Chapter II Start At The Bottom, Work Your Way Up free porn video

Ever since I watched Lori walk out of my office at nearly four this afternoon, I just could not keep my mind on my work. I looked over her “card” and key she had slipped into my pocket before she left and prayed she and Robert weren’t just setting me up for some kind of joke, but after having stared into her enormous, swirling, pools of deep Azure Blue eyes, I had a gut feeling there was no joking going on here. She was the first “older” woman I’d ever been with, though she certainly didn’t seem “older” in any way at all to me. Just, well, what would be a good word to describe her compared to girls my own age? I know—“Sexier.”
“Find the simplest word that most precisely conveys your meaning, and for damn-fucking sakes use it!” My best friend and employer used to bellow at me when I was rushing to write an appeal brief while keeping it under the maximum number of words permitted. So, by Robert’s own expert teaching, “Sexier” was how I’d have to describe Lori.
I still had on my slightly stained dark blue suit, though most of her pussy juice had washed off with a little tonic water from the fridge in my office bar. Lori, 48, was a mother of two, and with a face, body, and mind that were magnificent beyond belief. I would have traded my beloved and brand new 1993 Convertible Mercedes 300 SL that had been a “Passing the Bar Gift” from Robert for one night with Lori in an instant. Still, I was suspicious--was this some sort of set-up by Robert who as well as being my best friend, was also a nagging, self-centered, overbearing, cranky, demanding, narcissistic asshole, and generally obnoxious boss, constantly putting me to the test? Robert was nothing if not complex, but Lori left me powerless to think critically and objectively. Precisely the sort of test Robert might put me through. Was I up to it? It seemed doubtful. I was more horny than I have ever recalled being at any other time in my life, so no, I was not thinking with my “big head,” and that was dangerous.
Rushing to get out of the office on that Friday afternoon, I was stuffing my briefcase into the tiny trunk of my jet-black two-seater convertible with tan buckskin seats, I just had to roll my eyes as I heard my mentor, Robert, shouting, chasing me out into the parking lot from the office building. He clutched a huge accordion file beneath each arm;
“Wait, boy! Hold on! Don’t forget it’s Friday! You almost left these two accordion files in the paralegal’s office, youngster! Don’t you know we rely on people to get into as much drunken, debaucherous, lustful, and fabulously naughty, not to mention highly illegal, activities over the weekend as possible? You know better than to leave work behind on a weekend . . . —Oh!” Robert suddenly ceased his rant. He had just realized-- “You horny little toad! You actually did set up a date with my old golfing buddy’s luscious Lori, didn’t you? Damn, son! I thought she’d eat you up and spit you out, but alright. Alright then . . . Robert stood deep in thought, stroking his beard, and then began anew-- just this one Friday, and I do mean one, I’ll lug these other two accordion files back inside and have one of the girls take them home to organize and summarize them for you. Ha,” Robert laughed aloud. “I’d bet that fancy new car of yours that you’re headed over to lovely Miss Lori’s Daddy’s condo about now, and something also tells me you might be wearing that same, uh, hmm . . . “ Robert glanced down at my still not-quite-dry crotch and mumbled something unintelligible, then continued; “Uh . . . what was I saying, oh, yes, wearing that self-same suit on Monday, but please do purchase a new shirt and tie, young man, and ask Sasha to work on that little stain on your groin. She can work marvels with those.”
Robert tucked the two accordion files back under his arms, turned, and wobbled awkwardly back toward the office, struggling with the heavy files.
“Robert! Who’s Sasha?” I shouted after the grumpy yet kind-hearted and heavily bearded lawyer, but he pretended not to hear. ‘Sasha’ I thought to myself. ‘The old man must finally be losing his already severely twisted mind. He knows her name is Lori, but oh well, at least I managed to get out of here without lugging those two file folders home with me this weekend,’ and I slammed my trunk, got inside, put the top down, sunglasses on, and headed over to the new luxury condos, Lori’s father’s company owned and ran. I had been invited for dinner by the fabulously luscious Lori, I had been told, so that she might repay me for getting her off on my office couch earlier that afternoon. I was still proud of myself for having decided to make Lori cum as hard as possible without doing so myself. I wanted it to be all about her. But the afternoon’s events left me, well, in need of something. Lovely Lori had promised to “repay” me for the solo attention I had given her earlier, and even the seatbelt was getting a rise out of me as I tried to guess what sort of repayment Lori might have in store for me. Not that this was any sort of quid pro quo arrangement, Lori was just so elegant, so beautiful, I wanted to repay her for, well, I wasn’t really certain, it seemed I merely wanted to repay her for existing, and for bringing her existence into my office, and for letting me take care of her legal problems. I wanted to “take care” of her, in any way possible.
‘Well, I guess sometimes it pays to just focus on what the woman really needs at the moment’ I told myself as I pulled out of the parking lot and into the chaotic Friday evening traffic for the five-minute drive to Lori’s “father’s” condo. ‘Besides,’ the voice inside my head continued, ‘it was worth not getting off earlier this afternoon just to see Lori’s glorious hips quivering and convulsing as her naked and manicured pussy slid up and down my throbbing cock that had remained zipped inside of my summer-weight suit pants during the entire episode.’ For some reason, Lori’s face, with the tiny lines around her sensually oversized deep Cobalt Blue eyes, and the additional tiny, almost unnoticeable little lines around the corners of her mouth, remained tattooed onto the inside of my eyelids since the very moment we were standing face to face, in my office doorway. I laughed to myself as I recalled fumbling for words while utterly at a loss for them upon seeing her in person. And of course, I remembered all too eagerly the fact that she had slipped a business card sized “Parking Pass” along with her key into my pocket just before leaving, and telling me to just let myself in and make a drink, because she didn’t want to answer the door in what she’d be wearing when I arrived. My mind was whirling, and I was jolted back to reality as the old Cadillac beside me let out a boat-like honk just as I began absentmindedly to swerve into his lane.
When I arrived at the gated parking lot to River’s Bend Luxury Condos, I was surprised that I was simply waved forward to the manned kiosk as I flashed Lori’s “Guest Pass” card at the attendant and he told me;
“Ms. Blackmoore gave me instructions to have you pull inside the garage area, Guest Space Number Two, directly beside the elevator, and to take the elevator up to the penthouse, sir. The key you’ve been given will work the elevator to allow you all the way up, and as well, you can leave the top down on your car. No one will bother it here and you’re more than welcome to stay as long as you like. There’s no expiration on the guest pass.”
I waved, yelled “Thanks!” to the attendant, and yet the gate remained closed.
“Uh, sir, might I ask if you thought ahead far enough to get Miss Lori some flowers?”
“Oh, shit! No!” I replied in a panic, “Where can I get some quick? Anyplace at all!” I begged.
The attendant smiled broadly and handed me a large bouquet of Summer flowers, saying “I can only help you out so much, kid, so please take a minute to fill out the card yourself, alright?” He laughed as I graciously accepted the flowers and the gate opened. I grabbed the assigned Guest spot, parked my car, left the top down, filled in the card with something incredibly corny from a Shakespeare sonnet, and rushed to the elevator while fanning my now almost dry crotch before I got caught by the security camera on the elevator doing so.
‘Penthouse’ I muttered to myself, turning the key to the top floor marked “Private” and now becoming obviously nervous and more than a little self-conscious about that fact. ‘Cool down, act like she’s any other girl of 25 or so that you go out with all the time, and please, idiot, don’t fuck this up, please . . .” I begged of myself as the elevator ascended to the top floor. I practiced my breathing and flapped my suit jacket in the chilly air conditioning of the elevator, hoping that would help me sweat less. At least a little bit, but I had butterflies. Man! Did I ever have butterflies! “Butterflies!” I chided myself aloud. “You haven’t had butterflies in a decade!”
The elevator door opened, and I saw the initials, “EWB, IV” on the door straight in front of me. No apartment number. I also realized that I wanted Lori to have a great time this evening too, and especially after getting her to cum so hard this afternoon, and me intentionally not getting off, well, “Mini-Me” was already hanging rather heavily in my silk boxers, and I didn’t want to just “POP!” the first moment I laid eyes on Lori, so I was concerned. ‘Wish I had jerked off in the office bathroom while I was cleaning up the pre-cum from my little game with Lori this afternoon,’ I thought to myself. I’m gonna have zero stamina, and I became more nervous, which didn’t help my overall situation.
As instructed, I let myself in. There was some of my favorite music playing, and the view from the solid glass wall that looked out over a private pool, then at the bend on the Ohio River toward the Victorian buildings on the Kentucky side was decidedly worth whatever the market value of this condo was, just in itself. Especially as the evening sun sparkled on the tiny rivulets that formed as the river made its wide arc, as if it had been laid out to surround Lori’s condo. The gas fireplace was lit, but there was no heat emanating from it.
Just to be certain Lori knew I was there, I let out a gentle, but loud enough; “Hi, Lori. I hope I’ve got the right place, but the key worked, so I’m going to make a drink, as instructed, uh, while I wait . . . alright?” ‘Wow, I’m just a regular James Bond, exuding confidence’ I chastised myself.
“That’s fine, Eric. I’ll be out in a few minutes. Enjoy the view, and feel free to change the music if you kids like that ‘Hip-Hop-Kill the Fuckin’ Cop’ stuff better . . .” then there was an uncomfortable pause, “No, she seemed to correct herself, please don’t put anything like that on, Eric, it would sort of spoil the mood I’ve been working on since this afternoon, okay? I’ve worked really hard to make this just perfect, alright? It’s all about you, but I chose the music especially. Hope you don’t mind, Eric.”
“Oh, no problem there, Miss Lori,” I replied as my confidence actually did get a boost here, “The Peer Gynt Suites have always been some of my favorite of Edward Grieg’s works, and I wouldn’t dream of spoiling this magnificent view with anything less.”
“Wow,” Lori replied in a surprised tone, “someone really does have as much between his ears as Robert says he does, doesn’t he?” Her voice echoed from a faraway room down a large tiled hallway. “You know, I’ve known your boss, Robert, for almost as long as Daddy has, and the only person, besides you, I’ve ever heard Robert brag about was himself!” and she let out a giggle that again, reminded me that I had better figure out what to do about “Mini-Me’s” condition, and quickly!
‘Scotch!’ I shouted to myself inside of my head. ‘That should help get my little head under enough control to at least be able to carry on an introductory conversation without having to stand two feet away from Lori!’ I laughed at myself as I made my way across the kitchen area to the island, which served both as a separation between the kitchen and living/dining room areas and also as an unusually well-stocked bar.
I poured myself a double Scotch, neat, and hammered it back, in hopes of reducing my now pendulous problem that was rubbing ever so gently back and forth as it swung inside my pants against the soft stitching around the button fly of my breezy silken boxers. ‘Better.’ I thought to myself, ‘but not better enough to stop “Mini Me” from standing straight up upon seeing Lori in whatever it was she did not wish to come to the door while wearing.’ That had me worried, and so I slammed back another double Scotch, neat, while searching the cabinets for a vase to contain the flowers the security man at the front gate had given me.
I had just filled a large vase from underneath the kitchen island with water, and stuffed the bundle of flowers into it when Lori walked, glass of white wine in hand, into the kitchen and up from behind me. I could make out the fact that she was wearing a sheer black robe of sorts, with at least one slit in the side that went all the way from her high heeled black slippers with the white ball of fuzz just above her red-painted toe nails, up to well, let’s just say it went more than high enough to have me more than a little concerned that “Mini-Me” was not going to be dissuaded with merely two double Scotches.
But Lori stood behind me, with her chin resting on my shoulder, and leaning her head against my own as she set her half-empty glass of wine on the countertop. Luckily for “Mini-Me,” I could not get a good look at what she was wearing. I could, however, feel her soft hair against my right ear, the side of her face against the side of my own, and her arms, gently clasping around my ribs, leaving my own arms free. I felt the faint vibrations of her soft voice as she hummed along with her musical selection.
“Hmmm,” Lori laughed gently, looking at the flowers. “It was awfully nice of Jim to think of those for you, wasn’t it, Eric?”
“Uh, no! Of course not, Lori! I picked those up on the way over here, nothing special, but thought I should bring something with me, you know?” Which wasn’t completely a lie—the entryway to the massive condominium complex was, after all, “on the way over here,” wasn’t it?
I could feel Lori smile as her face pressed against the side of my cheek and she sensually, gently, softly, squeezed my rib cage, nuzzling my neck and ear. She pressed her perfect body tightly against me in a most tantalizing way as she swayed to the soft music she had selected.
“Well, that’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.” I continued, pouring myself another Scotch, in hopes of calming both “Mini-Me” and my shaking hands as the smell of Lori’s lilac perfume spun its way through my sinuses and into the naughtiest recesses of my twenty-six-year-old brain that was directing seventeen different porn movies, all involving Lori and me, in every conceivable sexual situation. Except in those internal pornos, I was in control and not scared to death of the most beautiful woman I had ever seen who was making “Mini-Me” aroused far more quickly than I found myself able to calm him.
“Here, do you like sushi?” Lori asked, passing me a small tray of seemingly professionally prepared treats. “You’ll need to eat something if you intend to keep trying to calm your nerves with straight Scotch Whiskey like that,” she continued, as she let her hands slide down my flanks, past my belt-line, and then softly squeezing my ass. She then let her tiny hands wander around to the front of my pants.
“I adore sushi,” I responded while trying to turn to face her and avoid having her discover the state of my pendant and heavy semi-erection.
My evasive maneuver failed miserably, however, as Lori stopped me mid-turn, and cupped my balls with her right hand, pushing my pelvis toward her so that I could not back away with her left hand on my ass. She then began to fondle my now swollen head with the silky-softness of my boxer shorts. “Come on, eat some more sushi—it looks like you’re going to need some additional Scotch.” Lori smiled, laughing as she spoke, and leading me, mostly by my now pendulous penis, toward her black modern couch, in front of her fireplace.
I brought along three quarters of yet another Scotch as we sat on the couch, and I literally jumped as Lori didn’t exactly yell, but nearly shouted out; “Shasha! We need you now, please, dear!”
A gorgeous young lady, about my own age, appeared from around the corner, wearing only what is generally called a “micro-bikini” and upon seeing Sasha, having thought Lori and I were alone, I jumped, spilling a few drops of Scotch onto my white shirt and coughing uncontrollably as much of it went down ‘the wrong pipe.’
Lori had by now snuggled up beside my right side on the couch, and Sasha was standing in front of me. Her barely-covered pussy directly in front of my face. “Sasha, please help me get Mr. Schofield undressed so that you can make sure that doesn’t stain, could you, please?” Lori politely asked of her unfathomably sexy female companion.
Lori gazed once again into my eyes with the deepest pools of Caribbean Blue that I have ever seen, and began to undo my tie, holding her nose only about an inch from my own, as Sasha gently pulled my arms and shoulders free from my jacket.
“N . . . o, uh . . . no,” I protested to Lori, “this wasn’t at all what I had expected, Lori, no . . .” Lori easily pulled my tie free and began unbuttoning my shirt as Sasha worked swiftly, yet gently at removing my loafers and socks, unbuckling my belt, unfastening my pants as I attempted to avoid spilling more Scotch. “Please, Lori, let me explain, uh . . . sure . . .” I lifted my ass from the couch to permit Sasha, in response to her nonverbal request, to slide my pants slowly off, rubbing my legs sensually as she worked.
“Eric!” Lori admonished teasingly, “French cuffs do make this so much more difficult, you know!” as she fumbled with my large gold cuff links.
“But . . . but I, uh, . . . always wear French cuffs, uh, don’t lose those . . . they’re antiques . . .” I continued to halfheartedly protest, still uncertain of what exactly was happening to me.
“Oh, come on, Eric!” Lori continued to gaze into my eyes from only inches away; “You don’t want some dried up old woman like me as your ‘surprise,’ do you? Lori chuckled, her smile, her deep blue eyes, her lilac perfume, filling my mind to the extent that I barely noticed Sasha folding my suit and pouring seltzer water on the place where I had dripped Scotch onto my white shirt. Sasha was sitting on the floor in front of me, her bikini barely covering anything at all, and well, alright, I have to admit, I noticed a lovely “camel toe” as I hastily gazed between her widely spread legs as she sat before me on the floor. I was now wearing only my silken boxers, and there was just no use at all in hiding or otherwise disguising the engorged condition of “Mini-Me.” He was about to explode. Throbbing and pulsing with each beat of my now racing heart.
“No! Lori, No! . . . but, uh . . .” was all I could get out in protest as to her statement about being too old as Lori interrupted and nuzzled my ear with her nose as she spoke.
“Sasha,” Lori almost whispered, licking my right ear as she wrapped her right leg over my own, and spread my knees fully, leaving the giant tent, now with the very wet spot of slippery pre-cum in the middle of the massive “tent pole” in my boxers. “Sasha, could you reach up inside of Mr. Schofield’s boxers and see what the problem is in there? Obviously, something is out of place, don’t you think, Sasha?” Lori teased, licking my ear once again, and rubbing my now bare chest sensuously as I could feel Lori’s hot breath in my ear, and I then also felt Sasha’s tiny hands slowly, gently, sensually, reaching up inside my boxers and feeling my balls, which were by now pulled up tightly on the verge of emptying themselves at any second.
“Well, Ms. Blackmoore, I do feel his balls are very tight indeed, and if you would like, I will explore further for you?” Sasha asked in a very real Lithuanian accent.
“Oh, how interesting” Lori responded, “but Sasha, don’t simply report back to me what you’re feeling in there, please let me see as well, and of course, I want you to see too!” Lori now giggled more loudly and fully straddled my right leg, kissing me passionately up my neck, on my face, and feverishly, trembling as she sucked on my lips, exploring the depths of my mouth with her tongue. And then, she climbed off, helping Sasha remove my boxers altogether.
“Oh my word, Ms. Blackmoore!” Sasha giggled, “it looks like you’ve made his, oh, how do you say in English, his ‘head?’ or do I say his ‘dick head or cock head?’ well you’ve made it swell like a mushroom, Ms. Blackmoore. I think he is going to cum very soon indeed!” Sasha exclaimed, the two of them obviously teasing at my expense, giggling at each other as Lori continued to kiss me deeply, running her hands all over my body, but being cautious not to touch my cock, which was throbbing, dancing with every heartbeat. I, too, had untied and removed the black silk belt from Lori’s semi-transparent robe, and she let out a little squeal as I pinched one of her perfect nipples between my thumb and forefinger, rolling it back and forth while adding sometimes more, sometimes less pressure. But I could not hold back from placing my mouth over the other now hardened nipple, and sucking until Lori, who wished to remain in complete control, whimpered, and her middle finger of her right hand began to swirl around her now engorged clitoris, after a quick dip into her now oozing juice hole.
“Alright, Sasha,” Lori attempted to order, yet she now did so through a shaky voice as I placed my hand on top of Lori’s hand, which was still making tiny circles around her clitoris; “Sasha, I think you need to remove your bikini now. I think our guest would love to see you completely nude while you stroke his throbbing cock for him, don’t you think, Sasha?” Lori let her head drop back, staring at the ceiling, as I slid my middle finger into her wonderfully wet pussy, bending my finger ever so slowly and gently as I went. She spread her legs further as they began to tremble, just as they had in my office earlier that day.
The young lady giggled as she watched Lori enjoying the attention I was giving her pussy. Sasha then stood and slowly slid her bikini bottoms downward, exposing a well-trimmed valentine design of dark, Eastern European hair, and then both women giggled as Sasha pulled her bikini top off over her head, and bent down to let it dangle, what little there was of it brushing softly against my throbbing cock as Lori held my wrists gingerly, preventing me from interfering with their fun in any way.
“You like how I trim?” Sasha asked me, kneeling with her right knee onto the couch, which permitted her to place her well-trimmed pussy very close to my face, as Lori kissed the other side of my face, gently pushing my head in the direction it instinctively wanted to go anyway, into the little “valentine” that Sasha had shaved just above her now glistening wet pussy, and the young Lithuanian used her hands to pull the left side of my face into her own body, so that I could feel the coarseness of her pussy hair against my upper cheek, and still feel the tiniest drip of Sasha’s sweet-smelling pussy juice run gently down the side of my face.
“Ohhhh,” Sasha moaned blissfully, as she rubbed, ever so slightly, her moist pussy lips against my jaw, and I moved my mouth and tongue to help her enjoy the sensation of the sensual suggestive movements against her most intimate of private places.
I could feel the slipperiness of a rivulet of pre-cum now oozing freely from the swollen mushroom of the head of my cock. The clear thick fluid forming a puddle in the center of the stripe of hair that ran from just above my belly button to the base of my cock, and Lori noticed it as well.
“Oh dear! Look what you’ve made Mr. Schofield’s throbbing cock do now, young lady!” Lori again giggled, the sort of naughty giggle that had almost made me cum earlier that day in my office. “Now, we must figure out what it is that is leaking from him! Could you gently scoop some onto your finger and let me taste it, dear, please?” Lori laughed, licking her red lips in anticipation and kicking off her snowball-puff-adorned high heeled slippers.
Sasha was instantaneously compliant, and climbed her naked and perfect body down off of the couch, rolled a nice amount of my pre-cum onto her finger, and Lori bent her head within inches of my throbbing cock in order to suck Sasha’s finger dry. “Mmmmmm,” was all Lori said, letting loose of my left hand from hers that had been stretched behind my neck and holding gently my left wrist, and sliding her face down, lower, closer, to my pulsing cock. I could feel her steamy breath condensing on the soft skin of “Mini-Me” and I could have remained in that position indefinitely, feeling Lori’s warm breath on my pulsing, throbbing, dripping, and now painfully swollen cock.
“Sasha?” Lori seemed to snap out of her trance and instructed Sasha further, “while I leave my head right here, and just cuddle up against his body, would you spit on your hands and give his pulsing cock the release it’s been begging for? Now, I want a close up view of his cum juices as they spurt from what must by now be a painful erection.” Lori wrapped her right leg more tightly around my own and lustfully slid her right palm up my inner calf. She held in stillness, just letting my tightened balls rest against the soft knuckles of her hand.
“Oh, I would love to, Ms. Blackmoore . . .” Sasha responded sensuously, showing me every inch of her magnificent body while getting herself into position, and then letting a thin stream of saliva run from her mouth down onto my throbbing shaft. My insanely hard cock jumped as if by electrocution the moment Sasha’s warm saliva landed on it, and it seemed to strain upward, further than one would have thought physiologically possible, as if it were a tiny nestling, begging for another scrap of food from its mother.
“No! Lori! . . . I wanted this to be between you and . . . Oh, Fuck” I almost screamed as Sasha’s hands began working their magic on my now aching shaft and mushroom-like incredibly swollen head.
But Lori’s breath was still steaming up the skin around my groin, her right hand was now cupping my tightly pulled up balls, and her hair was against my chest, causing me to inhale again that lilac perfume that had mesmerized me from the moment we first met. I gently freed my right hand and pulled her amber hair aside, exposing her perfectly tanned neck, massaging it gently, still fighting to keep “Mini-Me” under control when;
“Ugh . . . But . . .Lori, I wanted, Oh . . . Oh FUCK!” and the words stopped. My airway was absolutely cut off, and my hips jolted upward off the couch again as if I had been struck by lightning. Lori’s face rested on my stomach as my body bucked, and I watched through blurred vision Sasha’s hands roll over, around, under, twisting and stroking the mushroomed head of my aching dick, and then, there was no more holding back.
Sasha let out a squeal of “Oh! I feel it now! Oh, it’s pumping up now and his cock is as hard and heavy as a steel rod! Ohhh, Yes!” Sasha squealed again, twisting her hands over and around the mushroom head of my cock, while stroking the shaft, and . . . .
“Aaaaaahhhh, Ohhhhhh, Fuuuuuuuck, Fuck! Shiiiiiiiiiit! Oh My Fucking G . . .Go . . .GOD!” I screamed as I shot the massive hot load of cum I had been holding inside of me for the entire afternoon into the air, flowing like hot lava over Sasha’s busy hands, and onto Lori’s outstretched tongue, face, and hair as the veins in my neck and forehead stood out and my straining cock stood almost straight upward as it ached to squirt every last drop of white-hot cum from inside of me.
“Oh, Fuck, Lori, that’s not what I wanted to happen.” I confided almost unconsciously as I felt my body attempt to go limp, yet Sasha continued to roll her tiny hands round and round my slippery wet cock-head, and the electrical spasms continued, almost painful now, as I begged her to stop, to no avail.
Finally, my entire body trembled and I could feel my nearly numb penis for some unknown reason still hard in Sasha’s grip when to my amazement an astounding second spurt of white-hot cum erupted from what I had though was my entirely spent shaft, head, and balls. My wide eyes paralyzed, gazed at the ceiling, my wide open mouth attempting a primal scream was silent. I was immobilized, except to shudder throughout my entire body as finally, I somehow exhaled, feeling my chest burn as the cool air of the room rushed into my lungs over my now leathery dry lips and tongue. I had lost complete control of my body as I had never before experienced. I simply laid back as shudder after convulsive shudder overcame me, and the girls reveled in it.
Sasha then stood, letting my still heavy dick fall into Lori’s waiting hand, and walked away briefly. She returned with a large bowl of warm and wet washcloths, and then gently and methodically cleaned the considerable amount of my hot, sticky cum from all of us as Lori continued to fondle my halfway limp and still heavy cock in her delicate hands.
I struggled to get words out, exhausted and spent, yet desiring, longing, to explain to Lori that this was not what I had wanted. Before I could form the beginnings of a sentence with my terribly dry throat and mouth, Lori interjected:
“I love the feel of a cock as it’s just emptied itself of a massive load of hot cum, Eric.”
“Bu . . . but Lori,” I attempted to lick my parched tongue and leathery lips in order to explain to Lori, but again, she interrupted.
“Eric, let me just hold your heavy, spent dick in my hands for a few moments as I fondle it here, before you say anything, please?” Lori continued, then asked with a smile as she looked up into my eyes, “Eric, what’s your, uh, how would you put it, uh . . . what’s your ‘refractory time?’ in this sort of situation?” And she handed me a glass of warm tea as I attempted to answer through my parched mouth.
I took a sip, and replied; “My ‘usual’ refractory time? Lori, this is hardly a ‘usual’ situation at all.” I sighed as I let my head drop back onto the couch and Lori took the teacup gently from my lips.
“Shhhh, shush, Eric.” Lori purred softly as she nuzzled her nose into the side of my face and kissed me gently yet erotically. “I know this wasn’t what you had in mind for me—for us—when you came over for dinner this evening, but even so, I wanted to give you something really special. You know, most guys would have just tried to fuck me when I was in your office this afternoon, and they would have thought they had done me a favor at that! But you’re something special, Eric. So I wanted to do something special for you, just for you, so I could watch you cum hard, and up close,” she giggled and snuggled more tightly up against my right side, still rubbing my semi-hard cock between her thumb and fingers as she spoke. “I see your ‘refractory time’ is about ten seconds! She squealed in yet another giggle, as “Mini-Me” began to become engorged again, and to fill Lori’s hand as she stroked me.
“Ahhh, yeah, Lori, it seems you do have that effect on me, don’t you?” I responded with some effort, still out of breath and dry of mouth.
“Yeah, that’s what I figured.” Lori nuzzled softly into my neck and licked my ear as she spoke. “So Sasha here is going to be back in a minute with her cooking robe on, and she’s going to finish making us a nice sushi dinner with some really great wine I’ve paired to go perfectly with it. Okay, Eric?”
“Uh-huh.” I replied, as my vision slowly normalized and I realized Lori already had me sporting a full-size hard-on as her hand gently toyed with my heavy cock.
“So,” Lori continued, “Sasha is going bring you a nice soft robe, and then have your shirt and suit cleaned and make herself generally scarce around here once she makes a lovely dinner for us to eat while we watch the sunset. And then,” Lori ran her index finger down my chest from my Adam’s Apple to the tip of my again-throbbing cock, touching the again-swelling head as her hand “accidentally” slid past it, “And then, you and I are going to go to the bedroom where you and I are going to do things that will make both of us come, unbelievably hard, sometimes together, and sometimes one at a time, as we finally fall asleep on this lovely Friday night, Eric. Is that more like what you had in mind when you came over here? Hmm,” Lori again purred as she rubbed her leg up my own, and nuzzled my neck while she gently kissed my chest lower, and then lower still, toward my newly throbbing erection.
“And in the morning, Sasha can make us some wonderful breakfast after she gets us nice and clean in the shower,” Lori laughed, jumping up to straddle me and looking directly into my eyes once more, laughing devilishly, her amber hair falling around her face as she rubbed her more-than-damp pussy up and down along my still hardening shaft. “And we can all have a crazy, insanely sexy, naughty-ass weekend, and then, when it’s all over on Monday morning, you can take me back to your gorgeous office, and tell me more. Tell me how we’re going to make the asshole pay, Eric, and we can lock the door again while we talk. Does that sound like a plan?”
“Uhhhh, yeah, sure, Lori, good plan . . .” I strained to speak, waiting for my robe, and maybe a bit of a rest before I would be able to stand in order to walk to the dining room table for dinner. “Ahh, fuck . . .” I mumbled, as Lori kissed gently my face, my mouth, my neck, and on downward. “Ahhh, fuck . . .”
“You know, Eric,” Lori whispered softly into my ear as she nuzzled my neck and the side of my face while I enjoyed the intoxicating smell of Lori’s lilac perfume, her skin, her hair. All comingled with the unmistakable smell of really great sex, “These divorce proceedings can go on for an awfully long time, I understand.” And Lori again slid her wet and engorged pussy lips slowly up and down my newly hard shaft, as I heard Sasha preparing our dinner in the kitchen.

- 18.01.2021
- 23
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- Category:
- Seduction