- 3 years ago
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She turned the car off and sighed. Finally, she thought, I'm so looking forward to this weekend. She had been planning this trip in the back of her mind for years. One weekend, no kids, no job, no stress. Just her, a tent, and the great outdoors. "I need this" she said to herself. Why not talk to herself? There was no one to hear her. She had chosen one of the campsites that was farthest from the office. No one else was anywhere close. She could let her hair down and be herself for the weekend.
She began unpacking the car, there really wasn't much to unpack. A tent, a few clothes and some food for the weekend. She went about setting up camp, such a pleasure without little helpers. When the tent was up, she started a fire in the pit, pretty easy when you have enough lighter fluid! "Who needs a husband?" she snickered. Soup for dinner tonight. Simple, easy, and filling.
After eating she went for a walk. Strolling through the woods and enjoying the outdoors. She was beginning to feel the tension slipping away. She glimpsed another campsite through the trees and thought she recognized the car parked there. A little shiver went through her. "No way" she thought to herself. It can't be him. It must be a coincidence. She moved behind a tree and stared at the campsite. Then he came out of the tent. It was him. She felt another little shiver. She was very surprised to see him there. She watched him move around his campsite for a while, and let some of the thoughts in the back of her head have free reign for a few moments. It was fun, but part of her was annoyed, this was supposed to be "her" weekend.
She snuck away from the tree and back to her campsite, all the while debating whether she should make her presence known. She decided she would adopt a wait and see attitude, if he found her, he found her, but her conscience wouldn't let her make the first move. For all she knew, he might have followed her here.
An hour after dark she went into her tent to change. She was digging through her bag, and she had a naughty idea. They seemed to be getting more frequent. She took off all her clothes and put on her oversized t-shirt she liked to wear to bed. A thrill ran through her as she thought about being caught in her shirt with nothing underneath. The danger made it so exciting. "Besides" she rationalized, "no one will see me".
As she crawled out of the tent she thought she heard a noise. She froze, a cold ball of fear in her stomach, but the noise wasn't repeated. She felt foolish, I'm just nervous. It's not often I'm outdoors half naked. She got up and went over to the fire. She sat down on a log, pulling the shirt under her. It kept her bare ass off the log, but if someone saw her it would be hard to maintain her modesty. For a moment, she wished someone would see her, specifically him. Then she chastised herself. It's my weekend. Naughty, naughty, but the idea had taken hold. The more she thought about it, the stronger it became.
She closed her eyes and pictured him, just outside the edge of the light, staring at her. Feasting on her with his eyes, the lust shining in them. Imagined him slowly reaching down to adjust himself as he grew hard looking at her. As she pictured it, her own hand stole down her body. Gently running up and down her thigh, leaving a trail of goosebumps. She could feel herself getting wet. She imagined herself opening her legs for him as he watched from the dark. Touching herself as he mirrored her actions. Both of them getting hotter. The watcher and the watched.
Without realizing it her legs parted and her hand slipped between them. She gasped as she touched herself, startled for a moment from her revelry. What am I doing, she thought. This is bad. Then a new thought came into her mind. "This is my weekend" she thought, I came here to get away from my life for a while. If I'm ever going to do something out of character, this is likely to be my only opportunity.
"Screw it" she whispered. She closed her eyes again, picking up the thread of her fantasy. Closing off the little voice telling her she was bad. The hand that had never left it's place picked up where it left off. She started slowly, her legs only slightly apart. Gently caressing up and down, spreading her wetness. Purposefully staying away from her clit for now. She wanted to make this last.
She imagined him unfastening his pants and pulling down his zipper. The vision was so strong she could almost hear it. She could see him reaching into his pants and taking it out. Hard and jutting from his clothes. See him wrapping his hand around it and slowly beginning to move back and forth, matching her strokes. The idea of them each getting themselves off was so hot, and helped to keep her nagging voice from coming back.
She relaxed and fell deeper into the fantasy. Her hand was moving a little faster now, as was his. Her finger occasionally brushing her clit. Her breath was coming faster. Her other hand moved up under her shirt and found her nipple, squeezing it and sending little shocks through her. She could see him breathing faster now, his tempo increasing, his eyes wide and staring, staring at her. Staring at her as she did this for him.
That was what was making it such a delicious thrill. Knowing she was giving this to him. Letting him see her at her weakest and most vulnerable moment. Trusting that he would understand and know that he should only watch.
Her fingers were moving quicker. Centering on her clit. She could feel it building, the tension gathering in her belly, her leg muscles tightening. She could see his hand only as a blur, a look of bliss on his face as he continued to stare at her. Her legs fell open and she knew his view would be unobstructed in the firelight. Her breath was coming in gasps now. She was getting close. She imagined him panting, getting close too, fighting to keep his eyes open as he neared his climax. Not wanting to miss hers.
Then it hit her, and she felt the waves crashing through her, taking her breath from her throat. She moaned low in her throat and heard it's echo in her dream, as he came with her. As she floated down from her pinnacle she shuddered, and her legs tingled all the way to her feet. Her head drooped and she tried to breathe slow and deep, to catch her breath again. The vision was gone, but she felt refreshed, recharged. The tension she had carried here with her melted away. I ought to write a book, she thought to herself. "Cure stress by masturbating in the woods" she laughed low in her throat at the thought.
As she sits on her log, regaining her composure she hears a branch snap, and what sounds like someone moving off through the woods. She jumps, startled and afraid, but through her fear another thought bubbles to the surface of her mind. "I think this might be a really good camping trip".
Chapter 2She woke with a start in the tent. The sun was up, but it felt early. Her mind drifted back over the previous evening as she snuggled down into the warm sleeping bag. She couldn't get over what she had done by the fire, so out of character. "My God" she said aloud, "masturbating in the woods?" She reflected on the idea as she slowly came more awake. She had to admit, as astonishing as it was, it had truly been a fantastic orgasm. She could still feel his imagined eyes upon her.
The thoughts were making her feel naughty again. Her hand slowly traveled down her body, lightly stroking her flesh. After her performance by the fire last night, she had run behind the tent and peed in the bushes, then crawled into the tent and discarded her only garment, so now she lay nude in her bag. Another step out of character. Her hand had reached her lower stomach and she gave a shudder, still gripped by her fantasy of the previous night. What if he had really been watching, she thought to herself. She could feel herself getting wetter. The urge to touch herself again growing stronger. Her hand slid lower and touched her moistening pussy, and the decision was made for her. Her fingers parted the lips and gathered the moisture there. Sliding up and down slowly, parting them further. Her finger moved up to her clitoris and made slow circles. She was imagining him coming out of the screening bushes and into the firelight, where she could see and be seen. In her vision he was already naked, his cock hard and bobbing as he walked. Her finger was making faster circles, and her breath was getting shorter. Behind her closed eyes he moved closer, lust filled his eyes as he watched her pleasure herself. As he got to her he grasped the base of his cock and directed it at her mouth, no words, but the fantasy her knew what he wanted. As she imagined opening her mouth to take him in she was jerked back to reality as her orgasm rolled through her. Her hips bucked as she came and came, a splash of fluid squirted from her pussy. She laid in the sleeping bag and enjoyed the afterglow, her pulse and breathing returning to normal. The mental image of his cock invading her mouth still in her head.
After she calmed down she decided she would get up and start her day. She only had today and tonight left. She had to go back tomorrow, and she didn't want to waste too much time languishing in bed, even if it had been a very good morning so far. "Breakfast or a shower first?" she thought to herself. She decided on the shower. Then she'd come back and get herself some fruit or something from her cooler. She didn't really feel all that hungry despite the energy she had expended in her morning's play.
She crawled out of the sleeping bag and dug her terrycloth robe from her bag. She found the towel and her toiletries. She stood and debated getting dressed, it would be the prudent thing to do. "What the hell?" she thought, it still feels early and I'm only going to the shower. "Who's going to see me anyway?" She slipped the robe on over her naked body and tightly tied the sash. She knelt and unzipped the tent, then crawled out to begin her first full day of stress relief.
It was earlier than she had thought. She hadn't bothered to get out the watch, the last thing she wanted during her weekend was to be a slave to the clock. That's what had caused her to need this break in the first place. She had seen the shower building on her way in last night. It was a couple hundred yards from her site, near the lake. The sparse grass around her camp was covered with dew, but the morning felt warm to her. She slipped on her sandals, pulled her robe tighter, and headed off to the showers.
It was a glorious morning, birds singing, and the sun just rising above the hills. The walk along the path was refreshing. She could catch glimpses of the lake through the trees. It was so relaxing she could almost forget about being nude under her robe. She found the shower building easily, other than the office near the entrance it was the only other building in the campground. It was identical to all the other shower buildings in all the other campsites she'd ever seen. One side for the gals, one for the guys. She went in "her" side and headed right for the toilets. She hadn't peed since last night. She flipped her robe up and took care of that pressing need. She picked up her toiletries and walked down to the shower end of the building. A hand lettered sign on the wall caught her attention. "We apologize for the inconvenience, but due to a problem with the plumbing the showers are temporarily out of order. The Management".
"Wonderful..." she said aloud. She had been looking forward to a refreshing shower. She decided she'd do her best with a sponge bath at the sinks. Then a thought occurred to her. Why not take a swim instead of a shower? She figured she could take a quick dip, at least get the sweat and dirt off her. She decided she would. She gathered her things and turned to leave the shower building. "I'll just run back to the tent and get my swim suit" she thought.
As she left the building she could see the lake. It wasn't thirty yards from where she stood. Another thought crossed her mind. The tent is a long way off. It's very early, and if I'm quick, I could be in and out before anyone can see me. She was astonished at this thought, skinny dipping? She had never in her life done anything like that. This was quickly becoming a weekend of firsts. She threw all caution to the wind and walked to the lake shore. She found a spot near some bushes that would at least offer a little cover before she got in and when she would get out. She gazed around for a minute, trying to spot anyone who might see her. Finally she decided she'd better get to it, the longer she delayed, the greater the chance of discovery.
She put down her things and hesitantly slipped off the robe. Goose bumps immediately broke out on her skin, and her nipples hardened immediately, more from the excitement than the temperature. She took one last look around, and dashed for the water. When it reached mid-thigh she dove forward into the water. It was cold, but not painfully so. In fact it was really rather refreshing. She swam out a few yards and tried to stand. Her feet touched and the water was just blow her chin. She took a few tentative steps toward shore, worried about stepping on anything that might move. When the water was just above her breasts she paused. Now to get clean, she thought. It struck her that in her haste to get in the water she had left her shampoo on the bank by her robe. "Shit" she moaned. "Do I go back or skip it?" She decided to just scrub at her skin with her hands in the water, and get her hair wet again rather than risk the dash to shore and back for the shampoo. Tomorrow, she vowed, she would plan better and bring her suit to the lake in the morning. Or, better yet, maybe the showers would work by then.
She lolled in the water, rubbing her hands along her arms and legs. Trying her best to rinse off the sweat and grime. As her hands worked over her thighs she realized that this was very exciting, being naked in public. Quite a thrill. She never realized she had exhibitionist tendencies. The whole situation had her aroused. She considered another go with her fingers, but she was just too nervous about being caught. "I've had my fun," she thought, "I'd better get while the getting is good" Besides, she could always go back to the tent and take care of that itch.
She started back toward the shore, walking slowly and crouching further as she went to remain covered by the water. Her head swiveled around constantly looking for company. It was early yet, but somebody else may be heading for the showers anytime. Somebody like ""him"" maybe? Ooh, that brought a tingle to her crotch. What if he saw me like this? A nervous giggle forced it's way out of her throat. She increased her pace toward the shore, anxious to get back to the tent and let that fantasy run it's course. When she had reached the point where she was nearly squatting to stay covered, she took one last look around and made a break for the shore, trying not to splash too loudly.
She left the water and headed directly to her pile of things behind the bushes. At first she couldn't comprehend it, but the truth slowly dawned through the haze. Her robe and towel were gone! "Oh my God!" She was stunned, she couldn't think clearly. Someone was here, someone has my stuff! I'm Naked Goddamnit! Someone saw me... someone is still seeing me, she realized and tried to cover herself with her arms. Her heart was literally pounding, she could hear it in her ears, feel it in her chest. She frantically looked around trying to find the thief, and there he was. Standing about twenty feet from her, leaning against a gnarled old tree. Her robe in one hand and her towel in the other. It was Him.
She stood paralyzed as their eyes met A smile started to form on his face, and he pushed away from the tree and started to slowly walk toward her. Her heart was hammering in her chest, and the urge to flee was screaming through her head, yet she couldn't move. She could only stare as he walked closer and closer, his eyes never leaving hers. He stopped about three feet from her, and continued to stare into her eyes, the smile playing around the corners of his mouth.
He finally spoke, "Enjoying the water?" he asked.
She found she couldn't reply, her mouth refused to cooperate. Her brain was trying to demand her robe, but the signal was lost on its way to her throat. She could only stare.
"I have to tell you," he said "I didn't think anything could top last night's performance, but this does." The realization slowly came to her. He had watched her by the fire last night. He really had been in the woods during her fantasy, watching her cum. The blood drained from her face, she could think of nothing to say, even if she had been able to speak, nothing would have come out. He watched her reaction and his smile grew a fraction.
"You didn't know I was there." It wasn't a question. "I wasn't sure last night. Of course, I had hoped you knew and you were doing it for me."
"I did." It came out as a whispered croak, but they were the first words that came to mind.
"You knew?" he asked.
"No," she whispered, "I was doing it for you though." She couldn't believe what had come out of her mouth. How could she tell him that? She was shocked by her traitorous tongue.
He was quiet for a moment, digesting that. "That changes things, doesn't it?" he mused. "I had planned to tease you a little and give you back your robe, but I'm having other thoughts now."
A visible shudder ran through her. She couldn't focus her thoughts, her body had taken control, and her brain was in the back seat. She felt like she was in a dream. She could also feel her wetness on the hand covering her pussy. Her nipples stood out hard against her shielding arm.
He hadn't broken eye contact, if he had, maybe the spell would have been broken too, but she was still frozen by his gaze. "I have a proposition for you" he said. "I couldn't bring myself to make you do anything I thought you didn't want to, so I'll leave it up to you". She shuddered again.
"Say no, and I'll give you your robe and your towel. You go your way, I'll go mine, and we'll agree to pretend this never happened, never mention it again. I'll pack my stuff and leave the campground, let you have the rest of the weekend to yourself. You have my word." He paused to let this sink in.
After a moment, he spoke again. "Say yes, and for the next thirty-six hours, you are mine, to do with as I please. Anything and everything I please. After that, we go back to our lives and never speak of this weekend again. No guilt, no strings, and no regrets."
There was silence for a full minute, and when she finally spoke, it was so quietly he could barely hear it.
"Yes" she breathed.
Chapter 3When she answered "Yes", it shocked them both. A large grin spread across his face. " I think I'm going to enjoy this." He said.
Her breathing quickened as the impact of what she had done began to seep into her consciousness. A tingle started in her stomach and spread throughout her body, making her sway on her feet. He closed the gap between them and put a hand on her shoulder, the first time he had touched her since this little scene unfolded. "Relax, I won't hurt you." He told her.
His touch jolted her out of her paralysis, and she began to regain control of herself. She looked into his eyes and said, "I know that." Her own smile made an appearance for the first time. "I trust you."
"Put this on." He handed her the robe, let go of her shoulder and backed away from her a pace. His eyes traveled down her body as she unfolded the robe and began to slide it over her arms. She reached for the ties and began pulling them around herself. "No," he told her, "leave it untied." She hesitated, old instincts of modesty kicking in, but she let the ties drop. She had said yes, and she would do what he told her to. The robe covered her as she stood still, but she knew she would have to hold it when she walked, or be completely exposed to anyone who happened along.
They stood like that for a moment, eyes locked, her breath fast and shallow. "On your knees." He said. She gasped, not here! I can't do that right here in the open. Her eyes got wide and a look of fright traveled across her face. He realized what she was thinking, and repeated himself, in a firmer tone. "On your knees, now."
Still she hesitated, unable to comply with his command. He stared at her for a moment longer and the grin slipped from his face. "Forget it," he said, "I don't think you really want this to happen." He turned away from her and made as if to leave.
"No!" she cried, and immediately fell to her knees. He stopped a few steps away with his back still to her.
Al was looking forward to leaving on their camping trip as he packed the RV. He and Erin hadn't been on a decent vacation in years. And they had always dreamed of driving around the west and seeing the mountains and all of the wonders of the desert. Even though their daughter Sue was coming along as well as her cousin Robert, Al was determined to have as much fun with Erin as if they were by themselves. Lately they had just been falling into a routine and Al was determined that the romance and...
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One summer a group of friends before one of them was going to leave for college, they wanted to spend sometime together they’d forever forget. They went to the next town to the Lake, and set up a camp site, a camper, fire pit the whole 9 yards. They had a great time with had parties at other camps, and just hanging out, but one morning something they never thought of happened. It was kind of a slow day, and one of them came up with the idea of skinny dipping. None of them had ever done it so...
LesbianAs an addict of ‘self love’ and having been so for as long as I can remember, pornography has played an important role in my life. However, being female means that much of my stimulation comes from fantasies. The advantage being that I have a whole library of pornography stashed away in the recesses of my mind, ready and waiting for an opportunistic moment when I can sneak my hand into my knickers and select my chosen scenario to accompany me in my ‘play time’. The fantasy which I’m sharing...
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As an addict of ‘self love’ and having been so for as long as I can remember, pornography has played an important role in my life. However, being female means that much of my stimulation comes from fantasies. The advantage being that I have a whole library of pornography stashed away in the recesses of my mind, ready and waiting for an opportunistic moment when I can sneak my hand into my knickers and select my chosen scenario to accompany me in my ‘play time’.The fantasy which I’m sharing with...
It was early June. The days were warming up but the nights were still cool. It was Friday, a perfect reason for not going to work. You wanted to get out and explore, check out some new trail up by the mountains that you hadn’t hiked before. You set out a little after 12 and got on the trail by 1. About an hour into your hike we bumped into each other. I was hopelessly lost and not very competent with a compass. You didn’t mind helping me because I was decent looking and friendly yet a...
"It's okay Angel" you said and held me tighter as we stumbled our way through the thick bushes, "We're nearly there honey". No sooner had you said that than the bush gave way to the clearing in which we'd made our camp. I slumped with relief but you held onto me and almost had to drag me to our tent.Once inside you placed a blanket over my shoulders and began taking my sodden hiking boots off. "Trust you to fall into the river! I know it's summer time but that river is freezing all year...
When I was a teenager, my family would take long road trips, and to save money we stayed at campgrounds around the country. Every day we'd break camp, load up the van, and head for a new place. We saw a lot of the country that way, and had some great experiences. Some more memorable than others..If we were lucky, a campground would have a hot shower available, usually on a coin operated timer. Many were also unisex, and they might have nothing more than a couple curtains for privacy in a given...
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As night fell over the heather clad moor, he could feel the mist slowly sweeping over him. The hairs on his back stood on end. He looked across from his hiding place and watched as the two ramblers pitched their tent. The girl was unpacking the small stove whilst the guy fiddled with poles and ropes. It had been a hot day but now the mist was here the temperature had dropped several degrees. Much to his amusement he could see the girl's nipples harden through her top. He watched as she bent...
When I was in my teens I had a friend whom I spent alot of time with. We were both kind of geeky. Over the course of time we had slept at each others houses and had seen each other naked. No big deal. I used to love sleeping at his house since his sister was hot and I wanted to stroke my cock everytime I saw her. Anyway, not having much luck with the girls we would look at porno mags and jerk off. One night we slept out in a tent in the yard. After lights out I heard him moaning softly...
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We were tenting it this weekend. I know for many of you exhibitionism wouldn't be anything. But I have never done anything like that. My husband followed me into the huge tent, with all the windows and door wide open. People were everywhere. He knew I was going to shut all the windows and zip up the door before undressing. Instead, he pulled my shirt up over my head, leaving me in my bra. I didn't protest - probably for the first time. Next he unhooked my bra and let it fall off. ...
Andria snuggled closer to me in our tent. The day had been very warm, but the wind coming off of the water made us shiver uncontrollably. I had suggested body heat would warm us up faster than anything else. I had another reason besides warmth to cuddle with her. Andria was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. Her dark hair fell in waves around her face. Her eyes were a sparkling green. Her curves were undeniably sexy. She had an air of confidence when she walked that said she could get...
I was shocked to get an excited phonecall at work from my 19 year old daughter, Lindsey, that Wednesday afternoon. She had called to tell me that her friends had backed out of a planned cabin trip to New Hampshire and that wasn't I the lucky man to be able to spend some quality time with her instead. "What?" I said monotonously. She explained that she had planned for this trip for quite some time and was highly disappointed when her buddies reneged. Then, upon glancing at my desk calendar...
Right after graduating highschool, I needed to make some serious money before going off to college. A friend of mine told me about a job at a camp. I was unqualified for the job when I applied but was surprised when I got the call for an interview. I drove out to meet with the manager of the camp. Her name was Karen. She was in her mid 40's, average body, very tan, not great looking, but had very nice legs. I came wearing dress pants, a short sleeve button shirt with a tie, and my best pair of...
I got off the plane and looked around, finding the large red bus in the parking lot. I started walking towards it and noticed some other women, most of them young like me but a few in their 30s or 40s, heading the same direction. We didn't say anything to each other; we felt awkward about it given where we were headed. We saw a tall blonde woman with cropped hair waiting outside the bus with a smile. She waved to us. We approached, and she said, "Bags, please." We handed her our bags one at a...
Mom, hey, Mom!" 18-year-old Henry Humper yelled as he opened the door of the home he shared with his mother, Hilda and his older sister, Harriet. "I got my report card, Mom, and guess what?""Henry, must you make so much noise?" his beautiful, buxom mother asked him in reply, coming down the stairs to join her son in the front hall of their home. "You sound like a herd of elephants sometimes, I swear.""But Mom!" he repeated. "I got my report card, and guess what? I got all As!""Henry, I am so...
On Tuesday morning they got Julie to pick them up and attend the Airport without warning them. As soon as Helena entered the office both Danielle and Trudy ran and hugged her. Then Danielle mentioned “Just the one for now?” Helena smiled at her “Yes please, then I would like to see you in the board room privately, after I see Lisa please.” Fred and Helena went to see Lisa. They all went into the board room and had a coffee and general chit chat. They passed on the information they had...
20 minutes later jessie's husband Dan arrived and sat down at the table with her. Dan was a general contractor and was building a new subdivision on the edge of town. He was 27 about 6 feet tall with an average build. Dan worked a lot. On a normal day he would be at start at 6 am. And work for 11 to 12 hours. They had a good marriage, he had always provided for her and treated her well. They had a nice home and vehicles, jessie had a lexus and dan drove a truck. They went on trips...
The Picnic It’s our first time walking together out in the woods. I steal every glance I can at your amazing body. I can’t believe you said yes to a picnic in the woods with me. I’m nothing special, but you said yes. I’m giddy inside but I can’t show it. We walk deeper and deeper into the woods, I look around hoping we are going to get back. All the while, we are holding hands, a wonderful feeling. For me that’s one of the best things I can have, skin on skin, ANY skin on skin contact makes me...
Autumn had been thinking about the toy she had seen while online shopping all day. And now that it was bedtime, she sure wished she had it already. Autumn had broken up with her boyfriend after finally realizing she was more “part-time pussy” than a full-time girlfriend. And while she was glad to be rid of the jerk, she was missing the cock that he brought with him. Tommy sported an eight-inch long, two-inch thick cock that Autumn had enjoyed filling her pussy ass and mouth, but it was the time...
ToysOnce I accepted that Annie simply was what she was, however much a mystery it was to me, our coexistence in the old Victorian home became much less stressful to me. We gradually slipped into a routine that respected my right to privacy (as if I would even know) and her right to cohabit the house. The enticing smell of chocolate always told me when she was about to appear. I never doubted there had to be a sound scientific explanation for her existence, but I had to accept that science might...
My name is Fernando (but for the intimate Fernanda), I am 18 years old and I tell you what happened to me last year. This story will make you understand how I found out that I'm a whore, insatiable, who likes to take the dick and want to hear me cum on me.I grew up in a middle-class family, I lived most of my life in an apartment building with so many buildings. I'm white, tall and blond. If I was born a woman, I'd be the most wanted. I have an angelic face and a pair of knockout thighs. My...
Chapter 8: Marcia initiates Alice Donald Appleby replaced the phone and relaxed against the leather interior in the back of his limousine. The conversation with Emmanuel Nmobu couldn’t have gone better. All that remained was for the two brothers to sign the contract and the biggest deal of his life would be finalised. That ceremony would take place during the forthcoming party at his house. Immediately afterwards, he’d ensure that he met the brother’s final request. Carmella was already...
------------------------------------------------------- This work is copyrighted to the author (c) 1996. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non- commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. ------------------------------------------------------- As a salesman for a large corporation, I travel constantly. For me, flying is no more exciting than taking a bus-with...
So for those of you following my frustration, you may have noticed that I have become more willing than most wives usually do. I realise now that not only am I fine with that, but that I actually need the excitement. So when my best friend asked last week if Iwould help her with her husband's birthday present on Monday, while I of course said yes, I was actually dreaming of dressing up and being his present.I arranged to be late for work, and since it is my week to stay until after close,...
Where the hell did they come from and why hadn’t anyone noticed they were coming before they were in our midst? I looked out the window and there was a scruffy looking hillbilly in camo hunting gear holding one of my girls in each arm. He had a deer rifle slung over his back and seemed to be trying to get his pecker out without loosening his grip on Tawny and Kitaen. Just as I was about to come out swinging, I noticed his jaw grow slack and his vision to become glazed. He didn’t fall over,...
She was more than I expected, more in every way. She was taller than I expected, prettier, her hair was lighter brown and longer than in her photos. She was elegant in her LUCKY jeans and PRADA top. Louis Vuitton luggage. Affluent, sophisticated, certainly not just a pretty girl. I remember an on-line conversation we had once, before we exchanged photos, about movie stars and what movie stars we resemble. I said Steve McQueen (I don’t), she said she’s been told she looks like a young...
I love you and will see you Friday night I told my wife as I hung up the phone. My heart began pumping big time as I hung up from my nightly call and the familiar ring of a new text sounded off. My cock stirred just seeing it was from Christina. The message read that the rendezvous was on for 10:00 with a room number and hotel. I cleaned up nice and fresh grabbed the condoms and lube and headed out. My stomach was in knots as Christina answered the door. I quickly entered and stood frozen...
Dear All, My name is Ronu from Ahmadabad and my email id is . This is a story of girl who used to work under me. I request you all to read till end because you are going to love it, and be patient because sex doesn’t start right away. We both have left the company and we are currently working in different sectors but we are well in touch with each other. She always used to and still calls me Sir. Her name is Milli. She is on a very heavy side. About 6 months ago I too was on a very heavy side....
"Speaking of starting something," Will said to Carrie, "we should probably check the penicillin project. It probably won't be ready, but I want to see how it's comin' along." When they got to the barn, they found both good, and bad results. "It's a damn good thing you kept these separated," Becky observed. "Some of 'em flat-out stink!" "I kinda figured they might," Will said, tossing several pieces of fruit into a garbage barrel. "Lactose might be a good idea, but I guess...
Finally, moving day was here, and it was time to get things going. My son had moved out , and I no longer needed a two bedroom house. I found a cute little one bedroom,groumd floor flat in the same neighbourhood, but a hell of a lot cheaper. I had everything all boxed up and ready to go, and decided to put up a pot of coffee, in case the movers needed some extra energy. As I hit the button on the coffee machine, the doorbell rang. I opened up the door, and there were two huge black men standing...
PART 1 - FASHIONABLY LATEIt took me longer than I planned to get ready. It took me forty-five minutes to style my newly highlighted hair in the loose curls I wanted to go perfect with my outfit I bought for the occasion: a baby blue Valentina cashmere short sleeve sweater and a white Marc Jacobs pencil skirt to match my six-inch white Louboutin heels.Despite the skirt having a flared hem, the lycra-cotton material hugged my hips and thighs. With every step I took, the skirt pulled taut,...
True“Tom, I can’t thank you enough for what you did. You helped us so, so much. If you weren’t there, it looked like they could have backed up and gotten away from Roger. The car they were in is much more powerful than our little import,” Cynthia said as they drove off. “Glad I was able to help, Cindy. Hell, the way you took that guy! You just flipped him like he weighed nothing! He tried to grab around your shoulders and the next thing I saw was him flying into the other one.” “Shit. I was so...
Hi folks this is Kumar my last name from Bangalore. This is my first post on this site. Here I would like to narrate my first and only full-fledged gay encounter till date about my physique, I’m fair, about 5.5” average built. I’m 24 years old average male working for a well known MNC. The encounter occurred as a one-hour stand with a 26 year old person of almost the same profile as mine, when I was 22. Gay sex to me was not something new since I had xx encounters during my school days since I...
Gay Male"The High Desert Inn, Air-conditioned" proclaimed the neon sign. The motel was in the old style that was new in the 50's and 60's, but now looked like a relic of a past age. An L shaped row of one story motel rooms is flanked by an office on one end of the L by the street. Inside the L was a parking lot and a fenced area with a swimming pool and a slide. A smaller sign below the big one said "Rooms from $35, HBO, ESPN". Luckily the motel was clean and well kept. Amy's family didn't have...
Realignment By AlterEg0 A nerve impulse travels with the speed of thought from your eyes. That jolt of pain that is not pain when you are awoken by someone turning on all of the lights at once. Involuntarily you squint. Eyelids slamming shut as tears form at their corners. Only for a moment and then they begin to adjust. You don't know this room. "You have been chosen," says the voice. The voice is being altered says your mind. Lowered in pitch by some electronic device you...
Hello dosto, Once again I m here to share a new real incident wid u all iss people. Actually me gujrat ke city se belong karta hu ye story bhi Gujarati aunty se hi connected hai.last story ke liye apke kafi sare mails and comments aye uske liye sabko dil se thanx aur ha ese Hi pyaar lete rahiye aur dete rahiye me vishwas dilata hu ki sab ek dam confidential rahega. Ab aap sabko jyada bore na karte hue sidha story pe aata hu. Me ek young businessman hu last 2.5 saal se business chala raha hu....
Candice Dare is one tight and curvy teen in a black nylon stocking suit that is ragingly slutty. This sexy teen even has black pumps and sexy black panties to tie it all together. She makes sure you get a lot of nice looks at that perfectly round, bouncy, still somehow firm ass. Her skin is a perfect tone as she flops around on the floor with her ass in the air. She gets on her knees for some fantastic cock sucking as her head and arms are grabbed in the action. She is then fucked in cowboy and...
xmoviesforyouAfter a very boozy night on a colleagues leaving do in Preston I was making my way back to the Travelodge and thinking how good a blow job would be to finish off the evening. I took a slight detour through the red light district and was confronted by the usual skanky d**ggy prostitutes. I'd quickly put the BJ idea to the back of my mind but then as I turned the corner to the main road a slightly shy girl appeared and asked if I had a spare cigarette. I did and as I lit it for her, even in the...
All the characters in the story are fictional One day I was hanging out with my cousin in his home, who is 1 year older than me. My uncle came home from work, so he was happy to see me. I and my cousin were cooking dinner, my aunt was out of town. After dinner uncle went to his room, a couple of minutes later he called two of us in, pulled some money from his wallet and asked my cousin to go and get few beers, he was looking at me and smiling, he whispered in my ears "Here comes your birthday...
“Please Ma’am! Don’t be afraid,” a deep, gravelly voice spoke gently. “I’m not going to hurt you. I’m one of the park staff here.” His voice galvanized me into action, despite my protesting muscles. I quickly got to my feet but my legs still felt weak and I would have fallen if he hadn’t caught me. I gasped as I grabbed his arms to steady myself, feeling the large muscles in his biceps and forearms. While holding me with one arm, he reached out and pulled my shirt off the branch. Righting...
Straight SexDamn! I really should be focusing on studying the internal components of this computer, but I am so tortured right now. I have been stuck on him for weeks and I just cannot get him out of my mind. I should have never got that close to him, but he is just so fucking sexy, I could hardly resist. Chuck is 6’6, he has a sexy ass skin tone, and he sports a low cut and a goatee. He has tattoos covering his entire upper body and can please me like no one else can. How do I know? Almost two months ago...
Straight Sex