- 3 years ago
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After Charlotte’s discovery of the two girls together, Harriett and Emma no longer made even the slightest pretence that there was nothing between them. Charlotte became accustomed to finding the couple entwined around each other in the living room and elsewhere, and her sense of betrayal and frustration gradually receded in the face of a fact that couldn’t now be changed. Charlotte tried to look away from their activities, but her eyes still strayed towards them, although there was nothing too overtly sexual in their behaviour. As long as they just cuddle, Charlotte said to herself, I can still dream. She gazed longingly at Emma, but she felt constrained from even kissing or hugging her. Contrarily, Emma was much more affectionate towards Charlotte – stroking her hair, kissing her cheeks, patting her buttocks – but never in a way that could be construed as a sexual invitation.
Emma was concerned that Harriett shouldn’t lose sight of the original intention of their intimacy. ‘Perhaps now,’ she suggested, ‘we’ve practised enough and we should find out how you actually would perform in front of the camera.’
‘But how would we do that?’ wondered Harriett from between Emma’s legs, a few loose hairs in her teeth.
‘I’ve got a video recorder and we can ask Charlotte to film us,’ suggested Emma matter-of-factly. And indeed that’s what they did next time they saw Charlotte just as she was returning from work. She was just pulling off her knickers – always the last item she took off as to her it marked the moment she progressed from merely undressed to nude. It was not a welcome suggestion, but there was probably no favour that Emma could ask that Charlotte wouldn’t perform. Even scorned in love, Charlotte reasoned, she could show how pure and unselfish her love was. She still hoped that Harriett was merely a phase in Emma’s love life and that soon her true love would return to her, an altogether better candidate.
‘I’ve never used one before,’ Charlotte answered, hoping this could be the excuse to avoid the humiliation of filming the woman she loved making love to another woman. ‘And certainly not for something like that.’
‘Don’t be silly,’ said Harriett. ‘There’s nothing to it. It’s auto-focus. All you’ve got to do is point it in the right direction and make sure it’s rolling.’
‘Isn’t there some art to it?’ wondered Charlotte. ‘The right angles and so on.’
‘We’re not asking you to make an art film,’ Emma laughed. ‘We just want to see what Harriett’s like, so that when she makes love with a woman professionally it all goes well. No one’s going to watch it except Harriett and me.’
‘And anyway if you think the cameramen at work are making art, you’re sadly mistaken,’ laughed Harriett. ‘All they do is what we’re asking you to do. Just film us making love and point the camera at the interesting bits.’
‘The interesting bits?’
‘Don’t be so naïve!’ Emma exclaimed amusedly, leaning over and kissing Charlotte on the mouth. ‘I’m sure you’ll have no difficulty in working out which they are.’
Emma and Harriett spent about an hour together in the bathroom to prepare for the filming, mostly soaping themselves in the shower and ensuring that their bodies were clean and their pubic hairs shining. Emma was fascinated to find that even Harriett, with her athletic slim body felt she needed more than just soap to look her best as she adorned make-up over her nipples and around her crotch. ‘It actually looks more natural on a video,’ she explained, but Emma wasn’t persuaded. Her principles of naturism were too strict to permit using such artifice. She did consent however to Harriett sucking and pulling on her nipples to ensure that they were quite erect to start with.
Charlotte practised , in the meantime, by filming around the living room and then playing the results back on the video player. It was very easy: technology had certainly come a long way. You just pointed the video recorder at something – say a chair – and it remained in focus as you moved towards it or away from it. Even in darkened parts of the room the recorder automatically widened its aperture to ensure that enough light entered the lens.
‘Are you ready?’ wondered Emma coming out of the bathroom with a blow-dried crotch and a radiant expression. Charlotte couldn’t help noticing how very stiff Emma’s nipples were: they were normally pert but not that pert.
Harriett suggested her own bedroom because her bed was the widest and there was better lighting. ‘And that’s where I’m most relaxed anyway,’ Emma laughed. Charlotte was not amused.
At first the exercise was very clumsy. It was very difficult for Emma to proceed knowing that Charlotte was filming her every move. She kept catching glimpses of the video recorder as it panned around her crotch and her breasts. Charlotte herself was thinking more of her own humiliation in filming the woman she loved doing the things she wanted to do, and finding it difficult to keep her mind on the object of the exercise. However, the more experienced Harriett took everything in command. She kept half an eye on the camera and Charlotte and occasionally made signs to Charlotte as to where to point the camera. Emma appreciated how Harriett also took command of her love-making. Emma admired Harriett’s professionalism as she guided Emma’s mouth down to her vagina while stroking Emma’s back and gesturing Charlotte to film Emma’s frantic tongue. The skill was not only that of being able to make love unselfconsciously in front of other people, but of also maximising the activities for their erotic televisual potential.
Charlotte was able to think as she filmed that perhaps this was not really Emma she was filming, but just a sex star on the sex videos Emma was bringing into the flat. Was it real sex? she wondered. She’d sometimes wondered that when watching these videos. However, as Emma relaxed more and became more excited by the eroticism of the occasion, it became evident to Charlotte that this was real sex. Emma emitted gasps and grunts that increased in frequency and were reciprocated by Harriett. ‘Oh God! Oh God!’ she yelled from a sudden orgasmic shudder. Charlotte was taken aback, but she was herself aroused by Emma’s arousal. Her thoughts focused on Emma and almost forgot that it was Harriett who was orchestrating the pleasure and whose tongue and teeth were working around Emma’s vagina.
Almost unconsciously, while holding the video camera in her right hand her left hand wandered down to her own clitoris which she stroked to the same rhythm of Emma’s orgasmic shudders. She found that her own vagina was moist. Oh! if only it was me that was giving Emma this pleasure she sighed.
All too soon for Emma whose body glistened with perspiration, they were finished, and the lovers lay on their backs in exhaustion. Charlotte was still filming, but on Harriett’s prompting she had receded so that she could film the two girls together.
‘I wonder what it looks like,’ wondered Harriett signalling that Charlotte should now stop filming. As the company soon found out, it didn’t have the gloss or sparkle associated with most television sex, and the video was peculiarly story-less, being just Harriett and Emma groping together. It was almost an emetic experience for Charlotte to see the two girls together again just as she had seen them earlier through the camera lens.
‘What do you think of our performance?’ Emma asked Charlotte kindly as the action showed Emma’s finger working in and out of Harriet’s anus.
‘I don’t think I know what to say,’ said Charlotte truthfully.
‘I still need practice,’ Harriett stated forcefully. ‘There’s quite a few things I’m just not happy about. Not,’ she added, smiling at Emma, ‘in terms of your performance, but my own. I think we’ll have to repeat the exercise again.’
Charlotte sighed inaudibly. She knew what Harriett’s statement meant for her. However, she watched the rest of the video w
ith the two lovers. After a while both Emma and Harriett were stroking and rubbing their vaginas – and remembering her own excitement while filming Charlotte did the same thing. But she wasn’t arousing herself at all. She was wondering if she could bear to stay and watch the rest of the video, when she heard a sharp gasp.
Was it that part of the video already? wondered Charlotte watching again as Harriett’s mouth worked around Emma’s breasts which was held up in offering. No, it wasn’t – she was sure – the video hadn’t even got to the bit when Harriett had put almost all of her tongue into Emma’s vagina. She turned her head to look at Emma and Harriett, and saw that they had started making love to each other again.
Charlotte was then in a dilemma, which she could not reconcile. For the rest of the space of the video she had the choice of watching Emma and Harriett making love in the flesh or review them again on video. Eventually, she decided that the only thing she could was leave. She went to her own bedroom and slumped on her bed. Away from Emma and Harriett she was now able to imagine herself making love to Emma and that she was the recipient of Emma’s affection. And in this way she furiously masturbated herself and was eventually sufficiently exhausted to get to sleep and not reflect too much on her loss.
Although Emma was becoming quite expert in making love, she could almost be considered to be a virgin – she had only once ever had full penetration sex and that was not a particularly enjoyable experience. In fact it had so upset Emma that she had lost interest in making love altogether: but as a result of her experiments with Harriett she felt sure that the time had come when she could lose her virginity in a more meaningful way.
Charlotte really didn’t see this as a shortcoming in Emma’s sex life, indeed she had become rather used to seeing all the variations of it either through the camera lens or otherwise. Indeed, Emma and Harriett seemed to be making love all the time now. Whereas the two girls had previously been a little discreet, they now showed no compunction in cunnilingus or mutual masturbation or other such sexual activities when Charlotte was around. And Harriett continued to insist that Charlotte film the two girls together: an activity which was getting more polished. The videos Charlotte was filming now were still technically poor and had no story content, but Emma had lost her initial shyness and had learnt techniques from Harriett which made her performance much more interesting to watch. Charlotte concentrated more on the technical aspects of filming, and Harriett no longer needed to indicate what views to take.
Charlotte was in fact watching one of these videos when Emma mentioned her desire to lose her virginity. Emma and Harriett were still glistening with sweat after the sex in which they had just been indulging and a very strong post-orgasmic smell emanated from them. ‘But it’s got to be done properly…’ she announced.
‘Do you mean,’ wondered Charlotte, ‘that you want it filmed?’
‘What an interesting idea,’ commented Harriett.
‘No,’ decided Emma. ‘I just mean it’s got to be right. You know, it’s an important thing and I want it to be something I’ll remember with joy.’
Charlotte’s own first experience with sex hadn’t really been that satisfactory either, so she appreciated what Emma was saying. But then, when you’re a teenager, boys do tend to be unsubtle and clumsy. ‘What do you mean properly?. Do you mean we invite a boy round to fuck you?’
‘God no!’ said Emma with horror. ‘I could only do it with Harriett.’ Charlotte inwardly sighed. ‘No. I mean Harriett would have to wear one of those artificial penises, – dildos. I’m sure it’d be fine that way. I don’t want to be impregnated by some disgusting man. And anyway the mere thought of a man sticking his thing in me is enough to make me feel unwell.’
‘But why tell me?’ wondered Charlotte, who often wished that Emma wasn’t so open about her sexual relationship. Naturism at home was one thing, she reasoned although there was always some sexual teasing in that. But watching the two girls having sex together day and night was entirely different. Charlotte was very nostalgic for the earlier days when only she and Emma wore no clothes.
‘Because, sweetest,’ said Emma with a very warm smile, ‘whatever Harriett is, you are my best friend. I need you to be there. It’s very important to me.’ She pulled Charlotte’s warm naked body to her own still slightly damp one and hugged her more tightly than she had ever done before. She showered kisses all over Charlotte’s face. ‘Please say you will,’ she pleaded.
Charlotte was taken aback by the affection. ‘But what am I to do?’ she gasped, hoping perhaps that she might still have a sexual role to play. But no, all Emma wanted her to do was to hold her hand.
Emma and Harriett arranged the day on which Emma would lose her virginity with some care. Harriett went out to choose a dildo with Charlotte from a shop that sold such things. Charlotte felt uneasy with Harriett these days, but Harriett was very good at reassuring her. She explained how much she treasured her relationship with Emma and how grateful she was for her affection. ‘She loves you too,’ she confided to Charlotte, ‘but she cherishes her friendship with you too much.’
Harriett seemed like a different woman to Charlotte when she was not at home and undressed. She wore shorts and sweater just as she used to: looking much more like a sportswoman than a television sex performer. Charlotte now knew all about Harriett’s body and envied her for its athletic trim. The two girls studied the different dildos in the shop. There seemed to be a much wider selection of dimensions and designs than Charlotte had ever expected.
‘I imagine Emma will want one that looks as natural as possible,’ commented Harriett picking one up and holding it to Charlotte’s face. ‘This is about standard size, isn’t it?’
It was actually significantly larger than the penises Charlotte generally saw, but she was aware that Harriett would always be meeting better endowed men in her trade than would the average woman. Harriett eased down her shorts and strapped the dildo on over her knickers. ‘What do you think?’ she wondered, spinning round with the dildo looking almost like the real thing.
‘I’m sure it’ll do the job,’ commented Charlotte, and indeed it was the one chosen.
The day came and the three girls arranged themselves in Emma’s room (which was not the usual place for making love). Emma lay on her back and supported her head and shoulders in Charlotte’s lap. Charlotte supported her shoulders and felt a warm sexual tingle as she felt Emma’s naked skin on her crotch and thighs. Oh! if only it was me and not Harriett, she said to herself, as Harriett, dildo strapped around her otherwise naked body, lubricated Emma’s vagina with her tongue and fingers.
Harriett spent what seemed to Charlotte from her experience of men an unusually long time stimulating Emma, occasionally stopping to look up at Emma to gauge her expression. Emma looked lovingly down at Harriett and sometimes gazed up at Charlotte. Charlotte could see that Emma was a little nervous so she gave as reassuring a smile as she could.
Eventually, Harriett assessed that Emma was ready. She seemed more than ready to Charlotte who felt the shuddering in Emma’s shoulders and the whiplash of her hair as it was thrown about in ecstasy. Harriett eased the dildo into Emma’s cunt and the reaction was almost immediate. ‘Ohhh! Godd! Go-o-oddd! Uuooaahh!’ cried out Emma, shaking herself ecstatically. She grasped Charlotte’s hand and squeezed it as if her life depended on it while gasping out. Then she screamed out in an aural ejaculation that frightened Charlotte.
Emma held tightly onto Harriett who rhythmically and rather slowly thrust her crotch back and forth. Charlotte eased herself back as she was worried about getting hit by Emma’s fra
ntically energetic body. She watched as the two girls rolled around as close together as they could joined by a phallic length of plastic. She noticed that Harriett gradually sped up the thrusting, and Emma’s response became faster and more urgent. She’s playing Emma’s body like a musical instrument, thought Charlotte. And then she thought that Harriett was doing very well considering, as she had told her when they were choosing the dildo, that this was the first time for her as well in this role.
Eventually, and not a moment too soon for Charlotte who was frankly rather bored, the two girls finished and Harriett eased the dildo out from Emma’s vagina.
‘You’re not a virgin anymore,’ commented Charlotte dryly.
Emma gazed at Charlotte through the damp hair plastered to her sweaty forehead. Hers was the sweetest face Charlotte had ever seen, and quite suddenly Charlotte’s heart broke. She burst into silent tears in the aura of Emma’s post-orgasmic ecstasy and satisfaction. Emma smiled and let Charlotte take her body and stroke it with a freedom that had never been allowed before. She even managed to stroke Emma’s pubic hairs, but Emma guarded her clitoris from her attention. Harriett also lay back exhausted. It was difficult for Charlotte to assess what Harriett’s pleasure had been, but there was a smile on her face.
‘You were wonderful!’ suddenly exclaimed Emma falling on top of Harriett and kissing her again. She wept from passionate love for Harriett. Charlotte felt very embarrassed, but it didn’t surprise her at all when Emma and Harriett recommenced their love-making. Charlotte silently detached herself from their company and settled in her bed where she tried to sleep as best she could with the thumping and screaming emanating all night from Emma’s bed.
Charlotte was quite pleased when Emma told her that she and Harriett were entertaining a friend for a meal, even though it would mean that true to her natural modesty she would wear clothes that evening. (Not a concession that would ever occur to Emma). The main source of pleasure was that perhaps for one night Charlotte wouldn’t be confronted by the naked bodies of her flatmates writhing about the living-room floor. This pleasure, however, was replaced by some apprehension when Harriett explained that the young lady, Josephine, was actually the woman who had been successfully auditioned for the role of making love to Harriett on television, but a little relieved when Harriett explained that she’d never made love to a woman before either.
Her apprehension seemed totally unfounded when Josephine arrived. She was a tall quite slender woman in a quite constricting white dress and had her long hair tied up and off her face. Her face was pale and she had blue cheeks underneath slightly startled eyes. When she smiled she emanated an air of sweet innocence which seemed almost inappropriate for someone in her industry, but as she explained it was a thespian rather than a pornographic career that she really aspired to.
The four girls sat round the table for a meal cooked jointly by Emma and Harriett and listened as Josephine discussed her stage performances in repertory and about the difficulties of finding work for an actress even in the big city. Unusually, everyone but Emma was dressed and looking, Charlotte thought, just like most groups of girls gathered for a meal together should look. Indeed, Charlotte found the thought of Emma wearing clothes as so alien that her nudity seemed far more natural than it might otherwise be.
After the meal, Emma and Charlotte retreated into the kitchen to wash up the dishes and Harriett remained with Josephine. Harriett was explaining to Josephine how she and Emma had practised making love together and how, to improve their technique, they had encouraged Charlotte to film them together. The conversation was of such a matter-of-fact tone that Charlotte wasn’t in the slightest bit alarmed. And anyway she had news that she had been dying all day to impart to Emma and now was the ideal time.
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Daughter's Curse At first I thought I was having a stroke. I remember thinking, you're only 48 years old and your parents are still alive and healthy. This can't be happening. But when I tried to get out of bed, I couldn't move my right side. Then I realized I couldn't move my left side and for some strange reason, that made me feel better. My vision seemed to be fading too - everything was turning golden in a kind of tunnel-vision effect. But then the sides of my face began to get...
“I should take a shower” I finally said. He stayed silent and simply continued caressing me. “Maybe we both should?” I added. Still, no reaction. So I started to slowly roll towards the side of the bed and Rick finally lifted his head. “I suppose that’s probably a good idea” he conceded. “Although I was hoping to just lay here forever.” He admitted. I giggled and just said “Come on, get up. There’s plenty of time for that, I just need a shower first.” As I walked out my bedroom door, still...
Betsy Watson owned a cabin in the woods. It was summer vacation and she wanted to get closer to her little girl. She was growing up so quickly. "I want to go to the river and get some sun" said Sissy. The river bank was their favorite spot for to sun bathe. Betsy watched her sweet. Betsy decided she wanted to marry him. She and her little girl would share him. Betsy kissed George and drifted back to sleep dreaming sweet dreams. The morning came and it stopped raining. Betsy woke up and saw her...
EroticSunday Later There were a few things Janelle wanted to do immediately. She would have adored showing Bob what true love really felt like, but that would remind him that she was gone, and the memory would hurt him; and she had sworn to herself she would not hurt him any more. She needed to explain to Cutie that there was a difference between sex and love. She also hoped she could talk with her brothers and help them understand that the desires they were feeling were strong, but could be even...
Jeanine said, "One of us needs to go to the store." I was puzzled. Even through my post-orgasmic fog I recognized that statement as the verbal shorthand that signaled the commencement of foreplay. Not just any foreplay, mind you, but a foray into the brave new world of light consensual bondage. What confused me was the fact that I was lying spread-eagle in bed, my arms and legs fastened to the head and foot posts, and blindfolded to boot. I cleared my throat. "You want to start over?" I...
Hello everyone. Get ready to jerk off and finger yourself after reading this story. This is Raj again with a real story which happened to me some days back. This is a true incident that happened between me and my wife’s best friend. Her name is Leena. She is average in height and with a figure to die for. She recently got married. This started when we meet at a common friend’s wedding. As she was my wife’s friend I knew her very well. We met at the wedding and greeted each other. Few talks...
If you were looking for a woman with style and sophistication, the place to visit was the Bridge Hotel wine-bar between the hours of 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. Positioned high above the embankment of the river Tyne the wine-bar attracted a diverse range of corporate, stylish and beautiful people eager to unwind, flirt and get up to mischief, or just go straight for the desirable option of committing adultery. This particular time frame was their playground and they played life to the full. A gaggle of...
Straight SexThe Years After World War IVBy Sonya Esperanto [email protected]: The storyline takes place somewhere around the 2050s, where Sweden is the only country left in a post-Apocalyptic Europe. As a result, Sweden had expanded to the empty vast parts of Europe, having no inhabitants. In particular, some Swedish families had moved in to Turin, in Italy. But unbeknownst to them, a massive foreign army had marched from what was once Southern Russia and had then managed...
Friday March 29, 2002 I awoke slowly, feeling Jenny's pussy contracting then releasing my erection every few seconds. It was a slow awakening, a delicious feeling. I opened my eyes and saw that it wasn't light yet, but it was getting close... like me. I reached up and caressed Jenny's breasts, and she sighed her first, "Aaaahhh!" Jenny tugged lightly, telling me she wanted to roll on her back; I did so, wishing she was reversed, but eager anyway. I started stroking slowly and deeply...
I do follow up on the flirtations from time to time depending on my mood. Priscilla is about 5'2, dark shoulder length hair, with a nice figure and nice sexy squeaky voice, which is essential for a tv ad model, and always smartly dressed. I think she is about 23 or 24 as I have not had the pleasure of meeting her. I know she has been going out with the same boyfriend for a while. Priscilla occasionally wears smart black trousers that show off her cute ass delightfully, on other days she...
You don't care why I'm writing this, do you? You just wanna hear more stories about Dick. Fuck, I can't blame you. I got dozens of 'em. It's almost boring. Hey, I said "almost." But if I shoot my whole wad, you might not get through it all, and there's more to this story than a bottle of Jergens and a box of Kleenex. Like every tale worth telling, this one is about a girl. (I just watched "Spider-Man" again last night. So sue me.) And I haven't even mentioned the girl...
Amrit drew up 10cc’s of the serum, before wrapping a tourniquet around his upper arm, raising the veins. He injected the liquid into his arm and felt the rush. He smiled, tucking a taser into his pocket, before entering the room he had built specially for today. The room was large, and he had calculated he would need 1500 litres of the gas to reach the therapeutic concentration. It would take ten minutes to permeate the entire space, that had been set up to look like a club. There was a...
The first job I had after graduate school was with a graphic design company. By small, I mean there were about twenty people employed and, while it was considered up and coming, the company that hadn't yet solidified its reputation.Anyways, my decision to work there - as opposed to another more established company that had offered me a better pay/benefits package - was made after meeting the woman who ran the company.After being interviewed by the personnel director and a project manager I was...
Office SexAltered Fates: "Farmer's Daughter" By Olivia Evans Jason Brown was soaking wet, cold and mad as hell. He turned his collar up, trying to keep the rain from running down his back as he trudged across the muddy field. He was already so wet that he couldn't tell if it made any difference. After a minute, he decided it didn't, if anything, the collar seemed to act as a funnel. He was too cold and wet to turn it back down. His car had slid off the road a few miles back in...
? ? STANDARD DISCLAIMER The following story is fiction is intended as ADULT material. This story has been submitted to an adult group on the Internet. If the story is found in any other location, it is not the responsibility of the author. All characters in the story are fictitious; any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. The author does not condone or endorse any of the activities detailed in this story, many of which are dangerous and or...
"Mark?" "Go ... away." "Mark, wake up! Dr. Payton's and Officer McConnell aren't here. It's just me, Debbie." "Get ... the fuck ... away from me." "Mark ... can you hear your heart monitor?" "So what?" "Can you hear how fast it's going?" I kept my eyes tightly closed, but I grudgingly tried to tune in to it. The beeps were so close together the monitor sounded more like a siren than a string of discreet sounds. "They gave you a sedative and it slowed down for a...
I took the opportunity to examine the enemy trucks. They bore a close resemblance to the 6x6, 1,000 Kg (2½-ton) truck that the Earth armies have been using for years. The main difference that I could see from a quick glance was that these trucks had a longer body. The bed must have been about 30% longer than the ones that NATO used. I guessed that the load capacity was around 1,200-1,500 Kg. From the smell, they were not powered by gasoline, but I couldn't tell what the fuel actually was. If...
As I mentioned in Part 1, I was now completely cupping her breasts each time and rubbing her pubic mound enough to stimulate her clit. Her breathing was getting faster and I could tell she was feeling it. On my next return pass, I ran my hands over her pussy and down the inside of her thighs, she let out a little moan as she parted her legs for me.I switched my focus to her inner thighs. Both legs were off the side of the table now, her beautiful pink folds were glistening and beginning to...
Imagine this...you're working at your desk one day. Nearly startling you, you hear my voice. "Shhh, don't tell anyone but I'm hiding under your desk." You feel my hand slide up your thighs to slowly part them. I lift your skirt. Mmm, I notice suddenly you aren't wearing any panties. "Naughty girl", I whisper to you with a wicked grin. You feel my fingers, then, begin to caress your full, bare and very slick lips. Your breathing becomes heavier until you are panting with need. You gasp when my...
"Hey," Willa asked her room mate, "what was that I just saw you taking, we both agreed, no i*****l d**gs in the apartment!!!" "It's not i*****l" Kiana replied, "at least I don't think it is!" ""Don't think it is," Willa retorted, "if you're not sure, you shouldn't be taking it!!!" "Well," Kiana replied, "I don't think it's i*****l because it doesn't even have a name!" "Willa walked into the bathroom, stuck out her hand, and said, "Give, let me see it!!!" "Okay," she replied while handing it...
Taken for a ride. She looked over the flickering candle, "Are you going to make love to me when we get home?" Donavon Swift looked at his lovely wife; at 32 she was 10 years his junior but looked 20. Being a hard-nosed businessman had taken its toll; his gray hair along with the bags under his eyes did not improve his looks. On the other hand Pauline was beautiful, and in that dress even more so, well it really did accentuate her figure. Her firm well shaped legs showed from the split up...
A fair while back I had the fuck of a lifetime. It was summer holidays here in Australia and I was holidaying on the P&0 Fair-Star Cruise Ship. Many people from all over the world come to ride the ship! A two-week cruise through the pacific, it was a fairly booked up trip and I had no say in who I was to share a room with! When I settled into my cabin I found that I was sharing the room with a man named Joe, he was a big tall dark man with an English accent. We got to talking and after a...
This story takes place when I had just turned 18. After school I and a friend from the school, Camilla, went at her place, as we did many times before. But this time it was just far from “before”. When we came to Camilla’s place, we went into her room and turned on the TV. We sat and talked, when she suddenly asked if I knew that 16 meant that it was legal to have sex. I thought to myself what she meant, but replied that I knew well. She asked nothing more of it and I thought it was probably...
First TimeThe Birth of a Slutby Submama79I suppose I should start at the beginning. My name is Beth and I am a 32 year old white female 24/7 sex slave. I would love to tell you that I am tall, chesty, skinny, and drop dead gorgeous but that isn’t the way it is. I am about 5’8” I weigh about 180lbs and I have 34C tits. I know I am not a looker and I have known that for a long time. So I make up for that by being the best at what I do, service cock when I am told, where I am told, and how I am told. I do...
a year ago when my cousin came to my house with his friend to sleep over since they were visiting the town for a couple of days it's been like 3 years didn't contact with each other it was a surprise they entered and sit in the living room drunk some beer and talked for a while before they went upstairs to get some rest half an hour later when i started to listen some voices sounds like moaning or something coming from their room i get upstairs to see whats going on the door was slightly open...
Beth was so surprised to see Jake. She had not seen him for over ten years since school. He looked as good as ever. He was always sexy and very handsome and now he had a confident look about himself. He looked at Beth thinking how he would love to fuck her and hear her moan and scream for him. She had amazing firm tits and an ass that made a guys cock hard. He walked to her and gave her a hug then a kiss. He looked at her and said "I bet you can kiss me better than that." He then pulled her...
Hello, How are you? Hope you are doing sexy! Hahaha I am 22-year young boy from Tumkur, Karnataka with a 6.5” little brother and with a good physique. This is my first encounter with a MILF to whom I gifted my virginity. Coming to the MILF. This lady is a perfect flesh for the sex dish having the stats of (36,28,36) She is so damn hot. Without wasting time let’s begin the story, She was my neighbour, I was going to go her home often and often to play with their kids when I was 17...
Hi, I'm Ben. This is the story about my mother and me. It begins with the familiar return from college and a difficult re-insertion into the home life that I had left four years earlier and had not been part of except for Christmas holidays and the summer after my first year. Each summer after that I had worked a dream job as part of the crew for a company chartering sailboats in the Caribbean. I did that for the first two months after graduation but, due to the sagging economy, the company was...
I felt someone sit down next to me. I removed the pillow from my face, and quickly placed it back once I saw it was my father. He tried to lift it from me but I clung it even tighter to my face. Slowly my father said, “I’m sorry I said all those things. You know you are my little angel, and I would never intentionally hurt you?” I tried to speak but it was too muffled so I lifted the pillow just enough so he could clearly hear me, “Please leave. I don’t want you to see me like this.” Dad...