Being Jim Ch.6 Lessons Of Life Pt4 free porn video

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I would like to apologize in advance to my readers. In the retelling of this story it sort of took on a life of its own. Normally my tales are fairly brief and concise, this one however seemed only to grow as I put pen to paper. (Figuratively speaking). Since it did turn out to be rather long I have decided to break it down into several smaller portions both for ease in posting and for reader consumption. That said… I hope you enjoy this long winded tale. It is a true story, all of this really did happen.

Life is a tapestry, a cloth woven of many different threads that create the whole. This story is a thread, one of many, contributing to the waft and weave that is the Whole cloth, being Jim.

Being Jim Ch.6 Lessons of Life

By Frodov

This story is based entirely on true experiences from my past. Names and a few details have been changed to provide anonymity for those involved. Discretion is a precious commodity and is becoming rarer and rarer every day.

Sometimes to better understand the “whole”, the big picture in its present state you must pick a thread and follow it back through the weave to earlier times or events, to see the interactions that colored that thread or created it. Often one thread is formed from multiple smaller connected threads, much like the cloth is woven from many threads. But isn’t that life? This story reaches back to my time in college. I was working full time mostly in a part time job delivering pizzas to pay for my gas and insurance to allow me to commute to and from school and home. Remember this all happened before cell phones and the internet, cable TV was still in its infancy. The 80’s big hair bands, big hair, a different time.

-Part Four-

Sunday morning dawned early the next morning. Well, no earlier than usual but it seemed early to me because I didn’t sleep much that night. Getting home around three thirty in the morning after closing Dom’s, then laying in my bed staring at the ceiling lost in thought until finally at some point falling asleep. I might have gotten an hour or so of sleep before the damned roosters started crowing. Who needs an alarm clock when you live on a farm? I rolled out of bed already looking ahead to this afternoon even as tired as I was. I tended the animals and did a couple of little chores I needed to do before returning to the house and cleaning up for breakfast with my family. I was getting looks from everyone. Maybe it was written all over my face, my excitement and anticipation I don’t know… but I know I could never be a poker player because I couldn’t hide anything. My mom was the one who finally asked me what I seemed so happy about. My sisters, both of them tuned in all ears, my brother was oblivious but my dad just glanced at me and grinned and then pretended not to be interested. I told my mom that I was going to meet a girl this afternoon. Of course I had to back up and fill in all the pertinent details after that. Who was she, where did we meet, what did she do… on and on and on. Every time I looked at my dad he seemed to be hiding a chuckle, he knew I was getting the third degree. Simple female curiosity. Well, okay not so simple, this was my mom wanting to know what was going on with one of her babies… even if this particular baby was nearly a twenty year old college student. Eventually my dad spoke up and told my mom to let me be, well, he suggested it nicely anyway. I silently mouthed ‘thank you’ to him and rolled my eyes when my mom wasn’t looking at me. He stifled another chuckle. I helped clear the table after breakfast before going to change my clothes. It was still early so I told my mom I was going to lie down and take a nap before time to leave. She ran her fingers through my hair and commented that I was just about ready for a haircut then ruffled my hair. She smiled and gave me a hug. I don’t even remember lying down.

I woke up a little after one. I washed my face and brushed my hair before grabbing my keys and heading out. I passed mom in the kitchen and she smiled and told me to have fun. I stepped out onto the back porch to find my dad sitting with his feet propped up on the railing enjoying a glass of iced tea.

“Headed out?” He said smiling at me in a fatherly way.

“Yeah, leaving a little early, never know what the traffic is going to be like around the mall.” I said not quite making an excuse but covering my apprehension a little. Dad nodded sagely glancing at me and looking away with that smile again.

“Yeah, better to be a little early than even a minute late. Women don’t like to wait, they prefer to be waited on.” He said with a chuckle. He reached into his breast pocket and then extended his hand to me. “I know money is tight, so I thought this might help, if you need it, if not, save it for another time.” He slipped a folded up twenty into my hand, and then brushed my hand away as I started to give it back to him. He just smiled and shook his head then said.

“Have fun. What was her name again?” He asked.

“Michelle… Thanks dad.” I said as I slipped the twenty into my back pocket. I smiled all the way to town.

I wasn’t far off about my prediction of traffic around the mall, it was kind of heavy today, but I still managed to get a parking spot and arrive at the food court by half passed two. I found an empty table near the entrance to the theater and had a seat to wait for Michelle. As I waited I remembered what Jules had said to me last night as we left Dom’s and I began to look around the different vendors to see if anyone offered lemon ice or a slushy. I spotted one at a booth selling pizza slices and calzones. That settled I sat back and just did what I usually did, people watched. People can be entertaining just being themselves. It wasn’t long though before I saw a familiar head of curly auburn hair come through the entrance doors and enter the food court. Michelle was a few minutes early and was looking around trying to spot me. I waited till she glanced my way before I waved a hand to get her attention. Her face lit up with a nervous smile as she headed my way. She was dressed in a baggie dark blue wool sweater with a loose cowl collar over faded blue jeans. Her tennis shoes looked brand new and practically gleamed they were so white. I stood up and held out a chair for her. She smiled and accepted. I sat back down next to her. I could smell a faint hint of something floral, perfume or something in her hair maybe? Whatever it was I liked it.

“Hi.” She said.

“Hi yourself… you look great! And you smell good too.” I gushed. Damn! ‘you smell good too’? I asked myself… really?

“Thanks.” Michelle said and blushed a little as she smiled, her blue green eyes sparkling with those little gold flecks catching the sun shining through the entry doors to the mall. Wow… I was captivated, again. “Been waiting long?” She asked.

“Not really, but I didn’t want to be late and I knew that the traffic around the mall can be a bitch sometimes… I mean busy… uh…” I stammered thinking that I had slipped and the crude language would not be appreciated even if tolerated. “Sorry…” I started.

“I know what you mean.” Michelle laughed. “I’ve lived in this town all my life I know what the traffic can be like.” She added smiling brushing off my awkwardness.

“Are you hungry?” I asked motioning around the food court. Michelle looked around.

“Nah, not really. Besides I might want to save room for some popcorn.” She smiled and looked back to the theater entrance.

“That works for me. I guess we should go see what’s showing and when huh? Shall we?” I asked as I stood up and offered my arm. Michelle stood up and looked at me curiously for a moment and then smiled and slipped her hand in my arm and we walked to the theater. We checked the movie listings and times before deciding on a recent romantic comedy. As it turned out we were just ten minutes early for the next showing so I bought our tickets and we stopped at the concession stand for a big tub of popcorn and a couple of drinks. Michelle passed on the extra butter saying that it was really just warmed butter flavored oil. It turns out that she had worked in this very theater one summer a couple of years ago. Being early for the showing we had first pick at any seating we wanted, Michelle led me all the way to the top to the last row of seats just under the projector window in the back wall.

We settled in and traded stories of the years between our high school typing class up until this year when we met again. Where we had worked, places we had been to, things we had done. We shared the classes we had enrolled in at University and others that we thought we might explore next. We talked through most of the previews until the lights went all the way down and the movie started. At some point during the movie I found that Michelle had slipped her right hand into my left. I glanced at her but she was focused on the movie playing on the big screen. I just smiled to myself and let it be. I noticed a short while later though that my palm was now warm and damp from sweat. Perhaps she was as nervous as I was. I tucked that little bit of information away to think about later. The movie was fairly predictable as romantic comedies go, boy meets girl, boy chases girl, girl plays hard to get. They get together only to have some sort of misunderstanding and fall out only to come back together after clearing up whatever confusion there was that happened, then boy and girl move on together… happy ending. A typical feel good movie, of which I was not going to argue about as the feeling carried over to most of the movie goers too. Michelle seemed to be all smiles and wistful sighs after the credits started rolling. She squeezed my hand before releasing me when she and I stood up to make our exit. I didn’t say anything about it but I unobtrusively wiped my sweaty palm off on my jeans. I’m sure Michelle did as well.

As we exited the theater I thought again about the lemon ice that Jules had suggested and I steered Michelle and I towards the booth that sold them. I told Michelle I wanted one and asked her if she would like to join me. The look on her face was priceless, a look of surprise and a delighted curiosity. I bought one for each of us and we found an empty bench to sit on as we enjoyed them. We sat and watched people go by and commented on them as if narrating a movie. Each person or groups had their own stories that we made up. Michelle and I were soon laughing at one another’s imaginations and narratives. At some point though, thoughts that we both had in the backs of our minds about our mutual associations with our teachers finally could not be denied. It was Michelle that finally breached the subject.

“Jim? I know we’re not supposed to talk… about things… but I can’t stand it! I have to talk to you about it.” She began, clearly troubled by her own promise to be discrete that she had made to Maggie and Penny. I all but bit my lip, brows knitted and a serious look on my face I turned to study her. She was looking at me much in the same way, her eyes showed a hint of anxiety.

“I know, I have been biting my tongue so much it’s any wonder I can still talk at all.” I admitted and gave her a sheepish grin. “I take the promise I made to the ladies seriously… but you made the same promise and we were both told to ‘use our better judgment’… If you think about it, and I have, if we talk to each other we’re not talking to someone outside the house as it were. Right?” I ended with the question that had been bouncing around in my head for over two weeks. Michelle’s eyes widened, her brows relaxed before they shot up together, her face slowly split with first a slight grin but kept growing until it was a dazzling and very excited smile.

“Of course! Jim! You’re a genius! Why didn’t I think of that?” Michelle all but shouted in an excited whisper. She bounced her feet excitedly as if she were running in place while sitting on the bench and tucked her head and raised her shoulders briefly. I thought it was adorable, the obvious joy she was displaying, it was infectious, I found myself grinning like I had just shared a juicy secret. Noticing that both I and Michelle had finished our ices, Michelle stood quickly and told me to sit still that she would be right back. I watched as she tossed out empty cones and returned to the booth that I had bought them from and ordered two more. She brought them back and as she sat down she straddled the bench so that she was facing me, I got the hint and copied her so that we were indeed face to face.

We sat there and started talking. We traded stories of the various lessons and exercises that the ladies had worked with us. We shared out ‘assignments’ and how we did with them. Things got a little more awkward when we both shared maybe not in great detail about our interactions with Maggie and Penny over the time we had been with them. We shared our thoughts about each of them and agreed almost on every detail about their different styles and personalities. Michelle got a kick out of me telling about Penny joining me in the shower that first time totally unexpected by me. I told her how I honestly nearly freaked out. Michelle shared some rather intimate details about her interactions with both of the ladies and since she knew I was aware of their ‘preferences’ and was both accepting and not judgmental of them she admitted to me that she had enjoyed her times with them. She looked me dead in the eye and went on to tell me that while she had enjoyed them she was not solely interested in other women. I told her I was happy to hear that even if it wouldn’t make any difference what I thought. She smiled warmly and told me that maybe she did care what I thought then glanced away shyly. I told her I thought she was a wild card, that nobody was sure what she would do and that was fine with me. I also told her that I would be willing to help her out with any lessons or exercises she might want to work on in the future. Michelle awarded me with another one of those dazzling smiles that made her eyes sparkle with light.

After a third lemon ice, and probably another hour of trading notes and stories we realized that it was getting late in the day. Since we both were going to be meeting Jules at the teachers’ house in the morning we decided that maybe a good night’s sleep would be a good thing. We walked to the entrance arm in arm till we were outside. Michelle turned to face me she looked up into my eyes and smiled.

“This has been fun Jim. Thank you for inviting me out.” She told me in a soft voice.

“Yes it has been fun, and very educational as well,” I told her, “and thank you for coming out with me. It wouldn’t have been the same without you.” I said with a smile. I debated fiercely in my mind whether I should take her into a hug or not. I wanted so badly to sweep her up into my arms and just squeeze her. Before I could make a decision what to do however it was made for me by Michelle. She literally leapt onto me throwing her arms around my neck burying her face in my neck at my shoulder. My own arms wrapped around her out of reflex but in a heartbeat were holding her tightly to me in a gentle but firm bear hug.

“I was told that you might be too much of a gentleman to make the first move, I guess it wasn’t wrong.” She whispered into my ear. “Be bold I was told… I hope I’m not being too bold.” She added as she pulled back just enough to allow us to look one another in the face.

“Not at all.” I told her, “I’m not offended or scared off in any way.” I smiled then swallowed a nervous lump in my throat. “Would I be too forward if I asked to maybe try that exercise again from the other day?” I asked and unconsciously licked my dry lips. Michelle bit her bottom lip and nodded her head with a nervous bob.

“As long as you’re not afraid that I might eat your lips off your face or something.” She said with a grin.

“I’ll take that chance.” I said with a smile as I leaned in closer. Our noses brushing lightly along one another just before our lips connected with a soft collision. My eyes were half closed but I could have sworn I saw fireworks in her eyes, or rather eye as we were so close her two eyes appeared to be just a single eye from my perspective. But there were fireworks in it, those golden flecks standing out against the blue green background of her irises. My perceptions were soon overwhelmed and swept away by the sensations I received from my lips however. Those tender moist pliant lips that I had been dreaming of were dancing on mine, a gentle hesitant exploration. Her lips traded pecks and brushes with my own as we nipped and pulled at one another’s lips. There was no tongue action in this kiss, but there was a promise of things that might be. Pulling back once more we looked intently into one another’s eyes seeing a new fascination and understanding, and yes desire in each other. Michelle licked her lips and smiled impishly.

“That was nice… but I think we might need to practice that some more in the near future.” She said in a low soft voice.

“I agree.” I said as I tilted my face down and let my forehead touch hers gently. “In the near future.” I added. Michelle grinned and released her arms from around my neck and we reluctantly parted. She walking off with a bouncing halting gait swinging her arms in that oversized baggy sweater glancing back at me numerous times smiling with that big radiant smile. I tucked my hands into my back pockets just to keep from waving my arms around like a windmill with all the excitement coursing through my body. I wanted to shout to the world and howl like a wolf. I watched Michelle till she climbed into her car and drove off. I then turned to go to my pickup truck and head home myself.

I got home to the farm just after sunset that evening. Early for me for any day of the week really and it was another one of those rare occasions that I could sit with my dad and this time my mom as well on the back porch and spend a little time with them. Mom of course wanted to know all about my ‘date’ but she didn’t ask a single question other than if I had had fun. Dad just smiled and stayed quiet about it. I knew that I had to offer up at least some small bits of interest for my mother so I gave her a rough outline of meeting with Michelle and the movie we saw, I told her about buying lemon ices and us sitting and watching people go by as we ate them and talked about school and stuff. I also mentioned that I was going to be starting on that painting job in the morning and would be leaving early. That seemed to be enough for mom so she was happy when she said good night and went inside to check on my siblings before getting ready for bed. My dad finally broke his silence after the mom went inside. He told me the lemon ice was a nice touch. He told me to remember that little things like that would mean the world to most girls and he smiled knowingly as if remembering things from his past.

“Did you get a kiss?” He grinned and gave me a sidelong glance as he sipped his tea.

“Yeah… wow…” I said softly with a smile sitting there in the dark on the back porch but in my mind I had my arms wrapped around Michelle and her lips were dancing on mine.

“Good…” was all my dad said as he took another sip before he stood up to go inside. He patted me on the shoulder as he stepped past me. “Goodnight.”

“Goodnight dad.” I said as I sat there on the back porch watching the moon rise on the horizon. My eyes were seeing the moon but my mind was seeing two blue green eyes with little gold flecks. At some point I got up and went in the house and to bed.

Up early the next morning and tended to the animals, before having breakfast with my siblings. They started back to school today, I’d be starting classes in a little over a week myself at the university. After breakfast I hopped in my truck and headed to town and to the teachers’ house to meet with Jules and Michelle to begin the painting job in the apartment. On a whim I stopped by a doughnut shop that was near my old neighborhood and picked up a dozen assorted doughnuts and pastries. Pulling up to the house I saw that both Jules and Michelle were already there. I grabbed the box of doughnuts and went to the front door and rang the bell. Almost before I could pull my hand back the door opened and I saw a smiling Maggie who ushered me inside. She was dressed today, not normal house dress but in a dress suit, a light wool jacket of light grey over a white blouse and a light grey skirt that fell to just below her knees. She had on stockings of course and some low heels in black. Maggie’s hair was in a bun but not her usual loose pinned style but rather a bit more refined with some sort of beaded cage wrap to secure it instead of her chopsticks as I had come to know them. Her glasses hung from her neck on a gold beaded chain. Her nails were the same wet looking glossy red that I had seen two days ago, and they were as usual, flawless. I noticed that Maggie had put on makeup too, a dark plum lipstick highlighted her thin lips and a modest amount of eye shadow made those golden copper eyes just pop! I was momentarily speechless openly staring in admiration. Maggie smiled perhaps a little self consciously as she realized that I was staring at her.

“Come in Jim, everyone else is in the kitchen.” She said as she led the way up the stairs.

“Okay…” I managed as I followed her up the stairs. I wondered if that wiggle was new or was Maggie doing that for my benefit as I watched her skirt sway provocatively as she climbed the short stairs to the living room. Following Maggie into the kitchen I found Penny in her usual chair on one side of the table and Jules at the far end to her right and Michelle across the table from Penny. All three had a cup of coffee in their hands. Maggie’s cup was at her empty seat at the near end of the table where she had been sitting before I rang the bell. More likely they had heard me pull up out front and Maggie had practically met me at the door as I rang the bell I thought. Penny noticed the box in my hands and those bright blue eyes sparkled as she pursed her lips and turned her head slightly in a silent question. Obviously she recognized the doughnut shop logo on the box, it was after all a local favorite. I smiled and offered her the box.

“Yeah, I stopped and got some doughnuts, I didn’t know what everyone liked so I got a mixed variety. I figured it was an early start and I wasn’t sure who might have had breakfast and who might not have…” I explained. Jules gave me her typical smirk but I saw a smile in her eyes all the same. Michelle squealed and set her coffee cup down and clapped her hands excitedly. Maggie slipped her right hand around my waist as she still stood behind her chair rather than sitting down.

“That was very thoughtful of you darling… Yes it was going to be a coffee only kind of morning as both Penny and I have appointments to attend to this morning. We are going to leave you younger ones to your work I’m afraid. We will be back sometime this evening though.” Maggie spoke as much to the group as to me. It was then that I noticed that Penny too was dressed to go out. She wore floral print dress with a short split on the side from just below the knee to just above it. There was a wide red belt that gathered it about her waist. She had some nude colored stockings or panty hose I’m not sure which and her feet were in some boxy looking low square heeled shoes. Her luscious full lips were a pinkish blushed color from lipstick or gloss, some faint light blue eye shadow highlighted her eyes and her strawberry blond curls were actually tamed into a fashionable wave… well… almost tamed. Nothing could ever completely subdue her locks.

“Before you go could you take another look at the apartment and let us know if there’s anything in particular that we need to move or cover up as we get started today?” Jules asked the ladies as she stood with a Danish in hand. Penny patted her lips with a napkin and stood as well, gathering her cup and saucer to put in the sink. Michelle took her cue from the other two and stood collecting her own cup. Maggie noticed that it was not empty and spoke up.

“Michelle darling, if you’re not finished with your coffee, you can take it downstairs with you, there’s still half a pot left so you all can finish it if you like.” Maggie said as she picked up her empty cup and handed it to Penny. Jules carried her empty cup to the sink and handed it to Penny as well. “Jim? Would you like some coffee?” Maggie asked. I declined as I don’t particularly care for coffee other than the wonderful smell. We all headed to the doorway to go downstairs, Michelle stepped back and grabbed another jelly doughnut to take with her cup of coffee downstairs. I grinned and followed her and the other ladies. Through the beaded curtain and doorway to the apartment, I listened to Jules asking about moving furniture away from the walls, like the wet bar, TV, the couch and lamps. She asked about removing the pictures from the walls. Originally Jules was thinking about moving the furniture out of the room entirely, maybe into the hallway but I suggested that it would be easier to move it all to the center of the room that way a single drop cloth could be draped over it all to protect it. Paint rollers on long handles would make it easy to paint the ceiling over the furniture. Jules nodded her head in appreciation as she thought about it and agreed.

“Good idea Jimbo… smart thinking.” She said and grinned at me. As they went through the galley kitchen on their way to the bedroom Penny took me by my elbow and held me back. Once everyone else was out of earshot she leaned over to me to whisper in my ear.

“Darling, Jules is going to be leaving you and Michelle to yourselves shortly as she told Maggie and I that she had to check up on a couple of other jobs she’s got going today as well…” Penny pulled back and smiled at me with a sly knowing look in her eye. My puzzled expression must have tickled her as she giggled a bit before I felt her slipping something into my hand and closing my fingers over it. “I’m not saying you will need this, but just in case, it’s better to be prepared than not… Trust you feelings.” She said as she patted the top of my closed hand then walked ahead to join the others in the bedroom. Looking down and opening my hand I saw that she had slipped me a condom still in its little square foil wrapper. “What the?” My mind asked. I hurriedly tucked it into my back pocket and followed Penny to join the others.

“Yes, just pull the bed a couple of feet away from the wall and the night stands as well. This dresser will be a little hard to move maybe, but we can pull all the drawers out to move it then put the drawers back.” I heard Jules talking with Michelle and Maggie. “I’ve got a shop-vac I’ll bring by tomorrow or Wednesday to use to vacuum the corners and the walls and ceilings before we paint anything.” Jules went on.

“So we’re just moving furniture today, and taking pictures and things off the walls?” I asked.

“Yeah, I’ve got the paint ordered, it should be all mixed and ready in a day or so, we’ve still got to get the prep work done first though. I told Maggie and Penny earlier that I’ve got to go check on a couple of other jobs I’ve got going this morning so I’m going to leave this to you and Michelle, you two think you can handle this?” Jules asked me and looked at Michelle. Michelle looked and me and shrugged with a curious grin on her face.

“Sure, no problems I think. Do you have some drop cloths or tarps with you?” I said to Jules and saw Maggie standing beside her with a thoughtful expression on her face as she studied Michelle and glanced at me.

“Yeah, I got a couple out in my car, I was going to ask you to come get them before I left.” She confirmed.

“Speaking of leaving, it’s time Penny and I took our leave as well. Penny I think the job is well in hand, if you’re ready?” Maggie spoke as she patted Jules on her shoulder. “Call us if you need anything Jules darling.” She added as she and Penny turned to go. Michelle said she was going to get some more coffee and asked if we wanted any or maybe a doughnut. I declined but told her to just bring the rest of the box downstairs, we could leave it in the galley kitchen as we worked.

“Good idea Jim.” She smiled as she followed Maggie and Penny out of the room. Jules held out her hand to stop me as I started to follow them. She gave me a curious look. What was it with all these women this morning and their curious looks?

“What’s up Jules?” I asked. She glanced over her shoulder to see that everyone else had gone or were out of earshot.

“I told you I was going to leave you and Michelle alone to work here this morning…” She spoke softly and studied my eyes.

“Yeah… I heard you. And?” I asked.

“Are you two going to be… okay… with that?” Jules inquired hesitantly, a sly grin slowly forming on her lips. Classic Jules… poking and prodding and trying to get a rise out of me.

“Jules… I’m a gentleman first and foremost. I can behave you know.” I said somberly with a straight face and a stern look in my eyes. Seeing this Jules stifled a giggle.

“Ohhh buddy… I’m not worried about your behavior!” She chuckled. “But if you think you’ll be okay I’ll take your word for it.” She giggled again and motioned for me to follow her out to her car to get the drop cloths. We met Penny and Maggie on the landing at the front door. I held the door for the women as they exited the house. Michelle came down the stairs carrying the box of doughnuts and a cup of coffee, she paused on the landing and locked eyes with me for a moment, a slow grin turning up the corners of her mouth before she pulled in her bottom lip to bite it gently, and she winked and then went on down the stairs. Hmmm… curious.

I collected the two twenty by twenty foot drop cloths from Jules’ car. She also handed me a piece of paper with three different phone numbers on it telling me that if I needed anything that she could be reached at one or another of those numbers. We waved at first Maggie then Penny as they two drove off in separate directions.

“Jim, at least get the front room pulled in and ready before you let that little fox distract you… okay?” Jules said with a mock seriousness, then gave me a big unabashed knowing smile. Somehow I felt like everyone else knew what was going on but me. Jules punched my shoulder and climbed in her car and left. I took the drop cloths back inside and down to the apartment door. I left them in the hallway and entered the front room of the apartment. Michelle was sitting on the sofa licking the fingers of her right hand and holding her coffee cup in her left.

“Everyone gone?” She asked.

“Yeah, I guess it’s just you and me now.” I said distractedly as I looked around the room noting pictures hung on the walls and an old fashioned clock. Michelle set her now empty coffee cup down on the little side table then stretched both of her arms up over her head. She reminded me of a cat, her curly auburn hair pulled back into a loose ponytail secured with a scrunchy. She wore an old faded pair of jeans and an old faded tee shirt. When she stretched the bottom of the shirt rose up exposing her bare midriff flashing me her belly button. Her belly was flat and tight and slightly tanned I could tell even in the almost dim light of the apartment. I couldn’t see her gorgeous eyes while she stretched however as she had her eyes closed but there was a serene contented smile on her face that made my heart skip a beat. It skipped another beat when she opened her eyes and caught me studying her intently. Her eyes narrowed and her smile turned in to something akin to a feral grin. She went from an apparent angel to something decidedly predatory in the flash of a heartbeat.

“Yeah… just you and… me” She said as she seemed to unfold from her sitting position on the couch to standing and practically stalking towards me in two slow steps. Her arms crossing across her modest chest as her face tipped slightly to one side and she began swaying or twisting really from side to side. “Where do you want to start?” She asked coyly. Oh my god! What a question, I blind man would not miss that double meaning. But I tried to keep calm and… well… play dumb I guess.

Well, how bout we pull these pictures off the walls and that clock, we can put them in the galley kitchen on the counter. Then we can pull the sofa and side table in to the center of the room. And work our way around the walls until everything that needs to be moved has been moved.” I suggested. That got me a sidelong glance and a somewhat disappointed smirk. But Michelle nodded and we began.

It only took a few minutes to pull the pictures and clock from the walls and the sofa was no problem at all to move. We moved the small side table, a tall thin book case and the floor lamp next to the wet bar. The bar itself took a little while as we needed to remove all the glasses and bottles from the cabinet case with the glass doors first then walk it slowly away from the wall. We left the contents in the kitchen along with the pictures and clock. The TV was not a problem and soon the room was finished. Aside from the one spider that freaked Michelle out and sent her squealing like a frightened little girl much to my amusement, the front room was ready to be covered up with a drop cloth. I stepped out into the hallway to retrieve one and Michelle followed me telling me she had to use the bathroom across the hall first. I brought the cloth into the front room and started unfolding it from its packaging.

It wasn’t a cloth really but a thick plastic sheet, as I unfolded it I realized that it was a little stiffer than the actual canvas drop cloths that I was familiar with. Michelle rejoined me and we pulled and draped and struggled with the sheet pulling it this way and that trying to get it to cover everything. It must have looked like a comedy routine for a few minutes as I would pull one side and the sheet would pull up on Michelle’s side exposing what she had just covered. When she would pull back again to cover up what was exposed, my side would be uncovered. It went back and forth until we figured it out and turned the sheet and managed to get everything covered properly. Whew! Finally! Michelle said we needed to celebrate with another doughnut.

We each got ourselves a doughnut and walked on into the bedroom through the galley kitchen. I noticed that Michelle had ***********ed a custard filled, I had a raspberry jelly. We both ate in silence as we looked about the room. I guess we were both lost in thoughts of things that had happened in this room. I was of course thinking of just recently myself and Maggie… which led me to think of the events that led up to that, between Michelle and Maggie before I had arrived. Leaning my backside against the dresser as I finished off my jelly doughnut I studied Michelle as she idly ran her left hand along the surface of the bed as she popped the last bite of her custard filled doughnut in her mouth and made an appreciative mmmm sound. Turning to me she smiled and I had to stifle a short laugh. I snorted instead amused at Michelle.

“What’s so funny?” She asked looking at me curiously, which only made it worse and my chest heaved with silent laughter. “What?” She demanded stepping closer to me. I grinned and reached up with my right hand and using my index finger I wiped a small dab of custard that had found its way onto her delicate little chin. I held it up to show her and grinned. Those blue green eyes nearly crossed as she focused on my finger and frowned first then grinned. She shot her right hand out and grabbed me by my wrist and pulled my hand to her face again. She took my finger in her left hand and brought it to her lips and licked the custard off of my finger. Then she put my finger to her lips and sucked it into her mouth slowly, I could feel her tongue twirling around it bathing it clean. She then slowly withdrew my finger and licked her lips, all the while never breaking eye contact with me. Oh My God! I felt weak in the knees. I also felt my face warming as no doubt the blood was rushing to my skin making me blush a bright neon red. After licking her lips they turned up into a devilish grin as she released my hand. “Mmmm” was all she said. All I could do was first swallow then clear my throat. Taking a deep breath I nearly broke my neck forcing myself to look around the room to decide what to move first.

That may have been the last straw for Michelle, either she thought I was just being coy or maybe I was teasing her. Maybe she was just a whole lot bolder than I would ever be, in any case Michelle decided that if I was not going to make the first move or ignore her not so subtle hints then she was going to take the lead. Stepping up to me and taking my chin in her right hand she turned my face back to hers. Those gorgeous blue green, gold flecked deep as an ocean stormy as any hurricane eyes were glaring into mine. Her brows knitted and those oh so luscious lips were pinched tight in a perturbed grimace. Her left hand was perched on her hip in that classic defiant feminine pose as her cute little head leaned to her left and she glared at me in a sidelong glance.

“Jim… Are you really that shy or are you just dense?” She practically growled in a soft questioning voice. “Boy! You’ve already kissed me twice and I thought we had a connection of some kind after yesterday… Why are you playing so coy?” She demanded petulantly. I just stood there staring with my mouth open and jaw hanging slack. I heard the words and they were still bouncing around in my brain like a crazed rubber super ball or something. Those eyes… So deep… so pretty… “Well?” Michelle demanded, snapping my attention back to the present again.

“Um…” I swallowed, after closing my slack jaw and trying to regain some semblance of composure. “I, uh… I thought we had to get this job done, and well…” Another swallow. “I would never presume or… uh… expect to…” I stammered like an idiot. Michelle’s stern look softened, her brows suddenly relaxing, those lips… oh my god those lips… softened and turned up slowly turning into a smile. She stepped in even closer and slipped both of her hands around my waist, her belly and her small but oh so soft breasts pressing into my chest through our combined tee shirts. She craned her neck up just a bit tilting her head as she leaned in and pressed her lips softly onto mine. Those big beautiful eyes never leaving mine until our lips made contact, then hers closed and I felt her shudder ever so slightly as I wrapped my own arms about her shoulders.

It was one of those soft sweet last all day long sensual lip massages, a kiss that could melt the heart of anyone. Michelle slid her hands up my back and was pulling me into her or pulling herself into me I’m not sure that it mattered really it just felt… right. After what seemed like a second or two… or maybe an hour or longer Michelle pulled back her face and opened her eyes… still holding me tight, she smiled as she searched my face.

“Wow!” I said. I’m just so eloquent sometimes, I should write a book or something.

“Now that… was more like it!” Michelle purred. “I was beginning to think you were avoiding me.” She teased.

“Michelle, I’m sorry… I really am… shy. I’ve been told I’m too polite for my own good sometimes too. It’s kind of why I’m working with Maggie and Penny…” I started but Michelle shushed me then leaned in again for another kiss. This one began much like the first but it quickly escalated or graduated into something… more. That soft sensual lip to lip contact took on a hungrier cadence, lips drawing each other out, then suddenly her tongue was tickling my lips. Not one to ignore a wanton invitation, my own tongue soon joined the dance and we explored one another’s lips and mouths our breathing getting faster and shorter. I surprised Michelle by drawing her bottom lip in and gently trapping it in my teeth and pulling it before releasing it. She gasped then drew back her face again to look me in the eye.

“My… Who’s the hungry one now?” She said with a feral grin and a twinkle in those deep deep blue green jewels that were her eyes.

“I guess it’s contagious or something.” I smiled in return. “I’ve been told I’m encourageable at times. Maybe you’re just a bad influence on me.” I added. Michelle raised one eyebrow questioningly.

“Have you been talking with Penny or Maggie about me?” She asked in a suspicious tone of voice.

“If I had they would not have told me anything, you know that… But I was tempted to ask, yes.” I admitted finally with a sheepish grin on my face.

“Oh really? And what exactly would you ask about me?” Michelle asked as she bit her bottom lip and began to rock gently from side to side. I could feel my face warm as I began to blush again. I averted my eyes for a moment and bit my lip as I debated on saying the first thoughts that came to my mind.

“Whaaaat?” Michelle prodded and grinned.

“Um… well… you remember earlier this summer when we met again for the first time?” I asked. Michelle nodded so I went on. “Well… It’s just that I knew that Jules hung out with mostly other girls who… liked other girls…” I felt my eyebrows crawling all over my forehead as I stammered on. “She had told me that a friend of hers was going to be here mowing, so when I found you here…” I trailed off as I raised my eyes back up to hers. Michelle’s gorgeous blue green gems just rolled in her head and she took a deep exasperated breath and pinched me on my side. I yelped and squirmed… Oh god I’m ticklish, and Michelle just discovered that fact. The look of surprise on her face was priceless but the look that grew in her eyes as she realized that I was ticklish almost made me try to turn and bolt for the door. Too late though, her surprised expression turned into a devious feral grin as she dug the fingers of both hands on either of my sides into my ribs and I had to yelp again as I squirmed and tried to grab her arms to make it stop. Turning and twisting and batting at her hands and arms I ended up backing up to the edge of the bed. Michelle realized this and shoved me in the chest with both hands causing me to tip over backwards and fall onto the bed. She was on me in an instant, straddling my waist with both of her legs as she continued to grapple and grope her tickling fingers on my sides and belly and chest and anywhere else that I couldn’t protect fast enough. She was laughing and squealing with glee.

At some point I managed to capture her wrists, one in each hand, and finally try to catch my breath as I was panting and breathing hard. Michelle’s face was radiant with the biggest happiest smile I had ever seen on her before. We locked eyes again and her smile faded somewhat as we studied one another.

“So because I was a friend of Jules, you assumed that I only liked girls huh? Did you or did you not hear me tell you that very morning that Jules was a friend of my roommate Sam? And big deal anyway, so what if I might or might not like other girls, what difference does that make?” Michelle asked sounding just a little put off by the questions. I frowned a little and tried to shrug.

“It really didn’t matter I guess I just figured if you liked other girls that you probably wouldn’t be the least bit interested in me is all. I didn’t want to waste your time or anything. It didn’t offend me or anything… wait… what?” I looked at her curiously for a moment. “You do don’t you? Maybe not exclusively but you like girls too don’t you?” I said with the beginning of a grin. Michelle started to pull her hands away but I held on tight, one because I was pretty sure she’d go on the attack and try tickling me again, and two I wanted to pull her down to me so badly I could taste her lips even then.

“What makes you think that I might like girls too?” Michelle challenged me with one eyebrow raised and her head tipped to one side.

“Oh… maybe a whole bunch of hickeys on a certain teacher we have in common… or some rather… interesting sounds heard during a recent tutoring session with another teacher that we have in common…” I insinuated with a single raised eyebrow of my own and a knowing grin. Oh my god! Michelle began to blush and she averted her eyes as her grin turned into a sheepish grimace. Her eyes widened and she turned them back to mine.

“Did Maggie tell you about that?” She asked, her face almost going pale.

“Not in detail if that’s what you’re asking, no. But she said that she had been ‘working’ with you and the two of you had gotten… carried away. So much so that Penny had stepped in and took over the exercise and Maggie excused herself. Then I showed up…” Now it was my turn to avert my eyes and blush self-consciously as I trailed off my explanation. Michelle smelled blood and her eyes narrowed and she struggled with her wrists in my hands, placing her hands flat on my chest and digging her fingers into my tee shirt… and flesh.

“Yeah… you showed up… Just what happened with you that afternoon anyway? You seemed, distracted as we were leaving that day.” She asked as she leaned down closer to my face, staring intently into my eyes.

“Um… well… You know, a gentleman doesn’t… kiss and tell…” I started to try to avoid her question, but her fingers digging into my chest and her thighs clamping onto my waist and her intense leering stare gave me pause. I knew I had to elaborate a bit more. “It’s all your fault!” I giggled.

“What was my fault?” She sat back up, confusion clouding her face.

“Your fault that Maggie practically raped me!” I sputtered. The confusion on Michelle’s face fell away and shock and surprise replaced it, her mouth dropping open and her eyebrows, both, shot up as her eyes went wide.

“She raped you? RAPED?” Michelle gasped, her fingers went slack on my chest.

“Well, okay… not raped… but she was so worked up, OVER YOU, that she… well… she apologized and even asked first but holy crap! What did you do to her anyway? I want to learn THAT!” I spoke reverently and in awe. “Was it giving hickeys that did it? Or… something else?” I asked in a more playful tone. Maybe it was the mention of hickeys for the second time in this little conversation that did it, but Michelle blushed yet again. Her glare softened to one of coy playfulness as her fingers began to knead my chest and she leaned down closer to me. She turned her head to the side still giving me a sly sidelong glance and she licked her lips.

“You know, I didn’t mean to leave hickeys on Maggie… I just… got carried away I guess. I kind of get excited sometimes.” She purred as she rose her tight little backside up off my waist and brought her upper torso down yet closer to my chest. I hesitantly released her wrists and ran my hands up her arms to her shoulders then along her back on either side. Michelle’s face was now an inch or so from my own. We were sharing the same breaths noses almost touching, eyes locked onto each other. Her eyes were half closed as were mine, our heads tipped slightly to one side or the other as our noses brushed and our lips gently met once more. Maybe it was me but I could have sworn there was an electric charge that passed between us. Perhaps Michelle felt it too because she actually let out a tiny little moan as her eyes closed and her lips pressed harder. Our tongues met again and began to dance as this kiss evolved into a passionate soul deep experience.

Michelle’s hands left my chest, her right hand sliding along my left shoulder, her left hand sliding alongside the right side of my neck and wrapping around the top of my head to brush at my left ear. Somehow my own hands had wandered as well, both of my thumbs had slipped into the waistband of Michelle’s jeans. My hands were now literally pulling her by her britches down onto me. After a minute or two of this exchange I broke off our kiss giggling to myself.

“What’s so funny?” Michelle asked in a breathless voice.

“I was just wondering if giving you a hickey or two would have the same effect on you as it seemed to do for Maggie.” I chuckled again and Michelle dug the fingers of her right hand into the meat of my shoulder before mashing her lips back to mine and beginning round two. I released my death grip on Michelle’s jeans and my hands slid upwards along her side, slipping under her loose worn tee shirt. Her warm soft skin was a marvel as was the feel of my thumbs bumping ever so slightly over each of her ribs. My fingers extended and splayed flat across her small back, the middle fingers just gliding over the bumps of her spine. I froze momentarily as I realized that I was touching her bare flesh and I was just under her shoulder blades… that meant she was not wearing a bra. Of course, Michelle wasn’t very big in the chest department to start with but the thought of her being bra less intrigued me. Michelle must have sensed my hesitance as she too paused our kiss and pulled back looking at me, a smile playing on her lips as she pushed herself up to a sitting position still straddling me. She crossed her arms over her belly and grabbed the bottom of her tee shirt in each hand and lifted pulling the shirt up and over her head. Oh my god! I had to swallow as I looked up in awe my eyes taking her in from the waistband of her jeans up across her flat trim belly, her barely protruding rib cage to those succulent gorgeous little breasts standing out, levitating, with those two little hard points of her nipples standing proudly. On upwards along Michelle’s bare arms still up over and framing her graceful neck and breathtaking face. A face that was smiling down at me, well, smirking really as she realized I was mesmerized by her naked boldness. Bringing her arms down alongside her breasts she squeezed her arms together pressing those small perky wonders together making them appear bigger. Milky white with pink little aureola about the size of quarters with bright pink nipples the size of pencil erasers. Michelle reached down and took my wrists in her hands and brought my hands to those smallish globes. The first thought that registered in my mind was they were sooooo soft. Firm, but soft… except for those little nipples, rubbery but firm they tickled the palms of my hands.

Michelle’s eyes, those gorgeous ocean deep blue green gold flecked bedazzling eyes rolled up in her head as she closed her eyes and her head tipped back on her neck as my hands gently pressed and squeezed her small B cup breasts. Her hands slid from my wrists down the outside of my forearms to grip my elbows. Her body tipped forward and leaned into my hands and she gasped and moaned softly when her nipples found themselves being squeezed gently and rolled between my thumbs and forefingers. When I gently but firmly pulled them, stretching them out and down towards myself she opened her eyes and leaned forward some more looking hungrily into my eyes silently urging me for more. I released one breast from my left hand and reached around behind her to place my hand on her back and pull her towards my face. She sensed what I had in mind and both of her hands planted themselves on the bed on either side of my head as she brought her torso and those delectable breasts to my face. Hovering over me her breasts hung enticingly, I raised my head up and gently kissed first one, then the other along the soft undersides. Michelle moaned a bit louder as my lips brushed across one nipple, and again with the other. Softly kissing each before mouthing each one in turn pulling with only my lips those firm rubbery gems, then daringly my tongue flicked at them, causing Michelle to gasp again.

Both of my hands were now on the bare skin of Michelle’s back. I could feel her tremble with each little kiss and flick of my tongue to her nipples. I could hear her breathing getting ragged between the gasps and quiet moans. Hearing Maggie’s voice in my mind, telling me to trust my instincts, to be bold… I slid my left hand up to Michelle’s right shoulder, bent my right leg at the knee and raised and planted my foot on the bed then in one motion I rolled and flipped us so that Michelle was now on her back and I was atop of her. Her legs were still straddling my torso so I was between them. I kissed my way from her bare breasts up along her throat, along her jaw and them finally once more to her luscious hungry sweet lips. We hungrily mouthed one another, lips slipping and sliding and drawing at one another, our tongues playfully darting about and twirling in a passionate dance. Michelle was holding my head in both of her hands her fingers gripping my hair and ears turning my head one way then another as we lip wrestled. My hands had slipped from her back to be planted on the bed on either side of her chest supporting most of my weight.

Michelle dropped her head back to the bed breaking our kiss as she panted trying to catch her breath. Her half closed eyes had a dreamy look to them, her parted lips curled up at the corners in a self satisfied smile as her hands slid down my neck to my shoulders. She knitted her brows a bit and narrowed her eyes, the smile turning into a bit of a frown. Releasing my shoulders she brought her hands under my arms and to my waist. I half jumped thinking that she was going to go on the attack and tickle me again but instead she grinned and grabbed the bottom of my tee shirt and pulled it up over my back to my shoulders. I sat up so that she could pull it over my head and arms before she tossed it aside. She then placed her hands on either of my shoulders and ran them slowly over my chest, her eyes followed her hands as she caressed my pectoral muscles and her palms then fingers bumped over my own rather stiff nipples. That decidedly feral grin returned as Michelle took each of my nipples and pinched them between her thumbs and forefingers, tweaking and rolling them and pulling them gently. My body shuddered involuntarily and this caused Michelle to giggle. Her eyes closed and she tilted her head back as she giggled before reopening her eyes and locking them on my own. Her smile faded as I leaned back down to her and she raised her head to meet mine as we once more engaged in another round of heated kisses and tongue play. Michelle drew my bottom lip in between her teeth and trapped it, pulling gently as she moaned. I was cupping the left side of her face in my right hand now marveling in the softness and warmth of her skin. She had let go of my nipples at some point, I’m not sure when, and her hands had slid further down, across my abdomen and around to my hips. I felt her hands sliding across and gripping my ass, one cheek in each hand as we continued to kiss and tongue each other breathlessly.

Somewhere on the edges of my awareness I heard a muffled crinkly sound and apparently so did Michelle because suddenly her left hand stopped gripping my ass cheek. She dropped her head back to the bed with a puzzled expression on her face even as she gasped for air. I felt her fingers dip into my back pocket and I heard that crinkly sound again as she pulled something out of my pocket. She brought her arm and hand around and up between us so she could examine what she had found. It was the condom that Penny had slipped to me earlier and I had nervously tucked away in my back pocket. I had forgotten about it until this very moment. Oh No! What would Michelle think?

“Well what have we here?” she asked turning her head and giving me a suspicious sidelong glance raising one eyebrow questioningly. My mind was racing. How was I to explain having a condom so conveniently in my back pocket? Would she think that I had planned on maybe arranging to use it, with her?

“You probably wouldn’t believe me if I told you…” I said in a subdued voice blushing and biting my lip abashedly. Michelle simply tilted her head to the other shoulder and raised her other eyebrow silently saying ‘try me’. I shrugged internally and swallowed. “While you, Jules and Maggie came into this room from the front room Penny pulled me aside and slipped this into my hand. She whispered to me that just in case I might need one it was better that I had one. I thought she was just teasing me or something, you know how she is…” I shrugged and grinned sheepishly down at Michelle. She continued to stare into my eyes and then her features softened as she began to shake softly with a silent giggle… Then she closed her eyes and tilted her head back and roared with laughter, her feet drumming on the top of the bed. After a moment or two of this with me watching perplexed and a little confused, Michelle looked back up at me still giggling. She took the condom she had pulled from my back pocket and put it in her mouth to hold with her teeth as she pressed up from the bed with her feet raising herself up enough to slip her hand under her to her own back pocket. She pulled out and dropped back to the bed before pulling her hand back up between us and held up another condom. She still shook with giggles as she took the first condom out of her teeth before speaking.

“When I went upstairs to get the rest of the doughnuts Maggie pulled me aside and slipped me a condom too. She said that if for some reason you or more likely, I, got carried away… I might need this.” Michelle sputtered out between giggles. “I think those two might be trying to play matchmakers or something.” I just smiled as I rolled off to Michelle’s side to lie beside her my head propped up on my right hand as I took one of the condoms from her with my left and contemplated it.

“Maybe they’re not matchmaking but looking out for two people they care about…” I said softly then smiled sheepishly as I glanced at Michelle’s face as she held the other condom in both hands and was turning it and lost in thought.

“Do you think they really care? About us I mean? Sometimes Maggie seems so… distant… but then other times…” Michelle trailed off and glanced over at me blushing demurely.

“I know they care about you, especially Maggie… Penny just loves everyone I think.” I snorted and smiled as Michelle looked at me and grinned knowingly at the mention of Penny. “I think both of them have big soft hearts and they get attached to certain students from time to time. In your case, and mine too I think, it’s because Maggie has a history with us.” At the mention of this Michelle’s eyes took on a distant look as she was undoubtedly looking back in time, there was a soft smile playing at the corners of her lips when she glanced back and locked her eyes on mine once more.

“I wish I could have gotten to know you better back then.” Michelle declared in a barely audible whisper. “I wondered where you went…” She spoke mostly to herself I think. I reached out with my left hand still holding one of the condoms and I folded my hand over both of hers and her condom and squeezed gently.

“I can’t change the past… but I’m here now. If you would still like to get to know me… better… I promise I won’t run away again.” I told her in a soft steady voice. She tilted her head slightly to her left shoulder, closer to me and nodded once never taking her eyes off of mine. I leaned down and kissed her softly on her lips, a slow delicate sensual kiss with only our lips touching. It was electric in its intensity all the same. Drawing back slightly so that her one eye became two again in my view, I grinned facetiously. “As long as you don’t tickle me that is…” and yelped as she suddenly grabbed at my ribs with both hands and rolled over on top of me again giggling and squealing… or was that me giggling and squealing?

Once more, after much squirming and struggling with fast flying agile hands and fingers I managed to grab Michelle’s hands at the wrists and bring her assault to bay. Somehow her scrunchy had come loose and her curly auburn locks were sprayed wildly about her face and shoulders, the loose curls flowing and bouncing. Michelle’s bare breasts seemed to grow slightly with every breath she took then recede a bit as she exhaled, her little nipples standing out proud and wanting attention.

“What if I want to touch you?” She demanded petulantly sticking out her bottom lip in an attempt to look like she was pouting, but the look just wouldn’t work with the excited joy in her eyes.

“I have… no… problems with… you touching… me…” I panted trying to catch my breath “Just don’t… tickle me!” I pleaded. Michelle rolled her beautiful eyes and puffed out a breath from the corner of her mouth blowing some stray strands of her hair out of her face.

“Fine! I won’t tickle you…” Michelle conceded but I noticed out of the corner of my eye that her fingers were crossed and there was still a hint of mischief in her eyes as she smiled down at me innocently. I looked at her and raised one eyebrow questioningly and slowly released her wrists then shot both my hands to her breasts and latched my fingers onto her nipples and just held them, barely squeezing them in a challenging way. Michelle turned her head a bit to one side and raised both eyebrows as if asking me if I really wanted to do that. She licked her lips and narrowed her eyes and asked. “Is that a threat or a promise?”

“I’m not threatening anything… but I can promise that I can or will try anything that you would like to, to make you feel good.” I said looking up into her beautiful sexy face, as I tugged on the nipples ever so slightly and rolled them between my thumbs and index fingers. The involuntary shudder that went through Michelle and the slight gasp was a sign that she liked it, her smile was my reward. Her eyes were sparkling again with those little gold flecks swimming in the endless blue green depths of those liquid gems. I felt Michelle’s hands sliding down my forearms and her hands trying to wrap around them at my elbows. I released her nipples and gently cupped each breast in my hands feeling their weight and petite fullness, they were so soft yet still firm, and warm to the touch. My hands slid on to her sides, my hands flat against her skin, the thumbs pointing back to her breasts and the fingers edging around to her back. I pulled her down to me pressing her soft skin and those breasts into my chest as my right hand slid up to the back of her neck, my fingers tangling in the curls of her wavy hair. Our lips collided and our tongues began to dance again in a breathless energetic oral confrontation.

My mind was split. Part of me was lost in kissing Michelle, and part of me wanted to explore her, all of her. My left hand had slid down her right side to her waist and my fingers were half under and half out of the top of her jeans. Michelle must have been well aware of this as perhaps her mind was split as well. Without breaking our kiss she rose up slightly creating a gap between us. Her breasts were still touching my chest but only barely, her nipples teasing my own. She reached down between us with both of her hands and unsnapped and unzipped her jeans loosening them. Her hands went to her hips and began pushing her jeans down. I released the back of her neck and we stopped kissing long enough to pull back and breath. Panting and smiling nervously… ‘nervously?’ Michelle stood up on her knees and pushed her jeans down as far as she could. Another puff of air to blow the hair out of her face she grimaced and flopped over on her side to my right, rolling on her back so that both legs were now up in the air she kicked her legs until her jeans were only hanging on one foot. With one more kick they went flying off the end of the bed. Now clad in only a light pink pair of cotton panties, that had a visible wet spot on them at the crotch, Michelle rolled back over on her left side to look at me. She had her left arm crossing over her breasts as if suddenly modest and her right arm draped over her hip with her hand covering up the crotch of her panties. I rolled over on my right side again propping my head up on my right hand and elbow. I mouthed a silent ‘WOW’ as my eyes traveled from head to toe and back looking at Michelle. This is the first time I had seen… so much of her. The word adorable would seem just a little tame for a de***********ion of her charms. Her toned and trim legs were gorgeous as they transitioned into her slightly narrow hips that dipped down to a narrow waistline only to widen slightly again as her flat toned torso and tummy gave way to a small but decidedly feminine bust featuring those beautiful if a little small breasts. Her collar bones stuck out a little as her shoulders while fit and trim were not muscular or padded with anything extra. Her neck seemed to flow gracefully from her center up to that delicate face that I was so hopelessly enamored with. That wild mass of wavy curly auburn hair fitted her spirit and personality. But time and time again it was Michelle’s eyes that captured most if not all of my attention. Those bottomless light blue green pools with the glittering gold flecks captured my gaze and my helpless mind every time I gazed into them.

Those magical orbs were locked on mine and from some distant time or place I could hear a soft hesitant voice speaking to me. Snapping out of my mesmerized state of mind I realized Michelle was speaking to me.

“Well I’m glad you haven’t run away. I must not be hideous at least.” She said cautiously biting her bottom lip. I smiled at her and stretched my left hand over to gently stroke the backs of my fingers over the soft skin of her right cheek.

“Chelle… You are ANYTHING but hideous. You are breathtaking…” I solemnly spoke in a quiet voice full of wonder.

“Nooo… I’m too skinny and I don’t have any boobs to speak of and this hair…” She puffed again blowing the hair out of her face and looked down demurely averting her gaze self-consciously. Frowning I moved my left hand to take hers in my fingers and clasp it in a firm grip. This pulled her arm towards me a bit and away from covering her small breasts. Michelle looked up at me her brows knitted still.

“Girl, how are you so aggressive and outgoing and yet self-conscious and bashful about your body? Or are you just nervous about what I think?” I asked softly and even as I said it I realized that that was the thing. She was nervous about what I thought of her. Again, sometimes the bold ones were the most insecure… Thank you Maggie… Thank you Penny… My smile softened and I pulled Michelle’s hand to my face and I softly kissed the back of her hand and fingers. I saw that her eyebrows and face lost all the tension she had in it moment before. “I adore you Michelle… if anything I was afraid that you would never think I was worth YOUR time or attention. I am the bashful one here. I only ask that you be patient with me as I’m not the most experienced guy around…” I trailed off as Michelle pressed a finger to my lips while she smiled at me. Her beautiful eyes took on a playful glint.

“You’re sweet Jim… Smart and kind and gentle… and yeah, bashful. I know that now, Maggie and Penny tried to tell me in not so many words maybe but they told me you were not ignoring me or blowing me off. I was afraid that you didn’t like me.” She admitted sheepishly but smiled warmly squeezing my hand in hers. “I know better now, I’m glad. But you are driving me crazy! I’m not made of glass you know. I won’t bite… well… I might but that’s not what I mean. A girl likes to know that her guy wants her… THIS girl wants to know…” she said as she stared me in the eye unblinkingly.

If my head had not been resting on my hand, propped up on my elbow, my jaw probably would have hit the floor. I was blown away with hearing what Michelle had just said, in particular just two little words there at the end. “…her guy…” Does that mean that I’m Michelle’s guy? Here I was laying atop a bed, alone with a half naked goddess of a girl who I thought would never have given me the time of day let alone have any interest in me whatsoever… and she just called me ‘her guy’? I snapped out of my cloud surfing amazement as I felt the fingers of Michelle’s right hand gliding along my chest. It was not a tickle but it did cause me to jump slightly with an electric jolt that ran through every nerve of my being. I swallowed, all of my nerves tingling now, even more than they had been already. I wanted to… what? What did I want? Everything… I wanted to just fall into the depths of those gorgeous blue green pools that were her eyes. I could become one of those gold flecks and just drift forever. I wanted to feel those unbelievable lips on mine again, if only I didn’t have to leave them to breathe. I wanted to feel and explore every fiber of her body from the ends of her curly auburn hair to the tips of her dainty little toes and everything in between. The feel of her hand on my chest made me weak in the knees, it was a good thing I was already laying down. I could feel my own hand trembling in her grasp. A grasp that loosened as she took her hand from mine as she moved both of her hands to my neck and pulled me down to her. I placed my forehead gently against hers and swallowed once more hoping my voice wasn’t as shaky as my insides were.

“Chelle… I’m sorry if I’ve given you the wrong impression… I… yesterday with you was amazing. You don’t know how badly I wanted to kiss you, to hold you in my arms… and then you did just that.” I smiled and gave her a gentle buss before continuing. “Yesterday was amazing… but today… Oh my god girl! I might have dreamed about being like this with you… but even in my wildest dreams I would never thought it would actually happen. Yet here we are…” I paused, Michelle smiled and nodded her head in agreement.

“Yes… here we are. Believe it Jim… or are you dreaming?” She teased softly and tilted her head up to give me a little peck on my lips, then another but this time she captured my bottom lip and slowly, gently drew it out as she relaxed her neck and settled back as she released it. I groaned and felt another slight shudder run down my spine. “You felt that?” she teased, “Or are you dreaming?” She asked as her fingers ran slowly through the hair on the back of my head. My left hand was holding her shoulder and I squeezed in a silent response. I then ran my hand down her right side with my palm flat and fingers spread trying to feel as much of her warm soft skin as I could reach with the one hand. Michelle stirred and sighed as she felt it caressing her flank. The feel of the waistband of her cotton panty felt like a concrete barrier compared the silky softness of her skin. I let my hand drift over it and then caress the bare skin below the leg opening as I reached her upper thigh. My thumb drifted into the crease between her leg and her crotch, my palm lay flat on top of her leg and my fingers curled over the top. I closed my hand gripping her leg firmly but gently, this time it was Michelle who shuddered and gave a quiet little moan. Our lips rejoined and the dance began anew.

My mind was now split once more but this time while I was swooning with pleasure as we kissed passionately, I also set my mind to paying attention to what I was feeling and how Michelle was reacting to my touch and my exploring. I was still half propped up by my right arm and hand planted firmly on the bed at Michelle’s left shoulder as I leaned across her bare chest with mine. Her arms and hands were holding my head, her breasts pressing into my chest. Under my left hand I could feel Michelle’s legs twisting and turning spreading apart as she squirmed half beneath me as we kissed. Lower I explored with my hand along the top of her right leg to her knee, her leg turned outward at the hip opening up her inner thigh in an obvious invitation. If I thought her skin was silky soft before I was sadly mistaken as my hot rough hand slid haltingly up from her knee along the warm flesh of her inner thigh. Slowly and ever higher I drew my hand, my thumb now in the vanguard leading the way until once more I encountered the barrier of her cotton panty. Michelle moaned and squirmed but her tongue and lips never missed a beat even as both of our breathing became ragged in our excitement.

Who knew that a simple cotton slip of material could be so alien, so inconvenient? Halting my exploration of that mysterious oasis that I knew that was so very close, my thumb paused to trace the outer edge of the material. The hem of the garment was damp, and there were a few stray curly hairs peeking out as if they too were trying to escape. First I slid my thumb upwards as the edge arced from somewhere between her gorgeous legs outwards and upwards towards her narrow hip. Not yet willing to stop exploring, my thumb backtracked along that insufferable seam and plunged deeper downwards between Michelle’s shifting legs. The heat grew more intense and the moisture became a constant, and the squirming and gasps between kisses came almost nonstop now as Michelle dug her fingers into my hair and gripped my head as if hanging on for dear life. When I felt my thumb encounter Michelle’s left leg I stopped tracing the panty’s edge and let my digit slowly draw upwards along the wet hot surface as I traced the damp outline of her hidden treasure. Her vulva clearly obvious even to a blind touch of my thumb and then as I traversed the top most edge I bumped across her swollen little clit. Michelle literally jumped under my touch, gasping deeply before releasing a long low moan.

“Oh Jim!” she purred in a low gravely whisper. Her fingers flexed and gripped my hair and she shuddered. “Please…” She rasped. Emboldened my inner copilot, that part of my mind that was watching and analyzing every reaction and sound that Michelle made decided to go for broke. My left hand slid further upwards until I once more crossed that cotton barrier and onto her soft skin of her lower abdomen. I then slipped my fingers under the edge of the material and pushed down between the panty and her bare flesh. My fingers pushed through some soft silky hair as they approached the heat rising from below. It was my longer middle finger that first encountered Michelle’s naked sex as it pushed through that sparse barrier of hair. The heated skin that formed the hood that protected her magic button was pushed back as her clit was swollen and standing proud eagerly searching for attention. As the tip of my finger made first contact Michelle jumped yet again, a startled gasp breaking our kiss yet again. This time however she didn’t return to my lips, her head rolled back on her neck as she pressed the back of her head into the bed, her jaw yawning wide as if to scream. I could feel her whole body tensing under what contact we had between us.

My fingers never paused, downward they pushed my middle finger sliding alongside Michelle’s bared engorged clit only to have my third finger slide along the other side as my fingers slipped slowly down along her hot wet outer lips. My index finger and pinky both pushed through silky hair along either side in the crease created by the edges of her upper thighs. My palm now slowly glided across her upper hood and clit, my thumb trailing along the crease on Michelle’s right side. When my fingers were forced to curl downwards and inwards by that infernal cotton barrier they dipped into that hot tight crescent at the bottom of her sex. My middle finger coming to a halt as it bumped into a puckered little button that had to be her anal rosebud. Michelle gave another jolt and gasped. I couldn’t stand it anymore. Leaning as I was halfway pressing down atop of her looking down at her writhing at my touch, letting herself be carried away with the sensations I was obviously giving her. The urge to do more, to make it better, to make it special for her grew until I had to lean down and start kissing her. With her head still tilted back and her neck arched exposing her throat, that became my focus. I started with soft sensual kisses lightly to the underside of her chin, I followed along her jaw line down across her neck. Each one slow and deliberate, each kiss eliciting another gasp or soft moan. As my lips planted yet another kiss on that soft tender spot just below Michelle’s left ear I whispered softly to her.

“If I’m dreaming this I don’t ever want to wake up.” Then I gently bit her earlobe and tugged it before letting it slip out of my teeth, at the same time the tip of my middle finger slipped into weeping wet entrance of her still hidden treasure. My wrist still making the slightest contact on her erect clit, the fingers on either side of my middle finger were dragging along her lips as I gripped her entire vulva and squeezed gently. My kisses were trailing down across her neck over her collar bone and to that little hollow at the base of her throat. At this point I had to press myself up in order to continue kissing downward. Michelle reluctantly released my head, her right hand going to the top of her own head as if to keep the lid from blowing off as she continued to moan and gasp and squirm beneath my attentions. Michelle’s left hand slid down to my neck where it meets my right shoulder, her fingers dug in as she gripped me fiercely. The tip of my left middle finger was plunged into her heated folds, going deeper and curling to form sort of a fleshy hook. As my hand drew upwards my finger rubbed along the inside, the roof of her sex. When my hand pulled upward my hooked finger caused my palm to press down firmly onto Michelle’s clit. I rocked my hand back and forth like a slow drunken metronome first pushing her clit to one side then dragging my hand across it, then to the other side as I drug my hand back the other direction. My middle finger was rubbing the roof and that sensitive inner wall. The grip of Michelle’s hand on my shoulder and neck became painful as her entire body stiffened and her back arched even as I kissed just below her left breast on my way towards her abdomen.

“Ohhhhhh GODDDDD!!!!” Michelle shrieked in a high raspy voice. Her right hand was flapping and beating at the surface of the bed as she brought it from atop of her head down to finally grab my left hand still tucked under her cotton panties. Her grip was fierce and forceful as she pulled my hand away from her sex. “Daaaaaaaaaamn!’ Stop! Stop Stop Stop!” She gasped out and collapsed into a limp puddle beside me panting. Her skin glistened with a thin sheen of perspiration. Michelle released her death grip on both my shoulder and neck as well as my left hand. She ran the fingers of her left hand though my hair as she murmured. “That was nice…”

“Now who’s dreaming?” I asked quietly as I once more leaned my head in and kissed her abdomen next to her belly button. He muscles quivered under her skin. I kissed her abdomen again edging lower. My left hand was laying flat on her lower abdomen just above her panty waistband, I could smell her scent both from the source and on my wet fingers. It was intoxicating and I wanted more. Michelle was still lying contentedly with a serene smile on her face, her eyes were closed. I hesitantly brushed my left hand lower and caught her waistband with my thumb. I pushed at the pink material edging it down lower. As the material was pushed further down I continued with my soft kisses. Her soft curly hairs tickled my nose and I edged ever closer. I felt Michelle’s right hand rejoin her left on the top of my head, her fingers entwining in my hair. When I had pushed the panties as far as I could before the waistband resisted any further movement, Michelle planted both of her feet on the bed and raised her hips slightly allowing me to push them off of her hips and down her thighs. Leaving them around her knees I drew my hand slowly back up the inside of her left thigh dragging the tips of my fingers lightly across her soft skin. A sharp inhale and a low moan was all I needed to hear to know that I should continue with my exploration. Pushing myself up to a sitting position with my right hand, I let my left hand just barely graze the bottom of Michelle’s steamy little cleft before drawing my fingers back down the inside of her right thigh towards her knee. Her legs were still bent and raised with her feet planted on the top of the bed. When my hand reached her knee I grasped the pair of panties and drug them over her knees and down her shins to her ankles. Michelle raised first one foot then the other to allow me to slip them completely off her legs. I leaned over and kissed her left knee as my left hand curled around her left ankle and picked her foot up off the bed. I raised her leg up and placed her foot on my right shoulder then slowly slid my hand down the backside of her leg to the soft spot behind her knee where I leaned in and kissed. Slowly still my hand continued to glide down across the soft skin on the back of her leg, down, down, down to the tender soft flesh where her leg became her ass.

I glanced back up to Michelle’s face and I found her eyes open once more watching my every move. Her right hand was rubbing her abdomen just beneath her breasts, her left hand was cupped to her chin with her fingers curled into her lips. While my eyes were locked on hers I slipped my first and second finger into her steamy wet opening just enough to get them wet then withdrew them and brought them to my lips. Michelle closed her eyes and gave a soft moan as her hips rolled once. When her eyes fluttered open again I smiled and lowered my face between her legs kissing the back of her left thigh as I eased closer to that heated moist oasis. Michelle’s left leg slid down along the outside of my right arm to come to rest once more bent at the knee and foot on the bed. When my lips finally made contact with her soft outer lips she moaned a little more loudly and her thighs closed tightly about my head and neck halting me before I could go any further. I turned my head to my right and brought my left hand between my face and her right thigh and gently pushed her legs open. I felt one of her hands come to rest atop my head.

“Oh Jim…” She sighed and I began tasting her dewy treasure. Long slow licks up along first one side then just as slowly back down along the other side, alternating licking and kissing the moist wrinkly tender fleshy folds. Her soft curly hair tickled my nose but the scent nearly made me dizzy it was so intoxicating. A sweet tangy flavor on my tongue, and Michelle’s gasps and soft moans were music to my ears. I slipped my tongue in between the folds at the bottom, sinking into her entrance feeling her heat and tasting the source of her nectar. I toyed with the edges of her inner lips as they began to swell and peek out from their veiled hiding place as I ran my tongue up the part between her lips to the top. My nose bumped the side of her swollen clit and Michelle jumped as if jolted by an electrical charge. Halting my upward advance I gently blew across her clit earning myself a long low moan. She jumped again as I darted my tongue out and ran it along the side of her clit. Pressing my face in tighter I wrapped my lips around her little power stem and lightly sucked on it. The raking fingers and pulling hair on my head told me that I was having the desired effect on Michelle. I slipped first one finger then a second into the wet entrance as I continued to suck on her clit and every now and then take a swipe at it with the tip of my tongue. I felt Michelle hook her left leg around over my right shoulder and around my neck, the heel of her left foot on my back just below my left shoulder. She started chanting “Yes… yes… yes… yessssss” as her hips pressed up off the bed and her left hand pressed my head more tightly as if desperately needing more contact. I curled my fingers rubbing at and along the underside of her clit from the inside, the tender flesh was so wet now that it made a squishing sound each time my fingers went in or out. “Yes… Yes… Yes… Yesssss” She chanted getting louder with each word. I reached up under Michelle’s leg wrapped around my shoulders and grabbed the top of her left thigh pulling her leg tighter onto my neck and shoulder while gripping it firmly. I closed my teeth lightly over her battered clit while still sucking on it and lashing it with my tongue, now I rolled it gently between my teeth as I continued to piston my fingers in and out of her sopping wet honey pot. I could feel Michelle tensing up as her climax built up to her trigger point, she was running right on the verge, and then she was there. Her hips rose off the bed as her entire body seized and stiffened into rigidity. No more chanting, no breathing just a prolonged silence frozen like a vibrating statuette, one heartbeat, two, three…

“GAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!” She roared, then she began to convulse, her stomach muscles clenching and releasing over and over in waves, her hips literally bouncing up and down on the bed, her leg jumping with spasms. I could feel her inner walls clasping and releasing my fingers as they were suddenly awash with a hot flood of juices. With my head in a leg lock I couldn’t look up to see what else was going on so I continued to suck at her clit for a moment then after I released it I lowered my tongue down to lap up the abundance of her juices drooling out of her hot little honey hole. My hand was soaked to the wrist. When I felt the tension in her leg around my neck loosen I pulled back and extricated myself so that I could breathe again. Michelle was breathing, panting raggedly, her eyes closed once more and her mouth slack jawed and agape. Her curly auburn hair was tossed and draped over half her face sticking to the sweat that covered almost every exposed inch of her skin. I lay on my stomach still between Michelle’s legs, both arms propped up at the elbows, my chin resting on my folded hands as I watched her recover from my handiwork. It was a few minutes of just heavy breathing and settling down. I knew she was almost recovered when she puffed the loose hair out of her face before opening her eyes. She stared at the ceiling and got a goofy grin on her face before she finally raised her head up and looked down to see me watching her.

“Oh… My… God... Jim!” She smiled and let her head flop back down and blew out a deep breath with a “Whew!” She brought both hands to her head and slowly wiped the sweat and hair from her face. She let her arms flop down over her head and she began to giggle. It began as a couple of chuckles then turned into a distinctive girlie giggle complete with a little shimmy of her hips and torso. “YOU ARE WICKED!” She declared to the ceiling before raising her head to lock her eyes on mine and said. “Come here you!” and raised her arm beckoning me to her. Who am I to deny such a request? I pushed myself up onto my hands and knees and crawled up into her arms. My chest lowered onto her warm damp bare breasts as she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled my still damp face down to hers. She attacked my lips with a ferocity, a lust fueled hunger, much like the first time we ever kissed on the couch upstairs not too long ago. Had I not known better I would have thought she was trying to eat my lips right off of my face. Pulling back after a few moments to catch her breath she still had that goofy half amazed half startled smile on her face. She licked her lips and got a curious expression before her eyes widened then narrowed. Michelle bit her bottom lip then leaned in and licked my upper lip, then my right cheek followed by my chin then my left cheek, she gave me a tongue bath cleaning me of her own juices. “Mmmmmmm” She purred.

“You taste good don’t you?” I commented I stated more than questioned.

“Yes I do.” She replied matter of factly as if it was just simply common knowledge. Then she gave me a sly sidelong glance and asked. “But what do you taste like?” She raised a single eyebrow looking at me as she licked her lips. I pursed my lips and shrugged without saying anything. The next thing I knew Michelle had me flat on my back and she was kissing her way down my chest and across my abdomen. This caused my stomach muscles to jump involuntarily, but it wasn’t like a tickle it felt good… it felt awesome! Michelle was dragging her hands down my chest with her fingernails lightly scratching my skin. Her fingers raked across the waistband of my jeans and down the front of my crotch as she slid further down the bed. I felt her rake across the bulge in my pants.

“Ooh… what have we here?” She questioned teasingly. I raised my head up and look down the length of my body at her only to see that wicked feral grin and an evil glint in those gorgeous eyes looking back at me. She brought her hands back up to my belt buckle and opened it agonizingly slowly. Next she toyed with the button holding my jeans closed. When she had it opened she trailed her right hand upwards drawing the backs of her fingertips up through the hair on my lower abdomen all the way up to my naval. I couldn’t suppress the shudder I made because the sensation was just a hair shy of being a tickle, this caused Michelle to grin even bigger. She reversed the direction and just as slowly dragged her hand back down until her fingers were once more at the top edge of my jeans. She daintily picked up the zipper pull with just her index finger and her thumb and began to slowly, slowly, oh so terribly slowly draw the zipper down to open it. When it finally reached the bottom of its travel she released the pull and traced her index finger back up along the side of the zipper, the fingernail clicking over each tooth on the now opened zipper.

“Tighty whities?” She commented when her fingers reached my now wide open waistband and noticed my underwear. “Hmmm… it’s going to have to come down too I think.” She teased again as her index finger dipped beneath the elastic band and slid along the top back and forth a couple of times as she gave me that wicked grin again. Reaching up with her left hand Michelle slipped her fingers under the waistbands of both my briefs and my jeans and tugged. “A little help maybe?” She teased. I raised my hips and felt my pants and shorts slide down off my hips and to my thighs. With my head pressed backward into the bed as I lifted I did not get to see the immediate expression on Michelle’s face when my previously trapped bulge was suddenly freed and it popped up in all its glory. I did however hear Michelle’s verbal appreciation. “Mmmmmmm… That’s nice.” She purred as much to herself as to me.

Now I know I’m not exactly the biggest guy out there as far as the size of my natural endowment. I am not overly proud of it anyway, likewise, I make no excuses for it either. I am what I am, and so far in my life as an adult I’ve not received any complaints from the few women I’ve shared it with. That said, I still get a little anxious each time I share what I have for the first time.

“I almost wish I had a blindfold on…” I muttered to myself.

“What was that?” Michelle asked as she looked past my rigid appendage and gave me a curious grin. “Did you do that exercise too?” She asked.

“Both of them…” I admitted as I grinned sheepishly in Michelle’s direction.

“Wait… Both?” Michelle asked puzzled.

“Well… I think one might have been improvised… Penny kind of does that sometimes I think.” I offered.

“Yeah…”Michelle giggled “She does kind of invent things sometimes. She just likes to have fun I think. I can get behind that though… and I’m looking at something I think can be a lot of fun.” Michelle said with almost a growl in her voice. As she said that she slid backwards off the bed and stood up. She then bent forward and grabbed my jeans and shorts and pulled them completely off my legs. I swallowed and fought mightily against the reflex to reach down and cover myself up. Instead, I raised myself up on my elbows and tried to look confident as I watched Michelle… as she looked at me, she let her eyes run slowly up my body from my feet to my groin, paused there a moment as she licked her lips and then continued up across my naked torso and finally settled on my face. Her facial expression changed in an instant, from one of near wonder to first an embarrassed grin that morphed into that hungry predatory leer.

Looking like some kind of lioness or other big cat she slowly crawled back onto the bed on her hands and knees, inching closer to where my legs came together and my erection stood like a fleshy sentinel. Pausing near my knees, Michelle took her right hand and began to lightly draw it up the inside of my left thigh, her fingers tickling through the hair on my legs. Maybe it was that or the anticipation of her touching what few other women had, maybe it was the hungry look in her eyes… maybe it was the sight of her lithe nude body with her pert breasts hanging and swaying with each movement but I shivered and let out a soft moan. Looking up from her close scrutiny and watching her own hand, Michelle grinned fiercely and bit her bottom lip before looking back down at what she was doing. She repeated the same move with her left hand on my right thigh, and again I moaned… Oh my god! With both hands resting feather light on the insides of my thighs, within inches of my proud manhood I was nearly panting in anticipation now. Michelle glanced up at my face once more and locked her eyes on mine. Not breaking eye contact, her hands began to move again, slowly… painfully slowly… Her thumbs finally making first contact with the wrinkly flesh of my scrotum. My balls jumped of their own accord causing me to gasp, and Michelle to giggle. Still biting her lip and locking eyes with me her hands curled around the base of my member until her fingers met on the topside of my shaft. She drew her thumbs together as one up over my sack to close around the base of my shaft. My jaw went slack and my mouth drooped open as I inhaled deeply and my backside tightened as if to push my hips up to meet her hands.

One eyebrow arched upwards in silent questioning as Michelle continued to study my face for every minute reaction I made to her touch. With deliberate excruciating slowness she gently squeezed her hands together and drew them up the length of my shaft. It might have only been a heartbeat or two but to me it seemed like maybe a week in the doing. As her thumbs and index fingers rose and encountered the underside edge of my circumcised head, my mushroom, the sensation overpowered my ability to maintain eye contact. My eyes closed and my head fell back on my relaxed neck as I gasped and let out a long low moan. I could feel Michelle’s hands slipping, one finger after another bump, bump bumping over the edge like speed bumps until just the heels of her palms were still making contact with that oh so sensitive crown. And then… she reversed… Just as agonizingly slow she began drawing her hands back down. Again… bump, bump, bumping over the edge of my mushroom until it popped clear of her soft, hot feminine grip. Down the shaft they slid, slowly, until her hands brushed against my root and pubic hair was pushed aside as her hands released me and flattened out on my groin to either side.

“Oh my god Chelle…” I hissed. “That feels… sooooo good…” I breathed out, and shuddered again.

“It’s so soft… and hard at the same time she said as if in a trance. I brought my head back up and looked down at her as she still knelt there between my legs, her hands on my groin to either side of my erection. I gave another involuntary shudder as she licked her lips. “There’s a little drop coming out of that little slit on the end…” She said and looked up at me as if for an explanation.

“Umm… I’m not sure what the scientific name for it is… I’ve always heard it called ‘pre-cum’… it’s normal. I think it’s a natural lubricant… kind of like when you get wet.” I half choked out and felt myself blushing.

“Really?” Michelle asked with her tongue stuck in one corner of her mouth as her eyes narrowed and she glanced back down on my weeping member. “So it’s not pee or anything then?” She murmured… Looking back up at me that lone eyebrow arching again before she leaned over closer bringing her head to within a couple of inches as if to get a closer look… a much closer look. Her loose curly auburn hair brushed against the head and I jumped again from the sensation. Oh god… Michelle looked up at me with that decidedly wicked grin on her face as she just realized that she had found another way of tormenting me. She let the second eyebrow arch up then tilted her head forward and shook it vigorously. Her hair wind milled and whipped about thrashing my poor naked unsuspecting cock. I fell flat back against the bed groaning and I heard Michelle burst out giggling like a schoolgirl.

When the sensory overload passed and the giggling subsided I lay there with only the feeling of Michelle’s warm hands still pressing my flesh on either side of my erection. Curious I rose up again on my elbows and looked down my body. She still knelt there watching me, glancing from my face to my cock, first studying one side of it, and then leaning slightly to the other side to study it as well. One more glance my way with a narrowed eyed feral grin she leaned closer and opened her mouth to let her tongue extend. She lightly touched the underside of the top of my mushroom, and let it slide up under then through the little slit with yet another pearl of moisture beading up in it. Pulling her tongue back in she closed her mouth and tasted it. Michelle’s head leaned to one side and then back to the other before looking back up at me and smiling in a self satisfied way. Again she leaned closer and her tongue came back out. She licked along the very edge of my mushroom, slowly working her way all the way around it clockwise. When she had nearly completed her circuit, my hips bucked on their own and she drew her head back in surprise. She glanced up at me and winked… Winked? I wasn’t sure what to make of that but then I didn’t really have time as in the next instant I lost my mind and any ability to think cognitively as Michelle opened her lips and she engulfed the entire head of my cock, her tongue again making that circuit around the edge but this time it didn’t stop, it went round and round and round. I must have put fingerprints in that bedspread as my hands were clenched so tightly that my knuckles were white. My eyes were clenched closed and I saw stars and fireworks inside my eyelids. I would like to say that I gasped or moaned but I can’t as I literally lost the ability to breath at that moment. Again… it was probably only a few heartbeats in time but I think I aged ten years in those few heartbeats. Oh I did gasp, and moan, but it wasn’t until Michelle drew her mouth back off of me with a pop and she rose up to evaluate me, or gloat maybe.

“Mmmmmmm… tasty.” She said from somewhere a hundred miles away… I could barely hear her over the roaring in my ears. I opened my eyes again as the fireworks drifted away on the wind behind my eyelids. Michelle still had that feral look in her eyes but her grin was gone, instead it was a soft knowing smile. One that told me that this exploration was not over yet. Lifting her right hand from beside my erection she brought her fingers to the oh so sensitive crown and gently pushed him up flat to my abdomen. She leaned down again and her lips parted again for her tongue. With only the very tip she gently nudged that excruciatingly sensitive spot under the crown just below the weeping slit. I jumped of course, I couldn’t help it. Michelle’s tongue didn’t retreat this time however, instead she drew it down the underside of my shaft, slowly all the way to where it merged into the wrinkly flesh of my nut sack. Then she started back upwards, retracing her path in reverse. Back at the crown her tongue slipped back inside her mouth… that sweet sexy incredibly wicked mouth with those luscious pouting lips. Lips that puckered ever so slightly as she tilted her head to one side and gently kissed the underside of my shaft before drawing those same lips from the tip to the base just like she had done with her tongue. I managed to keep my eyes open this time but I could not stifle the moan that escaped my lips. But the surprises were not over yet. Once Michelle’s lips were at the base of my shaft, the few scraggly curly hairs on my nut sack tickling her chin no doubt, she continued down across that wrinkly flesh until almost at the bottom. Suddenly she inhaled, her lips parting just enough for one of my balls to pop into her mouth. OH MY GOD! No moans, no groans, no gasps… I was breathless and in shock! Around and around and around I felt her tongue chasing and lashing at my one poor ball, the other cowering away from its twin on the outside of Michelle’s mouth, her nose brushing against the outside of the bag covering him. I think I was just about to scream as Michelle pulled her mouth, and my sack and my one lone ball along with her until finally with a pop it escaped that whirling tongue and toothy confines.

“Mmmmmmmm” I heard as Michelle dropped her head back down and did the exact same thing to the other side of my sack and the other stunned ball. That was it! I couldn’t take it anymore. I collapsed back onto the bed again and I know I moaned this time and I not only heard but I FELT Michelle giggling. HOLY CRAP! I COULD FEEL THAT right through my balls and my cock! “Pop” went the second ball as she stretched and then released it. I felt Michelle’s lips once more on the underside of my shaft as she kissed and licked her way back up to the crown. She pulled the poor guy back upright off of my abdomen and kissed the top of his head softly, once, twice, and expecting a third I was caused to gasp again as it was instead engulfed once more in her hot wet mouth. This time her tongue only rocked back and forth along the underside of my shaft as she slowly lowered her lips and mouth down my length. At over just halfway down she gagged a bit and halted backing off just a bit. I heard her take a deep breath through her nose and then she began to bob up and down, slowly at first. Michelle’s lips would slide up to just under the edge of the head and then back down until just about where she would gag, and then repeat. She built up speed and settled into a rhythm, up and down, up and down. I felt a new sensation as her right hand wrapped around the shaft below where she was able to take into her mouth. At first she just held me firmly in her grip as she bobbled up and down, but then her hand fell into the same motion as her lips and mouth. Her left hand was pawing at my groin as her right and her mouth stroked me like clockwork.

“Oh my god Michelle…” I moaned. “You’re killing me…. Ohhhhhh.” I croaked as I writhed in the intense pleasure that she was imparting on me. I had had maybe a couple of attempts at blowjobs in my limited experience with other girls, but none had ever been anything like this, not even close. But as enjoyable as it was I knew that like the other times Michelle too would tire before long and give up either from frustration or from just being… well… tired. Part of me enjoyed the hell out of receiving such enjoyment from my partner but the much louder part of my mind pressed me to be giving pleasure rather than receiving it. I guess I felt guilty in a manner of speaking. It was a problem that would plague me all of my life.

As predicted, I’m not sure how long she had been at it but Michelle did indeed either give up or change tact, as she pulled off of me with a wet pop, and sat back on her heels. Her right hand still gripped around my rigid shaft, the swollen mushroom reddened and wet with her saliva. Michelle was actually panting, either from her efforts or maybe from her own excitement.

“Well that was fun.” She chirped with a grin. “But I think I’m ready to try something else now.” She said as she continued to stroke my cock with her right hand. I gulped and swallowed knowing that we were taking the next big step.

“Are you sure?” I panted out sounding far meeker than what I felt. “I mean, I’m willing but I’ll understand if… you aren’t sure.” I offered in all sincerity. Michelle’s face split in a smirk as she paused her right hand and rose up on her knees so she could crawl towards me. I was still propped up on my elbows to look down my body towards her. First her hands, one then the other, then her knees, one then the other crossed over my hips to straddle my waist and torso. Michelle’s breast, dangling what little they did, their nipples firm with excitement brushed through the hair on my chest and pressed against my skin as she moved closer to my face. Her smirking grin and hungry eyes never wavering as she approached. She leaned down and kissed my collar bone on my left side, then trailed kiss after kiss up along my neck, to my chin and finally onto my lips. I brought my arms around her and pulled her down with me as I let myself fall back to the bed. Michelle’s hands were once more running her fingers through my hair and grasping at my head as we danced with our lips and tongues stealing one another’s breath away.

As we locked in that passionate lip battle Michelle upped the temperature even more by rubbing and grinding her naked wet crotch on my abdomen. Her soft fleshy ass cheeks were bumped against the head of my cock that was leaning towards her ready to go. I had both of my arms wrapped around her, my forearms snaked up over her shoulder blades and my hands grasping at soft flesh and muscle between her neck and shoulders. Michelle was alternating kissing and moaning. Some instinctive drive from deep within my long dormant caveman mind moved my right hand over to the back of Michelle’s head to grab a handful of that wavy mass of curly hair. I pulled none too lightly causing Michelle to arch her neck and head backwards exposing her throat. She gasped and let out a long long moan from the depths of her lust as I latched onto her exposed throat with my hungry lips. I kissed and nipped with my teeth down to that hollow at the base of her throat. Then with a angry sounding snarl she yanked her head back down to face me, there was an almost frightening fire in those blue green eyes that I had never seen before.

“I want YOU, NOW!” She growled baring her teeth like a tigress. Both of her hands were pressing into my shoulders as she ground and pressed her backside against my erection.

“I was just going to tell you the same thing…” I panted giving her my own version of that same hungry look. Then my eyes softened with a touch of uncertainty. “Um… what did we do with those condoms?” I asked glancing to my side.

“Arrrrrrgggghhhh!” Michelle growled again as she franticly looked on one side of me to the other. “Wait… roll over!” She demanded of me. I twisted beneath her and she let out a triumphant “YES!” as she snatched one of the foil packets off the bedspread beneath my back. As I rolled back over, with her still straddling me she held up the condom package in her right hand as if it were some kind of talisman, that feral grin was back on her face her brows knitted and that half grin with her bottom lip tucked in her teeth. I took the condom from her and her face fell instantly into a pout. I froze then giggled. Yes, giggled of all things to do at that moment seeing her go from a feral grin to a pout in less than a heartbeat was just… well… I giggled!

“Chelle… unless you want to put it on me you’re going to have to move for a moment so I can.” I smiled and raised one eyebrow. She looked at me for another heartbeat, that pout turning into a sheepish grin as she snatched the condom package back from my hand and wiggled happily. She rose up on her knees and scooted backwards down my body. My aching erection dragging along the hot wet flesh of her sex, dragging through those soft curly hairs that were drenched with her own juices or sweat maybe at this point. When it was finally in front of her it was hard to tell whose crotch it was coming out of. Her sex was literally sitting on my balls. Any other time I would have loved to just stay like that for a while and experience that hot wet feeling for a couple of hours maybe. Oh my god!

Michelle’s bottom lip was back in her teeth again as she took the foil packet and carefully tore one corner splitting the foil and freeing the latex from inside. Michelle flipped the now empty wrapper casually over her shoulder and studied the rolled up latex sleeve in her hot little fingers. She carefully brought it down to the mushroom crown of my waiting member. She began rolling it down over the top but then it stopped. Before I could caution her to stop she tried to drag it down further and it broke. Crap! Michelle’s jaw dropped open and her eyes got huge, she looked down at the ruined protection then glanced up at me in horror realizing that it was now useless. One heartbeat… Two heartbeats… Three… and we both exclaimed at the exact same moment. “The OTHER ONE!” And then the scramble was on. I rolled over and Michelle dived forward, both of us scrabbling about the top of the bed looking for the other errant condom package. After a few moments of frantic searching I gave up and hung my head… That’s when I heard Michelle giggling again. She literally fell over on her side rolling and holding her stomach as she continued to laugh.

“What’s so funny?” I asked confused. Moments ago she would have fought a grizzly bear to put her hands on that condom package… now she’s giggling and laughing? She looked back up at me and then started giggling yet again. This time however she reached over and swatted me with the flat of her hand on my bare ass cheek. There stuck to the sweat on my skin was the missing condom package. She peeled it off with her fingers and held it up waving it teasingly in her hand grinning like an idiot. This time I snatched it from her hand and held it in my teeth as I crawled over top of her and straddled her this time. Sitting on her thighs with my still waiting cock waving impatiently in front of me over her abdomen, I slowly and deliberately carefully opened the package. I too, tossed the empty package over my shoulder. Then using the index finger of my right hand I pushed through the little latex ring demonstrating how the contraption would only unroll in one direction. With about an inch of the tip sticking out over the roll I pinched it lightly with my left index finger and thumb and brought the condom down to my eager soldier I slipped the rolled up portion over the head and while still holding the tip with my left hand I unrolled the condom down my shaft till it was almost all the way to the base. I then brought both of my hands up, fingers splayed and palms up as if to say Ta Da… Michelle swatted my hands away and bucked her hips up beneath me. No words were needed at this point, all the playful thoughts were swept aside, no more goofy looks or grins. This was serious now, I looked down at Michelle and nodded… she returned my look and nodded as well. I scooted back along her thighs and picked up my legs so that she could place both of hers alongside, outside of mine. Michelle drew her legs up, bending at the knees so that her feet were flat on the bed on either side of me. Still on my knees I edged closer to her, my condom covered warrior ready to do his duty. I took it by the base and rubbed it lightly along Michelle’s dewy lips, my head brushing against her still swollen clit causing her to jump slightly. I pulled back down and positioned the mushroom point at the base of her lips, the heated slip and slide entrance to heaven. Slowly I pressed it in, I almost closed my eyes the feeling was so intense, the heat the firm softness enveloping my most sensitive appendage. I froze with just the head in and shuddered in delight. I broke my focused stare from my piloting to look up at Michelle’s face only to find her eyes squeezed tightly closed, a matching look of total concentration on her sweaty hair matted absolutely gorgeous face. She had both hands grasping the bedspread on either side of her as if it were a life raft.

I edged a little further, maybe an inch or so into that feminine furnace as more of my mind slipped away. Releasing my hold on my cock I placed my hands, one each on each of Michelle’s knees. I wasn’t even halfway in yet and I could feel my balls churning. I had to keep myself from getting swept away, but holy crap this was hot! I bumped in a little more and Michelle clenched tightly around what was already inside. SHIIIIT!!! It felt like she was drawing me in in little pulsing waves. My nuts twitched again. I gasped. I had to get control of myself or this was going to be over before it even started I thought desperately. I pulled back, slowly, until just the very tip of my crown was still in contact with just the very edges of Michelle’s heated swollen inner lips. It’s like she was kissing me on the head, with fiery wet lips. Looking up I found Michelle’s eyes were now open. She looked at me, her mouth still agape and panting her brows knitted as she was trying to figure out what my game was now. She twitched her hips as if to sink my cock back inside but I held back, barely. I looked on, panting and remembering that I had made a promise, a vow really… a self imposed obligation to try to warn any girl I had the fortune to be with, about my weird and sometimes frightening affliction. My “aftershocks”… I shook my head to clear my thoughts and that caused Michelle to look puzzled.

“Chelle… I… I have to tell you something.” I gasped out between panting, my heart racing.

“What? Now? Can’t it wait?” She asked in disbelief.

“I… I kind of made… a promise… to try.” I said with an embarrassed grimace.

“Promise? What are you talking about?”

“Well… I kind of do this… this… thing. After sex…” I edged trying to put it into words that wouldn’t freak her out or make her decided to just stop this now and that would be it.

“Huh? What kind of ‘thing’? You’re not making any sense Jim.” Michelle said plaintively, her hands no longer grasping at the bedspread but turned up in supplication her elbows still planted on the bed.

“It’s just that, well… after sex I kind of… well… it looks like a seizure or something. It freaks girls out if I don’t warn them. I’m okay it’s just… weird…” I said hanging my head sheepishly and biting my lip. “I just don’t want to scare you or make you freak out.” I added with a sheepish grin.

“Arrrrrghhh! Jim… if you don’t put that damned cock in me and get started I’m going to freak the hell out alright! I’m going to pin your ass to this bed and climb all over you! You hear me?” She growled.

“Climb all over me?” I asked grinning and squinting my eyes. Michelle responded by grabbing at the bedspread and bucking her hips up into me again. “Oh Ho! It’s ON Missy!” I chuckled and thrust myself forward, almost my entire length, modest though it may be, buried it into those heated wanton walls. Michelle moaned and smiled, her eyes closing once more. I drew back slowly till the head was all that remained and then lunged again, this time I buried it to the hilt. Michelle’s flaming hot lips spread wide at the base of my cock as they tried to open wider to let more and more of me inside. I halted still deep inside and just ground my body against Michelle’s. Her clit was being rubbed by my skin. I rocked slowly from side to side twisting my hips grinding crotch to crotch. I finally began to withdraw, slowly, slowly… till once more only the head remained in touch. Once more I slammed all the way in to the hilt to grind hip to hip, groin to groin. Michelle grunted, then gasped. I repeated this three more times before I changed it up and did something a little different.

I shifted into a slow pump. Slow slow excruciatingly slow all the way in and all the way out. Oh my god it felt so good, at least for me anyway. I swear it felt like Michelle’s inner walls were clinging and grasping at me. It was apparent that this was not what Michelle wanted though as she lifted her legs up and wrapped them around my waist crossing her ankles behind my backside. She kicked and pulled with her legs and her heels prodded my ass to speed up. Thank god she didn’t have spurs on. Of course I sped up. Faster and faster but I knew from the tingling in my balls that going fast was going to make this a very short experience. So I had to break my stride and change it up again… But I knew that I could distract Michelle a little. I pushed hard and bottomed myself out, all in once more and I stopped there. I ground my hips causing my cock to swirl and roll slightly while deep inside. With my left hand I reached down and teased her clit that was still swollen and standing proud, poking out of her little fleshy hood. That pink little nub was like a live wire when I touched it with the tips of my fingers. Michelle’s legs stiffened and she pulled me into her with all her might. Her eyes rolled up in her head as she strained her neck and back arching like a gymnast. The strangled guttural sounds coming from her throat almost scared me until her hips fell into a frantic humping rhythm, twisting and grinding on my stiff lance. That was it for me… I knew this match was over, Michelle had won hands down, literally. Her hands were still grasping the bedspread as she ground and growled and pushed me right over the edge. My climax seemed to start in the vicinity of my toes, it was a fiery flowing sensation ripping up my legs and flooding into my balls before flashing like lightning up my spine and exploding simultaneously in the back of my skull and pulsing out through my spasming cock. Pulse after pulse after pulse. My eyes lost focus as the tunnel vision closed in, everything going dark as the light receded to just a tiny pin prick almost too small to see.

My next conscious thought was actually a sensation. It was Michelle’s hands prying my hands off the tops of her thighs. In the throes of my own climax I had put a death grip on her legs, squeezing with way too much pressure to be comfortable. As she pried my hands off her thighs I realized that my arms and hands were vibrating, trembling really, my whole body was actually. It was all I could do to lower myself to the bed to lay beside Michelle. I don’t even remember pulling out of her or moving her legs so that I could fall flat on my face with a groan. I felt Michelle’s right arm and even her right leg drape over me and snuggle close her right hand twirling her fingers in my sweat dampened hair as we both desperately tried to catch our breath.

“Oh my… god…” Michelle panted as her arms and legs still twitched.

“Yeah…” I half laughed in agreement and puffed a lock of Michelle’s hair out of my face as I half opened my left eye to look at her flushed sweaty face laying on my left arm. “Lady… you… are danger… ous…” I half whispered as I could feel the tell tale signs of my impending side show. My curse, the aftershock was building. I groaned.

“What?” Michelle asked.

“Hang on… it’s comi…” And then it hit me like a runaway train. All the fire and fury of the orgasm I had just experienced moments before came roaring back like some kind of bodily echo. My entire body seized up, tense and trembling like an over tightened spring. My breathing halted… then it exploded. My nerves jumping, every muscle in my body jumped and twitched… and then it was over, and I went limp. I drew a long long long deep breath and released it in a very long sighing exhale. My eyes were still tightly closed and I almost dreaded opening them to see the look that was on Michelle’s face. I imagined the worst, fear or horror… the least would be worry or concern. I realized that she was still twirling her fingers in my hair, soothing me. I felt her lips kissing my left arm. That… that’s different I thought. No one has ever reacted like that before… Opening my eyes hesitantly I found those big beautiful blue green gems with those fascinating little gold flecks… gazing into mine. I could feel my eyes watering. Oh my god! I had tears in my eyes. What the hell? It was those eyes… Michelle didn’t have to say a word, that look could twist my senses, bend my mind into a pretzel, make me forget everything else in the world… those eyes…

“That was… impressive.” Michelle whispered in awe. “And this happens every time?” She asked softly as she kissed my arm yet again.

“Yeah… well… anytime I’m with someone anyway. It never happens if I… um… well… you know.” I trailed off my explanation. “Hey! You weren’t scared?” I asked in curious wonder.

“Yeah… no. If you hadn’t given me that little warning before hand I might have freaked the hell out though… so yeah, thanks for that.” She giggled into my arm. Call it nerves or just the massively giddy feelings I had as a result of what we had just experienced together but Michelle’s giggle was infectious. I chuckled, which caused her to snort and giggle some more, that got me laughing and I rolled over on my back. Michelle rolled with me giggling and snorting to lay across my chest, her sweaty bare breasts mashing flat and pressing into my sweaty hairy chest. Panting again we lay there grinning at each other.

“Chelle…” I began, having to pause to swallow. “I was always taught growing up that I should thank anyone who did something nice for me or gave me a gift of any kind… So… I want to thank you.” I choked out as I stroked the back of her head and neck with my right hand. “That was more than I dreamed of…” I paused again, this time in embarrassment as I had just put my foot in my mouth big time. Michelle didn’t miss it either, the expression on her face went from mild confusion to wide eyed surprise.

“You dreamed of this?” She sputtered with glee. “You dreamed about me?” She edged on bringing her left hand to lay flat on my chest and she rested her chin on the back of it as her eye brows shot up questioningly and a big goofy grin spread on her face. Those eyes… oh those eyes… sparkled with mischief as she waited for me to elaborate further.

“Well I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t. It may have been more like a fantasy from my perspective though… but I already told you why that would have been.” I reddened as I smiled sheepishly again. “But what guy in his right mind wouldn’t fantasize about you… or dream about you? You are… awesome! You’re gorgeous, you’re smart, you’re funny, and you’re a walking talking wet dream Michelle.” I babbled effusively. Michelle turned red and that crazy pouting smile spread on those luscious lips as she tried to look demure.

“Oh stop it!” She giggled. “No… don’t stop… tell me more!” She giggled more. That’s when we heard the automatic garage door opening upstairs. Michelle’s eyes got huge with surprise. I’m sure my own were pretty much a mirror image though. We looked at one another in a moment of panic and then all hell broke loose as we both started scrambling to get up and find our clothes and get dressed. I found a tee shirt and pulled it on over my head but that was as far as it got… it wasn’t my tee shirt… it was Michelle’s. Michelle was hopping around on one foot as she tried to pull her jeans back on with only one leg in them. I pulled Michelle’s tee shirt back off of my head and tossed it to her as I scrambled around looking for my own jeans. I nearly fell over as suddenly I couldn’t see anything as Michelle had tossed my tee shirt at me effectively covering my head like a sack. I stopped and pulled it over my head and pushed my arms through the arm holes. I found my jeans and stepped into them. I turned as I was pulling them up and I heard Michelle bark out a stifled laugh. I stopped and looked up at her puzzled. Shaking with silent laughter she stepped over to me and reached down and pinched the used condom that was somehow still hanging on my deflated penis. Closing her thumb and index finger over the rolled edge she milked it down squeezing my shrinking member out and trapping the gooey deposit still in the latex tube. It came free with a wet pop. I looked up at her and blushed and stifled a groan. I tucked in my guy and zipped up and buckled my belt. We both slipped our shoes back on and froze for a second. The bed was a wreck and we were both sweaty and flushed. Looking at one another we both grinned and giggled.

Thinking fast I pulled the top two drawers out of the dresser and set them on the bed. Then I repeated with the second set of drawers down, and the third. We now had all the drawers lying atop the bed effectively covering it. The bottom drawers were empty so I started gathering the pipes and tobacco and other nick knacks off the top of the dresser and placing them in the empty drawers. With everything off the top and the drawers removed the dresser was fairly easy to drag away from the wall and push up against the bed. We drug the bed out away from the wall a couple of feet and then moved the nightstands and the trunk from the corner. We were dragging the drafting table towards the bed when we heard Penny clear her throat and knock on the doorway from the galley kitchen. Looking around the room seeing all that had been moved she smiled.

“My, you two have been busy haven’t you?” Penny said with a straight face, or trying to keep a straight face anyway. The sparkle in her light blue eyes was unmistakable and the corners of her lips were struggling massively to keep from smiling. “I was wondering if you two might be hungry, working so hard and working up an appetite…” She smiled after saying that. “I stopped and got some lunch for us all on my way home. Join me upstairs when you get to a good… stopping point.” She turned to go back through the galley kitchen but stopped. Penny bent down and picked up something off the floor. Standing back up she examined it, it was an opened condom rapper. She smiled wickedly and closed her hand over it and said in a sing song voice over her shoulder as she left. “Yes I think you two worked up an appetite indeed.” We could hear her giggling softly to herself as she left the apartment. Michelle and I looked at one another and shared goofy grins and blushing faces. She rolled her eyes and I ducked my head and grimaced sheepishly. Neither one of us had thought to look for the empty wrappers in our haste to get dressed. We both started giggling silently again as we linked arms and followed in Penny’s wake to go upstairs.

As we climbed the stairs from the beaded curtain to the front door landing we heard voices coming from the kitchen upstairs. Maggie had returned home as well, and Jules too from the sound of it. Pausing on the landing Michelle and I traded looks, both grimacing slightly knowing we were probably going to get called out. Both of us blew an exasperated breath and started up the second set of stairs. Stepping into the kitchen we found Maggie sitting opposite from Penny and Jules at the far end of the table near the door to the garage. The table was spread with a bucket of chicken, and all the fixings, mashed potatoes and gravy, biscuits and coleslaw. Maggie had set out plates and silverware. Penny was pouring glasses of iced tea for everyone. Maggie pulled the chair on the near end of the table out and around to her side of the table for Michelle. I offered to get a chair from the patio for myself to sit in and everyone agreed that was a good idea. Penny offered to hold the door for me on my return. As I stepped out the door to the patio Penny leaned in and whispered in my ear.

“Jim darling, your shirt is on inside out… and backwards…” I looked at her and she winked. Looking down I realized that she was right. The little tag was in the front and tickling my chin. Before the door closed I heard Jules stage whisper to Michelle “Girl… your shirt is on backwards.” I couldn’t help but to barely stifle a groan as I walked a few steps to the patio table and peeled my shirt off and turned it right side out before putting it back on. I grabbed a chair and brought it back to the house. Penny smiled knowingly and held the door open for me. Once everyone was seated we began passing food around and eating. Most of the talk was simple and small and safe. Maggie and Penny talked to each other about their appointments in vague terms, Jules commented on the other jobs she had going on elsewhere. They all wanted to know just how much Michelle and I had accomplished in the apartment. For a moment both of us traded worried looks that bordered on panic especially since Penny bit her lip and looked at Michelle and I with her eyebrows arched questioningly. Those big blue eyes of hers were screaming with mischief and joy. I cleared my throat and glanced to my left at Michelle and told everyone that we had finished with the front room and all the furniture was covered with a drop cloth. The bedroom was all moved in to the center save for some pictures remaining on the walls but other than that it was ready to be covered as well. I told Jules that Michelle and I could do that after we finished eating. Jules made a point of looking at her wrist watch.

“It’s getting late in the afternoon Jim, maybe I should help the two of you so you won’t be late for your dinner shift at Dom’s tonight.” She said with her signature smirk and a knowing glint in her eyes. I looked at the clock on Maggie and Penny’s stove and realized that she was right. We had just eaten lunch but it was closer to time for dinner than lunch. Crap! Where had the time gone? Oh wait… I remember. I offered to help Penny and Maggie clean up from the meal they had just fed us but Penny shooed me and Michelle away.

“That’s okay darling, you two run along with Jules and tidy up the bedroom in the apartment. This is mostly disposable so it’s no bother.” Penny purred giving me a knowing look and a quick wink. Maggie caught the wink and raised one eyebrow giving me a sidelong glance as I exited the room behind Michelle and Jules. I moments Maggie would be well informed on at least Penny’s suspicions if not the facts about all that happened while Michelle and I were left alone to work in the apartment. I groaned internally but then had to smile… it was worth it. Oh my god was it worth it! I followed along behind the girls as we went down the stairs to the basement and to the apartment. Jules in front was just her normal self, but even thought it might have been my imagination, and I really don’t think it was, but Michelle was putting a little extra sway and swish in her gait. Those curves were pumped up, at least in my eyes anyway, and part of my anatomy was responding. Damn! I paused outside the apartment door and readjusted, pushing my John Thomas back down into a less noticeable position. Or so I hoped. I grabbed the second drop cloth package from beside the door and went inside.

I found Michelle and Jules in the bedroom taking the last of the picture frames from walls. They set them in the bottom drawers from the dresser, as they were on top, on the bed. I opened up the package and pulled the plastic drop cloth out. Jules took one end of the fold and I the other and we stretched it out. Michelle then took one corner from me and we walked it apart to open it up. She repeated the same on the other end with Jules. With a few billowing waves and some tugging we managed to get the plastic sheet over and covered everything in the middle of the room. Coming back around from her side of the newly formed tent, Jules was rubbing her chin as if in thought. She looked up and turned to Michelle.

“Michelle, could your run upstairs and ask Maggie or Penny to come down here for a moment?” Jules asked. Michelle said sure and left the room through the galley kitchen. Jules then sidled up next to me and nudged me with her elbow and grinned.

“Buddy…” She said in a low chuckle. “You might want to take a quick shower before you leave to go to Dom’s in a few minutes… Hard work huh?” she said with a knowing leer. With a concerned expression I sniffed at my shirt and decided that she probably had a point. When Michelle came back with Maggie I asked if it would be alright if I went upstairs and took a quick shower. Maggie smiled and told me yes of course. I excused myself and told Jules I’d see her at work later. I pulled Michelle to the galley just out of sight of Jules and Maggie and we exchanged goofy grins and I leaned in and kissed her quickly. It wasn’t quite a peck but rather a rather short if sensual lip lock. We stood there forehead to forehead sharing a breath or two before I pulled back and backed away reluctant to leave. She smiled and motioned with her hand to call her later. I bit my lower lip and nodded before turning and making my way through the apartment and upstairs. I went to the guest room and got one of my clean tee shirts from my drawer, then headed back towards the bathroom. As I was passing Penny’s room the door opened and she reached out and grabbed a handful of my tee shirt and pulled me inside. Closing the door she pressed me up against the door jamb and attacked my lips with a passionate hungry kiss. Her left hand was still gripped holding my tee shirt was sandwiched between her breast and my chest. Penny’s right hand was grasping at my left side just above my hip and waistline, groping and pawing.

After a few moments of Lip aerobics and tongue dueling, Penny broke the kiss and pulled back a bit to look me in the face. There was a hungry look on her face but there was something else in her eyes… I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. Something akin to pride or satisfaction maybe mixed with a little reserved sadness. I started to ask her what this was but she brought her right hand up and put her index finger on my lips to shush me. In a lust deepened low voice she said.

“You don’t know how proud I am of you darling… proud and maybe a little jealous of that wonderful darling little minx Michelle. I’m proud of her too though. I’m so happy for the both of you really and it’s driving me crazy. I’m only going to say this once, even though I probably don’t even need to with you… but Jim darling… Today was special. Probably more special than you can even fathom at this moment. Please darling… Call Michelle this evening. Just say hello, anything, just let her know that you’re here for her. It will mean more than you know to her. Now go… before I devour you myself you naughty boy.” She said the last as she swatted my hip and winked. I reached behind me with my right hand and turned the doorknob and opened the bedroom door. But before I slipped back out into the hallway I reached up with my left hand and grabbed Penny by the back of her neck and pulled her into one more quick passionate kiss. For a second she resisted and then she seemed to melt into the kiss for the second or two that it lasted. I pulled back and she looked up into my eyes and with her blue eyes bright and wet she smiled and pushed me out of her room.

I shed my clothes, once more, in the bathroom and hopped into the shower to clean up. As I lathered up my hair and face with soap I could felt a draft as the glass shower door slid open behind me and I felt a slight draft of cooler air waft into the shower. Suspecting Penny had decided to join me I rinsed the soap from my eyes and turned and was shocked. There stood Maggie, completely nude, her hair loose. Maggie reached up and took the bar of soap from my hand and began to rub it over my chest and abdomen. At one point she raised a hand and with the tips of her manicured fingers she pressed my hanging mouth closed and tapped my lips as if to shush me. She then pressed my shoulder to get me to turn away from her. I did, still stunned that she was standing there in the shower with me in the first place. I felt Maggie’s hands gliding over my back and hips and even running up and down over my ass and upper thighs as she lathered me with the soap. Then I felt her press her naked body up against my back and wrap her arms around me to cross over my abdomen. The feel of her breasts and those rock hard nipples pressing into my shoulder blades made me want to swoon. Maggie nuzzled her chin into the nape of my neck near my left ear. After kissing my neck for a moment she began to whisper to me.

“Michelle told me briefly what happened today… Shhhhhh… I had to ask her, she didn’t volunteer it. I just knew she was changed… Jim darling… Thank you. You have no idea how much this means to her. She told me that you were going to call her later tonight. Please do, even if it’s just to say hello. Trust your feelings young man.” Maggie said as she kissed me once more on my neck, laid her head on my shoulder and squeezed me fiercely before releasing me and stepping back. “Now finish cleaning up, you wouldn’t want to be late for work. And Jim darling, you know you can call anytime during the week if you find you have some free time.” Maggie said with a smile that warmed my heart. God! Can this day get any crazier? Shaking my head I rinsed off under the showering water and finished up. Dried and redressed I stepped out of the bathroom and walked down to the kitchen. Michelle was being hugged by Penny, a gentle motherly show of affection from the older woman to the younger. Neither of them saw me witness the show of affection so I quietly stepped back into the living room and cleared my throat. I busied myself with the zipper of my book bag carrying my dirty clothes. Penny and Michelle stepped out of the kitchen hand in hand and both smiled at me. Penny repeated the reminder to both Michelle and I about calling if either of us had any spare time throughout the week. We both promised we would and then Penny escorted us to the landing for the front door.

Another quick hug for Michelle and one for me… Penny surreptitiously grabbed my ass while she gave me a brief hug and a knowing smile. We said our goodbyes and headed to our cars. Michelle doing that shy little girl walk twisting and turning grinning shyly and biting her lips and batting her eyes as we neared her car. I stepped into Michelle and rested my forehead on hers as she ran her right hand up and down my left forearm.

“Chelle… today was… oh my god… it was…” I tried to find the words to express my wonder and awe. Michelle smiled up at me and for the love of god SHE put her fingers on my lips to shush me! What is it with these women today?

“More than you can imagine babe… Thank you. Call me later… okay?” She said in a husky voice those blue green gems boring a hole right through my heart.

“I will.” I promised and kissed her gently, briefly before reluctantly prying myself away from her and walking to my truck. Looking back as I settled behind the wheel I saw Michelle leaning against her car with a dreamy look on her lovely face as she gave me one of those girly little girl waves. I had a strange lump in my chest and throat that would not go away… like the smile on my face.

Dinner rush at Dom’s that evening was frenzied, but short, it wasn’t long before anyone not closing got cashed out and sent home. Soon it was down to just the closing manager, Jules and me. As the manager tallied up the night’s receipts Jules and I fell into our cleaning routine. I was on dish washing detail tonight and she on sweeping and mopping. Of course Jules being Jules, she had to chide and dig at me, it had been far too busy earlier for her to bother me but now it was no holds barred. Jules was practically vibrating with all the pent up questions and her imagination when she brought another armload of prep pans back to the sink for me to wash.

“You two sure got busy this morning.” She said with a teasing lilt. Was she implying something other than moving furniture and stuff or did she know something I wondered. My face must have colored a bit because she just chuckled knowingly and went back up front for more. Oddly enough that’s all she said about it. She kept giving me goofy looks and winks and nudged me every time she brought more dishes to be cleaned or filled the mop bucket to mop the front. I finished up the dish washing and drained and cleaned the sink, then asked to use one of the phones up front while the manager finished up with the paperwork for the night. I waited till Jules had settled in at the desk with the manager in the back before I dialed Michelle’s number. It rang three times on the other end of the line and I thought perhaps no one was going to answer. I was about to hang up when I heard a click and…

“I got it Sam… Hello?” It was Michelle’s voice she had shouted to her roommate before more timidly answering the phone.

“Hey Chelle.” I spoke in to the hand set with my eyes closed so I could envision her pretty face on the other end of the line. “I’m sorry it’s so late, I tried to get finished up as fast as I could tonight. I hope I didn’t keep you up and waiting.” I apologized.

“Hey, no… I wasn’t ready to go to bed just yet. I’m glad you called. I’ve been thinking about you all night…” Michelle spoke softly into my ear. “I wish you were here right now… I miss you.” She said in a near whisper.

“You miss me?” I asked with a tinge of doubt in my voice, surely she’s just pulling my leg. “I kind of wish I were there with you too. I’d love to practice kissing some more sometime.” I teased bashfully, if that’s even possible.

“I’d practice with you anytime Jim…” She admitted in that cutesie little girl voice. I could just imagine her twirling her hair with her finger, her head leaning on one shoulder as she gently swayed and rocked in place.

“I don’t think we fooled anyone by trying to act like nothing happened today…” I said conspiratorially in a quiet voice over the phone. “Penny and Maggie both pulled me aside at some point before I left to come to work tonight. Maggie even got in the shower with me to confront me.” I said as if still disbelieving it myself. I heard a slight gasp on the other end of the phone but then an eerie quiet. I almost panicked thinking that I might have too much.

“What… what did she say to you?” I heard a little worry in Michelle’s voice when she asked. In my mind I replayed what both Penny and Maggie had said to me before I could leave the house today. Neither really gave any details but both were insistent that I should call Michelle. “Trust your feelings young man.” Maggie had said.

“Only that you had told her kind of what happened today…” I hedged, thinking that I needed to know what Michelle was thinking, what she was worried about or afraid of.

“Did she… did she seem upset or angry about it?” Michelle all but whispered the question. I was missing something here I felt. I knew that Michelle and Maggie had some sort of dynamic between the two of them. More than just a teacher and a student… even by Penny and Maggie’s odd standards in this special kind of tutoring. Penny’s words about her and Maggie getting attached to students now and then echoed in my mind. I knew for a fact that Maggie was keenly attached to Michelle, as much if not more than she was with me. Probably far more than with me I thought. Could it be that Michelle was worried how Maggie would feel about the two of us… together?

“Not at all, I think she was quite pleased that we… uh… comforted one another.” I reassured her. “If anything, I think she might have been a little worried about you… honestly, Penny and she both pushed me to call you tonight. I was going to call anyway but I think they were both thinking of you Chelle. They care is all…” I trailed off not knowing what else to say or at least how to say it maybe.

“They asked you to call me?” Michelle asked in a quiet neutral voice. I could hear traps setting all the way around that question. Biting my tongue, I dove back in.

“No, not really, they more pushed… suggested I guess, but I was going to call anyway… I wanted to talk to you since we didn’t have much time… after… well…” I again trailed off as my thoughts fought for priority in my overworked little brain.

“Well…what… what did you want to talk about?” Michelle asked in a quiet nervous voice. I could almost hear her chewing on her bottom lip over the phone line.

“You.” I stated simply as if that explained everything.

“Me?” She squeaked now confused.

“Yeah, you… you’re all I’ve thought about all evening. I can close my eyes and I see your eyes looking back at me. Those beautiful soul trapping heart wrenching brain warping eyes. I can feel your lips on mine, my skin still tingles where you touched me… everywhere.” I said with a voice full of awe and wonder. “I’ve never… I’ve never felt this way with anyone else Chelle… I… I hope I haven’t scared you away or anything.” I admitted lamely and fell silent. It was quiet on the other end of the line. I could hear a TV somewhere in the background and faintly, very faintly I could hear Michelle breathing. I hung my head thinking I had put my foot in it and said something stupid. She’s probably trying to think of something to say to let me down easy, if I’m lucky. I guess it was all in my head, she didn’t feel anything like the attraction I had for her. The butterflies in my stomach and my heart suddenly grew leaden wings and began crashing. A feeling of dread and heaviness came over me, it only got worse when I could discern the beginnings of a giggle coming from Michelle.

“Maggie actually said we ‘comforted one another’?” she asked with a chirp.

“Uh… yeah… I mean…” I stuttered.

“Jim! You made my toes curl! You made me feel… so… Oh god! Why are you so freakin’ shy? You make me crazy! You say your skin tingles when you close your eyes? That’s sweet really, I like that, but holy crap! My kitty is STILL tingling from what you did this morning. You already know that you’re going to have to do that AGAIN buddy! Even if I have to tie you down or something.” Michelle devolved into a fit of giggles. In the background I heard a voice yell “Get that Kitty Boy! She hasn’t shut up all night!” At that I heard Michelle cover the mouth piece and yell “SAAAAM!!!” then she laughed instead of giggled. A deep belly laugh before pulling herself back together. “Ignore the roommate Jim, she’s just jealous I think.” After a few moments she changed tone again. “Jim… Thank you for calling me… and for this morning. I had fun. I can’t wait till we can ‘practice’ some more.”

“Me either.” I told her. We talked for a few more minutes before I told her I needed to get off the phone as my manager was ready to lock up and leave for the night. I had a couple of odd jobs to attend to the next day, I was trying to get some last minute jobs done before classes started next week. She told me that she had a ton of stuff to do too, but that she would look forward to getting a call from me whenever I could ring her up. With that I reluctantly said good bye and we hung up. I must have floated to my truck in the parking lot as I don’t remember even walking out of the shop. I should have known that the night wasn’t over yet though… Jules had left me alone all evening… Yeah, here comes the third degree.

“Hey buddeeeee.” I heard before I could open my driver’s door on my pick up. I hung my head and sighed before turning around and leaning back up against my truck. I put my hands in my pockets and waited for Jules to begin. I didn’t have to wait long.

“So you and Michelle got a lot done this morning. I’m glad you managed to get the furniture moved too though.” She said with a poker face giving me a bit of a sidelong glance.

“I’m not sure I know what you’re talking about Jules.” I began with a deadpan slightly puzzled expression. Jules was not having that though.

“Oh come on! Michelle’s shirt was on backwards, yours was INSIDE OUT and backwards, and both of you looked… frazzled. Jim you smelled like sex!” Jules blurted out in mock disbelief. I just kept my head down but looked up through my eyebrows and gave a half smile and shrugged. Jules Whooped! “I KNEW IT! Jimbo got busy! So how was it buddy? That little minx rock your world? Come on now spill the beans! Dish! DISH!” Jules prodded literally bouncing from foot to foot and grinning like a kid in a candy store.

“Jules… you know I’m not like that. I don’t kiss and tell. You’ll have to ask Michelle or maybe Sam if you want to know more.” I said with a shrug. Jules stopped dead in her tracks and just stared at me with her mouth open in disbelief that I was not going to tell her all about it.

“Jiiiiiimmm!” She whined almost pleadingly. I grinned and turned and opened my door. Before I climbed in I turned back to Jules and bowed my head and said.

“Chelle did say that I made her toes curl…” I then winked and climbed in my truck to drive home to the farm. Jules stood there with her mouth hanging open with that goofy mixed emotion face. Her eyebrows suddenly shot up and her eyes got big before she reared back her head and howled WOOOHOOO!!!

Most of the rest of that week had me hustling to get some of my odd jobs finished up before classes started the next week. I got gutters cleaned, a hedge trimmed, a garage cleaned out and a garden turned for the fall. Lots of manual labor, and sweat, but it was mostly mindless work while I was doing it. I know my mind was anywhere but on the job most of the time… well, maybe not just anywhere, I was on one particular subject… Michelle. My obsession or distraction anyway did not go unnoticed by my fellow employees at Dom’s either. I was called out more than once asking me about the far off stare of goofy grin on my face when someone caught me daydreaming or thinking of Michelle. Of course a few of them knew a little about it by way of Jules or Jules’ friend Sam, Michelle’s roommate. They didn’t know any particulars or details only that I seemed smitten by the subject of my every waking thought… and unbeknownst to them, almost ALL of my sleeping thoughts and dreams as well. I called Michelle almost every evening before I left to drive home to the farm. We only spoke for a few minutes maybe but I looked forward to hearing her voice every day.

I had only been scheduled to close that Monday with Jules so we only saw each other in passing a couple of times during that week, but we were busy enough that she didn’t get much chance to pester me like she normally would. But when Friday rolled around and dinner rush had come and gone Jules made up for all the lost opportunities and lost time. As we were being cashed out she started in on me.

“I talked to Sam and Michelle this afternoon…” Jules said conversationally. “Sam wanted to know if you were bringing doughnuts again tomorrow morning.” She added as she leaned back against the wall beside the desk as she waited her turn to be tallied up and cashed out.

“Doughnuts? Is Sam going to be there too?” I asked turning to look at Jules to see if she was pulling my leg.

“As a matter of fact, yes Sam is going to be there. It’ll be me and you, Michelle, Sam and a couple of others I had working on another project. We only have this weekend before you and Michelle start classes and I won’t be able to get you two for much till first break or even spring for that matter. I’m already behind schedule on Maggie and Penny’s house so I wanted to get everyone on it this Saturday and get it painted. You are still going to help right?” She finished with a question. What she said made sense to me of course especially about classes starting next week. I did a quick count in my head of how many people were going to be on this paint job in the morning.

“So there’s going to be what? Eight or nine people there in the morning maybe?” I asked in a distracted voice… it wasn’t just the doughnuts I was thinking about but not having any time, alone, with Michelle. Damn! I must have made a face or something as that thought crossed my mind as it did not go unnoticed by Jules.

“Oh now don’t go and get all pouty on me now lover boy… it’ll be okay.” Jules teased me. “I’m sure you two will find time together… just not tomorrow morning… probably.” She added with a conspiratorial stage whisper. “Besides… someone will have to take the drop cloths down and put all the furniture back where it when we’re done and the paint has dried… like maybe next weekend…” She added in a softer voice with only a hint of facetiousness and a wink. Damn that girl! She knew how to get under my skin, make me squirm and then tease me with a little hope all in the same breath. I smiled at her and she looked over her shoulder to see if anyone was looking then gave me a quick hug. When she let go of me she grabbed my hat off of my head and ruffled my hair. “Starting at eight… don’t be late!” She giggled and headed out of the shop. I had to get going too if I wanted to get any sleep that night but before I left I wanted to call Michelle like I had been doing all week. We talked for a few minutes, both commiserating about how there were going to be so many people there tomorrow morning. Of course I teased her about having to share the custard filled doughnuts, which got me a raspberry in my ear over the phone. I told her I would get extra of those just for her. She must have relayed that to Sam because I heard Sam yell in the background. “Just get a bag of mixed doughnut holes! It’s cheaper and everyone likes them!” I told Michelle to tell Sam thank you, I would. I told her I had been dreaming about her both asleep and awake every day this week. I couldn’t wait to see her in the morning. We said our goodbyes and I drove home to the farm.

-To be continued-


Same as Being Jim Ch.6 Lessons of Life pt4 Videos

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WOW WHAT I DISCOVERED – PT3 I have been thinking I should do a character studY on each of these guys This guy’s name is Peter known as Pete Since Chris shared his story to the group, we have had others of the group tell their story after an intense session or to fill in time. The next guy is Pete. Pete’s cock is like a Boerewor sausage when deflated and 10-12 inches long when stiff and needs 2 hands to work it, and leaks precum like a dripping faucet Pete is 21 has been doing similar...

3 years ago
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The house of Empress Toya pt4

The House of Empress Toya pt4   Myself & Belle have been receiving special attention since our last meeting with our Mistress. Extra fruit, wine (not normally given to slaves), extra food portions we of course shared this with everyone else. Although I am a slave my life has improved, I no longer have to work many hours a day on the land in all weathers. I sleep comfortable, I eat very well, I am always clean even my finger nails, and so what if I do have to perform sexual favours for whom...

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455 going in Pt4

455 going in Pt4 A bout of what he now knows as vanilla sex, now ensued, it was hard and fast stuff from a lad who was fast learning the ropes. She climaxed, and immediately after he filled her in quantity. They lay together sated, then she said in a quiet voice, “I thought you might have wanted me up the backway having seen the film!” He grinned but said, “one thing at a time madam, I needed to empty my balls, as you taught me, then with a cool head I wanted to ask if you enjoyed it, and if I...

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433 After the passing Pt4

After the passing Pt4 He knew she would keep her word… she had told him to, “come to her room at eight,” knowing that by then she would be ready and have had chance of a shower and dressing appropriately. He, she knew would be champing at the bit, but she wanted this to be special for the lad, truth to tell she was looking forward to it herself. She chose her underclothing carefully added stockings rather than the hold ups or tights she usually wore and then came a cream suit that she favoured,...

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412 Daves reassuring hand holding pt4

412 Dave`s reassuring hand holding pt4 The next two weeks passed slowly, oh they had sex, Gaye and Dave, but it was with the memory of that last weekend as a stimulant, Dan had promised Gaye that he would up the stakes if she so wished, and the prospect of both watching and of having the delightful Mary again had Dave more than a little interested. Meanwhile he finished the painting, one of his best so far. It was on the Monday of the second week as it happened the day that the client for the...

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306 the padlocked nurse pt4

306 padlocked nurse pt4On the Thursday, after work, having had a light snack, showered, and got changed, the couple set off, her dressed in the button fronted dress once more for ease of access. The lift was being worked on once again, fortunately it was looked on as a priority by this council. At the tattoo shop, there was no receptionist, Trevor himself answering the door to them at the first knock, and as they walked through the shop itself, he switched out the un-necessary lights as they...

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228 CUCKOLD FARM PT4It was nearly a month before Lisa returned, it had been a sad month for her, attending the passing of her beloved Titch, the inevitable funeral, the breaking up of her once happy home, clearing all the debts, paperwork, memories and so on that come with the end of a marriage and a life. Amongst the things she kept were Titch’s van, not an old machine, it had been his pride and joy, and she packed into it her most precious possessions. Finally, the day came when she handed...

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New Neighbor Makes Me her Bitch Pt4

New Neighbor Makes Me Her Bitch Pt4 [/image] The text said, “NOW”. I knew what she wanted. It was 10:30 Saturday night. I had just showered after my workout. I wanted sleep. I put on shorts, pulled a shirt on over my head, stepped into sandals. I went out the back door. As I walked past the small door leading into the back of the garage, light suddenly flooded out of it. “Get in here. Now.” I obeyed. She shut the door behind me. In the middle of the floor was a lift. The type of...

4 years ago
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A Chance Encounter With Friends Pt4

A Chance Encounter With Friends Pt4[/Image]I would say that I went downstairs and attacked a serving wench and shot a gallon of cum down her throat, but the truth is, I took a shower and got a little “relief” from my session with Jane. I did chug about a gallon of what Don said was his “Secret Sex Water” out of the mini-refrigerator in the room but then tumbled into bed exhausted. Jet lag had hit me as had the morning and afternoon’s activities so I was soon sound asleep. The next thing that...

2 years ago
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WOW WHAT I DISCOVERED – PT3I have been thinking I should do a character studY on each of these guys This guy's name is Peter known as PeteSince Chris shared his story to the group, we have had others of the group tell their story after an intense session or to fill in time.The next guy is Pete. Pete's cock is like a Boerewor sausage when deflated and 10-12 inches long when stiff and needs 2 hands to work it, and leaks precum like a dripping faucet Pete is 21 has been doing similar classes as...

4 years ago
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The house of Empress Toya pt4

The House of Empress Toya pt4   Myself & Belle have been receiving special attention since our last meeting with our Mistress. Extra fruit, wine (not normally given to slaves), extra food portions we of course shared this with everyone else. Although I am a slave my life has improved, I no longer have to work many hours a day on the land in all weathers. I sleep comfortable, I eat very well, I am always clean even my finger nails, and so...

2 years ago
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The Best Week of my Life Pt4

In no hurry to rise on Thursday morning, when eventually I did, the storm of the previous day's malaise had been washed away by the kind of beautiful sunshine the girls would doubtless have given up their precious cherries for. Though I did like to think that two of them, at least, had enjoyed their time indoors with me. Talking of the girls, as I hobbled from the couch, it was hard not to notice that the bungalow was as quiet as a library. A scribbled note from Sophie on the kitchen side...

3 years ago
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All I wanted was a simple life pt4

I awoke to find Mistress Tara standing over my bed, I winced as my cock banged into the spikes in its chastity device "Good morning Mistress" I said as I propped myself up on my elbows, the strap of my babydoll falling down my right shoulder. "Morning tiny, are you ready for your busy day?" she replied, today she was dressed in a bright red loose fitting summer top and black mini skirt. "First though open your mouth" Puzzled I did so expecting something to be pushed in but not...

3 years ago
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Lesson Pt4

The next time Rick paid us a visit, it was obvious that I'd have to see what he could do with his cock, but I wasn't expecting quite what I got. He arrived all flustered and wet from the rain, afraid he was going to be late, he said, due to the idiots who can't drive in the weather. Letting him recover, we chatted about nothing really, until my man appeared and called us to attention."Rick, glad you made it. It's time you fucked my girl," was his opener, never one to talk in circles,...

Wife Lovers
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The Life and Times of Jim Horn Texas Ranger An Excerpt

"Sheriff Buck, Jim, please come quick! Bert sent me to tell you there's going to be trouble over at the saloon!" Buck followed Jim who was hot on the boy's trail as he headed back in the direction of the saloon. As soon as Jim saw the number of horses with Mexican rigs at the hitching rail he reached out and halted the boy. "How many of them are there, Jasper?" He asked. "About six, sir. They came in asking about Angelina and Bert sent me to find you!" "Buck, find us some...

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Being Jim Ch09 The Heart Has no Conscience

* Life is a tapestry, a cloth woven from many different threads that create the whole. This story is a thread, a part of Barbra's story, contributing to the waft and weave that is the Whole cloth, being Jim. Being Jim Ch.09: The Heart Has No Conscience Or: The Guilty Heart By Frodov * This story is based entirely on true experiences from my past, names and a few details have been changed to provide anonymity for those involved. Discretion is a precious commodity and is...

4 years ago
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Being Jim Ch08 Lightning Strikes Twice

The old saying goes that “Lightning never strikes twice in the same place.” I’m not sure how scientific or even true by practical experience that may be but I for one know for certain that in matters of the heart… It’s not true. I’ve for the most part led a very fortunate and blessed life. I grew up in a warm and loving home surrounded by family that both kept me humble and taught me the value of kindness and sincerity. I have made very dear and lasting friendships with...

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Being JimCh07Barbras Wish

* Life is a tapestry, a cloth woven from many different threads that create the whole. This story is a thread, a part of Barbra's story, contributing to the waft and weave that is the Whole cloth, being Jim. Being Jim-Ch.07-Barbra’s Wish By Frodov * This story is based entirely on true experiences from my past, names and a few details have been changed to provide anonymity for those involved. Discretion is a precious commodity and is becoming rarer every day. I reached...

4 years ago
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The Life and Times of Jim Horn Texas Ranger An Excerpt

Jim and Buck were working on their second cup of coffee when Jim glanced out the open door and noticed Jasper running down the street toward the office. He burst in through the door! "Sheriff Buck, Jim, please come quick! Bert sent me to tell you there's going to be trouble over at the saloon!" Buck followed Jim who was hot on the boy's trail as he headed back in the direction of the saloon. As soon as Jim saw the number of horses with Mexican rigs at the hitching rail he reached out and...

4 years ago
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Step Brothers Bride Pt4

It had been just over 2 weeks since the wedding. I had agreed to pick up the happy newlyweds after their honeymoon in Majorca. I was looking forward to seeing them especially Jennifer. They were flying into Glasgow airport which was almost a 2-hour drive from the small town we lived in. Jennifer had text me to let me know they had landed, so I parked in the short stay and awaited them. I noticed Jennifer first, her red hair and bronzed body attracted most men’s eyes. Then I saw Shaun,...

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Sneaky Panty Smeller pt4

 As we enter into part four of this story, I can't help but feel even more connected with Becky. She is truly, amazing.  So, leaving off in part three when Becky and I had fucked in the shop outside. I fucked her perfect, tight ass and filled her full of my cum. I left her full and leaking on my wife's panties that she was wearing. Such a naughty girl indeed. So that evening at home, before taking a shower, I thought I would follow through with my idea of seeing if my wife would give me a...

3 years ago
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Sisters helping hand Pt4

When l was going back to my van after spunking over Dora and being watched by her husband Neal, l saw Annie going into her gate we began chatting, l informed her that Tina my sister had a girl. Annie started telling me about Sasha getting home at 1.30pm, she had no idea how it was all my fault, she asked if l would talk to Sasha as she seemed to listen to me, so l said l’ll be around the next evening, Annie told me to be there at 5pm for dinner, l was hoping Annie might have invited me to fuck...

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Master PC Kyles Adventure pt4

As my wife still laid sprawled across the bed, I couldn’t sleep. My mind was going in too many directions. One such direction was the extremely attractive neighbor girl that brings us fresh chicken eggs twice a week. Her name is Katrina Winzer. She lives a few blocks down. We’re pretty good friends with her parents. Just finished high school and is taking the summer off while she finds work. She normally stops by on Friday morning before school. With tomorrow morning being Friday, I thought I...

2 years ago
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My First Knot pt4

I turned my head just in time to be rewarded with a spurt of hot, sticky cum hitting my nose and open mouth. "That's right bitch! Eat my cum!" John urged through gritted teeth, as spurt after spurt of his cum hit me in the face. I have only tasted cum once before, and that was my own. I was alone and very horny and figured I'd try it. Didn't really care for it. John's cum was thicker than mine, and tasted much saltier. I liked his cum even less than my own. But, remembering the pics and...

2 years ago
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Neighbor Girl Needs Help pt4

“Look, I don’t know what I’m doing, why I’m even in here, I just… I don’t know, maybe I should go” Miranda says as she walks further towards the back of my living room, turning to face us. “Do you want to see his cock or not?” Jemma replies, pushing me forward away from the door, towards Miranda. “I….I don’t know. Like I said, maybe this is a bad idea. I just, I guess I was just turned on from the thought of whatever you two were doing” Miranda says again, her voice trembling. “It’s ok, you...

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Am I Strong Enough to Say No pt4

She felt her dad get back in the bunk. She didn’t know what to think. She knew she smelt of being extremely wet. A person with a head cold could smell that. But, he didn’t say anything. He did stay up front for a long time. She wondered what he was thinking. There were so many confusing thoughts going threw her head. She knew what she was dreaming and thinking was so wrong. Wrong enough that if anyone ever found out, she would be taken away from her dad forever. That scared the...

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Becoming a hotwife Pt4

Following on from my night of unbridled sex.There was so much going through my mind as I drove home. If I was being honest, I was probably too distracted to drive safely. My daze was broken by the phone ringing; it was Dave.I sheepishly answered, not really knowing what to say, or how Dave would react. My fears were immediately eased as he just asked, “How is my little hotwife?” I could feel myself welling up with tears as I told him I didn’t think he’d want anything to do with me after what I...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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My Sister and Me Pt4

And now, on with the show! I couldn't believe what had happened in just the last few days. And now, I was sitting in my sister's living room waiting for her to get home from work. She was bringing her girlfriend into our mini-orgy. It was all a bit mind boggling. I was drinking a beer when I heard a key twist in the door lock and my sister came in. Behind her was her friend, Marty Brewer. If I had been the kind of person who was surprised easily I would have spit my beer out and probably...

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Sister finds my toys Pt4

'Shit,' Chris said. 'How long will she be here?' I kind of gave a little shrug. 'She said two weeks.' This was going to ruin everything. Chris and I had just about settled into our brother/sister relationship. Things were going so well for both of us and now everything would have to be put on hold. Carol had always been the thorn in our sides. She’d always been the one to tattle on us, to spy on us and to generally make our lives miserable. Looks like nothing had changed. Chris laid...

4 years ago
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The Vine Pt4

Recap from pt3 Jill and Becky start thrusting into the chubby girls harder and harder making the chubby girls scream harder. They cum hard and shake hard as they get the hunger of wanting more on their faces. They release their breasts you can hear then as pull off of their nipples. As they sit up and say you want hard and fast, we will give you hard and fast. They sit up and starts fucking the two hard and fast you can hear each slap the other inner thighs. Pop…pop faster as the...

2 years ago
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The Sick Day Pt4

His own plight having reached an almost satisfactory conclusion, immediately his attention turned to stepdaughter Lucy. The subject of just about every wakeful and sleeping fantasy throughout a night of intense rest, he'd experienced the first wet dreams since outgrowing puberty. Yes, he was definitely feeling a whole lot better. Sadly, the same could not be said of the girl on his mind, a hacking cough permeating the closed doors of both their bedrooms. Rising and meeting Josh on the...

3 years ago
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Teacher Training Pt4

Manly baritone voices from downstairs wafted up the stairs as they took their seats in readiness for the game of poker. Stealing a lungful of air and a glance in the mirror, the petite blonde was far from sure that the little black mask around the eyes would conceal her identity, especially from those that knew her intimately, like Jack Willis, the former lover with whom she'd shared six blissful months. And if not Jack, Bill Mason and Jeff Andrews, the headmaster and games teacher at...

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Something Old Something New Something Borrowed Something Blue Pt4

It was the night before Paul and Jane's wedding and taps were running all over the house and hairdryers blowing a gale as everyone prepared to go out in their gender-determined parties. The men had an evening of revelry planned at the Blue Lion in the village, the women a chinese in the neighbouring town. Stereotypically, the men departed first, the entourage led by Paul the groom. His father Terry, my dad Arthur, Jane's dad Charlie, grandad Harry, two middle aged cousins Jim and Joe and my...

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Horny Little Women Pt4

Apparently, he discovered, it was a family tradition on the girls' birthdays to gather in their mother's bed to unwrap their gifts. Feeling decidely under-dressed in just the t-shirt worn for bed, Matthew reached for the boxer shorts, only to be tugged away forcibly. There wasn't time for that, Meg advised. Besides which, both girls had on just t-shirts too, two lovely little backsides half on display, their owners seemingly unconcerned that their pussies flashed visibly as they skipped...

2 years ago
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24 Hours To Live Pt4

Fifteen-year-old Barbie clone Tiffany Standish was clasped tight on his lap, back to his chest, the kitchen knife threatening to sever an artery should any of the women step out of line. The white tank top discarded, Joel amused himself by playing with a pair of peach sized breasts that felt like two stress balls. And oh was he ever about to relieve some stress. The pleated blue skirt remained in place, from time to time riding up Tiffany's thigh when Joel's hands squeezed those sweet...

3 years ago
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Morning Surprise Pt4

Sunday morning, I woke with a slight headache. Too much to drink. I normally spend Saturday night at the police club; I have a couple of pints with my mates, sing a few rugby songs and head on home. Last night my neighbour and colleague Dave decided that we should get an Indian on the way home. We always have a couple more pints to help wash it down, that is always a mistake. My head would pound away for a few hours; I would be forced to go for a run to clear it, have a shower and I would...

2 years ago
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Falling off the wagon pt4

I was so very confused; I was upset at being maneuvered into a position where I had become nothing more than a fuck toy by Ray and his friends. Yet on the other hand I had enjoyed it, I had enjoyed every thing about what had happened. Being taken like that was like being on some kind of drug or something, it was a high that continued for all of those hours. It would have momentary lulls, as one man would slip from me and another would take his place, but I had to be honest with myself, I had...

2 years ago
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Who Took My Cherry pt4

"Are you Ok in there?" My mom said in a concerned voice. "I'm not feeling good Mom, and not going to school today" I replied. "Anything I can do?" She questioned me again. "We need to talk, but after Mike goes to school" I said to her while holding my hands over my tummy as the pain returned. Mike leaves for school about the same time I do. I waited another 20 minutes before getting out of bed and looking for Mom. Dad already left for work, I heard his car pull out of the...

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