to wear off, causing him to flush and blush as he whirled around to stare at the source of the unwanted attention. "Daaaamn, girl! You're looking really good these days!" Tiny the femme white mouse giggled and squeaked, blue-white eyes twinkling as he giggled and stared over in Jeffrey's direction. Today Tiny was wearing a baby-blue spandex singlet with the words "The boy your girlfriend tells you to avoid" written on the back, just above the hemline of a pair of shiny silver workout shorts he was wearing. His fat pink nipples were outlined along his outfit, each pierced with a little silver bar through the center of it. Standing to the mouse boi's right was a slender french poodle that Jeffery only could identify as a male by an elongated doggy bone tucked behind the slender strap of a red swimmer's speedo. The poodle boy was nearly naked otherwise, a gray gym towel draped over his left shoulder as he gazed at a smartphone, a bunch of curly, floofy pink-dyed fur tucked over his right eye. His head fur was all dyed a bright neon pink, while the rest of his fur was a comparatively dull gray-white. "Who's that?" Jeffrey tilted his head towards the poodle, raising an eyebrow. Pulling up to his proper height, the mouse squeaked and patted the poodle's back. "Oh! Where are my manners?" he giggled, swaying his hips from side to side. "This is Chastity, a friend of mine whose just the cutest, prettiest pupper you'll ever meet!" The poodle snorted and tossed his fluffy pink mane out from his right eye. "Is zis your friend, Tiny?" The poodle even spoke with a hint of a french accent. "Regardless, I must leave to Peep on ze Peeper with ze selfies." He rolled his eyes at Jeffrey. "See you aze next Siss-T meeting!" He leaned forward and kissed Tiny's cheek, before turning to start walking past Jeffrey while going back to playing some game on his phone. "Nice to meet you, miss." The poodle's words had the faintest hint of a french accent to them. Jeffrey coughed. "I'm a man, actually." The poodle just broke into a chuckle and rolled his eyes. "Uh huh. I am sure zat you are," he said, before sauntering off. Tiny, meanwhile, put a paw on Jeffery's shoulder as the human glared daggers at the departing poodle. "Aw, he's just a bit of a big ol' tease, don't be too mad," Tiny said, while pulling himself close enough to cuddle up with Jeffrey. "So seriously, you've gotta tell me how you're doing this? You're losing weight and you look great!" At the compliment, Jeffery felt his face getting a bit hot. "Not as great as I wish I looked." He sighed, feeling the mouse massaging his shoulder. For some reason Tiny felt more tolerable to Jeffrey when he was under the influence of the transformative soda. "I, um, may be trying to use some BrutBeer to help me build muscle. It's been really great so far at motivating me to work out, but the sweet cherry beverage hasn't been helping me gain much muscle mass." At this, Tiny's eyebrows arched, eyes going wide as a paw went to his chin. "Ah, so that's why you've been acting so yummy lately!" He licked his lips as he stared at Jeffrey. "Mmm... cherry, though? It's not like a rootbeer flavor?" Jeffery shook his head. "I'd have thought that's how BrutBeer would've tasted too, but it's totally a cherry flavor." He shook his head. "But I guess I can't complain too much if I'm losing weight." The girly little mouse gave him a pat on the back that moved downward with every pat. "Well, I think it's just a super-fab idea!" he giggled. "You definitely need to keep trying it more! In fact, if you need some more BrutBeer I can get my paws on some. Or a workout team. Me and my Siss-T buddies are always looking for a new person to pump iron with!" Jeffery's response was deadpan as he felt the mouse squeezing a part of him. "Your paw's on my ass, Tiny." The mouse immediately let go, laughing and holding his paws up in mock horror. "Oh noooo! How did that get there?" He took a few steps back, giving Jeffrey the personal space he had forgotten to insist upon before. "Sorry, it's just that you're getting so hunky lately! I really think the BrutBeer is working. You seem so, uh, manly that I couldn't help myself!" With another nervous giggle, he looked Jeffery in the eyes. "But seriously, I'd love to help you get all buff and sweaty and swole!" Hands going to his hips, Jeffery narrowed his eyes at his old, now- feminized friend. His dose of BrutBeer was wearing off, and he was remembering how weird it felt to be groped and played with like a chunk of meat. "I'll think about it, ok Tiny?" he said, while turning to walk off. "I've got to get back to my apartment." He also had to shake the residual instincts from the transformative soda he'd had. Tiny had no idea how much he'd wanted to kiss the mouse when he'd felt that paw on his ass, and if Jeffrey had his way, he'd never know. He whimpered, hoping that the stiffy would go down sometime before he got on the bus. ---------- As he watched the transforming human wandering off, Tiny folded his arms and tapped a footpaw. "Mmm... so someone's got you thinking you're drinking BrutBeer, huh? No wonder you've been so pretty lately, girlfriend." The little mouse felt a stiffy forming in his singlet while he watched Jeffery's increasingly pert butt swaying like a whore's as he walked away. "I bet you don't even realize all the ways you're changing. What a delicious little prank!" He reached down into the pocket of his shorts, pulling out a smartphone clad in a pink glitter cell phone shell. With a wicked smirk, the femboy began texting to a group chat. "I'm sure whoever's pranking you won't mind if we help things along a bit, tee hee!" ---------- Jeffrey still felt a bit weird as he returned home, gray spotty fur clinging to his arms. He could've sworn he had a stubby little tail as well, or at least he felt a bump along his backside. "I thought you were a different animal every time..." His cock hadn't relaxed since he left the gym, either. But that wasn't entirely his fault. He'd kept seeing handsome men all the way home, with thick meaty muscles and bulges outlined along their crotches. "I feel like these drinks took less time to wear off before." He blushed, darting into a bathroom in the apartment complex to look at himself in the mirror. "My eyes are still slitted too, like a kitty's. Has it been lasting longer the more times I drink it? I've been careful about the measurements... shouldn't it be less potent as I build up an immunity or something?" he grumbled, not sure how immunities worked while walking up the stairs to his apartment. Opening the door with a key, he walked inside without so much as a stray thought. The apartment was dark, with no lights on. Natural light was filtering in through windows, but the shades were drawn. A slightly acrid aroma filled the air. Perhaps it was due to some heightened animal senses or maybe just due to how horny and worked up Tiny had gotten him, but it smelled like sex in here. Like the den of some powerful, horny beast waiting to scoop up and devour a delicate morsel of soft tender meat like himself. Jeffrey actually felt a bit nervous once he realized how dark the room was. "H-hey, Mikey?" He looked around, while reaching to grope around in the dark for a light switch behind him. "You're supposed to be home from w- work, right?" All of a sudden he felt so very small and weak. Like he needed a big strong man to protect him. He didn't quite like the sensation of being prey while worrying that there was a predator around. After a moment or two, he heard a tapping sound, like a cane hitting the tile of the floor. His hand gripped at the wall. "W-where's the d-damn light switch." He could feel the dry texture of the painted wall... and then his hand touched something fuzzy and firm and muscular. He heard a snort and felt bodyheat against him as two large arms wrapped around his stomach, yanking him up against a strong, muscular back. Jeffrey felt his heart start racing as he squealed, his voice cracking. "THERE you are!" A deep, bassy, yet somehow familiar voice filled the room. Jeffrey jumped and squeaked in panic, squirming in two big, strong arms covered with a deep brown fuzz that wasn't quite hair. "Naughty naughty little boy, aren't you?" "L-Lemme go!" Jeffrey felt so powerless, squirming in futility against the bigger person. His heart was racing, and he could smell a salty, spicy aroma in the air around this figure. It was enough to cause a stirring in his loins, as he whimpered and dropped his gym bag. The other figure gave a laugh. "Not yet. First, I gotta look at yah." Jeffrey felt those two arms siding up his body, gripping him by the shoulders and digging in slightly. He let himself be pushed out away from the figure and turned around, so he could stare into his captor's eyes as they looked his body up and down. "Wow, you really are a girly little runt, aren't you?" The comment felt like the spark that ignited a whole forest fire to Jeffrey. He snorted and snarled, trying to push the arms off of him. "I am NOT! I-I'm a man! A b-big, strong..." He looked up at the person holding him for the first time, and felt his heart skip a beat. "...m- man..." His eyes went wide. "...Mikey?!?" Jeffery's roommate was now at least a head taller than he was, with broad shoulders. He looked wide and tall enough to engulf the slimming Jeffrey like a wash cloth wrapping around a bottlecap. He was shirtless, with pecs covered by orange-brown fur and frosted with a white underbelly. His body was nearly Jeffrey's ideal otherwise: He had pecs almost carved from stone and a rigid six pack of abs. Fur was all over his body, and though he still had a human face, a pair of small velvet-covered antlers were sprouting out of his head. He was an enormous cervine brute of a male, and he even stank of masculine musk. The sight and scent of this nearly- naked model of a man was enough to make Jeffery's head spin. Groping a fattening chub outlined in a pair of tight brown shorts, he snorted at his roommate's question. "I'm feeling more like 'Mike' right now." He said, before pulling the still-sissified man back into a firm embrace, squeezing the air out of him and forcing him to breath in more of that aroma. "And I'm feeling more like you need a spanking." Before Jeffrey could reply, he felt a big hand gripping his cheeks, sinking into the pillowy flesh of his rump and gripping tightly. "M-Mikey, wait!" he managed to sputter, before being pulled up like a sack of flour and slung over the bigger male's shoulder. But Mike just responded with a smack against his rump. "Wait for what? You to steal more of the expensive sodas that I bought to play around with? Without even asking me if you could try some?" He scowled, groping Jeffery's stinging backside as he turned to trudge towards the blue couch in their living room area. "You think you're gonna just get away with that, boy?" As Jeffery opened his mouth to defend himself, Mike sat down on the couch, pressing Jeffery's face into one of the back cushions. "I saw you staring at them and suspected what you'd be up to. Those were expensive, you know! But you're always swiping leftovers that aren't yours too, so this time, I switched the labels on the sodas before you even had a drop! It was a prank, and I figured you'd be scared off." He gave a very cervine snort. "When you didn't stop, I figured you were enjoying it. And well, I wanted to get in on the fun! I juuuuust recently chugged a dose of Brutbeer, just below the point of no return, so I could properly put you in your place." He squirmed, but Jeffery couldn't break free of the other man's firm grip. He felt his body being slid down Mike's torso. His mind was reeling. Wasn't he drinking Brutbeer too? Why was there this massive strength difference between the two of them, then? Was it because his own dose had worn off? But if that was the case then why did he feel himself growing more aroused the more he felt his body touching this muscular god's own form? Why did every scent of Mikey's aroma suddenly excite him? Why did he still feel so very gay, sprawled on this man's lap? "Mikey, w-wait, something's wrong, please, don't-" Jeffrey tried to make his concerns known, but he was panicking. He wasn't quite organizing his thoughts very coherently. And Mike had no patience for him, raising a brown fuzzy hand up above his rump. "Still, if I'd had bet on what soda you'd be sneaking, 'Sisselixer' would NOT be what I'd have picked!" He brought his hand down, slamming into Jeffrey's backside with a smack that sent a shiver up Jeffery's spine. His stiff cock gave a spurt of pre-cum into his pants. He whimpered and squirmed. "Haha... your ass is so thicc but bouncy while sissified that I can watch it wiggle and jiggle!" It took Jeffery a moment to realize what Mike was saying. "I've been drinking Sisselixer?!? But I was intending toooOW!" His ass was smacked again, as he whimpered and huffed, a jolt of pleasure and pain flooding his mind. "Nnnugggh..." he groaned. That smack had made his whole body bounce a bit against Mikey's body. He'd felt his cock rubbing up against the other man's thigh. It felt better than it had any right to, especially with his precum soaking into his cotton boxers. The more he leaked, the more slick and slippery his undergarment got. "I don't consent-" "No. No more talk from the naughty little sissy-boy." Mike said, his tone dripping with finality. "You take your punishment before master can forgive you." His arm raised again for a third spank. Jeffery couldn't get up to escape. Mike's other arm was pressed firmly along the lower part of his back, holding him down as the ass-assault began in earnest. He teared up. With every spank he felt his body bouncing ever-so-slightly, his cock grinding up against his friend's body. Every slap, every spank made him groan and shudder, the pain intermingling with pleasure, both from his cock and from his mind. Some part of him was telling him this was where he belonged, a naughty boy-toy pet being punished on his master's lap. Every slap was a painful euphoria that pushed him closer and closer to a brink. "M-mah-mmmmm...." He shuddered, another spurt of precum soaking into his underwear. He felt his body tensing. And the assault didn't stop. "M-mew! Meeeeeeewww!" And after a little while, Jeffery didn't WANT it to stop. He groaned, wiggling his bu- his tushie as if enticing the other man to spank him more. He wanted to keep going. He was so close to cumming; he needed to cum; he couldn't think of anything other than cumming! "Mew! D- don't stop, maaaaasteeeer!" He was mewling like a kitten, begging for it. So close to his orgasm, he didn't care who did the deed. He just wanted to cum like a good kitten deserved. "Oh, are you begging for it now?" Mike's tone sent a shiver up Jeffrey's spine as he stopped spanking. "Is daddy's little kitten a big slut for teasing to his butt?" Jeffrey stared up at Mike, his eyes watering. "M-mewwww... I'm soooo close, mewwwwster.... Please make me cum." He panted, almost imagining spotty gray kitten ears poking out of his skull. He was growing desperate. Every second he wasn't being spanked, his arousal was fading. "Alright." Mike chuckled, with a tone Jeffery could only describe as a bit wicked. "I was going to let you go after twenty, but if the little kitten is begging for it..." A twenty first spank. Jeffrey squirmed and whimpered, tears of bliss and pain in his eyes. And then a twenty second. Jeffery was grinding against Mike's fuzzy thigh, having gotten back to the precipice he'd been at before Mike stopped. At the twenty-third spank, Jeffrey was feeling that horny haze growing stronger. He wasn't even attempting to speak anymore, much less protest. He just needed to cum. On the twenty-forth spank, he was just making very girly noises. His body stiffened, and he imagined lifting his tail as an invitation for his owner, a sissy kitten eager to have their butt rutted. It was on the twenty-fifth spank that it finally happened. A key turned inside Jeffery's head, and he arched his back. "M-mrrrrowwwwllll!" He groaned, feeling his spunk shooting out into his box- his panties, soaking them with his semen. The feeling was an intense flood of emotions all at once: Bliss, pleasure, lust, pain... ...and shame, a moment later, when he was supposed to be bathing in the afterglow. Jeffery's eyes went wide. He looked down at his hands as he started to think again. "First Tiny, now this... am I crossing a line too far?" He was growing worried that he was doing something with these sodas that he might not be able to undo. And then, there was what had just happened with "Mike". The bigger male laughed, before lifting his arms up away from the slender Jeffery. "Ahahaha... did you cum just from that little love tap?" Wiping a tear away from his face, the big man snorted. "You know, you're actually pretty cute like this. I mean, I don't know what's going on in your head, but would you like to hook up-" "NO!" Jeffery said, with perhaps more intensity in his voice than he intended. Pushing up off of that sweaty, sexy man's body, he wobbled back up to his feet, puffing his lower lip out and stomping a foot against the carpet. "Y-you have any idea what just did? You crossed a line, Mike- Mikey! You could've just talked this out with me! But you didn't listen when I said to stop, and... and..." He felt his eyes tearing up. "You're making me gay!" He spat out, snarling. "I can't believe you! You're just like, such an ass! N-never talk to me again!" he said, tearing up and turning to run off to his room. "Wait, I-" Mike tried to say, but Jeffery didn't want to hear it. Locking himself in his bedroom and pulling on headphones to avoid hearing anything the big stud had to say, he started playing loud music while looking down at his arms. At long last, the spotty gray fur was starting to vanish. At long last the sisselixer he didn't know he was drinking was wearing off. "I can't ever drink that stuff again." Jeffery said, as he curled his human fingers, watching his body with a growing sense of horror as he imagined losing everything that made him who he was: His muscles, his heterosexuality, and his very humanity. "Because I don't know what would happen if I did." "Could I even go back next time?" TO BE CONTINUED!

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Carefree Cove Ch 07

It was a quiet evening at the Q and A Bar amd Grill in Seville Hills, MO. Thomas Albright sat with two of his friends, Petey Harms and Freddy Kleinschmidt, nursing beer. The hour was just past 8:00. Tom was a relatively young man at 51 compared to his two friends, who were grizzled old men in their 70s. The old men was on furlough from their wives of many years, Tom was a fugitive from his home at Carefree Cove, trying not to think where his lover of the past few days, Michelle Hawkins, might...

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Antelope FreewayChapter 32

Earth time: Saturday, March 19, 2033 6:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (29 minutes to sunset) Aina time: 5:15 AM, day 216 of 1436 H.E. (53 minutes to sunrise, morning of the first day of spring and the Red Bird Festival) "Visual image locked?" I nodded. A'moth and I were in a tight embrace, staring into each other's eyes. I linked with her mind, she join the lock of my mind's eye on my target destination ten feet away. An instant later we were both there. "Excellent Gary! You needed...

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Antelope FreewayChapter 42

Five years later... Earth time: April 27, year 204,860 9:00 AM Antelope Freeway Standard Time After my morning workout with A'moth in the arctic gym, I was all set for our usual 8:00 AM staff meeting, but Isabelle said she and Jim are working on something interesting and she asked if we could postpone the meeting till ten o'clock. So I asked Issie to jump me to Antelope Freeway so I could practice my jumping for a while. I practiced for about a half hour, and then got bored. I parked in...

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Antelope FreewayChapter 59

Time: Unknown, parked in a field of corn... We all woke up about the same time in the cockpit. Hoshi looked totally confused and surprised that we were still in one piece. The view outside was that of a setting sun. The plane was surrounded by a vast expanse of corn... I probed with my mind and sensed the 400-foot sound barriers in all directions, about 23 kilometers away. I probed a little more closely. I think my seat in the cockpit was directly opposite the center of Antelope Freeway....

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Carefree Cove Ch 05

Tom Albright drawing in the summer Missouri morning. He wore his swimsuit and surfing shoes beneath his white T-shirt as he stood on the dock of his neighbor, Michelle Hawkins. She was a voluptuous woman of forty whom he just started a physical relationship the night before. She posed on her lounger for forty five minutes in her white robe in different positions before removing it so he could draw her naked. Her face was a little tired from lack of sleep, but aglow with the aftermath of great...

1 year ago
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Carefree Cove Ch 01

‘Sing the song, Daddy!’ The small voice rang brightly across the waters of the cove, and Thomas Albright shook his head a couple of times. A long, lean, nut brown body turned around and swam back past him, the blonde head poking indignantly out of the water. The nymph demanded: ‘Sing the song, Daddy! You know I’ll keep this up ’til you do!’ Tom took a deep breath, and in his shaky tenor did his best Peter Blegvad impression: ‘That’s my daughter in the watereverything she owns I bought...

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Carefree Cove Ch 06

Another Seville Hills, Missouri Wednesday, and the Methodist Domino Club gathered on an August evening at the shelter house by the community pool. Mutt Hayes talked his grandsons and their friends into playing Texas Hold ‘Em with his usual companions, with Reverend Hoot Pidgeon acting as dealer for the evening. ‘Check.’ ‘Call.’ ‘Fold.’ ‘Raise the pot.’ ‘Fold.’ ‘Call.’ Mutt Hayes looked smug as he peeked at his cards. His grandson Todd studied the old man, searching for a clue to his hand....

4 years ago
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Antelope FreewayChapter 6

"Oh hell, Jim. Hell... Look at the odometer. It's right on schedule." It was now 8:40 AM. Jim slowed down and stopped by Cindy's car. Cindy noticed the battery status flip from yellow to blue, as the current charge of 33% began to make its 2% per minute ascent. The day was starting out just as whacky as the last one had ended. They had had an early breakfast and had started traveling eastbound on Antelope Freeway at 7 AM sharp, a few minutes before sunrise. Jim had decided to drive at 67...

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Antelope FreewayChapter 16

Future Interlude III: The Holographic Gravity Experiment Aina time: 2:06 PM, day 150 of 1472 H.E. Havika called out. "Inner hologram stable at target parameters. Kalea, you are clear to proceed." "Thank you. Aegis, take the outer shell curvature down to 9.395, and then make a base stability measurement." "Acknowledged..." After a few minutes he replied. "Base test complete. Outer shell curvature is at 9.395 meters per second squared, inner shell at negative 50,000 gravities. Kalea,...

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Antelope FreewayChapter 27

Time: Unknown, transversing a slip channel conduit... Isabelle's mind was filled with wonder as she sped through the column of blue bubbles. She could sense being held tightly by her mother, but that sensation seemed to exist in an alternate reality. Isabelle cried out to her mom, trying to make contact. "Mom! What is this stuff?" Isabelle sensed rather than heard an answer. "I don't know! This isn't what I was expecting! Hang on!" The lights were so pretty, broad swatches of...

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Antelope FreewayChapter 29

I awoke about an hour before dawn, breathing deeply and totally relaxed and refreshed. A'moth was still sleeping in my arms, but I could sense she was right at the edge of waking up herself. I began to nuzzle her neck and pet her stomach. "Ah! Good morning Gary..." I glanced out the tent. It was still dark outside. "Gary... Yeah... I haven't been called Gary in years." A'moth nodded. "It was the same for me sometimes, over the centuries. You're the first person who knew me as...

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Antelope FreewayChapter 36

Four years later... Earth time: Friday, April 24, 2037 9:25 PM Central Daylight Savings Time Aina time: day 0 of 1442 H.E. 2:00 PM First day of summer and the Festival of the High Sun Cindy walked into her bedroom at her arctic home and saw Jim lying naked in a very awkward position on the bed. Cindy herself was feeling terrible, weighed down with an enormous burden of sadness and despair, and she took off her clothes and lay by Jim's side. They stared into each other's eyes for a...

2 years ago
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Antelope FreewayChapter 41

Time: Unknown, Blue thunder on Antelope Freeway... Just as Gary completed his jump, the light in the cornfields of Antelope Freeway changed from the normal afternoon sunlight of late-winter to something so bizarre that A'moth gasped in astonishment. All the colors of the green corn and brown earth were replaced by a bright cornflower blue, the entire world one great expanse of great blue glowing light. The sky above was incomprehensible, a uniform blue without clouds, but with a huge arc...

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Antelope FreewayChapter 55

Time: 1 hour 52 minutes post injection Isabelle had spent the last several minutes running preliminary diagnostics. Hoshi looked on quietly and admired her expertise. The other four teachers were gathered near the door. "This confirms it," Isabelle called back to the other teachers. "The plane has dropped back to its very last solution. It's activated both terrain mapping radar and gyroscopes, and is being guided by its internal map software." "I didn't even know the jets had such...

4 years ago
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Antelope FreewayChapter 62

Time: December 3, 207145 6:57 PM Nebraska Standard Time We started the meeting right after dinner, and had been working on the plan for almost an hour. All twelve of us were in Conference Room A, the primary situation room of the arctic home. Jim and Isabelle had finally come up with a plan of what we should be doing, and it was a doozy. All twelve of us had been debating it ever since. Even the girls were chiming in... "If we decide to do this, how soon should we leave?" asked...

2 years ago
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The Freeing of Spartacus

The Freeing of Spartacus.1 For two long years the slave war had shook Rome to the very core. Although in its all conquering peak, the Roman army had been pushed to the very edge by this huge group of renegade gladiators and slaves. At their head was the Thracian gladiator Spartacus who, though born into slavery had never bowed a knee to his enemy.Through thirty six years of slavery he had stood rebellious, ignoring the beatings and death threats which came his way. Even his masters had feared...

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Freelance Cop

I was a freelance cop and working to bring in a wanted man. He was one of the top ten which meant heavily protected. Everyone knew where they were, it was just getting through their guards that was the problem. There would be consequences if I managed it, like people trying to kill me consequences. The reward was huge and I needed a way out and off world. Either bad men hid underground or in towers, Gallow was the former. The thing I shook my head at was the bigger they were, the more they...

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The Knight and the Efreet Pt 01

Alisaundre was always told stories of different lands, since he was a small child, his King had actually conquered many lands, and many of them the world had yet to even know about, however…There still remained many lands, plenty that human feet had not treaded yet. Of course, as with stories of different lands, he was also told stories of magic, sorcery and other foolish sightings like mermaids, pixies and elves, all things that were scoff worthy. He never believed these stories, and always...

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Fluid Freefall CH1 Chemistry

I wake up to her slamming my apartment door, the wrrring sound of the blender dampened by the walls. Not the first time I woke up today. A few hours earlier, I awoke to my painful erection lodged tightly between her clothed asscheeks. The barest light of dawn shone through the curtains. Spooning her though the night, I'm surprised I didn't dry-hump rape her in my sleep. Now that I'm awake, the sweet smell of her hair, and her picturesque doll face only worsen the situation. I got up and...

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Freedoms Touch

The lake engulfed the landscape, glinting and gleaming with the colors of its surroundings. It met the sky’s gaze with a fever of its own, deepening in color the farther out it reached. The evergreen forest that surrounded the body of water left, in their shadow, a deep green mark upon the water – as if to remind you just how far from the world you really were. Waves, churned up by the mountain wind, lapped up against the shore. The steady thrumming of the water was broken only by the echoes...

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Alex the Freeballer in the Comet Store

He wore a crisp white, open-neck shirt and a pale grey V-neck pullover. His stylish “Aviator” sunglasses were casually hooked over the “V” of his pullover. But what caused me to nearly walk into the pile of boxes was his tight-fitting grey trousers, in that slightly silky, shiny material; he was a “freeballer”, if ever I saw one – and I saw one alright! As he moved along in front of the PlayStation display, I glimpsed the outline of something down the inside of his right leg. He stood...

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The Donkey Solution 2C MILF Porn Movie Sex Freebees

Introduction: Having committed herself to performing multiple acts of donkey sex in Tijuana next weekend, an enterprising MILF turns to performing in porn movies to whip herself into mental and physical sex shape for the beastly event. As a part of the deal, she has to pass out some freebees to a Senator and several of his horny young relatives. The Donkey Solution, Part 2C MILFs Porn Movie Sex, Plus Freebees A DREAM BLOWJOB: As Michelle slowly came awake she attempted to lick her lips but...

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Freeuse for One

Author's note: Feel free to add onto the story yourself, but please use proper grammar and prose. Enjoy! You are Stephen, a 19-year-old living by himself in a modest apartment, who has just woken up after a strange dream. In your dream, a mysterious being told you that you had the power of something called 'freeuse.' You'd never heard of it before, but it was explained to you: "Anybody in the world must submit to your command. They may resent it, or love it - they have no choice but to follow...

Mind Control
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Tales from Freedonia

Two hours into the train ride to his soon-to-be home country and Randy Bishop was starting to wonder what all the fuss was about. He had just gotten up from his seat aboard the Freedonia Express to give his legs a much needed stretch, and, doing his best to maintain his balance, worked his way towards the back of the train in search of the train's commissary and lounge. In addition to his person on the train's upper deck, Randy's entire life possessions were carefully packed in the baggage cart...

Group Sex
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Freedonia A very exclusive adult resort

"Welcome to Freedonia, where the very finest in adult resort entertainment awaits! Stay in one of our luxuriously appointed rooms, or pamper yourself with a multi-room suite. Enjoy the spectacular views, the gourmet cuisine and our unique entertainment opportunities. Whether you choose to visit us alone or with a guest you can be assured of our attention to your every need and desire. Our friendly, efficient staff is ready to welcome you and assure you make the most of the opportunities...

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Candids from the Freeuse World

This is a collection of abandoned ideas, short stories, and scenes. Some of them might get updated, reworked or continued, some not. I hope you'll enjoy them. DISCLAIMER: All characters in the stories are of legal age and above.

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Freeuse Society

Today is my birthday! I'm finally 18. Once you're 18, you can finally experience the pleasures of the Freeuse Act. In 1984, a new law was passed in the United States called the Freeuse Act, which allows anyone age 18 and over to have consensual sex with anyone else of legal age, anywhere! Nudity and incest were also legalized. This mean that I have to switch over to the secondary campus, Charger High School. To keep everyone at our high school from constantly having sex with underage kids, the...

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You open up the box, grinning at the contents. FreedomVR. The newest and biggest improvement in Virtual Reality in years. Reaching in, you pull out a black suit covered with wires and sensors, setting it down to find the centerpiece, the headset. Fucking awesome. You flip through the instructions briefly, tossing them aside. You've done your research for this; you don't need them. You know you need to strip first, doing so before putting on the suit, watching lights on it come to life. You sit...

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3freewishes now with pictures

You'd been married for 10 years, and miserable for 8 of those. Sure, to start with you'd been happy. You'd married the woman of your dreams, things were going great, and the sex was incredible. But then it started getting less frequent. After the first year, it was once a week, and then soon after double that. Eventually, you were lucky if you managed to get a hand job on your birthday. Looking back, it was hard to remember when the sex had started to dry up. It might have been when your wife...

Mind Control
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Global Freeuse Laws

Well, recently the entire world started accepting the new law that changed the world completely. They call it the Forced Nudity/Free Use Act which was passed in 2050 by the US Government. The law promised a decline in the rate of daily sexual assault reported in the country, and to be honest the gamble paid well there was a dip of 70% in sexual assault cases by 2055. This entire new law was a risky situation for the US Government as they have to prove that their country was safe for a woman to...

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The new freeuse law

Over the last few years the government has been slowly stripping away the rights of all the women in the country. Recently a new law has been accepted, starting tomorrow all women can be freely used by any men whenever they desire. The women are forced to obey any request given by the men. Women now have to take mandatory jobs and can only stay home if they have to take care of their children or if they are over 50. Other than that they have to go to work, most companies have reorganizing their...

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One Piece Permission to Freeuse

Yo ho, a pirate's life for me. I mean, when you consume a powerful devil fruit, you basically have a handful of choices in this world, and pirate is the one with the most freedom, not just for you but those around you. My power gives me more freedom than I know what to do with regardless of my path. Right now I'm hitching a ride with a crew that shares my wanderlust, is crazy enough to push forward to anywhere no matter the danger, and awesome enough to make you believe they'll make it there. I...

Mind Control
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A freeuse world as a girl

The story revolves around a 20 year old girl Alana, in her second year of university. She has a part time job working as a waitress at the local hard rock cafe, she has red hair, blue eyes and her star sign is aries. in 2014 the european countries passed the freeuse law, the law has 3 main acts 1: The freeuse act allows anyone to have sex with anyone at any time and at any place, this includes everything from being used as a sexy toy for a quick fuck to oral and all the way to gangbangs. 2:...

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The Freeuse Rebellion

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. As I flipped from channel to channel it seemed every single one had interrupted their normal broadcast to cover this story. I had never thought the government would be able to pass this type of legislation, but there I was, seeing it firsthand. *click* "... this is the first time this type of law has ever been passed in human history..." *click* "... The new law, titled the Freeuse Resolution, establishes criminal prosecution for any woman in America over...

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Amazonian black escort tranny handsfree deepthroat

This is series im beginning. Short stories of sexual experiences predominantly jack off sessions and sexual encounters with thick plus size transgender women. Preferably however size may vary. All stories are expired or based on real life encounters.Her height was about 6 ft 3 very darker skin tone African American long weave very made up and done upSocial media and transfiaxtion My path to sexual Utopia began a few years ago. My first encounter with the transgender woman was as nerve-wracking...

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Freewill 504 Part 9 Brendas Back

Freewill 504: Part 9 Brenda's Back (By Chris A)Disclaimer: If you are u******e and/or easily offended by stories of an adult nature, then you should probably go away. This story and characters are purely fictitious, and any similarity to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Any one who believes they should try and recreate these situations and events in a real life situation needs to get serious help. With that said: enjoy!It had been two weeks since the night that Laura and Jamie had...

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Freewill 504 Part 8 Campus Slut

Freewill 504: Part 8 Campus Slut (By Chris A)Disclaimer: If you are u******e and/or easily offended by stories of an adult nature, then you should probably go away. This story and characters are purely fictitious, and any similarity to persons living or dead is purely coincedental. Any one who believes they should try and recreate these situations and events in a real life situation needs to get serious help. With that said: enjoy!It was a warm spring evening as I walked across the center of...

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Freewill 504 Part 7 Fun and Games

Freewill 504: Part 7 Fun and GamesMe and my two roommates sat quietly in our room studying. For me this wasn't an unusual way to spend a Friday night, especially so deep in a semester, but for Carol and Jessica, it was a rarity indeed. Usually their idea of studying included the stereo blasting and the television on at full volume so it could be heard over the music. This was doubly strange since it was a Friday night. They never stayed home on a weekend night. I sipped at my Diet Coke and...

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