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Freelance By Julie O Edited By Robert A Chapter 1 Cody Buckner glanced at his watch again; she was now twenty minutes late. His booth in the hotel bar gave him a good view of the only entrance, so there was no chance she could have come in without him seeing her. He reached over and picked up his drink, vodka straight up on ice with a slice of lime. He always drank it while he was conducting business, as it could be made to last a long time. At thirty-five, Cody was one of the most successful freelance writers in the country. He had done his time working for both newspapers and magazines, but for the past five years he worked for himself. His uncanny ability for getting the difficult to get interviews had made his reputation, that and the fact that people trusted him. Another advantage of being a freelance writer was that no one recognized him. He liked being deliberately anonymous. This had many benefits and it allowed him to conduct business without drawing undue attention. Another plus was that he could come and go as he pleased. He had some friends who loved the limelight, but it wasn't for him. He preferred not to be noticed. While he was paid well for his services, the greatest joy he got out of his job was the fact that he was respected for always writing the truth. Even his detractors had to begrudgingly admit that his articles were well researched and accurate. Some of his colleagues were proud about awards they had won, but for Cody his proudest achievements were winning three libel suites that had been brought against him. Testifying in court was the closest he came to enjoying the spotlight. In the last case, even the judge commented on how well Cody had defended himself while on the stand. Cody's appearance also aided him in his anonymity, as he was very average looking. He was five-eleven, had an average build, neither fat nor thin; and he had short brown hair and blue eyes. He was presently clean-shaven, although he occasionally grew a beard when he wasn't working. He looked at his watch again and thought about his current interview subject. She was definitely one of the more unique women that he had ever talked to. A few weeks earlier he had been contacted by a major women's magazine to do a feature interview with her. Up to that point he had never known she existed. The magazine had sent him a photo of her and Cody had to admit that she was a very attractive woman, but that wasn't enough to catch his interest. Many beautiful people were as interesting as a loaf of stale bread. What was strange was that the magazine provided very little information about her. In fact, they didn't even say why they were interested in her, other than the fact they were willing to pay him a large amount of money to interview her. This sort of mystery attracted Cody and after a few conversations on the phone, he felt as if he knew even less about her; Miranda Logan was in a class by herself. As soon as he had been given the initial assignment Cody conducted some background research on her, yet to his frustration he could find little information about Miranda. In some ways it was if she didn't have a past. What he discovered was that she was extremely wealthy, but he couldn't find exactly how she acquired her affluence. She had never been married, never attended college, and as far as he could tell never held a job. Additionally she had never been arrested, or even had a single speeding ticket anywhere. The more he dug, the less he found. Other than a few professional contacts, he could find few people who knew her. He wondered if she had been in the witness protection programs, since he could find no information on her older than five years. These facts just peaked his appetite to find out about her past and he was anxious to interview her. He was about to look at his watch again, when he saw her walk in; there was no mistaking the stunning redhead for anyone else. She was dressed in a black dress that looked as if it had been painted over her shapely body. All eyes in the bar locked onto her as she walked towards Cody's booth. "I'm sorry, I'm late, Mr. Buckner, I hope that you haven't been waiting long," she said as she slipped into the booth next to him. Chapter 2 He was instantly impressed with her. She was friendly, without being patronizing. She was very classy, without being snobbish. As soon as they started talking he could tell that she was very well educated and worldly; which was another mystery because he couldn't find any history of her attending any university or college. However, none of these things by themselves made her interesting enough to do an interview for a magazine. After a few minutes of small talk, Cody cut right to the chase and asked her why a major magazine wanted an interview with her. "Can you tell me why a major magazine would want me to conduct an interview with you? I mean, I'm not complaining or anything, their check didn't bounce, but why you?" Her answer caught him very much by surprise. She slipped her fingers casually through her hair and then took another sip of her drink. "My dear, Mr. Buckner, it's because I offer a very special service for women," she said as she deftly removed the olive from her martini and ate it. "Okay, I'll bite... what is that, Ms. Logan?" he asked with a sly smile on his face. "Why, for a fee, I transform men that have wronged women into women," she replied as she set her drink down. At first Cody thought someone was playing a joke on him, but then he could tell that Miranda was serious. "What do you mean?" he asked. "I run a service where I physically and mentally feminize males into women. I have a process that leaves them as a totally functional woman, able to perform in life, hold a job, get married, and have children...the works." He leaned back in the booth, not sure what to say next. He picked up his drink and took a sip and set it down. "Okay, assuming you're telling me the truth...why do you do this?" he asked. "That's why you've been hired, Mr. Buckner," she said as she slyly took another swallow of her drink. She was definitely playing hard to get, but Cody decided to play along. "Okay, now you said you do this service for women who have been wronged, let's start there," he said. "Aren't you going to pull out a notepad or a tape recorder?" she asked as she swirled her drink slightly. "Isn't that what reporters do?" Cody pointed to his head. "I don't use them. I have a perfect memory." "Really?" she asked as she motioned for the waitress. "And so you don't make mistakes?" "I always let the people I interview read the article first," he replied. "And you always allow them to make changes?" He shook his head. "No, but I give them a chance to explain their answer, like I said I don't make mistakes. I have close to total recall, would you like me to repeat everything you have said? " Miranda laughed. "That won't be necessary, Mr. Buckner." "Please call me Cody," he said. "Fair enough, and call me Miranda," she replied. The waitress arrived and took Miranda's order. In a few minutes she returned with a martini and a refill for Cody. "Okay, now that we have our drinks; would you please answer my question?" he asked. Miranda nodded. "Yes, I only do this service for women who have been wronged by a man. This includes divorces, financial mismanagement, physical and mental abuse, and employment issues just to name a few." "I see, and if a woman comes to see you, how do you check their story?" he asked. "I use a variety of services to verify their story," replied Miranda. "I will go into more detail later. However, I do turn away over half the women who request my service. Just like you, I have a reputation to uphold." Cody nodded. "How much do you charge for this process?" "I have a sliding-scale, it depends on the financial situation of the client," she replied. "Also, if I find the case interesting I will take it on without charging a fee." Cody rubbed his chin. "Now if you do decide to change a man, how do you do it?" Miranda shook her head. "I can't give you the details right now...that will come later, but let me say that when I'm done the person is outwardly a woman. They see themselves as a woman and function as a woman." "No offense, but as you're a woman, I doubt you would see being a woman as a punishment," he said. "That's correct, but for the men I transform, they do. See, I left out one little thing; they retain their memories of being male. They stay just below the surface, hidden to the rest of the world, but always with them. In time they will adjust, but it will take years. Most of them are very macho, proud in their masculine status; to suddenly find themselves forced to live their lives out as a woman is a living hell. Remember, that I make them capable of living out their lives as women; they are programmed to dress appropriately, wear makeup, and to be attracted to men sexually." Cody let out a low whistle. "Quite an effective punishment." "I also set them up with a career, one that is appropriate for their sentence," continued Miranda. "Like what?" asked Cody. "Oh, I recently transformed a sexist office manager; she is now a receptionist at the same firm. Another husband who robbed his ex-wife during their divorce; I turned him into a cocktail waitress, in fact she sometimes works here." "And they can't communicate the fact that they were once male?" asked Cody. "Correct, while I give them the ability and skills to function, I don't allow them any way to let others know their past. I also ensure they have a new identity to go with their lives. They are also programmed to have a strong sense of survival so suicide is also out of the question." "So, how do I know that you can do this? I assume you have proof?" he asked. Miranda reached into her purse and pulled out a Flash drive and a folded up document. "There are client profiles on this, along with information about some of the men that I've transformed. There is also information on their new identities. Before I hand it to you, I would like you to sign this privacy act. Now, I know your reputation as a researcher and the information on the drive will give you a good start." Cody took the privacy act from her and read it. It wasn't that uncommon in his line of work, although he wasn't sure it was necessary. Without solid proof who would believe him? Miranda didn't seem mentally disturbed, but her story was beyond belief and he wondered why she would want to be interviewed. If the process she talked about really existed, why tell the world about it? Still it was an intriguing concept. "I will give you a week to do the research, and then we will meet again," she said. "At that point you may start your interview with me." Cody nodded and signed the document. Miranda handed him the drive and stood up. "That's all?" he asked. "For now, Mr. Buckner, for now," she said then without another word she turned and left. Chapter 3 Cody returned to his apartment and immediately checked the contents of the Flash drive. He was surprised by the amount of information that Miranda had provided him. There were three case files on the drives. Each of the files profiled a man, including before and after information. There were names, addresses, and photos. If the photos were real, he had to admit that the transformation process was very effective. He never would have guessed that the women used to be men. All had very shapely figures, large breasts and hips, and were very pretty. The type of look that would attract men like blood attracted sharks. He leaned back in his chair and stared at the screen. The information provided was very detailed and he would easily be able to confirm it. However, his mind shifted to Miranda. Why would she want to be interviewed in the first place? Assuming that she was telling the truth, then women were able to find her, but how? Second, why would she want publicity? While he wasn't aware of any laws regarding sexual transformations, he was sure the authorities would find issues with what she was doing ranging from kidnapping to tax issues. Well, he would try and get these answers from her as he conducted his interview. He made himself a pot of coffee and then sat down to read the files provided by Miranda. While he always tried to be neutral when it came to his interviews, Cody had to admit that if the information in the files was correct, the men she had transformed deserved their fate. One had been a lawyer whose wife had put him through law school. He repaid her kindness by not only divorcing her so he could marry his secretary, but he also legally stole their life savings. He was now the cocktail waitress at the hotel bar where he had just had drinks with Miranda. According the file, the waitress had numerous lovers in the past two years that she had been working in the bar. Her IQ and ambition had been sufficiently lowered so that she would be content in her present job. Her only goal was to become a Playboy centerfold. Cody looked at her photo and could understand why she had a lot of lovers; she was an extraordinarily sexy looking woman. He discovered that Miranda was very through when it came to her job. She not only transformed the male into a woman, but she faked the man's death and ruined his reputation at the same time. Right after the lawyer disappeared, his partners discovered evidence of financial fraud. He was last seen leaving the harbor on his sailboat heading south towards Mexico. The boat was found a week later, looking as if it had been in a collision with a much larger ship. He was declared legally dead, which allowed his ex-wife to recover her savings. The second case was a guy who, for a lack of better words, was a con artist. He would date women, pretending to be a rich businessman, and once he gained their trust he would rob them blind. According to the file, he had robbed a dozen women over the past fifteen years. One of the women suspected what he was up to and hired Miranda who confirmed the woman's suspicions. The woman requested that Miranda find an appropriate new profession for the man so that he could redeem his life. Thanks to Miranda, "she" was now working in a hospice for the terminally ill. She now spent much of her time emptying bedpans and doing other tasks. The third case involved an office manager who sexually harassed numerous female workers. He would promise promotions in exchange for sexual acts. Of course he never kept his word. His biggest mistake was getting a nineteen-year-old intern pregnant and then having her fired when she complained. The mother of the girl hired Miranda who did quite a number on him. "She" was now the secretary for one of the women that he had sexually harassed. Of course the woman had no idea of her secretary's past. Additionally, the transformed sexist was now married and pregnant with her second child. The man's wealth had also been sent to the girl he impregnated as an anonymous gift. The money was sufficient to allow the woman to raise her baby and to buy a home. If this was the work of Miranda, it was an act of revenge worthy of The Twilight Zone, thought Cody. For the now transformed man to be a woman and to work for one of the women he had abused must be an awful punishment. Cody researched all the data in Miranda's files and if it was hoax, it was a extremely well executed one. All the names and events described in the files were verifiable, with the exception of the actual transformations. The three men that Miranda transformed were all listed as missing persons. Miranda had also uncovered various crimes the men committed ranging from tax evasion to fraud and had informed the appropriate authorities. It made the men's disappearances look as if they had fled the country. The last file concerned the actual transformation of one of the men. Cody opened it up and read how Miranda was able to physically transform the male in less than a day. There were even photos included of the transformation. All of the photos had a date-time imprint on them. The photos were of the transformation of the man in the third file, the one who was now a secretary. The first photo showed the man dressed in an expensive business suit. He was of average build and appeared to be in his late forties. Judging from the photo, he didn't work out and was putting on some extra pounds. His hair was turning gray and the hairline was receding. The second photo was an hour later and Cody was shocked by the changes. The man looked ten years younger. He was also thinner, as his suit looked two sizes too big. There was a look of confusion on the man's face, combined with a look of helplessness. The next photo was taken thirty minutes later and he was starting to look feminine. His face looked softer and younger. His cheekbones were more pronounced and his lips larger. The man's hair was now shoulder length, thicker looking, and curly. The color had also changed from black and gray to light blonde. If it was a wig, it was a good one, thought Cody. Cody noticed that the eyes of the man looked red as if he had been crying. The next photo showed the man, if you call him that, partially undressed. His business shirt was opened to show that he had developed large breasts. His hips were also larger. In fact, his body looked very feminine. With the exception of a small penis, there was little evidence that the person in the photo was a male. Cody was shocked at the last photo. It showed the now fully transformed man, make that woman, standing naked, holding her old male driver's license next to her face. Cody could see a slight resemblance, as if the nude woman was related to the man in the photo, but no one would suspect that they were the same. The woman was several inches shorter, much thinner, and at least half the age of the man. Cody studied the photos, looking for signs that they were fakes or had been changed via computer programs. He decided that if they were fakes, they were the best he had ever seen. There were so many small details in the photos; subtle things such as a small scar one of the fingers on the left hand, to have been faked. The files didn't include any information on how Miranda changed the man. He was definitely looking forward to his next meeting with her. Chapter 4 Cody spent the next couple of days digging for information on the people in the files Miranda had given him. He also drove around the city and verified their existence. While the files were very detailed, they could have been faked too. Part of what made him a good investigator was that he validated all information provided to him by his subjects. It wasn't that he was suspicious of other people; rather it was personal pride. When an article was published with his name on it, he liked the fact that he was believed. Of course, there was one part of this story that he couldn't confirm and that was how Miranda transformed the men, assuming that she really could. He dug into his sources and looked for any information on gender changes. There was nothing that validated the information in the files, nothing that looked legitimate anyway, he thought. There was plenty of fiction on gender changes, but nothing that looked real. He didn't rule out supernatural means, he had seen some strange things in his years of being a reporter. It was possible that Miranda had discovered a magical process. Still, what bothered him was why she wanted to publish her secrets; it didn't make sense. Chapter 5 "I take it you believe me," said Miranda over the phone. "I was able to verify the information in the files, however, you failed to include any proof that you are capable of performing the transformations," said Cody. "I will discuss that with you in person when you conduct the interview," she replied. "Okay," replied Cody. He hesitated for a moment and then decided he couldn't wait. "There's something else that I don't understand; why are you doing this in the first place? I mean, you apparently have a method of attracting clients, and verifying their claims. An article in a magazine would create a lot of scrutiny that I doubt you would want." "You are correct; I've been waiting for this question," she replied. "However, I have my reasons...reasons that I won't go into over the phone." "Does that mean you'll tell me in person?" he asked. "Maybe," she replied in a coy tone. "Okay, it's not my problem anyway, I'm just paid to do the's just that I don't like to see someone get into trouble. When this article hits the news stands it will turn your life upside down, you'll be inundated with questions, and it could put your life at risk." "I'm aware of that too, Mr. Buckner. It's nice to know that you do care about the people you interview, it's part of the reason I insisted that they use you in the first place. You have a very good reputation for being fair and compassionate." "Thank you," he replied. Her reply caught him off guard. "I've been a fan of yours for many years," she continued. "I've always been impressed by the way you so thoroughly research your topics. I also know that you've walked away from some rather lucrative offers because you wouldn't violate your principals. That is very enlightening in this day and age." "I think you better stop before my ego gets the best of me," he replied with a slight laugh. "So when do we meet again?" "Tomorrow afternoon at the same place as before, if that's okay with you? I'm a bit of a regular there," she said. "Sounds good, what time?" he asked. "Two, by then the lunch crowd will be long gone," she said. "See you tomorrow at two," he replied. Chapter 6 Cody sat at his desk in his apartment and reviewed the notes he had complied for the third time. He did this partly to be ready for the upcoming interview with Miranda and also to look for anything he might have missed. There was still something about this whole interview that didn't make sense. Sometimes when he went on an interview he would inform his lawyer, just in case something went wrong. But he didn't feel that this was necessary. After all, he was meeting Miranda in a public place in the middle of the afternoon. He looked at his watch and saw that it was time. He grabbed his case and headed out the door. Unlike the previous meeting, Miranda was waiting for him. She was seated in a booth in the back of the bar. As she had said, the bar was virtually empty with only two other people, besides staff, inside. He walked over to Miranda's booth and she stood up to greet him. "I'm so glad that you came," she said as she hugged him and then gave him a slight kiss on the cheek. "I wouldn't have missed it," he replied. "I took the liberty of ordering you a drink, vodka, straight with a slice of lime, correct?" He nodded as smiled as he sat down next to her. Miranda was dressed in black slacks and a white long sleeve silk blouse. She had a simple gold chain around her neck and small gold hoped earrings. "Well, cheers and here's to a successful interview," she said as she held up her drink. Cody tapped his drink to hers and then took a sip. He usually didn't like to drink when he did the actually interview, but one drink wouldn't hurt. "Where do you want to start?" she asked. "I assume you verified all the data in the files I gave you." "Of course," he replied in a matter-of-fact manner. "I thought you would," she said. "You don't seem the type to take information at face value." "That would be the lazy way of doing it...not my style," he answered. She nodded knowingly as she took a sip of her drink. "How do your clients contact you? I mean, I doubt if you have ads in the newspaper," he asked. She shook her head. "No, I don't use ads. I have associates who work at a variety of organizations, when they see a likely client, they give them my card." "I assume that these contacts are lawyers, therapists, doctors," he listed. Miranda nodded. "Yes, you're correct." That made sense, he thought. "So what happens when a woman contacts you?" "I take their information and then research their case. If I can find proof that they're telling me the truth then I contact them and we make the arrangements." "You mean you do all your own research? I would think you'd have a staff," he said. "Not yet, I haven't found the right person," she replied. Cody took another sip of his drink. "Now, when you decide to take on a case, what happens next?" "I meet with the male in question. That's the easy part, I find out where they hang out and make myself available to them. Then when the moment is right, I give them the serum." "Serum?" he asked. "Yes, the formula was discovered in an ancient manuscript in a museum in Paris, eighty years ago. The woman who found it tried it on her husband and to her delight it worked. She then came up the idea of creating the organization that I work for." "You mean there are others out there doing this?" he asked. "Do they know what you're about to do?" Miranda nodded. "Yes, we have offices in seventy countries. Some are assigned in the revenge department like me, others assist transgendered males in their journey into womanhood, and still others work to place women in seats of power, in business and government." Cody wondered if this was a good time to get up and leave, it was getting stranger than he had imagined. "Now, back to the serum, it's odorless, colorless, and has no taste. Just six drops is enough to start the transformation. Once the male has digested the serum they become docile and easily controllable. Then the real changes can start, and the male can be manipulated into whatever body shape and personality we desire," continued Miranda. "By the time the male know what is happening to them, it is too late." "So the process is irreversible?" he asked. "That is correct; once it has been digested there is no going back. Oh, the person's looks and personality can be modified, but they are on the road to being a woman," she continued. "I saw the photos in the file and the changes appear to start fairly rapidly," he commented. "That is correct. Of course, it all depends on the concentration of the serum and the modifications," she said as she glanced at her watch. "By now, you should be able to notice the changes in your own body." "What did you say?" he asked as he almost spit out his drink. "I put a rather concentrated dose in your drink," she replied in a matter of fact manner. "The changes have started and there's no turning back." Cody felt a wave of panic sweep through his body. He started to get up to leave, but was stopped by Miranda. "Please sit down, Corinne, you're not going anywhere my dear," ordered Miranda in a soft tone. "Corrine?" he asked as he sat down, shocked how easily he obeyed her command. "Yes, it's a much nicer name for a young lady than Cody," continued Miranda. He shook his head in protest. "You're crazy." "No, my dear, I'm not crazy. Now, what's your name? Tell me your name my dear young girl." Fighting back panic, he tried to say his old name, but the words would not come out of his mouth, instead he could only say his new name. "Corrine." Miranda smiled. "See how easy that was?" "But why, I haven't done anything to hurt women?" he asked in a tone that bordered on pleading. "That's true, my dear, but you do fill a need," replied Miranda. "The transformation is well underway. I suggest that you start to accept that you'll soon be a woman." "This isn't possible," he replied. "I'm not turning into a woman." "What's your name again?" she asked. "It's Corrine," he replied automatically. "Sounds like a girl's name if you ask me. Your voice also sounds like a woman's now," she said. Corrine gasped and his hands automatically went up to his throat. "I'm not a girl." Corrine shook his head and reached up without thinking to brush back his hair. He stopped and glanced over at the mirrored wall and saw that his hair was now shoulder-length and growing longer. "No, you're not a girl yet, but it's just a matter of time. Now, my dear, look at your hands." Corrine did as ordered and struggled to catch his breath. They were now smaller and almost dainty. His nails were also longer and womanly. The changes were happening before his eyes. "That's right, they look so feminine now, you're going to need a manicure though," said Miranda, as she reached for her purse. She pulled out a nail file. "Here, I can help you, give me your hand, my dear girl." Miranda took one of Corrine's hands and began to shape the reporter's nails. He watched in fascination as she shaped each nail, and then applied a coat of clear polish on each one. Miranda told him that she would take him to get a real manicure later. A growing sense of horror filled his body. He knew that somehow Miranda was changing him into a woman, and he was helpless to do anything about it. He then noticed that his shirt felt tight across his chest, he looked down to see that he was developing breasts. He could see erect nipples pressing outward from his shirt. "Yes, that's part of the deal, they'll soon be much larger," said Miranda as she finished Corrine's nails. "Now, let me apply a little makeup on your face." "Please," begged Corrine. "Don't do this to me." "Nonsense, you'll look so pretty by the time I'm done with you," she said as she applied lipstick to Corrine's lips. Corrine did as he was ordered and could only observe as Miranda made him up. "Not too much as it's early in the day, just a little eyeliner and some shadow. I want you to look classy," commented Miranda. "Oh, I'm so glad you have pierced ears, I have a darling set of hoops that will look great on you." Corrine struggled to regain control, but it was impossible, with each passing moment he was becoming more and more feminine. He looked down and saw that his breasts were now rather prominent. There was no hiding them now. He stared at his reflection in the mirror and he now looked like a young woman dressed in male clothing and he suddenly felt foolish as the clothing was too big and obviously the wrong gender now. "Don't worry about your wardrobe, I have some things here for you," said Miranda, as if she could read Corrine's mind. "The women's room is to your right, let's go there and get you into something more appropriate." Miranda stood up and motioned Corrine to follow her. Once inside the lavatory, Miranda ordered Corrine to undress. "Place those male clothes on the sink, fold them up nicely as we'll give them to Goodwill," ordered Miranda. "Don't worry about us being interrupted, it has been arranged so we're not going to be disturbed." Corrine nodded and stripped down. With the exception of a tiny penis, Corrine looked like a young woman. "Yes, my dear, soak in your new body. That little thing between your legs will soon morph into more appropriate sexual organs...appropriate for a young woman." Corrine stared at her new body. She was now several inches shorter and much younger. She estimated that she was probably in her early twenties now. Her breasts were firm and round. Her nipples were large and dark in color. In fact her whole appearance was darker in tone. Her hair was now a dark brunette and her eyes were now brown. She wasn't sure but she thought she looked slightly Hispanic or maybe Italian in her looks. She also noticed that she have a very nice figure. Without thinking, she immediately knew her measurements. She was now 38-24-36. Her once muscular body was thin and soft. Corrine also noticed that with the exception of a small patch of brunette pubic hair, she was totally hairless from the head down. Miranda handed her a bra and a matching set of panties. "These should fit, Corrine." Corrine looked at the undergarments. They were both black lace and obviously expensive. To her shock she suddenly found the idea of wearing them appealing. "You'll find that you now prefer to wear sexy things, you're going to discover that you're very proud of your new body too, and that you don't mind showing it off," explained Miranda. Corrine slipped on the panties and then put on the bra. She noticed that her miniscule penis barely showed any more. Miranda handed Corrine a black dress. "This should fit nicely." The dress was a bit tight at first, but was made of a material that immediately seemed to form to Corrine's figure. The dress was cut low and showed off Corrine's cleavage. "Very nice," said Miranda. "Here are your shoes." Corrine took the open-toed high heels and slipped them on. To her shock, she discovered that she had no trouble standing or walking in them. She stared at herself in the mirror and was actually pleased with her appearance. If she was going to be a woman, at least she was an attractive looking one. "Let me do something with your hair," said Miranda. "I wanted you to experience long hair, but it can be hard to deal with. After a while you can get it styled short if you wish." Corrine's hair length was to the small of her back. Miranda began to style it into a French braid. "This will do for now." When she finished she stood back and admired her creation. "You look lovely, Corrine." "But why?" asked Corrine. "Come with me and I'll explain everything to you," said Miranda. Chapter 7 Miranda led Corrine out of the bar and to the elevator. "I took the liberty of reserving a suite for you," said Miranda. "Your new home isn't ready yet." They stepped into the elevator and Miranda pressed the button for the tenth floor. "I'll be missed," said Corrine. "No, not really," replied Miranda. "People will just assume you're off covering a story. Information has been planted in your apartment concerning a story on the drug cartels. All information related to me has been removed." "My friends will notice I'm missing," said Corrine. "What friends?" asked Miranda. "You have led a rather solitary life, a bit of a lone wolf if I don't say so. You have no close friends, no family to speak of, no boss, and no colleagues to speak of; it's part of the reason why you were selected, that and the fact that you're an excellent reporter. The editor that hired you works for us too. Here's your floor." They stepped out of the elevator and walked down the hall. Miranda stopped in front of one of the doors and took out an electronic key. She handed the key to Corrine. "Open the door," said Miranda. Corrine did as she was told and stepped inside the suite. It was obviously an expensive room judging by the furnishings. "You'll be staying here for a week or so as you adjust to your new life," said Miranda. "Your new home will be ready by then." "People will just think that I was killed while working on the drug story," said Corrine as she looked around the elegant hotel suite. "That's correct, evidence will be planted that will give credibility to that theory," said Miranda who closed the door. "Check out the bedroom." Corrine did as she was told and walked into the bedroom. "You'll find that everything you'll need is here, clothing, jewelry, shoes, makeup, and pretty much anything else you'll need," explained Miranda. Corrine sat down on the edge of the king-sized bed. "Okay...why?" "Not yet, my dear, you still have something that you must do first," replied Miranda. Corrine looked confused. "What do you want me to do?" "You need to consummate your transformation," said Miranda. "You obviously still have residual male feelings and these must be purged." Corrine shook her head. "I...I don't understand, what do you want me to do?" "Tell me, Corrine, as a male what did you consider yourself in terms of sexual orientation?" "Hetero," replied Corrine immediately. "And now?" Corrine hesitated. My god, she realized that she was now attracted sexually to both men and women. "Tonight you will dress up and head down to the bar. I doubt you'll have any problems in attracting a man," continued Miranda. "Allow yourself to be picked up and relish your new body. By the time you go out tonight you will be completely female. Well, physically anyway." " want me to...sleep with a man?" asked Corrine. She was stunned by what Miranda was saying, but at the same time intrigued. "Yes, by doing this you will become whole. Tomorrow, I will explain all to you and you will be more accepting of your new life," said Miranda who started to leave. "Where are you going?" asked Corrine anxiously. "I'll be back tomorrow, my dear. Have fun and enjoy your new body," said Miranda. Chapter 8 To her horror, Corrine did exactly as Miranda had ordered her to do. She took great care in applying her makeup and selecting her outfit for the night. She settled on a strapless red and black patterned dress. It fit her new body perfectly. This really didn't surprise her, as Miranda obviously transformed her to fit very exact specifications. She was now a complete woman, as her penis had totally disappeared and was replaced with a vagina. The strange thing about it was how normal it suddenly all felt, at least on the outside. Corrine looked at herself in the mirror and actually pleased with her appearance, at least on the outside. Deep down, Cody couldn't believe what was happening. He was now an extremely sexy looking young woman. He clung at the remaining aspects of his old life, but it was difficult. Outwardly, she was looking forward to finding a sexual partner for the evening, inwardly he was mentally screaming. She applied one last coat of lipstick and then grabbed her purse. She put her key in her bag and headed down to the bar. For Cody it was like watching a movie, knowing that there was nothing he could do to stop what was happening. He wondered what Miranda meant by becoming whole. Then he felt his female side take over and his masculinity drifted away. It was obvious that this evening would Corrine's and she would not tolerate any interference from Cody. Corrine stepped into the crowded bar and stopped, partly to look around, but also to allow the men there to see her. Judging by the number of men staring at her, she had accomplished her first task and this pleased her. She sauntered over to the bar and took a seat on one of the stools. She deftly crossed her legs and made a slight motion with her hand that immediately attracted the bartender. "What can I get you, gorgeous?" asked the bartender. "Vodka straight up, with a twist of lime," she replied. To her surprise, she didn't mind the fact that the bartender called her gorgeous. He nodded and quickly returned with her drink. Corrine knew she was the center of attention and was enjoying it immensely. The thought that so many men wanted her sent waves of sexual energy through her body. She could feel her nipples harden. There was also a moist feeling in her panties. The only thing remaining was who she would take to bed. This was a sense of power that she had never known to exist and she liked it intensely. She thought about the way her new body moved and seemed to flow as she walked. It was so simple to turn it up a notch and gain the attention of the men in the bar. She then thought about the way she had been as a guy and she knew that Cody would have fallen head-over-heels for Corrine. As she thought about her new situation she sipped her drink and studied the men in the bar. She quickly dismissed the first couple of men who approached her. Granted she was polite, but she wasn't going to go to bed with the first man who approached. She also wanted her first time to be special. The first ones were too bold, too full of themselves, too young; no she would wait for the right one. Just as she finished her drink, a man walked over and asked if he could buy another for her. Corrine looked at him and nodded. He was quite handsome in his tailored and quite expensive business suit. Corrine estimated he was in his late forties. He stood around six feet and appeared to be in excellent physical shape. His hair was brown, with just a touch of gray. He also had deep blue eyes. Corrine continued to study him. He was obviously a man of power and wealth, but he wore it well. He was wearing a Rolex watch, but it was an older model, so it may have had it for a long time. Everything about him announced that he was rich and powerful. However, money wasn't everything and she noticed a few other things about him that she found attractive. He wore a simple gold ring on one of his fingers. It was not a wedding ring; she wasn't going to sleep with a married man; no it had the emblem of the Harvard etched into it. He also had a pin in his lapel that Corrine recognized as the golden wings of a US naval aviator. Even though he attended an Ivy League college, he decided to serve his country and that he wasn't ashamed of his service, this was another trait that Corrine found appealing. "I'm Mac," he said as he extended his hand. "Pleased to me meet you, I'm Corrine," she replied. "Did you say your name was Mac?" He nodded and grinned. She immediately liked his smile. "It's what my friends call me. My real name is Laughlin; I was named after my grandfather, he was from Aberdeen Scotland." "I can see why you use Mac," she replied. "It's a lot easier," he said. "So, are you in town for business?" Corrine nodded. "And you?" "Business meeting that just finished. I fly out in the morning," he said. "Do you have plans for dinner?" Corrine shook her head as she looked into his eyes. "No, and none for breakfast either." Mac grinned back. "Well, let's see what we can do about that." He extended his hand and Corrine took it, and he helped her off the stool. He then slipped his arm around her waist and escorted her out of the bar. "Would you like to go up to my room?" he whispered. Corrine nodded. "Good, I like a woman who isn't afraid to let a man know what she wants," he said. They walked together to the elevator and he pressed the button for the top floor. On the ride up, He leaned over and kissed her softly, his hands caressing her body, his hand slipping deftly up under the short hemline of her dress. Corrine trembled in anticipation as she totally surrendered to Mac. Mac led Corrine to his room, which turned out to be a luxurious penthouse suite. "This is incredible," commented Corrine as they stepped inside and admired the furnishings. "I know it's a little over the top, but when I travel I like to have the best," said Mac. He closed the door and then picked up the phone. "Room service? Please send up a bottle of champagne, What? Yes, that is fine." Corrine looked out the window as Mac placed his order. He walked up behind her and took her into his arms. "And you, Corrine are by far the best thing about this trip," he said as he began to kiss Corrine's neck. As he kissed her, he began to unzip her dress and it slipped down to the floor. Mac ran his hands down her body, pausing only momentarily to undo her bra. "Unbraid your hair," he whispered. Corrine did as he requested and her long hair soon flowed freely. He then gently pulled her panties down and had her step out of them. She was now completely naked, with the exception of her high heels. "Leave the shoes on," he ordered. There was a knocking at the door. He motioned for her to go sit down on the couch, which could not be seen from the front door. To her surprise, sitting naked, while hearing Mac accept the champagne was extremely thrilling. He walked over with the champagne and two flutes. He never took his eyes off her as he popped up the bottle and filled the glasses. He then handed her one and gently touched his glass to hers. "To tonight," he toasted as he sat down next to her. "To tonight," she repeated. Chapter 9 Corrine cuddled close to Mac's body. He was now sound asleep, and while she was exhausted, she was too excited to sleep. Over the past three hours she had experienced one new sensation after another. She thought about what she had done and realized she had no regrets. Just as Miranda had said, she was now whole. There was no longer any feeling of being male; it had evaporated in the lovemaking to Mac. Yes, she still retained Cody's memories and thoughts, but she no longer considered herself male, or for that matter had any desires to become a male again. She knew that her fling with Mac was a one-night deal, and yet she had no reservations. It had been good for both of them. The only thing on her mind was why Miranda had transformed her. But those answers would come later; she closed her eyes and fell asleep next to Mac. Chapter 10 They made love again in the morning. It had been as good as the night before, maybe even better. Corrine couldn't believe the intense power of her new orgasms. It was superior to anything she had ever known as a male. As they ate breakfast, Mac told her how much he had enjoyed being with her. There was no discussion about seeing each other again, and Corrine accepted this as part of the deal. In many ways she was relieved about this as she had no idea what the future held for her. An hour later she was back in her hotel room, lost in thoughts about her night of passion with Mac. An hour later the phone rang; it was Miranda. "Good morning, Corrine. Can I come up and chat?" she asked. Corrine laughed. "I hope you do more than just chat." A short time later Miranda was sitting next to Corrine. "So, how was it?" asked Miranda. Corrine smiled. "It was delicious; I never knew it would feel that good." "I'm glad you feel that way. So, no more conflict?" "No, I know that I used to be a male, but I feel no internal conflict anymore. Now my turn, why did you do this to me?" Miranda refilled her cup with coffee. "It's the way it's always been done," she replied. Corrine looked confused. "What do you mean by that?" "You have been recruited to work for the same organization that I do," explained Miranda. Corrine didn't reply; she was too much in shock. "I told you the truth yesterday; I do work for an organization that transforms males. I work in the department that hands out punishment and I would like you to be my assistant." "You mean you want me to research if the accused men are guilty of their crimes?" asked Corrine. Miranda nodded. "I told you I was looking for a research assistant. We need to uncover indisputable proof of their guilt before we take action. We needed the best and that's why we recruited you." "But why not use a real woman?" "You are a real woman, silly," replied Miranda as she giggled. Corrine rolled her eyes. "You know what I mean!" "You have a big advantage, Corrine, you know how men think, how they act, when they are lying; this sort of insight is vital in this line of work." "I suppose that makes sense," replied Corrine. "You will be provided a new identity and will be paid well. Eventually, if you wish, you can take a position like me," continued Miranda. Corrine thought about what Miranda said, doing research for this group wouldn't be that different than what she had been doing as a reporter. Then it hit her and she looked into Miranda's eyes. "It took you long enough, yes, I too used to be a man; in fact almost all field operatives used to be male," said Miranda as she giggled. "It's just the way it has been done." "I never would have guessed you had been a male." "Thank you, I've been living as Miranda for four years now, before that I was a lawyer for twenty-five years when I was recruited. I had just been fired by my firm for refusing to help them commit fraud in a divorce case," she explained. "I was recruited in a similar way that you were. A woman requested me to serve as her attorney in a divorce case and...well you know the story. "Any regrets?" asked Corrine. Miranda shook her head. "None at all. It's a good life and a worthwhile profession. We have exacting rules on who we go after; this isn't just arbitrary revenge or attacks on men." "So we punish men who have escaped conventional punishment?" asked Corrine. "Yes, but we have rules, rather strict ones. We'd rather err on the side of the accused than transform an innocent man. The most important rule is that the man has to have escaped prosecution in court, either civil or criminal. Now, a big part of the punishment is what I told you earlier, they are functioning women, but retain all knowledge of being male. We then put then in an appropriate new life. The one thing we don't do is put them in an abusive situation. We may make them oversexed, but we don't turn them into whores or sex slaves. We may lead them to the altar, but it will be with a loving and protective husband. Often giving them an ordinary life as a woman is enough punishment for them." "Okay, I'm in, when do I start work?" asked Corrine. "Are you sure?" Corrine nodded. "This is the type of job that I like. I will let you know upfront that I won't lie or makeup information. I'm very proud of my reputation." Miranda reached into her briefcase and pulled out a file. "That's why I recommended you and I was hoping you'd agree; here's your first assignment." Corrine took the file and opened it, as she read it a sly smile appeared on her face. Chapter 11 Two months later, Corrine Cordova sat her computer in her house over looking the ocean. She was finishing her report on her third assignment. His name was Dennis Ford and he was an up and coming politician in Massachusetts. While he was currently serving in his local city council, it was obvious that his ambitions went far beyond the local political level. The word was that he wanted to run for Congress and possibly higher office. The problem was that beneath his outward demeanor he was totally corrupt. He was currently involved in graft and had no problems selling his vote to the highest bidder. When he wasn't doing that he was actively diverting pubic funds into his personal bank accounts. He was also very slick about his actions; he may have been greedy, but he was also very careful. He made sure that he was surrounded by people who would protect him. He paid them well and expected loyalty for these payments. However, this wasn't enough to attract the attention of the organization that Corrine now worked for; the world was filled with crooked politicians. It was what he had done to cover up some of his misdeeds that led to him being investigated by Corrine. A young woman working in city hall noticed some missing funds and traced them to Dennis's office. She determined that he was misappropriating the money and, fearing that the local authorities wouldn't do a thing against Dennis, she planned on contacting the state authorities. Unfortunately for her, he found out what she was doing and he planted drugs in her car. He then tipped the police, who arrested the woman. He also planted evidence that she was the one stealing public funds. The information that she had collected had been destroyed when her apartment mysteriously caught fire as she sat in jail. She was about to go on trial for a variety of charges. If convicted on all charges she would be spending twenty years in a state prison. Dennis smugly thought he had gotten away with it, but he hadn't counted on the woman's mother calling Miranda, who in turn assigned it to Corrine. As Corrine finished up her report she called Miranda. "What have you found out?" asked Miranda. "I thought that something that lived under a rock was slimy. This guy takes that to a whole new level. I have the evidence that shows that Dennis is involved in all sorts of illegal activities. I had to hack into his home computer files; I now have more than enough proof to put him away for many years. He's quite a piece of work. I'm just finishing typing it as we speak." "Superb work, Corrine. I knew we made the right choice when we recruited you," complimented Miranda. "Thank you. This is going to be a tricky one, Miranda. We could turn it over to the authorities, but there's little promise that they'll get a conviction." "Why is that?" "Assuming that it could be admitted as evidence, he still might be able to beat the charges. I didn't exactly use legal means to access his files. He's a smart one and he did a good job hiding the bribes...I mean contributions. Also, the people who bribed him aren't the types to testify. It could come down to his word verses hers and he is quite popular and charming. He also comes from a rich family and that means he could hire the best lawyers to throw up a big enough legal smokescreen to hide the facts." "I agree," said Miranda. "It sounds like it's a job for us." "So... what are we going to do to this pig?" Miranda laughed. "I have a few things in mind. He definitely needs an attitude adjustment." "Tell me more," asked Corrine as she finished typing up her report. "I think he needs time to contemplate what he has done and how he hurt an innocent person who was just doing her job. He also needs to put his drive for public service into a more useful career; one that is devoted to hard work and charity, with little thought to material gain, I think she'll make a wonderful nun." Corrine almost choked from laughter. "You're kidding, right?" "No, not at all, she'll end up in a convent in a third world country where she can spend hours thinking about how many young people she betrayed." "Yes, there's a certain poetic justice about it. It has potential," replied Corrine. "I can send evidence anonymously to a reporter I used to know up there. That should be more than enough to clear the woman he framed." "Good, so while you're at it can you come up with a way we can make him disappear?" "Yes, some of the people who made campaign contributions to him are the rather unforgiving types. I have information that ties them to the fire that burned down her apartment. What if it were to slip out that he was going to provide testimony against them?" "You mean the mob?" "Yes, shocking isn't it? If he suddenly and mysteriously disappeared, the authorities would suspect that the mob did it. Normally, I'm not in favor of framing people, but we're not exactly talking about choir boys here. The fact is he did take bribes from them to swing a couple of new bridge construction projects their way. If you time his disappearance with when they pour the concrete footings for one of the bridges, it may start a rumor. Sort of like the one about Jimmy Hoffa being buried at that football stadium that was under construction at the time." "You are good, I'm glad you're on our side." "I'm the best. By the way, I just finished the report; do you want me to bring it by?" "That would be nice, Corrine. We could do lunch together and then I could tell you about your next assignment." Corrine grinned. "Goody! I can't wait." The End

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My previous sexual partner was a bit, shall we say, fragile. She talked a big game but whenever we had sex she would quite often split and it was quite painful for her.After we split up and I started dating Jess, I was still used to being as gentle as humanly possible during sex that I didn't even realise that she wasn't enjoying our encounters as much as she could. Sure she orgasmed, always during foreplay and often from penetration, but I didn't realise how much better it could be.One night...

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An Ass Can Stretch for Miles

A visual voice mail alert rang through the dining room area. I had grabbed my phone from the charger and see the message I had missed. It was the little piece of shit, Charles, the slave. I had not heard from him in two years since my last encounter with him. Charles is 41 years old. He is an anti-social man with an asshole which can stretch for hours. He loves to be a cum slut and eats his own cum. I have trained Charles to be subservient to me, yet I was bored with him. I had sought out other...

4 years ago
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Z Facing the World and Getting PaidChapter 17 Ted Ullman ndash Warm Springs Spa and Hot Tubs

His BS&O response simply asked, “Do you have an in call? -tedu” I hated to waste $0.50 but I responded, “No. Make me want to see you. You could give me a phone number -Z3” His response gave a phone number but added “Don’t call text ‘Loose 10 kilos fast. Ask me how.’ I will call you back.” That response looked like the guy was cheating on a GF or wife. I sent the text. An hour later I answered the phone. “Hello.” “Are you Z3?” “Call me Z. And who might you be?” “Ted U, Ted...

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My First Time with an Older Man

I was working at a factory in my hometown over the summer. I was a19-year-old college student at the time and I needed the money. The workwasn't hard, just boring. Worse yet, my hometown was a fairly small andun-interesting place as well. My mind wandered a lot during the day and italways ended up wandering to the same thing. Ever since I had discoveredpornography on the internet, I have been obsessed.I didn't have my own computer in college so I always had to use someoneelse's. During...

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Lost and Found in London

Her piercing blue eyes flicked from the map to the city vista before her, then back to the map once more. Like everyone, she carried a smartphone but there was something special, something tactile about a paper map. A more authentic, genuine and personal experience and she liked that.As the cold December air fluttered the map in her hands she could barely believe she was here. She’d never done anything like this in her entire life. It was totally out of character for her. Or was it? Did she...

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Breaking the Rules

I woke up one morning and came downstairs to find pet making breakfast. I sat down to the table and read the morning paper she had placed on the table. One of her duties is to put the morning paper at my place so I can read it before going to work. I was reading it when she put breakfast in front of me. Something was strange - normally, I get a perky "Good Morning, Master!" from my pet, but today she was quiet and reserved. I didn't think much of it at the time and went on about getting ready...

1 year ago
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Tamaras turn to televise toppling an old tab

Tamara's turn to televise toppling an old tabooThe first thing you notice about her is the close cropped bright red dyed hair. It’s loud. Then it would be the piercings – a little silver stud through each dimple in her round cheeks, a couple of small rings through her left eyebrow, two more in her left nostril, and half a dozen through each ear. After that it’s probably the sleeve tattoo that runs from her left hand right up the arm and onto her shoulder. After all that it might well be that...

3 years ago
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Life for rent Part 4

Life for rent Part 4 Chapter 20 I think about the bizarre sexual encounter I just had. What the hell it meant. The psychotic manipulativeness of it. The actions of an extremely unhinged unstable woman. I think about all the pressure on me. All the expectations. The way I'm supposed to behave. The things I'm supposed to do. I don't understand the world any more. I don't fit in. I just don't belong. I just don't remember. I think about the razor blade in my hand. The cold steel...

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Chloe My Cumslut Cousin

It was the winter of 2003 the bell had just indicated the end of the school day and I now had to make the 20 minute walk to my aunties house as she would look after me until my mum had finished work. I was standing outside the school gates waiting for my cousin Chloe, she was in the year below me and every school day for the past 4 months we had been walking to her house together. Once she arrived we started the walk, snow had been on and off continually throughout the day and it was starting...

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Ecstasy Upon the Seventh Scaffold

Ursula’s cunt tingled wildly, her clitoris poking its beak-like protrusion hard against the rub of her fingers, as she savoured the delightful magnitude of what her dominance was to reward him with, and her anticipation of his reaction to absolute defeat when he faced what he’d earned. In a spiteful tease to deceive him initially, the cart had set out on a route in the opposite direction to that which it now headed, but now, having taken a circular route, the cruel pleasure of his mistress...

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Freeing Samir

I’d waited so long because I knew it was the last time. We were in the special place I had created. The sea lapped against the shore and the sun was setting on the horizon. It was casting beautiful warm colours across the sky. His hot, naked and toned body pressed against mine beneath the white cotton sheets. On our four-poster bed, surrounded by sheer drapes, my paradise island was around me, but the location didn’t matter because all I could feel was his huge phallus penetrating into my very...

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Deep in my Mothers Ass

My mother has always been afraid of Thunder Storms, especially at night. For as long as I can remember, whenever there was a storm my mom would come into my room and climb onto my bed so she wouldn't have to be alone. Early on we would cuddle up in each others arms and hold each other. But as I got older this innocent behavior soon stoped seeming so innocent. So mother eventually stopped holding me and settled for just lying face down on the bed next to me.Mom may not have been very...

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The Confession

THE CONFESSION "Shit," I said as I almost tripped. It was morning when I got out of bed to go to the loo and almost tripped up over the panties that were lying on the floor. I bent down and picked them up and looked at them and thought when do panties stop being panties and become big knickers. I continued out to the toilet still holding the panties and sat down to pee. I held them up and thought, wow, these are big. They were black with a decorative panel in the front with a...

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The RescueChapter 6 Carolines Story

Caroline Jenson woke as she often did, with her nightgown pushed up around her waist and her husband’s rampant manhood pressed into her backside. Her husband’s wealth often showed itself in little ways, but the oddest had to be the fact that they could indulge every day in a cherished institution enjoyed by most Americans only on some weekends. They could sleep late every morning and make love when they woke. Nobody had to go to work, nobody had to cook breakfast, and nobody had to get up to...

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Vor der Kste des Jemen

Ralf und Torsten sahen keiner rosigen Zukunft entgegen. Anfangs war alles anders gewesen. Den beiden hatte ein Fitnessstudio in Bochum gehört das zwar nicht wirklich Gewinn abgeworfen hatte aber genug zum Überleben erwirtschaftet hatte. Durch zu viel Fernsehkonsum und den Scheidungen von ihren Ehefrauen animiert hatten sich die beiden Mitvierziger dann eines Abends entschieden alles zu verkaufen und ein neues Leben als "Auswanderer" zu beginnen. Viel war nicht übriggeblieben, nachdem die Banken...

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Sexual Escapade With Extremely Beautiful Rita Aunt

Hi, this is Snow from Bangalore. I am 28 years old with an ideal physique. I am an open-minded person and I like to keep myself active by involving in sports activities. And I work in a reputed law firm in Bangalore. Without wasting any of your time, let me jump into the story. It was the summer of May 2006. I had attained physical and legal maturity just then and was waiting for my exam results. It is common to visit relatives’ place during the summer vacation and I had planned to spend my...

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Collateral Synopsis  Unbeknown to her, Lucy is put forward as collateral for a gambling debt payment. She hasn?t money so must give her body, something her stubbornness and pride refuses to do. Can she survive the Boss?s painful methods of persuasion?   Collateral  by obohobo   Warnings  Please take note!  The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC. Spanking If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is illegal i...

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The Train Journey ndash Part 1

It is a muggy day in July and my company have asked me to go to London for a few days to resolve a number of issues, which are causing immense problems with one of the live computer systems we designed and built for our customer.As I board the 6:45am to Marylebone, I catch sight of a very attractive dark-haired lady boarding through the next doorway, but into the same carriage. We both head down the aisle towards one another until we meet at a face-to-face table seat at exactly the same...

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Keiths Subversion The Meeting

I'm not sure when, or where, I first met met Keith. It was probably on one of the many fetish websites that I have visited. At the time I had, and still do have, a panty fetish. I just love to see a cute sexy body in panties. Male or female, I don't mind just as long as it is cute and sexy.Keith was most definitely cute and sexy! It was his first time, well so he said. His wife was out and he was just browsing. He'd got a pair of her worn panties and had been sniffing them and thought he would...

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A Double Seduction part 4

This is meant to be the final scene in Double Seduction video.Inga is lying in her bed and talking on the phone when the scene begins. She has on a short t-shirt over her new monokini thong, and we hear her side of the conversation.“You’ve already given me so much, Diana, you really don’t have to give me anything more for my birthday.”“Okay, then, come over around 8, and I’ll model for you all of the new lingerie you ordered for me. And I insist that you have to be wearing your very sexiest...

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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 67

Always the polite hostess, Jessica agreed. As Janice helped her into the strap-on she thought about Rose and Rebecca, wondering if she might get to fuck one or both of them later on. It seemed like almost too much to ask for, so Jessica decided to put it from her mind, concentrate on the task at hand, and hope for the best.Once the artificial cock was securely in place, Janice dropped to her knees to suck it. She made quite a production of the “blowjob,” licking up and down and around, using...

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Party of Five

Eighteen years of marriage, my fortieth birthday just around the corner, two teenage kids and a husband who travels a lot doesn't always make for a stellar sex life. In fact, about three years ago, I quit keeping track of the times we fucked, it was pretty seldom, maybe a couple of times a month. Our sizzle' fizzled.' I put my old battery-powered vibrator in the trash and ordered one that is rechargeable and another that plugs in the wall. Now, there are no batteries to run out right at the...

1 year ago
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Strangeness At FellowsChapter 5

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside... It was about three in the afternoon by the time the two girls got off the number forty-nine bus at Churchill Square. It was packed with shoppers, all of whom had little or no interest in either of them. They headed for the phone boxes on the opposite side of the road and leafed through the directory to find somewhere for the night. They chose one, just off St. James' Street. The phone had been answered by someone who sounded extremely effeminate...

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Semper FiChapter 8

Carly indeed got her gang-bang, and it was hard to say who enjoyed it more. On the one hand, the men certainly loved fucking her sweet pussy and ass in turns, but on the other, Carly herself derived no small benefit and delight from being taken that way. Robert certainly did his part to give himself better odds of impregnating her, as he didn’t want to give up hope of that. He had been plenty generous with Billy in terms of letting him fuck and impregnate his concubines, but he still wanted...

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The Satyr Encounter

November 2011 The tall statuesque doctoral student had come to the Greek Islands to conduct research for her thesis on mythological creatures. Her research had led her to a small mountainous island where a small temple lay in ruins high up in the mountains. This temple had provided evidence of a crossroads where Greek mythology provided a basis for later Roman mythology. The temple was originally constructed by early Greeks and...

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A Juicy Story

She looked at herself in the mirror. "Hmm, not bad," she thought. She was a size sixteen but the basque she was wearing made her look at least a dress size smaller and with the hour glass shape that men so desired. She had dressed exactly as he had told her. Black stockings, the basque he had supplied, black thong panties and black stiletto heeled shoes. The four inch heels made her calves tight and shapely. She took one last look. It was ten fifteen and he would arrive a ten thirty. She...

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I dare You Creampie

"Will you eat your semen off of your partner?" That was the card I drew in the middle of a game called Sex is Fun. My wife, J, and I were sitting just in our underwear in front of our fireplace and enjoying its warmth on a cold winter's night. J said that I would answer "no" without realizing that I had been hoping to bring the subject of creampie eating up with her one day. I quickly answered "yes" meaning that I should have got the point for that round and we would move on to the next card....

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Early Morning Delight

Early Morning Delight by Ms. Madison (After a few attempts, I am rather proud of this story. I'd say this one wastruly inspired, as none of the ones I've written in the past have been as easy,steamy, and fulfilling. Please send me your comments. Enjoy!) ------------------------------------------------------------- He touches my face, rubs his fingers over my lips. He feels my teeth. My handsare caught above my head ? I try to pull down again, but can't get free. Hechuckles over watching me...

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My Surprise Birthday Orgy

It was on her fifth drink that she muttered the words that changed our marriage forever. We were sitting in the Hopetoun Hotel in Bourke St Surry Hills washing down the last of our Mexican dishes with a few Corona and the odd Tequila. In the public bar, an acoustic duo massacred a few Neil Young tunes. Neither of us are particularly big Mexican food fans and Lisa's decision to bring us here for my 40th birthday had me thinking something was up. The entire night had been a surprise. I...

3 years ago
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Zoe part one

so i haven't been out in a long time and this week i decided to go out to the local bar, it was mid week so nothing was exciting till i saw this girl standing at the bar, she was tall, long red hair bright blue eyes and had a tongue peirceing and lip peirceings. She was wearing a black t-shirt that looked like it should have been on a k** than her as it was that tight her tits wasn't huge but not small either, she also had on leggings and as she bent over you could just make out her thong, and...

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My Sisterinlaws Huge Tits

My brother has been dating his girlfriend, let's call her Ann, for about seven years now. She's been living off and on at our house for most of that time, so I've spent a fair bit of time around her even though she's several years older than myself (I'm 19, for reference, and she's about 25). This all means that she's been around for my entire teenage life, and more importantly, she's been around since I went through puberty. Which is fine, except that she seems to have shaped my sexual...

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Samantha and Hannah Twins Summer Fun Part 3

Samantha leaned forward again and kissed her again, this time with more passion, she cupped Hannah's cheek as she did so.Hannah felt the soft lips of Samantha's on hers and then her tongue flicking against her lips, pressing against them gently. She let her mouth open allowing Samantha's tongue to dart into her mouth.Samantha pressed her lips harder against Hannah, the kiss becoming more passionate. She let her hand slip from Hannah's cheek, she traced down across her shoulder and onto her...

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First Party House Visit

When this story took place Linda and I were not new to the lifestyle. That being said we were also not what you would call hardcore swingers either. I would guess we had been involved in foursomes with maybe three different couples. Two of which were strangers that we had met through swinger publications. With both of those couples we had sex on the first date. The sex that we had with those couples was started by Linda and the male half of the other couple being the first two naked. We had...

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