Life Lessons Combined Chapters free porn video

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The boys on my side of the street and the girls on the another side I watch as the boys, just a minute ago were talking and rough housing with each other when one of them notices the girls and they go dead silent looking down at their feet trying not to be noticed by two average looking girls, all because they look a little order then they do. Those boys continue to walk on and as they come in front my house I see one of the boys look back at the girls whom are now several house away just walking and talking like nothing happened and the boy looking back starts the conversation back up like it was the all clear signal.

Watching that unfold in front of me made me wonder? Did I act like that when I was their age? All shy and clumsy, tripping over my feet anytime a girl was nearby? Maybe, I guess I did at that.

Boys, boys come here for a second would you. Looking at them walking right through my front lawn, no manner of walking around up the paved driveway oh no just dumb boys with no thought of what it takes to get a lawn like mine to look this good. That must be the most pathetic display of manhood I have ever witnessed in my lifetime. What do you know old man? Old am I? Now let me ask you, how old do you think I am? 45 one boy guesses, no he has to be over 50 at least seeing he has some grey hair like my dad does and he is 58. Now boys I am 47 to answer the question and old enough to know a lot more about girls/women then all four you combined. So what are you going to tell us is how to pick up girls says Billy? No, I would not waste my time in telling you how to pick up girls. No if you want, I could tell you the secrets of how to get any girl or women to have sex with you anytime you wanted and no it is not about paying them.

You’re bullshitting us old man said Johnny? I have been searching the internet for a while now ever sense I saw my sister coming out of the bathroom with just a towel on. Looking to find anything on how to pickup girls and it all sounded like someone’s fantasy or something.

Yes, most of that is fantasy and some of it has some small truth to it, but what I am talking about is more than some one liner that seldom works, what I am talking about is a way of life that will get any woman you want to just drop to their knees or bend over anytime you tell them to, that is what I am telling you.

If you are interested in knowing this power than stop by on Saturday at noontime. Right now, I need to get ready for an afternoon fuck session and she will be here anytime now.


Saturday noon I walk out on to my porch and see only two of the four boys there. Let me see you are Frank and if I am correct you are Billy. That’s right old man says Frank.

Now let’s get one thing straight, you will address me as Sir or Mr. Johnson do you understand. Both saying yes Sir. Now on with the training, follow me boys.


Now is as good a time as any to get some information out to you the reader. Frank and Billy are twin brother but if you were looking at them you would not guess it. Frank is 15 years old 5’6” slim build pimple baby face, long blonde hair and crystal green eyes. Billy who was born first by a minute is 5’10” closer to a athletic type build, no pimples and has started to shave, has medium length black hair and dark brown eyes. Frank takes after their mother in all aspects with size and build, as Billy takes after their father’s size and build. The other two that were with Frank and Billy last Wednesday was Steven Miller and Josh Smith, both 15 with similar build as Frank, slim, long hair, slouching at the shoulders, the geek type.

Me, I am a 47 year old single white man who has traveled. Learning what I could of women around the world. My build is above average on the athletic side, stand 6’2” with an above average cock 8 3/4”. As the story unfolds I will describe the other characters in this book.


I open the garage door and what is displayed are some free weights, workout bench, resistance bands and other items to workout with along with a scale to measure your weight by. What is this Sir, Frank asks. This is part of your training it is what we need to get you two in better shape and during your workouts I will be instructing you on how to act, talk, and hold yourself around women. Now Billy, you look like you have had some training in body building. Yes Sir, my football coach instructs us 3 times a week last year, I am on the JV team. He told us to keep working out but I thought I would enjoy the summer instead. I guess not now. Good you will help Frank with the weights while I do the talking.

Now, first things first, the schedule will be every day here at 6am bring a change of clothes as well, I will provide water and food. Also do you boys go to church? No Sir, not since our parents told us two years ago that we did not have to attend if we did not want too. Ok your first assignment is that you will attend church with your parents, you will dress in your best suit, your shoes will shine, you will also need to get your hair cuts today and you make sure you shave in the morning Billy. But Sir why, we don’t believe in religion. So, let me ask a few questions than. How many people attend? About a 100 or so, says Billy at least that what it was last time we stepped foot in there. How many are men? 20% I would guess says Frank. How many teenage boys? None that I remember, said Frank. Now do you understand why you should go to church tomorrow? No, the boys say together. Ok let’s go over this. You have 80+ women that are in attendance, all dressed up hoping that someone will say anything to them about that $200 dress that just purchased. Let’s face it boys, the women at church or any religious place for the matter are already a little submissive as they have given into their faith. So with a lot of training and practice you two will have all the pussy you want. Once I describe a woman’s unconscious action and once you see there tell tail signs most women you intend to use will let you do what ever you want too them. Not only that you will be telling them what you want. But first you need to do some homework on the women you plan on making your little fuck toys. Homework? Yes you need to know who they are, what are their secrets and if they are in that place in their life where they are looking for that sexual adventure. Now let’s get started on your training. Billy get your brother started in on free weights he needs to build up some. And boys just so you know, real sex takes a lot of energy, strength and a lot of endurance. Ok I will be back out in one hour to go over your first lesson and give you two time to talk about what I have said so far.


Billy, what do you think about what this old man has been saying?

Frank, so far I cannot dispute what he has said. All the porn I have watched, most of the time the guy is sweating like a horse after a mile sprint. Have you every watched porn? You know I do. They don’t seem to last more then a 10 or so minutes.

Yah I guess your right the people in those movies do sweat a lot and most look like they could rip our arms off and beat us with them. True so let’s get to work here Frank.


Ok boys here you go drink some water as I go over the first part of your lesson today. Now when we are done here today you will need to go home and have your mother take you shopping for new clothes that she would like you to wear and you both need your hair cuts, finger nails worked on and cologne that she likes on you. You will need her to make you over and trust me she will be very happy to help. Why would our mother be happy to help us? We have been trying to do things on our own for the last couple of years and what if someone see us with our mother? We will be know as mommy boys and be looked down at or worst. Maybe from the boys, but what you will see from the girl and women is that they will be attracted to you and see you like an alpha male. They will start to come to you and they will not know why they do this, but you will have this knowledge and have a smile on your face like no other times when you see it happening. So your first assignment is to get your mother to help you. You are also to watch her very closely as she will be one of the first women to enjoy your cocks. Wait, what the fuck are you talking about our mother will want our cocks? Yes, from this point on all women in your circle of life currently, your mother, sister, aunts, grandmother, baby sitters and any of your mother’s friends that come over to the house. Every women needs and wants to be liked, loved and useful. So when you get home at lunch time this is what is going to happen and you must watch your mother closely for the signs. The signs? Yes the signs Frank, I will explain those as we go through your training and if all goes well you will have received your first hand jobs if not more. What, from our mother? You are pretty sick to think we would fuck our own mother. I did not say you would fuck your mother, but if you do what I say she will want it or even crave sex with you both maybe at the same time. Now this is what you do.


Frank’s view

Three hours later we are done with their first day of training and heading home to work on our first homework assignment. Walking through the front door all sweaty, we see our dad sitting in his chair watching golf. I ask, dad where is mom at, he said she’s out back working in the garden. Thanks, I head to the back door and see her for the first time as a woman and not as my mother. Billy/William headed upstairs to get ready for the trip to the mall. Mom is wearing short blue skirt and a white flowery blouse kneeling on all fours were you can just about see her very bright pink panties with a nice looking ass swinging back and forth as she works the garden. Here goes nothing as I open the door and head out to see her. Mom see me and starts to get up heading my way. Hey mom I have something to ask of you, I yell. That is if you have time. Mom looks at me and see I am all sweaty and asked what I have been doing? Well we were over a friends house working out, Billy says we need to build up some muscles if we are to tryout for any of the school sports next year. Ok, so what can I do for you young man mom says? Standing there I take a second to look my mother over in a whole different light, there she is in a nice blouse where she is showing a lot more cleavage then I ever notice before, I wonder, if she always wore her blouse this way? Its not that mom has never worn this shirt before, she has I guess I never really look as she is my mother and boys don’t normally look at their mothers that way. I see you just need to open your eyes and the signs are there for you to read just like Mr. Johnson said they would be.

Mom, Billy and I need you to take us shopping for clothes and to get our hair cut and we are wondering if it would be ok with you and dad if we attended church with you two tomorrow? You should see the look on my mother’s face, eyes wide open and mouth just hanging open. Seeing her with her mouth hanging open like that, how great it would be to just put my dick into her mouth. I am starting to get hard just thinking of my mother on her knees before me sucking on my cock for the first time. As I am daydreaming there for just a second she raps her arms around me before I know it and gives me the tightest hug she has ever given me in my life. I can feel her breast crushed up against my sweaty chest and my dick is now full on hard which is poking her in the stomach and when she feels my cock pressing against her stomach mom releases me and takes a quick look down. I am a little shocked my mother of all people would look down and check out my package setting there between my legs. What she see is a good size bulge which according to my lesson this morning, I need to see what she does. There it is, she just licked her lips for just a second. I may not have noticed, if I did not know what to look for, that old guy knows shit, thinking to myself. Mom will you take Billy and I shopping and stuff, we don’t want to look bad in front of your friends tomorrow. Sure sweetie just let me get ready and I will meet you two boys in the living room in let say 30 minutes. I start heading upstairs to get ready and to tell Billy everything that just happened and to remind him of his part to play when we get down stairs.


I could not believe Frank at first, not until I saw our mother coming down the stair wearing stockings, with a new summer dress that just sits above the knee, open on top to show just a little more cleavage than I have know her to show. Her makeup done really nice as well and to top off her outfit she has on 3” heals, it almost feels like mom did this to please us or something. Shit the old man was right again, asking a woman to be useful is a real turn on for them. I elbow Frank to checkout mom and we both just started to drool and stumble over our words at how good looking she looked. Ready boys let’s go. Walking behind her we get the best view of her ass swinging just a little more than I think she might have thought she was doing or maybe she knew what she was doing to us. I remember what Frank said he saw her do after checking his package out in the back yard. She did that little tell tail sign of licking her lips.

We arrive at the mall. Me on mom’s left and Frank on her right, both of us hold her hands and walking to the hair salon. Neither one of us has been in a lady’s salon before so we are not sure what to expect. A young lady comes out and asking for Billy, so I stand up and follow her to the back. My name is Mary and I will be helping you today, so what do you have in mind. I show her a picture on my phone of what I like and if she could do it for me. 20 minutes later I am done and Frank is done shortly after I am. After paying for the hair cuts and having for the first time ever a manicure our mother takes us to a upscale mans store and just down from the salon. To be honest, I never knew this store was here before today. We get measured by a woman in her mid 40s and asked our mother while she is kneeing in front of us measuring our inseam and watching as our cocks grew in our pants. When will you need them ready by? My mother asked if the suits will be ready by 5 today and the tailor assured her that at least one suit for each young man will be ready by then and the others will be ready by Wednesday. As we get finished with the measurements and purchase the other items need to complete our suits we escort our mother back out to the car I slide my hand around her waist this time just above her right butt check. Leaning into her I whisper softly thanking her for all she did for us today. Frank followed my lead and did the same on his side now his hand is sitting just above moms left butt check and seeing the look on her face she seems very happy at the moment.


Carol (aka-mom)

After getting their new clothes I don’t know what has getting into to my boys today, but I must say I am really enjoying this attention they are reaping on me. Now their hands are really close to my butt now and seeing that my husband has not come even that close to me in over 8 months I am not going to complain one bit, in fact I’m going to swing my hips just a little more to let them know I like it. As we are heading out to the car Billy’s hand slides down to my ass and now Frank’s hand is now on my other ass cheek. My heart is beating a mile a minute, did I mean for that to happen? Should I pull up their hands and tell them that was unacceptable behavior from them? It’s been so long since anyone has touched my ass. I know they have been Checking my ass out all day. I can’t blame them I work hard to keep in shape and I am enjoying their attention, but this is something new an exciting altogether having my sons feeling me up like this. I know, I know I see their dicks getting hard while feeling my ass the way they are and I must say their dicks look really good right now and that is something else I have not had in a long while either. Well it did not take long to get back to the car and I did not say anything to them about this touching? Is there something wrong with me or am I just starving for some attention? Mom thanks so much for everything you did for us today. They lean in and both kiss me softly on each check and at the same time squeeze my ass hard and as they pull back they slap my ass saying together great ass mother. They both get into the back seat and start talking. I am still standing by the driver’s door, keys in hand, shocked at what my sons just did and worst still my pussy is on fire and my nipples are hard as a rock, how can that be, they are my sons? I don’t know how I got back to the house. The way I drove back I just a dazed state thinking what my two sweet boys just did to me. Telling them to put their new clothes away and to let the father know to order some pizzas for dinner tonight, I will be down when the pizza arrives. I head to my bedroom where I have my laptop sitting next to my bed. I enter, closing the door behind me and locking it. I head over pick up the laptop and get into bed. I pull down my panties and stockings, pull up my dress lying on my stomach I open my computer and login to my favorite porn site and start to search incest porn. I was a little surprised to see so much of it, I open the first one mother/son take a road trip. I turn the volume down and start watching and also finding the pussy is so wet I easily finger myself to a quick orgasm. Damn I needed that after what the boys did to me by the car earlier. I will need to talk to them about that tonight before going to bed. Damn this movie there is no way a mother would just sit on hers son’s cock that is that big and not moan her ass off regardless if her husband was driving the car and only a foot away. The movie is good thou not very realistic. I head downstairs as I heard the door bell ring and assumed the pizza was here, which it was. We all eat at the table it relatively quiet, when Billy mentioned a new movie that came out on demand that they and their father wanted to watch, some action type movie where they kill everyone and the hero at the end has some cheesy line. I don’t mind as most of the men are hunks anyway. Great idea Billy after we finish with dinner let us head upstairs and get into some PJs for the night and meet in the living room in 30 minutes.

30 minutes later we are down stairs in the living room, their father is in his chair that is just in front and to the right of the sofa. The boys brought down with them a king size comforter and asked if I could sit between them to watch the movie. Sure I will, let me fix some popcorn for everyone and I will be right back. Here you go hun some popcorn for you and the boys and I will share the rest. I start to get settled under the comforter and the boys move the coffee table closer so we could use it as a foot stool, or so I thought. Right at the beginning of the movie there is a car case with shooting. We have a movie sound system and my husband likes to turn the volume up whenever we watch these types of movies. Meanwhile my sons weaseled there way closer to me. Our legs are now touching against each other Frank on one side Billy in the other and they’ve lifted their outer legs so it made a makeshift tent on the couch. Here I am sitting between two teenage boys, with my husband 3’ from me watching a movie not knowing anything is happening to his wife and me feeling for the first time my sons hands are on my legs moving slowly up and down. Slowly they are rubbing on my legs ever so softly. It feels so good my boys caressing my legs and I know I should put a stop to it, but it has been so long and it feels so gooooddd. Before I know it I feel Frank’s pinky finger brush up against pussy and I freeze for just a second as I was about to put a popcorn in my mouth and a second later I feel Billy’s pinky finger brush up and down on pussy. I just freeze again I am just looking at the tv not seeing anything just locking my eyes forward, not breathing. That’s when I feel the boys lift my legs up some and spread them for better access. They can tell I am not wearing a bra under my flannel shirt that covers everything to my knees. The boys lift the blanket a little to cover my chest and then Billy leans over and starts to unbutton my top while he is doing that Frank leans over putting his head on my shoulder and with his left hand reach between my legs and rubs my panties over my pussy slowly with some pressure, it feels goood and I moan a little. Thank goodness my husband did not hear that movie’s sound will keep that from happening as long as I don’t get to excited. Now Billy seeing Frank lean his head on my should does the same, but before he does he whispers in my ear and tells me. Mom Frank and I want to fuck you tonight after dad goes to bed. While we are watching this movie we are going to make you cum so many times that dad just might smell your pussy juice. Frank hearing that shoves two fingers into my cunt and starts finger fucking me slowly driving me crazy. Not more than a minute later I have my first orgasm of the night. And just like the movie I watched earlier upstairs on my laptop, thinking the husband should have heard his wife moaning. As I sit here looking at him watching wondering what he would do if he knew what his two boys were doing to his wife right this minutes. Billy pulls his hand from under the blanket and grabs the bowl of popcorn from my hands and places it on the coffee table. Than grabbing my right hand with his, he pulls it under the comforter and places it on his hard throbbing cock. He must of some how pulled his PJ bottoms down far enough to expose his dick. Frank sees this and does the same with my left hand. For a few minutes I just keep my hands still, I am still in somewhat of a shock that my two boys would be doing this to me and I enjoying it waayyy toooo much. Soon after Frank placed my hand on his cock I feel my pussy contracting again, shit I am cuming on Frank’s fingers again. Damn I grab both boys cocks and squeeze hard and my pussy squirts all over Frank’s fingers again and again I must have cum 4 times before I relaxed my grip on their dicks, I start to slowly stroke their cocks and feel that they are about two hands tall so about 6” to 6 1/2” long and kind of thick which I love. They don’t last very long but I did not expect them too. But what I was surprised about was that their dicks remained hard. God you have to love youth. When they finish cuming they switched places and Billy was playing with my pussy now and Frank was pinching and playing with my nipples. I was in an orgasm heaven by the time the movie ended, I must have cum a half dozen times with each of my boys playing with my pussy and I was really looking forward to sucking and fucking them hard tonight.

Doug (dad)

That was a great movie I am glad you boys wanted to watch it tonight. Anyway we have church in the morning so we need to get to bed early. Heading up the staircase trying to hide my hard dick after listening to my two boys finger fuck their mother and who knows what else she let them do to her? Did she let them finger her tight little sphincter, like I use to do when we first got married. Well if she is letting our boys use her as they wish, then I might as well do the same. She has never turned me down before. Looking at her coming through the bedroom door, closing it turning back and heading here towards the bed. I see that she did not button up the top two buttons on her PJs. Look at her all smiles, like she just got fucked for the first time, tits bouncing just a little as they are still nice a firm. Here I am laying on the bed naked from the waist down sporting a large hard on, just drooling looking at my wife and thinking just five minutes ago her pussy was filled with one of my son’s fingers while she was moaning like some little slut, what would someone call her? Oh ya a mommy SLUT. One of those mothers who would do anything their son(s) in this case ask of her. Will, I know only one thing right I have not had a fucking hard on in months thinking something wrong with me and not touching Carol for as long if not longer as I can’t think of the last time I truly fucked her like a slut I know she likes to be. Well it was one of the many things I like about Carol when we were dating, I could do anything with her at anytime, she was so submissive.

Carol getting into bed I lean over to her and grab her right tit hard, she moans. Throwing the blanket off me reveling my massive hard cock which she has not seen lately, pulling her by her right tit and grabbing her hair and shoveling her head down onto my awaiting, dripping wet cock telling her as she opens her month to receive my cock of what a slut she was tonight. Her eyes widen asking, did you hear... yes SLUT, I heard our sons playing with you tonight, how could I not. You back there moaning like some street slut. Gagk gagk gagk. I am glad you still know how to suck my cock, what has it been, two years since you sucked me off. Lifting her head up she ask, what’s gotten into you, you have not taken me like this in what five, ten years. Maybe it was listening to a cheap whore get her pussy fingered. Now turn around and get on all fours I am going to fuck that pussy the boys were playing with earlier. Ooh yes just like I remembered nice a tight, SLAP, SLAP, did you like the boys playing with your pussy tonight right behind of me slut? Yes Sir, it has been to long since you have controlled me like this and when the boys slapped my ass in the parking lot at the mall this afternoon. I thought something might happen tonight and well... ooohh Sir please fuck me harder oh yes like that, yes. So the boys slap your ass and you spread your whore legs just like that? What a true whore you are. I wonder who told them you are such a slut and so submissive? Sir I did not say anything to themmmm, ooohh yes just like that Sir keep fucking your slut toy Sir, ooohh shit I am cuming on your cock Sir. Ooh yes, yes, yes. Turn around now I want to fuck that mouth of your. Gagk, gagk gagk. Ooh Carol I am cuming, take me and don’t lose any of my sperm, oh yes just as I remembered you to be great cocksucker Carol. Now let’s get some sleep, church time will be here before you know it. And as for the boys, let them continue to do whatever they want to you anytime and anywhere, but you are not to encourage them, let them guild you on what they want. Can I enjoy what they do to me Sir? Yes please do, but ever night when we are lying here in our bed you are tell me what they did. Do I make myself clear my little mommy slut? Yes Sir.


The Next Morning

Laying here in bed, looking out the window it is still dark outside. Turning on my side looking over at the clock on the dresser across the room I see it is only 3:42 in the morning. What has happened in my life in the last 18 hours? What’s got into my sons? Why did Doug so easily go along with what our boys did to me last night? I know Doug has a very kinky side but still?

When we first started dating all those years ago when I was, what 16, 17 years old thinking back than I should have realized what kind of freak Doug was and what I truly enjoyed when I was with him those nights. When we would go out on Friday or Saturday heading over to make out point, I little area in our local woods where you could drive around and find these parking spots where trees would surround you, it almost felt like someone designed the area just for this type of activity. I later did find out it was designed just for that. The land was owned by an old couple who first meet in those woods and later purchased the land and created those alcoves where people could enjoy some private moments together.

We would head out to those woods after the movies or eating dinner in his 78 Ford Jimmy. It was great you could lay in the back and not be all cramped in the backseat of some compact car like a lot of kids had back then and we always were able to get the best spot due to the truck he drove. When we arrived in the woods and find our spot he would turn off his engine and lean back A little, rolling down his window. Closing his eyes he would start talking about what he was hearing. He would say do you hear that woman over on our left moaning, calling out for John to fuck her harder and harder and John telling her what a slut she is. Than he would tell me, no command me to pull out his cock and suck him off while he listened to the couple next to us. It’s not that I was a virgin or anything, we had been dating for awhile when he started down this road. That first time he commanded me to pull out his cock and suck him off, I did it without even thinking about what I was doing. I leaned over to him unzipped his pants, reached in and pulled his dick right out, it was semi hard as he was getting off some of what he was hearing just a few feet from us. You could hear her screaming that she was cuming on the guys dick telling John not to stop, of fuck me John, that feels ssoooo gggooood keep fucking me, just like that John, yes that’s it John keep going deeper, harder. Here I am in my boyfriend’s lap deep throating his big long hard cock, sucking him off like a good slutty girlfriend I was for my boyfriend. At this time I was pretty good and taking him down my throat and true it was not easy at first, but once I pushed myself enough to take his monster of a cock I was proud of that moment. Listening to the couple next to us, sucking Doug’s cock made me feel a little more slutty. I had my dress pulled up and my other hand down my panties finger fucking my very wet pussy. You see, as I am sucking on Doug’s cock he is telling me what a slut I am to be sucking his dick, how much I am just a cock hungry whore to be so easily taking his monster dick down my throat. He was not just whispering these things to me, he is talking/telling in his outdoor voice, the people around us could gear him calling me these things, slut, whore, cocksucking slut. It drove me crazy to such a sexual high when he did that, I had some of my best orgasms in that truck. He liked calling me those names then and I was sooo enjoying hearing them from him too.

Now, what am I doing laying here in the dark thinking about the past, sucking my boyfriend/ future husband’s cock when there are 3 good size cocks in this house. I know Doug told me not to start anything with the boys and to let them do all the first moves. But I am a cock hungry whore my boyfriend so pointed out all those years ago and seeing that my boys already told me they were going to fuck me hard last night the least I could provide them was a wake up blow job. Seeing I did not give them a chance in the matter last night, Doug wearing out my pussy for two hours and telling me how it was going to be from now on. I really am just a submissive slut.

I get out of bed slowly, as I did not want to wake Doug up to soon. I head down the hall to Frank’s room first opening the door quietly I see him laying there on top of his sheets naked. He always did sleep that way, he says it is too hot in his room. I head over to his bed leaving the door open, kneeing next to him just thinking about what I am about to do. I take his soft cock into my right hand and start gently stroking him. Fuck my pussy is so hot right now and I am so nervous, kneeling here in the dark with just some moon light coming through the window watching my son’s dick get harder and harder. Leaning over his waist I place his dick slowly onto my mouth and start my first blow job of the morning. After just a few minutes of slowly mouth fucking Frank’s cock he starts to moan and stir some. My heart jumps a mile a minute knowing that any second now my son will realize what is happening and... oh shit I feel my son’s hand on top of my head and his hips are starting to move up and down very slowly. My son is waking up to his mother sucking on his dick, I wonder if he will let me continue or will he freakout? 30 seconds into him waking up and no freak out that is a good sign. His first words this morning and every morning if I can make them is “that’s fells great mom keep sucking on my cock” mmm yes mommy keep sucking. He grabs my hair hard and pushes my head further down his cock and holds me there for a second and then his pulls me up to the tip of his dick he pushes me back down, of fuck he is controlling me sucking his cock. I let out a very sexual moan, Frank hears this shoving his cock further down my throat using his hips in timing of him pushing my mouth down his cock with his hand. Where did he learn how to fuck a woman’s mouth like this or is my son just a natural at this, in either case my pussy needs to be fingered while my son fucks my mouth. My boy tells me he is about to cum and by the way he is holdIng my head hard I know he wants me to receive his sperm in my mouth and me on the verge of cuming myself. I fell his cock swell, oh that felling just before a cock fires off that first volley. The first two go straight down my throat before my son let’s up some so that I can get the rest of it in my mouth so that I may savor the taste of his cum. Mmm Frank your cock and cum taste like heaven to me, so sweat and taste. I will enjoy this every morning if my son will let me? Mom I have never heard better words in my life and will like it if you could do this everyday. Mom, it is greatest way to wakeup.

I stand there looking down at my beautiful naked son, his cock laying on his leg semi hard after coming in my mouth. looking on the floor where I was kneeling I see it is wet as well. I turn and leave his room closing the door. Now for William’s morning blowjob. Heading further down the hall I slowly open his door to see he is up already stoking his very hard dick. He turns his head looking right at me and smiles. I enter his room, walking to his bed I kneel down beside him. Take his dick in my hands and ask why he is already awake? Slowly stoking his dick he tells me that he just woke up a couple of minutes ago and needed to use the bathroom for his morning piss. When I finished peeing and was heading back to my room, I heard noises coming from my brother’s room and walked over looking in. You know what I saw mother, Billy says. Yes I think I know what you saw, but tell me anyway on what you saw in your brother’s bedroom. I saw you mommy kneeling next to Frank’s bed, your head bobbing up an down on my brother’s dick, he is hold your hair and shoving his cock down your throat. You are moaning for more it sounds like and he is telling you what a great cocksucker you are. Now it did not last long I guess I was watching the last part because about 30 seconds later my brother tells you that he is coming. You moan louder and he pushes you further down your throat, oh yes I did notice that you don’t have a gaging problem when deep throating Frank’s cock. No I have no problem in that area as your dad’s dick is about the same size as you and your brother have. Now that I know you enjoy sucking dick in the morning, will you be doing this for Frank and me from now on? I have a question to ask you before you start sucking my cock mother. What’s your question son? Will you teach Frank and me how to be good in bed? That’s Frank and I, William I am not sure, you see last night your father told me not to start anything with you two boys and yes he did hear you two finger fucking me while he watched the movie. It sort of turn him into his old self again and he has ask that I not start anything with the two of you, without first you starting it with me. That does not make any sense mom as you are here this morning sucking our cocks. We did not start this, you did. True, but I felt bad about last night, not getting to come see you both. I’am sorry about that. It’s ok mom we very much enjoyed just playing with you under the covers and you stroking our dicks and having us cum on your hands twice. That was fun.

Now I have been stroking your cock long enough son and I need to get it into my mouth, I am just a mommy slut like your father said I am. Oh god mom that feels great, you just took my whole cock in your mouth in one go, damn that is hot to watch. That’s it mommy slut take that cock of mine into your pretty mouth of yours. Oh shit, oh shit you keep doing that and I will be coming all too soon. Mom stop for a second and let me scoot down some. Why is there something wrong Billy? No I want you to sit on my face while you are sucking my cock I think people call it the 69 position. Oh god, thank you son, I was kind of hoping that you would ask.

Sitting here on my son’s face enjoying his talents of licking my wet pussy. Whoever instructed you on how to eat a woman’s cunt should be thanked. Oh god Billy that feels great keep doing that yes, yes that’s it keep lick mommy’s pussy like that oooohh fuck I am coming Billy pease don’t stop yesss oh god yes here it comes son take my pussy juice and drink hearty. Oh fuck me Billy you sure know how to please a woman. Mom your pussy is the first one I have even seen in real life and the first one to eat. I say you tasted great I can’t wait to get more of you. He grabs my waist and lowers my pussy back to his mouth and like a good mother I lower my lips down on his beautiful looking cock. A few minutes later he comes in my mouth with just as much force as his brother did going down my throat on the first two shots and ending the rest of it in my mouth. It’s strange on how much alike their cum tasted. If I was blindfolded I don’t think I would have been able to taste a difference. After coming a second time on Billy’s face I get up and head out his room. I turn looking at my son I say now remember what I told you this morning about your father’s instructions to me. I remember mother and I will let Frank know as well. Now go back to sleep for a few hours William, I will get you up in time for church.

Thirty minutes with each one of my sons, walking back into my bedroom closing the door I see the clock showing 4:56am and my husband sleeping peacefully. I crawled back in bed and reaching down and start slowly stroking Doug’s dick. Shortly after starting he moans softly, I guess he is enjoying this morning’s hand job from his slutty wife is giving him. He rolls onto his back asking what are you doing Carol? You know it is not even 5am yet. I know I just got horny and wanted to play with an old friend that’s all. I see, now, what did you do too our sons this morning that has you so horny? I see I still can’t get anything by you Sir. Sir? Ok, now you will tell me and show me all you did to my sons, my little wife slut. While stroking my husband dick I tell him everything, starting with me sucking Frank’s dick and than going over to Billy’s room. When Doug heard about Billy licking me and I enjoying two orgasms he just start to fuck me mouth like someone little whore and that I was going to be this houses slut teacher for my sons. When he told me that I came so fucking hard it felt like I had pissed myself. When he finished using my mouth he corrected his statement in that he will be setting times and activities that he wants played out. Yes Sir, I said to my husband.

Laying in bed snuggling together in the after math of me sucking off three cocks this morning kind of feeling good about all that has happened. Doug starts to tell me what he is thinking he wants already for me to do with his two sons. I want you to wake them up 30 minutes early and tell them to get ready for church and to be down stairs by 8:00 to have breakfast. Ok? When they come down stairs and enter the kitchen they will see their mother in a sexy little teddy with no panties or bra on. Cereal and bowls will be on the table. You will be facing the stove leaning over exposing the bottom part of your ass to them when the enter. My guess is they will stop in their tracks and just stare at your ass. In the meantime I would have heard them go past our bedroom and head down the stairs which will inform me that I need to start the shower. When you hear them being quite and the shower going, you will turn around and tell them that you are still hungry for some more dick and to get over to you. Pulling out their dicks and with their backs to the entryway to the kitchen you will start to stroke their cocks slowly. You tell in your very sexual voice that they need to speak to you like they would if a whore was standing there stroking their dicks. If they don’t understand you jerk their dicks hard and tell them again to treat you like some common street whore. Now I will be in the doorway watching you and I am hoping you will not disappoint me. Keep in mind you only have 10 minutes to have both boys cum. I can’t be taking too long in the shower. So, are you getting your kink back? Yes slut I am and this would be the best one ever. You on your knees sucking off two dicks and not just any two dicks either. True they would be our sons dicks, but I am not sure if I can get both off in such a short time. I have faith in you Carol that you can do it and do it well.

Here I am standing in the kitchen in the Teddy outfit Doug picked out, baby blue see through of course. In the living room our grandfather clock goes off striking 8:00am. I hear by boys coming down the stairs, just than I hear Doug start our shower. My pussy is get wet just thinking of what is about too happen. I start turning around and showing my boys what I am wearing. Looking at their faces I see two handsome men just standing there staring at me, just like my husband said they would. Here goes nothing. Boys, I know that this morning I gave each of you a good morning blow job and that you both came so much, but I was wondering if you both would be able to cum one more time before we go to church? My boys could not get to me any quicker, standing in front me playing with my nipples already making me moan just by there aggressive stance and just taking me as they like. I glance behind them without the boys noticing and I see their father standing there with his dick out stroking it. Now boys I need to make this quick your father is in the shower and won’t be there long. So take those two beautiful cocks of yours out so I can get my fill. I get to working on their cocks quickly, moaning louder then I should be, hamming it up a little but the boys don’t seem to mind. Sucking Billy’s cock for a minute while stroking Frank’s. I know time is of the essence and I need them cum soon. Boys do feel yourselves getting close? Yes mom, just a few more minutes for me, says Billy, Frank just nods in agreement to Billy’s statement. Just when the ten minutes are just coming to an end I see my husband start to cum all over the wall like he use to when we were younger. Just than Frank yells out that he is coming and that he wants to unload his heavy balls onto my face. Just as he starts I pull his dick out of my mouth and point it at my face, first the left eye then nose and finally my chin gets hit with cum shots. Billy seeing this tell me he wants the same as what Frank just did. Stroking his cock a few more times he is ready and starts shooting his hot load all over my cum filled face. I must say this is a first, to have two good looking guys shoot their loads all over my face while my husband stands there shooting his on the wall. I smile up at both of my sons and tell them thanks and that I will be back soon so that we can go to church.

I head up stairs knowing my two boys are watching my ass swing back and forth. Smiling I enter my bedroom and head over to the bathroom where my husband is in the shower soaping up really quickly as he was suppose to be getting ready for church. Taking my teddy off and slipping into the shower I put my face under the shower head to wash off by boys cum. I finish that and turn around seeing Doug there standing just watching me wash my face, I tell him to get down and suck my cunt. Yes ma’am he says, getting down and starts to suck my clit right off the bat as he knew I needed to cum hard and quickly. In his experience of sucking and licking my pussy over the years he did not take long for me to cum like some cheap whore. Moaning and screaming for him to suck harder, to stick that tongue of his deep into my very wet pussy. Just a few minutes have passed and I was showering my husband with every last drop of pussy juice I had left in me. He stood up and rapped me up in his arms and gave me a deep long passionate kiss. We need to do this more often I think to myself. Five loads of cum in my stomach feeling very satisfied. We finish getting dressed for church. Getting down stairs and walking into the kitchen I really did not see until that moment looking at my three men seating around the kitchen table all dressed up looking incredibly hot, with their shoulders back, sitting up, smiling like they just eat the last piece of cake and me with a smile on my face wondering which slut at church is going to try and seduce them behind my back?



On our way to church Frank and I are sitting in the last row of the family’s mini van, dad’s playing his classic rock a little louder than normal. I wonder what has gotten into him this morning? And mom grinning from ear to ear I know what has her all happy and shit. Thinking our parents should not be able to hear us back here I start to whisper to Frank just to be sure they can’t.

Frank can you believe our mother this morning? How she was able too handle both of us so quickly? I mean, I was hard as a brick as soon as we entered the kitchen seeing her gorgeous ass and her wearing that outfit. We need to ask her what they are called, what she was wearing I mean. Why is dad so happy this morning, him up there, singing along to the music. I know why mom is grinning like she is, but why is dad seem so happy.

Remember Frank what Mr. Johnson said about opening up a woman? You never know what is going to come out of her. Well, so far our mother has come our as our cum slut, he did say most woman will start out this way. Sucking and stroking the dick or in this case the dicks that opened her up to this new ... what did he call it... oh ya Mr. Johnson called it an adventure for the woman, something new to experience. Well I don’t think our mother would have ever thought she would get to experience her sons dicks. Do you Frank? No Billy, I don’t think our mother would ever have thought about her boys dicks like that.

Frank is just staring at our dad I wonder what he thinking about? Maybe some of the same things I am. Why is dad all smiles, I mean I have not seen him this happen since, well shit I can’t remember the last time I have seen him this happy. You don’t think he knows what mom did too us last night or this morning do you Frank? Frank slowly starts to nod his head yes just staring forward at our father with panicked eyes, like oh shit what is he going to do to us? Looking at our father again he seems to be in a great mood not like someone who is planning to kill two young boys for face fucking his wife. What was it that Mr. Johnson say about some men and their way of thinking? It was just in passing, now what was it?

Boys we are almost at the church and I just wanted to say that I am glad you two are joining your father and me this morning for this sermon. The topic is passion.

Our mother giggles a little thinking about that and what has happened these past 12 hours. I am here wondering about our father. What was it that Mr. Johnson said? Yes, I remember now, he said that some men need to share their girlfriend/wife it gets themselves off or something like that. At the time I thought he was crazy, no guy wants to see his girl being used by somebody else? But it would make sense if he heard us last night fingering our mother’s pussy and playing with her tits. She was moaning a lot too. Come to think of it I could hear them last night after we went to bed, well I thought it was something else at the time, but they must have been fucking. They never made that much noise before. An this morning when mom was sucking my cock, I thought I heard a noise behind me. Dad must have been watching his wife sucking his sons cocks. What a strange and wonderful little family I live in.

We pull into the parking lot of the church and I look over at Frank and see that he is still nervous about dad, he must not have remembered what Mr. Johnson said to us yesterday. I pull Frank quickly ahead of our parents and looking back I yell that we will be up in the rafters and will see them after the sermon. They wave and tell us to behave. I wave back pulling Frank with me. About halfway up the the stairs I stop Frank and whisper to him that it will be ok and the dad is cool with what mom did to us in the kitchen this morning and what we did to her last night. Frank just stands there shaking his head back and forth not believing what I just said. Think about what Mr. Johnson said to us, about some men enjoying watching? No says Frank I don’t remember. That some men get off watching their girlfriend/wife be with someone else. Well dad most have heard mom last night while we were fingering her pussy and playing with her tits. It explains the noises coming from their room last night. Dad must of heard us and got off on it. As he did fuck her pretty hard last night by the sounds I heard. Did you not here them too? Your room is closer then mine is. Yes I heard them Frank said, but I was not sure what I was hearing. And think about this morning Frank. Mom in that outfit just happened to have her back to us as we were coming into the kitchen. Then telling us to hurry as dad was taking a shower an we did not have much time. Will while our mother was on her knees sucking me off I could swear I heard something behind us. You too Billy, I thought I heard something like a man moaning or something, but I was too rapped up in what mom was doing to look away. Did not want to spoil the dream, you know what I mean. Now the question is this who is directing whom? What do you mean Billy? I mean who told mom to dress like that and to be waiting for us to come into the kitchen? Mom told us to be down stairs early, but dad pretended to be taking a shower. Frank I think it was dad who told mom to be downstairs, she seemed a little nervous come to think of it. Your right Frank, Mr. Johnson said it is almost always the guy’s fantasy to watch. The girl is there only as a actress playing a part. The added thrill is that the man knows the girl and that is what the guy get off on. Knowing the girl who is playing a part in the sex scene, being preformed right in front of them. That is a bit messed up Billy, but I get it, I think. In any case dad is not going to kill us right? Right Frank, he is not going to kill us, in fact if we play our cards right, dad will be directing mom to do more than just suck our dicks. Now let’s get upstairs and survey our church for more pussy. Mr. Johnson has not steered us wrong yet.



I stop Billy and point over too Jennifer and her mother Anna Miller. Yes, our friend Johnny’s sister and mother. Well, we might as well start putting our lessons to the test says Billy. Your right, I will take Mrs. Miller, you talk with Jennifer. Ok let’s go, but first let’s get our dicks a little more noticeable what to you say Billy?

We head over to were Jennifer and her mother are sitting, our dicks most noticeable now. Mrs. Miller her body type I would have to describe as a runner, long thin legs, somewhat of a flat ass, very skinny waist, but her breast well, they were enhanced a couple of years ago. Those were done by a master craftsman and I cannot wait to play with them either. I heard my mother once say they had to be DD size. Her daughter on the other hand has original tits. My guess would be no more then a B size, but her ass is one to thank the god for. She was co captain on the cheerleading squad at school last year and will most likely be the captain next year, she only stands 5’3” with very strong legs and great looking ass. Both of the ladies are wearing a nice flowery summer dress with stockings and spiked heals. Spiked heals at church? Johnny said once that his mother only worn spiked heels and he does not know why. Maybe it’s time for someone to find out why? I ask if the place next to Mrs. Miller is taken? She lifts her head slowly and I take notice of her momentary pause at my crotch area. I smile a little knowing she is looking. She continues looking up at a very well dressed young man, clean shaven. Well my son and husband Frank were going to join us for this morning services. You see Sir... my apologies Mrs. Miller I should have introduced myself and my brother. Mrs. Miller my name is Frank and this is my brother William Smith the sons of Carol and Doug Smith. Our parents are down below, you see over there on the right. As she bends forward to where I was pointing, I get a great view of her gorgeous looking tits down her open blouse. Oh yes, you are Johnny’s friends from school. Yes ma’am. Johnny goes on about you two all the time. I did not know you two were so, so good looking. Mother! Jennifer yells. It ok Jenny these two young men seem to have their act together, unlike some of the boys you have brought around the house. Yes mother, as Jennifer lowers her gaze. I take quick notice of Jennifer and would not believe she was so submissive as she is very demanding around school. I asked once more if it would be ok for my brother and I to join two such beautiful young ladies? Well it is my husband’s and I 25th anniversary today, we were married in this very church. Seeing she not say no Billy and Take the seat. I on Mrs Miller’s left and Billy takes the seat on Jennifer’s right. I must say, whispering into her ear as the preacher is starting his sermon, that there is no way Mrs. Miller you could be having a silver anniversary. You are to young for that anniversary, looking towards her legs I say those legs of yours speak volumes of how young you truly are. One of the first lessons is that compliments will get you everything. Turning in my seat looking at Mrs. Miller, I reach over and place my left hand on her right leg slowly moving my hand back and forth. At the same time leaning into her ear whispering how many miles do you run to have such perfect legs? With a little giggle she says I run 3 times a week about fives each time. It shows that you keep your body in should great shape. Slowly moving my hand further up her leg, she uncrosses her legs and spreads them just a little, letting me know that I could, if I want to move my hand up even higher. I take a quick look over at Billy and he did not waste his time. He already has his hand up Jennifer’s dress and by his arm movements he is already fingering her pussy. Seeing this I move my hand without delay up Mrs. Miller’s dress grab her panties and move them aside and push my index finger into her pussy. I look closely at Mrs. Miller’s face And I notice a small bead of sweet at her temple. Another sign to look for, she is nervous and excited at what is happening to her and without objections I continue to finger fuck her next to her daughter who by the way is getting the same treatment. Leaning into her ear again I tell her this time that she needs to speared those legs of hers as I get down there to have my breakfast and that every Sunday morning we are going to meet here with her daughter. I tell her next time that we do not want to have to remove their panties and come here commando after this day. Shake your hand yes Mrs. Miller if you understand. She slowly shakes her head as I see Billy is already moving in front of Jennifer and getting her panties off. With that I head down onto my knees and reach under Mrs. Miller’s dress she lifts up just a little and I slowly pulled down her pink g-string type panties, once off I place them inside my coat pocket as a little reminder of the first pussy I get to eat. I start to lick her clit, but that made her jump to much so I head down south a little further and tongue fucker strawberry tasting pussy. I wonder? While I explore this meal if all pussies taste this good, I guess I am just going to have to find out. Why is she squeezing my head with her legs so hard? Oh ya that’s right she must be having an orgasm, I feel her holding my head now, any second I will be getting my first taste of a woman’s cum juices. Oh ya slut this taste great, Mrs. Miller’s pussy your the best thing I have ever drank and I will be enjoying this from now on. As she starts to settle down, I get back up off my knees and take my seat next to her. I start to look down at the stage and to look over the congregation to see if anyone saw what my brother I did to these two women. As I look around I notice the lady on stage to the left. She was staring right into my eyes. There I see a gorgeous brunette woman smiling up at me. I can’t believe it that the preacher’s wife, watched me eat Mrs. Miller’s pussy and now she is smiling at me knowing what I just did in her church. What was it that she did every Sunday before her husband finishes his sermon? Oh ya she heads down to the basement and gets things ready for a small get together with some of the lady of the church and mom was part of that group of woman as dad would always come home without her and head out to play golf with his buddies. Now turning back to Mrs. Miller would you be so kind as to place your cell number in my phone as I am not done with your very tasty pussy and will need to be feed a lot more later. She takes my phone and enters her number quickly as if she did not want to change her mind. Once I retrieved my phone I stood up, leaning over I gently kissed her cheek. Billy seeing me stand up does the same, he and I head out through the doorway down the stairs and out the front door. Billy grabs my arm turning me around asking what the fuck I was just about to fuck her or at least get a blow job from one of the prettiest girls from school. I know, follow me and hurry we have more fish to fry this day. Come on we need to get to the basement before she gets there. Who gets there? What are you talking about Frank? You’ll see.



We did not have to wait long, coming down the stairs we saw two great looking legs in nude pantyhose, white 3” heels and very nice skirt that came to just below her knees. When she arrived at the bottom of the stairs and turned toward us I, well we noticed that Dianne Smith the preacher’s wife and also known as our friend Josh’s mother. For a woman in her mid 40s she does have a great body. Deep long red hair currently in a bun off her neck, perfect C cup tits that defies gravity. She starts getting out her breast for us to play with. Slim waistline and a good looking ass which we teased Josh about from time to time.

I watched you two boy eat Anna and Jennifer’s pussies and what I could see from their faces and seeing them wiggle they enjoyed the pleasure you two gave them, well I was hoping you would be down here looking to offer the same services for me? I must let you boys known that we only have about 30 minutes before they finish up stairs.

Without saying another word Frank and I move quickly to Josh’s mom sides we pick her up, I on one side, Frank on the other. We pick her up taking her over to the table and laying her on her back. With the preacher’s wife head leaning back, mouth open waiting, I unzip my pants, pull down my new blue Jordan underwear and I grab her head with one hand and my cock in the other I push my cock slowly right into Josh’s mother’s mouth. I give one long ass moan with the feel oh her mouth rapping around my hard cock. I continue to hold it there for a few second as I see Frank on the other end of the preacher’s wife, with her legs spread wide, her black laced panties in Frank’s mouth and his dick just entering one good looking bald pussy. For a second there I did not know if Frank’s cock was going to fit, but just after a few quick strokes in and out of her he was able to fit it all in. It was a good thing too as I got my dick in her mouth when I did because as soon as Frank had started to fuck Anna Smith’s tight pussy she let out a very long and loud moan. If I had to guess she would be screaming for more about that time, that is if Josh’s mom did not already have my cock in her mouth. It took us no time for us to unhook her bra from the front and for Frank and I to grab a tit each. Also we really got into a good rhythm as my dick was going in to her mouth Frank’s was going into her pussy. We kept that going for a few minutes when Frank told me what was happening. Billy, Mrs. Smith’s cunt is squeezing my dick really hard, dude she is coming on my dick. Want a slut Josh’s mom is, I would not have guessed. What is the whore’s mouth like Frank asked. When she is done we can trade places and you can find out for yourself. As you can see she can deep throat my dick. See how our slut here gets all excited when you pinch her nipples hard like this. Billy Josh’s mom is such a slut she just came again when you squeezed her tits like that. Damn Billy I am going to cum soon let’s trade places.

We trade places and with her very wet pussy and my wet dick, I slide right into the most perfect pussy I have every had. Well it’s the first pussy I have ever enjoyed, but it does feel fantastic. Hot, wet and tight. Getting back into rhythm with Frank I grab Anna’s ankles and put them on my shoulders rapping my arms around her thighs. I start to pounding hard into her pussy as I can. Her moaning and us grunting away, sweat pouring down our faces and as Frank face fucks the preacher’s wife I see in his eyes that is coming, he gives me that big smile of his when he is really happy about something. After a few more strokes in and out of Anna’s mouth I notice not one drop of cum was spilled. What a cock slut she is I am thinking to myself. As Frank continues to hold her head I look into her eyes an say, do you think Josh will mind us fucking you slut?

As long as you two men, I really can’t call you boys anymore can I? As long as you continue to fuck me like this I don’t care want my husband or son thinks. My husband has not touched me in 6 months and my son I think he might be gay. I don’t wear much around the house and I can’t seem to catch him looking at me. Oh ya don’t worry about cumming inside me, as I had my tubes tied years ago. Good to know now turn over whore I want a to feel my hard cock slip into that tight ass of yours. Oh damn Billy, that’s William from now on or Sir, do understand slut. Yes Sir, but please be quick as we only have a few more minutes before people start to come down here. No problem, now bring that cute little ass back a little so I can fuck it hard. I thought as soon as I got my cock into her tight, hot ass I was going to cum and sure enough I was cuming and I came hard and long I must of filled that ass of her up.

After finishing fucking we all got dressed and I asked her to enter her cell number into our phones as we needed to do this again soon. Well William if you would come by on Wednesday night the meetings my husband holds last about an hour and my son babysits the parents kids down here than, so I on one to enjoy this activity with? Until now, we will be here on Wednesday to use you as our new fuck toy. Frank, we need to get out as mom and dad will be waiting for us. Once we all got back to the car dad asked. So what do you think of the sermon today? Better than what me and Frank remembered it being dad. Our dad puts the car into drive and we head home. Frank and I just look at each other shaking our heads with big old smile not believing want just happen. Well Frank I think this is going to be our best summer ever!

Recap chapter


While driving the family home from church I was thinking about what my wife did too our sons this morning in the kitchen. On her knees sucking their cocks, like some cum hungry slut that I use to know all those years ago. Damn, just thinking about Carol this morning is getting me hard. Carol stroking Frank’s dick while sucking hard and fast on Billy’s dick, I wished that I did not put some stupid timer on their mother and that Carol could have taken her time. I always liked it when she sucked a cock slowly, up and down, up and down. Shit if I don’t pay more attention to where I am driving I might just get us killed. Looking over at her coming from church looking like one of those fifties house wife and mother is just perfect. As Carol’s dress riding up some as she sat down in the front seat. Looking at those good looking legs of hers, knowing what lays between them. If the boys ever knew how much a true submissive whore their mother is. Well I guess they will soon enough, I just need to setup another scene where I can watch live and they don’t know I am there.

Pulling into the driveway without killing us, I placed the van into park and lean over to Carol and whisper in her ear. Now my cum slut you need to get upstairs, get naked and tie yourself to the bed post. I well be there shortly. She nods her head with a small smile and heads into the house and upstairs as quickly as I have not seen in a long time. The boys head to their rooms and change into shorts and t-shirts, heading right back outside without a word other than see you later dad. Well with them gone now for some time I am going to enjoy some playtime with my slutty wife.

Entering my bedroom I see Carol the mother of my boys naked and handcuffed to the bedpost just as she was instructed.

It has been a long time sense we have played like this dear. Yes Sir it has been sometime. Do you know why we have not had sex in such a long time? She shakes her head no. Well let me tell you, as I come up behind her reaching between her legs I start to play with her pussy, stroking it back and forth as she begins to moan, her breathing increases I tell her I have been training a new whore for me to play with. You know her too, you remember the teacher/parent conference we had last spring? My wife nods yes as I enter two fingers straight into her cunt hard, you are very excited to be hearing this. Do you remember the class that has both our boys in it, their science class. Yes as Carol’s pussy pulsates around my fingers. Mrs. Cathy Rodrigues she is the one from Spain, married to an English professor at the local collage. Carol nods again as I start to really finger fuck her pussy I feel her squeezing my two fingers harder and harder she starts to squirt cum on my hand. Now, now my slut the boys are gone and it is just us so you can be a little loud as I tell you how Cathy and I first got together.

Oh fuck me Doug please, you have me so high on sex right now I need your cock fucking me, please Sir.

Don’t worry my cum hungry wife. I will make sure my dick strokes the insides of that tight pussy of yours soon. I really need you now. Slap on the left ass cheek, slap on the right ass cheek. I will fuck you when and how I deem you worthy. Yes Sir, I know it is just has been so long and with the recent activity with our sons I am so horny of some dick.

Now where was I, oh yes the first time I started with the boy’s teacher It was the following Friday after that meeting with her, I asked her for drinks to discuss how best to help the boys. During that time I was almost sure she had some training in the arts of being a submissive whore, you know how I have this six sense about women, I am almost always right about these things. It was a small gamble but when I escorted her out to her car, she unlocks it remotely. With her sitting in the driver’s seat, I stand there blocking her from closing the door with my crotch in her face. I then told her to suck my cock until I cum and do not stop until than. Do you know what she did? She took my cock out of my pants and gave me a blow job right there in the parking lot. I was right again. While she was blowing my cock right there in the parking lot a young couple pulled right next to her car on the passenger side and just watched the whole act of Mrs. Rodrigues sucking my cock. Once she was done I told her that she did ok for her first time, but that she needed some more training. She said, yes sir and left. I went over to the the young couple still sitting in their car. I approached the girl, she was in the driver’s seat, rolling down her window, I leaned in and just reach down to her open blouse, pinched her right nipple hard with my left hand. I look at the boy recognized him, it was Josh Smith. I told him to have this good looking girl suck his cock before they head into the restaurant as he did not need to enter with a hard dick bulging from his pants. Do you know what Josh said? He could not as it was his sister Susan and it would be wrong. What would be wrong is to waste this sluts sexual high she has going. Look at her, she already playing with her pussy while I play with her tit and let me tell you what a slut she is for watch that lady suck my cock in front of you two. Now get your little dick out and tell her to suck it until you are done with her mouth. Do you know he did just that as soon as his dick was out of his pants she was so quick that I almost did not have time to remove my hand from her breast. I walk away listening to her moaning and him tell her what a slutty sister she is and to continue sucking his dick.

Now let me get my rock hard cock into this hot wet pussy of yours and tell you more of my time with Cathy. Yes Sir, please tell me more while you pound away at my hot, wet, tight pussy. Mmmm yes you do have a great feeling cunt my little mommy slut. Don’t you think my whore that you could use one of the boy’s cocks to suck on while I fucked you like this, handcuffed to the bedpost like some bad mother needing punishment? Master, just the thought of that has me coming like a cheap whore you know me to be, Ohhh yyessss that’s it Sir keep fucking me harder just like that sir, yyyeessss I am commmmmmmiiinnnnnggggg, oh god Doug. Carol I can feel you squeezing my cock and coming all over it, oh Carol you are the best. Yes sir, you always have told me the truth, never lied too me or ever put me in a bad situation, thank you sir for all you do for me. You’re welcome slut, now let me tell you one more story so that I might have the pleasure of cuming. Yes Sir please tell me more while you are using my push for your pleasure.

It was about two weeks ago when her husband Dave came home early. We were fucking like we had been for the last four mouths and did not hear him come into the house as we were playing some classic rock that I like to listen too. He called out a couple of times, but we did not hear him. So I am there fucking her just like I am doing to you right now, she was handcuffed the the headboard though in the bitch position ass up moaning and yelling fuck your slut like she likes it sir and well I was doing just that long hard pounding stokes. Than I look up just above the headboard and there in the mirror what do I see? Ooohh sshhhhiittt Carol you coming again slut, that feels so fucking great, I can’t wait until the boys get to feel this pussy of yours their little mommy slut. That’s it whore cum for me my little pet, think about our boys fucking you stupid. All that young energy going into fucking their cum hungry slut of a mother. Oh what do I see in the mirror as I am fucking Cathy, I see Dave her husband standing there in the doorway, his small little dick is out and he is just standing there stroking it. Before I can do say or do anything he is already cuming on the floor right there in the doorway. As I see this I take my right hand and slam as hard as I can down on Cathy’s right ass cheek making her scream with the pleasure and pain that comes with such acts. I continue to tell her what a whore she is to cheat on Dave like this and after a minute or two I see Dave is still there saying nothing in the doorway still stroking his tiny looking dick well it could not have been more than 4” away. I lean over Cathy’s back and tell her it is time to break her anal cherry. She screams noooo, just as I pull my monster cock out of her cum socked pussy I place the tip of my dick at the entrance to anal heaven, I push a little, I pull back a little I wanted this to last some time so that Dave could enjoy how I treating his wife. As you know it is not often I get to have a cherry ass. I slap her left ass check yelling this time of what a slut she is, at the same time I push my cock head into the dark heavens of Mrs. Rodrigues asshole almost half way down my cock shaft. As I penetrate this gorgeous ass of hers I wave Dave over to my right and and with my left hand telling him to me quite. He follows my instructions perfectly. He stands to the right side of the bad and watches as my cock goes deeper and deeper into his wife’s ass until I am fully inserted into her anal heaven and I have to tell you Carol, that her ass is one of the best I have ever fucked. There I am fucking Cathy’s ass long and hard, Dave stroking his small dick and Cathy yelling fuck me harder Master. Just then I get this crazy idea in my head, I acted before thinking. I grab Dave’s left hand and shove his fingers right into his wife’s very cum filled pussy. Start using his hand as a dildo, I fucked her pussy as hard as I could, all the while my cock is still in her ass. Cathy looks behind as she knows it is not my hand and she sees Dave leaning over the bad there with his dick out and his arm moving, she scream nnnnnooooo. Dave for the first time speaks, as he pulls his fingers out of her pussy walks to the front of the bed gets up and grabs Cathy’s hair with both hands and just shoves his small dick into her mouth. Now she starts to moan again, Dave is panting hard as he is face fucks his wife and will I start to pound as hard and as fast as I can into Dave’s wife’s ass. She cums so hard that it seemed to me to be one long pee coming from her. She just kept coming and coming. It must have been a good two minutes of her pussy draining onto the bed. I see Dave just hold Cathy’s head as he came inside her mouth. Feeling Cathy cuming like that I could not hold out any longer and I released the largest cum shot of my life. There I was Carol, in heaven fucking Cathy’s great ass, Dave just finished fucking his wife’s mouth, and all of us coming at the same time. It was just beautiful, oh goooooodddddddd Carol just remembering that has me on the verge of coming, ooohhh yyeeesss wife of mine I am coming now ooohh. Fuuccckkkk mmmeeeeee.

I collapse on my wife’s back exhausted from fucking her and telling her that story. She drops down to her knees, I fall to mine. As her arms hanging up above her head from the bedpost still handcuffed to it, sweat dripping from her and with a big smile as she looks at me knowing what is coming soon for her. Her sons are soon going to be her new lovers and fuck buddies. And me sitting there looking at her thinking of how am I going to arrange it to happen. Damn just thinking of her getting fucked by ours sons is getting me hard once more.



I can’t believe what has happened to me, getting blow jobs from my mother, eating the pussy of the head cheerleader and fucking the preacher’s wife, just 10 feet under him. My brother and I riding our bikes over to Mr. Johnson’s house to get more advice and training. Seeing how much we have gotten away with so quickly. Arriving, Frank rings the door bell, no answer. I pushed the ringer again, we know he is home as his car is in the driveway. After another minute Mr. Johnson opens the door wearing just his boxers, looking at us thought the screen door asking what we needed? Mr. Johnson, we wanted to tell you how much your lessons have brought us already and to see if we could workout some more with the free weights. Sure he says go ahead and open the garage and I will be out shortly. Just than behind him we hear a girl yell out, Mr. Johnson my pussy needs your attention. My eyes spring wide open and with a big smile I say, anything we can do to help out? He looks at me and then Frank and back at me again, nods his head and opens the screen door and invites us in. We follow Mr. Johnson to his living room where we encounter and young girl in her Twenties, bleach blond hair with large tits, double Ds I later found out, hips were wider than I like, but nicely shaped, her pussy seemed to be bald as a babies bottom. Looking at her very long legs she has on what are called hooker shoe, 5” heals with 2” sole. She is currently tied to a stripper’s pole in the middle of the room. She see us and screams at Mr. Johnson. What the fuck is going on, why did you let these to boys in here? Mr. Johnson I am naked send them away right this second or we are done. As she is screaming she also trying to cover up. Am just standing there with a large bulge in my pants. Mr. Johnson walks right up to this naked girl and tells her to shut the fuck up and get on her knees, I need my cock sucked and you are going to do that with these boys watching you. Now if you don’t do as I ask I will go straight over to your home across the street and will have a good long talk with your husband who I think is watching your baby right now. After that I watched as this girl slowly lowers herself to the floor her hands still tied to the pole. He drops his briefs and she takes his semi hard cock into her mouth without using hands and starts to suck his dick. As the begins Frank and I have a seat on the couch watching this pretty girl preform oral satisfaction on Mr. Johnson. Mr. Johnson starts to tell us on how all this started with his neighbor. To begin, this is Sharon Harper who is married to Kevin, she just had a baby about six months ago, who live right across the street. About two months ago this little cock sucker house wife came to me with what they call post birth depression, she could not lose her baby fat, Kevin was all over her wanting to have another kid, but not wanting to take care of the one they have now, so she is handling all the baby’s needs on top of everything else a new mother has to deal with. When she came to my door crying that rainy day, I asked her what was wrong and invited Sharon in with an offer of some some hot tea. Before She knew it I had her in front me sitting in a kitchen seat sucking my cock. She was not to bad but really was in need of some good training in the art of cock sucking. I must have cum in this new mom’s mouth at least three times that night. She finally was able to do a pretty good job on that last one. It was close to midnight and she had to head back home, but before she left I told her to be here the next morning without a bra on. The next morning she was standings in my front doorway right at 10 am the next morning not wearing a bra. Her blouse was soaked with mother’s milk leaking from these great tits of hers. Well with her back to the street, blocking me from anyone seeing, I unzip my pants and told her to bend over the doorway without holding on to anything and suck my dick until I cum in her mouth. She started to protest... I hold up my hand stopping her protest snd told her if she did not want to learn more then she could just turn around and go back to Kevin, to that he’ll she has been living in. Watching her face, she begins to accept her position of what our relationship will be. Knowing her options she bent over and started sucking me off. With that start of her training she has come a long way in such a short time. I was going to take her to a glory hole tonight to celebrate her achievements these past two month, but seeing you two are here we will help each one out. Oh yes Sharon that’s it keep doing that. Now boys what brings you here a day early and without notice to me that you are coming over. You do know I have a phone and that my number is in both of yours cells.



Well sir, we wanted to let you know a lot has happened over the last 24 hours since we last saw you and wanted so much for you to review what we have done and to train us some more. That is if you would be so generous with your knowledge.

Like I said, you two showing up at this time was unexpected, but timing is everything and your timing today is good. Now tell me what you achieved in the last twenty four hours that has you so worked up that you had to come all the way here and have me evaluate your progress.

Well we followed your instructions and enlisted our mother’s help to beef up our looks. You should have seen her eyes light up as we asked for her help and as you told us, I watched for the signs. Her hips twisted just a little, her tongue came out licked her lips as it seemed to be involuntary reaction to what we asked of her and the last thing was Carol pulled her hair back behind her ears, both ears looking at each of, searching for something I am not sure what, but we each give her a tight hug like you said we should when asking for help from any woman. Her tits felt great pressing against my chest, my dick started to get hard having those titties of moms pressing against me. Before I could think or do anything more she ran upstairs to change for our shopping adventure. Like you said too, ever girl wants an adventure they just don’t know what adventure they want until you give it to them. That’s true Frank just like this one here licking my balls. I am sure Sharon did not know today she would be here licking my balls in front of two now well groomed young men. Her pussy must be dripping preforming in front of you two, Billy why don’t you come over here and play with Sharon’s pussy so she can get off some. Sorry please continue Frank with your story. Thanks Mr Johnson I was hoping I could help out, Billy asked.

Well, we headed to the mall with our mother, she had the biggest smile I have ever seen her have, mom had us trying on everything in those stores and I must say she taught us a few thing about men’s fashion which kind of blow my mind, my head was still spinning. She took us to a beauty salon and let the ladies know exactly what she wanted for us. At the end of the shopping and grooming adventure. we headed back to the car, once we arrived to the mini van, we placed the many bags we were carrying in the back seat. With our clothes bags inside Billy gave our mom a strong bear hug like hold and told her how much he loved her and than slipped his hands down to her ass and gave both cheeks a good squeeze. I followed suit what he did and than we both got into the van. Our mother just stood there outside the car for just a minute or so just as you said she would. Like you mentioned yesterday, when a woman starts off on an adventure that they did not expect, they always seem to be in shock that one has started, but they are always eager to see were the adventure will take them. We get home and at dinner I suggest to our father that we watch a new movie that just came out on Demand that he would like. Our father really is into these action movies were there’s a lot of car chases and gun battles. Will before I knew it mom tells us to head upstairs and get into our PJs so that we all would be comfortable while we watched the movie. Everyone agrees that it was a great idea, so after dinner Billy and I head upstairs, I told him as we get to the top of the staircase that we need to go commando under our PJs and to bring his comforter down with him. So we are all downstairs getting ready to watch the movie, mom is making some popcorn and dad is in his recliner that sits in front of the couch and to the right. Mom comes in with two large bowls of popcorn, hands Doug our father his bowl and we invite our mother to join us on the couch between us, she would normally sit in her chair, but the motor broke two days ago and will not be fixture until next week. We make room for her to sit in the middle of us of course. I start the movie and dad thanked us for this suggestion as he had a long hard week at work and settles in to watch. At this time Billy and I get the comforter and cover all three of our legs. With mom in the middle with the popcorn we start grabbing some. After a short while I notice she has moved the bowl closer to her stomach and she has pulled her legs up as she was getting into the movie or that is what I thought anyways. I look over at Billy and we both noticed this and give ourselves a smile. Opportunity hits us and we both turn just a little towards our mom and while reaching for a piece of popcorn we start to brush our hand against her tits. I noticed her eyes open some and stops eating the popcorn. We continued rubbing her tits, grabbing one kernel at a time this continues for a minute or two and that’s when I saw the first signs that she was enjoying her sons playing with her tits, it was when she tucked her hair behind her ear giving us an open face. When we saw this I went for it TrueType not sure if it will work, but I grabbed Carol’s tit and gave a gentle squeeze Billy followed giving her other tit a good squeezing. She closed her eyes and let out a soft moan. That sound you told us about, when a woman needs and wants more to happen after that first direct contact. So I take another chance that it was the correct sound and start to unbutton her top she had on and reached in and started to feel our mother breast. Hand to tit, I must say it was the best feeling I have ever had in my life up to that moment. I start kneading and pinching her nipple and she lays her head back with her eyes closed and now her sons start really playing with her nipples. After about five minutes or so of enjoying our mom we see that her actions was telling us she wanted more. She opened her knees outward, you see, so I took it as another one of the signs for us to watch for from woman, opening herself up to the next level of play. I move my right hand from her left tit to her inter right thigh. I move quickly to her pussy as I am not sure if she really wanted this our not and like you told us never waste an opportunity. So with my hand over my mother’s pussy which is still covered with her panties I start to slowly rub up and down harder and harder, more than I should have, but I don’t know what I am doing anyways so I grab and squeeze her pussy hard. It was than she made a bit of noise that my father made note of by asking Carol is there was anything wrong? She quickly said no, it was just a cramp in her leg and I was just helping message it out, but I just added to much pressure is all. My dad said to be careful and to be more gentle with the message your mother could teach you a thing it two about messages. Of course I said, yes Sir and started to gently rub mom’s pussy again with a large smile on my face as I was getting to play with my mother’s wet pussy and she too smiled and said that I was getting much better with the message, but to slowdown some so that she could enjoy it more. With that statement from her I grabbed the top of her panties and with some help from Billy we pulled our mom’s panties off and I put them in my pocket. So I started to gently message our mother’s pussy up and down, it really did not take long until I had inserted two fingers inside her sloppy pussy. I was going at a pretty good speed I could hear the slushing sounds coming from between her legs as I get a little carried away. Billy grabbed my wrist to stop me as I was lost in what I was doing and mom was getting carried away as well. Billy pulled my fingers out and lower them to her anal entrance getting the idea of what he wanted me to do to her, so I started to probe mom’s asshole, poking it, messaging and poking some more. While I was occupied with mom’s asshole, Billy starts to slowly finger fuck her. I could feel his fingers now going in and out our mother’s pussy. Keeping the fluids flowing I was able to easily penetrate her back door. With us really finger fucking her in both holes I begin to watch her again and was surprised by her control that I whispered into her ear that I wanted to fuck her later. All she did was moan a little louder with that said keeping her eyes closed. I pulled my fingers out and I took the popcorn off mom’s lap and than grabbed her right hand bringing it under the comforter placing it on my dripping hard dick, whispering into her right ear. Mommy please stroke my cock while I finger fuck your ass. Without another word my mom reaches into my PJs and started to stroke me. I did know at the time but she started jacking off Billy too at the same time. It was great, our mother stroking our dicks right in front of dad, well kind of, this was all happening under the comforter Billy brought down. She got us off twice last night before the movie ended. Just before the movie ended she wiped her hands off on the comforter she told us to drop the comforter off in the laundry room before heading upstairs and that she would tuck us in shortly. I thought after 30 minutes had past that I might be in some trouble or something as she did not come in to tuck me in. It was a little while longer before I could fell asleep.

Sharon I need you to finish me off as I want you to swallow my cum now, ohh shit boys this woman is really good at sucking my cock. Oh that is good cock sucking skills Sharon I must say. I forget how good a teacher I am sometimes boys. Now Frank I want you to come here and lay down next to Sharon, and Sharon I want you to ride Frank’s face for a while, until you cum a couple times and no telling him anything other than moans and movements. Frank what I want from you is to pay attention to her moans and movements to gauge how well you are doing. Now someone with some skill will have any woman cuming on their face within ten minutes or so. I expect you to have it done within twenty. Now Sharon straddle the boy’s face and enjoy.



Mr. Johnson that is not the end of the story with our mother. No? Then please continue Billy while we watch your brother suck and lick Sharon’s pussy. Sure thing I will take my seat there on the couch and continue the story. It was early this morning close to 4 I guess, I got up to take a pee. When I finished I was heading back to my room when I heard noises coming from Frank’s room. I walk over not thinking anything really, but when I looked into His bedroom I saw my mother there on her knees sucking Frank’s cock, well maybe Frank was fucking mom’s mouth I am not sure with her back to me and all. I was not standing there long, just a minute or two before Frank unloaded his cum shots down our mother’s throat. Once Frank was done mom stands and tells Frank she is going over to my room to check in on me. Hearing this I quickly head back, jump into bed without the blanket over me and start to slowly stroke my hard cock thinking about my mom soon licking and sucking my dick too. She slowly enters my room, it’s dark but for some moon light coming from my open window. She jumps a little when I tell her to come to me, she must have thought that I was sleeping. Commanding her too come to me just like you told us too take the first chance for control, when it presents it’s self we should take it.

That’s correct William, very good. Frank slow down it is not a race and listen more to her moaning, she is telling you when you hit the right spot on her pussy.

Like I was saying Sir, I commanded my mom to come to me and suck my cock. Just like that, she walked right up to my bed, got in by my feet and bent over grabbing my cock with one hand and lowering her mouth down onto my cock. My mother took my whole cock in one movement and started to hum. That was the weirdest feeling in my life.

Wait, what did she do Sharon asked?

She hummed, it made her throat vibrate which intensified the sexual experience by a factor of a 1000.

Sharon, Mr. Johnson says, we will practice that technique this afternoon with these young men, now be quite so William can finish the store.

Yes Sir and continues fucking my brother’s face.

I told my mom how good she was and that I wanted her to turn her ass around and place her pussy on my face so that I could suck and lick her pussy. She kept my cock I her mouth as she turned around and lowered her pussy onto my awaiting lips and tongue. I was surprised that I was lasting as long as I was it must have been at least 15 minutes when she started first cuming on my face. I thought I was going to die from drowning from my mother’s pussy juices, she just kept using on my face as more and more of her love juices flowed down my throat. Just before I thought I was going to pass out she lifted her pussy off my face and started to suck my cock like it was her last meal or something? I could not last another second when she started that attack. I must have cum at least seven or more times.

When a woman comes that good, she has too do her best to get her partner off as quickly as she knows how. I am not sure why, but women I have had the pleasure of archiving that level of pleasure for them they just can’t help but get me off as quickly as they can. Now Carol did not want at that time to fuck you so she offered you the best blow job she knew she could give. Don’t worry you did good. Next time she might just turn around and fuck the life out of you, you might want to be careful with her.

Well I know if she had wanted a morning fuck, I would not have minded one bit. There is more Sir. Later this morning she was in the kitchen wearing just a teddy, mom was leaning over the counter as we both walked in and took in her ass into our mind for ever. She has a good looking ass if I may say so. Well to continue in this telling, our mother said that she needed more of our cocks before our father comes down stairs. We hear the shower going, thinking why not, my cock is already hard, dripping with pre cum just looking at mom with what she is wearing. So me and Frank hurry over, grabbing and messaging her ass cheeks, her tits, anything we could grab we grabbed. After few seconds of ass grabbing mom drops to her knees, unzips my pants with great ease and pulls my cock right out and goes to town sucking me off. Frank wasted no time too, pulling his cock out he turns mom’s head to him and inserts his dick into her mouth. So while she blow him she stroking me. So goes back and forth like that for about ten minutes. Now, at the time I did not think of the lite noise I heard coming from the doorway as anything to worry about. It wasn’t until later, on our way to church that I began to realize that our father may have been watching his wife suck his son’s cocks and that he was jerking off watching it happen.

Why do you think so William? Mr. Johnson asked.

Will two things really, my father has not been really happy in awhile grumpy really would best describe him for the last few weeks. So when you told us about how some men enjoy watching their girlfriend or wife having sex or performing in front of them some sex act. I just put two and two together. His sudden change all happy and shit and the way he was looking at mom. Like she was her old self or something.

Well here is my advise about this situation you two are in. Be careful if one or both of your parents are playing with you two, let them control this adventure. If I had to guess you will be happy with what happens in the near future with your mother and father. Well now you two have been busy. That’s not the whole story Sir. No? You have more than getting blow jobs from your mother?

Yes, but I would like to let Frank tell the next part of this telling, as I am getting hungry for Sharon’s pussy, I really would like to suck her cunt for a little while.

Sure William, Sharon get into the doggy position so you can suck Frank’s cock while William enjoys licking your pussy. Frank do you think you can keep this story telling going while getting your cock sucked by Sharon? I will give it a try Sir. Good boy let’s get started.



Ohhh fuck Sharon you are god sent. I can’t hold out any more, I grab Sharon’s head, holding her mouth in place and just fuck this slut’s mouth. Less than a minute and I am cuming in Sharon’s throat, two, three finishing with six strong shots. I stumble over to the couch and fall back shaking. How Sir? Were you able to control yourself with Sharon sucking your dick?

That is one of the benefits of working out with weights, it provides you with stamina too hold out longer. The more you develop your muscles and also experience more of Sharon. She has been trained very well and got a little carried away as she is very sexually stimulated. William would you please fuck Sharon as hard as you can, so that she can start to think again. She is really over stimulated.

I thought I would last longer seeing how I lasted a lot longer with my mother. Well, I will make it my life’s work to get into the best shape I can. Now that I have had the best lips rapped around my cock I know what level a woman could archive in the art of cock sucking.

Well, to continue, we arrived at the church and Billy drags me inside and starts to explain what he thinks is happening with our farther. I think he is a little nuts thinking this with so little to explain what happened so far. When Billy finished telling his thoughts on the matter we headed upstairs where we were going to review the flock of our church like you said we needed to check out the woman and see how we could gather up some history on our future conquests. When we arrived at the top we see Mrs. Miller and her daughter Jennifer, they are the mother and sister of Johnny one the other boys that was with us when you first met us. Anyway we wanted to try something you told us about first impressions. To show how well hung we are, we take a second or two and rub our dicks to get them a little longer. Well as I introduce ourselves to Mrs. Miller I watched as see raised her head and paused to take in the site of my semi hard dick. We take a sit next to them as they mentioned that her husband and son would not be attending church. So with that information, that they would be alone we begin our move to see what these two woman will allow us too have. Like you said nothing tried, nothing gained. Just as the sermon began Billy and I had somehow started to lick and eat their pussies, now we did not really know what we were doing down there, but they seem to not mind at all while we enjoyed drinking their sweet juices and I mean just that. The mother’s pussy tasted like strawberry and Jennifer’s pussy according to Billy tasted like vanilla. Like you mentioned if you go down on a woman they need to cum two times at least before moving on to any other activity with them.

I should tell you some of the things I witnessed before all this happened. While we were preparing ourselves to approach them there mannerisms were that of a mother controlling her daughter more than I have ever seen before, as the daughter’s head was bowed and nodding some as to except what her mother was telling her as some form of a command not just letting her know what she expects from her daughter, but will happen. Now we could not hear very well with the noises coming up from people coming in from below us, but I did hear as we approached Mrs. Miller say how horny she was and how much she was going to enjoy her daughter’s tongue later. First thing I think was she is a FemDom and the daughter is a Sub. It was strange to see Jennifer in that roll as she was the co-cheerleader and a real bitch according to some at school, but thinking about it, I would say she is a Dom at school and a Sub when she is home or at least around her mother. What do you think Sir.

You maybe correct Frank. William change it up some and start fucking her ass and slap her ass every five strokes. That is a stroke is shoving your dick in and out as one, so when you reach five strokes you slap her ass hard and change cheeks for each slap. So after ten strokes you should have slapped her ass one time on each cheek. Any question? No. Then begin please. Now Frank you maybe right about these two women. You will need to first control the mother and with that you will get to have the daughter. Did you get their number like I said? Yes Sir, we did. Good now I want you to texted the mother telling her that you want to meet her tomorrow at the local park parking lot at 10am. But won’t we be here working out Sir? Yes you will be and at 11am tomorrow you will send another text explaining that you got tied up and could not make it, but want to fuck her today anyway. If she suggest a place where she wants to be fucked take it, if not then you will tell her to be at the church at 1pm. I will drop you off a block away so she will not know anything is strange. Now you will be in her realm as she is a practice Femdom, but she may not be able to control a man you both will know soon enough. So if the church parking lot is empty and no one around, you will need to start controlling her movements by words alone. As soon as you two have her in the back seat of her car she will need to be sucking a cock and without delay, if you don’t she will take control of both of you and use you as she wishes, you don’t want to be in that position until you really understand what it means.

Damn Billy, you really enjoying fucking Sharon, just watching you fuck her is making my dick hard again, you almost finished as I want to change with you and you can tell Mr. Johnson the last encounter we had this morning.

Frank I came twice already and my dick is still hard I don’t how she is doing it, but I am getting tired and need a break.

Will let me tag you out so I can get in there and fuck her.

Boys my pussy and ass need a little break, let me fix us a snack and Frank I promise I will open my legs for that good looking cock you have there, ok.

Sharon that is a good idea. Boys let’s take this break and relax some while Sharon fixes us some snacks to replenish our strength. In the mean time William can you tell me of this last encounter you two had this morning.


I did not know what was going on at first as Frank drags me away from Jennifer and her mother we just finished eating. When we were outside Frank was trying to explain what was going on as we head to the church’s basement. It’s where the preacher’s wife will have setup a brunch for some of the ladies who will be volunteering for that days events. We enter the side door and head down into the basement where the tables are setup with some finger foods and punch laid out for them. What Frank told me is that Mrs. Smith the preacher’s wife as well as our other friend Josh’s mother. Can you believe this we just finish eating Johnny’s mother and sister and now we are going to enjoy Josh’s mother’s company. You see Sir Mrs. Smith watched us eat those two up in the rafters and she liked what she saw. When she came down the steps, she already had her blouse opened and just opened her arms wide. Without a word we approached her lifted her up and brought her over to one of the tables as we layer her down, her head hanging over one side and her legs over the other. We start without a word fucking Mrs. Smith’s pussy and mouth at the same time. After a short time we switch start to change positions about every five minutes or so, back and forth I fucked her mouth for a little time and we switched and I started fucking her pussy. We lasted about 20 minutes of just hard fucking. When we finished with Mrs. Smith she invites us back Wednesday night mass to continue what we just did to her.

So as soon as we got home we changed out of our good clothes and headed over here to ask for more lessons and to let us know how to handle everything as we did not expect this to happen so fast.

Well I have already let you know about the other women and what to do with them. As for Mrs. Smith she is just a slut and you can do whatever you want with her. Use her to practice what you learn here. For now do not get anymore women involved in your life. With five women to learn from, you two are well ahead of everyone in your school with the ability to have sexual relationships with so many women at one time. Also you will have me to train you with the help of Sharon here and if I am correct your father will be teaching you some other sexual activities out there though your mother. Now let’s finish with our snacks and William can have his turn with Sharon.

Sir, yes Frank? Why did you have me fuck Sharon the way I did? Be sure that I will be asking some strange things from time to time. With that lesson it was to have you thinking of counting and slapping her ass n the correct number and not so much on the feeling of her pussy and how well and tight that ass of her is. If you had you would not have lasted very long and Sharon would still be wonting. So distracting you like that helps you as well as your partner for you to last longer than what they would expect. Now Sharon get into position so William can practice this technique.

Cruise Day One


It’s been a month now since we started our lessons and workouts with Mr. Johnson. I could not believe the change in Frank, he has gained almost 30 pounds of muscles and I have moved up a couple of weight classes. With the weights, running and fucking Sharon, and Mr Johnson added last week some boxing lessons as well. He said as long as you walk this path with woman there will be times that you will need to protect yourselves. Seeing that Mr. Johnson has not steered us wrong yet Frank and I gave him 100 percent. I have really enjoyed going to church now. Every week I get my dick sucked by either Mrs. Wilson or her daughter Jennifer up in the rafters, while listening to our preacher give his sermon. Frank and I did not always fucked Mrs. Smith in the basement, just last Sunday after getting our weekly blow jobs from Jennifer and her mom. Mrs. Wilson said that her husband and son left that morning to go fishing and would not be back until late in the afternoon. Hearing this I grab Mrs. Wilson’s hand and lead her along with Jennifer and Frank outside to her car. Once we arrived at her car I asked her firmly why she did not let me know sooner about her husband and son not being home all day? She stated she just found out this morning before heading out for church. I yelled at her, saying that it was no excuse and that she should have know better than to hold such information from me. You are the head bitch of that household are you not, I said? With her head bowed she whispers yes. With that I told everyone to get into the mini van. Mrs. Wilson driving, I get in the back seat with Jennifer, Frank’s in the front passenger seat. Driving out of the parking lot, Frank is already leaning over and playing with Jennifer’s mother. Squeezing her tits hard over her blouse, rubbing his right hand up and down her right leg. Telling Mrs. Wilson what a mommy slut she has been these last few weeks and asking her if she has been keeping Jennifer sexually happy.

According to Mr. Johnson we needed to get her out of her FemDom roll by having her service Jennifer daily. At seem to work all to easily after Frank and I fucked her for almost three hours that first time. She said she would do everything we asked of her anytime, anyplace. We texted Jennifer of what had happen with her mother and that she could now start using her for her own pleasure. Now Jennifer did not believe me at first. It was not until that Friday when Frank and I texted the two of them to meet us at the local park around sundown. As they arrived that night I guided them about two hundred yards into the woods where Frank earlier setup some camping gear. A midsize tent with sleeping bags, lantern and a cooler of water and cold foods. He also brought with him a bag of toys the ladies have not yet seen. These toys where on lone from Mr. Johnson. He said, when we get older and have our own car, that we should always have a goody bag. It’s always good to have as you will not always end up at the ladies house where she has her personal ***********ion of toys when she in alone.

So, I have Jennifer standing over to the side and told her not to move or say anything, but to just watch. Frank being the whore he is he was already pawing at Mrs. Wilson. He really did enjoy our last session with her and was looking forward to tonight’s fun activities. Now Jennifer did not believe us about her mother being turned into a submissive slut, as she has been so controlled by her mother for the last couple of years that it was just to hard to except. As Jennifer stood there watching as Frank and I degraded her mother telling her what a mommy whore she is and having her bend over from the waist and spanking her ass with a paddle we brought with us. Now she is still dressed in the outfit we told her to be in. We asked Jennifer to be in just comfortable clothes, Jean shorts, t-shirt would be find along with tennis shoes. As for Mrs. Wilson, she was to be wearing a low cut dress, red preferred if not black would do. She chose red and it was fantastic, fitted yet her like a glove. Low cut and hang just below her ass. She worn stocking with 4” high heels to match her dress. Makeup and hair done up just like we asked. It was everything put into a nice fuckme package as how we explained to Mrs. Wilson on what we wanted her to be wearing that night. Now with her bent over exposing her bare ass we gave her a good spanking, nothing to hard we were just starting the evening out. But with me giving her that spanking that she so most definitely deserved for treating her daughter the way she has for the last two years, Frank had pulled her tits out and was squeezing them, pinching her nipples firmly, but not hard. There she was, Jennifer’s mother bent over, hands on a tree just agreeing to everything we were telling her she is, mother whore, cum slut, cock sucker street whore not worth two bucks to fuck. Jennifer is there watching all this unfold in front of her which was doing what we hoped would happen. Jennifer started to come out of her shell around her mother. She added a few names to the mix as I started playing with her pussy with one of the vibrators we brought with us. Slowly at first in and out of her pussy, her legs already spread, her bare white ass glowing some in the night. Frank takes a minute and gets the lantern going to give us some more light. As I am fucking Jennifer’s mom with the vibrator, Jennifer moves closer and asked if it would ok if she could do that to her mother. She said she always wanted to, but her mother would not let her have any control when she fucked me. I invite her over and give her the one I was using a 6” vibrator and pulled out a 9” long black dildo. I told Jennifer to hold off just for a minute while I get this into her and you could than use the vibrator and fuck your mother’s ass with. Seeing Jennifer’s face light up like that made me just a very happy 15 year old boy. Without to much preparation I lay the tip of the monster cock at Mrs. Wilson opened pussy and just push until it gets stopped, about 7” in. From there I start fucking her with the dildo until it is fully inserted. With that done Jennifer takes over and plays with her mother’s ass. Sticking the vibrator in just a few inches at a time. Jennifer seems to be enjoying herself. Meanwhile Frank and I pull out a set of nipple clippers and attach them. She is so getting off on us putting her into this position as we see her inter thigh is just wet with her cum juices it almost looks like it is nonstop river of her cum. I could not take much more of this scene, I had too pull out my cock and swing Jennifer’s mom around and told her to open up her mouth the begins to suck my cock. She grabs ahold of my dick and slaps her face like the street whore she is turning into and sucking and licking my balls. She seems to be going into a sexual high that Mr Johnson showed us with Sharon. Seeing this, I told Frank to pull out the dildo and for Jennifer to stop fucking her mother’s ass. Once that was done Frank just pulled out his dick and shoved it right into her mother’s pussy and I could not believe the speed at which he was fucking her. Frank than told Jennifer to play with her mother’s clit and without delay Jennifer was kneeling there next to her mother frantically rubbing her clit telling her mother what a stupid dumb whore she was and that from now on things will change. You will be the one to wake me up in the morning licking my pussy, making damn sure I have the best start of each morning. Yes Jennifer, anything you say after pulling my cock out of her mouth. I will date anyone I want from now on Jennifer continued yelling at her mother. She made a few more demands and her mother started to shake as Mrs. Wilson exploded with a stream of cum shooting out her pussy as Frank pulled out his dick for us to watch. If Mrs. Wilson were laying down I think she would have shot that load of girl cum a good two feet in the air. Seeing Jennifer say all those thing to her mother, getting two years of submissive behavior out made me come so hard and fast down her mother’s throat causing her to gag some pulling my dick out on the last couple of shots hitting Mrs. Wilson’s face. I look over at Frank and he has his dick buried deep in her pussy holding still for just a minute with this stupid grin on his face. I knew what he was feeling, Jennifer’s mom’s pussy squeezing his dick as she is coming so hard. I did not expect Frank though to pull out his cock from her pussy and grab Jennifer by her head and tell her to start cleaning his dick off with her cheerleader’s mouth. Without a moments hesitation Jennifer starts cleaning his dick. Licking it up and down a few times then putting his dick into her mouth and sucks it clean. I guess it will take some time to remove the submissive training her mother’s has been doing. After taking off Jennifer’s clothes as well as her mom’s, we strip out of our and tell the ladies to get into the tent for we are going to have a lot more fun with you two tonight. Jennifer asked about her dad, won’t he be worried about us and her mother tells her that she already let him know that you were spending the night with a friend and I was going out with some of my girl friend and not to wait up. With that I pull out two butt plugs and insert one into each of the girls and ask for them to keep these in until Sunday, Frank and I think you two will be our back door girls from now on and so these butt plugs should be used as much as possible, for your pleasure as well as ours. Since than we have enjoyed both girls on a regular basis. The tent is still out there as we check from time to time.



I can’t believe how much I have changed in these last few weeks, standing taller, not slouching building muscles and now learning to protect myself. If some one was to tell me how this summer was going to be I would have called them crazy. Fucking Jennifer and her mother in the ass anytime we like, well fucking them anyway we like really, using Mrs. Smith as a personal whore. Learning how to pleasure a woman from Sharon and getting morning blow jobs from mom. What more could a 15 year boy want in life?

Well last night our father announced that his was taking the whole family on a cruise in one week and that we needed to get our clothes and passports and anything else you may need to bring with you ready. We will be gone for 10 days so pack well, your mom can help you with that. I asked if this was the same trip he and mom took last couple of years that we could not go as it was for adults only. He said yes, but now that we were 15 we could go with them if we wanted too that is. Not a second later Billy and I said yes that we wanted to go. Really we wanted to see our mother in a bikini as well as others I suppose. With this news from dad we have to tell Mr Johnson the following day. Knowing it was Saturday and that he liked for us to rest now the weekends to relax our muscles some, we had no choice as we needed some new training on how to handle this experience of traveling on a cruise.

The next morning Billy and I leave the house soon after our mother finished giving us our morning blow jobs. I do really like waking up and having mom sucking on my cock telling Billy in our way over to Mr. Johnson’s house. Ya I know, I just wonder how long it will last Billy says. Well I hope it never ends, but it least we know dad must have something up his sleeve if he is intending for us to go along with them on this cruise. Don’t you think? Yeah I think he is over listing and watching mom give us blow jobs in the mornings. Dad’s watching us? Yes why else would mom leave the door open just a little. So that dad can see into the room without us seeing him. Just the other morning when mom came into the room and left the door open some, I knew dad must be right there at the door, now I could not see him nor did I hear anything that morning, but I am sure he was there. When mom came in I told her to take off her night gown and panties. She asked why the panties and I said to see if you have shaved your pussy. With that she lowered her panties and I could see she had not done it in awhile that our father liked a little bush now there. I got out of bed and told her to come to me and get on her knees, she did without question. I told her to open her mouth but not to suck or close her mouth around my dick. I just want to rub my cock over her tongue for a little time. After playing with her I grabbed her head like Sharon showed us I slowly inserted my dick into mom’s throat. As we both know mom does not have a gag reflect anymore with the training with have been giving her, but that morning and told her to make some gagging noises as I fucked her mouth like the cheap slut she is. I just spoke to her like that for a good 20 minutes telling our mother what a whore she was for not shaving and that she need to start exercising more, other than sucking dicks around the house. I told Billy that he took a big chance doing that. We could have been cut off from mom giving us morning blow jobs. Naaa I have been doing some reacher on woman like mom and the other women we are fucking. Mom needs to be told want to do and not do, it is part of their nature. Now there is some limits to people like mom but not much and she will let us know what they are when and if we reach them. Anyways the next mornings blow job mom came in and dropped her panties to show me that she was shaved down there now. With her showing me that she was clean shaven I sat up in bed and asked her this time to come over to me. Her pussy was right in front of me clean shaved and the smell of her cunt it was nice, musky smell to it. I noticed though she was blocking the view from the doorway, so I turned some in bed bringing mom around some so if anyone was looking in they would see a boy sitting on the edge of the bed with his mother standing next to him with her leg lifted on to his bed exposing her pussy to him and her saying to her son start licking me before your father wakes up. I curled my mouth into a smile and I lick and sucked mom’s pussy until she came all over my face, I drank what I could and when I was done with her I turned her to the door and slapped her ass telling her to go suck off dad for a change. You remember that was the morning I unloaded a lot of cum all over Sharon’s face. Boy was she pissed at me for that.

After telling Mr. Johnson the news of the cruise, his only advise was to let our parent continue to control that part of the adventure, your dad has something planned and it will most likely be shown or told to you both on the first day of the cruise. As far as the cruise and what to do, take all that Sharon and I have taught you both and have fun. Also, remember to do your daily workout, never stop that. Even if you fucked a girl all night long you both need to go to the gym on board the ship and complete your routines. Afterwards if you are still tired, than sleep, but not too long you have plenty of women to explore. You can rest when you are dead as the saying goes.

We told the other women that we were leaving for the week and to not have any sexual activities until we get back. I know it was wrong for us to do that to them, but it was part of the position those ladies put my brother and me in. So for that last week before we left on the cruise we also reframed from having sex from any of the women including Sharon, well the exception of our mother giving us head each morning was the only sex we had. We wanted to make sure we had the stamina to last on this trip, or at least that was the plan away and Mr. Johnson said it was ok you never know when you might meet a ball breaker. As he explained a ball breaker was a woman who was your opposite in life, not so much as a dominatricks, but a woman who cannot show you one clue of what she wants from her partner. No involuntary muscle movements, no hints of the next step she wants you to take, nothing at all. For those woman I have only one piece of advise. If you come across such a woman you should just walk away, the effort that is needed to have sex with that person is beyond thought. Trust me when I say this as I have tried three times in my life with women like that and each time was a complete failure. It’s not that we did not fuck, we did, or I should say they just fucked me like they wanted and left never heard from them again. So it would be best at your age in life to leave those women alone. Try later if you must, but for now don’t.

A week has past and we are heading out on a new adventure with our parents. Mom in her summer dress and heels looking hot as she stepped up her workouts. Dad and us are in cargo shorts and a nice shirt looking good as far as guys go. Dad says you should look sharp when you meet people for the first time and seeing everyone we meet on this cruise, we will be meeting for the first time. Seeing that we looking good due to our working out, our speech has improved greatly, along with our posture, shoulder back chest out kind of thing. We should have a great time with the ladies we meet onboard the cruise.



The moment has arrived as we join the other passengers onboard and heading to our cabins to put away our clothes. As we move through the ship all I see are older ladies and men, either by themselves or with a partner. There seems to be no young people on this cruise. I ask dad were are the younger people? His only response was that it is a big ship that has over 5000 people onboard and yes there will be a lot of older people as they are the ones who can afford such luxuries.

It must have taken us an half hour to get to the cabins. Our parent have a suite very nice one with a balcony. We were a little bit a way down the hallway from them in a inside double room they call it. Not much a shower, two beds and two dressers. Well at least I saw a few people that were are parents age at least. I can deal with fucking women mom’s age have been so far and they each have taught us both something. Dad said we can meet up at dinner in the state room and to dress nicely, a jacket and slacks no tie need tonight. So me a Frank head out to explore the ship and to see want we could find in the way of women we will be having fun with. We press the button for the elevator and wait just a few seconds when the doors opened up. We get in with an older couple, in there late fifties early sixties was my guess. She is wearing a bikini top showing off some nice looking tits, firm from what I could tell, very good work if they are fakes, guiding me eyes lower she is one that keeps in shape, tight stomach and where she is wearing a flowery rap covering her bikini bottoms g-string style nice ass too and looking further down her great pair of legs she has on open toe sandals with bright red toe polish. As the doors were closing the woman lowers herself down in front of the dude, unzips his pants and pulls out his average looking cock and just starts sucking his dick. I turn to watch the act unfold In front of my brother and me. She seems to be doing a great job on sucking the guys dick and so I ask if she would like another one to play with. She pulls the guys dick out of her mouth and looks up at me, smiles and while looking at me sticks the guys cock back into her mouth. Sucking it hard and strong. She was hoping I think that he would cum before they hit bottom floor which was coming up in just about sixty seconds. She just looked at me the while giving the guy a blow job strange I thought of her to be looking at me while sucking his dick. Just before the last floor the guy starts cuming in her mouth, as he grunts a few times just standing there. She seems to easily take his load and as the doors open she stands up looking at me still, while putting his dick back into his pants zipping him up. Doors open we step out and she says that will be 100 dollars Sam sweetie. I told you I could make you cum before we hit the bottom floor. Sam takes out a hundred dollar bill and hands it to her telling her what a slut he married so long ago. As we exit the elevator the lady slips me a key card to her room and says she is in most nights by 11. If we want to fuck me, just stop on by our cabin 9002 top floor. I give her tits a little squeeze to see if they are fake are not(not fake) and say that if we are not busy, we will be there and that our cabin is 7003 if you need another cock to suck just knock. You hear that Sam another man after my lips you better watch out. Sam puts his large right hand on my shoulder and says I have not meet a man yet that could last 3 minutes of my wife sucking their cock. I have made some money off that act. I put up 1000 to one odds that if the man who can last longer than 3 minutes of Lisa blowing his dick without shooting his cum wins and I have always won that bet. As one guy put up a thousand dollar once and lost. Well now I say I have ten bucks here saying I will take that bet and you will finally see a man last that long. Sam mentioned that they were heading to get a snack before we laid out for some sun. But I like your spunk boy so let’s try this. There is a family bathroom right over there and we will see if you can last that long. We head over to the restroom my brother and I walking behind the couple. I say Sam, Lisa has one great looking ass. That she does boy that’s she does Sam says. We enter the the room bigger than I thought it was large enough to fit all us in with room to spare. Lisa goes over to the toilet and sits down and lifts her top up and starts to playing with her tits. Sam says the clock starts as soon as your dick enters Lisa’s mouth. I counter that she can not use her hands other than either on my ass for balance or my thighs and she can not poke my ass with her finger to make me cum. That would be a loss on your part of this bet, also that I cannot remove my dick at anytime or I lose the bet. Agreed and with that I approached Lisa watching her play with those good looking tits of hers. Standing in front of Lisa I unzip my pants and pull out my semi hard dick. I see in her eyes the fact that I am not hard already, that they may have just found their match, but she quickly smiles looking up into my eyes and says nice cock, I think I am going to enjoy suck you dick William. Well now Lisa I know I am young and may not have had much practice with women, but I was hoping you let me have close to three minutes in that gorgeous little mouth of your. William, I will later when there is no betting going on, you see my husband Sam does not like to loss, so I have to pull that cum out of you as fast as I can, you understand don’t you sweetie? Sure, I get it you need to make sure you are the best in front of Sam here. No problem let get started ok? Sure hun. I grab my cock and let Sam and Frank know I am ready and about to start so that they should get their timers going. With one hand I am holding my cock out and with the other I grab the back of Lisa’s head and plunge my cock to the back of her throat as she starts to gag on my dick which continues to grow, taking my other hand places it under Lisa’s chin I really begin fucking her tight lips. Letting her know what a great cock sucker she is. Ohh yes Lisa keep doing that it’s feels great, your throat, that’s it suck me slut, ooooo fuck that’s good. 1 minute Sam says two more minutes. You hear that Lisa, Sam says you have two more minutes to suck this cock of mine. Now you are doing so well keep sucking slut. I continue to pound Lisa’s mouth for another 90 seconds and Sam watch me does not believe that this boy has lasted this long, no one has lasted this long before. Frank starts to countdown with 10 seconds left

10. Oooo Lisa your mouth is so fucking perfect rapped around my dick

9. Shit I don’t know if I can hold

8. Ooo Lisa I need to go faster you are driving me crazy.

7. That’s it slut suck, suck, suck

6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.

Frank’s speaks up and says Sam that’s 3 minutes according to my time what do you left. He is just standing there watching his wife get her face fucked by a good size cock. Rubbing his dick his over his pants his states three minutes are up. Just as he says that I pull my cock out and shot my load of hot wet cum all over Lisa’s face. With her eyes closed she just except my cum as a small defeat. As I finish rubbing my cock cover Sam’s wife’s face and offer him another challenge. I say my brother here can last 2 minutes in Lisa’s mouth with the same rules as before for double or nothing. While I am talking with Sam on this new bet involving Frank and his wife I play with her tits and slip my cock back into her mouth for some cleaning. Sam agrees to the bet so I move back and Frank steps up. Frank’s said go, he does just same thing I did shoves his cock down Lisa’s throat and just fucks her hard. While Frank is using Lisa mouth, Sam to my surprise starts to jack off watching his wife blow another man. That image is why we are here with are parents, I guess my dad is just like Sam here he is enjoying watching his wife suck Frank’s cock. He is getting off on watching this performance continue from where I had left off. He really did not think two boys like us would even come close to lasting and with Lisa and her gorgeous tits out we should not have lasted 5 seconds. Thanks Mr Johnson and Sharon’s training I am sure we would not have last even that long. Well two minutes are up and Frank continues to fuck Lisa’s mouth like we have been trained. I say, Frank we need to be going so would you shoot your load now and just that simple request from me Frank pulls out his dick and just cum hard on Lisa’s face. She is now covered in our cum. She was so surprised of us that she did not even cum herself as she was to rapped up in getting us off. Sam says that the guys at my car lot are not going to believe this, are they Lisa he asked. Thinking fast what can of car lot do you own. New Teslas, why? What do say you ship a new car to us for this bet as well as us fucking Lisa at least five times on this cruise in front of you. What do you say, is it a deal? Before anyone could say another word Sam was shaking my hand saying yes it is a deal. I was not sure what we would find on this cruise, but finding you two already payed off more than you can imagine for my wife and I. Glad to be of some help, we will see the both of you either tonight or tomorrow Sam, Lisa. As we were heading out I saw Sam leaning over and licking his wife’s face clean of our cum. Well that I have not seen before.



I could not believe what just happen, getting a great blow job so soon? Mr. Johnson said that our dad or the cruise will let us know why we are here. I wonder if it is one of those free sprite kind of cruise her here about on the porn sites. Do you think mom and dad would bring us on one of those types of cruises? Well I know that has some freak I him with what he lets mom do for me and Billy. And now we get our dicks sucked less than an hour of being on this ship. Walking around some there seems to be a lot of shops, bars and restaurants, it not much for Billy and I to do. Looking at the directory of what’s where I spot a movie theater located on the 4th floor. When we arrive we see that they are playing a old times movie Gone with the Wind. I guess they did not take into account the younger audience like us? Well we don’t have anything better at the moment let’s just go in and see. We get some popcorn and drinks and head in. It is a little dark but movie has not started yet so like always Billy heads to the back row me following we find seat in the middle and settle in to watch the movie. Looking around while they show preview of other movies they have I spot lady by herself a few rows in front and to the right of us. She is all alone just sitting there eating her popcorn. What I could tell she is a black woman with long blond hair, if guessing age mid 40s. I lean over to Billy and point her out, like some stupid moron, she is the only other person in the room. Let’s go over and see if she is her to get fucked or not. Billy shrugs his shoulders, nodding his head yes. So we head over to her I step i. Front of her showing off my package and take a seat next to her. Billy next the other seat on her left. Billy begin to eat his popcorn watching the movie while I take a sip of drink watching her. Now that I can see better she is a mom type body good size tits D cup, low cut blouse showing off for those who like to look a bit of a stomach, nice birthing hip as some would call them and a pair of strong legs. She is wearing a open blouse and a mini skirt that just covers her pussy, I mean if I were to run my hand up her skirt I would not have to push mush to feel her pussy. As I look further down to what kind of shoe does she have on? Sharon is trying to explain to us what each type of shoe means to a woman and where she is wearing them at. So we are on a cruise in the middle of the bay still I think in a movie theater watching a hundred year old movie? This creature is wearing 3” pump with a wide heal for comfort, open toe and she has her toe nails done a nice French style. After a few seconds she turns her head and checks out Billy and then turns to see me watching her. She gives me a slight smile and turns back to the movie. Just as she turned back to watch the movie she gave off a fuck me sign or at least one of them. She oh so slightly spread her legs. With that I passed the drink over to Billy for him to hold bring my hand back I give the lady a good firm squeeze of her right tit. Just as I did that she moaned. Billy see this and places the popcorn and drink down and grabs her left tit and squeezes. The lady begins the moan a little more as Billy and I reach in her low cut blouse and pull out her titties. With those out we lean over and start to nibble and suck her nipples like they where ice cream and she was our favorite flavor. Oh boys it has been to long since my husband has lick my nipples like you are doing now. It feel so good please don’t stop. Hearing this Billy and I lift the arm rest between us and this woman, we each take a leg and stretch them out and move our hands to her pussy. What we find was that she had no panties on and that her pussy was wet. Just waiting there to be used. Like we have practice with Sharon I would finger fuck her until she came on my hand and we would switch out. We did this to our newest slut and I started finger fucking her hard right out the gate. I would have to take note as she exploded down my hand within just a few stroke of me fingering her wet pussy. As practice Billy came i. Before she finished coming and started right into her. She was yelling to not stop moaning hard. Ooo. Fuuccck. That feel great boys, with that I stand up and drop my shorts as trained when possible go commando. We expect to be in that mode the hole cruise. I guild my cock to her mouth and she starts I. On sucking my dick right there in the movie theater. Just a short time later 5 minutes I guess Billy whispers in her ear to get on the floor on all four so that he can fuck her like the slut she is. These commands really do work on women. She pops my dick out of her. Out, gets down on all fours and Billy drops down behind her and with no adjustments he just shoves his cock right on up into her cunt like some bitch and he is some type of wide dog. I am not going to be left out I low myself down grabbing her hair and putting my dick back into her mouth where she again does a good job of sucking me off. Billy fuck her in the ass a bet she is a anal slut that like to be fuck hard and long in the ass. He looks up and smiles, pulling his cock and lining it up with her ass he inserts it hard and fast. She moans and yelps as his starts to pound her good. As I am going to town with her mouth a shoot my first load down her throat. Billy seems to have endless energy with this woman. I pick up the drink and sit back down and watch as Billy continues fucking this black woman. As I watch Billy fucks this woman I see she has a wedding ring on and I ask are you married? And second is your husband on this cruise with you? Yes, yes she yells as Billy pounds away. Ok slut that turn my brother on like nothing else. A married woman needing to be used hard. I ask Billy if he is getting close and as the sweat pores down his face he just nods and just than he gets that cuming face which lasted for a minute when he fall back exiting her ass all to quickly. With my dick growing once more I look into her eyes and jus point to my cock and tell her to suck me again. With some effort as she is wearing down do to the hard ass fuck she got from Frank. With her kneeling in front giving me a good slow blow job I ask what is your name. She takes my dick out saying that she will answer that question with a question. Will you and your brother come to my suite after dinner and I will give you my name as well as my body. Holding her head down on my cock I cum once more in this woman’s mouth as she drains me unlike others and once we get dress Billy gets her room number and let’s her know we will be there. As we exit the theater we head back to our room to get ready for lunch. We change and head down for lunch were we meet up with our parents. I let my parents and brother know that I will be heading back to the room to get some rest for tonight’s activities.



With Frank gone I think a good message and a steam would do me a load of good. I head over to the spa. The first time at a spa it is strange thing but was great to experience that deep tissue massage from that Swedish goddess. After wards I head over the the steam room and start to nod off when the door opens and in comes Lisa and Sam. As I look over at the door and see who it is I get up and shake Sam’s hand and hug Lisa asking what brought them here for a steam? Sam mentioned that a message and steam on the first day to get us into the vacation mode. I know just how you feel after that message and setting in here I feel like a whole new person.

While just sitting here think of what has happened and checking out Lisa, my dick starts to rise and pokes its head right out from under the tower I am wearing. Lisa see this and comes over drops her towel and ask if she could go on a long ride with me. I am looking and a very bald sweaty pussy and just say sure. Untying my towel exposing my hard dick, Lisa turns around back over my cock and just slowly sits down enveloping my whole dick in one motion. With both of us just sweating up a storm in the steam room it was so easy interning her. There we are Lisa on my lap in a reverse position, Sam across watching her slowly going up and down my dick. Lisa keeps going on about how good my cock is, going so much deeper than he can and me sitting there softly messaging Lisa’s tits and playing with her nipples just enjoying the moment. After about five minutes or so Lisa turns around lowering herself once more, placing her right nipple into my mouth asking me to suck it. I have a question Lisa says. Sure what’s your question? How did you two boys able to last and how old are you. Well for the first question I can’t true say as Sam may not like the answer. As for the second I am 15 years old. I hope that does not bother you Lisa? Oohhh no it does not as long as you and your brother can hold up under my sexual aggressiveness. That will not be to hard for me to handle. We stayed there for another hour Lisa turn around ever so often showing Sam her ass or pussy. Neither of us came that time, we just enjoyed the sensation of the slow fuck that Lisa was keeping.

After the message and long steam I headed back to my room to rest it just felt good. When I entered I see my mom sucking Frank’s dick while he seems to be sleeping. I nod my head and get undress whispering to her that I was going to take a nap before dinner and will see her than. I don’t know if my mother sucked me off too as soon as I hit the bed I was out. I must of slept all day as Frank is shaking me to get up and get ready for dinner. Reluctantly I get up and get ready. Shower, shave, shit and I am all ready for dinner.

Frank and I head downstairs do the dinning room where we meet up with our parents. As anyone that has been on a cruise will let you know that you don’t eat alone. The table will normally sit 8 to 10 people and tonight was no exception. Across from us sat two woman mid thirties fair looking office types to place their looks, nicely dressed and the other two were none other than Sam and Lisa. It turns out that the two ladies were Lisa’s daughters Joann 5’5”, blond hair, good figure and nice tits and her sister Jackie was the same but had red auburn hair and was an inch taller as she like to say bigger sis, from an earlier marriage and the girls have never been on a cruise before. Well Frank and I have that in common with the girl away. As the dinner went so well my father asked if they would like to join us for some more drinks and dancing. They all agreed. Frank and I escort the sisters as the our parents lead the way. We must have danced for nearly two hours straight, but it was fun. Both the sisters did not mind one bit that Frank and I were playing grab ass with them all night, Joann mentioned she was married but that her husband did not want to come on the cruise and her sister was currently engaged to a older fella she met last year, but he too could not come with her as well and that they were sharing a cabin here Their mother’s room on the top floor. It was 1am as we escorted the ladies back to their cabin. Jackie opens the their door and Frank being the kid flys inside to see what their room was like. Well it was much larger than our for sure each had their own bedroom and well as a balcony leading from the living room and a hot tub even I could not believe it to be there. I removed my jacket and started the hot tub while Frank was checking out the suite. After starting the hot tub seeing it going I turn around and both girl are standing there in their undergarments smiling, just as I turned and saw them Frank comes bursting out from one of the bedroom yelling Billy you should... stopping in his tracks drinking in the same sight I am. Joann wearing a matching pair of red silk panties and bra and Jackie is wearing a black set. I walk over to Jackie grab her and give her a long hard kiss as I am grabbing her pussy like a hungry animal. I break the kiss turn Jackie around bending her over the couch, pull her panties down and just shove my tongue deep into her wet pussy. Jackie going with the flow moans and tells me she need more, please use me tonight I need this so badly you just don’t know. I take a quick look to my left and I see my Brother has Joann in the same position bent over eating her out from behind finger fucking her, and Joann moaning like some little school girl being eaten for the first time. Frank and I were moving as one after making sure the girls came at least twice we stand up behind them pull them up, turn them around and push down on their shoulder letting them know that we will have our turn getting our cocks sucked. Jackie had no problem with this but Joann was a little slower, Frank seeing unzipped his pants pulling his semi hard dick our, than gathering Joann’s hair gentle up into a bun he slowly pulls her head forward. She see no way out other than to open her mouth and receive Frank’s dick. Frank takes it easy on her just holding her head while he moves in and out of her mouth with his very hard cock, meanwhile Jackie is deep throating my dick lick it was nothing, she was almost as good as her mother is. While I shoot my first load down Jackie’s throat, Frank is titty fucking Joann. She is screaming at Frank to fuck her titties like some street whore just picked up and taken back to his place. Frank catching on that this married lady what’s to roll play the street whore and goes all in, switching from a building lover to a street pimp. Ohh your my bottom bitch for the night Joann is that right? Slapping her face a little to get her blood flowing some. As this starts to unfold my a Jackie move over to the hot tub undress the rest of the way and get in with our champagne glasses. Seating back with Jackie in my arms I lean over to her telling her to watch the show on how well Frank is going to fuck her sister. Standing up Frank grabs Joann by the throat and lifts her up hard giving her a slight squeeze telling her she was his bottom bitch and that Jackie is going to be the top bitch tonight and what we three want from you is nothing more then her complete obedience, failing that you will be punished every time. Do you understand slut he says, Joann just nods her head. Good as Frank lowers her back down he starts yelling at her to get on her knees and properly this time suck his cock. Joann is still slow in her actions as things develop much to quickly for her, this seemingly being her first time roll playing. So Frank grabs the back of Joann’s head and pushes his dick to the back of her throat, she’s gagging and drooling as Frank starts to face fuck Joann. Mean while Jackie starts to play with herself watching her sister get used like a cheap whore. Jackie whispers to me, I thought she was always frigid in her sex life, she never really talked about it sex and when something did happen she would go on like it was the best thing, and that only happen a few times. That’s it Joann fuck my dick with your whore mouth, learn to take my whole dick in that small mouth of yours. I am going to cum in your mouth my married little slut, I am thinking of what a loser your husband is as I shoot my load into your mouth Joann, did you know that slut? Here it comes be ready I don’t want you wasting my sperm now, do you hear me Joann my married little slut. I whisper to Jackie letting her know that my brother enjoys married women a little more than single ones, he finds them to be more sluttier somehow. There he goes shooting his first load down her throat as he is doing that I get out and move over to where they are as his last shot is about to come out he pulls his dick out and shoots it onto Joann’s face. Letting her know that it was his way of marking her for the night and to leave it there on her forehead. Looking up at the two of us I tag Frank out and say it is my turn now with your street whore. Saying I have not had a married slut before and I say Frank you are right they do seem to be sluttier than others. With out warning I shovel my dick right into Joann’s mouth. Her makeup is all smeared, running down her face, drool and cum coming from her mouth as I start fucking her. That’s it slut, take another cock into that little slut mouth of yours. After getting hard again I lift Joann up above my waist and lower her down onto my cock just as easily as cutting butter with a hot knife, my dick slides right up Joann’s pussy. I bounce her like a rag doll. Letting everyone in the room what a slut and cum whore she is. Joann on her part was moaning and asking for more and harder fucking telling us what a bottom whore she really is. I carry her over to the table where there are two fruit baskets sitting, pushing those off the table I lay her down, bring her ankles up to my head and just fuck Joann like she was a two dollar white we picked up from the streets. After five minutes of just hard pounding in Joann’s pussy I lift her once again and lay her on the floor, I pull out and flip her over and grab her waist bring Joann into the doggy position. Sliding my dick back in her dripping cunt I yell at Jackie to get over here and lay in front of her sister. I have not see a woman move so quickly, Jackie naked positioning herself in front of her sister spreading her legs wide and grabbing her pussy lips opening up to Joann. Once that happened I push Joann’s head forward screaming at her to get down there and eat your sister’s pussy like the married whore you are. It did not take all that much pressure to push her down in fact I think so always looking at that pussy and a evening meal. Joann just went to town lick and sucking Jackie’s pussy another coup,e of minutes of that action I was on the verge of shooting my second load. Frank I yell out are you ready to take over here? Without a moments hesitation Frank was standing right there as I pulled my dick out and went over to stand over Jackie’s face and cum started pouring out first hitting her face than I moved down covering her tits and finally finishing shooting my cum on the back of Joann’s head. While I was cumming over the girls Frank moved back into Joann’s pussy and was fucking her pretty good when I told him that his married slut he was fucking needs her ass licked so we can fuck it some. He slaps Joann’s ass tell her to turn around at which time I am telling Jackie to lick her sister’s asshole to get it ready for Frank and I to fuck. Jackie just smiles up at me as Joann’s leg comes over her head and Joann lowers her pussy and ass down on Jackie’s mouth. No ore more than a few minutes of watching these two girl lick and suck each other Frank moves behind Joana and kneeling over Jackie’s face he tell Jackie to enjoy the show and to lick his balls while he fucks Joann’s ass. I step in front of Joann and I lay down with my cock in front of Jackie’s pussy. Telling Joann to suck my pussy drenched duck and to shove into Jackie’s pussy in between licks. I was in heaven laying there, Joann sucking my cock and putting into her sister’s pussy. And when my dick was inside Jackie she would rock back and forth, it was not and hard pounding kind of fuck so I lasted for some time. Frank on the other hand was going to town on Joann’s ass and after about four or five minutes he came hard inside her ass and when he was finished he just pointed his dick down to Jackie telling her to clean his cock. I am thinking that well shit I thought Joann was going to be the bottom bitch tonight. After about fifteen minutes or so Joann gets up heads over to the hot tub with Frank and gets in. Frank have it her there just starts to finger fuck her without any word or even an asking do you care I finger fuck you. He just started and she just excepted that Frank was going to do to her what he was going to do. I flip Jackie over into the dogging position and just shove my cock right down her wet sloppy pussy from all that slow fucking we had been doing. She starts creaming out how fucking great it feel to have a real mans cock in her again. I don’t last to long as I am about to come hard inside Jackie’s pussy I feel her muscle contract and squeeze my dick like a vice. Having that feeling just put me over the edge and I unload my cum right down into Jackie’s pussy. Once I finish I collapse down on her back as she falls to to the floor giggling and happy as any girl that has been truly fucked well. At was almost five I. The morning when we headed back to our room. We told the ladies if they needed another round of hard fucking to let us know that we would be more than happen to fuck the both of them again. I turn to Frank and ask out loud are all cruises like this?

End of day 1

Cruise Day Five


Tomorrow Carol and I will be taking our sons to a nudist beach that we came to last year. I hope they don’t freak out to much or go all shy on us as I hope to get to watch them fuck Carol for the first time. After talking with Carol after dinner she mentioned that the boys should be real comfortable with the nude beach as her reports of giving them blow joys during this trip has revealed that the boys are already having sex with at least four different women. That’s how many different women she has tasted so far according to her. Carol thinks that three of them maybe Lisa and Sam’s daughters as she has seen a change in both women after that first night we all went dancing and the boys did say they escorted them back to their cabin like young gentlemen so they. Seeing how they have treated their mother during the time she is giving them blow jobs I see no reason they could not, not be fucking them like there is no tomorrow. Well everything is set, Carol has told them what to pack for the day trip and to be ready early, as we will only have time to eat a lite breakfast and then leave the ship for the day. Just thinking about watching my wife tomorrow on the beach where we fucked last year tucked away from the others on the beach, a perfect place for their mother to take them and offer them her pussy for the first time and I can lay there and watch just a short distance with binoculars for anything closeup that is. My wife coming in from the boys room down the hall wearing just her bathrobe and she is missing her panties that she had on. Also no bra this time wanted to see if the boys would play some with her is she showed her tits more. Well Carol are the boys ready for tomorrow and better yet did they play with your tits any?



Oh man this cruise has awaken Doug. Just like we were a few years ago and now I get to play again with other cocks. I can’t help but be giddy thinking how much I like sucking on my sons dicks every chance I get and those times Doug asks me to. Like tonight when he told me to let the boys play with my tits if they wanted to. He just wanted to give them a taste of what is to come I guess. So as I went over it Frank and William’s room to see if they are back from working out at the ship’s gym. Seeing we are leaving early for a first day trip tomorrow the boys wanted to make sure they got their daily workout done so they mentioned that they should be back in their cabin by 11 tonight and seeing it is 15 minutes past they should be back, I hope. I knocked on their door and wait really no longer than a few second when the door flew open and I was quickly dragged into the cabin by Frank. Man has he develop some muscles over the last month or so ever since he has been working out with William over at their new friend’s house. I can’t deny that Frank has my pussy wet just looking at him these days and I would just bet that his dick has grown some in this last month too. Well I am there standing in my bathrobe loosen up some by Frank pulling me into the room like he did, so I figure why fix it and let him have a good look while I tell him about tomorrows day trip. He stands there too with a big smile on his face wearing just a towel as he just got out of the shower were William is now after their workout. As I am talking with Frank he guides me over to one of the beds and just opens up my robe and starts pinching my nipples. It is one of a few of my weaknesses when it comes to foreplay. I collapse down onto the bad and close my eyes for just a second enjoying Frank playing with my tits, rough just like I like it fast and hard. Not all the time, but when the timing is just so, like right now it is one hell of a body pleaser. Sitting there enjoying Frank’s treatment of my body I go into a day dream state telling him how much I am like him playing with my tits and just as I finish my statement the shower had turned off and William came out of the bathroom not wearing anything. Looking back at Frank he removed his towel and was grabbing the back of my head, bring it down to his cock for me to suck on. Well that was one of the reason I was here was to blow both of my sons dicks and tell my husband all about it later when I get back to our suite. Going balls deep on Frank’s cock William comes over to me and starts playing with my tits, Frank tells him pinch moms nipples hard she likes that most I have found. William really gets into rough play now tells me what a mommy slut I am for sucking Frank’s dick and letting them feel me up like some cheap whore. Listening to William tell me these things and Frank’s dick in my mouth I can only squirm and moan as my pussy gets so wet. After a few minutes of sucking Frank’s dick the boys pull me up on my feet, rip my bathrobe off and the both of them grab my panties and just rip them off me like it was rice paper. I scream at them for doing that, but all they do is push me back on to the bed, so there I am laying flat on my back legs open, feet on the rug and William crawling up to my head with his 7 1/2” cock swinging between his legs. He straddles my face, points his cock down to my mouth and tells me to just open up so he can get his dick sucked too. Me being the mommy slut that I am, I just open up and close my eyes knowing the pleasure my boy is about to give me. Just when William lowers his cock into my mouth Frank gets down between my legs and starts licking my pussy like some expert pussy licker. I have never felt anything like it. Those women whoever they are have been training my boy right and quick too. Screaming and moaning as much as I can with William’s dick down my throat, It was not to long when Frank starts fingering his mom’s pussy, just working me that way I have the best orgasm I have had in my life. My boys are using me for their own pleasure as well as getting me off too I just love them with all my heart. That is one reason I love them so much as my pussy continue to squirt mommy juices out onto Frank’s mouth and hands. The boys change places like they have practice this move many times. When and how did they get so well in doing these moves. I was at a loss for a minute as Frank puts his dick into my mouth telling my in a conversational kind of way, what a cum hungry mommy slut I have become over these last weeks and that it was time for me and Billy to step up the fun with you mom. Just than William takes his middle finger and inserts it slowly into my ass. My eyes go wide looking up at Frank yelling for them to slowdown. Well as you can imagine it was hard for me to resist them with Frank straddling my head fucking my mouth and William finger fucking my ass hard and fast now just the way I was liking it. Just as I finish cuming for the second time the boys yell, “now mommy is ready” for us. Before I said a word they had me spun around, placed in the doggy position with William in front of me and Frank behind me. They had their timing down to perfection. William really just shoves his cock down my throat and Frank goes balls deep in my very wet, hot needing pussy for the first time and me in the middle for the first time and hopefully not last time, exploding with a sexual high that I have missed for sometime now. The boys just go to town using me like some rag doll they picked up to play with. I moaning and screaming harder and harder. Just as I was cuming for the fourth or fifth time was not sure but just than Frank yells out that he is coming in his mother’s pussy and how great it felt shooting his hot load so deep into me. I scream of fuck Frank your cock is so great you are making me come so much already. When Frank finished and gave William a high five the boys just flipped me around, they have been building those muscle. I now have Frank’s pussy cum covered cock in my face and I feel William entering my now cum filled pussy. Just as William pushes me forward Frank holds his dick up for me to clean as he is telling me to do. Be a good mother and clean my dick that you got all wet, Frank tells me. Well I am a good mother slut and clean his dick like he ask. William is slow fucking me now and slapping and grabbing my ass telling me what a great looking ass I have and that he is thinking that he what’s to fuck me back there tonight. I am so much in heaven right now all I do is moan and hum yes, not really thinking that we are going to be doing all this tomorrow on the beach where their father will get to watch his sons fuck their mother for the first time. Well I guess not for the first time now. I am not sure why but William changed his mind about fucking me in the ass, maybe he is saving it for a later time, so he picks up some speed and fucks his mother like a good whore he says I am.

It only took the boys an hour to fuck me sideways as I leave their cabin I remind them of tomorrow’s activity and with that I close their door smiling like a school girl that just got kissed for the first time.

By the time I get back to the cabin, Doug noticed that my panties are gone when I removed my robe and he has his little cum towel laying on the floor next to the bed, I guess he could not wait to hear about what happened tonight with our sons to excited about tomorrow.



The next morning after fucking our mother very well last night, William and I get ready for this day trip mom and dad have planned for us. We all head down in the elevator to the dinning hall for some quick breakfast and than onto the day’s adventure. As we head further down the beach my dad keeps telling us if you boys are not comfortable with this just say the word and we can head back to the ship. He must have asked us a few more times until we reached the area that is posted. “Please note that you must be at least 15 years old as this area has been designated a clothing optional area”. After reading the sign I look over at William who is just smiling like a kid in a candy store, just thinking of all the women he is going to see. Dad turns to us one final time letting us know that we could turn around if we felt uncomfortable walking around nude. Together me and William tell him no and continue to walk down the beach. I see him shrug his shoulders and walk behind us with mom hand in hand smiling. As we continue down the beach all we really see is older folk mostly out of shape and sorry to see sagging tits on most of the women. As we turn a bend on the beach dad drops his bag and starts to get undress. Seeing this William and I follow suit and take off our shorts and tee shirts. We are sporting good looking hard on watching our mother strip out of her small bikini. She was by far the best looking thing around and we let her know it to. Nice bode mom I can see you have really been working out a lot, what a great ass you have, if I was not your son I would be all over you regardless if you were married or not. Dad gives his little cough saying I might be stepping over some line with mom, but we both know mom loves the attention as we can see her blush little with giving her a few long stares at her tits and ass. Dad mentions a small hide away over on the next section where the sand dunes are high enough to close us off and still view the beach. Great dad lead the way, five minute down the beach we arrive and layout the blankets, towels and my brother and I set down the cooler mom packed for this trip. William and I head out to scope the area for babes and to get wet in the bay’s waters. So it was maybe an hour after seeing no one under 60 and checking out the water we head back where mom and dad were. When we get back mom tells us that our dad had to go back to the ship to do some work his boss had called not ten minutes ago asking if he could. John dad’s boss was so sorry for interrupting our vacation that he told your dad that we could extend it another week and stay at the last island and fly home first class if we wanted too. I look over at William and know this must be the time and just agree sure mom that sounds ok with me and Billy quickly agrees too with the extra days. It would mean that we would get back just when school is about to start and what better way to end summer vacation then to stay at a 5 star hotel and fly home first class.

After about 30 minutes or so I spot my dad hiding behind a sand dune looking at us wounding I guess when we are going to put the moves on mom. I lean over to Billy and whisper letting him know dad was at our 3 o’clock looking for us to do something with mom. Billy looks at mom and says well I am getting hungry for her pussy and just rolls over and lays between moms legs. Billy say to mom open your legs slut I need to eat, he says this loudly so even our dad could hear him. Well mom just smiles and opens her legs, showing us that great looking bald pussy we liked so much last night. I move over and start playing with her sore breast as I can see some bruises forming from our rough handling of them last night. I say do your tits hurt much mom from us playing so hard with them last night. I speak just as loud as Billy we want to let dad hear what we are saying. It is not to loud to be obvious, but loud enough I think for him to hear. You like sucking your son’s cock, don’t you our little mommy slut. Just than I slap her right tit making her moan with some of the pain/pleasure she receives from such spankings. I know you enjoyed our dicks last night fucking you like some street whore. How many times did you cum mommy slut? She has her eyes closed moaning and screaming telling us how good William is at licking and sucking her pussy. I also notice she was speaking in the same volume as we are making sure her husband could hear everything she says as well. I tell mom to get into that position Billy and I like so much form last night suck my cock like a good cum whore you know you are. She wasted no time in getting into the doggy position and lowered her wet mouth right down my hard dick. Billy slaps mom’s ass hard letting her know that she was his bitch for the day and will be treating her like one. He waste no time either and just starts fucking mom like some little poodle and he some great dane. Grabbing her waist he just pounds away telling her what a slut she is and if only dad could she her now getting fuck hard by her son. I get up onto my knees and grab mom’s head and just begin to fuck mom’s mouth like I have done a dozen times already in my room, but this time I start in on her being just a slut and that dad should not get anymore of your mouth action only your sons should have that pleasure of fucking your mouth like we do back home. Maybe we should start fucking this slut behind dads back more often I tell Billy. Mom continues to moan and groan, shakes when she cums.

We most have fucked mom in so many position in the four hours we spent on the beach with her. I am not sure how many time dad got off watching us, but one couple in their sixties stood by and watched as are mother was split roasted between us. I even let the lady clean me after coming inside my mother for the second time that day and she did Billy’s dick too did not want to play favorites. Her husband just stood there watching as his wife sucked us off. We offered to fuck her but they said they needed to get back to their ship as it will be heading out I an hour. We never did see them again, but what a memory.

As we were packing up dad shows up letting us know he finished his work early and seeing we had not checked back in with the ship he headed back here to see if we were still here. We let hi. Know that we were a little worn out with playing in the water that we just started to pack up and head back. With no grumbling from dad really he just was smiling the whole time as we headed back, dad asked us a few times if we enjoyed this type of beach or not. We told him straight up if mom was not here we think that we would not have stayed very long. Mom tooookkkk great care of us to be sure. Dad, did she now, how so? How so what I said to dad. How did your mother take so great care you boys for four hours while I was gone. I stop turn around seeing him hold mom’s hand and carrying their beach bag I walk back two steps to them and grab mom my her pussy insert my two middle fingers and lift her onto her toes. Looking dad right in his eyes I say well, Billy and I fucked mom’s pussy, her mouth and when we get back to your cabin we are going to fuck her ass tonight while you sit in the corner of the room and watch us use her like the cum slut we both know she is. With that out in the open dad asked how long did we know he was watching. We told him the first time mom sucked our dicks in the kitchen we heard him behind us. And dad from now on, whenever you need to watch mom get fuck hard by us we don’t mind you watching. In fact tonight we were planning on having Lisa, Sam’s wife come to our cabin and fuck mom with a strap on. Do you think you are up for some female on female hard fucking? Dad said yes of course he would be there and ask if Sam would be there as well. No, not this time it was something Lisa wanted to do with mom alone.

When we arrived back at the ship we headed to our cabin for some well needed rest as we knew we were going to need it for tonight’s fuck session with Lisa and mom with now dad watching. Mom had just one questioned before when split up. How many women are you two boys fucking on the ship? My answer was simple with you now allowing us to fuck you mom we have four others. And three of the wait staff we let suck us off after fucking one of the women. It is one of the weirdest thing on this cruise, but they just want that from us so we provide it for them.



I can’t believe the boys played me all this time. Watching my sons fuck Carol today and then handle that other lady, tells me that they have been trained by someone, but who? I know Carol hasn’t as she would have told me. Their new mystery friend that has them working out and getting into shape. I need to asked them about that soon. Right now I need to get some rest for tonight’s activity will be taxing as I can feel that age is not helping me and I won’t be able to enjoy these days again.

Looking across the dinning table at Lisa thinking of her being fucked by Carol. The why she is dressed now is something and seeing Frank there what a lucky guy he is at his age and having to enjoy that body of hers. The dress she is wearing allows her to show off a lot of those breast of hers and that figure of hers is just keeping my dick hard all through dinner. Seeing Lisa as well as the boys playing with Carol under the table watching her trying to control her orgasms while eating dinner was kind of funny really. After dinner we all headed to the movie theater for the showing of the French Connection a classic movie. Once there in the empty theater except a black woman sitting in the middle. Us grownups headed to the last row while the boys headed over to the lady, who I might say looked pretty good from where I stand, good figure, nice size tits and if she stood up her ass would be just right to be fucked hard. As the movie began my eyes shifted lower to where my boys were beginning to entertain the black lady as if they knew her already. Not two minutes into the movie I see her get up and kneel in front of Frank and started sucking he dick right there in front of all us. Watching her go down on Frank got my dick going and looking over at the others, I see that they too are watching Frank and the lady. William was leaning over and you could tell he was playing and pinching her tits as she was moaning louder and louder as the action started to heat up. Soon she moved over to William and began to suck he cock just as well as she did Frank’s, also giving us the impression that she was familiar with those two boys and their cocks. Watching Frank get behind her, lifting her dress he just shoves his dick into her without any prep of her pussy. Watching her just get impaled by Frank’s dick she yell out yes of fuck yes Frank just fuck this black married whore like by husband never could. Hearing that I pull my cock out and ask Lisa if she could suck my cock while I watch my boys fuck that lady down there. Without thought she gets up and kneels in front of me and inhales my dick on the first go. I look over to me right Sam has Carol in his lap and fucking her in the ass while finger fucker her pussy with one hand and playing with her tits with the other. What a sight, my boys fucking a good looking lady, my wife being fucked next to me and my cock getting one of the best blow jobs I have had in a while. This is one that I have not had to train first, Lisa sure knows her way around a good size cock. As the boys continue to take care of that woman I get Lisa kneeling I front of Carol and Sam and let her lick her pussy and his dick while they fuck. I get behind her, inserting my dick into her hot box pussy and what surprised me was just how tight and control she was with her pussy muscles. I could not control myself and just went balls deep, fucking her like some little school boy on his first date. No holds barred and pounded her pussy for 10 minutes just as I start cuming in Lisa pussy I could hear my wife screaming yes I am cuming hard Sam, Sam grunting and cuming too. Then the lady the boys were hard fucking started freaking out with her hard orgasms one after the other she yell out fuck me William keep fucking me just like that ooohhhh fuckkk mmmeeee. I pull my drained dick out of Lisa’s fill cunt I looked over at the boys as they were standing over the black girl and shot their strong load all over her face and tits to be honest their loads were some largest ones that I have seen in a long time. Also knowing they fucked their mother all day to I really was surprised. Now this was not the evening I was expecting, but life is like that, you just have to live it as it unfolds.

Once we got dressed we headed out, I asked Frank who the lady was, he said her name is Jasmine and the she is here with her husband, but he only likes to gambling at the tables and she comes here to watch a movie. I give my sons a high-five and smile as we head to our cabins for the night

School Starts


School starts next week, but cheerleading tryouts are tomorrow. I am so nervous as this will be the first sport I have tried out for, but everyone says I am ready. Sharon has helped a lot as we found out the first day back from the cruise that she is going to be teaching at our school this fall. 10th grade English and coaching the cheerleader leading squad. It’s going to be her, Jennifer and one other that I don’t know judging us to see who will be on the squad. Mr. Johnson has me and my brother Billy in top shape in just a couple of months, with all the running, weightlifting and fucking we’re as ready as we are going to be. Billy is already on the football team and has been at practice since we got back, he’s second string quarterback which is great for a sophomore and the coach is impressed with his weight gain and bodybuilding skills. As he has asked him to work with some of the others on the team in their training program.

As mom rides my cock in the reverse cowgirl position with my father sitting across the room watching his wife ride his son’s large and thick almost 8” dick and yelling O fuck I am cuming dear, I’m cuming, keep fucking me son, harder. I sit up pushing mom forward in to the doggy position, I start jackhammering mom as I am so caught up thinking about the tryouts all excited and shit. I see and hear my dad in the corner of my eye, stroking his dick wanting to cum with mom. He’s streaming keep fucking mom son! That’s it pound mom’s pussy hard, you know she loves it when she can’t walk the next day. Pound her harder and harder. That is all my dad could say at the end as he came in his cum towel eyes focus all on mom and her orgasm. It is hard to believe that dad is a master over some women and likes this type of sex? Mom collapsed sweating like a cheap whore that needs to be in better shape if she wants me to keep fucking her I say laughing. We all start laughing as mom is in great shape. She already fucked Billy for over an hour earlier. Falling asleep was easy now that mom relieved me of some stress.

Dreaming I am out on the field about to give my very first routine and it starts pouring down raining. My too tight white shorts become see through and when I look down at my dick, there is nothing there. I reach for my chest and little titties start growing. The coaches and everyone on the field start pointing and laughing at me for trying out for a girls sports activity. I cover my eyes and start cry like a little bitch all the while running away, as I approach the car reaching out trying to grab the handle I can seem to get to it. Just then, I wake up sweating and quickly pull the covers off and check to see my dick is still there. Relieved that I am still a boy, I get up and head to go pee. I see by the clock on my dresser it’s 6am in the morning already. I grab a towel for a shower and to get ready for the tryouts in two hours.

In my shorts, muscle shirt to show off my new arms as Sharon puts it and a good pair of sneakers she told me to get, I’m on the way to the field, I asked mom to sit in the back seat and blow me while dad drives us all to tryouts. I just wanted to be as relaxed and focused as I could be when we arrive is all I said to dad for having mom suck on my cock on the way to the field. Mom just finished swallowing my last shot of cum as we pulled into the school parking lot right next to Sharon’s car. Sitting there in the back seat for a few as mom and dad exit the car, Billy giving my last minute in couragement and saying you got this stop being such a nervous girl. As my dick is getting back to normal we all head over to the field where the tryouts are being held. It is a good day unlike my nightmare, no clouds a slight breeze and just a bunch of girls stretching out waiting for their turn. I approach the coaches table and place my name on the list of people trying out today. I was nervous as I signed my name, the field got really quite as there was no other boys there looking to make the squad. The whispering started just then, is he gay? Is he going to take a girls spot? Will there be new routines if he gets on the squad? Does he even know how to cheer? Are the coaches really going to let a boy try out? I heard it all as I sat there stretching out, twenty girls I counted, mostly moms there watching their daughters try out, some sisters as well I guess. I was the only person with a father and brother up in the stands observing the tryouts, along with mom of course. I say if I did not change a few colors red this day I don’t know when I would have. I was so nervous and excited I almost did not hear my name being called. Normally most of the time the girls will tryout and leave, it’s seeing a boy/this boy here, everyone wanted to stay and watch. My name is called again, I get up heading to the table and the field of people all stop what they are going, turn watch to see me do my routine. Presenting my permission slip for this sport’s tryout and go straight into my routine with three backflips from the table into a split and than into a two handed headstand. Pushing off, I going into some cheers with head kicks, cartwheels, too free standing flips. As I finish up my 2 minute routine the field was as quite as it could be, until I heard Billy from the stands yell and cheering on what a prefect cheer I did for the tryouts, a few seconds laters others joined him in clapping, yelling what a great routine it was. I saw some of the moms were not so happy and they still were not sure if me being there will cost their daughter to not make the team. I look over at the coaches table and see Jennifer and Sharon with a third lady that I did not know yet all smiles and clapping. When the last couple of girls finished their tryouts, the coaches let everyone that was still there that they will be calling to let them know one way or the other if they made the team and if Frank is going to be on the team or not that they will not cut out a position for him but to make him an addition to the squad. Some of the girls came up to me and hugged me letting me know I did great for the first time, it seems Billy was letting everyone know that this was my first sports tryout and that I was so nervous and a couple of the girls wanted to know where I learned my routine from. Sharon told me not to let on that we knew each other until after the tryouts were over and the team members picked. So I just let them know I lady friend of mine showed me some of it and I put the rest together watching the cheerleading squad from last year at the sporting events. No one remembered me from last year as what they see in front of them today. Who remembers the skinny, geeky freshman. Most remember Billy thou as he was on the football team as a freshman was really rare to see. The family and I went out for pizza after the tryouts and ran into a few of the other girls that tried out. Even with all the training Mr. Johnson I still seem to get a little nervous around girls my own age, but at least I can speak with some clarity and the girls eat it up as it is refreshing that a boy can actually hold a conversation with a girl his own age one cute girl remarks. I must say being on this side of the fence is a hell of a lot better than being a geeky kid, shy and awkward around the opposite sex and laugh at my own statement of truth.

I am thinking as I sit around a table with family and some new friends that I am going to try and see if I can’t help some of those geeky kids at school as Mr. Johnson has done for me. In the mean time there is still a week left before school starts and I have just gained a few more female friendships that I just might have to explore more, like that new Chinese girl that tried out today, she was really cute. Her body type is way different then what Billy and I have had this summer, but her tight small ass in her outfit today, those legs of hers and that smile she gave off today was infectious. I just have to get to know her on my own without Billy this time. As she was not with the others girls at the pizza parlor, I generally asked about her and found only that she was new and no one had any info really. So, I am going to have to wait until school starts and hope no other guy is dating her yet, not that will mean much, but for some reason I would like to have a normal relationship with her I’m guessing.



I just got a texted from Mrs. Wilson asking if me and Frank were not to busy tonight if we would not mind coming over and fucking her brains out as it has been a while now. I do like her, but I was thinking about what Frank mentioned to me the day after his tryouts that he wanted to help others that were like he was at the beginning of the summer. There was our friend Josh he is in that boat of, skinny, and geeky people, but with a hot mother and head cheerleader sister. I will never understand that dynamic or how it came to be. Frank and I both know Josh has a thing for his mother and sister of course, who doesn’t. He talks about it all the time, boy I wish mom would just drop down to her knees one day and suck my dick, or my sister Jen he would say. I know Frank was going to be with Sharon and Jennifer at Sharon’s house to discuss cheerleading stuff seeing how he made the squad as well as a girl he has some crush on. So I called Josh on his cell to see if we could meet up and talk seeing as I have not seen him all summer, wanted to catch up before school started. He agreed, but could not stay too long he was going to spend the night over at Johnny’s house and watch his mother. Why are you watching Johnny’s mother I had to ask. I will tell you all about it when we meet up at the sub shop for lunch. I text Mrs. Miller that I will let her know something soon about coming over tonight.

12:30 right on time as I look up in walks Josh no real change still skinny and geeky as he walks by not seeing me with all my changes over the summer, nicer clothes, hair cut manners. I grab his arm asking were he was going. He could not believe it was me at first, nicely dressed clean shaven and some decent muscles. He just sat down staring at me with his mouth open and just asked how? You remember that old guy on the porch at the beginning of summer? Josh nods his head yes. Well he was not lying about all the things he said about woman and dressing and speaking. It was all true, I cannot tell you the number of women I have been fucking this summer and Frank too he has been with me the whole summer, getting lessons from Mr. Johnson. That is what brings me here today, will what Frank talked about yesterday about paying it forward. What Josh ask? About taking some geeky guy like you and Johnny, I assume he is still the same? Well what if I told you that I will help you get as many girls/women as you and Johnny could handle. How. Is all he said. I tell him fist tell me about Johnny’s mother and why you two are watching her? Well, it all started about 6 weeks ago, she started wearing yoga pants, working out, getting into shape, wearing a two piece bikini and laying out getting a suntan. Her bikini is the tiniest one he has ever seen on a woman Josh says all excited, shaking some with just the thought of Johnny’s mom in a bikini. G-string bottoms with two small triangles covering her nipples is how Josh discreet the outfit she wears when she lays out. Her husband is not too happy about her changes, but we see him looking none the less while Mrs. Smith is sunbathing. Josh mentions that he is suppose to be there now as she is laying out today from 1 to 3 than she changes into one of her yoga outfits and you know what? What I ask. She does not wear a bra or panties that we can tell when she is in those outfits. They are so skin tight and when she bends over it stretches the material enough to make it see through and we do see a lot, mostly her pussy lips if she bends over while we are looking at her ass. I am thinking to myself now hearing Josh make these statements. It was about 6 six or so ago when Frank and I told her how to dress and to get herself back into shape by working out. I bet with all the flirting she has been doing to her son and Josh and they not doing anything about it whether or not if the boys were gay. If they did not get the hints Johnny’s mom was doing, that she was showing them how much of a mommy slut that she is, well this is it then, I am going to get them laid by Mrs. smith the church whore and lead slut. Josh you think I could tag along with you and see how Johnny’s mom is acting? I am sure it’s no problem I can just call Johnny and ask. After talking with a Johnny and telling him about my transformation, he agreed as long as I help him too with the ladies.

I text Mrs. Miller to let her know I will not be able to attend tonight, but that I will meet her in the park tomorrow morning at 7 to fuck her long and hard to make it up to her.

Josh and I arrive just after 1:30 at Johnny’s house. Josh ring the doorbell and a minute or so later Johnny opens the door greeting us tell us to hurry and to follow him upstairs. I notice right off he is sporting a hard on. We arrive at his room going in, he closes the door behind us locking it. You see his dad is in his office on the second floor just down the hall and we need to be quite as well while he works on his sermon for Sunday. Johnny waves us over to a window which looks out onto his back yard and when I do I see Mrs. Smith laying there having on what Josh described earlier, g-string bottom and a small top. Looking at her for the first time in almost a month now, before the cruise and having to practice since I got back from the cruise, me and Frank have not had the time to use Mrs. Smith like we did before. I wonder if she has found another fuck buddy or two. Johnny I ask, has your mom changed her routine any other than working out and her clothes I mean? No he says, just the church and home. Anything at night, any strange noises from your parents room? A few times I heard them fucking if that is what you mean, but it has been over a week sense the last time I heard them. Johnny what do you say we turn your mom into our little church cum slut? Johnny said you do know that is the preacher’s wife and my mom we are talking about turning into our cum slut, right. Yes is all I said and Johnny’s response was. How. That was all I needed, with his father on the second floor we are going to be somewhat quiet. Ok, you two will follow my lead, where is the suntan lotion Johnny? The only bottle we have is by my mother, outside. Good, now you two do not say a word, do not speak, nothing, do you understand? Nods from these two and we head downstairs. Before we go outside I turn and telling them that we are going to message the suntan lotion into Mrs. Smith’s back and legs. Johnny you take your mom’s legs and Josh her right side, I will take her left. Now remember not a word.

We exit the back door and head straight over to where Mrs. Smith is laying out, I pick up the suntan lotion off the table on the way and squeeze some into Johnny and Josh’s hands. Adding some to mine we all knee next to her and begin the message. I tell the boys nice and soft were not here to bruise Mrs. Smith. All she did was to moan some as we get into the message. Johnny with his hands shaking started with her feet and was working his way up. Josh just finished with her shoulder and was heading down too quickly to her ass, I shake my head and mouthed slow down, he see me and slows down and start to copy my movements. Midway down Mrs. Smith back I begin to message the side of her tit some letting her know we plan on more with her. She gives us a sign by lifting some and allowing me and Josh to grab a good handful of tit. She yelps some as Josh pinched a little hard. After a few seconds of messaging her titties we continue down her back at the same time Johnny was approaching from her thighs, I direct Johnny by pointing to her left ass cheek and Josh to her right. That left me with the middle. While they are messaging her ass nice and softly I pull her g-string to the side a little and play with her asshole. Johnny shocked by seeing his mother’s ass up close for the first time, he quickly notices her not protesting me as I play with her ass. Slowly I lower my hand to her pussy and slide two fingers right into her wet not so used pussy. Johnny seems to be on the verge of shooting his load so I grab his hand and replace it where mine was. I see Johnny’s face light up as if it were Christmas and he just got the toy he always wanted. I lean back up to Mrs. Smiths head and whisper loud enough for all to hear. You like your son finger fucking you pussy slut. All that Mrs. Smith did was mmmmmm and moan louder. I take Johnny’s hand now and bring it up some so he is fucking his mom’s ass with a very wet finger. I then take one of Josh’s hands and showing him where to enter Mrs Smith’s pussy and have him continue finger fucking Mrs. Smith. It did not take long and the boys where finger fucking Mrs. Smith pussy and ass at the same time. This was driving her crazy, asking the boys to fuck harder and to slap her ass as hard as they could, she was saying how much of a bad mother she was and the she needed to be punished for letting her son and his friends touch her this way. Me, well I was just laying back some watching the boys play with their new toy. Also telling Johnny what a slut his mother is for letting her son and friends play with her this way. You want to suck all our cocks don’t you Mrs. Smith? I ask in a commanding kind of way. Mrs. Smith just mumbles out yes I need dicks to suck on as a bad mother, I need to be used like a cheap whore Johnny. Mrs. Smith asked her son. Johnny can you and your friends please use me as a cheap whore, fuck me and make me suck all your cocks, just like they do in those movies, those porn movies. She continues to beg her son. I tell Johnny to pull his dick out and have his mother suck it, but while she is you need to tell her how much of a mommy slut she is for sucking your cock. And then I tell Josh to fuck this slut’s pussy and tell us how good or bad it is. The boys move quickly, just like me a Frank did that first time with Mrs. Smith. She is a true slut, she gets into the doggy position with Johnny putting his dick into his mom’s mouth as Josh for the first time is going to fuck a girl. Just under a minutes the boys start to cum in her mouth and pussy almost at the same time. Keep going I yell at them as this is just round one, you will get three rounds before this slut is done out here. I slap Johnny’s mother’s ass hard tell her that she needs for these boys to have their fun with her and to make damn sure they cum two more times. All I can see is her melting to the idea of two young boy just fucking her like they mean to do it all day long. Now I am little worried that Johnny’s father might come down and see these two using his wife in an unholy way, so I head over to the door and take a seat where I can see the staircase and also the action the boys are doing to Mrs. Smith. They switch position telling Mrs. Smith what a cum slut mother whore she is and that they plan on using her anytime, ever-place they like. Johnny tells his mother while fucking her mouth, that he would like getting a morning blow jobs from her, just like he dreamed of get these past couple of years. Like the good mommy slut she agrees, just like all good mommy sluts do. It really did not take to long for the boys to fuck her three more times just about an hour and they were both spent. I told them to get dress and have a seat next to me. Then I told Johnny’s mother to get her ass over here to me and do so without her clothes just suck my cock until I say otherwise, I said to Johnny’s mom. It is something that when a person is sure of themselves it project leadership and that most people will do as asked without question I tell the guys for this is lesson one, controlling the scene. As Mrs. Smith is sucking my cock and the boys are in aw of how well I control myself. I tell them to start working out at home with their mother’s, be a team player and do the hard work that is need to be great fuck buddies. Josh speaks up saying his mother nor his sister is going to let them be fuck by him. Let me help you there like I have with Johnny’s mom. That’s it slut you suck my whole cock like a good mommy whore you are, and if you can hear this your son is going to be your new fuck buddy as well Josh, Frank and myself, so no more of your husband fucking you, only your son and his friends get to use you. Yes sir, is all Mrs. Smith could say.

After dinner her husband has some activity he needed to attend too at church and that he well be late. As soon as the door closed the boys took Johnny’s mom upstairs to the bathroom and washed her body and douched her pussy twice. They wanted to learn to eat pussy and they wanted Mrs. Smith to teach them. They did that for nearly two hours, licked and sucked her pussy like it was candy, but they did learn according to Mrs. Smith the finer points of sucking pussy and getting a woman off. For the next hour and half we all plugged each of her wholes as we changed position only a couple of time she must have came a dozen times at least. I lasted until the end of our fuck session, to show the guys that with a lot of ward work that they too could last much long and be able to fuck a woman harder when she says harder and not just shoot your load right out the gate. It was getting late and Johnny’s dad would be home soon so we all got ready for bed.

Me being a early riser this summer I get up about 5am and head to the bathroom for a shower and to get dress for breakfast. As I approach the hall bathroom I see Johnny’s parents room door was open just a crack and that you could hear his dad snoring. I peek in and can see by a night light in the room that Mrs. Smith sleeps without a top on and on her side of the bad faces the door. Her husband is on the other side just snorting away. Seeing Johnny’s mom’s good looking tits and having a piss hard on, I sneak over and stand next to Mrs. Smith face. Their bed was just the right height as all it took was for me to lean just a little over and while grabbing my cock I was able to stroke her mouth with the tip of my dick. She starts to moan some and as I am getting a little more excited I push my cock more and more into Mrs. Smith mouth, before I knew it I had half my dick in her mouth fucking her like no one was watching. She slowly wakes up with my cock in her mouth sucking away like it was a normal everyday thing. So I grab the back of her head and push my cock down her throat and just hold it, I do this four or five time when I just start cuming straight down her throat as I listened to Johnny’s dad snore right next to his wife, she just sucking my cock dry. When I finish I whisper to her that the others will be over in just a minute and to suck them off like the mommy slut she likes to be. Mrs. Smith smile and closes her eyes while I head over to the bathroom across the hall to pee and take a shower. The guys got a morning blow job later after Johnny’s dad left for the day to do some work for the church, building a ramp or something. Seeing the boys now had a real slutty sex teacher and I was hopeful they were going to get in shape that there lives will improve this school year.

I start heading over to the park where I was going to meet up with Josh’s mother for a morning fuck session. She is wild in the morning for some reason. Once I finish fucking Mrs Wilson for the second round of her sucking and fucking her ass I tell her what I have planned in getting her son to fuck her anytime she wants. She tell me while I am fucking her ass for the third time that she was hoping that I could help her son more, but unsure using her for that achievement was a good idea. I told her while giving her a good ass fucking with a few slaps that it will not be him that fucks you, but you will be dictating when and how he fucks you. Knowing you will be fucking him at least 4 times a week and instructing him to be your plaything makes my cock just a little harder. He will be a little submissive boy toy for you to use. Your daughter can help if you need a freak session with him. I know how much you like to be in control and seeing he has been tell Frank and I how much he would like to fuck you and his sister I thought why not let you turn him into a little boy toy for yourself while I may not be around much with football practice and games. She comes hard thinking of ways to use her son as a personal walking talking sex toy. Once done with Mrs. Wilson I head home to see what is happening.



First day of school, mom sucking on my cock just like she has all summer long, just to get me in a good mood this morning, as last night I told mom about a special girl on the squad that I liked and how nervous I have been at practice with her watching and me not able to talk right, when she is around. Even Jennifer noticed how weird I was. Mom could you sit on my cock I would like to ask you something. Sure dear you know how much I like riding your dick, I will let your father know that you needed a little more this morning to get you ready for the first day of school. He will enjoy that I bet. Who asked who first dad or you? Your father did in college, it was so cute and he was nervous too. It was the schools first dance of the season and we were both freshmen. That night we fucked in the backseat of his car all night long. His dick was just the right size for me. I can’t tell you how many times I came that night, but I was not going to let him get away. We dated all through college and found we both were open enough with each other that we brought in others to have sex with too at times. I did enjoy those days so much. You know on our wedding day before the we exchanged vows that your Aunt Peggy fucked me while your dad watched, it drove him crazy not being able to join in. I nearly started laughing when I was walking down the isle and your farther was standing there sporting his hard on. You he never lost it all that day he had that hard on going. If you look closely at our wedding photos you will see him there sporting a hard cock. Ohhh Frank just like you have right now shoved up into pussy, ooohhh ffuuuccckkkkkk son I am coming, I am coming. I grab mom and start pounding away at her pussy and reaching around mom’s back I finger fuck her ass, she always enjoys that when she comes hard like this. It must have been the thought of Aunt Peggy fucking her that day that brought on such good orgasm. We have not seen dad’s sister in almost 10 years now thinking about it, ever since they had that big fight and dad threw Aunt Peggy out the house, saying something about go live with that tramp if that’s what you want. It did not make any sense then, but with mom’s story of their wedding day things did start to clear up some.

Heading out the door we see and a flatbed tow truck pull up. On the back has a brand new red Tesla that Sam and Lisa sent. We could not stay around for it to get unloaded as we needed to catch the bus so mom handled it all with the driver she was a good looking woman to be driving a tow truck. Billy and I just made the bus as it was pulling up as we arrived. Johnny and Josh were sitting in the back talking up a storm about Johnny’s mom and what she has been teaching them. I also notice that they have better clothes on now too, I ask if Johnny’s mom took them shopping and they said yes and Josh’s mother had came along with us Johnny said. It was strange our mother’s taking us shopping together, but you guys would not believe us if we told you. I had to ask. Ok what happened while you guys went shopping? As our mother’s grab some stuff off the rack they dragged us back to the changing rooms. I was with Josh’s mom and Josh was with mine. At first I thought it strange with was I here in the changing booth with Josh’s mom. And then it happened. She went down on me so fast I did not know what to do guy, she had my dick out and was sucking it like we see in a porn movie or online. Man Josh your mom know cock sucking and Then Josh says the same about Johnny’s mother. So I said you two got your dicks wet with the others mom. Not just that we went back to Josh’s house and had a foursome for like 5 hours. Josh’s mom can be a bit bossy, but I did not mind still learning and all. Well it sounds like you two are on your way to being fuck buddies with each of your mother’s. Yes and it is all thanks to William here he started it with coming over and having us fuck Mrs. Smith for like hours that day last week. No problem Billy says glad to help our friends out. Well Johnny is your mom home alone after school today? Yes why? Well I think it’s time she had four dicks fucking her for a couple of hours, seeing she is the closest to school and me and Billy don’t have practice today. Ok we can all meet up by the south end of the field.

We finally arrive for the first day of sophomore school year. As we enter school we head over to the table that has our schedule for the semester and off to home room to wait for more instructions. Our last class of the day me and Billy have science together and as we walk into class it is our teacher from last year. We take our seats and she explains that the sophomore science teacher resigned and a new teacher has yet to be assigned to this class so I will be teaching until the school can hire a new one. She does not know yet that our father has told us all about Mrs. Rodrigues and how submissive she really is. If it were not for Johnny’s mother needing our combined attention this afternoon I would have really enjoyed finding out how well dad taught her.

As I was heading out to meet the guys I run into Mrs. Lee, Susie’s mother the one I have such a huge crush on. She dropped what she was carrying and I go into my most sincere apology and knee down and help her pick up music sheet and books. I have not had the chance until now to check out Mrs. Lee as she is always in the car waiting for her daughter to finish practice. Checking her out she is about 5’ tall slim build nice B cup tits and has a very nice ass just like her daughter’s ass. She is wearing a short one piece blue dress and while bending down to help I get a nice view of her panties, blue matching her dress. She notices me looking and does nothing to change my view of her. As we finish picking up the papers I ask if she was the new music teacher everyone was talking about. The beautiful young Asian girl? Yes I’am the new teacher and was heading to see if anyone was trying out for band practice here. Well let’s go see if anyone shows up. I know I could not join band as I am already on the cheerleading squad, but if you could use an assistant I would like to offer my services. She looks me up and down, checking my package more than once and than brings hers eyes back up saying yes I could use you, I mean an assistant this semester. As we enter the band room we are greeted by a dozen people which includes her daughter who is sitting in first chair for the violin. She sits her violin down and comes straight towards us. I smile, she smiles back and than grabs her mother and drags her over to her desk and whispers what I could not say. After a few minutes of talking she heads back to her seat with a bit of a huff and Mrs. Lee smiling smugly. I see mother won that round and better watch myself as I still seem to like this new girl and her mom.

After band practice is over I help cleaning up and Susie corners me away from the others and her mom. In a harsh whisper she asked why are you hear? What, you think a little Asian woman can’t carry papers to her classroom so she need a big white boy to help her? She cannot do a job without a boy to help her? You white boys are all the same. You see an Asian girl and all you can think of is how cute she is and how I would like to fuck one to see how tight her pussy is and can she really take my 3” dick down her throat. Yeah all white boys have small dicks I know I use to date them and it is why I only now date black guys, normally ones in college where they know a thing or two. My mother and father hate it though, but what are they going to say or do about it. After her harsh words and me not saying a damn word my heart just pounded in y chest and I was in total love with this girl. The one I thought in my young age I would never meet in a million years. She storms out leaving her mother and I alone in the room as the other kids have left. I check my phone really quick and see I had it off. Turning it back on I head over to Mrs. Lee asking her if she needed help with anything else before I left. Just as I get to her my phone starts pinging with new text messages from the guys who I completely forgot about. They have been sending photo pics of Mrs. Smith sucking and fucking them for the last hour. As I view some of them Mrs. Lee is checking them out as well. I notice the first sign of horniness with her licking her lips while seeing Billy’s cock in Mrs. Smith mouth and Johnny fucking his mother’s pussy. I hand Mrs. Lee my phone and tell to look. Smiling she takes the phone and scrolls some, while she is doing that I walk behind her and reach around messaging Mrs. Lee’s tits, reaching down with both hands I lift Susie’s mother’s dress over her great looking ass. Leaning next to her ear I whisper to her, that’s her son fucking her pussy waving at the camera and that is my brother fucking Mrs. Smith’s mouth. She is married to our pastor. He does not have a clue what a slut his wife truly is and we like to keep it that way Mrs. Lee. As she nods her head in agreement to be quite about the preacher’s wife I lower myself down and grab Mrs. Lee’s panties and rip them off her and place those into my pocket. Pushing her over her desk I bury my face and tongue into Mrs. Lee’s pussy and ass. I tongue fuck her until she starts scream out my name Frank that fells great, oh Frank I am cuming so fucking hard. Just as she starts to cum, I rap my mouth air tight around her pussy and suck as hard as I can which as I know from more than one girl that this is one thing no one can do better than me as she shoots into seventh heaven of female orgasms which never fails, she continues to last a good minute or more just cuming as much as she did. When she finally finishes her orgasm(s) and was laying there bent over her desk, ass sticking out, I get up grab my cell phone and leave. As I head out the door I yell across the room, Mrs. Lee I will need your help with something soon and that was just a taste of what I will provide too you if you help me. All she did was nod her head with her eyes closed, smiling.



Day two of school. As my mother is waking me up with her lips rapped around my cock, I smile just thinking of Sam and Lisa on the cruise, they were true to their word. Sending us that Tesla was a big surprise to everyone in the family. My dad did not think Sam would send his boys the car, but he did and now mom gets to drive us to school in it this morning. We still have to wait two months before we can get our permits, until than mom is enjoying our new toy a lot. As I shoot my load in mom’s mouth I ask her about Peggy and if she will come over to see the new car her nephews won.

I know your father has not mentioned her name in years and I am not sure she will want too come over either. Even for you guys. Their fight that night was one of the very worst of all the fights I seen between them. For my sons I will drive over to her place and talk again about coming over and seeing you guys. You both have grown up so much since the last time she saw you. I do miss her a lot and with your father in a really good mood these past weeks it might be a good time for them to reunite as family should never be apart for so long.

After breakfast and the ride to school in the new car, which of course everyone was jealous of us. Giving mom a hug, me and Frank head off to class.

So Frank, Susie’s mother is the new band teacher and you are her student assistant? Yeah I was thinking of enlisting her help in landing her daughter as my steady girlfriend. Seeing she does not like white guys who by her definition have small dicks.

So while we were fucking Mrs. Smith you were eating Mrs. Lee’s pussy yesterday and I take it you did that thing that drives the women nuts.

Yeah and that was all I did too no fucking.

You mean you did not fuck her, you just left her there like that?

Yeah trying something new, seeing if she is a woman in need of a good fuck or just a mom slut. Let me know if you want any help with her, always up for some Chinese food.

I make myself laugh sometimes with stupid statements like that. It’s going to be a long day as both Frank and I have practice after school, first game is in two weeks and there are more new comers this year which means practice is going to be long and hard. I texted my mom just to remind her of our practice end times, so she has some extra time with Aunt Peggy. I wonder if Peggy will fuck mom again after all these years?

Last class of the day with our good looking science teacher Mrs. Rodrigues. I wonder if she is wearing another tight dress like she had on yesterday. I am thinking dad likes her in them, I know I do. Just sitting here watching her teacher is nice as she walks up and down the rows. I can just inhale her scent daydreaming of Thursday when that last bell rings with Frank and I letting her know what a submissive slut she is with with our dad and that we plan on enjoying the fruits of his labor every Thursday. Last bell heading out to practice with Frank. We head into the locker room to change, he in short and shirt, me in a jersey and helmet. Kevin the first string quarterback starts to joke about my brother being on the cheerleading squad and asking if he is gay or something. I just let him know two things. One he is not gay and two he is the one fingering your girl while she is sitting in his hands. I walk away laughing my ass off as just then Frank lifts Kevin’s girlfriend Lora up into the air with one hand bracing her ass while standing on his other hand. As I watch Kevin turn three shades of envy green I better keep close to Frank after practice. When I could, I watch Frank do some crazy shit with the girls, flipping them into the air catching them just so. If I had to guess the coach was trying all the girls in that act with Frank, even Susie who seem to not enjoy it as much as the others. He was really good as far as not dropping anyone. After practice as predicted Kevin approached Frank telling him to back off his girl friend or else he was going to put Frank into the hospital with a broken leg. Just as Mr. Johnson trained us to do, as soon as Kevin made his verbal threat Frank just laid into Kevin with all he had, which turned out that he did not need to much. With all the workout and physical training we had over the summer two punches and a kick put Kevin out of commission. Seeing nothing more was needed I lean over to Frank saying we need to tag team the Lora girl she looks hot. We leave the locker room and headed for the parking lot where mom was waiting for us.



After dropping the boys off I head off to Peggy’s house which is about a two hour drive, but my boys want to see her again and I would like to see if she can come back into the family like before. Pulling up into the driveway I am hoping that not calling her will at least get me invited into her place to catch up with the family and what’s happening.

Nervous, I gently knock on the door and wait. After another minute goes by I knock again a little louder this time, thinking she did not hear my first knocks. This time works as Peggy opens the door. At first I was not sure I was seeing Peggy, seeing her dressed up in a tight fitting green dress that just covers her ass and stocking with 4” spiked heals. Just did not fit the image I had of her. She recognized me right off as if I did not change one little bit, just jeans and nice plain blouse. The boys like it though, which is all that matter anyway. Peggy hugs me tight dragging me into the house which was a mess by the way, clothes everywhere, dishes piled high laying around, ashtray filled, beer bottles and wine stains on the rug. This was not a place I would ever see Peggy living. I remember her as a clean freak when I saw her last. Doug’s sister is lost somewhere in here and I really need to find out what happened to her. I told her to go get a shower and change into some cleaning clothes. Where is your partner I ask knowing the answer. All she said was that her partner left 4 years ago and headed down the hall to change. By the time Peggy finished cleaning her self up some and in the living room, I had cleaned the kitchen, filled five trash bags took them to the street and cleaned off the couch for us to sit down and talk. After a long two hour cry and telling me how hard she has had it these last four years I told her she should come back home where she is loved and where her family can take care of her. I told her about the boys all grown up now and that they missed her a great deal. They were hoping that she could come out to the first game of the season on two week just to say hi if anything else. Peggy said she would think about it. As the day was coming to an end she told me really what she has been doing to keep thing together. I could not believe her that she would fuck a guy for money. She was a straight up lesbian only into girls. Well I told Peggy to be ready for me Thursday, as I will be here again to see how she was doing and to ask again about her wanting to see the boys and maybe Doug again.

On my drive back home thinking about what Peggy I am almost positive that there had to be more to her just hooking.

Waiting for the boys to finish their practice I spot Mrs. Rodrigues heading to her, I beep my horn getting her attention waving for her to come over to me. As she walks over to me I can see how Doug likes this woman. Great chest area, little of a bounce in her tight little dress he ask her to wear and those legs of hers that seem to go on up to heaven and according to Doug there is a slice of it between those legs.

Hello Mrs. Rodrigues it is so nice to see you again, how are you doing these days?

Fine, I was just heading home was there something I could do for you? As she leans down showing me her nice looking titties I simply tell her Doug has been keeping me informed of your training and I was hoping to see if I could give you a quick test to see how you are progressing. Reaching into her dress and giving her right tit a good squeeze and all she does was smile with a verbal yes. Good let’s go back to your classroom and give you this pop quiz. Once back in her class I head for her chair and take a seat. As she approaches I just lift my hand telling her to just lift her dress and to lay back on her desk. Seeing her matching panties with her dress just makes my pussy wet for some reason. Without a word she lays back pulls her panties to the side and spreads her legs wide with her feet pointing to opposite sides of the room. Doug has trained her well, leaning in I know I don’t have much time so I start with a trick Frank does on me and just seal place my lips around Mrs. Rodrigues bald pussy and shove my tongue straight into heaven. Sucking and licking her clit, her pussy folds inside and out rimming her ass and finger fucking too. I was in heaven between these legs, it took nearly twenty minutes for her to have that amazing orgasm that Doug so often spoke about and the taste of her pussy juices running down my throat, chin and smeared all over my fingers as she shoots her load of women cum. I stand up, as she sits up asking if she pass. With flying colors as I lean in and give a very passionate kiss, tongue and all. As I head out to meet the boys I turn and tell her we need a girls night soon. She smiles, nodding yes as I head back to the car. I arrived just as the boys were coming out of the school, perfect timing on my part, smiling like I just ate a piece of heaven.

As we head home it did not take long for Frank to smell Mrs. Rodrigues on me. Asking mom who’s pussy are we smelling. As if this was a normal conversation I reply. It is Mrs Rodrigues’s pussy you smell, I saw her coming out of school wearing that dress thinking how hungry I was for some of her. Your dad does not stop talking about how good her pussy is, so I had time and wanted her to know as well what she and Doug were doing and that she will be servicing me from time to time as well. You know mom Mrs. Rodrigues is are last class of the day and I would just love to watch her eat your pussy and for you to eat her as well of course. Thinking it is Wednesday tomorrow and nothing was planned I quickly agree. We will have your father text not to wear panties tomorrow or bra William adds, I smile and agree to no bra tomorrow for Mrs. Rodrigues. As I drive the boys home I ask if they need to be dropped off anywhere, they just shake their heads no.

With a quick dinner the booths head upstairs to do their homework and get ready for school tomorrow. I head into the living room were Doug is watching a action movie, which brought up memories of that night just a couple of months ago. The boys finger fucking my pussy and ass, sucking my tits I was in sexual heaven that night and almost every night since than, shaking my head thinking how good my life is right now. I told Doug what the boys and I are going to do tomorrow with his latest pet and to text her letting her know what is expected of her and to be naked under her dress. I also told Doug that I will be dress the same tomorrow all day as well. With that said all he could do was ask for a blow and fuck before bed. I was so charged up if he did not ask I was going to take it from him anyways. I do love my husband.


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Life lessons Ch 2 Church

On our way to church Frank and I are sitting in the last row of the family’s mini van, dad’s playing his classic rock a little louder than normal. I wonder what has gotten into him this morning? And mom grinning from ear to ear I know what has her all happy and shit. Thinking our parents should not be able to hear us back here I start to whisper to Frank just to be sure they can’t. Frank can you believe our mother this morning? How she was able too handle both of us so quickly? I mean,...

2 years ago
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From Teen Bride to Hot Wife 8 Lessons for her Driving Instructor

Joe is home, and for a while, their lovemaking becomes that of their first months together all those years ago when Caroline was just sixteen. When they surface again and lie limb knotted and fused in the hush of their darkening bedroom, Caroline begins to sob quietly from the joy of her man back at her side. And in the silence of the deepening night, before she drifts off to sleep, she wishes tonight could be a new beginning, that the world would leave her alone and that she had never set foot...

Wife Lovers
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Good Bad Fucking Lessons From Porn Movies

In addition to its ability to cheer you up in times of need, porn has some useful lessons to impart to its viewers. On the other hand, some of these are hideous faux pas that every man should avoid like the plague -- or gonorrhea, for that matter. Then there are the great lessons porn has to offer us all. Pornography is generally a healthy staple of any man’s life, but beware: Not all porn is helpful to your sex life. Watching porn with your girlfriend can be a great way to learn about each...

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Being Jim Ch6 Lessons of Life pt6

I would like to apologize in advance to my readers. In the retelling of this story it sort of took on a life of its own. Normally my tales are fairly brief and concise, this one however seemed only to grow as I put pen to paper. (Figuratively speaking). Since it did turn out to be rather long I have decided to break it down into several smaller portions both for ease in posting and for reader consumption. That said… I hope you enjoy this long winded tale. It is...

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Lessons from Duddy Lesson two

Lessons from Duddy (Lesson two)A play on the story written by tuggit4me. was one week after my first lesson that duddy asked me to join him back in his office.I was a tad less enthusiastic about going back in, because the taste of his sperm was still lingering in my mouth, and I did not particularly enjoy it that much.However I obeyed like a good girl and entered promptly when he called me over.He sat in his chair behind his big wooden...

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The Crystal RainbowChapter 18 Lessons

"No! No! No! You must relax! Clear your mind and feel the tranquility of peace wash over you. You cannot force yourself to feel peaceful! There is a diametric opposition in the concepts of force and peace. Would you not agree with me on this principle? Good! Well, then have you not heard a single word I have said? You are attempting to force a meditative state, which is not possible. Trust me! Now, try again. Close your eyes. Relax. Listen to the sound of your breathing. In and out. In and...

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Life lessons 2

This is the second part of what I think is likely to be a 4 or 5 part story. If you haven't read Life Lessons, then just a suggestion bug you may want to read that first. This part is shorter than the first and likely to be shorter than the next as it is here to segway betweenthe phases of the story. Please go easy on me, I'm not a professional writer.Part 2As Katie suggested, I called home and let my parents know I would be spending the night. As I spoke into the phone, I could tell by the...

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Dance Lessons Continued

I put the shower on to cover up any sounds that might have escaped the bathroom that might sound like I was pleasuring myself. I put some lotion on my hand and began to stroke my already very hard cock. I sat on the toilet, closed my eyes, and my mind went right to the dance lesson. How good it felt to have my hands on Joanne’s soft body as I listened to her instructions on how to do the hustle. As my right hand continued to stroke my hard shaft, my minds eyes saw Joanne down on her...

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New Neighbor Lessons End

I am so thankful to everyone who has posted comments and helpful suggestions to my first two stories. I plan to continue to write and try my hand at this. Writing erotica has always been a secret desire. I didn’t know if anyone would like it or care to read it. I appreciate your encouragement and guidance. Donna and her daughter Dawn had just spent the last hour milking my cock for all it was worth. I had never been so completely satisfied orally in my life. By the end of Donna’s...

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Salvation Ch 27 Davids Painful Lessons

teachers at Avondale, but Lady Bennett his sponsor, enjoyed nothing more than to watch the young Adonis as he struggled to cope with the all the pain and humiliation of his punishments. At the sound of the wake up bell, David made his way to the cleansing room, never minding to put anything on. Morning ablutions at Avondale are always assisted, and he smiled as a naked Rebecca Allcot eagerly awaited his arrival. "Come along David!" she told him, holding an enema nozzle in one...

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Roja Love Lessons

1981-82 Roja : Lessons in satisfying a woman With help from Ragini15, a member who writes delightful stories about Odiya passions ***** Sexual activity in engineering college days consisted of groping willing female workers, and if the time and price was right a romp in the bushes. During the festival of holi, the last on campus, some guys got the idea to seduce a couple of sexy ones for a romp. While I did not screw any, I managed to grope a few and shagged a couple of times. For the less...

4 years ago
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Babysitter Gets Caught Then Gets Schooled Shocking Revelations Final Lessons Collecting Debts

Introduction: When the twins walk in on a lesson session, thats when more secrets are revealed. And so both Jason & Joey give the babysitter her final lesson. As Jason and Joey both just sat there still stunned by what theyve just walked in on, Joey notices the wine bottle I bought for me and their mother for our wedding anniversary that was half empty. Then Joey begins fuming(as they both begin to put two & two together, immediately suspecting Kayleen),.., Let me take a wild stab, this is the...

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Riding Lessons

Riding Lessons----------It was almost unbearably quiet all day, virtually too hot for most to venture to the farm and ride horses. Even the boarders who always visited to care for their horses had called out, making the workload heavier. By noon, I had pulled my bra off and tied off the bottom of my blouse with only one button remaining. The sweat poured down my chest causing the blouse to cling tightly leaving little to the imagination.I stood under the huge fans in the barn praying the air...

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Private Lessons

My name is Adaeze, am 30 years old, am married, my husband is in Europe. I am fair, slim, and tall and my stats are 34 28 32. One day my neighbour came with her daughter who was in class 12 and asked me to take science tuitions for her as I was a science graduate as she requested very much and also I did not have much work to do as I was staying alone in my house. So I accepted. Soon more students started joining.It was only one more month to exams and regular students only came once in a week...

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Life Lessons Ch5 school starts

School starts next week, but cheerleading tryouts are tomorrow. I am so nervous as this will be the first sport I have tried out for, but everyone says I am ready. Sharon has helped a lot as we found out the first day back from the cruise that she is going to be teaching at our school this fall. 10th grade English and coaching the cheerleader leading squad. It’s going to be her, Jennifer and one other that I don’t know judging us to see who will be on the squad. Mr. Johnson has me and my...

2 years ago
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Guitar Lessons

As we grow older, it’s only natural to think back on the events of one’s life. Every now and then, I do the same. Religiously, I read through the ‘Irish Sports Page'. (For those unfamiliar with the term, I refer to the obituary column.) One Sunday, one of them caught my eye. It read, “Antoinette Dellasandro, 85, widow of the late Mario Dellasandro, survived by a daughter, Dierdre.” It brought me back to when I was a teenager. It was the spring of ’66 and I was halfway through my senior year of...

First Time
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Cousin Julies Sex Lessons

Last night my 19 year old cousin Julie showed up at our door all in tears. Babs let her in and tried to find out what was wrong. Julie’s tears kept flowing for nearly ten minutes before Babs was finally able to calm her down enough to speak.Julie told her that her boyfriend dumped her because she was terrible at sex. They had been dating for two years and only recently had she given in to his sexual longings. Julie told Babs that she tried to give Clint a blowjob but he told her she was...

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09 Gay Beginnings Part2 Further Lessons Other Wonders

Gay Beginnings Part-2 Further Lessons Other Wonders. Bunty was true to his word. When we returned from our respective schools on the evening of what was to be the fourth night he was spending in my room, he asked me to go with him to a rather secluded and lonely spot near the river. He said he had much to tell me and that would be the ideal spot where we would not be overheard. Initially the things he told me made me go red with embarrassment and confusion. But Bunty was clever. He...

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Salvation Ch 15 Cruel Lessons

the facilities fresh on her mind. Having Herbert to take care of all the paperwork had freed her to entertain her many distinguished visitors and to be able to indulge herself in her greatest passion, the abuse, punishment and torture of her young charges. Jim Cosgrove appeared from the side entrance, three young girls in front of him, all with that special glow and look to their faces that spoke of a secret knowledge, a special knowing of what was in store for them. "Miss...

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The Backpackers 1 ndash Lessons

The author kindly advises that this story is not entirely fictitious. It contains descriptions of exhibitionist hardcore sex and is not suitable for persons under 18 years old.The Backpackers 1 – Lessons(A Thai woman teaches two Swedish teenagers the pleasures of exhibitionist sex in front of an audience.)Fjällgatan, Stigberget. Early Sunday morning. I sit on my bike in my blue Lycra, out of breath, sweaty, as I lean on the fence alongside the elevated road. I look out over the panorama in...

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Swim Lessons Get Sexy

Jason groaned as his turned off the alarm clock. Summer was winding down and instead of spending it at the beach or out with friends this was yet another day he would be spending at work. He couldn’t really complain though. After all teaching swim lessons was a great job to have during his summer breaks from university. After a quick shower and bowl of cereal he hopped in his truck and drove to work. He walked into the pool deck with in his trunks and faded lifeguard shirt. The staff room was...

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Craft Lessons Lead To Lesbian Encounters

I’d finished my second lesson for the day in card making to groups of ladies at the two-day craft fair in a nice country town. As I talked to a number of ladies about their crafting problems I began to think about packing my equipment and looking for a motel. One last woman patiently waited my attention. We had a pleasant discussion about cards when she put out a hand to introduce herself. Liz had a firm dry handshake. She asked me where I was staying. I told her I hadn’t booked anywhere just...

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Swim Lessons Get Sexy

Jason groaned as his turned off the alarm clock. Summer was winding down and instead of spending it at the beach or out with friends this was yet another day he would be spending at work. He couldn’t really complain though. After all teaching swim lessons was a great job to have during his summer breaks from university. After a quick shower and bowl of cereal he hopped in his truck and drove to work. He walked into the pool deck with in his trunks and faded lifeguard shirt. The staff room was...

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AmlieChapter 23 French Lessons

[Early Autumn, 1678] At the print shop, Oxford THE MOST BEAUTIFUL woman in the world. When he reached his majority his parents had insisted he learn French at the small college where he’d enrolled several years earlier. Exceptional promise brought him to the attention of his instructors. For his first years he was among the youngest students at the college. He did not understand the reasons for learning French, but he was used to doing what his parents told him to do and so he set out to...

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Extra Curricular StudiesChapter 6 Another pupil for extra lessons

Stephen A few days later Clarissa arrived back and stood in the kitchen and glowered at me. "Stephen Faulkes, I apologise for my behaviour on Boxing Day. I am sorry for what I said and I hope you will forgive me." The words came out as though she were reciting a piece of poetry. "Clarrie, that is about the most insincere apology I have ever heard; an apology that wasn't an apology. However, for now we'll let it go. It seems that we have to live together even if neither of us like the...

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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 9 The total four chapters

We went to the bedroom and the bed was ready with pillows for the fireworks, what our ANR love would bring to us. I was no longer an ANR virgin so I was confident. Olga said, "If you want I could give you oral sex first, because my breast isn't yet full of milk and you'll be able to build up your own fluid." I told her, "I like that idea." "I gave you pineapple for lunch so your sperm will be very tasty for me. It's like what happens to my breast milk when I eat chili." My cock...

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Daddys Lessons VI

“I want to suck on you,” Abby says into Mat’s mouth. His hand is down her shorts as they lay on the couch. He pauses the motion on his daughter’s clit, warm fingertips playing in her wetness.He shakes his head.“Not tonight, baby.”“Why?”“Because.”“When, then?” she says softly. She knows he enjoyed what she did to him a few days ago. She also knows he has always been reluctant to let her gratify him. What she doesn't understand is why.Abby did a fantastic job sucking Mat’s dick for the first...

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Lessons In Life

This story is basically about my first lessons in sex and maybe my appreciation of mature women to this day. At the time I was sixteen and had my second girlfriend. Second girl I had had sex with that is. The first one was a girl who lived on the other side of Birmingham who was more of just a sex thing than anything else. The second one was closer to home who I sometimes took out on dates and we acted in proper boyfriend/girlfriend manner.One day Mrs Hood ( changed for obvious reasons ) was in...

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Swimming Lessons

Swimming Lessons----------The new pool was a great hit at the farm with many visitors taking swims after riding in the hot summer sun. While it was posted that there was not a lifeguard, we did manage to have many faithful visitors and farm helpers present to oversee the activities in the pool to keep them as safe as possible. My girlfriend, Kelly, had again arrived unexpectedly, to spend 2 weeks unwinding and relaxing from her job. She worked out constantly in the gym keeping trim and slim....

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Sailing Lessons

I had taken two weeks off to vacation at the lake. It was going to be sort of a working vacation, since I would be working on Uncle Ed's cabins. Uncle Ed is my wife's uncle, who has more money than he knows what to do with. He owns a whole resort on the lake, complete with about twenty cabins. He usually sets aside ten or so cabins in the middle of the summer for all of the shirt-tail relatives to use and a sort of loose family reunion ensues every summer.This summer was a little different for...

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Babita Driving Cum Sex Lessons

Hi guys , your naughty professor is back. So After I got good response to my previous stories I am back to share another experience of my sex life/For those who don’t know me myself naughty professor, Sachin, age 24, average built , creative guru in satisfying any girl or ladies known for being a funny sex maniac. Any bhabhi or girls from Delhi and Chennai can contact me for sex chat and confidential relationships.100 % satisfaction and privacy are guaranteed from naughty professor. Waiting for...

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Salsa Lessons

Growing up as a guy, I hated to dance - almost never did it, too self- conscious, would rather sit and watch others than try it myself. As a girl, I love to dance, but still have this nagging feeling that I am not doing it right, don't have rhythm or girl moves, that I look like a dork. So, I signed up for salsa dance lessons given through a local community college adult education. I went in guy-mode for 6 weeks of lessons - the other students were mostly girls and 1 or 2 couples....

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Retirement Home Lessons Learned Harmony

The Retirement Home Lessons Learned - Harmony Achieved As Kathy arrived home for the night, she couldn't help but to wonder what Pete had in store for her. She went ahead and got ready for bed as instructed, and hoped that Pete would be able to remove the lock from her special panties, so she could be free of the nasty pad she had dealt with all day long. She was happy that this was not something she had to experience on monthly basis, and considered how lucky men and...

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Cindys Lessons

CINDY’S LESSONS   Part  1Author’s Note: This story is related to the story ?My Daughter Becomes My Mistress?.  For those of you that haven’t read that story, I will give a brief setup to this story. For those of you that read ?My Daughter Becomes My Mistress?, you can skip this ?setup? and start at the ?beginning? of the story. Although this story relates to the other, it is separate and can stand on its own without necessarily knowing the other story. That is why it is not just a continuation....

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Lessons From The Librarian

Codes: M/f, caning, school setting, BDSM, real, romantic, consensual, Real Life Synopsis: Shannon routinely gets into trouble at school, until she finally meets her match, in the form of the school’s librarian. Her lessons eventually extend beyond those the school teaches. Author’s notes – This story started based on a photo as a task for Qmoq. I enjoyed writing it so much that I’ve continued working on it. There are more chapters to come. I have to thank Q for being the inspiration behind...

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Being Jim Ch6 Lessons of Life pt4

I would like to apologize in advance to my readers. In the retelling of this story it sort of took on a life of its own. Normally my tales are fairly brief and concise, this one however seemed only to grow as I put pen to paper. (Figuratively speaking). Since it did turn out to be rather long I have decided to break it down into several smaller portions both for ease in posting and for reader consumption. That said… I hope you enjoy this long winded tale. It is...

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Sharon The professor gives lessons again3

I did know she had several boys before me and she wasn’t a virgin. I knew the one she was seeing was a bully, so I used him as a reason if she asked why . Ryan was her boyfriend and he found out I had a date with her and was pissed off. He cornered me the next day and threatened to beat me up if I even talked to her again. That seemed like a good excuse , and surprisingly she told me later that he threatened all the boys in school. Finally the call came from Sharon telling me to come over,...

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Cabin Story 3Chapter 3 More love lessons

I woke to the smell of sizzling bacon. Aunt Marti was making breakfast. I looked over to see her bare ass as she bent down to put the cooked strips into the oven to stay warm. Her cunt lips winked at me from between her gorgeous ass cheeks. "You've got a great looking ass, Aunt Marti." She turned around to look at me. I was disappointed to see that her breasts were concealed behind an old-fashioned apron. The disappointment must have shown on my face. Aunt Marti laughed. "I've learned...

4 years ago
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Combined studies of Radha and Raja

I am Shyam. I am a regular reader of indian sex stories. I am 35 years old now. I want to share with you the nice experiences I had in my joint family. My mother tongue is Telugu. I am writing some of the lines in Telugu with english translation for authenticity. I had earlier detailed three nice experiences I had. Today I want to detail the sexual experiences that my maternal cousin Radha narrated to me about her affair with her neighbour, Raja. Radha is my elder maternal uncle’s second...

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Extra lessons from Mrs Renauldrsquos

It was just under two and a half years before l finished my education to joined the big wide world as far as l was concerned there was nothing else anyone could teach me, but l was wrong very wrong. I was part of a small group who needed extra English lessons and as you read my story, you’ll see l didn’t pay much attention. I never took much notice, but the teacher Mrs Renauld’s would run her fingers through my hair as she passed me while l was sat at my desk and often tell me l had soft...

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Extra lessons from a woman

It was just under two and a half years before l finished my education to joined the big wide world as far as l was concerned there was nothing else anyone could teach me, but l was wrong very wrong. I was part of a small group who needed extra English lessons and as you read my story, you’ll see l didn’t pay much attention. I never took much notice, but the teacher Mrs Renauld’s would run her fingers through my hair as she passed me while l was sat at my desk and often tell me l had soft...

1 year ago
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Want to get kinky at Fet Life? Never before have fetishes and kinks been as popular as they are today. I don’t know if it is because the invention of the internet has led to a greater level of transparency and communication when it comes to peoples’ deepest sexual desires or if it is because we are just becoming more open and accepting as a society. Or maybe it is something else altogether. Whatever the reason, more and more people are embracing their kinks, and it is a beautiful thing to...

Hookup Sites
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the Music Lessons

The student was a young, petite, pretty Japanese girl who had come to New York from her home in Japan to sing jazz. She often felt alone in New York city. So many faces, and music pouring out of the clubs downtown. She gravitated towards the small community of Japanese students, often spending her nights with them. Her teacher was a bassist, and came highly recommended by the staff at the school. She had no idea that the lessons were to cover far more territory than music. She had...

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