Wyoming Trucking, Family Man free porn video

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Family Man They were taking a little Convoy as a family, Tim, Missy, Jill and BJ had planned it all out while the kids were still in school. A new observatory was being built at the end of a Freeway Spur and he'd gotten them the delivery contract for the four week period between Thanksgiving and Christmas, but they were leaving the week before Thanksgiving. And he was happy to see that both Night Wolf and Darlene's little family had joined them. He had it all planned out, each day they would trade out the lead so that everyone had a chance to be out front. But it was Night Wolf and Wanderer who really surprised him. "Daddy, our big jumps are going to be through Bug Terminals," said Night Wolf. "After we get past Demonia there aren't any Fuel stops except at their Terminals. But also Wanderer is setting up a few in between for us." "Thank you Sweetheart. I was told that we wouldn't need to worry about that, but now I guess I know how we ended up with the contract." He said with a smile. "It's going to be just like when we were back home, all our trucks running together," observed Rose with a grin. "Well Daddy might be leading off, but I and Beauty are going to start out riding herd," said Missy. Meaning she was bringing up the rear. "Yes Mother Goose me," giggled Jill playfully. Little Mack had really grown, he was almost big enough that Daffodil and Talia could stretch out in his sleeper. His original growth had been to allow him to pull actual trailers, now he was growing inside. Spice was coming along really well as a new driver, though she often chose to stay home with the younger children while they were in school. But she was coming along for this trip. We had Longreach and Danny along, Rose in Hopper and Longreach in Ute Warrior were running together with Kanuti Princess sometimes in their rocking chair. Tim grinned to himself knowing that Rose was being traditional in sharing her husbands with her sister. The really big surprise was when Red and Running Water showed up at the last minute from Earth. Tim recognized Big Beast right away, but he didn't recognize the truck following him. Waitress, was probably the biggest Earth built, Peterbuilt ever constructed. "Son, who's that on your tail?" asked Tim. "Hey Jumper, are we in time for the family convoy?" asked Running Water. "I gotta break Waitress in. No Goose Feather stop pulling his tail." Everyone laughed at her correcting her oldest child. "I thought Red already broke in the waitress?" chuckled someone else. "So Dad, how long is this family haul?" asked Red. "To the end of the Freeway, big brother," answered Rose. "Red, Water, thank you for coming," everyone could hear the tears in Missy's voice. "I've really missed you guys." "We missed you too Momma, Goose stop chewing on his rawhide." They could hear the growling of a wolf pup in the background. "Hey how long before we hit the road?" asked Prairie Dog. They were taking Bigfoot along in case they had any emergencies. And Prairie Dog's husbands were coming along. Their only real deadline was to be back in time for the kids to get back to school after New Year's. "We should all be ready in about half an hour," answered Tim. "Good I have to call my Momma's and Daddy before we leave. They need to know that we're following Big Beast and Waitress back home for a bit when we're done," she told Tim. He knew that she was going to tell them in person that she was pregnant. His biggest concern at the moment though was Rose and Hopper. The family terminal scanners were showing two extra life form readings in Hopper, and Rose had chosen to take one of the lightest loads. He now sat watching as Hopper backed up to hook into the waiting trailer. All of the loads had been delivered to the Iridani Terminal in anticipation of the Convoy. "Missy, why did Rose request that load specifically?" he asked his first wife over the private link. "For the same reason Mackenzie, Jammer and Waitress are taking the other three Light Loads," answered Jill instead. He pulled up the Life Scans for the other three mentioned trucks. "I'm going to be a Grandpa," stated Jumper happily. Now he understood why Hopper and Ute Warrior had gone off alone into the Canyons after the last big run. But Waitress was a newly manufactured Earth truck, built in the new facilities to be able to transit the Freeway. He'd assumed by her name that she was set up to serve as a Family Convoy Diner after seeing her up close. He was right though, but he hadn't known that Wanderer had converted her to a Bio-Truck the minute she rolled out of the manufacturing facility. Night Wolf had taken Running Water to pick her up and Wanderer had insisted on making the conversion. But also one of the other surprises was Bird Catching, her little brother, coming along to help out. Everyone was lined up ready to start pulling out when one of the FJ Fuel Tankers pulled in bringing Fuel for the Fuel Stop. Suddenly Little Mack's air horn was blasting out a greeting as a very young FJ shot out from the truck in his direction. "Zappy, you made it!" came Little Mack's voice over the radio. The little FJ who must be a teenager now by their standards made a show of affection. Then she backed up a bit, "Wait up so I have a chance to get my tools." She again kissed his grill then raced to the fuel truck as a little tool cart was offloaded from the third tanker. Then she quickly towed it to Little Mack. FJ-37 rolled over in front of him then. "You take good care of my daughter, don't let anything happen to her." "Tink, we cannot shelter her all her life. If she has chosen to be with Little Mack Lightfeather, then so be it," said Tuner who was obviously her father. "Tink, Tuner," began Sunrise. "She will be safe with the Convoy." "Darlene, it looks like Little Mack has his very own personal maintenance mechanic," commented Tim. "Son, we will discuss things tonight so that you know how best to take care of her needs," promised Mack Attack. "Right Brother?" "Right you are," responded Big Dog. "I wonder what their children will look like," mumbled BJ over the private link. "They'll be cute and sweet no matter what they look like," said Missy. "Exactly," Jill added her two cents. Once everyone was settled in Tim pulled the horn cord three times. "Wyoming Convoy rollin hot," he called out. "Safe travels Wyoming, catch you on the return. Iridani Traffic Control out," reported the local Traffic Control Station. As predicted no one was surprised to hear him start singing along to one of his favorite songs, 'Convoy', as it was broadcast to every truck over the live link. And the rest began singing along. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ We'd no sooner gotten on the Star Slab, as our younger children were calling the Freeway, than we had a call from Pathfinder and Lifeline. "Breaker for Jumper you copy?" "Jumper Copies you Pathfinder. What's up?" I asked. "We show your Convoy destination as being in the Unexplored region," stated Commander Demure. "Roger that, are you our Bear Support?" I asked. "Your what?" she asked and everyone began to laugh. "Bear, a derogatory term used by Earth Truck drivers to identify police," someone said, obviously reading it off a slang list. I was still trying to place the voice when Darlene asked, "Hey Lady Justice are you going along too?" "Roger that Mackenzie. You didn't think I'd let you run into the danger zone without a little heat on your tail feathers did you?" asked her brother, Wolf Lightfeather. "All we need now is for Shimmer to show up," chuckled TooTall in Big Dog. Suddenly my convoy list updated to show the three IGP Transports in line behind us. "We'll catch up to Shimmer, at Cloud Bank Nine," reported Lifeline. My route map lit up and there it was Cloud Bank Nine, two weeks out from the last explored planet. But Shimmer's marker was blinking right at the edge of the Demonian Exploration Zone. They weren't that far ahead of us. "Hey 'Bro' what are they doing all the way out there?" asked Darlene. "Shimmer's current mission is classified," stated Commander Merkuri of Lifeline. Then I remembered. They'd passed through in a hurry last week, dropping off all the children before they continued after refueling. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ All linked up in Star Train now we had our rotation set up to monitor the road ahead as we began visiting Waitress for the first time. I finally got a chance to talk with the Transport Commanders in private. I was looking at Lorelei when I asked, "Why did they suddenly decide we needed IGP Support? And don't tell me its standard procedure. Why did Shimmer drop off all their children?" She considered me for a long moment before answering. "Mr Wyoming, Shimmer recovered Sylvia Winterbourne's husband in the Antarctic, they were dropping him off there." "That doesn't explain why they left the children behind. Look I've got my entire family with me, I deserve to know what I've gotten us into here," I was fighting to keep my voice down. I could see her turning it over in her mind as she placed her hand on Wolf's arm to stop him from saying anything. "Commander, that is highly classified information," warned one of the other Transport commanders. "Yes and no one knew about Cloud Nine before Shimmer turned up that data in the Antarctic. This convoy was already planned and set into motion," she said. "You want my badge, you can have it. But I'm not letting my family go out there without knowing the possibilities." Lorelei had slowly raised her voice as she stood up. "You're right, sorry but yeah we can trust them not to let it get out," Commander Demure motioned for her to go ahead. "Cylon's 'other' Daughter is located on Cloud Nine," she let that sink in. "She is Nokie Doru's twin sister." "Oh fuck," I gasped. My eyes looking around at them seeing that they were all serious. "If it means anything at all, she was exiled there by her Mother," stated Wolf. "Who was 'Exiled' by their mother?" asked Missy, now behind me. "Norie Doru. But we couldn't find any information as to why. Hell no one even knew she existed before this." They admitted. "Why is Shimmer so far ahead of us without any support?" demanded TooTall of his oldest sister. "They aren't without support. There are a dozen Tracker ships fanned out ahead of her that will give them support in locating Norie Doru," said Commander Yorre. "But all of our long range scans don't show any Skecksies or Loki activity in the area." "Plus we have roadbuilder support as well for your family as unarmed Transports." I knew I was supposed to feel better, but I didn't. This was the first we'd heard that Nokie Doru was actually related to Sylvia Winterbourne. But she'd only had the one brother that she knew about, Crylon Regent. Now they were saying she also had a half-sister, Norie Doru? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ When we stopped for fuel on Demonia Eight, now that the freeway had been repaired, I called a family meeting. Also including our IGP support. "Obviously, a lot has changed since we took this contract," I began. "I'm going to put it up for a vote. Also anyone that wants to back out I will understand. Especially those of you with children." Darlene, TooTall, Sugar and Spice had their heads together. Red and Running Water were doing the same. "We're in Dad, This family has never failed to make a delivery," stated Red. "We aren't going to let this be the first either," said Darlene. Night Wolf spoke up now, "Daddy there are no Skecksies or even Loki on 'the' Cloud Nine we are headed to. Wanderer has checked it out with the Builders, and with her father Hub. There are no freeway connections to that Parallel, but you should know it is one that Star Command is going into." "You're saying that Norie Doru isn't even on that planet?" asked Daisy having finally joined up with us. "Not in this parallel. The Cloud Bank is a natural transition point from one collection of Parallels to the next," explained Night Wolf as if we should already understand it. At out blank looks she continued using a napkin to draw on. "This circle represents the current Cluster of Quadrants that you are now familiar with. This one represents the Cluster of the O'shawi." She drew three more circles representing the Clusters of the other Ancient families. As she now folded the napkin the other clusters all linked together at a central point known as the Cloud Bank. "This is Cloud Bank Nine, the center most planet in the Quadrant Cluster overlap area. From here with the correct calibrations and coordinate sequences it is possible to jump to the next Cluster." We felt better now after she'd explained it. Still if the Skecksies were able to make those jumps, I looked and saw that both Missy and Jill had made the same conclusions I had, it was still dangerous. They were about to get on the road again when Rose came over and sat on Tim's knee. Taking his hand she guided it to her tummy. "Daddy I know you know about this one. Please don't be disappointed in me for not waiting," she said. "Disappointed? Why would I be disappointed in you? You are my daughter, and I will always love and support you," he said as he reached out for his two son in-laws. "Have you told your Momma's yet?" "We already know," assured BJ. "This will be your first Grandson," confirmed Jill. "We're going to name him Short Step," beamed Danny as he grinned with pride. "Hopper has the lead," announced Tim. A sudden flurry of activity caught their attention though as Sugar and Spice began talking with Fox at home. "What's happening?" Tim asked TooTall. "Tangie is on Aviara, and very upset with the government. Plus Mom tells us that their oldest sister Chyna is waiting at home with their little sisters and nieces," he answered. "Oh so your family is growing again?" I asked. "Sort of," he answered. "But not in the same way. They will have their own home." "Then why are Sugar and Spice so Excited?" asked Missy. With a grin Darlene said, "IGN, Aviara Headlines." The big wall became a view screen filled with the scenes from in front of the Government Building. "It is a day filled with both Celebration as well as Sorrow here on Aviara," began Karen Lighthorse in the replay from an earlier broadcast. "Queen Nefraititi Darrell of Draconia Passed away shortly before arriving. But the newly crowned Draconian Queen, Keeli Volk, completed her mission. And today we are happy to present that footage again as Quill Vegan, is Crowned Queen of Aviara." "Is that her son or daughter?" Asked Jill. Now even Sugar and Spice were studying the child closer. Then they looked at each other in wonder before saying, "Trans-Avian?" "You mean?" began Missy. "She was raised to become a boy, but she has the mannerisms of a girl like our first wife," Sugar winked at Darlene. I could see our grandchildren paying close attention to everything now. Then the news changed to show the scenes from Draconia, Keeli Volk was not being met with joy by the Royal families. I would be surprised if the IGP didn't become involved soon. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ We'd no sooner gotten on the road than the three lead drivers broke out into song. But it wasn't so much the song as it was the fact those three actually knew it. "Havin' my baby," "What a lovely way of sayin' How much you love me," sang Longreach. "Havin' my baby What a lovely way of sayin' What you're thinkin' of me," sang Danny. I can see it, your face is glowin' I can see in your eyes I'm happy you know it," answered Rose. "Is that Paul Anka?" asked Jill suddenly. [Both young men] That you're havin' our baby You're the woman we love And we love what its doin' to ya [Danny:] Havin' my baby You're a woman in love And I love what's goin' through ya [Longreach:] The seed inside you I see it showin' Whoa, the seed inside ya Baby, do you feel it growin' Are you happy you know it? That you're [Both:] Havin' our baby [Rose:] I'm a woman in love And I love what its doin' to me [Both:] Havin' our baby [Rose:] I'm a woman in love And I love what's goin' through me [Danny:] Didn't have to keep it Wouldn't put ya through it You could have swept it from your life But you wouldn't do it No, you wouldn't do it [Both:] And you're havin' our baby [Rose:] I'm a woman in love And I love what its doin' to me [Both:] Havin' our baby [Rose:] I'm a woman in love And I love what's goin' through me [both:] Havin' our baby (havin' our baby) What a lovely way of sayin' How much you love me [both:] Havin' our baby (Havin' our baby) [Rose:] I'm a woman in love And I love what's goin' through me," Rose burst into giggles then. "Missy where ever did they learn that song?" asked Tim. "Break, Hopper are you listening?" came the call from Iridani. "Yes Momma Otter," answered Rose. "I'm happy you found it before you left. Sons, thank you for your alterations, we recorded it for Danny's Mommas," said Otter. At noon they changed up the lead to let Longreach ahead of Hopper so that she and Danny could eat lunch first. Rose was just sitting down when she spotted Bird Catcher bussing the tables. "Water, you didn't tell me he had a Wolf Spider Companion now," giggled Rose. Suddenly everyone was wanting to see the spider who rode on his shoulder. "Catcher, come let Rose meet Mouser. She's safe here," Water assured her little brother. "She's certainly a very pretty, little lady," commented Jill. "Water you weren't supposed to tell anyone," came the tiny, squeaky voice from the spider. "Oh, you can talk. Please don't be afraid, no one will harm you," assured Tim confused. He wasn't aware that any other spiders other than the Phase Spiders and Driders could actually speak out loud. "Mouser sing pwetty pweeze?" begged Goose Feather. "Pweeze Mouser, Pweeze." "Goose," said Catcher sternly. "Please don't be too hard on her. She just likes to watch me when I sing and dance for you," said Mouser as she sprang to the table top. "Goose if you want me to sing and dance you have to dance too." "I've never seen a Spider Dance before," commented Missy as Goose rushed to the juke box. She was back just as the song, 'Stayin Alive' began to play. Catcher quickly moved the plates and cups from the middle of the table as Mouser began to shimmer. Suddenly there was a nine inch tall girl dancing and singing on top of the table. She was absolutely beautiful as she danced and spun around on the table top. Her eyes always going to Bird Catcher as the juke box began playing 'How Deep is Your Love'. Suddenly there was the new waif of a girl, Renita, from Shimmer there dancing and singing as well. But then the music changed to 'I Will Survive' as another of Shimmers new Crew joined her. Suddenly as the three shimmered and shifted, we were actually seeing Arachnids dancing to disco music. After the song finally ended Mouser remained in her spider form, both Renita and Quee shifted to human. We all took note that Quee Varda was a male black widow. As they sat down, Quee holding Renita's chair for her, Daisy began to explain. "Mouser is a Wolf/Taranoth, part Wolf Spider part Taranoth. Renita is a Taranoth, part Tarantula and part Goliath," she explained. "And Quee?" asked BJ. "Is Crystal and Jewel's brother." "What's a Goliath," I'd heard the name before, and it brought up memories of Dinosaur stories. "Tim, Goliaths are the absolute largest of the Arachnid Species. But on most planets they are extinct because they evolved during the dinosaur eras," explained Renita. There are currently only three living anywhere that we know of." He'd met the Sage's and liked them. Now he was getting to know their only surviving brother and found himself liking him as well. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ With the Builders along the jumps to reach Cloud Nine were shorter. They found themselves shooting the only portal on the planet, racing along behind a pair, toward the farthest point of the extended freeway. "Almost there," he called over the radio to everyone. Two more hours and," Jumper was braking hard, his automatic alert going to every truck behind him. The two bugs in front had suddenly collapsed to the road surface rolling end over end. Sparks and pieces flying off before they finally came to a stop. "Jumper what happened?" called the IGP Transports. "We registered an EMP burst." Skecksies didn't use EMPs, they were too dangerous to their own systems. "Uhhh, guys the bug that was behind us is down and Shimmer says the Portal just went dead," reported Reno. "Someone set off an EMP, a big one," added Lifeline. "Why are we still mobile?" asked Missy. "It was a Subsurface EMP, our drive rollers shielded us from its effects. But those bugs were in direct contact with the road surface," said Red having figured it out. "I sure hope the bugs don't think we did it," said BJ. The transports were trying to call to report it, but with the portal down they had no way to relay communications. "Well, let's get this where it's going. The scientist types can use it to get a message out." Tim thought for a moment longer before adding, "Everyone keep your eyes out for Skecksies just to be on the safe side." As a result two of the Transports moved to the lead position, they had no way of knowing that the EMP had actually been triggered in another parallel. The fact they were in the midst of Cloud formation was the only reason it effected the other planets it was linked to outside its own Cloud. "Momma, how am I going to turn in my homework assignments?" asked Rose. To Missy it was bringing back memories of her trip through Too Far Gone and the roundabout trip home. She'd actually been six hours ahead of May and Jason in passing through what the IGP had now dubbed Raptor Crossing. She had remembered the little speeder flying past her headed toward that planet but hadn't had a chance to warn them. She was happy that at least Nell had been rescued. Pathfinder and Lady Justice had stopped to try and do something to secure the areas where the Builder's had gone down. "Lady Justice, our scans are showing that these two up front aren't completely dead," reported Commander Demure. "I think if we could give them enough power they might be able to restart their systems." "We have a Slave Cable, maybe we could find a way to hook it in," suggested Marshal Wolf. "Hold on we're going to try something." +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Wyoming, hang back a bit, we have more builders scattered up here," reported Tyrell Yorre. "Beauty, You and Ice Pack come on up, the three of us have the longest slave cables," suggested Tim. The little convoy had come to a halt, there were too many builders in the roadway to maneuver around. Stepping to the ground, Tim opened his driver side cargo locker. Then grabbing the free end began walking towards the closet Road Bug dragging the cable behind. He was looking all over for some sort of place to plug it in, but didn't see any. "Tim I will make the connector magnetic, try just touching it to the outside," suggested Jumper. Tim pushed the end close and the magnetic connection was almost instant. "Please step back, I am going to begin sending small amounts through the cable, increasing the amps as we see what," The bug jerked, the legs straightening out then coming up under it to lift it off the ground as the cable fell free. Suddenly it was turning twisting around scanning everything and everyone as Jumper began reeling in his cable. "Wait jumper," called out Tim. He grabbed the end and began moving toward the next Bug. Suddenly the first revived bug was there almost between them. One leg poised as Jumper activated the magnetic end. It jumped out of Tim's hand to attach to the hull and that bug too began reviving. "It's working," yelled Jill as she and Missy were doing the same thing. Now the revived bugs were darting around, now drawing power from the core of the planet as they revived the rest of their kind. "Thank you Wyoming Trucking," flashed across their screens as the bugs began moving to the rest reviving them as they went. Still they had one big problem, there wasn't any Portal left, it was completely dead. They had no idea that the EMP wave had connected through the planet to reach each cloud it was linked to.

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Wyoming 3

Wyoming, 3 By; Malissa Madison The trip to Dr Cambridge's office took forty five minutes, and Agnes had told me to bring along my Hormones so that he could see what strength they were. As we talked he asked me lots of personal Questions. "How long had I been wanting to be a girl? How had I gotten my hormones? Did I understand how lucky I was that I hadn't had any complications for having not gotten a proper prescription or had my levels checked?" All this frightened...

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Wyoming Ute IGT Aviara

Wyoming Ute IGT, Aviara By: Malissa Madison We were preparing to leave Savant II enroute to Aviara. The trucks were checking in with each other and we were lining up for the exit from the latest Truck Stop. Everyone was a bit hung over and slow getting around. The four of us sitting in the cab were growing anxious to leave as we watched a Terrellian rig pulling up next Hawk. "Hey what's going on there?" I asked TooTall. "I have no idea Love," he responded. "Dad did we pick up...

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Wyoming Ute IGT the Long Stretch

Wyoming Ute IGT, the Long Stretch By: Malissa Madison As the Star Train began to settle into the routine, talk of the long three week stretch between New Haven and Omega Three was the big topic. Kairi sat at her usual table with her Cougar Mother Erika Tyler unsure of what was happening but happy that she still got to be with her sister and spend time with her longtime friends from the shelter. When Samantha waltzed over to the table, a huge grin on her face she knew something...

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Wyoming Ute IGT Omega Seven

Wyoming/Ute IGT, Omega Seven By: Malissa Madison Looking out the windows we could see the different people as they stood or sat in vehicles watching us as we drove by. Some looked like they were really surprised at seeing so many of us. There were now forty trucks including both the Tin Cans, plus we weren't sure how many more would be joining us in the other convoy. I know that TooTall was busy looking for his Brother and Uncles trucks as we reached the edge of the city. I knew...

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Wyoming Ute IGT 2 Beyond the Dream

Wyoming / Ute IGT, Beyond the Dream By: Malissa Madison As the last vehicle in the convoy cleared the onramp we got busy deciding on how to form the star train to our liking. We'd be traveling for at least four and a half days nonstop before our next planetary interchange. We'd slowed down to the minimum speed limit for the freeway of one hundred eighty miles per hour to let everyone tighten up again. During which we made sure that Hopper wasn't about to lose another tire, we were...

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Wyoming Ute IGT Sugar

Wyoming Ute IGT, Sugar By: Malissa Madison We had three hours down time to ourselves, daffodil was with Fox and Otter visiting the other drivers of our family so wrapped my arms around my husband's broad shoulders, pressing my bare breasts into his back. Twisting his head he kissed my lips with a grin. "What would you like to do" "Well I kind of thought we might take in a show." I bit my lip sure he would say no when he found out. "Darlene, if you want to go to the Star Pilot...

4 years ago
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WyomingUte IGT Dukes Rescue

Wyoming/Ute IGT, Duke's Rescue and Bob's Heritage By: Malissa Madison Primrose was ecstatic, her Daddy had paid a Quarter Million Galactic Credits to buy her, her very own Lyconian Star Freighter. She didn't even bat an eye when her mother assigned her sister Daisy as her Co- Driver for the second returning convoy to Earth. She and Prairie Flower had almost three weeks down time to travel and visit when they reached Earth. Then they...

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Big Dicks Trucking Service

I felt my right nut slip from Stella's lips as she released it and moved to the left, suctioning that one in for the same tongue bath she’d just completed on the right one. Her hand continued to slide up and down my hard shaft, stroking my full length with an extra twist applied to the swollen head of my cock each time her hand enclosed it. Her expert ball-sucking combined with her small, soft hand jerking me off had all of my nerve endings a tingle and my fires raging!In the meantime, I was...

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Ute Trucking New Discoveries

Ute Trucking, New Beginnings By: Malissa Madison It had been one hell of a party with her friends who were like herself, but she'd not been there to actually party. She just wished that she could find someone that really cared about her that wanted to treat her like the girl she wanted to be. She was bisexual, liking both boys and girls. But she didn't consider herself gay. She could never use her 'clitty' to screw some guy, she had tried that and...

3 years ago
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Over the road Trucking chapter 5

I fueled the truck and parked it. We went in and had a good breakfast. She said" she wanted to have me for dessert but in the truck. And it was anal day." She told me she "wanted KD up her butt and me pounding her pussy." I kind of laughed and said "you are going to stick KD up your ass? " ( KD being Kong Dong) This thing is 18 inches long and about 3 inches thick, a little bigger then a beer can, "You betcha" she says. I said to her, "You had a difficult time getting me in...

1 year ago
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Trucking with Becky Chapter 1

It started of as a normal day as my alarm went off and I knew I had to get up and going if I was going to make my delivery appointment on time. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes still lying in bed trying to get woke up I grabbed my phone to check the news for the morning. As I hit the internet button the porn site I was watching the night before appeared and a video of a big titty redhead caught my eye. Why not I thought to myself as I reached down in my boxers and wrapped my hand around my...

3 years ago
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Big Dicks Trucking Service

I’d interviewed for my new job just over a week ago. At the time, I’d assumed that it was probably one of the strangest days I would ever have in my life, but I was hired and that’s what mattered. I really needed the job. I just completed my first week on the job, and it turns out that my assumption regarding the peculiarity of my interview day proved to be premature… and completely wrong. I’d heard about Big Dick’s Trucking from a friend I knew at the gym where I work out. Tommy knew I had my...

2 years ago
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Wyoming Ute IGT Tin Can Girls

Wyoming Ute ITG, Tin Can Girls By Malissa Madison As I found out which truck we were supposed to fall in behind, my girls began asking questions. "Djulie, are we really following them?" "They know what our professions are and they invited us to go along with them?" "Are there even any single guys or girls in this group?" "Lira, yes they invited us along. Yes Wendella, they know who we are. And yes there are plenty of both. But we will not go actively seeking their attentions,...

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Wyoming Ute IGT the Long Stretch 2

Wyoming Ute IGT, Long Stretch, part 2 By: Malissa Madison Abe and Ramona were happy to find that they had a market for all the old cell phones they'd collected along the highways over the years. They were being bought up by people and aliens alike. Even their collection of cans and bottles were an item of interest. Ramona had sold a Pepsi can for thirty Galactic credits. She showed Abe the gold coins with excitement. Then they were approached by someone else, someone who had just...

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Eagle in the Sunset 2019Chapter 23 SeaGuard Trucking LLC

October 12th, 1995, 8:15 AM MST, Holiday Inn & Suites, Phoenix, AZ The evening before was interesting to say the least; John was impressed with how efficiently his son had sorted wheat from chaff in the information relating to the train derailment. He had quickly concluded a number of things that even the trained investigators of the NTSB and FBI had missed. It wasn’t evidential; it was logical, and based on understanding the motives of human beings. The derailment narrative being...

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Ute Trucking Darlene 2

Ute Trucking, Darlene, 2 I was kind of sad as we left the school behind, knowing it would be a while before I got to see my little sister Rose again. But all had to do to cheer myself up again was look at my loving husband TooTall, or our adopted daughter Daffodil. Still it was hard to believe that I was married and had my own precious daughter who really needed me. "You know I think Longreach has a thing for Rose," TooTall said jolting me out of my thoughts. "What? I'm...

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Protected By Lentz Trucking

While driving for an outfit in New York called Lioness Limousine, I had a customer who was both delightful and exasperating at the same time. Holly Sykes was a thirty-seven-year-old divorcée who started asking for my services every Sunday in the late spring of 1976. For the first two sessions she decided to mix kinky BDSM activities with various sexual acts - in the car. On the first outing, she took me to the back seat where she paddled me with a hairbrush on my trousers and then on my bare...

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Oral rough and trucking

Oral, rough and trucking. By Harley K. GrantHe grabbed her hair and roughly pulled her head towards him.  Her mouth opened and he thrust his thick cock into her waiting mouth.  He pushed her deep and she began to make gagging noises.  He let go of her and she began working her mouth vigorously up and down his shaft.?I didn’t have to force you did I?  You wanted that.?  He leaned his head back and savored the feeling as she leaned into her work.He glanced down and their eyes met.  He got an...

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MeSwetha Manasa

Me,Swetha and manasa By: ram Hello friend’s hope you all are having a nice sexy times. I and my cousin Swetha are good friends. We use to go out and enjoy. We use to play games and I use to press her boobs as and when I get chance. This continued, one day Swetha told me that she is going to her friend’s house in Mumbai. And told me to joined her. I said I can’t come, because it was at the time of New Year I enjoyed my Christmas with nice party with my friends and don’t want to celebrate my New...

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Trucking Nightmare

He couldn’t believe his good fortune.  She had turned her back, and he had the presence of thought to bang her in the head.  She crumpled to the ground, and He checked her pulse to make sure he hadn’t overdone it.  This was his first time using such force, and he wasn’t sure how far he could go.  She still had a strong pulse but was sure to have a headache when she came around.  All he could think of that moment was getting her in his truck before someone noticed her lying there.  He grabbed...

4 years ago
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Fucking while Trucking

Introduction: Based on a real life story a friend told me. Sitting in this dark space, I still cant believe youre making me wait. At least this bunk is comfortable I reason to myself as I sit in the sleeper compartment of this semi-truck, waiting for you to join me. I start to get relaxed as I sit in near pitch-blackness, up against the soft upholstered walls. I watch the curtains sway a little when a hard bump comes along from time to time. When it does move, I can see a little bit of light in...

4 years ago
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Fucking while Trucking

I start to get relaxed as I sit in near pitch-blackness, up against the soft upholstered walls. I watch the curtains sway a little when a hard bump comes along from time to time. When it does move, I can see a little bit of light in my dark chamber you’re making me hide in. I can hear you and your driver friend talk about something, and occasional squawking chatter from the CB radio. Your friend wanted you to come with him on this overnight drive, but didn’t want me along. As I try to...

4 years ago
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Keep On Trucking

It was late, it was cold, and Ron was behind schedule as he came down I-69 into Flint with his load of car parts. The only thing on his mind was unloading, dinner, shower and a bed. He didn’t even want a woman in it, that’s how beat he was tonight. Ahead and on the side of the road he spotted a Chevy Suburban obviously disabled with its radiator overheating and steam pouring into the frigid air. He slowed down as a protective measure in case he needed to take any kind of action. Motorist could...

3 years ago
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My gurl keeps trucking

While on this website I had the pleasure of meeting a really lovely gurl, we started off here texting each otherback and forth till I came to the conclusion that she wasn't a time waster so I sent her my number butnever heard a thing back. I was highly annoyed with myself, another useless cunt I thought to myself.I logged on a few day's later and I had received a message, when I opened it it was from (lets call her Cindy) not her real name. She sent me a lovely reply and at the end was her...

2 years ago
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Trucking for Charity

I was 18 when I fell in love with my best friend. His name was Tony and we’d known each other since we were 5. And I wanted him from the first moment I met him. Yes, at five I knew what sex was, and it took me 13 years to get it. Every Friday night my dad would go bowling, and every Friday night from the time I was thirteen I would sneak off somewhere, so that we could make out. But once I turned 18, everything changed. One Friday we were coming back from my Uncle Dale’s house, and my parents...

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Trucking for Charity

I was 18 when I fell in love with my best friend. His name was Tony and we'd known each other since we were 5. And I wanted him from the first moment I met him. Yes, at five I knew what sex was, and it took me 13 years to get it. Every Friday night my dad would go bowling, and every Friday night from the time I was thirteen I would sneak off somewhere, so that we could make out. But once I turned 18, everything changed. One Friday we were coming back from my Uncle Dale's house, and my parents...

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Nenu Na Manjula

By : Nagan9 Hi friends naa peru nagan,age 24, naa lifelo jarigina storiokati meetoo sharechesukovalani story rastunnachadevi mee openion mailcheyandee maa father transforkaavadamto meemu vunna flotkhali chesamu perents chennaivellepoinaru neenu maatramstudies kosam ekkadevundepoinanu single room flotokati rentku teesukonivunnanu.sudenga flat changekaavadam valla ekkada andarukotta emi artamkaaledu. college loantta kotta ammaielu appudeclose avutunnaru antatondaragaa dengichu koruanduke maa...

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Cartoon Henchman

Welcome, welcome… May I be the first one to welcome you into the exciting and rather dangerous life of organized villainy. Now, you might have your worries about being a henchman, but allow me to be the first to waiver your fears. You, the unfortunate hapless soul that you are, have been chosen to take up the noble profession and time-honored tradition of becoming a henchman. Now whether you joined up due to the fact that you needed money, are desperate, or simply just looking for a path in...

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Karumbu Thopil Manaivi

Vanakam. Enathu peayar Vijai. Vayathu 28. Naan Tamilnaduvil oru garamathil vaazhnthu varugiren. Enathu veetil appa amma matrum thangai irukiraargal athanaal avaluku thirumanam seithu vittu thaan enaku thirumanam seiya aarambipaargal. Enaku 28 vayathu aagi iruntha pothilum ennal kaama aasaiyai kattupadutha mudinthathu. Aanal athu vegu naatkal needika villai enathu veedu oru gramathil irunthathaal niraiya thopugal irukum. Pasumaiyaagavum kaatru maasu adaiyaamal iyarkaiyaaga irukum pinbu enathu...

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How Iost my lovely akshata to my friend raman

So, here is the story about my girlfriend Akshata, whom I lost to my friend Raman in truth and dare game.Akshata is fully beauty queen, have tall, slim body with 34C boob size, and fair body from toe to head, and pretty face features, she' loves to flaunt her hair and sexy waist in saree, have buttery smooth hands and she always keeps her nails colored and matched with her outfit. she has round juicy and erotic lips, amazing shape of her back, and little bumpy ass.and me and akshata are bf-gf...

4 years ago
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Three Fuckings In A Row With Raman

We had to shift from the village while my father was transferred from the block office to join at Bhubaneswar on a promotion.My transfer certificate was taken from the village school and admitted in the Govt. school. I was excited to see the huge school building and large number of students reading in the school.The premises was wide spread.My village school was very small with thatched school rooms with very few teachers and students. At the tiffin break I could notice that a group of boys are...

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Maviah Modda Pakkinti Lanja Manisha

Hi Everybody. This is a Telugu Story written in Roman Script. It is not a short story But I hope you all will enjoy it.Ma illu first floor lo vuntundi. kinda ground floor lo house owners vuntarru. Kanni pillalu chudadaniki anni USA vellaru. ma pakkana illu votti ground floor.Ma rendu illa madhyana gap challa thakuva. samayamu summurga udayamu 11 ayyi vunda vachuu. nennu newspaper thirgestunna. appuddu vehicle vachi aggina sound vinnapadindhi. yevarra anni paiki legisi chusannu. voka truck aggi...

2 years ago
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Enter Sandman

‘Enter Sandman’ Although most scholars of erotic mind control fiction would agree that the Internet has provided us with a new Golden Age of hypnotic stories (in both senses of the word ‘hypnotic’), the increased attention paid to the fetish is also providing us with a wealth of information on the history of mind control erotica. Discoveries continue every day, from the use of hypnosis in silent films like ‘The Cabaret of Doctor Caligari’, to the infamous ‘burlesque hypnosis shows’ of Germany...

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Falkner Family Manor

Its been raining forever it doesn’t stop never has likely never will, but what can one do about the weather. it’s a lovely sight from afar the old manor perched upon the cliff outstretching over the water of still sea. Like a picture in an old horror movie but still its Victorian charm isn’t lost on ones eyes is though it could use some serious updating couldn’t it. The chilling wind and icy rain are the only things that drives one to journey the winding paths up to the Falkner estate, a...

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All for Mr Redman

I am a third generation Japanese Canadian. I come from a more or less typical family. I have an older brother and a younger sister. Being in the middle actually is actually not that big a problem for me. My parents are really good people and have been an inspiration to me in many things. I was raised Roman Catholic so of course went to Catholic schools all my life. I once had a crazy dream of wanting to attend Notre Dame in the States but that didn't happen. It was too far away for my...

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All for Mr Redman

Introduction: Finally landing the Teacher I always wanted *This is my very first story. I have never posted anything before but decided it was about time I did. I apologize in advance for my errors in grammar and spelling. I have tried very hard to correct them, but this is not my first language. I hope you enjoy this story. It is based in on true events. Obviously, names have been changed to protect the guilty I am a third generation Japanese Canadian. I come from a more or less typical...

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Real Incident with Rakesh8217s wife Suman

Hi, I am Sahil Singh () 30 years old married man. My height is 5 feet 9 inches and I am average looking person. I am not good in English, so there is any mistake please ignores it. This incident happen when my wife if is pregnant of 5 months and I am very horny because I not fucked my wife from past 5 months. I am getting frustrated due notable do sex. The Story is about our neighbor friend Rakesh’s wife Suman and me, Suman is sex of God and pleasure and she is fair and God gifted huge boobs...

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The First CommandChapter 18 Truman

What can I say about Truman? The first time I saw it, it was much like the first time I saw Jupiter Station: a jumble of ships, equipment, half-built habitats and stations. The biggest difference was that half the construction was down on the planet, trying to put together a place for humans to live. Truman was marginally habitable, meaning that it could be lived on with technical assistance. That doesn't mean that it was a terrestrial planet. It was the moon of a gas giant somewhat close...

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Memories of Miss Manson

This is a true story of what happened to me during my time at secondary school between 1987 and 1994. In 1986, if my memory serves me correctly, corporal punishment in schools was banned. However, that didn’t seem to stop teachers at my old school – and may I add – completely female teachers – from using it on occasions. I remember an incident in a Drama lesson at the school. We were all in PE kit of t-shirt and shorts and had been instructed by the teacher, a tall, blonde lady called Mrs...

1 year ago
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Sex With Suman

By : Deepakd Hi, mera naam Deepak hai, aur main Jammu ka rehne wala hu, mera email id hai – . Mere kad 5’5” hai aur mere laude ka size 6” hai n kafi mota hai… bat un dino ki hai jab main college first year me tha, mere ek dost ‘abhi’ ka ghar college ke pas hi tha hum dono aksar college ke bad ikthe hi jate the aur kai bar bunk karke uske ghar par bluefilm dekhte uske ghar ke thodi dur ek aur ghar tha. Waha husband wife rehte the husband ka naam ‘Sanjay’ tha aur wife ka naam ‘suman’ tha ek hi...

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Jack Redman

CHAPTER 1 Six years on from college graduation, Lana, Chloe, Jo and Addison met for their weekly Friday lunch at the Palm Court Café in the heart of the gallery of Palm Court Mall. From such a strategic location they could let fly waspish asides on unfashionably dressed women, wave to people they knew and rev up their hormones by watching, minds racing, the occasional credible hunk passing by and checking out their tits. Jo Lund had been last to arrive, her face an excited pink. ‘Babes do I...

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Karvachauth with manjula

Some men are born to be lucky. For others the luck is ordained. I am from the second category. My Wife’s friend Manjula married to Navy officer who has exactly the same name as mine. Manjula is one of those beautiful indian housewife who have a burining desire of infidelity, but due to social paradoxes are not able to express their lustful desires openly. Manjula is extremly beautiful & expressive by nature. Her height is 5’6”, figure is 36”-28”-38” & complexion fair. She has extremely shaped...


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