Therapist Ch. 04 free porn video

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It is Tuesday morning. Linda has not seen or talked with Edgar since Friday morning. He promised her then to give her a date on when he was going to come over for dinner but she never got the chance to talk to him again Friday because she got caught up in her work.

When she got off Friday, she went to his department but one of his coworkers informed her that he had just left for the day, moments before she got there. She didn’t get to see him Monday either, again because of the extra work. She works the neonatal intensive care unit where four babies have been admitted since Friday afternoon.

So, as she rides the elevator up to her work station this morning, she debates with herself on whether he has been deliberately avoiding her. She tells herself no with the thought that it is probably just work. After all, he works on the fifth floor and she works on the seventh. True too, she has been very busy the past couple of days, with four babies having been added to NICU. She tells herself that she is going to make a special effort to see him today.

About nine o’clock there is a lull in the NICU so she goes to his department and asks him again if he’s ready to set a date for their dinner. He is surprised to see her. He tells her to see him Wednesday that right now he has to go out to the University of New Orleans for a two day seminar on Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation. He will not be back at the hospital until Wednesday afternoon.

He gives her an excuse that he just doesn’t want to set a date without sitting down and discussing it with her. He leaves glad that he did not have to answer her and hoping she will just forget about it.

Edgar has no desire to run into Linda again. So when the CPR seminar is over Wednesday afternoon, he does not check back at Ochsner, he goes straight to his home from UNO. But he is worried about returning to work Thursday. He is sure that Linda will hunt him down and corner him for a dinner date. He does not know what to do. He thinks of Donna, she would know what to do. Sitting at his kitchen table, he writes her a love letter.

At seven o’clock he goes next door for his usual Wednesday evening game of chess with Stone Phelps. They are sitting at a coffee table in the den playing their second game. Next to them on the table there are two glasses and two empty plates with the remains of cherry pie on them. The glass next to Stone is empty, the one next to Edgar still has some milk in it. Stone’s wife Darlene is in the kitchen. Their two daughters, Alexandria and Alisa, are in the living room watching television.

‘Bishop takes rook pawn, check. That’s a sacrifice Edgar. You’re not going to be able to stop my attack. Your queen is out of position.’

‘Yes, I see that,’ Edgar answers him.

‘Looks like I’ve beaten you again. That’s two in a row. What’s wrong with you tonight? I don’t think I’ve ever beaten you like this before in the two years we’ve been playing.’

‘My mind’s on something else Stone. I’m not concentrating.’

‘No, I don’t believe you are. Anything that I can help you with?’

‘No, it’s just a slight headache. Look, I’m going to call it a night, Stone. I’ll feel better next week. Then you won’t be so daring with your sacrifices.’

‘OK, Edgar. Good night.’

‘Good night. Tell Darlene I said thanks for the cherry pie.’

‘I will.’

No, tonight isn’t a night that Edgar wants to play chess. Nor is it a night that he wants to eat that bitch’s cherry pie. Tonight Edgar has other, more important things on his mind. He has to get Linda out of his thoughts. He hates that woman. He hates all women, especially Darlene.

‘Women are only good for cleaning house and cooking and some of them ain’t even good for that. Those kinds of bitches are only good for punishing for making my life so miserable.’ That’s what Edgar is thinking as he leaves Stone’s house. That’s why he has to go to the French Quarter and find himself another prostitute. Tonight he has to go out and find himself another whore to punish and to kill.

‘They didn’t find the first one, the one I threw into the river last week,’ he says to himself as he walks across the lawn between their two houses. He wonders why no one ever found it. He thinks of his mother and questions whether or not she took it and hid it like she hid his toy dinosaurs when he was a boy. Then he remembers that she is dead and laughs.

His ramblings continue, ‘But I won’t make that mistake again. After I finish with this one I’m going to leave it on police Detective Stone Phelps’s front lawn. What will the bitch Darlene think about that? I wonder if she’ll still want to bake a cherry pie once she seen the body? I hate that bitch.’

‘Come here Johnny Boy, I have a surprise for you.’

‘Please mother. Can’t you see that I’m busy,’ he answers his mother’s haunt.

‘Why Stone puts up with her I’ll never know. Maybe he likes fucking her. I’d fuck her. I’d fuck her with a cattle prod up her pussy. See if she likes that. I hate that woman, I hate all women. They ain’t good for nothing except punishing. They ain’t good for anything except killing.’

His thoughts are interrupted when he puts his hand into his pocket and realizes that he has left his keys on the table in his next door neighbor’s house. He walks back across the lawn only to see Darlene coming out her front door with his keys in her hand.

‘You’ll need these won’t you Edgar,’ she says with a warm smile.

‘Yeah, thanks Darlene,’ he smiles back.

‘Stone said you weren’t feeling well. Can I get you something? An aspirin maybe?’

‘No thank you, all I need right now is some rest. I’ll feel better in the morning. I’m going to bed early tonight,’ he lies.

‘OK, good night. Hope you feel better.’

‘Good night,’ he answers, giving her another smile. He watches her go into her front door and then he heads for his side door around the corner and is glad he has gotten into the habit of using it instead of his front door. He has the corner house and using the side door prevents her and Stone from seeing him come and go.

Two and a half years earlier Stone and Darlene Phelps moved into the house next door to Edgar. For two of those years he has been playing chess every Wednesday evening with Stone while Darlene does whatever she does to make herself happy and their two children do their homework or watch television or something.

He doesn’t care what they do, he just enjoys beating Stone at chess. Stone is easy to beat. He’s just a pawn pusher. But he hates that bitch. That bitch, that’s how he has always referred to her in his thoughts. He hates the way she wiggles her ass when she walks, the way she talks, the way she combs her short cropped hair, the clothes she wears. He hates everything about that bitch.

Her blonde hair reminds him of his mother’s short cropped blonde hair, another bitch. Also, Darlene is taller than him by at least fifteen centimeters, just like his mother.

Why did his mother have to make him kill Donna? It was all his mother’s fault. They were supposed to get married and raise a family. But she had to go and fuck everything up. She had to insist that they break up. She had to insist in having everything her way.

‘You’re not going back to that school to fuck some whore who’ll only give you some kind of disease,’ he hears his mother scream at him for the millionth time.

‘She’s only a friend mother. We haven’t had sex.’

‘Don’t you talk back to me, you little bastard. I ought to cut it off.’

‘Oh Donna, Oh Donna. I had a girl Donna was her name. Since she left me I’ve never been the same, my mind is not the same.’

Why didn’t his mother just leave them alone? Why did Donna turn out to be just another whore?

‘Someday,’ he laughingly says to himself, ‘I’m going to do that bitch Darlene just like I did those other whores. And my first one is still buried in her own precious flower bed
along side the house.’

He shakes his head in disbelief, ‘Imagine that, my mother the bitch is buried right under Darlene’s bedroom window and that bitch doesn’t even know it.’

He gets into his car and drives toward the French Quarter so that he can get himself another whore to kill, so that he can forget about Darlene and his mother and Linda. On his way there he thinks about his mother. He wonders why no one ever questioned her disappearance. He does not care.

‘Oh mother, Oh mother. I had a mother who I killed one day. Since I killed her I’ve never been the same. Cause I killed my mother. Mother where can you be? Where can you be?’

It is Thursday morning a few minutes before seven. As he does every morning before leaving for work, Edgar is checking his mailbox out by the street in front of his house when he sees Stone come out his front door. The New Orleans police detective seems to be in a rush. Edgar ignores this and asks him why he is out so early. He knows that Stone rarely leaves his house before seven unless he is on a call.

‘Some kids found a body in the river in the back of Audubon Park. From what the attending officer tell me, it looks like she’s been in the water for about a week. But that isn’t the worst of it. He beat her and tortured her before he killed her. I’ve got to go. Talk to you later.’

‘Yeah, I’ll see you later Stone. Good luck.’

‘Thanks I’ll need it.’

‘Is that my whore,’ Edgar asks himself after the detective has gone. ‘Is that the bitch I did last week? No, it can’t be. I can’t be that lucky that they’ve found my whore in such a short period of time. But then Stone said that she had been beaten before she was murdered. Oh, I hope it’s my whore they found,’ he says ecstatically. ‘I’ll have to ask Stone more about her when I see him again this evening.’

In his excitement Edgar forgets all about his mail and goes back inside. He goes to the punishment room where his newest victim is handcuffed by her wrists to the cable running across the ceiling. Her ankles are shackled to the ends of the meter long wooden poll which is attached by a chain to the nearby baseboard. Theodora Haggard is naked and gagged, her torn clothing is lying in a heap in the corner.

***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****

When you get right down to it, Teddy, as all her friends call her, is really a victim of her father’s hypocrisy. He is another right wing fundamentalist hypocrite who believes in conservative American family values for everyone except himself. He is a deacon in his local church in Athens, Alabama. A little hole-in-the-wall town just west of Huntsville or Cuntsville as Teddy always calls it. She hates small town living, there is never anything to do.

Her dislike of Athens increased when she was thirteen. Her father took the family to New Orleans for a vacation. A friend of his gave him some tickets to the Jazz & Heritage Festival held each year — he never would have purchased them because, in his opinion, it’s too expensive. They stayed on a luxurious hotel right on the river. She loved the French Quarter. Even its name is exotic, the Vieux Carré.

Teddy especially liked visiting the Presbytére, the Cabildo, and Pirates Alley all located next to St. Louis Cathedral — the oldest Catholic cathedral in continual use in the United States — across from Jackson Square and the block long Pontalba buildings with their lacy ironworks.

She had one of the many artists who border the perimeter of the square draw a charcoal picture of her and for a souvenir to help remind her of the unique architecture of New Orleans, she purchased a picture of a Creole Entrésol Cottage with fanlight transoms, Spanish wrought iron railings on the balcony and multi-light French doors.

She also enjoyed visiting the Chalmette Battle Field and learning all about the Privateer Jean Lafitte and how he helped Col. Andrew Jackson save New Orleans from the British in the Battle of New Orleans. Before visiting the historic site she was unaware that the battle was actually fought in January 1815, after the War of 1812 was over, the treaty having been signed the previous December.

When the family got back off the vacation she started to read all about New Orleans and Mardi Gras on the Internet. She had never been to Mardi Gras, her father said it was debauchery and decadence at its extreme with all the fagots and drunks taking over the city.

But she discovered that just as the City That Care Forgot proclaimed, it was the greatest free show on Earth. She learned that Mardi Gras is for the young, the old, families, straights, gays, lesbians, singles, Mardi Gras is for everyone. She also discovered that New Orleans is famous for its many other festivals, the Louisiana Seafood Festival, the French Quarter Festival, the Wine and Food Experience Festival and the Tennessee Williams Literary Festival to name just a few of them.

She told herself that as soon as she got old enough to go on her own she was going to go visit the Crescent City again. She couldn’t wait to go to Mardi Gras and buy a Pat O’Brien’s Hurricane from the famous bar on St. Peter Street. She wanted to return to the lovely courtyard again — they visited it during the day and just looked around. She could hardly wait to go the Preservation Hall to hear live Jazz music or to see all the risqué decadence costumes on Bourbon Street on Mardi Gras day and the Southern Decadence Festival held later each year.

How her father could believe that New Orleans was debauchery and decadence at its extreme she’ll never understand. To Teddy, New Orleans was, no is, a city of elegance and grace at its finest.

Teddy’s father never beat her, her younger sister or her two brothers, one older and one younger. In fact, life at home was fairly easy. When she was in high school she didn’t even have a curfew like all her friends, although her father frowned on her if she came in after midnight.

The only reason she ever came in before midnight was because all her friends had curfews and she didn’t like roaming around Athens or Cuntsville all by herself.

Nor did her father preach his brand of politics to her other than to repeatedly warn her about not having sex outside of marriage and going with the wrong crowd. But he never did tell her what the ‘wrong crowd’ consisted of other than those kids who take drugs and smoke marijuana. In these two admonishments lay her father’s hypocrisy.

In the beginning of her senior year in high school she fell in love with Rick Chaney. They even talked of marriage after her graduation, he had graduated the year before. Although she hated Athens, she resigned herself to stay there with him and help him manage his father’s local feed and hardware store.

Rick’s father, looking towards retirement, told Rick that he would give the store to his only child when he got married. His father was 62 but married to a woman 25 years his junior.

Then just two weeks before her graduation Teddy’s father was arrested for indecent exposure, a state policeman caught him having sex with a young man in the back of the family van.

The two of them were parked along the side of Interstate 65. The policeman handcuffed them both, brought them to jail and had the van towed to the police station. A search of the van produced four bags of marijuana and some drug paraphernalia.

The charge was increased to include possession with intent to distribute. A urine test proved positive for drugs. The local district attorney also wanted to charge him with driving while under the influence of a controlled substance but her father’s lawyer got that charge thrown out since he wasn’t driving at the time of his arrest.

He also got the intent to distribute charge dropped. But that didn’t help her father’s reputation one bit.

The Huntsville and the local newspapers had a field day with the story.

Rick’s father — a strict conservative himself — told his son that he would
not allow the daughter of a ‘godless queer,’ as he called Teddy’s father, to inherit his feed and hardware store, he even refused to allow her to come into his store. He told Rick that he had to choose between marrying Teddy and inheriting the store. Rick chose the store.

It broke Teddy’s heart. Her father broke her heart. Two weeks after graduation she loaded her clothes and her few possessions in the back of her Jeep Cherokee and headed for New Orleans.

After two months her savings ran out and she turned to prostitution in order to pay her bills. Although she got arrested once for prostitution and had to pay a fine, she was making money and doing pretty good. For three years she enjoyed Mardi Gras and the sights of New Orleans. She fell in love with Professor Longhair’s song, Go To The Mardi Gras.

Then she met Edgar.

***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Teddy’s feet are shackled to the ends of a meter long wooden poll. The poll is attached to a chain that is bolted to an eyebolt in the baseboard in the near wall. She is handcuffed at the wrists. The cuffs are looped through a large O ring which is attached to a cable. The cable is run through an eyebolt in the ceiling above her head and then across the room through a second eyebolt. From there the cable runs down the wall and is attached to the baseboard near the entrance door.

Thus, just by loosing the chain attached to the wooden poll and then pulling on the cable, Edgar can raise the woman he has chained up in the punishment room, or he can lower her and take the slack out of the chain, leaving her stretched across the floor and unable to move.

Teddy has been lying naked on the floor stretched out since Edgar brought her here the previous evening, powerless to do anything except struggle against the cable and shackles. Her torn clothing lay in a heap in the corner.

When he enters the room she lets out a muffled scream. He ignores her.

He loosens the chain, walks over to the entrance and pulls on the cable that is running across the ceiling, forcing her to stand up. He continues to pull on the cable until only her toes are touching the wooden floor. He hooks the cable in place. He walks over to her and grabs her by the hair, staring blankly into her face. She looks back at him bewildered and imploringly.

He punches her hard in the stomach several times. She squeezes her eyes shut, groans and gags, nearly vomiting.

Then he goes to the other side of the room and picks up the new leather whip. He beats her with it. She grimaces in pain and tries to turn away from the blows. But the shackles and cable prevent her from escaping his torment. He hits her again and again until she surrenders and hangs motionless and crying.

All the while he is beating her he curses his mother and Donna. He curses his mother for taking his precious Donna away from him and he curses Donna for being a whore.

‘Oh Donna, Oh mother. I had a mother Donna wasn’t her name. Since she left me my mind’s not the same. Cause I love my mother. Mother where have you gone? Donna where have you gone?’

When he finally stops whipping Teddy, there are deep red welts all over her naked body, on her back, her buttocks, her legs, her arms, her breasts, her sides, her stomach and her vagina, several of them are bleeding. He throws the whip across the room and inspects the prostitute’s wounds.

Then he picks up the twenty-five centimeter piece of broomstick that he left on the floor and rams hard it into her vagina. The pain brings a muffled cry from deep within her throat. He pulls it out until only the tip is still within her and then he rams it hard back into her again. He watches her squirm in pain.

Again and again he rapes her with the wooden dildo, ignoring her muffled cries. He continues torturing and raping her until his arm is tired. Then he backs away from her, dropping the broomstick on the floor in front of her.

He hears his mother calling him, ‘Come here you little bastard.’

He is suddenly filled with fear. He knows that his mother will ‘cut it off’ if she catches him with the naked prostitute. He calls to Donna to help him.

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Maries Videos

“Schatz, kannst Du bitte mal nach meinem Laptop schauen? Da kommt immer so eine komische Fehlermeldung vom Virenscanner.” “Ja, ja, mach ich. Lass ihn einfach an, wenn Du gehst.” Als Informatikstudent war ich es ja gewohnt, für alle den IT Support zu spielen, also natürlich auch für meine Freundin. “Supi, ich muss dann auch mal nach Hause. Ich muss noch für die Bio Arbeit morgen lernen.” Marie gab mir einen Abschiedskuss und verließ mein WG Zimmer. Die Arme stand kurz vor dem Abitur und musste...

4 years ago
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The Commuter Days 1718

That was a close call I said to myself. That could have turned out so much worse I laughed. My emotions seemed trapped between revenge and relief. I rubbed the red marks on my wrists as I thought about my next move. The train jerking to a stop reminded me this was my stop. As I stood to exit the train, the slow moving parade of chattering Sisters moved ahead of me through the door. The beautiful young Sister that had helped me, lagged behind her group a few steps. She stepped directly in front...

3 years ago
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Internet Love Affair

It was early spring when Hannah and Sammy agreed to see what all of the fuss was about and buy a personal computer. They both knew that this was no impulse buy so they made a weekend out of it and drove the four hour trip to visit Lana and David. They wanted David's opinion and help with purchasing the right computer. Lana and Hanna had been best friends since junior high school. Lana had been Hannah's Maid of Honor when she married Sammy, the general laborer. Three years later, Lana asked...

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Moms Laptop Part 11

I’d just come into my bedroom and my son, Toby, was on my laptop. Again. I glanced at the screen and asked, “You’re masturbating to a cartoon?”He paused for a second. “It’s not a cartoon, mom, it’s an animated video.” He paused. “I guess that’s the same thing. Although it’s really a video of a game somebody played, so it was an interactive cartoon.”“Well, anyway, if you like it, it’s fine, I guess,” I said, looking at his cock, which was softening. He paused the animation. We were four or five...

2 years ago
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First Time Anal First Time Cheating

Well what can I say, I cheated on my wife with another woman. Why could I do something like this? Why should I, too? Well I have my own reasons, which I shall not get into on here. But I shall tell you how it began.I had a wife-to-be and a son and daughter at the time and felt like everything was great; apart from one thing that is. Sex.My wife isn't into trying new things or changing to different positions. So sex has been boring to say the least. I hadn't had sex for months and your hand can...

First Time
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Chennai Feminine Bottom With The Horny Dominant Top

Hi everybody.. Let me introduce myself, I’m Ram age 26 smooth bottom from chennai. I have a sexy feminine body. I got nice boobs and nipples hot smoothy ass. This is a true incident which happened 6 years ago. If any comments, wanna meet up feel free to write to I am a tamil guy, born and raised in southern part of tamil nadu. I completed my degree there itself. I have been gay ever since I know. I have studied in hostel. So you can imagine, how a smooth feminine boy like me ended up in there....

Gay Male
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The lead into voyeurism a womans story

There is an air of excitement with the knowledge, your body can be a source of exquisite sexual pleasure.As a woman I enjoy good sex, so knowing a snap of my fingers can lead to many willing suitors queuing for the sheer pleasure of enjoying my willing flesh, does send a surge of heat through my loins, not to mention the sweet secretions from my most intimate of organs. I studied my nude form in the full length mirror, running my fingertips across my venous mound, soft and silky, freshly...

3 years ago
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Bla Book 5 New BeginningsChapter 9

It was four days after Lisa’s return. Two days earlier, the Femmes, using Lisa’s mind power and Tabatha’s time shield, dropped back fifty years in time and raided a trainload of fruit and vegetables right off the rails. The large refrigerator cars full of fresh produce made an interesting decorative statement lined up along one outside bulkhead of the park. The Necrotwins, three sets of twin girls recruited by Lisa, were starting a new course in advanced psychic training in Lisa’s Grotto....

3 years ago
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My Monster

My Monster A bead of sweat rolled down my temple as I listened to myself heavy breathinginside my own head. My jaw, sore from being held open in such an unnaturalposition. I could feel saliva pooling in my mouth, as its overflow gently passedthrough the ring gag, landing on the floor just below my upheld chin. I triedto swallow and stop it with my tongue, but it was of no use. There was a strapattached to the top of the head harness, efficiently holding my head back uncomfortably,but I...

1 year ago
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The Silver Locke

The Silver Locke By: Michael AlexanderChapter 1: The Interview        Thousands of red and gold leaves swirled in tiny whirlpools as the silver sedan sped down the smooth and even blacktop towards the building on the far hillside.  Trees crowded close to both sides of the road, culminating in a dark tunnel that was slowly beginning to let in the murk of a darkening sky.        There was a crunching sound as the Lumina slowed and turned on to the private driveway.  A large cast iron gate,...

3 years ago
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6 girls answer the questions about female masturba

6 girls answer the questions boys want to know about female masturbationIt seems there’s quite a lot of fascination for the world of female masturbation.Perhaps that’s because girls don’t feel the need to chat about it as they’re enjoying their morning coffee, or perhaps they just don’t feel it’s necessary information to share.For some, it’s just way too personal. And really, what’s the need for others to know what we fantasise about when we finally get a bit of ahem.. alone time?But, scrolling...

1 year ago
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Cocktail Anyone

It was a business trip and tonight was your typical cocktail dinner reception, people floating around pretending to network with people that they know they will never contact or speak to again in order to be cordial. It was during that “networking”, we met. At the time I thought nothing of us meeting and chatting. I didn’t even have one lustful thought or any inkling of an idea that this six foot tall, dark haired hunk was going to be more than a cordial hello, not until the evening ended that...

Wife Lovers
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First Date Final Part

“How do I look baby?” she breathed at me. “Swollen, and open,” I hesitated to reply. “Not stretched?” she asked. I hesitated. She knew I would love hearing her pussy being described as stretched. She would love me looking at her and knowing she had taken a cock so big that it had physically stretched the walls and lips of her sacred pussy. “Yes,” I hesitated, “he has stretched you.” “As soon as I saw him for the first time I knew he would honey. I knew there was no way I was going to have...

2 years ago
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The SmithChapter 19 Devices

May 5th, at 5:52:05 am, a hundred-meter beige sphere with the black Lady Strife personal insignia rose from the Sonoran Desert, accelerating as it passed through first the lower, then upper atmosphere steadily accelerating while keeping its course as it left Earth’s orbit heading into deep space. ‘Proper Notification’ had been delivered to NASA, FAA and ATC, making sure that no flights were affected by its takeoff. Meanwhile a thousand miles to the east, at the same time the SEC and IRS...

1 year ago
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Best Friends And First Time Gay Sex

I always loved girls. I masturbated over them all the time, but there was always something from the school age, that made me think I was bi. I started wondering what it would be like to be with a guy, you know, snogging at first, but then it grew to full on wanting to give some guy deep throated pleasure and take him in my arse. And that guy was my best mate, Jack. I had known Jack for five years. We used to play gay chicken, but the furthest that we ever went was to feel each other’s cock. I...

2 years ago
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A Flawed DiamondChapter 16

Brock sat out the next night in Arizona – the Diamondback skipper gave Repling a break, too – and both managers hoped the bad blood between the teams would settle before the teams' series finale. They were sadly mistaken. The crowd started to chant "Jor-dan" as soon as Brock appeared in the on-deck circle in the top of the first inning. Many of the Dodgers had no idea what the chant meant but a few of them did. Brock simply brushed it off. The chant changed to "Kil-ler" by the fourth...

2 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 2105 In the Blood

Lionel and Sugar showed up at the ranch before Independence Day along with their kids, Leon, Leann, and Honey. It was great to see them and I think Lamar and Donna were happy they'd moved out of the barn duplex. For all its appearance as a simple little dwelling in the village, Lamar and Donna had a huge house and absorbed Lionel's family without a problem. The kids showed up at the silo the next morning. Sugar stood at the door with Honey in her arms and watched as we went through the...

3 years ago
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Rope Marks Part One of Three

A familiar melody greeted me as I pushed the glass door open and entered the Starbucks coffee shop in the lobby of the building I’m employed at, early on a Friday morning. That particular Starbucks has CDs for sale from local, independent musicians. The song bore many similarities to Van Morrison’s, Tupelo Honey. The lead vocals were cooed by a female singer with a seductive, raspy voice, doing her best impression of Bob Dylan.An unfamiliar Barista smiled at me and waved me over to place my...

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Amelia Gets Punished

She came strutting by with several other girls, talking loudly. Her shirt was unbuttoned more than it ought to be and her tie hung loose, against the dress code. I’d reminded her multiple times about it and she continued to defy the rules. Perhaps it was time to teach the girl a lesson. “Amelia, detention in my office after school, you’re in violation of the dress code yet again.” She seemed startled, but murmured a soft, “Yes sir.” I wasn’t usually one for punishments but there was something...

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Alexas Game

I get back to my desk from the end-of-the-week departmental meeting and see the light blinking on my phone. I have a voicemail. Do I want to check it? I just had a bunch more workload dumped in my lap at that meeting and I’ve got plenty of work to do. Oh, what the heck. Pressing the button, I put the phone to my ear to listen. Just some knucklehead dialing the wrong number and asking for somebody named Pamela. Whatever, it’s his loss. It’s already pushing 5:30, but I’m behind on my day’s work...

1 year ago
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Loving FamilyChapter 3

Tom and Jean Stevenson called their children in Texas the moment the plane landed in Miami. To save time and speed the reunion, it was decided that the children would fly to Colorado as soon as Tom and Jean had settled in at the ranch and taken care of all the numerous last minute details. The couple hardly stopped to take a breath for the three days it took to get moved in and at last the long-awaited day arrived. Jean awoke feeling relaxed and happy after the frantic week of travel and...

3 years ago
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Aakhir Papa Ka Lodaa Kavita Kee Chut Mee Chlaa Gyaaa

Hi! Mera Naam Vinod haa par mee apnee nickname yunghelper (mail id: ) se apnee nett dostto (hot gals ) see chat kartaa huu. Voo apnee chudeeyee kee story mujhee brief mee batatee haa ferr mee us chudeeyee par ek story develop kartaa huu. Meree saree stories sach haa readers manee yaa naa manee ye un par nirbhar kartaa haa.My hot and horny readers see ek appeal haa- padnee see pahlee ladke apnaa lund pakad lee aur ladkeeya apne chut mee unglee dal lee takee story padne mee zyadaa maza aayegaa...

4 years ago
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If the Broom FitsChapter 29

Penelope lifts her head, blinking away the brightness from her eyes. “Is it over?” she asks aloud. The only thing that follows is silence. She exhales, ready to lift herself off the cold floor when a pair of lips covers hers. The young witch gasps with surprise. Then the kisses deepens, pressing harder. She whimpers and then kisses back. Hazel’s lips are soft, her breath warm against her mouth. When the tip of the cat’s tongue glides over her lips, Penelope parts them, moaning as her tongue...

1 year ago
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The GetMore Girls Part One

The first chapter of a piece of erotic fiction I am working on. Constructive comments are welcome!The GetMore Girls ©2010 Sunlover all rights reservedThe grass was a cool, fresh smelling cushion at night by the pool. My sister Julia and I lay side by side in the deep shadow of the oleanders watching Gilles fuck Mom on the upstairs master bedroom balcony.She was bent over the balcony railing with her legs spread wide and braced, her hair hanging down, and her boobs mashed on the wide marble top...

2 years ago
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Eric Dorrmann was in heaven. Or a sort of heaven anyway. After months of flirting with one of the trainers at the gym, a short, toned 20-something with dyed black hair named Nadia, he had bit the bullet and went for it. He walked right up and asked her if she might like to see his house sometime. She knew he was married but she did not give a damn. He was just over 40, kept himself in great shape, and she thought marriage was a joke anyway. If his wife wasn't hot enough to keep him interested...

1 year ago
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Blacked Megan Rain An Unusual And Sexy Request

Megan is in college and has no time for a job but has plenty of bills to be paid. She has decided to get a sugar daddy to help out her cash flow problem. In return all she has to do is take care of him. Today he has asked her to come over to the house. What she doesn’t know is that he has his business associate with him. He surprises her with a gift of beautiful lingerie and tells her she has to do everything he wants her to do. What she doesn’t realise is that this means taking car of both him...

2 years ago
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Mom With Benefits part 1

Mom and I have always been close. We were so close that we sometime shared a bath. Hers was the first female naked body I have seen. I have always remembered her as plump, chubby cheeks, five feet ten and weighed about 180 pounds. She is plain looking but kind of sweet too. She has an average pair of boobs. But coming to think about her now, what excited me about her most is her round big bottom, the thick thighs and broad hip. The thick pubic hair, and a dough-nut like abdomen with the navel...

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Heavens Reach Brandon and TracyChapter 1

As they exit Riverside Outpost for one last time ( at least for the foreseeable future), Brandon and Tracy head to their nest, where they cultivate, non-stop, for nine days and nights while immersed in their tub of HCSE. This is made possible by having reached the Yellow Earthen Temple stage of cultivation, which allows them to cultivate/meditate for three days, without the need for food, water, or rest, per stage obtained. At the end of the nine days of cultivation, the amount of Běnzhí...

2 years ago
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My Second ChanceChapter 46 The Gifts

The day of the graduation dance arrives. I wait impatiently for Dahlia to come out of her room. The limo waits in the driveway, and we are beginning to be late. When she steps out of her room, it is worth the wait. She is in a red strapless dress. The skirt goes down to the floor, but there is a slit ending near the top of her thigh. The dress is stunning, and sexy, yet eloquent. It’s the perfect look for one of my girls. “You never cease to impress me. Right when I think you can’t get any...

3 years ago
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Sweet Tara

I. The Story Of AliceAlice Grey was a dear little thing, she lived with her parents and worked hard every day at her job in the local drapery store. Her family may have been poor, but they got by, paying their way in the world and earning respect for their dutiful efforts and high moral standards.Alice was a fanciful girl, always dreaming of love and raising her own family, a dream that appeared to be coming true when a handsome young gentleman took an interest in her. This young man came...

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Halle Part 2

Halle - Part 2 I got back just before five and set the table for dinner. I heard her key in the door and just stood there. She walked in and saw the flowers and the card. She looked at me, looked at the roses, picked up the card and started to read it. She stopped looked at me and had a tear in her eye. She went back to reading it, set it down, walked over to me, threw her arms around me and started kissing me deeply. I had written in the card, Halle, The past few days have...

1 year ago
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Happened to me

100% fiction! Well, I was downstairs looking at some ebony porn masturbating, when all of a sudden here comes my mom coming down the stairs. I quickly rushed to the dining room table and tried to duck down behind a chair only to get my pajama top caught on the edge of the chair. Now this put me almost in a muppet like stance with my caught pj top being the string holding up my arm. My mom comes near the dining table toward the fish tank. Now she can't see me with her on the other end of the...

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Turning into a Middle Age Slut Part 1

I have had the crossdressing bug for many years and have collected some items to fully dress with, such as a wig, makeup, fake boobs and all that makes me look as fem looking as possible. Being in my mid fifties however, there was really no way that I was going to be truly passable or that hot, so I thought  Over the years, I collected my lingerie, heels, wigs and experimented with makeup.  I mostly took it with me on travel to experiment with in the hotel rooms. I bought most of the stuff off...

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Older Coworker Impregnates My Teen Wife

I was a better than average student in high school in the Houston area where I grew up but wasn’t interested in going to a four-year college. Instead, I enrolled in a community college vocational program to study to become an electrical technician. My name is Mark, and I continued dating my high school sweetheart, Megan, who is one year younger than me, while attending the community college, and she also attended there after high school, taking general and business courses.After graduating with...

3 years ago
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Chained and Spanked MotherChapter 7

Robert pinched the metal clamp open and pulled it off his mother’s inflamed clit. He felt no joy, but he refused to be denied by her. “I can’t fuck you when you’re flailing all over the place, Mom.” “N-no. No, you c-can’t.” Joan whimpered, thankful for relief from that nightmare clamp. “Are you going to resist me?” “Please, I-I won’t, but not that. I can’t stop you. I’m begging, just begging you, to let me satisfy you any other way.” Despite her incredible torture, Joan’s pride had...

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