CynthiaChapter 3: Bradford free porn video

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I was beginning to believe that Cynthia was a trooper. She did at least her part in our daily living and she coddled me when I was hurt and slightly disabled for a day. She will still have to change bandages tonight. Maybe by tomorrow, I will get these off my fingers so that I can do it myself.

She fixed a tasty green salad and steamed some broccoli while I grilled the chickens. We watched the evening news as we ate dinner. She had some nice Australian white wine and heated some hard rolls. Much better than I usually made and beyond comparison to the TV dinners I often fixed for myself.

I muted the commercial and raised my glass to her. "Thanks Babe, for the tasty dinner. I know you're spending more time at this than you did at the house and I appreciate all the effort."

"You're most welcome. When I lived with Blair, I had to do it all. He didn't know how to help and didn't want to learn. Unlike you, he never lived in an apartment with a kitchen. I don't think his mother taught him much either."

"His loss. I don't mind helping at all. When I lived alone, I had to do it all, or go out, or bring stuff home. It's a lot nicer to share it with you."

As we watched the news, I noticed that the situation in Afghanistan was deteriorating. The central government was unable to secure the country and the Taliban were making inroads in the remote areas, mostly in the south and east.

After spending more than a year in the country, I concluded that the task of bringing any form of democracy to the country was even more formidable than I originally thought. We could kill many of the Taliban fighters, but unless we could inject a change in the political influence of the religious fanatics who were creating more fighters every day, it would be an endless battle. I read a lot about Viet Nam and felt that we were once again unprepared to fight this kind of war.

She took my hand and said, "You seem troubled by the news. What's getting to you?"

"The news about Afghanistan. We spent a lot of money and suffered many casualties in that war. Each night, I see that the enemy is regaining power in many of the places we thought the government and the warlords had secured. The Taliban are fighting a religious war and will have virtually an endless supply of fighters. They can make them faster than we can kill them"

"That sounds so brutal. Your only thought is to kill them?"

"They haven't seen any need to negotiate. It's a holy war. They win by dying for the cause. The poppy business is as good as it was before we went in and the Taliban are reaping the profits."

"What hope is there?"

"I hate to be a pessimist, but I don't see any progress toward reducing the religious hatred. When I wear my Hawk hat, I agree with the people who wanted to provide weapons and training to the Afghan women. The Taliban has no respect for women and often rape them. If women had weapons, they might reduce the number of rapes — and the number of Taliban. Who knows?"

"That sounds grim, but I'm all for letting the women protect themselves. Everything I read about the Taliban is almost grotesque."

"Yeah, and that's the good news. They're even worse than that."

She took the plates and brought us some grapes for dessert. I pulled her down for a kiss and thanked her for the fruit. I said, "You go do your work and I'll load the dishes and clean up."

We managed to get about three hours of schoolwork after dinner. Any other Friday night, I would have been out enjoying the nightlife and seeking female company. Regardless of our situation, I liked having her for my girlfriend every day and did not miss hitting the clubs in search of a thrill. Maybe I was too comfortable and I feared being domesticated. We were getting good at planning and coordinating our schedules and lives. It seemed almost unreal.

I heard her yawn and then say, "You know, I'm not being efficient studying. I think it is time for me to go to bed. Are you ready?"

"I'm dragging, too. Sounds like a good idea."

"I'll change your bandages and do my nightly routine. Go and get ready and then come back. I'll do mine after I do you."

It was a thrill when she removed the old bandages, some of which stuck a little. The tape pulled the hairs out. I gasped and she laughed. "Gotcha."

"I have a long memory, Cynthia. You'd better never get scratched up."

She slowly pulled a piece of tape off my body. "Well, I don't have this awful hair all over my body. I don't have many places where you would find any. I get my bikini waxing done at the salon, so there isn't much there, either."

When we retired, she kept her promise. Within seconds, she had me in her mouth bringing me back to life. As soon as it was suitably hard, she climbed on and skewered herself on it. Although it was slightly painful on my knees and chest, I managed to stay with her until she had a rather intense climax. She resumed her hip rotations and brought me off rather quickly. I think neither of us wanted a long session tonight.

After we made breakfast Saturday morning, we sat around to read and work on our computers. We could both work on the Internet at the same time over the network I set up. The doorbell rang and I went to see that it was Laura's girls.

""To what do I owe this pleasure, ladies?"

"Mom is making Lasagna for dinner and she wants you and Cynthia to eat with us. Can you come?"

I looked at Cynthia and she seemed puzzled, but nodded approval. "Tell Laura that we'd be delighted. What time?"

"She said six-thirty or so. The Lasagna doesn't have to come out exactly on time."

"We'll see you then." I patted both of their heads as they ran down the stairs.

I put my hands on Cynthia's shoulders and said, "I hope you're okay with the dinner. She makes mean Lasagna."

"I'm just trying to fit in."

"I'm glad you are trying. They're good people. Since I have a few hours, I think I'll try to repair my bike. I need to get back on it and not develop an aversion for the road."

"It frightens me that you're going back out there riding, but I guess you have to."

When I found the bicycle, the front wheel was off and bent. At least, I could go have that fixed. Although my shoulder and hand hurt when I lifted it into the truck, I was able to steer and shift well enough to feel safe driving.

The bike mechanic looked at the wheel carefully and confirmed that I needed a new one. As he held it under the shop light, he asked, "What did you hit? Looks like dog hair on the tire."

I had an instant flashback of trying to stop for the dog. My first memory of the accident. Before, no matter how hard I tried, I could only remember back as far as kissing Cynthia as I left. She teased me about the tight pants. Everything else was virtually blank.

I took the tire with me and sat in the truck while I called police headquarters to obtain a copy of the accident report. All I had to do was show up in person with ID and ask for a copy. As I looked over the report, I saw the name of the witness who had reported the accident. I felt like I was getting somewhere in recovering my memory.

The witness confirmed on the phone that a vicious dog ran in front of me. I hit the dog and went over the handlebars to the street. Again, I had a fleeting memory, but nothing clear. Then he said, "That's not the first time that damn dog's caused trouble." After thanking him profusely for calling 911, I drove out to the address on the accident report. I had an eerie feeling when I saw my dried blood on the pavement.

After all the excitement, I went home to take a rest. Cynthia was studying. I thought I should get away more so that she could have some space. She ran over to me, "Where have you been, Charles. I worried."

"I think I'm OK. Just tired and I'm going to rest." I flopped on the bed.

She came over and snuggled up to me, "After what happened, I worry when you leave for so long. I know that I'm spacey, but I'd like it if you called every couple of hours until I get used to it."

"I can do that. Didn't mean to worry you. Anyway, here is what I found out." And then, I told her the whole story, including my blood on the pavement. She read the accident report.

Wincing, "I can't even think about that blood on the pavement. We had enough of it here." She reflected for a while, then, "What are you going to do?"

"I was just going out there and ask the guy about the dog."

"I vaguely remember some accident hassle my father was in. He tried to handle it himself and really messed up. If you don't have a lawyer, I think you should go see Anniston. If he can't handle it, he will send you to someone who can. I know you don't like him, but he's good. You don't have to like him. I fear that if that guy has such a mean dog, he has a gun, too."

I thought about that in my confused state, and then slowly drifted to sleep savoring her welcoming kiss and relishing in her snuggle.

In the morning, I was writing my "after action" report, summarizing my findings and making notes on what to do next. After saving the notes in My Documents, I put all the papers in a folder and put it in my file drawer. Cynthia was reading in bed.

She hopped up and warmed my morning with a slightly painful hug and delicious wet kiss. I shiver when she looks directly into my eyes and smiles. Then, she said, "May I borrow your truck for a while. I want to go to the house and get my bike and a few things and I don't want those dirty bike wheels in my car."

"Of course. I assume you're comfortable with the stick shift."

"I've driven a five-speed many times before and besides, didn't I shift gears on the way home from Hendersonville?"

I brought her to me and said, "Yes, you did. First time since high school that a pretty girl sat close to me and shifted my gears. I've been in motion ever since."

"Oh, thank you. My sisters will be envious when they see me driving a real vehicle."

We went to Laura's house about six-thirty. I brought a tall bottle of red wine for the festivities, although I was a little nervous about the relationship between Cynthia and Laura. After the hugs and greetings, I opened the wine and poured a glass for each of us. Although Cynthia had impeccable social skills, she seemed edgy. We sipped our wine for a few minutes and then Cynthia asked if she could help.

Laura smiled and said, "Sure. Want to work on the salad?"

Their chatter started slowly and I think Cynthia was weighing each word carefully to be proper. I refreshed their wine and sat to talk with Ashley and Alyssa. After a short time, I noticed the loudness of their conversation edging up and even heard a laugh or two as they chatted. I heard Cynthia say something about Louie's. Then, I heard part of another sentence. " ... Yes, he came all the way out there to get me and then he..." About that time, the girls were talking too loud for me to follow.

Cynthia came into the den and kissed me then said, "Okay, you guys, time to wash your hands."

The girls dragged me up off the couch and toward the bathroom. They giggled at me as I washed my hands, and I tickled them as they did their own. Shortly, we were sitting down to eat. Cynthia sat next to me and Laura was at the head of the table with Cynthia on her right. I asked each of the girls to tell about her day and we all listened as the dramas unfolded.

Alyssa said, "Cynthia, Bradford is going to come and watch me play soccer. Will you come with him?"

Cynthia smiled, and replied, "I wouldn't miss it. I played in high school and loved every minute of it. If I don't have a class, I'll come and cheer for you."

Alyssa beamed. "Super. Did you ever play, Bradford?"

"No, I played football and swam, but never soccer. I doubt that I could even kick the ball."

I was surprised when Cynthia said, "We'll have to show him how sometime. He needs to learn new games."

The table conversation continued on a lively note and we all seemed comfortable. I quit worrying about Cynthia, as she seemed to hit it off with Laura quite well. If she was telling her secrets about our relationship and her marriage situation, I guess they were relating. I managed to keep their wine glasses filled and that seemed to oil the earlier tension.

Cynthia excused herself to use the bathroom. When she closed the door, Laura said, "I like your girlfriend. She worries about me, but I think she will get over that."

"That's good to know. I prefer not to have friction between my close friends when it shouldn't be there."

"I'll ask her to go do a girls' lunch next week if she can work around her classes. My girls seem to like her. I hope we can keep it up."

Cynthia came back smiling and took our plates to the kitchen. Laura went immediately to help her. Laura said, "This is usually the girls' duty. Go sit and relax and I'll serve some fruit while they load the dishwasher."

When Cynthia sat beside me, I leaned in and ask, "How are you doing?"

"Much better than I thought. I like Laura and I find the girls interesting. I won't mind spending some time getting to know her."

I kissed her cheek. "I'm happy about that. You're both dear to me and I hoped you'd like each other."

"I must tell you that I was relieved when I learned that she was unavailable for a relationship."

"Yeah. She can't find someone to have a relationship with and can't go out in public lest her former husband learn about it."

Laura came in with the fruit and some cookies. She poured the coffee and we talked as we enjoyed our dessert. I tried to keep the girls in the conversation until they asked permission to watch TV. We lingered over the coffee and talked about many current topics of interest.

When it was time to go, Laura hugged us both. Cynthia took her hand and said how much she enjoyed herself away from the heavy issues of the day and schoolwork. She then said, "We'll have to get together sometime and get to know each other."

"I'll call you next week and see what we can work out. Since I'm home most of the time, I don't have a crowded calendar."

As we walked upstairs, she said, "I can cook a few things and I will have them over some night. When I was the age of the girls, we used to play board games sometimes. Maybe they'd like that."

"That would be very nice of you. Soccer? I learn more about you every day. I'd like to see you play."

She laughed, "I did okay, but didn't make all state. Maybe I can practice with Alyssa sometime and see if I remember anything about the game." She put her arms around me and said, "I dreaded going over there. I felt threatened that she would be here with you all the time. I feel a lot better knowing that she can't be your girlfriend."

I looked at her directly. "Cynthia, when you get your life in order, I want you to be my serious girl friend. You are my first choice. I have no meaningful second choice and I'm not going to look for anyone new until we decide what we have together."

"I understand and I want to give us a try. Although we've known each other for a good while, we haven't been together except for the past couple of weeks. When I was single, I took on more duties at the house and I will have to be there some of the time. However, we don't have long until this term is over." She paused and cocked her head. "Then, we have to figure out what to do next."

"It's getting late. Let's go to bed and think about the future with clear heads."

"Yes, we can do what we need to do tonight without clear minds. Tomorrow, we have to start."

I was getting comfortable with her nightly routine and I did my own, which was considerably less complicated. I made the coffee and climbed into the bed. She stood by the bed and undressed slowly, knowing that I liked her to tease me. She smiled and moved her body sensually while removing one garment at a time.

Smiling down at me, she said, "I saw a story in the campus paper a while back that our gym is going to offer a class in pole dancing. Lots of gyms now do it. I think I'll give it a try." She was almost taunting me, "If I learn how to do the dance, will you erect a pole for me?"

"I already have one pole erected. What kind do you want?"

"A brass one just like the fire department has. Have you ever been to one of those bars where the girls dance on the pole?"

I paused and hesitated. "Yes I have and enjoyed every minute of it."

"How many times?"

"I didn't keep count. Several. Some of the dancers are damn good looking. Not quite in your league, but good anyway."

She looked flirty over her shoulder and said, "I'm not sure I want to do it for a career, but I'd like to do it a few times."

"You're serious?"

"Hey, we're sharing hopes and dreams. I went only once, but I think I can get the hang of it."

"I'm sure you could. I'll bet you could make a bundle of tip money."

She opened her legs and looked down. "Would I have to shave my pussy?"

"That's a question I can't answer. Most of the dancers I've seen were bare, which is a conflict for me. I like to see hair around a pussy — just like yours. Maybe I'm old fashioned."

She came to the bed. "You know talking about it makes me wet. I think the wine and this conversation is making me horny."

"Roll over here and I'll see if I can do anything about that."

In an instant, she climbed on top and settled herself all the way until our pubic hair was blending. She rocked slowly at first as I pinched her nipples and squeezed her breasts. She breathed heavily and said, "I love this position. You set my breasts on fire and I can make you go all the way in every stroke."

When we both achieved intense orgasms, she whimpered for a minute then fell on my chest kissing my face and neck. She whispered, "I hope I didn't hurt your bruises and scrapes."

"I'm not a hundred percent, but the small pains were more than worth it." She then rolled off me and we cuddled and slept through the night. One fact was clear. I slept much better when she was in my bed snuggled against me. My bruises hurt at first, but soon I drifted into a deep sleep.

Morning found us face-to-face, snuggled. Her eyes were on me when I opened mine. "Good morning, Charles. I hope you slept well."

"I seem always to sleep well when I'm cuddling you. Good morning to you."

"She smiled and said, "I know just how you feel. I haven't slept better in months than I do when you hold me. Waking up like this thrills me every time. When did you say this will all wear off?"

"Sometimes I say dumb things."

"That you do, but not in a long time. The coffee smells good. Let's go for it."

As we drank the coffee, I said, "Well I guess today you have to schedule our week and load our PDAs so we can be in sync. Your careful scheduling leaves a lot more time for working and playing."

"Thank you. I try hard. It would be a lot more fun if we could go out to events around the campus, but that will have to come later. I mean, I can do girls night out, but I don't need too many of those right now. I don't want to be out there trolling the nightspots like my friends are."

"I have an idea. An old friend of mine has a nice cabin out in the woods where we could have a lot of privacy. We could swim and fish, although it might be a little cool for swimming."

"Sounds interesting. We could get there without anyone seeing us?"

"We'll go after dark. It's only a two-hour drive. We can hide your car at a lot on the west side of town and you can hop in the truck just like last time."

"I'd like to get away. Sounds like a plan. I'm not putting that on the schedule, though. We'll have to remember. We can both buy extra groceries a couple of times and not be so obvious in the market." She picked up her PDA, and said, "Why don't you make us an omelet while I do the schedule?"

After breakfast, I was reviewing the schedule and noticed that she included two daytime lovemaking sessions during the week. "Wow. You are getting good. I like these daytime adventures. Breaks up the day nicely."

"I see lots of work time today. That's good. I need to go to the library. You can go later if you need to."

"Nope, I'm good for today. Maybe tomorrow night."

We read the paper in the morning and worked a while. After lunch, I kissed her good bye and went to the library. When I returned, she was working hard at her computer. I kissed her for a minute or so and she said, "I made great progress on that paper I received the extension on. I have to have it in on time and I'd really like to get it in a day or two early."

I brought some carry out food for dinner. Smoked chicken, coleslaw, and a baked potato. After we finished, she said, "I need a break. Can we watch something interesting on the TV?"

I surfed through the channels and found a good film. "Have you seen Il Postino? It's about a postman and a poet on an isolated island in Italy."

"It's been years. Can we see it again?"

"Of course. It starts in about fifteen minutes."

We watched the romantic story of the postman who enjoys the wisdom of the poet in helping to have a relationship with a beautiful woman. Although the ending caused us to squirm a little and sniffle, the mood was set and we had a wonderful lovemaking session.

As we readied ourselves for sleep, she faced me and said softly, "Charles, I don't know when I have ever been happier. I'm aware that we have some big issues, but I'm going to enjoy it while I can."

"You don't think people at your house will wonder about you? You've been gone for almost two weeks. Have you done this before?"

"No, I haven't done it before. My roommate helps keep off the questions. I'm sure that they wonder, though."

"It isn't a problem for me. I'm enjoying every minute. Kiss me good night and roll over so that I can wrap you up."

Monday, we went about our normal class schedules. I looked at my task list and had a little shiver when I saw that she had scheduled an afternoon delight. I wondered about her situation, but she was an adult and I should leave well enough alone. After lunch, my cell phone rang.

She sounded cheery. "Charles, darling, scroll down on your Monday task list. See where it says 'make passionate love to Cynthia' at four o'clock? OK, that is now moved to 5:30. It has to be a quickie, because I have to go to the house at 6:30. At four, please meet me at my lawyer's, which is right down the street from Starbucks. His name is Edward Anniston and the address is 1045. He wants to talk to us both. Will you come?"

Despite her upbeat tone, I could hear the nervousness. I replied, "I have wanted you all day, but I will go lawyering at four."

Anniston frowned as we held hands on his couch. Then, in his officious superior tone, he started, "Mr. Bradford, Cynthia Wharton wants to dissolve her marriage to Blair Wharton. This will take time. Among other questions, I asked her if she were having an affair and she told me about you." He obviously disapproved. Then, in a dramatic tone, "Blair does not now know who you are and that you took his wife. I hope we can keep him from finding out." Interesting way of putting it.

Same as Cynthia
Chapter 3: Bradford Videos

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This is a true story of what happened just this afternoon. A new couple had bought the house next door to us a couple of months ago. They were in their late 20`s and me and the wife are in our early 50`s. We would get together on most Fiday nights at each others house and watch tv and relax, as we got to know each other better. Thewives had started going shopping together on most Saturdays while Jim and me would work in our yards. I must confess right now that usually as soon as my wife would...

2 years ago
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The Girl With the Guns and Roses TattooChapter 2

There was absolutely no doubt in my mind that the building I entered across the street from my neat little villa was a house of ill repute. As soon as I went inside the door with a flashing neon sign that said "Open" and saw the tray on the table filled with condoms of all sizes I was certain this was an establishment for the ages-old pursuit of the elusive "tingle" rather than a muscle easing session of massage. It was the blonde with the huge tits from the balcony that greeted me and...

2 years ago
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Full House

  When I decided to answer the advertisement in the newspaper I wasn’t the least bit nervous. The door opened and a friendly young woman greeted me then brought me inside.   Her personality was warm and bubbly and she was quite talkative.   She mentioned that I would have to interview with another person beside herself, which we agreed was fair to the whole household.   I sat, put my portfolio down, accepted her hospitality and sipped a glass of cool water she gave...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Turned into a great day

When the first guy arrived, I led him to the living room so he could watch the porn. I pulled down his pants and underwear. He soft cock popped out. I began licking it and it quickly came to life. I began to suck on it and after just a minute or 2, he said he was ready to cum. I kept sucking and he grunted as he shot his load of cum down my throat. I swallowed and kept sucking until he went soft. He pulled his pants up and said thanks as he left. After about 15 minutes, the other guy arrived....

4 years ago
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Moms Surprise

My mom and dad divorced when I was pretty young and it seemed like my mother dedicated her life to me. She attended all school functions, all sporting events and anything I participated in, she participated in. I don't even remember her having a boyfriend back then. We lived in an older house but it was always clean and picked up in case anyone stopped by so you didn't have to “run around picking up newspapers and dusting things off.” But the house had a unique feature in it's upstairs hot air...

1 year ago
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Brother and sister

100% fiction! hello all readers: am a regular reader of incest stories but today first time i am sharing my incest story for you and hope all of you will like. am living in mohala paras in jhelum city of pakistan. my age is 28 years. we living jointly father mother, brothers wife, 3 sisters and i. elder brother settled in u.k. am true telling that before this i did not taste sex. we are little modern family. i have own shop in sarai alamgeer of photo studio. we all r well educated. my two...

4 years ago
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Neighbour FantasiesPart 14

It had been about a week since I last slept with Gloria, and our schedules kept me from running into her. Lorene was due back home from her extended three week business trip in three days, and I was feeling a bit horny. I pulled into the driveway, but stopped sort seeing a purse laying on the concrete. I got out, picked it up, and saw it was Gloria's. I walked over to her back door and knocked. It was a few minutes before she answered the knock, and I heard her say, "Come in...I'm in the family...

2 years ago
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 Well let me start by saying that it wasn't one of the things I wanted to get involved with. Mom and her friends met once a month to play cards, and it was moms night to host the games. I always made sure I was out of the house for the evening it was her turn. It was like all the ladies got together and talked about who knows what and they always dressed up to try to out do the others. wearing jewelry, perfume and really tight cloths. They were all married except for mom and they would try to...

3 years ago
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Horny Stranger Fucked In My Car

Hi all, I’m Aditya. I’m 27 years old. I work as a Senior Manager in an exciting startup in Gurgaon. I am sharing a real-life incident that happened with me last year when I was in Hyderabad. I would love to hear feedback from hot girls/aunties of ISS at So I went to this pub Bottles and Chimneys (B&C) in Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad with my office colleagues on a Friday night. I was in a great mood and had started having a few drinks and enjoying the ambiance. My friends from the office were busy...

3 years ago
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Howd that happen 7

I woke up feeling pretty chipper, The sun had just come in the window and it looked like a real nice day. My houseboy and all around caretaker, Pablo, must have heard me stirring around and getting up and dressing, 'cause he showed up with another damn cup of hot chocolate. “ Damn it, Pablo, I've told you I like coffee, not chocolate, in the morning.” “ No, Senor Sam, chocolate is best in the morning.” This is the same argument I'd had with him every damn morning since I hired him. I know, you...

Straight Sex
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Jessica And Her Friends A Slut Is BornChapter 2

I awoke in the morning to find a huge puddle of cum that had seeped from my well fucked ass the next morning, and I wondered just how many times each boy had made a cum deposit inside of me. I was sure I had cum more than I had ever had in one fuck session, but those boy were like and endless stream. I climbed from the bed and staggered to the shower and stayed there until the water turned cold. I was totally drained and starving, and the smell of Jessica cooking bacon and eggs brought a...

1 year ago
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Super Hot SisterInLaw Divya 8211 Part 1 Attraction

Hello Readers, this is Sanjay, married for a couple of years, living in Pune with my wife; Shriya, and my sister-in-law; Divya. Divya has shifted with us for the last 6 months as she got admission to MIT college. This story is inspired by a true event, so please don’t get overwhelmed by the detailing. “Jiju (brother-in-law)” Divya shouted from the balcony. She wore a black colored spaghetti-strap bodycon dress today, for her 19th birthday. It was a deep-neck, backless gown with a thigh-high...

3 years ago
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My secret love for her

Wanting to win the argument and still insisting she was right… I could see her trying to find the words to throw in my face to display her frustration… She is standing in front of me… Aggressively leaning towards me so close I can feel her hot breath as her anger is steaming now… Knowing how stubborn I am and finally admitting to her self that she cannot win this argument she suddenly starts laughing. I feel relieved that this is finally over. I hate arguing, and I hate arguing with ‘her’. She...

2 years ago
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The Chain Link 7

Professor Evans stood at his window, looking down on the students milling about below. It was shocking the way young girls dressed these days. Well, they were young women, he supposed, at least in law, but he could never think of anyone under 25 as a proper adult, certainly not given the way they behaved.There was one now, with cut-off jeans transformed into something so short he could just about make out the southernmost coastline of her buttocks. Disgraceful. There were far too many of them...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Anniversary Surprise Chapter 4

1Evening Delights Dan and Pam nervously rode up the elevator to their suite. Outside their suite, Pam tore the note off the door and read it out loud, “Hello My Sluts. I am happy you were resourceful enough to secure help in gaining release from your bindings. Now, I should be back to visit after my dinner meeting is done. Until then, I found something to occupy you. Now put on your hoods and knock on the door and follow the instructions you are given.”Dan and Pam put on their hoods and Dan...

3 years ago
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Cuming of AgeChapter 4

Jackson and Raymond were waiting for me and talked between themselves in a foreign language as we walked down one flight of stairs and into a hallway. About half way down the hallway, I could hear sounds coming from several of the rooms. The same sounds that I had heard coming from my parent’s room on many nights when they thought I was asleep. We got to room 218 and they opened the door. There was nothing in the room but a large bed with clean white sheets and a camera pointed toward the...

3 years ago
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Three Rules When Writing Longform Erotica

At any rate, welcome to the world of longform erotica. It may sound bizarre, but longform erotica is entirely different from shortform erotica, and the rules of writing completely change. That’s why so many people comment on standalone stories asking for a ‘part two,’ and yet you rarely see a comment on a part two of said standalone saying ‘Wow, this turned out better than the original, I’m so glad I asked for this’. There are times longform is needed. There are times it is not. Do not be...

3 years ago
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Lurking in the ShadowsChapter 28 The Home Stretch

Using de Chateau's back door we entered Togiwara and headed for the main datastore. Once there we blended in using a Masking program and pulled up the Main Master list to see if we could find what we were looking for. Using the same key words we did in Aztech we found much larger files this time. Again we made a copy of the Main Master listing as well. From there we peeked into the R&D section to see if we could get inside using the information we had garnered from de Chateau. This was...

1 year ago
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Sally Meets the Neighbors

Several years ago I took early retirement and we bought a second house in Florida. My wife Sally had always wanted to live near the ocean so we bought a place in a Miami suburb. It was a few miles away from the ocean but was affordable. It also had a small pool in the backyard. Sally, who is four years younger than me, had lived and worked in northern states all of her life and was very excited at the idea of spending winter afternoons lounging by the pool. Lying around the pool all day seemed...

Group Sex
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How Long Can You Resist Ch 04

Author’s note: I apologize for taking so long to get this story to you. As a college student (approaching graduation!), life tends to get in the way of leisurely writing. Please bear with me. I am working fastidiously on chapter 5. * ‘And so the young master returns.’ Gerard started, looking over his shoulder at Henry. He had just returned home and was busying himself setting Lucifer up for the night. ‘Yes, Henry,’ he answered. ‘And you are quite stealthy for an old man.’ Henry chuckled,...

2 years ago
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Helena Part 2 Strawberries and Yogurt

I was lying alone in Helena’s bed after the best sex I have had in many years. In fact, it was the only sex I have had in many years, but it was fantastic by any score! My late wife Mary and I had a wonderful, creative sex life, but we had understandably not been active in bedroom during her losing battle with cancer. Mary apologised over and over for her lack of enthusiasm and even went as far as to suggest that I might want relieve any sexual urges elsewhere as the cancer spread. I wouldn’t...

1 year ago
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Two Types Chapter 3

The runup to the big party at Johnny’s place turned out to be a little romantic but confusing in Les’ and Carolyn’s house. Pre-party week circumstances dictated Les had to go in to work, a fifty-mile commute in one direction while his wife required a longer commute in the opposite direction. Thus, in that early October, they saw each other in still-dark mornings and darker evenings.Carolyn seemed chipper, rising before her husband. Breakfast call brought several of his favorite dishes. Les...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Sex With An Ex

Hey Friends! I am Chahat Khanna and I am back again with a fresh new experience. This time it is one hell of an experience with Rohit, who is my ex. Let me start with a brief description of myself. Chahat Khanna, height 5’7″, fair complexion, big eyes. I have been blessed with 34 sized boobs and a 24 inches waist carved on a base of 34 inches with a glowing milk tone. And I am Arjun Pandey, helping this beautiful girl to write her experience. The email IDs of both of us are mentioned down...

2 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 133

As with Ekaterina, Irena was gone by the time Adam emerged from the shower. The site owner was happy with the scene and Adam and Karlie went on their way. "What a weird set up," Karlie remarked on the drive home. "What do you mean?" Adam asked. "The translator is Irena's aunt," Karlie said. "I mean, that's just odd, don't you think?" "She's probably part chaperone, too," Adam guessed. "That part makes sense. But I'm not sure I would be cool with my aunt coming to a...

2 years ago
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Jess the lesbian slut part 2

Jess watched as the tennis ball hit the back wall and the crowderupted. Anna Kournikova had won yet another match. Jess collected the balland rolled it to one of the ballboys. Jess had black hair with a browntint, long and sexy. She was taller now than when she had lost her lesbianvirginity to Sally, but for a 15 year old she was very attractive. She hadperfect tanned legs, nice breasts and a perfect ass.She had applied to be a ballgirl at the Wimbledon Tennis Championships, andhad been...

7 months ago
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Sis Sits for Coma Bro part 1

Note : This is story is completely fictional! Never try to do it in real live! My brother Donny broke his legs 4 months ago in a car accident. He also sprained his back bad enough so he was left bed ridden for six months. He is 17 and was very proud to get his license, seeing it took him 5 tries to get it. Obviously he still didn’t know how to drive very well. It was him who caused the accident. He ran into a station wagon killing an entire family. Don was trapped in his car with his injuries...

3 years ago
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The Video

Have you heard of the video? If you watch it, you have to do whatever your told for seven days unless you get someone else to watch the video. The first person to watch the video is 1) Jenny Howell, a rich, snobby 19 year old sorority girl at Wellborn U majoring in Fashion Merchandising. 2) Heather Winters, a 20 year old perky cheerleader at State U majoring in elementary education. 3) Victoria Masters, an aggressive, up and coming 28 year old divorce lawyer at Henry, Van Tallon, and...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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Switching Roles

It took me a while to squeeze out of the railway station before making it to the parking space while I kept thinking about what my wife said just before the train started moving.'You have to be content with your mother's spicy food till I return with your baby.'I was convinced that her statement was quite straight and meant nothing than what it sounds. But, I somehow began to feel the prick as I kept eschewing her statement again and again. I have been watching Savita, my mother with sexual...

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Mommy Had Sex With Friend

This is Pradeep from Coimbatore. Here I am going to explain about the experience between my mom and my father’s friend Raja. Please post your comments on He is working with my father in Bangalore. One day my father was called my mom from Bangalore and told that his friend was coming to our house for some purpose and stayed in our house so he asked to take care of his friend. Because he helped lot for our family. My mom said ok. Now I am going to tell about my mom. My mom age is 35. But still...

1 year ago
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The Last Night IN Bldg 617

Hello Sue, I’d like to extend my greetings to all of my Raytheon friends who are still working in Fullerton. I sure miss you all! The people I clean for here in El Segundo are nice enough, but they can’t compare with you. I had a chance to look around a bit in your new building and I have to admit that it was as clean as can be expected. It seems your new custodians are giving you the service to which you are entitled. I have a story to tell you about my last night working in building 617....

3 years ago
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The Gutenberg RubricChapter 20

Fry confirmed that Keith and Maddie had arrived in Turkey as he was being driven to the Wiesbaden Army Airfield not far from Mainz. He could move much more quickly than the two librarians by flying directly from Wiesbaden to Incirlik Air Base near Adana. He would join the two in the morning with the driver he sent to meet them. For the first time since he’d become involved in this mess, Agent Fry felt he was in control and one step ahead of the game. In sparsely populated southeastern Turkey,...

2 years ago
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Welcome to CollegeChapter 2

The next morning we woke up early and snuck back up on the roof. We laid out towels, stripped naked, and put on sunscreen. "Why don't I do your back?" Jack offered. I rolled over and let him rub sunscreen all over my back. He paid special attention to my ass, of course, but his hands rubbing into my back felt really good too. "Now turn over." I complied, and my now erect cock pointed straight up. "I think that's grown since you put sunscreen on it," Jack said, "why don't I put...

1 year ago
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Part Three A New Twist

When my marriage of 23 years finally fell apart most people were surprised, no, shocked. I was not. Nancy and I had appeared very happy, had appeared to be the perfect loving couple. Couple … yes. Perfect … perhaps. Loving? Get real! I am a very sexual, very sensual, and very bisexual man and why on earth I married a woman whose idea of sexual relations was a ten minute semi-annual event I will never know! After our son was born, the idea of sex was the furthest thing from her mind (sex was...

3 years ago
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Roger a fifty-four years old widower lives in the southern part of the USA. He stood about five-foot five, has average weight, black hair, brown eyes, and a muscular build. He doesn’t consider himself handsome, or someone women would find attractive. So he doesn’t have an interested in looking for someone, or dating. He spends his week like the average man, working, taking care of his home and son. While shopping at the local market one Friday he met and has become friends with an older woman...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Fantasy to Reality 2

Fantasy To Reality Pt 2AUTHOR UnknownLOCATION Not Given DISCLAIMER:- The following text is sexually explicit and contains depictions of sexual acts that have been classified by the surgeon general as potentially dangerous and unhealthy. You must be a broad minded adult to read the text, and you must not make this text available to minors or to any person who does not wish to view it. Unprotected sexual relations with unknown partners is hazardous and we urge the use of condoms and safe sex at...

2 years ago
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The James Family

The James Family: New LifeChapter 1: Good Morning Codes:  F/f, Exhibition, Incest, Teen, Toys, Humiliation, Reluctant, Sci-FiAlison James stepped out of the shower and grabbed for her towel through the mist that permeated the sparkling white bathroom.  The hot shower had relaxed her body but her mind still raced as her thoughts turned to the coming day.  Today would be the first day of her new career.  So many years of schooling and university all preparing her for today.  All the hard work...

1 year ago
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Farm Girl Having Some FunEnd Chapter

I hung there for long minutes, mewling and sobbing in pain, making strange little sounds, and trying to somehow bring my cunt that last tiny bit of the way to an orgasm so I could have some relief from the burning, pulsing heat. My mother finally became annoyed enough about it to do something. A few seconds manipulation of my clitty would have shot me into orbit. Instead she brought out a thick leather belt. She stood before me, eyeing my desperate condition with a sneering look of...

3 years ago
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LACY Scrumping Stewarts Mom

Once I had fully matriculated into graduate school, I chose not to engage myself in any significant degree with my female peers, as their bar-hopping habits were abhorrent to me. Furthermore, since none of the bland girls were worth a scrump, I found that there was absolutely no point in interacting with them at all so I actively avoided all social outings with them and focused solely on academics. Much to my dismay, however, my self-seclusion proved abrasive toward the small, family-like...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Olivia Austin Makes An Interracial Dredd Burger With Her Big Tits

Olivia Austin takes on her BIGGEST challenge yet, DREDD! Olivia Austin is a thing of beauty, supermodel looks, gigantic tits, firm round ass, and legs for days. She teases us in the bathroom in her neon yellow lingerie with black stockings as Dredd finishes up in the shower. This horny hottie can’t keep her hands off herself as she rubs and squeezes her huge rack and runs her hands across that perfect ass. Olivia helps Dredd dry off before dropping to her knees and wrapping those luscious...

1 year ago
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Without Remorse Ch 01

This is a crime thriller with some romantic sex, a smidgeon of violent non consensual sex and interesting by-play between various characters whom I hope you’ll enjoy reading about. It has ten chapters, and I do hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Definition of a Sociopath — someone unconcerned about the adverse consequences for others of one’s actions and with a total lack of moral compass. * He stood panting, feet wide apart, staring down at the sprawled out figure...

3 years ago
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To Fuck or Not to Fuck That is the Question

Bob climbed up the stairs of the German building to his top floor flat with a 23 year old brunette who had been giving him the eye since he arrived three weeks earlier. 5’7′, an ass that bulged in the pair of jeans she was wearing and a pair of gorgeous 36D tits that strained under the grey t-shirt, the girl was apparently travelling in Europe after splitting from her long term boyfriend. Bob wasn’t sure she was really over him, wondered if she wanted to get back with him, but right now she...

2 years ago
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Roses and Violet

I lived with Amy for a year before our first roommate moved out. Amy found a new one, her name was Violet. Amy and Violet had a few classes together and sort of knew each other. We decided to go out for drinks to celebrate having a new roommate. Violet was pretty, she had long beautiful black hair. Still, Amy got all the attention at the clubs. Amy was the blond bimbo of the house. We were only at the club for a half hour probably before Amy had run off on me. I didn't like being left alone...


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