Being Popular free porn video

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Being Popular By Arecee Popular: approved of, being accepted, example, a popular girl Jason Randall scanned the help wanted adverts until his eyes fell on 'the advert'. "Positions open for self motivated persons with an expanding import- export company, MBA required. Starting salary 96K$. Phone 800 567 8765, ask for Mr. Larson." Jason went to the phone and called the number listed. The phone rang and a woman answered, "Quantum imports, may I help you?" "Yes, may I have Mr. Larson please?" "One moment please, transferring." "Hello, this is Tom Larson." "Hello Mr. Larson, my name is Jason Randall and I'm answering the advert in the paper and was hoping the position was still available." "Yes there are still two openings available as we have already filled five placements. Tell me a little about yourself and if I like what I hear I will have you in for a formal interview." "Well I graduated from the University of Iowa just this last spring with top honors. I'm one month shy of my twenty first birthday and I think this job would suit me." "Did you say you're just shy of twenty-one?" "Yes sir." "How did you get an MBA at such an early age?" "I managed to skip two grades when I was younger through hard work. When I entered high school I was only twelve years old, which made interaction with the other students rather difficult. As a result I spent most of my time studying and entered college when I was sixteen. The other students being older than me didn't want a young teen at their parties so I once again found myself studying to pass the time. I was able to interact with the students in class but as far as social events were concerned, I pretty much kept to myself and as a result I have my MBA." "You sound like someone that we might be interested in, can you come to Chicago this Friday for an interview?" "Yes I can, what time?" "Is nine AM too early?" "No that would be perfect, I'll see you then," Jason said as he hung up the phone. 'Wow this is so cool, an interview already and I just graduated,' Jason thought, 'what should I wear? I know, my gray suit. I wonder if it still fits?' Jason entered his closet and found the suit where he had hung it three years earlier. He removed his jeans and shoes and tried it on. 'Damn it still fits perfectly,' he thought. Jason was hoping that he had out-grown the suit. Jason was a young man that never really grew very tall or large. Because he was so young in school he was always small compared to others in his class. Even as he grew he never really caught up to the other boys in stature, he didn't become a manly man. If one were to describe Jason one would have to say that he was delicate. Jason always wanted to be thought of as rugged or chiseled or a strapping youth but it wasn't to be. His mother would say things like, "you have such delicate features," or "you have a petite build." This wasn't to say Jason was effeminate, he was just a thin man with, if you will pardon the expression, delicate features. Jason also wasn't very well liked in school. The older students didn't pick on him other than with the nicknames like 'twig' or 'midget'. Things of that sort but they were never physically abusive. The only times he had problems was when there were dances. No one would go with him until he had turned fourteen and then because he was so petite the only girls that would go to the dances with him were, shall we say the least popular. Jason wasn't able to take the pretty or cute girls but the ones that were having problems with their weight or were tall and skinny, the ones that in a few years would become models but hadn't filled out enough. Even after he had gone to dances with the girls they didn't want to date him again because he was just too young looking, too small, and too delicate. It was a high school thing that turned kids into killers or turned them into a stronger person and in this case Jason became a strong person. Sure he wished that he had been popular but on the other hand he knew that some of the popular kids would end up staying in their small town in dead end jobs. They would try to recapture their high school popularity but they did not realize that once it was gone, it was gone. So Jason flew to Chicago and met with Tom Larson. He was given the job and a choice of locations at either Long Beach, California, or Houston, Texas. "I think I will take Long Beach because I always wanted to see California," said Jason. "Well good luck young man, we will expect to have you on the job in two weeks. I don't think I mentioned it but we are also providing you with a five thousand dollar moving allowance. This should make it easier for you to get settled when you arrive in California. Let me know when you arrive so I can alert the other staff." "Thank you Mr. Larson." "Just call me Tom." "Thank you Tom, I'll be talking to you." Jason left Quantum and felt like dancing in the street. 'Wow I have a job and a good one at that,' he thought, 'I can't wait to start.' Jason flew home and informed his parents of his good luck and of the fact that he was moving to California. "Jason are you sure you want to do this?" asked his mother. "You're kidding, aren't you Mom?" "No I'm not, you've grown up in a small town and this is a big leap. You've seen how those people are out there, they're all crazy, skating around half naked and all the women have breast implants that look like melons and collagen lips. And well you know I just don't want you to change, you're such a nice boy." "Mom, I'm not a boy anymore, I'm a man and I have to do this or I will remain a boy forever, trust me nothing is going to happen." "Are you sure?" "Of course I'm sure and besides where around here would I start out making 96 thousand dollars a year plus a 5 thousand dollar moving bonus, don't worry, I'll be fine." "I hope so, I want you to call me every once in a while to let me know how you are doing." "I will mom, don't worry I'll be fine." Jason tied up all his loose ends and moved out to Long Beach the following week. He was able to find a nice apartment near the beach. He had wanted one on the beach but even making 96K, the amount of money required for such an apartment seemed a stretch. 'Maybe next year,' he thought. Jason really had nothing else to do so he started work a week early. His offices were near the docks in San Pedro and when he arrived he was surprised to find a small warehouse with a glass front. He walked through the front doors and was greeted by a young woman. "May I help you?" she asked. "Yes, my name is Jason Randall." "Oh my God so you're the new Manager?" "Yes I believe I am." "Come in here, let me show you to your office. My name is Betty Rosen. This branch just opened and I'm new here myself. After you get settled I will introduce you to the other employees." "Thank you Betty," replied Jason. Jason followed Betty to his new office. He couldn't help notice what a cute little thing she was. Betty was only four foot eleven inches tall and looked like she weighed 90 pounds. She sure wasn't one of those buxom beauties his mother was worried about. "Here's your office," she giggled nervousnessly. She had expected a much older man, not one that looked like he could be her younger brother. The office wasn't what you could call the lap of luxury, it had windows that overlooked the parking lot and not much more. Tom Larson had explained to him that this was a new branch and they would have to see how it performed before they committed to nicer facilities. However Jason wasn't disappointed because this was much nicer than college and it was his first real job. "Thank you Betty, how long have you worked for Quantum?" "I was hired three months ago. I was the first employee in this area." "Are they nice people to work for?" he asked. "Very nice as long as you do your job." "That's good to know." The day progressed and Jason got to know a little more about Betty and the four other employees. Betty it seemed was married to a man whom she met while attending college. She was twenty-four and had been married for two years. Her husband was a carpenter and they had no children. 'They were working on it,' she giggled. Jason noticed that she giggled a lot and was very perky around the office, no wonder she was so thin he thought. Jason settled in and time passed rather quickly. The job he had was exciting, tracking goods and making a profit for the company. Unfortunately he didn't have much time to socialize, as he had to work quite late many nights. After four months had passed and Betty entered his office to ask him for a big favor. "Jason, could I ask you to do something for me?" "Sure Betty, what is it?" "Well, I'm getting together with a bunch of kids I went to school with for a costume party and I need a date. I would like to know if you would go with me?" "Me? Why not go with your husband?" "Because the company he works for has a large building project that has to be finished and he has to work overtime so they can finish on time and can't take me. I asked him if it would be all right with you taking me instead and he said, 'yes'. You can dress at my house before the event and meet him so he won't get jealous." "Okay, that sounds like fun, how do we have to dress?" "Everyone has to dress as a famous couple, like Superman and Lois or Humphrey Bogart and Catherine Hepburn or Roy Rodgers and Dale Evans. They award a prize for the most original and I was hoping to win this year." "OK so who do you want to go as?" "I was thinking about Zena and Gabrielle. With me as Gabrielle." "So you want me to be Zena?" he asked astonished. "Yes, you would be great." "What makes you think I would even consider dressing as a woman?" "You really won't be dressed as a woman but as a character, it won't be that bad. Zena was kind of a macho girl and she even got to kiss Gabrielle once in a while, not that I'm going to let you kiss me," she laughed. "It won't be that hard to do, you won't have to wear heels or have big boobs, all that really shows are your legs and your shoulders so it will be fun." "So long as no one can guess who I am, I guess I could do it as a favor to you and it will give me an opportunity to get out of the office for a while." "Oh thank you Jason, we're going to have so much fun, and don't worry I won't make you ride a horse," Betty giggled. The day of the party came and Jason went to Betty's home to get into costume that she'd rented from one of the many costume shops in the L.A. area. Jason was worried that it wouldn't fit but Betty had described Jason to the clerk and he had assured her that it would fit nicely. Jason removed all but his boxer shorts and tried on the costume. "Wow Jason, this fits perfectly. Thanks for coming over early so we could try it on. We're going to have to do a few things before we go out. Your legs look very nice except Zena didn't have hairy legs so you will have to shave them and your underarms also. These boots should fit you but you can see your legs from the top of them up to your hips. You will also have to get rid of your boxers because they hang out and you can see them under your skirt and don't worry about your breasts because the costume is very hard in front and it will look like you have them." "I can live with shaving my legs and underarms but all I have is boxers for underwear." "Don't worry I'll think of something, go take a shower and shave and then we can get dressed." Jason entered the shower, lathered and shaved his legs and underarms and did his face at the same time. Jason wasn't a real hairy person to start with and only shaved his face every five days. When he finished he exited and dried himself off. Staring at him was a pair of panties, not overly feminine but panties none the less. "Do you want me to wear these panties?" "Yes and when you have them on I have a control device to hold you in so you look like a girl." Jason slid the panties up his legs and noticed how smooth they were. He felt his penis twitch as they went into place. 'That's not a good sign,' he thought. He definitely didn't want to get an erection especially in front of Betty. 'Calm down,' he said to himself. "Ooh your legs look great, here put on this girdle," Betty giggled. Jason put on the girdle and tucked himself away. Betty asked him to put on the costume and then had him sit at her makeup table. "I'm going to do your makeup and then I have the perfect wig for you to wear. Your legs look great in that costume." "Thanks, just what a guy likes to hear," Jason said sarcastically. "Better to have them this way than all hairy." Betty proceeded to make Jason up and put on the wig. When she was finished she stood back and admired her work. "Not bad, not bad at all, you look pretty nice. It's too bad you're a guy or I would have liked to have plucked your eyebrows but that wouldn't fly at the office even though you are the boss, take a look." Jason looked at his refection in the mirror. "Oh my," he stated, "I do look pretty good, I look like a girl." "I must say I did do a good job on your makeup, lets go show you to my husband and see what he thinks." Jason walked out into the living room where Betty's husband was watching a football game on TV. "Ron what do you think of Jason's costume?" Ron turned and said, "Wow, you look really hot, for a girl I mean." Ron looked and looked again, yes Jason did look hot for a girl, but then again Zena had been one of his favorites when he was younger. Ron also ceased to worry about his wife being out with Jason, he was just too pretty. Betty went and got ready and she then drove them both to the party. She felt it would be best if she did the driving, as it might be a little embarrassing if they were to be stopped by the police. After they arrived Betty asked Jason to walk for her. "Jason please take smaller steps. Zena was a super hero but she was also feminine. I don't expect you to turn into a girl overnight but just a few things will help, like your walk. Make sure you place one foot in front of the other, there you go, much better." Jason felt foolish walking that way but had no need to make it obvious that he was a man. The couple entered the hall and as soon as Betty's friends saw her they ran up screaming. "Betty you look great and Zena you're perfect, I love your costumes." "Thanks Jenny, you look great too." "You and Zena are the best costumes I've seen all night, you might win." "I hope so," replied Betty. Jason and Betty entered the room and much to Jason's surprise there were many people there. He was introduced to many of Betty's friends as Zena and not Jason. He found that he was enjoying himself much to his surprise. As the evening wore on dinner was served and then there was dancing afterward. As Zena, Jason was a big hit with everyone especially the guys. Jason was getting the attention he'd never had before. The music began and before he could react he was asked to dance by one of the men. He looked panicked not knowing what to do. "Go ahead and dance with him Zena," said Betty. "I don't dance well," Jason said. "Please dance with me, I don't either," said the man, dressed as Bogart. Jason thought, 'how can I get out of this? Then he thought, 'why not?' So he relented and followed the man to the dance floor. He began to dance and soon found that he was having fun. Much to his surprise he found that not only had this man asked him to dance but other guys were cutting in to have the privilege to dance with him. As Zena, Jason was having fun and he was popular. This was a new experience for Jason, being popular, being wanted, the only thing he didn't like was that he was wanted by men and not women but the feeling of popularity was having an effect on him and he liked this new feeling. After a while he started to tire and wanted to rest so his latest dance partner escorted him from the floor. "Would you like something to drink?" asked Superman. "That would be nice," answered Jason. Jason didn't have a very low voice so he sounded like a girl to the young man. "What would you like?" "Anything would be fine." The man left and returned with a gin and tonic. "These are very refreshing," he said. Jason reached for the glass and felt the man's hand linger on his fingers as he was handed the drink. 'Yuck,' thought Jason, 'don't touch me like that, how disgusting.' "Thank you," said Jason, "How much do I owe you for it?" "Don't be silly, what kind of man allows a pretty girl to pay for her own drinks?" He asked. "Thank you." "Are you one of Betty's co-workers?" asked the man. "Yes, actually I'm her boss." "Really, what do you do?" "I'm the branch manager for Quantum Imports." "Well it's nice to hear of a company that isn't afraid to have a woman running things for a change." "Yes it is a nice change." 'God this guy is trying to hit on me,' thought Jason, 'I have to get rid of him.' "I have to go find Betty," stated Jason. "I'll go with you," said the man. "You don't have to." "I'm not going to let the most desirable girl here out of my sight, let's go." The man reached to take Jason's hand to help him up. 'What do I do now?' he thought, 'be rude and ignore him or just give in and let him take it? I guess it won't hurt me to touch his hand but that's it, no more than that.' "Thank you," Jason said as he was helped up. "My pleasure." Now Jason had another problem, the man didn't let go of his hand. "Come on let's see where she is," said the man as he pulled Jason into the outer hall. Betty was soon spotted and the couple went to her. "Betty why didn't you tell me you had such a beautiful boss?" asked the man. "Oh, hi Bill, I see you've met Zena. I didn't tell you because you're biggest flirt I know." "Well next time don't keep pretty girls like this a secret from me, someone this pretty might make me settle down." "Bill I swear you're the worst. It's getting late and Zena and I have to get home because my husband will wonder if you've finally swept me away." "Well as long as Zena is around he won't have to worry about that." "Come on Zena time to go home, nice seeing you Bill." "Good night girls and nice meeting you Zena, by the way what's your real name?" 'Oh shit he wants my name,' thought Jason, 'he bought me a drink and he might have a problem that I'm a guy dressed as a girl, think, think, what name can I use?' "Tiffany." "Well it's nice to meet you Tiffany," said Bill as he lifted Jason's hand to his lips and kissed the back of it before he let go. Jason almost peed his panties at this point. 'Oh shit, oh shit, let go, please,' thought Jason. "Come on girlfriend let's go," said Betty. Jason and Betty went to Betty's car and when they got in Betty went crazy and couldn't stop giggling. "Oh my God if I didn't see it I wouldn't have believed it, Bill thought you were a girl, that was too funny, he's a nice guy but such a flirt. Did you have fun tonight?" "I have to admit I did. Life is so different when viewed from a girl's perspective. I've never had attention like that before, there was something magical about it." "You're not falling in love are you?" "Gag, be serious, I thought I would pee my pants when he took my hand and help me up and then he wouldn't let go. I meant that it felt nice to be popular for once in my life." "Well if you would get out more often and meet some nice girls you would be popular, I know some nice clubs you can go to, just get out once in while and you'll see." Jason and Betty arrived at Betty's and Jason removed the costume so Zena was gone. Much to his surprise he rather missed being Zena or the popularity of being Zena. Maybe he would do as Betty suggested and go to the clubs and maybe he would find popularity there. Several months passed and Jason found his way to the clubs every weekend. Each time it was the same old story, he would ask a pretty girl to dance and it was always the same, "No thank you, I have a boy friend or I'm sitting this one out." The guys were all buffed and handsome and had no trouble getting a dance while poor Jason never did and he knew why, it was because he was, well, 'delicate'. Jason was sitting at his desk one day looking morose when Betty entered his office. "What's wrong?" she asked. "It's nothing." "Come on Jason I know you better than that, I know when something is bothering you." "I don't know Betty, it's just that I've been going to the clubs and I can't even get a dance. I was just remembering how popular I was when I was Zena and the fun I had, I just miss that feeling." "Don't let it get you down, I'm sure things will turn around, now let me see a smile." Another week passed and Jason was still in the dumps. "Jason, I can't stand this anymore, I've got too cheer you up." "I'm sorry Betty there really isn't anything you can do unless you have a girl friend that will go out with me or we went to a costume party every night and I was Zena again." "Wait a minute, hold that thought, I can't think of any girl friends but maybe you have something there. You obviously can't be Zena every night but you could be a girl and be popular again." "I don't want to be a girl, I just want to be wanted and accepted." "You would be wanted." "Wanted by men, no thanks." "But you would be popular and besides all you would have to do is dance and have a little fun for a change and get that gloomy look off your face." "I don't know if I could do that and interact with men that way." "It would just be dancing and I would be there with you to make sure nothing happened that you didn't want to happen, come on let's try this weekend and see what happens." "Let me think about it, you're sure I would be safe?" "Of course, you will be with me and Ron and he will protect you, so don't worry, everything will be fine." "I'll think about it." Jason thought about Betty's suggestion for several days and finally decided he would do it, he would go out as a girl against his better judgment. So Jason told Betty of his decision. "I was hoping you would decide to do it, this is going to be so much fun, you wait and see. I'm going to have to get some clubbing outfits for you and make you over. This will be a little work but I know you can handle it. This weekend I want you to come over to my house and we can get started. Tomorrow I will measure you so I can buy a few items to start with and then after we try this and go out one weekend and if you like it, we can go shopping for a real wardrobe." The next day Betty measured Jason and determined that he was a size eight and had a thirty-four inch chest. He wore size five men's shoes so she determined that he would wear size seven in woman's shoes. She asked Jason for some money to shop with and told him to come to her house on Friday right after work. Friday came and Jason's stomach was churning all day. 'I hope I'm doing the right thing,' he thought, 'what if people think I'm gay? I'm just dressing like a girl to go dancing, I don't even want to hold hands, I just want to dance.' By the time Jason reached Betty's house to ring the bell he was a nervous wreck. Betty opened the door and pulled him inside. "Hurry come on you have to take a shower and shave like you did last time. This is going to take some time so hurry," Betty said excitedly. Betty's excitement seemed to calm Jason so he went and showered and shaved, then exited the shower and dried himself. Lying on the counter was a pair of satin panties which seemed much more feminine than the last pair he wore. "Betty," he called, "Aren't these panties awfully feminine? What happened to the last plain pair I wore?" "They're supposed to be sexy and they are really an undergarment called a gaff. When you put them on pull yourself back and tuck your balls up into your body. When you do you will look smooth between your legs like a woman." "How do you know that?" "Because that's what they said when I asked for instructions when I ordered it." "Where did you find it?" "I went on line and bought it from Glamour Boutique." "What kind of place is that?" "A place that men can go to get help to dress, now hurry up we have work to do." Jason did as he was told and when he did he did indeed look like a woman from the toes to his belly. Jason entered Betty's bedroom. "You look great, now come over here so I can put on your bra." "My bra?" "Of course silly all women wear bras so they're breasts don't sag." "I don't have any breasts." "You do now, open that box on the bed." Jason opened the box and saw two breasts staring at him. He picked one up and felt it quiver in his hand. When it did he gasped and dropped it on the bed. "What in the world are those things?" "Silicone breast forms. I want you to look and feel as much like a girl as possible and having nice breasts is the fastest way. Don't complain too much, they cost a fortune. Now come over here and let me show you how to put your bra on." Jason let Betty put his bra on and insert the forms. He couldn't help notice the weight of the forms. "These are kind of heavy aren't they?" "They weigh the same as real breasts, now you know what women go through for their whole life because real breasts don't just come off. While I was out I picked up a club outfit for you so you will be able to practice in what you will be wearing. This is a camisole, it goes on under your blouse so it doesn't cling to you and besides a camisole is sexy, guys love looking at a pretty girl in one. I bought this skirt and blouse for you. The skirt comes to mid thigh and the blouse is high enough that it won't show cleavage but low enough that guys will try to see if they can see your breasts. Sometimes it is sexier not to see something than to actually see it. I also bought you a wig that is cut in a short style, it is cute and sassy, the guys will love it. I'm going to make your face up now and while I do I want you to pay attention to what I do so you will be able to do it yourself with practice. Tonight I'm going to have to pluck a few strays from your eyebrows, when you were Zena your brows were fine but if you are going clubbing they will have to be shaped." Betty started to pluck Jason's brows, just a little but enough to make them feminine looking. She then applied his makeup, put on his wig and had him face the mirror. "What do you think?" Jason looked and looked and then he looked some more. He didn't see a boy looking back but a cute girl, one he would have been proud to dance with. She wasn't going to be a model or a movie star but she was cute. "Wow Betty, I look like a girl." "You're supposed to look like one, I didn't think you wanted to look like a boy with a dress on. Now lets put the rest of your clothes on and see what we have." Jason put on the camisole, blouse and skirt. "Oh shit I forgot, here put on these panty hose and then I have a pair of heels for you to wear. Sit down and I will show you how to put the hose on, like this, roll the legs down to the toe and then roll them up your leg like this, see how they stretch, perfect, now the shoes." Jason slipped on the shoes, a pair of black pumps with three-inch heels. "Now stand up so I can inspect you." Jason stood and promptly fell on the bed. "How am I supposed to stand in these?" "Stand slowly and try to balance, don't jump up like a guy, that's why women rise elegantly when they stand, because of the heels, now try again." Jason tried again and he was able to stand by himself. Betty asked him to walk toward her. Jason tried, so help me God he did try, but it was a disaster. Clump, clump he went feet apart sliding and lifting and clumping all the while trying to balance himself on the tiny heels. "Oh my God Jason you're a mess, this won't do. Sit down and watch me walk, see small steps, one foot in front of the other, balance on the balls of your feet, use the heel to rest your calves, not to walk on or you will break an ankle, now stand and try it again." Jason stood and did as Betty told him, he took tiny steps, walked on the balls of his feet rested with the heel and one foot in front of the other. Jason definitely wasn't going to get a modeling contract walking the way he was but it was better than the first time he tried. "That's much better Jason, however there are a couple of other things you are still doing wrong. First when you sit down keep your legs together, you are showing the world your underwear when you sit and when you get up your legs are to remain together. Remember you are a woman now not a guy so if you stand like you just were, it will be like putting a sign on you that says 'man'. I think we had better practice making you a lady for now and then we will decide when to go dancing." Jason practiced all day and was pretty good by the time the day ended, but he still needed more practice, especially walking. Sometimes he would sway too much and other times he walked too much like a man. "Jason, I'm going to video myself walking and I want you to take the tape home and watch what I do and then tape yourself and compare. When you can walk like me it will be time to go dancing. You can take your clothing home so you can practice looking like a girl and while you're at it practice doing your makeup. You had better change before you go home, I don't think your neighbors would understand a girl going into your apartment while you were away." Jason changed back into his boy clothes and felt a twinge of disappointment, he liked the way he felt when he was dressed as a woman, his boy clothes felt so rough, plain, not sexy, dull, and he almost wished he could wear his clubbing clothes home. "Thanks Betty, I'll practice and maybe I'll be able to go out next week, see you Monday." Jason did indeed practice, everyday after work for hours, walking, sitting, standing up and putting on makeup. By Friday he had accomplished his task and was walking and sitting like a girl his age. His makeup skills needed more work but they were passable. He couldn't wait to tell Betty. "Betty, I'm ready to go to the clubs. Can we go this Saturday?" "Sure, let me hear you talk, like a girl." Jason talked but sounded like a boy with a high-pitched voice. "Jason tomorrow I'll teach you how to talk like a girl and then tomorrow night, look out world here comes Tiffany." Jason and Betty both giggled together when she said that and that was a feminine gesture that wasn't overlooked by Betty. The next day Jason was at Betty's once again for voice lessons. "Jason when you talk, use your hands more and you have to use a wider range of voice, almost like you are singing, let's practice. We will have a conversation and I will help you." Jason and Betty talked and talked until Jason sounded just like the girl he was becoming. "Jason we have to get ready, you shower first because you take longer to get ready and don't forget to shave, nothing looks worse than a pretty girl with stubble." Jason showered and dressed but let Betty put on his makeup. This night she used more than she had before. When he was dressed and ready to go, he looked in the mirror and gasped. "What's wrong?" asked Betty. "I look hot, I look like I'm all legs and my face, God, I look hot!" "You're supposed to look hot, remember you're on a quest, you're a woman now and you are looking for a man, a man to seduce. When a man sees you, half of your work is over when you look as good as you do now." "I don't want to seduce a man, all I want to do is dance." "They don't know that, only you do so don't say anything and live like a girl for a few hours and enjoy yourself. The best part of all this is that you will have free drinks all night long. Here take this purse and put your I.D. in it with some makeup and let's go." "What happens if they look at my I.D. and notice I'm a man?" "They won't, believe me, you're too cute." Betty, Ron and Jason went to the club and Betty was right, even though they were carded the bouncer couldn't keep his eyes off him. The threesome made their way to the bar and Ron bought them all a drink. It only took about five minutes before Jason was asked to dance. He felt confident in himself and accepted and it was off to the dance floor. Betty watched as Jason walked with the man and noticed that his walk was perfection, almost as though he had been born a girl. When Jason returned and he was asked immediately again for another dance and then if she wanted a drink. He accepted and sat with a handsome man and talked about the usual things people talk about in clubs like this. As Tiffany, Jason was getting caught up in the attention paid to him and was loving it. There were no overt moves on him, the men were polite and he just turned them down if it was something he didn't want to do. All too soon the evening ended with one last dance, although this was a slow one and before Jason cold refuse his dance partner pulled him into his arms. He pulled him tight wanting to feel Jason's body against him. Jason panicked and wondered what should he do? He looked around and saw the other couples dancing and tried to mimic them, by putting his arms around the man's neck. 'God she's hot,' the man thought, 'I hope she comes back here again.' The dance ended and the man led Jason back to the table and left him with Ron and Betty. "Tiffany, did you enjoy yourself?" "Oh God Betty this was the most fun I have ever had, I want to come back again, please." "Of course we can come back, we can't leave all these guys hanging, I think they are in love." Betty said in a teasing way. Jason knew she was teasing him but he was also on a high from being so popular. 'I can't wait to get a high like this again,' he thought, 'I can't wait until next week.' "Can't we come back sooner?" "No, we have to work and you would be a mess if you stayed up too late, next Friday is soon enough." "You're right, I'll show some patience." "How did you feel about the last dance? You were dancing pretty close to that guy." "When he pulled me into his arms I thought I would puke, and then I looked around and saw how the other girls were dancing and I wanted to look like them so I put my arms around his neck. After a little while it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, it was actually kind of romantic, I only wish I was dancing with a girl instead of a guy." "Well maybe after next week you might want to dance as a guy again and come out as Jason, we'll see how it goes." "Maybe so, being a girl is so much fun but having to dance with guys is kind of yucky to me." Betty noticed the feminine words that Jason was using but didn't want to say anything because the more he got into this role playing the more likely he would continue to pass. "I'm glad you had fun tonight and next week will even be better because you will be more comfortable with yourself and be able to relax more easily." "You're right it will be more fun." The threesome returned to Betty's and Jason changed back and then drove home to dream of being that popular girl again. The week seemed to drag. Jason could hardly wait for Friday to arrive. The only thing that kept him from going crazy was the phone call from Tom Larson to tell him that their branch had exceeded the company's expectations of growth and revenue in the L.A. area by forty-five percent. Because of this they were going to increase Jason's salary by twenty-five thousand dollars a year. Jason was beside himself because he couldn't believe it he could earn such a massive raise. This only increased Jason's need to celebrate, luckily he had only two days to wait. Friday came and it was back to Betty's to dress. "Betty, I was thinking, could you get me some more clothes? I hate to wear the same thing over and over." "Jason, I was wondering when you would ask me that. You're becoming more of a girl and you are acquiring a need to shop. That's is a big step for you so tomorrow I will take you to find some more clothes." "Thank you, you're such a sweet friend." That evening Ron had to work but trusted Betty to take Jason on her own to the club. The evening went wonderfully and they danced the night away. Betty only danced the fast numbers but Jason danced all the slow ones too and found that he enjoyed them as much. There was something intoxicating about holding another person close and laying your head on his chest, it was dreamy. Jason and Betty drove home and talked of their shopping adventure the next day. "Jason, have you decided what you want to buy tomorrow?" "Well, I was looking at the other girls and?." "Did you say the other girls? Are you a girl now?" "No that's not what I meant." "Oh you were watching the other girls and want to be Jason again and maybe dance with them?" "No that's not what I meant either, I was watching them and wondering what I would look like in their clothes. I noticed styles that I want so bad and tomorrow I will buy them, after all with my new raise I will be able to afford them." "Atta girl, spoken like a true female. How did you feel dancing the slow dances tonight?" "I, uhh, well uhh, you know, I, I?..," Jason stammered and turned red not knowing if he should say how he felt, he felt popular and he felt pretty, "I guess okay." "Come on girl friend, I know how you felt, you felt protected and wanted and you liked it. There is no shame in that, you're a girl, you should love feeling that way." "You're right Betty, I did feel like that and it made me feel wonderful. I shouldn't feel like that since I am a man, but when I'm Tiffany I feel so wonderful, so wanted, so popular and I love it, am I wrong to feel like this?" "Oh honey no, right now you are a desirable young woman and you should feel like one. If tomorrow you were dressed like Jason and felt that way then maybe there would be a problem, but tonight you are Tiffany and Tiffany should enjoy her femininity." "Then I will." Jason slept that night in Betty's spare bedroom and only after she gave him one of her satin nighties. He donned the sexy garment and went to bed with a new feeling of femininity that wasn't going away. He still felt popular even though he was alone in bed, but even more he didn't realize that it wasn't popularity that he was beginning to crave but something else. The next morning dawned and Betty was out of bed like a shot. She ran to Jason's room and knocked on the door. "Jason hurry, the mall opens in one hour, get up sleepy head and get dressed." Jason opened his eyes and wondered where he was and then remembered that he was in Betty's spare bedroom dressed in a gorgeous negligee and felt wonderful. He asked himself, 'do women feel this way every morning when they wake?' He stretched and looked at his legs peeking from under the negligee as he got out of bed and thought, 'not bad, not bad at all, actually they are kind of sexy.' Before he went under the shower he called to Betty. "Betty, what am I going to wear? I can't go shopping looking like Jason and I can't wear my clubbing stuff." "I have something for you in the bathroom." Jason went into the bathroom and saw a pair of women's jeans and a casual top for him to wear. After his shower Jason put on his gaff and dressed. Betty did his makeup only less than at night and put on his wig. The only shoes he had to wear were his black pumps but they looked okay as his men's shoes wouldn't have gone with the outfit he was now wearing. Jason and Betty talked about what he should buy. "Did you see anything last night that you would want to wear?" "God yes, everything looked so cute. I need new shoes, you know the kind with the straps that go everywhere?" "You mean sandals?" "I guess that's what you call them, I saw one girl with a pair that had the highest heels, they were so sexy." "Oh I saw them too, yes they were sexy but they aren't for you." "Why not? I can get used to them, like you say I just a little practice." "Because there is a saying for heels like that, they're called come fuck me shoes and if that's what you want then we will buy them, but for now I think you had better stick to three inch heels and look sexy and not like a girl on the make." "I see your point. I guess this girl thing is getting too exciting for me." "Don't worry that's what I'm here for, to keep you a nice girl," Betty giggled. When they arrived at the mall their first stop was Nordstrom's where Jason found several mini skirts and a very cute little dress made for dancing. Next came the tops to go with the skirts. Jason found a tube top he just had to have but Betty stopped him. "Why can't I have it?" "You can but you won't be able to wear it, you have no boobs." "I have these things," Jason said as he pointed at his false breasts. "I know you do but you can't show them like real breasts because that top is made to show a lot of cleavage. Remember last night, the girls with tops like this and others that showed a lot of their breasts weren't wearing forms. The only way to wear a top like this is to have real breasts and I don't think you want those." "You're right, I forgot about that, I just feel so much like a girl at times." The quest continued and Betty was able talk Jason into clothing other than club-wear. "Jason, we have to buy you things other than what you will wear to the clubs. I can't keep loaning you my things." "You're right Betty, it isn't right for me to borrow your stuff all the time, what would you suggest?" "Everything, we'll start from the skin out and when we're finished you will need a whole new closet for everything," giggled Betty. The girls started at Victoria's Secret and ended at Cathy's Shoes with stops at every woman's shop in between. Jason even had his ears pierced and bought jewelry. Jason was so caught up in the fun he was having with Betty he didn't realize it felt like he was turning into a real girl. By the time they returned to Betty's it was time to get ready to go out to the clubs again. Jason decided to wear the red dress he bought at Nordstrom's with a pair of red sandals with three-inch heels. He also wore his first pair of earrings, ones that were red to match the dress. Betty looked and was glad her friend was learning how to co-ordinate his fashion. "You look great, but wait, there's something missing, I know, we have a few minutes, take off your sandals and pantyhose, I have to do your toenails." "Why?" "Because you don't look finished, now hurry." Luckily Jason hadn't trimmed his fingernails either for a while and they were long enough to round at the ends and soon he had nails that matched his dress, as did his lipstick. He looked at his hands and they looked like secretary's hands that typed a lot, feminine but not overly so. Jason looked in the mirror and smiled, he looked hot. His makeup was perfect, his dress was shorter than the skirt he wore the night before and everything matched, right down to his toenails. "What do you think?" asked Betty. "I look really good, even hot." "Yes you do, see what I mean, you have to look finished, the more you become a girl the more you will realize it." "Oh Betty this is so much fun, the shopping and getting ready and now going out to dance, I'm the luckiest girl in the world." Jason said as his eyes started to water with happiness. "Don't you dare cry, it will ruin your makeup." Jason gave Betty a hug and said, "Let's go." They went to a different club and Jason was barely able to sit down before he was asked to dance. After the first dance he returned to the table and there was a drink waiting for him. He looked around and a cute guy held his glass up and smiled. Jason thought to himself, 'wow, I must look good to already have a drink and I haven't been here five minutes.' He looked back at the man and smiled back with his most alluring smile. Jason was making a big mistake doing this but didn't realize that was what the man wanted from this foxy looking girl. He stood and walked over to introduce himself and asked for a dance. "Hi, my name's Jeff, and yours?" "Tiffany, and thank you for the drink." "It was my pleasure, would you like to dance?" "I'd love to." Jeff led Tiffany to the floor and thus began an evening of exclusive partnering. The two danced the next ten numbers together, both fast and slow. Jason was beginning to have different feelings now, especially when he danced slow numbers with Jeff. There was a bonding he couldn't quite explain to himself but he liked the feeling of Jeff's hand tight against his back as it caressed him softly. After the third slow dance he realized he was becoming aroused, not like a man, but like a woman. Jason grew afraid. "Jeff could we sit down for a minute please?" "Of course." Jeff took his hand and led Jason back to the table. The week before Jason would pull his hand away from any man that touched him but now he took Jeff's hand in his and held it tight. He didn't want to lose this guy. Betty came back to the table with a frantic look on her face. "We have to go, Ron's been in an accident. He's alright but we have to pick him up at the hospital." "I'll get my things, I'm sorry I have to go," Jason said to Jeff. "I'm sorry too, will you be here next week?" "I hope so." replied Jason giving Jeff his best smile as Tiffany. As they left the club, Betty knew she had to have a talk with Jason. "Jason, I was watching you tonight and it isn't a good idea to spend all your time with just one person. People will get the wrong idea, especially the man you're with." "I wasn't doing anything wrong, it was just easier to dance with one person rather than go back and forth to the dance floor." "Who was that guy?" "Do you mean Jeff?" "Of course I mean Jeff, he was the one you were with. I hate to say it but you looked like you had stars in your eyes." "It's not like that, I just feel more at ease now dancing with men, like you said practice makes perfect." "This isn't something to play with Jason, you are supposed to do this so you can have some kind of social life, it's becoming more than that now, it's becoming a dangerous game for you." "What do you mean by that?" "For one thing guys think you are a girl and if they find out you're not, you could be hurt very badly but even more importantly you are becoming a girl and that's not right." "What's not right?" "You becoming a girl, it's one thing to go shopping or dancing as one but becoming involved with another man is something altogether different, it's something a girl does and that's what you were doing tonight. "You were giving him all the right looks and moves for a girl and that wasn't anything I taught you, it's something that a girl is born with and that's what scares me, a girl does those things naturally, not a man, unless you're gay?" "I'm not gay, don't say that, maybe you're right, maybe I am getting carried away with this thing, it did feel good though when Jeff held me." "That's exactly what I mean, a man wouldn't have felt that way, yet you did, you're becoming too much of a woman." "But it feels so good when I become one." "I imagine it does, but then again it just might be because you feel popular." "You might be right, I think maybe I'll try being a man again and try something different, maybe something away from the clubs and then I might meet a nice girl for a change." "I think that's a good idea, if you give yourself a break from being a girl, you might meet the girl of your dreams." On arrival at Betty's, Jason changed back again and was ready to pursue his dream of popularity. That weekend found Jason at a soup kitchen helping with meals. He met a nice girl and as the day wore on he decided to ask her out. "Jackie, I've had a wonderful time today especially with you. I was wondering if maybe you might join me later for dinner?" asked Jason. Jackie was a pretty girl of about twenty years and liked helping the down and out. She also liked her men manly so all she could do was decline. "I'm sorry Jason but you aren't really my type," she said, not wanting to lead him on. "Okay, I understand." "It's not that Jason, it's just that I like big guys, it's nothing personal." 'Here we go again,' thought Jason, 'Damn! Why can't I get a date? I'm a nice guy, I have a good job, maybe I'll join a gym and try to become more manly. Something has to work.' The very next day Jason was at the gym working out. He worked out for several months with little results. His waist grew thinner but nothing else seemed to grow. He struck up friendships with several young ladies but as usual they all had excuses as to why they wouldn't go out with him. Jason was tiring of this and Tiffany was never far from his mind. He still had all those clothes and maybe it would be all right to be her a few more times, just to be popular again. Jason approached Betty one day after work. "Betty, may I have a word with you in my office?" Betty entered Jason's office and asked, "What can I do for you, Jason?" "Do you remember when I went out as Tiffany and all the fun I had?" "Of course I remember, why do you ask?" "Because my life is shit right now. I tried working out and as you can see, nothing happened. I tried meeting girls everywhere and the answer is always the same, 'sorry not tonight' or 'you're not my kind', there's always some excuse not to go out with me and I've had it." "Jason you're a sweet man and someday you will meet a girl that can look past your stature and see the nice person you are, give it a chance, be patient." "I have been patient, I just want to have a little fun again and that's why I mentioned Tiffany. I was hoping that maybe we could go out again. Ron is back at work and the three of us had such fun when we went out that I just wanted to do it again." "So you want to be Tiffany again?" "Yes, I still have all those clothes and I haven't even worn half of them, please just this once?" "Okay, I'll talk to Ron and see what he says and let you know tomorrow." Later that day Tom Larson called Jason to let him know how his branch was doing. "Jason, how are you? Everything okay? You sound a little down in the dumps." "Everything is fine Tom, I guess I'm just a little tired." "Well Jason, I just wanted to call you and let you know that your branch has the best improvement in sales and profit of all the branches. You started with zero sales and now our company is the ninth largest import- export firm in the Los Angeles area, you've done a phenomenal job. The board of directors has decided to raise your salary by 100K a year we are so pleased with your performance. Just keep up the good work." "Thank you Tom, I will. I will talk to you soon." Now Jason was ready to celebrate and he just hoped Betty would help him. The next day Betty said that she and Ron would go out with him to celebrate his good fortune on Saturday night and he could go as Tiffany. Jason went to Betty's house to become Tiffany once again on Saturday afternoon. He wanted to look good so he wanted to start early as it had been several months since he had gone out dressed as Tiffany. He shaved his legs and underarms once again and when he had finished his legs he wondered why he hadn't shaved them more often. He felt nice and soft, smooth and much to his concern feminine. He exited and dried himself off and put on his gaff and wondered what to wear. "Betty what should I wear?" "I don't know, let me look at you," she said. "Wait I know just the thing. Remember that short leather skirt you bought? I have a pair of glasses that just have glass lenses with no prescription and you could go out as a sexy secretary. All you need is some dark nylons and a white blouse. Wear your black pumps, a little jewelry and you will be perfect." Jason began to dress, first putting on a pair of dark sheer panty hose and a short black slip with a little lace trim. When he pulled the panty hose up his legs he shivered with excitement. The feeling of the nylon was reawakening feelings he had tried to bury months earlier but now they were coming back to the surface. Next when he put on the slip and felt the satin rub his legs through the nylon he knew he was doing the right thing. Next came the bra and breast forms. He realized that he had missed the tightness of the bra's straps around his chest and over his shoulders but what really put him over the edge was when he lowered the camisole over his head and let it settle against his body. The feeling of the satin softly caressing his skin below his bra made him promise himself to never let Tiffany disappear again. Next came the skirt and blouse and finally the pumps and glasses. Betty then made him up and styled the wig. Jason looked in the mirror and Tiffany was back and she looked good. Because of working out, Jason's waist had shrunk two inches which made him look a bit more shapely but he still looked like a skinny girl, but that didn't matter because Tiffany was back and it was time to have fun once again. The threesome went to the club and Jason was once again popular. He danced many of the numbers but never more than twice with the same man having learned his lesson with Jeff. As the evening wore on Jason noticed that he wasn't as popular as before.There were other girls that seemed to attract the men more. "Betty, why are those other girls so much more popular than me, I look good, don't I?" "You look great, you look sophisticated and nice, but you have class. Those girls are looking to pick a guy up, see how they are dressed, mini-skirts and very low cut blouses? They're breasts are hanging out and are barely covered. You couldn't wear something like that because you have no breasts. See that girl right there? She has no bra on yet she has those huge boobs that don't sag. The reason she doesn't sag is that she has had implants and they are cheap, see how round they are, they look fake, but the way she is flaunting herself some guy knows she is going to give it up tonight and it's just a matter of time that she chooses a guy to go with. The guys don't care if her tits are fake because they just care what's between her legs and for how long they can do her, you look good so don't worry about her." Jason was worried about her though. 'What can I do to become more popular?' he thought. The evening ended and the threesome went home. Jason stayed the night at Betty's and wore his satin nightgown because he didn't want Tiffany to go away. The next morning Jason returned home with some sadness because he didn't want to put Tiffany away again. The workweek started anew with Jason chasing a new account that would move them up to number five in volume in the L.A. area. The days were stressful and he kept thinking about Tiffany. On Tuesday night when he got home, he made a decision that he would dress as Tiffany at home for the first time since he had practiced for his first night out. He wasn't going to go out, he just missed being Tiffany. 'How would a girl dress at home?' he wondered, he thought about Betty and what she wore when he came to her house. He decided, it would be girl's jeans, a blouse and casual shoes, a little makeup, no, he decided, no shoes but he would put nail polish his toenails instead, he was going to be a girl the whole night. Jason showered then shaved his legs and underarms again, he was going to be all girl and he wasn't going to have stubble on his legs. He finished and put on a pair of panties as there was no need to worry about a bulge at home. He put on the girls jeans he bought on his shopping spree months earlier and then found a cute pullover blouse and put it on after putting on his bra. 'Now just a little makeup,' he thought. Betty had been doing his makeup for him because he was out of practice so this was going to be a whole new experience. 'Just a little mascara,' he thought, 'and lip gloss, just a little, no need to over do it.' Jason tried and had to remove it three times but finally he did get it right. Mascara and the lipgloss were just two things a girl did and he looked good when he'd finished. He then tried to polish his toenails, which became a disaster. Water didn't take the polish off like makeup so he had to use remover, four times he tried, and then remembered seeing a movie with girls putting cotton wool balls between their toes so they would have space between them. So he tried that with much more success. Jason was learning how to look like a woman. Jason looked at himself in the mirror and saw a skinny girl looking back, not too cute but a girl none the less. 'I'm going to have to improve on this,' he thought, 'maybe I can grow my hair longer and maybe have my eyebrows done. Maybe possibly a complete makeover, I can do it. Then guys will be all over me, I will be popular just like the other girls.' Dressed as he was Jason was losing any concept of what would happen if he were to do the things he thought of doing. But then he was losing any reasoning while dressed as a woman. Jason spent the evening practicing walking in heels and just being a girl, he loved it. He even slept in his satin nightgown again. The next morning Jason realized that he forgot to remove his makeup and saw the raccoon eyes and giggled. 'Next time I remove my makeup before I go to bed,' he thought. The week passed and Jason was hooked as Tiffany was becoming a part of his life in a very big way. Everyday after work Jason couldn't wait to get home to become his new persona. He loved becoming Tiffany and practiced every moment he could at being her. He was like a teenage girl and began buying magazines, like Vogue and Cosmo to see the fashion and articles on makeup, hair styles, how to co- ordinate clothing and accessories. Tiffany was becoming a real girl and Jason didn't realize that she was taking control of his personality. Jason was happy at work and hadn't mentioned Tiffany to Betty for several months. However Betty had noticed this sudden change in things and seemed unconcerned at first but began to notice little things like makeup residue or just a little bit of nail polish on his fingers or a hint of perfume fragrance that would linger on him in the morning. "Jason, may I have a word with you?" Betty asked when she could take it no more. "Sure Betty, what's up?" he asked cheerily. "I know it's none of my business but I do feel somewhat responsible for your actions," she started. "I don't want you to think that I don't want you to enjoy yourself but I worry about you because you've become a friend so I have to ask you why you have makeup on in the mornings?" "You saw that?" Jason asked, as he turned red. "Yes I did and I know it's none of my business but I do worry about you, so what's going on?" "I, uh well, I, I love being Tiffany and I have been spending time as her at home. I don't know why it just feels right." "What do you do when you're Tiffany?" "You know, I'm just a girl, I practice my makeup and hair, polish my nails, try on my clothes, you know girl things." "Do you go out?" "Heavens no, I only go out with you and Ron, I just like being Tiffany." "Are you going to go out?" "I don't know, I really don't, please don't say anything to anyone about this," Jason said as a tear formed in his eye. "Honey, don't worry you're a friend and friends don't hurt each other, especially girl friends." Betty hugged Jason and he knew his secret was safe for now. Another month passed and Jason was getting the itch to go dancing again. He asked Betty if she would go with him but she said her mother in law was in town for a month and so they wouldn't be able to go for a while. Jason wanted to dance so he decided to go alone. Jason dressed in a club dress and made himself up. His practice over the last month with makeup had paid off and it seemed like he was better now than Betty. Jason looked in the mirror and felt confident that he would be very popular. On arriving at the club he was asked to dance immediately. After several dances with different partners Jason wasn't asked for five or six songs. Finally he was asked again and he accepted. His partner was an average looking guy named Bill and he was a good dancer. When that dance ended he asked Jason to dance again and even though he didn't want to dance exclusively with just one man he also didn't want to stand around like he'd just been doing. So he accepted and thus followed a series of dances, both fast and slow. Jason was once again getting caught up in a situation with which he had no control, being as this was his first night out alone as a girl. As the evening progressed he was becoming more at ease with himself and the slow seduction taking place. He liked being held by this man and he liked feeling popular, he liked it a lot. The last dance arrived and Jason was aroused sexually and he liked the feelings he was having. 'Will he kiss me?' he wondered, 'I hope so.' And not, 'God if this man kisses me I'm going to hit him or I'll throw up,' no, that wasn't what Jason was feeling at all. It was like Tiffany had taken possession of Jason's body and he had become a young woman, one that wanted a man to want him and kiss him. As the dance ended Bill did kiss him and when he did Jason went weak. He put his arms around Bill's neck and held him tight kissing him back, for this was the first kiss Jason had ever had from another person other than his mother or his aunts. Bill broke the kiss and Jason regained composure. "Thank you Tiffany for the wonderful evening, may I call you?" "Yes you may, here's my number," he said as he wrote it on a napkin, "Please call." "I will," he said as he left. Jason drove home and felt an emptiness. He wanted Bill sitting beside him to kiss his neck and lips, to tell him how much he loved Tiffany. He wanted a man. Jason went to bed after removing his makeup. He lay in bed thinking of what had just happened. He had just had a first kiss from a man and felt good about it and as he did he felt the tears form in his eyes. 'Why did I have to be a man? This isn't fair,' he thought. As the night wore on Jason began to think, 'what the hell am I doing? Shit, I kissed a man, I kissed a man and I wanted him to kiss me more, yuck, what in the hell is happening to me?' Jason finally fell asleep and awoke the next morning still thinking of that kiss. 'There is something perverted here,' he thought, 'no more of this Tiffany stuff, it's messing with my mind, I'm done, I'm throwing all her things out next week, I'm done with it, no more.' Jason's thoughts were interrupted by the phone ringing. "Hello." "Hi Tiffany, this is Bill, I just wanted to call and thank you for last night, I had a wonderful time." "Bill," Jason said excitedly, "I didn't think you would call." "Why wouldn't I call the prettiest girl at the club last night?" asked Bill, continuing the seduction. "I don't know, I just thought you wouldn't," said Jason clearly flustered. "Well I did and I was wondering if you might have time for dinner next week?" 'Oh my God! Oh my God, he wants to take me out,' Jason thought, his heart racing, 'I can't date him I'm a man.' "Oh Bill I can't, I'm so busy at work that I can't take time off, please call me back next week and maybe I will be able to, okay?" Jason replied who didn't want to blow him off. He liked being desired but dating him was out of the question though he didn't mind Bill calling. "You bet I will, bye." Jason was beside himself, as Tiffany he had an admirer, and Jason had wanted to get rid of Tiffany. If he did though would he be popular? Certainly Tiffany was but would he be? He felt he alrea

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I want to be popular

" hi" Hey Um thanks for saving my ass today Your welcome Then I heard a girl who sounded just like Stacey yell who are you talkining to he said no one. Hello? Hi Stacey Brooke Taylor seriously why are you talking to my man Thanking him from saving me Ugg do you like my boyfriend Brooke Yes I guess Would you like to join are group Brooke Yes please Well you have to do something for me Anything at all Absobutly anything you can't change your mind I promise I'll do...

3 years ago
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Before It Was Popular

Between 1985 and 1989, I dated a man named Paul. I was in my late thirties at the time, and Paul was eleven years younger than I was. Without planning it, I was a ‘Cougar’ before anyone really knew what the term meant. It happened by accident, and as I look back, was the best time, from a sexual stand point, of my life. Paul and I were very different people. I owned a real estate agency at the time, owned my own house, and drove a sports car. Paul worked for his dad in the family owned jewelry...

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How I Made My Nerdy Brother Popular

I graduated high school a couple of years ago and haven't done a whole lot since. Once I'd graduated, I realized that all I had was my looks to rely on. With my perky tits, skinny waist and round ass, I got myself a respectable job as an assistant. I blow my boss twice a week and he gives me Fridays off and passes my work on to his secretary. All I have to do at the job is get him coffee and look good, but I get pretty bored. My brother Jon is a complete nerd. He only has two friends, and...

2 years ago
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Before It Was Popular

Between 1985 and 1989, I dated a man named Paul. I was in my late thirties at the time, and Paul was eleven years younger than I was. Without planning it, I was a "Cougar" before anyone really knew what the term meant. It happened by accident, and as I look back, was the best time, from a sexual stand point, of my life.Paul and I were very different people. I owned a real estate agency at the time, owned my own house, and drove a sports car. Paul worked for his dad in the family owned jewelry...

Straight Sex
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Service SocietyChapter 14 Popularity

Dexter had redesigned his website to provide answers to pressing problems faced by employees. He stated unequivocally that people who followed his advice were likely to get fired. He had that statement in large letters across the top of each page. He also mentioned that many of those who were fired would have legal recourse against the companies that fired them. His first article dealt with how companies were floating millions of dollars worth of loans on the backs of their employees. Not...

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Beings Beyond gods

It was 6 p.m. thursday night and Andrew and Arielle where just finishing up there daily chores around the Farm and they were both sweating profusely due to their constant work on the farm and it being late May in south Louisiana. Arielle who is a brunette with long dark brown hair and hazel eyes 34DD , her ass was the perfect build right in between flat and bubble like, arms, legs, and stomach would make you think that she's a pro runner for the Olympics all this while still being only 5 feet...

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Being Jim Ch08 Lightning Strikes Twice

The old saying goes that “Lightning never strikes twice in the same place.” I’m not sure how scientific or even true by practical experience that may be but I for one know for certain that in matters of the heart… It’s not true. I’ve for the most part led a very fortunate and blessed life. I grew up in a warm and loving home surrounded by family that both kept me humble and taught me the value of kindness and sincerity. I have made very dear and lasting friendships with...

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Being JimCh07Barbras Wish

* Life is a tapestry, a cloth woven from many different threads that create the whole. This story is a thread, a part of Barbra's story, contributing to the waft and weave that is the Whole cloth, being Jim. Being Jim-Ch.07-Barbra’s Wish By Frodov * This story is based entirely on true experiences from my past, names and a few details have been changed to provide anonymity for those involved. Discretion is a precious commodity and is becoming rarer every day. I reached...

3 years ago
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Being Jim Ch09 The Heart Has no Conscience

* Life is a tapestry, a cloth woven from many different threads that create the whole. This story is a thread, a part of Barbra's story, contributing to the waft and weave that is the Whole cloth, being Jim. Being Jim Ch.09: The Heart Has No Conscience Or: The Guilty Heart By Frodov * This story is based entirely on true experiences from my past, names and a few details have been changed to provide anonymity for those involved. Discretion is a precious commodity and is...

3 years ago
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Being Gamma

BEING GAMMA PROLOGE: This is a work of fiction, describing a 'what if' world if after the Persians sacked and destroyed Athens following the battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC or BCE, if you prefer. The USA is not really all that different of a place, but there are some noticeable differences if Athens had never been rebuilt and Athenian philosophy had never materialized. This is not a war story, rather a social examination of a 'what if' society. ------------------- Randi Thomas...

2 years ago
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Being Jim Ch6 Lessons of Life pt1

I would like to apologize in advance to my readers. In the retelling of this story it sort of took on a life of its own. Normally my tales are fairly brief and concise, this one however seemed only to grow as I put pen to paper. (Figuratively speaking). Since it did turn out to be rather long I have decided to break it down into several smaller portions both for ease in posting and for reader consumption. That said… I hope you enjoy this long winded tale. It is...

3 years ago
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Being Jim Ch6 Lessons of Life pt2

Life is a tapestry, a cloth woven of many different threads that create the whole. This story is a thread, one of many, contributing to the waft and weave that is the Whole cloth, being Jim. Being Jim Ch.6 Lessons of Life By Frodov This story is based entirely on true experiences from my past. Names and a few details have been changed to...

2 years ago
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Being Myself with Marian

Being myself with Marian By Jessie I have a short little story to share about an event in my life. It happened when I was only sixteen. I'd always been fascinated with the way women dress. When I was a kid I'd tried dressing up in my mothers clothes until I was caught one day. My mother made me feel so bad about myself that I swore I'd never do it again. She really made me feel like I was the sickest creature alive, when all I was doing was experimenting. I hated her for the...

1 year ago
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Being Jim Ch6 Lessons of Life pt3

Life is a tapestry, a cloth woven of many different threads that create the whole. This story is a thread, one of many, contributing to the waft and weave that is the Whole cloth, being Jim. Being Jim Ch.6 Lessons of Life By Frodov This story is based entirely on true experiences from...

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Being myself is good enough for me

Being myself is good enough for me My mom always used to tell me to stay away from trouble. Did I listen to her? No. Instead it was like was involved in it, a fight here, the police there, yeah you get the picture. I was born to two god loving parents, having a Christian upbringing. Every Sunday we would go to church and I would always have to wear a stupid dress, even though I hated them. The boys could wear pants, so why couldn't I? "Because you are not a boy, honey," mom would...

4 years ago
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Being Joanna 01

Can George trust Naadiah, who he has just met, enough to forsake a weekend being Joanna at Dragon*Con to go to Toronto with the promise that he could transition and always be Joanna? Being Joanna A 14 Chapter Fanfic of 'Being Erica' (The CBC TV series that concluded 12/2011) By Sasha Zarya Nexus Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this...

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Being Husband

.==========================================================================Being Husband When I was young I was a fool. When my future wife to be refused full sexualintercourse before the marriage day, I assumed this was quite normal,respectable behaviour on her part, the natural reaction of a nice, middleclass girl true to her upbringing. Only later did I discover that Nadiawasn't 'respectable' at all! At the time though I couldn't see past thesmooth curves of her ample breasts, tightly...

2 years ago
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Being Suggestive

As a young college student my life and my dedication to the joys of being a transvestite had become conflicting. I had to put my college classes first, but living off campus made my female life so much more workable on weekends. I now looked at my sexy mini-skirted flirty self in a very different way now that I had discovered that attracting men had a quite enjoyable side. I realized that there were at least some men in the world that I could trust, and I finally felt so free to be the feminine...

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Being Trustworthy Part V

Being Trustworthy Part V by Sissie Maid Cuckold Karen observed the two sissies as they dealt with the objects penetrating them. She noticed how fluid Alice seemed to be, how she became one with the machine. It impressed her how pliable Alice was, accepting whatever the machine did. Her mouth seemed to continually suck but in a gentel determined way not as if it were labored. She was part of the system. On the other hand, Cindy looked like she was resisting. She could not resist much...

3 years ago
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Being Suggestive

Being Suggestive As a young college student my life and dedication to the joys of being a transvestite had become conflicting. I had to put my college classes first but living off campus made my "other" female life so much more workable on weekends. I now looked at my sexy mini skirted flirty self in a very different way now that I had discovered that attracting men had a quite enjoyable side. I realized that there were at least some men in the world that I could trust and I finally...

1 year ago
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Being The Favorite One

Being The Favorite One By Brat Edit by Umgestalten Lying in the grass on my belly, I looked at the football field that was located just beyond the pasture fence. I saw the fans and, of course, the cheerleaders of both teams. My eyes focused on a cheerleader for the home team with long blond hair who stood in the middle of her group. She was laughing and I could see she was having a really good time. While looking at her I went on chewing my food and chasing those damn flies away with...

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Being Dipped complete

This story started out as a serial. Some changes have been made, but for the most part it is complete. Please overlook some small editing or proofreading mistakes. It comes with the territory when you read my stuff. Being "Dipped" By Boredsitting Life can be pretty sweet. Look at me, sitting here in the prime of my life on a Friday evening watching a movie on my super huge tv with my beautiful girlfriend by my side. Hell, I don't even like the stupid movie, but nothing is...

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Being Trustworthy part II

Becoming Trust Worthy Part II By Sissie Maid Cuckold With dinner and Karen both finished... John was sent to cleaning up the kitchen as Karen sat there watching and instructing him. She noted that John was allowing his arms to fall by his sides when he was not using his hands. Karen approached him and said, "John, you are not being efficient the way you are holding your arms. I want you to allow your arms to remain parallel to the floor and let your wrists go limp so your hands hang...

4 years ago
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Being A Slut

This is a story involving explicitly described sex. If you think you might be offended by it, or you aren't allowed by the laws of the place in which you live to read such a story, don't. If you read past this warning, any offense you take or laws you break are your problem. I've warned you. Permission is hereby given to archive this story anywhere on the Internet, so long as I'm credited as the author, it is reproduced in its entirety (including this disclaimer!) and no fee is...

3 years ago
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Being A Slut

Being A SlutIt was 2024, and viral nano-technology had become thetreatment of choice for many serious diseases. It hadonly been slightly more than a decade since thebreakthrough that caused it to go from a crackpottheory to a widespread reality.Of course, there were still drawbacks. If we'd beenable to perfect true nano-technology, such as sci-fiwriters had been describing for decades, we probablywouldn't have had a problem with the one-time uselimitation of the viral variety we had....

1 year ago
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Being Jim Ch6 Lessons of Life pt4

I would like to apologize in advance to my readers. In the retelling of this story it sort of took on a life of its own. Normally my tales are fairly brief and concise, this one however seemed only to grow as I put pen to paper. (Figuratively speaking). Since it did turn out to be rather long I have decided to break it down into several smaller portions both for ease in posting and for reader consumption. That said… I hope you enjoy this long winded tale. It is...

2 years ago
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Being More Social Chapters 1620

When I got to the student council meeting, it was as if the negativity that was coursing throughout my body was some kind of atmospheric event that plagued the entire school. Even in my state of shakiness and numbness over what I had done, I couldn’t avoid noticing that the mood of the entire council had gone down. Nevertheless, instead of asking around before the council began, all I could do was find a seat and slump into it. “You okay?” the concerned voice of Megan asked. I looked over to...

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Being More Social Chapters 1115

Granted, if one looked at it objectively, Nicole quitting Student Council wasn’t exactly horrific. If it wasn’t Nicole, I might have even labeled it ‘teen drama.’ Nevertheless I still mirrored her sad expression. “Is it that bad?” I asked her. She nodded as she drove, then sighed. “I didn’t wanna tell you because I figure it would put a rain cloud over our hanging out time.” She paused, then spoke with an uncharacteristically small voice. “Want me to just drop you off at home?” “No!” I all...

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Being Heidi

No copyright infringement intended. The characters are the property of Tim Allen and ABC. This is a variation of our earlier, longer story 'Body Improvement'. Being Heidi Plot and Writing by Eric Writing and Editing by Caleb Jones Invention Week on the home improvement TV series Tool Time was just a few weeks away and the star of the show Tim Taylor was working on one of his wacky high-powered inventions...

3 years ago
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Being Caught

Being Caught by Lorraine Simmons My wife Diana found out that I was a cross dresser two years ago when she inadvertently found my secret wardrobe of female clothing hidden in our attic. I tried to explain my feelings but without any acceptance for over a year, during this period our sex life eroded to almost nothing and I felt truly worthless. The only relief for me was the rare opportunities to cross dress when she was away on business. I always wondered what...

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Being Me

The following tale is adapted from a story started be SlimV. The story was never finished and sent to me to read some time ago. I liked the idea so much that I asked if I could steal it and finish it off while expanding on it. Both SlimV and myself have been collaborating on it for some time now, thanks hun for the editing. I hope you enjoy reading it and get as much fun out of it as we did writing it. Being ME Part 1 - Out of The Closet Kind of a waste, I thought as I took...

1 year ago
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Being Cruel To Be Kind

100% fiction! Note: The following contribution(s) were inspired by "Nasti4unow's" 9-part serial titled, 'Cassie Hole.' But this story explores Michael's sexual life primer beginning with the transformation of his mother from dour to power. Cru-el To Be Kind : Chapter 1 It's hard to answer even for yourself how a person is drawn to certain activities above and beyond reason. Of course there are the physical timeline of events and moments of indiscretion but answering how one becomes soiled and...

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Being Troy Jennifer

Being Troy / Jennifer - "Jennifer- come on," Mack was pulling at his arm, urging him at a whisper to move, "you have to get up- we need to get out of here." "What happened?" Troy asked trying to raise his hands, but he felt all wrong, exhausted and weird all at the same time. "I don't know; I just woke up. There is something in the house, we have to get out of here," he was pulling at him again. Troy rolled onto his side, feeling very strange and off balance and sore like he had...

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Being Found Out

BEING FOUND OUT BY STATS CHAPTER 1: Friday Afternoon I am a crossdresser. Have been since age eight when I found a pile of discarded female clothes in the attic. Now, at age 28, I shave my legs and arms, wear nail polish on my toes and female undergarments to work. I have a particular fetish for women's shoes and will occasionally slip a pair on while working at my desk in my office. I have grown a respectable ponytail over the years but there are three other guys in the...

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Being Bimbo

Being Bimbo ? ? ?????Introduction ? ? Before allowing Brandi to begin this narrative of her life I feel I should inform those who failed to read her previous narrative how she came to be?who?and what she is. Those who have read her previous book may wish to skip forward. Though there are a few things I may reveal that her fans do not already know. ?????My name is John. I own a rather large marketing firm well-known across three continents. I am also a certified hypnotherapist, a skill I learned...

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Being Trust Worthy part IV

Being Trustworthy part IV By Sissie Maid Cuckold "Cindy, now remember everything I taught you. I want you to impress Brad when he gets here, do you understand?" "Yes Ms. Karen, I understand you want me to impress Brad... Ma'am?" "Yes, Cindy what is it?" "How exactly am I supposed to impress Brad?" "By pretending to be a real girl. If you can impress him that you are a girl by acting and thinking like a girl then I will be very pleased...if not...well, it won't be pretty for...

2 years ago
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Being Turned Into A Woman By My Wife

"Being Turned Into A Woman By My Wife" by Lorraine Simmons I have fantasized about being transformed into a woman and have constantly demanded that my wife participate more and take a dominant role in my fantasy. She always failed to approach the ultimate level I desire since she has felt repulsed with the idea of me pretending to be a woman. I now wish that maybe she remained at that former stage than the present state I find myself, slowing becoming...

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Being More Social Chapters 610

“I don’t care.” Nicole told me bitterly as we neared room 203. “The cold sucks. It hurts my face to go outside. You’re defending a thing that hurts my face.” I grinned at her. “Now you’re just thinking up my reasons for me to love winter!” She punched me playfully in the arm as we took our seats, joining the rest of Student Council. Shortly after, Phil entered the room and cleared his throat. “Great, everyone’s here!” He commented happily. “Alright guys, listen up…” That was my cue to stop...

1 year ago
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Being Disciplined

I was standing at the window holding my wife Susie close to me as the clock ticked. The alarm went off at exactly the right time, but to our horror the world didn’t end. We held each other for a full five minutes but still life went on. We had to accept the truth of it. The world was still here, our world. Susie looked at me and spoke first. “Shit,” she said. “Crap,” I replied. We both pondered what was now going to happen. What our situation was going to become. The one of our own making. It...

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Being Twins

Being Twins - Rachael Free I knew something wasn't quite right but I couldn't be sure. My life for the past 10 years with my wife Jane was great. My name is Richard. Jane was 5'8", 120 pounds, lean trim body, 38D breasts, beautiful blonde hair and stunning features. I was 5'9", 148 pounds, and little chest or body hair. We got along like real friends and were great lovers, up until recently that is. In the past six months our relationship seemed to be going in opposite directions....

4 years ago
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Being Me

BEING ME (FOLLOWING YOUR BLISS, BEING HAPPY WITH THE WOMAN IN YOU) MYSELF TODAY Today, I'm an executive of my own company and recognized in the field under my true self, a woman. It is a great joy to interact with others, no more hiding or living two lives. The most important part is that even those who knew me, in my previous gender accept me and I accept myself. I have found that most important part is making yourself happy, as opposed what others want you to be. It is...

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Being Jim Ch6 Lessons of Life pt5

I would like to apologize in advance to my readers. In the retelling of this story it sort of took on a life of its own. Normally my tales are fairly brief and concise, this one however seemed only to grow as I put pen to paper. (Figuratively speaking). Since it did turn out to be rather long I have decided to break it down into several smaller portions both for ease in posting and for reader consumption. That said… I hope you enjoy this long winded tale. It is...

4 years ago
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Being Human part 1

He shook his head. "Nude is artistic. Naked is defenseless." ― Larry Niven Chapter One Pixel drummed her fingers on her laptop in an absent minded cadence. She sat on a park bench, her bicycle propped up next to her. Her brow was furrowed in concentration, and she scowled at the computer code in front of her. The white text on the screen was almost fuzzy against the black background of the terminal window. The moment had come to execute her code, which would perform a buffer overflow....

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Being Trustworthy part III

Being Trustworthy part III By Sissie Maid Cuckold Cindy enjoyed the weekend as Ms. Karen's maid. She had a lot to learn and was coached the entire time. The funny thing was that Cindy really got into being the maid and found herself anxious to learn and to improve her skills. It was not a game to her but rather the real thing. She learned to scrub floors and toilets. How to do laundry and vacuum. Even though Cindy realized this was menial work, there was something about the maid's...

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Being More Social Chapters 15

All throughout middle school, I had hated the name Adam Watson. It was a name the school bullies had become all too familiar with, and it became a name I figured was cursed, and I too for having it. They always liked to give me increasingly bizarre reasons for their bullying – “Adam can’t talk to girls, he must like men,” “Adam still wears tighty-whities,” “Adam doesn’t like looking at porn,” crap like that. I knew their true reason for picking on me – I was just another geeky, socially...

1 year ago
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Being European or Being Equal Chapter XV

As Julie was preparing to give Jamie an examination he would never forget, Charlotte was by the pool putting her own plan for seducing Tyler into action, but since she didn’t have the benefit of a using a physical examination as an excuse to get his trunks off, she faced a more daunting challenge.Now that they were alone, Charlotte tried to strike up a conversation with the handsome teenager. She asked him about his dad, his friends, what he liked about school, all the ‘small talk’ things she...

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BEING NAUHTY AGAIN 2MOM DAD AND MEIt was two days after my first night with my mom, our night of reconciliation was loving, beautiful, passionate and very erotica, it was a night that I surly will remember for the rest of my live. However, there was a new problem that I had to face; how to tell daddy. Waking up next to mom was one of the happiest mornings of my life. I never thought that I missed having my mother in my life, but that night with mom proved how much I longed for a relationship...

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Being Bad

I found out early that being bad was more fun than being good. I also discovered that you kept your mouth shut about all the naughty things and shout from the rooftops about all the good things. A lot of my early naughtiness was, looking back on it, very silly; breaking windows, tying things to next door cat's tail. But I believe I have moved on since those days. Being good was volunteering to do the washing up, mowing the lawn and such. Being bad would often involve some degree of sexual...

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Being Me Part 2 Voyage of Discovery

Being Me Part 2 The Cruise - Voyage of Discovery Cruise Diary - Day 1 I woke up early to the sound of a low hum, most probably the ship's engines. I stayed in bed for the first ten minutes of my morning watching the TV and looking for news about my dad's case. Finding nothing of interest, I got out of bed and took a shower. The warm water felt nice as I lathered up with the complimentary shampoo. As my hands worked their way across my body, I thought about shaving. The...

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Being Barbis Bitch

Being Barbi's Bitch By Heathyr Diamond After ten wasted years of foolishly trusting in love to 'cure' me of my femininity, I had only just begun to re-embrace the sissy inside me when something made me reach out to an old friend. What made me do it, I really don't know. Although I was once again revelling in even the smallest aspects of my femininity, treasuring and celebrating them in a way that only someone who has truly missed them can appreciate, I had made a conscious decision...

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Being Joanne

Being Joanne by Meryl Davids "Hi", "Hi back", I said, I'd just got back from work, I hated office work, but we needed the money, for when we got married. Jane was a Nurse. I worked at a bank. I used to work as a Nurse, and loved every minute of it, Jane was just about burned out and wanted to get a Nurse managers job, to get her away from direct patient care. I had joked with her that we should swop jobs, "yeah sure", was all she said. I couldn't help the clearly...

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Being Happy

Being Happy I've always found it pretty easy to be happy. Of course, it didn't hurt that I had gotten a good job right out of college or that I had the sort of body that drew girls like flies to honey (and they were always willing to eat my honey). But then one day, everything changed, and it threatened to take away all that happiness I had gotten used to. It started when I stepped out of my apartment building and found myself staring at a tight, round ass. A girl in tight...

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Being a helpful Brother

Introduction: Being a brother means its your job to be helpful to your sister at all times. Although what happens when being helpful goes to far? Jason Lee and Kimmy Lee are the only Asian kids in there whole school. That ment they are more then just brother and sister they were also best friends. Jason was a year older then Kimmy so it wasnt uncommon for him to only see his sister after school. That made him lonely during school. Not only was he awkwardly tall having a growth spurt every few...

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