Car Body Sharing
- 4 years ago
- 44
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"Fuck it, I'm off duty," Jeri said as the holoscreen filling one wall lit up. Her locker was third in the row, and clattered on its hinges when she slammed it open.
"The Charmer has to be repaired," her supervisor, Tim, told her. His pinched, frowning face filled the screen as she unzipped her blue coveralls. "You're authorized for overtime on this, it's got highest priority in the docks."
"What part of 'fuck it' did you not get, Tim?" She pulled her arms from the sleeves. Her tank tee radiated sweat and the morning's coffee stains. "Ken can handle it. He'll have to cut off the whole fucking pod and bioweld a new one on. It ain't gonna match the paint job, but that's all there is to it. Vice prezzy will just have to tell the visitors what a shitty hotrodder his son is."
"Ken hasn't come in yet," Tim said.
Jeri hesitated, frowning suspiciously. Hovering in front of her locker, since the yacht docking bay lacked gravity, she took the deodorant stick from inside and swabbed her pits. It helped, but she hadn't had the credit for a shower this week. "He will be," she said, even though he was already fifteen minutes late. Ken was a reliable nose-to-the-grindstone sort, like her, tough for a softie who'd never left Alexandria station. The two of them took good care of the station's corporate yachts and shuttles, Jeri on the night shift, Ken on the graveyard.
"Jeri." Her p-dac-Eliot, in the person of a moon-eyed robot-spoke up timidly. "I've got a call. It's Ken."
"Shit," she muttered, shoulders wilting. Turning away from her locker on one hand, she said, "Run it."
Ken's broad, brown face appeared in a subset window next to Tim's on the screen wall. He backed away from the camera, and she knew just by the knit of his brows that he was calling off for the night. "Jeri? I can't come in," he began, sure enough. "I really can't. Penny's sick, and I don't want to leave her alone."
"Penny's sick?" she echoed.
"She really is, I swear. Here, look." Ken indicated the sofa, where his daughter was bundled up in a fuzzy blanket covered with pink bunnies, her button-cute face slack in snot-laden misery.
Jeri had the nurturing instincts of a rock, but despite herself cooed, "Oh, poor Penny. I hope she feels better."
Penny made an indistinct noise and started coughing. "We're going to have soup and watch the Pussycat show," Ken told her, appearing in the picture again. His lover was off-station on business, she knew, so he had no choice. "I'm sorry, Jeri, I really am. I'll pull a double whenever you want, to make up for it. Deal?"
Defeated, she agreed. "All right, all right. Next week."
"You're the best, Jeri, thanks!"
"Yeah, yeah." Her voice fell to a mutter as she pulled the coverall's sleeves back on. "Never fucking mind Faye's birthday party. Never fucking mind the beer and the stripper I chipped in for. Eliot, go get that spare engine. Meet you at the Charmer."
"Okay," her p-dac agreed blithely, and jetted out the door on buzzing turbofans.
"Shut up," Jeri told Tim before he could start.
Sounding as annoyed as a desk-jockey supervisor could, Tim said, "This complaining isn't you, Jeri. You never complain about overtime."
"Tonight's Faye's birthday party," she grumbled, knowing Tim wouldn't care about a girls' night out. Zipping the coveralls up, she eyed the mirror in the back of her locker briefly and pulled her cap off, gathered her short, black hair up in a fresh twist and settled the cap over it.
As she did, her supervisor said, "You'll be getting double pay for this shift. And the rest of the roster is just scheduled maintenance."
Light work. "Yeah, yeah," Jeri said, using the effort of slamming the locker door shut to propel her toward the doorway. "Send the fucking check to my credit line." There was no escaping the credit department in Alexandria Station.
Gripping the doorframe, she halted herself there. From the central docking stalk jutted Alexandria's dozen or so corporate yachts and shuttles, like oversized Christmas ornaments. The dockyard was contained by a cylinder and atmosphered but didn't rotate; the rest of Alexandria spun around the central stalk, but the not hangar at the ass end. It made docking and working on the yachts simpler. The elegant, pigeonblood-red Ferrari, the Charmer, with the blown engine hung on the stalk below the locker room door. Beside it, a set of docking clamps that usually stood empty held a newcomer. "Who's that in number ten?" she asked Tim.
"Came in a few hours ago." She'd been deep into the dismantling of the Ferrari's ruined engine, but remembered the sirens going off before the dock depressurized and the bay doors opened. She'd put on the oxygen hood attached to Eliot and worked right through it without looking up. "Lost power, he said, just needed a spot to put up and work on it. Public hangar was full."
The ship was a classic flying wing design, forty feet wide, twenty long, eight thick, an engine at either end, two stacked in the middle, and looked like a dingy bucket of bolts next to the pampered yachts, even the ruined, plasma-scarred Ferrari. Instead of a glittering finish, the newcomer was paneled with black heat dissapation armor and that was streaked with greys that spoke of several trips in and out of planetary atmospheres. "Or," Jeri considered, under her breath, "a few hits from a laser cannon."
"What's that?" Tim asked.
Asshole softie. Louder, "What's her registration?"
"The Cassiopeia, out of Ceres," he said, with a snort of contempt.
Ceres was in the asteroid belt, the most legitimate of the free ports. She'd grown up a week's crawl into the backwater from Ceres, in Rustworks, which was not something to tell your boss if you wanted to keep your good job. Station livers all knew that free port booters were pirates, inbreeders and anarchists. Curiosity tweaked, Jeri crouched down on the sill and leapt off toward the Charmer, eyeing the newcomer as she went. The registration number painted along the leading edge of the right side was consistent with a Ceres ship, she knew. Her name ran in a scrawl, though, as if hand-sprayed on, and half obscured by a streak of grey corrosion.
Eliot waited at the Charmer, a new pod and engine loaded onto the flatbed tug he had led over from Supply. Tethering herself on the Ferrari's slender wing, Jeri called over the cutting platform and set about amputating the ruined limb. The hybridized polymer steel screamed as the plasma blade cut, geysering sparks and tainting the air with an acrid stink. The biowelder was worse; the designer microbes that laid down a polymer seal between the body and its new pod gave off several nasty gases in the process. Jeri wore the oxygen hood as she hosed hot ions, the food of choice, onto the slimy smears of microbes. A grappling arm lifted the new engine-easily thrice her mass-from the truck into the pod, and she spot-biowelded the appropriate places. Then, with Eliot's help, she hunkered down and began connecting the new heart to the body.
That was a considerably quieter process, only a matter of grafting data and power lines together, then checking on the pilot program's adaptation to the change. Straddling the slender wing of the Ferrari, Eliot displaying the code responses on his belly screen, Jeri distinctly heard someone yell, "What the fucking hell shit didn't you tell me about!"
Eyebrows perked, she looked toward the Cassiopeia. The ship hung, her point held in the docking clamps' mouths, to the side and slightly below her. From that angle, the dock's spotlights caught on a few details that held her gaze. Along the trailing edge of the flying black wing, four spheres were embedded, two on each side of the stacked engines. The same black as the heat armor, she could make out the curved seams, in that light. She'd seen plenty of things mounted in armored spheres when she was a young mechie booter in Rustworks. Softies used them too, for more ordinary things like sensor arrays. Whoever had been swearing, there was no sign of him from her angle, so she shrugged and went back to work.
She and Eliot were hunting down errors when a second yell echoed across the bay. "We could've fixed this in Tycho, Cassie!"
Tycho was the largest city on Mars, the planet Alexandria Station orbited. "Someone's p-dac screwed up," Jeri murmured, smirking. That his p-dac would have the same name as the ship wasn't odd. "Give me one percent output, Eliot."
Most engines in runabout-class ships couldn't turn over for less than five. The Ferrari's engines were so delicate that they could whisper along at half a percent, if asked. She watched the codes and signals closely as it powered up. Didn't need no softie sensors to tell her the exhaust plume of superheated plasma shimmering in the air was in perfect form, though. Jeri nodded, pleased in spite of herself.
Eliot said, "Three thirty-five."
"Faye didn't call to ask about me, did she?" Her p-dac had standing orders not to interrupt Jeri while she was working, not for anything less than imminent depressurization.
"No calls," the moon-eyed robot replied.
"Bitches're probably too drunk to miss me," she said, tossing a leftover piece of patch into the mouth of the scrap truck. "Lucky bitches. Shit." She was getting wasteful, throwing away patch like that, turning into a softie. "What's next on the roster?"
Eliot rattled off a list of ordinary maintenance, and as he did Jeri's eyes drifted back to the Cassiopeia. Reaching overhead, she stretched her tired back. Someone had opened the external service panel on the top of the rightmost engine pod, she noticed. From that distance, she couldn't see much detail. Letting her arms settle down from stretching, she swung her leg over and dismounted the slender limb of the Charmer. "Eliot, close up the pod for me," she told the robot, absently.
"Where are you going?" he asked when she unhooked her tether.
"For a look," she answered vaguely, and gently pushed off.
A minute later, her hands touched the leftmost engine pod and she braced herself to a stop. Close, there were scratches and pits dotting the heat armor's surface, scars of years of hard wear. The mouth of the engine under her hand was grimed with residues that she knew came from impurities in the plasma plume. Glancing under, Jeri saw that the Cassiopeia's belly was covered with more heat armor, as she had suspected. Softies saved money by only putting the armor on one side. Booters couldn't afford to limit their options like that.
Maybe he was a booter. The ship certainly was.
"You've wandered long roads haven't you, girl?" she murmured, skimming hand over hand across the surface of the wing. Jeri took a seat beside one of the spheres at the trailing edge, dangling her feet over the side. Cassiopeia reminded her of the home she'd left. Jeri might've held that against the ship, but just then she felt more nostalgic.
"Is there something unusual about this ship?" Eliot asked, jetting over on its little fans. "It seems to be poorly maintained."
"She looks that way," Jeri nodded, surveying. Below, Cassiopeia's cargo gate was shut, as was the human-sized hatch in the gate. Less careful visitors might've left it open. Alexandria was a safe station. "But she's a booter ship, I'd bet my overtime. Underneath, she's probably hand-customized." Tapping the armored sphere, she heard hollow space underneath. That meant little, by itself.
"Booters? Like in Neptune Outpost?" The robot touched down lightly on the black wing.
She laughed. "Booters aren't really like that, that's only a show." Considering the raised engine panel at the far end of the wing, Jeri told her p-dac, "Go back to the break room, Eliot, and wait for me in the locker. Booters like their privacy."
Behind her, matter-of-factly, "That, they do."
Jeri twisted, looking up, as did Eliot. He stood on the Cassiopeia barefoot with his hands casually stuffed in the pockets of black suit pants. The high-cut vest with the silver buttons matched, and under it he wore a blindingly white dress shirt with a band collar, sleeves rolled up. A silver loop pierced his right eyebrow, distracting the eye away from a nose Jeri thought was a little too sharp for his face. His hair, though buzzed short except for the top of his head, was a rich, royal blue.
Pulling her chin back indignantly, she started to say, "Like you'd know a damn thing about..." but his bare feet made her pause. She'd gotten used to wearing shoes on the job, but she'd apprenticed barefoot, in Rustworks. "Go, Eliot," Jeri shooed, instead, and stood up, hooking the toe of her boot against the ship's edge to keep from drifting away. When Eliot was out of range, she said, "Never saw a booter dress like that."
He indicated after the robot and asked, only, "Eliot?"
Booters always gave their dacs celestial names. "Look, I had to buy a new one," she told him. Remembering Halley always soured her. Adding, "Keep your fucking nose out of my business," she took a step toward the edge, meaning to leave.
"I didn't mean it that way," he said. "Not my business what you had to do. And it's not your business what's in those pods, either."
Jeri folded her arms across her chest. "Shit, a few laser cannons aren't any of my business, are they?" she bluffed, in return. "Not on a civvie-registered ship. And she's booter work, even if you ain't, so I'll have to ask how the fuck you came by her."
His eyes were brown and hard around the corners. He hadn't done more than turn toward her when she slid to a stop on Cassie's wing, but she knew he wouldn't let her go if he thought she'd rat him out. Jeri had a knife in her boot, in case he thought she was just a softie he could rough up a bit. "I bought her fair and square," he said, "when I did what I had to do to get out of Ceres. Had to leave some things behind. You might know."
It would sound vague to anyone else but she knew he meant there'd been something to run from and if he'd had to leave things behind, it had been something both personal and unpleasant. Which pretty well described her leaving Rustworks, too. "Yeah, I know," she said. An uncomfortable pause followed. "So what's your engine trouble?"
His name was Shen, and Cassie had a slow coolant leak which had eroded away half of a cable and caused a whole cascade of errors and shutdowns. Two minutes under the panel and Jeri knew she'd been right about the Cassiopeia being hand-customized-customized and half jury-rigged. She found parts that had been put to novel uses, and some that had been put together from scratch. And it hadn't been Shen's doing, she quickly determined. He knew how to maintain Cassie, he knew how much the new cable was going to cost him, but he wasn't the gearhead responsible for the engines.
"I can't open an account here," was all he said when Jeri offered to fix it. He'd kept checking the time on his dac's handheld extension, and now he looked again, with a grimace. "I'm supposed to be somewhere at eight..."
It was almost four, by then. She took a deep breath, surveying the hodgepodge engine in the pod. The yachts were expecting to have their pristine fluids exchanged for more pristine fluids because it had been two months since their last change. Cassie was a booter's hardworking girl who just needed one new cable. He had his reasons for not wanting to draw financial attention, and that wasn't her business. Booters didn't turn their backs on each other. Lowering her voice, she said, "Well, it's been three years since I left Rustworks. I haven't gone soft in the head, yet," Shen had one hand on the rim of the hatch, hanging in the air casually as only a low-geer could. He returned her smile. "Let me see what I can do for Cassie."
They talked easier, then, as she called over the scrap truck and scavenged through what remained of the Ferrari's blown engine. He'd left Ceres four years ago and sometimes stopped in booter ports, so he could bring her up to date on a few events but he said he didn't get involved anymore. He mentioned having usually resupplied out of Danae, when she said she was from Rustworks, but didn't add any more. Jeri told him about learning mechanics from her uncle and cousins as she hooked in the scavenged cable, but didn't go near why she'd left. He didn't ask, as she didn't ask about Ceres or Danae.
As she crouched over the open panel, checking the last few connections for snugness, Shen leaned deliberately close to her ear. Jeri froze, breath catching, when she felt him murmur, "Do you miss the free life?" A tingle arced around the rim to her earlobe. For a moment, she remembered another voice, laden with venom that warned her to dodge the fist that would follow.
Then Jeri blinked, and she was back in Alexandria Station, three years free and happy in the soft, safe world of civvies. "Some things," she stumbled, in reply. "Some things. Not others."
He retreated. From a safer distance, he said, "I owe you, for this."
Cassie interrupted, from the handheld at his belt. "Shen, call for you."
Jeri straightened up as Shen checked the time again. It was quarter past five in the morning. "I have to take this inside," he apologized. "Won't be long."
"Sure," she said, and watched him smoothly skitter across the black surface of Cassie's wing on bare hands and feet. Then she let the shiver race down her spine, and put her teeth on her knuckles. Three years. In Alexandria, she'd bought Eliot, gotten a good job and bit by bit let the softness, as booters called station life, seep in. She couldn't get out of bed without coffee anymore. She loved having an apartment to herself. Some of her boyfriends had never done a day's real work in their lives, by her standards.
It was a good life, but it was on the bland side. She'd thought about going back to Rustworks, once or twice, just shucking off and leaving. There were things she didn't want to go back to, or wasn't sure if she did. Jeri was not the same Jeri who'd desperately hitched a ride on a caravan, paid for it in blowjobs, and slipped off at Alexandria when nobody was looking. She was stronger for having broken her own path. She could go back on her own terms, set up a shop and handcraft her own ships.
But going back to booter life meant going back to booter men and freestyle. She still remembered the bruises, three years later.
Closing the engine pod's access panel, she crossed the length of the wing-shaped body and sat on the edge again, over the cargo doors. Jeri remembered the day she'd decided she wasn't going to take any more of Tal's beatings or his freestyle. She'd packed and run that very night. He'd been her first and only. Since then, she'd settled in with softie sex. It was good, in its way, but... soft. She'd looked into the fetish clubs, but hadn't found a good replacement for freestyle. It wasn't something a softie could be expected to easily understand. And Jeri hadn't met a booter she liked in the last three years. Now, this. He was cute enough, if snobbily dressed. He wasn't a hardcore booter. He, of anyone, might understand.
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So after getting myself home and taking stock at what just happened I was disgusted with myself for letting Tariq take me so easily, I showered and layed on my bed thinking awful thoughts," what if he tells Morgan about me coming to the shop and that he used me, I couldn't bear the thought, it was then I heard the front door opening and Morgan shouting to me as she was coming up the stairs" Hi mum are you asleep" Hi love no im in the bedroom" are you ok mum are you ill or something" no dear I...
Finding the truth can be painful or pleasurable. Sometimes it can be an intense combination of both and that is where I find myself now. After a couple drinks and thinking through all this maybe I can convey what I mean.I have been married to my wife, Maggie, for 14 years. I never questioned her fidelity but admit I enjoyed how she flirted and always got the attraction of so many men. My wife is 34, only an inch over five feet tall and even after two k**s she wears a size 8 and has a set of...
my phone rang, it was her. i was not expecting this call."hello Mistress", i said, my voice crackling with the unexpectedness of the call."Get over to my place now bitch. Your presents is demanded.""Mistress i cant...""NO EXCUSES BITCH! Twenty Minuets." and she hung up.i didn't know if i would be able to get ready (and while i did not know what exactly was in store for me, i knew that whatever it was, i needed to be ready), and over there in time, but i had to tryi rang the bell. the door...
It was late at night; the worst time for decision-making. Moreover, after a few beers and some porn browsing, Jake's state of mind was unquestionably not in the right. He stirred on his bed unable to fall asleep, the room spinning around him in high velocity. He sat up, covered in sweat, and his nausea slowly subdued; he held his forehead, rubbed his closed eyelids. Eventually, he got up and with unsteady steps hurried to the bathroom, where he vigorously washed his face under the tap, letting...
This story is affectionately dedicated to NudeClaire, whose own story "Claire's Nude Hotel Exhibition" inspired it. I was slightly tipsy as I stepped out of the lift on the tenth floor. The official Conference Dinner had dragged on as long as I’d feared, and only copious quantities of alcohol had made the endless parade of speeches endurable. There are only so many times you need to be told what a good year it’s been, and how we’re looking forward to an even better one next year. But of course...
ExhibitionismThis is a story, or a couple of them about one of the girls I ended up getting pregnant who carried it all the way. I've fucked her thousands of times so it's hard to remember specific times, but a few times stuck out. She typically dated white guys, unlike a lot of the black girls I'd been with. She talked "white" unless she was mad or fucking then she sounded more black but like I said, she normally dated white men, and almost all of her friends were white. She was a couple years younger,...
Jay and Sabrina dropped me off at my condo just before dinner on that Sunday before Spring break began. We talked a lot less going home than on the trip to the race. I think we were all tired. Neither Sabrina or I hinted at the fact we'd played around together. I still felt confused when I went into my condo. The fact that Sabrina was trying to seduce me along with me fucking Jay left me wondering about my sexuality.I settled in after unpacking and sipping a glass of wine when I got a text...
TabooHer skin was soft and smooth, now that it was clean. I lightly touched her skin, raising gooseflesh on her arms. I encircled her breasts, but didn't touch her nipples. I started kissing her all over her body. I moved down her body kissing, licking and sucking along the way. She started to breathe heavily as I started to get serious with my attention to her. I soon reached her pleasure center. I could tell her excitement by the ruddy color of her nether lips. Nuzzling her fur, my tongue raked...
I’m getting half-hard. My cock is still in her hand. I’m catching up to her and can’t resist but to grab her ass a little and gently run my finger between her cheeks over her pussy. “Hey!” Nadine fake protests. Now my face has a big smile on it too. We’re opening the bathroom door and are entering the spacious shower. Nadine is switching on the water. It’s splashing all over her head. She’s lifting both her arms putting them behind her head. Face tilted backwards. “Aahh! So nice!” she exhales....
Faithful It’s not like I hadn’t been warned about Maitland girls my whole life. Everybody knew. A Maitland girl would always be beautiful. A Maitland girl would always be clever. And funny. And make you feel lightheaded and dizzy with rapture. But most of all, a Maitland girl would always be faithless. Steady just wasn’t in them, as my Mamma would say. She’d certainly warned me enough times about those Maitland girls. The whole clan of them, she’d insist, had been put on this Earth by the...
I was in a significantly bad mood. I was answering the phones. Mona and the rest of the staff were on strike. All the CSIRO staff were on strike. Chaz was minding the phones at Floreat. We were "management." CSIRO management and the union representing the agency's 6500 staff will meet today to thrash out differences over a new enterprise agreement that has sparked two weeks of industrial action. The CSIRO Staff Association warns the action, the first national industrial campaign at the...
Mrs. Willows was still panting when she opened her eyes. The orgasmic pleasure waves were still rippling through her body. She momentarily forgot where she was and what happened. She had never had an orgasm that intense as far back as she could remember. She looked down and her right hand was still clutching the buzzing eight-inch vibrator stuck in her swollen pussy.Thankfully, Mr. Willows wasn’t home. What would he think? What would the neighbors think of prim and proper Val Willows spying on...
ThreesomesA work assignment had pulled Sai into going to a country that was starting to prosper but riddled with crime. The country that Sai was in led the world in murder rates and was a hotbed for all kinds of debauchery. Not trusting the drivers, Sai drove his own car which had malfunctioned in the middle of a road covered by forests. Hours had passed, the cellphone was not getting any reception, and so Sai decided to head into the forest and see where that would take him.“Damn hellhole,” shouted...
HardcoreCooper and Callia looked up as the doctor walked into her room and then looked at each other, the look on his face did not look like they were about to receive good news. ‘What’s up doc?’ Callia asked, trying to lighten the mood. ‘Callia, your body isn’t expelling the fetus,’ the doctor began. ‘What does that mean?’ Callia asked. ‘Usually what happens in the case of a miscarriage is that the fetus is for a lack of a better term is delivered. Your body isn’t doing that,’ he answered. ‘Since...
We were sitting around the breakfast table the following morning. Rose had not slept well ... the previous day's excitement combined with Junior's doing his Aikido kata during the night had made that she had spent more time awake than asleep. Debra had asked that she not go to school that day and, after discussing it with her and underlining that she would not, should not, be spending the rest of her life in hiding, we allowed her this extra day to come to grips with her mortality. It's a...
It was getting late, and Penny was looking forward to opening the bottle of white wine that had been chilling in her fridge for the last couple of hours. She had just finished signing off the last paper in her Ministerial red box, when to her annoyance her laptop inbox ‘pinged’ at her. She was even more annoyed when she saw that the message was from her soon-to-be-ex-husband. The recent uncovering by an investigative journalist of his numerous dodgy business deals had very nearly derailed her...
My buddy, Andrew, was complaining about how he and his wife Amy, never had any time for anything fun. He griped about the cooking and cleaning taking up every weekend minute for them. I am retired and have way more time than the average person, but what I lacked was sex. Amy was one of the sexiest women I knew. I had secretly wanted her for years. Amy was 5’ 2” tall, 38DD breasts, green eyes, a sexy full figured hourglass shape and an ass to die for. She had short brown hair and full red lips....
HardcoreSo, where do I start? I guess about the time my girlfriend asked me to drop off some of her old clothes to her best friend’s house on the way to work is as good as any. Her name is Lisa. Oh ya, and I’m Jake. But anyway, my girlfriend had grown out of some of her clothes and decided to have me give them to Lisa on my way to work. No problem, right? Well, Lisa is about 5’9′, very slim, blond, a little pale but still nice skin, and very attractive in the face. Now, I’m not an ugly guy I don’t...
It is the annual alumni reunion event at the Lauderton High School, which they hold in the large gymnasium in the main school building. The events in these stories take place at various times during the evening, and to different characters; they are not chapters of the same story, but a series of separate takes. We are the invisible camera, panning around the scene and then zooming in for a close-up ... TAKE SEVEN Kirsty Sheraton was thirty-three years old, and had graduated from...
M/FHer name was Ana. I was 21. I had slept with approximately four other women by then. Not a one of them touched my penis with their mouths. Ana had a boyfriend that wasn't me. We were camping, deep in the woods. A tent was pitched and a fire build. We sipped on Kahlua and Rum. We settled down in the tent for a drunken slumber when she snuggled up to me. She mutters the name "Mat". It was her boyfriends name.She was either asleep or in a drunken stupor, or even playing me to get at it. Her...
This came to me as I was getting a good licking from my hubby:I was at my desk grading papers one afternoon when three of my students came in, Roxy, Josh, and Beth. As they walked in, closing the door behind them, Roxy closed the curtain to my door window. “Can I help you three? Today’s not my tutoring day,” I said. They came over to my desk, and as I watched them, I began to feel a bit uneasy. They were all well-behaved students, but they refused to do any of the assignments; thus, were...
I was living on the 10th floor with my parents in a well built society and was in 12th. The flat in front of ours was also ours and dad rented it out one of his office colleague’s relative. He told us about him that he is a maths professor in the college and will be living alone as his wife died 2yrs back and his kids were studying in the UK. His previous house was big and he couldn’t afford the rent so he is here now. Days passed by and we became good friends with the uncle. I used to ask him...
Gay MaleOn Tuesday's, after teaching an early morning biology class, Jenna had time to use the university gym for an hour of cardio. She liked to finish at around 9:30 when the locker room shower was usually empty. The last thing she wanted to hear was a student of hers, present or former, saying hello or asking questions about class, while she was dressed in nothing but a towel. Or worse... while she was naked... It seemed like a normal day as she rinsed the shampoo from her hair and let her...
Pam and her husband John were your average couple. Enjoying midlife with still a healthy sex life. They enjoyed experimenting with different things. When women learned what John did for a living, they had fantasies of their own. John was a firefighter and chief of his department. His job required him to stay in good physical condition. Standing at 6 feet, with dark hair he often got the sly comments about playing with his hose or his pole. Pam loved to wear sexy little outfits for John....
TransChapter 1 I had just pulled on my underpants after taking a shower when Mom’s arms hugged me from behind as she nussled into my neck, “ Happy 20th birthday Dick.” “Hey Mom – what’s this shit!” I exclaimed as her hand fondled my crotch! “Mmmn, Twenty with plenty, an growing nicely,” she giggled, “ give your Mom a birthday kiss darling.” “Hell mom, leave it out!” I said amazed. She’d always been an impeccably prim mother: scorning make-up; content to show a virtuous vision of womanhood. Now...
Chapter 1 She turned the car off and sighed. Finally, she thought, I'm so looking forward to this weekend. She had been planning this trip in the back of her mind for years. One weekend, no kids, no job, no stress. Just her, a tent, and the great outdoors. "I need this" she said to herself. Why not talk to herself? There was no one to hear her. She had chosen one of the campsites that was farthest from the office. No one else was anywhere close. She could let her hair down and be herself...
I started dating my girlfriend in Junior year and she came from a very respectful family.She told me she wouldn't have sex with me until we are married if it gets that far.We are both 18 now and have graduated, she is taking 6 months to travel across Asia and Africa while I am working to save up so we could get our own place.My girlfriend is a petite girl and I am a small guy so we match very well together. She is one of those perfect picturesque angelic white girls, 4''11 tall, 90lbs, a nose...
Less than two weeks, that's all it was. Less than two weeks since Pete called me from work and told me we were having a guest for dinner. Less than two weeks, since Pete told me that it was the night we might have that threesome we had fantasised about. I had been watching some daytime TV, one of my breaks from housework when I got the call. Incidentally, I had thought about preparing something special for dinner anyway, for no other reason than I love Pete. It wasn't difficult to stretch...
For his 18th birthday Jamie had been given 2 tickets for the Center of Gravity music festival, which included coach travel and 3 nights in a hotel. Lily and he decided that this would be a good place to have fun with the app in public for the first time, as no one they knew was going. It was the first weekend of the summer vacation when the teens arrived early at the Greyhound terminal and boarded the coach, sat near the back and settled in for the long journey. The bus was fairly full which...
It all started several months ago when I, Envious Gumshue, was given my pink slip at The Toadstool Inn restaurant. You would have thought that it would have come with lace, but it did get my attention. One has to understand, what ‘The Stool’ lacked in etiquette, it made up for with chewing gum stuck beneath the tables. However, on first entering, you got the feeling of silence as if in meditation. Humming could be heard wafting in the pungent aroma of weeks old bacon drippings. As if Gregorian...
He knows best I reminded myself. He’s older and done this before, I should stop being such a chicken. Still, I’m scared and I start to try and edge away little by little. As if he could read my mind he grabbed my arm, stared into my eyes and told me that If I loved him and still wanted to be his girl friend it was time to do this. Ripping off my panties, he smirked at me with a glint in his eye that I never seen before. As if thinking that I was going to try get away he held me down with one...