Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 343
- 4 years ago
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Understanding is a three-edged sword. Your side, my side, and the truth.
-J. Michael Straczynski.
The monotonous whir of the breathing machine was like a needle in my brain. It fluttered at the edge of my consciousness, always there. Every four seconds, the fucking thing would inflate and release, inflate and release, inflate and release; an endless cycle.
I hated that goddamned machine more than I had hated anything before in my life. Not because of the way it simply annoyed me, however; that was my due, after all. I deserved a thousand times worse than to be annoyed by a stupid pump. No, I hated it because my sister was hooked up to it, and every single breath of air it pumped into her slender body was a solemn reminder of my guilt.
I stared at Kelsey as I sat beside her hospital bed in the ICU. She didn't move, and tubes from the damnable machine were stuck in her nostrils and her mouth. Her gorgeous face was covered in bruises, and a large bandage covered the top of her head in order to keep a big cut in her scalp from getting infected. Her right arm was in a cast as she had sustained several fractures in her forearm. Another bandage was wrapped around almost all of her left leg, which had suffered from serious internal bleeding. Besides the breathing machine she was hooked up to several monitors as well as an IV drip; the sight of all the wires and tubes sticking out my sister's perfect body was a constant torment.
I endured the pain stoically. What other choice did I have? Her being in the ICU was my fault, and I was going to sit by her side until she got better, however long it took. I didn't even allow myself to think about the other possibility.
I sighed deeply as I put my elbows on my knees, resting my chin on my fists. A blinding flare of pain from my right hand shot through me; it was wrapped in a cast because I'd hurt it badly while punching through the window of my car in my efforts to save my sister from the wreck. I didn't give a fuck about my hand; the only thing I cared about anymore was Kelsey. She was in a coma, and her condition was critical—everything else was irrelevant.
Amanda touched my shoulder and smiled at me wanly as she sat down beside me, having returned from the bathroom. "Any change?" she asked softly.
I shook my head. Kelsey had been motionless ever since she'd gotten out of surgery. The accident seemed like a lifetime ago.
An ambulance unit had been less than a block away when the accident had happened, and the EMTs had arrived just a few moments after Jonathan and I'd gotten Kelsey and Stacey to safety from the explosion of my car. One of them had given Stacey a cursory exam, proclaiming she was in no immediate danger, but they had to work for nearly thirty minutes before they deemed Kelsey stable enough to even be moved into the ambulance. By that point a whole slew of ambulances, police officers and firemen were on the scene, and they were already working on getting a tow truck in to clear out the burned wreckage of my car. An EMT from a different ambulance had bandaged my hand, but had said that he was sure I had broken several bones, and I needed to be examined in the hospital.
The van's driver—a middle aged guy who was in absolute shock over having sent two young girls into the hospital—as well as several eye witnesses had given a statement to the police. They'd asked me for my statement as well, but I'd just sat there, staring at my sister's unmoving body and unable to speak, so finally Jonathan had answered their questions for me. The EMTs had allowed me to ride along with Kelsey in the ambulance, but after just a few blocks the guy had asked me to stop pestering him with so many questions while he watched over my sister's health.
Once we'd arrived at the hospital, Kelsey was immediately rushed into surgery, and all I could do was wait. Amanda had arrived about five minutes later, having driven Mom's minivan over. Jonathan came by every now and then to ask if we'd heard any news about Kelsey yet, then he'd go back to watch Stacey being treated in one of the trauma rooms. After several hours, he reported that she'd been moved to a hospital room, moderately injured but not in any kind of danger. Kelsey had still been in surgery at that point.
Mom and Dad had made it to the hospital after Kel had been in surgery for almost an hour. After she'd hugged me, Mom was inconsolable, crying the whole time as she kept walking back and forth, frequently glancing through the little window in the door that led to the ER surgery room, hoping for any sign of her youngest daughter's recovery.
Dad had asked me what'd happened, but I'd just sat there, unmoving, not saying anything despite his prodding. He'd asked Amanda if I was alright, and she'd said that she wasn't sure. Eventually Dad had a nurse come and examine me, and she'd said she thought I might be in shock. I'd just frowned; I wasn't in shock, I just didn't care about anything else except Kelsey.
A doctor had eventually come into the waiting room and examined me there, then he'd badgered me to follow him to a treatment room until I finally gave in. After taking an X-Ray, he said I had several broken metacarpals as well as broken ring and middle fingers in my right hand. He'd cleaned and stitched my hand, cleaning out the wounds with antibiotics to prevent any infections, then he'd put it in a cast and said I'd have to wear that for at least six weeks to let the bones heal. He'd also said that I'd likely have several scars from the cuts, to which I'd just shrugged.
After he was done, I'd immediately gone back to the waiting room and continued my vigil. A little while later Carynne had shown up, her beautiful face wracked with grief. She and Amanda had hugged and sat together, talking quietly. They'd glanced over in my direction often, and I could almost feel their concern across the room.
Not wanting to worry Amanda, I'd given them a big smile. Then I'd turned my attention back to the door to the surgery room.
Kelsey had been in surgery for seven hours when the doctor finally came outside. He'd said she was still critical, though she seemed to be out of immediate life-threatening danger. She had two broken ribs, a broken forearm, a six inch gash across the top of her head that'd required thirty-six stitches to close, and a lot of internal bleeding in her left leg as the result of a ruptured artery. They had managed to fix all those issues, but the biggest worry that remained was the potential for brain damage.
After having sat in my chair without any hint of emotion for seven hours, the words brain damage finally tore through the wall I had built, causing me to burst into loud, tearing sobs. Amanda had immediately knelt beside me, hugging and kissing me even though she was crying as well. Carynne had put her hands on our shoulders to try and comfort us despite the fact she was in no better shape than we were.
The doctor had told us Kelsey was going to be moved to the ICU, and they were going to wait and see if the swelling in her head would go down enough in a few days, so they could do an MRI and get a clearer picture of the extent of her head trauma.
All of us had moved to the ICU where Kelsey was assigned a private room and was hooked up to a breathing machine. I'd sat beside her bed ever since, not moving. Mom and Dad had gone to get something to eat; I'd merely shaken my head when they asked me if I wanted to come.
"Do you want me to get you anything, Damon?" Amanda had asked softly.
"No," I'd said. After a few seconds, I'd added, "Thank you."
She'd grabbed my uninjured left hand and squeezed it, not saying anything. She knew what I felt since she was feeling it herself too.
The door to the room opened, and Mom and Dad came back in. Mom wrapped her arms around me, kissing the back of my head, then she gave Amanda a kiss on her cheek. She put a sandwich beside me on Kelsey's nightstand. "Just in case you get hungry," she explained.
"Thanks, Mom," I said.
"Damon, can I talk to you for a second?" Dad asked.
I sighed. The last thing I felt like doing was talk to Dad, but I nodded anyways.
"Outside please."
"I don't want to leave Kel, Dad."
"Amanda and your mom can look after her for a bit, and they'll call us if something changes. Come on," he said, this time making it clear he wasn't asking.
I sighed again as I got up, giving Amanda a kiss and nodding at Mom who was sitting on the other side of Kelsey's bed.
Dad preceded me out of the door, and we walked towards the ICU waiting room, finding it empty. He got himself a can of soda out of a vending machine, asking me if I wanted anything. I just shook my head; I'd tried to drink a cup of water a few hours before and had vomited it back up almost as soon as I had drunk it. My emotional turmoil was not making my stomach very happy.
We sat down, each of us taking a corner chair so we could sort of face each other. He gave me a long look, as if he was rearranging his thoughts, then simply asked, "So ... what happened?"
I shrugged. "It was a car accident. They ran a red light, a van hit them, they got launched off a pedestrian island and finally slammed into an office building."
He nodded. "I know that, Damon, I read the police report. What it didn't explain was why they ran a red light, why Stacey was driving your car with Kelsey, and why you were following them in your mother's minivan."
I looked at him for several long moments, struggling against my emotions.
"I'm not going to accept you staying quiet on this, son," he said calmly.
"Jesus, Dad! Kelsey is in there, maybe dying, and all you can think about is that fucking accident?!" I snapped. "I'll pay you back for the car, okay?"
"I don't care about the car, and I can't do anything about Kelsey's condition except to trust the medical staff. But there are some things that don't add up here, and I want to know what happened."
"How can you be so calm? Kelsey could..." I stammered, then a huge wrench of pain tore through me, causing me to choke on the word.
He put his hand on my knee. "She could die, yes. I know. Believe me, I know," he said softly. "But freaking out isn't going to do anybody any good. Try to relax."
"That's easy for you to say," I said through my tears.
"Why is that?"
"You see people die every day!"
He shook his head. "And because of that, you think I don't care about my daughter maybe dying? Believe me, Damon, I'm a mess inside. But I have to stay calm and cool for your mother's sake. She's half an inch away from completely going to pieces, and if she sees us lose it, she's going to lose it as well. We have to be strong for her. She won't be able to handle this otherwise."
I stared at him for a few seconds, sniffing loudly, then I wiped away my tears. "I'll try, Dad."
He nodded. "Thank you. And trust me when I say that seeing a child die is the most horrifying thing in the world. I once held an eight year boy after he was shot, and he died in my arms. I'd rather die myself than watch another child die, especially my own daughter."
I nodded, closing my eyes at the pain running through me. Kelsey couldn't die. She couldn't!
"So, what happened?" he asked again, not letting me off the hook.
I glared at him, but he just coolly returned my gaze. He didn't get intimidated by criminals with guns, so he sure as hell wasn't going to get intimidated by his eighteen year old kid. I swallowed audibly as I ran over the options in my mind. I could try to lie to him, of course, except he was an expert at ferreting out lies, and he'd undoubtedly trip me up over an inconsistency somewhere. The alternative was to tell him the truth. But if I told him the truth, how far would I have to go? It was all connected, and the detective in him would follow those connections to their ultimate conclusion, no matter where they took him.
I looked off to my left into the ICU, where my sister was lying in a coma. My lip began to wobble, and I closed my eyes, seeing her before me again in her satin dress on Pandora's balcony, looking so unbelievably fantastic. We'd had such a terrific night before it had all gone wrong. All because of me.
"It was my fault," I whispered, barely audible, as I opened my eyes.
"What was your fault?" he asked.
"Everything. The car, the girls fleeing from me, the accident, everything."
He frowned at me, though his voice remained calm. "I think you'd better explain this to me, son."
"Kelsey had taken my car yesterday to go to the fair. I'd borrowed Mom's car to go after her because I was angry at her. Stacey knew I was angry at her, so she'd gone to the fair too, and she found Kelsey before I did. They took my Mustang and took off, while I followed them in Mom's car. Stacey eventually swerved around traffic and ran a red, and that's when they got hit."
"Why did Stacey run a red light?"
"I don't know! To try to get away, I guess."
"Why were they so anxious to get away from you?"
I sighed. "Because I was really, really angry."
"Why were you so angry at Kelsey?"
There it was: the inevitable question I knew was coming. Dad would always get to the big issue in just a few questions. So I was left with the choice to either tell the truth or to lie, and I was getting sick and tired of all the lies.
I swallowed audibly, then I looked him straight in the eye. "Because she lied to Kim, and because of that she caused Kim and I to break up."
I expected to see surprise in his eyes, or denial, or shock, but instead he just sat there, staring at me as if none of this came as any surprise. "And she'd done that, because... ?" He left it hanging.
I clenched my teeth. It was the moment of truth, and suddenly I found I didn't care anymore who knew. I loved Kelsey with all my heart. If anyone couldn't handle it, they could go fuck themselves, even my dad. I was done hiding it. "Because she wanted me for herself," I said decisively.
He let out a loud sigh and slumped in his chair, nodding almost as if to himself. He sat staring at the floor for what seemed an inordinately long time, and I was beginning to get pretty fidgety when he finally looked back at me. "Tell me the whole story, Damon. From the beginning."
So I did. From the football game, to going out with the girls, to falling in love with Amanda, to Kelsey finally seducing me. I left out most of the stuff with the other girls, including the amazing orgies we'd had, but I explained why Kim had gone crazy, Stacey's confession of being Kelsey's co-conspirator, and everything else that had happened between that very first time I had cuddled with Amanda and my sister in the stands, all the way up to the accident.
When it was all over, my mouth was dry, and my heart was beating rapidly. I felt relieved to finally have the weight of the secrecy taken off my shoulders, but I had no idea what to expect from Dad after it. I was pretty much expecting him to just pull his gun and shoot me. I didn't deserve much else.
He just sat there, however, staring off into the distance, seemingly reliving something in his mind. When he finally looked back at me, he had a small, wry smile on his face. "Since you've been so honest with me, I suppose it is only fair that I be honest with you as well."
I frowned at him. What on earth was that supposed to mean?
He shifted in his seat and took several deep breaths. "I've known about you and Kelsey. That you ... what you were doing, I mean," he said awkwardly.
"You knew?" I asked, aghast. As that realization sank in, I immediately knew where Kel and I had messed up. "The kitchen, right?"
He nodded. "Yes. I saw your sister..." he began, then he actually broke out in a huge blush.
"It's okay, Dad. The word doesn't bother me," I said softly.
"I saw your sister sitting in your lap, and the two of you were obviously having sex. I deliberately dropped my keys, to give you two a chance to break it off before I came charging in there and catch you at it red-handed. Then, once I was inside, I saw that you had obviously ... well..." he sighed and collected himself for a few seconds. "You had obviously already climaxed on her."
I felt myself shrink into a tiny bubble, wanting nothing more than to sink into the floor and disappear forever. Suddenly I knew how Amanda had felt when her mom had caught us having sex.
Dad chuckled at my embarrassment. "I decided not to make an issue out of it, then I ran into you two again in the garage! I assume you'd been having sex in there as well, too?"
I nodded, unable to speak.
"Yeah, that's what I thought," Dad said. "Anyways, I again gave you guys a way out, but by that point I was getting pretty damn uncomfortable. I'm glad I didn't run into you two again!"
"I'm sorry, Dad," I said softly.
He shrugged. "It's okay."
I couldn't help but let out a small snort. "It's okay? You found out your son and youngest daughter are having sex with each other! Why didn't you freak out, or ground us for life, or shoot me, or something?!"
"To be honest, I wasn't really sure what to do. That's why I've been so on edge lately, I'm just..." he sighed again. "I'm just trying to deal with the reality of this."
"So what do we do now?" I asked.
"Now we pray that your sister gets better," he said emotionally, a tear running down his cheek. "And when she does, you two need to sort out whatever's wrong between you two, and then you need to make sure to be a lot more careful from now on. Do I make myself clear?" he said pointedly, staring at me.
"Yeah, Dad," I said quietly. "But you're not going to stop us or anything?"
He hesitated for a few moments. "No," he finally said. "You're both eighteen and old enough to make your own decisions. You can do whatever you want to do. Just be careful. You two are being safe, I hope?"
"Good. I also want your promise that you two will not do it in our house again when either your mom or I are home. That's very disrespectful to us, and I will not stand for it."
"Okay. I'm sorry, Dad."
"It's okay. Believe it or not, I was young once, too, and having my parents home was really damned inconvenient at times. Oh, and for God's sake, do not tell your mother, and do not be so stupid as to let her find out! Please!"
I nodded. "We won't."
"Okay. Thanks for being honest with me, Damon. Now we better go back and see how your sister is doing."
The reality of the situation came crashing back down on me, and I felt tears well up in my eyes again. I was making plans for the future with Kelsey, yet there was a good chance she wouldn't be there. I dropped my face in my hands, starting to cry in earnest. Dad just put his hand on my shoulder and pulled me close, holding me tight as I cried, the anguish flooding out of me.
Eventually I got hold of myself, then we got up and walked back to Kelsey's room. Carynne and Mikaela had joined Amanda and were sitting alongside Kelsey's bed, softly talking to each other. Carynne was gently stroking Kelsey's hand, and I could see tears in her beautiful eyes. I went over to Mom on the other side of the bed, giving her a big hug and feeling her shiver against me.
"She's gonna be okay, Mom," I said, trying to sound as confident as I could. I didn't feel that way, but I knew I had to try to keep up a positive face for her sake.
Dad came over to Mom as well, giving her a hug as soon as I released her, while I went to stand by the girls. I gave Amanda a big kiss, then I motioned for Mikaela to remain in her seat when she got up to make room for me.
I sat down on the end of Kelsey's bed, gently putting my hand on her left foot. I hoped for some kind of movement, but her foot was as immobile as the rest of her.
Carynne murmured something to Kelsey, then she broke out in tears again. Amanda wrapped her arm around her friend, and pulled Carynne close to comfort her.
"If she ... if she dies, Amanda, then I'll never have ... I'll never have told her," Carynne sobbed softly.
"I know, baby ... I know," Amanda said, her own voice cracking. She was close to breaking down herself, but she clenched her teeth to try and stay strong.
Carynne put Kelsey's hand back down on the bed, and I scooted closer, taking it between mine. "I love you, Kel," I whispered quietly, staring at the motionless form of my sister while the rhythmic sounds of the breathing machine continued their endless echo in the background. "I love you so much! Please come back to us, honey ... please," I murmured, putting her hand against my cheek and kissing it several times.
I glanced at Mikaela, and she gave me a small, compassionate smile. "Thanks for coming, Mikaela," I said softly.
She nodded and wiped away a tear of her own. "I love her too."
"I know you do. We all love her," I said, biting my tongue to keep from crying again.
A few moments later, the door opened, and a tall, well-built man in his late fifties entered. His hair was shot through with gray, but his brown eyes were those of a man at least a dozen years younger, and he took everything in in a single glance. He wore an absolutely immaculate, dark business suit, and he had an unmistakable air of power around him. Two men in black suits stepped into the room after him, but he sent them back out with a simple shake of his head.
He looked at my parents and bowed his head. "Hello. I was hoping I could talk to you for a second. I hope I am not interrupting?" he asked, his voice quiet and respectful.
Mom smiled at the man for a moment, then she returned her attention to her daughter while occasionally sniffling. Dad let go of Mom and walked over to the man, holding out his hand. "You're not interrupting. I'm Bill Richards."
The business man firmly shook Dad's hand. "Mr. Richards, it is a pleasure to meet you, though I wish it was under different circumstances. I am—"
"Karl Winterton, I know," my dad interrupted. "I've seen your picture in the paper enough times. It's an honor to meet you."
Mr. Winterton shook his head. "Please, none of that. Right now I am merely a father who is concerned for his daughter's health, just like you."
Dad gave him a wan smile and nodded.
"How is Kelsey?" Mr. Winterton asked.
"In critical condition, but the doctors say she's out of any immediate danger. They have to wait for the swelling in her brain to go down before..." Dad wavered, and I saw him bite back his tears, "before they can do an MRI to see if she has any brain damage."
The multi-billionaire sighed and put his hand on my dad's arm. "I am truly sorry, Mr. Richards. I want you and your wife to get whatever care you need for your daughter, no matter what, and to not worry about the bills. I have already instructed the hospital to send any charges to me. I will take care of them."
"You don't have to—" my dad began.
Mr. Winterton held up his hand. "Please, it is the least I can do. I wish I could do more, I truly do. My daughter absolutely loves yours, and I know Kelsey is her best friend. Stacey is completely devastated over this, especially since she was driving. I want you to please accept my apologies for what happened."
Dad shook his head. "Your apologies aren't necessary. If Kelsey had been driving herself, it's very likely the accident would have still happened," he said, though he gave me a glance that seemed to indicate that he, perhaps, did not really feel that way.
"It is kind of you to say so, but you still have my sincere regrets. Please, if there is anything you need, anything at all, talk to one of my staff here at the hospital, or just give me a call. Here is my private cell number," Mr. Winterton said, handing Dad a business card. "Anything at all, I'm serious."
Dad nodded. "Thank you, sir."
"Call me Karl, please."
"Alright. Thank you, Karl. How is Stacey, by the way?"
He sighed. "She has a compound leg fracture, a lot of bumps, bruises and scratches, as well as some minor internal injuries. The doctors say she will make a full recovery, though."
Dad smiled. "That's good to hear."
Mr. Winterton nodded. "I will do anything in my power to make sure your daughter will also make a full recovery."
"Thank you," Dad said gratefully.
Mr. Winterton smiled at the girls and I, then he glanced at Kelsey, and I saw his face cloud over. "Seeing a child hurt so badly wrenches at my soul. Maybe someday we'll find a way to safeguard them from danger."
"Short of keeping them at home, locked up at all times, I don't see how we'll ever achieve that. And I'm not sure that's the best way to have them grow up either," Dad said.
Mr. Winterton sighed and nodded slowly. "You're probably right. Did Kelsey receive a head wound?" he asked, pointing at my sister's bandage.
"Yeah, a big cut," Dad said. "They put a lot of stitches in it."
Mr. Winterton frowned. "Bill ... do you mind if I call you Bill?"
"No, of course not."
"Bill, let me call a plastic surgeon in for you. He is the best in the country; he fixed a nasty scar on my wife's arm for her, and it's now completely invisible. Your daughter is way too beautiful to have to live with a large scar on her head. He'll get rid of it."
"Eh ... I—"
"Please, just say yes," Mr. Winterton prodded. "I insist."
"Okay, yes. Thank you."
Mr. Winterton nodded, giving Dad a big smile. "I will go call him right now and tell him to get on a plane here as soon as he can. Now, I have kept you long enough, and I know that you all probably want to be alone anyway. Please remember: anything you need, you call me. Day or night."
"I will. Thank you, Karl," my dad said, shaking Mr. Winterton's hand again.
The powerful oil magnate just nodded, then quietly exited the room. He was digging his Blackberry out of his pocket before he even closed the door.
Dad returned to Mom's side, and we all sat quietly, staring at Kelsey's still body, the ever present whirs of the breathing machine filling the room with its slow staccato.
All of the cheerleaders stopped by over the next few hours, each of them crying when they saw Kelsey lying there, motionless. They each gently gave her a kiss on her head, quite a few of them praying for her, then they hugged Amanda, Carynne and Mikaela before leaving again, not wanting to crowd the room. Amy was especially torn up, and Carynne eventually had to take her from the room to calm her down. She returned about thirty minutes later, giving a wan little smile to Amanda and I. We knew why Amy had been so upset, of course.
Amanda's mom came by a little bit later. After saying hi to her daughter, Helena softly kissed my sister's forehead and smiled at my sister through her tears, then she hugged my mom. She stayed for about an hour, then had to go home because she had to work another late shift. Amanda told her she wanted to stay with me, and her mom just nodded, telling her to do whatever she wanted.
At nine o'clock that night, a nurse asked us to please leave the ICU, saying that visiting hours were over. We all slowly trooped outside, frequently glancing back at Kelsey as if to imprint her image onto our retinas forever.
Mikaela and Carynne hugged everyone, including my dad, as they said goodbye for the night. I gave Carynne a soft kiss on the top of her head as she shivered against me, still struggling with her grief. "Are you going to be okay to drive, Carynne?" I asked worriedly.
"I'll take her home," Mikaela said before Carynne could say anything. I half expected the gorgeous brunette to object but instead she just nodded. We held each other for several long moments, then the two girls quietly left, leaving me with Amanda and my parents.
"Alright, let's go," my dad said. "We'll drop Amanda off on the way home, then tomorrow I'll see if I can find you some transportation, Damon."
"I'm not going home, Dad," I said adamantly.
"What? What are you going to do then?"
"I'm staying right here with Kelsey."
"They won't let you in to see her; visiting hours are over."
I shrugged. "I'll sit here in the waiting area."
"Damon, don't be silly, you can't—"
"I'm not leaving, Dad!"
Dad looked as if he was about to object, but Mom just pulled on his arm. "Bill, honey, just let him stay here if he really wants to."
Dad gave her a smile, then he nodded at me. Mom quickly came over and gave me a big kiss, making me promise to call her if anything happened. "Do you want us to take you home, dear?" she asked Amanda.
"I'll stay with Damon if you don't mind," Amanda said softly.
"Of course not, sweetheart. In fact, thank you. I feel better knowing you're here with him," Mom said quietly, wrapping Amanda in her arms. "Thank you, dear, for everything. You're such a wonderful girl."
Amanda blushed softly, but she gave my mom a beautiful smile. "Thank you, Shirley."
Dad clapped me on the shoulder, giving me a handful of twenty dollar bills. "In case you get hungry or something."
"Thanks, Dad."
"Call us if you need anything, okay? We'll bring you some clean clothes and such in the morning."
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Paying off a Debt By: Rachael Free Richard was a down to earth husband who liked to dress up with his wife now and then for some fun. He is surprised one night and transformed into a sexy slut. Trixie and Mindy find their way to happiness as they experience the seedier side of life. ....................................................................... I was preparing for a nice restful night after some pretty frisky sex when my wife, Sarah, shook me, telling me she heard...
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Finished with the swim in her secluded cove, she slinks out of the water into her subterranean grotto. The water on her fine scales gives her a silky sheen while mud squishes under her feet and into the webbed pockets between her toes. She feels a pull toward the corner of the main cave where she has chosen to keep her clutch of eggs. Striding to that spot, she looks over her unfertilized spawn, a thousand year old instinct effecting her thoughts, making her aware of the need to give them their...
We took one of the shuttles to the Island. We came down so we would be approaching from out of the east. There was a long white beach with lots of trees back from the high water line. A few small mountains on the north end and a beautiful resort in the middle that took advantage of the setting. When we landed there was someone to take our bags and we didn't even stop to check in. I was told that all of that had already been handled. We were shown to a bungalow that was screened from the...
My name is Dani, formerly known as Danny. My life has changed in significant ways since I was known as Danny. I guess I should provide some background to allow some understanding of how I arrived at my current situation. Things began normally enough. I met my wife Victoria (nicknamed “V”) halfway through college, and we seemed to hit it off great. We were inseparable the final two years of school. While we occasionally indulged in sex, it wasn’t something our lives together really revolved...
When Dauntless Doug, single-handed, brought the Japs to their knees and waded ashore in Tokyo Bay, the war was over. Now it was spring 1946. I was discharged from the Army Air Corps and a member in good standing of the 52-20 club, a program that paid vets twenty dollars a week for a year if they couldn't find employment. There were jobs around in our small town of four thousand people but I had the brilliant ideas about writing a novel before I settled down to the old grind.I got into the habit...
100% fiction! Well this sort of stupid story but about my cousin and me and a little bit gay experience too but now, as i look back at it i feel very much embarrased My name is Jason and i am 21 It all happened 3 year's ago when i was 18 year's old some days before christmas my mother went to my aunts house to wish them x-mas and give them their presents my uncle usually stays out of town for several days well we wished them christmas and came back the very next day my aunt came to our house to...
GayIn the weeks leading up to going back to school I saw Jeff on weekends and a few nights a week. I went out to dinner with Jen a number of times, but she was limited by seeing Rich ever more often. I was going to have to spend more time with him to see what drew them to each other. Jeff and I established a new routine by going bowling Sunday mornings. There were no leagues and many potential customers were in church so lanes were available at a discount, though that was irrelevant to us. Jeff...
It’s supposed to be the best years of your life but my first year of University started off rough. I was disowned by my family. They didn’t understand my desire to go to school for the arts. My father said that majoring in English Literature meant nothing. I could already read so why pay thousands of dollars to get a piece of paper that said I could. They wanted me to settle down, find a man that could help my father out with his plumbing business but I was determined to go. They said they...
Salesman's Delight By Terry Cumslut Chapter 1: The Beginning "Honey, I know you are going away so I packed your suitcase. You will find all your suits and underwear folded neatly. Have a nice trip. See you in five days." Well five days dressed like a women will do the creep some good. He will be in for a surprise when he gets to the hotel. First of all, I replaced his water pills with female redefinition pills, the strongest female hormone pills. Secondly, he always gives his...
From age f******n and the beginnings of puberty, Brad had maintained a watchful eye of his female neighbor across the street. He guessed her age in the early twenties and she was gorgeous. She had light strawberry colored hair half way down her back, a slender body and a pair of tits he would have given his left nut to see naked. Just the thought was enough to enlarge his still young cock forcing him to masturbate often. If only, he often dreamed.. ...
Uud and Syl rode slowly down the embankment. It had been a few days since any rain had watered the area and the hot sun was high in the sky. The road, even though cobbled with stone and brick, was dry and dusty. There was no breeze, so the dusty smell, interwoven occasionally with the odor of dry grass and a hint of spearmint, lay heavily around them. Uud pulled up short and Syl followed. Even from here, more than a half a league away, they could hear the murmur from the valley below. “Gods...
Compliments of Alan B. During a neighborhood party, Joe got into an argument with his neighbor, about presidential politics. Finally, the neighbor asked him why Joe was such a dedicated Republican. Joe told him that his father and grandfather were both Republicans and he was carrying on the family tradition. “That’s it?” said the exasperated neighbor. “What if your father and grandfather had been horse thieves?” “Well...” Joe replied, “I suppose then I’d be a Democrat like you.”
We live in the sticks so we had to order satellite internet. We knew the guy was coming to install so I stayed home from work that day. My wife “Roxanne” was really excited. That morning after she put the kids on the bus she had me shave her pussy completely bald. She then put on her 5” open toe silver high heels, Cuban tan & black theigh high stockings with the line running up the back, black lace garterbelt, silver lace see through panties, silver lace shelf bra that exposes her nipples, did...
Winnie performed introductions; we shook hands. "Entomology, eh?" "Yes, sir. But actually myrmicology. And not those Rhytidoponera; they're too common. I'm hoping to do some work on desert ants." "Interesting. We've got a succulents area. We've not sown it, but I'm certain that the fauna there aren't those of these entry footpaths." "I'd just asked Winnie about that section." "Well, let's walk over. It's not far. Nothing is." "Where's Mum?" Winnie asked. "Waiting...
Lucy is backed into a corner and has a few decisions to make.I was in the bathtub when Mark came home.He found me there, his tie undone and his shoes off. Men looked so vulnerable to me in their socks. Naked, or still in a suit, the sight of their socked feet made me ache.Mark leant against the door and smiled. Bubbles covered my body, making the tips of my nipples and knees seem extra pink, and his eyes devoured the sight of me. I searched his face to see if he'd received a joyous message from...
Crystal walked down the halls of her clean and new high school towards room 4-211. The halls were empty and quiet, being that it was the middle of 5th period and everyone was in class. A Dean passed by her, patrolling the halls, and she flashed him the small yellow slip of paper signed by her English teacher that allowed her to leave class.Early that day, Crystal had heard from a fellow classmate that one of her favorite teachers, Mr. Wilson, was quitting his job and moving up to New York with...
Quickie SexThis story and or any portion of this story may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the copywriter, except for the brief quotations used in a review. This is a work of fiction, names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously, and resemblance to any actual person, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental. This is a long story, 77...
"Mum," Sarah cried as she burst into the lounge. "Oh hi Dad, where's Mum?" "What is it, love?" The concerned face of Anne Dayton looked up from the doorway to the dining room to see their daughter holding baby Lara in a basket and put it down at the feet of her worried mother. "Fine. Can you look after Lara please?" "What?" "It's only for two hours. Tabitha's been for a check-up and I'm meeting her." Anne looked down at the sleeping baby in the basket, still undisturbed by...
Dear Sissymissy, Sissy Jeannie and sissy baby Tammy, thank you for those lovely reviews. Thanks girls! One of the reasons I write erotic sissy-baby fiction is to help naughty little sissies like you girls to make sissy squirties in their nappies. I'm pleased to hear I was successful! I hope the next chapter helps you all make even more messes! And the 'potty-training' session is coming soon. I promise! And Anon - one of the joys of being an author is to give hints of what might happen,...
B woke up from his deep sleep and said to himself: “OH FUCK. We have to get that morning after pill into K’s body as soon as we can. I forgot all about it!! Jesus! I hope we’re in time.” He realized he had to wake her now. He shook her shoulder, God she looked so young and beautiful laying them with her eyes closed and her firm little tits sticking up over the sheet that covered her. Those red hard nipples so damn red and so very hard sitting on top of her breasts! He just wanted to just...
G'damn, look at the ass on that blonde. Off limits, buddy. No touching, none. She's the boss's kid, R. Robert hisself. Holy shit. What a body. Look at those legs, those gorgeous tits. I got t'have some of that. No way. Sorry. Forget it. Come on, that's prime nooky. My balls are pumping. Not a fucking chance, no sir. And that was how it started. I did some digging and some honest research for a change and found out that she was Melissa, and indeed the senior partner's one and only...
"What did you expect?" Charlene asked as he gaped at her voluptuous tits. The brunette arched her back and thrust her breasts toward him while he attempted to regain his composure. Inside, she was silently pleading with him. Don't lose that hard- on, she begged. Even if I have taken off my blouse and shown you my tits, don't lose that bone. "I... I... I really didn't imagine they could be... so... so... so huge!" he stammered. "You should have," she laughed. "I've been rubbing...
Chapter 1 Hannah may have been only 14 years old but at the end of this first afternoon of sexual play with her tutor, Ted Miller, she was for all purposes, a woman now. She looked like a budding developing young woman and now her mature lover, Ted, had not only deflowered her of her virginity but he was giving her one of the most intense and quick schoolings in adult sex play that any teenage girl had ever gotten. Ted had fucked Hannah in the old-fashioned position and then he'd let her...
I have already told you I was lucky to have a younger sister. I was two years older than her and When in my teens I was lucky because my sister often had young girlfriends from school over to play and sometimes for sleep overs. I never lusted after my sister but these girls were something else. More than one of them had the hots for me, but I was horny (as most teen boys are) all the time for all of them.Once a particular lovely girl, developing nicely and slowly into a young woman shape came...
When I was 20 years old, I came home from college to find that my Mom had put in a hot tub. Very interesting. My father left years before. I had never really understood why. But I had matured into a quiet introspective scholar in high school and later in college. I was about five feet eight inches tall and weighed about 150 pounds. I was into working out but had never participated in sports. As a young man I was normal in my sexual desires. I was to learn new things this vacation from...
MILFAnd my husband loves me to go out like that too. I love it when I go out with my husband wearing stockings, garter belt, heels and no knickers, it is such a turn on, for me, for him, and for the guys that I decide to share our secret with.Long skirts, long dresses, short skirts and short dresses, shaven or hairy, it does not matter. After I have had a drink or two to loosen up, I love to first show my stocking tops and then to maybe open my legs slightly to put those guys watching into a bit of...
I’ve often sat and wondered what sex is like. I am a virgin in just about every technical sense. All I’ve ever done is kiss. And not even kissed enough for any real practice. It’s not that I’m asexual. I really like erotic literature, and I’ve even had thoughts of writing some of my own. But how can one write about something one has never done? All I really have to go on is my imagination and what I’ve seen in pornography. My intellect tells me that neither of those have much basis in reality....
A few weeks had past and my late night visits had ceased, I had ventured out to the stores and markets and had not been m*****ed by Charlie or Daniel. I did not inquire as to where they were when I ran into old school mates, Tough they said they were glad to see me, I would catch a glimpse of them snickering as we parted company, sometimes giving each other high fives. It bothered me at first but I grew more used to it as I would nod let on I saw what they were doing. At night I would lay in my...
Outdoor Anal FuckingBy: Londebaaz Chohan Now Frank was sure that his girlfriend; Julia was bisexual and like most men although, he was fascinated to watch 2 women having a good go at sex and not only having fun but also entertaining the spectators; he was not willing to share his girlfriend even with another girl and every time Julia tried to wheel him in for a FMF threesome with her confidant and lesbian play partner Molly, somehow he wiggled out successfully. So far so good but he was trying...
My wife, Jan, recently attended her twentieth high school reunion back in California. She had not seen any of her old girl friends for several years, so they planned to make it a long four day weekend. I had plenty of work to do and we have two young children, Jimmy age seven and five year old Brittany, so I really needed to stay close to home. Fortunately for us, our regular babysitter had just finished high school and was anxious to make some money, before heading off to college. Jenny seems...
SpankingArgh. Everything hurt. My luck went from bad to worse over the weekend. Too bad, just when things were going so well. First, I somehow twisted my ankle and knee while working out. I spent about half a day icing it and taking ibuprofen while cursing my luck. Hobbled, I decided to float in the pool. Tried the new spray-on sunscreen. Felt a little chilly going on and I didn’t want to use too much. Turned out I used way too little. About 2 hours in, I realized I was turning a bit red. Well, it...
"I want you....."I whisper softly to you in the back of my car. A cold winter night inthe middle of February, but the heat from both our bodies kept us warm.I watch as you run your delicate nails over my bare stomach ticklingand pecking at the curly but soft hairs. You look up at me with ateasing smile, knowing full well that I am at your mercy.. My willpowersapped from me by your sweet strawberry lips.. Will you spare me and notleave me unsatisfied this time ?... Will you finally fulfill my...
So, i wanted to talk a bit about what kind of porn I really like and why. I'll start with the normie stuff and proceed with kinkier categories as I go on. Hope you're along for the ride.Big Natural TitsThis is the basis of my enjoyment of porn, the default level of what I really like. If I'm in the mood for a quick wank and lack the time to find or watch something more elaborate, just a beautiful busty babe with her chest bare will do the deed. Why do I like them? I dunno, some things are just...
Special thank Nazhinaz for the support, advice and contribution to the story. Chapter 2: Two days later was the weekend. Mandy got up early and peered through her curtains. There was no sign of the neighbor sexy boy. He probably slept late on the weekends. She thought of the past few days and sighed. Since the day she laid her eyes on him, she was no longer the same. She kept thinking of him, wanting him so bad. She remembered having nearly walked to his house while returning from work and...
Christmas 1974, the second time round, was the best I had since we stopped putting milk and cookies out for Santa, some thirty-seven years in my past. Up till now, Wendy's Christmases had been strong on the giving of thanks with little rejoicing, and her delight at each new surprise helped us all to see once again the wonder of the season. Boxing Day at the Denures' was every bit as exciting as I could have hoped for! Mike had picked up Linda and Julie, and had swung around to pick up...
She was happier than she had been in a while. After admitting her desire to be dominated, we had played at it for the first time last weekend. After that, even without the domination, she had been insatiable all week. As soon as I got home, she would greet me in the nude and attack me. The last two nights she had immediately given me a blowjob, and then after dinner we fucked like rabbits until we were exhausted. Did I mention that I was deliriously happy, too? No need. I got to the...
Living in a single parent home was trying at times. I never enjoyed wearing clothes growing up. Mom said at least put underwear on. At bed time I would take them off and climb in bed. When we'd have company I'd have to wear pajamas at night. One night I didn't know a friend of hers was coming over,and came out of the bathroom in my underwear after a shower. Moms friend, I'll call him David was on the couch drinking a beer when I came out. He smiled and asked how I was. I said fine and put my...
Harley has been a member of Club VXN for six months now and has had nothing but fantastic experiences. She always sticks to the rules of the club and is always open to everything. When she receives the details of her latest date she is a little sceptical. It’s a daytime meeting which deviates from the guidelines and she has reservations. The man in question is one of the original members of the exclusive club and this allows him certain privileges – but can he handle what he is...
xmoviesforyouSlutty Whore Fiancée (Part 1) My then-fiancée and I discovered the ecstasy of acting out sexual our fantasies quite by accident. It was late one Saturday night and we'd just gotten home from a party. We were both more than slightly tipsy and exceedingly frisky as a result. Our first kiss inside my apartment rapidly escalated into an impassioned grope. "I love how easy it is to get to your tits in this dress," I whispered as I fondled Helen's tall, proud globes through her borrowed cocktail...
Kari was a woman around 25. She was drop dead gorgeous yet single through her whole life. She’d have the occasional one-night stand, but never more than that. Despite her size 34D’s she’d always been thought of the one that wouldn’t be good for a late night fuck session. Our story starts on a sunny November morning in the year of 2005. Kari woke up to a knock on her door. She was tired this particular morning, having had a wonderful night of passionate love making the...
Peter Johns was delighted with his number one man Billy Finnegan. Ernie Johnson now had the trainer he wanted and even better Jack Finnegan would be coming onboard in a matter of days. "Billy you've done some fantastic work. Many people would say this was a given because Gary is your father but not me. It was all the harder because he was your Father and the situation with Jack didn't help." "Well Peter IMG is in the big leagues of boxing now. We have Ernie and Dad with Jack soon to...
As they day had worn on, Talia was having less’ Niki horny slut’ time, and a lot more reflective, Talia type time. and she began to realize that she was either going to have to limit her Niki time, or do things to keep more aroused. Today was not bad, but it was not as liberating as Friday had been. Of course, Friday a lot of firsts had occurred, and that had provided additional fuel to the fires that burned inside of her. Mason and Talia’s private conversations had taken a turn during the...
Mary walked through the shopping mall idly gazing into all the shops windows with their festive displays. Tinsel and fairy lights were strung across the wide walkway and small Christmas Trees flashed and twinkled every twenty yards or so. She thought to herself that she would never get use to the hot season here in Brisbane. Strolling about in bright sunshine wearing just a pink halter top, tight white shorts and sandals on the 24th of December just seemed wrong. Billy wouldn’t be complaining...
Quickie SexMy wife and I watched one happy family come down the stairs and into the kitchen where Amanda was making breakfast. I had never known Brian well and had only met him a couple of times. Now I had a friend for life. Linda clung to her mother and June kept promising the little girl that she wouldn't ever go away again. June brought up the subject of how her actions had not only destroyed her marriage, but her friends as well. She was devastated when I told her that we were actually divorced,...
I wish to God I'd never done it. It was a spur of the moment kind of thing and now my life is an absolute mess. Lily's favorite sexual position is doggie style and her favorite place to do it is right on the edge of our bed so I can stand on the floor and drive into her. We found that if I stand on my toes the angle is such that I touch her someplace inside her that drives her wild; a place I never seemed to touch any other way. I tried a little stool but that apparently put me a little too...
Hi my name is Amit (name changed) 24 years of age, fair in complexion and I belong to Delhi. Couple of months back, I came to Pune for my higher education i.e. MBA and coincidently my ex-girlfriends sister was also pursuing her engineering Pune. The incident which I am about to narrate happened at the time of Diwali and I think you might have already assumed the central character of my story, yes of course it is my ex-girlfriend’s sister. Now let me describe my sex buddy in Pune, her name is...
The weeks passed, Arch was back to work and now living in a rented two bedroom condo. He had had no contact with Denise and firmly insisted, when speaking with Sean, that he would not speak with her or deal with her. All contact would be through their attorneys. He proposed that all assets be divided equally except for the house. He wanted nothing from the house but his clothing, computer and various personal effects and papers. Denise could keep the house. He had no interest in it. It was...
"So what's new?" said Paul. He was calling from his Tokyo office. He'd just informed Alice that he'd be unable to make it home until spring. He had several major deals going that required him to stay in Japan for at least three more months. "I let Hilda go," Alice said. "A few weeks ago." "You what?" "Don't worry, I gave her an extra month's salary and a going- away bonus. We just didn't need her anymore, Paul. I've started cooking and housekeeping again." "Is this some...
The bridal salon was breathtaking. As Lisa and I passed through the front door, I felt my pumps sink slightly into the plush carpet. We were immediately surrounded by an immaculate world of frills and tulle, pearls and sequins. I gazed across rack after rack of gowns and wondered where a girl would begin her quest for her perfect gown. For my perfect gown, I thought, for but a fleeting second. Lisa and I had spent many a night perusing various bridal magazines. Lisa had her gown...
“Do you want to try being on top?” Mat asks as he holds himself above Abby, weight on his elbows as he pushes and pulls inside her. She smiles, teeth like a string of pearls, nodding her head. Mat slips a hand under her and carefully rolls onto his back, Abby clinging to him. Knees on each side of his chest, she lays her naked torso right on top of his, breathing into him as he carefully moves beneath her.“Ahh, fuck. That’s nice,” he murmurs. Every vocal affirmation he gives makes her want to...
IncestStockholm Syndrome Part 4 I spent most of that day second guessing my decision to involve Pete in my mess. He was a nice guy who really was just looking for a little casual sex and I wound up putting his life in jeopardy. I assuaged my guilt with the thought that I really wasn't looking to involve him; I was just trying to get laid. It really didn't help so I just put it off to desperate people do desperate things. And with that comforting thought I went running on the beach at the...
My wife and I like to drive around in the mountains. We go for several reasons but mostly just to get out of town and enjoy the woods and be away from the normal routine. A few weeks ago we were driving and she had her vibrator (her buzzer as she calls it) up against her clit and was really enjoying the feeling. I too had my buzzer against my hard cock and was enjoying the buzz. She had already cum once and was working on the second when we saw a guy pushing his motorcycle. I slowed down and...