Being Myself Is Good Enough For Me free porn video

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Being myself is good enough for me My mom always used to tell me to stay away from trouble. Did I listen to her? No. Instead it was like was involved in it, a fight here, the police there, yeah you get the picture. I was born to two god loving parents, having a Christian upbringing. Every Sunday we would go to church and I would always have to wear a stupid dress, even though I hated them. The boys could wear pants, so why couldn't I? "Because you are not a boy, honey," mom would answer. "Why not?" the argumentative seven-year-old I would ask. "Because god made you a girl. You don't want to question his will and desire, do you?" dad would say. I did want to question his will and desire but I feared my parents and god too much to ever dare question anything. I was the only child in my family, my parents decided that one child was just the right amount of kids for them. Mom had envisioned me as this perfect girly girl that she could have tea parties and play dress-up with. The first time she attempted a tea party I threw the kettle at the wall, breaking it in a thousand pieces, after that we never tea partied again. Most girls played with dolls, I played with boys. Girls were so dumb and boring I thought, what exactly was the fun of sitting around all day gossiping and playing house when you could be outside skateboarding or climbing trees? I always wore my hair as short as my parents would allow me to cut it. I hated it when I could feel the hair hanging on my neck. At home I never wore any of the clothes mom wanted me to wear. If she put me in a dress when we weren't going to church I would rip it apart. At one point mom developed a counter-measure and had us attend one every day, forcing me to dress like a girl every day. Not until she saw how much I hated it did she stop it. "Fine missy! Wear whatever you like!" she had said to me angrily. That was just what I did as well. I was ten years old now and proclaimed that nobody would ever see me wearing a dress again. That same summer mother had a freak out when she learned from another parent that I had been hanging out with a new gang of guys, pretending to be a guy. She hit me so many times in my buttocks that finally it just stopped hurting. "You are not a boy! You are not a boy!" she would scream while hitting me. "But I want to be one," I cried. "This is just a silly phase of yours and one day you'll thank me for doing this!" she would say to me as I cried. It wasn't a phase, it never was. Realizing that you were meant to be a boy and not being able to do anything at all about it was horrible. Another horrible happening when I were 10 was that I all of a sudden started bleeding from the one place of my body that I would never touch. Mom told me that I was starting to grow up into a woman, so that I one day would be able to have my own kids. God forbid that from ever happening! Dad was a bit better than mom when it came to this. "I will always love you Carol, no matter what or who you are," he would say. Unfortunately mom was the "man of the house" (paradoxical considering the situation) and dad never dared to question her. To her it was impossible that a kid could be transgendered, you were born one way and that was who you were meant to be, all your other thoughts were pure delusion. Puberty hit me like a sledgehammer. Mom forced me to grow my hair out and start wearing bras. "Otherwise your breasts might sag," she said. I wished them to sag away completely. Girls my own age became even more mysterious, they wore make-up and started flirting with boys, something I would never do. I was still one of the guys and I hung around with the same kind of friends that I'd done since I was in kindergarten. They didn't try to flirt with me or anything and instead they were very protective of me. That was basically how elementary school progressed, we all went through puberty and differentiated into forms chosen by nature. One thing I hated was how short I stood, all other gang members were now towering me. I wasn't shorter than other girls but I was shorter than I would have preferred. Even though I hated it, I wore my hair in a ponytail halfway down my back and the feminine clothes mom would put me in. My female ancestors had been quite busty and so were I by now. I usually wore sport bras, which would make them as small as possible. Although I hated it, I did look like a girl, a tomboyish one maybe but still a girl. With that came the teasing from other guys when I wasn't with my friends. "Dyke!" "Lesbo!" people would call me. Some guys even tried making advances on me to see if I were only playing hard to get. One guy who pinched my butt got a kick right in the family jewels and one who pressed me up against my locker and forcefully kissed me, got acquainted with my right fist, losing two teeth in the process. I didn't fear those guys and I were regularly in meetings with the principal both for hitting others and being hit myself. Some guys didn't find it below their dignity to hit me after I hit them and I usually had a lot more than a couple of bruises on my body. My mom cried and yelled at me for acting like I did, she saw it as me punishing her by being the way I was, myself. Dad had me take classes in self-defense so that I would be able to protect myself from the guys in school. I was never the provoker but would defend myself if provoked. Usually I got my ass kicked but some guys I managed defeating on my own. Besides, for the guys who did beat me, I had my own personal army of three strong guys who had sworn themselves to be my protectors. They certainly did not like me being hurt by others and would return the pain tenfold to whoever I pointed out. The gang had initially consisted of five guys and me but two of them had acted too badly by breaking some idiot's knees, causing him to be put in a wheelchair for more than a year, and had been permanently suspended from school. I wasn't the best student in school but I certainly wasn't the worst either, my grades were average with mostly 'C's but I did have the occasional 'A', naturally one of them being in P.E. I never wore a dress, not even at graduation, much to mom's dismay, but even if I had wanted to, which was never going to happen, I wouldn't have done it due to my lower legs being covered in bruises from having been kicked badly by the school's bad guy. I had gotten in a good punch at him as well and he sported a clear black eye at graduation. After elementary school I chose to study mechanics in high school, wanting to become a car technician. Believe it or not but I ended up being the only "girl" in my class. Mom told me that I was destroying my life for choosing something like that. My gang also got split up, only one guy, my best friend, choosing the same program as I. The best thing with high school was that mom allowed me to wear my hair in whatever way I liked, finally giving up on trying to make me her little miss perfect. I wanted a buzz cut at first but decided that it was too short for girls to wear. Even though I didn't see myself as one I decided that I didn't want to face too much social prejudice by being too boyish. I had my hair cut so that it barely touched my ears and found that satisfactory. I wore baggy clothes, which covered my so called "assets" and wouldn't be seen dead in make-up. The only time I would even dress remotely female was for church, which was the only thing mom still forced me to attend. My classmates were great guys, nobody saw me as an object of sexual attraction, which was just what I wanted. We did what we were supposed to in school and I fit in perfectly with this kind of trade. The only thing I disliked was that my short stature limited me slightly from being able to reach the highest places, forcing me to use a small ladder. I wasn't that strong either but the guys usually helped me carry some of my stuff for me. My best friend and I also started spending some time alone in third grade of high school, going to movies and parties together. Not as in us dating but as in the two of us enjoying each other's company. At parties I would at least wear clothes that showed my female body and we developed this great strategy of me being his wing-girl. Girls would have me, the dyke as I was called by others, coming up to them and start chatting to them before he would come up and "save" them from me. Most nights this stratagem was a complete failure and we ended up going back together but every now and then it would work and I'd have to ride the bus back home. My other childhood pals sort of disappeared completely from my life. They turned out to be really bad company and more than one ended up in the juvenile hall and later in prison. As for my own sexuality I wasn't sure, sometimes I would see a girl and feel a little something and the next time it would be a guy making me feel the same way. I decided that it was better for me to not get involved in any stuff like that so I never got further than kissing a girl once. My best friend, Harold or "Hal," didn't have any problem with this and even volunteered to go with me to one of those nightclubs for homosexual people but I always declined his offers, not wanting to commit myself to something I weren't sure whether I wanted to do or not. I did look like a guy and usually passed as such in public, which made me happy. I didn't know whether I was really transgendered or just liked looking and dressing like a guy. My breasts were a certain minus and I disliked them being as big as they were. Around this time I discovered the art of binding my chest, which allowed me to wear clothes that were better fitting but still not revealing anything underneath. My voice was of course an obvious giveaway and more than once people had their illusions of me as a short guy broken. "Wait. You're a girl?!" they would say in surprise when hearing me. "If you say so," I would reply cryptically. After high school Hal and I moved away from home and started working in the same garage. We lived in the same apartment, having separate rooms of course. My mom completely misinterpreted the situation and thought that Hal and I were dating. While it was true that he was dating, he certainly wasn't dating me. He would have the occasional girlfriend and during nights when she stayed over I would go back home and live with my parents. Mom would take this as me and Hal having a fight in our relationship and would run around trying to cheer me up. I know that I should have told her what was really going on but seeing her act like that was just too funny. Dad knew the truth and he thought that having her living in this illusion was probably better than her knowing the reality, so he never said anything to her about it. Hal always seemed to have some problems with having relationships that lasted more than a couple of months but I never knew why. Not until one fateful night when the two of us had been out clubbing. We had both turned 21 and didn't have to use any fake-IDs any longer to get in where we wanted. As a way of celebrating his 21st birthday, he was three months younger than me, we had gone out and gotten completely plastered. Neither of us could really walk straight and it was this drunkenness that got us into trouble. After we left the bar, using each other to try and support the other to move forward and then repeat the process for the other, we ran into a gang of three older men in their mid-30s or so. It started with Hal accidentally losing balance, which caused both of us to fall and knock one of the men over. Apparently they weren't that friendly and one of the others pulled a knife out and pointed it at me. "What the hell do you think you are doing?!" he yelled at me. I was dressed in guy mode tonight and, perhaps, because of this it was Hal who took command and answered him. "We're sorry, it was an accident. I tripped and Carl (my male name) fell too," he apologized. The guy who'd been knocked over looked at me, "Well, this was an accident too!" he shouted and punched me in the chest. Oh no! Of course he could feel that my chest wasn't flat like his. "What the..." he said as he felt my internal padding partially shielding me. The next thing that happened was that he grabbed my arms and forced me completely still. "Cut open his clothes," he told the man with the knife. He did so and after having destroyed the shirt I was wearing and removed it from my body they could see my binder wrapped around my chest. After having cut open it too, making my right breast bleed a little, the man with the knife said, "He's a woman!" and the next thing I knew Hal and I were being pulled into a dark alleyway. The man tore apart Hal's clothes too. "This one's a dude," he informed the other two. He kicked the terrified Hal really hard and punched him too, making him sink to the ground like a stone. He didn't move at all and I was scared to death that he'd killed him. I did something I hadn't done in years and cried. I cried in fear for Hal's life and in fear of what the men were about to do with me. Of course I already knew the answer. "Do you think you can just run around pretending to be a man, dyke?" the man who'd initially discovered my real sex asked. I didn't dare answer him. "Well, we'll show you just what you are and get that delusion from your head. Won't we?!" he asked his friends. "Yeah!" they both replied. He put his hands around my neck and strangled me, causing me to pass out from lack of oxygen. The next time I awoke my body was hurting all over, apparently the deed was done. Everything just spun and I had no idea where I was at first. I could feel my nether region aching, aching hard. A couple of minutes, or seconds or hours, later the world stopped spinning a little and I could tell that I was still outside, probably in the same alley as earlier and I could feel that someone was holding me. I feared that it was one of the rapists and didn't say anything to signal that I was awake. I felt naked and saw that I was just that, not wearing anything at all. It wasn't until I heard a familiar sounding voice in my ear crying. "Oh Carol, don't die on me! No! No!" it screamed. Only then did I realize that the one holding me was Hal. I tried answering him but no sound came out. Instead I turned around, which hurt so much that I cried, and looked at him. Once he realized that I was actually alive and awake, he did something I would never have expected of him. He kissed me. I blamed it on me being beaten senseless but I did not react negatively to him at all. He only did it briefly before lifting up his head and then standing up, holding me in his arms. I could see that he was badly bruised too, probably from the guys having beaten him even more after I passed out. He carried me out of the alley into the street and as soon as we appeared people started panicking. A man ran up to us and shouted at Hal, I couldn't hear what, my ears were ringing too much, but shortly thereafter Hal stepped into a car with me. I passed out again just after I heard the sound of the engine starting. The next time I regained consciousness was when I were in the hospital, lying in a bed and seeing everybody rush around the room. I didn't stay awake much longer. To me it just felt like I closed my eyes for a second but in reality it was probably several hours. I could see someone sitting next to me, it appeared to be my mother but I couldn't see clearly enough. I could however hear that it was her based on her voice. "Oh honey!" she said when she could see me moving. I tried telling her "I'm alright mom," but nothing sounding like words came out. She just looked at me and started crying. Apparently there was something I did not know that had happened. Soon enough I found out. I had been strangled so hard that there had been damage done to my vocal cords, causing them to no longer be able to properly form sound. I was mute. To make things even worse it soon became clear that I had become pregnant following the rape. Coming from a deeply religious family and having grown up hearing that abortion was wrong I too were indoctrinated with this belief. But at the same time I didn't want to carry a child in me. That felt so foreign to me that I wanted to puke. Ultimately I decided to have the baby. The other guy in the picture, Hal, was my solid rock. Even though I could no longer speak on my own he would read what I wrote to him and talk back to me. He too was in the hospital at first and handled all practical details that needed solving. He reported my rape to the police and I gave a written testimony to them, telling my version of the story to the police. My story was coincidentally pretty much the same as he'd given and I confirmed that the sketches Hal had drawn, he was good at drawing, matched their likeness. My throat was permanently crippled and I had to start accepting the fact that I now no longer had my own voice. I started learning sign language, with Hal learning it too. Our attackers were never found or arrested, probably having bailed town right after finishing what they had set out to do. Having a child growing inside me made me feel more female than I had ever before and I was really emotional most of the time. As a convenience if anything were ever to happen to me, leaving my child alone, Hal asked me to marry him. I said yes. I loved him very much, but not in a romantic way. I did however realize that having him help me would ease the burden of having a child significantly. The first few weeks after leaving the hospital we took care of this business. It was funny to know that I was now legally somebody else's wife, something I would not have imagined ever becoming just four weeks prior. It wasn't like married life changed our relationship much though. We still slept in separate beds and weren't intimate at all with each other. I was however completely dependent on him to do everything for me and being married made things so much easier for us. I stopped dressing as a man from that point on, deciding that it was better for Hal and me to appear as any other couple in public. I grew out my hair again and stopped binding my breasts. I could tell that Hal was having mixed feelings with seeing me looking more like a woman every day. I could tell that he obviously liked what he was seeing. We'd never had a problem with walking around our apartment in our underwear earlier but he completely stopped doing so after I caught him getting an erection while looking at me. I forgave him. I knew he liked women and I was experiencing one of the most womanly things possible, pregnancy. We attended all classes for expecting parents and he was actually more eager for the next lesson than I were. He knew that by marrying me he would never get any chance to have children of his own so he devoted himself to becoming the best stepfather possible, I would of course assign him as the father of my child, children actually. My first ultrasound revealed that I was having twins. I didn't know whether I should laugh or cry after receiving this information. Hal was cautiously optimistic about me having twins. Out in public I would now dress like any other woman, even starting to wear make-up. It pained me a little but I didn't want my kids to grow up being bullied from having a mother that dressed like a man. Even in our apartment I couldn't dress like that, my growing belly protruded too much by now. They say that feeling a baby's kick was the most beautiful feeling in the world, to me it felt almost the opposite. 'What have I done?!' I would ask myself before going to bed every night. When I was just about eight months along I went into labor. I thought I was going to murder Hal in the maternity ward. Once my contractions started getting closer and the pain would start coming he offered me his hand. I grabbed it so hard that I fractured two of his phalanges in the process. I made as much sound as my larynx would allow me and quickly became hoarse in my throat. Luckily it was a rather quick process and I soon found myself to be the mother of twin girls. Mom helped me a lot in the beginning and taught me how to care for my children properly. Since Hal was now back at work 75% of the time I needed the help. Mom and I got closer more than ever although we couldn't communicate that well, or perhaps that was the reason as to why we got along so well. I think that actually behaving like a daughter helped her accept me too. She would go home shortly after Hal got back home, usually after us putting on a little play of me, the tired wife and mother, and him, the proud hard-working husband, acting like we were totally in love. We were great actors and mom would hurry back home, believing that we wanted our privacy. We did want our privacy but not for the reasons she believed. I was learning to sign and it was so much easier having him around so that we could practice together. We would usually practice, him asking about my day and me about his at first before moving on to new signs. His fractured hand didn't affect his ability to either sign or work too much and we would usually practice until the girls started waking up. I got really domestic and would usually cook dinner while he cared for the girls. It really felt like we were just like any other young couple raising their children. We thought it to be me more of two buddies raising their children, at least at first. Since I was obviously their mother I had duties that Hal would never have. I didn't mind having him in the room while I breastfed Annie and Alice, our daughters, but it did kind of make the whole "buddy" feeling implode. Of course he never attempted anything with me but I could notice that there was more to his kisses while we played pretend in front of my mother or while we were out in public. I tried acting like he obviously wanted me to so much, but I just couldn't accept being the woman in a relationship. We were however too great friends to ever fight about me not fitting in better in the role of a wife. We raised the girls together, seeing them grow up from toddlers to teenagers, right in our little apartment. We had never been secretive about Hal being their stepfather but neither of us had told them the reason why I'd become pregnant in the first place. One thing I did miss was that I could never speak with my children in the same way most parents did. We did of course teach them sign language and they are both fluent in understanding it but not in signing it, so I could read some stories to them at night. We did discuss the possibility of moving to a bigger place a couple of times but we were both car mechanics and our salaries didn't allow us to have that freedom. The house I'd grown up in would have been ideal for us. We frequently did house trade with my parents, so it never felt like we were living in a too small space. Unlike me, my daughters were really girly. Being twins they would stay up all night in their room, my former bedroom, talking about boys. "Do you understand any of that?" I would ask Hal. He would just shake his head in reply. Since we, for the sake of appearance, shared the same bed now but slept on different sides we would occasionally have awkward situations where we'd crawled up together while asleep and woke up like that. For twenty years I managed convincing my surroundings that I was just like any other woman. This all changed as soon as our girls started college and moved away from home. I found my old binders stuffed deep down in an old box in our storage room and started wearing them at home every now and then. It felt strange at first but soon I felt comfortable wearing them and I informed Hal about me wanting to start dressing up as a man again. As expected, he had nothing against it. I didn't cut my hair or anything, since I feared that our kids would start asking questions about why their mom had shorter hair than their dad. But being able to dress up every now and then did quite a bit to alleviate my tension. I already knew that I would never become a man, that wasn't the right for me to do after all but I did like dressing up as one and fitting into society as one, it was much better than constantly pretending to be something I really wasn't. Hal and I still live together and we will soon celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary. He has never expressed regret over his decision to take on the responsibility as being a father of children that weren't his or being the husband of a woman who wasn't sexually attracted to him. I don't think I regret it either, I am with my best friend all the time and we both work in the same garage now as when we were kids out of high school. We don't earn much but we have some savings put away for after retirement or in case anything happens to either of us. I am thankful that I didn't become a politician or anything, my lack of voice would have made it impossible, but working with repairing vehicles didn't require much of it since your hands spoke for you. I don't regret never having had that abortion either, I got two clever girls out of it that I love more than life itself. I hated carrying them but I didn't hate watching them grow up. Annie is studying to become a chef and Alice is becoming a teacher, so they will both do something more with their lives than I was able to do with mine. I am not remorseful about never having become "more" than a mechanic, I like my job and I like working with my hands. I have recently started wearing glasses, my eyesight not being the same as it was when I was younger but I can still do my job well and I like my colleagues. Hal and I are the only ones left that are senior enough to remember the time before I was raped and had kids and have never thought anything strange about me. I don't act like anything in particular, I wear my hair up and dress in my uniform that fits loosely on me, just the way I like it. My life and my story might not be the most interesting that you'll ever read but that doesn't mean that it should go unheard of either. I am thankful for you having read, since I can't speak, my story about how I went from tomboyish girl to cross dresser to mute mother and then back to part-time cross dresser. It's a life like any other and I am proud of how I've lived it and how I've made the most of the opportunities that I've been given in life.

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We’re in the boring, flat, concrete car park, surrounded by boring family cars, looking at the boring red-brick buildings that combine to form the Beddingham International School. But here comes the excitement... She’s sexy, with a fuck-me-but-don’t-fuck-with-me face and long blonde hair is swept around to the side of her head and hangs infront of one shoulder. Her accent, friendly southern English but with a distinct Eastern European edge. “Hello, and welcome to a new series of ‘The...

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(Fictional story told from Female point of view) My husband Ron and I like to play sexual games. One game that we sometimes play is Forfeits, this is where I am given some task to fulfil and if I fail I have to take a note from the Lucky Dip jar and act out whatever is written on it. These have ranged from relatively mild things, such as leaving off my panties and flashing my nakedness in a pub, to very severe things like inviting a strange Master from a sex contact mag, to come and beat me....

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Letter from Hartford

LETTER FROM HARTFORDDear Shoeblossom:Miguel awaits me, as he and his assistants prepare the cocaine with baking soda. Mig gives orders mostly, and the fellows chop and mix the drugs, and suddenly, there I am in my snug little Hello Kitty top and cargo pants. I’ve been out shopping with Miguel’s Platinum Visa, and  I grin at him loopily.?Remy, honey how are you?? Mig smiles at me. His partner, JaVaughn is always amazed at how respectful and worshipful Mig seems around me. As one of the biggest...

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Carols forfeit

My husband Mark, a prison governor had caught me having affairs several times over our ten year marriage, but this time was different, this time he had caught me naked in our bed with a neighbour. I am not unattractive and still have a good figure after having our two children. I have a good career in advertising and a nice house, a good life with money in the bank. I wear business clothes in the week and like to relax at weekends, but Mark works shifts and although I love him dearly I...

Group Sex
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The Foreigner

The ForeignerHe looks kind of cute, sitting a bit to the side from the busy road, studying his map. Next to him on the floor, is his rucksack. -She says Hi, can I help you?+ She looks stunning. Her eyes are captivating. -Where do you want to go?+-I want to see the museum+, he says. She shows him on his map. She is close to him, her perfume is intoxicating. He soaks it in all too easy. -You travel alone?+ -Yes+, he says. -You need to be careful, there are many thieves here who try to take...

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LoriCorp Top Performers

Dress for the job you want, not the job you have. I couldn't remember where I heard that from, but the saying has stuck with me. I attribute at least part of my success to my wardrobe. How else could I leapfrog my fellow co-workers to become an account manager within three short years of graduating from college? Sure, expensive suits and sharp shoes cost money, but I was always convinced it was an "investment" in my future earnings. That, and looking good gave me the confidence I needed...

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CynthiaChapter 3 Bradford

I was beginning to believe that Cynthia was a trooper. She did at least her part in our daily living and she coddled me when I was hurt and slightly disabled for a day. She will still have to change bandages tonight. Maybe by tomorrow, I will get these off my fingers so that I can do it myself. She fixed a tasty green salad and steamed some broccoli while I grilled the chickens. We watched the evening news as we ate dinner. She had some nice Australian white wine and heated some hard rolls....

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More Goody episode 3

Introduction: I met Dot and Goody, my future wife and her maid of honor I was 22 when I arrived at my new assignment in Wiesbaden, Germany in the summer of 1960. I was assigned to a headquarters squadron that consisted of sixty or so enlisted men and the officers. We worked and lived in former German military administrative buildings. The dormitories were spacious and offered us much more privacy than standard American military barracks. In the military, and especially overseas, you tend to...

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More Goody episode 3

In the military, and especially overseas, you tend to socialize with the people you pull duty with. The single enlisted males had their favorite haunts downtown and most of the time you would run into someone you knew as you made the late evening rounds looking for pussy, our primary off duty occupation. We did a lot of sightseeing but our interest in German culture was finding the best places to score. There was of course the local bar scene where a guy could get lucky. If you were...

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More Goody episode 3

I was 22 when I arrived at my new duty station in Wiesbaden, Germany in the summer of 1960. I was assigned to a headquarters squadron that consisted of sixty or so enlisted men and officers. We worked and lived in former German military administrative buildings. The dormitories were spacious and offered us much more privacy than standard American military barracks. In the military, and especially overseas, you tend to socialize with the people you pull duty with. The single enlisted males had...

Wife Lovers
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Goody episode 2

Introduction: Dot found her first job and a new friend in Goody To describe Goody in a word: voluptuous. She had black hair, piercing blue eyes and a tiny waist with flaring hips, truly a beautiful derriere, and breasts to die for. Hers was the first shaved vagina I had ever seen. Dot had already shaved it for her by the time I met them. Dot on the other hand was tall, blonde, small breasted, really long legs, and beautiful pear shaped ass. They were a sexy pair. Strolling down the boulevard...

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Goody episode 2

To describe Goody in a word: voluptuous. She had black hair, piercing blue eyes and a tiny waist with flaring hips; truly a beautiful derriere, and breasts to die for. Hers was the first shaved vagina I had ever seen. Dot had already shaved it for her by the time I met them. Dot on the other hand was tall, blonde, small breasted, really long legs, and beautiful pear shaped ass. They were a sexy pair. Strolling down the boulevard on a warm summer evening, Dot's arm around Goody's neck and...

Wife Lovers
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Goody episode 2

They were a sexy pair. Strolling down the boulevard on a warm summer evening, Dot's arm around Goody's neck and Goody's arm around Dot's waist just above the buttocks. Now there was a sight, but not uncommon on European streets. They were quite physical with each other; always playing grab-ass. At the time, Goody had latched on to a young American airman. He saw a good thing when he "laid" his young eyes on her. He was twenty; maybe. He was a good looking kid, not too...

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XNXX Forum

Forum sites have sort of gone out of fashion in recent times. Mostly because people have moved on to some more interactive things which include clean user interfaces where you can jump straight to the content without having to browse through an entire post just to get to it. Forums were really popular back when porn sites weren’t a thing because this was the only place where you could actually find some erotic content to jerk off to for free. This means that you were no longer confined to your...

Porn Forums
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Goody Chapter 2

Goody........Chapter 2 She certainly was. Her real name was Gudrun. One of those funny-peculiar names that Germans give to girls. Everybody called her Goody. When I met her she was Dot's best friend. It's not too difficult to describe Goody. She was, in a word, voluptuous. She was only about 5'6" tall between me and Dot, both about 5'10". She had black hair, blue eyes, a tiny waist with flaring hips..... truly a beautiful derriere, and breasts to die for. Hers was the first shaved vagina I had...

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Of LateI Think of Clifford

Looking out the window of the seedy roadside café where she worked, Lisa noticed him even before he had a chance to walk through the door. He came in dressed in sharply pressed slacks, wearing a conservative sport shirt, with an unusual expensive design, and a light suede jacket. By the way he was dressed, she immediately rule him out as one of the good ole boys who too often frequented the café. It'll be nice to wait on someone different for a change, she thought, as she made her way toward...

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The Ravaging In The Forrest

Sandy was walking in the forest for about an hour, it could have been longer or shorter it felt right to her it was warm and a hot summer night. She felt energised and vibrant in the forest the air was moist and damp, the sound was intense may it be bird or insect the orchestra was in full sound adding to the appeal of being in the out doors. It was approaching dusk but being a beautiful Summer night there was still abundance of light. Sandy was a beautiful 19 year old women, ...

2 years ago
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The forrest

It was a raining sunday, and i had been teasing daddy all day in the naughty way, but without it leading to sex, i knew daddy loved it. I know when i tease him like this he suddenly explode in a rough way and this was what i wanted.Being in latex/rubber most of the day was a normal thing to me, daddy loved me like that, daddy`s sissy girl should always be in latex also when i sleep, and over time i had a pretty awesome collection, daddy was spoiling me with latex presents.As expected, daddy got...

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Discovering myself0

As usual on Fridays I walked through the park on the way home from my college. I usually wait for my friend Janette. While on the bench reading, sounds from a gathering of trees and bushes behind me attracted my attention. Leaving my books on the bench, I went to investigate. Following a faint trail I heard the sounds again, looking through the bushes let me see a small space. Maybe this was where the seniors went to smoke pot. Then I saw “The Man”. He was standing at the far edge with...

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Finding myself0

"Oh, ok," I said in a quivering voice. My nerves were shot, my hand shaking, and I was just talking on the phone. Was I really going to do this? Had my hormones got the best of me? I had just met this guy on a dating site and we chatted a for a hour or so and he's inviting me over. "You'll love it," he said very reassuringly, "we're just two guys looking to get off. I'll slide off your pants and it'll all be good from there." I had never gone that far with a guy before. And...

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Couldnt help myself0

Lena was stroking his cock. He pressed her to him and kissed her lips passionately. He turned her on her back getting ready to satisfy his lust and … woke up. Yes, it was just a dream… A sweet pleasant dream… The sun was bright and shining through the window. Anthony could hear some remote noise from outside. He stretched himself. Getting up in the morning was so difficult… It was so nice and comfortable lying under the warm blanket. But the interrupted dream still tortured the man – his cock...

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Discovering myself1

I was one of the first girls in my school to develop breasts, which this garnered a lot of attention from the boys in school. By the time I was 15 I had developed into a full d cup while still maintaining a slim figured. With my black hair barely covering my ears, hazel eyes, and pale white skin I never really thought of myself as more than cute. I had no interest in trying to attracted anyone so I dressed modestly, not that my body didn't still stand out. Regardless I had no interest in...

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Sexy EGirls Forum

Are you looking for a forum dedicated to Sexy-Egirls? I’ve never made a secret of my appreciation for the new wave of Internet sluts blowing up sites like OnlyFans, Instagram and Snapchat. Hell, if you’ve read my review of the Sexy-Egirls site, you know I’ve spent a fair amount of time cranking my dick at the ever-growing collection of leaks they’re putting together. The fine freaks who run the show over there also have a thriving forum that’s been getting more and more attention...

Porn Forums
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Susans Forfeit

My husband David likes me to play sexy games; He (and other men) says I’ve got a great body and he likes me to dress provocatively and tease him and his mates and any other males watching. We’ve played this game almost from when we started going out. Essentially a dare I can bottle out of, but will cost be points. And a forfeit will burn up those points. So an example, A dare:- in a restaurant with 2 or 3 other couples and I have to let my dress slip till one whole nipple (or maybe breast...

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Sorry Mother Forum

There are plenty of places you can go to when you want to get off to leaks, and among those, forums are a great source of this kind of content. But then again, not forums feature leaky fap material. Well, you came to ThePornDude for a reason, and that’s because I have listed all kinds of websites packed with all types of content. Here, you will always find what you are looking for, or at least something to get your damn ass off!Today, my focus is on a platform that avails all kinds of leaky...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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Goody The Reunion episode 12

Ted walked into the kitchen to see what was holding things up. "Oh, lord! What have we here?" He exclaimed loudly. His wife, Dot and her friend, Goody were locked in a fierce embrace. He was not so much surprised as pleasantly relieved. He had been hoping that this reunion would rejuvenate their previous relationship.The women were locked in a squirming clinch against the kitchen counter. Goody had one knee up to Dot's hip, humping her pelvis into her old friend who in turn was pressed to the...

Wife Lovers
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Reunion with Goody episode 12

Introduction: It had been about 10 years since we saw her last and she was just as hot as ever, maybe better with age… Ted walked into the kitchen to see what was holding things up. Oh, lord! What have we here? He exclaimed loudly. His wife, Dot and her friend, Goody were locked in a fierce embrace. He was not so much surprised as pleasantly relieved. He had been hoping that this reunion would rejuvenate their previous relationship. The two beautiful women were locked in a squirming clinch...

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Reunion with Goody episode 12

The two beautiful women were locked in a squirming clinch against the kitchen counter. Goody had one knee up to Dot's hip, humping her pelvis into her old friend who in turn was pressed to the counter. Goody's skirt was riding way up high exposing her stockinged legs from high-heels to crotch. Dot was pulled on Goody's leg under the knee with one hand.....the other groped Goody's panty covered buttocks. Their lips were locked onto each other's mouths. "Hey, you two look like you have a...

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More Goody Chapter 3

Our "how we met" story is short. Dot and I met, fell in love and were married within a year. We spent hours recounting our sexual experiences to turn each other on, then fucked like mad afterwards. I told her about my first sexual escapades as a young man in the military. She told me about Charlize and Goody, her first girl-girl discoveries, and how much she loved to suck cock. What's not to love? After we got married, we decided to limit our sexual activities only to each other for a while.......

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3 Days Henceforth

This is my first attempt at writing TG Fiction. I would appreciate any comments or suggestions. 3 DAYS HENCEFORTH I sat at my computer bored, not having much to do. My job is the Internet Sales Manager at a small new car dealership in rural Georgia and lately the Internet traffic had slowed to the point I didn't even have any leads to track down. I had already been to every lead provider site we subscribe to and checked the web traffic to see if our cars were getting any hits....

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Chaturbate Performer

Who’s your favorite CB Performer? I know that’s kind of a tricky question when it comes to any adult site, and Chaturbate is the giant of webcam sex sites. Hell, I have a hard enough time choosing my favorite camwhore performing on the platform at any given moment, let alone trying to name an all-time favorite. But, of course, it’s OK to have many, many favorites, as I do. The only time that might become a problem is if they’re all putting on live pussy-diddling and butthole-fingering shows at...

Free Cam Girl Video Sites
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AdultDVDTalk Forum

Adult DVD Talk Forum! So, we’ve got a forum on our hands, have we? Well, I’m here to dissect every porn site and that includes adult forums that you might have or might never have heard of. is certainly one of those places that deserves our attention because it’s a fairly massive forum that has a lot of engagement and we’ll see exactly why that is. I mean who even buys porn DVDs these days. A lot of people apparently, I didn’t really expect that if I am to be completely...

Porn Forums
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ThotsBay Forum

Did you know Thotsbay has a forum? It isn’t uncommon for a free porn site to have a message board, but it isn’t all that common for those message boards to be hopping places. The one on Thotsbay is different in part because there’s actually something going on in there. In fact, it’s arguably a cornerstone of the website, where you can see and crank off to a lot of the material before it even hits the front page.I already wrote an extensive, lengthy review of, so I will focus on the...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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FapFappy Forum

I’ve covered Fap Fappy, but their forum deserves a little bit more attention than I gave it in my original review. It ain’t all too uncommon for an adult website to build a message board into their operation, but between you and me, they’re usually bullshit. The forum at FapFappy, on the other hand, is a hopping place. In the world of online pornography, a lot of activity typically translates into a lot of fapworthy content, and this joint is a prime example of the phenomenon.In case you missed...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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Voyeur House Forum

I spent the morning in Voyeur House TV’s forum, and it’s given me a lot of insight into the main site and their live peeping-tom cams. Message boards on any porn site can be a really hit-or-miss affair, and I’d say that most of the time they’re missing. This one has a bit more going for it, so it ain’t just the same gaggle of perverts talking about how hard the boobies make them and begging for sexual favors from pornstars who would never read their messages. Some sites establish a forum on the...

Porn Forums
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Jerryrsquos World ndash Dr Goodwin

I walked across to the doctors office which was in fact in the basement and slowly and carefully went down to the front door and rang the bell, my jaw dropped when the door opened.Maybe I was expecting a pretty receptionist but I certainly wasn’t expecting an old man well into his 70’s dressed in a button up white coat and from what I could make out, not much else.“Hello, I’m Dr Goodwin, I am a doctor you know” he said very professionally while looking me up and down, “You must be Jerry” he...

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Sexy And Funny Forums

I remember when porn forums were treasure troves of hot porn that you wouldn’t find anywhere else on the internet. These sites thrived even when other porn sites were first coming out. Why? Well, connections weren’t great back then. It was easier to watch a gif of some hot bitches tits bouncing on a forum than it was to try and load an entire video on shitty, dialup internet service.They’ve been on a bit of a decline lately, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t still some great forum sites out...

Porn Forums
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Vintage Erotica Forums

Oooh!! I'm a big fan of the classic old Vintage Erotica Forum! Porn sites are a great place to get access to smut, obviously. But if you're into certain niche types of porn or unable to find exactly what you are looking for like a certain movie, magazine, or some other kind of print porn, googling around will only get you so far. This is particularly true when it comes to vintage porn.Vintage porn is great, but let's face it – it's a pain in the ass to find even decent...

Porn Forums
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Writers Forum

AUTHOR'S NOTES This is a re-write of one of my first efforts. Back then I thought it marvelous to knit improbabilities into spectrums of predilection. But of course it hardly worked, except maybe for readers with checklists. In my re-write, the stretch is a tad more bounded and takes just half the words. And my oh my! That earlier version reads as if I combed through 300 supposedly-erotic stories for sticky-wet adjectives to string together. I apologize to any of you who tried to read it....

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The Enforcer

Paige was a professional escort…with an attitude that had cost her a few positions. She was good at her job but was lippy with the clients sometimes. At her current job she had gone out with a very important client who had tried to grope her in the limo and she punched him the face, breaking his nose. He reported her, and though he had no right to grope her, Paige was also at fault for punching him and breaking his nose. This was costing the company big bucks to keep this incident quiet. After...

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Earths CoreChapter 13 Hendars Binder Formation

Though mournful for his nephew's death and resentful toward his killer, Dinar did not let his heart waver. He and the hundreds men and women beside him, who waited together for the threatening Core Masters to arrive, have formulated a plan days ago and by letting them encircle him, Zax was already inside the scope of their formation. Jumping a step back behind the line of armed Core Breakers after Zax's response, Dinar bawled. "First step ON!" His commanding family head's tone resonated...

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Amateur Voyeur Forum

AmateurVoyeurForum! So if I’ve got this right, the reason that you’re reading this review right now is because you’re looking for the best Amateur and Voyeur pics on the internet. Well, guess what bro? You’re about to stumble upon one of the best sources of amateur and voyeur porn to date. I don’t care whether you think that you already have a good source of this sort of porn, you just need to check out before you come to any conclusions, cause you’ve never seen a website...

Porn Forums
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SocialMediaGirls Forum

Have you ever watched a YouTube video that got so raunchy that you just couldn’t help but rub one-off really quick to some random babe’s side-boob? Don’t lie to me; we’ve all been there. Besides, all the famous YouTubers these days are practically pushing porn on the damn platform. And sure, they have to skirt around the no-nudity rule, but that doesn’t stop them from making some hot ass shit. Hell, Belle Delphine marketed her fucking OnlyFans on YouTube. And yes, it eventually got taken down,...

Porn Forums

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