A Lesson On Goodbyes free porn video

Early that day, Crystal had heard from a fellow classmate that one of her favorite teachers, Mr. Wilson, was quitting his job and moving up to New York with his wife, where he had moved from in the first place. Crystal didn't get to see Mr. Wilson frequently because she didn't have his class anymore, now being a junior and done with World History. However, she had to go and see him now that she found out. Not only was he genuinely her favorite teacher, but Crystal had also developed a long-time crush on Mr. Wilson from the second she walked into his room sophomore year. And she could tell, and so could every one else, that Mr. Wilson payed special attention to Crystal, as well. She could convince him to do anything in class, he always mysteriously dropped her low quiz grades, and she would swear by it that he would flirt with her whenever he saw her. Everyone always teased her about it, especially her friends when they'd be in the room. But Crystal actually loved it. It made her feel better knowing that it wasn't her lust for him causing delusions in her mind; he genuinely did seem to have a thing for her, despite being 27, married, and Crystal being 16 and his student.
Crystal straightened her long blonde hair as she approached his classroom door. She popped a mint into her mouth, wiped under her eyes to get rid of any smudges from her eyeliner, tugged down the neck line of her tight turquoise v-neck, and tugged up the hem of her grey and black flowy skirt. After she had approved her slightly sexy and innocent appearance, she swung the door to his room open and popped her head in with a smile.
"Mr. Wilson?" Crystal asked tentatively, her eyes scouring the large classroom. Finally, her gaze fell upon a smiling figure, sitting at his desk.
"Crystal Berkman! Fancy seeing you here," Mr. Wilson replied with a hearty grin and a laugh that had always sent chills up and down her spine. He rose from his desk and walked towards her. He was tall, probably 6'2" or so, with a skinny but toned frame. His short, messy brown hair and slight scruff went perfectly with his nicely tanned complexion, and was complimented brilliantly with his vibrant blue eyes and straight, white smile. He was wearing Crystal's favorite outfit of his: a white, faintly grey striped button up shirt that defined his broad shoulders perfectly, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, which in Crystal's opinion was the sexiest thing ever on a guy. He paired this top with a pair of dark washed, well-fitted jeans and worn in brown dress shoes. He looked sexier than Crystal had ever remembered from lesson after lesson last year. This reminded her why she totally bombed the AP World History exam. How could she be expected to pay attention with this man teaching her?
"Hey, Wilson," she said with a slight sexy slur that her voice automatically dawned whenever talking with him. "I heard from one of your students that you're leaving! Didn't care to inform me?"
Mr. Wilson smiled at her teasing at him, "I would've had I been able to find you. Such a busy girl. Of course it's expected of someone like you."
Crystal grinned a sneaky grin. She always tricked him into saying stuff like that. Stuff he wasn't supposed to, but she knew he wanted to. Little innuendos hinting at how attractive he thought she was. Crystal paced around the room, examining the posters and maps she had seen many times, thinking of the next way she could corner Wilson into admitting his lust for her.
"Well I've got places to go, people to see, Wilson. But I figured you'd be in here if I came during one of your free periods so that we could have one of our little chats before you leave."
"Well I'm certainly glad you did! There are only 3 days of school left, after all."
"Yeah, and you need to see as much of me as possible," Crystal said over her shoulder with a cheeky grin. "Can't let you forget your favorite student now, can I?"
"Oh I could never forget you, Crystal."
Mr. Wilson's eyes traveled tentatively up and down the body of the 16 year old girl in front of him. It was so wrong, and he knew it, but he couldn't help it. Every curve of her body was perfect, young, and full. Standing at about 5'3", almost a foot shorter than him, he always had a perfect view down the plunging neckline of her frequented v-neck shirts, revealing her pushed up and tanned D-cup breasts. She had the biggest tits out of all the students he ever had. That caught his attention first. Then he noticed the raw beauty of her face. Crystal barely wore any make up except for eye shadow, liner, and mascara to define her huge, emerald green eyes. Her skin had a pinkish hue that went perfectly with her full lips, straight white grin, and light blonde hair that swept lightly across, down, and around her face. Mr. Wilson had taught beautiful high school girls before, but there was something different about Crystal. Then there was the factor that she was absolutely brilliant. Always had the highest grades in his class. She had a fun and flirty personality that he didn't even find in most adults. He spent the entire year last year denying it and trying not to let it show, but he was definitely hooked on Crystal Berkman. And he couldn't be sure, but sometimes, just from the ways he caught her looking at him, he thought she might be thinking the same thing about him, too. Mr. Wilson had definitely endured his share of being the object of school-girl affection, being one of the youngest and hottest teachers at the school, but this is one school-girl crush he'd welcome happily.
Crystal loved the way he was looking at her. He had done it briefly in class now and then, but always stopped and corrected himself. But this time, in this empty classroom, he was showing no restraint. This caused a fire to light up between Crystal's legs. Perhaps she could push this a tad bit further.
"But how do I know some other brilliant, beautiful student won't come along up in New York and steal your favoritism away from me?" she asked suggestively. "What can I do to make sure you won't forget me?"
Crystal wandered over to Mr. Wilson's desk, fully aware his eyes were closely following the swaying of her full, curvy hips and butt. She spun herself around and sat cross-legged on the edge of his desk, her skirt sliding up her thighs dangerously high. Mr. Wilson walked over towards her, looking her straight in the eyes with the confidence and sex-appeal only a hot, 20 year old like himself could possess. A sexy grin crept across his face that caused the little hot area between Crystal's crossed legs to soak up. He put a hand on either side of her on his desk, and leaned in so that his breath was on her neck and right next to her ear.
"Well, I can think of something," Wilson whispered huskily. "But it's a little bit dirty, and wrong...oh yeah, very very wrong. Dunno if you'll be up for it."
Crystal's heart was palpitating out of her chest. She had fantasized about this since the beginning of last year. It seemed unreal that it was seriously happening, and now that it was, she felt scared. He was 27. He had a wife. He was experienced years beyond her. All she had ever done was make out with a boy, even though she gave off this demeanor that she had done much more. But that wasn't going to stop her now that she was finally here. If she was going to go farther than kissing with a guy, might as well let it be with a guy who knew what he was doing.
"I'm up for it Wilson. I have been since I walked through your door last year. It's all I've ever thought about," she panted quickly and heavily into her teacher's ear.
Mr. Wilson leaned back and grinned that grin that made her heart soar repeatedly.
"Well good. Didn't want to have to worry about any lawsuits," he joked as he leaned in towards her face. Crystal's entire body shook as she felt her teacher's lips touch hers. His tongue shot into her mouth, entangling with hers. He was such a good kisser, way better than these stupid high school boys. The feeling of his hands running through her long hair, the smell of his cologne filling her nostrils, and the taste of him in her mouth was enough to bring her near to orgasm right there on his desk. He seemed to be way ahead of her though as his hands left her hair and shot up her skirt. Without even a warning or any teasing, Mr. Wilson pushed her small panties to the side and shoved two fingers up her virgin pussy as he continued to fiercely kiss her in order to muffle her yelps of pleasure. His experienced hands pumped quickly and hard in and out of her slit, covered in her flowing juices, while his other hand forcibly pushed her head towards him, shoving his tongue deeper down Crystal's throat.
Crystal orgasmed in seconds. The walls of her pussy clamped around the three fingers of her teacher's left hand and could even feel the imprint of his wedding ring, which intensified her orgasm even more. Just as she was finishing up, they both jumped at the sound of the jiggling door handle.
Mr. Wilson's hand flew out of Crystal's pussy, wiping it on his jeans, and his lips unlocked from hers. Just in time, as well, as one of the assistant deans had just entered.
"Oh, I'm sorry, didn't realize there was someone in here..."
The dean's voice trailed off suspiciously as he eyes the obviously flustered girl sitting cross-legged on the desk of the young male teacher.
"We were just doing some paperwork that I have to do before I leave. Crystal's volunteered to be my assistant for the next few days. We're done now though," Mr. Wilson smoothly covered.
Crystal leaped from the desk and walked towards the door, just before turning around and saying, "See you same time tomorrow Wilson?"
"You betcha, Miss Berkman," he replied with a twinkle in his eye.

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