Being Taught free porn video

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It was Saturday. I was tutoring Cal today. I put on a little pastel dress and thongs and a touch of make up. I arrived at his house at 11.30. I knocked. He answered the door and grinned easily. He leaned on the door jamb. Cal was 6’4’’, with a huge build and messy dark hair and eyes. He gave me one of his bone crushing hugs. “That’s enough, Cal,” I said, attempting to pry him away, but of course, I couldn’t make him do anything.

He jogged upstairs to his room. “My parents are out,” he called. “So I was thinking we could just chill today. I’m doing pretty well, yeah?”

I frowned as I entered his bedroom. “You mean you want your parents to pay me for babysitting you for an hour while you play World of Warcraft? I don’t think so, Cal.”

“What would you rather do?” he asked. He rolled onto his side and winked at me.

I rolled my own eyes. Cal was in his first year of university. He wanted to take a gap year and travel around Europe but his parents were rabid for him to go to a good university.

“I’d like to revise for your exam.”

“Boorrrring,” he said.

“Cal, you want to do well, don’t you? Otherwise you’re going to end up working at McDonald’s your whole life and you wouldn’t like that, would you?”

“As if,” he snorted. “My parents are loaded. As if I even have to work. Or finish uni.”

“Just because your parents are wealthy it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do something meaningful, Cal. I really don’t like that attitude. And if I hear you saying something so bratty and arrogant again you may come to regret letting it leave your lips. Do we understand each other?”

He thought about it for a second and smiled at me. The kid could get away with murder with that smile. I felt my self smiling back.

“Such a little manipulator,” I muttered, with affection.

“So I could get anything I want?” he asked, standing up.

I put my hands up. “Not this again, Cal.”

“I don’t get why you’re so resistant,” he said matter of factly. He picked up a lock of my hair and played with it. He placed his hand under my chin and stroked my lip with his thumb. My stomach leapt.

“Stop,” I said quietly.

“Say please,” he instructed evenly. Amusement kindled in his dark eyes. His unnaturally mature dark eyes.

“Stop,” I repeated, more forcefully, meeting his eyes.

“Stop, what?” His grip on my chin tightened. I wanted him to lean down and kiss me so bad it hurt. Panic set in and I needed to get away, now!

“Stop, please,” I crunched the words out.


“Sir,” I added reluctantly.
He released my face and smirked down at me. My eyes widened as I realised what had just happened. “Cal! Inappropriate! That was NOT okay. Any of it. Bad Cal, bad!” I shoved his chest. “You are a teenager, I am an adult, and I am your teacher!”

“And?” he answered blandly. “I seem that innocent to you?” He reached his hand out and patted my head, emphasising how damned big he was.

“You’re eighteen.”

“It’s legal,” he replied coolly.

“It doesn’t mean it’s moral." 

“Moral... Do you think the police are going to break down the door if we kiss?”

He hugged me and I... 
“Was that a squeak?” I looked up at him and he looked quite polite and curious.

“No!” I slipped out.

“See, I’m being nice,” he told me. “I could have restrained you then, but I didn’t.”

“Thanks,” I hissed.

“I don’t like your tone.”
“Cal. You are way, way too young for S and M. You’re too young for sex.”

“I’m not so young.”

“Yeah, you are. And you may think this is Ok now but you will look back on it and know I took advantage of you and you’ll... you’ll hate me.” I breathed raggedly.

“Lib? Lib, look at me. What the fuck?”

“Sorry. Look I think it’s better if I just go. I’ll... organise another tutor for you, Cal.” I shook my head and walked to the door.

“Stop,” he said. “You will not walk out that door, Elizabeth. You will sit yourself down on my bed, now.”

I found myself obeying the command. It was said with such unnatural authority I felt like I had no choice in the matter. I looked at my hands.

“Now, you’ve been bad. You’ve been resisting me and playing all kinds of games. You’re lucky I don’t put you over my knee.”

I felt my stomach do another somersault.

“Did you hear me?”

I nodded.

“I didn’t catch that,” he said.

“Yes, Sir.”

He sat down across from me. “Lib,” he said.
I looked at him.

He was grinning boyishly. “I totally just dommed the shit out of you.”

“You’re in so much trouble. I’m telling your mother about this!”

“Tell her,” he said. He smiled again, quickly, but I caught a flash of genuine pain in his face.

“You don’t need sex,” I told him. “You need love.”

His face soured. “Don’t do that. For fuck’s sake, Lib.”

“What?” I asked, taken aback.

“Look at me like I’m a poor little rich boy. Look at me with pity in your eyes.”

“I’m sorry. I care about you.”

“I know that you do.”

“But the sort of... relationship you want with me. It can’t happen.”

“You should consider it,” he said. “We wouldn’t have to go public.”

“I’m not up for a scandal. I’d lose my business.”

“So what? I’d keep you as a pet.”

I shuddered. But not in a bad way. “I really, really need to leave.”

“So leave.”
“Fine. I’ll.. call you.” I staggered off the bed. In response, Cal threw back his head and roared with laughter. I was so startled I tripped and fell on my butt. I yelped.

“Poor pet,” he mocked amiably.

“Asshole.” I put my hand over my mouth. That was very inappropriate language for a teacher to be using on her student. “I’m sorry Cal,” I said, “That was a no-no word.”

“Christ, you’re hilarious. I’ve said fuck like four times since you got here. And I’m not in kindergarten.”

“Well, fine,” I said stiffly.

He extended his hand. He pulled me up and then tight against his chest. He pulled my arms around him. I hugged him. “You’re very bad,” I murmured.

“So smack me then,” he offered, shifting his own arms around me. I relaxed against him. His hugs were so warm, and I felt so safe and centred when he held me. I’d been letting him hug me. Truthfully I couldn’t claim I was innocent in this whole thing. I had been letting him cross the line, and crossing the line myself, so many times. But with the absence of his parents, and some sort of apparent dead line in his head, Cal was moving in for the kill today.

“Maybe I should. We’re wasting all this good study time.”

“We’ve got the whole weekend. My parents are gone.”

“And you expect me to hang around?”

“Why not? You got something better to do?”


He grabbed me and threw me onto his bed.


“Hey, what?!” He got a pillow and began to beat me with it.

I grabbed the other one and smacked him back. “You’re dead!” I screeched.

I kept hitting and hitting until he covered his face with his hands. “You win!” He said.

“What’s that?”

“You winnnn!!”

I smiled triumphantly and put the pillow down.

“God you’re brutal, woman.” He shook his head.


We lay there puffing for a while on our backs. He slid his arm under my back to bring me against his side. “Let me go,” I whispered.

He didn’t. He rolled me on top of him instead. I was nose to nose with him, holding myself up so my face wouldn’t fall onto his. He wanted me to kiss him. More than that. He expected me to. I took a breath and landed my face on his shoulder. He played with my hair. His fingers stroked my thigh. My stomach did its thing again. He stroked my thighs so lightly with his fingers for a few minutes. He kept playing with my hair with the other hand. It felt so relaxing and warm and delicious. I purred. He slid his hand up under my dress and skimmed his hand over my panties. “Do you want me on top?” he asked me, his voice soft and deep. I didn’t answer. I was so turned on but I had to stop this.
“No, Cal. Stop.”
“When you sound like that? Don’t think so, babe.” He rolled over so he was on top of me. He was in push up position.
“You know,” he observed, “you seem to be the helpless one here.”

I looked at the wall. He grabbed my face and turned it back to him. He was holding himself up with one arm now. “Am I too young?”
I frowned. He let some of his weight rest on me. It was hard to breathe.
“Stop, please!”
“Am I too young?” he repeated. His voice was frightening me.
“No. No, you’re not too young.” I said quickly. I was trembling.
“No, I’m not. Who’s the vulnerable one here?”

 I swallowed. His elbows rested either side of me. “Well?” His voice was no longer scary. It was kind. He placed his lips on mine. A moan escaped my own. He kissed me and I kissed back, his lips were full and warm and wet. He bit my bottom lip and it sent shock waves through me. My hips bucked against him. He took my hips and ground into me. I started to pant. He was very, very hard. He pushed himself up, taking his body off mine.
“No,” I begged, then put my hand over my mouth once again. He smiled down at me.
“You should beg,” he told me. He saw the doubt start to creep back into my face. He leaned down and kissed my neck, slowly, delicately. I sucked in a breath. Having my neck kissed drove me insane. He bit me, not hard, but that earned him another gasp.
“Are you wet?” he asked me. He moved to the other side of my neck and kissed and nibbled it. Shivers of pleasure made their way through my body like obedient soldiers. I started to squeak. “Adorable,” he said throatily. “I’m going to fuck you so hard, and you’re gonna moan for me, beautiful.”
I pushed his chest weakly. “No, we can’t.”
“You’re so hot for me you’re going to faint if I don’t put you out of your misery soon.” He raised himself so he could look me in the eye. And smirk.
“I’m turned on,” I admitted. “But we still can’t.”
“Yeah, right,” he said. “You’ll give in.”
He noted the look on my face. He kissed me gently. “I don’t mean to hurt you,” he said quietly. “I know you’re delicate.”
“I’m not...”
“You are.” He smiled. “And you’re innocent. It’s what I like about you. Well, I like everything about you really.”
“How would a relationship between us ever work, Cal? And I don’t really do sex with no commitment.”
“I know.” He gave me a quick peck.
“So trust me.”

He began kissing me and letting me feel his erection again. It felt good. I grunted, trying not to respond. I kept my face still. He wrapped his hand around my throat. “You gonna resist me?” he asked huskily.
“And you think I’ll take that?”
“You sound nice when you whisper like that. You sound like such a good little girl.” He put some gentle pressure on my throat. His hand fit around pretty much the whole thing. He was no little boy.
“I’ll ask you again, are you going to resist me, Lib?”
“No,” I whispered.
“No, what?” I felt myself throbbing against his jeans. He increased the pressure of his hand around my throat till his grip was firm. I swallowed against it. The blood was rushing down there. “No, Sir.”
“I want you to be a good girl.”
“I’ll be a good girl, Sir.”
“Stand up.” He eased himself off me.
“Why?” I swallowed.

He flipped me onto my stomach, gave me a quick smack on my bum.
“Sorry,” I said hastily. “I shouldn’t have questioned you, Sir.”
“No, you shouldn’t have. Now, stand.”
I stood up and looked at him. “Undress.”
I slipped out of my dress. Underneath, I was wearing panties, and no bra.
“You have very perky little breasts,” he commented approvingly. He tilted his head. “Get your panties off.”
I slipped them down. “Very nice. Come here, I want to give you a bit of a spanking.”

My heart leapt. My clit throbbed in response to the thought of him spanking me. I came forward and placed myself across his lap, at the end of the bed. He began to smack my cheeks lightly. I squirmed, barely able to contain my arousal. I pressed myself into his hardness. I was a grown woman draped across the lap of an eighteen year old boy being spanked and I was enjoying it immensely. “There. I expect I won’t get any more opposition or resistance from you now, will l?” He smacked me a couple times, very firmly. “No, Sir,” I yelped.

“Good.” He rubbed my bottom. He spread my legs with two fingers and began to stroke my pussy. I moaned. “You are so wet,” he observed proudly. He slipped a finger inside me, then another and began to thrust. I squirmed. He slapped my ass with his other hand as he fingered me. I was heading towards coming, and he hadn’t even touched my clit, which I wanted him to, desperately. “Cal, please... Rub my clit.”
“When I see fit,” he answered impartially. He continued to smack me and move his fingers in and out of me. He added another finger.
I pushed back against him. “I want you inside me.”
“I know you do,” he laughed. “You’re dripping all over me, babe.”

 He threw me aside and I lay on my stomach panting on the bed. I heard him unbuckle his jeans. He was facing away from me. I reached around and started undoing the buttons on his shirt. “Hurry,” I said. “I’m so hot.”

He lay down on the bed, on his back, naked, with his erection on full display. My eyes widened. “You’re not small,” I whispered.
“There are condoms in my drawer.” I got one out and handed it to him.
“What, I have to do this myself?” he asked disbelievingly.
“Oh,” I said, I fumbled with the packet and started pushing it onto his penis.
“Oh God,” he laughed, grabbing my wrist. “You don’t know how.”
I frowned. He flicked the condom off and leaned over me to get another. “Watch and learn, Teacher.” I watched as he correctly applied the condom. My face was burning with embarrassment.
“It’s alright,” he soothed me. He brought me on top of him so he could stroke my hair. “I don’t mind.” I hadn’t been with many guys, and they’d always put their own bloody condoms on. How was I supposed to know you had to unroll it special like that? I thought you just whacked it on there.
“Relax. Breathe, Lib.”
“I was...” I realised I wasn’t. “We can’t do this.”
“Don’t panic, sweet.” He stroked my hair until I calmed. “Good girl.” He kissed my hair. “I’m going to fuck you now.”
I whimpered.
“I’ll be gentle with you.”
“You’re quite big.”
“As I said, I’ll be gentle. Now I want you on your back. Or your stomach.”
He stroked my back as he said this. “Roll onto your back, Lib.” It was all too comfortable to obey him. He kissed me and played with my hair. “Just concentrate on kissing me.” We were kissing and getting into a good rhythm. I forgot all about being scared and worried.

He slid into me, just the tip and I gasped. “It’s alright,” he assured me. “I’m not just gonna ram it in. I’ll give you time to adjust.” He bit my bottom lip and I moaned and felt my body give in. He pushed in a little more. “Good girl,” he said softly. He kissed my forehead. “Let me know if I’m hurting you, beautiful.” I nodded. He slid all the way in and began to fuck me. It felt amazing. He shuddered and took a deep breath. “Not gonna lie,” he admitted. “This is taking some self control, Teach.” He continued to fuck me slowly, and gently. He was looking into my eyes. They were so beautiful, so wide and dark and full of wonder and amazement.

I smiled. “Oh, you think that’s funny?” he asked.
He smiled down at me. He opened his mouth and shut it again.
“What?” I asked.
“Oh, nothing,” he said.
“This is a funny time to get coy,” I told him.
“Is it?” He went into me deeply and I lost my breath. “Like that?” he whispered.
I nodded. I couldn’t speak. He didn’t see me nod. “Hmm?” He fucked me slowly, deeply, but still gently. I trembled with pleasure.
“I don’t think I can take this. It feels too good. I’m all shaky. You’re gonna have to stop.”
“Really?” he swallowed. He looked concerned. “I will if you want me to.”
“I don’t know!”
“Calm down, Lib.” He rested on his elbows and kissed my cheek. My breathing slowed a little. He was almost still, inside me.
“No,” I said. “Don’t stop. But could I get on top? It feels good and I can rub my clit at the same time as you fuck me.”
“Nope,” he answered into my neck, beginning to thrust again.
“Why not?” I asked.
“Because I like being on top.”
“But I do too.”
“Tough luck, little girl.” I pinched his nipple hard. His eyes widened.
“What was that?”
“Maybe you should obey ME. I’m older after all.”
“I’m bigger.”
“So?” I stuck my tongue out at him.
He slapped my face, lightly. I gulped as a shiver went through me. “I’m gonna have to teach you, aren’t I?” he asked.
“Teach me what?”
“To enjoy being fucked like a little bitch.”
I raised my eyebrows. “You’re a little young for that kind of talk, young man. And it’s nice to make love.”
“Make love,” he mocked. “I can’t just stay still like this, you know, I have to move a little.” He moved his hips a tiny bit. “This is so hard to do...” he actually laughed. “It’s so much work not to just fuck you the way I want to.”
“Well maybe a little self discipline will do you good, young man. Maybe it will help with your studies. So I will tell you when you may fuck me the way you desire to fuck me.”
“Alright,” he swallowed. “You tell me, Teach.”
“I will.” He moved as little as possible. My body ached for him to do more. His jaw clenched and he started to sweat. It was truly hilarious to watch him suffer. I felt a side of me coming to the surface I didn’t recognise. I wanted him to beg, I wanted to see those beautiful eyes fill with desire, I wanted him to want me so bad he would shake like I shook.

 “Beg,” I instructed.
He did. He begged so convincingly and so nicely. “Wait.”
“Please, Lib,” he groaned. “I can’t take this.”
“You thought you could bed a grown woman and she would just lie there like some little girl? No. You’ll fuck me the way I want to be fucked and you will say, “Thank you, Teacher.” Understand?”
“Yes. Yes, Mam. Damn, Lib...” He was trembling.
“Alright, you may give me a decent fucking.”
He thrust in and out of me fast, very fast. “Slow down, young man.” He slowed down a little. It was still fast, but I was liking that now. Fast and deep. I gripped his back. My legs clung around his hips. I made little noises, moans and whimpers and little delicate gasps. This may have been the best sex I had ever had. I’d never been quite so wet in my life. It’s like he couldn’t fuck me enough. “Are you still holding back?” I asked. He breathed heavily. “You want it harder?” he asked. A little of his sweat dripped onto my face.
“Alright, Teach.” He moved out of me and I wriggled onto my stomach.
“Is that how good girl’s lay if they wanna be fucked hard?” he asked me.

I got onto all fours. “That’s better.” He slapped my bum.
He took my hips and thrust in and out of me, as hard and fast as I could have hoped for. I screamed. I played with my clit and I came so hard I bucked insanely. He tried to hold me as a noise came from deep in his throat. “Jesus, Teach.... You’re so hot... Oh God.... I’ll study harder... I will!” He kept fucking me but I was so sensitive after I came it felt crazy. “Eek!” I said. “Stop.”
“No fucking way,” he said. He began to come. He used my body like a toy. He was fucking me so hard I thought I’d break. The pressure was so intense. “You asked for it,” he reminded me. And I had asked for it. He came and held me there for a moment. I was up in the air almost. “Thank you, Teach,” he said.
“You’re welcome,” I said weakly.
He collapsed on top of me. “That was good,” I said.
“I love you,” he replied, sounding sleepy.
“Duh, Lib,” he murmured, not at all concerned.
“You love me?”
“Yes.” He rolled over and lay on his back.
“Why did you have to say that? I just took advantage of you! I thought you just wanted to fuck an older woman. Like a fantasy.”
“Oh, it was a fantasy, alright. And it was amazing.” He closed his eyes. “Now come cuddle.”
“No. No. No. What have I done?! I fucked an eighteen year old guy who’s in love with me. I’m a predator, a PREDATOR!!!!!!!!!!!!”
He yawned again and pulled me on top of him. “Shut up. It’s quiet time now, Libby.”
“No... No... I can’t believe I just did that. What will your parents say?”
“I’m not going to tell my parents, obviously. And they wouldn’t care in any case. Now go to sleep.”
“I can’t. I need to...”
“Need to what? You’re being annoying.”
“But, but...”
“Shh, baby...” He secured his arms around me and fell asleep. I wasn’t strong enough to lift them, so I just lay there, wide awake.

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Being Gamma

BEING GAMMA PROLOGE: This is a work of fiction, describing a 'what if' world if after the Persians sacked and destroyed Athens following the battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC or BCE, if you prefer. The USA is not really all that different of a place, but there are some noticeable differences if Athens had never been rebuilt and Athenian philosophy had never materialized. This is not a war story, rather a social examination of a 'what if' society. ------------------- Randi Thomas...

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Being Jim Ch6 Lessons of Life pt1

I would like to apologize in advance to my readers. In the retelling of this story it sort of took on a life of its own. Normally my tales are fairly brief and concise, this one however seemed only to grow as I put pen to paper. (Figuratively speaking). Since it did turn out to be rather long I have decided to break it down into several smaller portions both for ease in posting and for reader consumption. That said… I hope you enjoy this long winded tale. It is...

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Being Jim Ch6 Lessons of Life pt2

Life is a tapestry, a cloth woven of many different threads that create the whole. This story is a thread, one of many, contributing to the waft and weave that is the Whole cloth, being Jim. Being Jim Ch.6 Lessons of Life By Frodov This story is based entirely on true experiences from my past. Names and a few details have been changed to...

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Being Myself with Marian

Being myself with Marian By Jessie I have a short little story to share about an event in my life. It happened when I was only sixteen. I'd always been fascinated with the way women dress. When I was a kid I'd tried dressing up in my mothers clothes until I was caught one day. My mother made me feel so bad about myself that I swore I'd never do it again. She really made me feel like I was the sickest creature alive, when all I was doing was experimenting. I hated her for the...

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Being Jim Ch6 Lessons of Life pt3

Life is a tapestry, a cloth woven of many different threads that create the whole. This story is a thread, one of many, contributing to the waft and weave that is the Whole cloth, being Jim. Being Jim Ch.6 Lessons of Life By Frodov This story is based entirely on true experiences from...

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Being myself is good enough for me

Being myself is good enough for me My mom always used to tell me to stay away from trouble. Did I listen to her? No. Instead it was like was involved in it, a fight here, the police there, yeah you get the picture. I was born to two god loving parents, having a Christian upbringing. Every Sunday we would go to church and I would always have to wear a stupid dress, even though I hated them. The boys could wear pants, so why couldn't I? "Because you are not a boy, honey," mom would...

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Being Joanna 01

Can George trust Naadiah, who he has just met, enough to forsake a weekend being Joanna at Dragon*Con to go to Toronto with the promise that he could transition and always be Joanna? Being Joanna A 14 Chapter Fanfic of 'Being Erica' (The CBC TV series that concluded 12/2011) By Sasha Zarya Nexus Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this...

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Being Popular

Being Popular By Arecee Popular: approved of, being accepted, example, a popular girl Jason Randall scanned the help wanted adverts until his eyes fell on 'the advert'. "Positions open for self motivated persons with an expanding import- export company, MBA required. Starting salary 96K$. Phone 800 567 8765, ask for Mr. Larson." Jason went to the phone and called the number listed. The phone rang and a...

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Being Husband

.==========================================================================Being Husband When I was young I was a fool. When my future wife to be refused full sexualintercourse before the marriage day, I assumed this was quite normal,respectable behaviour on her part, the natural reaction of a nice, middleclass girl true to her upbringing. Only later did I discover that Nadiawasn't 'respectable' at all! At the time though I couldn't see past thesmooth curves of her ample breasts, tightly...

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Being Suggestive

As a young college student my life and my dedication to the joys of being a transvestite had become conflicting. I had to put my college classes first, but living off campus made my female life so much more workable on weekends. I now looked at my sexy mini-skirted flirty self in a very different way now that I had discovered that attracting men had a quite enjoyable side. I realized that there were at least some men in the world that I could trust, and I finally felt so free to be the feminine...

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Being Trustworthy Part V

Being Trustworthy Part V by Sissie Maid Cuckold Karen observed the two sissies as they dealt with the objects penetrating them. She noticed how fluid Alice seemed to be, how she became one with the machine. It impressed her how pliable Alice was, accepting whatever the machine did. Her mouth seemed to continually suck but in a gentel determined way not as if it were labored. She was part of the system. On the other hand, Cindy looked like she was resisting. She could not resist much...

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Being Suggestive

Being Suggestive As a young college student my life and dedication to the joys of being a transvestite had become conflicting. I had to put my college classes first but living off campus made my "other" female life so much more workable on weekends. I now looked at my sexy mini skirted flirty self in a very different way now that I had discovered that attracting men had a quite enjoyable side. I realized that there were at least some men in the world that I could trust and I finally...

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Being The Favorite One

Being The Favorite One By Brat Edit by Umgestalten Lying in the grass on my belly, I looked at the football field that was located just beyond the pasture fence. I saw the fans and, of course, the cheerleaders of both teams. My eyes focused on a cheerleader for the home team with long blond hair who stood in the middle of her group. She was laughing and I could see she was having a really good time. While looking at her I went on chewing my food and chasing those damn flies away with...

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Being Dipped complete

This story started out as a serial. Some changes have been made, but for the most part it is complete. Please overlook some small editing or proofreading mistakes. It comes with the territory when you read my stuff. Being "Dipped" By Boredsitting Life can be pretty sweet. Look at me, sitting here in the prime of my life on a Friday evening watching a movie on my super huge tv with my beautiful girlfriend by my side. Hell, I don't even like the stupid movie, but nothing is...

1 year ago
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Being Trustworthy part II

Becoming Trust Worthy Part II By Sissie Maid Cuckold With dinner and Karen both finished... John was sent to cleaning up the kitchen as Karen sat there watching and instructing him. She noted that John was allowing his arms to fall by his sides when he was not using his hands. Karen approached him and said, "John, you are not being efficient the way you are holding your arms. I want you to allow your arms to remain parallel to the floor and let your wrists go limp so your hands hang...

3 years ago
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Being A Slut

This is a story involving explicitly described sex. If you think you might be offended by it, or you aren't allowed by the laws of the place in which you live to read such a story, don't. If you read past this warning, any offense you take or laws you break are your problem. I've warned you. Permission is hereby given to archive this story anywhere on the Internet, so long as I'm credited as the author, it is reproduced in its entirety (including this disclaimer!) and no fee is...

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Being A Slut

Being A SlutIt was 2024, and viral nano-technology had become thetreatment of choice for many serious diseases. It hadonly been slightly more than a decade since thebreakthrough that caused it to go from a crackpottheory to a widespread reality.Of course, there were still drawbacks. If we'd beenable to perfect true nano-technology, such as sci-fiwriters had been describing for decades, we probablywouldn't have had a problem with the one-time uselimitation of the viral variety we had....

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Being Jim Ch6 Lessons of Life pt4

I would like to apologize in advance to my readers. In the retelling of this story it sort of took on a life of its own. Normally my tales are fairly brief and concise, this one however seemed only to grow as I put pen to paper. (Figuratively speaking). Since it did turn out to be rather long I have decided to break it down into several smaller portions both for ease in posting and for reader consumption. That said… I hope you enjoy this long winded tale. It is...

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Being More Social Chapters 1620

When I got to the student council meeting, it was as if the negativity that was coursing throughout my body was some kind of atmospheric event that plagued the entire school. Even in my state of shakiness and numbness over what I had done, I couldn’t avoid noticing that the mood of the entire council had gone down. Nevertheless, instead of asking around before the council began, all I could do was find a seat and slump into it. “You okay?” the concerned voice of Megan asked. I looked over to...

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Being More Social Chapters 1115

Granted, if one looked at it objectively, Nicole quitting Student Council wasn’t exactly horrific. If it wasn’t Nicole, I might have even labeled it ‘teen drama.’ Nevertheless I still mirrored her sad expression. “Is it that bad?” I asked her. She nodded as she drove, then sighed. “I didn’t wanna tell you because I figure it would put a rain cloud over our hanging out time.” She paused, then spoke with an uncharacteristically small voice. “Want me to just drop you off at home?” “No!” I all...

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Being Heidi

No copyright infringement intended. The characters are the property of Tim Allen and ABC. This is a variation of our earlier, longer story 'Body Improvement'. Being Heidi Plot and Writing by Eric Writing and Editing by Caleb Jones Invention Week on the home improvement TV series Tool Time was just a few weeks away and the star of the show Tim Taylor was working on one of his wacky high-powered inventions...

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Being Caught

Being Caught by Lorraine Simmons My wife Diana found out that I was a cross dresser two years ago when she inadvertently found my secret wardrobe of female clothing hidden in our attic. I tried to explain my feelings but without any acceptance for over a year, during this period our sex life eroded to almost nothing and I felt truly worthless. The only relief for me was the rare opportunities to cross dress when she was away on business. I always wondered what...

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Being Me

The following tale is adapted from a story started be SlimV. The story was never finished and sent to me to read some time ago. I liked the idea so much that I asked if I could steal it and finish it off while expanding on it. Both SlimV and myself have been collaborating on it for some time now, thanks hun for the editing. I hope you enjoy reading it and get as much fun out of it as we did writing it. Being ME Part 1 - Out of The Closet Kind of a waste, I thought as I took...

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Being Cruel To Be Kind

100% fiction! Note: The following contribution(s) were inspired by "Nasti4unow's" 9-part serial titled, 'Cassie Hole.' But this story explores Michael's sexual life primer beginning with the transformation of his mother from dour to power. Cru-el To Be Kind : Chapter 1 It's hard to answer even for yourself how a person is drawn to certain activities above and beyond reason. Of course there are the physical timeline of events and moments of indiscretion but answering how one becomes soiled and...

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Being Troy Jennifer

Being Troy / Jennifer - "Jennifer- come on," Mack was pulling at his arm, urging him at a whisper to move, "you have to get up- we need to get out of here." "What happened?" Troy asked trying to raise his hands, but he felt all wrong, exhausted and weird all at the same time. "I don't know; I just woke up. There is something in the house, we have to get out of here," he was pulling at him again. Troy rolled onto his side, feeling very strange and off balance and sore like he had...

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Being Found Out

BEING FOUND OUT BY STATS CHAPTER 1: Friday Afternoon I am a crossdresser. Have been since age eight when I found a pile of discarded female clothes in the attic. Now, at age 28, I shave my legs and arms, wear nail polish on my toes and female undergarments to work. I have a particular fetish for women's shoes and will occasionally slip a pair on while working at my desk in my office. I have grown a respectable ponytail over the years but there are three other guys in the...

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Being Bimbo

Being Bimbo ? ? ?????Introduction ? ? Before allowing Brandi to begin this narrative of her life I feel I should inform those who failed to read her previous narrative how she came to be?who?and what she is. Those who have read her previous book may wish to skip forward. Though there are a few things I may reveal that her fans do not already know. ?????My name is John. I own a rather large marketing firm well-known across three continents. I am also a certified hypnotherapist, a skill I learned...

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Being Trust Worthy part IV

Being Trustworthy part IV By Sissie Maid Cuckold "Cindy, now remember everything I taught you. I want you to impress Brad when he gets here, do you understand?" "Yes Ms. Karen, I understand you want me to impress Brad... Ma'am?" "Yes, Cindy what is it?" "How exactly am I supposed to impress Brad?" "By pretending to be a real girl. If you can impress him that you are a girl by acting and thinking like a girl then I will be very pleased...if not...well, it won't be pretty for...

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Being Turned Into A Woman By My Wife

"Being Turned Into A Woman By My Wife" by Lorraine Simmons I have fantasized about being transformed into a woman and have constantly demanded that my wife participate more and take a dominant role in my fantasy. She always failed to approach the ultimate level I desire since she has felt repulsed with the idea of me pretending to be a woman. I now wish that maybe she remained at that former stage than the present state I find myself, slowing becoming...

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Being More Social Chapters 610

“I don’t care.” Nicole told me bitterly as we neared room 203. “The cold sucks. It hurts my face to go outside. You’re defending a thing that hurts my face.” I grinned at her. “Now you’re just thinking up my reasons for me to love winter!” She punched me playfully in the arm as we took our seats, joining the rest of Student Council. Shortly after, Phil entered the room and cleared his throat. “Great, everyone’s here!” He commented happily. “Alright guys, listen up…” That was my cue to stop...

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Being Disciplined

I was standing at the window holding my wife Susie close to me as the clock ticked. The alarm went off at exactly the right time, but to our horror the world didn’t end. We held each other for a full five minutes but still life went on. We had to accept the truth of it. The world was still here, our world. Susie looked at me and spoke first. “Shit,” she said. “Crap,” I replied. We both pondered what was now going to happen. What our situation was going to become. The one of our own making. It...

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Being Twins

Being Twins - Rachael Free I knew something wasn't quite right but I couldn't be sure. My life for the past 10 years with my wife Jane was great. My name is Richard. Jane was 5'8", 120 pounds, lean trim body, 38D breasts, beautiful blonde hair and stunning features. I was 5'9", 148 pounds, and little chest or body hair. We got along like real friends and were great lovers, up until recently that is. In the past six months our relationship seemed to be going in opposite directions....

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Being Me

BEING ME (FOLLOWING YOUR BLISS, BEING HAPPY WITH THE WOMAN IN YOU) MYSELF TODAY Today, I'm an executive of my own company and recognized in the field under my true self, a woman. It is a great joy to interact with others, no more hiding or living two lives. The most important part is that even those who knew me, in my previous gender accept me and I accept myself. I have found that most important part is making yourself happy, as opposed what others want you to be. It is...

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Being Jim Ch6 Lessons of Life pt5

I would like to apologize in advance to my readers. In the retelling of this story it sort of took on a life of its own. Normally my tales are fairly brief and concise, this one however seemed only to grow as I put pen to paper. (Figuratively speaking). Since it did turn out to be rather long I have decided to break it down into several smaller portions both for ease in posting and for reader consumption. That said… I hope you enjoy this long winded tale. It is...

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Being Human part 1

He shook his head. "Nude is artistic. Naked is defenseless." ― Larry Niven Chapter One Pixel drummed her fingers on her laptop in an absent minded cadence. She sat on a park bench, her bicycle propped up next to her. Her brow was furrowed in concentration, and she scowled at the computer code in front of her. The white text on the screen was almost fuzzy against the black background of the terminal window. The moment had come to execute her code, which would perform a buffer overflow....

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Being Trustworthy part III

Being Trustworthy part III By Sissie Maid Cuckold Cindy enjoyed the weekend as Ms. Karen's maid. She had a lot to learn and was coached the entire time. The funny thing was that Cindy really got into being the maid and found herself anxious to learn and to improve her skills. It was not a game to her but rather the real thing. She learned to scrub floors and toilets. How to do laundry and vacuum. Even though Cindy realized this was menial work, there was something about the maid's...

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Being More Social Chapters 15

All throughout middle school, I had hated the name Adam Watson. It was a name the school bullies had become all too familiar with, and it became a name I figured was cursed, and I too for having it. They always liked to give me increasingly bizarre reasons for their bullying – “Adam can’t talk to girls, he must like men,” “Adam still wears tighty-whities,” “Adam doesn’t like looking at porn,” crap like that. I knew their true reason for picking on me – I was just another geeky, socially...

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Being European or Being Equal Chapter XV

As Julie was preparing to give Jamie an examination he would never forget, Charlotte was by the pool putting her own plan for seducing Tyler into action, but since she didn’t have the benefit of a using a physical examination as an excuse to get his trunks off, she faced a more daunting challenge.Now that they were alone, Charlotte tried to strike up a conversation with the handsome teenager. She asked him about his dad, his friends, what he liked about school, all the ‘small talk’ things she...

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BEING NAUHTY AGAIN 2MOM DAD AND MEIt was two days after my first night with my mom, our night of reconciliation was loving, beautiful, passionate and very erotica, it was a night that I surly will remember for the rest of my live. However, there was a new problem that I had to face; how to tell daddy. Waking up next to mom was one of the happiest mornings of my life. I never thought that I missed having my mother in my life, but that night with mom proved how much I longed for a relationship...

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Being Bad

I found out early that being bad was more fun than being good. I also discovered that you kept your mouth shut about all the naughty things and shout from the rooftops about all the good things. A lot of my early naughtiness was, looking back on it, very silly; breaking windows, tying things to next door cat's tail. But I believe I have moved on since those days. Being good was volunteering to do the washing up, mowing the lawn and such. Being bad would often involve some degree of sexual...

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Being Me Part 2 Voyage of Discovery

Being Me Part 2 The Cruise - Voyage of Discovery Cruise Diary - Day 1 I woke up early to the sound of a low hum, most probably the ship's engines. I stayed in bed for the first ten minutes of my morning watching the TV and looking for news about my dad's case. Finding nothing of interest, I got out of bed and took a shower. The warm water felt nice as I lathered up with the complimentary shampoo. As my hands worked their way across my body, I thought about shaving. The...

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Being Barbis Bitch

Being Barbi's Bitch By Heathyr Diamond After ten wasted years of foolishly trusting in love to 'cure' me of my femininity, I had only just begun to re-embrace the sissy inside me when something made me reach out to an old friend. What made me do it, I really don't know. Although I was once again revelling in even the smallest aspects of my femininity, treasuring and celebrating them in a way that only someone who has truly missed them can appreciate, I had made a conscious decision...

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Being Joanne

Being Joanne by Meryl Davids "Hi", "Hi back", I said, I'd just got back from work, I hated office work, but we needed the money, for when we got married. Jane was a Nurse. I worked at a bank. I used to work as a Nurse, and loved every minute of it, Jane was just about burned out and wanted to get a Nurse managers job, to get her away from direct patient care. I had joked with her that we should swop jobs, "yeah sure", was all she said. I couldn't help the clearly...

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