Training A New Submissive Slut
- 3 years ago
- 39
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Trained Slut ? Part I
A suburb of Los Angeles can mean a lot of places, some of them big enough to earn the title of ?Town?.? Dave and Bob work together in the office of a small company with just a secretary and the owner in one such suburb.? Dave and Bob could easily have spent their working lives as acquaintances, knowing little or nothing of the other?s life outside work.? That?s just how they were.? It was probably more surprising that they were fast friends, each going that extra mile without a thought, for the other.? Bob just had a quiet personality.? Dave, on the other hand, had learned early in life to present himself as a quiet person so that he could just blend in.? It would be unthinkable to some of those who though they knew him to see his true persona.?
The Dave that was hidden from all but a select few had an unusual hobby.? Until very recently, he collected women and almost always had one or two at any given moment.? Dave wasn?t a player, because his women were his.? Literally and totally. ?He owned them and sold them when he was done with them.? On a number of occasions, a woman had simply come to him, stripped herself and kneeled at his feet, begging for the opportunity to be his.? What could he do?? He?d use her fully, train her in the art of being property then find a good home for her, as the slave of a worthy owner.? Other times, he came across women who were just too beautiful not to be slaves.? Other men would consider taking such a woman to bed to be the ultimate conquest.? Dave didn?t agree.? A beautiful woman begging him to collar her and do anything to her without limit was more of a challenge to him and Dave had proved times without number that he was capable of mastering the challenge.
Even though Dave and Bob had worked together for five years and had been close friends for two, it had only been in the last week that Bob had been introduced to Dave?s lifestyle.? Bob had accepted Dave?s hobby without judgment, but had no interest in seeing his friend whip a tied slave or have her perform for him.? There were only two people in Dave?s life that he cared enough about to hold his interest for more than a few moments and Dave knew this.
As soon as Bob walked his front door, his wife was on him about Emily.? She was so angry she didn?t even care that Bob?s buddy Dave from work had come in with him.
?I want her out of here!? She wailed to Bob.
Emily was the daughter of Bob?s wife.? At 25, Emily was still living at home, with no job and no intention of finding one.? She often claimed that the job of being a single parent to her son Alex was the only job she had time to do.? In reality, she really was a poor excuse for a parent, considering that she was out most evenings and only spent time with her son when a date got cancelled.? Emily?s mom helped him with homework, played with him and even took him to the doctor much more regularly than Emily, who?s car was regularly broken down.? In turn, Alex treated his mom more like a sister and his grandmother more like a mother.
Even though Emily was not Dave?s birth child, Emily called him dad and he doted on her, secretly giving her spending money every now and then, buying her clothes and making the regular repairs she needed on her car.? In return, she told him she loved him and would sometimes give him big hugs, which he especially enjoyed.? She shared her troubles with her dad, often crying on his shoulder when one of her many men-friends would upset her or do things that she didn?t enjoy.? One of the high points in Bob?s relationship with Emily was that she didn?t feel the need have secrets from him.? As a result, she would share things with him that girls don?t usually even share with boys, much less parents.? He knew all her fantasies and dreams, as well as details of the experimentation she?d had with sex.? If one of her men-friends tried something she?d never experienced in bed before, her step-dad was the first to hear about it.
Bob knew that the reason he was so privileged had nothing to do with his being the most special person in her life, but rather that she had no real friends because she treated people so poorly.? He knew she had a good heart, but a bad attitude to go with it.? When she wanted something, she would get it because she could be so nice.? But after she?d gotten what she wanted, the giver was then thrown aside, adding to a very long list of people with a grudge to bear against her.? Emily?s mom was the person who?s name was at the top of the list, yet she felt beholden to her daughter so she?d allowed her daughter to get more and more self-centered.? Bob knew that maybe today had been the last straw and Emily had finally pushed her mom too far.
Bob hugged his wife and told her he?d take care of it.?
?Ah, Bob?? Can I have a word?? In private, I mean,? Dave whispered to Bob.
?Sure Dave,? Bob replied, thinking that Dave was ready to get out of this scene of less than domestic bliss.
?Why don?t you give Emily to me for a few weeks?? Dave suggested as soon as Bob had ushered him out of the living room.? ?I bet she?ll be a lot easier to deal with when she gets back.? It?s all about control.? Once Emily understands that someone else is in control of her, she can be taught how to act.? I?m willing to make her into the woman you want her to be,? Dave explained to him.
?You just want to fuck her,? Bob accused with a smile.
?If you can live with the idea of your buddy fucking your daughter, then I can!? Dave said with a grin.? ?But if you agree, you have to promise me something.? You have to agree now that you?ll trust me and won?t interfere.? I?m going to be pretty rough on her, but it?ll be for her benefit.? In fact, the last time I did this, the chick ended up better off than most!?
?What do you mean,? Bob asked, puzzled.
?Well, she?s got a bunch of friends and she?s rich, in that order.? She used to be such a bitch that a buddy of mine named Ray had to do something about her before she got herself and him, ah? let?s just say that what would have happened would have been a shame.? I think he was pretty mad at her, because he spent a bunch of money getting me everything I thought I?d need to do a good job.?
?He was mad at her so he threw money around to make her loose her attitude?? Bob asked, puzzled.
?Well, he did something else too.? He asked me to turn her into a whore for him.? Not to be bragging, but I did such a good job that Ray worked out what my efforts were worth and the chick ended up paying me ten grand over the next 6 months and gave me as much sex as I wanted too.? Hearing your wife go off about Emily, reminded me how this chick was when I first got her.? In fact, I?ve still got all the stuff I got for her training, sitting around my basement.? I?ve even got video equipment,? Dave teased, drawing out the word so it sounded more like vee-dee-oh.
?You?ve got video of this woman?? Dave asked with some interest.
?Nah, I gave all that to Ray.? I was thinking of Emily though.? Ever wanted to see her naked??
?Of course not.? She?s my daughter!? Bob replied sarcastically, causing them both to laugh.
?So do you think you could make Emily a useful member of society,? Bob asked with a smile.
?Only if you want a daughter that?s a whore!? Dave responded, laughing.
?Okay,? Bob said, his smile disappearing.
?Are you serious?? Dave asked, this time he was stunned at Bob?s suggestion.
?I kind of like the idea of my daughter as a whore.? It?d be payback for the years of trouble she?s been.? Just a shame you can?t fix them both up.?
?You want me to??
?NO!? I was just joking,? Bob said.? But the seed was planted.
?I?ll leave it up to you to handle the arrangements any way you want,? Bob began.? ?As far as I?m concerned, you?ve got a green light.? But Emily?s going to be the one to convince, not my wife.?
?Let?s play it by ear then, huh,? Dave suggested.
The pair went back into the living room and found that Bob?s wife had stopped crying, but she was just sitting there, lost in her thoughts.? Emily chose that moment to arrive home.? She came in the front door in a rush, telling everyone in the room she was sorry she was late.
?Mom?s car had no fucking gas in it, so I ran out,? she said, looking accusingly at her mother.
?I never even said you could use it, much less use the last of the gas in it.? I knew there was just enough to get to the gas station.? I ?was? going to do that before I went to the salon, but here I sit waiting for you to get home instead.? My appointment was two hours ago!?
?I can?t believe you mom!? Emily shouted, ignoring the fact that Bob had company with him.
She was about to launch into a tirade directed at her mom when Bob interrupted.
?You know your mother doesn?t like it when you cuss, young lady,? Bob said quietly, stopping Emily in her tracks.? ?Your mother told me what happened.? She also said she could not live like this any more.? You?re 25 years of age and you?re stealing your mother?s car!?
?Well I?ll move out then!? Emily threatened in a loud voice, knowing she had nowhere to go and that Bob would probably not let that happen anyway.
?You could come live with me if you like,? Dave interjected.? ?I?ve got room and you could try it out for a few weeks to see if you like it, if you want.?
Emily looked at him as if seeing him for the first time.? ?Thanks Dave, but I don?t need?? Okay, that?d be great,? she said, changing her mind in mid sentence.? She looked at her mom and said, ?See, not everyone?s a bitch like you!?
?Well go then and good riddance!? she said, tears once again forming in her eyes.
?I?ll just get a bag,? Emily said to Dave.? ?Can we go now??
?That?d be fine.? I?ll be right here when you?re ready.?
?I?ll just be a minute,? Emily said, stalking out of the living room.
Dave got down on his knees in front of Bob?s wife and took her chin in his hand, lifting her head so her eyes were looking into his.? ?Give me a few weeks and I?ll return her, a different person,? he promised.? ?Just don?t expect to see her till then, okay?? She?d pretty angry too right now.?
?She didn?t even mention Alex,? Bob?s wife said scornfully.? ?If he weren?t already going away with Bob?s parents, I?d almost bet she would forget to take him with her anyway.?
?Well let?s not go there right now, okay?? I?ll look after Emily and you can have the house to yourself and Bob.? Does that sound good??
Bob?s wife managed a smile and quietly said thanks.? ?You?re a good man, Dave.? Bob?s? no, we?re lucky to call you friend.?? She leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek.
In a few minutes, Emily was back with a couple of bags.? ?Are you ready, Dave?? The sooner I can get out of this torture chamber, the better!?
Dave smiled a little smile.? Out of the frying pan, into the fire, he thought to himself.? Out loud he said, ?Give your mom and dad a hug and lets go.?
Emily gave her dad a long hug but ignored her mother.? Eventually they left without another word, Dave turning around at the door to wave goodbye to his friend, giving him a quick wink and noticing that there was a slight bulge in Bob?s pants.
When they got to Dave?s house, Emily was surprised at its size.? ?It?s huge,? she said in wonder.
?I got it when my parents passed on.? It used to be on a hundred acres and my grand daddy built the farmhouse himself.? Times have changed and all that?s left is the farmhouse.? But I call it home and it?s comfy.?
Inside, Dave showed Emily to the sitting room and made sure she was comfortable before disappearing into the kitchen to get them each a drink to celebrate.? Emily hadn?t really wanted a drink but Dave was insistent.? When he came back, he was holding two shot glasses.? After handing one to Emily, he held his own up in a toast.
?To new beginnings,? he said and then downed his in one gulp.? ?I know, you?re a girl, so you can?t do that,? he teased.?
Emily did, just to prove she could, spluttering a little as the alcohol burned its way into her empty stomach.
?Want another?? He asked.
?No thanks.? I?m not really in the mood to get drunk, she said.
Dave watched her for a few moments as the drug he?d put in her drink took effect, catching her glass just before it hit the carpet when she quietly passed out.? He took the glasses back into the kitchen, rinsed them and put them away.? Before putting it too away, he took a healthy slug from the bottle, enjoying its warmth.? The packet holding the powder he?d put into Emily?s drink went back into the cupboard over the refrigerator.
By the time he?d done this and returned he was sure the drug had been completely effective.? Emily made little snoring sounds as she slouched on the couch.? Kneeling down, he removed her shoes and then enjoyed the act of unbuttoning her jeans and peeling them off her body.? She was wearing a glittery, string thong, which came off with the jeans, revealing that she shaved her pubic region bare.? Dave took his fingers and gently brushed over the area, wondering if maybe she actually waxed.? There was not even a hint of stubble, not it mattered when compared with seeing his buddy?s daughter sitting on his couch wearing nothing below the waist and displaying a cute, bald pussy with nice tight lips wasn?t just delightful to see.
Next, he leaned her forward, removed her light jacket and just took a few moments to admire her in her tee shirt.? Looking forward to seeing what lay beneath but in no real hurry, he grabbed the hem of the tee shirt and peeled it up her torso, causing it to catch momentarily on the underside of her bra and making him tug just a little harder.? When the shirt reached her armpits, he just kept pulling upwards, lifting her arms with the shirt as if she were helping him and not unconscious.? As the shirt was finally released from her body, her arms fell down again, causing her boobs to jiggle in the lightly padded blue bra that didn?t even match her thong.
Dave reached around behind her and released her bra catch and then pulled the straps forward and down her arms.? He paid special attention as the bra cups parted company with her breasts, slowly revealing more and more skin until there was nothing to hold the cups in contact with Emily?s body and they fell away from her entirely, revealing his favorite sort of nipples.? Big and juicy nubs that stood out from her areola even when not aroused.
Dave used his lips, teeth and tongue to stimulate the sleeping woman?s nipples and found that she responded nicely.? Looking down, he saw that her clit even began to peek out of its little nest with no additional attention.
Satisfied with the clay that was Emily, he pushed an arm between her thighs and the couch cushion and the other behind her back and easily lifted her free of the couch.? He walked through the house, down the steps into the basement.? On the far side of the basement was a blank wall with a few odds and ends hanging from nails driven into the plaster.? Dave paused at the wall, tapped a hidden mechanism that released a catch and backing up, used his body to push the now exposed door open.? There was just enough light spilling through the doorway and into the room beyond for him to see what he was doing.? He lowered Emily?s naked body to the rough stone floor, laying her out flat, then returned to the doorway.? Inside the doorframe was a switch that he pressed, causing the room to be illuminated by many electric candles high up on the walls.
It had actually been a while since he?d been in the room and it was obvious that it needed dusting.? Cobwebs clung to the overhead rafters, and to the stone walls that made up three sides of the fourteen by twenty room.? Releasing the tiebacks on two large drapes, he coughed when dust flew everywhere as the heavy velvet drapes settled into a closed position, momentarily cutting off his view of Emily and the room in front of the door.? Dave closed the door and reset the release switch and once more the door disappeared into the wall, being hidden from fairly careful scrutiny on both sides.? Also hidden was that the core of the door was made of steel, as was the wall under the sheetrock surface.
Parting the curtains carefully to avoid upsetting any more dust, Dave made his way back to Emily?s new living quarters.? He went directly to a metal cabinet bolted to the wall and removed the items he would need for the next phase of his work.? He pulled out shackles, which he closed and locked around Emily?s wrists and ankles.? A blindfold that fitted snugly against her eye sockets quickly followed.
Dave wasn?t sure about the next item he took from the shelf.? It was three shiny metal rings with chains that dangled from each of the larger, four inch-diameter rings.? Connecting these two rings together was the third ring, this one of an inch in diameter.? Shrugging, Dave decided to attempt to make it fit Emily, even though they were made especially for his last ?student?.
Dave kneeled down next to Emily and bent her into a sitting position.? He then enjoyed the task of mauling her tit-flesh as he worked her breasts through the rings.? Eventually the rings were laying flat against her ribcage, her breasts seeming to burst through the holes, already gaining a bluish tint that resulted from the semi-restricted blood flow.? With a padlock, he secured the straps of her new ?bra? behind her back.? Next came the leather belt.? It was about two and a half inches wide and went around her waist.? This one wasn?t there to hold anything up though, but rather to reduce the overall circumference of Emily?s waist and restrict her breathing by reducing her diaphragm?s ability to work.? When he?d notched it as tightly as he could, he was able to see that he?d reduced her waist by about five inches, which resulted in her breathing being faster and shallower.
Next came the arm bindings, which took no time at all to fit, her elbows locked together behind her back and her forearms in a single sleeve that ended just short of her manacled wrists.
Bending Emily?s inert form forward, he pushed on her head and back until her cheek was pressed against the ground between her spread knees.? This pleased him, as his last female had not been nearly as limber.? With a few light chains, he secured her in this position, before pivoting her so her back was again laying on the stone floor but now her legs were bent so far over her head that her toes touched the floor behind her head.? Dave took a moment to admire his work.? If he?d wanted to, he?d have been able to use either of her lower holes in this position, but he didn?t do it, preferring to wait until she awoke.? He considered adding to the chains securing her so that she would not be able to bend her knees then remembered that would be a mistake.? The up side was that when he was ready, he?d have her waddle on her own two feet, her head between her own thighs, unable to see where she was going.? Dave smiled at the thought and his cock twitched in anticipation.
For the final touch, Dave took out a pair of six-inch stiletto shoes, which he locked onto Emily?s feet.? They were a size too small, but he managed it anyway.? That discomfort would probably be nothing in comparison to the cramps in her stretched arms, back, jaw and tits, he thought happily.
He glanced at his watch, noting that the drug would begin wearing off soon.? Picking Emily up at the waist, her feet pointing the way and his head enticingly close to her exposed sex, Dave carried her to a wall and padlocked her belt to a short chain attached to an O-ring already embedded in the wall.
Then he sat on a nearby chair and waited.? The wait was longer than he?d anticipated.? I must have given her a bigger dose than I?d meant to, he thought to himself.? Eventually Emily began to make the noises he associated with a drug-victim waking up.? The first squeal told him that Emily was semi-conscious and the first disbelieving expletive told him she was now fully awake.
?What the FUCK!? Emily screamed.?? ?Oww!! Hurts!!? Let me fucking go, whoever you are!!? When I get my hands on you, you are going to be so fucking sorry that you?ll wish your parents hadn?t even been born!!??
By this time Emily had already exhausted her limited breath and was taking as much air in through her mouth as her lungs could get.
Attempting a different tactic, Emily eventually tried again.? ?Dave, are you there?? she asked into her sightless world.
Dave said nothing.? Eventually Emily tried a third time.
?What have you done with Dave?? Emily asked, now openly crying and again panting due to her shortness of breath.? ?Please let me go.? I wont tell anyone.? I?ll even suck your dick if that?s what you want.? Just pleeeease let me go.? This hurts really bad!!?
Dave finally spoke to her, using the voice of a drill sergeant.? ?On your feet you stupid tub of lard! He bellowed, following up by kissing her right buttock lightly with his cane when she didn?t move.? It was little more than a tap, designed to let her know he had a weapon and wouldn?t hesitate to use it, but Emily began wriggling and writhing around on the floor as if he?s just cut off a nipple to get his point across.?
?Dave, is that you?? She finally asked.? ?Oh please don?t do this to me Dave.? Please let me go,? Emily pleaded, all dignity forgotten.
Instead of answering, a second, harder tap helped her motivation to do as she was told.? It took a full twenty seconds, but eventually, Emily was painfully on her feet, looking like a contortionist, half crouching in the 6-inch heels, her blindfolded head secured between her own lower thighs and her long brown hair almost brushing the floor.
This time, in a calm, quiet, but nasty voice, Dave continued.? ?Shut up you stupid, cow.? Listen to me.? Can you do that??
?Dave, please let me go.? I?m sorry I took the car.? I?m sorry I made mom cry.? I won?t ever do it again, I prom?. Eeeeooowwwwwww!!!!? Emily howled, her words cut off as Dave landed a heavy swing of a cane on her lovely, alabaster bottom, which was now in the perfect position for a caning.
?I asked you nicely to listen.? I don?t like to repeat myself.? Is THAT clear??
?Yes, yes, yes,? Emily chanted, just about hyperventilating now.
?Good.? As of this moment forward, until I say so, you are mine.? Your loving mom wanted you out because what you did today was the final straw.? You?ve spent your whole life attempting to make hers a misery and now you are getting your reward.?
?I?m so sorry,? Emily coughed and cried, hysterical now.? ?I?ll be good from now on, I promise!?
?You will be good from now on because if you aren?t I?ll rip the skin from your bones, little by little, starting with your cunt, then tits, then legs.? First of all, you?re going to be good by heeding the first rule.? A cunt only speaks when it?s asked a question that I want an answer to.?
?Yes, oh yes, I can do that!? Just please don?t cane me again!? Emily pleaded.
Dave shook his head sadly, thinking, some bitches just don?t get it, do they?
He raised the cane and this time aimed for her pussy, just as he?d promised.? If the basement hadn?t been very well soundproofed, the neighbors might have heard her scream.? It was earsplitting.? Emily lost bladder control as soon as her body registered the impact of the cane against her pussy lips.? Urine squirted across the room in an arc, but quickly fell to a trickle, some of which fell onto her own face.
?When I want an answer, I?ll ask a question, you stupid cunt,? Dave said as if explaining something simple to a 3 year old.
After he saw that she?d gotten her breath back, Dave demanded, ?Repeat your first rule back to me.?
Emily hesitated.? Was it a trick?? It certainly wasn?t a question.? But if she didn?t follow orders, she?d be skinned alive.? So certainly orders to talk were the same as questions?? Emily hoped so.
?I only speak when you ask me to?? she said timidly, making her words sound more like a question than a statement.
The whip cracked down hard across her butt, leaving a cruel red line where it landed.
?You are no longer your own person.? You are mine.? That means that if you?re referring to my property when you talk, you do your best to describe it the same as I did.? It?s a respect thing,? he told her, ?And I demand respect.? The slower you learn, the longer you stay tied up just as you are.? After a week or two, you wont be able to stand up straight anymore, even if I do untie you,? he added for emphasis.?
Emily believed him.? Her arms, legs, back, waist, chest, ass and pussy were all on fire.? Already she believed she?d never live through the night if he didn?t untie her soon.? She?d never known as much pain in her young life. Wisely, this time she said nothing when he paused.
?Now, I?ll ask a different question and see if you can get it right this time you dumb cunt.? What?s your name??
?Emily ignored the pains in her back, her tits, her legs, her feet, the cramps in her waist and now the burning in her pussy and her ass too.? Her whole focus was on how she was going to answer him.? If he was asking what the name of his car was, or his television, or his dog, she would reply that it?s name was anything he wanted to call it.? Maybe that?s what he meant?? Terrified of another stripe with the cane, but knowing she was taking too long to answer she decided she had to say something.
?Your?? She began.
What was she to him?? His slave?? His female?? His cunt.? No, she was his dumb cunt.? That?s what he?d called her!
Almost happy at knowing she was going to get the answer right this time, she replied, ?Your dumb cunt is called anything her owner wants her to be called.?
She half expected the cane to descend on her unprotected ass again anyway and the sense of relief when it didn?t was almost palpable.
?Good little slut,? he praised her.?
Her pain-addled brain captured his words and clung to them.? He?d said something nice to her.? She was being good!? She was a good dumb cunt.? In her hysteria, she almost giggled.
?Now, tell me again.? What?s the first rule??
This is easy, Emily thought to herself, almost on autopilot as her brain began compensating for all the pains she was enduring by releasing endorphins into her system.
?Your dumb cunt will only speak when her slutty ass is told to?? she said, hoping that the extra words would please him even more.
?Good!? Maybe something?s getting into that retarded brain of yours after all.?
He?d done it again.? He?s happy, she thought to herself.? Maybe he?ll untie me after all.? She was about to ask him when she caught herself, remembering that her dumb cunt mouth had got her a caning in the first place.
Already, her brain was re-associating her thinking the way he wanted it to.
Dave moved closer to her and absently stroked her ass, fingering the line the cane had left on her cheeks.
?You said you?d give me blowjob if I let you go.? Granted, you didn?t know that you were my property at the time, but you do now.? Unfortunately, you can?t give a blowjob with your head between your legs anyway.? Unless I tie you up differently, that is.? Would you like to be tied up differently so that you could give me head?? he asked quietly.
Emily?s brain was being assaulted with too much.? Almost driven mad with the pains in her body, her shallow breathing was causing her to feel lightheaded too.? Was Dave telling her he was going to untie her?? No.? Just tie differently.? Would it hurt so much to be tied differently, or would it hurt more?? What was it he asked her?? It was something about blowjobs.? Did she like giving them?? No, that wasn?t it.? Would she give him one?? Yes, that was the question.? No, she couldn?t give him one, could she?? He hurt her.? He was a bad man.? But she did like giving blowjobs.? Why couldn?t he be nice to her?? She?d give him a blowjob if he would be nice to her.? Maybe she could make a deal, she thought.
Dave watched Emily carefully.? It was almost impossible to read her face while she had her thighs in the way, so he just concentrated on her eyes.? He could see that she was struggling with something in her mind, but he had no idea what it was.
Eventually Emily figured out what she wanted to say.
?This cunt? slut wants to know if she can go home after she sucks your dick?? Emily managed to ask.
?What the fuck has that got to do with it,? Dave demanded angrily.
Emily was horrified at herself.? How could she have asked such a thing?? Stupid bitch.? Dumb whore.? Just like he said you were, she berated herself. I hope he whips the crap out of me.? I deserve it, she thought, almost giggling again at the thought of her pooping while he caned her.
The rational side of her brain intervened before she could voice her thoughts.? ?I?ll do it, I?ll do it!? She blurted before thinking.
Crack!!? The cane came down and made a new crimson line, parallel to the first on Emily?s ass.
?I can do this all day.? Want to try again??
?Your bitch is sorry, master!?? Emily didn?t even know where that came from.? It just seemed right to call him master.? After all, her tortured brain reasoned, he was calling the shots right now.? ?Please give this stupid cow another chance.? She?ll suck you real good!??
Part of Emily?s brain heard the words she was saying and was horrified to discover that she meant every word.? She was sorry.? She would give him oral sex and she?d do her best.? Despite the horror of what she was being put through, she was even getting damp between her legs.? That, this part of her brain decided, was the most horrible part of all this.? Her body was lubricating at the thought of letting this monster put his cock in her mouth.? How disgusting!? What a whore, she thought to herself.? Getting horny at the thought of taking on this bastard?s three-inch pecker!
Dave made a show of studying her, although he wasn?t even sure she could see him through her tears.? With a hand cupping his chin in a thoughtful manner, for a few seconds he pretended to weigh up whether or not to let her.? Eventually he reached for the padlock that connected the chain between her and the wall and opened it, allowing the chain to swing free.
?Okay,? he said at last.? ?Get that sad excuse for a body into the middle of the room.? MOVE,? he bellowed.
Emily just about fell when she finally, fearfully attempted her first step.? She?d never been in such high heels before.? On top of that, she?d never had to stand with her head between her legs before either.? The combination of the two added to actually walking, was almost too much for her, despite her natural agility.? By the time she?d moved three steps, she was practically crouching in an attempt to save herself additional pain if she was to actually fall.? Dave wasn?t about to let that go.
?I didn?t tell you to waddle, piss-face!? Stand up and show me how your ass moves when you walk.? Make it sexy!?
?Emily began bawling again, which only made her task more difficult, but she did manage to follow instructions, regardless of the raging cramps eating up her stomach and beginning to grip her calves.? Even in cheerleading practice she?d never had to bear such a bend for so long, and back then, there had been boys to impress.? The thought of having her nipples cut off was all that saved her from just rolling into a ball on the floor and going completely crazy.? That and the fact that her body was doing it?s best to convince her brain that for some reason she was beginning to get turned on by all this torture.
The movement that Dave was forcing on Emily served a purpose other than just humiliating and hurting her.? With her head secured upside down between her thighs, he was giving her something to focus on other than her pain and humiliation.? He wanted those things to be of little or no importance to the new and improved Emily, so making her walk like that would force her to concentrate on keeping her body upright and following instructions.? Her feet were pointing one way, her head the other.? She now knew there was a wall behind her, so she would have to make her feet walk forward, even though it would seem as if she needed to walk backwards.? Being bent over as much as she was, drastically affected her balance so he knew her whole concentration would have to be devoted to her balance, her legs and her feet.? Step by torturous step, Emily moved towards the center of the room until Dave told her to stop.
?Tell me how much you want to be tied differently.? Make me want to change the way you?re tied even though I like the view now.? I?ve got a good view of your asshole and pussy.?
Emily didn?t care that he was looking at her naked or that he could actually stare at her pussy and ass just because he wanted to.? The once shy girl never even gave her humiliating nudity a thought.? All she wanted was to not be tied like this anymore.? She didn?t care if he wanted to tie her up in another way, just so long as she could stretch her back for a few seconds.? She?d give anything for that.? She?d suck him or she?d fuck him.? She thought she?d probably let him fuck her ass if he wanted.? Just so long as she could make the cramps stop.? She?d tell him anything he wanted to hear, no matter what it was.? But he was making her think of it herself!? How unfair!!
?Your retarded slut cunt hopes her master would reward her for trying really hard to please him by tying her so she can give him the best blowjob a worthless whore like her can manage?. Master.?? Emily used every descriptive word she could remember hearing him utter to describe herself, making sure she even called him her master for good measure.? She wasn?t sure if she?d already called him master, so she repeated it.
?All right then bitch, but I?m doing this as a favor to you for being good.? If you let me down, I?ll pull your head so far between your legs that your mouth will be on your crack and you can lick your own asshole.? Do you understand??
?Yes master, this stupid bitch thinks she understands.? Thank you for being so generous sir,? Emily said, meaning every word.
Dave approached her with a spreader bar in his hand.? Connecting one end to one of her ankle manacles, he made her shuffle her feet as far apart as the tie he currently had her in would allow.? This was just enough to make it possible for him to connect the other end of the spreader bar to her other ankle.? Next, he unshackled the chain that held her bound in her bent-double position and told her to stand up straight.? The instruction took a couple of seconds to register in Emily?s spinning brain.? When she did, a scream broke free as the change in posture caused her yet more new pain.
As soon as she was able catch her breath again and control her crying, Emily stammered out an apology for screaming without permission, thinking she was going to be punished again for her outburst.
Dave was particularly pleased to hear her apologize, even though she spoke without permission, because it meant she was reacting in the way he?d predicted.
?You are allowed to scream unless I forbid it,? he told her.? ?What you are not allowed to do is break the rules, you stupid bitch.? So far, I?ve only given you one rule.? What is the rule??
?Your stupid bitch only speaks when her master tells her to,? she said, immediately realizing she?d broken the rule again, which made her sob almost uncontrollably.
?So you know what you did, huh slut?? Dave asked.
Emily nodded her head in despair.
?And you know you?re going to be punished, don?t you??
Emily began to cry harder, but nodded her head again.
?Stop crying slut,? Dave ordered, wondering if Emily had it in her to do so.
Emily was feeling so sorry for herself that try as she might she was unable to control her crying, spluttering or hiccupping, which only made her cry more.
In the end, Dave just took the crop, walked behind her and gave her two more stripes to add to the two already vividly rendered on her butt cheeks.? She screamed, but the caning had helped focus her attention away from herself again, which in turn helped her stem her crying.
?You need to focus or you wont be able to suck my cock properly,? he told her.? ?And I?m sure you want to be a good cock-sucking slut for me.? What I?ll do as a reward if you can make me cum within ten minutes is not tie you up any more than you are now.? Also, if you desperately want to ask me something, you?ve earned permission to say one word.? You can say the word Master and I?ll know you want to speak.? But beware.? If you ask a stupid question that makes me angry, you?ll pay the price!? Do you understand??
?Your retarded cunt thinks it understands, Master.?
?Good.? Now, get down on your knees and prepare your mouth for me.?
Emily wondered what he meant, but with difficulty caused by the heels and the fact that her arms were still secured behind her back, she finally managed to get to her knees anyway.
?There?s one thing I?m going to do, because I have no reason to trust you yet.? Trust is something you?ll have to work really hard to earn,? he stated flatly.?
Dave went to the shelf and picked up a ring-gag that he adjusted and began fitting to her head.? While he was fighting with the harness that went around the back of her head, he momentarily considered shaving her long brown hair to make the job easier.? Then he reconsidered, thinking of the benefit of leaving her hair to be tightly braided later on.? Finally the ring-gag was in place, effectively locking her jaws open.?? Emily hadn?t resisted at all.
When he was done, he patted her head affectionately and stood back to look at her, wondering if it wasn?t something akin to a purr she?d just emitted.? She kneeled in front of him looking straight ahead, the blindfold completely blotting out all light from reaching her eyes.? Her bound arms caused her back to stay erect and her chest to be pushed out. The bondage bra had caused her tits to turn a bluish color although this only highlighted her areolas, which draw his eyes? attention to them and made him want to cane or whip them, although he knew he wouldn?t be doing that just yet.? Her figure looked fantastic the way she was kneeling.? Her hips flared out beautifully from her cinched waist to her long legs, spread due to the spreader bar around her ankles.? The way the ring gag stretched her mouth into an inviting cavern was making him harder by the moment.
Emily was juiced.? Here she was, blind, on her knees, restrained, uncomfortably gagged, her ass on fire from the recent caning and waiting to have a cock rape her mouth.? Yet she couldn?t remember ever having been so turned on.? If she?d been able to reach her pussy, she would have rubbed it.? I really am a slut, aren?t I? She thought to herself.? When Dave petted her head, she almost collapsed.? She couldn?t believe herself.? She sincerely wanted to thank him for? For what, she didn?t know.? Maybe she just wanted to say thank you for being gentle with her?? Maybe it was for being harsh with her?? Her mind was so overloaded with sensation and emotion that she was simply unable to sort out her feelings.? He was so strong and so dominant.? He just took what he wanted.? She wondered briefly if maybe that?s what she liked the most.?
When Emily felt the head of Dave?s cock slide into her mouth she was unprepared for the size of it.? She could tell that he was just feeding her the knob, but it filled her mouth so much that she wished she could see the whole thing and wrap her hands around it.? She tried to stop her tongue from moving but she was just too intrigued at the thought of feeling it.? Dave was happy to let her try of wrap her tongue around his knob for a few seconds, but quickly grew impatient to really do the job he?d started.? Grabbing handfulls of her hair, he commenced facefucking her, using her own hair to pull her mouth over his cock.? She was drooling over her chin, having totally given up attempting to help him get off quickly, when he began pulling on her nipples and sliding further into her throat.? She squealed around his cock as his nails dug deeply into her sensitive nipples, all the more sensitive due to the ring bra he?d fastened earlier.
At last he came, almost choking her as she swallowed his slimy seed as quickly as she could.? Dave finally withdrew from the confines of her mouth.? He bent over and felt between her legs until he located her clit poking erectly out of the confines of its sheath within the swampy confines of her pussy.? A quick squeeze was all he had to provide her with, for her to cum on his hand in a great, shuddering flow.
?Good little cunt,? he remarked, again patting her head.? I can see you?re doing well.? Lets see how good you are at this,? he said, before taking hold of his now-flaccid cock and pissing on her face, ensuring he got at least some into her mouth.? Emily tried to twist her head but her movement was not enough to avoid the stream hitting her face and going into her mouth.? She was devastated when she felt her body betraying her revulsion at what was happening to her as waves of sick pleasure engulfed her whole being.
When he?d finished pissing, he went to the wall, took down a riding crop and began swatting Emily?s crotch with it.? He didn?t hit her particularly hard, but he ensured he caught her distended clit on a number of occasions, which felt like electric shocks to her.? The combination of the warmth she was feeling from the crop against her pussy lips and the fire from the crop against her clit was enough to send her screaming and moaning through the gag, over the top and into another climax.
Dave?s efforts were enough to push Emily beyond her endurance and into unconsciousness, leaving her twitching as the aftershocks of her greatest ever orgasm racked her tortured body.? Dave smiled down at the now-unconscious young soon-to-be slut.? He?d successfully introduced her to the world of the forced orgasm.? He felt that she?d almost had enough for one day so instead of waking her he simply scooped up her helpless body and carried her to his slave-cage.
When Emily woke a few minutes later she couldn?t move, but this was different.? Instead of being chained into immobility, she was now crammed into such a small space that she could hardly move anyway.? Although her arms were now free of their bindings and her breasts no longer encased in the horrid device he?d used on them, she almost wished he?d left her bound as she?d been instead of this!? She didn?t even have enough room to maneuver her hands to the front of her body where she wanted them so she could cup and massage the pains out of her tortured breasts.? This new bondage caused her to begin weeping again, just quietly in fear that Dave would punish her for it.? When she could cry no longer, she began to explore her changed captivity.? She realized she was in a cage, only a cage so small as to allow barely any movement.? She seemed to be alone in the dimly lit room that held her cage and this made her feel even more alone than she?d ever felt before.? She needed to use the bathroom and she knew she needed a shower; Dave?s piss was in her hair and the taste was still in her mouth, mingled with the taste of cum he?d pumped into her before pissing on her.
Dave finally got up from the armchair located behind her where he?d been sitting quietly.? Walking to the cage, he moved into Emily?s field of vision.
?This is where you?re going to spend your time for a while, slut.? When you can show me that you can be a good slut, being allowed out of the cage will be your reward.? I know this may take days or even weeks, but don?t worry.? I?ll feed you occasionally.? Whenever you want something, simply beg for it and I?ll consider it.? Simply begging to be allowed out of the cage is not an acceptable request however.? That will be punished.? I have electrodes that can reach your nipples and clit and I?d love to hear you scream as I burn away your sensitive tissues.? Spend your time here thinking on your new place and deciding if it?s worth crossing me.? Also, think of how you?re going to please me enough to reward you.? Good night cunt.?? With that, Dave left the room, leaving Emily to her misery in solitude.
Emily cried herself to sleep in the cage, sure that she was going to die at the hands of Dave and also sure that her mom wouldn?t even care if she was never heard from again.? A couple of times Emily awoke as a cramp seized her tortured body.? There was barely any room to move, much less stretch the muscle that cramped, but Emily did the best she could, eventually dozing off again as the pains temporarily subsided.? She had no idea how long she was left alone in her misery before Dave returned, but when he did, she was elated that she might be given a chance to show him how good she could be.
Dave looked at Emily through the cage bars, as if inspecting a wild animal.? Her skin was so brown that Dave momentarily wondered if she had some African American in her, then reconsidered as his eyes roamed over the patches of alabaster skin that would usually have been covered by some fairly revealing bikini. Emily didn?t even attempt to meet his gaze, instead lowering her head as much as the confined space allowed.
?Good morning,? Dave greeted Emily solemnly.? ?Tell me what you have learned.?
?Good morning sir,? Emily responded after a moment?s silence while she gathered her jumbled thoughts.? Part of her wanted to scream at him for doing the things he?d done; yet instead she smiled as sweetly as she knew how and thought about how she was going to tell him what he wanted to hear.? She was devastated at herself, but she realized she wanted to just please him and be what he wanted her to be. ?This stupid cunt has learned that you own her and she is your property to do with as you please.?? Emily paused again, not sure whether she ought to say more or stop there.? Quickly deciding that since Dave had told her to tell him everything she?d learned, she ought to carry on lest he punish her for missing something he thought was important.? ?Sir, this dumb slut learned that you have an enormous cock that tastes really good and would fill her pussy really full,? she gushed, speaking quickly to save herself from the additional embarrassment that she was sure would halt any further words she might have.? ?Sir, would you please let your little bitch out of the cage for a few minutes so you could sample her pussy?? Please, sir??
Dave was pleased.? He knew this was just the beginning and that eventually Emily would rebel, but he was certainly ready to make the most of this little step while it lasted.?
?I don?t know,? he teased.? I kind of like the way you look in the cage.? I might just leave you there a little while longer.?
?Yes Master,? Emily replied, showing no anger, but just disappointment that she was not enticing enough.
?Maybe you could convince me what a dirty little slut you can be,? he suggested.? ?What if I don?t want to dip my cock into your slimy pussy?? Can I put it somewhere else?? he asked.
?Of course sir!? Anywhere else you want,? Emily groveled.
?But I might want to fuck your ass,? he suggested.
Emily gasped, sure he?d be way too big for her tiny nether-hole, yet she knew she?d try just as hard as she could to accommodate him there if he really wanted to do it.
?I?ve never had anything back there, sir.? But your whore will try her best to make it good for you.?
Dave hadn?t expected quite this response.? He expected her to beg to be fucked in her pussy or mouth, but to have such quick acquiesce to an ass raping was music to his ears and his cock.? He wouldn?t take her ass today, he knew that, but it made him hard imagining her bent over, inviting his anal plunder with an enthusiasm she would not have dreamed of a couple of days ago.? He unlocked the cage without another word and Emily forced herself to back out, her muscles protesting all the while.? Yet she said nothing either, content to be able to move after the hours of immobility.? Once out of the cage, Emily stayed on hands and knees and turned around so that her head was inches from his groin.? Emily looked up at him briefly before rubbing her head over his groin like a pussycat begging for attention.
?Suck my cock,? Dave ordered her.
Emily reached up to unbutton and unzip his pants and received a stinging slap on the face for her efforts.
?I didn?t tell you to use your hands, did I??
?No Master, your slave is sorry Master.?
Emily carefully worked the zipper of his jeans down using just her tongue, lips and teeth.? The button was the hardest part, but eventually she managed to get that undone too.? Eventually she was rewarded with the outline of a massive erection within Dave?s underwear, the knob almost pushing out of the waistband.? Emily used her mouth to free Dave?s cock from the confines of his underwear and began her task in earnest.? A few minutes of this was all Dave gave her before pulling out of her mouth, completely ridding himself of his pants and underwear, and positioning himself behind her.?
Dave roughly pushed Emily?s shoulders downwards, making her ass stick up and out.? Dave dropped to his knees behind Emily and took his slippery cock in his hand.? When he rubbed it against the lips of her pussy he was pleased to feel how wet she was.
?You pussy is absolutely gushing, you slut,? he announced to Emily.? It feels like you?re ready for my cock.?
?Yes sir,? a humiliated Emily said quietly.
Dave slapped her ass hard with his hand.? ?I asked you a question and I expect a full answer.? I want to know if you want my cock in your slimy heifer cunt.? Tell me!?
?Yes, I want your big, hard cock filling my slutty wet pussy sir!? Emily whimpered.
She gasped as Dave slid his full length slowly into her in one thrust.? He then withdrew almost all the way out and slipped it home, faster this time.? Dave quickly built up a momentum, feeling Emily gripping his cock with her pussy harder with each thrust, finally letting out little grunts that turned to whines and then to squeals as he pounded her harder and harder.
?Do you want to cum, my little slut?? Dave asked.
?Yes? yes? please? I wanna cum, Master,? Emily pleaded.
?Whose slut are you?? Dave asked her while he continued pounding her.
?Yours sir!? This little cunt belongs to you!?
?And what will you do for me if I keep you as my slut and make you cum like you?ve never cum before?
Emily was on the verge of cumming and although she knew what she was saying was just to please Dave so he wouldn?t hurt her anymore, she meant it when she said, ?Anything sir!!? You are my master and I?ll do anything!! Just please don?t stop now!?
She?d no more than uttered her last word when her pussy gripped Dave?s cock like a vice and she came as she?d never cum before.? It went on and on as Dave continued to poke her with his whole length.? Emily screamed through her orgasm and came again immediately when Dave grabbed a nipple with each hand and pulled on them violently, stretching them away from her chest.? Most of the women Dave had been with for the first time sagged under his assault when he first fucked them.? Emily was different though.? Even though she?d cum twice and was obviously tired, she kept herself in position for him to continue his thrusts into her now well-stretched pussy.? When Dave was almost ready to cum, he grabbed a handful of Emily?s long brown hair and pulled the back of her head down so she was almost looking at the ceiling.
?Do you want me to fill your scummy cunt with my cum, you whore?? Dave demanded.
?Yes, please, please fill me up!? Emily pleaded.
That was all Dave needed to hear.? He began to squirt huge amounts of his creamy seed into her gripping pussy.? He let go of her hair and grabbed her slim waist, forcing himself even more deeply into her tight, warm fuckhole.? The feeling of his cum filling her cunt forced another orgasm out of her and was enough to completely drain the last of her energy.? She slumped to the ground under Dave, causing his cock to slip out of her and his cum to begin squeezing it?s way out of her still-spasming cunt hole.
Emily recovered quickly and in fact Dave was still recovering himself when she turned herself around and actually used her own hair to wipe their combined juices off his cock.
?May I speak sir?? she asked when she?d finished.
?What is it slut?? Dave asked, not really caring too much at this point.
?I have never had such an intense orgasm in my life,? she gushed, ?Much less three!? If this is what it means to be your slut, I am yours, without reservation!
?Good.? I expect no less than that.? Now get back in the cage slut.?
?But Master, haven?t I been good??
?But you said I wouldn?t have to be in the cage if I was good,? Emily practically sobbed.
?You don?t get it yet, do you slut?? You do what I want, whenever I want. If I want to whip you, I?ll whip you.? If I want you to cum, I?ll make you cum.? If I want to loan you to a friend, all you have to do is make him happy and if I tell you to get your fat ass into the cage, you?ll do it without question, understand??
?But Da? Master, it?s so uncomfortable!?
?This is how it works, cunt.? I give you a point for being good.? Each time I think you?ve done something good, you add a point to your total.? Every time you?re a naughty little cunt, you get a point taken off.? If you end up with negative points, I?ll figure out a punishment to suit.? Now, this is the only time you?ll hear me repeat an instruction.? Get your fucking ass into the cage now!? Dave shouted at the frightened female.
?Emily hesitated too long while she processed this new information.? As soon as she heard Dave quietly count ?1?, she was moving towards the cage and the confinement she hated so much.? As soon as Dave had locked the door behind her, she realized that she badly needed to use the bathroom.
?Can I speak master,? Emily asked from the tiny cage.
?No,? replied Dave, walking to the door and turning off the light.
Emily was left in the near darkness once more, but now totally aware of her need to pee.? She held it for hours until the cramps forced her to relieve herself right where she was, which only embarrassed her even more, making her sob at the shame of her position.
Dave kept her in the cage for the better part of a week, letting her out to provide him with sexual satisfaction as well as some of the most intense orgasms she?d ever had, to take a shower when she got too smelly and to run 5 miles, naked on the treadmill.? While she was out, he let her eat out of a bowl he put on the ground.? At first he tied her elbows behind her back so she couldn?t use her hands.? After a couple of days he stopped that, pleased that she?d gotten the idea and didn?t even attempt to use them, instead making the most of them to hold the bowl in place while she lapped at her food like a dog.? Every day, he?d use a fire hose to wash down the concrete floor of his dungeon, taking care of the wastes she?d produced.? Sometimes he left her in the cage while he did so, enjoying the way she?d shriek as the freezing water jetted against her skin.? He knew her last day in the cage had arrived when he just pointed at the open cage door and she didn?t hesitate at all, but instead hurried into her steel prison so he could lock the door.
On the first day of the second week with him, Dave allowed Emily something to wear.? It wasn?t much, in fact just a bolero jacket with no buttons.? The jacket did more to accentuate Emily?s nudity rather than cover it, yet Emily felt like it was her birthday.? The day before, Dave had left her alone in his own bathroom to prepare herself for him and it never even occurred to her to attempt to escape, not that she could have anyway.? All that was on her mind was the hot bath she was going to have and how she was going to best present herself to be taken by Dave.?
In just a week, she?d become almost addicted to the way Dave made her feel when he took her.? Everything from performing oral sex on him to spreading her legs for him made her instantly wet.? The previous day, when he?d gone down on her was burned into her memory like a brand.? He?d tied her up so she was helpless, her arms cuffed to chains hanging from the ceiling and her legs spread and fastened to receptacles in the concrete floor.? He had blindfolded her and had begun slowly torturing her helpless body with first a feather, then gently with a riding crop.? By the time he touched her pussy with the tip of his tongue, she was so primed that she?d orgasmed before he?d even touched her clit.
Standing in front of the mirror the next day, she wondered what she could do to make herself more attractive to the man that was soon to rape her again.? Emily had never been particularly imaginative, so it was difficult for her to think of any way she could improve her look for him.? If he?d allowed her clothing, she felt she could have at least dressed sexily for him.? Emily was about to give it up when an idea struck her.? Quickly she got out of the cabinet what she needed and when, after her bath, Dave saw her, she stood self-consciously in front of him fighting the urge to cover her breasts from his gaze by interlocking her fingers behind her back.?
Emily had always been very aware of how easily her nipples hardened and how distended they got, even when she didn?t feel particularly aroused, so generally she wore padded bras and sweaters to hide what she considered her biggest flaw.? When naked in front of a man, her arms or hair usually covered her breasts.? Now, she was being inspected and her nipples were almost painfully hard and completely exposed to his gaze, her hair tied with a simple scrunchie behind her head.? The fact that Dave could see her pussy didn?t cause any embarrassment at all.? That was one part of her body that she felt particularly pleased with.? She was even happier with it now, because she was freshly shaven, the brown curls erased using Dave?s shaver and her bald mound, as with the rest of her naked skin, glistening with a coating of baby oil.
Dave spoke almost softly to a fully aroused Emily as he appraised the vision in front of him.? ?You, my dear, are going to have to learn to keep those nipples as ripe as they look right now.??
Without another word, he latched onto the nipple closest to him with his lips and Emily almost collapsed as the sensations ripped through her.? It was as if her nipple had been hotwired to her clit.? When his teeth gently bit down, she came just as hard as she had when he?d gone down on her pussy.? She was so out of it that only when Dave released her nipple and wondered out loud if he was going to be able to get another finger in her, did she realize that he already had three fingers inside her steaming little love canal and her body was about to succumb to yet another orgasm.? As she came again, she felt sorrow that Dave had been unable to force his fourth finger in.? She felt she?d let him down and vowed to herself that next time, she would try harder to take his whole hand, and wrist, if he tried.
Dave had been so pleased with her progress that he decided to reward her with the bolero jacket, making sure to remind her that her fabulous nipples had to stay as hard and as well displayed as she could keep them.? From that moment onwards, Emily no longer thought of her nipples as a flaw.? Dave liked them, so she now considered them as an asset.
The evening of the eighth day of her time with Dave was also the first day she begged him for sex.? Wearing her new jacket, she posed for him, thrusting her chest out invitingly.
?Please sir, your slut is so horny.? Would you please consider filling this worthless cunt with your precious cum?? Your whore promises she?ll clean your fuck club off really good afterwards if you want,? she groveled.?
This was another first for her.? He?d cum in her mouth, but the thought of tasting her own juices was something she?d never considered before and something she found herself looking forward to, if he?d allow it.? Dave hesitated a moment to ensure it fully registered that he was agreeing to do her that ?favor? before he took her right there in the living room from behind.? He considered taking her anal cherry, as that was one thing he?d yet to force upon her, but decided that he?d reinforce the benefits of her cooperation by doing her in the way she wanted instead.? He did tell her before blowing his wad in her that the next time he fucked her it?d be in her ass.? Cleaning off his cock after sex was just as exciting as Emily had imagined and even the thought of being raped in her ass did not diminish the heat building once again between her slippery thighs.
Dave was gentle with her when, true to his promise, he fucked her ass the next day.? He took it slowly, rubbing her clit with his fingers while just the head of his cock penetrated her sphincter.? He took her to the very edge of orgasm, walking her through the best way to receive his cock as he slid evermore deeply into her rear entrance, finally taking her over the edge and into the abyss of orgasm as the hair on his balls touched her dripping pussy lips.? Afterwards, Emily wanted to talk about how she felt about anal sex but knew Dave wouldn?t want to hear it.? She did thank him for introducing her to this exciting new facet of sex, but she had to keep to herself the unfathomable emotions she knew would bore or maybe even anger him.? She wanted more than anything to talk to someone.? She had so many questions that she needed answers to.? Primarily, she had just one that demanded an answer.? It hurt so much to have a cock in her ass, yet she thought she?d be happy if Dave only ever fucked her there in the future.? How could that be, she needed to know.? Dave demanding that she clean him off interrupted her musing.? She got slowly to her feet to find a cloth and almost fainted when Dave told her to use her mouth.
It was a test Dave had been waiting to give her.? Although he knew women well and Emily better than many, he was fairly sure, but wasn?t fully confident, that she would do his bidding in this matter.? He gave himself a mental pat on the back when, with a tear sliding down her cheek, Emily dropped to her knees in front of him.? She closed her eyes, opened her mouth and engulfed his slippery, brown-stained member before she changed her mind.? As she cleaned him off, surprised that she was able to avoid retching, two thoughts crossed her mind.? She once again wished she had someone to talk to and she vowed that she?d keep her nether entrance clean in future.
Before the first two weeks had passed, Dave had taken Emily out of the house, dressed in a manner that would have made a stripper blush.? She wore the bolero, thigh-high stiletto boots Dave had purchased especially for her and a string thong.? Her tits were pushed out, as she knew he liked and her nipples were fully distended, easily a quarter inch long.? Even though Dave?s car was in the garage and she was not easily visible from the street, Emily was shaking badly as she traversed the few steps to the passenger door.? Dave had told her nothing of where they were going and she was dressed in more clothing than any time since being with Dave.? Emily was amazed at herself when she discovered that she was shaking so badly not in embarrassment, although she was feeling acutely humiliated, but that she was so turned on that she was almost cumming without even being touched.?
In the car, Dave ordered her to masturbate and as soon as she pulled aside the tiny thong to get at her pussy, Dave was rewarded with a very verbal climax, the motion of the fabric being dragged across her pussy lips enough to finish the job of making her cum.? She dutifully played with herself anyway as Dave drove, getting off twice more and sitting in a puddle of her own juices when she became aware that Dave had stopped.? They were in a drive-thru and Dave was about to order burgers.? Her face was crimson when they pulled up to the window and although she couldn?t see the attendant and the attendant couldn?t see her face, she heard the voice of a female gasp as the attendant saw Emily?s crotch in the passenger seat.? Emily wanted to die of embarrassment, but instead, climaxed again.
Afterwards, Dave took her home, made her walk up the drive and wait outside the garage while he parked.? When Dave took her inside to fuck her, he found that she was so drenched that he was able to lubricate himself in her pussy then fuck her ass without any need for the K-Y jelly he?d used previously.
Dave?s best gift to Emily was on the last day of her first two weeks with him.? She was giving him a blowjob when the doorbell rang.? Emily tensed, hoping Dave wouldn?t ask her to answer it, but instead, he just told the caller to come in.? Dave had been expecting this visitor, so was not surprised when a tall redhead entered with a little Asian girl on a leash following on her hands and knees.? Emily stopped the blowjob, automatically covering her breasts and sitting back on her knees as the redhead appraised her.? Try as she might, even following a second warning from Dave, she couldn?t continue the blowjob in front of other women.? Dave slapped her hard across the face, leaving fingerprints.? Feeling pain like that after so long was enough and Emily, now sobbing, went back to the task at hand.? As she sucked on Dave?s cock, Dave began a conversation with the redhead.?
They talked for a couple of minutes as if Emily or the Asian weren?t even there, Dave explaining that Emily had only been with him for a couple of weeks and wasn?t yet used to company.? When the redhead suggested that Dave might consider piercing his female as her ?pet? had been pierced, Dave took a better look at the Asian.? She had nice little horizontal barbells through each nipple and a ring through her septum.? The additional stimulation the thought of piercing provided was enough to cause Dave to flood Emily?s mouth with a torrent of cum.? As Emily greedily swallowed his load, Dave concurred that piercing Emily would be a fitting way to remind her not to hesitate when he gave her an instruction.? After pulling his softening cock from Emily?s mouth, Dave told her to take pet to the kitchen and prepare something for their guest.? Dave pulled up his pants and sat on the couch next to the redhead, dismissing Emily and the Asian to their assigned task.
After the snack, the redhead and Dave went to the bedroom, leaving Emily to get to know pet.? While Dave noisily screwed the redhead in private, Emily tidied up the living room and the kitchen, the whole time chatting with pet.? She finally had someone to talk to!? She listened as pet told her how she?d met her mistress and how pet had always been submissive, finding herself identifying with much of what pet revealed to her.? Emily didn?t immediately understand pet?s desire to be tied or punished, but could easily relate to pet?s stories of her regular humiliations.? When she asked about pet?s pierced nipples and septum, pet gave her a detailed account of the day she?d been accepted by her mistress.
?It was a little less than a year ago,? pet began.?
?I have to tell it from the beginning, coz you have to understand why.? My boyfriend had taken me to a bar, basically to pimp me out.? We were both unemployed because I?d recently been laid off and Tim hadn?t been sober enough to work for a couple of years.? You know, it?s amazing what you?ll do when you?re hungry enough,? pet added, as if in justification.
?Anyway, this tall, beautiful redhead walked in. That?s mistress, by the way.? She looked at me, looked at Tim, and just came straight over.? I still don?t know how she knew, but she got into a conversation with Tim right away.? The next thing I knew, she was giving Tim a hundred bucks and telling me to follow her.? Right from the beginning I had no choice.? I just followed her out of the bar.? She took me to her place, made me shower, then she made me stand in the middle of this big, loft apartment naked while she looked me over.? I?d never been so embarrassed, or turned on!? Eventually she told me to kneel and she just walked up to me and lifted her skirt.? She wore no panties but she had a cute little red bush.? I never knew redheads had red pubic hair!? So then, she told me to start licking her pussy.? I?d never been with a woman before, and I had never even thought about actually doing it with a girl like some dyke or anything, but what choice did I have?? So I just sort of imagined what I?d like.? Boy was I surprised when I found that she tasted good!? She grabbed my head and pushed me harder against her crotch when she came.? I couldn?t breath and was gasping for air when she let me go.? I was still recovering when she reached down and found out how wet I?d gotten.? I felt so humiliated to be caught getting wet from doing lezzy stuff.? But she wasn?t finished.? She told me she?d paid for me and she planned on getting her money?s worth.? When she walked away then came back a few seconds later with a rope, I got terrified.? I thought she was some kind of murderer or something and I was looking at the door wondering how I was going to get away. She must have known what I was thinking coz she told me she wouldn?t damage me if I was good and for some reason, I believed her.? Yeah, she really used the word ?damage?.? She wasn?t even lying I guess, because all she did was tie me up, finger me to orgasm, then made me do her again.? After that, she whipped me.? I know that sounds bad, but the way she did it got me all hot again.? When she was completely done, I was exhausted, but I?d had the best time I?d ever had with anyone and I told her so. After I got dressed, she gave me a hundred bucks for myself and said that if I were smart, I?d lose the boyfriend.? She also gave me a business card that had her name and number on it.? She told me that if I wanted a better life, she?d take me and make me hers and that I had a week to decide.? When I got back to the bar, Ted had drank away the hundred she?d given him and was ready to pimp me out again.? I told him he was a cocksucker and left. The next day I met with Mistress and she told me that if I was going to be hers, I wouldn?t be like her girlfriend or anything, but her toy.? She?d give me everything I needed and would look after me, but there was going to be a price.? When she told me she would pierce my nipples and nose, I almost changed my mind.? As you can see, I didn?t.?
?But it must have hurt!? Emily blurted out.
?Not the nose, but the nipples did.? I was glad I was strapped to a chair!? Mistress took me to a friend of hers who does piercing, sat me in his dentists chair, and used duct tape to attach my wrists to the arms of the chair.? She then used more tape around my neck so I could hardly move.? Mistress told me I had to watch what was done while she unbuttoned my blouse and used a pair of scissors to cut my bra off right up the front.? Then her friend came in and he was a big ugly biker guy.? He looked at me, ogled my boobs for a little while and even cupped them and bounced them around a bit.? This was a guy I?d never seen before and he just walked up to me and started playing with my tits like he did it every day!? I was mortified.? And my pussy started dripping I was so turned on!? He asked Mistress if I wanted the job done the nice way or the memorable way.? Of course Mistress chose the memorable way!? Mistress came around behind the chair and grabbed handfuls of my hair, using them like handles to push my head down so I couldn?t miss what was being done.? The guy went to a nearby table, picked up these huge pliers and came towards me.? If Mistress hadn?t been holding my hair so tightly, I think I would have fainted.? I started yelling, NO, NO, but the guy just ignored me.? In his other hand he held a swab soaked in alcohol.? He rubbed it all over my nipple and the alcohol was so cold it made my nipple really hard.? I was begging him not to do it but he took the pliers, placed the jaws over my nipple and squeezed.? I screamed, although it didn?t really feel all that bad.? It was just an automatic reaction, I guess.? What really hurt was when he picked up a HUGE needle and pushed it through a hole in one of the jaws of the pliers, right through my nipple and then through a hole in the other jaw.? I think I did faint that time because the next thing I remember seeing was the barbell that?s on there now.? I managed to stay awake when he did the other side, although it hurt just as much, so I know that he slid the needle all the way through, pulled it out the other side, then quickly pushed the bar through before removing the pliers.? The balls go on the ends last.? Mistress told me that I was nearly hers and that she was proud of me for being so brave, although I didn?t feel all that brave after making such a scene.? When the guy did my nose, I tried really hard, held my head really still and didn?t say anything until he was finished.? Then after that, I was owned.? I had a mistress!? You?ve got a master, so you know what it?s like.? Like nothing else ever!? I began crying, but I was trying to thank Mistress at the same time.? It was really weird.? Sure, my tits hurt a bit, but I was happier than I?d ever been before.? There?s no way you?ll be able to imagine the feeling of being marked as property unless you?re lucky enough to get your master?s mark, whatever form it takes.? When mistress pulled my pants and underwear down, right in front of the piercing guy and stuck a couple of fingers in me, I came harder than I had in years.?
When she began relating her own stories, pet asked if Emily minded her masturbating while she listened.? Pet told her that her mistress insisted she cum as many times every day as she could and even though masturbating in front of others embarrassed her, it made it so much better that she looked forward to doing it any time she could.? She didn?t quite know how it happened, but when Dave came into the room a couple of hours later, he found Emily rubbing pet?s clit while pet rubbed hers.
Emily snatched her hand back when she saw Dave, but instead of being angry, Dave ordered her to finish what she?d started.? When pet?s mistress entered behind Dave and saw what was happening, she berated pet for not offering her mouth to Emily?s pussy.? While Emily did her best to finger pet?s pussy, her face was beet-red as she submitted to pet?s ministrations, never having done anything sexual with a woman before.? When she came however, it was almost as violently as she did with Dave.? It was not a long time after her first female-induced orgasm that Emily?s face was lovingly buried between pet?s open thighs for Dave?s enjoyment as well as hers.
After that first meeting, Emily saw pet every day for the next week.? She saw how the redhead treated pet and became even more comfortable with the way Dave treated her, looking forward to the times Dave would have her do some of the things the redhead made pet do.? Pet and her talked about what Dave was doing to Emily, pet full of praise for how well Emily?s ?training? was going.?? The two were ordered to make each other cum almost hourly when they were together and Emily quickly learned to let go of the vestiges of her former modesty.? Emily, who had never even had a fleeting thought of being attracted to another female before, eagerly awaited every one of pet?s visits and the talking and sex involved.? Pet was with them and lip-locked with Emily when Dave personally pierced Emily?s nipples and pussy, screaming in pain and orgasm as each of the new holes was made in her flesh.
At the end of the third week of Emily?s training, Dave felt that Emily was more than ready for the final test he had planned for her.? He?d kept Emily?s stepfather Bob advised of her progress complete with the video he?d promised and now was the day he was to show the ?new? Emily off in person.? Emily knew something big was to happen, but Dave didn?t share what it would be, which was not unusual.? Dave did allow Emily to spend a couple of hours alone with pet, explaining that it?d be her last chance for a while as pet was to be sent away for additional training.? Emily spent the time mostly cuddling with pet and even tortured her a little in ways she herself had come to find stimulating.? It was with sadness that she bid pet farewell, yet as the time for Emily?s latest test was drawing nearer, part of her mind turned to what was to be in store for her.
Slut ? Part I
suburb of
Dave that was hidden from all but a select few had an unusual hobby.? Until very recently, he collected women and
almost always had one or two at any given moment.? Dave wasn?t a player, because his women were
his.? Literally and
totally. ?He owned them and sold
them when he was done with them.? On a
number of occasions, a woman had simply come to him, stripped herself and
kneeled at his feet, begging for the opportunity to be his.? What could he do?? He?d use her fully, train her in the art of
being property then find a good home for her, as the slave of a worthy
owner.? Other times, he came across women
who were just too beautiful not to be slaves.?
Other men would consider taking such a woman to bed to be the ultimate
conquest.? Dave didn?t agree.? A beautiful woman begging him to collar her
and do anything to her without limit was more of a challenge to him and Dave
had proved times without number that he was capable of mastering the challenge.
though Dave and Bob had worked together for five years and had been close
friends for two, it had only been in the last week that Bob had been introduced
to Dave?s lifestyle.? Bob had accepted
Dave?s hobby without judgment, but had no interest in seeing his friend whip a
tied slave or have her perform for him.?
There were only two people in Dave?s life that he cared enough about to
hold his interest for more than a few moments and Dave knew this.
soon as Bob walked his front door, his wife was on him about Emily.? She was so angry she didn?t even care that
Bob?s buddy Dave from work had come in with him.
want her out of here!? She wailed to Bob.
was the daughter of Bob?s wife.? At 25,
Emily was still living at home, with no job and no intention of finding
one.? She often claimed that the job of
being a single parent to her son Alex was the only job she had time to do.? In reality, she really was a poor excuse for
a parent, considering that she was out most evenings and only spent time with
her son when a date got cancelled.?
Emily?s mom helped him with homework, played with him and even took him
to the doctor much more regularly than Emily, who?s
car was regularly broken down.? In turn,
Alex treated his mom more like a sister and his grandmother more like a mother.
though Emily was not Dave?s birth child, Emily called him dad and he doted on
her, secretly giving her spending money every now and then, buying her clothes
and making the regular repairs she needed on her car.? In return, she told him she loved him and
would sometimes give him big hugs, which he especially enjoyed.? She shared her troubles with her dad, often
crying on his shoulder when one of her many men-friends would upset her or do
things that she didn?t enjoy.? One of the
high points in Bob?s relationship with Emily was that she didn?t feel the need
have secrets from him.? As a result, she
would share things with him that girls don?t usually even share with boys, much
less parents.? He knew all her fantasies
and dreams, as well as details of the experimentation she?d had with sex.? If one of her men-friends tried something
she?d never experienced in bed before, her step-dad was the first to hear about
knew that the reason he was so privileged had nothing to do with his being the
most special person in her life, but rather that she had no real friends
because she treated people so poorly.? He
knew she had a good heart, but a bad attitude to go with it.? When she wanted something, she would get it
because she could be so nice.? But after
she?d gotten what she wanted, the giver was then thrown aside, adding to a very
long list of people with a grudge to bear against her.? Emily?s mom was the person who?s
name was at the top of the list, yet she felt beholden to her daughter so she?d
allowed her daughter to get more and more self-centered.? Bob knew that maybe today had been the last
straw and Emily had finally pushed her mom too far.
hugged his wife and told her he?d take care of it.?
Bob?? Can I have a word?? In private, I mean,? Dave whispered to Bob.
Dave,? Bob replied, thinking that Dave was ready to get out of this scene of
less than domestic bliss.
don?t you give Emily to me for a few weeks?? Dave suggested as soon as Bob had
ushered him out of the living room.? ?I
bet she?ll be a lot easier to deal with when she gets back.? It?s all about control.? Once Emily understands that someone else is
in control of her, she can be taught how to act.? I?m willing to make her into the woman you
want her to be,? Dave explained to him.
just want to fuck her,? Bob accused with a smile.
you can live with the idea of your buddy fucking your daughter, then I can!?
Dave said with a grin.? ?But if you
agree, you have to promise me something.?
You have to agree now that you?ll trust me and won?t interfere.? I?m going to be pretty rough on her, but
it?ll be for her benefit.? In fact, the
last time I did this, the chick ended up better off than most!?
do you mean,? Bob asked, puzzled.
she?s got a bunch of friends and she?s rich, in that order.? She used to be such a bitch that a buddy of
mine named Ray had to do something about her before she got herself and him,
ah? let?s just say that what would have happened would have been a shame.? I think he was pretty mad at her, because he spent
a bunch of money getting me everything I thought I?d need to do a good job.?
was mad at her so he threw money around to make her loose her attitude?? Bob
asked, puzzled.
he did something else too.? He asked me
to turn her into a whore for him.? Not to
be bragging, but I did such a good job that Ray worked out what my efforts were
worth and the chick ended up paying me ten grand over the next 6 months and
gave me as much sex as I wanted too.?
Hearing your wife go off about Emily, reminded me how this chick was
when I first got her.? In fact, I?ve
still got all the stuff I got for her training, sitting around my
basement.? I?ve even got video
equipment,? Dave teased, drawing out the word so it sounded more like
got video of this woman?? Dave asked with some interest.
I gave all that to Ray.? I was thinking
of Emily though.? Ever wanted to see her
?Of course not.?
She?s my daughter!? Bob replied sarcastically, causing them both to
do you think you could make Emily a useful member of society,? Bob asked with a
?Only if you want a daughter that?s a
whore!? Dave responded,
Bob said, his smile disappearing.
you serious?? Dave asked, this time he was stunned at Bob?s suggestion.
kind of like the idea of my daughter as a whore.? It?d be payback for the years of trouble
she?s been.? Just a shame you can?t fix
them both up.?
want me to??
?NO!? I was just joking,? Bob said.? But the seed was planted.
leave it up to you to handle the arrangements any way you want,? Bob
began.? ?As far as I?m concerned, you?ve
got a green light.? But Emily?s going to
be the one to convince, not my wife.?
play it by ear then, huh,? Dave suggested.
pair went back into the living room and found that Bob?s wife had stopped
crying, but she was just sitting there, lost in her thoughts.? Emily chose that moment to arrive home.? She came in the front door in a rush, telling
everyone in the room she was sorry she was late.
car had no fucking gas in it, so I ran out,? she said, looking accusingly at
her mother.
never even said you could use it, much less use the last of the gas in it.? I knew there was just enough to get to the
gas station.? I ?was? going to do that
before I went to the salon, but here I sit waiting for you to get home
instead.? My appointment was two hours
can?t believe you mom!? Emily shouted, ignoring the fact that Bob had company
with him.
was about to launch into a tirade directed at her mom when Bob interrupted.
know your mother doesn?t like it when you cuss, young lady,? Bob said quietly,
stopping Emily in her tracks.? ?Your
mother told me what happened.? She also
said she could not live like this any more.?
You?re 25 years of age and you?re stealing your mother?s car!?
I?ll move out then!? Emily threatened in a loud voice, knowing she had nowhere
to go and that Bob would probably not let that happen anyway.
could come live with me if you like,? Dave interjected.? ?I?ve got room and you could try it out for a
few weeks to see if you like it, if you want.?
looked at him as if seeing him for the first time.? ?Thanks Dave, but I don?t need?? Okay, that?d be great,? she said, changing
her mind in mid sentence.? She looked at
her mom and said, ?See, not everyone?s a bitch like you!?
go then and good riddance!? she said, tears once again forming in her eyes.
just get a bag,? Emily said to Dave.?
?Can we go now??
be fine.? I?ll be right here when you?re
just be a minute,? Emily said, stalking out of the living room.
got down on his knees in front of Bob?s wife and took her chin in his hand,
lifting her head so her eyes were looking into his.? ?Give me a few weeks and I?ll return her, a
different person,? he promised.? ?Just
don?t expect to see her till then, okay??
She?d pretty angry too right now.?
didn?t even mention Alex,? Bob?s wife said scornfully.? ?If he weren?t already going away with Bob?s
parents, I?d almost bet she would forget to take him with her anyway.?
let?s not go there right now, okay?? I?ll
look after Emily and you can have the house to yourself and Bob.? Does that sound good??
wife managed a smile and quietly said thanks.?
?You?re a good man, Dave.? Bob?s?
no, we?re lucky to call you friend.?? She
leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek.
a few minutes, Emily was back with a couple of bags.? ?Are you ready, Dave?? The sooner I can get out of this torture
chamber, the better!?
smiled a little smile.? Out of the frying
pan, into the fire, he thought to himself.?
Out loud he said, ?Give your mom and dad a hug and lets
gave her dad a long hug but ignored her mother.?
Eventually they left without another word, Dave turning around at the
door to wave goodbye to his friend, giving him a quick wink and noticing that
there was a slight bulge in Bob?s pants.
they got to Dave?s house, Emily was surprised at its size.? ?It?s huge,? she said in wonder.
got it when my parents passed on.? It
used to be on a hundred acres and my grand daddy built the farmhouse
himself.? Times have changed and all
that?s left is the farmhouse.? But I call
it home and it?s comfy.?
Dave showed Emily to the sitting room and made sure she was comfortable before
disappearing into the kitchen to get them each a drink to celebrate.? Emily hadn?t really wanted a drink but Dave
was insistent.? When he came back, he was
holding two shot glasses.? After handing
one to Emily, he held his own up in a toast.
new beginnings,? he said and then downed his in one gulp.? ?I know, you?re a girl, so you can?t do
that,? he teased.?
did, just to prove she could, spluttering a little as the alcohol burned its
way into her empty stomach.
another?? He asked.
thanks.? I?m not really in the mood to
get drunk, she said.
watched her for a few moments as the drug he?d put in her drink took effect,
catching her glass just before it hit the carpet when she quietly passed
out.? He took the glasses back into the
kitchen, rinsed them and put them away.?
Before putting it too away, he took a healthy slug from the bottle,
enjoying its warmth.? The packet holding
the powder he?d put into Emily?s drink went back into the cupboard over the refrigerator.
the time he?d done this and returned he was sure the drug had been completely
effective.? Emily made little snoring
sounds as she slouched on the couch.?
Kneeling down, he removed her shoes and then enjoyed the act of
unbuttoning her jeans and peeling them off her body.? She was wearing a glittery, string thong,
which came off with the jeans, revealing that she shaved her pubic region
bare.? Dave took his fingers and gently
brushed over the area, wondering if maybe she actually waxed.? There was not even a hint of stubble, not it
mattered when compared with seeing his buddy?s daughter sitting on his couch
wearing nothing below the waist and displaying a cute, bald pussy with nice
tight lips wasn?t just delightful to see.
he leaned her forward, removed her light jacket and just took a few moments to
admire her in her tee shirt.? Looking
forward to seeing what lay beneath but in no real hurry, he grabbed the hem of
the tee shirt and peeled it up her torso, causing it to catch momentarily on
the underside of her bra and making him tug just a little harder.? When the shirt reached her armpits, he just
kept pulling upwards, lifting her arms with the shirt as if she were helping
him and not unconscious.? As the shirt
was finally released from her body, her arms fell down again, causing her boobs
to jiggle in the lightly padded blue bra that didn?t even match her thong.
reached around behind her and released her bra catch and then pulled the straps
forward and down her arms.? He paid special
attention as the bra cups parted company with her breasts, slowly revealing
more and more skin until there was nothing to hold the cups in contact with
Emily?s body and they fell away from her entirely, revealing his favorite sort
of nipples.? Big and juicy nubs that
stood out from her areola even when not aroused.
used his lips, teeth and tongue to stimulate the sleeping woman?s nipples and
found that she responded nicely.? Looking
down, he saw that her clit even began to peek out of its little nest with no
additional attention.
with the clay that was Emily, he pushed an arm between her thighs and the couch
cushion and the other behind her back and easily lifted her free of the
couch.? He walked through the house, down
the steps into the basement.? On the far
side of the basement was a blank wall with a few odds and ends hanging from
nails driven into the plaster.? Dave
paused at the wall, tapped a hidden mechanism that released a catch and backing
up, used his body to push the now exposed door open.? There was just enough light spilling through
the doorway and into the room beyond for him to see what he was doing.? He lowered Emily?s naked body to the rough
stone floor, laying her out flat, then returned to the
doorway.? Inside the doorframe was a
switch that he pressed, causing the room to be illuminated by many electric
candles high up on the walls.
had actually been a while since he?d been in the room and it was obvious that
it needed dusting.? Cobwebs clung to the
overhead rafters, and to the stone walls that made up three sides of the
fourteen by twenty room.? Releasing the tiebacks on two large drapes,
he coughed when dust flew everywhere as the heavy velvet drapes settled into a
closed position, momentarily cutting off his view of Emily and the room in
front of the door.? Dave closed the door
and reset the release switch and once more the door disappeared into the wall,
being hidden from fairly careful scrutiny on both sides.? Also hidden was that the core of the door was
made of steel, as was the wall under the sheetrock surface.
the curtains carefully to avoid upsetting any more dust, Dave made his way back
to Emily?s new living quarters.? He went
directly to a metal cabinet bolted to the wall and removed the items he would
need for the next phase of his work.? He
pulled out shackles, which he closed and locked around Emily?s wrists and
ankles.? A blindfold that fitted snugly
against her eye sockets quickly followed.
wasn?t sure about the next item he took from the shelf.? It was three shiny metal rings with chains
that dangled from each of the larger, four inch-diameter rings.? Connecting these two rings together was the
third ring, this one of an inch in diameter.?
Shrugging, Dave decided to attempt to make it fit Emily, even though
they were made especially for his last ?student?.
kneeled down next to Emily and bent her into a sitting position.? He then enjoyed the task of mauling her
tit-flesh as he worked her breasts through the rings.? Eventually the rings were laying flat against
her ribcage, her breasts seeming to burst through the holes, already gaining a
bluish tint that resulted from the semi-restricted blood flow.? With a padlock, he secured the straps of her
new ?bra? behind her back.? Next came the leather belt.?
It was about two and a half inches wide and went around her waist.? This one wasn?t there to hold anything up
though, but rather to reduce the overall circumference of Emily?s waist and
restrict her breathing by reducing her diaphragm?s ability to work.? When he?d notched it as tightly as he could,
he was able to see that he?d reduced her waist by about five inches, which
resulted in her breathing being faster and shallower.
came the arm bindings, which took no time at all to
fit, her elbows locked together behind her back and her forearms in a single
sleeve that ended just short of her manacled wrists.
Emily?s inert form forward, he pushed on her head and back until her cheek was
pressed against the ground between her spread knees.? This pleased him, as his last female had not
been nearly as limber.? With a few light
chains, he secured her in this position, before pivoting her so her back was
again laying on the stone floor but now her legs were bent so far over her head
that her toes touched the floor behind her head.? Dave took a moment to admire his work.? If he?d wanted to, he?d have been able to use
either of her lower holes in this position, but he didn?t do it, preferring to
wait until she awoke.? He considered
adding to the chains securing her so that she would not be able to bend her
knees then remembered that would be a mistake.?
The up side was that when he was ready, he?d have her waddle on her own
two feet, her head between her own thighs, unable to see where she was
going.? Dave smiled at the thought and
his cock twitched in anticipation.
the final touch, Dave took out a pair of six-inch stiletto shoes, which he
locked onto Emily?s feet.? They were a
size too small, but he managed it anyway.?
That discomfort would probably be nothing in comparison to the cramps in
her stretched arms, back, jaw and tits, he thought happily.
glanced at his watch, noting that the drug would begin wearing off soon.? Picking Emily up at the waist, her feet
pointing the way and his head enticingly close to her exposed sex, Dave carried
her to a wall and padlocked her belt to a short chain attached to an O-ring
already embedded in the wall.
he sat on a nearby chair and waited.? The
wait was longer than he?d anticipated.? I
must have given her a bigger dose than I?d meant to, he thought to
himself.? Eventually Emily began to make
the noises he associated with a drug-victim waking up.? The first squeal told him that Emily was
semi-conscious and the first disbelieving expletive told him she was now fully
the FUCK!? Emily screamed.?? ?Oww!! Hurts!!? Let me
fucking go, whoever you are!!? When I get
my hands on you, you are going to be so fucking sorry that you?ll wish your
parents hadn?t even been born!!??
this time Emily had already exhausted her limited breath and was taking as much
air in through her mouth as her lungs could get.
a different tactic, Emily eventually tried again.? ?Dave, are you there?? she asked into her
sightless world.
said nothing.? Eventually Emily tried a
third time.
have you done with Dave?? Emily asked, now openly crying and again panting due
to her shortness of breath.? ?Please let
me go.? I wont
tell anyone.? I?ll even suck your dick if
that?s what you want.? Just pleeeease let
me go.? This hurts really bad!!?
finally spoke to her, using the voice of a drill sergeant.? ?On your feet you stupid
tub of lard! He bellowed, following up by kissing her right buttock
lightly with his cane when she didn?t move.?
It was little more than a tap, designed to let her know he had a weapon
and wouldn?t hesitate to use it, but Emily began wriggling and writhing around
on the floor as if he?s just cut off a nipple to get his point across.?
is that you?? She finally asked.? ?Oh please don?t do this to me Dave.? Please let me go,? Emily pleaded, all dignity
of answering, a second, harder tap helped her motivation to do as she was
told.? It took a full twenty seconds, but
eventually, Emily was painfully on her feet, looking like a contortionist, half
crouching in the 6-inch heels, her blindfolded head secured between her own
lower thighs and her long brown hair almost brushing the floor.
time, in a calm, quiet, but nasty voice, Dave continued.? ?Shut up you stupid, cow.? Listen to me.?
Can you do that??
please let me go.? I?m sorry I took the
car.? I?m sorry I made mom cry.? I won?t ever do it again, I prom?. Eeeeooowwwwwww!!!!? Emily howled, her words cut off as Dave
landed a heavy swing of a cane on her lovely, alabaster bottom, which was now
in the perfect position for a caning.
asked you nicely to listen.? I don?t like
to repeat myself.? Is THAT clear??
yes, yes,? Emily chanted, just about hyperventilating now.
?Good.? As of this moment forward, until I say so,
you are mine.? Your loving mom wanted you
out because what you did today was the final straw.? You?ve spent your whole life attempting to
make hers a misery and now you are getting your reward.?
so sorry,? Emily coughed and cried, hysterical now.? ?I?ll be good from now on, I promise!?
will be good from now on because if you aren?t I?ll rip the skin from your
bones, little by little, starting with your cunt, then tits, then legs.? First of all, you?re going to be good by
heeding the first rule.? A cunt only
speaks when it?s asked a question that I want an answer to.?
oh yes, I can do that!? Just please don?t
cane me again!? Emily pleaded.
shook his head sadly, thinking, some bitches just don?t get it, do they?
raised the cane and this time aimed for her pussy, just as he?d promised.? If the basement hadn?t been very well
soundproofed, the neighbors might have heard her scream.? It was earsplitting.? Emily lost bladder control as soon as her body
registered the impact of the cane against her pussy lips.? Urine squirted across the room in an arc, but
quickly fell to a trickle, some of which fell onto her own face.
I want an answer, I?ll ask a question, you stupid cunt,? Dave said as if explaining
something simple to a 3 year old.
he saw that she?d gotten her breath back, Dave demanded, ?Repeat your first
rule back to me.?
hesitated.? Was it a trick?? It certainly wasn?t a question.? But if she didn?t follow orders, she?d be skinned
alive.? So certainly orders to talk were
the same as questions?? Emily hoped so.
only speak when you ask me to?? she said timidly, making her words sound more
like a question than a statement.
whip cracked down hard across her butt, leaving a cruel red line where it
are no longer your own person.? You are
mine.? That means that if you?re
referring to my property when you talk, you do your best to describe it the
same as I did.? It?s a respect thing,? he
told her, ?And I demand respect.? The
slower you learn, the longer you stay tied up just as you are.? After a week or two, you wont
be able to stand up straight anymore, even if I do untie you,? he added for
believed him.? Her arms, legs, back,
waist, chest, ass and pussy were all on fire.?
Already she believed she?d never live through the night if he didn?t
untie her soon.? She?d never known as
much pain in her young life. Wisely, this time she said nothing when he paused.
I?ll ask a different question and see if you can get it right this time you
dumb cunt.? What?s your name??
ignored the pains in her back, her tits, her legs, her
feet, the cramps in her waist and now the burning in her pussy and her ass
too.? Her whole focus was on how she was
going to answer him.? If he was asking
what the name of his car was, or his television, or his dog, she would reply
that it?s name was anything he wanted to call it.? Maybe that?s what he meant?? Terrified of another stripe with the cane,
but knowing she was taking too long to answer she decided she had to say
?Your?? She began.
was she to him?? His
slave?? His
female?? His
cunt.? No, she was his dumb
cunt.? That?s what he?d called her!
happy at knowing she was going to get the answer right this time, she replied,
?Your dumb cunt is called anything her owner wants her to be called.?
half expected the cane to descend on her unprotected ass again anyway and the
sense of relief when it didn?t was almost palpable.
little slut,? he praised her.?
pain-addled brain captured his words and clung to them.? He?d said something nice to her.? She was being good!? She was a good dumb cunt.? In her hysteria, she almost giggled.
tell me again.? What?s the first rule??
is easy, Emily thought to herself, almost on autopilot as her brain began
compensating for all the pains she was enduring by releasing endorphins into
her system.
dumb cunt will only speak when her slutty ass is told to?? she said, hoping
that the extra words would please him even more.
?Good!? Maybe something?s getting into that retarded
brain of yours after all.?
done it again.? He?s happy, she thought
to herself.? Maybe he?ll untie me after
all.? She was about to ask him when she
caught herself, remembering that her dumb cunt mouth had got her a caning in
the first place.
her brain was re-associating her thinking the way he wanted it to.
moved closer to her and absently stroked her ass, fingering the line the cane
had left on her cheeks.
said you?d give me blowjob if I let you go.?
Granted, you didn?t know that you were my property at the time, but you
do now.? Unfortunately, you can?t give a
blowjob with your head between your legs anyway.? Unless I tie you up differently, that
is.? Would you like to be tied up
differently so that you could give me head?? he asked quietly.
brain was being assaulted with too much.?
Almost driven mad with the pains in her body, her shallow breathing was
causing her to feel lightheaded too.? Was
Dave telling her he was going to untie her??
No.? Just tie differently.? Would it hurt so much to be tied differently,
or would it hurt more?? What was it he
asked her?? It was something about
blowjobs.? Did she like giving them?? No, that wasn?t it.? Would she give him one?? Yes, that was the question.? No, she couldn?t give him one, could
she?? He hurt her.? He was a bad man.? But she did like giving blowjobs.? Why couldn?t he be nice to her?? She?d give him a blowjob if he would be nice
to her.? Maybe she could make a deal, she
watched Emily carefully.? It was almost
impossible to read her face while she had her thighs in the way, so he just
concentrated on her eyes.? He could see
that she was struggling with something in her mind, but he had no idea what it
Emily figured out what she wanted to say.
cunt? slut wants to know if she can go home after she sucks your dick?? Emily
managed to ask.
the fuck has that got to do with it,? Dave demanded angrily.
was horrified at herself.? How could she
have asked such a thing?? Stupid bitch.? Dumb whore.? Just like
he said you were, she berated herself. I hope he whips the crap out of me.? I deserve it, she thought, almost giggling
again at the thought of her pooping while he caned her.
rational side of her brain intervened before she could voice her thoughts.? ?I?ll do it, I?ll do it!? She blurted before
Crack!!? The cane came down and made a new crimson
line, parallel to the first on Emily?s ass.
can do this all day.? Want to try again??
bitch is sorry, master!?? Emily didn?t
even know where that came from.? It just
seemed right to call him master.? After
all, her tortured brain reasoned, he was calling the shots right now.? ?Please give this stupid cow another
chance.? She?ll suck you real good!??
of Emily?s brain heard the words she was saying and was horrified to discover
that she meant every word.? She was
sorry.? She would give him oral sex and
she?d do her best.? Despite the horror of
what she was being put through, she was even getting damp between her
legs.? That, this part of her brain
decided, was the most horrible part of all this.? Her body was lubricating at the thought of
letting this monster put his cock in her mouth.?
How disgusting!? What a whore, she
thought to herself.? Getting horny at the
thought of taking on this bastard?s three-inch pecker!
made a show of studying her, although he wasn?t even sure she could see him
through her tears.? With a hand cupping
his chin in a thoughtful manner, for a few seconds he pretended to weigh up
whether or not to let her.? Eventually he
reached for the padlock that connected the chain between her and the wall and
opened it, allowing the chain to swing free.
he said at last.? ?Get that sad excuse
for a body into the middle of the room.?
MOVE,? he bellowed.
just about fell when she finally, fearfully attempted her first step.? She?d never been in such high heels
before.? On top of that, she?d never had
to stand with her head between her legs before either.? The combination of the two added to actually
walking, was almost too much for her, despite her natural agility.? By the time she?d moved three steps, she was
practically crouching in an attempt to save herself additional pain if she was
to actually fall.? Dave wasn?t about to
let that go.
didn?t tell you to waddle, piss-face!?
Stand up and show me how your ass moves when you walk.? Make it sexy!?
began bawling again, which only made her task more difficult, but she did
manage to follow instructions, regardless of the raging cramps eating up her
stomach and beginning to grip her calves.?
Even in cheerleading practice she?d never had to bear such a bend for so
long, and back then, there had been boys to impress.? The thought of having her nipples cut off was
all that saved her from just rolling into a ball on the floor and going
completely crazy.? That and the fact that
her body was doing it?s best to convince her brain
that for some reason she was beginning to get turned on by all this torture.
movement that Dave was forcing on Emily served a purpose other than just
humiliating and hurting her.? With her
head secured upside down between her thighs, he was giving her something to
focus on other than her pain and humiliation.?
He wanted those things to be of little or no importance to the new and
improved Emily, so making her walk like that would force her to concentrate on
keeping her body upright and following instructions.? Her feet were pointing one way, her head the
other.? She now knew there was a wall
behind her, so she would have to make her feet walk forward, even though it
would seem as if she needed to walk backwards.?
Being bent over as much as she was, drastically affected her balance so
he knew her whole concentration would have to be devoted to her balance, her
legs and her feet.? Step by torturous
step, Emily moved towards the center of the room until Dave told her to stop.
me how much you want to be tied differently.?
Make me want to change the way you?re tied even though I like the view
now.? I?ve got a good view of your
asshole and pussy.?
didn?t care that he was looking at her naked or that he could actually stare at
her pussy and ass just because he wanted to.?
The once shy girl never even gave her humiliating nudity a thought.? All she wanted was to not be tied like this
anymore.? She didn?t care if he wanted to
tie her up in another way, just so long as she could stretch her back for a few
seconds.? She?d give anything for
that.? She?d suck him or she?d fuck
him.? She thought she?d probably let him
fuck her ass if he wanted.? Just so long
as she could make the cramps stop.? She?d
tell him anything he wanted to hear, no matter what it was.? But he was making her think of it
herself!? How unfair!!
retarded slut cunt hopes her master would reward her for trying really hard to
please him by tying her so she can give him the best blowjob a worthless whore
like her can manage?. Master.?? Emily used every descriptive word she could
remember hearing him utter to describe herself, making sure she even called him
her master for good measure.? She wasn?t
sure if she?d already called him master, so she repeated it.
right then bitch, but I?m doing this as a favor to you for being good.? If you let me down, I?ll pull your head so
far between your legs that your mouth will be on your crack and you can lick
your own asshole.? Do you understand??
master, this stupid bitch thinks she understands.? Thank you for being so generous sir,? Emily
said, meaning every word.
approached her with a spreader bar in his hand.?
Connecting one end to one of her ankle manacles, he made her shuffle her
feet as far apart as the tie he currently had her in would allow.? This was just enough to make it possible for
him to connect the other end of the spreader bar to her other ankle.? Next, he unshackled the chain that held her
bound in her bent-double position and told her to stand up straight.? The instruction took a couple of seconds to
register in Emily?s spinning brain.? When
she did, a scream broke free as the change in posture caused her yet more new
soon as she was able catch her breath again and control her crying, Emily
stammered out an apology for screaming without permission, thinking she was
going to be punished again for her outburst.
was particularly pleased to hear her apologize, even though she spoke without
permission, because it meant she was reacting in the way he?d predicted.
are allowed to scream unless I forbid it,? he told her.? ?What you are not allowed to do is break the
rules, you stupid bitch.? So far, I?ve
only given you one rule.? What is the
stupid bitch only speaks when her master tells her to,? she said, immediately
realizing she?d broken the rule again, which made her sob almost
you know what you did, huh slut?? Dave asked.
nodded her head in despair.
you know you?re going to be punished, don?t you??
began to cry harder, but nodded her head again.
crying slut,? Dave ordered, wondering if Emily had it in her to do so.
was feeling so sorry for herself that try as she might she was unable to
control her crying, spluttering or hiccupping, which only made her cry more.
the end, Dave just took the crop, walked behind her and gave her two more
stripes to add to the two already vividly rendered on her butt cheeks.? She screamed, but the caning had helped focus
her attention away from herself again, which in turn helped her stem her
need to focus or you wont be able to suck my cock
properly,? he told her.? ?And I?m sure
you want to be a good cock-sucking slut for me.?
What I?ll do as a reward if you can make me cum within ten minutes is
not tie you up any more than you are now.?
Also, if you desperately want to ask me something, you?ve earned
permission to say one word.? You can say
the word Master and I?ll know you want to speak.? But beware.?
If you ask a stupid question that makes me angry, you?ll pay the
price!? Do you understand??
retarded cunt thinks it understands, Master.?
?Good.? Now, get down on your knees and prepare your
mouth for me.?
wondered what he meant, but with difficulty caused by the heels and the fact
that her arms were still secured behind her back, she finally managed to get to
her knees anyway.
one thing I?m going to do, because I have no reason to trust you yet.? Trust is something you?ll have to work really
hard to earn,? he stated flatly.?
went to the shelf and picked up a ring-gag that he adjusted and began fitting
to her head.? While he was fighting with
the harness that went around the back of her head, he momentarily considered
shaving her long brown hair to make the job easier.? Then he reconsidered, thinking of the benefit
of leaving her hair to be tightly braided later on.? Finally the ring-gag was in place,
effectively locking her jaws open.??
Emily hadn?t resisted at all.
he was done, he patted her head affectionately and stood back to look at her,
wondering if it wasn?t something akin to a purr she?d just emitted.? She kneeled in front of him looking straight
ahead, the blindfold completely blotting out all light from reaching her eyes.? Her bound arms caused her back to stay erect
and her chest to be pushed out. The bondage bra had caused her tits to turn a
bluish color although this only highlighted her areolas, which draw his eyes?
attention to them and made him want to cane or whip them, although he knew he
wouldn?t be doing that just yet.? Her
figure looked fantastic the way she was kneeling.? Her hips flared out beautifully from her
cinched waist to her long legs, spread due to the spreader bar around her
ankles.? The way the ring gag stretched
her mouth into an inviting cavern was making him harder by the moment.
was juiced.? Here she was, blind, on her
knees, restrained, uncomfortably gagged, her ass on fire from the recent caning
and waiting to have a cock rape her mouth.?
Yet she couldn?t remember ever having been so turned on.? If she?d been able to reach her pussy, she
would have rubbed it.? I really am a
slut, aren?t I? She thought to herself.?
When Dave petted her head, she almost collapsed.? She couldn?t believe herself.? She sincerely wanted to thank him for? For
what, she didn?t know.? Maybe she just
wanted to say thank you for being gentle with her?? Maybe it was for being harsh with her?? Her mind was so overloaded with sensation and
emotion that she was simply unable to sort out her feelings.? He was so strong and so dominant.? He just took what he wanted.? She wondered briefly if maybe that?s what she
liked the most.?
Emily felt the head of Dave?s cock slide into her mouth she was unprepared for
the size of it.? She could tell that he
was just feeding her the knob, but it filled her mouth so much that she wished
she could see the whole thing and wrap her hands around it.? She tried to stop her tongue from moving but
she was just too intrigued at the thought of feeling it.? Dave was happy to let her try of wrap her
tongue around his knob for a few seconds, but quickly grew impatient to really
do the job he?d started.? Grabbing
handfulls of her hair, he commenced facefucking her, using her own hair to pull
her mouth over his cock.? She was
drooling over her chin, having totally given up attempting to help him get off
quickly, when he began pulling on her nipples and sliding further into her
throat.? She squealed around his cock as
his nails dug deeply into her sensitive nipples, all the more sensitive due to
the ring bra he?d fastened earlier.
last he came, almost choking her as she swallowed his slimy seed as quickly as
she could.? Dave finally withdrew from
the confines of her mouth.? He bent over
and felt between her legs until he located her clit poking erectly out of the
confines of its sheath within the swampy confines of her pussy.? A quick squeeze was all he had to provide her
with, for her to cum on his hand in a great, shuddering flow.
little cunt,? he remarked, again patting her head.? I can see you?re doing well.? Lets see how good you are at this,? he said,
before taking hold of his now-flaccid cock and pissing on her face, ensuring he
got at least some into her mouth.? Emily
tried to twist her head but her movement was not enough to avoid the stream
hitting her face and going into her mouth.?
She was devastated when she felt her body betraying her revulsion at
what was happening to her as waves of sick pleasure engulfed her whole being.
he?d finished pissing, he went to the wall, took down a riding crop and began
swatting Emily?s crotch with it.? He
didn?t hit her particularly hard, but he ensured he caught her distended clit
on a number of occasions, which felt like electric shocks to her.? The combination of the warmth she was feeling
from the crop against her pussy lips and the fire from the crop against her
clit was enough to send her screaming and moaning through the gag, over the top
and into another climax.
efforts were enough to push Emily beyond her endurance and into
unconsciousness, leaving her twitching as the aftershocks of her greatest ever
orgasm racked her tortured body.? Dave
smiled down at the now-unconscious young soon-to-be slut.? He?d successfully introduced her to the world
of the forced orgasm.? He felt that she?d
almost had enough for one day so instead of waking her he simply scooped up her
helpless body and carried her to his slave-cage.
Emily woke a few minutes later she couldn?t move, but this was different.? Instead of being chained into immobility, she
was now crammed into such a small space that she could hardly move anyway.? Although her arms were now free of their
bindings and her breasts no longer encased in the horrid device he?d used on
them, she almost wished he?d left her bound as she?d been instead of this!? She didn?t even have enough room to maneuver
her hands to the front of her body where she wanted them so she could cup and
massage the pains out of her tortured breasts.?
This new bondage caused her to begin weeping again, just quietly in fear
that Dave would punish her for it.? When
she could cry no longer, she began to explore her changed captivity.? She realized she was in a cage, only a cage
so small as to allow barely any movement.?
She seemed to be alone in the dimly lit room that held her cage and this
made her feel even more alone than she?d ever felt before.? She needed to use the bathroom and she knew
she needed a shower; Dave?s piss was in her hair and the taste was still in her
mouth, mingled with the taste of cum he?d pumped into her before pissing on
finally got up from the armchair located behind her where he?d been sitting
quietly.? Walking to the cage, he moved
into Emily?s field of vision.
is where you?re going to spend your time for a while, slut.? When you can show me that you can be a good
slut, being allowed out of the cage will be your reward.? I know this may take days or even weeks, but
don?t worry.? I?ll feed you
occasionally.? Whenever you want
something, simply beg for it and I?ll consider it.? Simply begging to be allowed out of the cage
is not an acceptable request however.?
That will be punished.? I have
electrodes that can reach your nipples and clit and I?d love to hear you scream
as I burn away your sensitive tissues.?
Spend your time here thinking on your new place and deciding if it?s
worth crossing me.? Also, think of how
you?re going to please me enough to reward you.?
Good night cunt.?? With that, Dave
left the room, leaving Emily to her misery in solitude.
cried herself to sleep in the cage, sure that she was going to die at the hands
of Dave and also sure that her mom wouldn?t even care if she was never heard
from again.? A couple of times Emily
awoke as a cramp seized her tortured body.?
There was barely any room to move, much less stretch the muscle that
cramped, but Emily did the best she could, eventually dozing off again as the
pains temporarily subsided.? She had no
idea how long she was left alone in her misery before Dave returned, but when
he did, she was elated that she might be given a chance to show him how good
she could be.
looked at Emily through the cage bars, as if inspecting a wild animal.? Her skin was so brown that Dave momentarily
wondered if she had some African American in her, then reconsidered as his eyes
roamed over the patches of alabaster skin that would usually have been covered
by some fairly revealing bikini. Emily didn?t even attempt to meet his gaze,
instead lowering her head as much as the confined space allowed.
morning,? Dave greeted Emily solemnly.?
?Tell me what you have learned.?
morning sir,? Emily responded after a moment?s silence while she gathered her
jumbled thoughts.? Part of her wanted to
scream at him for doing the things he?d done; yet instead she smiled as sweetly
as she knew how and thought about how she was going to tell him what he wanted
to hear.? She was devastated at herself,
but she realized she wanted to just please him and be what he wanted her to be.
?This stupid cunt has learned that you own her and she is your property to do
with as you please.?? Emily paused again,
not sure whether she ought to say more or stop there.? Quickly deciding that since Dave had told her
to tell him everything she?d learned, she ought to carry on lest he punish her
for missing something he thought was important.?
?Sir, this dumb slut learned that you have an enormous cock that tastes
really good and would fill her pussy really full,? she gushed, speaking quickly
to save herself from the additional embarrassment that she was sure would halt
any further words she might have.? ?Sir,
would you please let your little bitch out of the cage for a few minutes so you
could sample her pussy?? Please, sir??
was pleased.? He knew this was just the
beginning and that eventually Emily would rebel, but he was certainly ready to
make the most of this little step while it lasted.?
don?t know,? he teased.? I kind of like
the way you look in the cage.? I might
just leave you there a little while longer.?
Master,? Emily replied, showing no anger, but just disappointment that she was
not enticing enough.
you could convince me what a dirty little slut you can be,? he suggested.? ?What if I don?t want to dip my cock into
your slimy pussy?? Can I put it somewhere
else?? he asked.
?Of course sir!?
Anywhere else you want,? Emily groveled.
I might want to fuck your ass,? he suggested.
gasped, sure he?d be way too big for her tiny nether-hole, yet she knew she?d
try just as hard as she could to accommodate him there if he really wanted to
do it.
never had anything back there, sir.? But
your whore will try her best to make it good for you.?
hadn?t expected quite this response.? He
expected her to beg to be fucked in her pussy or mouth, but to have such quick
acquiesce to an ass raping was music to his ears and his cock.? He wouldn?t take her ass today, he knew that,
but it made him hard imagining her bent over, inviting his anal plunder with an
enthusiasm she would not have dreamed of a couple of days ago.? He unlocked the cage without another word and
Emily forced herself to back out, her muscles protesting all the while.? Yet she said nothing either, content to be
able to move after the hours of immobility.?
Once out of the cage, Emily stayed on hands and knees and turned around
so that her head was inches from his groin.?
Emily looked up at him briefly before rubbing her head over his groin
like a pussycat begging for attention.
my cock,? Dave ordered her.
reached up to unbutton and unzip his pants and received a stinging slap on the
face for her efforts.
didn?t tell you to use your hands, did I??
Master, your slave is sorry Master.?
carefully worked the zipper of his jeans down using just her tongue, lips and
teeth.? The button was the hardest part,
but eventually she managed to get that undone too.? Eventually she was rewarded with the outline
of a massive erection within Dave?s underwear, the knob almost pushing out of
the waistband.? Emily used her mouth to
free Dave?s cock from the confines of his underwear and began her task in
earnest.? A few minutes of this was all
Dave gave her before pulling out of her mouth, completely ridding himself of
his pants and underwear, and positioning himself behind her.?
Dave roughly pushed Emily?s shoulders downwards, making her
ass stick up and out.? Dave dropped to
his knees behind Emily and took his slippery cock in his hand.? When he rubbed it against the lips of her
pussy he was pleased to feel how wet she was.
?You pussy is absolutely gushing, you slut,? he announced
to Emily.? It feels like you?re ready for
my cock.?
?Yes sir,? a humiliated Emily said quietly.
Dave slapped her ass hard with his hand.? ?I asked you a question and I expect a full
answer.? I want to know if you want my
cock in your slimy heifer cunt.? Tell
?Yes, I want your big, hard cock filling my slutty wet
pussy sir!? Emily whimpered.
She gasped as Dave slid his full length slowly into her in
one thrust.? He then withdrew almost all
the way out and slipped it home, faster this time.? Dave quickly built up a momentum, feeling
Emily gripping his cock with her pussy harder with each thrust, finally letting
out little grunts that turned to whines and then to squeals as he pounded her
harder and harder.
?Do you want to cum, my little slut?? Dave
?Yes? yes? please? I wanna cum, Master,? Emily pleaded.
?Whose slut are you?? Dave asked her while he continued
pounding her.
?Yours sir!? This little cunt belongs to you!?
?And what will you do for me if I keep you as my slut and
make you cum like you?ve never cum before?
Emily was on the verge of cumming and although she knew
what she was saying was just to please Dave so he wouldn?t hurt her anymore,
she meant it when she said, ?Anything sir!!?
You are my master and I?ll do anything!! Just please don?t stop now!?
She?d no more than uttered her last word when her pussy
gripped Dave?s cock like a vice and she came as she?d never cum before.? It went on and on as Dave continued to poke
her with his whole length.? Emily
screamed through her orgasm and came again immediately when Dave grabbed a
nipple with each hand and pulled on them violently, stretching them away from
her chest.? Most of the women Dave had
been with for the first time sagged under his assault when he first fucked
them.? Emily was different though.? Even though she?d cum twice and was obviously
tired, she kept herself in position for him to continue his thrusts into her
now well-stretched pussy.? When Dave was
almost ready to cum, he grabbed a handful of Emily?s long brown hair and pulled
the back of her head down so she was almost looking at the ceiling.
?Do you want me to fill your scummy cunt with my cum, you whore?? Dave demanded.
?Yes, please, please fill me up!? Emily pleaded.
That was all Dave needed to hear.? He began to squirt huge amounts of his creamy
seed into her gripping pussy.? He let go
of her hair and grabbed her slim waist, forcing himself even more deeply into
her tight, warm fuckhole.? The feeling of
his cum filling her cunt forced another orgasm out of her and was enough to
completely drain the last of her energy.?
She slumped to the ground under Dave, causing his cock to slip out of
her and his cum to begin squeezing it?s way out of her still-spasming cunt
Emily recovered quickly and in fact Dave was still
recovering himself when she turned herself around and actually used her own
hair to wipe their combined juices off his cock.
?May I speak sir?? she asked when she?d finished.
?What is it slut?? Dave asked, not really caring too much
at this point.
?I have never had such an intense orgasm in my life,? she
gushed, ?Much less three!? If this is
what it means to be your slut, I am yours, without reservation!
?Good.? I expect no
less than that.? Now get back in the cage
?But Master, haven?t I been good??
?But you said I wouldn?t have to be in the cage if I was
good,? Emily practically sobbed.
?You don?t get it yet, do you slut?? You do what I want, whenever I want. If I
want to whip you, I?ll whip you.? If I
want you to cum, I?ll make you cum.? If I
want to loan you to a friend, all you have to do is make him happy and if I
tell you to get your fat ass into the cage, you?ll do it without question,
?But Da? Master, it?s so
?This is how it works, cunt.? I give you a point for being good.? Each time I think you?ve done something good,
you add a point to your total.? Every
time you?re a naughty little cunt, you get a point taken off.? If you end up with negative points, I?ll figure
out a punishment to suit.? Now, this is
the only time you?ll hear me repeat an instruction.? Get your fucking ass into the cage now!? Dave
shouted at the frightened female.
?Emily hesitated too long while she processed this new
information.? As soon as she heard Dave
quietly count ?1?, she was moving towards the cage and the confinement she
hated so much.? As soon as Dave had
locked the door behind her, she realized that she badly needed to use the
?Can I speak master,? Emily asked from the tiny cage.
?No,? replied Dave, walking to the door and turning off the
Emily was left in the near darkness once more, but now
totally aware of her need to pee.? She
held it for hours until the cramps forced her to relieve herself right where she
was, which only embarrassed her even more, making her sob at the shame of her
Dave kept her in the cage for the better part of a week,
letting her out to provide him with sexual satisfaction as well as some of the
most intense orgasms she?d ever had, to take a shower when she got too smelly
and to run 5 miles, naked on the treadmill.?
While she was out, he let her eat out of a bowl he put on the
ground.? At first he tied her elbows
behind her back so she couldn?t use her hands.?
After a couple of days he stopped that, pleased that she?d gotten the
idea and didn?t even attempt to use them, instead making the most of them to
hold the bowl in place while she lapped at her food like a dog.? Every day, he?d use a fire hose to wash down
the concrete floor of his dungeon, taking care of the wastes she?d
produced.? Sometimes he left her in the
cage while he did so, enjoying the way she?d shriek as the freezing water
jetted against her skin.? He knew her
last day in the cage had arrived when he just pointed at the open cage door and
she didn?t hesitate at all, but instead hurried into her steel prison so he
could lock the door.
On the first day of the second week with him, Dave allowed
Emily something to wear.? It wasn?t much,
in fact just a bolero jacket with no buttons.?
The jacket did more to accentuate Emily?s nudity rather than cover it,
yet Emily felt like it was her birthday.?
The day before, Dave had left her alone in his own bathroom to prepare
herself for him and it never even occurred to her to attempt to escape, not
that she could have anyway.? All that was
on her mind was the hot bath she was going to have and how she was going to
best present herself to be taken by Dave.?
In just a week, she?d become almost addicted to the way
Dave made her feel when he took her.?
Everything from performing oral sex on him to spreading her legs for him
made her instantly wet.? The previous
day, when he?d gone down on her was burned into her memory like a brand.? He?d tied her up so she was helpless, her
arms cuffed to chains hanging from the ceiling and her legs spread and fastened
to receptacles in the concrete floor.? He
had blindfolded her and had begun slowly torturing her helpless body with first
a feather, then gently with a riding crop.?
By the time he touched her pussy with the tip of his tongue, she was so
primed that she?d orgasmed before he?d even touched her clit.
Standing in front of the mirror the next day, she wondered
what she could do to make herself more attractive to the man that was soon to
rape her again.? Emily had never been
particularly imaginative, so it was difficult for her to think of any way she
could improve her look for him.? If he?d
allowed her clothing, she felt she could have at least dressed sexily for
him.? Emily was about to give it up when
an idea struck her.? Quickly she got out
of the cabinet what she needed and when, after her bath, Dave saw her, she
stood self-consciously in front of him fighting the urge to cover her breasts
from his gaze by interlocking her fingers behind her back.?
Emily had always been very aware of how easily her nipples
hardened and how distended they got, even when she didn?t feel particularly
aroused, so generally she wore padded bras and sweaters to hide what she
considered her biggest flaw.? When naked
in front of a man, her arms or hair usually covered her breasts.? Now, she was being inspected and her nipples
were almost painfully hard and completely exposed to his gaze, her hair tied
with a simple scrunchie behind her head.?
The fact that Dave could see her pussy didn?t cause any embarrassment at
all.? That was one part of her body that
she felt particularly pleased with.? She
was even happier with it now, because she was freshly shaven, the brown curls
erased using Dave?s shaver and her bald mound, as with the rest of her naked
skin, glistening with a coating of baby oil.
Dave spoke almost softly to a fully aroused Emily as he
appraised the vision in front of him.?
?You, my dear, are going to have to learn to keep those nipples as ripe
as they look right now.??
Without another word, he latched onto the nipple closest to
him with his lips and Emily almost collapsed as the sensations ripped through
her.? It was as if her nipple had been
hotwired to her clit.? When his teeth
gently bit down, she came just as hard as she had when he?d gone down on her
pussy.? She was so out of it that only
when Dave released her nipple and wondered out loud if he was going to be able
to get another finger in her, did she realize that he already had three fingers
inside her steaming little love canal and her body was about to succumb to yet
another orgasm.? As she came again, she
felt sorrow that Dave had been unable to force his fourth finger in.? She felt she?d let him down and vowed to
herself that next time, she would try harder to take his whole hand, and wrist,
if he tried.
Dave had been so pleased with her progress that he decided
to reward her with the bolero jacket, making sure to remind her that her
fabulous nipples had to stay as hard and as well displayed as she could keep
them.? From that moment onwards, Emily no
longer thought of her nipples as a flaw.?
Dave liked them, so she now considered them as an asset.
The evening of the eighth day of her time with Dave was
also the first day she begged him for sex.?
Wearing her new jacket, she posed for him, thrusting her chest out
?Please sir, your slut is so horny.? Would you please consider filling this
worthless cunt with your precious cum??
Your whore promises she?ll clean your fuck club off really good
afterwards if you want,? she groveled.?
This was another first for her.? He?d cum in her mouth, but the thought of
tasting her own juices was something she?d never considered before and
something she found herself looking forward to, if he?d allow it.? Dave hesitated a moment to ensure it fully
registered that he was agreeing to do her that ?favor? before he took her right
there in the living room from behind.? He
considered taking her anal cherry, as that was one thing he?d yet to force upon
her, but decided that he?d reinforce the benefits of her cooperation by doing
her in the way she wanted instead.? He
did tell her before blowing his wad in her that the next time he fucked her
it?d be in her ass.? Cleaning off his
cock after sex was just as exciting as Emily had imagined and even the thought
of being raped in her ass did not diminish the heat building once again between
her slippery thighs.
Dave was gentle with her when, true to his promise, he
fucked her ass the next day.? He took it
slowly, rubbing her clit with his fingers while just the head of his cock
penetrated her sphincter.? He took her to
the very edge of orgasm, walking her through the best way to receive his cock
as he slid evermore deeply into her rear entrance, finally taking her over the
edge and into the abyss of orgasm as the hair on his balls touched her dripping
pussy lips.? Afterwards, Emily wanted to
talk about how she felt about anal sex but knew Dave wouldn?t want to hear it.? She did thank him for introducing her to this
exciting new facet of sex, but she had to keep to herself the unfathomable
emotions she knew would bore or maybe even anger him.? She wanted more than anything to talk to
someone.? She had so many questions that
she needed answers to.? Primarily, she had
just one that demanded an answer.? It
hurt so much to have a cock in her ass, yet she thought she?d be happy if Dave
only ever fucked her there in the future.?
How could that be, she needed to know.?
Dave demanding that she clean him off interrupted her musing.? She got slowly to her feet to find a cloth
and almost fainted when Dave told her to use her mouth.
It was a test Dave had been waiting to give her.? Although he knew women well and Emily better
than many, he was fairly sure, but wasn?t fully confident, that she would do
his bidding in this matter.? He gave
himself a mental pat on the back when, with a tear sliding down her cheek,
Emily dropped to her knees in front of him.?
She closed her eyes, opened her mouth and engulfed his slippery,
brown-stained member before she changed her mind.? As she cleaned him off, surprised that she
was able to avoid retching, two thoughts crossed her mind.? She once again wished she had someone to talk
to and she vowed that she?d keep her nether entrance clean in future.
Before the first two weeks had passed, Dave had taken Emily
out of the house, dressed in a manner that would have made a stripper
blush.? She wore the bolero, thigh-high
stiletto boots Dave had purchased especially for her and a string thong.? Her tits were pushed out, as she knew he
liked and her nipples were fully distended, easily a quarter inch long.? Even though Dave?s car was in the garage and
she was not easily visible from the street, Emily was shaking badly as she
traversed the few steps to the passenger door.?
Dave had told her nothing of where they were going and she was dressed
in more clothing than any time since being with Dave.? Emily was amazed at herself when she
discovered that she was shaking so badly not in embarrassment, although she was
feeling acutely humiliated, but that she was so turned on that she was almost
cumming without even being touched.?
In the car, Dave ordered her to masturbate and as soon as
she pulled aside the tiny thong to get at her pussy, Dave was rewarded with a
very verbal climax, the motion of the fabric being dragged across her pussy
lips enough to finish the job of making her cum.? She dutifully played with herself anyway as
Dave drove, getting off twice more and sitting in a puddle of her own juices
when she became aware that Dave had stopped.?
They were in a drive-thru and Dave was about to order burgers.? Her face was crimson when they pulled up to
the window and although she couldn?t see the attendant and the attendant
couldn?t see her face, she heard the voice of a female gasp as the attendant
saw Emily?s crotch in the passenger seat.?
Emily wanted to die of embarrassment, but instead, climaxed again.
Afterwards, Dave took her home, made her walk up the drive
and wait outside the garage while he parked.?
When Dave took her inside to fuck her, he found that she was so drenched
that he was able to lubricate himself in her pussy then fuck her ass without
any need for the K-Y jelly he?d used previously.
Dave?s best gift to Emily was on the last day of her first
two weeks with him.? She was giving him a
blowjob when the doorbell rang.? Emily
tensed, hoping Dave wouldn?t ask her to answer it, but instead, he just told
the caller to come in.? Dave had been
expecting this visitor, so was not surprised when a tall redhead entered with a
little Asian girl on a leash following on her hands and knees.? Emily stopped the blowjob, automatically
covering her breasts and sitting back on her knees as the redhead appraised
her.? Try as she might, even following a
second warning from Dave, she couldn?t continue the blowjob in front of other
women.? Dave slapped her hard across the
face, leaving fingerprints.? Feeling pain
like that after so long was enough and Emily, now sobbing, went back to the
task at hand.? As she sucked on Dave?s
cock, Dave began a conversation with the redhead.?
They talked for a couple of minutes as if Emily or the
Asian weren?t even there, Dave explaining that Emily had only been with him for
a couple of weeks and wasn?t yet used to company.? When the redhead suggested that Dave might
consider piercing his female as her ?pet? had been pierced, Dave took a better
look at the Asian.? She had nice little
horizontal barbells through each nipple and a ring through her septum.? The additional stimulation the thought of
piercing provided was enough to cause Dave to flood Emily?s mouth with a
torrent of cum.? As Emily greedily
swallowed his load, Dave concurred that piercing Emily would be a fitting way
to remind her not to hesitate when he gave her an instruction.? After pulling his softening cock from Emily?s
mouth, Dave told her to take pet to the kitchen and prepare something for their
guest.? Dave pulled up his pants and sat
on the couch next to the redhead, dismissing Emily and the Asian to their
assigned task.
After the snack, the redhead and Dave went to the bedroom,
leaving Emily to get to know pet.? While
Dave noisily screwed the redhead in private, Emily tidied up the living room
and the kitchen, the whole time chatting with pet.? She finally had someone to talk to!? She listened as pet told her how she?d met
her mistress and how pet had always been submissive, finding herself
identifying with much of what pet revealed to her.? Emily didn?t immediately understand pet?s
desire to be tied or punished, but could easily relate to pet?s stories of her
regular humiliations.? When she asked about pet?s
pierced nipples and septum, pet gave her a detailed account of the day she?d
been accepted by her mistress.
?It was a
little less than a year ago,? pet began.?
?I have to
tell it from the beginning, coz you have to understand why.? My boyfriend had taken me to a bar, basically
to pimp me out.? We were both unemployed
because I?d recently been laid off and Tim hadn?t been sober enough to work for
a couple of years.? You know, it?s
amazing what you?ll do when you?re hungry enough,? pet added, as if in
this tall, beautiful redhead walked in. That?s mistress, by the way.? She looked at me, looked at Tim, and just
came straight over.? I still don?t know
how she knew, but she got into a conversation with Tim right away.? The next thing I knew, she was giving Tim a
hundred bucks and telling me to follow her.?
Right from the beginning I had no choice.? I just followed her out of the bar.? She took me to her place, made me shower, then she made me stand in the middle of this big, loft
apartment naked while she looked me over.?
I?d never been so embarrassed, or turned on!? Eventually she told me to kneel and she just
walked up to me and lifted her skirt.?
She wore no panties but she had a cute little red bush.? I never knew redheads had red pubic
hair!? So then, she told me to start
licking her pussy.? I?d never been with a
woman before, and I had never even thought about actually doing it with a girl
like some dyke or anything, but what choice did I have?? So I just sort of imagined what I?d
like.? Boy was I surprised when I found
that she tasted good!? She grabbed my
head and pushed me harder against her crotch when she came.? I couldn?t breath and was gasping for air
when she let me go.? I was still
recovering when she reached down and found out how wet I?d gotten.? I felt so humiliated to be caught getting wet
from doing lezzy stuff.? But she wasn?t
finished.? She told me she?d paid for me
and she planned on getting her money?s worth.?
When she walked away then came back a few seconds later with a rope, I
got terrified.? I thought she was some
kind of murderer or something and I was looking at the door wondering how I was
going to get away. She must have known what I was thinking coz she told me she
wouldn?t damage me if I was good and for some reason, I believed her.? Yeah, she really used the word ?damage?.? She wasn?t even lying I guess, because all
she did was tie me up, finger me to orgasm, then made me do her again.? After that, she whipped me.? I know that sounds bad, but the way she did
it got me all hot again.? When she was completely
done, I was exhausted, but I?d had the best time I?d ever had with anyone and I
told her so. After I got dressed, she gave me a hundred bucks for myself and
said that if I were smart, I?d lose the boyfriend.? She also gave me a business card that had her
name and number on it.? She told me that
if I wanted a better life, she?d take me and make me
hers and that I had a week to decide.?
When I got back to the bar, Ted had drank away the hundred she?d given
him and was ready to pimp me out again.?
I told him he was a cocksucker and left. The next day I met with
Mistress and she told me that if I was going to be hers, I wouldn?t be like her
girlfriend or anything, but her toy.?
She?d give me everything I needed and would look after me, but there was
going to be a price.? When she told me she
would pierce my nipples and nose, I almost changed my mind.? As you can see, I didn?t.?
?But it
must have hurt!? Emily blurted out.
?Not the nose, but the nipples did.?
I was glad I was strapped to a chair!?
Mistress took me to a friend of hers who does piercing, sat me in his
dentists chair, and used duct tape to attach my wrists to the arms of the
chair.? She then used more tape around my
neck so I could hardly move.? Mistress
told me I had to watch what was done while she unbuttoned my blouse and used a
pair of scissors to cut my bra off right up the front.? Then her friend came in and he was a big ugly
biker guy.? He looked at me, ogled my
boobs for a little while and even cupped them and bounced them around a
bit.? This was a guy I?d never seen before
and he just walked up to me and started playing with my tits like he did it
every day!? I was mortified.? And my pussy started dripping I was so turned
on!? He asked Mistress if I wanted the
job done the nice way or the memorable way.?
Of course Mistress chose the memorable way!? Mistress came around behind the chair and
grabbed handfuls of my hair, using them like handles to push my head down so I
couldn?t miss what was being done.? The
guy went to a nearby table, picked up these huge pliers and came towards me.? If Mistress hadn?t been holding my hair so
tightly, I think I would have fainted.? I
started yelling, NO, NO, but the guy just ignored me.? In his other hand he held a swab soaked in
alcohol.? He rubbed it all over my nipple
and the alcohol was so cold it made my nipple really hard.? I was begging him not to do it but he took
the pliers, placed the jaws over my nipple and squeezed.? I screamed, although it didn?t really feel
all that bad.? It was just an automatic
reaction, I guess.? What really hurt was
when he picked up a HUGE needle and pushed it through a hole in one of the jaws
of the pliers, right through my nipple and then through a hole in the other
jaw.? I think I did faint that time
because the next thing I remember seeing was the barbell that?s on there now.? I managed to stay awake when he did the other
side, although it hurt just as much, so I know that he slid the needle all the
way through, pulled it out the other side, then quickly pushed the bar through
before removing the pliers.? The balls go
on the ends last.? Mistress told me that
I was nearly hers and that she was proud of me for being so brave, although I
didn?t feel all that brave after making such a scene.? When the guy did my nose, I tried really
hard, held my head really still and didn?t say anything until he was
finished.? Then after that, I was owned.? I had a mistress!? You?ve got a master, so you know what it?s
like.? Like nothing else ever!? I began crying, but I was trying to thank
Mistress at the same time.? It was really
weird.? Sure, my tits hurt a bit, but I
was happier than I?d ever been before.?
There?s no way you?ll be able to imagine the feeling of being marked as
property unless you?re lucky enough to get your master?s mark, whatever form it
takes.? When mistress pulled my pants and
underwear down, right in front of the piercing guy and stuck a couple of
fingers in me, I came harder than I had in years.?
When she began relating her own stories, pet asked if Emily
minded her masturbating while she listened.?
Pet told her that her mistress insisted she cum as many times every day
as she could and even though masturbating in front of others embarrassed her,
it made it so much better that she looked forward to doing it any time she
could.? She didn?t quite know how it
happened, but when Dave came into the room a couple of hours later, he found
Emily rubbing pet?s clit while pet rubbed hers.
Emily snatched her hand back when she saw Dave, but instead
of being angry, Dave ordered her to finish what she?d started.? When pet?s mistress entered behind Dave and
saw what was happening, she berated pet for not offering her mouth to Emily?s
pussy.? While Emily did her best to
finger pet?s pussy, her face was beet-red as she submitted to pet?s
ministrations, never having done anything sexual with a woman before.? When she came however, it was almost as
violently as she did with Dave.? It was
not a long time after her first female-induced orgasm that Emily?s face was
lovingly buried between pet?s open thighs for Dave?s enjoyment as well as hers.
After that first meeting, Emily saw pet every day for the
next week.? She saw how the redhead
treated pet and became even more comfortable with the way Dave treated her,
looking forward to the times Dave would have her do some of the things the
redhead made pet do.? Pet and her talked
about what Dave was doing to Emily, pet full of praise for how well Emily?s
?training? was going.?? The two were
ordered to make each other cum almost hourly when they were together and Emily
quickly learned to let go of the vestiges of her former modesty.? Emily, who had never even had a fleeting
thought of being attracted to another female before, eagerly awaited every one
of pet?s visits and the talking and sex involved.? Pet was with them and lip-locked with Emily
when Dave personally pierced Emily?s nipples and pussy, screaming in pain and
orgasm as each of the new holes was made in her flesh.
At the end of the third week of Emily?s training, Dave felt
that Emily was more than ready for the final test he had planned for her.? He?d kept Emily?s stepfather Bob advised of
her progress complete with the video he?d promised and now was the day he was
to show the ?new? Emily off in person.?
Emily knew something big was to happen, but Dave didn?t share what it
would be, which was not unusual.? Dave
did allow Emily to spend a couple of hours alone with pet, explaining that it?d
be her last chance for a while as pet was to be sent away for additional
training.? Emily spent the time mostly
cuddling with pet and even tortured her a little in ways she herself had come
to find stimulating.? It was with sadness
that she bid pet farewell, yet as the time for Emily?s latest test was drawing
nearer, part of her mind turned to what was to be in store for her.
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When the front door open my legs turned to jelly the guy had piecing blue eyes his voice made my heart skip a beat, he was what l would call drop dead gorgeous even for a 70yr old, if he had asked me there and then for a fuck l would have been on my back knicker-less with my legs spread within seconds. He introduced himself as Tom then invited us inside, Tom showed us into the kitchen, l found myself listening intently to his every word, l couldn’t believe he was 70, but my jaw dropped...
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Party Slut by Richard-to-Rachel "Shhhh, careful, you'll wake him," I heard through a foggy daze. "Naah, he's out cold," came a second voice, "Barely stirred through the rest of it." My head was throbbing painfully and I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes. I knew that I had drunk too much at the party that night, I'd had a fight with Sasha, my girlfriend, and had drowned my sorrows perhaps a little too much. I didn't know how long I'd been out for but it was taking me a while...
The Making of a Slut - By Alexis Brooks - [email protected] Chapter 1 ? The Package The past few months had given him opportunities to explore himself beyond his wildest imaginations. He had talked with many people, both male and female, online. Almost all of those relationships ended in the other person backing out at the moment of truth. He had met two people that were a lot of fun. But they too had since vanished either due to work or family issues. Yet, through...
It all started when I was 18 and a senior in High School playing football. It was a Saturday practice after a big win on Friday night, and our coach gave us half practice off.I came home a couple hours early. Mom was doing her usual shopping on a Saturday with the girls, which usually took most of the day. Dad was home with my older sister Kip who was off work today.When I came in the house, I heard what sounded like Mom and Dad fucking in the basement, I crept down the stairs as any horny...
Trained To ServeVic’s hands were sweating furiously as he tried to remain calm rubbing his hands along his dry pant legs for the fifth time in almost an hour. He absolutely hated flying. The hum of the jet engines filled the passenger compartment. Vic looked over at his wife Sandy. She was finally asleep. Vic knew she hadn’t slept in three days and he sure wasn’t going to wake her now. They were the only two passengers on the private two engine jet that took off from Chattanooga that night....
Amy The Teen Anal SlutBy DirtyOmni I had a great last few years as a teen anal slut finishing high school. Anyone who really knew what I did during my school day would be offended by what I like. When I was entering my teens I found that boys always had some type of porn in their hands .Often I would get boys that liked me to show me their porn stash. I like the dirty pictures of women showing their bodies. The more I saw the more I knew what I liked. Usually it was soft light pictures of women...
We I finally got to spend some time with my friend. I agreed to let him pick me up after he had gotten a hotel room for 2 nights. He picked me up at my house and my father let him in and told him I was down the hall in my room. My friend came into my room as I was finishing my make-up. He started to close the door I told him not to as my father would walk in on us. I told him I wanted to see what he was wearing. And I told him to strip as he stood behind the door. He did as I told him and...
Freewill 504: Part 8 Campus Slut (By Chris A)Disclaimer: If you are u******e and/or easily offended by stories of an adult nature, then you should probably go away. This story and characters are purely fictitious, and any similarity to persons living or dead is purely coincedental. Any one who believes they should try and recreate these situations and events in a real life situation needs to get serious help. With that said: enjoy!It was a warm spring evening as I walked across the center of... It had been a long week at work and I'd only been able to Fuck a couple of times and only with my Husband...I was very horny.I told him Saturday morning I wanted to go Slutting that evening so after he went off to work I prepared myself.A trip to the salon for the works including a nice...
When he saw it in his in-basket he was not surprised. Even without opening it he knew exactly what it was, and had a fairly good idea already of what it said. The truth was that it was something he had been waiting for, and expecting, for a little over three weeks. Shawn Spencer considered himself to be a reasonably intelligent man, and many times he could see how things would turn out, just by expecting things to happen in their natural order. The fact it had taken so long was the only...
F*rced To Be A Slut (for BBC)forced to be a Slut Story from the perspective of a mom who is forced to become a slut for their neighbor's daughter. The mother’s daughter also becomes her mistress and mom gets nigger fuckedTears ran down my cheeks as the nigger cock rammed my pussy from behind. Jessica watched with a smile on her face as she often did. Here I was, in the back of a van in a mall parking lot, getting my white pussy violated by a nigger buck while the woman who had become my...
Chapter Two: Mommy's Pussy-Slut By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: An anonymous fan commissioned this story and allowed it to be shared. I merely penned this individual's outline. Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Billy Purvis It worked. I clutched at the remote I modified. It truly mind-controlled people. My body buzzed as I walked through the halls of my college, my black-haired sister, Cali, walking on my right, her round breasts bouncing naked, a look of dreamy enjoyment...
Read all the tags before continuing. All the characters, including the author (^-_-^) is eighteen or more. If you aren’t of the legal age in your country, feel free to close this and move on. Because, I definitely won’t poison young minds… … Other than in my stories xD. You will see all the bright and dark sides present inside me, and yourself, in my stories. Every character is fictional, and any and every resemblance to real life is completely coincidental. And NEVER try to do any...
You glance up at the clock as you are making dinner. I would be home from work in a half hour. A small smile spreads across your face, and a sensual warmth and slight throbbing begin within the most feminine part of your body. You place the roast in the oven for a late dinner, and then run off to prepare for my arrival. You hurry to be sure you are in place and ready when I come through the door, because you know what happens when you're late. You smile again at the thought, rubbing your ass...
BDSMJulie surveyed the bar and watched as the after work businessmen tried to impress the young girl sitting nervously at the bar. Julie admired her innocence as she blushed with each advance she received as she desperately tried to attract the attention of the barman, Julie stood and walked slowly over to the bar stools and slipped onto the stool next to the young woman. Smiling like a shark sensing its prey Julie muttered in a low husky voice, “Hi I’m Julie”. “Penny” the young girl...
Dungeon SlutCopyright 2007 W. HunterARRIVALI meet her at the station. It's almost midnight and she's the only one to get off the bus. We know each other from photographs, but have never spoken. She's shortened her hair a bit, probably in anticipation of what's to come. I'd have preferred to cut it myself, but one can never completely understand the mind of another, now, can they?She stands there, looking in my general direction, but not directly at me. She's wearing a simple blue dress...
“Honey”, she purred. “Can we do a little role playing tonight?” Mark looked at his gorgeous wife with her full pouting lips and long brown hair and said, “Anything for you babe. What have you got in mind?” The normally boisterous and unflappable Camilla looked at him and chewed her bottom lip which he found sexy as hell. “Well, I have been doing some reading lately online and came across some stories that have really turned me on so much it isn't funny.” “Oh really?” She looked down...
My name of the game is this kind of non-consentual sex. The driving factorbehind the urgent wish to being forced to do things which I never would beprepared to do under normal circumstances is humiliation. Already the thoughtthat I might be forced to do something most humiliating against my own will,with no possibility to resist due to chains or other complete dependency at themercy of the MISTRESS, turns me on.My MISTRESS should by nature be cruel, wicked, sadistic, evil, merciless, and byno...
"Wantin', and fuckin', and squeezin', and beggin', lickin' and screamin' and ridin' my clit." I sang to Tessa and Jenna, bound back to back. I shook my wide hips at them. I love them. They giggled. They were hard and gagged and leaking, too bad, girls, about those little cages on your clits. I brushed Tessa's on the way to lick Jenna. "Mmm, darling, you taste marvelous. Maybe I should have a little more of you." Her eyes widened. So pretty, Jenna, your mouth would be just right to sheath my...
Another night with my slutty girlfriend we were at pub having fun I dared her to be really naughty We were chatting having fun her lil skirt mmmm take ur knickers off slut she started to leave but I grabbed her arm and said here do it here other men around us could hear what we were talking about a man beside us told the slut to take them off now looking around slut reached under tiny skirt and pulled lil g string down just as it got to her knee's the man beside us started to tell the slut she...
Group SexMy wife is the most attractive woman I have ever dated, too good looking for me. We joke that the only way I got her to marry me was because she was drunk at the time. She’s tall and thin. Nice firm “B” size tits. Her thin waist makes her tits more pronounced and greatly accentuates her tight ass. She shaves her pussy but leaves a little mound of pubic hair at the top. She has long legs and is a dark brunette. She tans regularly and has long fingernails that change color every week,...
Introduction: Moms task is to seduce daughter for her Master…her son. Pet Mommy: Fucking with Mommy-Slut Summary: Moms task is to seduce daughter for her Master…her son. Recap: This is actually part three. Obviously, you should read parts 1 and 2 first, as they will help understand how the mother ended up where she is now, if you already have read the first two parts and cant remember the basic plot or just want to start here on part three…here is a very brief summary of the story so far. ...
Introduction: wife comes home from club w 2 men My wife has a medical condition that makes her promiscuous and an alcoholic. Before she was diagnosed and stopped drinking she would drink in excess and then fuck any and all men around her. Later, when she sobered up, she would remember nothing and be quite a prude. There are periods of 3 days in which she drank constantly and has no memory at all. At other times when I was laying in bed, too tired for sex, she would sit next to me and scream...
My name of the game is this kind of non-consentual sex. The driving factor behind the urgent wish to being f***ed to do things which I never would be prepared to do under normal circumstances is humiliation. Already the thought that I might be f***ed to do something most humiliating against my own will, with no possibility to resist due to chains or other complete dependency at the mercy of the MISTRESS, turns me on. My MISTRESS should by nature be cruel, wicked, sadistic, evil, merciless,...
Introduction: Mom is dpd by son and his best friend. PET MOMMY: DP MOMMY-SLUT!!! Summary: Pet Mommy: Creating a Mommy-Slut Summary: A mother learns her son fantasizes about fucking her and, realizing just how much he resembles her deceased dominant husband, decides to make his fantasy a reality…in the end seducing her son and becoming his submissive pet Mommy. Note: A special thanks goes to Mab7991 DP MOMMY-SLUT!!! I am sure you have heard the saying be careful not to wake up the sleeping...
She loved talking with her friends over few drinks. Topics varied from lovely boyfriends to dreams about raising a family. Slut was having the time of her life. As they were departing, slut separated from the group to go to the toilet. Anyways, she was going to the other direction.As she was entering the toilets she was blocked by a muscular arm leaning to the wall. Her excuse was stopped by the man saying "Lady, I've just heard you talk nice shit for few hours. You need to understand that you...
I checked my reflection in the shop window adjacent to the coffee store and knew I looked good. I had dressed as master had instructed. Three and a half inch heels, fishnet hold-ups, black silk mid-thigh flared mini skirt. I wore a black satin bra and matching thong and the bra was clearly visible through the clinging low-cut white chiffon blouse. I pulled out my compact from my handbag and with perfectly manicured bright-red nails, flipped it open to check my make-up. Again, as instructed, I...
Group Sex"That's it baby! You are such an amazing cock sucker!" I moan around the cock in my mouth as I bob up and down quickly. I feel hands on the back of head grab my hair to stop me from moving up and down the amazing 10 inch black cock. I've been kneeling for almost twenty minutes slowly working this monster. I've only been able to take just over half of the cock so far. "You are doing very well sucking your first dick. Though a good cock whore needs to learn to deepthroat and feel what it's like...
Nick, a teenage boy seduces his uncle John. The story charts his evolution from a shy infatuated lover to an accomplished slave-concubine. Nick becomes Nikki and relishes his role as a sex-slave. Uncle John is a stern master who uses Nikki in every possible way.A Natural Slut By Nikki Part 1 Nick was getting out of the cab in front of his grandparents' home for the first time. He had never met them. He was alone at 18, his Mom having been killed in a car accident. The youngster was nervous....
~~~~~Sara had just masturbated by rocking back and forth on a fallen tree trunk, rubbing her tits and clit against the rough bark, which made her cum, and cum hard. When she had recovered, she turned to me and said, “Master!” indicating how much she was enjoying being my submissive. I smiled up at her, then suddenly had another idea. I find that it’s always a good idea to have a plan with a submissive, but you shouldn’t let that interfere with inspiration.“Come down here, Little Slut, and lie...
Mind ControlLisa had lived with her dad Frank since he and her mom separated when she was 15. She was now 18 and her dad still hadn't dated anyone and she was starting to worry about him. She knew how lonely he was. Whenever he wasn't at work he would just sit around the house doing nothing. Sometimes she would hear him moaning late at night in his bedroom and she knew he must be in there crying. She hated knowing her daddy was upset so she decided that the next time she heard him crying in his room she...
Last night a old friend called me up he seen my post on my profile stating " I need a good caning " He was happy to help out. He give me the address of a factory unit he told me to get there at 7 pm sharp and not to plan on leaving for a while. I was running late so I didn't have time to get changed. I arrived late at 7.15 pm He was standing there very angry he said were the fuck have you been. I said there was traffic. He said I don't believe you show me your hamster page. I had been online...
The following story is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and events in it are products of the author’s imagination and are used as fantasy. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.My name is Jessica, but my Master affectionately calls me "Cum Slut". I am 24 years old, and Master is training me to be a cum slut. I have blonde hair, and blue eyes. My tits are a perky 36C cup (natural), a thin 23" waist, very curvy 34" hips, and a firm...
BDSMA Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter One: Making a Mommy Slut By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Ulrich Geller's clean suit rasped and crinkled as he worked in shipping at the Institute of Apotheosis Research. The box to contain the Halo lay open, ready to receive the device which would create the next new god. Twenty-one-year-old Ulrich trembled. Though he had only met the great founder of the Institute, Dr. Henry Blavatsky,...
She softly asked me if I had masturbated yet. I asked her what that was, being an innocent young teenager lacking any of that knowledge. She said, "You know, like a wet dream?" Confused, I said, "what do you mean?" She had me put the magizine aside and then she placed her hand on my crotch, moving it gently back and forth. I did not know what she was up to, but whatever it was it felt good as I blushed a bit. She said she would show me how to masturbate and put her hand inside of...
A few moments later, with my shirt un-tucked, carrying a bucket of ice and champagne, I walk through my bedroom door. In the silhouette of the lampshade, you are standing naked covering yourself up. “I told you to be on your knees.” I say, in a calm, stern voice. “Move your hands, I want to see your sexy body.” Modestly, you move your hands - first away from your breasts, where I can make out your small, hardened nipples. Your chest is heaving slightly in excitement. You then slowly move your...
I had been back in Toronto for two weeks. Aiko had emailed me pictures and videos of her masturbating, and in teasing states of various dress and undress. She also teased me about coming to Toronto for her summer break. I offered her a place to stay, if she did make the journey. Heather and Jessica had anxiously awaited my return. They were eager to meet with me again, eager to be Sir’s cunts again, to be exact. Unfortunately, their husbands had surprised them with a trip to Europe the same...
BDSMHello, guys, my name is John. This is a real story of a girl from my college. Hope you guys enjoy it. To make it interesting I will be narrating the story from her view. Hi guys, this is Sushmitha. I am 22 years old and studying my BTech 3rd year. Coming to my description, I am 5’5″ tall with black hair and a sexy figure. My figure is 36-28-36. I have light brown nipples which are very sensitive. Every boy in my college used to stare at my boobs and ass, my face was pretty cute too. I lost my...
I was so anxious for Daddy to come pick me up cause I was getting to spend the whole summer with him far away from my strict, controlling mother. I was gonna have the best summer, and hopefully lose my virginity to boot. My best-friend Amy had just lost her's to an older that lives in her neighborhood, and she told me every juicy detail which made me want to lose mine very badly. I had given in to the desire with my mother's boyfriend last night but he wouldn't let me do anything but suck his...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Nine: Teaching Their Mommy-Slut By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “You are going to be such a good, little masseuse, aren't you, Mommy-slut,” my girlfriend said, a husky tone in her voice as I pulled my car into the back lot of the Lady Touch Massage Parlor. “Yes, Daughter,” Mrs. Armstrong said, her voice submissive as she sat in the backseat. We'd just picked her up from her home. We got to own her during...
GloryHole Slut Guy looking for a good time gets more than he bargained for. Enjoy! Had the itch to start writing again and will try and do less series and more one and done stories...enjoy sluts! I had been to the usual sex shops but just heard about a new one that opened up with a huge selection and great prices. I typically looked for the hardcore stuff where the guy gets a little forceful with the girl with hair pulling and some slapping of the ass with some...
Introduction: From the age of thirteen, Laura loves boys and sex. She realizes that shes a natural born slut and decides to go for it. Natural Born Slut Laura started her career as a slut at the age of 13 in the backseat of an old Chevy with a guy shed just met. Well three guys actually, and theyd picked her up as she walked down the street. The guy in the back seat was particularly cute and when he told her to get in she did. He told the driver to keep driving and started kissing Laura and it...
I’m a self-made man and I’m a writer. I write books a few times a year and work for myself. About a year ago, I was looking for a new assistant and met this wonderful girl named Roxanne. She’s nineteen years old and I hired her right away, but quickly learned she was better suited for me to be my slut. She has no family and took a liking to me right away. I worked out an arrangement with Roxanne. I bought her a condo and bought her all of her clothes. I pay her a salary of one-hundred thousand...
Group Sex