Retrained In Basic free porn video

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The sun had set on Aberdeen Proving Ground, leaving all the basic trainees there to finally get some sleep after their long day. It was about one month into their training and things were much more routine than they had been at first. Now the new privates had more time to think and with that time they started to think of things they missed. This was what was on Pvt. James Newberry's mind as he waited in the stair well, watching Alpha Company's laundry room. His basic training unit was a coed unit, which proved to be a big enough temptation that he now sat and awaited the opportunity to commit a terrible crime. Had he thought it through a bit more, he would never have done it, but his hard on strained against his PT shorts and his sense of reason evaporated with it. After only a few minutes one of the girls came out of their stairwell and walked the short distance to the wash room. It was Spc. Chloe Miller; she was carrying three green laundry bags full of clothes from the female barracks and would be in there for at least an hour. Laundry guard was usually an hour and a half shift, but some of that was picking up the bags before coming down and returning them after they were done, so he figured he had an hour to make his move. James couldn't have been happier that Spc. Miller was the one to wander into his trap. He had a special loathing for her, despite (or perhaps in part because of) her good looks. Chloe was large breasted and they hung a bit low due to their size. She had a flat stomach and nice hips and was very pretty in the face. Her dark hair was usually pulled up to meet regulations, but since it was after hours it now hung down past her shoulders. What bothered him the most about her was her attitude, she was a Specialist instead of a Private like him, all because she had high school JROTC and some college credits. She liked to talk down to the other Privates and often seemed to think she was smarter and better than everyone. With all this in mind James decided that God must be smiling on him tonight. James watched her round ass shake in her tight PT shorts as she walked into the laundry room, he then waited a few minutes and left his stairwell following her path to the laundry room, pulling his makeshift weapon from his pocket. He opened the door a crack to make sure some washers were going and then he went in. Chloe didn't hear him enter because of the noise from the washers, which James thought was very clever of him. He was lucky enough to have entered while her back was to him and she was sorting clothes into groups. He walked up behind her and readied his weapon he had fashioned for the occasion, which was a piece of 550 cord about a foot long with two hand holds at either end. He intended to use it like an assassin and strangle her with it. His attempt was, for the most part, successful. She noticed his shadow and got a quarter turn in before he had her. His attack was swift and violent, as he wrapped the cord around her neck and swung her into the washer so that it hit her in the stomach. Her reaction came late; she was already bent over the washer before her hands got to the cord, which was so tight by then that she couldn't get a grip on it. He had her and her panicked mind knew it, though she did not yet know why. Her mouth was open, gasping for air that she wasn't going to get. "Do what I say and you can breathe again," he said into her ear. He had no need to whisper since the walls buffered out most of the noise and the room was full of noisy washers that drowned out the rest. "Just like wrestling, tap out if you give, otherwise I'll just kill you." Chloe felt herself getting lightheaded, so she tapped quickly, not knowing in her panic what else to do. James eased up on the cord and Chloe sucked in air, trying to get her bearings, but before she could James was speaking again. "Pull down your shorts or I cut off the air again." "Please don't..." she started to say, but was cut off by him repeating his command. "Pull down your shorts or I cut off the fucking air, you goddamn bitch." When she hesitated he explained further, "Understand, it is past 2300 and Drill Sergeant Reid is asleep in the day room. Nobody is gonna miss you for another hour at least and by then I'll have gotten what I wanted from you, or I'll have finished you. Now pull down your goddamn shorts!" She gave in and reached behind herself and pulled her shorts down past her full ass, but no further since she couldn't reach that far. James then yanked her up into a standing position and using his knee and then his foot he pushed her shorts the rest of the way down. "Now step out of your shorts, then pull your shirt up over your tits." When she had complied he further instructed her to spread her legs apart, which she did, then he pushed her back down over the washer. "Now pull my cock out and don't try anything or I'll pop your damn head off, bitch." She could feel his hard cock pressing into her ass through his shorts. She guided her hand behind herself and pulled his shorts down a bit and freed his five inch dick. She felt so ashamed, vulnerable and humiliated. There she was, a supposed strong Army woman, exposed and bent over a washer, about to be penetrated by a moron who couldn't even pull his own cock out. "Now, I don't care what hole I get bitch, so you best be ready for some pain." With that he started clumsily thrusting his cock into her soft backside, randomly searching for a hole. After a second something gave and he dryly pushed himself into her virgin ass. Her body went tense and she stifled a scream, as her mind reeled from the most pain she had felt in a long time. James figured she wasn't going to be wet, but he was surprised to feel how tight she was, after that thought formed in his mind he realized that he had her ass. He had only gotten the head of his cock in and already he felt as though he could cum. He held back, though, because he wanted to make this last as long as possible. He thrust in a few more times and finally worked his dick into her all the way, causing her to gasp and tighten up to try and push him out of her. Her clenching only caused her pain to worsen, as James started to pick up the pace of his thrusting. He finally established a steady pace and was beginning to enjoy himself when it happened. There was a loud "clank" and James' head snapped forward. The pain came quickly after that, causing his head to swim and his body to collapse on top of Chloe's bent over form. After a moment of no movement James fell sideways and with his hands still wrapped in the cord around Chloe's neck, brought her down on top of him on the floor. James hit his head on the concrete floor and lay stunned for a moment, which allowed Chloe the time she needed to get the cord from around her neck and free his cock from her sore ass. He managed to regain his senses as she was getting up off of him and pulling up her shorts. "You dumb fuck, you had your back to the door." James recognized the voice, but couldn't quite place it. He rolled his head to the side and looked behind him to see who was speaking; it turned out to be PFC. Josh Warburton, on of James' squad members. James tried to think on his feet, "Oh, uh, hey man. Let's hit this together, she's got plenty of holes, nobody'd know." "No, shithead, that's not gonna happen. Not to her anyways." "You mean you wanna get another bitch? You got any idea how?" "Yeah, I gotta good idea how to get another bitch. She'll be her in a second, her name is Jamie." Warburton then stepped over to Chloe, who was standing there, unsure what to do and whispered something into her ear. She looked at him questioningly but nodded. "You mean that little bitch in third platoon? What's her name, Thomas, I think?" "Nah, it's not Jamie Thomas. It's someone you know, but you haven't met yet." Warburton then turned to Chloe, who had been digging through the girl's laundry and took two items from her. "Most of the girls wear sports bras and boxers, but a few of them still have some simple bras and bikini cut bottoms, ya know?" James sat up and felt the back of his head, there was no blood, but two nice lumps were forming. He looked at Josh, not quite understanding why he cared what the girls wore under their uniforms. "You see I like my bitches to be appropriately dressed before I fuck 'em, ya know?" As he said this, Josh tossed a plain white bra and a pair of white cotton panties at James. "Put those on, right now, or life is gonna get real unhappy for you," Warburton said as he ever so slightly lifted up the e-tool he had used to hit James in the head to accentuate his point. James wasn't bright, but he had a good idea where this might be heading. He was trying desperately to piece it all together. "Wait a sec, what were you doing coming to the laundry room with an e- tool for?" "You stupid shit, you were in that damn stairwell for almost 45 mikes. So I watched you, trying to figure out what you were up too. When I saw you follow Miller into the laundry room without any laundry and while working that damn cord around your hands, it was pretty clear. So I went back to my bunk and got my e-tool off my ruck and followed you in. Who would've guessed you'd be dumb enough to leave your back to the door. Now get dressed before I beat you half to death and tell the drill sergeant how I caught you raping Miller. See now you can be my bitch, willingly, or you can face what you've done. Roger?" "You fucking faggot! I ain't lettin' you fuck me, I ain't wearin' this shit, fuck you, faggot!" Warburton laughed, "Sissy, the only fag here is you. Me, you might say I'm bi, but I only date chicks. I just happen to get a kick out of makin' lesser men my bitches. It gives me a rush to dominate them, to steal their manhood. Trust me, once you get what I have to give you, you'll be changed forever." "Nah, fuck it, you'll have to kill me first." Chloe finally spoke up, "Look idiot, if he beats you with that thing, it'll fuck you up for life, plus then you'll face rape and assault charges. That shit is a felony, you'll be in for no less than twenty and then you'll get this anyway. So you can let him fuck you once, or let them fuck you every night in prison." James looked at Josh, who was a full foot taller than him and built like a brick shit house. As he thought about it, the truth of it all sank into him and he saw no other way out. He pulled his shirt and shorts off and put on the panties and bra, feeling so humiliated that the woman he was fucking just moments earlier was now sneering at him as he stood trying to clasp the bra behind his back. Chloe walked over to him and clasped it for him, eager to see the event that was about to unfold. When she finished, she called him an amateur and walk away, hopping up on one of the active washers and sat, waiting for the show. Josh looked at James and felt rush surge through him as he thought about how absolutely ridiculous James looked in the bra and panties with his hairy body, slightly feminine figure and bald head. Josh started think that with some work and a bit of hormones, James would make a convincing woman, but not tonight. With that thought Warburton stripped off his shirt and shorts, leaving him naked and exposing his seven and a half inch, half hard cock. "Your first lesson is cock sucking, Jamie, so on your knees and get to work, bitch." James face burned red, but he did as he was told. Once on his knees he took Josh's cock in his hand and gave it a few strokes to harden it up. Remembering all the porn he had watched and the few blow jobs he had received, he started doing what seemed natural. He licked the underside of the head and then down the shaft to Josh's balls, then back up again. He then enveloped the head in his mouth and started to bob on it, taking a little bit more in his mouth each time as he grew accustomed to the size of it in his mouth. Still gripping the base, he stroked his hand in sync with his head bobs to work the entire length of Warburton's large sized cock, all the while licking the underside of the head with his tongue on the up stroke. James would hate to admit it, but he was actually finding this to be easy and somewhat fun. The smoothness of the head and the taste of the other mans cock was quite nice. After a few minutes of sucking on Josh's cock, James heard Josh say to Chloe, "She sure seems to be a natural at this, huh?" "I'll say!" was Chloe's only reply. "Time to stop now, Jamie. It's time for me to take your cherry, little girl." With that Warburton grabbed James up and pushed him up against a washer, just as he had done Chloe. James understood the symbolism and accepted his fate. Josh pulled the white panties aside and grabbed a hold of his saliva coated cock and guided it towards James asshole. James felt his ass cheeks pushed apart by the head of Josh's cock and braced himself with his hand on the washer. "If you tense up, it will only hurt worse." With those words of encouragement Josh plunged his cock into James ass over half of its length. James squealed in pain and shock as his ass felt suddenly impossibly full. Josh then pulled back and then thrust in hard again, this time getting his full length all the way in James ass. James felt as though his eyes would bug out of his head and could not find the strength to close his mouth. Had he been a woman he would have been making the perfect fuck face. Josh then started to establish a rhythm and began to steadily fuck James hard against the washer machine. Chloe was thrilled at the sight before her. She had always enjoyed gay male porn and the idea of men fucking each other, but to see it happening right before her was almost too much. The shock of her rape had faded fast as her makeshift savior now made her attacker his absolute bitch. The fact that James was straight made it feel even naughtier to her and between the washers vibrations and the sexy sight before her, she couldn't help but to start playing with herself. She was close to orgasm and working her clit with one hand while working four fingers into her cunt, which was so wet it was soaking a dark spot into her shorts. After a few minutes James loosened up and the pain receded, giving way to pleasure. Before long, James was unable to deny the fact that those powerful thrusts felt great in his ass and he even caught himself humping back to meet the thrusts from his new lover. The thought shocked James, he had just thought of the man fucking his ass as his lover, but as he formed that thought Josh thrust in again and the wave of pleasure caused James to abandon his cares. It felt good and that was really all he had been after tonight. "Time for a change, get on your hands and knees and face Miller. I want her to see your face while I pound your slutty ass." James did as he was told; secretly loving the way Josh spoke to him. He wanted more hard cock in his ass, but he didn't dare show his desire. "Oh my God!" Chloe squealed, "His cock is hard! He fucking loves it, he's a fag!" "Shut up, Miller. SHE is simply enjoying what I am giving HER. It is only natural that her clit would swell up, isn't that right Jamie?" James heard himself being referred to as a woman, as Jamie and inside he felt it to be true. He must be a slut and a wannabe woman to love cock in his ass. His raging hard on confirmed that he loved it, everyone knew now, so he saw no reason to deny it. "Yes," was his entire reply, spoken so meekly that Chloe couldn't here it over the washer machines noise. Josh heard it though and knew that if he kept up, the boy in front of him would be forever changed. "Be sure to hold your head up, so Miller can see you face, okay slut?" As he said this Josh pulled James' panties aside again and readied himself to fuck the boy again. James did as instructed and as Josh pushed inside of him Chloe could read it all right on James' face. The boy was being stretched open again, but this time, he was loving it. Josh grabbed James' waist and pushed in the rest of the way, feeling James' soft full ass press into his crotch. When James felt Warburton's big hands on his waist he felt small and feminine and when he felt Josh finally push in all the way and rest against his ass, a moan escaped his lips. James opened his eyes with shock when he heard the moan, it came from him, but it didn't sound like him, it sounded too... girlie. Then Josh pulled back and thrust in again and again, getting back into a steady pace. Each thrust in felt so deep in his ass and caused him such powerful ecstasy that soon James was moaning like a whore. The powerful feelings he got from this were ten times the pleasure he had ever gotten from his very limited sexual contact with women and he saw no reason to ever go back. Jamie was here to stay. James again started to hump back against Josh as he fucked his ass with wild thrusts, each time gripping tight around his waist, underscoring how much more powerful Josh was than James. Chloe watched it all on James face and even noted the change in his demeanor, he now was moaning and humping as wildly as any girl would. She was soon overcome by her third orgasm of the night as she stretched herself out as much as he could with her four fingers. Finally James was overcome by the thrusts, the feeling of the bra tight around him and the panties that contained his throbbing cock. He knew what he needed and now that he was overcome by his own horniness he had the courage to ask for it. "Flip me over; I want to be fucked on my back." The voice that spoke was not his usual voice; it was softer, more feminine. It was Jamie's voice. "Please, baby, fuck me on my back like a woman, let me feel what that is like." "Well, well, it seems I have broken you haven't I?" "No, not broken. You helped me find my true self and you showed me what real pleasure is like. Now please, fuck me. Fuck Jamie while she is on her slutty back." With that Josh obliged, rolling James over onto his back without ever taking his cock out of him. James wrapped his legs around Josh and put his arms around his neck as Josh resumed fucking him. James was moaning and smiling, wishing that Josh would kiss him, but Josh pushed him down every time he tried. James dick was peeking out from under his panties as Josh picked up his pace. Josh was close to cumming and with each thrust he got harder and fucked James more fiercely. Finally Josh thrust deep and James felt him swell and the shoot his cum. The feeling was amazing, he felt the warm rush in his ass, he felt the pressure on his prostate and he felt that amazing cock twitching deep in him. With that James shot his load, without ever having touched his cock. His first spurt was so powerful it hit him in the left cheek just under the corner of his eye, the second landed on his mouth. The third and fourth spurts landed on his chest and bra and the last two on his stomach and below his belly button, leaving his cock oozing the rest into the waist band of his panties. Josh thrust a few more times, emptying himself into his new bitch completely before climbing off of him. Josh grabbed one of the girls laundry bags from nearby and cleaned himself off before getting dressed again. He looked over at Chloe who was licking her hand clean and trying to arrange herself. She was now becoming aware of her neck and how badly it hurt. Chloe and Josh both stood over the newly christened slut and looked down at the cum covered boy. He looked just as ridiculous in bra and panties, now with his own cum dripping off of his face, pooling on his chest and stomach and Joshes cum leaking out his ass. He was in a daze, then slowly he took one of his hands and started gathering the cum up and licking it off of his fingers. Chloe looked up at Warburton, "What do we do now?" The next morning came and Chloe reported for sick call, saying how she had fallen asleep with her neck wallet on and fallen off the bed, catching it on the bed post. She was given some Motren and sent back to training with the others. Before morning PT, while Chloe was at sick call, Pvt. James Newberry reported to the CO's office at his own request, were he declared himself gay. He was given an entry level separation and was sent home in a matter of days. No one thought anything of it; after all it was the easy way out for anyone who had a change of heart. A little over a month later the rest of them graduated from basic training. After the Pass in Review the soldiers were all dismissed to go on some well deserved leave with family and friends. Josh and Chloe were standing and talking when a girl approached. "Um, hi," she interrupted. They both looked over in shock. Before them stood a girl with long brown hair and full hips, but very small breasts. "I'm Jamie. Congratulations you guys." "Jamie, you look nice," was the best Warburton could muster. Jamie excitedly replied, "Thanks, the hormone pills helped me get rid of my body hair, though not entirely yet. I almost have full A cups too and they are still growing, plus look at my hips!" "A wig?" Warburton said, with an abrupt change of the subject. "Yeah, I'm growing it out, but it takes time, ya know?" Her voice was so soft; no one would ever have guessed her true identity. Once the hormone pills softened up her face just a touch more, no one would ever be the wiser. "So, what can we do for you, Jamie?" Chloe asked. Looking at Josh, Jamie stammered out her answer, "Well remember you said you only dated girls, well I still have my... clit, but otherwise I'm a girl now. No one can really tell, except people who think about girls like me, so what I'm trying to say is...I want to be with you, I love you. I mean I think I love you. You are sooo strong and you give me such..." Josh interrupted, "No. No way, forget it. I don't care how you feel about me, that wasn't for you, it was for me and for Chloe. What you do with your life is up to you, but we are done. If it was a good memory, then okay." Turning to Chloe he said, "You tell her." "Josh and I are getting married after AIT. You take care now, Jamie. Bye." With that they walked off and left for a ten day leave together.

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It was a warm spring evening. The sun had almost set when Sarah came out of the little bar. She'd had two glasses, and was feeling a bit dizzy. She looked around the street, there were few people around. Seeing a cab near the end of the block Sarah started walking towards it. She opened the door and got in. The driver gave her a head to toe look. She didn't say anything. "Where to?" asked the man. "North street," Sarah answered. The driver turned the keys and the car pulled out. Sarah took off...

3 years ago
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Can You Keep Your Clit

Sandra laughed drunkenly as Karen fumbled with the keys to her front door, struggling momentarily before finding the right one and sliding it home into the deadbolt. With a turn and a click Sandra was then led inside the sexy redhead's suburban house, noting how neat and tidy the place was while the lusty lady closed and locked the door once more behind them. They met at a fetish bar when Sandra over heard Karen speaking about the latest exploits of the Infamous Clit Hunter that she had heard...

1 year ago
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Things Happen for a ReasonChapter 8

Luke and Sarah strode up the path to the Fletcher house, or rather mansion, Luke thought to himself, eyeing the large estate with trepidation. He and Sarah had argued over breakfast about how best to approach the newly-married Bree-Anne Fletcher. He'd wanted to do it alone; so had Sarah. They'd finally settled on doing it together. "The shock value of both of us might stun her into revealing more than she would to either of us alone," Sarah had pointed out, and he'd had to agree. When...

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my first gay gloryhole

was very curious about seeing my first porn movie and the life behind the other side of the bookstore. When I walked in the front door I could smell the disinfectant odor that permeated the building, a smell that told me I was in the right place.The arcade area was dark and there were several men just hanging out in the hallways. At the time I found that strange and it made me nervous. Finally I found a booth and opened the door I was hit by the smell…cigarettes, sweat, cum, piss, disinfectant,...

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Dani The First Time

Note: Rather than add to this fantasy with a part 2 and 3, I thought I would update part 1 and then just present the whole story as a completed piece. So, if you have been waiting for the final parts these past few months, here it all is now in a complete story. I hope that you enjoy. ** THE POOL **It started over 18 months ago when they moved in next door. David and Laura and their 19 yr old daughter, Dani. The parents were a sexy couple and Dani had inherited her parent’s good looks.Over the...

2 years ago
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Lets Give It To The Boy

She was beautiful, in her own way. She didn’t have that classic beauty that turns heads or commands the attention of a room full of people upon entering. For Connie, it was more the clean poetic beauty, features like those of Jennifer Anston, made exotic by a nature, ineffable allure that played on your imagination for days after a passing glance. She moved like a dancer, possessed of poise and easy purpose. Unlike a dancer, whose lithe elegance of diminutive and delicate curves, Connie, at...

First Time
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DirtyWivesClub Luna Star 23357

Luna Star is hot and horny! Her husband had to bolt this morning, so she didn’t even get to blow him out the door. And that’s left her wanting! So — beep boop bop! — she dials the old hubs up and tells him she wants to fuck Johnny, the guy from the gym! “Huh?” you say. “What?” Yes! Sopping wet Luna tells her husband she’s going to fuck another man….and he’s OK with it! That’s their relationship and they’re sticking to it, especially because it turns both of them on. AND Luna tells him...

2 years ago
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In the Hands of the EnemyChapter 11

Everything started moving fast after the surrender. The ordinary people in the street seemed confused by the change in the attitude of the government. They thought they were supposed to die for the Emperor and now suddenly they had lost the war to the hated Yankee invaders. It was difficult for the older citizens to accept the fact they had actually lost the struggle that had taken so many lives of young military men and innocent civilians as well. Nurse Heidi was content to let things...

1 year ago
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Mr Jones

Mr. Jones has lived next door to my mom and I for a couple of years now and we have become good friends with him. Mom is always complaining to him what a bad girl I am and how I need someone to teach me a lesson. I never quite understand what she means by this, she is always saying to me that if I was Mr. Jones daughter he would know how to deal with me. She will even say that when I am standing right next to him and he just looks at me and grins. I like Mr. Jones, he is a good looking strong...

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My Sister 8211 Slutty Or Cute 8211 Part 2

Guys first of all muje bhut km response mila last story agr koi mistake ya fault ho writing me at least tell me and please share your review with me at So please jo readers first time pdre h wo phle first part pd len so here it is as she said She : sachi she start jumping on my stomach with full of joy, thanku bhai abse day and night kiss krungi tension na lo your lips are mine bhai and she bite my lips and hugged me tightly… After that both of us are tired and we slept in that position she...

1 year ago
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My Girlfriends Dad Part V

When I got home it was still only four in the afternoon. Had all that happened in just two hours, my fucking Dan and then getting fucked by him as I fucked his wife? Had it happened at all?I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. Was it really possible that I, a pretty ordinary 18-year-old kid about to head off to college, having what I thought was a pretty ordinary sex life, had become sexually involved with my girlfriend’s father and then, through him, her mother as well?How does such a...

Gay Male
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Owned TeacherChapter 12

When they arrived home Mary carried all of Lisa's things into the large guest room and unpacked for her. She was a real mess with cum dried on her face and in her hair. Her breasts were very sore from the abuse of Lisa's mother and her pussy was crying for the release she had been denied. "Shower and wash your hair Mrs. C. you look disgusting. I will lay out your outfit to greet your daughter. And Mrs. C. don't you dare play with yourself." A thoroughly dominated teacher moved to the...

2 years ago
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My Journey Book 3 BowsChapter 18

Wednesday turned out to be a strangely normal day. I took Dawn for her walk and decided to detour past Tricia’s house to talk to her and Frank about Malibu. Frank was just getting in his car when he saw me and paused. “Off to work?” I asked lightly. “Unfortunately,” he said and told me Tricia was awake inside. “I wanted to talk to you about something if you have a sec,” I told him and he paused, waiting for me to continue. “Emma’s parents are inviting us all out to Malibu for the summer....

2 years ago
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The Three Brothers

Author's Notes: Story is inspired by The Gold Dress by Paula Girl. The Three Brothers Frederick, Sam, and Michael were three very tight brothers growing up. Fred was the natural leader of the boys, was generally well-liked, and appeared ready to accomplish great things as he was about to graduate college. If he had any faults it was that he could be hot-tempered with his two younger brothers. Sam was very much an introvert, soft-spoken, and kept to himself. Michael was the family...

1 year ago
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Learning the Ropes

We had been chatting online for a few weeks before we met for coffee one afternoon. The meet went very well. Actually better than I had imagined. Nancy and her husband Roman were very friendly. They both knew what they wanted. Putting me at ease, seemed their intent from the first hand shake. I was apprehensive, since I had only imagined this sort of meeting. Now that it happened I was excited beyond belief. Nancy and Roman were around my age. Meeting face to face was a requirement. After...

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AmnesiaChapter 2

We went home, and I put the wrapped presents in my closet. Our short time was spent mostly together working on the ranch. Our nights were spent in a loving embrace. On Christmas Day, I gave presents to Sunny and Maria. They both loved the luggage. I kissed them both and said I loved them. I told them that I wanted them to be able to go with me wherever I went. Maria was pleased with that statement and invitation, but Sunny was hit hard, she still couldn't believe I wanted her for my...

2 years ago
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An Awkward SituationChapter 21

Connie met Charles out by the cars over an hour and a half later. She was still wearing Melissa's t-shirt and her hair was soaking wet. In her hand she carried her dress, shoes, and hand bag. Connie walked towards him, her cheek flushed with colour. "Sorry," Connie said as she came to a halt in front of Charles. "It took a little while to make certain that Melissa was properly cleaned." "It's okay," replied Charles, chuckling softly as he spoke. "As I said, Melissa can be...

3 years ago
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Nena and the GringosChapter 7

"That's good Nena, keep it up," said Doug licking his lips. Mark could see that the constant hefting of her breasts were causing her nipples to harden and slightly poke outward again. Suddenly, Mark had an idea. Abruptly he said, "Okay Nena, that's enough." Nena put her hands down gratefully, her arms and breasts slightly sore from the constant manipulation. Mark suddenly said, "Nena grasp your nipples by your fingers." "What?" she stammered. "Do it! Grasp your nipples with...

3 years ago
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Why Motorcycles are InFreakingCredible

I am not a biker chick! First off, my breasts do not sag! Okay, bad joke. I know, but it’s been my go-to line when some idiot makes a crack about me and my Harlie! Yes, I spell it with an ‘ie’, get over it. This time of year, I love riding my Sportster XLH833. No, it’s not freaking pink! Sure, I gave it a girlie name, but I am not riding a pink Sportster! The hills, the sun, the wind, and the winding roads just scream ‘freedom’ for me. I don’t do it often enough, but today just looked...

First Time
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the night we changed part 1 corrected part

Given that this is not my native language, I hope you can forgive the occasional grammatical and/or vocabulary issue.This story was written by myself after being inspired by some of the amazing stories posted here. Similarities to other stories are accidental, as this is based on a real life encounter.Characters:(me) Mike, born and raised in a small German town(my wife) Melissa, born in Kenya, raised in London and living with me.She insisted I write this from her pov, as that proved to be the...

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doing your work

Around the age of 15, Mal being a bit older, we still called and stayed at his Aunts, there where lots of places around her house or the back of the shed to go for a wank, I used to go under the stairs for a wank, the coal house was ok, but I could not pull my pants down coz of getting dirty, all I wanted was a place to empty my load, Mal used to unload at the back of the shed, or wait till she went for a bath and have a wank in the hall cuming on the evening mail.We also watched her getting...

2 years ago
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El PasoChapter 27

Posted: August 05, 2007 - 12:02:53 am After our busy weekend, Belle and I took the Monday train from El Paso to Santa Fe. Mister Garnet, one of the conductors that roomed at Molly’s, set us up with nice seats in the coach next to the dining car. It took twelve hours to make the three hundred mile trip. Once we were in Santa Fe, we got a very comfortable room at the Concordia Hotel for two nights. I signed the guest register as Mister and Missus T. R. McGuinn, El Paso, Texas. Belle held onto...

3 years ago
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ShakespeareChapter 12

While we were waiting in the pinnace, we got periodic updates from the shuttle-Merlin about the asteroid killing. He wanted to tell pinnace-Merlin the details of his nuclear explosions on the non-sun side of the asteroids in an attempt to change their trajectories. That would hopefully get them to fall into the gravity well of the sun and they'd be destroyed. As a means of destruction, it was not as immediate as Gabby's method of shooting them with antimatter, but it was much more effective...

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Haileys Daads Slut part 1 virgin slut

I was born into a family that was very interested in physical fitness. From an early age I was taught long-distance running. Every Wednesday and Saturday was push-up and sit up day. At the age of six my father started building my upper body strength. It was a game to give me two buckets of sand one for each hand, then my father with time me to see how long I can hold the buckets keeping my arms straight and my body in a T formation.When I entered middle school, I was encouraged to go out for...

3 years ago
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Island Girl Chapter 1

Mark Reynolds needed a change. His divorce finally over, he wanted to put as much distance between him and his past as he possibly could. The divorce was an ugly one, neither party won in this war. And whatever ‘love’ that remained on Mark’s part was destroyed in the fighting and bitterness of the divorce. But that was over now and Mark just wanted to move on. His job had been very sympathetic to his marital situation, and had given him the time off he needed for the multitude of hearings,...

4 years ago
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Fucking My Sister 8211 Part 1

The following story involves fucking another man’s wife. So there would be some background development for the story. Fucking another man’s wife comes in different versions. They could be friends, relatives, siblings and entirely strangers’ etc. stories from all such case were there on this site before. It is not entirely a new concept, but some good description always ignites the fire in these genre. This is my attempt in that. So please kindly bear with me. Any resemblance to...

2 years ago
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Girlfriend Ke Saath First Night

Hello dosto..Kese h aap sab..Umeed hain ki sab thik honge..Mera naam rahul hain..Ap sb ne meri first story “aunty k saath sex delhi main” usko bot acha respnse diya..Uske lie thnku soo mch..Jo naye readers hain unko m apna intro dedeta hu..Mera naam rahul hain..M chandigarh se hu..Mere dick ka size 8.5″ lamba aur 2.5″ mota hain..Muje aunties,bhabhies ke saath sex karna booot psnd hain agr kisi ko bhi pyaar ki jrurt ho to wo muje mail kar sakte hain..Sab kuch secret rakha jaega..Meri mail id...

1 year ago
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Subway Fun

As I sit at the subway depot, waiting to see the construction guys, I'm checking my texts messages. I send a message to Brian and daddy to tell them I got the new store and I'm the new store manager. I'm so excited to be able to have my own employees, to be able to put up the displays that I want. The depot is started to thin out, most of the afternoon rush is gone. I go to my favorite app on my phone, it's a porn site. I have a membership and some of the video's that Scotty had taken of...

2 years ago
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Bachelor Party Wife

Andy planned for weeks the best bachelor party for his brother. His brother, Karl is twenty-three years old and marrying girlfriend of five years. A telephone rang from the other room. Andy ran into the study and answered the telephone before the machine. " Hello?" "Mr. Gray, please?" A female caller asked. "Yes, this is Mr. Gray." Andy replied. "Hi. This is Brandy." Andy smiled because he is talking to his busty stripper that he hired for the party tonight. " What's going...

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Chapters 212223

In bringing the Beech Mountain story to a close for awhile, I’m reminded of the stories of Nikki in South Carolina, the Cruise ship stories and the brief encounters like Atlanta. They were shorter because there were less people involved and I had no reason to draw them out. I have many one day/one nighter's in my journal that could be told if enough interest is shown. The Beech story was a wild ride for all involved, and I wouldn’t trade the experiences or the friendships I made for...

4 years ago
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New Neighbours Part 3 Helping Milly

Rachel left to go shower and sort herself out for her afternoon clients telling me that she had some ideas for a fitness program and we can discuss it next time we meet, living next door had its benefits as we didn’t need to make set plans. I decided to shower myself and with nothing else planned figured I would cut the grass and chill out for the rest of the day, Rachel did tell me that Milly would be home around 2ish and had told her that if she needed anything to give me a shout, it must be...

3 years ago
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Fifties Memories

FIFTIES MEMORIES BY JANICE I am a seventy five year old man with no close living relatives but for a sister about a year older than me, I was packing to move to a retirement community, hopefully the last move I would ever make. I came across a dusty manila envelope that, for the life of me I could not remember seeing in years, more likely decades. Well, instead of pondering what it held, I did the intelligent thing;...

1 year ago
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Bastille Day Ch 3

… Her thoughts flutter as warm slender fingers drift about her chest and abdomen. Her eyes closing as her body begins to respond to his tender ministrations of her flesh. ‘Please… I can’t do this… do not know you…’ ‘You know me Monica. Your body and soul know me. You and I were destined to meet here… now.’ His breath touches her side. Lips brushing her skin as fingers move expertly down the flare of her hips. She senses his hard, hot torso against her arm as his body turns to massage her...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Diamond Banks G304

The pedestal is turned into a Diamond display with this week’s gorgeous Gangbang Queen perched upon it with legs open. Those open legs were too inviting for Chris to resist playing some GREET THE PLEATS and eating her pussy before Will plunged his shaft down the Diamond mine. Scotty P. is back and going at Diamond’s feet full-force before he takes his first turn inside her. All the Cocksmen make their first rounds with Diamond splayed out in missionary while she keeps her hands,...

2 years ago
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Threesome With Makan Malkin Her Sister

Hi, mera naam ravi hai, meri age 26 saal hai aur mera email I’d hai Ab mein sidha hot threesome story par aata hoon. Mera school complete hone ke baad mein college ke liye delhi gaya tha. Waha mujhe rehne ke liye badi mushkil se single room ka ek pg mila. Us pg ki owner ek married couple tha, mein unhe bhaiya- bhabhi bulata tha. Bhaiya ka naam ankit aur bhabhi ka naam shruti tha. Bhaiya ka business tha toh who aksar baahar hi rehte the aur bhabhi bhi kisi company me job karti thi. Ab mein unke...

1 year ago
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My cousin Stacy gives me more than one surprise

Note : This story is completely fictional! I drive to the airport and wait for my beautiful cousin to arrive from California. After a long wait I see Stacy’s beautiful face and flowing black hair working thru the crowd. She gives me a big hug and kisses me in a way cousins don't normally do. After getting her bags, we head for the car and to my house in the country. I tell her how sorry I am about your husband’s philandering, and tell Stacy we’ll have a good time and do our best to forget him...

3 years ago
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The Amulets of Power V A New BeginningChapter 13

Arriving at our unit area earlier than the previous morning, I found the cooks preparing breakfast for the men who were already up. Kwaikai took my horse to have him graze in a new area. Captain Prawin greeted me immediately after that. "Chief Trainer, yesterday evening while talking with the Sah meeuhn (clerk), I asked him what provisions there were for writing letters or keeping a journal. He showed me the paper that you had provided and mentioned that there was a writing box here, but...

3 years ago
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The Amulets of Power II the Kennedy WarsChapter 11

It was nearly sundown when I heard the commotion coming from the front gate and went out to see what it was. The three Chiefs had returned with the holy man. He was an older man dressed as a Buddhist monk, but his rob was very faded and worn, and he seemed very agitated about something, as they came through the front gate. “What’s up?” I asked Tweed, as I walked up to him. “Don’t know yet. The old guy seems really upset,” Tweed said, as one of the interpreters came toward us. “What’s...

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