Wyoming, 4 free porn video

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Wyoming, 4 By; Malissa Madison The drive home took a bit longer as we kept turning off to drop off even more people than we'd brought with us. But it was part of being a member of the Family, yes the tribe was like one big family. All looking out for and taking care of each other. But like most families it too had it's bad seeds that tended to go against the flow. Like Brenda, who was a notorious man hunter as they called her. I was so relaxed that on the way home all I wore in the front of the truck was my bikini bottoms. "Missy Wyoming, you're starting to look as dark as the rest of us," said the little girl we'd picked up first. "You're as pretty as any Crow Princess." "Well coming from a Real Crow Princess, that means a lot to me." I gave her a little hug. The front door of the house opened and a young woman stepped out carrying a pie. She pressed it into my hands. "Thank you for taking my children to the river. They don't get to go very often." "It was our pleasure," I told her. "Now that I know more of the customs, I'll be sure to call anytime I head that way. Besides, I could use a good strong warrior to protect me when Tim is away." "But, you have a wolf, no one would dare harm you," the boy said. "It is an honorary position, to stand in as protector among my former people." "Did you come from the Ute reservation?" asked the boy. "Red Wing, enough. Don't be so forward," scolded his mother. "It's alright I want everyone to know where I come from so they will know how deeply I love being here," I looked back down at him. "I came from just across the great plains in the tiny Ozark Mountains. My people are of mixed races, and know nothing of honor or family pride." "They sound like the whites," he said huffing up his chest. "And so they are, but I cast my past aside and begin here anew, learning to love by feeling it, not just saying hollow words." "May hap I should make you a different pie, that one is a bit traditional." "Then do not tell me what it is until I've eaten it," I smiled. "And I promise to be truthful in my answer when you ask how I liked it." "Why would you not want to know before hand?" "Lark, Missy wishes to discover our culture not be taught it the way Brenda was." Tim told her. "You would eat something someone gave you without knowing what it was just to find out if you like it first?" "I've found that knowing first sometimes clouds the taste buds," I smiled. "Have you ever Eaten Escargot?" She shook her head. "No I don't even know what that is." Tim grinned as I said, "I think I saw some or at least a distant relative. I'll eat your pie and fix you Escargot. Then you decide if prior knowledge clouds the judgment." "It won't love," Tim said. Then to Lark he said, "Watonka Wacone." She burst out giggling and pointed to the pie. "Watonka Wacone." In another amused voice she muttered, "Es car go." We talked a bit more and then finished the trip home. "You know you don't have to eat it if you don't want to." "What and let you enjoy it by yourself. Tim I was serious." He leaned over and kissed me as he pulled up in front of the house. I giggled, grabbed the pie and dashed for the door. I squealed as he caught me before I could get inside and we rolled in the grass laughing as Molly circled us growling playfully. We lay there on the front lawn feeding each other bites of the pie, and sharing with Molly. Later as we were almost asleep he said, "Tomorrow I'm going to teach you to drive the truck." But he was asleep before I could ask what he meant, I already knew how to drive his old column shift Dodge. He was up long before I was the next day. And I woke up to the sound of a diesel engine winding up. It was running rough at first but as he revved it a few times it began to smooth out. It didn't sound at all like his truck though. Molly raced back and forth and when I pulled a house coat around my shoulders she walked next to me as I made my way toward the barn. I saw the other set of doors was open, just as the nose of the other truck began edging out. He pulled it up even with the pickup and let it set idling for a bit as he walked around it checking tires and air lines, fuel lines. The connection hoses and electrical connectors everything in its order, as I'd seen him do before. I heard a crackle as the radio in the cab came to life. "Tim what's going on up there? It sounds like you got the old beast out of the barn." "Hey hatchet man, is the tire shop open this morning?" "It will be in about another hour, Why?" "I was going to give Miss Wyoming a little driving lesson today but the beast needs new treads," Tim told him over the radio. "Tim after the fun you two had yesterday you better bring her to the diner so she doesn't have to cook." I recognized Gladys' voice. "I'll be real disappointed if I don't get to feed her while the beast is in the shop." "Well you should probably give us some time to get un-naked first," he said. Grabbing the microphone I said, "I'm not naked just almost." "Well damn that boys slipping if you got clothes on. And to think your Miss Wyoming now. I'll see you soon Sugar." "Tim we should have a base station up here at the house," I told him. "I bet you could talk clear to Canada or the east coast up here." He pointed to the antenna standing above the house. "I forgot I had it." "Where is it?" "In the kitchen, I mean that's where the end of the cable is. I guess I sort of put it away after, after Tina died." He got it out and hooked up while I got dressed and did my makeup. I put on the boots he'd given me that first day. "Get on up there, you're driving this morning." He leaned over and lifted Molly up into the cab with us. Then sat watching as I went through the startup procedures. "Are you going to be able to drive in those things?" he asked. I adjusted the seat and talked him through adjusting the passenger side mirror. Then when I had the driver's side adjusted I winked at him as I pushed the clutch to the floor, my heel sliding into the worn spot made by Tina before me. "You know I think I'm not the first person to drive in these heels," I leaned over and kissed him as I shifted into first. Then let off the parking brake. It took a few tries before I got the hang of shifting and down shifting. Learning to gauge the right amount of pedal to keep it running smooth. I reached up and pulled the horn rope as we pulled off into the truck stop, then coasted up to the pumps, and shut it down. The young man stood there like a deer in the headlights as I opened the door and climbed down, my short skirt giving him a view of my satin panties. Before he could react though Tim was there to lift me from the last step. Then caught Molly in his arms as she jumped from the seat. "Fill it up please, she's on the second tank and the reserve tank is empty." Tim cocked his eye at me. "What? I drove Diesel pickups and hay trucks before." "You heard the Lady Sam, Fill her up. Then run her over to the tire shop, she needs ten new tires. Fred knows what I want on her." Tim told him. Gladys set two huge long haul specials down in front of us. "Was that you that pulled the beast into the station?" "Yes and I don't know why everyone calls her the Beast. She's more like a sweet kitten," I giggled. "Ok a Mountain Lion Kitten." "Still a beast Dear, she's got a lot of power that hides from view," she winked at Tim. "Tina made a lot of money with that truck, most of it right here in the lot." He explained. "She'll out pull most anything on the road today." "Remember that paved strip between the hiking path and the back lot?" Gladys asked. "It's exactly a Quarter mile." I suddenly understood why it had a solid stripe down the middle of it. I suddenly felt the urge to go look at the Driveline of the truck. It had looked different from the rear when I had done my walk around the same way Tim had done his. Only at the time I hadn't realized the subtle differences. I'd dismissed them as a difference in age. "What's going through that pretty little head of yours?" asked Tim. He waved his hand in front of my face breaking the thought chain. "What are you thinking about?" he repeated the question. "I've got four more years before I can get my License Tim, but I really want to be on the road driving with you. Both trucks where people can see us together." I blushed. We drove around the reservation, him teaching me different things, and then he started giving me directions. "Where are we going?" I asked as I turned off at the police station. "Give it three short blasts love," he said. I gave three tugs on the air horn, and then followed his directions down a four wheeler path barely wider than the truck. "Do you think you can find your way home from here?" "W, what?" I was going so slow I swear the Tarantula's were passing us waiting for me to get stuck. "Tim I'm barely managing to make it through some of these tight places." "I want you to drive this once every day for the next week. If you really want to learn how to drive a truck that is." He said looking sideways out the corner of his eye. "I'll bring home a beater trailer for you next week. And then you can pull it for a month. When you can do it without any problems, then we'll start you backing it from one end to the other." I stopped dead still and stared at him in disbelief. "You can't be serious, Tim I can't even see halfway around some of those turns let alone back this thing without a trailer." "Tina did it, you can too." He leaned over and kissed me. "Come on we're holding up the bunch following us." I looked in the mirror and saw a group of people on horses. Then started my slow crawl forward. "Missy, I won't be mad if you lose some paint in here. better here than out on the road." He pointed to a long scrape of black paint. "Tina left that mark right after she started driving." I saw T.W. L3 spray painted under it. "Low Third," he confirmed with a challenging smile. "Sorry Beast, I can't let that one escape," I giggled as I shifted into second. It was actually easier at a faster pace. I just had to be faster on the wheel. Finally he said, "Hold up here a minute." When I stopped he said, "I'll meet you at the truck stop in Hopper." 'Hopper' was what he called his truck. I made it to the truck stop and waited about thirty minutes for him. While I waited I looked over the damage I'd done to the Beast. All of it was minor. Mostly tree limb scrapes, but a few I knew where from rock overhangs. The scrapes were deep all the way to the metal. Molly and I had just gotten an ice cold Pepsi and were walking back to the Beast when he pulled in pulling the trailer. He stopped next to the Beast and waited for us. There was a growing group around us. "Tim, are you going to teach her to drive like Tina?" several wanted to know. "I'll go slow, you try to keep up with me OK?" Another challenge, I grinned. "Molly," I patted my chest and she jumped into my arms, for me to lift her into the Beast. As he started rolling forward he called over the radio. "The trick is to stay close enough you don't get blinded by the dust." "Oh Shit," I thought as I began following him. A group on horses had left ahead of us riding fast. As we passed the turn off up the hill to the house I realized I'd just shifted into fourth. Then as we made another turn I had to down shift, and I heard the screech of rock on metal. "Sorry Beast," I said out loud. It felt like an eternity went by as I tried my best to stay close but not too close. But when checked the clock on the dash it was only twenty one minutes from the time we left the truck stop until we pulled out behind the police station. The crowd at the station cheered us on as I continued to keep up with him as he headed back to the house. In the failing light he stood holding his arms out to me. And I jumped happily into them. "Not bad at all for a beginner," he kissed my lips. Then we turned around to help Molly get out of the truck. "Oh god Tim, look at the damage," I was mortified at the scrapes and scratches on both trucks. The trailer seemed to have suffered the most though. "Superficial Love, Superficial." He walked to the equipment locker under the sleeper steps and pulled out two cans of gloss black spray paint. We had the scratches covered in no time. "I always like to keep the bare metal covered up," he said with a grin. " I really did it didn't I?" "Yes you did. And if you can do that, you can make the Ice Run come Winter." He said. "The Ice Run? What's that?" The Ice road between northern Canada and the far reaches of Alaska. Three hundred miles of nothing but Ice. Tina made it Three years in a row," he said with pride. "It sounds dangerous Tim," "It is. You have to have a lot of special skills, and fuel tank and line heaters to keep your fuel from freezing up. And pray it isn't frozen up when you get to the next Stop so you can top off." He told me. "The last year she drove there were only six of us that made it through to the Base." "Six, out of how many Tim?" I asked. He looked at the ground. "Twenty four. We lost two when they slid off into the Sound on Thin Ice. I'm not bragging, I've had my share of problems out there." That's when I noticed the beast had three Snow flake symbols at the bottom of the door under the lettering 'Wyoming Trucking, Father & Daughter'. There was a triple row under Tim's and some overlapped others. He'd driven the Ice Road a lot. "You have to have a lot of experience or someone in a team that vouches for you. Or they won't even let you hook up to a trailer," he said. "How old do you have to be to drive up there?" I asked. He looked at me sideways. "All you need is a truck and determination. They don't bother looking at licenses. Most drivers only make one run a year." So each of those Flakes is a run?" I asked noticing they were dated by Month and year. I reached up and touched them on his door. The last eight had been added in the last two years. "There's only four runs a year," he said. "Hundred grand a run. Those three flakes would be enough to get you a trailer on your own, no questions asked," he said. "I'll have Hatchet Man take them off so we can hang them with her picture by the fireplace." I lit the charcoal in the grill and he dug out steaks, a lot of steaks. I soon found out why as people began showing up. "You getting ready for the Ice run early this year Timmy?" asked Agnes. "No Sis, I'm teaching my Fianc? to drive." "Good because I hate it when you're up there. And don't think for one minute I don't know why you've been making those runs the last two years," she told him. "Agnes, I have a reason not to make it this year. And I don't even need the money, So relax." "Missy, don't let him do it please. It's an unnecessary risk." Agnes told me. "Besides you have to finish your schooling first." "It's just one more year and I am Seventeen Agnes, I'm free to Drive with Tim." "So you're going to finish school? You promise?" Blossom wanted a definite answer. She started tickling me and we both rolled on the ground tangled up together. "I Promise, I promise," I giggled. "Hell I don't even know when it starts though." The tickling stopped. "It starts Tuesday, and I bet you haven't got anything yet." It was Seven PM on Friday night. "No," I giggled. "To be honest school was the last thing that crossed my mind." I told her. "You weren't even thinking about finishing your schooling were you?" it was more of a statement than a question. "Well I really didn't think I would need it now," I answered honestly. "Missy, will you please do it for me? No scratch the. Will you please do it for yourself?" Tim asked. "Is it that important to you Tim?" I asked him. "Yes it is Love. I never really thought it was until after my girls came along. But I finally went back to school and got my GED studying every night at rest stops driving someone else's truck for bare minimum pay. My family living in one of those shacks in the village. Now look where I am." I realized he was right, he had a really nice house two trucks, he didn't need to worry about money really. Not unless he'd drank up the four hundred grand he'd made each of last two years on the Ice Runs. It explained how he could run a tab everywhere and not worry about the expenses. "Will you go school clothes shopping with me?" I asked him. And the huge smile of pride on his face was all I needed to see. "I guess I better start figuring out what I need for school then." "I think that's our cue," Agnes said. "These two are going to be needing to get up early to go into town and shop tomorrow." It was getting late and most of the others had already left. Blushing I asked the one huge question I'd been worrying about. "Do I, You know, have to dress like a boy to go to school?" "Not unless you want to," Blossom replied. "Tina never did. Well not once she decided she was a girl anyway. but I don't remember her ever going as a boy she was already a girl when I started school." "How do I handle, you know Gym classes?" I asked her. I heard a giggle from behind me and turned to see another girl about my age. "You're a girl silly, you'll use the girls locker room," she said. "Missy this is Sand Stone, Sandy for short," Blossom introduced us. Sandy was the next closest girl to us, and had come to the party by herself. The three of us started talking and I found out that she was staying over at Blossoms so they could go into Casper to shop for clothes. Finally it was just Tim, Molly and I at the house. He guided me inside his hand protectively on my bottom as I giggled. "Well someone seems to be in a playful mood," he remarked. I let my hand drift over to the front of his jeans, gently gripping the hard shaft of his cock. "I was afraid you'd be too tired after the day we've had," I giggled. "I thought I was going to have to rape you before they all left though." I giggled again. "You can't rape the willing love," he said as he turned me in his arms pinning me against the kitchen sink, his mouth covering mine in one of the deepest tongue kisses of my life. I was quivering all over by the time he broke the kiss, my cock twitching straining for freedom bent back in my panties. He seemed to know it as his hands slid down my sides. My arms around his neck he circled my waist and lifted me onto the counter in front of him. I was excited beyond belief, he was going to take me right there. Oh how I wanted to feel him inside me. His hands slid from my waist down my hips. Down the outsides of my thighs. Catching the edge of my skirt he slid it upward, and I tightened my hold around his neck, lifting myself to let my skirt slide up from under my bottom. His hands spread open cupping my ass, and he slid me forward to the edge. I let out little sigh of disappointment when he didn't pull my panties off though. Instead he kissed me tenderly. "I've never done this with anyone else," he said. "So let me know if I'm doing it wrong, ok?" Not waiting for an answer he dropped his head down kissing the front of my panties as he shouldered his way between my thighs. My cock was straining to get free, as his lips nibbled and kissed it through the thin material. My fingers curled in his hair as I leaned back against the upper cabinets. His nose rubbing the length of my shaft as his lips found the head kissing. He felt the shiver running through me as his fingers gently pulled the crotch to the side letting me spring free. The slight stubble on his cheek caused me to tingle even more I throbbed, my fingers tightening their grip in his hair. I felt like I was going to explode as I felt his lips close around the head. His tongue swirling around teasing the very tip. I knew what he was tasting, as I twitched, feeling the clear precum oozing out. "Mmmmmmm," he moaned softly. My toes curling trying to hold back the orgasm I knew was about to burst forth any moment. When the head reached the back of his throat I couldn't hold it any longer. I let out a little groan as I felt myself release the pent up cum. I half expected him to pull away. But I was in heaven as he slurped and sucked swallowing it all down. When he lifted his head I pulled him up and kissed him, driving my tongue into his mouth, tasting my cum there. Little tears of joy rolling down my cheeks. I wrapped my legs around his waist wanting feel that wonderfully hard cock of his. Molly lifted her head from the floor to look at us as if to say. "Are you finally going to play?" His hands came up around my butt again as he lifted me off the counter. Carrying me to the bedroom. He leaned over laying me on my back, his hands finally pulling my panties off. The roughness of his stubble scrapped lightly down my calf, the inside of my knee, I shivered as he nibbled the inside of my thigh. My cock growing hard again he nibbled and kissed his was across cheek his nose nudging my balls out of the way as his lips kissed my most intimate spot. Five minutes later I was begging him to just fuck me and stop teasing me with his tongue. His tongue still deep inside me twisting around, he lifted my legs over his shoulders. I let out a whimper of need as he withdrew his tongue. Then when he straightened up, leaning over me I mewed out. "Please!" feeling the head of his cock as it pushed gently against my coochie. His hands pushed my T-shirt up over my breasts moments before his mouth closed on the front clasp. Biting it as I felt it twist then slide open, the cups bursting outward as the back strap un-stretched pulling them to the sides. I felt him sliding in deeper as he began kissing and nobbling my breasts. Slowly working around until he was fully inside me by the time he reached my nipples. The coarseness of his stubble added to the sensations as he gently massaged my prostate with that marvelous cock. I rocked and rolled my hips fucking him back as we made love. Unaware of how strong his thrusts were becoming until my head dropped over the other side of the bed. When I came it splattered all over my breasts and stomach, then he pulled out and added his own to it. I felt a momentary pang of disappointment, just before I felt his hot cum jetting out to splash across my breast, over my face. Into my hair. The hotness triggering another small orgasm, as it began to sting where it was running down from my forehead into my eye. He noticed right away and licked it clean, as I giggled girlishly. Only to have his tongue busily hungrily lapping my face and then my breasts clean. I felt myself growing hard again as he worked his way down my tummy. His tongue swirling into my belly button caused me to gasp in pleasure. Then unexpectedly he rolled over on his back pulling me on top of him. He carefully removed my top then my bra. "Oh how I love you," he said pulling my face to his as he kissed me. Curling my fingers in his chest hair I said, "I love you too, thank you for loving me back." We lay in each other's arms kissing, and cuddling until Molly jumped up on the bed. She curled up on one side, laying her head on the pillow, and we both scratched her ears petting her until she fell asleep. "Let's take a shower," he said. lifting me off him. "I want to try something different." I scrambled to my feet, quickly unfastening my skirt letting it fall to the floor before I raced giggling to the shower. My breasts bounced as I ran, feeling wonderful. As we soaped up he guided my hand to his ass, pressing my fingers to the tight pucker of muscle. "I want to know what it feels like," he said as we kissed under the hot water. With a giggle I gently massaged a fingertip around until he let out a little moan. Before I knew it I had one finger in past the second knuckle, he was squirming his hips around moaning in pleasure. His cock throbbing against my stomach as the water gradually turned cold. I reached behind me and twisted the knob. Then slowly sank to my knees in front of him as I worked a second finger in beside the first being careful of my long nails. He let out a shudder and began to cum before I could close my mouth around him. I licked and kissed it as he splashed my face with his cum. I had to walk forward on my knees pushing against the back wall to keep his knees from buckling as I sucked his balls into my mouth one at a time. I hadn't realized I'd cum myself until I started to stand up, my body quivering from the release. Looking down at me he said, "You are so incredibly beautiful." Then he lifted me up to kiss and lick my face clean. "Next time, I want to feel you inside me." He breathed into my mouth as we kissed. He gathered me up in his arms still wet from the shower and carried me to his bed where Molly still took up half the space. She barely lifted her head as he lay me down then crawled in beside me pulling up the covers before wrapping his arms around me." I felt the tears rolling gently down my cheeks as I watched him sleeping. "How could I ever be so lucky to find him? How could I ever be worthy of his love?" I asked myself silently the happy contented smile growing bigger on my face. "Mmm, I love you so much Missy," he mumbled in his sleep. "Please Marry Me." I hugged him tighter my lips kissing his forehead. "Yes," I said. "When you ask me I'll say yes. But I want you to be awake when you ask me." I woke up to a hardon throbbing against my own. I felt the caress of his hand gently on my hair. Opening my eyes I looked into his, letting my hand slide down to curl my fingers around his stiff cock. I giggled. "Is this for me?" my tummy grumbled it's hunger as I rolled him onto his back holding it gently as I lowered my lips to the head sucking it in. I wanted to feel him in my throat so badly I closed my eyes and stopped worrying about it. I just did it. I made love to his cock with my mouth feeling my throat relaxing, opening up to its invasion. I felt the tears beginning as I pushed my throat down harder almost choking before I backed off taking a huge breath before going back down. I was determined to take it all the way. This time when the urge to gag hit I swallowed hard feeling it slip past the point into my throat. My nostrils flared in response as I inhaled feeling him slide deeper, my throat opening up to him. Tears of joy mixed with the natural response flowed down my cheeks as the hard cock in my throat triggered my salivary glands to kick into over drive. I drew back for air giggling as the thick strings of saliva connected my gasping mouth with his cock before I once again took him back in with renewed confidence. This time it slid in easily, and I felt my nose pressing against his balls, his course pubic hair tickling my chin. I held it there as long as I could swallowing my own spit feeling my Adam' s apple massaging the length before I had to come up for air again. I made it two more times before his fingers locked in my hair, and his hips bucked in response to his release. He was trying to pull me up and I was trying to hold him all the way in. I finally gave in as the feeling of drowning forced me to come up for air. I held the head in my mouth as he finished cumming, then with a giggle I uncurled and we kissed. His tongue darting in to taste his own cum as he sucked it off my tongue. Then he smiled at me. "Come on we have a long drive ahead of us today." He smacked my butt playfully and Molly jumped off the bed racing out the back door. I started the Coffee, then started getting dressed, I pulled on my panties, realizing my butt seemed fuller. Then as I was reaching behind me to hook my bra I realized it felt tighter than before. As I adjusted my breasts in the cups I realized they were starting to puff out around the top edges. I smiled giggling, they really were growing. I fished through a box of Tina's old bras until I found one that almost matched my panties. Then frowned, seeing the cups were D's. "What's wrong Love?" he asked from the doorway. "My, my bras are getting too small. And all of Tina's are way too big." I pouted. "Then it's a good thing we're going shopping today," he was grinning. "Tim I can't go out in a bra that's too small, and definitely not in one that swallows me up." "So, don't wear one until we get you some that fit properly," he grinned wickedly. "Or are you afraid of people seeing how sexy you are walking around with your nipples poking out through your top?" "You Sir, are a dirty old man," I swatted at his arm playfully grabbing up a cut off T-shirt that would barely cover my breasts. Then pulled on an even shorter suede skirt. With a giggle and wink I stepped into a pair of three inch heels just as we heard a honk from outside. Giggling I said, "I wonder who that could be this time of Day." Blossom was impatient, waiting for me to finish my makeup and coffee. "You're in a rather cheery mood today," she observed. "And I don't think it has anything to do with School shopping." I looked around to be sure it was just us three girls. "Tim asked me to Marry him last night, this morning I mean." "No shit? What did you say? You said yes, right?" "I said yes, but I wanted him to ask me again when he wasn't asleep." Her smile vanished. "He asked you to Marry him in his sleep?" "Shhh," I covered her mouth. "I want it to be his idea. I don't want him doing it because he thinks he should." But I was smiling knowing it would only be a matter of time. Blossom was driving a beat up old four door, Pontiac Catalina. "We'll follow you guys," She said. "But I gotta stop for gas on the way." When we stopped at the truck stop Tim said, "You really need new tires before winter. Hell you need new tires now," he was putting air in my right rear tire and then walked around checking all of them. "Grab your purse, we'll ride with Blossom." He waved Billy over. "Can you get some new Tiger Paws on this while we're gone. Maybe have someone tune it up?" "Sure can Tim, you all going shopping today?" then he looked at me and swallowed hard. "Stop Drooling Billy," Blossom said. "Or I won't be seeing you tonight." Sandy giggled. ++++++++++++++++++++++ Casper was huge, and the Mall was overcrowded. But Tim stayed with us through the initial part of the day. Blushing as I took pride in modeling my new bra choices for him letting him pick the ones he liked. All the while Blossom and sandy giggled at his reactions. Finally after we'd finished buying clothes, he suggested we eat something, his treat. "We have one more place we need to stop first," pouted Blossom. "Why don't you go ahead and get us a table. We'll be there as soon as we're done." He was too eager to go on ahead, but I figured he'd endured shopping long enough with three teenaged girls. It took longer than we thought in the lingerie shop. And both Blossom and Sandy insisted I get a corset on top of all the sexy lingerie they picked out for me. I had Tim's credit card and paid for it all. He was grinning when he saw the bags. "So did you find something special?" he asked. "Yes but you don't get to see it until tonight," I promised, teasingly. "You know with everything you girls have bought today someone will have to ride in my lap on the way home," he said looking at me. "That's my seat," I said quickly. Something hard kept poking me in the butt on the way home, but he kept telling me not to worry about it. I noticed every time I mentioned it Blossom would look up in the mirror with a grin. They dropped us off at the stop and we unloaded my stuff into my car, then Tim bought me dinner at the Diner. I wasn't surprised to see Molly as she pushed the door open then sat in the booth next to us. Several out of stater's moved to booths farther away from us, and I grinned. "Tim would you carry all that in for me? I want to get your surprise ready." I grabbed the bag from the lingerie shop and rushed into the house. The nitie was floor length, with slits up both sides to the hips. The bodice hugged my naked breasts like a glove my nipples pushing out little tents through the gauzy material. The black lace panties were so sheer they did nothing to hide my crotch. I stepped into the five inch heels and fastened the T straps around my ankles. Then hurried and fixed my makeup before opening the door and striking a slutty pose. He just stood there stunned, staring not realizing that he was staring at me in wonder. I minced my way across the room to him. Now able to kiss him without having to do more than lift my heels off the floor. I felt light headed by the time our kiss broke and he held me longer waiting for me to catch my breath. Then he took a step back, looking me in the eyes his hand went into his pocket. When it came out again he dropped to one knee, holding out the box, flipping it open. "Missy, will you Marry Me please?" My right hand went to my mouth, my left reached out shaking, as the tears began to flow. "Yes, oh god yes." He had to take hold of my hand to slip the ring on, it was shaking so much. He stood and hugged me tightly. "Thank you." His hands fumbled at the backs of my ears as he nibbled at my ear lobes. I felt my cheap rhinestone earrings sliding out. "Tim?" I asked unsure what he was doing. He stepped back a bit and spit them out to lay them on the end table. Still holding me he reached back into his pocket and produced another box. "Happy Birthday my love." They were teardrop shaped with real diamonds that sparkled in the dim light. And I cried as I put them in with shaking hands. I'd never had real diamonds before. "Do you like them? Are they too much?" In response I pushed him back into the overstuffed chair and straddled his lap as Molly began to howl. "You are so getting laid tonight Mister Wyoming." "Every Woman should get Diamonds on her Seventeenth birthday," he mumbled past my lips. I'd totally forgotten my own birthday. He was late leaving on Monday morning but he didn't care. "I'll be home on Friday," he promised. The old Catalina passed him as he pulled out onto the road. Blossom wearing a halter top and homemade coochie cutter cutoffs got out and said, "See I told you that nitie would get his attention, we didn't see you the rest of the weekend." I held my hands out to hug her and she caught the flash of the dawn light off the ring. "Oh My God girl. When are you getting married? What day? Don't even tell me you're going to run off to Vegas, you have to get married here so I can be a Brides Maid." She let out a squeal of excitement. "In two years, on my Birthday," I told her. "We both agreed, I'll be nineteen then." She didn't even ask, she picked up the phone and called home. "Momma, he did it, and she said yes." "He who?" "Uncle Tim, they're getting married in two years on her Birthday." I giggled. "You should see what he had delivered and installed while we were shopping," I said. I pushed open the door to the laundry room to show the new washer and electric dryer. "I'll only use the dryer in the winter though," I told her. "I love air dried laundry don't you?" Laughing she said, "Stop stalling you know we have to totally talk wedding dresses. You can't ever start planning too soon." ++++++++++ I sat in English class waiting for the bell to ring, I wanted to be home in time to fix dinner and take a shower and prepare for him before he got home. I couldn't believe how much I really missed him during the week. Molly was waiting next to the car when I finally ran out to head home. "Home," I breathed. I really did have a home, and a man who loved me." I had dinner simmering in the pan, and hurried to shower. I was going to wear the corset tonight. I dried off and checked on dinner, it was getting dark. Tim should be home any time now. I rushed to get changed. And had just finished managing to tighten the laces tying them off in front when Molly began to bark at the front door. I thought I heard a siren off in the distance when I'd gotten into the shower. And now I grew nervous as I pulled my dress on over my head. I was still barefoot when the knock came at the door. As I went that direction I heard a radio on the front porch. Frank, Joseph. Not right now, I'm still trying get Missy to the Door. I braced myself, for what I was unsure, as I opened the door. "Joseph, is Tim ok?" "Oh yes, I hope so. He's just filling up." "What was that all about on the radio?" I asked now confused even more. "Look something's happened I need someone they know to watch them until we can sort things out." Red Wing and Rose Petal were sitting in the back of the cruiser. "Of course, bring them inside. What happened?" "The man their mother was seeing wasn't nice. They got in an argument and, and I doubt she'll make it to the hospital." "Oh god, oh god get them inside." I was rushing to the car. Both children wrapped their arms around me as I opened the back door. Rose wrapped her arms around my neck and I picked her up. "I can Walk," said Red Wing angrily as Joseph tried to pick him up as well. "Don't be silly. You have bloody feet from carrying your sister barefooted." But still he insisted. At seven Red Wing was determined not to show weakness, Rose at five was terrified and crying. Agnes showed up a few minutes later and Joseph said he needed to get to the hospital. Between the two of us we managed to get them calmed down and doctored their feet. I put a fresh steak on the bruise on Red Wings cheek. and we put them in Tina's bed with Molly lying next to them protectively, when Tim pulled up out front. I rushed to the door not wanting him to wake them up. "How are they?" he said quietly, telling me that he'd already heard the news. "They're asleep for now. Have you heard anything about Lark?" He swallowed the lump in his throat, I could see the tears in his eyes. "She didn't make it," he collapsed into the chair. "We're all they have left Missy." "What do you mean?" I asked even more confused than before. "She told the Deputy in the Ambulance just before she died that she wanted us to raise them." He looked up at me. "If, if you'd rather not I'll understand." "Tim, I didn't know her that well. But I think she chose us for a good reason. Of course we'll raise them." "Sorry your big welcome home got ruined," he said. "It looks like you had a big evening planned." "We'll have the rest of our lives to make up for it," I said. "Right now those two kids in there need us more than I need to get laid." We talked with Agnes for a while. "I'll go to the house tomorrow and get them some clean clothes and stuff," she said. "No you won't," Tim said. "I'll do it. you don't need to see the mess there. And the kids, Red Wing especially doesn't need to see it." Eventually the wolves settled down outside. The kids were numb the next few days. And we debated whether or not to take them to the funeral. But then they asked to go. It seemed like the funeral was a releasing point for both of them, it still took a few months before they began to laugh and play again. It was almost Christmas with Tim taking time off from driving, sitting in front of the fireplace whittling out a pony from a piece of wood. He'd just finished carving a doll for Rose when she asked. "Mommy, will you help me make her some clothes?" "Of course I will Honey, let me go get my sewing basket," my hands were shaking. It was the first time she'd called me Mommy. "You find her some pretty fabric for her dress, ok?" "Rose?" Red Wing prompted her. "Did you thank Dad for your Doll?" "Thank you Daddy," she hugged him. "Thanks for making her smile again Dad," "You're welcome Son," he replied. And I could see the tears threatening to burst forth. "Is there enough material left from when you made my dress Mommy?" "Yes there is Honey" I smiled happily at Tim. I helped her thread the needle then cut out the crude shapes to sew together. Then we sat and made three dresses for her new doll as we watched Tim teaching her brother to whittle. "Here you go you can work on this while I see if I can finish this up." He picked up the short block of wood with the three half-finished chain links. He was working on the forth final chain before he separated them to form the linked chain. "I don't have a knife Dad," he said. Smiling Tim reached into his shirt pocket and took out a little box. When Red Wing opened it his face lit up. It was an Old Timer three blade pocket knife just like Tim's. "Wow, it's just like yours Dad." They hugged briefly. "Look Mom, Dad got me a knife like his." Smiling I said, "I see, it's very pretty." Looking at Tim I stood up and went to the hall closet, then took down a small unwrapped package. "Rose, Honey," I offered it to her. As she took out the charm bracelet Tim said, "I thought we were waiting till Christmas." "Hey you started it," I giggled as I fastened it around her little wrist. Molly lifted her head between us and whined. "We didn't forget about you girl," I said. I went to the pantry and got out the foot long rawhide bone. It took him until Christmas eve to finish the pony, and when he was done he showed it off with pride in front of the school when we went to meet up with the other families so the children could exchange gifts. "I made this with the knife my Dad gave me," he puffed out his little chest. Then showed off the knife. "You know I was beginning to wonder if they would ever get past the grief," said Joseph. "And here they are calling you Mom and Dad. Any chances you two might decide to tie the knot a little sooner?" "Not before Missy's out of school," Tim said winking at me. "I don't want her having any excuses not to finish." "Do you really think she hasn't got an even bigger reason now?" Agnes put in her view. I wrapped my arms around his. "This is an even bigger reason to finish my schooling," I told them. "Let our children see that we've both done it, and they'll have more reason to finish themselves." "What about you? I mean after graduation? Any plans for the summer?" Joseph asked. "Tim makes enough money, and what he made the last two winters he put into a trust fund. Even if he stopped driving today we'd have more than enough to see us through until the kids are out of college and beyond." I told them. "So you're going to be a stay at home Mom?" Agnes asked. "Until Rose is Sixteen, yes. But you should see the way Red Wing looks at the beast when Tim isn't around. I think I've lost my truck to my son." "Our son," corrected Tim. It began to snow and the children all got excited. Slowly as the snow grew heavier things began to break up. On the way home Tim said I bet we better stop and get some groceries. This has the makings of a blizzard. He raised an eyebrow at me in the store when I put five dozen eggs in the cart. He was going to go get the meat and I lead Rose with me down the baking aisle. I added flour sugar and Vanilla to my cart, then a few other things for special treats. It was nearly dark and we'd gotten over a foot already, I could see how Tim saw the road to drive but I was sure glad he was behind the wheel. After we'd gotten everything inside I took out a huge stock pot. "Red, would go get me a pan full of snow?" I asked. "Sure Mom, but why do you want Snow?" "Have you ever had Snow Ice Cream before?" I asked and they both shook their heads no. Tim looked at me curiously as they both ran out into the snow to find the cleanest deepest snow possible. "You can make Ice Cream out of snow?" he asked unbelieving. "That's why I got the extra eggs," I told him. I had the three of them watching intently as I mixed everything up then dished out four bowls before putting the rest in the freezer for later. Tim started laughing. "I take it back, sometimes yellow snow can be really good." We all laughed. He was listening to the CB as we sat around the fire together. "Daddy, why are you listening to the radio?" Rose asked him. "So I can know if Santa needs any help. It's a pretty big storm out there." He looked over at me for support. And I said, "Sometimes Santa needs a little help when it's too snowy to see houses. So he calls ahead for people to turn on their lights." I hadn't missed his grim look, and got the kids involved in making cookies. While they were busy I half listened to the conversations going on. When they were in front of the oven watching I went into the living room. "How bad is it? who are you listening too?" "It's bad, real bad Love." Just then someone said, "This wind is blowing us off the road, we've gotta shut down until it lets up. We just lost another truck off in the sound. He should have his recue marker going by now." "Ice Drivers?" I asked. "They've lost nine trucks in the last hour." He confirmed. "They're between Prudhoe, and Dead horse. And its twenty below without the wind chill." "Tim, are you listening in on the radio," someone called. "Yeah Hatchet Man, it's not good up north." "You're tellin me. Look they tried to reach Dizzie in the plow. He left out making one more run through the pass. You're up higher than anyone else could you try to reach him?" Tim made contact with the snow plow driver, and I listened as he talked him through. "Listen raise your blade three inches off the hard pack, your pushing too much snow. If you can make it to Medicine wheel I'll meet you there." "Tim?" "I gotta go Love. They need me." "Daddy, can I go with you?" Red Wing asked. "Tim you there?" "Yeah I'm here getting ready to head out now." "Plow two is off over the side at Chilton's we got that extra blade and the sand trailer here though. We sure could use another rig out there." "Tim? What's he mean another rig?" "I'm taking jumper, she's got a blade hook up just like the Beast. And has the auxiliary trailer controls too. but we don't have another driver for the beast." "Kids grab your coats, I'll turn off the stove." I grabbed two big bags of cookies and filled both thermoses full of cocoa. While Tim and Red went out to start up the trucks. By the time I got there, they were beginning to put the cleated chains on the beast. Tim had put them on Jumper before he'd parked her in the barn. I let Tim lead as he broke the trail through the three foot drifts. And in an hour we were at the truck stop. They were ready and waiting for us, all we had to do was drive up to the huge plow blades and lock in then hook up the hydraulic lines. "Ok Babe Blower plow One O One, don't worry about seeing past me. I'll be out in the lead, my blower will be pitched to hit the ditch. You follow up on the shoulder. if I yell car you swerve out into the driving lane until you get past it. but we don't stop moving for anything once we hit the pass. Understand?" "I got it." "Ok, I want you to look at your blade indicators. Make sure they're still calibrated." I checked them real quick to be sure of the height settings. "You want the kids with me?" "Can I ride with Mommy and Molly?" asked Rose. "Sure you can," I said. we backed up and hooked up the sand trailers. "Love, this is real important, see that covered button on the dash?" "Yes," I reached for it. "If you feel the trailer start to slide, you hit it. no questions. No hesitation. That triggers the detonators to disconnect the trailer. I'd rather lose a trailer over the side than either one of you." Before we left Gladys brought us more coffee and sandwiches. Then handed us both a bottle of Pepper Mint Schnapps. "Just in case," she said. "It'll keep the blood thin and help keep you warm." We passed a bank of State cars turning people back, Tim laid on his horn to clear the road. As we pulled out into the opposite lane going slow. "Ice Drivers, we got Ice Drivers coming through in Blower Plows," We heard over the radio. We were almost even with the line of state cars when Tim said. "Drop your blade to three inches and wait till your clear of the cars to fire up the blower." It was a long tedious two hours before we made it to Medicine Wells. Dizzie in the State truck fell in behind us and we cleared the route. "Dizzie what the hell were you thinking?" Tim lit into him on the radio. "You know better than to drive the pass alone." "There's a family up ahead about ten miles stuck in the snow Tim, I had to try to get to them." We found the family and Tim put them in with Dizzie. "Look you got a clear shot back from here. turn it around and we'll see you after we finish this." I understood why Tim wasn't turning around. The road wasn't wide enough. Up here in the pass we could hear the other Ice Drivers up north. They were in bad shape. When we reached the State barn at the other end they told us the pass was officially closed. No one not even us was being allowed to head back through it. "Look this is a killer storm," they said. "It stretches all the way up past Alaska. Nothings Moving anywhere, you might as well bunker down here." "Tim, is that you?" someone called over a crackling radio. "Yeah Snow Man, it's me." "Look, I just want to say I'm glad you're not up here. I think this was my last run. I'm dead in the snow." "We might have had a chance if we'd had Blower plows out in the lead. But hell this shit hit out of nowhere. Nobody made it through." "Tim, Tim, we've got the plows," I told him. "We drop Jumpers Trailer, you leave the Beast here. we'll take turns driving," He said. "You're the boss." I kissed him as I helped Rose climb up into his truck. Then we got Molly in with us. As he pulled up to the pumps he told the Attendant. "Get on the horn and set up fuel stops between here and the Ice Road." "Isn't there a way we could tow the beast, we might need her?" In the end we dropped both trailers, then used a plate attachment to lock the beast in place after he backed into a ditch and I drove her up into the towing position. We kept talking to the Snow Man and several others as we drove. I could tell they were in bad shape. Every time we stopped we picked up more tow chains and more drivers following us. Most were only one or two time veterans of the Ice Road. They tried to stop us when we hit the beginning of that treacherous road. But Tim had already dropped the beast and I was following his lead. The other drivers had dropped trailers while we were unhooking the Beast. The storm seemed to have passed. No one got in front of us once we started the blowers. "Ok Love I'm going to blow it to the left you throw yours to the right. I'm going to be plowing at twelve inches above the hard pack. You clear off the rest." "You got it Tim." Red Wing had decided to ride out front with Tim. About five hours out we slowed for the first of the stuck rigs. Making sure someone was picking them up. Then there were more. Some of the rigs were too badly damaged and left after the trailers were disconnected to be pulled by someone else. At one such point a young girl hopped up on the running board. "Rose let her in," I said. "Thanks," she said through chattering teeth. Rose got her some coffee and a sandwich. The girls name was Jillian, she'd driven the Ice Road once before as a co- driver with her dad. She was trying to keep the bank from taking the truck and the family farm. But now without the truck she'd lose the farm for sure. I looked at her deciding she couldn't be old enough to drive a car let alone a truck. "Who's your passenger?" Tim asked. "Her names Jillian." "How far up is her Dad?" he asked. "T, Tim?" "Yeah Honey." "Daddy died three months ago. He had a heart attack." "Tim? Is that really you?" the Snow Man called again. "Yeah me and the Mrs. To be, hang in there." We passed Dead Horse. "Look sharp everyone." An hour later we found them, the last three trucks. It didn't take long to pull them out and refuel the systems while we slave started the engines. "Who's driving the Beast?" he asked. Tim laughed. "The primary reason why I didn't drive this year. And the biggest reason I'm here." Tim was giving him sips from the Schnapps bottle. "Did, did you find Jillian?" he asked. "She's in the Beast with Missy, why'd you let her drive?" "She ran the road block after we left. You know the rules no stopping and no turning back. I didn't know she was with us until we were an hour out." As soon as he was ready we started out to finish the run that no one else had completed. In all they'd lost nine trucks and twelve loads. Someone said they were lucky to have only lost two drivers. Before we turned around they came by and slapped a Snow Flake on Beasts door. Then to everyone's surprise they handed out a cashier's check to everyone present. We took our time driving back. Stopping so those who'd lost trucks could get personal belongings out. The children got to know Jillian pretty well on the trip back they started calling her Aunt Jill. By the time we got to Cowley both Tim and I were feeling responsible for her. We hooked up the trailers again and checked into the motel to get some sleep before we headed back home. In the morning she tried to say goodbye and thank you. "Where do you think you're going?" Tim asked her. "I don't know. The farms gone. I called last night and the bank told me it was too late." She shrugged her shoulders. "She can live in my room," Rose piped up. "How about it? you need to finish your education. And if you go back they'll put you in foster care," I told her. "Get your butt in the Truck Aunt Jill," Red Wing said. "Don't make me have to beg dad to hog tie you." She laughed and ruffled his hair. "You guys really want me to come with you?" "I thought that's what we've been trying to hint at," Tim told her. On the way back we cleared the rest of the pass, our way of making up for borrowing the States Blowers. "Tim I think something's wrong with the beast" I said five miles out from the truck stop. "She's losing oil pressure." "How bad?" "Not serious yet but it's fluctuating." Curtis and Hatchet man wasted no time in checking her out as soon as I was unhooked from the plow blade. "How bad is it?" I asked. "We can have a new Engine here for her in about three days." "That bad?" I asked. "Missy, it's up to you, we can get her a new engine or we can retire her." "If we swap out the engine, we'll have to re run the wiring and everything else," advised Curtis. "She'd be like a brand new truck." "I'll drive her home Tim, she deserves to be home." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ She's parked out beside the barn, Rose and Red wing use her as a clubhouse, Both pretending to drive. The next three years were a blur of happy times as we concentrated on raising the children. Joseph gave me away at our wedding a year after Tim proposed. Jillian graduated high school two years after I did. And she went along as co-driver when Tim made the Ice Runs driving a blower plow. Last week she went and had her last name changed to Wyoming. I was sad when Molly finally left to join the pack. But she returned mid- summer with her first litter of Pups. Jillian's officially part of the family now, and I don't mind sharing my family with her. Tim and I talked it over and we're buying her, her own truck for her twenty first birthday. Now that ought to be a party worth going to, she has so many young bucks chasing after her. Tim bought me a new Peterbuilt for my twenty first birthday, Pussy Pink with lots of lace and frilly interior. Jillian says she doesn't mind watching after the kids while we're out on the road together. He's not disappointed that I decided against having the surgery. I think that like me he was afraid of losing something that was so much a part of both our lives. Anyway I've rambled on long enough, time to fill in the first entry in the log book before my husband catches up to me. I plan to play the part of his Lot Lizard tonight. See you down the road, I'll be the one behind the wheel of the Pussy Pink Peterbuilt, you can't miss me. Please honk when I pass. The End

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My visit to the doctor’s office was such an unexpected and pleasurable day that I had made an appointment as I left, but it wasn’t for three more weeks. As luck would have it, Dr. Hills called me within three days to tell me that the results from my tests came back and she invited me to come in so she could go over them in detail. I readily accepted. It took very little time to review the results of my tests and everything was normal. Consequently I boldly questioned why she did not mail or...

Office Sex
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And Raymond makes 4

We had shown John several pictures of Raymond fucking Carol to try and reassure him.  In one of the pictures Raymond's cock was deep into Carol's cunt, her legs were around his shoulders, her toes curled and her face contorted in orgasm.  In the next picture Carol is riding Raymond's cock and I am standing next to them stroking my cock. In another Raymond is standing behind Carol and I am standing in front of her kissing her nipples and Raymond's cock is sticking out between Carols's legs....

Wife Lovers
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Sarah Naked In School Book Three

Vella stood in the doorway, studying the figure of her coach sprawled face down across the cluttered desk.  Sarah's hair was in a tangled mass fantailed over an open file. She was breathing deeply, obviously asleep. Her mouth was open and her arms were stretched towards the corners.  Her hand still held a pen.  Vella almost hated to wake her.Almost.Vella slammed the large trophy on an empty spot of wood, making certain to create as much of a bang as she could.Sarah's head shot up almost...

3 years ago
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Prologue Equilibrium has several definitions, one of them is equality between the totals of the two sides of an account, another is stability produced by an even distribution." And finally equality between opposing or interacting elements. Finally there is the saying, "don't get mad, get even!" Part One Jon had been my best friend since grade school. In our small town, we had one grade school, 1st through 6th grades, junior high and high school were combined in one building grades 7...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 41 Business and Pleasure

November 24, 1990, Chicago, Illinois “It’s very good to see you, Bethany. I’m sorry about your loss.” “Thank you, Doctor Barton,” Bethany replied. “It’s good to see you as well!” “And this must be Nicholas!” Doctor Barton said with a big smile. Bethany handed Nicholas to Doctor Barton. Nicholas fussed a bit, but calmed down quickly. “Bethany, I’d like you to meet my wife Belinda, and my children Fawn and Gerry. Everyone, this is Bethany. I’ve told you all about her.” “Welcome!” Belinda...

4 years ago
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Sissy Story Chapter 01

Mom and Dad and I were a family. My first memories were of three of us, Mom and Dad and me. We lived in wonderful big house with a pool and a maid to help with the cleaning, and men who came by to do the yard and the pool. I didn’t see it as privileged, rather as reality, but we had a lot of money. Dad left when I was six, in the summer after first grade. I cried, but it didn’t help, he left anyway. At least the yelling stopped at home. Instead, there commenced a time of Mom crying...

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The vampires new toy

He walked through the seemingly endless corridors towards his room, his mind focused on what would be happening soon. His black hair hung straight, just below his shoulders, and his tall build cast long shadows in the dim light of mansion. His feet stopped in front of a black door and he opened it without hesitation. Inside was his wife and father in law waiting in his small living room in silence.“Every thing has been set, as promised,” His father in law told him. The man just nodded giving...

2 years ago
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Missy Gets It Good

MISSY GETS IT GOODChapter 1Things were bad for everybody back in 1934.  One person in ten was out of work and I was one of them.  I grew up in a medium size city named Jackson, Tennessee, and I had a pretty good job for a 24 year old, selling cars in my dad’s dealership.  People weren’t buying cars, the further we got into the depression, and he was having to let sales personnel go, until I was the only one left on his staff. Then, the inevitable happened.  He had to close the dealership and I...

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I Dream of DemieChapter 25

When we got back to town I went and saw Monday. Demie said that she had some things to take care of, and gave me an address where I could find her after I was done. What I found was astonishing. Monday had not only cleaned his apartment, he had painted it! There wasn’t even one soda can on the floor. And it didn’t stink! He saw the look on my face. “Oh, yeah, I kinda decided to stop being so useless, in case Zee comes back with my kid. I wanna show her I’m ready to be a dad, y’know?” I sat...

2 years ago
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Sexual Awakenings Chapter Eighteen

Chapter 18: Doggie In The House!A few hours had passed, and I awoke to find myself all alone in the bed. I could hear the girls mumblings of voices gently from downstairs, as I rose up, placed on a pair of boxer shorts and began to descend down the stairs. Entering the living room, I discovered both Amanda and Julia sat upon the couch, wearing very little upon their beautiful soft bodies, and chatting."Oh, hello sleepyhead!" Julia softly joked to me as I smiled at her. "Wasn't sure if you were...

Straight Sex
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The LA ConnectionChapter 5

The first night we were back in LA, we dressed in our new outfits and went looking for trouble. Our first stop was at the convenience store where we had met the four Sharks a few days earlier. We were wearing our full regalia, including the masks. A woman was behind the counter, and she said, "I know you. You are the wonderful people who kept my husband alive four days ago. Thank you so very much." "How do you know us?" I asked with some trepidation. "Oh, it's not because I can see...

2 years ago
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Shes Addicted to Licking Pussy

It's rather difficult to write a story while one's pussy is being licked. I've tried to start this several different ways in the past few minutes, but Jennifer is too good at what she does. It's really hard to concentrate with her between my legs. We tried different angles in the open with the chair and the laptop, but nothing really worked until she finally crawled completely under the desk, reminding me of more than a few clichés. She doesn't care, though, because she's getting what she...

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“This is Joy,” the old lady said, and the blonde girl curtsied to me with a wide smile on her lovely face. “Her family live near the river, up north, and her father is ill; she needs to go home.” “Sorry to hear that,” I said to her, still holding her small hand. She was dressed for riding; tight fitting breeches and high boots, a frilly shirt beneath a short jacket and not a sign of stays. Her pale hair was tied back like mine but her queue hung well down her back like a waterfall. Five-three...

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Why Didnt I JustChapter 23

We ended our picnic a short time later, without any further excitement. We packed up our trash, and decided to go out exploring on my bike. It was a fun time, made especially so, by having Connie riding behind me, holding on, and enjoying the ride. We got back to her house at nearly five, exhilarated by the freedom of being out riding through the countryside. Now that I'd cooled down from my earlier sexual frenzy, I was just as happy that we hadn't continued our explorations on the towels....

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Thank you Hank

 The sun was at his back as Hank rode the horse he called My Bay Mare over the crest of the ridge. It was 1890 and already a brisk mid-October. He was gonna have to find a place to stay for the winter. Stopping just over the top he looked down on the small cabin in the valley. There was a young woman off her porch out front with a shotgun and two cowboy types on horses in front of her. Hank couldn’t hear what was being said but he saw a third man starting to move around the cabin to come up...

1 year ago
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The great N'Konga river shimmered in the summer heat as it sluggishly ambled between steep banks through the brown crisped grass of the summer plains and as I dreamed and planned which of my six wives to sleep with next when a distant thudding heralded the imminent arrival of a helicopter. It was not unexpected but undoubtedly unwelcome, a sword of Damacles hanging over my little idyll as I ruled over my own village of some three hundred N'Konga tribesmen and women and a huge number of...

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A Baby Out of Wedlock

Bobby looked out over the pond. He felt happy. Three more weeks without latin. He liked Alabama, and aunt Abby was really nice to him. He was looking out over the local fishpond. The dustroad leading up to it was known as 'lovers lane'. Around nightfall young couples flocked to the surroundings of the pond to make out. Boys and girls came by bike, or on foot, and parked cars usually belonged to married people, who were having an affair. During the daytime however it was usually very...

4 years ago
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Love Never ChangesChapter 33

Jacquelyn and I both laughed at his comment. “Thank you, but no,” I said, a huge smile on my face. I saw Doctor Kundanika holding her stomach like she was physically ill. “Are you alright, Doctor? I have excellent physicians at CIT and in other locations, and of course, if it’s simply any kind of infection or disease, we have a cure for that.” “No. It’s not that.” There was a chair behind her, she stumbled over to it, sitting down and then looking up at me with haunted eyes. “What ......

1 year ago
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Mylfed Melissa Lynn Natasha James Abrasive MILF Booty

As soon as rambunctious Melissa Lynn comes into the house, Natasha James can tell that this MILF is on a totally different wavelength. She tries to keep it cool, but something about Melissa is rubbing her the wrong way. She goes upstairs to take a shower and reset, but Melissa follows her. She watches the sexy blonde MILF get soaking wet and touch herself before joining her under the stream. The two babes embrace, and soon Melissa is licking Natashas tight pussy and asshole until she is cumming...

3 years ago
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Wife and Mother in law camping trip experience par SeXStoRY So me, my wife and her parents went on a camping trip this past weekend. We brought two tents. We had them setup for a couple of days. The tents were about 8 or 9 feet apart we setup a hammock between both. My father in law went out to get a few things back home that we forgot. My wife and I went swimming and my mother in law said she wanted to read a book in the hammock. My wife and I went swimming and had a good time. We made our...

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BrattySis Alex Coal Lilly Bell Taking Care Of My Step Bro

Alex Coal does everything for her stepbrother, Jay Romero, especially now that Jay has hurt his wrist. Alex’s friend, Lilly Bell, is really weirded out by how much Alex does for Jay. Lilly can’t help but think there’s more going on between the stepsiblings than just Alex wanting to take care of Jay. Lilly grows even more suspicious when Alex draws a bath for Jay and then kicks Lilly out so she can bathe him. Just as Alex is really soaping Jay’s dick up, Lilly barges in...

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Court Date

Aubrey James Phillips sat quietly in the municipal courtroom as he waited for his destiny to be decided. He had hired a lawyer to help get him off the charges he was facing. Court was slated to begin at 2:00 p.m. so he made sure he was in place at 1:15 p.m. Twenty minutes after he arrived wearing black slacks, a light blue button down shirt, a red tie, and black Stacy Adams, in walked an extremely attractive light-skinned woman. He stared at her, but not too hard. Typically, he liked...

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Lady Peasant Ch 07

The next evening it was much easier to get out of the keep now that she no longer had to hide her activities from her maid. Instead, her maid helped dress her in blue peasant top and navy skirt, braids pinned neatly against her head… it meant that she and Al would have even more time together since she didn’t have to wait while her maid dressed her for bed and then sneak out and redress herself. Brandy went willingly to bed while Gwendolyn snuck out, earlier than usual. To her extreme...

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ExxxtraSmall Allie Nicole Slumber Party Snatch

Allie Nicole is a naughty girl who likes her friends brother. She was curious about him the moment she met him, and now she wants to see what his cock would feel like inside of her pussy. She asks her friend a few questions, and she tells him he is just a dork who jerks off all day. Little does she know, that just turns Allie on more. She waits for her friend to close her eyes for a rest before texting her brother a scandalous selfie. Then, he sneaks into the room and slides his cock into the...

2 years ago
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Pehla pyar ghar ke dvar

Hi iss readers apke comments padkar bahut acha laga. Agar ye comment aap mujhey mail kartey to shyad aur acha lagta meri mail id hai aapmujhey pehchan tph gaye honge main “teacher ka badla” ki survivour hoon. Meri agli khani woh hai jisme mainey bhi enjoy kia. khani shuru karne se pahle bata doon ki main joint family mein rehti hoon. Mere do badey papa hain jinke 3 ladke aur 1 ladki hai aur main aur mera bhai ek chotey papa jinke 2 ladkey aur ek ladki hain ghar mein mera no. 4 hai aur mere se...

1 year ago
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Always Wanting It

I woke up needing to pee real bad. As I laid there I realized my body ached; my neck, my arms, my legs, even my toes hurt. I went to move my head and found that even my face hurt. My mind began racing to try and remember what had happened. Maybe I had been in a car wreck or something. I realized that I was on a bed without any blankets, or even a top sheet. In addition, it smelled of sex, I mean it reeked of it. I could hear a bunch of rowdy men in the next room and from the sounds of it they...

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Halloween party 2014

This year my wife was invited to a private Halloween party that one of her co-workers was throwing.The weekend after she was invited she and I went shopping for her costume.I had figured it was for both of us but I was wrong I later found out. I asked her about mine costume and what was I going as ? She said we have yours already and I know just what you'll be . The night of the party I was ordered to get ready first so she could take as long as needed. I was told to shower and shave everything...

2 years ago
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Tatiannas Task

TATIANNA’S TASK! (or Come into My Parlor!)By Anne GrayPROLOGUEAs the information that would make her very rich copied to a flash drive in the form of a god awful hot pink lipstick case, Tatianna left the computer terminal for a moment.  Opening the coat closet just inside the entrance to the office she looked down at the girl writhing on the floor.  With sure, economical, movements she tightened the leather straps holding the packing in her captive’s mouth, and the blindfold in place, then...

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ShawnChapter 40

A week later a large ship pulled into the harbour with all the parts I asked Saudi Arabia to provide. When they went into storage I found each piece to be as good as I had demanded it to be. That night I called King Faysal and invited him to come to Japan to see his son fly the first section into orbit. We discussed many things including my telephone/computer system and how it would help his people. He would come and see for himself what could happen with most of his family. The prince's...

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Decades pass Sarahs Story

This is somewhat of a repost of a response I gave to the thread “General / General Discussion, Talk about everything here / Re: Your fist experience”In this installment I decided give you the back story. Its long, but I hope you will find it worth reading! Far less typos too Grin Hopefully!It was decades after my first fisting experience with Nancy. I was recently divorced and decided to explore my remaining sexual fantasies. I joined an Adult lifestyle site and met a woman named Elizabeth who...

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KennyChapter 6

After the excitement of the attempted break in, Ken's life at the lodge settled into a routine. Ken started each day with morning exercises. After that he would do the landscaping. Every day he expanded the cleared areas by a little more. The lodge occupied a little less than 5 acres just south of Point Lobos on Hwy 1. On Hwy 1 meant that you entered the half mile of curvy driveway on the Hwy. The neighbor to the south was a winery, and the one to the north grew apples and peaches and kept...

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Beginning Of A New Life

Hello, beautiful girls, ladies, and guys. I have been reading stories here for quite a while. There was always a thought in my mind that I should share my sex story too but I always backed off considering the labor involved in typing the entire incident and the how things went initially. So without boring you, let’s get to the incidents that happened to me about 6 years ago. No need to say but still for the sake of it ‘ It is a true sex story’. Myself is Aarav and I am born and brought up in...

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TeamSkeetLabs Reese Robbins Charley Hart Parental Control

This newest experiment, titled “Parental Control,” is all about stepparents taking control of situations involving their stepchild’s sex life. In this episode, Filthy Rich and Charley Hart are against their stepdaughter, Reese Robbins, seeing Laz, her delinquent boyfriend. So to put a barrier between them, they bring in Peter Green in the hopes he will drive a wedge between the two lovers. Things go a little too well, and soon Peter is getting very friendly with Reese. One thing is for sure—Laz...

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Grandad Is A Bull

Hello, My Dear Readers. In my quest to expand my portfolio, I have been trying to develop new characters, and over the top situations. And, this time, the protagonist is an elderly Indian man, in his 70’s. The story is narrated by 25-year-old, Gautham. Happy Reading! My 75-year-old grandfather, Diwakar, was the cruelest and most dominating person I had seen my whole life. He was a true womanizer when he was young, and married late. But, now he would go to any means to have his way with a...

1 year ago
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My Very Drunk Wife Part 1

A feature of our love making was talking about her allowing another man to play with her tits and pussy. This sort of talk got her immensely wet and usually resulted in her having a massive earth shattering climax which would last for nearly five minutes with what I called her ‘after shocks’. Outside of the bedroom, I often brought up the subject of her experimenting in this way, but she always said there would be no way she would do it. It was fun talking about it in bed, but it just was not...

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Matilda in the Sand

It’s cooler in the bazaar. Over the years and even centuries, layers of desert sand have been shaped by hand to make the domed roofs and the thick walls, so that generations of sellers and buyers could trade in the cave coolness of the market labyrinth. Matilda savours the sound of the call to prayer coming amplified from high on an unseen minaret. It’s Friday. The beautiful mosques will soon be crowded. She has arrived, at last, and she is not going to leave in a hurry. Ah, Le Maroc....

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Rob and Jane Part 3 Public Relations

After Rob and Jane's wild weekend antics it was back to normal on Monday morning and back to the nine to five slog. That didn't stop them exchanging raunchy texts and emails throughout the week. Jane loved the thrill of sitting at her desk, pretending to concentrate on a file, while reading all the naughty things Rob was promising to do to her. Their excitement and libidos had been building all week and by Thursday it all got too much. They decided to meet. They met for drinks after work and...

Quickie Sex
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Intemperance Volume 2 Standing On TopChapter 7c

Jake and Helen boarded a DC-10 the next day for their trip to Omaha to pick up Jake's plane. Jake had booked them first class, a form of air travel that Helen, with more than two thousand hours of flight time, had never experienced before. She marveled over the plush seats and the attentive stewardesses but seemed a little nervous as the aircraft actually began to accelerate for it's take-off roll. "Something wrong?" he asked her as he watched her fingers gripping the armrests. "I hate...

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Trying To Be A Good Girl PT 2

The following day I found myself with mixed emotions. I knew it was wrong for me to have sex with this young guy but at the same time I was so excited from thinking of it that I simply had to masturbate. I remembered how it felt to see his young cock so hard and wanting me and even more how badly I wanted him in me somewhere.It was raining this morning but he showed up right on time. I told him that he not need to work in the rain but then he said that his friend and he were willing to get...

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Lovestory 2K

There are love stories of all kinds: cross-culture, cross-border, cross-religion and so on. This is a double-cross-dress love story. Read it and see if you like it. Hema and Giri met accidentally. Hema is tall for an average woman, with short hair and not much to show off for a cleavage. In spite of her looks she is more feminine and desirable than her more endowed roommates. She lived in a two-room house with two other girls on a share-everything basis. All three of them are working...

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Raj and Geetha

she’s size is 27-28-27 also having big ass. She is very sweet sexy miss to my life. Ok readers I came to story am going to my +1 class after 10th . At the time he take my English lesson and grammars etc., I got good marks in 10th . Also she’s new teacher for my school so close with all students in our class. But that time I am not affectionate / other interest with her . I maintained only good student with her . After some days my H.M she’s my class teacher after 3month she correct...

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MommysGirl Jessica Ryan Leda Lotharia Coco Lovelock Every Woman8217s Born Different

Leda Lotharia asks her stepsister Coco Lovelock if she has time for a little girl talk. Coco is happy to talk, so Leda shyly reveals that she recently discovered that she can… squirt. As they discuss this, they realize that while Leda can squirt, Coco cannot. Leda worries that means she’s a freak, but Coco assures her that every woman has a different body. However, she thinks that their stepmom Jessica Ryan would be better at explaining this, so they decide to go talk to her. A few...

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BBW Highway

I voyaged the BBW Highway all morning, and boy, are my arms tired. My keyboard’s also an absolute mess of lube, so forgive me if you find any typos below. It’s hard to type when everything’s so slippery, and it’s frankly a little hard to even think after getting my fill of fat horny chicks. But, you know what they say: the bigger the cushion, the sweeter the pushin’!BBW porn isn’t the right fap fodder for anybody, but most mainstream porn isn’t suitable for the average chubby chaser. On most...

Premium BBW Porn Sites
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Sister Or My Half Wife

Hey, how’s it going bros? So this is the first time I’m sharing my experience with you people, so just enjoy it, and leave suggestions(if any) in the comments. I’m just an average looking guy, I’ve got a bit of sarcasm. So it’s the incident when I was in class 12, 18 years of age. I’ve heard lot about these sex stories and I was watching porn on daily basis, so every day I got a new idea how to fuck somebody, but it was pretty difficult for a 18 year old boy to go out and have sex with...


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