Michell_(1) free porn video

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Dan was a contract attorney and had to fly to British Columbia on business. He rarely had to go to Canada for the large firm he worked for was primarily a petroleum and gas company that did most of its business off shore in the Gulf of Mexico. Still, the Branson Drilling Company was contracting with his company for off shore drilling near Alaska but in Canadian waters. Dan had been doing this job for over 25 years and was not ready to retire at the age of 55 but knew his job so well that he could do it backwards and forwards with his eyes closed. The trip from Dallas to Victoria, BC was three and a half hours yet he kept busy reviewing the contracts almost the whole flight. He arrived at Branson at around noon and was soon escorted into George Branson’s office, the principle of the company.

“Hi Dan” George said in a welcoming tone. “Hello, George! What do you think of the contracts we proposed? “,Dan said enthusiastically. “Dan, you know I can’t talk business on an empty stomach! “ George got on the intercom and asked his middle aged assistant Pamela to bring in lunch. The double doors to his office swung open and in came Pamela with a cart of a variety of sandwiches, salads and desserts. Following Pamela was a beautiful blonde in her younger twenties. “Dan, I think you know Pamela but I want you to meet Michell Pettigrew who is her assistant. She is an intern this year for us from the University of Victoria.” Ms. Pettigrew put out her hand to shake Dan’s and he could not help but notice her perfect smile, angelic complexion, but her most outstanding attribute was her eyes. They were the most intriguing blue eyes he had ever seen. He could not get enough of looking into her eyes. Her hand shake was light but professionally firm. He was taken back with her beauty as she was dressed very professionally with a navy blue business suite and a fairly short skirt with little higher than medium matching navy heels. Her hair was put up in a professional looking bun with just a strand or two that was loosened from the mornings work from when she had put it up that morning. Her voice was soft and not harsh, yet professional. “Hello Mr. Cranz” she stated rather blandly. “No need to be so formal Michell. You can call me Dan.” “Uh ok… Mr. Cranz….I mean Dan”. Dan could tell he had not made much of an impression on her. If only he were about thirty years younger! Still he thought she was way out of his league even if he were in his twenties again. Of course, he remembered in his twenties he had not even started working out and didn’t start building his body like he did when he turned forty. He was in pretty good shape even for a fifty-five year old and had aged a lot slower than his peers. He had broad shoulders and worked to keep to keep in shape especially since his divorce three years ago. His hair was an attractive salt and pepper but more pepper than salt. He dated some but only about once a month. He liked to date younger women in their thirties or forties for he felt that kept him thinking young. His kids were all grown and out of college so it was only him and his chocolate lab Fritz.

Lunch was placed on the conference table and Pamela and Michell started to leave the office. “Won’t you join us”, Dan asked. “No thank you Mr. Cranz, Pam and I have our lunch out at her office.” Michell stated matter- of- factly. Dan’s countenance fell as Michell obviously did not feel comfortable using his first name. Well, chalk that girl off, she is not interested in this old fart at all, he thought! Still
he could not take his eyes off of her as she and Pam walked out of the room. She had a wonderful walk, a graceful sway to her. Not too much hip but just enough to make any man sigh as she walked past. She
held her head high as though to say, “Yes, I am a woman and I can do anything I put my mind to better than any man!”

“Dan, Michell has been a real asset to us so far this year. She put together half of our response to your proposal. She is a real smart cookie and if she continues to do well we will bring her in permanently as a project manager”, George exclaimed enthusiastically. “That is great….”, Dan stated blandly. “In fact she will be sitting in on our meeting this afternoon.” George said. “Uh…ok. That’s fine.” Stan agreed reluctantly. He thought to himself what can a young twenty- something know about petroleum contracting?

Lunch was soon finished and Pam and Michell came into George’s office to clear away lunch. Dan did his best to put blinders on as Michell leaned over the conference table to gather some dishes and empty drink glasses on to a tray. She showed what an attractive feminine rear she had and it was the first time he noticed that although her blouse was buttoned all the way up she had larger than normal breasts. She hid them well under her loose cream colored business blouse. Just as she was turning with the tray of dishes, Dan stood to get up from the table, knocking the dishes out of her hands and into his lap soaking the front of his shirt and pants. “Oh, I am so sorry Mr. Cranz!” Dan immediately got up and said, “Oh don’t worry Michell! It was entirely my fault! “ He got down on his knees and started picking up the scattered and broken dishes and glasses. “Please don’t do that!” Michell exclaimed. “Oh no….. Ms. Pettigrew. It was entirely my fault and I will clean it up.” Michell bent at the knees and started helping Dan with both of them apologizing to each other. Dan then noticed the wonderful citrus fragrance she was wearing. It almost took his breath away as he was so near to her that he just wanted to reach out and hold her. He almost forgot he was in Victoria, BC for business before he came back to his senses. “Let me take that tray Dan”, Pamela commanded. “No Pam, I can get it” Dan stated firmly as he and Michell carried the dishes out of George’s office. “You can put them in here”, Michell said to Dan she walked to the office kitchen. They put the trays down on the counter and Michell said, “Thanks so much for helping me Dan. I am so sorry! ”,as she took a cloth napkin and tried to wipe his wet shirt”. Stan grabbed her hand and held it just for a moment before he took the napkin out of it. He could see a light blush in her face as she averted his eyes. “Don’t worry about it. It will dry and it’s mostly water. No harm done Ms. Pettigrew! ” , as Dan looked for a response. Michell raised her head and seemed to see Dan for the first time as she looked directly into his grey eyes and said, “Thanks Dan. You are too kind…”

Dan went into the men’s rest room and did his best to use the hand dryer to dry off his shirt. He took his shirt off and held it under the dryer and leaned his lower torso against the dryer to get his pants dried as best he could. George came in and said, “Hey Dan how’s the laundry business?” , and chuckled. “I’m getting there George, I’m getting there”, he said with a smile. “Ok, we’ll start in a few when you get through”, George stated. “Ok, be right there ”, Dan said as George left the bath room. He couldn’t get the pants all of the way dried and wouldn’t you know the wettest part was still around his crotch.

“Crap!” Dan exclaimed as he looked at his wet crotch in the mirror of the bathroom. As he entered George’s office he noticed George, their corporate attorney Lampkins, Branson’s VP of drilling, Cotch and Michell sitting at the conference table. Everyone stood up as he walked up to the table

“Did ya get all dried out Dan?”, George merrily asked. “Ya, I guess so….”, Dan said as his eyes locked on Michell’s which were focused on the wet spot on his crotch. She then raised her gaze to his eyes and smiled. He was embarrassed. He noticed that the three executives for Branson were seated on the opposite side of the table and Michell was the only one seated on the near side where the only vacant chair was. George motioned for Dan to sit next to Michell. Dan thought ….how wise it was for George to seat him next to probably the most beautiful woman in Victoria. He felt a little like a race horse who was being accompanied by a filly to keep the stallion calm right before the big race. “Since Michell has been involved in the contract I want her to be next to you to explain some of the finer details we need to add.” George chimed in. “Oh OK”, Dan responded as he looked and smiled at Michell who smiled back. He noticed that Michell had unbuttoned two of the top buttons of her blouse and he caught a glimpse of some of her ample cleavage as he was the last to be seated at the table. His penis jumped to life as he also caught a look at her very shapely thighs when she sat down. The short business skirt almost went up to her butt. He scooted his chair a few feet away from her intentionally so he could get a better angle view of her legs and her breasts when he turned to speak to her and it made it less obvious when he looked at her legs since he was further away.

The first part of the contract was pretty cut and dry, but as they continued going through it, Dan was impressed with Michell’s knowledge of the petroleum business and how well she articulated her thoughts. There were several instances where he knew he should have raised an objection to parts of the contract that Michell had been involved in but could not bring himself to do so because he did not want her to look bad in front of the other executives. He could not help but notice when Michell uncrossed her legs and re-crossed them. He could almost see her panties. She would also lean a little closer to him to make a point and when she did he caught a glimpse of her C cup white bra and a few inches of cleavage. He had to mentally shake his head violently to clear it to focus on business. He could not believe he was ogling a girl who was 3 years younger than his youngest daughter! He thought resentfully ….that George sure knows what he is doing!!

After a few hours into the meeting Dan couldn’t help himself when he asked , “So Michell, I marvel at how much knowledge you have of the oil and gas business. You just graduated last year didn’t you?”
“Yes Dan, my dad was in the business and I used to go everywhere with him. Even to the oil rigs. I picked up a lot just tagging along”, She responded as she leaned closer to him and he could again catch the hint of her fragrance. “Well, I have to say I am impressed! I work with a lot of people and you are one of the brightest I have ever come across!” Dan gushed. “Thanks Dan, that means a lot coming from such an experienced man as yourself” ,as she reached over to touch Stan’s arm in an affectionate way which was resting on the arm of his chair. He again caught a good look of her tits and she leaned over to do so.

The meeting continued until about 3 p.m. when George called for a break. Things were proceeding smoothly and they should finish up by 4:30 pm or 5:00 pm. As they all got up Michell stretched her arms out and instinctively her ass stuck out as she stretched her legs straight up. Surly she knows what she is doing to me Dan thought. They all took a restroom break and as Dan came out of the rest room he was not looking where he was going and physically ran right into Michell who was coming out the ladies room. “Hummm… excuse me!” Dan said loudly to Michell as he reached out to grab her shoulders to keep her from falling. “Oh I’m sorry!” Michell exclaimed. They were both embarrassed as Dan held onto Michell’s shoulders as long as he could without it becoming obvious that he enjoyed being close to her. They were both a little red in the face as they reentered George’s office.

“Let’s finish this up. Shall we?” George exclaimed as they all took a seat again. It only took them another hour and a half to get done. Dan was glad for he had an early afternoon flight the next day which meant he didn’t have to come into the office and rush around the next morning before his flight. He was kind of sad as they stood to adjourn the meeting. It meant he would not be able to be around Michell anymore. He was already dreading the evening where he would probably just get room service and stay in the hotel. They all exchanged business cards and he made sure he put Michell’s card in a safe place where he would not lose it. He shook hands with everyone around the table and shook Michell’s hand last. She had her brilliant smile on her face as she firmly griped his hand and she seemed to hang on to it longer than he expected her to. He loved looking at her gorgeous sweet blue eyes. He seemed to get lost in them. “Where are you staying”, George interrupted their mutual gaze. “ I’m at the Omni” , Dan responded. “Ah, nice hotel!” George exclaimed. “Ya, I guess”. “I am probably just going to take it easy there tonight.”, Dan said with a downward inflection. “That’s too bad Dan. There are a lot of great places to eat in Victoria”, George stated. Michell was standing nearby and chimed in , ”Yes there are…”. George quickly exclaimed, “Hey Stan, I don’t have any plans tonight. Let’s all go out to dinner together.” “Oh ok” Dan quickly agreed. “How about the rest of you….Lampkins, Cotch, Michell?”, George asked. “I can”, “Me too….” Both Lampkin’s and Cotch committed. “I am so sorry……I can’t George. I have this previous commitment that I……” Michell started to say as George interrupted her. “Oh, don’t worry about it Michell. No problem, you have done enough to help us today! Great job by the way”. “Still I wish I could go to dinner with you all”, Michell said in a downcast tone. “Oh, you don’t want to spend an evening with a bunch of old men like us!” “Uh, I don’t know, I find older men more interesting than guys my age who are just interested in hearing themselves talk.” Michell exclaimed. They all laughed and then made arrangements for dinner at a restaurant near the Omni. As Dan got on the elevator he caught a last glimpse of Michell as she turned and gave him a little wave from her hand at her waist and he waved back as the elevator doors closed.

Well, that was it. He would probably never see her again. He had fallen in loving attraction for Michell. He thanked God that he had at least been able to spend an afternoon with her even if it was just working. She was a gorgeous creature inside and out. He tried to erase her face with her sexy pink lips and lovely blue eyes from his mind. What was he thinking? She was 21 and he was in his 50s. She would NOT have anything to do with an old fart like me anyway! Oh well, that was the story of his life. Opportunities for love lost…..Why did he have to fall in love at the drop of a hat? He envied people who didn’t go gushy like he did when they saw a kindred face in the crowd. He had really never found his true love. He was married to his wife when he was in his twenties and really did not know what he wanted in life much less what he wanted in a spouse. The first few years of the marriage were ok and then the kids came along and his wife dedicated everything to the kids and kind of left him out. The romance and sex evaporated after about 15 years and she became unattractive by gaining about a hundred pounds. She was no longer interested in sex and he was no longer interested in sex with her. They stuck out the marriage until the last kid left the nest and then she decided to call it quits. He was so relieved when she did.

He was now in the cab on the way to the hotel when he looked at his cell phone and noticed a message from a Victoria area code. “It was nice meeting you today Dan…..It was even nicer RUNNING into you!  I am going to get through early with my commitment so I can join you all for dinner. I look forward to seeing you tonight…… Michell.”

Dan’s heart soared! I can’t believe I am going to get to see her again!! Oh thank God!! The cab arrived at the hotel and he bounced out of it after paying for the cab and over tipping the cabby in his exuberation. He did something that he never did. He allowed the bell boy to carry his luggage in to the front desk and on up to his room. He over tipped the bellboy as well but he didn’t care! Everyone from the desk clerk to the people in the elevator on the way up to his room became his new best friends!…….He was going to see Michell again!

Chapter 3

Dan’s exuberance continued for the next few hours as he got dressed for dinner. George had texted him and told him the restaurant they had initially tried to make reservations at was booked up. He suggested another restaurant nearby that was a little more upscale but was very good. “Le Chateau” was a coat and tie required restaurant but since George was picking up the tab Dan did not care. Dan checked himself in the mirror and he approved of how he looked with a grey suit, blue oxford shirt, and red, black and white matching tie. The restaurant was only a few blocks away so he left a few minutes before eight to meet George, Lampkin, Cotch and Michell. To say that he was excited about dinner with Michell was an understatement. It only took him a few minutes to walk to the restaurant. He gave the maître D George’s name for the reservation. “Right this way sir”, The maître D announced as Dan followed him to where three gentlemen were sitting at a round table. A pang of disappointment hit him as he did not see Michell at the table….. “Sorry we had to change restaurants. The other one could not accommodate us.” George said apologetically. “This one specializes in French Cuisine and it is very good.” “Just so you don’t expect me to order Escargot”, Stan said as he took his seat at the table. “Oh, Michell WILL BE joining us after all. She just said she will be about thirty minutes late. So Gentlemen, I suggest we get a before dinner drink until the young lady arrives!”, George announced.

Dan ordered his usual Gentleman Jack and water while everyone else ordered martinis. The first drink went down quickly and he ordered a second. I really need to slow down he thought. I don’t want to be high as a kite when Michell arrives. The four business men talked shop and a little about families as they enjoyed their second and third drinks. Dan saw her as she first entered the restaurant. So did most of the other men and women in the restaurant. She was wearing a tight fitting low cut red dress with red high heels that accentuated her perfect legs. She was well endowed up front as he thought she might be when he saw her in the office that afternoon and the red dress certainly accentuated that fact. It was a floor length perfectly fitted silk dress that showed every perfect curve of her body including her ample cleavage. She had on a wrap that the Maitra D checked for her and escorted her to their table. Dan noticed not only the men but the women turned their heads as she moved past them like a light wind turns the heads of wheat in a wheat field for an instant only for them to return to their previous upright state after the wind had passed. Michell had her shoulder length blonde hair perfectly arranged and Dan was simply in awe of her beauty. He pulled out the chair next to him on his right for her as all of the gentlemen rose to greet her. “Thank you gentlemen, I am sorry I am a little late.” “Oh, no problem Michell, we are very glad you could make it”, George said enthusiastically. “I wouldn’t miss the opportunity to celebrate this contract closure for anything in the world”, Michell said as she turned her head to look squarely into Dan’s eyes and winked. Dan hoped that she did not see his heart melting into a puddle as he gazed into her captivating eyes.

“I have been here a few times and the food is wonderful!” Michell said enthusiastically. I highly recommend the sea bass. “That sounds great to me”, Dan chimed in. “The way they prepare it is mangnific’!”, as she put her middle finger and thumb together and kissed them as a French chef would. The waiter soon arrived and Michell started conversing with him in French. What can this girl not do? Dan thought. “I hope I am not being too forward Dan, but would you like to for me to order for you. As you can tell, I am quite fluent in French and I took some French cooking lessons as well a few years ago. “ “By all means Michell….you seem to be highly qualified to do so”, Dan said as he looked deeply into her blue eyes. “Wonderful! I promise you won’t be disappointed”, as she lightly touched his arm which sent his heart to into a puddle again. The conversation was light and happy during appetizers as all three gentlemen at the table tried out maneuver each other for Michell’s attention with witty quips. It was obvious to at least Dan that her attention was mostly on him. They were in the middle of the main course and Michell told one story after another about her college days and blonde and brunet jokes. She ended it with, “Do you know what is black and blue and lies in a ditch?” All of the guys shaking their head said, “I don’t know, I have no clue, what?” Michell answered, “A brunet who told one too many blond jokes!” Everyone laughed loudly! Dan chimed in and said, “There was a blond and brunet walking together outside one day and the brunet said, ‘Aww look at the dead bird’ and the blonde looked up and said, ‘Where? Where?!’ “ Everyone laughed except Michell . She looked straight at Dan and said “So?, what’s so funny?” to where a petrified frightened look came over Dan’s face. She held the dead pan look on her face as long as she could and then burst out laughing and pointed to Dan and said, “I got you!! “,as she grabbed his arm tightly. Dan was so relieved that she was gigging him.

Dan had been enthralled with Michell’s fragrance she was wearing since he first smelled it on her that afternoon. He thought that if he knew the name of it he could buy some and spray his bed linens with it to remind him of her he liked her and it so much. There was a moment when the other three men were talking amongst themselves that Stan became brave enough to quietly ask Michell what fragrance she was wearing. Mishell said. “It’s Dolce Gabanna Light Blue. I’m glad you like it.”

“Gentlemen, If you will excuse me, I must go to powder my nose” Michell announced. Everyone stood and Dan was the last to stand.. “Dan, would you mind accompanying me as far as the door to the ladies room?” Michell looked at him and said with a smile. “Certainly”, Dan said enthusiastically. Dan got up and helped Michell out of her chair. She took his arm and they maneuvered through the maze of tables to the ladies rest room. “I’ll only be a moment Dan”, as she squeezed his arm affectionately and winked at him. He stood for a minute or when he heard the message tone on his cell phone chime. It came from Michell’s number….. “What is your room number at the Omni?” He responded quickly “1687?” to which she sent an immediate message back. “I’ll see you at 9:00 p.m.” “K” was his reply. His immediate thought was…did she forget to tell me something about the contract. He then thought…. No way! Why would she want to see an old man like me when she can have any guy around. He still could not believe his eyes so he read the message again from her.

Michell came out of the ladies room and was beaming with a huge smile on her face which was met with an equally enthusiastic smile on Dan’s. She held his arm a little closer to her on the way back to the table and he could feel her body rub against his with every step they took. They slightly separated the closer they got to the table. Dan held her chair for her as George asked, “How about desert anyone?!” “Uh, no thank you George, I really must be running along.” Michell quickly responded as she lightly touched Stan’s leg purposefully. Dan chimed in with an enthusiastic , “I’m stuffed….I couldn’t eat another bite!!” All of the others agreed that desert was out of the question. “Would you mind walking me to my car, George? It’s just around the corner” Michell asked. “Certainly Michell!”, George responded enthusiastically. “Dan, it was so nice meeting you and working with you today. Please have a good trip back to Texas and perhaps we will have an opportunity to meet again.” She smiled broadly and shook Dan’s hand. “Thank you Michell. It was pleasure meeting you today as well. Perhaps we will have the opportunity to work together again?”, he said while still grasping her hand as he gazed intently into her lovely eyes.

Dan watched as George escorted Michell from the restaurant. She had the same effect of wind blowing through the wheat field that she had had when she entered. Just as she was leaving before she walked through front door she turned her head and smiled at Dan. Dan looked at his phone and it was 8:45 p.m.

Chapter 4
Dan rushed as quickly as he could to his hotel and got there at 8:55 p.m. The elevator seemed to take forever to come down to the lobby and he jumped in as soon as the doors opened. He quickly pushed the 16th floor button. It was just at that moment a family of four got on. There were two parents and two kids and a baby stroller. Oh great! He thought. This will take longer but to his horror the six year old boy pushed every floor button on the elevator. The dad yelled at his son but it was too late. They were going to stop at every floor in the hotel! Damn! Dan thought. He looked at his phone and it was 8:59 p.m. As they stopped at every floor, Dan pushed the “close door” button to try to get the elevator to doors to close more quickly and looked angrily at the six year old. He looked at his phone again when he finally got off the elevator on the 16th floor and it said 9:08 p.m. he gave the kid the dirtiest meanest look he could give . “Soooorry!”, the dad said to him as he rushed out of the elevator to his room. He did not see Michell anywhere….. He quickly opened the door to his room and threw off his coat, loosened his tie, went to the bath room and brushed his teeth, used mouth wash, and dashed some more cologne on. He looked at his phone and there was no message from Michell. “Damn! Damn! Damn” , he said. He texted her, “I am sorry! I was late getting to my room. Please forgive me? Dan.” He waited ten minutes and still there was no message from her. He cursed some more. Timing was everything and he had blown it! He called her cell phone and got her voice mail. “Hi, this is Dan. I am sorry I was late getting to the room. I’m here now.” Maybe she changed her mind and decided not to come to his room. He got a small bottle of Gentleman Jack from the room bar and poured it straight. He downed all most all of it in one gulp. He thought, I might as well get drunk since I missed being with the most beautiful woman I have ever met.

It was 9:35 p.m. and he had downed a second straight bourbon. He heard a knock on his door with a female voice saying “room service!” As he went to the door and opened it he was saying, “I didn’t order any……”. His words trailed off when he saw Michell standing in the door way with her wrap dangling over one shoulder smiling at him. “OH!” He said surprisingly….”come in….”. As soon as the door was closed Michell dropped her wrap to the floor and put her arms around Dan’s neck and kissed him without any words. They were so anxious to kiss each other that they banged front teeth together as their lips met. Both of them pulled away from each other and apologized….. Dan thought, great! She is going to think I am the clumsiest goon in bed that there is. They were soon in sync with each other and sharing each other’s tongue, lips and passionately kissing. Dan said, “I have been wanting to do that all day!” “Mmmm…..”said Michell. “You taste like Gentleman Jack”. Dan winced, “ I am so sorry. I thought you were……” Michell put her index finger to his lips to silence him… “It’s ok Dan, I like Gentleman Jack, but I like Gentleman Dan better” ,as she kissed him deeply again. He could not help but start kissing her beautiful white neck as she threw her head back to give him better access. He lightly sucked on the side of her neck and used his tongue intermittently as she let out a soft groan of pleasure. “I have wanted you all day Stan. Couldn’t you tell?”, Michell said in a whisper. “ I could and then I couldn’t”, Dan said matter of factly….. “Why me Mic…..” she quickly put her index finger on his lips again to silence him, “Because you are a hot mature man who I admire and who appreciates me for the person I am. I can tell you are a very caring, giving man who would do anything to make me happy in and out of bed. Most of the guys around my age are so selfish that I can’t stand to be around them. They have no clue how to please a woman!”

Michell, then said, “May I use your rest room, sir?” “Certainly madam!” Dan said enthusiastically. “Uh…. thank you”, Michell said in as sexy a voice as she could muster. “Please make yourself comfortable, sir” , as she continued to act as the sullen seductress and closed he bathroom door behind her. Dan barely got his shirt off and the bed pulled down, and most of the lights out when Mishell walked out of the bathroom with her red high heels still on, thigh high black hose with red garter belt, red thong lace panties that had a slit in the crotch, and a matching red low cut bra which held the most beautiful lovely white breasts that he had ever seen in person or in pictures. Michell walked toward him and pushed him lightly on the chest backwards to make him sit on the bed as she walked up close to him where she stood over him and reached behind her back and unhooked her bra to let it fall to the floor. He was now eye level to her gorgeous white naked breasts with pretty pink nipples. He took in her fragrance as she said, “So Dan, do you like what you see?.” All Dan could get out of his mouth was…”I uh….. “. She put her index finger over his lips again and lightly said “shhh…..” she kissed him deeply as her blonde hair fell beside each side of his head and tickled his temples and cheeks. His hands came up automatically to cup and feel her soft but firm natural breasts.

Chapter 5

Dan could not help but pull himself away from the deep kisses Mcshell was giving him and bury his head in her gorgeous perfect breasts. He kissed, nibbled, sucked, and licked every bit of her two light pink nipples as she held his head to her chest. She softly said, “Something tells me Dan that you really like my tits?” He didn’t come up for air to answer her but moved his hand to her pussy where he easily found her love button and rubbed it back and forth lightly and slowly through her slit in her red panties. She was already very wet and he easily inserted one finger into her pussy and then added another one. He went in and out with his two fingers as he continued to lick, suck, nibble and squeeze her tits with his mouth and other hand. She was to a hot point where she said, “I want you in me Dan” as she grabbed his erect 7 inch cock through his pants and gave it a squeeze. She backed away from him and pushed him the rest of the way down on the bed , pulled his shoes off, unbuckled his belt, undid his pants and with one motion and one hand on each leg of his pants pulled them off of him. He helped get his blue boxer underwear off. She immediately straddled him as they he sat up on the edge of the bed. They were face to face as they as they started kissing each other deeply and their tongues wrestled with each other until Michell won and she started sucking on his tongue. Michell then whispered into Dan’s ear,

”I want you to fuck me…” She raised her pussy above his erect cock and put it through the slit in her red panties into her pussy. She eased his cock into her and gradually took all of him in. “Oh baby, that feels so good” Dan said softly into her ear. They began rocking together as she ground her pussy into him and he grabbed her hips and began pushing her back and forth so that her G-spot was hitting his cock with every grinding motion. Dan loved the feeling of her thigh high black hose against his hips and lower back as she wrapped her legs around him. They kissed passionately as they rocked harder and harder. Soon she did not have the breath to kiss any more while she was violently rocking on top of him. She pushed him down completely on his back on the bed and she ground on him harder than any woman had ground on him. He had never been fucked like this by any woman! He kept his pelvis pushed up to meet her thrusts so she could get take advantage of all of his cock in her pussy as she ground harder and faster. Although he had an adequate 7 inches and plenty of girth he wished he was 10 inches long and bigger around. He wanted to make her CUM harder than she had ever CUM. She soon became flushed and began gasping “Oh fuck!” She let out final groan and collapsed on him just as Dan was spewing his CUM inside of her.

They lay there in each other’s arms as she panted and tried to catch her breath. “Baby, that was wonderful!” Dan exclaimed. “Oh yes it was!” as Michell shivered with occasional orgasmic after shocks. They lay in each other’s arms and whispered things like. “I love how you make love”, “I could get used to doing this a lot.” “You are so beautiful, Michell….” “I love being close to you baby…” Finally, Michell crawled off of Stan and moved up to the head of the bed and pulled the covers over her. Stan got up and turned out the remaining light in the room, and came to bed as Michell turned away from him and Dan moved up close to her and they spooned. Michell felt his cum trickle into her butt crack and she smiled. “I am glad I don’t have to work in the morning.” “Oh really?”, Dan said happily. “Nope, I already told George that I needed the day off.” “How wonderful… We can sleep in!”, Dan exclaimed as he put his free hand on her large right breast and squeezed it lightly. She responded and wiggled her ass closer to him and she could feel his semi-erect cock laying in her butt crack. They fell asleep this way.

Sometime in the middle of the night Dan felt Michell get up and he watched her go into the bathroom. He fell back asleep and it seemed as though only a moment had passed before he saw her silhouette in the soft shadowy light come back to bed with no panties, garter, or thigh highs on. She pulled the covers over her and spooned next to him again. It was only a matter of moments before Dan went under the covers to the end of the bed and turned Michell on her back, got his upper body between her legs and started kissing and licking her inner thighs. She moaned with anticipation as his mouth which was lightly licking, sucking, and nibbling on her inner thighs and moved ever closer and closer to her pussy. She could hardly stand the anticipation as she threw off the covers and pulled Dan closer to her pussy. He buried his face in her love hole next and started licking and moving his tongue to make her clit go back and forth then he lightly sucked on it as Michell pushed her mound up so he had better access to everything. He moved his tongue down to her love hole and put it as deep in her pussy as he could and moved it in and out then back up to her clit as he tasted her love juices. “Oh God! Please keep doing that ”, as he spent most of his time on her clit but every 20 seconds or so he went down to her vagina opening and stuck his tongue in as far as it could go. Finally, he put two fingers in her pussy all the while sucking and moving her clit around with his tongue. In and out his fingers went as his tongue destroyed her clit. She could take it no more and she said, “I want your dick in me Dan! Please! Now!” Dan moved quickly to obey her command and moved to the missionary position as he easily glided his 7inches into her pussy while he kissed her deeply. He went slowly in and out of her as their lips and tongues were passionately all over each other’s mouths. Their mouths and lips did not leave each other and Dan’s thrusts got faster stronger and deeper. Michell pushed her pelvis up so he could get as deep as he could with every thrust of his dick into her pussy. She felt him so deep that his dick seemed like it was going to come up through her throat! They fucked faster and faster and harder and harder as Michell’s pelvis was hitting stride with every thrust Dan made. Dan was fucking her with his arms in push up position as he looked down on Michell whose boobs looked wonderful as they moved up and down with the rhythm of Dan and Michell’s love motion. He watched her face as her eyes were glued to his as her mouth was open to receive his kiss. Dan kissed her and thrust his tongue in her mouth each time he thrust his penis into her pussy. Finally Michell could tell Dan was going to cum by the way his face tightened up and she let loose of her own orgasmic wall when she arched her back. His thrusts become less frequent but harder as she screamed out “Oh fuck me Dan!!” “Michell! I love you baby!!” Dan said instinctively as he came hard into her pussy. He collapsed on to her body panting as he thrust a few more times to get all of his CUM into her. Mmmmm….. Michell said softly.” I love it when you cum in me…..”

Dan rolled off of her after a while and Michell spooned with her tits against his back. “Dan, did you mean what you said a moment ago”, Michell said softly. “What?” Dan responded. “That you love me?” “Yes I do mean it Michell.” “You don’t even know me?” Michell protested. “Yes I do. I’ve been waiting for you all of my life….”. Michell reached over with her free hand and put it around Dan’s semi-erect cock as they quickly fell asleep.

Chapter 6

Both Michell and Dan switched places spooning each other until sunrise when Michell found herself lying on Dan’s chest with her hand softly stroking Dan’s cock. Dan could not have a better dream than the reality of Michell playing with his morning erection and the early dawn was just creeping through the hotel windows. She couldn’t help herself but to pull the covers off of Dan’s upper body so she could see his throbbing cock. It looked so delicious to her and she moved down to where she was face to face with his dick. Dan was in and out of sleep and when she put the head of his cock in her mouth he moaned with pleasure. He came fully awake when she put over half of his dick in her mouth and then came up again and ran her tongue all of the way down to his balls. She took one of his balls in her mouth and moved it gently around as he moaned louder. He opened his eyes and said, “Oh baby that feels soooo good!” She took his penis most of the way into her mouth again and back up again several times and then licked down the shaft. Ooooo! Dan thought he was in heaven. Michell decided to let him cum as she went up and down with her mouth several times then spit on his dick and went up and down with her hand on him off several more times. She finally got up on her all fours to get serious about her job and went up and down on his cock with her lips tightly pressed against it. Faster and faster she went and he soon came in her mouth as she swallowed then licked his cock clean. “Mmmmmm…….you are so good at that baby” as Michell came up to give him a deep kiss. “Thanks!” Michell said. “I enjoyed it as well! ,” They fell asleep again and when they woke up it was 8:30 a.m.

“When do you need to leave for your flight”, Michell asked Dan. “I don’t have to be at the airport until 11:30 a.m. “Good! We can have breakfast…. Michell said. “Certainly”, Dan chimed in. “Let’s do room service shall we?” Dan said excitedly. “OK” Michell agreed. “What would you like my dear?”, Dan asked as he picked up the phone to call room service. “Oh, just tea” Michell said. “Just tea?!” Dan questioned. “Yup! “ Michell answered in a chipper way. “Well, I guess that is the way you keep your girlish figure. As for me I have worked up an appetite with all of this sex for bacon, eggs and sausage with toast and OJ! “
“Go right ahead!” Michell said with a chuckle. Breakfast came pretty quickly and Dan asked Michell, would you like some sugar for that tea?” “Oh no, I am sweet enough as it is Dan…” Michell answered. “I certainly believe it dear Mishell, I certainly believe that! “

Michell texted a friend to drop off a change of clothes and her make up. “Let’s take a shower together” Michell said in an excited way. “Sound wonderful ! The last one in has to wash the other!” Dan yelled as he was half way there. They held each other and let the hot water cascade off their bodies for a long time. He washed her hair and body spending a lot of time on her breasts and of course her vagina. They spent time caressing each other’s sex tools as well as finding each other’s tickle box. He dried her off and she dried him off. “I guess I better call downstairs for a cab” Dan said as they were dressing. “Oh no you won’t . I will take you to the airport.” Michell insisted.

They left the hotel at 11a.m. and expected to get to the airport by 11:30. “I am dreading leaving you Michell”, Dan said. “I don’t want you to go” Michell said sadly. “What is your schedule like two weekends from now?” Dan asked. “I have nothing going on that I know of” Michell responded. “Why don’t I fly you down to Dallas and we can spend the weekend together?” Dan said excitedly. “ I would love that Dan!” Michell said, “I will call you baby”, Dan quietly said as they pulled up to the departure curb at the airport. Michell got out of the car as Dan got his bag out of the back seat. She ran to his side of the car and threw her arms around him and whispered in his ear, “I love you so much Dan!”,”and I love you too My Michell” Dan cooed.

She watched him go into the terminal and he looked back at her and smiled just before he disappeared into the airport crowd. She got back into her car and drove off, but within five minutes of her leaving the airport she got a text from Dan saying, “I love you so much My Michell and I look forward to our weekend after next!….Your Man Dan.


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The Experience0

She woke up with a slight headache and a dry mouth. She tried to get up but couldn't move. She looked around and saw that she was totally naked and spread eagled on a bed. Her wrists were tied to the bedposts and her ankles were tied to two posts at the bottom. She tried to speak but her mouth and throat were too dry. A noise to her left made her turn and she saw the man that she was with the previous night. He was standing beside the bed wearing tight leather shorts with his cock hanging...

1 year ago
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Intimate massage at a conference

I was seated in the row furthest back, to the left of me sat a fairly short girl with black hair ending somewhere around her shoulder. She's was average looking girl but not without any real fashion sense and a bit shy, however she had the nicest ass around, round a bubbly.We were sitting right next to each other in the empty back row when the speaker told us since it was a long conference a quick massage would do us goodWe were told to stand up and turn to our left. The girl I had just met was...

3 years ago
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Ballad of the SamuraiChapter 4

School was an escape route for Arrian. Thoran High School was an adequate school. It was a very nice campus, modern while still classic somehow. The cluster of buildings were a pale gray color. The campus cafeteria stood out the most. It was a big blue building housing room for around 2500 students, in addition to faculty. They had a brand new gym, fresh bleachers, new basketball backboards and rims. Along with that came the new wooded floors with their mascot decal on it: Max, The Bear....

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Abused Stepdaughter Part Eight

This Story is about a young teenage girl named Sandra, who has had a rough life on her own, but that is all about to change….DISCLAIMER: This story is a complete work of Imagination - All Characters, Incidents, and Places are Fictional. Including Anyone or Place with Similar Names, this Story is intended as Satire and for Adults Only; you must be 18 or over to read it. This part of my Story will be involving R(a)pe, B(e)stiality & Ped(o)philia, it will be Intensely Emotional. I do not...

2 years ago
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THE CAR FIRE By Alyssa Davis I stood by the smoldering wreck waiting for someone to come along to give me a ride. The road was pretty desolate. My car had totally gone up in flames, out in the desert of west Texas. There was nothing I could do but stand by and save myself from injury. Traffic was very light on this road, and it was a long distance between towns. I figured I better stay by the wreck as my best chance to get picked up. After what seemed like hours, I saw a vehicle...

4 years ago
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A New World Part 13

We spent Sunday lounging around the house, making love as the urge came over us, and talking. Riley was concerned to know how I felt about the previous evening. I reassured her that I was fine with it and had enjoyed myself despite wanting to punch Nick in the face and tell him what a douche I thought he was. “What should we do with the money?” I asked while we were on the topic. “My half is going in the Italy fund, you can do whatever you want with yours,” Riley answered. Her answer surprised...

2 years ago
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Yvonne Played My Games At The Game

I wasn't all that keen on going to the game with my husband Rob. Although he's an ardent supporter of the local team, those sorts of sporting events really aren't my thing I'd seen the television coverage of some of these games; the cameramen, besides covering the action on the field, frequently picking out any sexy looking tarts in the largely male dominated crowd. I think that it was with that sort of thing in mind, that my husband wanted me to go with him. This idea was further borne out...

3 years ago
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MagicianChapter 78

The first ones in were the Mages, aided by the Seers. We set about carefully allocating areas in which we could attack the massed Sidhe now starting to arrive in the small valley and setting up an orderly encampment. For this we were all wearing a new specialised amulet that gave the impression that we were a small harmless animal, one that the Sidhe specifically did not hunt. We were met and guided to the sites by forces operating under Verenestra, all of whom it seemed couldn’t do enough...

3 years ago
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Power Versus SubmissionChapter 2 Entrapment

It’s mid-morning here. Would usually be a work day for me but this morning I’m sitting at my dinner table enjoying a leisurely coffee as the sun streams in the window bringing me a warmth I haven’t felt in weeks. I actually feel relaxed. For the first time since I met Tahlia I’m not anxiously awaiting a phone call or a text message with my next instruction. Don’t get me wrong, Tahlia still retains total control over me, and increasingly, my family. It’s only been just over a week since I...

4 years ago
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Embarrassing Moments of a MILF

Sarah Smith is going through some difficult phase for any woman. She's over her thirthies, and she feels her life empty. Sure, she has a stable job as a teacher, a loving family with her husband Richard, and his 3 children, Danny, Laurie and Emma, but she feels that life doesn't give any thrill anymore. She remember how her university were: sex with a lot of guys and girls, drinking beer whatever she wants, partying all day and all night, doing extreme stuff, like streaking. Now, the most...

3 years ago
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Boston Lez Contest PT16

A Kismet EncounterFate.Crystal preferred the word kismet: meaning destiny, fate.After her double turn teen score that gave her the lead she was riding a high, and even before she had a chance to become concerned about when the next turn would occur, a turn literally popped up right in front of her... KISMET!A little thirsty after her playtime with the two teens, she stopped a few blocks from home at a Starbucks to get a chilled latte.Crystal had been standing in line for a minute or two and...

1 year ago
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She Was Something Else1

She Was Something Else I was just sitting at a table in the hotel bar, drinking my beer and watching the game on the big screen television. My team was winning. I saw a very beautiful woman enter with a man, sit on a barstool, and look around. She smiled at me and talked to the guy. She appeared to be wearing body paint and nothing else. In reality she had on a very sexy skin tight dress that was very short, strapless, and had a plunging neckline. The dress was white and her high...

2 years ago
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A Two Week VacationChapter 2

Checking in for the flight the next morning was quick and easy since his boarding pass indicated he was prescreened for the TSA. Not having to wait in the long line he saw for the security check made for a quick trip to the boarding gate. The flight itself was nice and smooth. Flying first class in a 737 didn't have all the amenities one would have in a larger jet plane but the seat was comfortable and Kyle did have sufficient legroom for his six foot one inch frame. The flight attendant...

4 years ago
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I Cant Resist

The following story has nothing to do with Peter, Dash or anyone from The Day Tucker Became His Sister. I decided to increase the small supply of ghost-domination stories out there. So here we go. I Can't Resist By Wolverine Hi, my name is William Smith. Pretty stupid, huh? I hate getting called Will Smith. Well, I can't help it. At the young age of 15, I don't have much of a choice on my name right now. I tried to change it, but my father said, "Son, be proud of your...

1 year ago
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The Trailer Park The Second YearChapter 11

"You slept with her," Tami accused. "Kinda," I admitted. Tami's face kind of dissolved. "That's okay. I'm not mad. I understand. You're a boy; you couldn't help yourself." "You said I could kiss her." "I know," she admitted. I think she was holding back a sob. I reached for her, but she pulled away. The silence was like a wall between us. It filled her living room and felt like it was smothering me. "If you didn't want me to, why'd you say I could?" I had an urge to...

2 years ago
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Pervert Driver Wife 2

After having my k** with Madam, she was treating me like her husband. As she has to go for hospital every few days & as she has to take care of the baby, she told boss to let me work in home & help her buy stuffs for the baby & her from the city. She made boss to make me her personal driver & helper. So boss finds another driver for himself. So, my job now is to take care of madam & drive her where ever she wants. But the truth is only known to me and Madam. She always...

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Guess Who

I had just arrived home from having a few drinks with some mates. I opened the front door and made my way to the kitchen passing the lounge as I did – the girls were all still here and drinking and laughing together. My housemate Jess had told me the day before that she was having a group of friends round in the evening so I might want to make myself scarce as they would be drinking and things may get loud, that’s why I had gone out for drinks with a few of the guys. I hadn’t had that much to...

1 year ago
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Neend Main Cousin Ka Hamla

By: Raj469711 Hi to everyone, Renu here this incident that happened few years back. When my dad and mom took me to my uncle’s (dad’s elder brother) place. Just for visit I was 21 at that time and he was one yr older then me with a nice physic. Myself I was not fair but whitish in colour medium body 38d breast 28 waist but I did have 44 butt. People use to turn around look at my butt. So I was not surprised when. I cought him checking me out at the right places and he use to squeeze my boobs...

3 years ago
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What I did on my Holidays

Standard DisclaimerThis is a work of fiction, and ALL the characters are fictional. In particular I refer to the chief Constable of Devon and Cornwall. I wish to make it clear that I do so in a fictional context and am not referring to any real holder of this post, past, present or future. Caught in the Act - Dave was bored. He’d finished his first year exams at university and returned home to Cornwall for the summer vacation. After the endless hours of drudgery involved in working for his...

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