Wyoming free porn video

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Wyoming By; Malissa Madison I'd been crying a lot in the first few days of what I now realized were the beginning of my new life. had I known then what I know now I probably would have been celebrating instead. My name is Missy Wyoming, and I just turned twenty one, a happy day that I spent in bed with my loving husband. But it wasn't always like that, for me the real beginning started about a week before I met Tim. It was the middle of summer, and I'd been working the hayfields in Missouri. Nothing huge but the pay was good, a nickel a bale on average. Almost two hundred a field by the time I got it all stacked in the farmers barns. I came home that fateful night to see my Step Mom throwing her stuff in the back of the pickup. The black eye a testament to my fathers anger. "I can't take it missy," she told me, even though I was still dressed in my boy mode. "I have to get out before he kills me. If you're smart you'll leave too, he knows about you. That's what set him off this time around." "Momma, please. I need you I need your advice," I pleaded. "Take me with you." "Baby he said I tried to take you with me he'd kill me when he caught up to us. I have to think of your baby brother in this." She kissed me as she got in the truck, then left as fast as she could go. I'd thrown myself across my bed crying, I was alone again. The only one who accepted me for who I was had been driven away. Unsure how long I lay there crying, I never heard him come home. Not until his hand locked into my long brown hair to pull me to my feet. "I should have known I'd find you crying like a little Sissy Bitch," he spat the slurred words in my face. "Well if you're going to cry like a Sissy then you can just take that bitches place." He let go of my hair and I fell back onto the bed in shock. Next he began emptying my drawers of everything that could be seen as a boys clothing. "You want to dress up like a Sissy Girl then I'll let you. Get that shit off and get dressed and make my fucking dinner Bitch." He stormed out of the room. Terrified and too late to make a run for it I complied. I put on my prettiest skirt, a three tiered ruffled number, my black tights, two and a half inch sling back wedges, a frilly low cut blouse trimmed in lace at the bodice. My bra and panties were black lace trimmed satin, and I smiled thinking at least I had some cleavage thanks to Momma's help. I did my makeup quickly thinking I'd better hurry so he didn't get even madder. "Well hot damn bitch, don't you look just plain fuckable. But there'll be plenty of time for that after you fix my dinner, and then give me a good blow job to get me in the mood to pop that cherry." Dinner was a hurried affair, over which he asked, "Just what the hell do I call you?" he was on his ninth beer since I'd started fixing dinner. "M, Missy. Momma always calls me Missy." I'd been nervous about telling him that. "Oh well, then I guess your Missy the Sissy." He belched and downed the rest of the beer leaning back in his chair. "Clear this shit off the table then get your ass in the other room. I want to know if you're a good little cock sucker." He staggered to the front room and his recliner, as I started clearing off the dinner dishes. I decided to try stalling for time and began washing them. Soon I heard the sound of his recliner going into the laid back position. "Hurry up slut, I'm getting bored waiting on you." The last was said in a more relaxed tone. I gave it a few more minutes then, tip toed into the room to find him passed out in the chair. Having no idea how long I'd have, I grabbed a double arm full of my no longer hidden clothing out of the closet. Then my shoes and emptied the bottom drawer of my lingerie. It was just tossed haphazardly into the back of the car in haste. I had no idea where he'd put my boy clothes, and didn't bother to search for them. I grabbed my purse out from under the bed, then stuffed my wallet into it and my only picture of Momma before I ran back to my car and just like her I left in a cloud of dust. No destination in mind, and lots of time to dwell on my situation. At the first gas station I realized I was dressed as Missy. I didn't have any clothes for a boy. Pulling my wallet out of the purse I saw that he'd taken steps, my money and driver's license were gone. Biting my lip in fear I opened the ladies wallet that matched my purse, inside was still the copy of Momma's license that she'd given me since we looked so much alike, and the four hundred I'd hidden there for my next excursion out as Missy. I always put some extra back to help Momma pay for the hormones that she was getting me in secret. Those were there too, about a two month's supply of both Estrogen and Progesterone. I let out a sigh of relief, then jumped at the tap on my window. "Fill it up Ma'am?" the attendant asked. "Yes please, High octane. Is there a restroom I can use?" "Around the side, you want I should check your oil?" "No it's fine, but the windshield could use a wash," I'd told him. In the ladies room I washed my face and reapplied my makeup. "Are you ok Ma'am?" "Yes, why do you ask?" "Nothing it's just that you've been crying." I paid for the gas, and then found a McDonalds with a drive through. Before hitting the road again. I just turned right onto the highway and kept going. North and West, no real idea where I wanted to be, just as long as I didn't have to see the bastard again. I thought of Momma and how much I missed her, and that started me crying again. It was getting hard to stay awake, so I pulled off into a roadside rest stop and slept in the front seat. Tap, tap, tap, on the window woke me up. "Sorry little lady, I just wanted to be sure you were ok," said a South Dakota State Trooper. "It really isn't safe for young girls to be sleeping in their cars around here." "Thank you officer," I said. "Next time I'll find a motel before I get so tired." As I left the rest area I I realized how lucky I was that he didn't ask for ID. I wasn't sure how well I could pass for my Momma. That got me started crying again, and then I had to stop for gas again. I'm not sure how I ended up where I did. I knew I was out of money, my car was on fumes, and I was starving. Looking at the gas gauge I started to cry, as I crossed the Wyoming state line. Sure it was a beautiful state, but I had no idea where to go. I started crying as I thought of the possibilities for getting gas and food money. If Momma was here she'd tell me what to do, how to do it. what if the guy found out I wasn't fully a girl, would I get raped or killed?" A quarter mile from a Truck stop my car coughed and spluttered, as I eased onto the shoulder. "Shit, couldn't you have at least made it to the truck stop," I asked it in tears. I grabbed my purse off the floorboard, then opened the door taking my keys out of the ignition and locking the doors before I started walking. "At least it isn't raining," I thought as I started to cry again, rocked by the wind of speeding trucks as they blew past me in failing dusk. Halfway down the off ramp to the truck stop I was brought out of my self pity by the scream of a huge truck gearing down to stop. Spinning around I realized I'd wandered out into the roadway. I stood there crying staring at the front grill as it bore down on me. Then I felt myself going limp. "Any idea who she is Tim?" "No Frank I never saw her before tonight. But her ID is in her purse, right?" "Yeah, it's real enough. But there's no way this girl is thirty four years old. The last name matches the last name on the registration of that old Cougar they just pulled in off the highway though." I opened my eyes to see a State trooper and several truckers standing around me. I was in a booth in a diner. "Hey you're awake," said one of the drivers. "I'll take it from here Tim," said the Trooper. "Miss, What's your Name?" "Missy," I answered. "Missy what?" "I can't remember." I answered honestly. "See I told she hit her head pretty hard when I almost ran her over." "Take it easy Tim, you ain't being charged with anything." The officer said. then asked, "Do you know what happened to you?" "I, I was running away before I got raped. Then I ran out of gas and money," I answered. "Who is Dorothy? And how did you get her license?" "She's, she was my Step Mom before she abandoned me to that pig who tried to rape me." "Why did she do that?" asked the cop. "He's my father and he beat her every time he got drunk. You won't force me to go home will you?" "How old are you?" "I'm Seventeen," I answered honestly. "Frank you still there at the stop?" his radio called. "Yeah Doris, what you got?" "That car comes back registered to one Madison Walker. Age Seventeen, Long brown hair, blue eyes, one twenty one. So who's the girl?" "She says her names Missy," he answered. "You going to bring her in?" "Please no, please I just want to get away from him." I pleaded with the cop. "No Doris, everything checks out she just got scared and feinted in the road. I'll make sure she's ok before I leave." By now the excitement had gone away and all but the waitress, Tim the driver and the cop were left around the table. "Frank, I could take her home with me for the night. She's scared, and hungry. And god knows what kind of sick shit that bastard did to make her so afraid of him," Tim said. "Here you go honey, on the house said the waitress." Sitting a long haul special in front of me. The two men waited until she left, "Are you Madison Walker?" asked the cop. "I don't like that name, I prefer Missy." "But that's who you really are right?" he insisted. Look if you aren't then I'll have to take you in until we find out. But if you are, your seventeen. Legally an adult in the state of Wyoming." "Yes, that's me," I looked apologetically at Tim the driver who obviously thought I was a real girl. "Frank, she's tired. And been through a lot do you have to do this now," asked Tim. "No Tim, but I kind of need a name to go in the report. If I put her real name in she could be yanked back to Missouri since she's a minor there still." "I like Wyoming, I want to stay here, please." I asked. "Tim, will you take responsibility for her. Keep her safe in case something comes up that she's wanted on criminal charges?" "Yes I sure will. It'll be like having my girl home again," he blurted out. I could see the thoughts turning in the cops head. "Ok for now you're Madison, aka 'Missy' Wyoming. " I smiled at that. "Missy Wyoming, Missy Wyoming, I really love it," I hugged Frank. "Thank you, you won't be sorry." "I'll go have them gas up her car and she can follow me home, just in case she wants to leave on her own after the three days is up." Tim said, and headed for the door. "Frank? Why is Tim being so nice to me? He knows I'm not a real girl." "Neither was Tina, his daughter. But he loved her for who she was, and he's been alone ever since she left for college and got killed by some gay bashers." Frank was honest with me. "He hasn't smiled since until now when you said you'd go home with him. If you like I'll follow you out to his place in case you have trouble keeping up with his truck." "Thank you," I started to cry again, this time out of relief. "Carla, This is Missy Wyoming." Tim said to the waitress. "I expect you'll let her run a tab on my account when I'm out on the road. Just like when Tina was here." Carla looked at me, "He must really like you Honey. Don't break his heart you hear? He's good people, and well respected around these parts." "Thank you Carla, I won't hurt him. But I hope he doesn't get too attached if I move on in few days." I said. "Girl, it's too late for that. you've got him smiling again. And damned if you don't look like her too. I guess I should have seen that coming." Tim walked me to my car and held the door for me as I got in. "I'll drive slow so you can keep up. It's just a few miles on down the road." When we turned in at the gate I saw the house briefly in the lights from the truck. Then Frank turned around in the driveway as I stopped in front, while Tim backed his truck into a huge barn. By the time I'd gotten out he was standing there to hold my door. "You'll have to excuse the mess, it's been ages since it had a woman's touch. I've been kind of sloppy not caring about nothing since," he let it trail off and I didn't pry. The yard needed bush hogging it was so over grown. The inside was a testament to Bachelors everywhere. Only in Tim's case it was a lack of desire to care about life, rather than of partying and just being a slob. "I've got two days before I have to hit the road again, I'll get it cleaned up I promise," he said. "It isn't that bad," I lied. "I've seen a lot worse than this." "Sorry but there's only two rooms. I left her room just the way she left it two years ago. You might want to change the sheets, they're bound to be musty." He stood in the doorway talking with me as I changed the bed linens. Then grabbed a second set and started for his room. "What are you doing?" he asked. I looked at him then said, "I'm going to put clean linens on your bed. I bet they haven't been changed in a month of Sundays." I waltzed past him into his room and began stripping the bed. The sheets were stained from long over use and body sweat. When I looked up he was crying in the doorway. "Tim? Did I say something wrong?" I asked in genuine concern. "She used to say that all the time, I know you're not her, but you sure act and sound like her." "I'm sorry Tim, I didn't mean to bring back painful memories." After a few minutes he realized I was holding him. He buried his face in my hair letting me hold him until he stopped crying. "I know you're planning to leave in a few days," he said. but I want you to know my door is always open. She always said I'd meet someone like her one day who'd make me happy. And when it came I'd better not screw it up by trying to keep you here the way I did her mother." He looked up in into my eyes. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that." "No Tim you were just being honest." "I better let you get to bed, you have to be tired," he said. there's plenty of things in the drawers if you're too tired to get your stuff out of the car." I wasn't sure about wearing a dead girls night gown, so I hurried out to get some things out of the car. He followed and helped me carry everything inside. then started cleaning up the living room while I got changed. I realized the only thing I had that was halfway decent to wear in front of a stranger was the long black nitie that Momma had given me. The rest were sexy baby dolls, teddies and bustier's with stockings. But still the gown was fringed with ruffled lace and showed off my pretty B Cup breasts. From the door way I said, "Goodnight Tim, thank you for everything." He came in to tuck me into bed, then as he turned out the light he kissed my cheek. "Goodnight Wyoming." I wondered why he'd said that but before I could ask he'd left the room. I woke up early and half remembered where I was. As I got slowly out of bed it came back to me, seeing all the pink that filled the room. I found him asleep in an overstuffed chair in the living room, a huge pile of garbage bags filled with refuse. He'd been up all night cleaning. So I let him sleep and went into the kitchen. It was a total disaster area, but I cleared a spot, cleaned out the coffee pot and started a fresh pot. Then I began the task of cleaning the kitchen. I was on the second pot of coffee when I heard, "You didn't need to clean Missy, I'd have done this room next." "Have a seat, I'll fix you some breakfast. Besides you did the hardest part last night." I told him. I set the skillet on the stove and found a carton of eggs. "How do you like your eggs. I couldn't find any bacon." "There's some in the freezer on the back porch," he said I'll get it. Looking at the cans of biscuits I saw the expiration dates. "Do you have any flour?" I asked. "It's in the freezer of the fridge, Tina always like to make homemade biscuits when she was home." It didn't take long to find all the ingredients. To while the bacon thawed and fried I whipped up a batch of drop biscuits. Then found a second smaller frying pan for the eggs. I added a bit of bacon grease then saw at least the milk wasn't expired. I had the bacon done the biscuits almost ready and the eggs in the pan while I made up a batch of gravy. I realized then that I was honestly smiling for the first time in a week. "Do you always look this tempting cooking breakfast?" he asked. And I realized I was still wearing my nitie. I giggled, "Sorry I got so wrapped up in the kitchen I forgot, I'll go change." But he grabbed my arm gently, "No you need to eat while it's still hot." He kept smiling at me as we ate. And I realized I was smiling at him, wondering how I got so lucky to find someone like him. And hoping he didn't turn out to be a creep like my father. The place had been filled with empty beer cans and booze bottles when I arrived. After breakfast I cleared the table then he stood and said, "Here let me do that, you cooked it I'll clean up. And that will give you the shower first." I found that he'd recently washed towels, and the shower was hot and felt so good after days on the road without one. dressed in a simple denim skirt and halter top I put on a pair flats then did my hair up in a ponytail before fixing my makeup. I wasn't prepared for what I found in the kitchen, he'd washed the dishes and put them away. But the biggest surprise was in the huge garbage can. It was full of all the beer from the fridge, and the half empty bottles of whiskey. "I won't be needing those with you around," he said smiling. "I think I'd like to forget that stage of my life." "I'm glad you feel that way," told him honestly. "But I won't mind if you feel like a drink after driving the roads for a week at a time." I bit my lip thinking that the house didn't show any signs of violence. "No I just drank to pity myself, that and because it was so lonely here with nothing to look forward to when I got here." I started to say something but he pulled me into his arms, "I know you aren't Tina. But you're very pretty and I want you to know I won't ever hurt you. You stay here as long as you like, take your time and you decide what you want for yourself ok? Promise me you won't let yourself do anything out of pity or because you think you have too." I was surprised and let myself be held. "I promise Tim." I blushed thinking of what he might have meant. "You really are innocent aren't you?" he smiled. "If you mean am I a virgin, yes. I've never done anything with a guy before." "Then I definitely want you to take all the time you need to decide. And if you decide to move on then there won't be anyone getting hurt. And if you decide to become Mrs Wyoming then that'll be worth waiting for." He turned and began carrying out garbage bags to the dump behind the house, while I stood there thinking about what he'd said. Wait I thought, that cop had listed me as Madison, aka, Missy Wyoming in his report. And Tim had just said Mrs Wyoming. I went out to the car to get my favorite lipstick, and saw the sign out front of the house. Wyoming trucking, Tim Wyoming, Owner/ Operator. Looking up toward the door I saw him standing there, a frightened look on his face. I slowly walked back toward the house letting my hand caress the unkempt flowers in the raised beds along the walk. "It looks even more lovely in day light," I said and kissed his cheek. "I was afraid I'd scared you off," he admitted. "No I just wanted something from the car," I said. "Would you mind if I tidy up the flowers a bit?" "N, No, I'll get the tractor out and mow the yard. God it's been two years since I did that, mow the yard I mean. I didn't have reason too until now."

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My name is Tawnya Addams and I love sex. I love all kinds of hot sex with all kinds of partners. I love the soft, romantic sex but mostly I love the dirty, nasty, hard fucking, slap-me-around-and-call-me-a-whore sex! In fact the rougher, dirtier, and more degrading it is, the more I like it. I love it when a man takes what he wants from me and makes me pleasure him. I say, makes because I want him to manhandle me, not because he has to force me to give him sex. No one has to force me to get me...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Mabel May 09192019

OH BOY, AMBER ALERT!!! If you like your girls YOUNG looking, today’s exploitee is super young looking Mabel May. She may look young but she is 18. Yea we looked extra hard and careful at her ID to make sure. But don’t let this young and innocent look fool you. Mabel (She got her name from a fucking cartoon) May revealed to Jake that she has had 3somes, sex with girls, and has had a sugar daddy all by the “Tinder” age of 18!!! Yes our little sex kitten doesn’t get...

2 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 200

Tuesday raced by like a horse on steroids. I offered the director job to Kelly with a probationary period. The extra ten thousand a year would be the tipping point in getting the house they wanted. Courtney made the announcement at the site and put him in charge as we had discussed. She also informed the group that the North six were leaving on Thursday and she and her group the first of the week. I left KCC after lunch. Lorrie and Roseanne were scheduled back at two and we were all going...

3 years ago
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Sierra Vacastion Day 1

I finished up and came back into the bedroom where she handed me a pair of women’s underwear, a silk t-back and a two piece cock ring. Neither of these were mine so she had to have bought them while she was away. The two piece cock ring first went around both my cock and balls as a normal ring would and then the second part was about an inch wide and acted as a spreader/ restrictor that went around the scrotum between the balls and cock. Sierra helped put it on me and it felt tight at first...

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RebelChapter 43 Another Widow

This story is out of place and should have been entered earlier. But here it is. Every army has its camp followers, and I generally left them alone unless I was very deeply in need of female solace. Some officers' wives were also in the train that followed the army from place to place, but they usually rode in wagons and the men always left them alone while the washerwomen, trollops and sergeants' girls walked most of the time and were considered fair game. Shortly after we stopped the...

4 years ago
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The Accident

It was a rainy spring night as I drove home from the Nighthawk dance club. I had danced a few fast ones with a couple of girls tonight but, as usual, didn't hit it off with any or have a girl to take home or waiting when I got there. In fact, in my 20 years on Earth I had never even come close to getting laid, my whole sexual life being occasional, quick groping and make-out sessions with a chubby or homely girl here and there. But, so far, I had never fully dipped my wick into a real, live,...

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Lillys wrestling adventures

Lilly is an extremely busty woman. She is slightly below average height, 18 years old, and has a slim build apart from her gigantic breats. Her hair is dark brown and straight, her skin lightly tanned. And she is strong. Incredibly strong. Seeing her gym routine made anyone stare in disbelief. Her warm ups were far beyond the maximum of the biggest guys in any gym, and her maximum was out of this world. She is a recently signed full time wrestler in the Erotic League, the toughest league in the...

1 year ago
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Katelyns Back Room Blowjobs Part I

About 8 months ago, I remember reading in the city paper that our local ‘village’ grocery store possibly was closing. Now, the ‘village’ truly isn’t a village in this instance. It is a very quaint commercial area on a single street about 1 mile south of the downtown area of a much bigger city. Nonetheless, it has a real village feel to it. The shops generally are small and quaint; even the grocery store, though huge compared to everything else, is slightly small compared to the huge stores...

Group Sex
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Deep trouble

The saga I am about to tell to you is a bit long so I shall tell it in two parts. Think what you will of me by the end but ask yourself would you do anything different? The first part of the story takes place in mid September. I have a daughter named Ally and she had just started back to school. I divorced from Ally’s Mom when she was five but we live close to each other for our daughters sake. Ally is with me alternating Wednesday and Thursdays and every weekend. It was a Wednesday...

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Americas Playboy Ch 05

‘You only have to give the guy an estimate on the work that he needs, so that he knows you’re legit and so that you can get him to trust you. Once you get in his good graces, you shmooze him a little bit and get me the information. Then our business is done and your debt is repaid. Capice?’ He looked at Anthony. ‘Do you have a business card?’ ‘A business card? Yeah, I have a business card with a gothic inspired entrance way on it,’ he said reaching in his back pocket. ‘Hey, that fuckin’...

2 years ago
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How I Became My Uncles Slave

I love my uncle. He is always so kind to me.His birthday was coming up, and I wanted to give him a very special present. NO, NOT THAT!He always remembered my birthday and always gave me something that both surprised me and pleased me very much.I'm 18 now and have my own job, so I saved some money --- not a lot since I don't make a lot --- so that I could get him something nice.He had a Facebook account, so I was looking at that, trying to find hints about something that I could give him.I...

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My Stripper Debut

I have been asked a little bit more about some of my experiences of the past and a couple of you have asked for more of my naughtier exploits in my late teens. I cannot add my earlier experiences here due to the rules of Literotica.Mike, my husband also likes me to share these with you as well as it gets him hard thinking what a slut I was at times, and also how I have had some lovely replies and comments from you guys, and girls, on here.I have already shared many and intend to share some of...

1 year ago
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Orchid in a Radish Garden

Amy Everett was a very pretty, 14 year old high school freshman. She was on the thin side, tallish, at five-eight, long blond hair, peaches and cream complexion, and pert, tomato sized breasts. Yes, every young boy’s wet dream was Amy Everett. For all this, she was quite shy because of a stutter which made her very self-conscious. Amy’s father had been abusive to her mother, so her mother and Amy, an only child, left their middle class suburban home and found an apartment on the wrong side of...

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Lovers Beach

The temperature was perfect! My hand leisurely slid over my not-so-flat stomach as I began to coat my body with sunscreen. The breeze lightly blew warm tendrils all over my body, increasing the electric pulse that I could feel building deep within me. For the third time that morning I stole a glance at him. He lay on a lounge chair, face up, with a straw hat covering his face. His body was gorgeous! I could only hope that his face was equally so. I couldn't help that my eyes kept wandering to...

Love Stories
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Verry Incestuous Relations 2

CHAPTER 2 Testing The Aphrodisiac Theory A. ? Aphrodisiac Research & Field Testing: During the few days that had passed since the twins had tricked their cousin Margie into drinking down a glass filled with both of their cum shots, for the sole purpose of making her pay for dressing so enticingly that she had given them painful hard-ons, without being considerate enough to provide them with the opportunity the use some part of her astoundingly curved, scantily clad,...

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The MuseumChapter 5

"Doug is taking such a long time. Whenever you tell him to hurry up, he takes his sweet little time. But when you are doing something, he rushes you up. Maybe we should just leave him here. I sometimes ask myself why we bother bringing him along," cried David. "Hey Doug!! Where the fuck are you??" screamed Kelly. Kelly's blue eyes met David's brown ones. "I am tired of calling him. He can stay here if he wants," Kelly massaging her own head. David looked away from Kelly for a...

1 year ago
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Dream Came True With Mature Woman

Hi, I am kiran from bangalore, karnataka. I’m 28 years old with athletic body and white in complexion with a hot rod of 8” inch which is sufficient to satisfy any woman and I am basically a lover of big boobs and mature woman.   Any aunties interested in sexual satisfaction and want to chat or have fun can contact me I can assure you 100% satisfaction and secrecy maintained– “ ”   This incident happened last june with neighbor aunty asha(name changed) who is widow and she was 35 that time....

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My Collar I Long For

I've been with my Master for a long time, and I know my place. I know what to do, and when to do it. He doesn't take kindly to misbehaving, but what Master does? I love my place, my role, my submission to my Master. He takes care of me; he always protects me, and keeps me safe. I've always been loyal to him, and I crave his every wish. My name is Jenna, I’m 25 years old. I have long dirty blond hair, which hangs near the midway down my back. I have sparkling blue eyes, which are almost hidden...

2 years ago
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Thakur ki Haveli

Dham dham dhol baj rahe the jinhe 7-8 log baja rahe the aur unke peeche do tagde grameen ek mare hue baagh ko ek moti lakdi se bandhe dhote chale aa rahe the. Unke peeche ek bahot hi robilla vyakti ghode par sawar tha. Uske kandhe se bandook jhool rahi thi jaise usine us baagh ko mara ho. 18 varsh ka Ranbeer us robile vyakti ke peeche chal raha tha. Thakur jab bhi shikaar ke liye niklata tha use kuch aadmiyon ki jarurat padti thi jinka bandobast Thakur ke mulaajim hi ganv ke bekar baithe...

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Roger and I part 1

Roger and I were lying in bed. I was on my side resting my head on his chest. We’d just celebrated my twenty fifth birthday and were finally alone. I was gently biting and kissing his chest when he asked me a question that made me laugh. He asked me if I’d let Freddy take some pictures of us making love. I looked up and simply said no. I told him he could take some pictures of me if he wanted too though. He laughed and said “ ok as long as I can show them to Freddy. I said oh no you don’t now...

4 years ago
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my naughty cousin part 2

im sorry is that i need to pee she walked past me rubbing her ass cheeks against my my hands that were covering my dick. once she finished she got undress. as she was taking her tight white shirt i saw her pink nipples i just wanted to grab her tits and suck on them hard. the she took of her panties and i saw the most beautiful shave pussy ive ever seen. to me it seem like an eternity seen her strip in front of me, i took a towel an got out from the bathroom when i got out my dick was hard that...

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Fucking Trip From Ernakulam To Trivandrum

Hello, I’m back again with my stories. Yeah, I’ll be writing about my experience with one of my readers whom I fucked in Trivandrum. I work as a call boy and also do escort service. So ping me ladies and forget everything and enjoy it. So the story is about a lady named Reshma who works for an MNC in Kochi. Speaking of her, she is good looking and is just 29. Her husband is working abroad. She needed someone to satisfy her and needed privacy. She, after seeing my ad in Locanto contacted me for...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 75

We're too fucking late, Lieutenant Richardson thought as he heard gunfire. "Move up. Move up," he commanded on the main channel. "Now, Kayla. Now!" Jeff had yelled to Kayla. But Vasquez turning his weapon in the general direction of Jeff was all the Ship needed for the protocols involving defense of its Master to take effect. An antipersonnel turret formed high up on the side of the Ship, locked on and fired in a space of time almost shorter than anything a human mind could...

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The Relationship Business

Author’s Note: Here is my Valentine’s Day story, better late than never. This is a sequel to Unexpected Gifts, although it stands on its own. Many thanks to my beta readers. Please vote and send feedback! ============================================= The Relationship Business © 2010 All Rights Reserved January 6 ‘Sir, I’m flattered, but…I really don’t know if I’m right for this position.’ Val squirmed in his seat and resisted the urge to run a hand through his hair. ‘Oh, don’t worry,...

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Unattainable Love

Have you ever been in love with the perfect person, just not at the right time? That is most definitely my situation right now, and it is the hardest problem to cope with.My name is Mark Vincent. I'm 19, a Freshman in city college. I'd say that I'm handsome, being 5'11", athletic build from basketball and track and field, light brown skin, and brown eyes. What most people don't expect from me is the fact that I am brilliant. I had graduated from High School with a 4.0 GPA. I was accepted to...

Love Stories
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Mom Ko Kirayedar Ne Choda

Hi, My name is Sumit. I live in Bangalore. Meri family mein 3 log rahte hain.Mere father ek government officer hai wo ghar se bahar rahte hain.Wo isghatna ke samay bahar posting par the.Meri age 19yrs. hai. Main class B.com.II ka student hu. Now come to the story.Meri mom ka naam puja hai.Meri mom ki age 42 yrs. hai.Wo ek company mein Manager hai.Unki Height5’4″ & her figure is 36″,30″,38″ hai. Wo Saadi pahanti hai.Meri mom ka rang gora hai.My mom is fully sexy woman.Mom ki ass bahut hi ache...

3 years ago
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Head of the Clan The adventures of Steve and LanaChapter 17

We arrived at the county courthouse at 8:40. Bobby, Eddy and Susan were there waiting for us outside. Our greetings and hugs exchanged, we walked into what felt like the lions den. I'll admit now that I was angry, angrier than I think I had ever been, and I wanted blood. I had never wanted blood as an adult, but before it was just Lana and I, and I really didn't have any enemies that I could think of. Now that someone wanted to rip us apart I was responsible for all the clan and the...

1 year ago
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My Co worker Sherrie

Everyday was always the same, I'd wake up & look at the clock, I see what time it was & I'd get ready for work. Never to expect anything new or suprising. I'm 20 yrs old & I work at the mall selling shoes, I guess you could say I was a shoe salesman, but I'd perfer to call myself the cleaner, I'd do all of the jobs most of my co workers leave behind or neglect. One of my workers Sherrie, around 40yrs old, she's been working there for 25yrs & most ppl hate her for nagging at them on their jobs,...

2 years ago
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MagicianChapter 69

It was a few days after the capture of Merlin’s journeyman Pyotr that Arch and I were summoned to Morgana’s office. “We’ve been approached by the Coalition ... or rather I suspect we’ve been approached by Merlin. Seems he wants Pyotr back,” Morgana informed us. “Can’t think why, basically he’s a waste of space hence their use of him on that hill,” I replied. “Well, be that as it may,” Morgana replied with a thin smile. “The bonds from higher to lower demand that Merlin at least must make...

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Tammy came again and again

While growing up the only one of my three stepc***dren that wanted to go fishing was my youngest stepdaughter. The oldest daughter had no use for it as well as my stepson. Tammy, the feisty redhead would beg to have me take her fishing, and that we did. She finally grew up, got married and found a husband that loves to fish, but only with his brother.One day, the family was all together and we got to talking old times. Tammy brought up how we used to go fishing together and what fun she had....

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Mom Me and Our Adventures with Spunk part 3

Yesterday had been quite the day by the time it had ended. I glanced down at my Mother wondering what she was thinking as we walked over to a bench and sat down with the most perfect view imaginable in front of us. There is nothing like an ocean and the wide blue yonder to make you understand your place in the grand scheme of things. "Beautiful," said Mom, smiling, "I could spend all day here like this." Stretching out my legs, I crossed them at the ankles and tried to bring myself back...

1 year ago
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GirlsOnlyPorn Amira Adara Tiffany Tatum Veronica Leal What Do We Need Dicks For

It’s a girls only weekend with Amira Adara, Tiffany Tate, and Veronica Leal. These European chicks can’t wait to let loose with a bit of booze and some friendly fun. Tiffany has lost the charging cable for her phone, so while Amira is off getting tequila for the trio, Veronica suggests that Tiffany grab the charging cable from Amira’s luggage. Imagine their surprise when they discover that Amira has packed a bag full of big dildos. Amira isn’t ashamed of what her BFFs...

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Naughty Pee Tales

Amanda opened the button of her jeans. As she was pulling down her zipper, a voice asked from behind:"Excuse me, do you have a tissue?"Surprised, she turned round to see a tall, slim college student standing in the alley behind her."Let me see." she replied and rummaged through her bag. "Here you go.""Thanks!" The girl smiled, lifting her not quite knee-long brown designer skirt."Actually, do you have one for me, too?" Clarissa inquired on her other side. Her friend had suggested using this...

2 years ago
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LuciChapter 9

The four of us trooped out of the building to the company car. We ended up at a local steak house where we met Myron and Christine Thomas, another lawyer at the firm that we had on retainer. The six of us sat down at a round table, Maureen on one side of me, Christine on the other. Christine was quite attractive if you could get past the severe makeup, hairdo and generally unflattering clothing and glasses she wore. She stood about five foot six with her heels on and I gauged them at two...

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Black Night

This is the story of teen girl who had fight with their family for not giving her freedom. She left the home and went on drive in her dad's car. But now she lost her way and her car stopped suddenly. When she came out of car she noticed drizzle over her. She took out mobile from her purse but it also got shut down due to low battery. She started searching for cable in her car but all in vein. Now rain started falling heavily, she don't have any option except to sit in car and wait for someone...

1 year ago
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Tanisha 8211 Introduction

Year was 2012 and occasion was my cousin’s engagement at Chandigarh where I first saw Tanisha. I don’t know what drew me towards her. She was certainly not the first girl that I got my attention but being in my 30s I had always been interested in matured girls. Tanisha in her 20s was rather an unusual attraction. After spending entire function observing and digging information about her all I know that she is my cousin’s cousin and pursuing her MBA from a reputed institute in Noida. But this...

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