RuneswardChapter 51: Masses free porn video

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Uud and Syl rode slowly down the embankment. It had been a few days since any rain had watered the area and the hot sun was high in the sky. The road, even though cobbled with stone and brick, was dry and dusty. There was no breeze, so the dusty smell, interwoven occasionally with the odor of dry grass and a hint of spearmint, lay heavily around them.

Uud pulled up short and Syl followed. Even from here, more than a half a league away, they could hear the murmur from the valley below.

“Gods of Order,” Syl whispered, her eyes wide. “They go on forever.”

Uud grunted. The two of them were the forward scouts for the day, so they were the first to come across the massive group of people camping in the large valley. As soon as they’d seen the mass of people, however, they’d turned and rode back to Gillen and the main group, so they’d not really gotten any accurate numbers. Honor Hawksley had immediately sent them back to gather intelligence about what was happening. Probably they should have done that in the first place, but their leader had been quite adamant about letting her know about anything unusual before engaging it.

“All the way to the horizon,” Uud agreed, shading his eyes from the hot sun. He could clearly see two rivers, one to his left and the other to his right, coming down out of the hills and widening to lakes before moving on. The crowd filled the valley between the two and even the plains beyond each river. He leaned forward slightly to run his hands down the side of his mount’s neck. The horse, Filken, had come from the ranch he and his wives owned. Filken had been a marriage gift from the two women and had always been a good mount.

“Where could they be coming from?” Syl asked rhetorically. Like Uud, she had her hand above her eyes, blocking out the sun. Her blue eyes were squinting as they roved across the scene below and small, thin strands of her blonde hair, which had escaped from her braid, clung wetly to the side of her face.

Uud’s eyes raised to Syl from his mount. “I’ve no idea. Klevel? It’s the nearest city.”

“There are too many for Klevel,” Syl remarked, still looking over the throngs below. “Klevel’s no more than forty or fifty thousand. There’s at least a hundred thousand down there. Probably more.”

Uud grunted again. “I wager we should go down and ask them, then.”

The two started their mounts walking again. Syl waited a few moments before continuing as they rode. “You’ve been melancholy lately.”

Uud sighed, gripping the reins loosely in his left hand. “I’ve... we’ve ... got enough reason to be, don’t we? It wasn’t supposed to be like this. We weren’t supposed to be the last.”

“Death comes for us all, my friend,” Syl said with a disheartened sigh. “None of us know when it is our turn.”

Uud just grunted his agreement. Syl looked at him closely. “It’s more than that, though, isn’t it?”

Uud just turned to look at her before facing forward again. “I was just thinking of Lin. She’d have loved this. The adventure. The not knowing. She was always volunteering for scout duty, you know. She always wanted to see what was just beyond the next hill.”

Uud paused for a moment, looking down at the head of his mount. His voice was thick when he spoke again. “I loved her. You know?”

He looked up quickly, taking in Syl’s raised eyebrows. “Not like that. Never like that. I love my wives and Lin loved her husbands. I loved her like a sister. I had four older brothers who used to bully me when I was younger. I always wondered what having a sister would’ve been like. Then I met Lin and ... I loved her.”

He frowned wistfully. “It was always Myllyn, me and Lin. He was like a brother, and she was like a sister. Losing them...”

His voice fell away, and he looked away as he wiped absently at his eyes.

The two were silent for a few moments, carefully picking their way down the meandering trail, before Uud spoke again. “It’s going to be difficult telling her husbands.”

“I can do it,” the slightly younger knight offered, a few stray strands of her blonde hair crossing over her face in the wind. She grabbed the strands irritably and pulled them back behind her ear. She had her hair done in its usual braid, but stray strands were always getting free. Not for the first time, she vowed to cut her hair short.

Uud had three years on Syl, he was 28 to her 25. Syl, however, was ambitious while Uud was content to do his job effectively and efficiently. Syl had her eyes on Byrn Kotliss’ job – First of the First. Becoming one of the Queen’s most trusted confidante’s and the titular leader of her armies appealed to the young woman. To that end, she’d never married, her focus constantly on climbing the ranks. “It’s one of the reasons I’ve never married. Our job can be dangerous, and I don’t want to leave any hearts behind.”

“I’ll do it,” Uud replied. “I know the men. They won’t take it well but it’s my job to do. The two are good men. Strong. They’ll manage. It’ll be hard on the children, though.”

They took the ride down slowly, allowing the people below to see them coming. As they approached, though, they pulled their helms over their head and lifted their shields into their hand. The two were taking no chances, mindful of the Third Platoon’s unofficial creed – “Be wary in enemy territory; enemy territory starts at the outer door of our homes.”

At least, that was Uud’s version.

The road down to the valley from the rather small hill where they had camped was not steep, but it did have a few cutbacks to navigate. A few wildflowers grew in clumps and bushes along the side of the road, making the ride pleasant if hot. The murmur of voices grew and fractured from the general hum to individual sounds and voices as they approached the edges of the huge group.

“What do you think of Tulat?” Syl asked suddenly as they neared the base of the hill.

“Which one?” Uud replied, his eyes scanning the crowd they were approaching.

“The grandmother,” Syl replied tartly, rolling her eyes. “The boy, Uud. What do you think of the boy?”

Uud looked at her, his face hurt. “How was I supposed to know which one you were talking about?”

Uud shook his head and returned to his study of the people they were approaching. “He seems to be a good sort. He’s big but quick, strong but flexible. I wouldn’t want to go against him.”

“What do you think of Ataya naming him her champion?” Syl asked.

“I think it odd,” Uud replied almost immediately. “We’re supposed to be her champions.”

He paused for a single breath and then continued. “However, with only three of us left, I suppose I can see the need for another.”

“I think she’s letting her center do her thinking for her,” Syl asserted sourly.

Uud looked at her curiously. “Her center? I’m not sure I understand what you mean. She’s just reached her majority, Syl, and she’s been sheltered most of her life. I doubt she even knows what her center is for.”

Syl rolled her eyes up to the sky in supplication. “Chaos save me from men and fools!”

She turned to Uud with a chuckle and shook her head. “Though gods know I’m pretty sure they’re one and the same most of the time. It’s because she’s been sheltered that she did this. She’s ripe and ready to be plucked and by this time I doubt she cares who does the plucking. Along comes a young man who’s big and strong as an ox, who puts himself between her and danger, and her center starts weeping, draining the brains from her head. Of course, she’s going to tie him to her, using whatever means possible.”

“She’s either heard or read all of the romantic stories and histories about the old Champions and her center, where all her brains are at by now, crafts the plot,” Syl continued explaining.

Uud considered it carefully. “I’m not sure you have the right of it, Syl. Ataya is mostly an innocent. I think she just watched him throw himself between her and a fireball – just like one of those fireballs she’d seen take out the rest of our cohort – and was so overwhelmed with gratitude and awe, she named him.”

“Have you truly not seen the way she looks at him?” Syl asked incredulously.

Uud looked over at her. “I’ve not noticed her looking at him in any particular fashion. She always seemed very proper in her interactions with him.”

“Why did the gods make men such fools?” The female knight asked the skies once again with a feigned put-upon voice. She turned back to her companion. “She looks at him with such lust and longing in her eyes, I’m not sure how she’s stopped herself from jumping him by now. She’s like a lioness sizing up her meal.”

“Really?” Uud asked, astonished. “Do you think Yren knows?”

“No,” Syl sighed. “He’s as clueless as you – as clueless as all men. Gillen has seen it, though, and has taken some steps to separate them as much as possible. I’m pretty sure she knows it won’t work, but she’s doing everything she can anyway.”

Uud was quiet for a moment, deep in thought. “Honestly, I think she could do worse. Yren is impressive. From a personal standpoint, I’m not sure it matters.”

Syl nodded. “I agree. From a political standpoint, though, it could be disastrous. She’s named him her champion in front of the world. Though Royal Knights took over the function of being champion, the law hasn’t been changed and by the law, that’s a lifetime appointment. She can’t get rid of him now. It would have been better if Gillen had just pushed him into her bed for a romp. If the time comes when her infatuation wears off, she may regret her choice. That could lead to an intolerable situation. If she tries to get rid of him – assassinate him – maybe even a civil war. Especially since Yren already has two women betrothed to him, one of whom is the arch-priestess of Deia. If the goddess gets upset...”

“That might be bad,” Uud agreed.

“You have a veritable gift for understatement,” Syl remarked sarcastically. “Gillen and I’ve discussed the repercussions, but there isn’t much we can do at this point except make sure things don’t go too far. Gillen thinks if she can keep Ataya from bedding him, she can stop this whole thing from falling apart. I’m not certain I agree. Chaos knows the ripest fruit is the one not yet tasted. Prolonging Ataya’s longing is more likely to make her want him more.”

“Well, I hope you’re wrong,” Uud replied, stretching in his saddle. “I hope you’re seeing things what aren’t really there.”

“You know the saying,” Syl remarked drily. “‘Hope in one hand and shit in the other and let me know which fills faster.’”

The two grew silent as they finished their journey down the sloping hillside, each of them lost in their own thoughts.

As they approached, they could see there was no real order to the gigantic camp, though the people did keep a few feet back from the road itself. It resembled a large, if transient, town. Tents of linen in every single shade of white and aged yellow were scattered here and there as far as the eye could see. Interspersed with those tents were temporary wooden dwellings and the odd, occasional wagon. There were hundreds of campfires, even in the hot sun, most of them with pots and pans of some kind cooking above them.

The people were uniformly both dirty and tired, mud and dirt and worse smattered over their hands and faces and clothing and great, dark bags full under their eyes. Even the children, who could usually be counted on to run and play games no matter how tired, were uniformly quiet and looked upon the knights with scared, worried eyes. There was a dark undertone in the conversation as the knights approached, and Uud and Syl found their hands drifting to their swords for re-assurance.

A woman walked up to the road, her face angry and her mouth set in a grim line. Her hair was graying, her face lined and leathery. Her right arm was in a sling, her hand wrapped in dirty bandages. “Go on! Keep moving! We don’t want your kind here!”

“We are the knights of the...” Syl started but the old woman interrupted her almost immediately.

“We knows who and whats you are!” The woman called, spittle flecking her cheeks. “We ain’t gots nothin’ fors ya. Just git and leave us be.”

Uud’s face darkened. He’d been a knight for most of his life, now, and he’d never been treated so by the common people. He drew his reins down to the pommel, his shield lowering slightly, and leaned forward to look closely at the women.

“We are the Queen’s Knights,” Uud remarked quietly. “You will treat us with respect.”

“Respect?!?” The woman spat. Her face was red and set in what appeared to be a perpetual grimace, but there were tears gathering in her eyes. “Youse want respect when its youse and those like youse what cost us our homes? What cost us our loved ones? Git and leave us be, sir knight! Just git and leave us be!”

The woman began to cry and turned. A younger man with broad shoulders and long, muscular arms grabbed her and pulled her to his chest. He had a great brown beard which hid his lower face, but his brown eyes were sharp and piercing under a wildly unkempt mane of slightly darker brown hair. The older woman wailed, her arms wrapping around the man and her sobs muffled by the man’s dirty, dark green shirt.

“F’give her, honors,” the man said, patting the woman on the back. “We’s had a hard time of it and she’s lost more’n most.”

“What does she mean, those like us cost her her loved ones and her home?” Syl asked soothingly.

“Most of us are from Klevel,” he responded, his cracked, leathery hands moving to the sobbing woman’s head. He patted her and smoothed down her wild graying locks. “It was our home. One evenin’, somat days ago, a bunch a knights came from t’capital and camped around town. They musta done somat bad a ‘cause these chaos-spawned demons followed ‘em in. The demons raised t’town. Burned it to t’ground.”

“Demons?” Syl asked, clarifying.

“Big, tey was,” the man nodded. “Big as a house. Big as a barn. Scaly and big. The knights knowed ‘em. The knights fought ‘em. Tey tried a lurin’ ‘em out a town and it worked – but den d’demons kilt t’knights to a body. Maybe a hunnerd knights tere was, all dead. Some few a ‘em were burned inside dere armor. Most a ‘em were ... I don’ know. Melted, looked like. Piles a melted meat and bones insides armor we’s can’t touch lest it melts our hands.”

“Dragons they is,” a woman interrupted, her face wary. She was younger, perhaps in her twenties with hair that had once probably been golden but was now brown with dirt and grease. She was thin and her hands were hard. She kept glancing at the skies, as if she expected them to appear. “Big dragons. Red and black, they was. Big, long wings on t’side o’ scaley bodies.”

“Dragons?” Uud asked speculatively.

“Tain’t no such thing as dragons,” the man said derisively. “Dragons is old tales. Kiddie tales. Tey was demons.”

“I know what I saw,” the woman spat back, rubbing her dirty hands on her dirty blouse. “Chaos knows I done pictured ‘em to my little one around the night fires enough to scare some sense into her ... back when she lived. What I saw was dragons.”

The big man considered her for a minute. He looked up at Uud and Syl, his lips pursed and his eyes bright. “Well, t’did appear as dragons,” he admitted. “Twasn’t dragons, tow. Dragons is old, kiddie tales. Had t’be demons pretendin’ t’be dragons.”

“Anyways,” he continued. “T’Demons weren’t happy wit t’knights, so as tey came back and burned us out a t’town. After t’town, the next night dey burned out t’farms and such wut was around Klevel. Tat’s where Wettle loss her wifes and husbands and tear little ones. They had a farm just outside a Klevel.”

“Can you describe what these demons looked like?” Syl asked. “In detail?”

“Shore,” the man said slowly. “Like I said, the one I see’d was big as a barn. It was scaly – with big, red scales. Even t’arms and t’legs were covered n’scales. The arms and feet had claws. Lots of claws. Big face wit’a long snout. Big holes for smellin’ and eyes like t’dinner plates. On each side had dese big wings – like mousers ... uh ... bats. I mean bats. Big bat wings what had claw on t’joints.”

Uud and Syl exchanged looks from the within their helms. What the man described certainly sounded like how the old stories depicted dragons. Although there were tales of dragons in faraway lands spread by merchants and the odd bard, they were still considered just stories. Even in the unlikely event dragons had once been real, they were gone now – extinct for eons.

“How sure are you...,” Uud started slowly but the man cut him off.

“I’s as close t’it as I be to t’hill you come down,” the man said. “And it was almost as big. I’s sure t’demon liked me t’believe t’was a dragon, but I knows t’difference. Tyln’s priest hisself done preached t’word on t’demons. He says t’false gods be letting ‘em in t’war wit Tyln’s faithful. We need t’ denound ‘ese falsity gods, he says, else t’demons’ll come fer us all!”

The man’s eyes narrowed as he looked speculatively at Uud and Syl. “Youse don’ follow t’falsity gods, d’yeh?”

Uud and Syl just glanced at each other. Luckily, they were saved from making a response when a burly fellow approached them. He was a tall man, almost as tall as Uud and very nearly as wide. He had a dark, swarthy complexion and a shock of uncombed, curly black hair cut tight over a high forehead. His face was streaked with dirt which only accented his bright, brown eyes. He had a thick bulbous nose over a few days growth of beard surrounding a thick-lipped mouth.

The man was obviously a blacksmith with the smell of burning wood surrounding him, and the hammers and tongs on his belt. He was clothed in a dark blue shirt, short-sleeved and open at the neck with thick, dark gray pants. He had a long, leather smock covering from his chest down to where it flapped a bit just above his knees, and it was spattered with streaks of metals, wax and other things. The man looked powerful, with corded forearms beneath the bulging short sleeves.

He also looked a bit on the annoyed side, his brown eyes narrowed and a look of subtle anger on his face. He didn’t appear happy to be confronting the older man holding the graying woman.

“‘At’s enough now, Jarvik,” the man interrupted in a booming, yet out of breath, voice. “We don’t want to cause the Queen’s knights any trouble.”

The two stared at each other for a few moments until the big man in green turned away.

“T’aint me causin’ t’trouble,” the man mumbled under his breath, just loud enough for the knights to hear him. “It’s all dem who ain’t bending their knee to the one, true god.”

The black man just shook his head as the other led the woman away. After a moment, he turned back to the two knights. “Forgive him. We’ve all had a rough time lately but for some it’s been more difficult than for others.”

“Who are you?” Syl asked.

“Edkin Mores, Lady Knight,” he said. “I’m ... well, I was a blacksmith in Klevel. One of three actually, but the others are dead. I’m the one who is, more or less, in charge here. As much as anyone can be in charge of this mob. Mostly, I just make sure everyone has enough to eat and drink, the horses are shoed and so on.”

Same as Runesward
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Hi my name is Jane, and I have the worst luck getting dates. The few dates I have gotten have been duds. I've had no winners ever since really I started dating. I'm not looking for someone to marry right now and settle down with already, I'm only 27, but I still want a relationship that could lead to be something serious. I live with my brother Brad who is 31, we both are about 6 feet tall and have brown hair and eyes, but I have c-cup breasts though and he doesn't. We both live in an apartment...

4 years ago
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Magical dream I had last night

My dream started off as if I was on a field trip to a magical place. There was a lady, mystical in some way, who offered me my favorite popcicle flavor orange cream? She knew it was my favorite, and suggested towards a plate of lollipops in her hand. I grabbed one that was a rainbow swirl of colors thinking it would not taste like it, sure enough if was that tasty cream orange popcicle flavor.She told me her magical world was endangered by these two guys on my trip. I wasn’t sure how I could...

3 years ago
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Dads and Daughters on VacationChapter 4

Ted, Mark, Amber and Stephanie returned to their hotel suite still damp from their latest romp in the pool. No one quite knew what to do next. They were all aware of the weight of what had just happened. The girls had each gotten their own dad to cum. And they all wondered, what was next? Should they talk about what had gone on in the pool? The girls weren't dragging their dads back out the door as they had previously, so it seemed that they would be willing to talk. Mark had begun a...

4 years ago
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first day of schoolHorrible

My name is callum, I'm 5ft 11, brown hair and brown eyes, average weight. And it was my first day of school today which I was really nervous about because all my life I've been bullied and I didn't not want that in high school, however I had to go in. Mum drops me of the gate and I walked down the long path into the school bike area, I'm already scared so I just walk along and sit down under a tree by my self, I'm not a popular kid, I never will be. As I'm sitting under the tree, the...

1 year ago
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The DolphinEpilogue

The middle-aged lawyer pulls his expensive sports car into his garage in the posh Boston suburb where he lives and wearily clicks the remote to close the door behind him. He extricates himself from the low-slung seat, thinking yet again that it would be less stressful to his aching joints if he abandoned this symbol of youth for a more comfortable sedan. But he looks back at the car admiringly and knows he isn’t quite ready for such a drastic step. “Hi, honey,” his wife greets him as he...

2 years ago
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Tarak Mehata Ka Hot Chasma 8211 Part 1

Hi friends this is sandy me fir se ek bar aap ke samne ek kahani pesh kar raha hu Ye real nahi hai just ek kalpanik hai … Just read kare aur enjoy kare .. Agar aapko kanai pasand aaye to pls muje mail kare yaa kuch galti ho to pls pls muje galti kaha hui hai bataye … , par .. So let start the story Aap logo ke sab tv par famaus program TARAK MEHTA KA ULTA CHASMA is je bare me lijh raha hu so enjoy… Sabhi patra aap ko pata hi hoge so muje aap ko batane ki jarurat nahi hai Sabhi gents abdul...

2 years ago
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Time of Eden and ElvesChapter 2

Tina's voice is what stirred Martin from his fog of blackness. He was jammed up against the navigation computer and he felt a weight on his chest as his eyes regained their focus. He saw the mass of red hair stirring on his chest and ignored the throbbing from the back of his head as the picture of the massive asteroid popped back into his memory. Anja was stirring on his chest, her body haphazardly sprawled across his, her navy regulation skirt hiked quite far up her tanned thigh. He had...

3 years ago
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CrossCountry Trip

It was damn hot on this, the second day of our trip, and I don't think that any of us were enjoying the travel. Dad, Mom and I were going almost right across the country so as Dad could take up a relieving managers position brought about by illness. Initially the plan was for him to fly and live in hotel accommodation but as it would probably last for almost 6 months we decided to go as a family, enabling Mom and I to experience of quite different culture and living style. We had departed...

4 years ago
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Days With My Girl My Wife My Life

The sun rose. It was an awesome feeling. I was lying on the bed. The sun rays were glittering. I can hear the voice off water droplets from the bathroom. There she takes bath. She is my wife, Neethu. She came out from the bathroom in churidar and with a shy smile she gave me a good morning. She came and sat on the bed. I hold her head and brought it forward near my face and we had a long kiss. It was a month ago, I was compelled for a marriage and started and account in a web portal. I got many...

1 year ago
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A Really Special Birthday Present

It was my birthday and I was sitting in the lounge of my neighbour, Hazel's flat. She'd called and asked if I'd pop up as she had something for me. When I'd arrived, I'd found the door open and when I knocked, she'd called out for me to go on into the lounge. As I passed the bedroom, she called out again. "Happy birthday Mike, I won't be long. Make yourself comfortable." Hazel and I had been friends ever since I'd moved into the flat above hers six months earlier and although we were...

2 years ago
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Fucking a Politician in the Arse

I’m back home after a great week last week in Canberra having fun exploring the city and being Paul the Politicians boy toy. I couldn’t post too much on my blog (Aussie Speedo Guy) because Paul is married and is a bit of a public figure here in Australian politics. But, after checking with Paul and running the first draft past him, I can now share with you guys some more details about how Paul and I met as well as what we got up to last week. It all began about a year ago... It was a...

3 years ago
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Lois Lane Sex Slave

Lois Lane: Sex Slave By EchotangoCaught snooping around a warehouse Lois suffers a terrible fate?Chapter One: Capture?And it was confirmed today that Superman will remain away from Earth on a top secret mission for the next three months, the white house said?? Lois Lane listened to the radio and smiled, Superman had left town over a week ago and the twenty-six year old brunette had broken the story three days before and now the radio was finally catching up. She felt like chuckling with glee...

2 years ago
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My Wifes Fantasy LoverChapter 5

I went into the bedroom to dress. I came up behind her and glided my hands under her suit and cupped her breasts, lifting her top over her head. As I took her nipple into my mouth the smell of sun tan lotion and the feel of her slippery skin was magnificent. I pulled back to look at her. Her puffy nipples looked so sexy. I took one in my mouth again letting the softness of it roll under my tongue. I laid her down on the bed and pulled her bottoms off, spreading her legs. I kissed her on her...

4 years ago
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Living the Dream Malissas Academy 36

LTD, Malissa's Academy, 36 Things were running smoothly, the FJ's and Nexies were mixing in and getting along with everyone else. And our later than usual Spring Break was just a few days away. I decided to drop in on Miss Tandy's fifth grade class just to observe. Then I remembered this was also Skitter Hearts classroom. I'd slipped Tandy a note at lunch so she wouldn't be surprised when I slipped into the back of the room. Sapphire lay curled up under Skitters desk in plain...

2 years ago
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A Flawed DiamondChapter 45

Meredith was particularly giddy as she and Brock carried their luggage through the door of the house they would share for the next seven weeks. The house was much smaller than the one they shared in Beverly Glen and the neighborhood in Glendale was far less exclusive. Still, there was something about the place she liked. She smiled broadly as she spun around in the living room. Brock was bringing the last load in from the SUV and she greeted him with a warm hug, pulling him down to kiss...

3 years ago
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It was early summer and the temp's were already near 90's. Luckily my neighbors had a pool and invited me to come over for a swim anytime. Julie and her two young daughters were enjoying themselves in the water when I got home. I got into my trunks and went over to join them. I dove in and swam around, it was refreshing to cool off and escape the heat. Julie asked me to keep an eye on the girls while she went inside to get us some cold drinks. Tina, the oldest one was almost 17 and Lisa was 15....

2 years ago
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With My Prachi Girlfriend

Hello friends mera naam Ankit Kapoor (Armaan) hai mai chhattisgarh state se belong karta hu, meri age 19yrs hai, mai dikhne me good luking hu and mera 6inch ka land hai jo kisi bhi ladki ki choot ki pyaas bhujha sakta hai.mai ISS ka regular reader hu or mujhe ISS ke stories bahut pasand hai,isliye maine socha ki mai apke sath apni 1st sex experience share kar lu. This is my 1st story in ISS so pls ignore minor mistakes.aur agar koi bhi ladki mujse sex karwana chahti hai ya phone sex karna...

1 year ago
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Panther Girls

Panther Girls by captv8td [email protected] 1Sarah was really looking forward to next month.  The eighteen year old high school senior had only four more weeks to go before she graduated.  And then she planned to enjoy her summer before heading off to the university.  She really planned to enjoy herself there.  She couldn’t wait for the freedom that would go along with college life.She would still have her job through the summer, if the store stayed in business that long.  She wanted...

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Davids punishment

David has always been a little odd. He never was good at expressing himself and his girlfriend Daphne was always really understanding of this fact. One day David made the mistake of dumping Daphne during a fight that was his fault anyway. Well we all know how the saying goes; you don’t know what you have untiu’veu’ve lost it. David became really depressed and had noticed what if felt like to be without her. No one could make him feel like Daphne had, no one made him feel whole. So one day he...

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Basha sold the farm

Basha Bagrowski came from a proud Polish Nebraska farm family. Her father and mother died in a car crash driving back from a night on the town in Omaha. She missed her father and mother. They used to sit on the front porch in the evening and her dad would play the accordion and sing Polish songs.She had to sell the farm. Basha could not do anything about it. She could not work the farm alone. Basha had sold all the animals and farm equipment. She sat on the front porch steps with her head in...

1 year ago
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Romance Comic Cover Stories Chapter XIII

Chapter XIII – Bisexual Girl Wants Sex I/The Hunk and the Babe (based on Pictorial Romances No. 10 cover, St. John, November 1951)I know what people think about bisexuals, that we are just people that can’t decide between men and women and rather pick both and also too much ‘keen’ to sex. Well, in my case, that wasn’t me. I am bi, but not that kind of bi girl people usually think. In fact, I had only eyes and my pussy tingled for only two people, Mary and Scott.Mary and Scott are my friends...

3 years ago
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The Last Mile

Ryan could think of better places to be on a Friday evening than idling in the middle lane of motorway rush hour. Face first in the pussy of Mya/Naya or whatever the hell she was called from the other night would be infinitely preferable. Jostling six deep at the humid cocktail bar, he hadn't pressed for her name after the thumping music and rowdy patrons drowned out her response. And by the time he had the opportunity to find out for sure back at her place, he was beyond needing to know,...

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Desperate MeasuresChapter 4

Monday morning Janet called the school and told the guidance counselor that Maria would not be in classes that week due to a sprained ankle. She had not heard a sound from her daughter all-night and peeked in to see that she was all right. When Janet opened the door she saw the empty wine glass on the nightstand and knew that Maria had flagrantly disobeyed her. Throwing on a housecoat, Janet slipped out to the backyard, and with a sharp steak knife, cut off a long thin branch from the maple...

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Broke Fat Black and Ugly Ch 1

Chapter 1 Barely making it in Seattle. That should be my forum name. I finally found work, and then my husband slips and cracks his spine. He's on disability, and has regained most of his mobility, but Donald whinges whenever I bring up applying for work. Stace, our 14 year old daughter spends like a sixteen year old. She's attractive enough. She doesn't need the makeup and makeovers and makewhatevers, she saves every cent of her allowance for. We were making it, a living. Can't say...

1 year ago
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BangBros18 Kira Perez Show Me Your Dick

Kira Perez was undressing to take a bubble bath. Her young body was amazing. She climbed into the bathtub and was playing with the bubbles on her body. Then her fingers slowly moved between her legs and started to rub her clit. She moaned. Nade Nasty heard that and slowly sneaked into the bathroom. He started to watch his step sister who was getting closer and closer to climaxing. She noticed him and chased him down. He begged to please not tell. She said only if you show me your dick. He...

2 years ago
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From an Outie to an InnieChapter 14

With my mother’s blessing, I pulled Jimmy upstairs to my room and locked the door. He had the ‘deer in the headlights’ look to him, even as I was fishing his cock out of his pants, and what a nice cock it was. While not porn star worthy, it was a good size. I’d guess it at being about seven inches in length and close to three in diameter. He was definitely no slouch in the man meat department. I was on my knees sucking and teasing his cock, hands-free, while I worked on getting him out of...

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Stella Maris SM trials 1 SM Sas dance on

Stella Maris searches long to find a proper Master to initiate her and her two best friends into the S.M.-scene.Stella Maris finally finds .Stella-Maris fills in all obligatory 'dirty details' of her hottest sexual secrets & foxy fantasies on his firms forms.Stella Maris adds her hottest private picture, full nude is required, as well as photo's of her two finest friends.Stella Maris adds as much as she knows about Marina and Saskia. Their erotic experiences & 'dirty dreams'.Stella...

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Sal the Super the Nookie King of the BronxChapter 12

There was one unit in the North building that Sal made a conscious effort to stay away from. It was apartment 405 on the fourth floor looking up to Moshelu Parkway. He didn't avoid it because he had done anything wrong or anything like that. It was just a feeling he had that things were not completely kosher with the occupants and it would be best for him to stay detached from getting too familiar with either Mr. or Mrs. Moskovitz except in a real emergency. His Aunt even slipped their rent...

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NewSensations Coco Lovelock Coco Gets Deeply Creative In Class

What a blast in class it was for bubbly blonde cheerleader and creative writer Coco Lovelock. But not for her professor T. Pistol. He is not happy, nor will he approve of her “so called writing”, calling it filthy porn and not good. So Coco does what she does best, letting him know she has been thinking long and hard about his balls slapping her wet pussy as he is balls deep inside her hot, tight teen pussy and especially when both his balls and cock are swallowed by her cock-hungry...

4 years ago
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Rileys Bar Chapter 2

I went over to Woodbine and talked to my old boss and he gave me a job. I had to go through the hiring process again and that meant filling out all the applications and other assorted paperwork. I didn't know if it would be caught in the office, but I thought it might be worth a try so when I got to the block where it asked for the social security number I put in the number of my Grandfather on my father's side of the family. He had been dead for three years and since I had been named after...

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MylfDom Rocky Emerson Anonymous Dominant Demands

Tatted up hotty Rocky Emerson is freaked out when she gets a call from a man with a strange voice who tells her that she has been instructed to go to a secret house. She does not know how to react, so he tells her exactly what to do. Take the key, go inside, and assume the position. She follows her instructions, and waits until our stud shows up in a suit. He ties her up and paddles her on the couch, getting her pussy dripping wet. Then, they make their way to the bed where she is bound as she...

2 years ago
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AmberChapter 7

Rob yawned, and rolled over to the increasingly-familiar sight of his older sister’s tattoo-covered boobs, and pierced nipples. He decided to wake her up by sliding his thick, veiny cock inside of her, while pulling on her piercings and - just to make sure she was awake - slapping her on the ass. As soon as he inserted the tip of his cock, however, she moaned loudly, and opened her eyes. “Oh, Rob,” she moaned, and wrapped her legs around him, pulling him in as far as he could go. “Stretch me...

1 year ago
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The Way of WarChapter 24

The pretty WRNS secretary admitted him into Silverman’s office where he was sitting behind his desk in naval whites. He came from around the desk with his hand extended, “Captain Ramage, thank you for coming”. He indicated for Shaun to pull up a chair. Once Shaun was seated, he began. “When I couldn’t reach you at the flat, I guessed you would be at the hotel, hence the message.” He looked keenly at Shaun, “You intend to return to the Oasis?” Shaun nodded. Silverman nodded slowly, “I thought...

1 year ago
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One of Us Part 3

One of Us - Part III The room had been rearranged somewhat when I emerged from the bathroom. There were four folding chairs arranged around a bridge table. On the table were small plates with salad forks, a fruit bowl, and a salad bowl with serving spoons. There was also a small basket of rolls. Four cups of iced tea had been poured. Amelia asked me to please have a seat as we had a lot to discuss. Apparently, I was no longer being held in captivity. I thought about trying to...

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Puppy Love Ch 01

‘I really have to remember to get new sneakers,’ I muttered to myself as I briskly walked up front to load the next patient. I laid the file open on the counter to skim through the new patient form. Eight year old Jack Russell with a 4 month history of intense itching with minimal response to steroids and antibiotics. I turned to face the waiting room and my eyes fell on a scruffy, bald-legged terrier who started chewing aggressively on his hind leg. I smiled. This one would be easy, maybe we...

3 years ago
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Where To Get Off

The need for release was everything.Fifteen miles Jed Martin had driven from the venue, longing through each one to pull over and jack off. Desire didn’t reside in his hard cock alone, it raged in his blood – the tension knotting his muscles and stretching his tendons taut.When he reached his apartment - the one where Patricia no longer resided - that impulse drove him up the stairs to the bathroom. No fucking around. This wasn’t one to savour, it was a fierce erotic poison he had to pump free...

3 years ago
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Gloryhole Beginning

My parents took my sister and I to a store in the mall to by school clothes. My dad really hated to shopso my sister and I went with mom to look for clothes while dad went to a bookstore in the mall.After purchasing my clothes, my sister wanted to look for clothes so we went into the miss's section. I was really bored and suddenly had to pee. So I asked my mom if I could go to the restroom. She wasn't crazy about it but knew I was bored and that they'd have to cross the store to find the...

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