Cuffed Ch. 05 free porn video

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Hey there guys!

Here is the long awaited fifth chapter of ‘Cuffed’! Let me just say: this thing was a BOOGER to write and edit! Between this chapter, moving into a new house, my other stories, and the holidays, I didn’t know if I’d ever get it done, but, here it is!

For all of my fans that have emailed me about this story and the others: you guys are the best. You add fuel to my, sometimes, nonexistent fire and urge me to continue when I don’t even think I can. I love you guys and your dedication to my work <,3 You don’t even know.

For being so faithful to this story, I give you a bit of myself… a bit of Cracked Chaos truth: this story is based (loosely in some areas, largely in others) off my life. I know I have a reader who says the story of Holden and Kennedy is basically his life on screen, to him I say: ‘Dude. We have much in common!’ I was Kennedy, minus the hot cop and abusive ex. I dated the boring accountant. We were, indeed, engaged to be married. I knew I shouldn’t have stayed with him, but I did. Thankfully, we did not get married. I am, now, happily married. Not to a cop, but a cop did inspire this story. If any of you are at all interested, I was thinking of documenting that particular experience in a short story on here. Let me know what you think. ,)

Until we talk again,

Happy reading, lovelies <,3



Chapter Five: Done

‘I’m still confused,’ Lara shook her head. ‘I just don’t get how you could’ve ruined things with Holden.’

I’m not sure how many times I answered this question, but it looked like I would have to once more. I sighed. ‘He’ll never see me as anything but a weak, little girl because I can’t break ties with my abusive fiancé.’

‘What do you mean, ‘you can’t break ties’? You haven’t talked to David in, like, two weeks. You don’t wear his ring anymore.’

‘Well, I haven’t talked to Holden, either.’ And the act was borderline masochistic.

I’d never desired someone’s company like I did Holden’s, I missed him fiercely, but I knew I needed space. Holden overwhelmed me. His intensity drowned me and I needed my head above water. My goal was to make decisions based off fact and reality, not a fluttery stomach and overactive libido.

My mind was rational, but my heart and body had other plans.

I asserted my need to take a break from all things Holden, but I never stopped looking for him. Most days, I waited for him to randomly ‘pop up’ and whisk me away to another home cooked meal—no such luck. Even today as I arrived at the library to study with Lara, I searched for his police cruiser as I walked through the parking lot, again, no such luck. After the first hour of pretending to study, I stopped hoping he’d show up.

Lara brought me out of my internal brooding. ‘That doesn’t mean he’s done with you, Kennie. Maybe he’s giving you time to make a decision. Besides, I was under the impression you two never started.’

‘I can’t be with Holden if I’m involved with someone else, Lara. It’s not right.’

Lara rolled her eyes. ‘But you made out with the guy in his kitchen…and on his couch. I’d venture to say that’s getting involved with someone else.’

I hadn’t forgotten that night—my first date with Holden, most nights I woke in a sweat, the apex of my thighs throbbing because I remembered too well. I shook my head. ‘Give it a rest, Lara.’

‘Fine. I’m just saying, you already went for it. You might as well take the plunge, unless you’re still holding on to David…for some unfathomable reason.’

‘This isn’t just a decision between David and Holden. This is about my family and his family—there’s so much history there. We were planning our wedding. My entire future is going to change based on what I decide.’

‘Your entire future is gonna change, but is that necessarily a bad thing? At the end of the day, you have to be comfortable with the choice you’re making. Can you live with yourself every day knowing you married a man that mirrors your father?’

I cringed. Just the mentioning of my dad brought back memories I fought to suppress—the shouting, the sound of glass shattering…the smell of strong liquor…my sister’s screams.

Lara’s tone softened. ‘Being harsh isn’t my goal. I just want you to think about yourself for once. You’ve always only thought about others. Make this your time to find out what you want.’

Lara made it sound easy, but I had no experience with focusing on myself. I had real responsibilities growing up. When I was younger, my attention was on my little sister, Maitlynn, and her needs, then there were my mother’s needs. I tried to be a support for her by staying out of trouble and watching Maitlynn whenever she needed to work late or when she just wanted a ladies’ night out, often foregoing outings of my own. I did not hold a grudge over it, as my sister says, ‘it just is what it is.’

I sighed. ‘I see the necessity, but I don’t know how to get there. It’s like knowing the answer to a math equation, but having no clue how to actually solve the problem.’

Lara reached across the table, weaving her hand through our stacks of books and cups of coffee to grab mine. ‘You’ve already started. You’re graduating college soon, you’re going to snag your dream job. Just take it a step further. Be with whoever makes your heart glow.’

‘So, be with Holden. That’s what you’re telling me.’

She shook her head, her brown waves drifting as if the wind had caught them. ‘Not exactly. I’m telling you to be with who makes you happy. If that’s neither guy, then we’ll go on a manhunt together. Do what makes you happy. If you want to shave your head and have a Britney Spears meltdown, do it! With all you’ve gone through, you deserve more than what you’re allowing yourself to enjoy. Now, wipe those tears and let’s get some studying done.’

I used my sleeve to dry the tears I didn’t know had fallen. ‘You know what? I think I’m gonna hit the gym.’ I rose from the table and packed my things.

Lara smiled at me. ‘Is that what makes you happy?’

‘Not really. I hate going, but a harder body will make me happy. Catch you later.’

‘Those tresses better be drenched with sweat when you leave, Goldilocks,’ Lara teased.

To jumpstart my workout, I ran from Milner Library to the gym. I panted and wheezed as I flashed my student ID at the entrance. I hated running.

‘You sure you even need gym time?’ the guy behind the desk asked, taking in my appearance. ‘You look worn out already.’

‘I’ll be done when I can’t walk.’

He seemed impressed. ‘Training hard. I approve.’

Of course, he approved. He looked like he exercised in every second of his spare time. His deep, cocoa skin stretched over bulging biceps, his shirt looked like it would rip in half if he flexed his chest muscles.

He handed my student ID back. ‘Think about working upper body today. Your legs look like they need a break.’

‘That’s the plan,’ I muttered, making a beeline for the locker rooms. I threw my belongings into one of the familiar gray lockers and made my way to the weights.

I pushed and pulled for hours, sweat stinging my eyes and soaking my clothes. I needed it. The physical exhaustion was what my body craved ever since the fight with David. My emotions were pent up in my muscles, in my very joints and tissues, waiting to be released.

My muscles were busy, but my mind would not stray from the decision ahead of me. Was I really going to leave David after four years of dating? Did I have the gall? All I had to do was utter the words, but what would happen after I said what I needed to? Would everything go back to normal? Would life make a drastic turnaround?

The questions swarmed around my head like bees in their hive, propelling me toward machines and free weights that I’d never used a day in my life. Yes, my body would be sore in the morning, but I hope
d my heart wouldn’t follow suit.


I woke to the smell of breakfast. Based off the differing aromas, a hearty meal awaited me. The problem with that was, Lara and I were the only people with keys to the apartment and she was out of town for the weekend.

I rolled out of bed and crept up the hall with caution. ‘Hello?’ I called while rounding the corner.

‘That’s how you greet men that show up in your apartment? Thankfully it’s just me as opposed to a serial rapist.’ Holden’s voice reached me, making my heart jump into my throat.

I took a few steadying breaths before responding. ‘Well, I’ve never had men just showing up in my apartment, actually,’ I said, limping to the dining room table. Bentley left Holden’s side, catching me before I could sit down. He jumped into our ‘hug’ position, eliciting a smile from me as I wrapped my arms around him. ‘I figured anyone cooking me breakfast wouldn’t be here to hurt me.’

‘You’d be surprised,’ Holden said, stirring the contents of a frying pan. When he finished, he turned around to face me. I drank him in.

Had it only been two weeks since we’d seen, or heard from, each other?

His dark hair was a bit longer than before, and today he was sporting an edgy bit of stubble. I approved. The contrast of his edgy face and hair in relation to his white shirt and artfully faded blue jeans made him look like a rogue angel. I busied myself with Bentley in order to keep from gawking, but it didn’t help much.

His eyes appraised me. ‘Why are you so sore?’ There was an accusation in his voice.

I rolled my eyes. ‘Twenty questions again?’

‘Are you avoiding my question?’

‘What’s it matter?’

He sighed. ‘Truce. You’re limping.’

‘Went for a run and hit the gym last night.’

I caught the relief in his eyes before he turned back toward the stove.

I was unsure what he thought I was up to last night, but I figured it had something to do with me and David. I had to change the subject. ‘So, how’d you get in?’

‘I’m a cop,’ he laughed. ‘I flashed my badge and your good, old landlord let me in.’

‘Isn’t that considered abusing your authority? You can’t just flash your badge everywhere and get your way.’

‘I only do it for you.’ My heart warmed at his declaration.

What he said didn’t seem calculated or timed…he wasn’t trying to butter me up—that much was apparent. He continued to move about the kitchen, taking two plates out of the cupboard and started dishing up food, for the way he was moving about the space, he could have just commented on the weather, not how he uses his badge to let himself into my apartment, or find me at school and interrupt my painting session to demand I go to dinner with him.

Maybe there are still decent men in the world, I thought to myself. Any other man would have puffed out his chest and hinted at getting something in return for his act of ‘chivalry’.

‘Nice dog you have there, by the way.’ Holden said, interrupting my thoughts.

I shook my head. ‘I may need to trade him in. He’s too much of a softy, obviously. He could’ve at least alerted me to someone being in the apartment,’ I huffed.

‘Nah, he just knows and likes me,’ Holden grinned, setting a plate of food in front of me. Divine didn’t begin to cover the way it smelled. My eyes raked over the spread: blueberry pancakes, sausage, eggs, and toast. My stomach rumbled.

‘How could he like you? He’s barely met you.’ I teased.

‘I have that affect on people.’

It was true. Holden and I had spent little time together and I liked him. A lot. Maybe more than I should.

I poured syrup over my pancakes, frowning as I thought about this man’s affect on me. What was it about him? Was it his cocky, ‘I got this’ type of attitude, or maybe it was his attentiveness to me? It was obvious he cared for me, which was something I was not used to. When I thought back to David, I realized I had to constantly tell myself he cared for me. Back then, I reasoned that because David and I were together for so long, he had to care for me—it just made sense. Who stays in a relationship for that long and doesn’t care for their significant other?

‘A penny for your thoughts?’ Holden’s green eyes smoldered as he peered at me from across the kitchen. How long had he been watching me?

‘What brought this on?’ I motioned to the expanse of my kitchen.

‘We need to have a talk. Food makes talks better, I believe.’

I was sure I knew what ‘the talk’ entailed, but I asked the question anyway. ‘What kind of talk?’

Holden brought a plate for himself and sat next to me. ‘About the other night and us. You know we have chemistry. A great deal of it. I like you, and I think you like me,’ he shrugged. ‘I realize you’re coming out of a difficult situation…’ his eyes traveled from my plate to my face and back again. ‘Maybe you should eat while I talk.’

‘You’re not eating either…besides, I thought we needed to talk,’ I chuckled, picking up my fork.

‘Semantics. Look, I just want a redo from last time. Things didn’t end well, and I didn’t like it.’ He ran his fingers through his dark tresses. ‘Kennedy. I know you’re going through a rough time. It’s stressful being a full-time student, plus you’re teaching, not to mention your unofficial break up…there’s a lot on your plate—figuratively and literally,’ he cracked a smile at his lame joke. Even I had to giggle. ‘I know this is crappy timing, but I really want to see where this,’ he motioned between our two bodies, ‘leads us.’ He sighed before continuing, ‘After our date, I felt so out of place. I get what you said the other night, no, we don’t know much about each other. But I want to learn.’

I forked the eggs on my plate, careful to keep my eyes off Holden to avoid distraction. ‘I get what you’re saying, but I don’t. It’s like you’re asking me to be your girlfriend but you’re…not.’

‘I can’t ask that of you, Kennedy. I know it would be too soon.’

‘What about you? You just met me.’

‘I know what I want. But you need to have the chance to figure out what you want. You’ve spent ample time with the Ring Giver. I just want this one day. Give us this day to learn more about each other. No strings attached. We don’t even have to make out this time.’

I sighed. ‘Are you gonna be bringing that up all day? If you are, I’m gonna have to say no.’

He threw his hands up in mock defense. ‘There will be no mention of the kitchen or couch.’

‘You just mentioned it!’ I laughed.

‘Yeah, I know,’ he grinned. ‘Just today, Kennedy. Please.’

I sighed. ‘This is about more than just a choice between two guys. It’s about discontinuing a life I’ve lived for four years. Sure, David and I are over, but there’s much more to it than that.’

‘Help me to understand, Kennedy. I want to, believe me.’

‘I know you do. You just…you scare me, sometimes. You’re so intense…I’ve never experienced that before. I don’t know what to do with it.’

He walked over to where I sat and placed his hands on either side of my face. ‘You should always have someone that is intense about you.’ He pressed his lips to mine, planting a chaste kiss on my mouth. ‘I have a few things planned for us today, if you’re up for it.’

I closed my eyes and breathed him in. ‘Like what?’

I could hear the smile in his voice. ‘I thought we could take Bentley for a walk in the park and feed the ducks. I have a picnic set up for us, too. Then I booked us a surprise some place I think you might like. I thought we could finish up with me cooking us some dinner again.’

‘Are we gonna have to go to the store?’ I asked, remembering our last date.

‘Nope! I’ve been planning this a while and I brought everything I’ll need…all you have to do is get that cute butt of yours dressed and we’ll be on our way.’

I looked at him, desperately hoping I could see through
his head and into his mind. What made this guy tick? Why did he pursue me so heavily?

As if he could read my intentions, he answered me. ‘There’s just something about you, Kennedy Ames. I can’t leave you alone. I don’t want to. You ignite something in me I’ve never felt before. Physically, mentally, emotionally…God…sexually. You can’t imagine…’ he leaned in for a kiss and I responded with a surprising amount of exuberance.

Whether it was the affect of his words on me or the fact that I hadn’t seen or heard from him in so long, I did not know, but, I wrapped my arms around him and pressed my lips to his, dipping my tongue into his mouth. I never tasted of desire like this. I wanted to mold myself to Holden in such a way where the fire department would have to use the jaws of life to pry us apart. I snaked my fingers through his hair and pulled him toward me.

Holden broke the kiss and lifted me from the chair to lay my body on the floor. Bentley grew excited and loped around my heated body, I grew impatient. ‘Bentley, bed,’ I said. The dog galloped off in the direction of my room.

‘Good dog, very well trained,’ Holden said before pulling off my pajama bottoms. ‘God. Look at that,’ he trailed his fingers over my wet mound eliciting a groan from me. ‘No panties,’ he closed his eyes as if he committed this sight to memory. His lips barely parted as he spoke to me, ‘If you tell me to stop, I will. Do you want me to stop?’

I shook my head because my embarrassment would not allow me to speak. His words heated my flesh, igniting me as if I were dry tinder and he was the flame. How could he speak just a few syllables and make me want to hide and go streaking at the same time?

‘I hope you’re going to enjoy this as much as I am,’ he said before rubbing his fingers on my clit. My back bowed off the floor. ‘Fuck,’ Holden whispered harshly. ‘So wet.’ He stooped down and slid his tongue over my center, making me cry out. He repeated the act over and over, making me climb higher and higher.

‘Holden, please.’

‘Please, what, Kennedy?’

‘Sex. Now.’

‘Hmm…I don’t know.’ He looked down at my body as he worked me over with his hand. ‘I like this for now,’ he said, sliding a finger into my warmth. ‘Well, fuck,’ he groaned. ‘Are you a virgin, Ken?’

I sure felt like it. My body had never been set ablaze by such passion. I shook my head, unable to speak. His sexual forwardness took my breath away.

‘Good. Now, I won’t have to take it too easy on you,’ he said, adding another finger into me and pumping faster. He lifted my shirt, exposing my chest. ‘Ah…yes,’ he groaned as if he were being pleasured. He took a nipple between his fingers and rolled it.


‘Meh…you can just call me Holden,’ he whispered.

‘Cocky,’ I huffed.

‘You wanna see how cocky I am?’


‘No…I think I’ll make you wait.’

I was about to protest when his mouth found my clit again. ‘Argh!’ His tongue slid in and out of me, I was certain he wanted to end my life. There was no such pleasure without a painful consequence, I was sure of it. ‘Holden…please.’

He rose from the apex of my thighs and hovered over me, his green eyes meeting mine. ‘I’m not going to fuck you yet, Kennedy. I want to…God, I want to, but, when we do it, I’m going to possess you. I’m going to take you places you’ve never dreamt of going. I’m going to do things to you that’ll make you sore in your body from exertion, in your throat from screaming my name, and in your mind from trying to compartmentalize all the pleasure you don’t know what to do with. When I fuck you, I want you to remember where I’ve been and exactly what I’ve done.’ He slid his fingers back into me as he continued to talk. ‘I want to erase every other guy you’ve been with and leave my mark in you. I want you to call my name…to beg me for more…to beg me to stop. You think I’m intense? Oh, Miss Kennedy, you’ve barely seen the tip of the iceberg. Take off your shirt.’

I did as he said without hesitation.

‘Good,’ he said before pulling his fingers out of me and rolling us over. I sat astride him, confused. ‘Bring it here,’ he pointed to his mouth.


‘Don’t ask questions, Ken. Sit here. Take your pleasure from me.’

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Katrina was nervous as hell as she and her friend Val entered the large home. This was the first time she had ever done anything like this, she had dreamed of it but never thought she would have the nerve to actually do it but now she was here, on the threshold of her desires. As they waited for the door to open, Katrina thought back to how she had ended up here. It had began a long time ago when her husband had been disabled in an accident and was now physically unable to satisfy her sexual...

3 years ago
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Exposing Virgin Sister

Dan grew up in a strict religious family. His parents had been married since they were 19 years old, and they started having c***dren shortly thereafter. By the time they were 28, they had two sons and a daughter. Dan is in the middle. His brother, Mark, is three years older. His sister, Mary, is three years younger. Dan is 21 years old and doesn't quite fit into the family dynamic.His family's lifestyle revolves almost completely around church. Mission trips, bible studies, prayer groups...the...

1 year ago
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Through the Looking GlassChapter 2

Todd sat in the observation room with Tetsuo, trying to make sense of what he had been told. If what Tetsuo was saying was true, then portals would have to function completely differently than teleports. Either that or the theoretical models were completely wrong. There had been a lot of theories and speculation about portals since Tetsuo had placed Tenkei into orbit, but they all agreed that the maximum distance at which a portal would work was somewhere around 150,000km, or less than half...

3 years ago
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Jenny and Tanya in old Amsterdam part 3 Chinato

After their first orgasms in the basement of the old comix outlet, Mr. Peterson had collected their wet panties and lead his young guests in a short walk around the corner to a large Chienese shop, fully packed with a wide choice of exotic goods and herbs. Having his own choice of home-grown herbs, Mr. Peterson rather cared to find a rare light and thin flexible tool, and he was sure to encounter something useful there for his ladies, who were gazing around excitedly at all goods on offer. Soon...

2 years ago
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Sharing Claire The Agony The Ecstasy Part 14

The ‘buckle up for landing’ announcement came out over the speakers. I took a deep breath, sighed and forced myself to stop thinking about how things were developing with Hannah. And I grimaced at the thought of having to open up to Claire about it this weekend.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~It was just after midnight and the airport was quiet, and so I soon spotted Jason’s imposing frame as I came through customs. My heart sank when I saw no signs of Claire with him....

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Tantic Couples Massage heavenly introduction

I wanted to share another beautiful and true experience this week Again - don't expect hardcore...that's not the pointOn Thursday K and I checked in for a couples tantra massage afternoon – firstly I got 2 hours massage and introduction to the gentle art of energy sensitising including exploration of what my prostate can do for me (even on the outside). And then K took to the table, we had a change of tantric guide and she got a beautiful erotic and relaxing session. We chose to watch each...

1 year ago
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June Bugs

Fred squirmed uncomfortably beside the big black man. They were perched high up on a white lifeguard chair scanning the water. It wasn't that Fred disliked blacks, it was just that the man was so big he took up most of the chair forcing Fred to sit on his left ass cheek. Plus, he was jealous. Booker was huge. Not only was he built like a Mr. Universe contestant, but he didn't seem to work at keeping his physique. The man ate greasy burgers, hotdogs, fries or pizza daily for lunch and Fred had...

3 years ago
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Had Fun With My SisterInLaw In Germany And Ahmedabad

Hello friends, My name is Raj I have read few stories of this site, in last few days and today I am narrating a true incident of my life, which I remember or I should say we remember as one of our biggest mistake of life, but that mistake was so beautiful that instead of hating it, we cherish it in our memories, at least me because that mistake made our life heaven. Any girls/ladies in germany or gujarat want to have a discreet friendship/share secrets or stories with a 27 year hot guy den...

4 years ago
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Weedy Girl8217s Sex Hunger

This a story about me and my friend Anitha. She’s my Facebook friend and we became close because of the mutual habit of smoking weed. We used to meet for every week end and book a resort and smoke joints and party hard. Sometimes with friends and sometime alone.Soon her lover too become my friend and we started smoking together. Smoking with girls is my one long fantasy. It became true and we used to spend most of the weekends at resorts. Me, Anita and his lover will become high by breezers and...

2 years ago
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Holiday in ParisChapter 5

A week later... I was pretty far along with my latest romp when I felt some smooth, soft hands around my waist, pushing me deeper inside my companion. I reamed her good and hard from behind, plunging more and more into her lovely, dripping wet depths. I admired her lovely bottom as she pushed back at me, even as my mysterious new partner kissed her way down the back of my neck and toward my shoulder blades. When she spread my butt-cheeks and slid her finger along my crack, I had to really...

4 years ago
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The Consequences and Rewards of Playing HookyChapter 8 Confronting Evil

"Good morning, sleepyhead," grinned Rick Carson at his wife, as he gently caressed her butt. "Mmmm ... That feels nice," she sighed. Don't you have to go into work today?" "Nope. I have one meeting at noon, but I figure why drive two hours when I can just call in to it? It's good to be the boss," he laughed. "Well, last night, you missed all of the hubbub with Derek's friends." "You know, our son is growing up," he stated. "I'm so proud of how he handled everything." "I...

1 year ago
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I Am So LuckyChapter 9

When I awoke, the first thing I saw was Johnny gazing at me and I felt this surge of love flow through me as our eyes met. "Oh, Johnny!" I cried and reached out for him, pulled him to me, and covered him with kisses. I just knew, without a doubt, he would be my husband and the father of any children I had. I also knew that while we were definitely destined to be together, that he wasn't my true Master. I wasn't sad about that though, because I knew Johnny served him too, which made me...

1 year ago
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Every Woman Has a Price3 Hard Sell

“Jesus, Elizabeth, you look like haven’t slept in a week.” Darlene was normally relieved when a second waitress showed up to take on the suppertime load. Elizabeth didn’t look like she was going to be able to handle it. “I slept fine.” Elizabeth muttered. “Hi Carlos. Hi Davy.” “Lizzie!” The cook cheered. Davy just nodded. Shedding her winter coat, she cut through to the break room. Darlene plastered on her smile and took out a tray of burgers to their waiting customers. It was during the...

3 years ago
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Hot Experience With Newly Married Bhabhi

Hi iss reader, my name is Aman, i am 23 years old and i live in Gurgaon, Delhi. I am a good looking guy, 6 ft. tall. This is my first story so sorry for the mistakes. Getting to the story now It was a hot afternoon in Delhi and i was at my bhabhi’s place as she had invited me for lunch. She was recently married and she had all the curves a woman could have. She was wearing an orange color kurti and black skinny fit leggings. She was looking very sexy and like a newly married woman her face was...

1 year ago
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Give Me Pink! That's what I call a clean page! A proper balance of dirty and clean, tailor-made for everyone who doesn't need to see a hardcore ass-drilling scene to get a boner. Today, I want to show the world that I am able to appreciate erotica, although is not something that I would necessarily describe as erotic. I mean, the absence of pulsating dongs doesn't make things any less naughty, especially when chicks live by that "everything's a dildo if you are horny enough"...

Premium Female Masturbation Porn Sites
4 years ago
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The Great American Bush Company

I was in Phoenix. Not that I especially wanted to be in Phoenix, but that's where the trade show was, and one has to go where one has to go. If one wants to continue doing mundane things like eating regularly, that is. Days weren't bad; I had lots to do and little time to be bored. The evenings were something else entirely. Just what does one do in Phoenix in the evening. The magazine provided by my hotel wasn't any help. It quite blatantly was interested getting me to an expensive...

4 years ago
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Bird of PreyChapter 18

Gloria took a special delight in her ownership of the broken and emasculated Fox-Janner; her first action was to have him measured for a doggie suit by Maria, a task which the spiteful eastern woman relished; an extra- large opening would be made at the rear to ensure his zigzagged balls were displayed nicely. He was then en home, not to the grand house which was now Gloria's, but to the dingy terrace he had rented at an extortionate rate to her. He was made to take a mattress from one of...

2 years ago
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Of Hell and Heaven Ch 02

Once again I want to remind everyone that this and the rest of the stories in this series are dedicated to Catheath. She is my muse and my friend. She is very special. I was wakened by Carol kissing my chest. I just lay there with my eyes closed. Then I heard what sounded like a muffled sob and I felt something hit my chest. I opened my eyes and saw Carol looking at my chest and stomach. She was softly touching the scars on my body. She had tears in her eyes. Then she lifted the sheet and...

1 year ago
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Spellbound Spellbound in the Seventies Chapters 3 and 4

Disclaimer: This story contains scenes primarily of interest to adults, and is intended solely for adults. If you are underage, or reading adult-oriented literature offends you, or if doing so is illegal in your jurisdiction, please go read something else. The following story is Copyright 1999 by Elaine Blankenship and Brian Matthews. All Rights Reserved. May be archived on Fictionmania, Nifty, Sapphire's, TSA and atERos by consent. Do not post to any mailing lists or to the...

3 years ago
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Idylls of the Lady Ch 9

The next morning, there was a knock at the door. Heather decided to open it herself, since she was passing through the front hall. Heather gaped as she saw Cameron standing there. He was groomed impeccably and held a small bouquet of asters — a sign of love. ‘Good morning, milady,’ he said, bowing low. ‘Good morning, milord,’ she returned, dropping into a curtsy. She’d play his little game. He handed her the bouquet and said, ‘Heather, would you like to go for a ride?’ He indicated his...

1 year ago
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To Sail the Trees

I did not like the job even if it was going to help me earn enough credits to be free. First I cut off the upper limbs from the trees along the edge of the barrier. Those went into the mulcher and then into huge piles to dry. Next I cut off the mid limbs and used grav lifts to move them to be stripped of secondary limbs in a auto lumber factory. The lower level limbs were last to be cut off. Those were huge and had very large secondary limbs and anchor roots. Those went into drying piles like...

2 years ago
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The Most Horny Couple 8211 Part 1

Hi, so this is my first story at ISS, I have been wanting to write for a long time since I have been an avid reader of the site, This story features me and my girlfriend, we are 22 and 21 respectively. I am pretty athletic, while she is short but immensely pretty, with big tits (34b) and a nice hairy cunt, which i love. We have been dating for some 4 years, (lets name her Shruti) initially shurti was a big reluctant to get physical but she always wanted it from the start. This is one of the...

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Its not cheating since its still me

I'm very much a novice writer. This is the first thing I've ever put online. I've recently discovered that I have a sort of clone / selfcest harem fetish. I've had a bunch of fantasies and putting them to words has been very rewarding for me. Sharing them is an entirely new experience. Constructive feedback is welcome. Feel Free to join in and add to the stories however you would like, with the following exceptions please: 1) No rape. 2) No underage. 3) No hardcore BDSM. Please comment on a...

Group Sex
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Enchanted Garden

The music and loud voices of numerous people was making my headache. I was at a friend’s 10th Anniversary party. I’d been here for almost 3 hours now. It wasn’t as If I wasn’t having fun, I was. But, spending this much time in a crowded, noisy room could make anyone’s head spin. I needed a breath of air. My friend had a wonderful rose garden in her back yard. She had gotten stonewalls surrounding the garden and a few Victorian benches to lounge in. She even had a stone fountain in the middle...

3 years ago
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Devils Eve 2

Lucy entered St. Michaels and saw Father Anthony kneeling at the base of a magnificent cross hanging in the back of the large dimly lit church. She hurried to meet him, her steps echoing loudly through the empty building. The young priest looked over his shoulder, saw lucy approaching and stood up. ‘Father please, I need to to tell you what happened to me last night.’ ‘Not here Lucy.’ Father Anthony headed toward the confessional with Lucy close behind. The confessional was tiny and free of...

2 years ago
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A Modest FairytaleChapter 9

As Pardin measured the arc for his arrow, he couldn't keep his mind from wandering to talking wolves and guardian trolls. Adray hated trolls. Wolves couldn't talk. Yet the mother sheep and her young were munching the cold-resistant plants anchored in the cracks of the rock face just as the wolf leader had said. Pardin shot the further lamb, loading his bow again instead of following its tumble. The sister ran upwards with great aerobatics while the mother turned left towards Pardin. His...

4 years ago
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Adventures of a Greenie Vol 1Chapter 7 Surprise

Roy and his friends arrived a little early. No one said much and had a gloomy mood, already fearing they were about to lose their animals. Roy was especially depressed, even if all other parents said yes. He was certain his would never allow it and most likely take Partner away and dissect it. So he had already made up mind; he would run away and live in the jungle for good. They’d never find him there. There was plenty to eat, if you knew what was consumable, and he had heard there were...

2 years ago
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‘I don’t know why this girl does this to you, Enrique, she must be just trying to make you suffer,’ said Zelia, as she sat down with him on the sofa and ran her fingers through his long curly locks. It was nearly midnight and Zelia and I were in bed asleep when he called. Again his girl, Lupita, would not give him the object of his desire, claiming that it was her time of the month. This in itself was no fault of hers, of course, but what was truly offensive to the boy was her refusal to assist...

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Poor Janie

The two women walked past the ramshackle house on the corner. They looked disapprovingly at the unkempt garden, the grimy windows, the peeling paint. Finally, the older one shook her head. "Poor Janie," she said. "You mean that's where she lives?" her friend asked. "Yes, the poor thing. I just don't know how she puts up with that husband of hers." "No. I just saw him down at the garage the other day. I mean - you can tell he's violent. He must make life a living hell for...

2 years ago
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MILF Lawyer

After my morning encounter with the hot MILF lawyer, I got dressed and went out for Proseco, fruits and cheese in anticipation of the evening. On returning to the apartment building, I knocked on her office door and asked what time she finished work, and if she wanted to come over for a drink after so that. She accepted and told me that she would finish work around 6. I went home and got ready for the evening. I had a long shower and an enema to get my self all clean, shaved my cock and...

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The Aromas Of Youth 2 Bedrooms Are Where Trouble Starts

After my first little encounter with Mandy's mum - Mrs Hubert - I received no immediate invitation for a follow-up, which I found both surprising and insulting. I decided to get back to my real job: seducing her daughter.I was now armed with my new expertise, which amounted to briefly licking the older woman's snatch and even more briefly penetrating her before losing control and spraying my spunk around like an idiot. But I had done it. I had had sex. I had had my face in Mrs Hubert's crotch...

2 years ago
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Vengeance 23

After a long evening of homework, Ellie was on her knees in front of me. I sat on the futon with one hand stroking her cheek, and the other lazily lying off to the side. She worked slowly, hypnotically, up…down all the way…pause…and up again. My dick glistened with her spit. I closed my eyes and moaned softly, letting her do her work. Her right hand found my left and our fingers intertwined tightly as she blew. We were both tired, and I had finished eating her out just a few minutes...

4 years ago
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Six From Aesop

The Fox And The Stork Foxes and storks don't socialize much, but once there was a fox who decided to invite a stork to dinner. The Fox cooked up a delicious bouillabaisse fish broth for the occasion, for both foxes and storks love fish. Now, as the soup cooked, it smelled so good to the Fox that he had a very selfish thought. "This soup which I have made is going to be quite delicious. It will be wasted on the Stork, rather I should have the most of it! I will put the meal in a shallow...

2 years ago
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College COED seeks Financial Freedom

Candice is 24yr old college student heavly in debt with student loans. She is 5' 5'' tall with a curvy body, angel face, 34C breasts with prominent nipples and long brunette hair. Candice immediately accepted my offer, I flew to meet her. Candice was waiting in the lobby of a 5 star hotel. I pulled up in my red jaguar convertible, the doorman signaled for Candice. I opened the passenger door for her and she jumped in wrapping me in a hug. As we pulled away I said " Wow... you are a...

1 year ago
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My Cousins Sexy Feet

I have had a foot fetish ever since I was a child. Unfortunately, I never had any avenues to satisfy my fondness for feet. During the course of my teenage years into my early twenties, I dated, made out, and went round the bases with girls my own age, and while I enjoyed a very normal sex life, I was in no position to explore my foot fetish. I kept my fetish strictly confidential. I would have been far too embarrassed to admit to any of my high school or college girlfriends that I was...

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Miniature Ch 03

James enjoyed showing Lena all the things that were new to her. She had never heard of television, and was quite surprised and amazed by it, as she was the radio. Despite the new technologies that James introduced her to, what Lena seemed to like best about the normal-sized world were all the books. While Lena knew how to read, her town had a very limited selection of literature. There was a newspaper that was printed up once a week, she told him, and accounts of their history in the town hall,...

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Learning CurvesChapter 125

The middle of August arrived before anyone wanted for it to. The University was taking over the apartment so Tiffany, Molly, Katelyn and Bob headed back to the house at Heilman. Baseball practice started a week before classes began and the women had things to occupy their time. He could move into his dorm assignment but no one really thought he would. Tiffany was serving as Beta Club vice president and she needed to spend time with the faculty adviser to ensure that none of the members had...

3 years ago
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Three Clicks to Another WorldChapter 11

“So, who gets turned now and are we using the same hole?” Eddie Fournier asked me now. “Same hole and I would say that it’s Damon’s turn, and Justen’s to turn him. Justen, time to become a Maker,” I instructed Justen, who nodded as Damon knelt nervously and bared his neck. It didn’t take too long and the deed was done, at which point I clicked thrice and put myself in Dorne, particularly in Sunspear earlier at night. Why cut short my time when I could buy more for myself simply by moving...

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