HorseplayChapter 21: Goodbyes free porn video

Neil woke early, snuck to the bathroom and returned with a plan to wake Ruth. He stripped, climbed onto the bed naked and worked his way up behind Ruth's sleeping form. He nuzzled up behind her and she rolled completely onto her side. Neil pushed one leg slightly forward over the other, giving him access to her most intimate areas.
With one hand lubricated with baby oil, Neil began to gently massage her pussy. Ruth shifted, but didn't move much and Neil continued. He gently oiled her slit, taking care to avoid her clit and moved as gently as he could. When he had her fully oiled he oiled his dick and spooned behind her, reaching around under her shirt and resting his hand on her breast. Ruth pushed back, moaning slightly.
Neil pulled his dick forward, sliding it up her slit through the oil. He barely pressed, spreading her lips gently. Ruth stirred, pushing back and groaning. Neil continued to slid up and down slowly, then slid his hand over her breast and cupping it. Ruth said something and her hand cupped his, squeezing.
Neil continued to stroke, moving gently, slowly. He moved his hand down, cupping her ass and rubbing some oil on it. Ruth was thrusting back now, half awake.
"Play with your pussy, Ruth." he said.
Ruth reach down and spread herself, touching her clit as he rubbed his cock across it. She shuddered slightly and Neil pulled back and slid into her just a tiny bit. She groaned and pushed down, forcing more of him inside. Neil relaxed and pulled back, feeling her lust slowly overtake her sleep. He had further plans, but let her play with him, stroking him while she touched herself.
When Ruth started to move against him, Neil pulled back and sat up. He moved up to the top of the bed, throwing off the covers. Ruth looked up in surprise and he pulled her head over, sliding his dick into her mouth. She groaned, licking and sucking him, but Neil had other ideas.
"I told you to play with yourself" he said flatly. Ruth complied, putting a hand between her legs while he fucked her mouth. Neil was slow, but persistent and in control. He thrust in, enjoying the sensation, then drew back and let her use her tongue.
Neil pulled out further, letting Ruth run her tongue over his balls and down behind them. He enjoyed the sensation, letting her suck each while she played with herself. Neil moved forward, slowly entering her mouth again, then sat up and let her lick him. It kept him far from climax while she worked her pussy feverishly. He was nowhere near finishing, toying with her breasts, fucking her mouth a few times, letting her bathe his balls, when she finished, sucking him in and bobbing as best she could in her position.
When she finished, Neil slid down and climbed on top of her. Ruth groaned when he rubbed his dick along her clit, down between her lips through the remaining oil and into the first few millimeters of her vagina. "Now..." he said. "Should I fuck you here" he asked, moving in and out slightly. "Or here." as he slid further down to the oily pool around her ass.
Ruth mumbled something and Neil slid up and down a few more times.
"What's that? I didn't catch it"
"Not my ass... too much yesterday" she said.
"Aw, too much butt love?" Neil said with a grin. He slid into her vagina easily, burying himself without pause. "I'll just work myself up here... but where to finish?" he asked.
Ruth groaned and pulled at his chest.
Neil leaned forward and thrust steadily, simply enjoying the sensation. Ruth grabbed his ass, pulling him in harder and harder. Since Neil wasn't in the mood for a marathon fuck session he relaxed and let her lead him. The orgasm was mild compared to the night before. The wave of pleasure nowhere near as high, the shuddering near-blackout short and shallow. Neil enjoyed it, though, a good wake up on his last day in camp.
Ruth packed quickly, giving Neil a firm hug and her phone number before climbing in Nathanial's limo. Neil stood by the trunk when Nathanial came around. "You have the best taste in women." Nathanial joked.
Nathanial grinned and looked back at the camp. "Don't stay here too long, Neil." he warned. "It might be nice, but you've got so much else you could do."
Neil nodded, looking back at camp. Dozens of cars lined the admin road and side road beside the Cave. Counselors packed bags, suitcases and boxes into them, laughing and hugging each other. Neil felt a twinge and looked back. "She likes to be the dirty girl" he said softly.
Nathanial's eyes rose and he grinned, glancing at the door of the limo. "Does she now? MMM..." he chuckled and patted Neil on the shoulder. "When you make up your mind, call me." he insisted.
The limo slid out, stopping at the bottom of the hill and moving onto the pavement with a crunch of gravel. Neil watched it roll out of sight and headed back to his room. On his dresser he had set out all his gear for the road, setting his phone and MP3 player aside to keep on him. He dragged the first box out the door and found Harriet waiting for him.
"Did you have a good summer?" she asked.
Neil noticed she was wearing the same outfit as the first day and grinned. "Fantastic". he said, pulling her close. She laughed and jumped when he cupped her butt. "I wanted to do that the first day" he said with a wink.
Harriet left next, piling her sedan full of junk and sighing deeply as she slid behind the wheel. Neil took the index card she offered, pocketing it beside Ruth's. "I'll see you next year." she said. "It might be a boring winter."
Neil grinned and gave her a hug, then moving so she could close the door. Her car rattled to life and with a wave she was headed down the gravel road toward the parking lots. She managed to squeal tires on the blacktop and her little car was gone as well over the hill.
Dave located him at lunch, sitting down across from him with a miserable expression. "I guess I fucked up good"
Neil shrugged.
"Look... I'm sorry. I... was kind of a..."
"I was going to say jerk... "
"Dick sums it up better" Neil insisted.
"Well... "
"OK... I get it."
Neil leaned over the table and slugged him in the shoulder. "NOW you get it. Dick".
Dave rubbed it and nodded. "Still friends?"
Neil nodded. "The girls are the real problem. Ruth's pissed"
"Yeah, I heard she caught another ride home. Dad's going to love that."
Neil shrugged. "Yeah, well. You'll have to suck up to Ruth over the winter, Harriet'll will be worse. She'll have all summer to stew over it."
"I don't know if I'm working next summer"
"This job's a pain, Neil. Fucking horses. I'm sick of horses. Horses and fish."
"So what are you going to do?"
"Actually, you got me thinking about theater."
"Not that shit again."
"Kidding. I'm thinking about doing some work for my dad, web site stuff, booking people, printing calendars... that kind of thing. No more fish"
Neil grinned. "See, that's a job."
Dave nodded. "Anyway, I gotta pack. Call me when you get home"
Neil nodded and made his way back to his cabin. He picked up his phone to program Harriet and Ruth's numbers when he noticed a message. "1 missed call(s)" and a number he didn't recognize. When he flipped it open, there was a message from Mae.

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