Appleby Blush Ch 01
- 4 years ago
- 23
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Chapter 8: Marcia initiates Alice
Donald Appleby replaced the phone and relaxed against the leather interior in the back of his limousine. The conversation with Emmanuel Nmobu couldn’t have gone better. All that remained was for the two brothers to sign the contract and the biggest deal of his life would be finalised. That ceremony would take place during the forthcoming party at his house.
Immediately afterwards, he’d ensure that he met the brother’s final request. Carmella was already putting the finishing touches to that…
He turned to Angela. After their late end to the day, he’d offered to drop her home as a reward for her diligence. That wasn’t the only reason, of course.
‘I don’t think you’ve been in the limousine since that first time, have you?’ he asked, flicking his ponytail in a gesture of quiet satisfaction. He was being provocative, he knew.
‘No,’ she quietly whispered in that upper class voice of hers. He understood why she refused to look him in the eye. Her face had turned red, but that had nothing to do with the Appleby Blush. For the first time in their sexual relationship he hadn’t fed her any tonight.
The symmetry tickled him. She’d succumbed to him in the back of the limo that very first time primarily because he’d given her a dose of Blush. She might have been able to resist his persistent advances up to that point, but it hadn’t been possible for her to withstand the effect of the aphrodisiac. In a few moments time she’d freely give herself to him because of the hold he’d established over her, rather than the effect of the aphrodisiac. His mind went back to those early days. Dinners, gifts, exotic locations, even thinly veiled threats had all failed to bring the desired result. She’d only recently married, she’d naïvely told him, and would never dream of cheating on her husband. Her stubborn resistance to his advances had been such that he doubted that—even with his persuasive powers and money—she would eventually have given in. Not that he cared…
A single drop of Blush made the question hypothetical.
On the rare occasion a woman had resisted his advances, he’d instantly dismissed them from their well paid job. But this stunning black haired beauty was so stylish, so classy and so sexy that he’d persevered. Not the sharpest tool in the box, but her body more than made up for it. And she’d displayed a wild side even he could never have imagined.
‘What made you give in?’ he teased, even now unable to resist the opportunity to play with her. It made him feel more powerful. Even working as closely with him as she did, the Essex woman still had no idea of the existence of the liquid aphrodisiac.
‘Donald…’ she began in that posh accent of hers. Her sexy body shuffled on the seat beside him. ‘I… I don’t know…’
‘Personally,’ he told her, running a hand over her knee. ‘I can’t understand how you held out for so long. I assume your husband still has no idea of all the duties you perform for me?
‘That’s not fair…’ she told him, sending a concerned look into his eyes. She’d never dream of upsetting him, but he knew she hated talking about her husband. It made her infidelity more real, and as ridiculous as it was, she tried to keep her sex sessions with Appleby separate from her life at home.
‘I understand,’ he told her, the hint of coldness in his voice confirming that nothing could be further from the truth. ‘Take your dress off, Angela.’
The sideways glance she shot him was accompanied by a few second’s hesitation. It was the only time since their first tryst that she’d shown any uncertainty. That was fine, he decided. Without the Blush to remove her inhibitions, this was another first step of sorts. And one he’d enjoy all the more because of that fact.
‘Now,’ he prompted. The cold, hard tone brooked no argument.
This time she reacted, although her movements were less certain than on previous occasions. Reaching behind her, she unzipped herself, keeping her unusually bashful eyes on an imaginary spot in front of her as she reached for the straps of her dress. She pulled them down until it was bunched around her waist.
Appleby licked his lips as his gaze devoured her Playboy-like breasts that spilt over the top of her black plunge bra. Like much of her lingerie, it was one of his purchases. With a sexy twist of her body, she eased up and dragged the rest of the dress down her hips until it pooled on the floor beside her, revealing the skimpy matching panties.
The businessman’s cock instantly lengthened.
‘Take it off,’ he said, nodding at her bra. She shouldn’t have needed to be reminded.
This time her searching eyes did find his. Was that defiance he saw there? He was becoming irritated—maybe she’d need to be taught a lesson…
Her full breasts bounced free as she discarded the bra. Her nipples were already hard. Other than Carmella, had he ever seen such a sexy sight? His erection twitched.
‘Now the panties,’ he impatiently told her, reminding himself to stay calm. He was becoming so used to having women under the influence of Blush that he’d almost forgotten how some conquests needed to be coerced. Still, that made it all the sweeter. Conquering a woman’s mind was far more preferable than just feeding them the drug.
The Blush simply helped ease the path to supremacy.
Marcia ordered another two Green Vesper’s from the cute waitress in dimly lit bar. She’d chosen the location carefully and the small table in the far corner was perfect for their meeting. Couples were all around them—all women, such was the nature of the club—but there was no chance of being overheard. Everyone was concentrating on themselves.
She’d used Alice’s visit to the restrooms to surreptitiously add a drop of Blush to the blonde’s first cocktail. It was all too evident from the young girls’ dreamy eyes and flirty gestures that the aphrodisiac had already done its work.
‘It was a sexy night,’ she laughed, running her hand along the soft flesh of Alice’s thigh.
She’d already pushed the hem of the light blue dress so far up that the girl’s panties were almost exposed. Instead of embarrassment, the arousal in Alice’s sea blue eyes had increased further. She loved the way the girl’s pale flesh was so different to her own tanned body. That erotic contrast would be even sexier when they were both naked…
‘Girl, you were so hot,’ she added, pushing her curvy body a little closer.
Alice giggled and opened her legs a little wider to accommodate the feather light touch. Her blonde hair bounced on her shoulders as she threw her head back and drained the remains of her second cocktail. Marcia wasn’t only a sexy woman, she was so easy to talk to, too. She couldn’t believe how much she’d already confided to the curly haired redhead.
No one else in her circle of friend’s knew about her one night stands, and confessing to Marcia in the corner of the intimate club increased her arousal further. Whatever the reason, she was really feeling it tonight. She’d elaborated a little on some of the stories, just to see if her new friend would be as turned on by them as she was. From Marcia’s constant questions, and gleaming green eyes, it appeared she was.
Of course, she’d explained that her love of one-off sex was a personal preference. Confiding that she needed to keep her anonymity because she was a cop was a step too far…
‘You were so hot too, Marcia’ she replied, not the least embarrassed any longer to admit it. She pushed a hand through her hair in another flirty gesticulation. Memories of being fucked so comprehensively by Tony Daly filled her mind, but so did the recollection of the redhead’s sexy body as she’d writhed on Alonso and taken him to yet another orgasm.
Alice kept telling herself she wasn’t into girls, but there wasn’t any doubt that naked, with those full tits and array of curves, Ma
rcia had made a mouth-watering impression.
Then there were the intimate moments she and the redhead had shared…
The kiss had been unexpected and maybe even hotter because of that. Marcia’s lips felt softer, much different to any man she’d ever been with. So was the way the curly haired woman had instructed her to fuck Daly again while she’d rubbed Alice’s clit. The cop still wasn’t sure if it was Daly’s cock that had got her off or what Marcia was doing to her.
All she knew was that had been the strongest orgasm she’d had in a long time.
Marcia kept her hand on Alice’s thigh when the waitress returned with their third set of cocktails. ‘Nice butt,’ she whispered, loud enough for the woman to hear as she placed their third set of Green Vesper’s on the table beside them. The waitress sent the couple a cheeky grin as she turned away and Alice could swear she put an extra swing in her hips as she returned to the dimly lit bar area.
‘What did you think of Daly?’ Marcia asked, returning her attention back to the blonde. ‘Have you ever had anyone as big?’
‘Never,’ Alice said, with a sexy giggle. She’d been with lots of men but no-one had ever approached Daly’s size. No wonder Kirsten had long held her fixation for black men. She felt guilty that she’d been the one who’d got it on with Daly rather than her fellow cop. She’d never be able to let that particular cat out of the bag.
‘Wait ’til you have another black man,’ Marcia chuckled, stroking her fingers to within a fingernail of Alice’s thong covered sex. Implanting the thought was essential in view of Carmella’s plans at the party. ‘Other than being with a woman, being fucked by a black man is my favourite activity.’
Alice felt the flush of heat rise and flutter inside her. Other than being with a woman…
‘God, this is good,’ she mumbled, slurping at her new drink so that she had time to gather her breath. It had suddenly grown very hot in there.
Marcia took the glass from her, keeping her gaze firmly on Alice’s as she made a show of taking a sip of the drink. Slipping her free hand around the blonde girl’s neck, she pulled the young cop into a kiss and transferred the liquid from one mouth to the other.
Alice gasped as the redhead slowly eased their mouths apart. The tender kiss had reached all the way down to her toes. Marcia softly rested her forehead against Alice’s, prolonging the intimate moment. ‘Remember what I told you?’ she sexily breathed into the blonde’s panting mouth. Her gleaming green eyes where sending out a clear message.
Alice’s eyes widened. She couldn’t quite remember what Marcia had said. With this level of arousal consuming her, it was difficult to think clearly. Her heart was beating so fast she could hardly breathe. What she knew with an absolute certainty was that it was no longer a question as to whether she was going to have sex with the redhead. It was inevitable.
The redhead slid a finger onto Alice’s thong, finding the curve of the blonde’s labial lips and provocatively trailing her finger up and down the opening. She could feel the heat permeating from the blonde’s sex as clearly as the panting breath on her face.
‘I said you could have me next time,’ she explained, her eyes shining mischievously. ‘Well, girl…’ She planted another soft kiss on those heart shaped lips. ‘Next time is now…’
There was no hesitancy now. Perched on his lap, Angela was demonstrating her wild side yet again. Now that she’d given in to him without the need for the artificial stimulant, it would make life so much more simple going forward.
Head back, eyes closed, arms around his neck, she undulated on him with as much need as she’d ever shown. Maybe this was a special moment for her, too, one that felt a different form of submission without the Blush inhabiting her body?
Her wonderful breasts were erotically bouncing in front of his face with each downthrust. His hands went up to still them, cupping the heavy mounds. Leaning forward, he swiped his tongue across one hard nipple and then the other, flicking them from side to side, just the way he’d come to learn that she liked.
Her mouth half opened as she gasped. ‘Yesss…’ Even the hiss sounded upmarket.
She responded by tightening her internal muscles around his hard shaft and grinding herself even harder down on him. For a while, she indulged herself, savouring the delicious friction as her peach-like ass made tight little circles in his lap.
She was gasping like a long distance runner. But then, he was too…
The pony tailed man redirected his hands to her slender hips to steady himself. He’d ceded control for long enough. Before she could prepare herself, he began to thrust upwards, grateful for the stamina of a younger man as he pile drove her in his lap.
‘Oh fuck,’ she grunted, the words coming out in a throaty warble. Sweat had broken out on her forehead and he could feel the perspiration on his.
He slowed for a few moments to gain a second wind and then began to thrust again, feeling his cock penetrate as far as he could go with each thrust. Once Angela had recovered from her surprise at the sudden ferocity, she went with him. Planting the soles of her feet on the limo floor, she flexed her legs and matched him thrust for thrust.
‘Oh God,’ her vibrating voice gasped into his ear, over and over again. ‘Oh God… oh fuck… oh yeah… oh God…’
Appleby lost himself, driven on by her Blush-less surrender and the sight of those superb breasts dancing up and down infront of his face. Gripping her hips more tightly, he held her while she arched her body and threw herself backwards. Semi horizontal, her hands reached out wide to grab onto something—anything—that would help steady her pulsating body.
One final glance at those heavy, animated tits did it for him. He came with a roar and jerked as he began to disgorge one shot after another of hot cum inside her sweet pussy.
It was a roar of triumph…
‘Make yourself comfortable,’ Marcia said casually, throwing her apartment keys onto the nearby table as she walked into her lounge. She dropped her red jacket on top of them and turned to watch Alice as the young blonde stared goggle-eyed around the huge room.
‘This is incredible…’ Alice gasped. Her blue eyes were alive with excitement, like a child experiencing Disneyworld for the first time. ‘It’s really yours?’
‘All mine,’ Marcia told her, crossing her arms over her chest as she leant back against the table. Her West End apartment was impressive, courtesy of Carmella Santiago. As long as she remained in Appleby’s employment, she’d be allowed to live here. The hidden cameras were only in operation for times like this, when ‘evidence’ was to be collected on someone particularly useful to their operation. ‘Appleby models are well paid, Alice.’
The young cop nodded as she removed her own jacket. Marcia green eyes smiled as her young guest wandered around, mesmerised by the spacious room. The light green walls perfectly matched the mostly antique furniture and the plants, cleverly positioned around the room, added a nice, homely look. The suggestive photographs of women adorning the walls had been Marcia’s own choice.
‘Want a tour?’ she asked, walking across to take Alice’s jacket from the blonde’s arm and nonchalantly dropped it on to a chair. She slipped an arm around the blonde woman’s waist as she led her to a room to their left. ‘I don’t spend much time in here,’ she chuckled, nodding around the state of the art kitchen.
‘You don’t?’ Alice laughed. ‘I would. I love cooking.’
Marcia tightened her grip on her waist. ‘Well, well,’ she giggled. ‘Who would have thought—domesticated as well as sexy. D’you fancy cooking a meal for us?’ The look on Alice’s face made her laugh out loud. ‘Not now, girl, I have other things in mind. Next week, maybe? I’ll supply the drink and you bring the food.’
Alice nodded eagerly. ‘It’s a deal.’
‘Good,’ Marcia smiled, walking to the large, American style refrigerator and removing a bottle of chilled Chablis. She poured two glasses and handed one to her guest. ‘C’mon, there’s more…’
The fabulous bathroom was next.
‘You’ve got to be joking,’ Alice gasped, staring around the Victorian style room. ‘This is bigger than my whole apartment.’ Her head swung around the room. ‘Look at the cast iron bathtub… the shower… God, I love those mirrors… those two sinks… and you even have a bidet…’
‘Slow down,’ Marcia laughed, taking her hand. Impressing the young girl was only part of this. She wanted to get to the bedroom. Two other rooms came first, each provoking similar reactions, before she moved onto the coup de grâce.
‘Oh… My… God…’ Alice gurgled, struggling for breath. Her eyes were as large as saucers as she took a huge drink from her wine. ‘This is incredible…’
The ornate, four-poster bed dominated the room, with every other item of furniture playing off the large bed. It made the perfect setting for the hidden filming that occasionally took place, supported by the ornate mirrored ceiling that never failed to enhance the regular fucking sessions that took place in the large four-poster.
Marcia pushed the bedroom door closed behind them and handed Alice her glass. ‘Hold this,’ she simply said, pressing her curves against the blonde as she pushed her back against the bedroom door. ‘Tell me,’ she softly said, her glossy red lips so close that both women could feel the others breath. ‘Have you ever been fucked in a four poster?’
Alice held a glass in each hand, keeping them either side of the redhead’s body as she shook her head. Her voice was thick and husky. ‘No…’
Marcia rested their foreheads against one another. Her hands dropped to Alice’s hips. ‘And you said you’ve never been fucked by a woman?’
She watched as the blonde’s heavy breathing increase in line with her electrifying line of questioning. But that was the point, after all. Their mouths were so close that their breaths intermingled. Alice’s excited sea blue eyes were speaking to her and that enthralled gaze provided every answer she was looking for.
‘Then tonight…’ she continued, whispering breathily into the young woman’s attractive mouth. Those lips were so inviting. ‘You have a double treat waiting. Want to kiss me?’
Alice felt light headed. Tilting her head, her mouth found those sexy red lips. It was a soft kiss at first, with Marcia allowing her to make the running. Everything was in slow motion and she grunted into Marcia’s mouth as their noses nuzzled. As the flames of passion were gradually ignited, the intensity increased and their flicking tongues joined the action.
Marcia’s fingers found the hem of Alice’s dress and the hands holding the wine glasses over her shoulders began to tremble. She had the cop pinned against the door as pushed her full breasts against her. Their mouths collided, urgent, as her hand snaked underneath Alice’s dress. Alice was gasping as it continued its unavoidable path, sliding to the waistband of her thong and then down inside while they made out like two bitches on heat.
‘You’re mine,’ she provocatively whispered, licking her way from Alice’s mouth, down her chin, across her neck and nipping at her earlobe. ‘Not just tonight. Always.’
The Blush made it inevitable that any suggestions firmly resonated inside the victim. Alice would regularly think of those words in future, as if belonging to Marcia was an inescapable fact. All that remained was to reinforce those thoughts with actions and Alice’s gratifying carnal response to the first step had even the experienced redhead panting in anticipation of what was to come.
She teasingly skimmed her fingers along the ridge of Alice’s wet labia, her soft movements matching the lightness of her lips as she kissed her way across the tender flesh of the blonde’s neck. The girl had raised her head, allowing her full access and was pushing her hips forward to gain a better contact with the two stiffened fingers inside her needy pussy.
Chapter 2: Kirsten’s Audition The taxi pulled up outside the sumptuous looking building that boasted Appleby Modelling in red across the cream façade. Next to the words was the smaller red apple symbol that connected all Appleby businesses. Kirsten had spent an hour on the computer researching as much as she could before leaving the Met. Now she was on her own. She raised her eyebrows as the driver told her the fare—was travelling to Croydon really that expensive? Maybe she should have taken...
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He nods, and smiles. “Whatever they cost.” She tells him what they cost. He arches an eyebrow. “Really?” She nods. ‘Really.’ “Well, if that’s what brand new Louboutin’s set you back these days,” He counts £20 notes onto her bedside table as she makes herself up. She watches him in her dressing table mirror. “And you know the conditions, don’t you?” he questions. She nods and smiles, “I know the conditions.” xxx He knelt naked with his knees parted, his hands behind his back,...
"If you don't like the idea of me being home late again, you can always come along and help me." said Mary with a pout."You must be k**ding!" I responded to my wife, "I'm completely wiped out by the time I finish work, the last thing I want to do is to start helping you with your trade fair exhibition!"We continued our breakfast in comparative silence; the only words spoken being curt requests to pass the coffee or sugar. This was typical of my wife to spring this on me at the last minute....
The Retreat A Humvee driven by one of the Security troopers came to a stop near the back door of the Retreat. “Sir, we have enjoyed ourselves immensely,” Lieutenant Caldwell said just as Lieutenant Cox finished hugging all Jeff’s wives. “Take care, you two,” Jeff called out as they climbed into the Humvee. The trooper turned the vehicle around and with a roar, it was on its way across the parking lot. “Think they’ll make it?” Jeff asked his Clan Queen. “Make what?” “Our Security unit, of...
Are you in for a treat today as DDF Network cameras present to you an ultra exotic newcomer by the name of Jezabel Vessir? The Porn gods have gifted us with a busty ebony tasty gift with Jezabel. The American beauty with big natural tits and fit body, curvy ass and beautiful face have our stiff pricks at full salute! This is another epic Hands on Hardcore outdoor fuck with a majestic setting at the coast of California. The lucky dude that sinks his dick into Jezabel Vessir’s beautifully...
xmoviesforyou"Tell me a story, Daddy." Martina was settled in next to me on the sofa, snuggling and cuddling after our dinner, in the mood not for a television show, but one of my stories. "Tell me a fun one!" By that, she meant a naughty one. She liked those. Our bedtime stories and after-dinner time had become more and more intimate since we'd been living on our own. "Tell me the one about when Yvette was your helper at that concert.". . . . . Oh yes. I recalled. That was the day I played a 4th Of July...
Hello friends, this is Kavya I’m 26 yrs old cutie. I was introduced to this site by my friends; I am in final year of my M.B.B.S. I am from Andhra Pradesh staying in Delhi as of now. I got my medical seat in Delhi, since my brother works in Delhi; I also stayed along with him. It’s a one room kitchen with attached bathroom. Initial days it was not easy to get adjusted but as days went on we got used to it and went on. His name is Vijay he works in a IT industry, we were close with each other...
Everywhere in the world, the birthrate was down. Way, way down. If current trends continued, one woman out of 60 could be expected to bear a child in her lifetime. The population would plummet dramatically and humanity would become extinct. A few women got pregnant, but very few. One of the few things the experts knew was that the few women who had lots of sex partners got pregnant a lot more often than those who had just one or two. Lots of women didn’t want to bring children into a world...
OK: Note of explanation here. This became a much longer and larger story than I'd first envisioned. So I went back to do re-writes of parts and add more development of the two central people, as well as the supporting cast. It's not done yet, and it may take awhile to finish it. Also, it builds to the sex EVENTUALLY! It's called sexual tension, and I don't go straight into the bedroom! There's also far more to it than the sex. It started out as a quick n' dirty idea that became far more, and is...
Incest‘…..OUT WITH YOU, BUT ONLY IF YOUR WIN!’ a voice unfamiliar to most of the audience surprisingly cried out over the speaker. The rest of the crowd was puzzled and some angry that the ambience mood was in disarray. To Evan, it was like a clear view of the sky after the clouds parted, and a mental kickstart at the same time. The confusion was gone, replaced by fire, and something else, something more, a burning desire to see her again, and realizing the only way to do that was to win here. He...
Hi everyone, here I am cherry, back with my next story .. So here I am introducing myself to new one’s… I am cherry from Hyderabad and you can contact me on To the new people who had not read my previous stories “Office lo swathi tho”, “priyanka’s bang” & “Un expected sex with priyanka”. plz read the above to understand the new one very here now I want to tell you all about the continuation of my Priyanka’s bang. Priyanka and I used to have our regular sessions in our room and in our...
The three ladies – Midge, Jan, and Jennifer – had to straighten their clothing a bit upon arrival at the place where Dennis stopped the limo and got out to assist their exit from the back. Jennifer had no idea where they were! But, the others with her were grinning with understanding, as if they all shared a mutual secret and she was the only on in the dark. But, she did not have time to ponder this, as Dennis was already holding the door and extending his hand to assist. Jennifer blushed...
This afternoon I wait for you out side your work. When you leave you don't notice me taking a couple of pics of you as you leave. You come out of work looking as perfect as on the way in, having checked that you still have all your make up in place. Your legs look like they go on forever, accentuated by your high heels and skin tight jeans. Your hard fake tits are sticking up and out of your tight sweater, your push up bra doing its job, you flick you hair back and I manage to get a few pics of...
Times are hard at the moment as my husband has just been finished from work. I was chatting to my friend about this over a coffee when she mentioned she saw an advert looking for a salesperson to organise sex toy parties in the area with good commission to be earned. On my way home I gave this some thought and when I got home decided to find the advert and give them a call, no harm I thought and if I can make some extra cash for us in the meantime. Anyway a few days later a package arrived with...
Kate showed up at my door at 7PM dressed in her little yuppie power suit. I didn't say anything until I read her report. Since I had a lot more space, than I ever had at the cabin, or Jen's little studio, I knew I needed furniture. What I didn't need was the look of standing in a slum that Kate gave me while I accepted her report. 'His Laboring Few' had taken out the wall that once separated the lobby from the family quarters. They had left the registration desk on my explicit...
Annie Bradford, a highly respected College Dean from Minneapolis, Minnesota, was visiting some colleagues at Emory University in Atlanta, in hope of enticing one of them to accept a position at her university. Annie was a very young forty and divorced with no children. Her husband had left her for a younger woman four years before and, heartbroken, she'd thrown herself into her work.We meet her as she’s just finished watching a porno movie in her hotel room. She’s horny, almost desperate for...
Quickie SexHello friends. This is my third story in iss. I got a warm response for my previous stories. Many college girls and house wives contacted me through my email Some of them are in great touch with me. Sometimes asking my opinions and used to have sex chats.. This time I am telling my experience with one of my reader. Coming to the story. I got an email after publishing my first story with my classmate. Telling that she loved that story. And she saw some specialties in that story. I thanked her...
Connie had a problem, a big problem. She was thirsty. But as she lay in bed in her bra and panties, there wasn't a thing she could do about it. Leslie would be there soon, and Leslie didn't like to be kept waiting. But she was really, REALLY thirsty. For the 1000th time, she asked herself why she was doing this. Leslie treated her like crap. She never would have put up with this sort of behavior from her girlfriends, or boyfriends. And when you got right down to it, she didn't even like...
It was date night. That is what Kitty and Peter call the nights when all else was put aside and the only thing on the agenda was enjoying each other and lots of fun sex. Kitty was ready for a hot night with her man. She had spent part of the day tempting and teasing one of her online lovers and got herself quite worked up. Mid-afternoon, while preparing a salad for supper, the carrot she was going to use was so firm and so long, Kitty couldn’t resist working it into her pussy for a few minutes...
The morning sunlight softly fills the room as I begin to stir. Joan (my wife) with our neighbor Dana completely exhausted me last night in the shower. I was just beginning to wake when I felt a hand stroking my cock. Another hand fondling my balls. Opening my eyes, I saw Dana’s mouth slowly take in the head of my cock. Joan swirled her tongue over my balls. Dana slowly engulfed my cock inch by inch, swirling her tongue over the shaft. Joan sucked a ball while fondling the other in her soft...
I received an Email from a lady name of Emily about one year ago. The note promoted a rush of memories of events long past but that seemed as fresh as if they had occurred days or weeks previous. I have had only one extra marital affair during a long marriage, and Emily was the ‘other woman’. Along with the romantic and erotic memories that returned, I also recalled my deep sense of guilt and the terror of being found out. I was very surprised to hear from her given the unpleasant parting...
Keira Croft is relaxing at home when she decides she needs a little action. She pulls out her phone and sends a sexy message to one of her regular booty calls. What she doesn’t notice, however, is that she accidentally sent it to ALL her booty calls instead. Oops! A short while later, one of her booty calls, Codey Steele, enters and is eager to get down to business. They throw off their clothes and jump on the bed, engaging in some fun and playful hookup sex. Unbeknownst to either of...
xmoviesforyouI had always had fantasies about being with other girls, but I had never really considered it actually happening. I thought it was something I had to bury, something that was too scandalous to talk about, much less act upon. Then I met Kate. She was tall and gorgeous, with dark hair and green eyes. She was so much fun, so full of life, and every guy wanted her. She was who I wanted to be. We were randomly assigned as roommates, and we were friends right from the start. We wore each other's...
This happened several years ago. I was travelling to Bombay in first class coach. It was a two person coupe. Besides me there was just this lady. She was somewhere between beautiful and ugly. She was in her early forties. She had well grown breasts and attractive hips. Going by these two I imagined that her other parts must be equally attractive.Since the journey involved two nights and a whole day, I introduced myself and asked about her.Surprisingly she introduced herself as a writer I had...
Monday The following evening, she knocked on my hotel door just before 6:00. We had agreed to go to the hotel restaurant for dinner tonight. I opened the door and found her wearing a jacket. She came into my room and asked, “Can I leave this here?” She turned away and shucked off the jacket, laying it on the bed. I involuntarily sucked in my breath when she turned back around. She was wearing a frilly, emerald-green blouse tonight, with a black skirt. “Wow,” I breathed. Then I looked down...
Hi friends, my name is rana and I am a good looking guy with a gym built body having a decent 6 inch thick black tool. I am 28 years old. I am a regular reader of indian sex stories and this is my 1st story which is my real life experience. Actually I am a professional gigolo and I am a member of one of the top male escort club in india and mostly I have served and satisfied the needs of women of all age groups and providing services as they wish. I stay in kolkata. Today I am about to share...
This all started after we moved in the new flat, as both of my parents were working in marketing they hand to be on touring most of the time, I used to cook from very early day, and in the process I had developed as a very good cook, Soon the news spread all over the building and aunties started smiling at me. One of the neighbor aunties, whose balcony was just in front of my bedroom balcony, where I used to enjoy my morning tea, she started matching my time to have her morning tea, sometime...
I looked over the photos. A buddy of mine had been snooping around his parents room and found these naked photos of his mom. They showed everything, one of the pictures she even had her pussy slightly spread open. Too bad she is ugly I thought to myself. A few days later another friend of mine showed up with some naked pictures of his mom, a short chubby lady with little tits and a huge hairy pussy. A couple of the pictures even had his dad in them showing his dick stuck in her pussy. That...
The following short school week suited me fine. The schooldays just rolled by, and before we noticed, it was Thanksgiving. Sara didn't need to work as the family filled the restaurant during the holidays. When I had tried to make some arrangements for Thanksgiving, I was told that everything had already been taken care of, and I just should come to my aunty's. I decided to play safe and come in early, willing to help - and with a huge bunch of flowers. It turned out that my help was not...
My neighbors 18 year old sold me some cookies and after some fun in the house I asked her if she wanted to go into the hot tub in the back yard. She agreeded. I gave her a long t shirt to put on and we went to the hot tub. She was beautiful petite with small but round tits under the t shirt. We sat down in the tub and relaxed. She put her hand on my leg and moved it to my cock, it was already hard. We played around for awhile and then I picked her up and sat her on the top step and started to...
Mike went out for a while that day to see his friends and play some soccer. While he was gone I went online and found my friend. She was the lady who had seen her son naked in the shower and was desperate to fuck him, she had watched on webcam while I gave my son his first blowjob a few days ago.I told her all about what my son and I had been up too, how he had been fucking me senseless and how I had left him tied to the bed. She was fascinated by what I was telling her. She said she was...