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This is a story involving explicitly described sex. If you think you might be offended by it, or you aren't allowed by the laws of the place in which you live to read such a story, don't. If you read past this warning, any offense you take or laws you break are your problem. I've warned you. Permission is hereby given to archive this story anywhere on the Internet, so long as I'm credited as the author, it is reproduced in its entirety (including this disclaimer!) and no fee is charged to access it. On the matter of fees: I wrote this story (and others) for free, and I never expected to get anything out of it except the occasional response or critique, either good or bad. Constructive criticism is welcome, though please don't be abusive, and remember that this is primarily an attempt at a wank-story, not something aimed at a Pulitzer Prize. I realize not many people write 100+ K wank-stories, but mine always seem to turn out that way except this one, which is the closest I'm ever likely to come to a drabble.) My point being: the only benefit I get from writing is feedback, and it seems to be tapering off in recent years. If you like it, tell me! If you don't, tell me why! Leave feedback on fictionmania (that's best), or send email to: [email protected] Put "your stories" in the subject line, or I might miss it in all the junk email I get. Being A Slut By Ed Miller It was 2024, and viral nano-technology had become the treatment of choice for many serious diseases. It had only been slightly more than a decade since the breakthrough that caused it to go from a crackpot theory to a widespread reality. Of course, there were still drawbacks. If we'd been able to perfect true nano-technology, such as sci-fi writers had been describing for decades, we probably wouldn't have had a problem with the one-time use limitation of the viral variety we had. But miniaturization techniques still hadn't progressed far enough to build complex machines that small. Instead, the breakthrough had come when a group of researchers had hit upon the idea to combine the nano-machines that we were able to build, which basically were only capable of slowly destroying cells so that they'd regenerate, with a gene-altering variety of the influenza virus that had been created in a lab. This was really just the combination of two previously known processes. The nano-machines had been around for a while, and they were useful in therapy to help people who had small but inoperable cancers; the nano- machines attacked the cancerous cells, and the body replaced them with healthy tissue. Similarly, the ability to create gene-altering viruses had existed for a few years, but mostly as a medical curiosity. Even if you replaced all the genes in a person's body (which was unlikely, since their immune system would probably eradicate the virus before that could happen) it didn't mean that they'd suddenly change to match their new DNA. Even the skin takes seven years to regenerate itself completely, and there are some organs that don't replace cells at all. But the two processes together could work wonders. It was still limited, as the body's defenses had a tendency to attack the nano-machines and the viruses, but so long as the change was in a relatively small region of the body, great things could be done. People with defective hearts could have a new, healthy one grown inside them, cell by cell, without ever having to be hooked up to an artificial heart. Defective livers, brain defects in infants, blindness due to hereditary factors, all of these were now curable problems. There had even been a good deal of success in re-growing limbs and organs lost due to accident rather then birth defects. Of course, there were still those limitations. It could only cause a major change in a relatively small part of the body, and it was only fully effective once. After a month or so, the immune system figured out how to fight both the virus and the nano-machines, and attempts to use the therapy a second time had met with much less success. That was the reason that viral nano-technology for plastic surgery had been outlawed in the United States. There was still a thriving trade in Mexico, though, and lots of Americans took vacations across the border to avail themselves of the amazing things that could be done to improve their appearance. Overweight people had their metabolism custom re-engineered, aging trophy-wives had their skin re-elasticized, strippers had their breasts augmented to gigantic proportions but still remained "natural." But it was the sex-change operations that had always grabbed my attention. I first read about them when I was starting High School, and that had pretty much determined my career path. The first time I heard of a man who had had his genitals replaced by a woman's, all using non-surgical techniques, the idea stuck in my head for days, and I was walking around with a hard-on for most of that time. The idea turned me on to no end. That had, of course, been my fantasy since I'd been old enough to have sexual fantasies. I'd read everything I could find on the technique on the Internet, hoping to hear of some advances. As it stood, replacing the genitals was pretty much the limit of the technique; that was as much as it could affect, and it sometimes needed two or three applications of the treatment (each less effective, and for a shorter time) before it was complete. Most of the guys who went through with it ended up with normal pussies but immature or incomplete reproductive systems, and the rest of their bodies were unaffected. More conventional techniques were necessary if they wanted a more feminine figure. That was why it was no good to me, even though the thought made my cock nearly rip through my pants, it got so hard. By the time I was thirteen years old, my gender was quite obvious to anybody at even a cursory glance. I was certainly the only guy in junior-high who could grow a full beard, and I'd already developed the build of a football player. I won't claim that I didn't enjoy it somewhat in high-school, since a linebacker on the school team who showers regularly and isn't a complete moron can basically do whatever he wants. Grades are never a problem (not that they would have been anyway; I was a quite a bit brighter than the average linebacker) and I had all the sex I could have wanted. But after the victory parties, when I'd adjourned to a bedroom and was busy humping away between some petite cheerleader's legs, I'd always be wondering what it felt like for her. I'd always be imagining myself as the cheerleader, with a hot little cunt between my legs and massive tits on my chest, a huge cock plunging into my wet pussy. I'd imagine my petite, girlish body kneeling down so that I could envelop a hot, thrusting dick between my lips, sucking it with a passion I couldn't control. I enjoyed sex with girls, but my fantasies never consisted of me ravishing willing cheerleaders. It was always me that was being ravished. Which is why I had gone the way I had in college. I wasn't good enough at football to go pro, but I did manage to get a scholarship. I was, however, the only player on the team majoring in bio-technology. I managed to get my Bachelor's, then hung on for my Master's. Since I'd finished that, I'd been helping Dr. Lemount and Dr. Bloom with their research, and hoping all the while for a breakthrough that would let me live out the fantasy I'd had since puberty. Over time, my fantasy life (being denied of any chance of expression in real life) fed on itself, and my fantasy body became more and more exaggerated. The breasts I envisioned myself having grew from a DD- or an F-cup, that being what I had envisioned when I was in high school, to truly stupendous proportions. I'd always had a love affair with enormous breasts, and as time went by my mental construction of my fantasy female body became more of a caricature of voluptuous exaggerated beyond belief, with an elevated sexual desire to match. All the time, though, I was most turned on by the thought of my dreams becoming a reality, of a breakthrough that would let me live them. Now, finally, it looked as if that breakthrough had happened. I don't claim that I had anything much to do with it. I was basically doing lab-tech work, while Dr. Lemount and Dr. Bloom probably knew more about nano-technology and viral gene-surgery than anyone else in the world. They'd both been working on ways to make their half of the technique more resistant to the human immune system, and it looked as if they'd succeeded. With a Teflon-based shell bonded to the nano-machines and a "stealth" gene grafted to the virus so that the body had a harder time locating it, they'd managed to keep both nano-machines and virus present in pigs for more than a year, much longer than the six months it took to effect a whole-body change. Originally, they'd been worried about the "stealth" gene getting passed on to the animals, but that had turned out to be no problem at all. I'd watched, taking samples, as a mottled pink male pig had slowly, cell by cell, become a small, brown and white female pig. According to the tests, the cells in the pig's body had been replaced completely, and its body now conformed exactly to the information in the new genes. That's why I was waiting for Lemount and Bloom to come in today, long before any of the other lab-workers were due to show up. The obvious next step was to try the process on a human volunteer, and I wanted to step forward. Obviously, though, I wouldn't have wanted to broach the subject of exactly what changes I hoped to have made with everybody else around. When they arrived, I asked to speak to both of them privately. We sat down in Dr. Lemount's office as I haltingly tried to explain to them what I proposed. "Wait a minute, Jack," Dr. Lemount interrupted. "Do you mean to tell me that you want to be a woman?" I glanced at Dr. Bloom before I managed a weak "yes" I response. She was really the reason that I was embarrassed. Dr. Lemount was a non-descript, forty-ish man. Not the sort of Neanderthal I expected to ridicule me when I came clean about my desire to be a girl. Dr. Bloom, however, was a striking dark-haired woman not far on the other side of thirty. I'd only talked to her socially a few times; like most of the guys that worked in the lab, I was a bit intimidated by her. Not only was she extremely attractive, much more so than one would expect from someone who worked in the field she did, but everyone was aware how intelligent she must be to have reached the amount of success she had at her age. In any case, it felt very strange to be confessing to a beautiful woman that I wanted to be a beautiful woman. "And have you spoken to a therapist about this?" Dr, Lemount continued. "Uh, no," I responded. "There didn't seem to be any point, really. I mean, there was no way the technology could come anywhere near what I had in mind, and I wasn't ready to compromise on something half-way." "And now?" Dr. Bloom asked. "Well, now it looks like it may be possible. I know that you're planning to test the new process on a human volunteer, and I'd like to be the one." I was blushing furiously now, but I'd managed it without stammering. "Well, I don't know, Jack," started Dr. Lemount. "I think we had something a bit less... extreme in mind for a first human trial." "Why? It worked perfectly on the test animals," I responded. "Yes, but..." Dr. Lemount started, but Dr. Bloom cut him off. "I believe that's something for us to settle between ourselves, Robert," she said to Dr. Lemount. "As for Jack, I think we had best have him talk to someone in the psychiatry department. If we were to go through with his suggestion, we'd definitely need psychiatric documentation." That was more or less the end of that interview. I had a number of meetings with a psychiatrist that Dr. Bloom recommended, and there seemed to be little doubt in either of our minds that I was an eager and willing candidate for the experiment, if Lemount and Bloom decided to accept me as the volunteer. As for Lemount and Bloom, they continued to avoid talking about anything but business with me in the lab for most of a month. I didn't know who else they had heard from to volunteer as a test subject. But every night when I went home, I would strip off my clothes as soon as I was inside my apartment and masturbate furiously while I thought of myself as a girl. In my fantasies I was a tiny blonde with huge breasts, sucking and fucking dick after dick with an insatiable hunger for cock. The thought of being a girl, the thought of men fucking me, had been my constant fantasy for so long, but it gained a new power to arouse me now that it seemed as though it might come true. The fact that my dreams might be near to becoming reality made them more detailed and erotic than they'd ever been before. Finally, Dr. Lemount stopped me as I was leaving at the end of the day, and asked me to come into his office. Dr. Bloom was there, and when I sat down I was on the edge of my seat with nervousness. Were they going to tell me that they were accepting my offer, or that they were going with somebody else? "Jack, we've conferred between ourselves and with the Psychiatrist that Dr. Bloom recommended to you. Are you still willing to volunteer for the experiment?" "Yes," I replied immediately. My breath caught in my throat. "Then I believe we're prepared to take you up on your offer." I was so thankful, and so horny, that I nearly missed what he said next. "There will be a great deal of paperwork to be gone over, of course, but it seems as if it's more or less a done deal." "How soon..." I started. "I mean, when can the procedure be done?" "Well, as far as the nano-machines are concerned, we could do it tomorrow," Dr. Lemount said. "My department is more or less ready to go, since they don't have to be customized on a case-by-case basis. I think that's a question better directed to Janet." "Hmm," Dr Bloom said. "Well, Jack, we're going to have to talk a bit, to make up a 'blueprint,' so to speak, of the body you want to have after the procedure is finished. Once that's done, I don't think it'll take more than a week or two for the necessary gene surgery." Needless to say, we got the paperwork out of the way that night. It wasn't really anything too extensive, since there was little doubt that the procedure was safe, but they still needed to make sure they were covered legally in case the procedure wasn't as successful as expected or I changed my mind later. Afterwards, at my request, we started work on the 'blueprint' Dr. Bloom had mentioned. The computer in Dr. Bloom's office had one of the new holographic projectors, in addition to the standard screen. When she turned it on, I could see the genetic projection for the pig that had undergone the change I now had ahead of me; it was a computer projection of the genetic model, but it looked exactly like the real thing in the lab. With a few keystrokes, Dr. Bloom cleared that model and called up one of a human female body, a foot high but in perfect proportion and rotating slightly as it floated insubstantially above her desk. "This, I believed, would be a reasonable starting point," she said. Dr. Lemount and I stared at the model as it spun slowly around. It was of a fit and attractive woman, naked, standing casually. Next to the rotating figure were a number of figures such as height, weight, and other measurements. The figure, as it stood, was 5' 6" and 120 pounds, with breasts that amounted to a C-cup. The hair was medium length and brown, and the face, while pretty, was rather non- descript. It was a generic model of an attractive woman. "Well, where shall we start?" asked Dr. Bloom. I was having trouble deciding. Now that it came down to it, I was reluctant. Not reluctant to have my fantasy be a reality, but reluctant to verbalize it to others. In the years that I'd been fantasizing about being a girl, I'd developed a very detailed image of the girl I wanted to be, and some aspects of that image were rather exaggeratedly female. I was extremely uncomfortable describing them out loud, but I knew that I'd never get what I wanted if I couldn't work up the courage to ask for it. "Umm, smaller," I said. "More petite, I mean." "Than 5' 6"?" Dr. Lemount asked. "That's already eight inches shorter than you are now." "I know," I responded haltingly. "But I'd like to be even smaller." "Can you give me an exact measurement?" asked Dr. Bloom. "5' 1"," I admitted. Dr. Bloom made a few keystrokes, and the model changed to reflect my request. The readout next to it now listed the height as 5' 1", and the weight as 98 pounds. "You'll weigh less than half of what you do now," Dr. Lemount muttered, sounding surprised and more than a little shocked. I felt myself getting embarrassed again. "Ok, what else?" asked Dr. Bloom. "Umm," I began, "well, how about lighter hair?" "Ok," she said under her breath as she typed. The model's hair lightened to blonde. "What next?" "Well, the face," I replied. "Bigger eyes. And freckles." "Cute," said Dr. Bloom. "You'll look like a little girl. Anything you want to change about the body?" "Umm, yes," I began reluctantly, casting furtive glances at Dr. Lemount. He hadn't said anything since I told Dr. Bloom how tiny I wanted to be, but I had a feeling that he was going to say something now. "What?" Dr. Bloom asked. "Uh, larger breasts," I admitted. Dr. Lemount's eyes widened. "Ok," said Dr. Bloom. She typed, and the breasts on the model inflated like balloons, moving from a C-cup on the readout to a D-cup. "How's that?" "Umm, not enough," I replied, almost in a whisper. "Bigger." Dr. Bloom looked at me quizzically, but went back to the keyboard. Dr. Lemount stared openly at me. The breasts on the holographic model inflated again, passing a DD-cup to rest at an F-cup. "Big enough?" asked Dr. Bloom. "Almost," I whispered. They weren't, but the way Dr. Lemount was staring at me was making me very nervous. At the same time, though, I couldn't conceive of having tits that were only a DD-cup after years of imagining myself with breasts that were so much larger. "Just like a man," Dr. Bloom muttered as she inflated the model's breasts from an F-cup to a G-cup. The weight on the readout had increased to 105 pounds, and I knew that at least ten of that was tits. "Anything else?" "Can you... Can you make changes to my brain?" I asked. I hadn't really been that involved with this end of the research. "Yes, but within reason. I can't change your memory or the way you think, but I can alter chemical and hormonal levels to influence your behavior." "Can you... Can you increase my sex drive?" "What!?" Dr. Lemount interjected. Dr. Bloom just looked at him and he seemed to reconsider what he was going to say. "Yes," she answered. "Um, ok," I muttered. "How much?" "What?" I responded. "By how much should I increase your sex drive?" "Um, by a bit. I want to enjoy it, you know." I was looking sideways at Dr. Lemount when I said this, not wanting to admit in front of him that I wanted it sky- high. Dr. Bloom typed for a while. "Ok. Anything else?" "Umm, well... It'd be really convenient if I didn't have to shave," I admitted. "Ok, no leg or armpit hair," she said as she typed. "Also..." I began. "What?" "No pubic hair," I whispered. Dr. Lemount stared incredulously. "Ok, totally prepubescent hair pattern," Dr. Bloom said as she typed away. "Will that do it?" "I guess so," I admitted. It wasn't exactly what had been in all my fantasies, but it was at least an approximation of it. As the three of us got up to walk out of the building, my head hung and my face burned. I couldn't believe that I'd admitted so much of my desires to Dr. Lemount and Dr. Bloom. But as I thought of it, I rationalized that it was probably better this way. As it stood, if everything worked as planned I would be a very busty, rather horny girl. If I had admitted everything I wanted, told Dr. Bloom how big I really wanted my tits to be and how high I wanted my libido, I would have been a huge-tittied slut. Of course, that had been what I was in all my fantasies. That had been what I had wanted to be since I'd hit puberty. Other people might have romantic fantasies about meeting the perfect person, but all I had ever wanted to do was have an exaggeratedly sexy female body with huge tits and get fucked constantly. I knew it was strange, I knew that the body I wanted would be that of a ridiculously exaggerated fuck-toy, but it was what I wanted to be. "What are you doing tonight?" Dr. Bloom asked, and I was jolted out of my reverie. I saw that we'd made it out to the parking lot. Dr. Lemount was headed towards his car, occasionally throwing glances over his shoulder at me, but was already out of earshot. "Uh, just going home, I guess," I answered. While she hadn't looked at me the way Dr. Lemount did, I was still a little uncomfortable with how much of my fantasy life she knew about. "Why don't you come with me?" she asked. "We can fine- tune the model I'm going to splice the genes to." "Are you sure, Dr. Bloom?" I asked. "I mean, we were already pretty specific." "Yes, I'm sure," she said. "And call me Janet, Jack. Come on." I followed her to her car, and we picked up some Chinese take-out on the way back to her apartment. It wasn't that much nicer than mine, confirming my suspicions that professors weren't paid much more than lab techs. We sat down at her table as I ate my beef lo mein in silence for a while. She stared at me as if she was trying to figure out how to broach a subject. "Jack, I don't think you were entirely honest earlier," she said. "About what?" "When we were working on the model. I think there were other changes you wanted to make, but you were too embarrassed to say them out loud." "Umm, no," I replied. "Not really. That was about it." "Really?" she asked. I didn't answer, and the conversation more or less died there. She got up and crossed the room to the couch, and I followed. "Jack, I have to ask you something," she began. "Am I attractive? Oh, wait, I probably shouldn't ask you that. You're not attracted to women." "Yes I am," I protested. "You are?" she asked. "This isn't like when you said you'd made all the changes you wanted to the model?" "No, I am." "So, are you attracted to me?" she asked. "Uh, yes." "So you wouldn't mind if I did this," she said as her hand snaked down to my waist and started to undo my pants. I said nothing, but I certainly didn't object. She slid my pants down to my ankles and then lifted my shirt over my head. "Mmm," she muttered. "Such a shame you want to be a girl. You've got such a nice male body." At the same time, she was sliding out of her skirt and unbuttoning her shirt. Her body was as impressive as I'd always imagined, and her breasts, revealed now inside her black lace bra, were larger than I'd expected. I laid there, letting her dictate the pace, as she leaned over me and started to plant kisses on my mouth and neck. At the same time, her left hand went to my crotch. My dick was already rock hard, and she wrapped her fingers around it and started to stroke it. "Such a nice, big dick," she whispered in my ear. "Thick. Are you sure you'd rather have a pussy?" "Mmm, yes," I moaned. It felt so good, and it was turning me on so much that she knew I wanted to be a girl. Janet continued to stroke my cock, and her mouth was moving down from my neck now, her wet tongue sliding around my chest to tease my nipples. I thought about the fact that I'd soon have breasts on my chest, and felt myself get even hornier. Janet's hand was working expertly in my lap, bringing me towards orgasm, as her mouth went back to my ear. "Were you really telling me the truth? You didn't want any more changes?" she breathed in my ear. I didn't say anything. My breath was coming short and fast now, as Janet's hand pumped up and down in between my legs, stroking my shaft. "How big did you really want your tits to be?" she whispered. "Bigger," I admitted in a gasp. "How big? Give me a cup size." "Just a... few sizes bigger," I admitted. "Maybe a... J-cup. Much more... than that and I... wouldn't be able to move. That's how big... I want to be. Just small enough... that I can walk." Her hand was working faster on my cock now, slipping up and down along the shaft as she stroked me. "Mmm," she groaned. "Like I said, just like a man to want such huge tits. And your sex drive? Did you really just want it hiked up a little?" "No," I admitted. "I want it... high." "How high?" "Really high," I groaned. "I want to be a slut!" "It seems like you do," she agreed as her mouth went back to my nipples again. After licking circles around them, she went back to my ear to whisper to me, "what do you want to do once you're a girl? Will you be a lesbian, or will you have sex with guys?" "I don't know," I gasped. "I think... I'll still like girls, but... I definitely want... to be fucked." "Just fucked? Just in your pussy?" she asked. "No! I want to... get it in my pussy... and my ass... and I want to suck dicks! I want to be... titfucked. I want it everywhere!" "You know, I could increase your body's sensitivity to pleasure in your new pussy, your mouth, and your anal cavity," Janet whispered to me as her handjob got even more insistent. "Would you like that?" "Yes!" I groaned. "Nipples and breasts too?" she asked. "Please!" I moaned. The thought of it, the thought that I'd admitted the actual extent of my desires to her, and that now she was going to make them come true, pushed me over the edge. My cum exploded out of my cock, spraying my belly and chest. Janet leaned over to lick it off of me. "Mmm, tasty," she murmured. "I want you to fuck me now." With that, she stood in front of me as she slowly removed her bra and panties, revealing her perfect tits and pussy. Then she settled into my lap, sliding her wet cunt down my hard pole. Even as she was sliding up and down in my lap, though, I couldn't pay complete attention to the beautiful woman I was fucking. My thoughts were much more concerned with the beautiful woman I would soon be. For the next couple of weeks, my life continued as it had, with two major changes. I was spending the occasional evening with Janet, and almost every spare moment I had was spent anticipating the changes I'd undergo as soon as the tailor-made virus was ready. Needless to say, after I had been seen by some of the other guys in the lab leaving with Janet, word got around and I got my share of admiration. It wasn't anything I wasn't used to, though, since I'd always had a tendency go out with the most attractive girls, though rarely for very long. I wondered, though, what all the guys who clearly envied me would think if they knew that I'd soon be undergoing an experimental treatment to turn me into a woman. I also started to look at them differently. In the past, I had wanted to be a girl, and had constantly fantasized about sex from the female perspective. But the men I imagined fucking me never been particular people; I'd never fantasized that I was having sex with guys I knew. Now that it looked like I was actually going to be a girl, though, I found myself thinking more about guys I knew and what they'd be like in bed. I would have expected it to bother me, but usually all it did was to make me hornier. Dr. Lemount, of course, was barely talking to me. I could tell that, though he hadn't seemed that upset when I confessed to him that I wanted to be a girl, he was deeply shaken to know the details of my fantasy, to know what kind of girl I wanted to be. Finally, Janet told me one evening that the virus was ready, and we could start the treatment as soon as I was ready. I say "the treatment," even though it wasn't an extensive treatment. All it entailed was an injection, though of course I would have to report weekly to the lab to be examined so that they could document the process. Without hesitation, I told her than I'd be ready to take the injection the next morning. I had to stop myself from trying to talk her into going to the lab in the middle of the night. All through the sex, I was barely paying attention to her, so caught up was I in thinking about what was going to happen to me. When we went in the next day, I felt like I had a rock in the pit of my stomach. I was keyed up with anticipation. An acquaintance of mine in the lab, Jason, came up to Janet and I and asked what my plans were for lunch. "Jack won't be here for lunch," Janet said. "We'll be sending him home to rest in an hour or two." "Why, is he sick?" Jason asked. "No. He's our volunteer." "Jack? What are they going to do to you, man?" he asked, turning to me. "I mean, it's not like there's a whole lot you need." Needless to say, most of the other guys that worked in the lab didn't have my athletic build. "We're going to turn him into a girl," Janet told him. I was shocked that she would be that blunt, and started to stammer out a protest. Jason laughed, then stopped when he realized that she wasn't joking. "Jack! Why the hell would you let them do that?" "He asked us to," Janet said shortly, then walked on. I followed her, unsure of what else to do. Jason stared after me with the same look I'd seen in Dr. Lemount's face for the past few weeks. "Janet," I said, catching up to her, "what the hell did you do that for?" "Jack, he was going to find out sooner or later. I mean, you're going to be reporting in here once a week for examinations. He's one of the techs that are going to be working on the data. Did you think he wouldn't notice that you were changing into a woman?" "No, but you sure sprang it on him rather suddenly," I responded sullenly as I followed her into her office. Dr. Lemount was there, looking as uncomfortable as ever with me. I knew though that he wouldn't miss the historic moment when I was injected with the mix of viruses and nano-machines that would transform me into a woman. I wondered if Janet had told him about the extra changes she had made in the virus, and what he felt about my even more extreme fantasies. Dr. Bloom sent another tech, a girl named Emily, out to get the syringe with my custom-made virus in it. When she came back with the needle, I could see from the look on her face that Jason had spread the word about just what was being injected into me, and the fact that I'd asked for it. I was embarrassed, of course, but it was far too late to turn back, and I was glad for that. I tried to concentrate on what I was looking forward to, on the fact that this syringe, once injected into me, would change me into a petite, outrageously busty little slut. I couldn't wait. Janet gave me the injection. In a moment, it was over. I didn't even notice any pain. That was it, it was irrevocable now. I was going to be a girl. I didn't hang around the lab for long. Everybody was looking at me incredulously, shocked to find out that I'd willingly volunteered to be turned from a man into a woman. Janet told me I should go home and rest, and that I'd be kept on the payroll but for the foreseeable future my only duty would be to show up once a week for examination. I drove home in a daze, not really believing what I'd done. When I got home I went straight to the bathroom, stripped off all my clothes, and looked at myself naked in the mirror. I looked at the body that I'd had for twenty-six years, and I knew that I wouldn't have it for very much longer. Even now, it was starting to change. I knew it would be weeks before I would be able to tell the difference, but I was changing into a girl. My thoughts were making my cock stand straight up in my reflection, so I laid down in bed to masturbate, all the time thinking about the girl I was going to be. The thought of being that girl, being a little slut with huge breasts, made me so horny I could barely breathe. The thought that I'd soon turn into a busty sex toy, and the thought of men fucking me, kept my cock as hard as iron as I stroked it again and again. I couldn't help myself. Part of me seemed to suggest that I should feel some remorse over giving up the life I'd led so far, over voluntarily reducing myself to a cum- receptacle, a slut fit only to be fucked, but I couldn't summon any up. I couldn't wait. Over the next weeks and months, that's how I spent much of my time. Examining myself for changes and masturbating. I watched TV, surfed the Internet, and read the news, but every time I thought about what was happening to me it made me so horny I had to jack off. The changes, of course, started very slowly. In the tests, we'd found that it took a while for the virus to re-write the whole body's DNA. The changes in earlier animal test subjects hadn't been visible until nearly a month after the injection had been administered. Of course, it's easier to see differences in people than in animals. The first two weeks after I was injected, my checkups showed no obvious physical change, although Janet assured me that the genetic re- writing was taking place as expected. I was still spending time with her, and we were still having sex, even though everyone else at the lab looked at me like a freak when I showed up for my checkups. Sometime in the third week, though, I started to notice differences, or at least to imagine that I did. I thought I had lost a bit of weight, and my facial hair didn't seem quite as thick. Of course, my libido had certainly skyrocketed to the point where Janet and I had both noticed it, but we were both pretty sure that it was due to the fact that I was constantly imagining the changes that were in store for me. My third week checkup confirmed that I'd lost some weight, and a fraction of an inch of height as well. From there, the changes continued to increase. A month after I had been injected with the virus, I was definitely skinnier. I weighed less than 200 pounds for the first time in more than a decade, and I was now only a half-inch taller than six feet, down an inch and a half from my normal height. My nipples seemed more sensitive, both during sex with Janet and during masturbation. I didn't know if that was due to my developing chest or the increased sensitivity Janet had promised to endow them with. Perhaps it was both. Two months after I had been injected, I was down to 5' 10". I'd lost four inches of height and was now only two inches taller than Janet. My facial hair was almost gone, having lessened until it was sparse and downy. My body hair had undergone the same change, so that now I felt like a teenager. I definitely had little mounds underneath my nipples, now, and my arms and legs seemed much skinnier than I was used to. I had lost another twenty pounds, leaving me weighing only 180. The change that I was most interested in, though (with the possible exception of my developing tits) was my dick. It was still good-sized and fully functional (to Janet's enjoyment) but it was definitely shrinking. In a way, I was a bit sad to see it go, after I'd had it for so long and been so used to it. But it was mostly nostalgia; I was still very excited to see the day when all I had between my legs was a pussy. The thought of what I'd do with my pussy as soon as I had it, the thought of men fucking me, made my slowly shrinking dick rock hard. After three months, I definitely needed a bra. I'd never been that into girl's clothes, just girl's bodies, so I hadn't rushed out to buy female clothing as soon as I could, but by this point my breasts were really too large to go without it. I was down to 5' 8", only as tall as Janet, and looking much more feminine now, so she and I went to shop for one. As it turned out, my new titties were already a C-cup. I knew that I wasn't all the way there yet, but when I looked in the mirror at my face, I could definitely see that I was well on my way to being the woman I would become. My features had softened into more feminine looks, though I knew that they'd continue. I now had the freckles I'd asked for, and my hair was lightening from dark brown to light. I only weighted 150 pounds now, and losing 30 pounds in a month had left me rather weak. Or perhaps that was just the fact that my arms and legs had gotten so skinny. I certainly had a more feminine-looking body now that everything had slimmed down except my hips and chest. With the exception of the people at the lab, who'd seen me on a weekly basis since the changes had started, I don't think anybody still thought I was a man when they saw me on the street. Since I looked so much like a woman, I'd started dressing as one. Like I said, I'd never been that into female clothes, but now that I had the body for them I was beginning to see what the attraction was. The first time I tried on a pair of thong panties and saw the ittle scrap of material splitting my ass cheeks, my rapidly shrinking cock got as hard as it was still capable of getting. I loved showing off my newly feminine body, and bought lots of revealing clothes. My dick was still there, though it was much reduced from its former eight-inch length. It was barely three inches now when fully erect. Sex with Janet continued, but it tended not to center on penetration any more. We made out more like lesbians; I would finger or lick her pussy while she suckled my little dick. Sometimes I'd still stick my now-tiny dick in her pussy, but it was becoming a rare occurrence. Both of us had breasts now, so a lot of our sex-play revolved around fondling each other's titties. Mine were so sensitive that I could easily reach orgasm from tit-play alone, and I was starting to notice increased sensitivity in my mouth as well when I sucked on Janet's nipples. It made me hornier than ever the first time I realized that my tits were slightly larger than hers. Four months into the change, there was no doubt that I was unrecognizable. I was 5' 6" tall, and weighed 130 pounds. I actually had to look up at Janet now. My hair was blonde, though not quite as light as it would eventually get. I'd dyed it to a lighter shade so that it would all match, otherwise I would have had blonde roots. My face was cute and girlish, with big blue eyes and a light spray of freckles across my nose, and about as far from my old male face as I could imagine it getting. My body was feminine and trim. I'd gotten over the feeling of weakness I'd had for a while, but I was still getting used to the fact that there were a lot of things I no longer had the strength to lift. My hips had continued to broaden, giving me a nicely feminine hourglass figure, and my ass had blossomed out into a perfect half-circle. Speaking of things I no longer had the strength to lift, my tits had become enormous. I had spent a good deal of my last month's income on bras, and I knew that they wouldn't slow down any time for at least another couple of months. When I went in for my weekly checkup (my seventeenth since the injection) I had just graduated from a DD-cup to an F-cup. My big titties stuck out in front of me, swaying as I walked. I could see how it affected people. All the lab techs still looked at me like I was a freak, but a number of the male ones had in the last few weeks been looking at me like I was an extremely sexy freak. I had been encouraging it, of course. I had always wanted to be the sort of slutty girl that could tease guys with her body, and I was certainly getting to the point where I fit the part. I'd been wearing female clothes exclusively for more than a month, since they were now the only kind that fit, and Janet and I had increasingly gone out shopping for more revealing and sexy outfits. When I showed up for my examination that week, I was wearing a short skirt, heels, and a low- cut top that displayed my impressive cleavage to good advantage. I caught Jason taking a good look at my tits before he blushed and turned away. Of course, being checked out by a guy who had formerly been disgusted by what was happening turned me on immensely. These days, ANYTHING turned me on immensely. The improvements to my libido that I had asked for had definitely started to kick in; I was constantly horny. When I caught Jason staring at my titties (I had, of course, stuck them right under his nose on my way into the lab and pressed them together so that he couldn't miss them) I felt my dick get rock hard inside of my panties, and I almost came. These days, though, my dick was less than an inch long and completely hairless, so it didn't make a noticeable bulge in the front of my skirt. When Janet came over my apartment after work, though, I nearly raped her in my excitement to get her clothes off, despite the fact that I'd done little but masturbate all day. After five months, I was to all outward appearances a girl. I was now less than 5' 4" tall, and weighed about 115 pounds. My hair was down to my shoulders, and definitely blonde. My face was cute and feminine, my body was fantastic, and my tits were huge. I'd already graduated to an I-cup (or what amounted to one. My last few bras had needed to be custom-made.) At the rate I was growing, I didn't think it'd be more than a week before I had the J-cup I'd asked for. I was more and more fixated on the enormous size of my chest. I loved that every time I looked down, my whole field of vision was taken up by the enormous titties jutting out in front of me. For their size, they barely sagged at all. I knew that it was because they were so new, and I knew that I'd have to wear a bra almost all the time to keep them as perky as they were. But rather than being an inconvenience, that just turned me on even more. My cock was more or less gone. At this point, it was resembled nothing more than a slightly oversized clit, and was nestled under a hood at the top of my new pussy. I wasn't deep enough yet to take a cock into my cunt, but I was inserting my finger into myself every day to see how much deeper I was getting. And I was ALWAYS wet. But I wasn't only inserting my finger into my cunt. When Janet had said she would make my ass, mouth, and tits more sensitive, I hadn't really understood the degree that she was talking about. I found it almost impossible to stop fingering my pussy and ass, and if I had something to suck on or someone to fondle my titties at the same time, so much the better. Every time I ventured out of my apartment alone, I was accosted by some strange man (the slutty clothes that were all I had to wear anymore had something to do with that, I'm sure, as did my gigantic tits) and propositioned. Although my pussy wasn't totally developed yet, I still found myself unable to refuse, and I'd been fucked quite a few times in my ass, not to mention the multiple dicks that I'd sucked. But I wasn't upset about the fact that I seemed to have no willpower at all, that I couldn't refuse an offer of sex. I loved it. I was a slut, just a huge- breasted girl whose only interest was sex, and it was what I'd always wanted to be. On the particular day that I ventured out of my apartment to the lab for my 22nd examination, I found myself unable to go home. The other techs had been staring at my body when I came in for my checkup, and I was so horny that I needed some release. This new female body of mine needed constant attention, and I was up near the boiling point. Instead of heading for my car, I walked in the direction of the instructional part of the campus. The student union was always filled with a variety of people, and I knew I'd be able to find someone there to help me out with my uncontrollable arousal. When I walked in, all eyes were on me. I suppose it's hard not to pay attention to a girl wearing a VERY short skirt, a tank top that reveals more cleavage than three average girls have put together, and a bra. No panties. It didn't take long for a guy to proposition me, particularly when I walked up to a table of likely prospects and leaned over it to say hello, my gigantic I-cup breasts nearly falling out of my shirt. I led him upstairs to one of the private study rooms. As we walked, I realized that in a way this was the same way things had been when I was a man. My male physique gave me an advantage in attracting women, and the new female physique I had designed for myself gave me an insurmountable advantage with guys. When we got to the study room, I locked the door behind us. I was down on my knees immediately, forcing this nameless guy up against the table as I frantically tried to release his cock from his pants. I hadn't even asked his name, but I was desperate to blow him. My nipples were rock-hard and my little pussy was extremely wet. As I unbuckled his belt and unzipped his jeans, I could feel his dick straining to get out. Finally, his penis was freed from its bondage, and stood out straight from his crotch, bobbing with his heartbeat. It was long and thick, at least as long as the eight-inch cock I used to have. I loved it. I was fascinated with cocks now that I no longer had one; they just seemed to be instruments that were capable of giving me so much pleasure. Without any hesitation, I engulfed his throbbing shaft in my hot wet mouth. I couldn't believe how pleasurable it was to suck his dick. I knew that Janet had altered my genes so that my mouth was more sensitive to leasure, but I never would have thought that it would be possible for it to feel this good to be kneeling on the floor in a public place giving some anonymous guy a blowjob. When I'd been a guy, I'd been convinced that, while girls might have a vague enjoyment in giving a blowjob, it was mainly the guy who benefited. That may have been true for the average girl, but it certainly wasn't for me. When I felt the hot, smooth shaft sliding in and out of my mouth, the thrusting hardness rubbing against my tongue, it felt fantastic. It turned me on to know that I was kneeling here, with a cock in my mouth, my pussy dripping on the floor and my tits nearly falling out of my low-cut shirt, but quite apart from the arousal I got from the situation, it felt fantastic just to feel that hot, thrusting meat fucking my mouth. At the same time, I knew it would feel just as fantastic elsewhere. As his cock pistoned in and out of my mouth, I reached down between my spread legs to my sopping pussy. Even though it wasn't fully-formed, my cunt lubricated itself whenever I was horny, which these days was more or less constantly. As I'd walked from the lab to the student union, I had been able to feel the cool air against the hot wet flesh of my hairless pussy. Without any panties on, there had been nothing between my pussy and the outside air. As my fingers slid inside my sodden cunt, I felt that it was getting deeper. It wouldn't be long now before I would be able to get fucked. But for now, I'd have to settle for masturbating my new pussy while I crouched with a fat cock between my lips, sucking it enthusiastically. The feeling of my fingers sliding into me brought me closer to orgasm. It wouldn't take much now to push me over the edge. As my hand continued to manipulate my pussy, the other worked my shirt over my head. I leaned back, reluctantly parting with the dick in my mouth while I struggled to get my shirt over my head, then eagerly sucked the hard cock back between my lips. I unclasped my bra, feeling my bowling-ball-sized breasts settle onto my chest, and leaned back again to remove my bra completely. At the sight of my mammoth titties, I could see my partner's eyes widen. His cock was already as hard as rock, but it seemed to get even more rigid. I arched my back, presenting the cavernous cleavage between my tits for his use, and he took the hint immediately. His hard pole slid between the marshmallow softness of my titanic tits, and his hips began to thrust. My nipples were diamond-hard points of electric pleasure as his smooth love torpedo rocketed through the depths of my cleavage. Tit-fucking was another of the sex acts that I doubted held much pleasure for the average woman, but I wanted to thank Janet for making my titties so much more sensitive to pleasure. With each thrust of the red-hot penis between my breasts, I found myself moving that much closer to orgasm. I loved the feeling of his hardness nestled there, loved feeling his cock sliding along the channel between my pillowy tits. Each time the head of his dick slid all the way from the top of my belly, between the gigantic mounds of my I-cup titties, to pop briefly out at the top of my cleavage and rub against my neck, I gave a little moan of pleasure. It felt so good to be titty-fucked. It felt so good for a guy to lay his cock on my chest as I pushed my titties together to give him the maximum sensation as he thrust his hips, rubbing his dick between my tits, using them for his pleasure. Suddenly, my orgasm was on me. My little clit and my nipples felt like they were on fire as my climax erupted like a volcano and tore through me like wildfire. My moan ratcheted up into a keening scream of pleasure as I mashed my titties together, burying his cock between them. Vaguely, I was aware of him coming at the same time, the hot cum spurting out of his cockhead to splash against my neck, rivulets of creamy jism running down the huge curves of my breasts, tickling the amazingly sensitive flesh of my nipples, and then dripping onto the floor. I licked my lips to get the cum that shot me in the face. Without missing a beat I was standing again, sliding my skirt down my legs to reveal my hairless and sodden cunt. I moved against him, rubbing my cum-soaked titties against his chest. I could feel my little nipples sliding up against him, hard points slipping against his skin. I pressed my stomach against his cock, feeling the still-hard organ jutting into me. I grabbed his ass to pull myself more tightly against him, and ground my hips into him as I slid my huge breasts around on his torso. Without warning, I spun around. Once again reaching behind me to grab his ass, I pulled him into me, grinding my own ass back against him. I could feel his rigid penis rubbing against my back, and I knew I needed it inside me again. I needed it in my ass. I wanted nothing more in the world than to have his dick in my ass, fucking me in my backdoor. I knew how good it would feel to be assfucked, and my asshole felt like it was burning up with anticipation. I didn't have long to wait. My partner took the hint, and guided me forward until my waist was pressed against one of the study tables. He pushed me forward at the shoulders so that I bent over the table, my huge tits resting on the wooden surface. I knew that my perfect ass was spread wide open and ready to be penetrated. I reached back to spread it even wider, grabbing my asscheeks and pulling them apart. I couldn't resist slipping a finger up my asshole for a moment and fingering myself there, thrusting the finger up my butt a few times as I moaned at the intense bolt of pleasure it shot through my body. I almost felt like I was coming again as my finger slid up my backdoor. "Please," I moaned. "Please fuck me in the ass. I need it." I received no reply, but I felt my hand gently being pried from my ass. Immediately, it was replaced by a rock-hard cock that slid slowly but inexorably up into my butt. He needn't have been so gentle, since my asshole was aching to be penetrated. Inch by inch he slid his cock further up into my abdomen, penetrating my backdoor totally and completely. My ass felt so full as he finally got in all the way, splitting my asscheeks with his hard cock. I felt it there, enveloped in my body, and loved the feeling. Then all at once he pulled it almost all the way out of me, and then forced it back in. I cried out from the intense sensation of pleasure I got at the first full-speed thrust of his cock into my behind. I felt the force of it all through me, felt the jiggling of my titties against the table as he buttfucked me. My hands stretched out across the table, forcing my ass back into his cock as he speared me in the butt again and again. I loved it. I couldn't get enough of his cock up my ass. His hands were on my butt now, massaging and fondling my asscheeks as his tool ploughed the furrow between them. He grabbed and kneaded my ass, and I loved it. With each thrust of his rigid penis up into me, I pressed back into him with more force, matching his thrusts. I loved feeling his cock in my butt. There I was, leaning over the table with my huge titties jiggling as they rested on the table, being buttfucked by some guy and loving every second of it. A few short months ago I had been a large, virile man myself, but I'd willingly been transformed into the tiny little cock-slut I currently was, and it was fantastic. As I felt the huge cock penetrating my ass and my giant tits jiggling from the force (they couldn't sway, since they were resting on the table) I had a hard time recalling what it felt like to be dishing out the fucking, instead of receiving it. I didn't want to remember, since this was so much better. I never wanted it to stop. The only wish I had at that moment was that my pussy was deep enough to get fucked. Finally, after ramming me in the rear end with his cock repeatedly, my new acquaintance reached his orgasm. Mine had been happening almost continuously for a few minutes. The pleasure I felt emanating from my asshole stepped up a notch as he forced his cock even deeper inside of me, straining with the effort, and I felt it twitch inside my ass as it deposited it's precious cargo of hot liquid pleasure there. My butt felt filled with his cum, and I loved the fact that another man had come inside of me. We cleaned up, although it was impossible for me to clean off all the cum that had shot onto my face and tits. I'm sure that, when my partner and I left the private study area and went our separate ways, some of the people who were in the hallway could easily tell that he'd just fucked me. But I didn't care at all. I just went home to wait for Janet. A month later, the tests confirmed that the virus and the nano-machines had finished their work on my system. And what a job they'd done. I was a tiny little girl. I'd shrunk more than a foot to a final height of 5' 1", and everyone I had used to be taller than now towered over me. My face was cute and freckled, with enormous blue eyes. I looked almost innocent except for the hint of sexual depravity that always crept into my expression. Janet had certainly done all I could have wanted in supercharging my sex drive. My hair was blonde and past my shoulders, and except for my eyebrows and eyelashes was the only hair on my body. My arms, legs, and my perfectly formed pussy were completely hairless. My proportions were perfect on my tiny frame, slim but not too skinny except for my tight round ass, which flared out as an exclamation point to top off my sexy legs. Of course, there were two parts of my body that definitely were not slim. My breasts. When they finally reached their full growth, I was forced to wear custom- made bras that would have been the equivalent of an L- or an M-cup. When I asked Janet why she'd overshot my request of a J-cup rack, she said that she'd assumed I was embarrassed to ask for as much as I wanted. She was wrong, but I didn't mind. My breasts were gigantic and heavy. They made it difficult to walk quickly and impossible to run, and they jiggled constantly no matter what I wore or how slowly I moved. The gigantic weight on my chest, combined with my tiny frame, tended to overbalance me if I leaned forward at all; on the contrary, I spent most of my time leaning backwards to compensate. They were larger than basketballs. I had to reach around them to do anything at all, and they made even simple tasks like cooking much more difficult. But I wouldn't have traded them for the world. I loved them because they proclaimed to the world what I was: a sex-toy. A slut. A woman whose only purpose in life was to get fucked by as many guys as possible, to feel the jets of their cum shooting into and onto her as often as possible. As soon as my pussy had been deep enough to get fucked, I'd found someone to fuck me in it. It really wasn't that different from the blowjobs and assfucks I'd been engaging in for weeks; I just had another hole that needed to be filled. But the fuck that really summed up my new existence for me was the one I got when I reported for my last official checkup. I knew that the new procedure was a great success, and it was probably being written about in scientific journals the world over, and being readied for more extensive testing before it was put on the fast-track for use in treatment. But I wasn't keeping track of the success. It didn't matter to me anymore. All that mattered to me was cock. I reported for my last checkup and found Jason waiting for me at his desk. Since I was keen to have a little fun with him, as well as incapable of passing up a chance to show off my ample assets, I made a show of leaning over his desk to give him a good view of my cleavage. However, I'd grown quite a bit in the tits since the last time I'd tried that trick, and this time they finally did pop entirely out of the neck of my shirt. Jason stared goggle-eyed at my gigantic titties bobbing in front of his eyes, and I felt my pussy get soaking wet just at the look on his face. I loved it that the enormous melons hanging from my chest could affect him like that, could cause the huge bulge I saw in his pants. Slowly, so as not to end the show too early, I scooped my fat titties back into my bra. I brushed against a pointy nipple and moaned involuntarily at the intense pleasure. Jason got up, trying to hide his obvious hard-on, and led me back to Dr. Lemount's office. He'd given up being circumspect about staring at my body, and was gazing openly at my tits. My clothes certainly didn't make it hard for him, as I was only wearing a tiny tank top over my bra (I would have gone without the bra if I could have, but with my gigantic M-cup titties it was impossible.) I was wearing panties today, since my skirt was only a four-inch band of fabric and my pussy would have peeked out below it, but the panties were a tiny black g-string. The bottoms of my ass- cheeks stuck out of the bottom of the skirt in back, and my sheer panties, so form-fitting that you could see the cleft of my hairless pussy through them, were visible in front. Quite apart from the way I was dressed was the way I moved. I swayed my hips back and forth, encouraging my skirt's tendency to ride up and show my ass and panties, and I bounced up and down exaggeratedly while I moved so as to make sure my titties jiggled as much as possible. I met every man's gaze with a smoldering look of passion. I couldn't help myself, it was just second nature now that I was constantly desperate for sex, but I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. Once Jason and I had gotten to Dr. Lemount's office, Jason closed the door, locking the three of us inside. Dr. Lemount's eyes seemed as glued to my chest as were Jason's. "Well, Jack," said Dr. Lemount without taking his eyes off my tremendous tits, "It looks like the procedure has been a success." This was the first time I remembered him talking to me since the night we'd worked on the model for my new body. "Oh, yes, Dr. Lemount," I purred. I so horny that I couldn't make my voice do anything but purr. My pussy was soaking wet, and had long since soaked through my little panties. "But don't call me Jack anymore, please. I like Jackie better." "I have to admit it fits you better, now," said Dr. Lemount. I could see that he was still upset by the knowledge that I used to be a man, and that I'd asked to be turned into the ridiculously voluptuous sex- crazed woman that I was now, but I could also see that he was turned on by it. And I thought the arousal was finally outweighing the discomfort. "That's about the only thing that fits," Jason said, nodding towards my tight, but enormous, bra. I could hear the contempt in his voice, but I could also see the bulge in his jeans. I thought his attraction to me might be beginning to outweigh his disgust at what I'd done to myself, as well. "Yes, I did want to ask you about that, Jackie," said Dr. Lemount. "You certainly seem much better... endowed than I expected you to be. And I must admit that what I was expecting was already quite a bit. Do you have any idea why that might be?" "I wanted bigger titties," I breathed, "but I was too embarrassed to admit it. Then Dr. Bloom took me home with her and stroked my dick while she asked me what I really wanted. I was so horny that I admitted to her that I wanted these huge titties." To punctuate my point, and also to increase the swelling I saw in both of their crotches, I caressed my giant breasts. From the look in their eyes, I was quite successful. "You actually like having a body like that?" Jason asked incredulously. "You really like having those huge tits hanging on your chest, and having nothing but a pussy between your legs? You really like it that you're so much shorter than everybody else?" "I love it," I moaned. "Well, let's get this examination underway," said Dr. Lemount, somewhat brusquely. "Strip." Dr. Lemount had never been present during my exams before; he wasn't even a medical doctor, though he had enough knowledge of biology to enable him to design nano-machines to affect the body. But I knew that the sort of exam he had in mind didn't have anything to do with medicine. I slowly pulled my shirt over my head, revealing my enormous bra, and slid my tiny skirt down my legs. "My god," muttered Jason. "Look at the size of those things." I smiled at him as I undid my bra and let it slide down my arms, my gigantic titties settling on my chest. The nipples were rock hard. Both Dr. Lemount and Jason were breathing quickly, and their stiff cocks were clearly outlined by their pants. "All the way, Dr. Lemount?" I asked coquettishly. "Should I take off my panties, too?" "Yes, Jackie," he said. "Take it all off." I turned away from them, feigning modesty, but in fact it was just so that they could have a clear view of my perfect ass, and the thong sliding out from between my rounded butt cheeks as I slid my sodden panties down my legs. I was bending at the waist, and my legs were slightly parted, so they could see everything all the way from my hot little asshole to my hairless cunt. I turned back to them, a tiny-framed, impossibly busty girl standing completely naked in front of two fully- clothed men. My pussy was so wet that it was dripping down my thighs, and my nipples ached from my arousal. "Well, Jackie," started Dr. Lemount, "it appears that everything is in order. But appearances aren't everything. I assume that you've put your new female organs to some use?" "Oh, yes, Dr. Lemount," I grinned. I was really into turning him on now, and I had none of the reticence I'd had when I was still a man. I was too horny to. "I've put my new pussy to lots of use. I don't know how many men have fucked me." Jason choked. I went on. "And not just in the pussy, either. I've had men fuck me in the ass and between the tits. I've jerked them off until they shot their cum on my tits

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Californian Slut

Californian SlutEv is my slave in real life. She is a beautiful Asian slut. This is the story, written by both of us, telling of what happened following our first explosive weekend together (described in Just a visit to the beach/Enslaving Ev already on Bdsmlibrary) ?PART 1Slut (1) ?I had my hand on the door handle, a tear ran down my cheek and I turned to watch his car ? Master’s car ? until it disappeared around the corner. I slowly twisted until I faced the apartment. There was a light on,...

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Jilnar Jardaly the Little Leb CockRiding Slut

This is the story of...جلنار ​​جردلي Jilnar Jardaly the Little Leb Cock-Riding SlutOne fine day, Jilnar the Little Leb Cock-Riding Slut's mother called her to come downstairs. She had just finished preparing her a basket of X-rated goodies for her to take to her beloved old Grandpa, in his cottage, in the woods. Of course, as we all know, Grandpa wasn't Jilnar the Little Leb Cock-Riding Slut real grandfather. He was just a lonely old man whom she had known, and been visiting, ever since she...

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Cumbucket Slut

My lil slut always dressed just like that a little size 6 slut never wore panties she loved windy days her lil skirts flipping up her nice lil ass and bald pussy for all to see. Her flashing got me to a point the I WANTED TO SEE HER USED BY MANY MEN I asked her about it but she wasn't interested but I was so I set up a plan If she wanted to dress act and look like slut I was going to watch her used like naughty lil cumbucket I told her of band I wanted to see south of river Always trying to...

Group Sex
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Becoming a submissive slut

Prologue Becoming a submissive slut Part 1 Prologue Some submissives appear not to know when the road to understanding their needs began or when their lives began to change.? Obviously I must have had these feelings inside me for a long, long time and even remember enjoying being tied up by the ?cowboys? as a little girl, I know exactly when it began as an adult, even though it began in small stages. I spent the weekends with my boyfriend Michael.? He had a house and on Fridays I leave...

5 years ago
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Party Slut

Party Slut by Richard-to-Rachel "Shhhh, careful, you'll wake him," I heard through a foggy daze. "Naah, he's out cold," came a second voice, "Barely stirred through the rest of it." My head was throbbing painfully and I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes. I knew that I had drunk too much at the party that night, I'd had a fight with Sasha, my girlfriend, and had drowned my sorrows perhaps a little too much. I didn't know how long I'd been out for but it was taking me a while...

3 years ago
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The Making of a Slut

The Making of a Slut - By Alexis Brooks - [email protected] Chapter 1 ? The Package The past few months had given him opportunities to explore himself beyond his wildest imaginations. He had talked with many people, both male and female, online. Almost all of those relationships ended in the other person backing out at the moment of truth. He had met two people that were a lot of fun. But they too had since vanished either due to work or family issues. Yet, through...

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Making Mother My slut

It all started when I was 18 and a senior in High School playing football. It was a Saturday practice after a big win on Friday night, and our coach gave us half practice off.I came home a couple hours early. Mom was doing her usual shopping on a Saturday with the girls, which usually took most of the day. Dad was home with my older sister Kip who was off work today.When I came in the house, I heard what sounded like Mom and Dad fucking in the basement, I crept down the stairs as any horny...

2 years ago
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Amy The Teen Anal Slut

Amy The Teen Anal SlutBy DirtyOmni I had a great last few years as a teen anal slut finishing high school. Anyone who really knew what I did during my school day would be offended by what I like. When I was entering my teens I found that boys always had some type of porn in their hands .Often I would get boys that liked me to show me their porn stash. I like the dirty pictures of women showing their bodies. The more I saw the more I knew what I liked. Usually it was soft light pictures of women...

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using my slut

We I finally got to spend some time with my friend. I agreed to let him pick me up after he had gotten a hotel room for 2 nights. He picked me up at my house and my father let him in and told him I was down the hall in my room. My friend came into my room as I was finishing my make-up. He started to close the door I told him not to as my father would walk in on us. I told him I wanted to see what he was wearing. And I told him to strip as he stood behind the door. He did as I told him and...

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Freewill 504 Part 8 Campus Slut

Freewill 504: Part 8 Campus Slut (By Chris A)Disclaimer: If you are u******e and/or easily offended by stories of an adult nature, then you should probably go away. This story and characters are purely fictitious, and any similarity to persons living or dead is purely coincedental. Any one who believes they should try and recreate these situations and events in a real life situation needs to get serious help. With that said: enjoy!It was a warm spring evening as I walked across the center of...

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Saturday Night Slutting It had been a long week at work and I'd only been able to Fuck a couple of times and only with my Husband...I was very horny.I told him Saturday morning I wanted to go Slutting that evening so after he went off to work I prepared myself.A trip to the salon for the works including a nice...

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Town Slut

When he saw it in his in-basket he was not surprised. Even without opening it he knew exactly what it was, and had a fairly good idea already of what it said. The truth was that it was something he had been waiting for, and expecting, for a little over three weeks. Shawn Spencer considered himself to be a reasonably intelligent man, and many times he could see how things would turn out, just by expecting things to happen in their natural order. The fact it had taken so long was the only...

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Forced to be a Black cock slut

F*rced To Be A Slut (for BBC)forced to be a Slut Story from the perspective of a mom who is forced to become a slut for their neighbor's daughter. The mother’s daughter also becomes her mistress and mom gets nigger fuckedTears ran down my cheeks as the nigger cock rammed my pussy from behind. Jessica watched with a smile on her face as she often did. Here I was, in the back of a van in a mall parking lot, getting my white pussy violated by a nigger buck while the woman who had become my...

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Training A New Submissive Slut

Training A New Submissive SlutOne day, Nathan, looked at me as I entered the hotel room to greet him. He said “Greetings slut, welcome me properly by getting on your knees and using your cunt mouth "My face burning, I sank to my knees and he coldly looked down at me as I reachedto undo his zipper. "Don't," he snapped, brushing my hands away. "Don't touchwithout permission. Ask!""Please can I undo your pants?" I whispered and my panties were instantlysoaked."Why?""So I can suck you," I...

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Converting the Family 2 Mommys PussySlut

Chapter Two: Mommy's Pussy-Slut By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: An anonymous fan commissioned this story and allowed it to be shared. I merely penned this individual's outline. Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Billy Purvis It worked. I clutched at the remote I modified. It truly mind-controlled people. My body buzzed as I walked through the halls of my college, my black-haired sister, Cali, walking on my right, her round breasts bouncing naked, a look of dreamy enjoyment...

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Inner Slut Public Convenience Slut

Read all the tags before continuing. All the characters, including the author (^-_-^) is eighteen or more. If you aren’t of the legal age in your country, feel free to close this and move on. Because, I definitely won’t poison young minds… … Other than in my stories xD. You will see all the bright and dark sides present inside me, and yourself, in my stories. Every character is fictional, and any and every resemblance to real life is completely coincidental. And NEVER try to do any...

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You My Slut

You glance up at the clock as you are making dinner. I would be home from work in a half hour. A small smile spreads across your face, and a sensual warmth and slight throbbing begin within the most feminine part of your body. You place the roast in the oven for a late dinner, and then run off to prepare for my arrival. You hurry to be sure you are in place and ready when I come through the door, because you know what happens when you're late. You smile again at the thought, rubbing your ass...

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The making of a slut

Julie surveyed the bar and watched as the after work businessmen tried to impress the young girl sitting nervously at the bar. Julie admired her innocence as she blushed with each advance she received as she desperately tried to attract the attention of the barman, Julie stood and walked slowly over to the bar stools and slipped onto the stool next to the young woman. Smiling like a shark sensing its prey Julie muttered in a low husky voice, “Hi I’m Julie”. “Penny” the young girl...

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Dunegon Slut

Dungeon SlutCopyright 2007 W. HunterARRIVALI meet her at the station.  It's almost midnight and she's the only one to get off the bus.  We know each other from photographs, but have never spoken.  She's shortened her hair a bit, probably in anticipation of what's to come.  I'd have preferred to cut it myself, but one can never completely understand the mind of another, now, can they?She stands there, looking in my general direction, but not directly at me.  She's wearing a simple blue dress...

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Camilla To Become a Slut

“Honey”, she purred. “Can we do a little role playing tonight?” Mark looked at his gorgeous wife with her full pouting lips and long brown hair and said, “Anything for you babe. What have you got in mind?” The normally boisterous and unflappable Camilla looked at him and chewed her bottom lip which he found sexy as hell. “Well, I have been doing some reading lately online and came across some stories that have really turned me on so much it isn't funny.” “Oh really?” She looked down...

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Sissyslave Gunnarsub turned into a slut

My name of the game is this kind of non-consentual sex. The driving factorbehind the urgent wish to being forced to do things which I never would beprepared to do under normal circumstances is humiliation. Already the thoughtthat I might be forced to do something most humiliating against my own will,with no possibility to resist due to chains or other complete dependency at themercy of the MISTRESS, turns me on.My MISTRESS should by nature be cruel, wicked, sadistic, evil, merciless, and byno...

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Embracing my Inner Slut

"Wantin', and fuckin', and squeezin', and beggin', lickin' and screamin' and ridin' my clit." I sang to Tessa and Jenna, bound back to back. I shook my wide hips at them. I love them. They giggled. They were hard and gagged and leaking, too bad, girls, about those little cages on your clits. I brushed Tessa's on the way to lick Jenna. "Mmm, darling, you taste marvelous. Maybe I should have a little more of you." Her eyes widened. So pretty, Jenna, your mouth would be just right to sheath my...

1 year ago
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Dirty slut

Another night with my slutty girlfriend we were at pub having fun I dared her to be really naughty We were chatting having fun her lil skirt mmmm take ur knickers off slut she started to leave but I grabbed her arm and said here do it here other men around us could hear what we were talking about a man beside us told the slut to take them off now looking around slut reached under tiny skirt and pulled lil g string down just as it got to her knee's the man beside us started to tell the slut she...

Group Sex
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Wifes a drunken slut

My wife is the most attractive woman I have ever dated, too good looking for me. We joke that the only way I got her to marry me was because she was drunk at the time. She’s tall and thin. Nice firm “B” size tits. Her thin waist makes her tits more pronounced and greatly accentuates her tight ass. She shaves her pussy but leaves a little mound of pubic hair at the top. She has long legs and is a dark brunette. She tans regularly and has long fingernails that change color every week,...

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Pet Mommy Fucking with MommySlut

Introduction: Moms task is to seduce daughter for her Master…her son. Pet Mommy: Fucking with Mommy-Slut Summary: Moms task is to seduce daughter for her Master…her son. Recap: This is actually part three. Obviously, you should read parts 1 and 2 first, as they will help understand how the mother ended up where she is now, if you already have read the first two parts and cant remember the basic plot or just want to start here on part three…here is a very brief summary of the story so far. ...

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Wifes a drunken slut

Introduction: wife comes home from club w 2 men My wife has a medical condition that makes her promiscuous and an alcoholic. Before she was diagnosed and stopped drinking she would drink in excess and then fuck any and all men around her. Later, when she sobered up, she would remember nothing and be quite a prude. There are periods of 3 days in which she drank constantly and has no memory at all. At other times when I was laying in bed, too tired for sex, she would sit next to me and scream...

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Sissyslave Gunnarsub turned into a slut

My name of the game is this kind of non-consentual sex. The driving factor behind the urgent wish to being f***ed to do things which I never would be prepared to do under normal circumstances is humiliation. Already the thought that I might be f***ed to do something most humiliating against my own will, with no possibility to resist due to chains or other complete dependency at the mercy of the MISTRESS, turns me on. My MISTRESS should by nature be cruel, wicked, sadistic, evil, merciless,...

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Pet Mommy DP Slut

Introduction: Mom is dpd by son and his best friend. PET MOMMY: DP MOMMY-SLUT!!! Summary: Pet Mommy: Creating a Mommy-Slut Summary: A mother learns her son fantasizes about fucking her and, realizing just how much he resembles her deceased dominant husband, decides to make his fantasy a reality…in the end seducing her son and becoming his submissive pet Mommy. Note: A special thanks goes to Mab7991 DP MOMMY-SLUT!!! I am sure you have heard the saying be careful not to wake up the sleeping...

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Becoming a slut

She loved talking with her friends over few drinks. Topics varied from lovely boyfriends to dreams about raising a family. Slut was having the time of her life. As they were departing, slut separated from the group to go to the toilet. Anyways, she was going to the other direction.As she was entering the toilets she was blocked by a muscular arm leaning to the wall. Her excuse was stopped by the man saying "Lady, I've just heard you talk nice shit for few hours. You need to understand that you...

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Coffee Shop Slut

I checked my reflection in the shop window adjacent to the coffee store and knew I looked good. I had dressed as master had instructed. Three and a half inch heels, fishnet hold-ups, black silk mid-thigh flared mini skirt. I wore a black satin bra and matching thong and the bra was clearly visible through the clinging low-cut white chiffon blouse. I pulled out my compact from my handbag and with perfectly manicured bright-red nails, flipped it open to check my make-up. Again, as instructed, I...

Group Sex
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New GF Trains Me to be a Sissy Slut

"That's it baby! You are such an amazing cock sucker!" I moan around the cock in my mouth as I bob up and down quickly. I feel hands on the back of head grab my hair to stop me from moving up and down the amazing 10 inch black cock. I've been kneeling for almost twenty minutes slowly working this monster. I've only been able to take just over half of the cock so far. "You are doing very well sucking your first dick. Though a good cock whore needs to learn to deepthroat and feel what it's like...

4 years ago
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A Natural Slut

Nick, a teenage boy seduces his uncle John. The story charts his evolution from a shy infatuated lover to an accomplished slave-concubine. Nick becomes Nikki and relishes his role as a sex-slave. Uncle John is a stern master who uses Nikki in every possible way.A Natural Slut By Nikki Part 1 Nick was getting out of the cab in front of his grandparents' home for the first time. He had never met them. He was alone at 18, his Mom having been killed in a car accident. The youngster was nervous....

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Saras Surrender Part 5 Im a Filthy Slut

~~~~~Sara had just masturbated by rocking back and forth on a fallen tree trunk, rubbing her tits and clit against the rough bark, which made her cum, and cum hard. When she had recovered, she turned to me and said, “Master!” indicating how much she was enjoying being my submissive. I smiled up at her, then suddenly had another idea. I find that it’s always a good idea to have a plan with a submissive, but you shouldn’t let that interfere with inspiration.“Come down here, Little Slut, and lie...

Mind Control
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Lisa had lived with her dad Frank since he and her mom separated when she was 15. She was now 18 and her dad still hadn't dated anyone and she was starting to worry about him. She knew how lonely he was. Whenever he wasn't at work he would just sit around the house doing nothing. Sometimes she would hear him moaning late at night in his bedroom and she knew he must be in there crying. She hated knowing her daddy was upset so she decided that the next time she heard him crying in his room she...

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The Slut

Last night a old friend called me up he seen my post on my profile stating " I need a good caning " He was happy to help out. He give me the address of a factory unit he told me to get there at 7 pm sharp and not to plan on leaving for a while. I was running late so I didn't have time to get changed. I arrived late at 7.15 pm He was standing there very angry he said were the fuck have you been. I said there was traffic. He said I don't believe you show me your hamster page. I had been online...

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Jessica the Cum Slut

The following story is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and events in it are products of the author’s imagination and are used as fantasy. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.My name is Jessica, but my Master affectionately calls me "Cum Slut". I am 24 years old, and Master is training me to be a cum slut. I have blonde hair, and blue eyes. My tits are a perky 36C cup (natural), a thin 23" waist, very curvy 34" hips, and a firm...

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Mind Controlled Mothers Club Chapter 1 Making a Mommy Slut

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter One: Making a Mommy Slut By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Ulrich Geller's clean suit rasped and crinkled as he worked in shipping at the Institute of Apotheosis Research. The box to contain the Halo lay open, ready to receive the device which would create the next new god. Twenty-one-year-old Ulrich trembled. Though he had only met the great founder of the Institute, Dr. Henry Blavatsky,...

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Lisa my submissive slut

A few moments later, with my shirt un-tucked, carrying a bucket of ice and champagne, I walk through my bedroom door. In the silhouette of the lampshade, you are standing naked covering yourself up. “I told you to be on your knees.” I say, in a calm, stern voice. “Move your hands, I want to see your sexy body.” Modestly, you move your hands - first away from your breasts, where I can make out your small, hardened nipples. Your chest is heaving slightly in excitement. You then slowly move your...

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I Dominus The Edification Of A Slut

 I had been back in Toronto for two weeks. Aiko had emailed me pictures and videos of her masturbating, and in teasing states of various dress and undress. She also teased me about coming to Toronto for her summer break. I offered her a place to stay, if she did make the journey. Heather and Jessica had anxiously awaited my return. They were eager to meet with me again, eager to be Sir’s cunts again, to be exact. Unfortunately, their husbands had surprised them with a trip to Europe the same...

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Sushmitha 8211 The Slut

Hello, guys, my name is John. This is a real story of a girl from my college. Hope you guys enjoy it. To make it interesting I will be narrating the story from her view. Hi guys, this is Sushmitha. I am 22 years old and studying my BTech 3rd year. Coming to my description, I am 5’5″ tall with black hair and a sexy figure. My figure is 36-28-36. I have light brown nipples which are very sensitive. Every boy in my college used to stare at my boobs and ass, my face was pretty cute too. I lost my...

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I was so anxious for Daddy to come pick me up cause I was getting to spend the whole summer with him far away from my strict, controlling mother. I was gonna have the best summer, and hopefully lose my virginity to boot. My best-friend Amy had just lost her's to an older that lives in her neighborhood, and she told me every juicy detail which made me want to lose mine very badly. I had given in to the desire with my mother's boyfriend last night but he wouldn't let me do anything but suck his...

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Being A Slut

Hello everyone! This is me Bhavna with next part of my sex trap. I hope you all read the last part trapped to be a slut. Now I was sure that this PE teacher and his son are going to make me their slut. Next morning I woke up with my pussy wet a little. I was all night wondering that what this father and son are going to do with me in campus! Thoughts of being fucked in school campus were enough to arouse me! I wore a red sari with backless pink blouse and pink bra. I like to show my navel so I...

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Incestuous Flesh Massage Chapter 9 Teaching Their MommySlut

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Nine: Teaching Their Mommy-Slut By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “You are going to be such a good, little masseuse, aren't you, Mommy-slut,” my girlfriend said, a husky tone in her voice as I pulled my car into the back lot of the Lady Touch Massage Parlor. “Yes, Daughter,” Mrs. Armstrong said, her voice submissive as she sat in the backseat. We'd just picked her up from her home. We got to own her during...

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GloryHole Slut

GloryHole Slut Guy looking for a good time gets more than he bargained for. Enjoy! Had the itch to start writing again and will try and do less series and more one and done stories...enjoy sluts! I had been to the usual sex shops but just heard about a new one that opened up with a huge selection and great prices. I typically looked for the hardcore stuff where the guy gets a little forceful with the girl with hair pulling and some slapping of the ass with some...

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Natural Born Slut

Introduction: From the age of thirteen, Laura loves boys and sex. She realizes that shes a natural born slut and decides to go for it. Natural Born Slut Laura started her career as a slut at the age of 13 in the backseat of an old Chevy with a guy shed just met. Well three guys actually, and theyd picked her up as she walked down the street. The guy in the back seat was particularly cute and when he told her to get in she did. He told the driver to keep driving and started kissing Laura and it...

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My Sweet Slut

I’m a self-made man and I’m a writer. I write books a few times a year and work for myself. About a year ago, I was looking for a new assistant and met this wonderful girl named Roxanne. She’s nineteen years old and I hired her right away, but quickly learned she was better suited for me to be my slut. She has no family and took a liking to me right away. I worked out an arrangement with Roxanne. I bought her a condo and bought her all of her clothes. I pay her a salary of one-hundred thousand...

Group Sex
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A Slut is A Slut

Executive DecisionJoan was an executive lady at the age of 42 and never been married. She was totally successful in her business life but at a cost of social life. She had no sex life at all. Her young secretary Lucy said she was always too tight and gave an address to a nightclub she said would help her loosen up. She liked Lucy but at the time she just stuck it in a drawer and ignored it. Today however, she was really tired of work and didn't want to go home for another sandwich and TV so she...

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Jean Black Cock Slut

Strategic Communication / Information Operations / Public Affairs Chap 1.As Jean and Ray Howell pulled into the driveway of their Virginia home, they both seem to be deep in thought and looked tired.? They had just dropped their youngest son, Brad, off at his freshman dorm at the University of Pittsburg.? He received a full scholarship and looked to be on the way to becoming an engineer.? Their oldest son, Jake, was already out of school, working in Buffalo and seemed to be in a good...

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Trained slut

Trained Slut ? Part I Trained Slut ? Part I A suburb of Los Angeles can mean a lot of places, some of them big enough to earn the title of ?Town?.? Dave and Bob work together in the office of a small company with just a secretary and the owner in one such suburb.? Dave and Bob could easily have spent their working lives as acquaintances, knowing little or nothing of the other?s life outside work.? That?s just how they were.? It was probably more surprising that they were fast friends,...

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Bonfire Slut

"No, no, nooooooo. I'm a virgin, Please don't do this ... Aaaaaghhhh" My cock pierced her fiercely defended hymen and penetrated that place where no man had ever gone before. Literally. "You're no longer a virgin, babe. You're a slut now." I stated matter of factly. In three stabs most of my cock had entered between those pristine pussy lips, turning red with her virgin blood and I started to fuck her. I found she was damp, but not wet. She thought herself ready to go with the...

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Turned Into A Slut

TURNED INTO A SLUT by Mirax [email protected] This is a repost/reedit of my previous story. I put all 4 parts together and added a 5th ending scene. I always welcome comments and advise. Enjoy! My girlfriend and I have always been a little kinky. We liked to tie each other up every now and then. We both enjoyed it every time we did it. I didn't realize that it was only the start of something that would land me in the position I am in now, on my knees dressed in a slutty skirt...

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A Mistress and Her Slut

A Mistress and Her SlutMistress Ambyr waited for her little slut; she had a fun evening planned for. This was the beginning of a new relationship with her new little girl, Cristinna. She was excited because she oh so loved making a new girl her personal slut, slut a loving term for her that only her favorite girls got called.She looked at her room with the huge king size bed to play on with its fluffy bedspread and big soft pillows for her girls to hold while she loved them.She also had a big...

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Public Slut

Naughty dogging sluts! Finally! Call it like you see it! I am fucking tired of feminist crap, fake expressions like content creators, adult actresses, and shit! Even the name is straightforward to the bone -! Even the stupidest of retards would figure out that some chicks do some shagging out in public, but there's more to this page than this! Would I be reviewing if it was that simple?! C'mon, think outside the box for one freaking second and get ready to see...

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