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1. Casey Rodgers waited back stage at the Civic Center, his tummy fluttering with excitement. It was shownight for his dancing school, and everyone was rushing about frantically preparing for their numbers. Very soon, he'd be out on stage dancing before a large audience, the culmination of months of exhausting rehearsals. The long period of training had left him as tense as a tightly strung bow. The murmuring crowds he'd seen out in the theatre had added considerably to his last minute butterflies. The place was utterly packed with people - parents and kids, teachers and students, old folk from Chamberlain Retirement Village. Hundreds of interested parties, all turned out in their Sunday fineries to cheer and whistle and hoot as the latest generation of Fred Astaires wove through their steps. All those faces, all those eyes, turned up towards the stage! Casey took a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down. He really had nothing to worry about. He and his troupe were doing a Broadway style tap-dog number; complicated and tricky at times, but none too difficult after so many hours of repetition. It was pretty silly, really. He knew he'd perform the drill without a hitch, he'd done it at least a thousand times before. But then, he always felt this way on shownight. Turning away from the curtains, he walked back towards the dressing rooms. Backstage was currently in a state of siege; girls running everywhere in tutus and leotards, boys decked out in vests and tails climbing the wings. A gabble of mothers trailed close behind, fussing and scolding, calling for order above the din. Well, at least I've got half an hour to practice, Casey thought, glancing around in the general chaos, if I can just find a spare corner with enough space to tap a shoe. He considered going outside and using the loading bay, but decided against it. Didn't want miss his curtain call; he'd never hear the end of it. He pushed his way over towards the stairs leading to the changing areas. Everyone seemed to be down here, the dressing rooms were probably empty. "Casey. CASEY!!" "Huh?" Casey whirled towards the voice. It was Ms Deane, his ballet teacher. Evelyn Deane was a long, streamlined woman in her mid-thirties, willow- slim and lean hipped. Her eyes were always hard and serious, no matter what mood she was in. The woman was wading through a cloud of Lilliputian Kylies, her classical features marked with impatience. Casey wandered over to meet her halfway. "There you are," she said, looking him over with a familiar knitting of the eyebrows, "I've been searching for you everywhere." Casey's heart sank roughly six fathoms; he was in trouble. No idea what the problem was, but he knew that tone: honey laced with razor blades. "I was just looking for a place to -" he stammered in a high, uncertain voice. Ms Deane cut him off with a dismissive wave of her hand. "You'll have to get changed again. You're on in ten minutes," she said, gesturing for him to follow her up the stairs. He hurried along behind, not quite certain what his teacher had meant. As far as Casey knew, he was already in costume: black top, black jeans, and size five work boots. What was going on here? "I thought I was on in half an hour, Ms Deane," the boy protested fretfully, "I'm in the Tap-dog number." "Not any more. Toby Macklin will be taking your place." "What?" "You're out of the Tap-dogs, Casey." "Why?" Casey exclaimed, still not understanding. He'd spent what seemed like six years perfecting his routine, and now Ms Deane was tearing it out from under his feet. "Look, we don't have a lot of time, Casey," Ms Deane explained, shooing him up the stairs, "Janey North just twisted her ankle and we need someone to replace her. You'll be taking her place." "What?" "You're taking Janey's place". "Janey North? But she's in -" Suddenly, Casey understood. Everything. He gaped up at his teacher, his face a mask of disbelief. Janey North was one of the girls in the Montmartre number, the one everybody had been talking about for the last three months. Casey's eyes widened in dawning horror. "But she's doing the can-can, Ms Deane!" Casey wailed. "I can't do that! I'm - you - you'll have to get some one else!!" He knew precisely what she had in mind. Panic rushed in on him like a runaway horse. "There isn't anybody else, Casey. You're the one." They reached the top of the stairs, dodging a swarm of pink fairies darting out of the girl's dressing room. Casey faced his teacher, color rising to his cheeks in a soft red haze. "Ms Deane, I can't do it," Casey cried, as if in real distress, "I - I just can't!!!" He had to get out of this. Somehow. Anyhow. "I'm afraid you'll have to." "But -" "No buts, Casey," she interrupted, vague amusement spicing her tone, "come on, I'll help you get changed." Taking the boy's hand, she led him into the change room, ignoring his shrill objections. The enticing scents of perfume and stage powder wafted through the door. Casey dragged his feet, squirming uncomfortably. They were entering the dreaded GIRL ZONE. "But, Ms Deane -" Casey's voice trembled like an infant's, protesting even as he complied. His heart began turning somersaults as they stepped through the open doorway. A few of the older girls were loitering by near the mirrors, powdering their faces and doing their hair. Casey recognized more than half of them from the Modern Dance Class. Tricked out in jet-black leotards and ghostly white makeup, they were the Ravens (like in that movie with Brandon Lee), Ms Deane's elite troupe. Casey moaned inwardly. This was getting worse by the second. He groped for an excuse. "I've never rehearsed with Katrina and the others, Ms Deane, I don't know the routine! I'll make a mess of it, I know I will." "No, you won't, you'll pick it up in no time. You're one of the best students we have. Now take off those clothes, Casey. I'll get your costume." "Take off my -?" Casey sputtered, glancing wildly around the room. The blood virtually froze in his veins: he could image nothing worse than undressing before a roomful of girls. He shot a sideways glance towards the Ravens, all of whom were regarding Casey with considerable interest. A huge wave of embarrassment surged through his system, his lower lip tremored in despair. "Noooooo," he begged, pulse racing in his throat, "please Ms Deane, I don't want to, not in here -" Unfortunately for Casey, Evelyn Deane was not a woman to be defied. Transfixing him with an irresistible stare, she leaned in closer, towering over the eleven year-old like a hungry, red-tressed virago. "GET those jeans OFF young man!" "No, no, please Ms Deane," Casey pleaded in the hopeless, quailing voice of a first grader, "don't make me do this -" "NOW," the tall woman growled in a tone that could liquefy steel. Moaning in shame, Casey peeled off his top and began unbuttoning his pants. He bit his lip in childlike dismay, struggling to hold back the whimpers threatening to escape his throat. This couldn't be happening! In a matter of moments, the evening had flip-flopped into a nightmare. The girls by the mirror whispered to one another and giggled. Casey's blush deepened to the shade of a maraschino cherry. He wavered on the verge of tears, knowing he had no choice but to follow his teacher's orders. Turning completely away from his tittering little audience, he slipped the jeans slowly down his thighs, revealing his fresh, white briefs to all and sundry. A ripple of tinkling laughter filled the dressing room. Meanwhile, Ms Deane had stalked over to the costume racks, pulling out a can-can outfit and examining it carefully. Casey had a trim figure, a shape as feminine as any of the girls performing in the Montmartre number. He could probably squeeze into a size six with the help of a waist cincher and a suspender belt. Yes, this one would do nicely. Stepping helplessly out of his jeans, Casey stood up in his singlet and underpants, two bright roses standing out on his cheeks. He felt completely disgraced, divested of what little dignity he'd ever known as a boy. Humiliation poured over him like some thick, warm liquid; he shivered with silent outrage - she had done this to him, forced him to parade half-naked before a bunch of giggling eighth graders. Once word got 'round at school next Monday (as he was certain it would) the teasing would never stop. Truth be told, Casey actually looked like a girl, with his wavy blond hair and his soft, pouting features. He'd always possessed a rather feminine appearance: even now, people often commented on how 'pretty' (and rather effeminate) he was. Narrow shoulders, tiny waist, full lips and a delicate bone structure all contributed to the illusion - which was probably why Ms Deane had chosen him to replace Janey North in the first place (or so he imagined) He was wearing a snowy white vest and a pair of bikini underpants; the simple, unadorned kind that could be worn by either sex. From a slight distance (or even at extreme close up, for that matter), he could easily have been mistaken for a young girl wandering around in her vest and panties, waiting for the curtain call. Ms Deane strode up behind him bearing an armload of satin frills, placing the costume on the make-up counter. "This is what you'll be wearing, Casey. The underwear may look a little complicated, but I'll help you with some of the trickier items." She spread the ensemble out across the counter like a Las Vegas croupier fan-tailing a deck of cards. The dress was a blaze of garish red satin embellished with florid yellow lace. The halter-style top was studded with rhinestones and oversized frills around the bustline. Brilliant white petticoats had been sewn into the skirt's lining; Casey could see the frothy material peeking out from beneath the hemline. The whole outfit looked loud, gaudy and wickedly expensive. A cold thrill seemed to run the length of his spine as Casey surveyed the garish spray of polyester ruffles and gauzy nylon flounces. In a few minutes, he'd be zipped up into this - this party dress - and sent out on stage to make a public spectacle of himself. It wasn't fair! Why was she doing this to him?! Why was she making him dress up like a SISSY when there were at least a dozen girls downstairs who could have taken Janey's place?! Hovering at the brink of hysteria, Casey looked up at his teacher, his eyes huge and moist and imploring: "Miss Deane, I can't do it, I just can't!! I - I'm a boy, not a girl!!!" 2. Ms Deane leant down, placing her hands on Casey's arms, looking sharply into the boy's eyes to gain his attention. There were only seven minutes left. "Yes, I know you're a boy, Casey," the ballet instructor told him, speaking in a fast, staccato rhythm, "but it can't be helped. Katrina's class is one girl short, and they need you. You're the only one who can do the steps at short notice. You remember the quadrille I taught you last summer?" Casey nodded, thinking back. It was all still there. "That's all you have to do, Casey. Jenny and Katrina will do the more complicated steps. It won't be hard. Just hold up your skirt and follow the lead." Casey winced at the image of himself prancing across the stage with his dress over his head (and his undies on display for the whole world, let's not forget that vital piece of information). Ms Deane read his expression. "Don't worry about it, Casey. Nobody's going to recognize you. In a dress and make up, you'll just be another chorus girl," Ms Deane told him, gesturing towards the costume. "Come on, it's time you climbed into this. Take off your vest." Casey hesitated several seconds, knowing he really had no other choice. There would be absolutely no negotiation here: refusal was never an option where Ms Evelyn Deane was concerned. Surrendering to his fate with an almost imperceptible sob, Casey raised his hands and allowed her to peel his singlet off over his head. Gooseflesh played across his ivory tummy. "Now, the underwear." (WHAT?) Evelyne shifted her position slightly, then reached out towards Casey's hips. What is she DOING??! he thought wildly, as Ms Deane hooked her fingers though his plain cotton undies. He opened his mouth to protest, to shriek his opposition, but all he could manage was tearful, defeated groan. The soft fabric slid down his thighs. The room spun around him; Casey nearly fainted as the cotton settled gently around his heels. This was literally his worst nightmare. Eve patted him several times on the bottom. "OK, let's get you dressed," Evelyne remarked, then led Casey over to the dressing counter by the hand. He trailed along on tip-toe, a pretty young boy with platinum hair spiraling halfway down his back. His complexion glowed with a tender rose tint, his girlish figure arched in a graceful arabesque. He endured this final humiliation without objection, wiping his cheeks with his free hand and fixing his gaze on the floor. He didn't even raise his head when the girls started whistling and catcalling from the other side of the room. "There, that's better," Evelyn said, ignoring the hoots and jeers of the Casey Admiration Society across the floor, "now we can get started." Darting a glance towards the clock, Ms Deane began sorting out the costume with swift, practiced fingers. Casey watched in mute resignation, achingly aware that his pert young bottom was on full exhibition. He simply couldn't believe he was going through with this - or that he'd given in so easily. It was as if some tiny part of him actually wanted to be dolled up like a fairy in a Christmas pageant. He banished the thought with an impatient shake of his head. I'm NOT a girl, he thought again, then glanced over towards cancan outfit. (Oh) Casey gasped in surprise as his gaze swept over the virginal lace underthings Ms Deane was laying out across the make-up counter. A sweet, fluid heat crept through his belly. He hadn't even paused to consider what he'd be wearing underneath - the sight of the dress had driven everything else from his mind. His heartbeat accelerated into overdrive as he realized the extent of his predicament. I ... have to wear this? he thought incredulously. The underwear was nothing short of captivating; flimsy, translucent remnants shimmering with silk and lace. Pristine white panties lay side by side with sheer black stockings and a number of mysterious, complex items Casey didn't recognize. Things with bows and clips and hooks he'd never seen before. The very sight of them sent a chill racing though his slim torso. Hot flushes raged through his bloodstream; he tried to glance away, but the lingerie (particularly the panties) seemed to exert an almost hypnotic influence over the boy's bulging eyes. Ms Deane picked up a long, delicate strip of black lycra between two fingers; an intricate web of lace from which four adjustable straps descended. Casey moistened his lips with a flickering pink tongue. His breathing shallowed and quickened. Emotions he couldn't identify flooded his mind as the dance teacher kneeled down to slip the suspender belt around his tiny waist. He had no idea what it was, but inexplicably, he couldn't wait to feel it touch his alabaster flesh. "All right," Ms Deane said crisply, "hold still." Ms Deane fastened the suspender belt into position. Casey felt the hook-and-eye lock into place, dimpling his waistline. French lace teased his skin, long black suspenders dangled lightly against his thighs. Cool, tickling feathers seemed to stroke his tummy as the teacher adjusted the waist-strap, her fingertips brushing his belly button several times. Casey trembled with each contact. "Put your hands on my shoulders," Eve ordered curtly. It was time for the hosiery, and she didn't want the boy tripping over his feet while she slipped the denier up his legs. She worked quickly, smoothing out the sheer ebony nylon and tugging it gently up to mid-thigh. Stretching the elastic to the breaking point, she clipped the suspenders onto the stocking tops, then sat back on her heels to study her handiwork. Running a critical gaze down Casey's inner thighs, Eve marveled at their graceful curvature. Casey had exceptional legs for a boy; long, slender and about as smooth as polished marble. Four years tapping the boards had toned up his calves, leaving them sleek and rather coltish. The black stockings were a perfect fit, and served to emphasize their length and beauty. Probably grow up to be a Barbie doll, she thought ruefully. Meantime, Casey was trembling with apprehension. His head swirled with conflicting emotions: shame, dread, guilt. And humiliation. Humiliation, huge and irresistible, roaring through his body like a river bursting its banks. He was nude, stark dripping naked, and Ms Deane was dressing him in girl's underwear. The image flashed through his consciousness with neon intensity. But I'm a boy, he thought in silent protest, looking over at the mirror. Very soon, his metamorphosis would be complete. He'd be a she. A pretty little girl with a brilliant smile and a mischievous glint in her eye. He'd be sent out to flash his panties before half of Chamberlain, squealing with excitement as she spun through her number. Petticoats flailing around his chin, he would twirl across the stage in reckless abandon, his suspenders and stockings on full view of the audience - Then: Ms Deane's knife-edged voice, snapping her back to reality: "OK, stop day-dreaming and step into these." Casey looked down, his heart pausing momentarily. It was time for the panties. They were a pair of high-waisted full-briefs, glistening white nylon edged with exquisite pink traceries. The bottom was a mass of dainty frills, hundreds of diaphanous lace ruffles which primped and fluttered at a touch. Glaringly bright, they looked pristine, innocent and easily the most feminine thing Casey had ever seen. "Quickly, Casey. We don't have much time." Casey slipped into the pants, shimmying his hips as Eve drew them up over his hips. Casey zoned in a fugue of disbelief; in a matter of minutes, he'd be dancing the can-can before an audience of hundreds. And worst of all - he was wearing frilly underpants. Eve looked at the clock, ticking blithely away over the door. Five minutes to go, and the girl didn't even have her lipstick on yet. The dress lay in a glittering huddle over the dressing counter, its sequins reflecting the lights above the make-up mirror. They'd never make it down to the stage in time. If it was just the costume, they'd be alright, but there were the gloves, the make-up and the waist-cincher to consider. And then there was the hair ... I'll have to cancel the Montmartre number, Eve thought (not without regret, considering how hard her troupe had worked on it). Katrina and the others would be disappointed, but there was simply no other option at this point. Unless ... Ms Deane called out to the girls by the mirror. "Could you give us a hand, please?" Six pair of eyes wheeled towards Casey simultaneously, then the Ravens were on their feet, jostling each other aside in adolescent exuberance. All of them understood what their flame-haired instructor wanted, and each wanted a piece of the can-can boy. "Yes, Ms Deane!!" Shrill, birdlike voices echoed off the ceiling as the Ravens charged their quarry. Eve stepped aside to allow them a clear view of their prey, and the girls descended on Casey in a body. He was swallowed up in a storm of flurrying hands and midnight leotards. Their voices blended incoherently around him. "What first?" "The dress! Unzip the back. Here -" "How do you do this up?" "Give me a hand, will you?" "Does this thing hook or clip?" "Hooks up, I think-" "He's not wearing a bra!" "He doesn't need one." "Neither do you." "Hey, shut UP!!" "Hold still, Casey!" "CUTE!" "How do you - ?" "- straight up under the skirt -" "Cheryl, grab the rouge!" They raced Casey through his transmorphosis in under two minutes, leaving him hot and flushed. One of the girls fiddled with his hair, tying it up with plastic hair clips and a handful of orange feathers. The rest stood back to admire their efforts. All of them went quiet with surprise. Ms Deane stepped back to view him at a distance. She wore the expression of someone utterly astonished despite herself. The dance instructor had known it would work all along, but still ... "Uncanny," was Ms Deane's only comment. The girls began to chatter in amazement. They were no longer looking at a feminine boy playing dress-ups. A few seconds ago, he'd been a child of vaguely indeterminate sex, now he'd somehow morphed into a perfectly normal-looking ten year old girl. No, more than normal - pretty. Surprisingly pretty. "You look great, Casey," one of the girls said, a remark followed by an instant chorus of approval. "She doesn't have any garters," someone piped up, "you can't dance the can-can without garters, Casey." "She's got suspenders," said another girl, "that's good enough isn't it?" "Well, yeah, but -" And suddenly, they were all over him again, touching and prodding, adjusting his clothes, smoothing his hair, fussing and fidgeting about so much that Casey didn't even notice they were starting to use the female pronoun to describe him. It might have gone on forever if Ms Deane hadn't broken them up. "Okay, that's enough. Time's up, Casey. Let's go." Ushering the can-can boy ahead of her, Ms Deane exited the dressing room with her usual air of self congratulation, leaving the Ravens alone to gossip amongst themselves (and boy, did they have a lot to talk about now). None of them noticed brief exchange that passed between teacher and student as they approached the stairs. "Here," Eve said, handing Casey a pair of hot red garters, "put these on." 3. Katrina and Jenny and all the others were waiting anxiously downstairs, uncertain as to whether they would still be performing this afternoon. Janey's sprain had come at the worst possible time: they needed at least six to do this number, quadrille or not. They had some idea as to what Ms Deane had in mind, but a flat refusal was more than a possibility. What if Casey said no? There was no one else their age who could fill in for Janey - at least no one as good as Casey was. "How could Janey break her ankle at a time like this?" Katrina was demanding of no one in particular, "she's put us right out of the show with her dumb stunts." "It wasn't a dumb stunt," replied Cindy Bayliss, defending her absent friend, "she was practicing her handstands and fell over. And it's just a sprain, she didn't break anything, Kat." "Well, it's still left us stranded up the creek, hasn't it? We'll never find someone to replace her in time." "What about Casey? Ms Deane said she was going to -" "He'll probably say no," Gail Williams cut in pessimistically, "what boy wants to do the can-can? Everybody would call him a sissy." "Hey - there she is now," Katrina said, pointing to the stairs. "Who's that with her?" They watched narrow-eyed as Ms Deane approached with their new can-can girl in tow. A slim, shy looking little girl in a red satin ball-room dress, none of them recognized her at first. It was several seconds before the penny dropped. Debbie Thomas stepped forward, mouth a-gape: "Kay-See?!" Casey hugged his arms in embarrassment, lowering his face and nodding toward the floor. Gail and Cindy ran forward, gasping with delight (WOW - is that really YOU, CASEY? Hey!!) and Casey found himself surrounded for the second time in as many minutes. Katrina and Jenny waded in, touching his hair and checking his petticoats with cries of disbelief - particularly when they saw what he was wearing underneath. Casey tried to hold his skirt down against their explorations. "All right, time to get ready," Ms Deane interrupted, bringing the party to a premature halt, "You're on next, girls. Over by the curtain, let's go." Eve clapped her hands smartly together. The girls ran lightly across the floor with little screams of excitement, scooping up handfuls of satin and lace. Casey followed after, his skirt billowing around him like a satin cloud. No time now for reservations. His heart was hammering in his chest, and his blush had spread all the way to his hairline. 4. Out in the theater, the Hostess of Ceremonies was looking over the program. The Civic Center was packed to capacity tonight - must have been more than a thousand people filling the rows. As it was, the seats were booked out for nearly a week in advance. Not bad for a small-town dance festival, especially this far out in the suburbs. Glancing towards the wings, she noted that Evelyn Deane's dance troupe was in place for the next number - six young girls in garish costumes, petticoats hiked up to their thighs. This was going to be quite the spectacle, according to all accounts. Gesturing for silence, she tapped the mike, adjusted her glasses, then introduced the imminent festivities with a hint of spice in her voice: "Well, the next number will certainly be a treat, ladies and gentlemen. The Spencer District Dancing School is pleased to present a taste of Gay Paree. Monsieurs et madamoiselles - the French Can-Can!!" The auditorium's loudspeakers rung into life as the audience began to applaud. Offenbach's universally familiar overture to Orpheus in the Underworld echoed across the floor as the cancaneuses made their entrance, skirts bunched up to their hips. All of the girls wore prim white garters - all save one; a tall, stunning blond with a saucy grin and legs that could kill at a hundred yards. "She" was wearing a pair of bright red garters just below her stocking tops. Flaring and flashing with every movement, they almost screamed for attention. And attention was what they got. Casey dominated the performance from the first step. The spotlights followed his spirited dash to center left. The girls circled the stage, falling into position with their petticoats whipping about their thighs. Casey took his place between the two principals - and the Can-Can really began. Casey lifted his hemline clear up to his throat, allowing the crowd a spectacular view of his thighs, stockings, and lavishly frilled underpants. Crinolines were raised across the floor, and the girls sprinted forward in a dazzle of shining lingerie. A startled gasp sailed up from the audience. The hall erupted with cheers of satisfaction; howls and wolf whistles split the air. Moving slightly forward off the others, Casey kicked his right leg over her head and brought it down in a circular motion, an action repeated by the remaining five dancers. Inexplicably, Casey had taken the lead, and the rest were following his cue. Smiles beamed from face to face, silvery laughter chimed above the music. None of them had realized just how much fun this was going to be. The girls began spinning like tops, their skirts threatening to fly away. Several begin turning cartwheels and handsprings, all calculated to reveal every inch of their lingerie. They worked their way through a complicated series of high-kicks, flip-flops and turn-overs with undisguised enthusiasm. Seized by an irresistible impulse, Casey suddenly doubled over and executed a perfectly balanced handstand. His petticoats immediately fell away, showing off his slender legs and flimsy nylon panties. With his hair brushing the floorboards and skirt reversed over his head, Casey couldn't see the audience, but there was no mistaking their roars of appreciation. The walls were almost shaking with the thunder. Still holding his balance, Casey scissored his legs open in mid-air. His suspenders elongated by at least six inches, straining against his upper-thighs. Casey giggled in spite of himself - wouldn't it be embarrassing if one of those tense black straps snapped right here in front of the crowd? Then again, he had plenty to be embarrassed about as it was. Being closest to the edge of the stage, Casey's knickers were on full display to everybody in the first four rows. Every ribbon, every bow, every dainty scrap of lace was clearly visible. His nebulous black stockings stood out in urgent contrast as Casey concluded his aerial splitz. His pulse was thudding like a trip-hammer; he'd never felt so pretty, so feminine in his life. Bringing his legs together once more, Casey dropped over onto his feet like a gynmast in dismount. His dress fell back into place, covering his underwear behind a curtain of red satin. Can't have that now, can we? No room for false modesty here! Throwing both hands high over his head, Casey launched into a forward handspring. Polyester frills frisked about stockinged calves, cheeky little panties flickered back into view. Another cheer burst up from the audience. Katrina and Jenny cantered to the front of the stage whipping their petticoats from side to side, joining Casey as he landed on his high heels. The timing seemed almost supernaturally correct: Casey never stumbled, never hesitated, never placed a foot wrong. Raising his crinoline up to his shoulders, he flung himself into the dance with renewed vigor, firing highkicks in rapid-fire bursts. Katrina and Jenny followed suite, proudly disclosing their gartered stocking-tops to half the population of Chamberlain. The rest of the girls spun about, tossing their skirts over their heads and exposing their bottoms in a flourish of white lace. Watching unseen from the wings, Evelyn Deane studied Casey's form in subdued fascination. She'd known the boy was talented, but she'd never suspected he was capable of such (all right, let's be truthful here) virtuosity. Twenty minutes ago, he'd been on the brink of tears, now he was undergoing some kind of transfiguration. Eve shook her head in awe. She felt as though she were looking at the next Njinsky ... or maybe Fontaine, depending on the costume. Out on stage, the troupe had whirled into its final configuration. Kicking up their stilettos in a welter of lace and garters, they offered the crowd a final glimpse of their firm young calves, their tightly strung suspenders, their girlish, naughty smiles. What am I DOING?! Casey asked himself, lifting his left sole into a tendon-straining pat en l'air. What was he doing here, exhibiting his panties to like a million people at once?! Panties were sacrosanct; an unmentionable secret to be kept hidden beneath layers and layers of silk and satin. Except, of course, while he was dancing the Can-Can. And what could be more exhilarating than that? Reaching the grand finale, the girls turned in a line, bent over and presented their panty-clad bottoms to the audience. Skirts flipped inside out in a wave flowing left to right: one two three four five SIX!! Pert young bottie-cheeks were thrust out in a halo of foaming crinolines, sussie-straps stretched to their limits, glossy red pumps clacked together with the sound of breaking ice. Frilly round buttocks clenched and jostled for center stage, their lush curves bulging through their gossamer sheaths. Casey peeked out from below her layered underskirt, looking out towards the theatre. The audience had exploded into a standing ovation: row after row of spectators rose their feet, clapping their palms and yowling their congratulations, their bravos, their encores. The boards beneath the girls' feet started vibrating in resonance as the tumult continued to climb. "Casey - that was fantastic!!" Katrina Waylan whispered, her face the color of a wild strawberry. "Yeah," Jenny Griffiths agreed with an admiring giggle, "you're the bomb, Casey!!" The motion was carried by all present; Casey certainly was the bomb. All six girls wriggled their fannies in a unanimous declaration of triumph. Faultlessly white panties glared beneath blazing spotlights. Out beyond orchestra pit, the cheering swelled towards a crescendo. Encore, Encore, ENCORE!! Now I'm really blushing, Casey thought, shyly regarding her new friends with a touching mixture of affection and gratitude. And with that, the curtain came down on the Montmarte number. Purple Velvet swept the stage, bringing an end to the evening's festivities. The footlights dimmed, the applause began to fade. The cancan was over. But for Casey, the show was only just beginning.

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It had been a little over six months since Rebecca began working for Mr. Roberts. She had come to him as a temp after his previous secretary had left to get married and moved away. Rebecca had been a very good secretary as a temp, and Mr. Roberts finally offered to hire her away from the temp agency and make her his full-time permanent secretary - an offer that she jumped on immediately!Rebecca was a drop-dead gorgeous woman, about twenty-eight years old. If you were to look at her, you would...

3 years ago
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American Tapestry Winter JenningsChapter 2

The Oasis Wellbeing Center is a vast complex in the area around East 63rd and Troost. The neighborhood was solidly middle class in the 60s, then went downhill for a while. It has been teetering back and forth, but Oasis will definitely upscale the purlieu, the nabe. The cornerstone of the healthcare development was the newest hospital in the area -- the Oasis Community Hospital. State of the art; however they all say that, don’t they? But if the press releases were to be believed, there was...

2 years ago
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Secrets of forest Memories

July 4th party finished at 2 or 2:30 am, Ben and me went back home, I was so happy because of my birthday present. Ben was so happy too by the same reason, strange? No, just funny we gave each other a great gift and was delicious In the way home we talked about 4th july carnival, the play and fireworks, we were pleasant and relaxed, our bodies were rested and we both satisfied, well that was that I thought. At home, near 3:00 am, we were starving, sex produces hungry, we wento to the kitchen...

1 year ago
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Memoirs Of Bhanu 8211 Part I

It was 4:30 in the morning when alarm beeped. Bhanu woke up to the alarm. Rahul, her son-in law had given instructions to get down at a railway station that was near to their home as the train would reach there at 5:30 AM. She woke up. It was not as cold as she expected. Train was chugging along at full speed. She took her bathroom kit and walked towards the train toilet. Near the toilet, there were some sleepy youngsters standing, who were not allotted a berth .As youngster’s eyes moved over...

4 years ago
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St Searles Academy The New Class part 5

All the girls at St. Searle's Academy for Young Ladies were once men, most of them former criminals. Now the new intake are being given their first mission.... ST. SEARLE'S ACADEMY: THE NEW CLASS - part 5 by BobH (c) 2017 - 9 - Finishing her bowl of cereal, Lucy Costello looked around the Great Hall at everyone else eating their breakfast. Up on the stage at the far end of the hall was the top table where all the teachers and the...

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Reginalds WivesChapter 2

Next morning, Simpkins was called into the editor’s office. “Simpkins, just what did you do, you stupid boy?” “Pardon, sir? Do about what?” “This Robertson story. You managed to stir up someone to take action!” “How do you mean, sir? I simply spoke to a couple of people I met on the university grounds and chatted to them about Robertson and his goings-on.” “Well, one of them took offence at your questions, and went to his or her lawyer. We have been served with an injunction against...

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Colin of House HaddenChapter 8

“Transition in thirty seconds,” reported Rosie and Colin let out a sigh of relief. The journey that could have taken less than four days had just taken seven because the slavers’ ship only had a class one drive. It had been a journey that was totally boring and Colin was glad that he’d been on the Red Rose and away from the bleating and moaning of the new slaves. Contact between the ships had been kept to a minimum to reduce the chances of being intercepted on the way to Tor. Colin was...

4 years ago
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The Trip

     “This vacation is gonna be epic,” Brian said as he threw his bag in the storage compartment of the RV.  “The Meyers and Hunts finally joining forces to take on vacation.”       “Oh yeah, we’re gonna have a great time,” I replied.  “I can't say the same for Grace. I don’t think she's all that excited to spend so much time in an RV.”       Brian and I have been best friends since we were 12 years old, and I’ve known his wife Brandi even longer.  When we were kids I thought she was kind of...

3 years ago
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Its All About the Shoes

Guys have to understand something about women. For us, it’sall about the shoes. Maybe it’s an exaggeration for me to say that a pair of Louboutin boots or Manolo Blahnik pumps is better than sex. But really, it would depend on the quality and duration of the sex before I could honestly make that call. My husband and I are discussing sex fantasies, and he has just mentioned one particular hot night on a recent cruise. “Oh, yeah…that’s the night I wore my silver sandals,” I recall, closing my...

Straight Sex
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Max The Mastif

We had three dogs, two were kelpies for working sheep. One was a Great Dane Mastiff cross, Max, who stood nearly one meter tall at the shoulder. I trained Max to perform different acts when he could smell different odors. Marion, knew that she would be getting a "special" bit of attention that night when I bought a large block of chocolate from the shop in town. I told her that it was not to be eaten, but it was to be kept for me to make up my special treat for Max. I thought Marion had been...

1 year ago
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250 Just a few precious months 3

250 Just a few precious months. 3 It took a day or two for the lady`s to be back to walking properly again, that big black bugger had reamed out both the women so well it was like putting a banana in the Mersey tunnel with Kelly and I, and Dennis reported even his tool which we had thought fair sized was in his words “rattling around loose, inside Nan,” so we both were glad when things slowly returned to our touching the sides! Anyway, Wednesday came and we were all fully dressed, by the...

3 years ago
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Rebel 1777Chapter 73 Cassandra

The captain asked me to do another little chore for him in the early spring of that busy year, (ed: it must be 1778 but this is from the journal labeled 1777) about the time they were packing up to move the whole army south and east a bit to keep an eye on the Brits. I always worried when he smiled at me and asked for a favor. It seemed that a local woman, from a family of some note, wished to be transported to New York by way of Philadelphia in order to marry an up-and-coming naval officer,...

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The Night Train

One train service ran all night at the weekends, transporting to and from the city a motley crew of passengers comprising sweaty revellers and bleary eyed shift workers. Steve, one of the latter, was in good spirits after finishing his shift, and, once on board, he had successfully avoided the attentions of the angry drunks, whose stops had come and gone. The train was out in the pitch-dark boondocks now, the concentrated lights of the city well behind it, and only a few passengers remained....

Straight Sex
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Drive For ExcellenceChapter 2

My teammates and I had agreed to meet at the high school on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings to practice during our Easter vacation. Will hauled Ed, Jeremy and me to practice. I brought along my folding camp chair so I could rest my ankle while I supervised our practice. I set up my chair along the sideline of the practice field. I could have left it at home. I spent most of the two hours hopping along the sideline shouting encouragement, telling Ed or Jake what play to call next, and giving...

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A son with a big footfetish focused on his mom and a mom who has a big testicularfetish focused her son

Jeff was in love with his mother Patricia’s feet. He was 18, she was 38. They were absolutely gorgeous as far as he was concerned. He often fantasized about licking her size 8 soles and sucking on her big toes. Aside from having a foot fetish for his mom’s feet, he also kept a much darker secret. He fantasized about having his mother kick him hard in the balls. It was difficult not to get hard around his mother where his ball-busting and foot fetish was concerned. She almost always...

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a mooms point of view

Ever since the first time I slipped my first pair of nylons on my feet and legs as a girl, I was totally enraptured by the sight, sound, and feel of nylon. Whenever I was alone I couldn't wait to slip my shoes off and run my stocking feet up and down my legs and rub my feet together. It just felt so delicious and made my pussy tingle. Growing up I noticed that some boys liked to watch me do this which made it all the more exciting! I always wore stockings or pantyhose and constantly dipped my...

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Jayne part II

After two weeks Jayne, my wife’s sister, finally left. It seems her husband, Richard. Had seen the error of his ways. The fact that Jayne controlled all the money in that relationship had nothing to do with it. The guy was a waster. He would try some hair-brained every so often, and the outcome would be the same, down the toilet went more money.Life was back to normal in our household. My wife was as busy as ever with work, flying all over the country on one deal or another. In fact, I was...

4 years ago
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Mother With the HotsChapter 5

When Sally returned, both Marilyn and Donny were dressed. As had been his habit during the hotter days, Donny wore his shorts. Marilyn liked that, because there was always the possibility the head of his cock would sneak into view. She had selected a wrap-around skirt and cotton blouse. She felt deliciously naked under it, having deliberately left her panties and bra off. The flap of her skirt opened as she walked, revealing her smooth, long thighs. Sally had not changed from her skin-tight...

2 years ago
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My Wife and Her Gay Porn Star Lover 2

By SteveSwitch33I was now marked by Flex, my new Master. He has fucked what manhood I had in me, my wife being now his Slut I have no access to her or her pussy without Flex’s permission. I was to serve Flex whenever he pleased. Believe it or not, regardless of how he loved fucking Toni, he also enjoyed fucking me as if I were a female, I was his bitch boy. While Toni would be out on a date (She hooked), Flex would come by and have me submit to him and use and fuck me for long periods, I...

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Eric Olafson Space Pirate Vol 5Chapter 4 Alvors Cove

The rest of the flight to Alvor’s Cove was uneventful and we descended onto a brownish planet that somehow did not just look dry but dusty even from space. TheSaresii woman who was also the leader of the secretiveSojonit Order dressed herself in a sand colored voluminous cloak and handed me a similar colored garment. Then she said.” If you touch the side of your mask, about here next to the eyebrows and tap the spot twice, a shield of thin transparent Duranium seals your masks openings. The...

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Bayonettas Abuse Chapter 12 Paradiso

Cool autumn rain pitter-pattered on the cobblestone walkway as James hurriedly followed Bayonetta to her new lair. They jogged from the car park to the entrance of a classy looking, unfamiliar apartment building. By the time they reached the lobby their leather and latex clad bodies were glossy and dripping. It was almost refreshing after their time in the wasteland. The rain served to wash off the residual dust and grime of the desert. The woman sitting at the front desk glanced up at...

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TheDickSuckers Hazel Moore Use All My Holes

“My tits are so swollen,” Hazel Moore whispers as she kicks off this amazing video. In this, we break down the “4th Wall”, so to speak. When I sat down with Hazel before we started shooting, she said, “hey Billy. Can we just fuck? I’m so tired of shooting B.S. storyline porn! Lemme just talk dirty to your subscribers and suck cock and get railed and ass fucked…please!” I replied something along the lines of “of course you can!” and...

4 years ago
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Hell HoundChapter 02

After about three years Uncle Chuck drives a large single frame truck out of the workshop and over to our house, he calls it a Road Dog. Being a Saturday morning we’re all at home, mainly because he asked us to be there. The truck is a three axle one: forty feet long by thirteen feet high with a width of eight feet and the truck’s bed is twenty-seven feet long. Dad and Uncle Chuck are soon arguing over the capabilities. The maximum load for such a truck is sixty thousand pounds, including the...

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Hannahs hotel tryst

I watched her when she checked into the hotel. Her long brown hair was pulled up into a bun, a few loose strands curling and cascading to her bare shoulders. Her polka dot dress was low cut, exposing the tops of her gorgeous breasts. Hannah and I were in town on a business trip. We wrapped up our meetings and were settling in for the night at a hotel near the airport. I smiled as my eyes looked up from her high heeled feet, following the curve of her amazing legs up to the bottom of the skirt....

3 years ago
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Joe Caveman and the Origin of Religion

When I was a middle school special education teacher I took a page from the book of tricks of one of my best high school teachers, Mr. Everett Craft. Mr. Craft used Tignor and Cumquat as the subjects of his sentences on grammar quizzes. I used Joe Caveman as the subject of my history lessons. The silly or absurd catches the imagination of adolescents and is much more memorable to them than dates, or the names of people or places. Most of my students had some level of Attention Deficit Disorder,...

2 years ago
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All in the Family 1

All in the Family By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Part One "Tonight's the big night," Johnny slapped his best buddy's hand as they left school. "Friday night, and hopefully this could be it!" "Holy shit!" screamed Donnie. "I can hardly believe we're going! You told your mom you're staying over tonight, right?" "Yup, she's cool with it, especially since she knows you stay at your father's house on the weekends," replied Johnny. "She's comfortable with me staying there...

2 years ago
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Hi to all ISS readers.. This is the first time i am writing this story and also this was my first sex experience with a matured girl. I am vikie,23 yrs guy working in delhi riight now. But this experience is when i was of 18 yrs. And that time i used to live in ludhiana. I was net freak at that time . I used to keep sitting on net chatting on messenger all day and night. I started chatting on net when i was 15 years old and i had many net gfs with whom i enjoyed cam sex many times bt never had...

1 year ago
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Journey into Cuckoldry Four Square

The morning after Alice’s first ‘official’ Hotwife date dawned bright, sunny and cheerful, with bright sunlight streaming into the room and waking me – early as usual. For awhile, I lay awake on my back listening to the birds singing and my wife Alice’s slow, deep breathing as she slept ‘the sleep of the angels’ as my Grandmother used to say, alongside me. I smiled ironically when I thought just how far from angelic she had been the previous night, when my beautiful and increasingly sexy wife...

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Unwanted Desires And Lust Towards My Bhabhi

Hello friends, this is a true sex story between me and my elder brother wife. We are Muslim and live in joint family.My parents and my brother along with myself and my wife.This happened last year when my elder brother went to USA for some job stuff.Well, coming to the sex story. Am married did love marriage 5 years ago am 33 now having two kids. At a point my wife went to her mom and my elder brother was in USA.My bhabhi is little peeping type person. She is like a CID in home. I was having...

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Best Birthday Ever

I've grown up now and I've had my fair share of girls. I say girls because they are far from what I believe women are. Immature and not very bright. I've only had a handful of women and it's very special. The youngest of the women I've had was my sister. She's a few years older than me but she is very mature for her age. We first had sex when she came into my room when I was 14 and stole my virginity. I've never been able to forget that night. The following years we were on again and off again...

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Faith Is the Bonus

A big tear welled up in her eyes as she stood before him. She was by anyones definition beautiful. large breasts that stood on there own. Legs long and firm despite impending middle age. She was still in her 30's but on the back side. But it was her face that made everyone who saw her stop and look again. Hers was a killer smile that made the room freeze when she flashed it. The only piece to the puzzle missing was her personality. She'd been a shrew as long as anyone could remember. She had...

Group Sex
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Fucking a Married Man

So after receiving a call from Bill letting me know that he was running late due to the lack of parking, I quickly called the front desk and let them know that my friend was on his way and please send him up. Anna at the front desk said, “No worries, we will let him up.” I texted my man Alex and let him know that my afternoon trick was on his way up and grabbed myself a cold drink from the fridge. Swallowing half of it down in one swallow, I went to the master bathroom to take a quick piss....

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A Planet Is TornChapter 11

So tell me again about what I should expect on Woden, what's it like?" asked Hannah. She was walking past the 'swimming pool' with Kadesh, unconsciously enjoying the breath-taking beauty of Aetherkraal. It was perhaps ironic that Kadesh was trying to sell the virtues of Woden while surrounded by such natural splendour. "Well admittedly it doesn't have all of this," he replied, his hand sweeping in an arc before them to indicate the lush scenery. "But then, it has fabulous libraries...

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The street whore

One day i was passing through town, when i saw something shocking. A young girl, not a day older than 18, handcuffed naked to a lamp post. Her breats were tied tightly, and there were little clamps on her nipples. She was screaming and crying.Her body was covered in insults, things like whore and slut had been scribbled on in lipstick. It said free fuck buy her pussy and hurt me by her breasts. There was a crowd of people surrounding her.I am an english man living in a poor european country,...

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Grace in Disgrace 2

It will make more sense if you have read that first. The rest of Saturday and all of Sunday was a continued torture. Grace's naked body turned me on every time that I looked at her, yet I was not going to fuck her until I knew that she was clean. Grace continued to masturbate me whenever she saw that I needed relief, and it was certainly erotic watching her taking another load of my cum into her mouth; it was very nearly a blow job. I had coped with the three months during which she had...

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Making a Porn Video Fantasy Only

This is purely a story and fantasy, but it has been inspired by the many videos on xhamster where couples are stopped in the street and asked about their sex lives and then asked if they would like to make some money by talking more about it in private, or even be filmed while fucking. I wonder what my wife would do in this position. I know in reality she would run away from them, but what if she didn’t…………. My wife and I were shopping in town and as it was a Wednesday it was fairly quiet. We...

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Setting Up Jackie

Jackie was a stuck up bitch with an "I'm much better than you" demeanor. She looked down her nose at every one else in the family and I can honestly say that there wasn't anyone in the family that liked her with the possible exception of her husband Matt. I say possible because I'm not even sure he liked her after being married to her a while. Matt, or Matthew as he preferred to be called, was my wife's brother. In a way he and Jackie deserved each other. Matt (I call him that because it...

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Classy Skinny Blonde Loving Wife Bee C

Chapter 1 - Bear's Adventure HomeThe weather is thick with rain, it's dreary and cloudy and that muggy, comfy, yet eerie feeling is in the air. Bear is racing home with excitement. He keeps having a hard time driving because his heart is pounding so hard and his attention is elsewhere.His mind is on thickly coating the deepest insides of Bee's cunt and making her squirm and moan and squeal with delight. He is fighting the clock, knowing she had a prior engagement not too long ago that may have...

2 years ago
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Teacher Teacher Ch 03

I slept well Wednesday night, my first threesome having exceeded my wildest expectations and building my sexual confidence to a zenith I would never have thought about two weeks ago. My anxiety about the night was now gone and my muscles had been quick to relax and allow me to fall into a deep sleep. I don't remember dreaming but I awoke Thursday morning with full-blown erection and was humping the mattress. This was not just morning wood or a piss hard-on. I was already in a state of full...

4 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 853

These are compliments of Allan B. In wine there is wisdom. In beer there is freedom. In water there are bacteria. It’s your call... There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don’t. A neutron walks into a bar and asks, “How much for a beer?” The bartender says, “For you, no charge.” An infinite number of mathematicians walk into a bar. The first orders a beer. The second orders half a beer. The third orders a quarter of a beer. The fourth...

2 years ago
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Encounter With Big Spanish Girl Latisha

Hi all, I am Rohan, I am 27, over 6 ft tall and have a strong athletic body. This is a sex story about my encounter with a big Spanish woman (or as we call BBW, Big Beautiful Woman), while I was working in Houston, I am currently situated in India. This is my 1st sex story so pardon me for any flaws. This happened almost a year ago, while I was working in Houston, I had a 8 to 4 job, but I had nothing to do after work and was getting bored. So I decided to check some online dating sites, I...

3 years ago
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Incubi Lover

The nightstand beside my bed burst into orange and red flame, followed by the sound of a four car pileup."Oh damn, I'm late! I'd better get going and see what Administration wants now."Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Mendelbrot, but my friends just call me Mendel. They laugh and tell me I'm a brot short of a pack. Ha, ha, silly boys. We all live here in Hades, but our work takes us up onto the Earth. I'd hoped to make it to work tonight without being interrupted by my...

1 year ago
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Amazing Sex Session With Big Boobed Cousin

This story happened on a Wednesday when I am going to my office. I got a call from my cousin saying that she was alone in her home and she needed some help. (Two days ago, we had a great pussy-licking session at her house and which was a lovely heartfelt one.) So I attended her call and told her I will be there in an hour. So I headed toward my cousin’s house and parked my car somewhere near the main road and walked to her house. When I reached her house, nobody was inside and I searched for...

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The enlightenment

You are the smartest persion alive you are so intelagent even the smartest minds on earth seem like a iditodic child and you have finaly dicided to show the world your intelect by useing a divice you made. what dose it do ? Do you use your brain for good or evil? Take over the earth bring forth a utopia. Prove how your gender is truly Superior. Hell why not make animal girls

2 years ago
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A Week With My Sister Part 2

A bright ray of sunshine on my face woke me up the next morning. It only took me a minute to recall what had happened the night before, my beautiful and sexy sister Kate had walked in on me jacking off to a porno and ended up giving me my first blowjob and 69. I would have thought it all a dream had Kate not been lying there next to me in the bed naked and facing me, still asleep. I stared transfixed at the sight of her plump round breasts moving up and down with her breathing. After a minute...

1 year ago
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Reuniting to explore new things

Along with two colleagues I’m in London for a conference. It’s Friday night, and I’m heading home to my hotel in Mayfair where I’m staying until Sunday. A few days earlier I’ve given you a mail saying that you can meet me at the hotel Friday night, and that the receptionist will know your name so you can just let yourself in. Since you haven’t replied to this mail, I’m a little excited to see if you are there already, of course. When I enter the hotel room (the day before I asked the...

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looking at porn and caught by wife

This actually happened to me. Any man thats been married knows how no matter how much you still love your wife and are still sexually attracted you are to her.. after awhile the newness wears off. Not to say you go out and cheat with other women although a lot do. Im saying you begin to notice other ladies more and in my case i go online and check out other women. Some say looking is the same as doing but i disagree! Im home while my wife is at work and there is no one else...

4 years ago
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Eva naked in the city 3

Restaurant customers start arriving. Aicha says to me: — You should go back behind the bar. She adds: — Don’t let customers and their wandering hands annoy you. — No, of course. She lowers her voice and adds; — Unless they give you a big tip. A hand on the buttocks for a big tip is what I already practice. I am still troubled by the fact that I am naked but surrounded by dressed people. Especially since my pussy is incredibly sensitive, I must be careful not to graze...

3 years ago
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No Panties And Only Short Skirts

No Panties And Only Short Skirts I was just sitting on my front porch enjoying the beautiful Saturday morning when Katie came strolling up the sidewalk toward me. She climbed the steps and stood next to me. Looking up at her I could only see her bushy teenage pussy staring at me. I said, “You’re not wearing any panties.” Katie laughed and said, “I know that.” I asked, “Why not?” Katie replied, “Because I’m only allowed to wear panties and bras to school.” I said, “Then...

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Isabella Awakening Ch 09

Isabella waits for Thomas’s return and spends her days and evenings learning more about The Daughters of Keira and The Sanctuary. * The women sat chatting and swapping stories as they ate and drank Maria’s sumptuous feast. The boys ate with them, quietly, but sometimes laughing amongst themselves or venturing a comment to the women in Arabic. Jax rose from the group of women and spoke with the boys at some length, causing them to giggle and argue good-naturedly with each other. She took the...

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my mom

Eram intr-o seara, tarziu, ma uitam la un film erotic. Eram singura in camera si ma uitam la o scena in care se futeau 2, intr-una din pozitiile mele preferate, adica pe canapea, si ea peste, infipta in pula lui si miscandu-se in ritmul pe care il vrea ea, el o tine de fund si ii priveste sanii mari cum i se misca in fata...Bineinteles ca privind asa o scena, am avut o senzatie, si bineinteles ca mi-am scos afara sanii, ca sa pot sa mii ating mai bine... Stateam in pat si in timp ce mii frecam,...

1 year ago
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Humper by Driver Part 2

Raghu’s mouth was open so wide for a minute it looked asif it would come unhinged at the joint.He saw the anger on my beautyful face and my breasts inside the sleevelss kamis heaving with passion and anger.”Memsaab what…””your saab is fucking some slut inside the office cheating on me and I want to get even.Either its you or anyone else, if you are not mard enough then just drop me on the road I will find myself someone,”I said.There was a smile spreading on Raghu’s face.He could not believe...

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Mom Ko Sleeping Pills Dekar Choda 8211 Part 2

Hello friend , I am AP and I am writing my another true story that just happened 2 weeks ago. In my previous story “MOM KO SLEEPINGPILLS DEKAR CHODA”.i fucked my mom using pills.she has very sexy boobs and ass. Main apne vacation main bahut baar pills dekar choda lekin ab main bore ho gaya tha.ab ki baar mujhe unhe seduce karna tha.pehle bhi maine seduce karne ka try kiya tha but koi success nahi mila.maine Starting main raat ko underwear pehenna band kardiya.jisse subah unka pura dhyan mere...

4 years ago
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Two Black Thugs Make My Day

Over in east Houston, there just seems to be a lot more hot looking black men out on the street. Some may be walking to catch a bus or some may be walking their beat trying to score something or sell something. I found my self on the near northeast side one day on my way to my roommates’s sister’s house. Like most houses in the area, her’s was fenced and gated all the way around. I guess there is a lot of crime there but lately it seems that crime is on the rise everywhere. So this morning,...

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Theater fun

This happened a few years ago when aids wasn’t around. After discovering my bisexuality I started visiting adult book stores and theaters. I lived in the San Fernando Valley and there were plenty of adult bookstores around but I had to be somewhat discreet because none of my f****y or friends new of my sexual desires. Back in those days adult movies were advertised in the newspapers including gay movies. I used to read through them and see what was playing and maybe getting away to visit one...

Porn Trends