Being Jim Ch.6 Lessons Of Life Pt3 free porn video

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Life is a tapestry, a cloth woven of many different threads that create the whole. This story is a thread, one of many, contributing to the waft and weave that is the Whole cloth, being Jim.

Being Jim Ch.6 Lessons of Life

By Frodov

This story is based entirely on true experiences from my past. Names and a few details have been changed to provide anonymity for those involved. Discretion is a precious commodity and is becoming rarer and rarer every day.

Sometimes to better understand the “whole”, the big picture in its present state you must pick a thread and follow it back through the weave to earlier times or events, to see the interactions that colored that thread or created it. Often one thread is formed from multiple smaller connected threads, much like the cloth is woven from many threads. But isn’t that life? This story reaches back to my time in college. I was working full time mostly in a part time job delivering pizzas to pay for my gas and insurance to allow me to commute to and from school and home. Remember this all happened before cell phones and the internet, cable TV was still in its infancy. The 80’s big hair bands, big hair, a different time.

-Part Three-

Monday morning turned out to be a beautiful day. It was warm even in the early morning as I tended to the animals and did a few chores on the farm before I cleaned up and headed to town. When I arrived at the teachers’ house Michelle was already halfway done mowing the front yard. She waved at me and smiled as I pushed my mower to the back yard to get started. Coming around the garage I saw that Penny and Maggie were taking advantage of the beautiful day as well, both were stretched out on their loungers face down getting some sun again. Maggie lifted one hand up and gave a lazy wave. Penny of course had to be Penny, instead of a simple wave she raised her whole upper body up off the lounger and shook her shoulders. This of course caused her beautiful breasts to jiggle and wiggle in their pendulous position. Maggie backhanded her on the shoulder in admonishment and shook her head as if to say “What am I going to do with you?” Penny smiled and winked at me before settling once more in a prone position and resumed her sun worshiping. I never broke stride and kept mowing but I was smiling the whole time. It took me another forty five minutes or so to finish mowing the back yard, at some point the ladies had gone back in the house. I must have had my back to them when they left as I never saw them leave. I pushed my mower back around the house and loaded it up in my truck before making my way to the kitchen door in the garage. Michelle must have already gone inside as the dinosaur of a mower was parked in the garage and her car was still parked in front of the house.

I know I had been told to just come on in when I was finished with my mowing but my upbringing and conscience just wouldn’t allow me to do so, so I knocked on the door and waited. Penny opened and took one look at me and just rolled her eyes and motioned me inside. She handed me a clean towel and shooed me towards the hallway and the bathroom before sitting down at the table and picking her coffee cup back up and the papers she was reading.

I showered and then dressed in clean clothes, I knew that Jules was coming by sometime today so I went ahead and put on street clothes instead of just a tee shirt and boxers. I went back to the kitchen after dressing and as I walked through the doorway Penny looked up and then did a double take. She didn’t say anything but simply let one eyebrow creep up her forehead.

“Jules is coming by sometime this afternoon to take some more measurements. I figured I should probably be dressed.” I said and shrugged then took a seat across the table from Penny.

“Yes, Maggie told me that she had spoken with our Miss Jules. Thank you for exercising your better judgment of course, but you do realize that Jules is familiar with our house rules, don’t you?” Penny asked with a smile.

“Speaking of Maggie, is she working with Michelle today?” I asked curious as I hadn’t seen either since I saw Maggie and Penny sunbathing earlier. Penny actually avoided my eye but smiled slightly before clearing her throat.

“(ahem)… She is working with Michelle today actually but it is something a bit… unusual for what we’ve done in the past with other students.” With this said softly, Penny raised her eyes to meet my own before giving me a wink. “You know Maggie and I both have remarked on your advanced… skills… and understanding of what we have been teaching you. Last evening while discussing you and, well, Michelle, we wondered if you might lend your… assistance… to us for an exercise today. We will understand perfectly if you decline of course, but we both feel that you could help us out with this exercise as you are uniquely qualified in our opinions.” Penny said tilting her head slightly to one side and raising one eyebrow in that impish questioning way of hers. Puzzled as to what she was talking about I had to ask.

“Um… What exactly would I be ‘qualified’ for that you would need my help with?” My mind racing trying to figure out what Penny was even talking about.

“Maggie and I both know for a fact that you are naturally kind and gentle at heart and a very considerate and understanding young man of course, but that coupled with your… talent… and the very fact that you are indeed a man. Well, we would like to borrow you, if you agree, to help us out with another student that is having some difficulty in feeling comfortable with… kissing.” Penny giggled and then bit her lower lip to hush herself before batting her eyes at me. My mind took two steps back and fell on my ass figuratively speaking as I reeled finally putting the request together. Penny and Maggie wanted ME to work with Michelle… kissing! Had I not already been sitting down I’m sure I would have collapsed out of shock. I could feel first my face going pale then getting warm from the blood rushing to cause me to blush. Even my ears felt warm. My lips and mouth were moving with nothing coming out.

“I… uh… I mean… huh?” I stammered not really knowing what to say. Oh my god! Part of my brain was screaming YES YES YES!! And part of my brain was saying NO NO NO! Kissing Michelle? My heart flipped in my chest and my stomach was suddenly filled with a swarm of butterflies. Penny just sat there silently watching the turmoil play out on my face and grinning like a Cheshire cat.

“Jim, darling, it wouldn’t be like kissing a complete stranger, the very fact that she knows you and has past experience with you as a person is why it occurred to Maggie and myself in the first place. She already trusts you. You know how important that is, to anyone. If you must know, she’s as much embarrassed about the idea as you are but as it’s important to both for both of you, please consider it.” Penny said as she reached out and put a hand atop of mine that were pressing down on the top of the t able as if trying to keep it from floating away.

“I… I… I don’t know what to say, really. I mean… this is kind of awkward. I mean I know that both you and Maggie know I’m kind of interested in Michelle but we’ve not even talked about anything really… I don’t know how she feels about me…” I mumbled and trailed off into silence. At this Penny’s smile got even larger and there was a twinkle in her eye.

“Jim darling, you have absolutely nothing to worry about as far as that is concerned. I happen to know that our young Michelle is quite taken with you and would in no way be offended with your participation with this exercise. There are… concerns that she has shared with both Maggie and myself that I cannot elaborate upon, as that is not our place to do so, but I can assure you that you are held in high regard with Michelle. All we ask is that you exercise your previously demonstrated open minded thinking and simply be yourself with Michelle. You will be helping both her and yourself really… both of you still need to bolster your self confidence. Now neither I nor Maggie would ever consider forcing you, either of you into doing this… but I would ask you to consider it, if nothing else, as a favor to me.” With this last plea Penny’s smile slipped away and she averted her eyes as she suddenly found the table top to be fascinating or something. That’s when I realized that there was something else at play here that she was either too embarrassed or too ashamed to bring up. So even as I was embarrassed and nervous about it I agreed to give my… assistance. Penny brightened immediately and her beaming smile returned and I could have sworn there was a hint of a tear in her gleaming blue eyes.

Patting my hands, Penny stood up and told me to stay where I was and that she would be back in a few moments. And then she left the kitchen. In a few moments I heard a soft knock on one of the doors down the hallway, I assumed it was on Maggie’s bedroom door, followed by some soft conversation in voices too low to tell what was being said. Then the door closed again. I looked up and Penny was coming back into the kitchen with a smile on her face. She motioned for me to stand up and taking my hand she led me to the living room and the couch. Before we could be seated however, I heard the door open down the hallway and I looked up to see Maggie leading Michelle by the hand towards us. Michelle was almost pink in the face as she let her eyes dart around the room trying to look at anything but my face. Maggie on the other hand had a delicate almost nonexistent smile on her lips but her eyes were absolutely glowing as she looked between myself and Penny. As they approached the couch Maggie positioned herself behind Michelle so that the two of us were standing toe to toe in front of the couch.

Finally standing close together Michelle looked into my face, and her eyes met mine. I think she finally realized that I was just as nervous as I was as she gave me a timid smile and was having trouble keeping eye contact with me. Before either of us said anything though Maggie took charge of the situation.

“Jim, thank you for agreeing to this unusual request, before we go any further however I must tell you that this was mine and Penny’s idea, not Michelle’s. Penny and I have been working diligently with Michelle on many of the same things that we have been working on with you, however, as we are decidedly all females, there are certain nuances that would be better suited to being demonstrated by a male, like yourself. Now as Penny might have explained, this something we’ve never done before with any previous students we’ve tutored in the past. It is uniquely fortunate that the two of you have a shared past and are familiar with one another thereby creating a level of trust that is needed for this exercise.” As she was saying this I noted that Maggie was rubbing her hands idly up and down Michelle’s arms from her shoulders to her elbows and back as if reassuring Michelle in a tactile way. “Michelle, you know from personal past experience that Jim here is a kind and gentle man. The fact that he agreed to participate in this exercise speaks volumes on his caring and giving nature, and perhaps to the idea that he is quite fond of you to begin with. Oh now Jim, don’t be embarrassed, you are after all among friends.” Maggie almost chuckled as I blushed red enough to possibly catch my hair on fire. Michelle looked up into my face and smiled somewhat sheepishly at seeing me blush or possibly at Maggie’s words.

“Why don’t we all have a seat on the couch here and get comfortable?” Penny spoke from behind me as she took up her seat at our end of the couch turning almost sideways so that she could allow for Myself and Michelle to be seated in the middle with Maggie taking the far end of the couch on the other side of Michelle. Maggie and Penny were of course still dressed in their robes over at least their bikini bottoms from their earlier sunbathing. Michelle was dressed as I’ve seen her several times in a school girl’s plaid skirt with knee socks and a white button down blouse, this one having short sleeves. Her hair was pulled back with one of those large hair clasps that pushed most of her hair back over her ears to fall loosely down her back. I noticed for the first time that Michelle’s fingernails, while short to the point of being almost not there, were painted a pearly pink that made them look almost wet. Her hands were clasped in her lap as she sat nervously waiting for whatever was going to happen to begin. Her lips, were moistened, with a gloss of some sort, not colored like lipstick however. In the back of my mind I realized that she was every bit as nervous as I was. From The far end of the couch I heard Maggie clear her throat before she spoke.

“Now darlings, we know this is highly unusual and you are both… nervous, but you need to relax and let go of your tensions and apprehensions. If you are embarrassed about being ‘watched’ think of it this way, you both have been in the same situation, perhaps without the audience, with both Penny and myself in the past. You both survived those situations and you will this one as well. Open yourselves up to the experience… hopefully you with both learn something in the process.” Maggie said in a soft reassuring voice. I picked up the subtle prompting from Maggie that one of us needed to break the ice and start this exercise. I also knew that I couldn’t just lean in and start kissing on Michelle yet, she felt like she was wound up so tight that she would bolt if I so much as turned my head too fast towards her. So I didn’t, rather, I took my left hand, as she was sitting beside me on my left side, and held my hand out palm side up slightly higher than her own hands in her lap. At first, Michelle was puzzled by this and simply looked at my offered hand in confusion. Then, hesitantly she raised her left hand and settled it into my open hand her palm down. I slowly, gently squeezed her hand and then slowly brought it to my lips and kissed the back of her fingers softly.

Michelle turned her head following her hand to my mouth and watched me kiss her fingers softly. Her head tilted and her eyebrows knitted questioningly as her lips parted and her jaw sagged open. I smiled sheepishly and shrugged my shoulders then surprised myself by speaking.

“I thought my head would explode when Penny first asked me if I would do this ‘exercise’ with you. Truth be known I have often wondered what it would be like… to kiss you. But I’ve always been so shy and… well… bashful I thought that I might never find out. Every time I talk to you I seem to chicken out and… see? I can’t even talk about it. I would understand if you changed your mind.” I mumbled and glanced away releasing Michelle’s hand. Then I was surprised again when she took my hand back in hers and squeezed it, hard! This caused me to look back up into her face and I saw that she had that look in her eyes, those big beautiful blue green orbs with the golden flecks. Her eyes were huge, and almost pleading as she smiled timidly and nodded her head almost imperceptibly. I swallowed nervously and gave her my own slight nod before I leaned my head a little closer to hers. Michelle matched my movement with her own slow lean. Our foreheads met touching one another softly, our noses almost touching. We both realized that sitting as we were side by side was not only not very comfortable but not very advantageous to what we were intending to do. In an unspoken agreement we both withdrew from one another and half turned in our seats. I drew my left leg up under me, and Michelle her right so that we were more or less facing one another only slightly apart. We both smiled awkwardly and raised both of my hands palms up, Michelle placed both of her hands in mine, palms down. Over Michelle’s shoulder I caught a glimpse of Maggie and her enigmatic smile with one lone eyebrow reaching for her hairline. Behind me I heard Penny make a soft gasp then a hum of approval.

Again Michelle and I leaned in towards one another this time instead of our foreheads meeting, our noses brushed softly along one another as we found out lips just a breath away from the other. Michelle swallowed and she actually closed her eyes just before our lips met. Her lips were frozen in place as if she were afraid of contact and then not sure what to do once it was made. I marveled at their softness and their warmth. I opened my own a fraction and softly drew in her upper lip then released it and pulled back a bit. Michelle reopened her eyes and they searched mine. I thought that perhaps some of the doubt or hesitance had faded a bit… I thought I noted some hint of curiosity now adding sparkle to those gold flecked eyes. Her hands squeezed mine gently as if asking for another taste. This time however as she leaned in closer her eyes remained open, the two blue green orbs morphing into one as we drew closer and closer. Again our lips met gently, pressing softly one set into the other. I could feel Michelle’s lips moving experimentally against my own, she drew my bottom lip into hers as she pulled gently testing my pliability or resistance. As she drew my bottom lip in between hers I pulled her upper lip between mine and we could both feel the ice melting as our breathing warmed and quickened.

I knew that it was a risk but some instinctive impulse caused me to probe her lips with my tongue, hesitantly, running along the parting of her lips tickling the front of her teeth. I was surprised by the slight gasp she drew in just before her own tongue met mine for the first time. I must have made the right decision or done something else right as I felt Penny’s hand softly pressing against and gripping my right arm above the elbow, as if to prompt me to go further. Pulling back from our still tender kissing, both to catch our breath and to look into one another’s faces, both Michelle and I were smiling and blushing. Over Michelle’s shoulder I heard Maggie softly speak to Michelle in an almost whisper. “I think you now understand what I was saying about not being afraid of a kiss, and about trusting yourself.” Michelle blushed a bit more and nodded by way of acknowledgement.

I released Michelle’s left hand from my right and reached up to run the backs of my fingers softly along her left cheek. I continued on and my fingers wrapped around the back of her curly auburn haired head, then I drew her into me and our heads tilted slightly side to side as we collided again with our lips, and our not so bashful tongues. I guess my hand on the back of her head gently drawing her into me caused Michelle to give in to some hidden hunger as she began a much more passionate round of kissing than what we had initially begun just minutes earlier. I’m not sure when I realized it but I discovered that Michelle had raised both of her hands and were now holding either side of my neck as she lashed and probed my lips and mouth with her own tongue and lips. At this I thought I was not really enjoying, it was as if she were putting on a show or something, be it for me or perhaps for Penny and Maggie. It just didn’t feel ‘real’. I released Michelle’s head and pulled back a bit to look into her eyes. Puzzled, Michelle had a questioning look in her eyes as if asking what she was doing wrong.

“Michelle, thank you, really, but relax. You seem like you are working too hard, you don’t have to do anything to impress me or anything. The very fact that I’m kissing you at all has blown my mind. If I’m doing something wrong or not to your liking tell me. This is not a contest, be yourself, not something you think you should be doing to impress me or anyone else. Maybe I’m wrong but I find the softer the kiss the sexier it is… but I’m no expert. I have always felt that I should kiss someone else the way I would like to be kissed… if that helps.” I said with a bashful grin knowing full well that I was blushing like crazy. I was so afraid that Michelle would take what I said the wrong way and be offended by it, instead she actually blushed and bit her bottom lip… and looked over my shoulder at Penny I’m sure. To this day I do not know what she got from Penny but when Michelle looked back to me her brows knitted a bit and her eyes half closed as if in determination. With her hands still on either side of my neck she pulled me back to her lips and instead of the hungry aggressive kissing she had just been doing, she took up the soft sensual kissing we had first begun with, with the addition of a little tongue slip now and then. I don’t know if it was me that moaned first or Michelle, it was almost simultaneous. I felt a soft pat on the middle of my back as if in encouragement, and then I was lost again in Michelle’s lips. Gently pulling lips and even nipping playfully with teeth on tongues and lips alike. We turned our heads so our noses were on the other side from where we started. I found my hands caressing her forearms as she continued to hold me on either side of my neck.

It wasn’t until there came a soft chime of the door bell from somewhere down the hall that we broke again to breath, and discovered that we were the only ones still on the couch. Somehow and at some point Penny and Maggie had risen from the couch and excused themselves to leave the two of us alone in our ‘exercise’. Once more the chime sounded and Penny exited the kitchen and glanced over at us smiling as she made her way down the stairs to the front door landing. Michelle and I both parted and sat back smiling like two little kids caught with our hands in the cookie jar. I’m guessing we both looked fairly flustered. It was after penny opened the front door that we heard Jules’ voice greeting Penny and Penny greeting her. Michelle and I both snapped out of our dreamlike state and sat up straight and tried to look natural. About that time Maggie exited the kitchen and looked our way and like Penny didn’t say anything but smiled a knowing smile before going down the stairs as well. Fortunately for Michelle and I they took Jules on down to the basement, allowing us to gather our wits about us. I turned to Michelle who was looking at me and studying me as if I were some kind of an alien or something. She had this curious smile on her face.

“You know, both Penny and Maggie have hinted that you were somewhat unusual as far as their “students” went. They didn’t give any details but there was some hinting I think that I should get to know you better. Perhaps for that ‘independent study’ you talked about.” She said with a sly smile, again biting her lower lip.

“They said ‘unusual’?” I asked, not sure if that was good or bad. “I hope that was meant as in a good way.” I voiced.

“They didn’t say really, but judging from what I just experienced with this ‘exercise’ I think I can say that it was meant as a compliment.” Michelle said with a wink, before adding. “… and I think I would agree. I may not be the most experienced girl with kissing guys but that was… nice.” And just like that, my hair caught on fire and I was seeing stars… okay not really but I was blushing like crazy and my mind was a whirl. That’s when I heard Penny calling our names from the beaded curtain asking us to join them downstairs. I stood up and offered my hand to Michelle, she paused a moment looking up at me then accepted my hand to help her stand as she shook her head. We walked down the stairs and to the gathering downstairs in the ‘classroom’.

“Hey guys.” Jules called to us as we passed through the beaded curtain. “Hey.” said Michelle.

“What’s up Jules?” I said.

“If you two can spare a few minutes I need to measure some of the apartment again to make sure I got the figures right before I order paint.” Jules said matter of factly as she tossed me a tape measure and she headed to the apartment door with a pen and pad in her hands. Penny and Maggie were standing side by side by the projection table, both with their arms crossed over their breasts leaning their heads close to one another as if in a quiet conference. Over the next half hour or so Jules had Michelle and I stretch the measuring tape over different walls and doorways both up and down especially around the inside of the small kitchen and the front room. The final measurement was of the wall of folding doors to the closet opposite the bed in the bedroom.

“We won’t be painting the doors or the doorways so I had to measure them to subtract them from the total area that needed to be painted.” Jules explained. “Next week we can start taking things off the walls and moving all the furniture to the centers of the rooms, that way we can just cover it all with drop cloths instead of moving everything out of the rooms to paint then moving it all back when we were done. Long handled rollers can paint the ceilings from the outside edges.” She explained to Michelle and I. I nodded seeing the logic in that, of course I asked about the carpet that Maggie had said was probably going to be replaced as well. Jules told me that she didn’t do carpeting… at least the flooring kind. I nearly choked laughing silently, Michelle didn’t seem to get the joke and just looked at me funny.

Jules wrote down her last measurements and walked back out of the apartment heading out to the classroom to talk to Penny and Maggie. Michelle and I followed closing the door behind us. As Jules made her goodbyes to the ladies she looked back at me and started to say something but stopped herself and smiled, then she did say. “See you at Dom’s in a few minutes Jim!” And she headed through the beaded curtain and up the stairs to the door landing. I gasped and looked at the wall clock behind the projector table and realized how late it was getting. I wouldn’t be late for the dinner shift but I had to leave NOW in order to make it on time. Penny and Maggie just smiled at me and Maggie waved a hand to dismiss me. I turned to Michelle not knowing what to say… So I simply reached out and took one hand in both of mine and squeezed as I looked her in the eyes. Those beautiful beguiling blue green gems with the gold flecks in them.

“Thank you Michelle… really… I gotta go. See you soon, I hope.” And with that I ran up the stairs and down the hall to collect my dirty clothes to take home later, then made my way back to the front door and out to my truck.

I’m not sure what sort of conversations the ladies had with Michelle after I departed, that was never made privy to me, not even by Michelle. Later I was asked what possessed me to say what I did to Michelle about kissing someone how I would like to be kissed. I had to confess that it just came to me even as I said it. I got pretty much the same expression from both Penny and Maggie when they heard that, but no more questions.

That evening one of the people scheduled to close called in sick at Dom’s so I volunteered to help close. Jules was the other closer so we both knew that it was be done pretty quickly as we worked well together. We didn’t count on a late night last minute rush of orders however, that had us busy making deliveries right up to closing time instead of getting any pre-close done like prepping the wash sinks and mop water and sweeping up. Even still we managed to get out not too much later than a normal weeknight closing. The last minute business left us little time to chit chat while we were cleaning up though so after we were done Jules cornered me in the parking lot before I could leave.

“So what happened today Jimbo?” Jules asked as she leaned up against her car door.

“What do you mean Jules?” I asked not willing to just roll over and tell all, especially stuff that wasn’t any of her business to start with.

“Oh come on! I swear when you and Michelle came downstairs this afternoon you two looked absolutely guilty about something.” Jules grinned that hungry grin that she gave me when she sensed some good gossip. “And the looks you two were giving each other when we were taking measurements looked more like a conversation than casual glances. So spill it farm boy… what gives?” She prodded further.

“Jules, you know the rules, discretion…” I began only to have her throw her hands up in frustration and shake her head in disgust because she knew I wasn’t going to say anymore. She took a long look at me then shrugged her shoulders and sighed, as she turned to open her door to get in her car and leave I couldn’t resist so I said. “I think I’ll ask Michelle for her phone number next time I see her though…” And with that I smiled and winked and then climbed into my truck to go home too. I drove off with Jules sitting in her car with her mouth open watching me drive away.

It was Friday that week before I found I had any more free time, and that was due to a cancellation of a gutter cleaning job I had scheduled for that morning. It seems a relative of my customer had offered to do the job for less and they opted to let him do it. Yeah I was a little disappointed as it was what I considered easy money, even if it was a messy job. I always scooped the debris out of the gutters and put it in a five gallon bucket keeping the stinky gunk off the ground around the house and porches etc. It might have meant a few extra trips up and down the ladder but it saved a lot of cleanup on the ground after I was done. Oh well… Free time was free time, and I had tutoring I could get in before dinner rush at Dom’s that night. I stopped by my shop and borrowed the phone to call Penny and Maggie to see if it was okay to stop by. As always, they were delighted to hear from me and told me to come on by.

A few minutes later I pulled up to the ladies’ house and saw Michelle’s car parked out front. Better and better I thought to myself. Getting out of my truck and walking to the front door to ring the bell I thought I heard screaming from inside. I was starting to get worried when Maggie opened the front door looking a little disheveled. Weirder and weirder… Maggie greeted me with several loose strands of her raven hair flying freely about her face that was flushed and she was gripping her robe closed with one hand instead of it being tied as it usually is. Maggie smiled a curious smile I’ve only seen once and that was when she was flustered after feeling me up weeks ago as we got carried away kissing in the classroom.

“Jim! Darling! Come in, please.” Maggie said as she tried to wrangle the loose strands of hair back behind her ears and regain her composure.

“Maggie, did I come at a bad time, I can go and come back another time perhaps.” I offered

“Oh nonsense, I was just in the middle… of something.” She said and I swear she was blushing.

“So I am interrupting something…” I began only to be stopped mid sentence by the glare I got from those molten copper irises and knitted brows on Maggie’s face. After closing the front door Maggie pressed me up against the door and locked lips with me in a hungry passionate kiss that literally took my breath away.

“I have it on good advice that one should kiss another as they would like to be kissed themselves…” Maggie spoke in a low growl, those coppery eyes boring into my brain as if trying to tell me in no uncertain terms that she was especially hungry at the moment.

“I… uh… I’ve found it to be especially rewarding advice in my limited experience…” I stammered flustered from this new side of Maggie that I’ve not quite fully witnessed before. I had an inkling that she was far more passionate than her usual calm austere presence let on. Frankly it almost frightened me as this was something new. Just then I heard a definite scream like squeal come from somewhere down the hall upstairs. Glancing back to Maggie I saw her wide thin lips curl up on the ends as she took me by the hand and led me downstairs to and through the beaded curtain. She made a hard right down the short hall and to the door of the apartment. Before opening the door she turned to look me in the eye and took a deep breath.

“Jim, I will not force you to enter here with me, this is not an exercise or a lesson. You are free to go if you so desire and I will not think less of you if you do…” Maggie spoke softly but earnestly, a look of hunger and almost pleading in her blazing hot coppery eyes. “If you stay however, know that this is not part of what we try to teach our students. It’s just something… something that I need… I feel I can trust you with this personal matter.” With that said all the self confidence that she had showed just moments before all but evaporated and I could feel Maggie trembling in my hand, her lips that had smiled slightly before leading me down the stairs were not an almost invisible thin line as she tried to keep from letting them tremble as well.

“Maggie…” I began as I brought my free hand up to her left cheek and caressed it gently while looking her directly in her eyes. “You know I trust and respect you like no other, if there is anything I can do for you you should know that I am willing to do that and more. You might have to guide me or even instruct me, but I am willing to do anything for you.” With that said I leaned in and kissed her gently on her trembling lips. I felt her hand squeeze mine in acknowledgement and then her lips responded like a slow fire. First warming to my touch then touching off an inferno that was blazing like moments before on the door landing upstairs. With her free hand she opened the door to the apartment and dragged me through the doorway before closing it behind us, all the while kissing me like I had the breath of life. At some point her robe had fallen open and off of one shoulder. The contrast of the dark blue silk of the robe and her alabaster white skin and her dark nylon stockings had an intoxicating effect on me. Breaking our kiss once more she said but one word. “Come.” And then turned and lead me through the small kitchenette to the back bedroom of the apartment. As we neared the bed Maggie let go of my hand and let the robe fall complete off of her, turning to face me with her hair flying out from her twisted bun atop her head, standing there in nothing but her stockings and her pearls. To say I was mesmerized would make it sound like I had an idea what was going on, but in fact I was simply swept up in her emotion and desire. That’s not to say I did not notice things, after all that is who I am, I observe, I notice. Maggie was flustered, disheveled, and apparently horny as hell. Her pale white skin from her neck to her dark hair nested plum was pocked and marked with what could only be hickeys. Someone had been kissing and nibbling on her body from head to almost toe… quite possibly to her toes but it’s hard to tell with the nylons on her legs after all. Just then another squeal could be heard from somewhere upstairs and Maggie looked at the ceiling and I swear she sighed before leveling her gaze on me again with that pleading look in her eyes. “Jim… May I?” Maggie asked as she stepped closer to me and lifted the hem of my tee shirt. Looking her in the eyes I nodded and raised my arms as she lifted my shirt up and over my head.

Maggie trailed her hands back down across my chest her eye following her hands. When her hands reached my belted waistline she paused and looked back up into my eyes and leaned slowly in and kissed me on the lips. Not the needy hungry kisses she greeted me with at the door but the soft sensual lingering kisses of a timid lover. Instinct brought my hands up along her bare flanks and to her elbows as I drew Maggie closer into me, her bare breasts pressing into my bare chest. Maggie let out a soft moan as she gripped my hips tightly. Pulling her head back she looked at me in askance as she brought her hands together at my belt buckle. Again, I only nodded and she began the task of unbuckling my belt and loosening my jeans. As she began to slide my pants down my legs to my knees I hooked one foot behind the other and kicked off first one sneaker then the other. Soon I was able to step out of my jeans as they pooled around my ankles. Maggie then noticed I was wearing briefs instead of the more familiar silk boxers. While probably not quite as attractive or flattering as the boxers they did tend to exaggerate my state of excitement by way of the bulge growing in the front “pocket” of the briefs. Maggie glanced back up into my eyes and a slow grin spread on her thin lips. She hooked her fingers under the elastic waistband and began to drag them down over my excited state and down to my knees. From there they fell the rest of the way to my feet and I stepped out of them. Maggie then reached up and wrapped her arms around my neck pulling my head down into another round of sensual soft kisses. Again I wrapped my arms around her waist, one hand on the small of her back and the other drifting down to cup on of her small cheeks of her backside. This earned me another slight gasp and a low moan as Maggie buried her face in the crook of my neck at my collar bone.

Maggie took over again at this point and pulled back enough to look me in the eye before turning us around so that the bed was behind me. Pulling her hands down from around my neck she placed them both on my chest and gently pushed me back and down to first sit then lay down on the top of the bed. She followed me onto the bed straddling me above the waist with her knees on either side of my body as she knelt on all fours above me looking down at me those persistent stray strands of hair again falling down along her face to hang down towards my own face. Seeing the two dark lacquered looking chopsticks like pins in the bun I reached up to the back of her head and slid them out letting her confined raven cloud of silky hair fall free from its confines. Maggie tilted her head back and shook from side to side to let the hair loosen up and fall. I took the pins and carefully slid them up to the pillows on the bed so they wouldn’t be in our way. With her hair now down, literally, Maggie was suddenly loosened, she smiled down at me with that hungry look and all but snarled as she leaned her body down to lock lips with me once more. Her hands found their way to either side of my head and she ran her fingers through my hair grasping almost painfully as her lips ravage mine and her tongue began the dance of the whirling dervish, whipping and lashing and stabbing dueling with my own for dominance of our lips and mouths. Despite my personal preference of softer kissing this was still a major turn on because I knew that this is what Maggie wanted, this was not an exaggeration or an attempt to impress me or anyone else, this is what she wanted, what she needed. I tried to answer in kind, trying to please her. Maggie’s smallish breasts were hanging down and her hardened pencil eraser sized nipples were grinding into the skin of my chest as the hair tickled them and my own nipples hardened in response.

Maggie’s silky raven hair hung about our faces like a curtain. My hands were holding her flanks at the hips gripping firmly but not too tightly my now full blown erection was pointing to the ceiling somewhere over our shoulders at almost a forty five degree angle. If Maggie were to back up a few inches it would be prodding her either in her back side or poking at her now very ripe plum. I could smell her scent of arousal even as we panted with our breathless kissing. Breaking our kiss again, Maggie buried her face in the crook of my neck at my collar bone again and panted out.

“Jim… touch me…”

I began to bring my hands up her flanks towards her shoulders and she stiffened.

“No… down there…” she gasped out breathlessly as she swayed her hips above me. I brought my left hand back down along her right flank to her hip and then to cheek of her ass, my finger tips trailing lightly down the valley created by the crack between her cheeks. My left hand I slipped between us and with my hand palm side up I ran it across her abdomen that seemed to distend a slight bit in this position and soon into the that silky tuft of hair atop Maggie’s pubic bone. My middle finger soon brushed alongside that single pearl in the hood over her clit at the top of her plum. Maggie’s whole body jumped as if jolted with electricity when my finger bumped her pearl, a moan escaping her throat after originating from deep within her. Her plum was dripping with her own excitement as my fingers slid down the slightly parted lips from her clit to the heated opening near the bottom.

With my right hand covering her entire plum I slowly squeezed my hand around it cupping it and gripping it firmly. I felt Maggie’s legs tremble and she inhaled sharply as if startled. Her fingers still in my hair gripped more tightly, almost causing me to cry out in pain. Instead of removing my right hand I relaxed it and began fanning my fingers back and forth across those outer lips between her legs, my wrist rubbing on that pearl and the hardening little stem of her clit beginning to poke out from that bejeweled hood. Then I slowed down my fanning motion and began to run my fingers up and down the length of the parting of those lips… on the third time down I slipped the end of my middle finger in between them and delved into that heated pool of nectar. Another gasp from Maggie led me to believe I was doing something that she enjoyed. I pushed the finger in a little deeper and again felt the trembling in Maggie’s legs. My left hand gripped her ass cheek a little tighter and I slipped a second finger of my right hand into those wet folds and curled them into hooks as if the scratch the insides near the top under her clit. More gasps and moans. I probably could have pushed Maggie right over the edge but something told me to slow down and let her lead this encounter, this was about what she wanted. Pulling my right hand away from the wildly juicing fruit of her loins I drew it slowly up between us, across her abdomen, up between her breasts and along the side of her neck to her jaw. Maggie drew her face up out away from my neck to see what I was doing and I turned my hand and offered my wet fingers to her. At first she looked at me in puzzlement as if trying to determine what I had in mind then she smiled and sucked one finger into her mouth and slowly ran her tongue along and around that finger cleaning it of every drop. As she withdrew that finger from her lips she made to take the other one in but instead I pulled it back and turned it to my lips and I cleaned it much in the same way she had cleaned its neighbor. This awarded me with a single raised eyebrow and a smile that turned almost wanton.

“Penny told me you liked the way she tasted… I wasn’t sure if I had believed her especially after hearing what she did afterwards. I thought it might have been an… exaggeration.” She purred.

“No Maggie I truly liked it, but now I’m torn…” I said looking perplexed and troubled.

“How so?” Maggie asked suddenly concerned.

“Well peach juice is about as sweet a taste as I’ve ever tasted in my life…” I said dejectedly. “You like peach juice don’t you Maggie?” I asked hesitantly.

“Coming from anyone else Jim I would have slapped the person asking that question. But I know you are privy to more intimate information than most so I will allow it. Yes I truly adore Penny’s peach juice.” Maggie said with a trace of a smile but still with a worried look on her face. “So what has you troubled?” She asked.

“Well… now I’m torn. I may have found something I like at least as much if not more… You have to promise me you will not tell Penny that I said that.” I said looking into her eyes trying to look worried but failing and the corners of my lips curled into a smile that I couldn’t hide. For a moment or two Maggie didn’t quite comprehend what I had hinted at but then she caught on and she rolled her eyes back and gave a snort.

“I’m serious Maggie, you are every bit as… if not sweeter than Penny. I can’t wait to taste more if you let me sometime.” I spoke softly but earnestly again stroking her flanks with both hands.

“We shall see, but right now I have more pressing needs and if you would do me the honor of being my sire I would like to indulge in something I don’t often do anymore.” Maggie spoke as she released my hair from her hands and pressed herself up with her hands on my chest.

“Sire?” I asked not sure what she meant.

“Well I could call you a squire but that somewhat lower status was not often acceptable for what I intend.” She quipped.

“My imagination is running wild but I’m a little hesitant to let it run away with me when what’s happening in real life is so much more exciting.” I babbled as Maggie smiled and rose up on her knees while reaching her right hand around behind her to run her fingers through her wet folds to gather as much plum juice as she could. Then reaching down further behind her she wrapped her sodden fingers around the head of my aching erection, moistening and lubricating my skin with her wet fingers. Maggie then took her left hand and ran it down her abdomen and delved deep between her legs to soak those fingers as well. Only this time she brought her hand to first her face to take a long lick on the flat of her palm and then leaned down and brought the fingers to my lips. I first inhaled the aroma and let out a low moan before she slowly fed first the index finger into my mouth for me to clean and then each finger one by one until she was slowly withdrawing her pinky from between my lips, never once losing eye contact with me even as she gripped and stroked my still hardening erection. I didn’t think it could get much harder as it was already throbbing and aching.

“I made a promise to Penny, recently that when presented with this… sort… of situation, I would be the one to ask about protection and do the right thing.” I said seriously looking into those intoxicating eyes. The aroma of her arousal strong in my nose. “I don’t have any protection with me Maggie.” Maggie simply smiled at me bemusedly blinking slowly and nodding in way of thanks.

“I’m in much the same state as Penny as far as that concern goes. I can no longer get pregnant so there is no worry of that, I trust you when you say you are disease free and clean. So there, your concerns are noted and answered. Now relax and enjoy.”

With the last finger cleaned Maggie rose up so that one foot was on the bed and her other leg was still on her knee beside me. Again with her right hand she stroked her plum to harvest more of her juices before wiping them on my erection before gripping it just below the head and positioning it at the entrance to her plum. Once there Maggie began to lower herself onto my now whetted cock, slowly, methodically. Maggie’s eyes were closed and her brows knitted in concentration. While I had no idea what Maggie might feel like on the insides I was not prepared for how tight she turned out to be. More than once as she pierced herself atop of me she had to come to a complete stop and wait to let herself stretch and expand… to relax a bit. As she neared total impalement Maggie placed both of her hands palms down onto my chest, all fingers splayed as if to push away or ward off some pain perhaps.

Finally with a grunt, Maggie settled at last, her full weight upon me, my full length, modest as it is, completely inside Maggie’s sweltering oh so tight plum. I ran my hands from her hips up her sides to just under her arms before drawing them inwards over her upper arms and then sliding them down the tops of her arms and forearms to her wrists where I squeezed gently. Maggie leaned her head forward letting her cloud of hair fall and frame her face as she looked down at me with a look of total concentration.

“You’re awfully quite.” Maggie whispered.

“This is a learning moment, even if it’s not a lesson per se, I’m still studying you and learning what I can about girls, and especially about you!” I smiled as I told her matter of factly.

“Well I’ll endeavor to set a good example then, I wouldn’t want you to learn any bad habits.” Maggie chuckled causing her insides to move.

“WOW! Your insides moved when you chuckled, I might have to tell you jokes or something to feel that again!” I said in wonder. Maggie just grinned at me and began wiggling her hips and rotating as if using my impaled member to stir the depths of her core. Slowly her circles and grinding grew in intensity and span. Maggie was biting her lower lip and making a series of low grunts with the completion of each rotation or gyration. Those circular motions soon started turning into rising and falling, up and down on my length until it built in speed to the point that it sounded like a wet slap each time our bodies came together. Maggie’s hands had turned into more like claws as her fingers curled and dug into the flesh of my chest. I could feel my climax building as my juices were boiling in my balls and I got that shaky feeling as I edged closer and closer to climax. I was about to sound off and let Maggie know that I was almost out of time when she suddenly stiffened atop of me on an upward stroke, her whole body going rigid and her mouth agape in a silent scream. Then she suddenly slammed down hard burying me deep inside of her and her body began to convulse and jerk. I could see waves of convulsions roll down her chest and abdomen causing her head to jerk and twitch, that long black hair flipping and flying about. And all of that was on the outside. On the inside it was even busier as every nerve ending was firing and it felt as if they were firing into my poor short staff trapped in her depths. Gripping and pulling on me in thousand different directions at once. Both exciting and frightening at the same instant. It was just distracting enough that it put me off my own climax. So I remained completely rigid deep inside of Maggie as her orgasm wound down and she began to settle and regain her senses.

“Mmmmmmm” Maggie moaned softly as she let her head hang down, her shivering arms still pressing her hands into my chest propping herself up. I ran my hands up her forearms and her upper arms to her shoulders. I gathered her errand cloud of raven hair and pulled it mostly back over her shoulders so I could see her face clearly again. The peaceful smile on her face suddenly grew into a questioning expression as I must have moves slightly or something and she realized that not only was I still inside her very core but I was still rigid as a steel rod.

“Oh my! Jim, darling you didn’t finish too? I could have sworn I felt you go off inside of me.” She said puzzled.

“Well I was close at the end but then I got distracted by your marvelous pageantry.” I smiled.

“This simply will not do. I already feel somewhat guilty about… using you… to tend to a personal need. I will not leave you wanting this time my dear man.” Maggie said in all seriousness. With each twitch she made or I made She would gasp and let out a low moan. But when I thought she might start her gyrations and hip movements again she threw me when she rose up and removed herself from me completely. As I started to sit up however Maggie placed a hand on my chest and both pushed me back down and told me lie down and relax. She had something in mind that I might enjoy. Knowing I was in good hands I did just that but still I wondered what she had in mind.

The next thing I knew Maggie had lain down next to me on the bed with her legs hanging over the edge of the bed and her face and head just about my hips. Lying on her left side along my right, she took her right hand and wrapped her fingers around my shaft. My flesh was still wet from her own juices and excitement so it was well lubricated for the stroking she began to administer. Stroking from the base to the very crown of the head rolling her palm over the top and rotating before plunging once more down the shaft to the base to begin yet another stroke. It was like masturbating but it felt better than any I had ever done for myself. After a few minutes of this my skin was starting to get tender and raw as the juices that had lubricated it had been rubbed in or had dried by this point. Not to denied however, Maggie reached her right hand down to her still sodden plum and collected more moisture and transferred it back to my needy cock. Oh the marvelous feeling of her elegant hand gripping my shaft and bringing me such pleasure from such a simple motion. And then she blew my mind even further… with another pause in her stroking I looked down when I felt a new kind of warmth and moisture on the head of my cock. It was Maggie’s wide thin lips pursed around the head of my cock, her tongue slowly going around the circumference of the crown. At one point Maggie looked up into my eyes and her smile was evident in those molten copper colored irises. She winked and then closed her eyes and resumed her oral manipulations bobbing up and down slowly a little at a time, deeper with each bob. Maggie’s right hand was still stroking the length that was not now in her mouth.

In short order my mind was buzzing like an out of tune radio, my hips rising and falling in time with Maggie’s head bobs and her hand strokes. Building and building my climax grew closer but it was agonizingly slow and Maggie eventually got tired of bobbing. She did re wet her hand with her own juices however and continued to stroke me in those long slow strokes but alternated sometimes with faster more frenetic stroking until just before she was about to give up I edged over the top and shot my fountain up across my belly and chest where it mingled with the sweat that had now covered my body. Maggie propped her head up on her left hand, the elbow braced on the top of the bed. She then ran the fingers of her right hand through some of my spewed juices and collected some before bringing it back to her nose to smell with a long inhale that made her eyes close and brought a smile to her lips. Then her eyes popped open and she looked up to see if I were still watching her before bringing her fingers to her lips and licking one finger after another clean.

“Mmmmmm” she sounded before once more biting her lower lip and winking at me slyly. And then I felt it growing… the aftershock building, faster than previous times. I struggled to warn Maggie between my panting breaths before the paroxysms took control and left me at the mercy of tangled jumping cross firing nerves and brain signals. It grew first like an itch under my toes and crawled its way up the backs of my legs taking root in my knees before climbing to my groin causing my balls to tingle before shooting up my spine to the back of my head. My brain was the last destination of this massive overload. My whole body becoming rigid and singing with built up energy and tension. And then, as if someone threw a switch my body began to jump and twitch and spasm almost exactly as I had when I had my orgasm minutes before. The only difference was there was no ejaculate this time, just the release of energy and tension.

It occurred to me that this was the first time Maggie had witnessed this unusual phenomenon that I have been mysteriously gifted with or cursed with depending on the outcome for anyone seeing it for the first time. But I guess I shouldn’t have worried as When I looked down Maggie was still laying on her side, her head propped up on her hand studying me curiously, her eyes wide in wonder and her smile, such that it was, looking more like a smirk.

“You know, Penny told me about this thing you do but I didn’t believe it I thought she was just exaggerating as she is sometimes want to do. Twice now she’s seen it and has told me about it, but I still didn’t believe it… till now… Had I not known in advance I might have been concerned, very concerned. What you go through afterwards… your, what was it? ‘Aftershock’? looks a lot like an epileptic seizure.” Maggie explained. “I agree with Penny, you should definitely try to warn your future partners in advance.” She spoke softly as she idly ran her right hand up and down the inside of my right thigh while her eyes never left mine.

“I’m sorry Maggie, I just seem to get swept up in everything else going on. I know I should also be more conscious of asking about protection as well… It’s… well… awkward when you’re not planning on anything happening.” I said apologetically cursing myself silently for sounding so timid. Maggie gave me one of her signature smirks before gripping the inside of my thigh tightly to get my attention.

“Darling, it’s not all your responsibility but it is something that you should keep in mind all the same. You will find that we gals are quite capable of orchestrating situations and even making the first moves if we are of a mind to. It is a shared responsibility to consider protection however. It should cross both of your minds and be brought up. Your… extra consideration though, that’s going to be all on you. As for today… this was all my doing. Well, after you arrived here at the house anyway…” Maggie closed her eyes and smiled almost dreamily, apparently thinking over the events of the day, of which I only knew about my participation.

“Maggie, I’d be a fool not to say thank you for… this… but I’m hesitant to ask what might have… prompted you… to do this.” I spoke softly as I ran my right hand gently up her left arm from the bed spread to her hand supporting her head. Maggie half opened her eyes as if squinting, as one eye brow arched towards her hair line.

“I would be surprised if you hadn’t thought to ask. I would have been doubly surprised if you had not asked.” Maggie slowly batted her eyes a couple of times before giving me a wry smile. “You might say that Penny is not the only one of us that is capable of… getting carried away.” She purred cryptically.

“And would getting carried away have something to do with another… um… student?” I again asked hesitantly thinking that I was already pretty sure the WHO, but not the WHAT that had been involved. The curiosity was killing me!

“Jim, darling. I know you are smarter than to need to ask such a question, I would much rather you be more direct in your questioning when you already know the answer to such leading questions.” Maggie averted her eyes to watch as she ran her right hand up past my deflated manhood and across my lower abdomen.

“Okay then…” I said as my stomach muscles jumped at the sensation of Maggie’s tender touch. “Was it part of some sort of an exercise that had Michelle giving you hickeys all over your body or was it Penny’s doing?” I giggled. Maggie froze and a look of horror entered her eyes before she took her hand away from my abdomen and sat bolt upright and began examining her body.

“Oh! Oh no! No! No! No! No!” Maggie mumbled worriedly as she spotted and touched hickey after hickey… that she could see. She looked back at me her jaw slack and her brows knitted silently beseeching me of some word that it wasn’t true.

“I don’t remember that particular exercise… touching, sure, kissing even… but not giving hickeys…” I said trying to keep a straight face and not laughing or making any kind of fun at Maggie’s expense. Maggie slowly shook her head and ran her left hand along her collar bone to her neck where a hickey the size of a quarter was beginning to rise up like an oversized bee sting… complete with two or three teeth marks bruising her alabaster skin. “If it’s any consolation I think only one might show above your collar… maybe. And, they usually fade in a couple of days.” I again tried to sound calm and NOT laugh but it was becoming almost too much to bear. “I was always told to take cold showers to help them fade faster…” I slapped my hand over my mouth as I began to chuckle silently, biting my hand.

“Not another word young man!” Maggie glared at me before her stern look faded into a sheepish grin as she realized that there was no hiding it and she had already admitted to letting herself get carried away… twice now today. She hung her head in resignation and looked up through her lashes at me to see me smiling softly at her and no longer chuckling at her dilemma.

“But I have to say something first Maggie…” I opined.

“What?” She almost snapped but in that soft voice.

“Thank you. I was honored to be able to… assist you, especially since you made it well worth my time and effort. Thank you, truly.” I said in all honesty, as I sat up and reached to rub my right hand up her left arm. My eyes wandering up and down her hickey speckled pale white skin, looking for all the world like she had been stung multiple times by some demented bees… or been bitten by some rather buck toothed mosquitoes maybe. Maggie tilted her head to one shoulder and nodded in acknowledgement then uncharacteristically she lunged at me and wrapped her arms around me burying her head in my neck and shoulder giving me a mighty hug. At first I sat there stunned a moment then I wrapped my arms around her and returned the hug with equal enthusiasm causing her to gasp a bit before she moaned appreciatively into my neck.

“Mmmmmmmmm…. Darling, I should be thanking you. I know I was overstepping our relationship as teacher and student, but thank you Jim for allowing me to simply be a woman today. If you were anyone else I would be concerned that this might make our… working relationship… awkward. But I know in my heart that with you it will not. For that I feel most fortunate.” Maggie whispered into my neck as she continued to hold me and hug me, her bare breasts feeling so soft and warm pressing into my chest, my neck tingling from her warm breath on my skin.

“Maggie?” I began, thinking of Michelle and how whatever happened today might affect her. “I’m okay with this, as you said, but is Michelle… well…” I trailed off not knowing exactly how to formulate the question I wanted to ask knowing that I might not like the answer.

“Michelle is… Michelle.” Maggie said finally releasing her death grip around me and pulling back enough to look me in the face, her copper colored irises searching my eyes. “The young lady is, adventurous, once she opens up. I shouldn’t be telling you this but I know that you care for her even more deeply than you let on, but she too has some confidence issues. You realize that Penny and I have been working with her somewhat longer than we have with you. Michelle was not so… adept… at picking up so many things that you seemed to grasp instinctively from the beginning. The kissing exercise you participated in with Michelle meant far more to her than you can imagine Jim. She looks at you as almost untouchable.” Maggie said softly with a smile.

“Untouchable?” I asked with a worried expression, wondering if that was as bad as it sounded. Maggie must have noted the look of concern on my face as she raised her left hand up to place her fingers on my lips to hush me.

“Not in a bad way, I mean she thought she was not good enough for you. Not pretty enough, not interesting enough, not capable of… keeping your attention.” Penny and both have tried to dissuade her of these silly notions but when you agreed to participate in the exercise and… well… did what you do naturally… we knew we had made the right decision to ask you for your help.” Maggie smiled again and leaned in to kiss me on the cheek. I just sat there dumbfounded, my own brows knitted in confusion and my jaw hanging open. Maggie chuckled and tipped a finger under my jaw and pushed up closing my mouth before moving her lips to mine and giving me a long soft sensual kiss as if to emphasize what she was saying. Of course I responded in kind. I can’t help myself, when a woman kisses me in most any kind of way at all I get lost in the moment and my body responds. It responds in a variety of ways. My lips of course immediately return the attention being given to them, my heart speeds up, my temperature rises and so does a certain part of my anatomy. This did not escape Maggie’s attention but unlike earlier it was not something that was going to be addressed, well… to completion anyway. Drawing back slightly Maggie gave me that wry grin of hers and bit her lower lip as she slipped her right hand over the head of my reawakening erection and softly stroked the length up and down a few times.

“Jim, I’m flattered but I don’t think I should… indulge… any further today. I’m not trying to be a tease so please don’t take it that way.” She pouted for a moment before shaking her head and releasing me to stand up and gather her robe from the floor. I continued to sit there with my hands on the bedspread on either side of me as I watched her distractedly slip her arms into her robe and pull it closed and tie the sash. Maggie ran her hands back through her gossamer cloud of raven hair and pulled it back into a pony tail which she then twisted into a coil. I realized that she was putting her hair back into a bun and remembered her pins that I had withdrawn earlier. I reached up by the pillows and collected them before holding them out to her. Maggie noticed them in my hand and smiled in thanks to me as she took them and positioned and inserted them into her bun securing it. That done she bent over and picked up my tee shirt, and briefs and jeans and set them on the bed before bringing both hands to her face and covering her eyes and nose and mouth as if to play peek a boo. I knew she was gathering herself slipping back into her normal persona. I slipped on my briefs and tee shirt and was stepping into my jeans when she removed her hands and turned and sat on the edge of the bed again folding her hands in her lap. She watched me silently as I buttoned my jeans and buckled my belt before slipping first one foot into a shoe and then the other. Maggie looked up at me and smiled then patted the bed beside her indicating I should sit again.

“Darling, I know I already said thank you but I really want to impress on you how much this meant to me. I didn’t even realize it myself until it was… over.” She smiled somewhat uncertainly as she searched my eyes for understanding.

“Maggie,” I began as I reached out and took one of her hands in both of mine. “I came here to mow a yard for a friend. Then I met Penny and yourself. You made me an offer to teach me things that I so desperately needed to… wanted to know. I remembered you from your typing class so many years ago. I had in my mind an image of you from then. It clashed somewhat from what I saw of you here when I met you again, not knowing you were that woman, my former teacher. I think you know that was evident when you met me at your front door that time and I realized who you were. Between you and Penny I have learned so much about myself and about each of you. My entire image of you has changed so much as to not even resemble what I knew before. Before, you were… what was the word you used earlier? “Untouchable?” Never in my life would I have ever thought that I would see you again after that typing class, then not as a… um… “teacher” but as a woman. A fascinating, complex, intriguing and …” I trailed off for a moment as I gathered my thoughts before continuing. “An attractive and sexy woman. Still though I didn’t think I would ever be considered more than just a student to you. Over these past weeks and all the lessons and exercises I’ve learned that perhaps I was wrong. Both you and Penny have given me an entirely different perspective on so many things not the least of which is my opinion of myself. Yet, today… Well, you blew my mind again. Miss Margret Mays… She’s actually a fire breathing dragon lady down under all that cool exterior that’s always so calm and collected. I feel honored to have gotten a glimpse of this fascinating woman and enjoyed her attentions and favor.” I smiled as I squeezed her hand in mine. Maggie looked at me as if in shock, her mouth slightly open, her eyes darting back and forth between both of mine. I winked and said. “Don’t worry though, your secret is safe with me. I’ll never let on that I know Miss Maggie has fire in her heart, or say anything about it.” Maggie closed her mouth then smiled that knowing smile and tilted her head slightly to one side and batted her eyes at me, before standing up and leading me back through the apartment to the door. Before opening the door, she turned to me once more and stepped into me wrapping her arms around me and leaned her forehead to mine.

“Darling, you need to ask Michelle for her phone number. But you did not hear that from me.” She said softly before tilting her head up and kissing me softly on my lips for a few moments. Pulling back she reached and opened the door and led me back through the basement to the beaded curtain and up the stairs to the landing. Hearing Penny and Michelle talking in the kitchen, she nodded her head and led me up the stairs to the living room and into the kitchen. Releasing my hand she walked around the table trailing a hand across Penny’s shoulders then stood behind Michelle placing her hands on each shoulder and massaging them. I stood at the head of the table, my hands on the back of the open chair watching Maggie and Michelle. Michelle looked flustered and uncertain, she darted glances at me and at Penny but remained silent. Penny looked at me for a few moments cocking her head slightly with a questioning look in her eyes as she searched mine. Then she glanced at Maggie and a smile slowly grew on her adorable face and she looked back at me with a sly grin and winked before turning back to Michelle.

“Michelle darling, be sure and think about what we discussed earlier and if you can try practicing… more if the opportunity should present itself.” Maggie spoke softly in her teacher’s voice. Michelle looked at her and nodded in agreement, the bit her lower lip and looked up at Maggie in a silent plea. Maggie smiled warmly even as she raised her left hand up to her neck and raised the collar of her robe up slightly to cover the edge of the hickey there, and winked at Michelle and patted her shoulder with her right hand before walking back around the table to me and rubbing my right forearm.

“We will see both of you tomorrow morning of course. Yes?” Maggie said as if it were a statement rather than a question. I nodded and smiled at Penny and Michelle before I looked at Maggie.

“Of course, but unfortunately it’s time for me to head off to work at Dom’s. It’s time to make and deliver some pizzas. There are a lot of hungry people out there.” I lamented a bit. Michelle stood up too, I noticed that she was in her street clothes rather than a skirt and blouse.

“I’ve got to be going too.” She said as Penny stood as well and we all walked to the stairs and down to the landing. Maggie took my hand in hers and squeezed it silently thanking me again and nodding as a hint towards Michelle. With her other hand she slipped a pen into my hand as further reminder. Penny was busy hugging Michelle and chattering away about practicing what they had talked about earlier. My mind was abuzz wondering just what that might have been considering the sounds I had been hearing earlier. But then, Penny is Penny, I just smiled knowing that I’m sure it was interesting. Penny then released Michelle and Maggie and Michelle were hugging one another if somewhat awkwardly at first as Penny swept me up into her arms and squeezed me tightly, her face alight with her big blue eyes shining with mirth and her bottom lip being bitten to keep from saying anything. But Penny wouldn’t be Penny if she didn’t say something, she just couldn’t help herself so she pulled me in tight and whispered into my ear. “Thank you darling, more than you know.” She squeezed on my butt cheeks and released me grinning slyly. With that done she opened the door and I pushed out the storm door and held it for Michelle as she came out of the house. I walked with her to her car holding Maggie’s pen in my hand trying to figure out how to ask her for her phone number. I couldn’t see them but I sensed Maggie and Penny’s eyes on us watching to see what would unfold. At Michelle’s car she turned to me rubbing her arms and biting her lip as she too was trying to think of something to say. We looked at one another in the eyes for several heart beats before we both started to chuckle at the awkwardness of the situation. I guess that was what did it, it broke the ice so to speak. I smiled at Michelle and went for it.

“Michelle… do you think that… you could give me your phone number… so I can call you some time? I mean… If you wouldn’t mind my calling you that is… I mean I would understand if you didn’t want to give it out or…” I stammered like an idiot. Michelle’s eyes lit up and she reached and snatched the pen out of my hand and felt her pockets for a scrap of paper. Not finding any she looked up at me then reached out and grabbed my right hand and pulled it to her turning the palm up. She wrote her phone number onto the palm of my hand then put the pen in my hand and folded my fingers closed over it and the number. I swallowed and looked into her face again to see her smiling shyly too and she winked at me before turning and opening her car door and climbing in. I stood there like a dummy smiling goofily as she started her car and drove off waving with one hand. I looked back down at my hand and opened it seeing the number and smiled again before snapping out of it and glancing back to the house and I’m not sure but I think I saw a curtain beside the front door fall back into place. Maybe I was imagining it I don’t know. I grinned some more and climbed into my truck and headed to work at Dom’s. Before I went at the shop and changed my clothes though, I pulled the card that had Maggie and Penny’s phone number on it out of my wallet and copied the number Michelle had written onto my palm onto the other side of that card and put it back in my walled.

I don’t remember too much detail about that night other than I was just giddy all night. I felt like I was walking on air and I could not wipe the smile off of my face if I tried. All the girls in the shop noticed it and I got all kinds of funny looks, mostly just curious but all seemed to be equally happy even if they didn’t know why I was so happy. Of course Jules took notice and though she didn’t badger me, much, during the dinner rush, I knew I was going to get grilled when things slowed down. She just knew me too well to let it slide without further investigation and explanation.

As neither Jules nor myself were scheduled to close that night, we both got clocked out and sent home not long after the dinner rush was over. As I was being checked out, matching my moneys collected with my delivery totals, Jules caught me looking at the business card I had written Michelle’s phone number on earlier that afternoon.

“Hey now! You finally got Michelle’s phone number! Is that why you’ve been stumbling around grinning like an idiot all night?” Jules asked with a grin on her face. Stunned that she knew who’s number it was I snapped around and looked over my shoulder with shock written all over my face I’m sure.

“How… How did you know whose number it was?” I stammered.

“Duh! Michelle has a roommate, a friend of mine… and I call Michelle about yard work too.” Jules explained to the idiot in the room.

“Oh yeah…” I said realizing the obvious. “I had forgotten that.” I went on as I put the card back in my wallet and turned back to the assistant manager who was cashing me out. She was looking at me grinning from ear to ear because now she too knew why I had been so goofy and lost all night. She looked over my shoulder at Jules and winked before chuckling and pecking away at her calculator running totals again.

“That must have been a hell of a kiss the other day…” Jules said conversationally as if she were talking about the weather or something. I snapped my head around again almost giving myself whiplash to stare at her my mouth agape as my mind raced trying to conceive of how Jules even knew about that. She stood there leaning against the wall her arms crossed smiling at me with that mischievous knowing grin with one single eyebrow arched as if inviting me to ask. ‘Yeah’ my mind fed me, ‘Girls talk…’

“Did she tell you about it?” I asked in a quiet almost pleading voice as I was not so sure I wanted to hear how Michelle might have described it, the kissing. Jules snorted and rolled her eyes and chuckled a bit.

“No, she didn’t tell me but Sam says she hasn’t shut up about it for the last day or so, it’s all she talks about! You must have rocked her world Jimbo!” Jules giggled as much as seeing me blush bright red as the thought of Michelle dreamily recounting the event to her roomy Sam… Samantha… Jules’ ‘buddy’… one of her girlfriends.

“Um… I’m not at liberty to talk about that, she wasn’t supposed to either though as it was… well… you know, discretion and all…” I said quietly wondering if I had said too much already. The odd thing was Jules suddenly went quiet and, well… almost paled. If I had bothered to look I might have seen the smoke coming out of her hears from the gears turning at double speed in her mind as she rehashed what I had said and what she had heard from Michelle by way of Sam. I was finished getting cashed out but was waiting on a pizza I had ordered for my dinner on my drive home. As I walked to the front of the shop I head Jules call me from the desk as she was getting cashed out.

“Hey Jim! Wait for me outside before you leave… okay bud?” She asked in a curious voice that almost sounded worried. I told her I would.

I was sitting on my tailgate eating a slice of pizza and sipping a Pepsi, my legs dangling and kicking absent mindedly as I ate when Jules came out and joined me. I offered her some pizza and she just shook her head and sat on the other side of the tailgate, her hands gripping the edge on either side of her legs as she sat leaning forward a bit, her head hanging down lost in thought. Curious but knowing that she would speak in her own time I took another bite and waited. I guess she couldn’t get her thoughts to line up or come up with the conclusion she was looking for as her head kept tilting first to one side then to the other as she thought. Finally she slumped her shoulders and half turned her head giving me a sidelong glance.

“Jimbo… Jim… I know the rules and I’m not going to ask you anything that would make you feel awkward about talking if you don’t wish to answer I can understand. When Sam told me that Michelle had been going on and on about being kissed by “him” I knew she was talking about you. I thought that you finally had manned up and got her number and the two of you had got together sometime or somewhere. I felt good for you bud, really. But what you just said earlier threw me for a loop! You made it sound like… that Maggie and Penny had something to do with it.” She spoke in a soft quiet voice that was only barely more than a whisper as if she were afraid of anyone overhearing our conversation. I almost choked on the last bite that I swallowed thinking that maybe I had said too much and overstepped my promise of discretion. I took a sip of Pepsi to wash down the bite and clear my throat. I was about to try to say something when Jules began again.

“I’ve had some lessons and exercises myself but I’ve never heard of the ladies ever putting two students together for anything… ever…” Jules said almost in awe as if she could hardly even believe the possibility that that was what had happened. “God Damn! I want to know more about this but there is NO WAY I can ask Penny or Maggie about it… That would lead them back to you or Michelle…” Jules spat out frustrated by her own logic. Again I gulped seeing her reasoning and in no way did I want Michelle to get into trouble with the ladies.

“Um… did she say my name? I mean say that it was me, when she was talking about it with Sam?” I asked nervously. Jules stopped moving and turned her head slowly to look me full on in the face and her frustrated demeanor slowly turned into a big goofy grin.

“Actually… no. No she didn’t! Jimbo! You’re a genius! She just kept talking about ‘him’. Sam didn’t know who that was and I didn’t tell her. So I guess Michelle has been good so far and is being… discrete… sort of.” Jules started chuckling and then it turned into a full on belly laugh until she couldn’t breathe. Wiping the tears out of her eyes when she pulled herself together she reached out and slapped my left knee. “Okay, one problem solved… Now… about that little exercise.” Jules locked my eyes with her stare and waited for me to offer anything up.

“Um… well… I don’t know I shouldn’t say anything really…” I began knowing that it would be killing her to find out and for once I could enjoy toying with Jules a little. Jules let her jaw drop as she thought I might not give up anything at all and she let out a frustrated groan.

“Jim!”… She whined plaintively.

“Jules!” I replied in kind.

“PLEASE!!!!” She begged holding her breath.

I sighed dramatically and took a deep breath and held it as if contemplating a great weighted decision being made. I snuck a glance out of the corner of my eye at Jules who was hanging on my every breath at this point. This was just too much fun. In the back of my mind I could hear Maggie’s and Penny’s voices telling me how I should use my better judgment and trust in my instincts. I knew Jules better than most people and I trusted her like few friends that I’ve ever had. I knew that anything I told her in confidence would be held in trust and kept secret from anyone else. But I had to make her say it before I could finally relent and give her anything she wanted to hear.

“Jules, you know I love you right?” I began, that caused her to sit up straight and actually lean back away from me as she registered what I had just spoken. A look of what could only be some sort of shock displayed on her face. “I made a solemn promise to the ladies that I would be discrete and not talk about things that I was being taught and what went on in their home…” Again Jules’ face began to show disappointment. “But…” Her eyes snapped back to mine and I could imagine her holding her breath. “I think I can trust you if you promise not to tell any of this to anyone else.” I couldn’t help but to smile a little as both of her eyebrows shot up and her eyes opened wider. Jules nodded her head in agreement but I wasn’t going to let that be enough. I ducked my head a bit to prompt her for more.

“Jim!” She whined again this time in anticipation. “Fine! I promise!” She barked out.

“Promise to what? “ I prodded more.

“You’re killing me! UGH! I promise not to speak of this to anyone else! Okay?” Jules growled. “Now tell me what happened!” She pleaded as she scooted over a little closer to me.

I went on to tell her how Michelle and I had both showed up Monday to mow the yard as it had as she knew rained that previous Saturday. After finishing with the mowing we had gone on to continue with our ‘lessons’ from the ladies. Penny had approached me about an unusual exercise that they, Maggie and she had in mind to work with Michelle. She had explained to me that they were in need my assistance if I were willing to give it. I told Jules how I was literally blown away in the first place but how I was still nervous as all get out too. Of course I had to accept and try, right? Jules sat there as if in a trance and she just nodded her head waiting for me to go on… she had a goofy grin on her face. I went on to tell her about being led to the couch and placed sitting next to Michelle and prompted to kiss her. Too, how Michelle seemed so nervous and almost reluctant but the look in her eye telling me that she wanted to do this as much as I did but was afraid to say it. It was so awkward at first. I told her how soft and timid it seemed at first and then how Michelle seemed to get carried away and felt like she were forcing it or something and how I stopped her and asked her to slow down and relax. Jules sat bolt upright at this mention and gasped.

“You told her to stop?” Jules asked aghast.

“Uh… yeah.” I admitted wondering if I had messed up somehow.

“Oh Man! You Stud you!” Jules guffawed before chuckling. Again I was puzzled by her reaction and concerned that I had made a mistake. “Jimbo you got some balls on you man!” Jules giggled. “What did she say or do?” She asked.

“She didn’t say anything, but she did look a little sheepish. She slowed down and we kind of got swept up in the moment I guess… the next thing I know the doorbell is ringing and Penny and Maggie are coming out of the kitchen. Funny, I don’t even remember them getting up from the couch and leaving the room.” I said feeling my face warm as I blushed. Jules giggled sounding more like her usual self as she declared.

“That must have been me ringing the doorbell. Man! I wish I had known you two were all hot and bothered going at it like a couple of teenagers on the couch just a few steps up.” Maggie and Penny never let on a bit. Those old foxes! I should say something to them about that.” She chuckled, but I was in a near panic hearing that.

“Jules! You promised me!” I pleaded. Jules sighed and reached over and patted my knee again.

“Don’t worry Jimbo I won’t say a word about it to anyone, even Maggie and Penny.” She said reassuringly.

“Especially Maggie and Penny!” I stated still worried a little even as I realized that was just Jules messing with my head again, because she could.

“So is that the day that you got Michelle’s phone number?” Jules asked as she leaned back still gripping the edge of the tailgate as she stretched her back and arms releasing some tension.

“No, I just asked her for it today as we were leaving the house and I was coming to work here.” I explained before I realized that I would now have to give up some more information. Jules cocked her head questioningly knowing there was more to come and that I realized I had opened up my mouth so now I had to continue. I sighed and told her about my gutter job getting canceled this morning and how I called Maggie and Penny to see if they had time for me to stop by for some more tutoring. I did not tell her how Maggie met me at the door somewhat flustered and disheveled, or how she had basically attacked me after she closed the door. How she practically dragged me downstairs to the apartment and nearly raped me in her haste to scratch an itch that apparently Michelle or Penny or both of them had started before I had arrived at the house. I didn’t tell Jules how I suspected that Penny and Michelle had been in the middle of something upstairs that sounded very interesting, at very least, while Maggie had her way with me downstairs. I did tell her that Maggie had quietly prompted me to ask for Michelle’s phone number at the end of our ‘sessions’ and had even slipped me an ink pen with which to write it down with after asking her for it. I rubbed my palm where Michelle had written the number, grinning at the memory of her taking my hand and writing it down herself on my skin.

“So you two weren’t kissing again today?” Jules asked.

“Well… Not each other anyway.” I let slip quietly knowing I was teasing Jules a little bit again.

“Uh. Okay. I’ll stop asking mister Mysterious.” Jules chuckled and she slid off the end of my tailgate and turned to stand in front of me crossing her arms and cocking her head to one shoulder as she looked me in the face silently for a moment or two. She dropped her eyes and asked me quietly, almost sheepishly. “Did you mean it?”

“Mean what?” I asked.

“Earlier, when you said…” Jules swallowed a lump in her throat. “That you loved me.” She said and looked up at me through her eyebrows with her head still tilted downward. It struck me then just how much those little words could impact someone else, especially if they weren’t used to hearing them even from people who did love and care for them. I wondered just how starved for affection, and well, love that Jules really was. I recalled Maggie telling me how sometimes the boldest people we know are often the most insecure for whatever reason. For all her bluster and show Jules was still at heart a girl, a girl who like most others had her own insecurities and fears even if she hid them better than most. I raised my left leg up and bumped the outside of Jules’ right leg giving her a nudge.

“Yeah, I meant it, but if you repeat it to anyone I’ll deny it.” I grunted and grinned at her sheepishly.

“Asshole!” Jules grunted back and smiled as she swatted my knee yet again and then turned to walk to her car to go home, or wherever she was going. As she got into her car and started it I watched her surreptitiously reach up and wipe her eyes thinking I didn’t see it. I smiled and thought to myself I had just witnessed a side of Jules I didn’t even imagine before tonight. I closed up my now empty pizza box and put my empty Pepsi bottle in a plastic milk crate I keep in the back of my truck just for trash, then hopped down off my tailgate. Shaking my head at so many changes and events that I’ve had over the last couple of weeks and days, I turned and closed my tailgate before walking around to climb in the cab.

When I got home to the farm Dad was just going in the house from the back porch. He told me he was surprised to see me home so early on a Friday night. I laughed thinking that I guessed that some might think 11:00PM was early but I had work to do the next day so I couldn’t be out all night goofing off. He patted me on my back as he ushered me into the house before closing the door behind us.

The next morning was unseasonably cool, I actually caught a chill dressed in cutoff jeans and a tee shirt while I tended to the animals before breakfast. Once back at the house I opted to change into another pair of jeans instead of shorts. I grabbed some bacon and a couple of pieces of toast and an apple on my way through the kitchen on my way out. Mom told me I should slow down and sit down to eat but Dad told her to let me be as I was working. I gave my mom a kiss on the cheek and smiled at Dad as I headed out for the day.

When I got to Maggie and Penny’s house Michelle’s car wasn’t there yet, it was odd I thought as she always seems to get there before I do. I unloaded my mower and gas can and was pushing towards the back yard when I saw Michelle pull up. I stopped at the edge of the garage as she walked up the slight hill of the front yard to the garage door. Michelle paused at the door looking at me and smiling a little sheepishly and biting her lower lip. She seemed to come to a decision and walked over to me as I stood from filling my mower’s gas tank. When I turned to say hi she smiled brightly and said hi back shyly. “Man!” I thought to myself, this is getting weirder and weirder all the time. What happened to that brash bold girl that I thought I never stood a chance of getting to know? Before I could contemplate further though I was shocked when Michelle stood up on her tiptoes and kissed me on the lips with a quick peck. As she settled back to her feet she bit her lower lip again and her eyebrows danced and she tilted her head a bit to one side before she turned and kind of bounced back to go into the garage after the old dinosaur mower. I stood there for, well… honestly I’m not sure how long really but I saw Michelle pushing the mower out of the garage and she looked over at me and smiled and winked at me. After I snapped out of my dreamlike state, I shook my head to clear the fog and smiled as I started my mower and pushed on to start mowing.

As I rounded the side of the garage into the back I saw Penny sitting alone at the Glass topped table with a large mug in her hands, her elbows propped up on the table. She waved with one hand and smiled sweetly. I smiled in return and continued mowing.

I was about halfway finished with the back yard when I noticed that Maggie had joined Penny at the table under the umbrella where they were both shaded from sun. Maggie had on her usual dark stockings of course and some slippers of some kind, along with a dark blue robe with black trim, the collar turned up at her neck hiding what I knew to be an easily spotted hickey had the collar been turned down. Her hair was twisted and pinned in a bun atop her head and her dark sunglasses made it hard to determine her mood as she held her own large mug of something in her delicate hands. Maggie was sitting back in her chair with her legs crossed and her elbows resting on the arms of the chair as she held her mug. I got the distinct impression she was watching my every move, but with the sunglasses on it was hard to tell really. Penny on the other hand was openly gazing in my direction with those big beautiful blue eyes shining. She had a wry grin on her face as she too sat back in her chair now with her legs crossed, those ever present silk slippers idly flipping as if waving to get attention. Penny’s robe was a light aqua marine blue with yellow polka dots and yellow trim at the collars and sash. Of course her slippers were the same yellow. The cloud of curly strawberry blond hair on her head bounced and waved with the slight breeze blowing and whenever she moved her head as she talked softly with Maggie.

As I neared finishing with mowing the back yard I saw the ladies get up from the table and head inside the house. I pushed my mower around the garage and to my truck to load it up. As I walked up to the garage to go to the kitchen door Michelle met me coming out of the garage.

“Hey.” She said stopping and smiling at me. Her hair still pulled into a pony tail and tucked back through her old ball cap. I don’t know how really but she somehow made that ratty old grey sweatshirt she was wearing look good, and her faded jeans were, well, it was all I could do to keep from staring. As I took in all of her it crossed my mind that she was headed the wrong direction.

“Hey back at ya. Getting something out of your car?” I asked

“Nah, I gotta take off. I’ve got family in town for a visit and my folks wanted me to make an appearance at their barbecue today. I just told Penny and Maggie that I’d have to make up a lesson sometime, maybe Monday.” She told me standing on one foot with her thumbs hooked in the front pockets of her jeans and kind of swaying back and forth with her head tilted down a little shyly.

“Yeah, they’re pretty flexible with the lesson times, or have been. With school starting back up soon though it’ll be hard to work things out during the week. Well, for Penny anyway, Maggie’s retired now so she’ll be around I guess.” I offered as I silently wished I could schedule more time with Michelle myself, just standing this close had my heart beating faster. “Uh… are you doing anything Sunday afternoon?” I asked before I realized the words had actually come out of my mouth. Michelle actually stopped swaying for a moment.

“I don’t think so, you think the ladies might let me come by tomorrow?” She asked. My face faltered as I realized that Michelle thought I was still talking about her lessons. I guess it must have shown on my faces as she her eyes suddenly got big.

“Well the probably would but that’s not what I meant… Uh… I thought that maybe if you had time, that maybe you… Uh… You might like to see a movie or… something like that…” I trailed off uncertain if I just wanted to run screaming for sounding so goofy or just faint dead away and fall over and pretend to have a stroke or something. Michelle started swaying again and her head tilted to one shoulder as she smiled brightly, those blue green eyes sparkling with those golden flecks looking like fireworks.

“Why Jim! Are you asking me out on a date?” She asked coyly raising one eyebrow and biting her lower lip, while giving me an impish grin.

“I guess if you say yes then it might be… If not then I guess it was a stupid idea and a mistake…” I said and swallowed silently chanting “Say yes… Say yes… Say yes… Say yes…” Michelle just stood there swaying and continued that impish grin as she made me sweat out the wait. I think all women do these things to guys, they must relish the power they have over us… keep us dangling on a string, like cats toying with a mouse. This mouse was ready to bolt though.

“Honestly I’d much rather go to a movie than sit around listening to vacation stories from my Uncle Roy… I’ll see what I can do. Call me tonight after ten and I’ll let you know then. Okay?” she asked.

“Okay, after ten tonight. I can do that.” I told her grinning sheepishly as I realized that she didn’t say no anyway. It was kind of more like a “Maybe.” Michelle said that was great and took two steps closer to me and bounced up on her toes again and gave me another quick peck on the lips before skipping off down the drive to her car. She turned and waved at me then got in and was soon driving off. I realized that I was still standing at the entrance to the garage with one hand to my face, my fingers feeling my lips that Michelle had just kissed, for a second time today. Both kisses had been her doing, and not prompted. Wow! As I turned still in this dreamlike state to start again towards the kitchen door inside the garage I saw Penny standing behind the screen door leaning against the door jamb with her arms folded over her abdomen as if holding her robe closed. She had a soft smile on her face as she watched me approaching the door.

“So Michelle told you that she had to attend to a family matter today and wouldn’t be here for her lessons.” Penny stated as she stood up straight and opened the screen door for me.

“Yeah…” I breathed out still stunned by the unexpected kiss, as I stepped through the doorway into the kitchen. Penny tapped the remote switch to close the garage door then closed the kitchen door to the garage.

“Jim darling, why don’t you go have a shower. When you’ve dressed Maggie asked to see you in her room for today’s exercise.” Penny said as she rubbed a hand on my right forearm ushering me towards the hallway and the bathroom. “And Jim… you need to pay close attention to Maggie today, this lesson is very important. Important for you to learn… and for Maggie, personally. I’m afraid I can’t explain it further, but I’m sure you will understand. Trust your instincts, they haven’t failed you yet.” Penny added cryptically in a very soft voice that bordered on a whisper. I was puzzled by what she meant but was instantly on guard as it seemed to me that she was trying to tell me something important but not wanting anyone else to hear it. Stranger and stranger.

I walked down the hallway and into the bathroom where I kicked off my sneakers and disrobed from my jeans and tee shirt. Socks, shirt and briefs all I rolled up and set them atop my folded jeans on the toilet seat cover. After a quick shower I wrapped myself in a clean towel and grabbed my shoes and clothes and walked down the hallway to the guest room where I had clean clothes in the dresser. I put on a tee shirt and silk boxers before stuffing my dirty clothes roll into my book bag. Dressed now and still not clear what Penny had tried to tell me in the kitchen earlier I walked down the hallway a few feet to Maggie’s room and knocked softly on the closed door. I heard Maggie say to come in so I opened the door and stepped in. She asked me to close the door behind me.

Maggie was sitting in the middle of her bed, her back propped up at the headboard by some pillows. Her dark red silk robe with the black trimmed collar and sleeves was closed and tied with the black sash and covered her to about mid thigh where the tops of her dark silk stockings were just peeking out from underneath the hem. Maggie silky covered legs were crossed at the ankles and her right foot was twirling and twitching idly as she lowered the magazine she was reading and looked over the top of her half framed glasses perched on her long patrician nose. Her lips looked to have been just glossed lightly with a dark plum lipstick. Her long raven hair of course as usual was twisted into a bun and secured with her lacquered chop sticks. Today her fingernails matched her dark red robe and shone as if they were still wet. Maggie patted the bed beside her indicating she wanted me to come have a seat. From the foot of the bed, near the door I walked to the right side of the bed and sat on the edge tucking my left leg under me so I could face her.

“You spoke with Michelle?” Maggie asked bluntly.

“Yes, she told me that her parents were having a barbecue today and she was asked to be there because of visiting relatives.” I answered. Maggie’s brows knitted as she looked at me over the top of her half framed glasses and tilted her head ever so slightly to one side as if puzzled by my reply.

“Oh, yes. Well that’s not what I meant to ask about.” Maggie clarified as she shook her head as if to shoo away an errant thought before beginning again. “No darling, I meant about… yesterday.” She corrected as she crossed her arms over her chest, one hand still holding the magazine.

“No, she didn’t say anything about that. Was she supposed to have?” I asked wondering what this was all about and remembering what Penny had said in the kitchen earlier. “Maggie, I haven’t told anyone about… yesterday… how would she know to ask anything about that? Unless… you mean about something that happened between her and you, or Penny…” I spoke guessing that she was thinking about something prior to my arrival at the house

yesterday. At mention of this Maggie pursed her lips and averted her gaze and absently nodded ever so slightly.

“Yes, well… yesterday was something of an anomaly in many ways.” Maggie intoned as if talking to herself before once more locking those coppery amber eyes on mine and smiling ever so faintly. “I was not the only one to get a little carried away during an exercise. That is something I will have to strive not to allow to happen again. I’m afraid between yourself and our young Michelle both Penny and I have been somewhat remiss in our concentration and… delivery of your lessons. In many ways the two of you are very similar but you each have your own specific needs for attention in our instruction.” Maggie smirked and brought the fingers of her right hand to her forehead and shook her head resignedly and sighed. “You see? There I go again. I’m speaking to you of things that I should not divulge to anyone else other than Penny. Damn it! I’m sorry Jim. I’m afraid that my mind is a bit addled today.” She spoke as she brought her hand down from her forehead to loosely cover her mouth and chin, her thumb resting parallel to her jaw line in a pensive pose.

“Maggie, I can come back another day if you don’t feel up to any lessons today.” I offered bowing my head slightly to make full contact with her eyes again. She looked into my eyes and hers softened as she dropped her hand from her face and reached out to grip my left shoulder and give me a squeeze, the soft smile on her face making her look almost apologetic.

“Always the gentleman aren’t you young man?” Maggie asked and blinked her eyes slowly before tilting her head back a bit and locking me with that all too familiar fiery gaze I recognize from days gone by, even typing class years ago. Maggie was now in teaching mode and in control again. “Thank you for your concern but I think I will be able to continue with our lessons today. Now, where to begin?” She asked herself as much as me.

Maggie reviewed several exercises that she and Penny had worked with me on over the past few weeks. She also alluded to in a roundabout way both the recent exercise with Penny concerning touch, and taste, and kissing a woman all over her body. I couldn’t help but think that perhaps that was being taught to Michelle yesterday and she got carried away leaving hickeys all over Maggie. Apparently Maggie had similar thoughts as she unconsciously reached up and put a hand on the still visible hickey on her neck just barely peeking out beneath the collar of her robe. Maggie went on to caution me against being too hasty and to bridle my enthusiasm when applying kisses to softer areas of a woman’s body.

“It is always best to start slowly and be gentle, even when being playful. I really don’t think I have to tell you that but I’d be remiss if I didn’t cover it, if only as a precaution.” Maggie spoke almost as if reading from a textbook.

“I think I like going slowly actually.” I offered feeling my face begin to warm with the blood rushing into my skin as once again I began to blush. Maggie tilted her head slightly and gave me a wry grin for a heartbeat or two before patting the bed beside her. I could only assume that she wanted me to reposition myself to sit side by side with her at the headboard. I stood and took two steps towards the head of the bed and turned to back myself onto the bed and settled into a sitting position next to Maggie. I sat with my hands folded together in my lap, my right shoulder to her left though an inch or so taller in this sitting position. Maggie reached over and covered my hands with her left hand and gave me a gentle squeeze.

“The level of urgency or… need… between two people will determine the speed for their… affections for one another.” Maggie advised. “You’ll find times that going slowly will be unsatisfactory, for one or both parties. Yet, I think you will find that yes, going slowly at least in the beginning is far more enjoyable. Especially if one is looking to savor the time together and or each other’s particular flavors and attributes.” Maggie spoke this last softly almost as if in a dreamlike state, her eyes seemed to be seeing something in the distance, or perhaps another time or place. I knew that she would come back to here and now so I simply waited. “Darling, there will be times that your partner may be afraid or hesitant even when they are willing. Remember all that we’ve taught you so far, and all that you already know. Allow them the time they need to feel comfortable.” Maggie said as she refocused on my face and smiled softly, almost motherly I thought.

It was evident that Maggie had a great deal on her mind today but she was still trying to get a point across to me and I was determined to pick it up. I wanted to understand even if I had to wait it out. If I had learned nothing else from these two women it was that patience was indeed a virtue and if I had enough of it I would indeed learn a very important lesson.

“You may find that it’s necessary to slow down even further sometimes, maybe even stop all together and take a break or do something ordinary to just reset your mind.” Maggie relayed in that teacher’s voice.

“What exactly do you mean my ‘ordinary’?” I asked wondering what she was trying to get across to me.

“Something far removed from sex or making love, something that you wouldn’t associate with them in your mind, like for instance brushing your teeth, or making a cup of coffee perhaps. In fact, why don’t you try that now, go brush your teeth and then go to the kitchen and see if Penny has a kettle hot or has some coffee already made. Bring me a cup of coffee if she has any made.” Maggie instructed and then picked her magazine back up and began reading again. Puzzled by this particular exercise I excused myself and slid off the edge of the bed and made my way to the bathroom down the hall. After brushing my teeth I rinsed my brush and then went to the kitchen to discover Penny seated at the table reading some papers, a pen in one hand idly tapping it against the side of her cheek. She looked up as I entered the kitchen and smiled, as one eyebrow rose questioningly.

“Penny, do you have any coffee made up? Maggie asked me to bring her a cup if you did.” I told her as I stood behind the chair at the end of the table to her left, both of my hands on the backrest as if to steady myself.

“Why yes I do have a pot made, I’ll pour you a cup to take to her. Are you okay Jim? You seem a little perplexed.” She inquired as she stood and gathered a cup from the cupboard then poured the cup about three quarters full of coffee. She added a splash of cream and stirred the cup leaving the spoon in it before handing it to me.

“I’m fine, I guess. I’m just trying to figure out what this exercise is about. I’m sure it’ll come to me though. Thank you Miss Penny.” I said with a soft smile as I headed back down the hall to Maggie’s room.

I handed the cup of coffee to Maggie and sat gingerly on the side of the bed facing her with my left leg pulled up under me to better face her. Maggie thanked me for the coffee and took a hesitant sip to taste. She looked up at me before she even pulled her lips away from the brim and smiled knowingly.

“Penny poured the coffee didn’t she?” She asked before going on. “There’s cream in it, she always adds cream to my coffee.” She then took another sip and closed her eyes while holding the cup in both hands.

“So brushing my teeth and fetching coffee was to reset my mind?” I asked hesitantly trying to put this puzzle together. “Or was it to reset your mind?” I asked. Maggie opened her eyes and gave me a half grin and squinted her eyes a little.

“Clever man…” She intoned without elaborating any further as she enjoyed her coffee. I sat patiently watching her intently knowing that she was fully aware of my scrutiny but ignoring it, mostly. When her cup was halfway empty, perhaps a little more, she leaned to her right and placed the cup and spoon on her night stand on that side. Sitting back again she picked up her magazine but didn’t open it, rather she folded both hands over it in her lap and tilted her head slightly and looked at me. “Darling, one of the best gifts you can give to anyone is understanding, allowing them their own time to do or feel or whatever. You have proven yourself to be a very patient and considerate young man time and time again, but there will be times that even you will be tested. You must be able to cope with these tribulations and setbacks. Always remember your foundations, be open and understanding to her needs, even when she’s not communicating them to you, or at least speaking of them. Your past exercises have given you some tools to work with. Learn what is the problem or the trouble. You will know what to do.” Maggie said again in that cryptic tone as she once more gazed off into the distance.

“I’ve always been a pretty good listener…”I offered and reached out with my left hand and softly stroked Maggie’s left forearm between her hand and the sleeve of her robe. Maggie raised her eyes to mine once more and her mouth twitched ever so slightly at one corner as if she were trying not to smile.

“Ah, but first you must get her to talk, what if she can’t or doesn’t want to talk about what’s bothering her?” Maggie asked pursing her lips and patting my left hand with her right. Confounded for a moment I too pursed my lips and thought about all the lessons and exercises that Maggie and Penny had given me. I knew that a great many of these exercises were to teach me how to listen, how to communicate with girls, or anyone for that matter. I could learn more about them by every day conversation often than direct questioning. Even something as simple as the weather could be an ice breaker.

“So I find something… safe… to talk about…” I mumbled almost inaudibly. “You know, there might only be another week or so that your yard will need to be mowed this year, it had almost not needed to be mowed today really.” I stated matter of factly. Maggie’s head tilted ever so slightly as if wondering where I was going with this statement. “Jules hasn’t told me exactly when she wants to start this painting job that you requested of her. Have you spoken to her about it recently?” I asked. Maggie let one eyebrow rise up as she studied my face.

“As a matter of fact we did speak last night about it. She was planning on talking to you and Michelle about it this weekend. I’m not sure exactly what she was going to tell the two of you but it will probably be about moving furniture and covering up with drop cloths before the painting will take place.” Maggie informed me as if it were trivial and somewhat distracting. Which in essence was what I was intending with the question in the first place.

“At first glance it looks to be a big job, all this painting, but I have a feeling that the actual painting will not be as time consuming as the prep work.” I spoke as if thinking out loud, directing my own sight away from Maggie’s curious glance. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Maggie’s lips purse and her brows knit as she nodded absently. “You know, between the prep work, the actual painting, then letting the paint dry and then lastly moving everything back to where you want it, some parts of the house will be out of service for a while.” I stated looking up at Maggie’s face. She held my gaze trying to read my thoughts and intentions.

“Yes, this could be an inconvenience for a brief time.” She admitted. “But as you are aware, sometimes it’s not so much the setting that is necessary for lessons and… exercises… that is important, but rather the participation and dedication of the principles involved.” Maggie expanded slipping into her teacher’s voice once more.

“Of course, of course…” I agreed softly, nodding my head in the affirmative. “But familiarity does put one at ease, especially when dealing with sensitive matters.” I added somewhat reverently. Maggie almost slipped and let the grin that nearly sprang to her lips show before she stifled it and nodded her head sagely.

“Yes this is true, but then it can be said that familiarity can often breed contempt. In this case I would of course mean a lapse in concentration on the part of the student I’m afraid.” She said slowly blinking her eyes and waiting for me to comment on that line of reasoning.

“So, unfamiliar settings and… events… can be distracting?” I asked as I locked my eyes on Maggie’s molten copper irises knowing I was getting close to the quick now. Maggie’s eyes locked on mine and she finally let a small almost timid smile begin to spread on those wide thin lips.

“Young man, you are toying with me… again… very clever indeed.” She all but purred, her right hand gripping my left at the wrist. “Would you allow me a moment or two to think? By myself?” She asked, bowing her head ever so slightly. “And if you would, please return this cup to the kitchen for me… and stop by the bathroom and, brush your teeth, again.” She smiled sweetly and blinked her eyes a couple of times. “Arrrggh!” I thought silently before I nodded and held out my hand to receive the cup she had retrieved from the night stand. Sliding off the bed once more I headed down the hall. I stopped at the bathroom and used the facilities and then washed my hands and again brushed my teeth. When that was done I took the cup and spoon to the kitchen.

Upon entering the kitchen Penny looked up from her papers and tilted her head quizzically and batted her bright blue eyes before smiling sweetly. “Darling, you look absolutely pensive. Is everything okay?” She asked. I set the cup and spoon in the sink and turned and leaned back against it crossing my feet at the ankles and my arms over my chest. I looked down at the floor for a moment then back up at Penny’s smiling face. The smile was on her lips but not in her eyes. I hadn’t caught that before but now it hit me almost like a slap in the face. Why would Penny be forcing a smile? Curious indeed. I shrugged my shoulders and told her that Maggie had given me a lot to think about and while I knew she was driving a point somehow I still hadn’t figured out exactly what it was yet, though I had some suspicions. I told her that these breaks and brushing my teeth were odd but I was playing along. At this Penny winked and went back to her papers. I sighed silently and made my way back to Maggie’s room.

When I entered Maggie’s room this time I found her still sitting near the headboard propped up with pillows but this time she was reclining on her left side. Her head propped on her left hand, her elbow in a pillow. Maggie looked up as I stepped nearer the bed and patted the bed in front of her motioning for me to join her again. Seeing as she was reclining I chose to mirror her positioning and laid down on my right side, propping my head in my right hand so that I could be face to face with Maggie. Once I was settled onto the bed Maggie brought her right foot over and idly ran her stockinged covered leg slowly up my left shin. Her arm was at her side with her right hand draped over her robe at the hip. The red polish on her fingernails shined as if they were still wet.

“There’s a fine line between patience… and being overly timid.” Maggie spoke almost in a whisper as her eyes watched mine carefully. “Not that patience in and of itself is not admirable, it is something that is difficult to teach to anyone not predisposed to it. However, for someone not used to dealing with a patient person it can be confusing. It plays all too easily into a person’s insecurities and fears. The seeming lack of interest or response makes them wonder if they are doing something wrong or perhaps that their partner is losing interest or simply not attracted to them.” Maggie lifted her right hand from her hip and ran the tip of her index finger slowly up my left arm from the wrist to sleeve of my tee shirt. Her half lidded eyes watched my every reaction. Even though she had not asked a question I had the distinct impression she was waiting for some sort of response.

“So it’s a delicate balance between being patient and being attentive. One should be a little aggressive, but not forceful.” I stated almost making it sound like a question… indicating that I would like some sort of confirmation from Maggie. I got it non verbally from the smile that appeared on her lips.

“Very good. Very good indeed. I hope you are as able to read your partners in the future as you are able to understand what we are trying to teach you. You will find that the more insecure a person is the more likely you will be to get… mixed signals from them. The more reassurance they need, then the more obvious is their insecurity. Just rely on your foundations. Build on them. Trust your instincts.” Maggie reiterated in her teacher’s voice but with a slight smile on her lips.

“And remember my lessons…” I spoke softly letting my eyes bore into Maggie’s coppery irises. “…be a little bold…” I added as I reached out with my left hand and slipped it behind Maggie’s head to the back of her neck, gently pulling her closer to me. Our heads tilting ever so slightly as our noses barely touched before our lips made contact. Soft pliant and moist they gently massaged each other. Sensual pecking and pursing a timid nibble with eyes half closed and breathing all but stopped. I loosened the pull of my hand so that we could separate a bit, one eye becoming two again as we both opened and looked into one another searching. I felt Maggie’s right hand or her fingers anyway slowly stroking my left cheek and jaw, sliding just under my chin with a light affectionate touch.

“Daring, like patience will be rewarded.” Maggie purred as her wide thin lips curled up at the corners with an almost feral grin. Those copper colored eyes taking on a heated gleam.

“Rewards, that’s good to know, but not everything is about rewards.” I said matching Maggie’s grin. “Sometimes it’s just about need or… hunger.” I added. Maggie tilted her head quizzically her brows knitting.

“Hunger?” She asked.

“Hunger, a growing need, verging on… addiction perhaps.” I continued giving just a hint of an explanation. I pulled her close and our lips met again. Softly at first but giving way slowly to more heated lip play. Maggie’s tongue was the first to breach the lips, hers and then mine. Soon though, both of our tongues were dueling in that lingual dance of passion, our breathing getting ragged and quickening. Maggie’s right hand was now clasping my tee shirt on my chest pulling me into her as much as my hand was pulling her head towards me. I felt Maggie’s stocking covered right foot again sliding up and down my legs.

I released Maggie’s head from my left hand and brought my hand back between us I fumbled around until I found the sash belt tied about her to keep her robe closed. In moments I had it loosened and parted. I found the edge of the robe and slowly pulled it open, pulling the robe to Maggie’s right hip. A slight gasp was the only acknowledgement Maggie made of my efforts with the robe. From her hip, I let my left hand lightly glide across the now bare skin of her right side to her chest, just under her breasts. Just my fingertips grazed the surface of her skin teasing the downy soft all but invisible hairs causing Maggie to shiver involuntarily. A tiny gasp paused her lips and tongue for a heartbeat as the backs of my fingers brushed lightly along the underside of her right breast before my hand slid farther down her torso. My middle finger circled her naval as Maggie’s belly rippled reflexively. Downward my hand explored as I let my lips drift from hers to her jaw line eventually reaching the soft spot on her neck just beneath her right ear. The fingers of my right hand were idly massaging the back of Maggie’s neck while supporting the weight of her head as I nuzzled the right side of her neck. Maggie pulled back to search my face the moment the fingers of my left hand brushed through that silky dense tuft of hair nestled above her plum. As my middle finger bumped that single pearl at the top her lips parted as she inhaled in a sharp little gasp. Maggie’s eyes narrowed as I gazed at her with a straight face save for a single arched eyebrow. Again my finger nudged that single pearl, rewarding me with yet another slight gasp from Maggie and her right hand twisting my tee shirt in her grip. Taking a chance I slid my left hand down further, the pearl rubbed across the palm of my hand as my middle finger parted her moist outer lips. Maggie couldn’t suppress a slight shudder at that most intimate contact. As she rolled slightly to her right allowing her to lie flat on the bed I took it as an unspoken invitation for my advances. Looking down at her laying there still gazing up at my face with those molten copper eyes, her dark brows knitted ever so slightly. Maggie was biting her bottom lip lightly in her teeth, her right hand still clutching my tee shirt tightly in her right hand.

I saw the hickey on the left side of her neck just above the collar bone, and with her robe splayed open I could see a series of other small hickeys trailing down her torso, the last one at the top of her thigh just above the edge of her silk stocking. The fingers of my left hand still idly grazing lightly around the edges of Maggie’s plum, its outer lips parted and moistened with her heat and juices. I slowly dragged my fingertips between those lips and collected the nectar using it almost like the ink of a pen as I drew my hand up and up and up across her abdomen. Still looking Maggie in the eye I brought my hand to my face and inhaled the aroma from her juices. Rubbing my thumb and fingers together savoring the smell before touching my lips and letting my tongue sneak out for a taste. I murmured approvingly and closed my eyes momentarily and smiled. Cocking my head a little I then brought my hand to Maggie’s lips in offering. Maggie squinted her eyes for a second looking at my hand then back to my eyes before she lifted her head ever so slightly and her tongue darted out to lick my fingers. Her eyes closed and she let her head fall back to the bed. I reached out with the same hand and lightly touched the hickey on the side of her neck. Maggie suddenly stiffened and she inhaled sharply.

“Wait... Stop, stop, stop!” She said with an exasperated sigh. “Go wash your face, brush your teeth and then bring me a glass of iced tea when you come back.” She said as she crossed her legs and closed her robe over herself covering up those long silk covered legs and that very hairy oasis between them.

I knew better than to protest, I slid back off the edge of the bed, my erection dragging along the covers under my boxer shorts. I had no idea why she stopped me again and sent me off to do this. I did know that she would explain in her own time and I would probably learn something valuable from the seeming nonsense and my frustration. I walked from the master bedroom and down the hall to the bath room. I ran some warm water in the sink and soaked a washcloth before applying a little soap and then washing my face. I rinsed out the washcloth and wrung it out then folded it over the towel rack. Then pulled my toothbrush from the holder and applied a bit of toothpaste then began brushing my teeth. This was the third time in the last hour and a half that I was sent to clean up and then fetch something for Maggie. Now I would normally think of myself as a pretty patient sort of guy but this stop and start stuff was wearing me pretty thin today. I spat out the tooth paste and rinsed my mouth with some cold water. I dried my face and hands on a hand towel and then exited the bathroom to turn right and down the hall to the kitchen to retrieve a glass and fill it with some ice and tea.

As I entered the kitchen I found Penny sitting at the table with a cup of coffee in hand and some papers in the other. Her half frame reading glasses perched on her delicate little button nose as she looked up over them and smiled at me.

“Did you brush your teeth?” She asked giving me that knowing smile and raising one delicate eyebrow in questioning expression.

“Yes Miss Penny.” I said as I smiled sheepishly to her. As I opened the refrigerator and pulled out the pitcher of iced tea that was always present. I poured about three quarters of the glass full as the ice clinked and rose with the cloudy amber liquid. “Penny?” I began as I returned the pitcher and closed the refrigerator door. Turning to her I continued. “I know sometimes I’m a little slow to pick up on the lessons but what am I doing wrong? Am I doing something wrong or is Maggie just teasing me or something?” I asked tilting my head slightly to one side then catching myself and returning it upright and standing up straight almost as if at attention. It occurred to me that my habit of tilting my head to one side was much like what dogs do when they are trying to understand their master’s intent.

Miss Penny’s facial expression softened and she set down the papers she was grading and her coffee cup then held out both her arms beckoning me to her side. I stepped up to her and she wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me into her. My now semi flaccid erection just a bulge under my silk boxer shorts seemingly nestling in between her soft womanly mounds of breast casually gathered together under her gossamer like silk robe.

“Darling, you’ve shown time and time again that you are thoughtful and caring and surprisingly intuitive. Trust what you know and what you feel and remember all that we’ve tried to teach you.” Penny said looking up at me with a sad smile. Sad? There it was again. I got the distinct impression that there was something that she was not telling me, something that perhaps was affecting both her and Maggie.

“Penny? Is there something bothering you… and Maggie? Something I should know?” I asked softly as I searched her sad bright blue eyes. For a moment Penny averted her gaze and the smile vanished from her lips. She took a deep breath and shook her head as if to clear any doubts before returning her gaze to mine.

“Darling, It just… well… We both so love doing what we do, teaching, expanding young minds, helping our… students. But… The teaching eventually stops. When our students have learned what we can teach them… and it’s time to move on. We are always proud of the accomplishments but it’s sad too, knowing that they are moving on. Sometimes we get rather attached to our charges. You saw how it affected Maggie not too long ago with Terry. I’m afraid we have a couple more graduations swiftly approaching and…” Penny stopped to swallow a lump in her throat and glanced away again. She leaned her head into my side and squeezed me fiercely before relaxing again and looking back up to my face. Her smile this time was genuine and her eyes crinkled at the edges. “It is bittersweet indeed. Go to her, don’t tell her what I told you but keep it in mind. Let your heart guide you on this one Jim.” Penny winked at me and gave me a swat on my backside as she turned back to her papers. She looked up and smiled at me as I left the kitchen and headed back down the hallway to Maggie’s room carrying her glass of iced tea… and a new understanding growing in my addled mind.

I knocked softly on Maggie’s bedroom door before entering. Maggie had sat back up amongst the pillows by her headboard again, composed with her robe tied closed, her legs crossed at the ankles. She held her magazine again and appeared to have been reading but then I caught something odd. The magazine was upside down, I didn’t let on that I had noticed this however as I immediately thought this was just a feint, a prop. Once back to the side of the bed I offered her the glass of tea, Maggie set the magazine aside and smiled appreciatively as she took the glass from me. I didn’t wait for her to pat the bed or motion for me to sit this time, I sat on the edge of the bed. My right leg hanging off the edge, my left tucked under me so that I was turned facing Maggie. Maggie sipped at the tea as she studied my face, I couldn’t help but feel like I was being played. This was a lesson, an exercise I’m sure, but it felt more and more like… like a game of chess. No, not chess, this was more like a game of cards, poker maybe in one variation or another. There seemed to be some subtle subterfuge, distractions and bluffing. Bluffing? Of course! Covering up, hiding an insecurity!

Margaret Eileen Mays was afraid… but afraid of what? It was then that the words Penny had spoken earlier finally clicked. She had admitted that both she and Maggie sometimes grew attached to some students and then when they “graduated” they felt a sense of loss. It hurt them, it hurt Maggie. I had seen it myself weeks ago when I saw them say their goodbyes to Terry, and then Maggie’s reaction afterwards. I now suspected that her and Penny both had become attached to Michelle… and me maybe? Was that even possible? Mentally I shook my head of that thought, for the moment and returned to trying to figure out what Maggie was hiding. Okay maybe it was this attachment to me or Michelle, or both even, but something else too. Maggie held her glass of tea lightly in the fingers of both hands as she sipped some more and studied my face as all these thoughts ran rampant in my mind. I could see her brows knitting ever so slightly, perhaps wondering at my pondering. It’s amazing how time seems to slow down when your mind goes into warp drive during an epiphany. All these thoughts and considerations ripped at light speed through my mind seemingly taking minutes or hours but only a few heartbeats in reality. It was at that moment that I was struck again by a second flash of insight, another piece of the puzzle fell into place when I saw again that hickey on Maggie’s neck at her collar. Of course!

“Hickeys! Michelle had put hickeys all over Maggie during an exercise, a lesson. A lesson that had gotten out of hand and Maggie had let both Michelle and herself get carried away. She stopped it and handed off the lesson to Penny but moments later she met me unexpectedly at the door and she let herself go, again. The Teacher was displaced by the woman. Miss Mays, was pushed aside and Maggie, the wanton woman slipped out and took over. Slipped… Maggie is afraid that she’s losing control, of herself. She’s afraid of losing my respect, our respect, Michelle and I, that, and control. Maggie has always been in control, seemingly. She took control of her life when she found that the love of her life cheated on her with another woman, even as complicated as it was. She built a wall, a facade that other people saw. Well, most other people. There were few, very few people who saw past it. Penny being the most important one, though I suspect that some of her other students, ones that Penny say that she and Maggie became “attached” to have also seen past the facade. That’s what Maggie was afraid of, being seen as vulnerable. This thought set me on my heels mentally. My ears and the top of my head suddenly felt warm and I could almost hear buzzing in my ears. Wow! How do I handle this?

“Jim? What is it darling, you look as though you’ve seen a ghost.” Maggie asked with more than a hint of concern in her soft voice.

“Maggie… I’ve noticed a… a change...” I began haltingly in a very soft voice, my mind still whirling putting my thoughts in order and trying to form words out of the chaos.

“A change?” Maggie asked hesitantly.

“Yes, a change. At first I thought it was in you, but now I realize that the change was in me. I’ve come to see things, or rather, sense things that I hadn’t picked up on before.” I continued slowly. Maggie’s head turned slightly to one side as she studied my face. She reached over to the night stand and set the nearly empty glass of tea down.

“What kind of things are you ‘sensing’?” She prompted.

“Little things, at first, things that I wasn’t even aware of until now really, yet more recently I couldn’t miss them. Perhaps it was because I am better able to see or pick up on things now after all the work Penny and you have done with me. You both have opened my eyes and awareness in so many ways with the things you have taught me.” I stated a little more confidently as my mind brought into focus what I needed to say and do for Maggie.

“Darling, I’m not sure I follow what you are saying.” Maggie said hesitantly.

“You both have taught me to pay close attention to the women in my life. To learn about them, to find out about them, what makes them tick, their likes, their fears, their insecurities…” I went on, shrugged my shoulders and smiled softly. “Both you and Penny keep telling me to trust my instincts and to rely on those foundations of honesty, respect and trust. They are important for any kind of relationship I will ever have with anyone but especially with the women in my life. You’ve worked with me on improving my self esteem, my confidence and overcoming my natural shyness. I’m afraid that even the two of you will not be able to completely cure me of the shyness I think but I really am improved. There is one thing that you or Penny have never really addressed however.” I teased a little with a slightly wry grin breaking eye contact and looking down at my hands in my lap.

“What would that be Jim?” Maggie asked intrigued.

“My curiosity…” I slipped out bashfully bringing my gaze back up to be locked on those bright coppery irises of Maggie’s. “If anything, the two of you have caused my curiosity to grow in leaps and bounds. Before I met the two of you it was but a small animal hiding in the fringes of my shyness, now however, with the tools and knowledge I now posses it has grown to monstrous proportions. Sometimes it’s nearly all consuming to my conscious mind.” I continued my smile broadening.

“Curiosity is not a bad trait to have Jim, but you have to be careful how you go about ‘feeding’ this curiosity. Sometimes you might learn more than you want to know or needed to know about someone.” Maggie cautioned in her teacher’s voice still studying my face wondering where I was going with this.

“Indeed, with that knowledge comes a responsibility I would think. Especially if this knowledge is of a private nature or a personal nature. If someone did not possess those all important foundations, that knowledge could be hurtful or embarrassing. Honesty, Respect and Trust. I’ll have you know that I have all of those. And for you in particular they are immeasurable… that honesty, respect and trust. Miss Margret Eileen Mays… I respected you from the moment I met you, all those years ago. You were my teacher, an authority figure, someone to be looked up to. I put my trust in you as a student to a teacher does. As such I was honest with you, and I have to assume, you were honest with me. All these years later I meet you again under far different circumstances. This icon from my past suddenly revealed to me as a woman. Yet you were still a teacher… perhaps a different kind of teacher to be sure, but still an authority figure who I looked up to and admired and respected. I trusted you with this… different kind of instruction. I have been open and honest about everything we have discussed and the lessons and exercises. And I had thought that both you and Penny had been the same… open and honest with me… However, just now I’ve come to the realization that at least you have not been completely open and honest with me. Perhaps not even with yourself.” At this statement Maggie’s eyes widened, and she sat up straight

“Jim, what do you me…” She began to protest but I cut her off by raising my hand in a halting manner. When she stopped mid question I smiled softly and closed my eyes slowly for a moment while bowing my head once. Returning eye contact I went on.

“Now bear with me. Let me explain the observations and my thoughts. If I’m wrong I apologize for taking liberties with my thoughts. Just know that none of this is any way a complaint or intended to make you feel disrespected.” Maggie nodded silently and I continued. “Okay. Perhaps I did you a disservice by putting you on such a lofty pedestal in my mind. I spoke of looking up to you both in school and now years later. In my mind I may have made you out to be more than you are. In a way I idolized you, you were untouchable. Yet with your teaching more recently, your involvement of our lessons and exercises you let slip small glimpses of something other than an untouchable icon. You blushed… several times now that I look back with this new realization. You got flustered several times and it confused me at the time but now it’s clearer. Finally, there was yesterday.” At this Maggie brought her left hand to her lips and her face took on a saddened almost remorseful expression.

“Jim, darling… I…” She began again as if to make an explanation or an apology, but again I cut her off, gently, silently shushing her with my raised right hand while tilting my head slightly to one side and smiling softly again.

“Yesterday was a day I will never forget for the rest of my life. In no way should you be embarrassed or ashamed of what happened between the two of us. I feel honored, I feel blessed. I will never be able to thank you enough for what you shared with me. Maggie, even if it wasn’t the best sex I’ve ever had in my life or if it might pale to things to come in my future, it was a precious thing to me. Do you know why? Nuh uh uh… that was rhetorical, I’ll tell you why. I saw for the first time Maggie the woman. The woman with no facade, not the untouchable icon I all but worshiped, but a living breathing touchable vulnerable girl. If someone would have told me that she existed before yesterday I would have had a hard time believing it… so high was the pedestal. Today however, it’s been eating away at the back of my consciousness. I knew that something was troubling you, you seemed so distant and ‘guarded’. It was something that Penny said in passing earlier that finally made everything come into focus. Penny mentioned that both you and her get attached to some of your students, and when your instructions with those students comes to an end you… and she… are quite saddened. That’s when I realized that you were struggling with those very thoughts… for Michelle… and perhaps me. It was seeing the hickey on your neck again just now that cinched it for me. You let your guard down with Michelle and let yourself get carried away with her… because you are very fond of her. I can’t fault you for that one bit.” I chuckled shyly. “And the very same afternoon you slipped up and let yourself get carried away with me as well. And today, you’ve been beating yourself up over it, all of it. For letting yourself become enamored with each of us, possibly berating yourself for so many others before us like Terry perhaps.” With mention of Terry’s name Maggie’s eyebrows shot up and her eye began to water. She gave me a pleading look then broke eye contact bringing her other hand to her face hiding it behind both hands.

At this point I faltered thinking that perhaps I had gone too far. Maggie was clearly in distress now and I felt absolutely awful. One, two, three times I began reaching out with my left hand to touch Maggie but each time brought my hand back to my lap to rest it there as a useless appendage along with my right hand. I took a deep breath and cleared my throat softly.

“Maggie… I still idolize you, perhaps now more than ever. Now that I’ve seen the vulnerable woman… I see how strong you really are. I also see how deep you feel things even if few others can. I still trust you explicitly, and I can honestly say that I respect you now more than I ever have. If you are worried about keeping up appearances around anyone else know that your secret is safe with me.” With that said I looked down at my hands again and waited for some kind of sign or some word from Maggie. Again time seemingly took a break. A single heartbeat took about a week from start to finish. Two, three, four… I was just about to excuse myself and get up and take my leave. Perhaps this was the end of our ‘relationship’. Lessons are over, no more exercises, I would become un welcomed in Maggie’s presence perhaps in Penny’s as well. Then something startling happened. I felt a soft hand, no two hands lay on my slumped shoulders. I snapped my head around to see Penny standing behind me at the bedside. She was looking down into my face with watery bright blue eyes and a quivering trembling smile. She winked at me and nodded her head towards Maggie. I turned my head back around to find Maggie’s molten coppery eyes ablaze and swimming in watery tears that leaked down her face. But there was a smile that was at the same time timid and radiant. Maggie reached out her hands and took both of mine in hers and held them as if they were a lifeline.

“Penny, what are we going to do with this young man? He’s too smart for his own good I think.” She sputtered. Penny squeezed my shoulders and gave them a bit of a shake.

“That he is, he’s certainly got your number doesn’t he?” Penny giggled then sniffed as she brought her right hand up to dab at her eyes with the sleeve of her robe. Maggie mirrored that motion with her own right hand after releasing my hands. She took a deep breath and let it out with a whoosh. Then she began to giggle. Penny picked up the giggle and pulled me back against her belly and the back of my head into those wonderful cushions of her breasts. I sat there both relieved and, well, confused The reactions of both women making me realize that no matter how old I get I will never fully understand women and how they think. Then another thought hit me and I turned to Penny.

“Just how long have you been standing there anyway?” I asked.

“Oh long enough to hear what you told Maggie. You know for someone who was complaining about ‘not getting it’ you certainly explained yourself quite eloquently.” Penny stated with a chuckle as the giggles that she and Maggie had were finally dying down. Penny looked at Maggie and they both exchanged a look. There was some unspoken communication between the two of them, volumes with just a shared look. Maggie smiled sadly for a moment as Penny squeezed me again, her right hand under my chin tilting my head back slightly so she could lean down and kiss my forehead. She patted my left shoulder and said. “Darling I came down to first check on the two of you but to tell you that time was flying. I know you have to work this evening and I didn’t want you to be late.” I glanced to Maggie’s nightstand to her digital clock and saw the time was indeed getting late. Maggie sighed and smiled as she reached out once more and patted the back of my left hand. Penny backed up and I stood up from the bed. As I turned to leave the room Maggie cleared her throat getting my attention again. Turning back I saw her and Penny exchange another glance and both nodded almost imperceptibly.

“Jim darling… You still have some lessons to learn, I hope you don’t think we are stopping our instructions with you, or Michelle just yet. And remember, if you find any free time feel free to call us.” Maggie said as she stood on her side of the bed. I told her I would and thank you. I went to the guest room and changed back into my street clothes before heading down the hallway towards the living room and the front door. Penny and Maggie met me at the doorway to the kitchen. Maggie took my hand and led me down the stairs to the landing at the front door. Turning me to face her she looked long and hard into my eyes before smiling softly.

“You know you were right, don’t you?” She stated more than asked. I knew this wasn’t a question that needed to be answered so I just shrugged and smiled in return. Shaking her head as if in mock disbelief Maggie released my hand only to bring both of hers to either side of my face and pull me down into a long passionate kiss. As she released me and pulled back I saw that she had had her eyes closed but they slowly opened as she smiled warmly. Those coppery orbs glowing with an internal light. “Thank you.” She whispered as she opened the door for me.

“No. Maggie. Thank you for more than I will ever be able to repay, thank you.” I smiled and bowed my head before turning to step out the doorway and make my way to my pick up. As I climbed into the cab and started the engine I looked back at the front door. Maggie was leaning against the doorjamb her right arm at her waist as if holding her robe closed, her left arm holding her hand up to finger the collar of her robe right about were that hickey on her neck was. She was smiling as I drove off.

The dinner rush at Dom’s was run of the mill that evening, a steady stream of orders around dinner time but nothing overwhelming. The weather remained pleasant and everyone seemed to be in good spirits both in the shop and the customers I delivered pizzas to. I guess I was in a particularly good mood as I noticed a lot more teasing and playful attitudes from my fellow employees. Of course Jules was the biggest instigator as usual, I tell you she was in rare form that evening. Be that as it may, there was something different about her too. Maybe it was the look in her eyes when we looked at each other. There was the usual mischief to be sure but there was something else as well… a newfound fondness or even affection maybe? I thought back to our talk on my tailgate after closing last night, and her asking me about what I had said in passing. It had to have been those three little words, they had hit her like a ton of bricks, well maybe not the words but the realization that they were spoken in truth and I had meant them. I smiled to myself knowing that I had indeed meant them. Jules was special to me, a friend, a mentor, hell she was almost a sister to me. Oh sure, a big sister, a little older, maybe a little wiser in some ways but still a pain in the ass at times and aggravating as hell especially when she knew she could get away with it. Like this evening teasing me at every opportunity, well… in front of others anyway. I could live with that. It actually felt good. So I just accepted it and knew that Jules was going to be Jules no matter what.

After the dinner rush slowed down and the manager started sending drivers home for the night, it wasn’t long before it was just the closing crew and an assistant manager left in the store. Jules and I were closing of course so we tried to get as much pre-close cleaning done as we could before closing time rolled around and we stopped taking orders. After coming back from my last delivery and not finding any more orders to be delivered I took a few minutes to catch my breath. I remembered my promise to call Michelle and ask about Sunday… tomorrow. I retrieved that card from my wallet that I had written her number down on and dialed it. The phone rang four times before someone picked it up


“Hullo?” Answered an unfamiliar voice.

“Um… Is Michelle there?” I almost choked out with a squeak.

“Yeah… hang on I’ll get her.” The voice said, and I heard the receiver being laid down with a clunk on something hard, a table or countertop maybe. I thought I heard a refrigerator door open and then a shouted “Hey Chelle! Some guy is asking for you!” Then I heard clinking of glass, bottles maybe, and then the door closing again. I looked up and saw Jules coming into the store from her last delivery, she looked at me silently asking if it was another pizza order. I shook my head in the negative and I know I was blushing because after a moment of confusion she got a devious grin on her face and winked at me. I heard footsteps padding nearer to the phone and then the receiver being picked up from where it had been laid down.

“Hello?” Michelle’s voice spoke. What was that? My heart just skipped a beat? Whew! I cleared my throat.

“Hi, Michelle, it’s me Jim. I told you I’d call you tonight. How was your reunion?” I asked grimacing at how uptight and choked my voice sounded in my own ears. I heard the receiver on the other end of the phone be muffled somehow like maybe Michelle covered the mouthpiece for a second. I heard a muffled exchange and then just the tail end of it as the mouthpiece was uncovered again.

“… yeah it’s him and it’s none of your business, now go away!”

“Hi Jim! Sorry, nosy roommate. I had almost given up on you calling, it’s getting late… but then you’re at work aren’t you? So I guess that’s okay.” Michelle told me with a lilt to her voice. “I almost wish I had to work this afternoon. UGH! Sometimes family gatherings can be a pain in the butt!” she added with a touch of exasperation.

“Not your favorite relatives I take it?” I asked knowing exactly what she meant.

“Well family or not sometimes people can get on your nerves right? But I survived and I still have my mom and dad’s blessings so I’m good. How was your day? An… interesting… lesson today maybe?” She teased over the phone as her voice suddenly sounded rather coy to my ears.

“Um… Well… Nothing like say yesterday… ahem…” I cleared my throat and my mouth stopped working, or at least no words were coming out of it. Michelle might have been puzzled by the silence or maybe she was thinking about my last remark but she too fell silent for a few heartbeats as well.

“Uh… yeah… yesterday. Um… Just what do you know about yesterday?” Michelle asked hesitantly in almost a whisper.

Oh where to begin? I had so many questions I wanted to ask her about yesterday, so many things I wanted to know and things I wanted to share but I knew that I could not. We both might have been involved but we were not involved together in any of them so all of it was off limits to be talked about. At least in my mind it was, as I had made a promise to the ladies and as badly as I wanted to know it paled in comparison to that promise.

“Uh… Nothing. Nothing I can talk about anyway, you know…” I trailed off again hoping I wasn’t going to piss Michelle off. I guess I had misunderstood her question though as I could have sworn I heard her take a deep breath and exhale a long quiet sigh of relief.

“Yeah I guess some things are… never mind. So what’s up with tomorrow?” Michelle switched gears on me causing my train of thought to derail for a moment. Damn it! Women had a way of doing that to me, constantly! Just then Jules sidled up next to me at the order counter and bumped my hip to get my attention.

“That wouldn’t be Michelle you’re getting cozy with would it?” Jules teased me with a knowing leer.

“Maybe…” I admitted not taking the phone away from my face knowing that Michelle probably heard her asking me.

“I don’t mean to interrupt anything between you two kids, but I wanted to let her know, and you, that we will be starting work on the apartment Monday morning if you two can swing it. Can you ask Chelle if she can make it?” Jules asked sounding a little more businesslike now.

“Michelle? You heard that?” I asked over the phone.

“Yeah, Monday is good for me, ask her what time?” Michelle responded


“What time on Monday Jules?” I asked, looking over at Jules.

“How about 8:30? Too early for you guys? If we start early enough we might get all the stuff off the walls and furniture pulled in to the middle of the rooms in one day.” Jules spoke.

“8:30 okay for you Michelle?” I asked over the phone.

“Yeah, that’s fine. Maybe Penny will have some coffee made.” Michelle told me. I looked over at Jules and gave her a thumb up. She nodded to me and winked.

“Okay, tell her I’ll see her Monday then, and I’ll leave you two alone. Thanks. Oh, and Jim? Don’t be on the phone too long I don’t want to be here all night.” Jules said and punched me in the arm before walking off grinning.

“I guess we have a date for Monday morning.” I said then realized that I had been sidetracked from the original intent of this call. I was calling to find out if Michelle wanted to go ON a DATE tomorrow, well, sort of a date anyway. I could feel my throat getting tight again as my anxiety ramped up again. “Um… about tomorrow? Would you still like to see a movie or something?” I asked in a hurried ramble. I listened to silence on the other end of the phone. What was she thinking I wondered? Maybe she was searching for words to let me down nicely, or coming up with some excuse not to be available. Gloom and doom… and then I heard the one word that stopped my spiraling ego from going down in flames.

“Sure.” Michelle said happily. I literally took the phone away from my ear and looked at it, stunned. Then I snapped out of it as my mind kicked into warp drive, questions flooding my brain.

“Okay! Great! Um… what time? I mean what time should I come pick you up or do you want to meet somewhere? Maybe get some lunch or something first? Oh! Uh… What movie would you like to see? I guess I need to see what’s showing and where… and what the movie times are…” I gushed not giving Michelle time to even begin to answer any or my barrage of questions until I heard her on the other end of the phone.

“Jim! Breathe!” She said with a giggle. “Slow down buddy! Are you going to sleep tonight, after work? How about we meet at the mall around three tomorrow and we can find out all that stuff when we get there.” She said with an amused lilt to her voice. Yeah, I was flustered.

“Yeah, okay. Three o’clock works for me. Meet at the food court maybe, it’s near the theater and, well… there’s food there.” I stammered not sounding nearly as excited and keyed up as I felt. Michelle went on to say that would be great and that she would see me there. I heard her shout at her roommate again after she had said goodbye, just before the phone connection was broken. I again took the phone away from my ear and was looking at it when I felt Jules’ presence beside me. She had her right elbow propped up on the counter and her chin was in her hand. She was smiling at me and one eyebrow rose in silent question.

“Well?” She gushed.

“Well what?” I blushed as I hung up the phone and grinned sheepishly.

“You got a date?” She pried. Then bit her lower lip.

“Jules!” I whined but I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face by this point.

“Woohoo!” Jules crowed as she pumped a fist in the air and then turned and started collecting pans and trays from the make table to take to the wash sink in the back room. That meant that I was on sweeping and mopping detail tonight if she was doing the dishes. I shook my head and grabbed a few more pans and followed her before grabbing the broom and dust pan.

Maybe it was my good mood, or so many things on my mind or some combination of both but closing that night went by like a flash. We were soon walking out after turning out the lights and locking up. As we walked out in the parking lot to our vehicles to make our way home Jules pulled me to a stop before I opened my truck door.

“Hey buddy… just a thought for you, something you might not know about Michelle.” She began looking at me with a straight face. “If you can find it, she likes Lemon ice… you know, like a snow cone?” Jules told me and then winked. She swatted me on the arm and said “I’ll see you Monday morning farm boy!” Jules got into her car and started it up. She waved as she put it into gear and drove off. I smiled and climbed into my truck.

-To be continued


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My Fetish For Panties Ch6

Thanks again for all the feedback, glad the majority like my panty-biography! I actually wanted to continue my experiences chronologically, but I decided to share experiences as they happen and thus fresh in my mind! This happened this past weekend. As you can see from my profile, I have a room mate named Kimmy, that I grab panties from and use for my panty perversion! Anyways, a little about her and my life now. I own my house and a few years ago started renting one of my rooms out to college...

2 years ago
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Thinking With My Dick Ch6 The Other Shoe

This is obviously a long time in coming, and has been half-done for a while. But life gets in the way. Also, I'm aware that the story title is...not great. I wasn't in love with it at the beginning, but had trouble coming up with something I liked more. Now I'm dealing with the fact that a good chunk of story is out there with the existing name, and changing it is going to be a hassle and potentially throw off people looking for a new chapter. That might be worth it if I had a great...

5 years ago
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Book Store Stories Ch6

So with Candy and I sitting at the breakfast table, I make the phone call to Karl's hotel. "Hello, is this Karl?""Yes, oh hi. Hello. I was hoping you would call.""Well Karl, Candy wants us to meet up with you again, are you still interested?""I would love to meet up with the both of you. If you like, you can come to my hotel room or I can meet you at the adult bookstore.""Candy said your room will be fine, so we'll come there.""Oh Daddy this will be fun. Plus we'll stay clean for a change and...

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Camming Down the Rabbit Hole Ch6

I was eagerly awaiting today’s delivery of clothes, it would give me some more confidence to go down to the shops, I had a list of fruits and vegetables to buy as a result of the previous night’s discovery, and a juicer to purchase to make smoothies with them all. I walked into the shower and carried out my now perfectly practiced routine. And as much as I liked the fragrant body washes and shampoo, I couldn’t help but spray a mist of perfume to top it off. No sooner had I finished eating...

3 years ago
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The house of empress Toya pt3

The House of Empress Toya pt3   Two months have passed since I was taken from my village and brought to this prison for sex slaves, although there were no physical bars at the doors or windows and it was a grand palace no-one would dare try to escape.   We all still had to perform sexually with whoever wanted it when ever it was demanded or forced upon us, there was not even any gender preference from many whose right it was to take us.   Many of the slaves still struggle and cry, but most...

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454 going in Pt3

454 going in Pt3By that evening he had taken her three times, and together they had dozed between the massive bouts. So exhausted were they that after the evening meal and watching the news they went off to bed and entwined together slept soundly till dawn.Sun on the curtains and the sound of traffic had them reinvigorated. Though she insisted no sex till we are back from town as in her words, “once you start, I will get no peace and we need shopping!” she cooked a sumptuous full English...

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411 Daves reassuring hand holding pt3

411 Dave`s reassuring hand holding pt3 It was about 6 on the Friday when that old cattle grid rattled its welcome, the little car drove up and Dave welcomed the visitors at the door, with Buster, a huge quiet, and friendly brindle coloured great dane, making friends easily , while Dave ran his eye over Mary in her flowery skirt, as he ushering them all into the old oast house. Gaye met them in the lounge, beautifully dressed in skirt and blouse, and after the usual hugs and a stroke of Buster...

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MUM 1 pt3

MUM 1 pt3The following 3 weeks pasted quickly I made sure mum had her passport in order and arranged with Tony in Italy to have food and other items listed delivered to the house before arrival he was the farmer that looked after the olive groves and the arrangement was a share of the profits on the harvest which suited all, I now had the same deal 20% which gave Tony a very good return as he did all the work. His wife arrange the food side stocking the kitchen and making sure the house was...

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305 padlocked nurse pt3

305 padlocked nurse pt3Barney having returned from his months break with his parents in the New-York home, where they now lived, returning refreshed and more than a little glad to be back. During his break as John had bidden he had researched chastity belts and security devices, as well as attending his sister`s wedding and his mother`s birthday party. He had survived mothers comments about his lack of girlfriends, and his both sisters questioning if he was gay. He had twice called the flat...

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But Im married PT3

But I'm married. PT3Jane left the locker room without even taking a towel.I sat down on the bench and a couple came in. They undressed each other. They kissed and headed for their massage.A few days later I ran into Jane at the market. Hi, Anita how goes it?Good Jane and you?I'm a horny fuckin slut. I think I could fuck everyday two or three times a day. How about you?I hear you.Why don't you come over to my place Anita and we can share our massage stories.I ummm..Aw come on. I'm a little...

2 years ago
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174 Autumn island pt3

174 Autumn island pt3[pt 2]I found myself leaving my beloved island for the mainland, we locked up, then set out in ‘Jenny’ our link with ‘civilisation’ and were soon on the dock handing her over to the harbour-master for safe keeping for a fort-night. The taxi took an hour of old macs crazy driving to get us to the station and the train took the strain with two changes and some long dragging hours getting us to our old town, and the...

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New Neighbor Makes Me her Bitch Pt3

New Neighbor Makes Me her Bitch Pt3 I rang the bell and waited. The door was opened by a girl, no taller than five feet tall. She was a skinny waif of a thing. She was in light blue shorts, bright yellow top… no bra. If her nipples had not been poking into the form filling shirt I would have said she did not need one. But I could almost count her ribs too. “Mom, it’s the neighbor for you.” She turned and walked around the couch and plopped down watching TV. “He’s actually here for you...

2 years ago
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New Neighbor Makes Me her Bitch Pt3

New Neighbor Makes Me her Bitch Pt3 I rang the bell and waited. The door was opened by a girl, no taller than five feet tall. She was a skinny waif of a thing. She was in light blue shorts, bright yellow top… no bra. If her nipples had not been poking into the form filling shirt I would have said she did not need one. But I could almost count her ribs too. “Mom, it’s the neighbor for you.” She turned and walked around the couch and plopped down watching TV. “He’s actually here for you...

2 years ago
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A Chance Encounter With Friends Pt3

A Chance Encounter With Friends Pt3[/Image]I stepped into a bedroom of such majesty and grace that it felt as if it was from another age. The stately poster bed looked big enough to sleep three couples! There were matching highboy dressers to either side of the room and a small writing desk in one corner as well as an ornate cheval mirror and dressing screen in another. The only thing that looked out of place was a single heavy wooden chair that appeared to be well padded and then covered in...

4 years ago
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Two Teen Nymphos From the Ice Cream Stand Pt3

Two Teen Nymphos From the Ice Cream Stand Pt3The saga continues. As Teen Patti, with the dark hair, nice rack and womanly body cleans up the mess we had just made, the more petite blonde minx, Ellen leads me out beside the pool…. Oh, did I mention, I am 50+ and she is just 18. I am still mostly clothed but she does not have a string on as we walk out into a gorgeous sunny afternoon…..++++++“Okay, it isn’t right for you to be the only one wearing clothes. Don’t be shy, remember, I have seen...

5 years ago
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57 From cheating housewife to who knows what Pt3

57 From cheating housewife to who knows what? Pt3 Tuesday began with the usual late brunch, rain drizzled down the windows, thou roughly depressing, Jack hadn’t seemed to notice either me or the lousy weather and had set off with his phone in his ear without even a cheerio. I burnt the toast daydreaming, and it was the last of the bread, so it was a quick run to the shops or a soggies breakfast, the shop won and dragging on a mack and wellies off I set. I got back to find my instructions...

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Tgirl Hooker pt3

All my stories are based on my experiencesI’m sure most of you have read The Tgirl Hooker pt1 & pt2 with Emma who I found on a well known website. Pt 1 & pt2 was about my very first meeting with this Eastern European beauty who had a body to die for and a cock to match. I used to get the odd text from Emma every now and again asking when was I coming to see her, which then led to us chatting a bit and then as I got to know her, we then started to text or chat online nearly every day. ...

3 years ago
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Curious Pt3

Here it is the next chapter, Yes I know it's been too fucking long between chapters, yes I know my grammer and punctation suck and yes I know it's too fucking short. Also this is my first time writing a sex scene so bear with me CURIOUS PT3 By Dake9872 My peaceful slumber is disturbed by the most unsettling, realistic dream of my life. In the dream I'm Brooke and I'm in Brooke's room, I look around and wondering what's going on . I look down and realize I'm naked as a newborn....

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Scratch that Itch PT3

Trying to Scratch that Itch PT3 Thanks for all the reviews and some of the ideas! Please read the first two installments because this is an ongoing story. Please enjoy Tabitha's adventures. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I pick up my martini up and do it like a shot, stand up, grab my purse and take Marcel by the hand and lean into him real close and slide my hand over his cock and tell him to lead the way. He looks at Jenna and she just...

2 years ago
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The house of empress Toya pt3

The House of Empress Toya pt3   Two months have passed since I was taken from my village and brought to this prison for sex slaves; although there were no physical bars at the doors or windows and it was a grand palace no-one would dare try to escape.   We all still had to perform sexually with whoever wanted it when ever it was demanded or forced upon us, there was not even any gender preference from many whose right it was to take us.   ...

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The Life and Times of Jim Horn Texas Ranger An Excerpt

"Sheriff Buck, Jim, please come quick! Bert sent me to tell you there's going to be trouble over at the saloon!" Buck followed Jim who was hot on the boy's trail as he headed back in the direction of the saloon. As soon as Jim saw the number of horses with Mexican rigs at the hitching rail he reached out and halted the boy. "How many of them are there, Jasper?" He asked. "About six, sir. They came in asking about Angelina and Bert sent me to find you!" "Buck, find us some...

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Being Jim Ch09 The Heart Has no Conscience

* Life is a tapestry, a cloth woven from many different threads that create the whole. This story is a thread, a part of Barbra's story, contributing to the waft and weave that is the Whole cloth, being Jim. Being Jim Ch.09: The Heart Has No Conscience Or: The Guilty Heart By Frodov * This story is based entirely on true experiences from my past, names and a few details have been changed to provide anonymity for those involved. Discretion is a precious commodity and is...

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Being Jim Ch08 Lightning Strikes Twice

The old saying goes that “Lightning never strikes twice in the same place.” I’m not sure how scientific or even true by practical experience that may be but I for one know for certain that in matters of the heart… It’s not true. I’ve for the most part led a very fortunate and blessed life. I grew up in a warm and loving home surrounded by family that both kept me humble and taught me the value of kindness and sincerity. I have made very dear and lasting friendships with...

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Being JimCh07Barbras Wish

* Life is a tapestry, a cloth woven from many different threads that create the whole. This story is a thread, a part of Barbra's story, contributing to the waft and weave that is the Whole cloth, being Jim. Being Jim-Ch.07-Barbra’s Wish By Frodov * This story is based entirely on true experiences from my past, names and a few details have been changed to provide anonymity for those involved. Discretion is a precious commodity and is becoming rarer every day. I reached...

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Arias New Life Pt3

I woke with a startle in my father’s arms. “What’s wrong, Aria?” he asked me with concern. “Just an ‘odd’ dream, I guess.” I was sweating and shaking. The King must have noticed. “You came while you were sleeping. You’ve come a lot these past couple of days.” He pulled me in his arms and held me tight. The moment I was back in his arms I started to wrap my body around his, looking for more. “Daddy, please,” I begged. “Absolutely, Aria.” With that he began kissing me and laid me...

2 years ago
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The Best Week of my Life Pt3

Under normal circumstances, a storm would dampen my mood irrevocably, but the one that raged for hours on Wednesday morning was nothing short of perfect. It meant that the three girls were unable to make good on their plan to head off to the beach and that would have seen them gone for the entire day. Instead, they were forced to stay at home with me, and to try to make their own fun. Slumping down in an armchair opposite the coach that had become a base, my fourteen-year old sister Sophie...

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The Life and Times of Jim Horn Texas Ranger An Excerpt

Jim and Buck were working on their second cup of coffee when Jim glanced out the open door and noticed Jasper running down the street toward the office. He burst in through the door! "Sheriff Buck, Jim, please come quick! Bert sent me to tell you there's going to be trouble over at the saloon!" Buck followed Jim who was hot on the boy's trail as he headed back in the direction of the saloon. As soon as Jim saw the number of horses with Mexican rigs at the hitching rail he reached out and...

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My life Pt3

I am going to keep writing. For as long as i can. I am trying to write better, but i was never any good at grammar or punctuation. Wednesday, the 23 of Sptember As all three of us got out of the shower, we went our separate ways. I got dressed and went to the car waiting for my sisters to come out. I looked threw my backpack and found a form for a talent show coming this Friday. I was thinking that I could go on stage and show my love for my sisters. But in a way that only...

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Hi Im Jim Part Two

Hi, I'm Jim Part Two By Virginia Kane 1. I still can't believe what the "specialist" my transition doctor brought in to perform my latest feminization procedure did! To all intents and purposes, my groin now resembles a woman's mound! Sure, sure, my little cock had shrunk to less than half its original meager length it was before I began my feminization hormone regimen six months earlier, but I still enjoyed having Jim...

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Hi Im Jim

Hi, I'm Jim! By Virginia Kane Standard caveat applies. Please do not post onto any other website without express written permission of the authoress. If reading explicit adult fiction is illegal where you live, or if you are not yet eighteen years of age, read no further and go do something innocent and constructive. 1. My wife was out of town on business again with her new employer, so I had the entire weekend to express my alter ego. While I was still at home, I had put on my...

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Life Lessons combined chapters

The boys on my side of the street and the girls on the another side I watch as the boys, just a minute ago were talking and rough housing with each other when one of them notices the girls and they go dead silent looking down at their feet trying not to be noticed by two average looking girls, all because they look a little order then they do. Those boys continue to walk on and as they come in front my house I see one of the boys look back at the girls whom are now several house away just...

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Jim woke up the next morning feeling a little light-headed. The bed-sheets were twisted and matted, he had one leg hanging off the side of the bed and was lying diagonally. Next to him was Jenny, his mother. She was naked as was Jim, she had a bit of the sheet covering one side of her, but it wasn't doing much. Jim could still see her beautiful pussy and her pert breasts. Her face was very angelic as she slept, even the fact that her hair was knotted and damp with cum didn't take that away from...

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Trucker Daddy Jim Part Two

I got a call from Jim the day after our liaison at the layby, it quiet surprised me as I thought it would be a one off due to him being married. I've had multiples of married men in the past that say they'll phone you and never do, doesn't really bother me I quiet understand that their horny and looking for a quick release and when that's over they've got wives to return home to, occasionally one will contact me, it's fine by me I get as much out of it as they do, so everyone's happy.Anyway...

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Jim Jane

It was a hot spring day. Jim Smitherson sat at his desk impatiently waiting for the bell to ring.All he could think about was how much he wants to go home.Jim stands at 5'9 with red hair and blue eyes. He has an 8-½ inch cock.He wasn't paying much attention to the teacher. Instead, he was too busy looking out the window at the cheerleaders.He noticed his sister Jane, practicing her routine. He watched her as she did a perfect cartwheel. He then suddenly felt his cock come to life in his...

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Jim drove the car out of the driveway and started towards town. He glanced over at his mother. She looked like a whore in her tight top, short skirt and clearly visible stockings. Neither of them spoke as Jim drove down the road in the direction of the main town centre. Jenny sat quietly, looking directly forward with her hands placed delicately on her lap. Jim often glanced over to look at her once more, he still couldn't quite believe what was happening but he was sure going to get the most...

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Jim had trouble concentrating. His mind was to preoccupied with everything that was going on at home to pay attention to the ramblings of his history master. His father had run away with his secretary and left him and his mother alone. It wasn't as if he had abandoned them into poverty or anything like that. They had a nice house with a pool; his father had been a successful barrister; his mother had been working part time and had saved so they weren't short of cash. They were perfectly...

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Eye Opening Trip 4 Jim and Ann Redux

Jim was sitting on his patio enjoying his morning coffee at home for a change. He thought how much he loved watching the newly risen sun streaming through the trees and making the dew glisten. He knew he needed to start working but this was his favorite time of the morning. He could listen to the stream that bordered his yard chuckle it's way past the yard on its way to the swimming hole. He smiled when he remembered how much fun he had as a child swimming in the hole with his friends. His...

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Jim woke early the next morning. It was still dark outside. Jim lay there for about ten minutes wondering whether it had all happened like he thought or was it just a dream. He needed to find out one way or the other. He got out of bed and walked slowly and quietly towards his mother's bedroom. The door was locked from the outside just as he remembered. He turned the key in the lock slowly and carefully trying to make as little noise as possible. He then pushed the door open slowly and peered...

4 years ago
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Jim Janice Breaking Down Barriers

Janie and Jim were related, but only vaguely so. Janie’s mom was married to Jim’s dad, so technically, there were brother and sister, just not blood related. Jim was eighteen and Janie was almost eighteen, falling behind Jim by about three weeks. They had both lived under the same roof for about five years, the time that their respective parents had been married. Each had their own room and each had their own set of friends. They seemed totally different in everything. Jim was a jock and Janie...

First Time
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Kate Jim Ch 02

Jim finished her spanking and surprisingly Kate didn’t get up from his lap right away. He was pleased Kate took her punishment well. Kate didn’t make a sound as the tears fell from her face. Jim really had to admire her for that….admire her as well as love her. He took no pleasure in spanking her but honestly felt that Kate needed a strong hand to keep her in check. Just as Jim finally admitted to himself that he needed a woman to love, to truly love and share his life and thoughts with. ...

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Jan Jim Four real Stories

Story 1 by JanI have been getting tons of email from you guys asking ME to write a story about one of our, shall we say exposing times together. I have never wrote anything like this before, and Jim has kinda explained what I should write. so here goes, and I hope you guys enjoy this one.Jim and I went to a movie one night, and I wore a miniskirt and a low cut pull over top. Yes I had panties on, but no bra. At the show, Jim had his hand up my skirt, and under my panties for most of the movie....

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