"Wantin', and fuckin', and squeezin', and beggin',
lickin' and screamin' and ridin' my clit."
I sang to Tessa and Jenna, bound back to back. I shook my wide hips at
them. I love them. They giggled. They were hard and gagged and leaking,
too bad, girls, about those little cages on your clits. I brushed
Tessa's on the way to lick Jenna. "Mmm, darling, you taste marvelous.
Maybe I should have a little more of you." Her eyes widened. So pretty,
Jenna, your mouth would be just right to sheath my clit, warm, sucking
strongly as your own became ropy and purple and reached out to me...
Tessa rocked on the thick U-shaped plug they were sharing and Jenna's
eyes rounded and pleaded, please, I love you, only stop, you don't mean
to make me so miserable.... "Oh, yes, Jenna, I do mean to make you
miserable, slut, you're going to feel it every time I touch you and so
will Tessa, neither of you can help it, can you?" I licked Jessa's left
nipple, the one with the "Toy" tag in it. Her hips moved, she couldn't
help it, and Tessa made a tiny strangled sound.
My lovers. I own them. They own me. We all know it. Anyone getting
between us would be among tigresses. We need one another for our
pleasure, our delight, our warm eyes looking at one another. We can't
help it any more. We have to have all of us, all together,
configurations of lust and control changing minute by minute, day by
day, and three delicious people conspiring to give us such a wonder of
being together.
The last three months were wild and I don't mean just because I live
with these two lively, hungry tigresses. I've changed. My body has
changed. I have breasts. They're big and they fit well into my leather
halter, nipples engorged and showing through the holes in it, I helpless
to make them stop swelling and tingling, equally helpless to resolve the
frustration when they are constrained by little silver covers. My hips
are wide, the better to hold and rock and comfort and fit Tessa and
Jenna as they thrust, determinedly or desperately, into me. My ass is
rounded, I really fill up my leather shorts. They have had enough, a
couple times, of my cunt and mouth - and then they sleep.
I love being checked out. My body has been sculpted by genetic
engineering, it's true, but its need, that comes from sweaty, endless,
frustrating training, is all from Tessa and Jenna. Their clits, filling
my mouth and cunt; their breasts, teasing or suffocating me; their
fingers, inside me whenever they choose; their outrageous promises when
they need release so badly and I can give it, or not, over time made my
body take over and give in to its utter need for the sensation they knew
how to give me, or withhold.
So I admit it. I'm a great fuck and I need to be a great fuck. Tessa and
Jenna taught me, showed me, used me until I found my body was stronger
than my will and they chased me up the hill of my own desperation and at
the top I had to yell "I am a slut and I will never be anything but a
slut!" You could fuck me, if I liked you, and I would play so
delightfully with you that you'd finally find I was using you even as I
filled you with pleasure, maybe tears, certainly a loss of your own
control that would make me happy and take you, for a little while, to
the place we three inhabit most of the time we are not tangled together
in the sleep we have to have, to get back together, our place, our home.
And at the end of it all you'd know I needed you, too, and you gave me a
delight I had to have because of the way you tossed your hair over your
shoulder, or the way your curling pubic hair poked up over the edge of
your sassy, tiny jeans, or the way you started to sweat when I bent to
talk with you, and showed you my breasts.
The way Tessa and Jenna arched to my touch, needing it and fearing it
and knowing what it would do to their desperation, made me smile.
"Dreamin', and rockin', and suckin', and pushin',
Drippin' and squirmin' and needin' to cum..."
I sang to them, they laughed in spite of their misery..... I adored
them, they were so lovely and sweaty and frustrated and I could so
easily make them feel all better, full of life and lust and smiles.
After a little while.
So as Tessa and Jenna tried to resist one another, and kept failing, I
made a light breakfast for us. They couldn't help the tiny noises they
were making and I knew first hand how they were suffering. I needed to
make it last, because I needed them to take me, make me just as they are
now, a slut who needs fucking and whipping and binding and being used to
We started like this: Jenna and Tessa sort of captured me, and made me
listen to them. I was a generic, genetic male who needed to be female,
and they showed me my reflection with my very, very secret image of me
superimposed and made me understand it. Why they gave me that gift I
didn't wholly understand for some time, yet they helped me be strong
enough to accept it. Smart move, yielding there, Jet.
Eventually I will return to the near-present, but a little history is in
order, beginning with the first morning I woke up with Jenna and Tessa.
I dreamed dreams of warm fog and the hoot of a lighthouse and when Tessa
woke me (an urgent message in my cunt, courtesy of the control plug) I
wanted her to cuddle me up but she said "Up, girl, there are many things
to do and many things to discuss and we must be at them."
After a short interval I looked for something to wear, but found my
pants gone and not a stitch in the room at all. An insistent feeling
inside me led me to search out Jenna and Tessa, who were all dressed and
made up and ready to go. I envied them their short skirts and tall heels
and diaphanous blouses that showed their breasts off and their lovely,
fully-turned-out look.
"Kneel, slut", said Jenna. I did before I could think; why did I do
that? When I did, I felt a momentary irritation at being called "slut"
but after that, thoughts of last night walked right in and replaced the
irritation with a desire for Jenna's clit in my mouth. My body felt
wonderful. Is that what "slut" means? Could I be a slut, and female, and
"You can be as we are soon, quite a bit sooner than you might think. The
sluttifier really worked on you, when we fucked you the second time you
were much more relaxed and you took everything we gave you again,
without trying to move us along or assert much control. You're going to
get really good at that."
While I kept thinking I ought to be very, very worried about Something,
I looked at Tessa and Jenna. I remembered how they laughed and screamed
and sweated and took me along with them to somewhere I wanted to be,
with them, and I wanted them to love me some more. I looked at the few,
fine lines around Tessa's eyes and realized they were laugh lines. I
looked at Jenna's calm, sultry demeanor and thought it was something to
aspire to, not just something to admire, and she twitched her hips a
bit. A pulse of desire ran right through me. "Jet, I see you looking at
me and I saw when your clit twitched, it's not just that you want me
now, you're really with me and Tessa and you can look like she does, and
when I see you all fresh and lovely the way she looks today and I'm
naked and kneeling at your feet, I will desire you like that."
It was like a right to the solar plexus. Dreams and shame and desire
combined to freeze me completely.
"We have a plan for you, dear girl, we are going to show you a slut, and
you'll see it's you, and then we will talk about what you want. We think
you like us a lot, we're going to take advantage of that and make you
desire us."
Jessa pulled Tessa forward and began to brush her neck with her long
fingernails. Tessa pressed back into Jenna's hips and said "Please, now,
"Dear heart, I started wanting to tease Jet a little but you're so hot,
I'm going to make you scream and show Jet how much of a slut you are,
and then she's going to be all hot and ready for us, and then we're
going to take her for a walk. Kneel, slut." And Tessa knelt, two feet in
front of me, and Jenna tied her wrists to her ankles and pulled up her
skirt. "I'm going to start you off with a spanking. Jet, do exactly as I
tell you. If you move without permission or fail to move on command, I
will punish you. You are to watch and learn."
Tessa's eyes were round and the laugh lines disappeared. "Please...".
"You'll take it like a bitch, Tessa, and love it. You know it. Keep
begging, you'll get exactly what you deserve."
Tessa began to move from side to side. "Stop that!" And Jessa slapped
Tessa's ass. It was oddly difficult to watch Tessa, who had been cool
and in control all the time I'd known her, suddenly break into a sweat.
As her eyes widened further her nostrils flared, and the sudden
reddening of her face made her vulnerable and sensual. She looked back
at me. Her face softened. "Jet...." And I wanted to pet her head and
tell her how lovely she was. "Tessa, you're so soft and...."
Pain inside me. More whacks. "Shut up and take it." So I watched Tessa
and she watched me and after a short time I found I could make her smile
if I did, and she started to rock her ass back and forth and Jenna
switched to a thin cane and hit Tessa even harder. Tessa watched me. I
did my best to tell her without words "I will take half if you're with
me" and her eyes got soft and moist and then they closed. She relaxed.
Jenna hurt my cunt again. "Take her blouse off and lick her nipples."
I raised my arms. Way more pain. "Not with your hands, bitch, mouth
So I begain trying to undo five buttons with my mouth. It is difficult
and when you're crazy about the smell and feel of someone it is terribly
distracting. My clit was hard enough to be painful before the third
button was undone, Tessa's breasts were warm and bouncy, my tongue felt
as though I'd been licking a piece of sandpaper and I nuzzled within the
little tent of Tessa's blouse - she smelled hot, and raw, and I wanted
to hug her close to me - and began, slowly, to lick her right nipple.
Tessa began breathing hard. "Bite." I did, very softly - good thing,
because she arched her back and I heard the cane whistle and Tessa moved
back to me. I bit again and heard a soft, mewing sound. Her nipple was
hard - painfully hard, I'd have bet - and I could only imagine what was
going on with the rest of her.
"Enough, Jet, kneel back." I did. I saw Tessa's face again. Sweaty, wild
animal look to her. My clit, painful already, jumped. I had to have her.
Jenna hit my face with an open palm. "When I make you fuck Tessa, you'll
know it's me making you fuck her and it will be worse than this, you'll
move when I say you do."
Jenna untied Tessa. "Stand up and strip for Jet."
Tessa undid the remaining buttons of her blouse, took it off. Her
swollen nipples held the little rings out for me. Swinging tags,
engraved, dangling from them. The left one said "Fuck". The right one
said "Toy." Tessa unzipped her skirt, pulled it off. Her panties were
soaked. "Panties too, slut." She pulled them off. Up sprang her clit,
prisoned in a small tube. I remembered the feeling of the head of her
clit and how I had traced every bit of it with my tongue while I was on
the sluttifier last night, and needed her. The plug in my cunt started
pleasuring me. I arched. I wanted. Fuck me. Please.
"I put Tessa into that chastity tube. She can't cum until I free her.
Tomorrow you're going to get your piercings. Your nipple piercings will
say 'Fuck Toy' like hers do. As she said it, Tessa's clit twitched; so
did mine. "Your clit's going to be pierced tomorrow too, and when Tessa
or I decide, you're going to be locked up just as she is, but that's
only for you to think about later. Today I'm taking two sluts for a
Getting hit with a bag full of rocks would have been easier. Did I want
this? My body said yes. My mind said "what the hell are these people
doing, and why am I going along with it?"
Tessa turned and I saw she had a control plug in her cunt. My body won.
I wanted to be in Tessa's position: controlled, frustrated, loved.
Fortunately, I was.
Jenna smiled.
She took her top off. Her nipple piercings had little swinging tags.
"Fuck". "Toy". She teased me with the heel of her tall, tall shoe. She
put the toe of her shoe in my mouth and said "no noise, girl."
"Jet, we are three sluts together. We desire you and we know you desire
us. We think you will join us. Sometimes we are going to hurt you.
Sometimes we want you to hurt us. We want that, we hope you want that
too. Being a slut is partly being unafraid of we who love you taking
control of you, another part is being unafraid to control us, because we
love you and need you to do it."
It sounded reasonable, I thought, drooling on Jenna's shoe, but there
was no way I wanted to mark Tessa's butt with the lines I saw on it.
Then Jenna ran her nails across them, and Tessa arched her back and made
the mewing sound again. "That's it, lover, there's work to do on Jet
before she's presentable."
Jenna removed her shoe from my mouth, pulled Tessa's panties over my
head and slapped my ass. I couldn't see. I could smell Tessa. Where was
she? People and heavy objects began coming through the door, some
rolling and some apparently lugged by workmen, one of whom said "I'd
hate to be her..."
Hands I didn't know pushed me onto a surface I hadn't felt before.
A new voice. "You're lying on a depilator that will make your hair
follicles die. All of them will die. Every hair you have below your
eyelashes will be gone and will never return. Your head hair, a small
portion of your eyebrows, and your lashes will be spared. From now on,
though, you will be completely hairless beyond that. You are not allowed
to resist. I will hurt you if you do. Do you understand, slut? Nod once
if you do."
I nodded. It wouldn't be bad, getting rid of hair. I wondered how it
would look.
Tessa's panties (and the smell of Tessa, which I wanted back) came off
my head. There was an oblong rectangle in front of me. "This is the
make-over mask. It will give you a facial, and permanent eye-liner, and
your eyebrows will be thin and dark and pretty. There is no going back,
and you are given no choice. Mouth open." And to my lack of surprise, a
thick, long gag slid into my mouth. I could see through holes in the
mask. Multiple buckles closed. Points on my nipples pushed me onto my
back. People's heads came and went from my field of view. Headphones
over my ears. "Close her up, now." And I felt a presence, but not a
weight, cover me from neck to feet. "'Night, 'night, my beauty, you'll
be lovely and smooth soon." The eye-holes closed.
The next hour was a bit boring. There were pin-pricks all over me and
some stronger hurts, rushing sounds in my ears, a kind of cooing and the
background sound of people moving here and there, and I fell into a dozy
half- consciousness, sucking the big clit gag and feeling its comforting
and arousing presence in my throat. It stopped a couple noises but
mostly it reassured me.
I could feel breezes on my body.
Hands, rubbing me.
"She's lazy, and she's enjoying that gag far too much."
And the mask was un-buckled and slowly removed, but a pair of dark
goggles went over my eyes.
"OK, let's stand her up and get her ready."
More hands, all over me. I could pick out Jenna's hands and Tessa's
hands, because they petted me and gave me confidence; the others were
just doing a job. If I'd wondered how a race-horse felt being groomed, I
now had my answer. The jockey, with loving hands - I'll have the best
out of you, my beauty - ; the paid groomers, moving combs over me. Not a
bad horse, you understand, but just a horse. I could pick out the hands
that mattered.
The goggles came off. There was a mirror. I was there. Jenna and Tessa
were there. They were lovely, and....
I was utterly hairless, oiled, gleaming, and completely fuckable. I
inhaled with a ridiculous squeak. My eyes were limned, top and bottom,
with liner that extended my eyes and made them look large, innocent and
arousing. Scars and pits on my face were gone, even the stitched-up cut
I'd had over my eyes when I was twelve. Arching, somehow knowing
eyebrows. Smooth, arousing. Tessa put something on my hair and swept it
into a pixie-ish swirl, then roughed it up a bit. Jenna started licking
the backs of my knees.
My clit was up and moving with my pulse. Jenna whispered to me. "Sexy
girl, Tessa and I knew you'd look like that. Can you blame us for
wanting you?"
"Please..." I wanted them to take me, keep petting me, ride me,
anything, please, I want you... "We'll fuck you all night again, and
you'll like it even more than last night, and you'll be even better at
pleasing us."
Jenna spanked me, twice on each cheek (oh, can we just... try that a
little more, Jenna?) and said "we still have to get you ready for your
walk, Jet, there won't be much between this and how you look when we
take you out."
She showed me what was to pass for my wardrobe. Tiny leather shorts.
Tiny leather halter. Heels with tiny leather straps. Rather bold collar.
It said "sex toy girl" in needlepoint, black on black. Oh, yeah, I
wanted that.
"Getting you into shorts like these is a little involved. There are
some, um, manipulations needed. We will help you, it will work." I
couldn't see how, those were even smaller than the leather shorts I'd
admired at Tahiti Threads, what, a day or so ago? "Open up, slut." My
cunt snapped open. Tessa replaced my plug with a slimmer one. "Tight
now, slut girl" and I seized it. It was not enough, I ground my hips a
Jenna said "Jet, I designed these shorts for girls with big clits.
They'll help you look good. You have to work at it a little, and since
you don't know how yet, we're going to show you once and then you'll do
it for yourself and once you're able to put them on properly you'll see
how good they make you look."
So Tessa and Jenna helped me get ready to put the shorts on. They
started with ice water "to calm you down" but it shrivelled me up and I
felt ludicrous. Then a few manipulations and "okay, now pull them up." I
I had a cameltoe. Nothing else showing. Beautiful tiny shorts that
hugged my ass cheeks, rising high enough to show off half of them, and I
could feel the seam pushing on my plug. I wanted to lick the girl in the
mirror, and trace my finger all around the contours I saw. The belt
loops were as wide as the shorts at the sides. It was as if I'd been
painted with a few square inches of leather, and as I noticed just how
arousing the slight tension was all over me, my clit started to throb.
"It's going to be much, much worse in a few minutes, Jet, relax now if
you can." Worse? I'd wanted to look like this ever since I was fourteen.
Now I was standing between two beautiful girls who were happy I looked
exactly the way I'd had in some corner of my mind, and I knew they were
going to be giving me delight and that I pleased them and they were hot
and hard for me.... Tessa's breasts swung nicely under her gauzy peasant
top and I looked and wanted. I knew she was squirming a bit herself and
I thought of how much guilty fun I'd had nibbling her a little while
The halter squashed my chest in a way that made it difficult to breathe,
but my pectorals protruded and made my nipples hard. "Get used to
breasts, in a few weeks you'll be filling a C cup, and we're going to
suck on them while you're tied up." Oooh, yeah. Collar. Shoes, with low
stiletto heels. "Now take your shorts off and put them back on
properly." Much, much easier said than done, and I had to use the ice
water again, but shortly they were back on and I began to rock a bit
because of the delightful tight hold they had on me.
"Make-up, now, girl." Tessa helped me because I was shaking a little. I
wanted to see my reflection again, I was beginning to realize we were
going out of the house and that my wardrobe was at the far end of
anything I had ever seen on anyone, yet I wanted to show off and I knew
it would excite me. It was OK with Tessa and Jenna right beside me.
Jenna put a leash on my collar and said "I'm going to walk you around
here a bit so you can start getting used to heels. These are pretty low,
about three inches, they're a good start. Keep your knees straight when
you stand. When you walk, think nipples up, shoulders back, and aim to
make the heel come down first. They're thin but strong and they will
take it. Walk."
I took three steps and... "Oh, no." Jenna and Tessa looked at me, eyes
sparkling. "What is it?"
"My legs are working, and they're making... sensations, and suddenly I'm
terribly hot."
They laughed. Tessa walked in front of me. Her nails parted my cheeks.
"I'm going to enjoy you... so much...".
"Jet, it gets a whole lot worse, we told you that. The plug in your cunt
is going to make you crazy the whole time we're walking. We will let it
help you for a little while, by making sure you don't grind your hips
too much, but soon we will take away the help. The best thing to do is
to just allow all the sensations to be inside you and take what we give
you. We know you won't be able to do that, you're going to grind your
hips no matter what your brain tells you, but after a few minutes those
muscles will get tired and you will just allow the plug to be inside
you. Every step you take is going to pleasure you, and that is why this
is such a good way to train a slut into heels."
"Can't I just learn it at my own pace, a few steps at a time?"
"No, dear, you're going to have a little walk every couple days, until
you are in really high heels. Accept the heat, let it fill you."
"I can't do this."
"Stop this nonsense and walk."
There I stood, hot and miserable, and Jenna started to pull the leash. I
took another few steps. "Aaah, no, I can't, stop, Jenna." Who did
nothing of the sort. I tried to remember, heel first? Knees bent? Oh,
yes, more pleasure inside me. Please, yes, step more, walk a little
faster..... "Aaah, oh, I can't...."
"Jet, we cannot have you fussing." Tessa found a long, rather slim
package. "This is a deep gag, Jet, it's just about invisible but it will
keep you silent. You're going to have this for a while, it will help a
little." There was a chunk of black rubber on the end, about two inches
long and about as big around, and a couple of thin rods worked into a
pattern. "Open wide, darling, can't have any more noise." I opened my
mouth, the black rubber slug worked its way down my throat, and then the
rods clicked behind my teeth. Nothing was in my mouth at all except the
rods, which I couldn't get to move with my tongue. "You can't swallow
that, you can't push it out, and you can't speak with it in, but you can
kiss, and suck, me and Jenna." She locked a fine gold chain from the
outer edges around the back of my head.
A low "uuuuuh" was the only sound I could make. Jenna took the leash
again and we walked out of Tessa's apartment. They were cool and lovely
and they carried their bodies with tremendous confidence. Jessa's hips
were rocking slightly, it was maddening being behind her. She swayed.
The bouncing in my cunt and the warmer air in the corridor made me feel
a bit feverish and I started to sweat. We waited for the elevator. Tessa
and Jenna put their arms around me, and Jenna said "Now, darling, we are
going to show you off. This is fun for us, when we see you so pretty and
desperate and disciplined we feel it inside us and it makes us hot,
too." Tessa's fingernail across my lower abdomen made me want to scream.
The elevator arrived, and we stepped in. It had a full-length mirror on
the back wall, and there we were: two hot-looking, confident women
apparently escorting a model who couldn't or wouldn't find anything to
wear except leather lingerie. They both started caressing my ass cheeks
and I felt once again how strange and smooth my skin had become. I
pressed my ass back into their hands and they just cupped it, and I
We stepped out of the elevator and walked out onto Roosevelt. My nipples
felt engorged and I started swaying my hips a bit to try to diffuse the
intensity there. Oops, bad mistake, the plug shocked me and I had to
concentrate to get back to the gait they wanted. "Those little shocks
will help remind you not to play with yourself too much, Jet. Just relax
and walk."
It sounded so easy when Tessa said to relax, but I was dressed like a
porn actress and that excited me all by itself. The motion of my legs
teased my cunt. My clit was sliding around a bit on the sweaty leather,
my nipples were erect and terribly sensitive to the stitching in my top,
and I was wearing heels. The tight hems of the shorts held my ass cheeks
softly, like hands. Fantasy and reality were meeting right inside me and
I breathed pretty hard. I was eager for any touch, yet each one made my
need worse. Tessa and Jenna kept nibbling my ears and caressing my ass
and promising how they would fuck me later.
We walked. People stared. At me. At the three of us, two composed and
lovely and showing off; the third, between them, tiny beads of sweat on
her, tiny tight leather hugging her. This was new and I liked it. I was
free in a way I didn't understand but knew. It was Jenna's and Tessa's
fault I couldn't hide my body and my desire, not mine, I had to follow
them. I love them, they are so exciting and delicious....
They faced me toward a big window. There was a mirror in the window and
I saw us together and I couldn't stand it, I ground my hips. There
wasn't a shock. I ground some more, oh, I wanted that... still no shock.
"Jet, look at you in the mirror", said Tessa. "You need fucking worse
than you have ever needed it in your life. You're almost naked, you're
dressed in a way hardly anyone can pull off, and there you stand
thinking how hot you are and wiggling your ass trying to jill off. I
think you're hot too, and we're really enjoying teasing you. But look at
you. You'd do anything to get off right now, you'd even let me and Jenna
take you right here on the sidewalk. What do you call a woman like
Slut. The word instantly popped into my head, and it was really the
right word for me, and I was delighted and ashamed, a little, but mostly
delighted. Miserable, desperately horny, so very happy Tessa and Jenna
were there, oh they're teasing my nipples now, please, do, strip me and
fuck me now, I'll do anything....
"We're going to keep walking, Jet, and it's going to be even worse than
it was. Be strong, girl, and walk in a stately manner. We mean to tease
you. You'll fuck better. We're going to do it a lot. Get used to it."
So I was desperately in need of ...something... and wanted Tessa and
Jenna even more, if that was possible, and I was proud to be with them,
and I needed them.
"Ah, now you're walking better, lover, so you probably need a bit of
teasing. We're going to walk, without drama, to Five Cannons Park and
then back to Tessa's. Then we're going to play with you." Twitch,
twitch. It was hard to walk again, all right. It was hard to do much of
anything except just pay attention to the next step, but I knew exactly
when that plug would give me a little kiss, and I wanted it and tried to
avoid it and couldn't do anything about it, and I found myself in this
thick orange haze of my own desire and deliciousness.
We went here and there, I didn't notice. They touched one another's
breasts, Jenna slipping her hands under Tessa's top and teasing her. She
said "make me fuck you". "Oh, I will, you already know how frustrated
you're going to get and you're begging anyway." She turned red. Jenna
made me kiss her and we were both breathing like movie steam trains and
then she slapped my ass, hard, twice. I shook it and implored with my
eyes for just a little more, please, Tessa, now now now!
She laughed and rubbed her finger down the middle of my cameltoe.
Tessa and Jenna made me watch them in the elevator, they were biting one
another's nipples. Tessa's little squeaks had a ragged sound I could
easily understand. Jenna put her hand up Tessa's skirt and pushed her
against the elevator doors. "Such a good girl, such a wonderful lover,
you're going to be air-tight tonight and you know you'll move just like
I want you to."
We went in to Tessa's apartment again. She held me while Jessa slowly
took the gag out of my throat, pulled my tiny shorts down and began
licking me. Tessa's fingernails teased my nipples through the halter.
Jenna's nails scratched my ass and I couldn't relax or push or anything,
I just stood there in my heels and I took it for what might have been
fifteen whole seconds until everything overwhelmed me, and I was afraid
I was falling, and I felt Tessa holding me and I just... let go....
They told me it was just a few seconds during which I was out, but I'd
never before lost consciousness. I ended up lying on the carpet which
was making me itch a little, but my body felt like a plastic bag full of
noodles and I didn't want to go anyplace in particular anyway so Tessa
sat behind me and pulled me backward and cuddled me up. I was a little
bit dizzy. Jenna said "it's orgasmic syncope. A really big one knocks
you out. I didn't expect that, and you might need your blood pressure
checked, but probably we just pushed you a bit far."
She got us all glasses of wine and we sat together. The wine tasted
really good, and I sat there enjoying it and the feel of Tessa's legs
around me and being petted by both of them and sort of wondering what I
needed to do to have another morning like this one. We were all quiet
and then the three of us got up and they took my arms and we all just
flopped on the bed. I felt heavy and quiet. Tessa and Jenna petted one
another and Jenna started to shake a little, and I realized she was
crying so I put my wobbly arms around her and after a minute... "Oh, I
so fucked up. I'm sorry, Jet, it was such fun and I got carried away."
Huh? "Huh?" More tears; Jenna shook her head and turned her face away.
Tessa: "Jet, Jenna and I planned all of this. We wanted to make you
crazy but instead we knocked you unconscious."
I was silent for a moment.
"Um. You both. Planned this. So I would be all hot and excited? It
"It wasn't just to excite you. It was so you'd find out it was OK to
just take us, either of us, both of us, exactly as you wanted."
And I was sorry because Tessa was, and I lay there thinking this over.
"I just had the most exciting time in my whole life and you think it was
not enough?"
Jenna said, snuffling, "Not quite like that. Not 'not enough'. You're
used to the dating game, maybe, and you're decent and all that, and
there is probably no place in your life where you have had the right to
just take somebody and fuck them, or make them suck you, or fill you
completely and revel in it. I can tell you, Tessa can tell you, that we
each desire you. The telling isn't the same as the knowing."
I was definitely not in Kansas any more. This was the strangest
conversation I'd ever had. My hand was petting Jenna softly, as I would
a kitten.
"You wanted... me to -have- to take you." Jenna nodded, Tessa said "yah,
once you learn that in your body, things are different."
"This is so sweet and so... convoluted."
Jenna giggled. "It's only convoluted when you have to think it over.
It's easy to get... well, 'warped' doesn't cover the territory, but the
whole idea of scoring - first base, second base, third-base" - Tessa
snorted - "is getting pretty close."
"You wanted me to -have- to take you, and that way I'd find out you
wanted me to."
"Needed you to." And Jenna nodded.
Bit of dust in my eye, I'm sure. It passed.
"I sort of see your point, you can tell me that all you want and I'm
still in a sort of Disbelief Zone."
"That's it. There's a barrier, the best way to get rid of it is to
demonstrate - not tell - the fact it can be burnt, smashed, ignored or
evaded if you have the desire, and you sure had that."
Jenna sobbed again. I put my arms around her, rolled her up on top of
me. "Then it was lovely, thank you, Jenna. I understand, maybe there's
space for the knowing." I hope. I reached over and pulled Tessa next to
us. "Thank you, Tessa."
One odd thing about a nap that strikes suddenly is it's catching. When I
opened my eyes Tessa and Jenna were still sleeping. I got up - my shoes
were still on and I couldn't open the buckles, but I tip-toed into the
kitchen famished. Found a robe that didn't look too expensive (never,
never cook naked). Made an omelet for us. The smell of the sizzling
butter and shallot reached into the bedroom, and they shortly came out
blinking and stretching. Tessa snorted. "We look as though we've all had
a hard night and it isn't even dinner time." I checked my reflection.
Smeary make-up, hair all over the place, looking as though I'd run a
marathon; felt like it too.
We ate. "Jet, you look so good in a tunic and heels." Tessa and Jenna
were, more sensibly, naked.
Jessa said "I'm going to have a very serious wash-up." She hooked a
finger through my collar and took me into the bathroom. She took off my
little robe. "Open now, slut". I snapped open, and she took my plug out.
She unlocked my collar and heels. "Tight now, slut girl. Into the
The shower was big and full of chrome fittings. There was a stone chute
about two feet wide right below the ceiling, five or six showerheads
arranged all up and down a couple of big pipes, maybe four sets of
valves. "This is a nice shower, and it has a waterfall." She turned a
valve and water gushed out on our feet. Once it was warm she turned
another valve, and water began to come out of the stone chute in a wide
sparkling sheet. We ducked into it. Nice and warm, and Jenna showed me
little by little how to un-do the make-up. It took a fair bit of dabbing
- "Jet, you are not scouring the sink. Gently." - and lilac-scented soap
to take it off, and between the lilac smell and Jessa's warm, damp,
bobbing breasts and strong hands massaging more of the soap into my
shoulders and back I began to pay more attention to my body. Which hurt.
I'd been so tense for so long that muscles I didn't know I had were
raising a cranky chorus. Jenna's hands helped a little. My feet felt
Tessa came in. She joined us for a moment under the waterfall. We were
sort of giggling together in the sheet of water. With all these warm
lovable bodies together under the shower I felt soft and smooth,
reveling again in my hairless condition and their soapy, fresh, yielding
selves so close to me; then she turned on another shower head and began
to take off her own make-up.
Jenna and Tessa both had the permanent eye-liner I had. The rest had
disappeared. They looked innocent, I wanted to tell them, as the bits of
my body and sense started assembling themselves again, that it was OK,
that I loved what they'd done with me, and I realized it was hollow and
said nothing. It was a charming and beautiful thing they'd created and I
had to look at it differently, now: that because of a small
miscalculation the splendid gift they had tried to offer me was out of
reach for the moment. There had to be a way to make that better. I had
to figure it out, knew it would take time, decided to let it stay fallow
and hope for insight.
"Hot tub."
"Now you have to get used to bikinis, because this is a shared hot tub.
You're still pretty flat, and that is a little problem but we can manage
Ten minutes later I had a small pair of breast forms, stripper shoes and
a thong bikini. They wanted to go right up to the hot tub but I said "I
want to see. All of us."
Three hotties in the mirror. I wanted them all, lined up for me....
Thongs that didn't -quite- match. All the girls were showing nice
cameltoes. I liked being one of the girls. "You are ogling."
"Yes. Stand still. I want to look." So Jenna and Tessa put their hands
on my ass, and I ogled for a little while. Sue me. We looked hot and I
was becoming conscious of my desire again and I realized I had insisted
and they had listened and done what I wanted.
There was a precipice, here, the three of us looking over. Enough for
the time being.
The three of us. I felt an elevator feeling inside me, going up. This
was new, and worth work.
We had white robes with colorful dinosaurs on them. I loved those robes;
we still have them. A green stegosaur, a yellow apatosaur, a blue
pterodactyl repeated all over them. They were absurd and delightful.
We rode, quietly, to the open deck halfway up in Tessa's apartment
building. The hot tub was open to the sky and the city lights were
spread below us. The robes were in a little pile on a webbed chair. We
held hands all together and the water was blue and glowing and soft and
Tessa produced the wine again and we clinked glasses and drank.
Hands around me, soft lips, hot water, hot lovers. I kissed Tessa. I
kissed Jenna. We repeated the dance club three-together kiss and it was
soft, warm, yielding, exciting. I wanted to stay there. Tessa and Jenna
stayed there. I wanted their tongues in my mouth. They were. I wanted
their hands, on me, stroking me and loving me. They did.
"Sweethearts, I love this. I want to be with you. You took a risk doing
something wild and beautiful, and it hurt you that it didn't work as you
planned it. Even though I don't have the muscle-and-bone knowledge you
offered, will you, for a little while, trust me? That I desire you? That
what you offered me is the best thing I ever knew of, and it's
happening, right now, to me, and I feel like a deity and a puppy in a
warm nest at the same time?"
"Ah, Jet, I'd have asked you that, or Tessa would have, in the next
couple minutes."
A... tension, vanishing into the air.
We all watched it disappear. Waving bye-bye, the three of us.
A comfortable silence, which we all let ride. The hands I rested in, my
hands touching my lovers. We knew there was more to be said, more to be
understood, and it was enough for now.
Monday. The world should intrude, but it didn't. I woke up, only a
collar, heels, and the freaky breast forms on me. Jenna was cooking
something with a not-quite-floral topnote. Tessa clamped my hips with
her thighs and said "up, slut, bright day for us." And she began licking
my ears, and my arms and my fingers, and I was reveling in Tessa, and
she teased my mouth with her tongue and I was suddenly very hard and
very hot and needed her. She pushed the head of her clit into my mouth
and my back arched and I had to admire, with my tongue, every bit of
what she'd offered, and then I needed more....
Jenna came in and said "instead of two hungry people I find two sluts
who can't give it a rest. Would. You. Two. Stop Fucking for a minute?"
So Jenna laughed, and she was hard and she pushed her clit inside me and
I adored that, too, with all I had, until she began to pant and sweat
and I drew her into me, and Tessa's clit was in my mouth and I couldn't
help it, I wrapped my legs around Jenna and my arms around Tessa and
they fucked me, soundly and completely. I was giddy with the taste and
feel and need of them, and when I came so did Jenna. Tessa was still in
her chastity tube and I felt sorry, a little, but the throb of her and
the way she filled my mouth was so delightful I had to have her anyway.
We unwound: "there is breakfast."
I went under the table and made them squeak, because I had my coffee
under there and my mouth was as hot as I could make it. I was pleased
with myself and shook my ass at them, and brought them coffee and the
slightly cool, savory brioches Jenna'd made.
"Seriously, you two, we have things to talk over but one or another of
you is always after more sex. We. Have. To. Talk."
So I took Jenna by the hair and made her kneel in the kitchen, and made
her take my clit, little by little, entirely down her throat. I told her
she was some example, purring and leaking and licking and hard, telling
others about not being after more sex. She squirmed and moaned and
sucked me and Tessa began laughing. I rolled Jenna's lovely nipples
between my fingers.
Jenna came, then I did. Poor Tessa, I needed her too, maybe I'd be able
to get Jenna to release her tonight.
Anyway. "All right, slut, let's talk."
Tessa laughed at Jenna's slightly cross-eyed face. "Oh. Um. Damn. OK,
give me a minute here..."
I joined Tessa on the banquette and we waited for Jenna, who wobbled
over to us. "Dear heart, I am all ears. Let's Talk."
So Jessa leaned over us and we caught her and held her. "Jet, I want
you. Tessa wants you. You want us. Give it up, slut, admit it." I did,
readily. "I love you. I love Tessa. I desire you both, I desire your
need for one another too."
"Now. Really. I deserved your snarky little diversion, but no more.
Please, we need to stop being giddy teen-agers playing with our clits
and make a few things clear."
Tessa and I waited.
"Jet is at loose ends. She either gets a post-doc somewhere, or she
starts a venture she's interested in. She has to do something when she
isn't shaking her ass and making us squirm."
"She can come to HeliCo if she wants to."
HeliCo had sponsored my lab, mostly with grants but they had a few
instruments we had to have for our research. I looked at Tessa. "My dad
founded it, I helped him run it when he got deep into his own work there
and we found I have a head for business."
"And one for pleasure", Jenna and I chorused. Tessa licked her lips and
began to paw Jessa's breasts. "Dammit, stop!" said Jenna. "That might
have been my fault too, but Jet, you're teasing everybody and this is
hard enough..."
"Already?" I asked, arching an eyebrow. "Oooh, please, can't you be
serious for two minutes in a row?"
I suspected the last couple nights' full-bore sex and submission and
sluthood couldn't be sustained for more than a few weeks with these two
before it blew itself out. I wanted more. I wanted them for a long time,
at least as long as I could imagine into the haze of the future. I
wanted a history with them. "HeliCo..."
"Yes, you know the group, localized DNA intervention. Of course it
works. That's where your tits... and other... changes will be coming
I. Wanted. Breasts. I wanted to look like Jenna and Tessa, firm,
cushion-y, big rack to hold out my nipples for pain or delight, hips to
rock them sweetly while I whispered nasty things in their ears, tags
through my nipples that said Fuck Toy. Can I be that hot? It felt funny,
I was talking about serious, pain-in-the-ass, difficult changes as my
breast forms bobbed in front of me. Yah. I want that. I'm a slut, might
as well face it. The other side of the coin: I'm desirable, fuckable, a
lust object. Yes, I want that, too.
"Jet. Stop daydreaming. We are getting around to telling you stuff and
there you are getting hard again..." Tessa took my arms, pinned them
behind me. Jessa leaned over me. "Jet. I'm glad you're drifting in that
fuck-me haze you get. It's beautiful, but you are not attending, and
what you are to attend to is you get to choose about your path, not just
with us, but your whole path. We are more able to make it real than you
"I'm not understanding this."
"Dear girl, we don't advertise it. Tessa is the majority stockholder of
HeliCo. I am the CEO of Ganesh Holdings LLC, whose interests include
Tahiti Threads. You can be a kept girl, our whore; you can spend a long
time deciding what you want to do; you can get on with what you want to
do. It would please us if you advanced yourself, brought new things home
to us. We need stimulation, not just your tight little cunt and your
beautiful clit and your eagerness and your excitement. We want all of
you. Your thesis is known - to Tessa's dad, to a couple European
consortia, to people who matter in your field. So think, sweetheart. We
offered you us, you took that. Take for a change. Take us. Do what you
want, now, whenever."
Here were two people I knew, suddenly knew very well, knew in their own
abandon and mine, who wanted to give me something, because they knew me
the way I knew them, and there was more, and I wanted it. The whore bit
sounded fun, and then I was embarrassed, and then I thought "yah, that's
crazy" but it kind of itched and felt sassy, as though I'd shake my ass
at them some more, and I wanted it.
"OK, I promise to think. I am having a wonderful time as your lover and
don't need to decide just yet; can we return to this in a couple of
"You'll need time to think, and you haven't all that much because today
you are going to have a number of - huh, what do I call them? - Um.
Consultations." Tessa smiled.
"What kind of consultations?"
"Today, wardrobe and piercing."
Whoa. Thinking of having my nipple tags and clit rings were one thing,
the mechanics were un-examined territory. "Um. Does it hurt?"
"Yes, it does, briefly, though I am sure you will find yourself aroused
by a few of the... more exotic ones."
"The guiches, particularly."
"Jet, we're going to be here and we will talk you through it, but the
first item is wardrobe and Mr. Baillat will be here for that shortly.
The breast forms mostly stay, there will be a little interregnum where
you'll need them. Beyond that, into the shower with all of us."
Much, much more fun in the shower with them this time. Three people
intending to shower together is way better than two. First off, there
are lots more hands and breasts and tongues and they keep you busy,
especially when two of the three are well-fucked and relaxed, so we
ended up teasing Tessa some more. She laughed, then she begged, and I
slowed down and petted her and looked at her eyes and soothed her. I
knew some of how she felt, but hadn't done any time in chastity. Yet, I
So Tessa pulled me out of the shower and put my collar back on and
locked my hands to it, behind my neck. "There, now, Mr. Baillat will
have an easy time examining you, and so will we." Jenna emerged from the
shower and they started teasing me with their hands and their tongues
and all I could do was take it, and when Tessa asked if they should take
me back in the shower and do it again I was tempted and a little fearful
because I knew already what they could get out of me and how completely
at their mercy I was, tied up and looking at them, and I said "Please...
yes...". So they did, and I was on my knees after about three minutes,
trying to get their clits into my mouth, and they giggled and Tessa
licked Jenna's and all I could do was want and beg until Tessa gagged me
with a stupid little ball-gag. Bleh. Then they took me back out of the
shower, and oiled me (stray hands going everywhere) and dressed while
they had a little chat about how fast to oil my clit when the doorbell
They led me out of the bathroom. There I stood, naked and oiled and
bound, while two men were admitted. One was dressed rather severely in a
trilby hat, chalk-striped suit, wing tips, pin-dot tie. The other had
one of the hottest bodies I had ever seen, dressed in entirely original
clothes that emphasized his sexuality, femininity and submission. I
wanted to be dressed like he was. It had to be wild.
"Good morning, Jenna, and Tessa. Good morning, Jet. I am Hippolyte
Baillat and this is my assistant, Pleasure Boy."
Pleasure Boy wore a mask, discreetly strapped over his head. His quasi-
military, high-collared jacket ended where his ribs did. The jacket's
nipples were cut out and small silvery nipple covers were obviously
pinned through his flesh. The sleeves were short and his gauntlets were
made of black lace. His torso was muscular, with a very well emphasized
six-pack, and below that he wore... a wrap, like an extremely short
skirt, very low on his hips, very tight. His cock and balls resided in a
small sheath, clearly part of the wrap, clearly constricting and equally
defining. His stockings were of a material I had never seen, semi-
transparent and with little ridges; he had muscular dancer's legs, large
calves, and tall d'Orsay heels. I thought "needs sucking", twitched.
My clit throbbed. "Ah, yes, Miss Jet, Pleasure Boy often has that
effect. You will be garbed in a way that suits you individually, and
with our creativity and your beauty you will elicit much of the same and
experience it at the same time, to the limit of your ability."
Tessa and Jenna stood beside me, their reassuring hands on my shoulders.
"Jet's going to be out of her mind when Pleasure Boy starts measuring.
We'll watch, thank you, Mr. Baillat."
Mr. Baillat and his Totally. Suckable. Assistant measured me. At the end
of the measurement session I was soaked in sweat, desperately in need of
fucking, still standing there with my hands locked to my collar. Tessa
said "oh, dear, Jet, you're already like I am. All I can think of is
fucking, and you're just as incapable as I am with your hands tied like
that. I can tease you and there's nothing you can do about it." And she
proved it in a couple minutes but made me take what she was giving me
for a lot longer than that. She was breathing hard, her clit purple and
straining at its little cage, and Jenna pushed her on her knees, made
Tessa suck her, and then made me suck her too.
I'm going to spare you the details of the session with the piercer. It
wasn't much like I'd suspected, at the end I was very sleepy and very
excited and I must have fallen asleep after a time; I awoke between my
two lovers completely naked except for collar and heels.
There were all these rings in me. My nipples, I checked them first, yup,
just as they'd promised there were little tags that said Fuck Toy there.
Clit pierced twice, prince albert and ampallang. Both ears with little
gold hearts dangling and waving.
I stuck out my tongue. A fair-sized gold ball on my tongue, and I
suddenly realized what it would be good for and I thought of Tessa and I
"It's going to be a little difficult to show you the guiches right away,
Jet, but maybe I can illustrate. Legs apart."
A very delicate tapping, first on my inner thigh and then on one of the
guiches. Intense, sharp desire. "Tessa and I don't have those, dear Jet,
and we don't have the tongue one either. The guiches are for you, the
tongue piercing is for us." I purred. I was their slut, their fuck toy.
It said so, right on my body.
"We'll help you take care of these, that will be fun. They heal fast,
nowadays. Ours took six weeks, yours will take only a few days, but
during that time we have to be a little careful. We're going to have a
quieter time, talking, thinking, cuddling."
I took Jenna aside. "You said I could have anything I wanted. I like my
jewelry, but there's something I want."
"That's right. You can."
"Then, would you release Tessa? I want her so badly, and I want her to
enjoy me fully, and I want to please her too, and she can't enjoy me the
way I want her to."
"You mean I get two for one, when I lock her up?"
"I... not exactly, but maybe, in a way - I really want both of you."
"I will release Tessa, but then I will lock you up as soon as your
piercings can take it. We'll use you like a cheap whore when you're in
Tessa's tube, you know."
Oh. Tessa's chastity tube, on me. My clit jumped.
"Yes, do."
"Tessa, come here, please."
She looked at Jenna.
"Jet wants you to fuck her so much she's going to trade places with
you." And Jessa took a little key off her necklace and unlocked Tessa's
tube. "Jet, are you sure you know what you're doing?"
"I don't care. Fuck me, Tessa, I want your eyes and your power and how
you smell. Fuck me. Now, soon, please, dear. I need you, inside me, fuck
Tessa took very delicate hold of my right nipple (oh, intense, I want
intense, yah, yah!) and led me over to the bed. "Jet, I'm going to tease
you a lot and then I'm going to fuck you until your eyes are crossed and
then I am going to bind you, and tease you much more, and maybe if
you're very good and you do exactly as Jenna and I say, you'll cum, and
that's the last time for the rest of my sentence. After that, you're
going to be locked up and we're going to use you morning and night, and
you won't be able to think of anything very much but fucking, and we're
going to enjoy that and use you a lot. Too late to back out, slut, you
wanted it and now you have it."
"Tessa. Fuck me."
She pushed me on the bed. Entered me. My legs and arms wound around her.
She rose on her elbows, watching me. The little crinkles in the corners
of her eyes were beautiful. She has pretty eyes. Her nipples are
swollen. I touched them. She twitched; I pinched; she twitched some
more. Jenna watched us, playing with her clit. "Jenna, see my mouth?" I
ran my tongue over my lips. "It's warm, and soft, and my tongue is too."
My legs pulled Tessa into me. I reached out and took all of her.
"Please, Tessa, I need you to fuck me." She smiled. "Oh, Jet, you're
already a tease, now you're mine and I'm going to enjoy you fully. Shut
up, now, slut." So she fucked me, very slowly, and brushed her hands
across my Fuck Toy tags and scored the flesh of my sides with her nails
and bent forward so I could smell her and back so I'd miss it, and
wouldn't go fast enough, and I was breathing raggedly and trying to pull
her into me faster but she was plenty strong and kept laughing and
licking me and saying "if you tighten up just a bit maybe I will go a
little faster" and I did and she said, "And maybe not..." and I laughed
in spite of how desperately I wanted her.
She unwrapped my legs from her, pulled herself out of me. "Oh, please,
"You. Are. Mine. If you want to fuck, turn over. Open your cunt
completely, and if I like what I see, I will give you some of my clit."
So I rolled over, thought every thought I could think of to open myself
as she wanted. "Not so good. Try again." I did. "Better." And she
started to enter me. "Jet, play with your nipples." I crossed my arms in
front of me. "Like this." And she showed me. They were very, very
sensitive. "Aah..."
"That's good, slut, you're nice and tight like that." Jenna finally got
the message and her clit was in my mouth, and I licked her, ow, new
piercing. So I kept it up, making myself hotter and hotter while she
stroked slowly inside me and I swirled my sore tongue all around Jenna's
yummy. "More." I did. It was wonderful and terribly frustrating, Tessa
teasing me and enjoying me while I was making myself more and more
desperate for her. Jenna was squeaking and her clit twitched when she
wasn't trying to get Tessa to kiss her. "Good girl, now you're going to
get what you asked for." And Tessa, magnificent Tessa, plowed me like an
enormous, powerful, unstoppable machine and I opened and wanted and
squeezed and shone and radiated, impaled on her, full of her and Jenna,
and then her hips started to snap and I tightened, just a bit more, and
she shouted and came; her heat filled me. She kept forcing me forward
onto Jenna's clit with her manic hips and I squeezed and massaged her
and made her keep going until she draped herself, panting and smelling
wonderful, over my back. Then Jenna came too, and there was this sweet
little time when no one was doing much of anything but adjusting hips
and shoulders, the better to be all together.
"Jet, say you're our slut."
"Tessa, I am your slut. Jenna, I am your slut. I will do whatever you
want. Fuck me like that, I need you to fuck me like that. I want your
power, inside me, making me do what you want." And I felt Jenna and
Tessa kiss one another.
Well, I needed them still, and after a little while Jenna bound my arms
in the long sleeve and she and Tessa started whispering and giggling.
Tessa showed me a few pieces of white thread, and said "Jenna and I are
only going to touch you with these, and you're going to cum like a slut
and there's nothing you can do about it," I laughed.
They put binders on my thighs, and clipped them to my collar. I was open
again to them; and then a very sharp, very tiny sensation started to
spread through me. I'd never felt anything like it before. It aroused me
and scared me and I was completely still.
Jenna said "The piercer says it's okay to do this, even now. Tessa has
her thread around one of your guiches and mine is around the other. He
says if you don't cum like a helpless, well-used woman when we do this,
he will retire and grow brugmania for a living."
What an... odd sensation they were giving me. Like being poised on a
knife blade, but a very friendly knife. I tentatively moved my hips.
"Yah, slut, you can't help it, slave to your body, aren't you? Little
chains are going to be in all your clothes, and Tessa and I are going to
play with them idly and you're going to move your hips just like that,
aren't you? Can't help it, fuck toy. I know. We won't even need the
control plug to make you do what we want, will we...?"
I wanted, give me that slippery sharp feeling where there's never been
one before, please, just a little more... I thought of my body, modified
for their pleasure - and mine; I thought of what they'd taught me in a
few days, and I thought of their humor and energy and intensity and how
wonderful it felt that they wanted me and just took me and used me. The
tags hanging from my nipples said Fuck Toy and I knew exactly whose Fuck
Toy and I treasured them. The arm binder and the severe restraint,
keeping me wide open and completely helpless before them, played the
bass notes while the high spine-shattering ones felt as though they were
splitting me in half. I wanted, I needed, I came. Screaming as they'd
promised, completely unwillingly, I was taken and forced to do what
they'd wanted, with only two, tiny, threads in their hands.
Tessa and Jenna and I.
Three months later here I am, standing in front of the mirror. Breakfast
all done, Tessa and Jenna in matching collars, halters, tiny leather
shorts and high heels stand on either side of me. They are gagged and
plugged and caged, and I told them if they're good on our walk I will
release their clits and lick them exactly as they wish. I have their
leashes in my hand, and they're perfectly attentive, as I've taught them
to be with my mouth and fingers and cunt and clit. My hard rounded body
makes them greedy and sweaty and so easy to seduce into the lust I want
from them. My deep, delightful knowledge of how they think makes them
fearful that I will probe just a little more into their precious selves,
to torment them further. They will walk exactly as and when I wish, to
have me just once more.
The difficulty of leading them - needing Tessa and Jenna, and still
taking them and making them do what they fear and desire - is as
familiar to them as is their current desperation and need.
And I realize that means I am completely theirs.