Wyoming, 3 free porn video

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Wyoming, 3 By; Malissa Madison The trip to Dr Cambridge's office took forty five minutes, and Agnes had told me to bring along my Hormones so that he could see what strength they were. As we talked he asked me lots of personal Questions. "How long had I been wanting to be a girl? How had I gotten my hormones? Did I understand how lucky I was that I hadn't had any complications for having not gotten a proper prescription or had my levels checked?" All this frightened me. "Have you had any feinting spells or unusual feelings lately?" "I feinted on the road the other night. Tim almost ran me over," I admitted. "From what I heard that was stress and shock induced, and he did run you over. But thankfully you weren't even touched by his truck. Anything else before I start my exam?" "You'll need to remove your bra so I can show you how to check your breasts for lumps." I was nervous but felt better since his nurse and Agnes were both there, I winced a bit as I reached back to unhook my bra, my nipples had been growing increasingly sore and tender the last couple of days since I'd let Tim suck on them. "Sore? That's to be expected. It just means they're growing. Probably stimulated by being fondled. It'll go away in a day or two after the initial surge of growth equals out with the hormones," he told me. Then he rubbed a cream on them and handed me the little jar, "Here keep this it will help with the soreness." I realized I'd seen a jar in Tina's medicine cabinet. "You're a very lucky girl," he told me. "I'm going to give you a little bit stronger dosage, and add in an Anti-Androgen to block your Testosterone production. But I want you to keep my number handy and promise to come in if you think there might be something wrong." I promised him I would. "And I want to see you again next week young lady. You tell Tim I said he needs to use that cream and give your breasts a good ten minute massage every night." He winked. As we were leaving he asked, "Where's the pup I heard you adopted?" "I wasn't sure how long we'd be so I left her at home," I started saying as Agnes opened the door to go out. Suddenly I found myself tripping over Molly as she barreled through the door. "Molly? Oh god I told you to stay home. You could have gotten run over or something." I scolded her and she whimpered and whined. Then she looked up at the doctor and snarled. "It's ok, I was just making sure she was ok for you. She's healthy as a horse." Then to me he said, "Be sure to keep that bite on her shoulder clean." I was in better spirits as I started cleaning house in earnest. Agnes headed home and I promised I'd call her if I needed anything. Molly followed me from room to room as I cleaned and dusted. Then when I started on my room I began emptying out the dresser drawers trying to decide what to keep and what to box up to make room for my own things. It was in the bottom right hand drawer that I found them. Tina's stash of sex toys, I blushed and giggled as I held and fondled them. Looking further I found a jar of lubricant, "Damn that girl must of liked sex." I muttered to Molly who bounced onto the bed as if encouraging me. "What? You think momma should stop and play?" she responded by rolling on the bed her tail wagging as she bounced all over excitedly. "I think I need to read the book some before I try this," I held up a large realistic Dildo. There were several in various sizes. Including one very slender with little bubble shapes. I put them all in a box and carried them into the kitchen. Then turned on the water letting them soak in hot soapy water. I had no idea when she might have last used them or cleaned them. Then with Molly at my side I curled up on the couch and began reading the book more in depth. I had an idea that this would really help me to be ready for Tim when he came home on Friday. The book said start out small, and to use plenty of lubricant. There was a chapter on before sex cleansing, and it had illustrations as well as step by step how to instructions. I made a mental note to pick up some boxes of douche from the store. Carrying the book I looked under the sink in the bathroom on what had been her side. There I found an Enema bag with the hose and nozzle as well as a few unopened bottles of scented douche, and two new unopened tubes of KY Jelly. Molly kept nudging my arm as if she could feel my excitement. "Well girl, what do you think? Should I try it or wait for Daddy to get home?" she ran into the bedroom and jumped on the bed then ran back to me, back and forth as if she was encouraging me. "Momma needs to finish a few things first," I said. I pulled the Enema bag out and read the instructions in the book very carefully. Then I went to the kitchen and thoroughly washed each toy before laying it in the drainer to dry. Then I lead Molly outside to play for a bit hoping to settle her down. I wasn't sure about trying it with her bouncing all over the place. Thirty minutes later she was tired and when we came back in she was content to lay on the bathroom floor rug while I mixed the hot soapy water. I put in about a quart then got naked. Using my fingers I began to work a bit of KY into my pucker, my cock jumping to full erectness instantly. I didn't think it could get any stiffer, but as I began pushing the long nozzle into myself I found I had an almost painful erection. Reaching up I unclipped the stopper on the hose and stood leaning over the counter top as the hot liquid began filling my ass. My insides felt hot and full I was surprised that I'd managed to take in most of it before it began to feel uncomfortable. The book said to try to hold it as long as possible. So I stood there leaning over the sink, clenching my pucker as tightly as possible. It felt like I'd been there for hours as my innards gurgled and grumbled for release. Finally I knew I couldn't hold it any longer and sat quickly on the toilet as it began gushing out. I had to laugh as the phrase, 'light a match next time' popped into my head. I thought I'd never smelled anything so foul in my life, and even Molly got up and left the room. I cleaned up and started to repeat the process when she came running into the room and yipped then ran back toward the living room. I quickly pulled on my panties and slipped on the old house dress that I'd taken from Tina's closet. Then barefooted I followed Molly again to the door, thinking it was Agnes I opened it wide. There in front of me stood a middle aged woman with shoulder length blonde hair. "Tina?" she asked in wonder then said, "Oh, I'm Sorry I thought I was seeing a ghost." Molly growled. "I'm Missy, and this is Molly. And you are?" "Brenda Cummins, I'm sorry if I interrupted anything." She was looking around through the open door. "No not at all, Molly and I were just cleaning house, weren't we girl." I said. "So how is it you knew Tina? Are you another relative of hers and Tim's?" She lifted the huge over stuffed Avon sample bag, "I'm the local Avon Lady." She smiled at me. "I'm sorry I wish I was a bit more flushed, but I kind of fell into Tim's lap and he took me in. I haven't had a chance to get a job of my own yet," I explained. "That's quite alright, you don't have to pay for an order until it's delivered. And I have loads of free samples, Tina always liked to try the free stuff first before she decided, so I can leave a book with my phone number." "In that case come on in and have a seat. I used to buy from my Step Mom but she's god knows where, and I hope she's happy and safe." We have a few new shades and some lovely new perfumes that just came out," she started pulling out the perfumes. "Brenda, please don't take this the wrong way. But I'm kind of allergic to most of Avon's perfumes. Not the colognes or aftershaves though. So maybe I'll pick something out for Tim." She smiled, "I'm glad you told me before I started spritzing it around," she said. "So how long have you been with Tim? I don't remember seeing your car here last week." "We met last Friday," I admitted. "He must really like you then, to leave you here alone. And to have mowed the yard and taken out the trash. Or did you do that?" she smiled crookedly. "Oh he did the mowing and most of the heavy cleaning. I just do the light stuff and then whatever I can to make him happy." "Well I wish you luck, he can be a bit rough in the sack," she offered as I picked out a few things I'd like to try. "So you've had a relationship with him?" "Only after Tina died. But well he was pretty grief stricken, and it felt more like I was a blowup doll being used for sex and nothing more. He never even let me spend the night." I felt absolutely thrilled hearing that, and I know my grin gave it away. "Well, he can't be doing anything with you though, you're barely old enough to be his daughter. And that thing of his hurts like hell when he just rams it in without caring. But I'd still give him a second chance, maybe with you around he'll be more gentle." "You have no idea how totally he rocks my world," I told her. Then winking I said, "Just between you and I, I think he was just looking for me all along." She'd been tried by the king stallion and found wanting, where as I had been found and was being wanted. I decided to let things go, after all that was well before we'd met, and really did need a friendly Avon Lady. Of course I knew that by this time tomorrow everything she'd found out about me would be the topic of the county. I ordered a few simple things, nail polish and makeup, then walked her to the door. Watching her leave I felt giddy, and a thrill ran through me like I'd never felt before. Then the phone rang. "Hello Wyoming Trucking," I answered thinking it might be Tim. "What did the Man hungry bitch want? Was she nice to you?" "Agnes, really she just wanted to meet me and sell me some makeup," I said. "Oh no she didn't, I know that man steeling bitch better than you do, you just met her. I'm coming over ok?" "Ok, thank you Agnes," I said. Agnes told me that after Tina had died Brenda had tried to move in on him, using her friendship with Tina as a means to get him to open up a bit. But after the first few times and her wanting to spend the night Tim had put an end to it, he'd found out how many marriages Brenda had destroyed or nearly so. Including her own "You keep an eye on her, you hear me?" warned Agnes. "I don't want to see my Baby brother hurt, or you either. You're good for him, she Ain't." we talked a bit more and I told her that I still needed a local Avon lady so as long as she didn't play for Tim I'd overlook it. She followed me into the kitchen for Iced tea. Then I realized what was still in the drainer, I turned beat red. "Missy don't be embarrassed," she told me. "If memory serves me I think I bought or helped Tina buy most of those. And now they're yours, I think if you have any questions you know you can always call me." After a little more talking about other things she said, "Brenda isn't the only Avon Lady in these parts. There's Gladys down at the truck stop." "Agnes that's like what? Thirty miles from here?" "Thirty miles? Heavens no girl, not if you take the hiking trail it isn't." I looked at her like I couldn't believe it. "Look in the mountains all the roads take a roundabout way to get anywhere. Just follow that foot path out the back yard and when you get to the bottom of the gully turn right. Its only two short miles at the most. How do you think I got here so fast. It'd take me forty minutes to drive it." Then with a wink she said, "It'll help keep that cute little coochie looking irresistible." "Coochie? Agnes I don't have a Coochie." I said. "Sure you do honey, if it serves the same purpose it's a Coochie. Read the book," and she tapped the copy of the book I'd been studying all day. Then reaching over into the drainer she pulled out a long slender toy, "Start with this one first. Then when you're ready you can go up to this one. and if you think you need practice in Fellatio, give this a try," she held up the one that look like a real cock. "But if I were you I'd toss this one, I never met anyone that ever really like this style, all these little stiff nubs all over it, it's just terrifying to think about." She tossed it absently toward the trash can. Molly jumped up and caught it, growling and whipping her head side to side violently. "Molly no, drop it right now!" I said as I reached for it. The end result was me chasing her around the house with Agnes watching and laughing. "I think she's trying to tell you something." After a few minutes I gave up and Agnes and I sat in the living room and watched her antics. When she finally settled down she lay in the floor holding it upright between her front paws and licked it like it was a bone. After a few minutes Agnes said she needed to get home, and I walked with her to the bottom of the trail behind the house. She said, "You want to head that way to get to the Truck Stop. A little further down it forks to the left, that'll take you out behind the grocery store about three miles further on." I looked to the left, "That takes you to the Village, actually it comes out behind the Reservation Police station, across from Dr Cambridge's Clinic. But it's a good five mile hike." "Thank you," I hugged her and kissed her cheek. "I think maybe tomorrow I'll take Molly for little hike in the afternoon." "Do it just after breakfast, that way you'll see more wildlife. But don't scold Molly if she chases after it. and don't put her on a leash, it's against the law to leash a wild Wolf." Molly growled softly, and I looked up to see a young woman coming down the trail from Agnes' house. "Daddy said you were over at Uncle Tim's visiting his Girlfriend, is this her daughter?" "Cherry Blossom, This is Missy, Your Uncles Girlfriend," Agnes said. "Hi Cherry Blossom," I greeted the girl who looked the same age as I was. "Oh gods no please don't call me that, just call me Blossom," she said. "My Daddy is very traditional. "Really you'd think being the tribal Police Chief he'd be a bit more modern." She knelt in the dirt and ruffled Molly's fur then scratched behind her ears. Molly responded by gently nipping at her heals then darting toward the house and back again. "Molly! Behave. You'll scare Blossom into thinking you're mean," I scolded her. "No she just wants me to come to the house for a visit," Blossom said. "Mom, would it be ok?" "Yes if it's ok with Missy, I think she's about ready to go to bed soon though." "Oh it'd be fun to have another girl my own age to talk to. Besides Daddy keeps running off all the boys that come asking me out." Agnes whispered into her ear, and she giggled. "I'll borrow a lantern Momma, I know where Uncle Tim keeps his." "If you aren't home by Midnight young lady your father will be there to pick you up," warned Agnes. We climbed the gently sloping hill in the failing light, Molly running circles around us yapping all the way. "I think she wants dinner," I said. Then giggling I said, "At least she's forgotten about her new chew toy." But at the edge of the back yard she raced into the house and came back out with it. "Here girl, let me throw it for you," Blossom said then her eyes got huge as she saw what Molly had dropped at her feet. picking it up she said, "I'd hate to meet the guy that was shaped like that." she threw it as far as she could and Molly took out after it. at the back door she dropped it at me feet, so laughing I tossed it for her. "See she's learned a new game. I haven't seen that since just before Tina left, I think maybe Charity gave it to her. We were both too scared to ever try it out though." She told me. "Blossom, how close were you and Tina?" I asked. "Close enough to help each other explore. But don't tell Daddy, he still thinks I'm a Virgin." "So you're older than I am right?" "From the looks I'd say we were about the same age, Seventeen right?" "Yeah, Seventeen," I confirmed. "Cool, Tina was four years older than I was when I started asking her about sex. And she and I sorta ummm," she stopped and looked at me kind of funny. "You were cousins, even in the outside world girl cousins kiss and experiment with sex. And talk about boys, and sex." I told her. "God it's going to be fun having you for an Aunt," she said. "Kind of weird but fun. And I can tell you about the girls Tim hooked up with for sex." We both laughed, "Of course not many of them were like Tina, she had a cock too. I really miss her a lot but I guess it's just as nice having a girl my own age that likes to play with toys." "Blossom, you mean your Mom and Dad didn't tell you about me?" I asked. "No I was over at my cousin's house all weekend. I just got home today and Momma said she was going over to see Uncle Tim's girlfriend." I gave her a funny look and she said, "On a different Reservation." She said which explained why she hadn't heard. Because she'd been visiting out of town. "Well, Tina and I have a lot more in common than you think." I said. "What? No way, let me see." I blushed as I took her hand, placing it under my dress. Her eyes got big as she felt the base of my cock tucked back into the crotch of my panties. "But umm, I'm still kind of a virgin," I admitted to her. "How can you be kind of a virgin?" "I've never done it with a guy before," I blushed. "I never even got penetrated back there. But I, well I found myself wanting to with Tim and well he keeps saying not until I'm ready. I mean all the sexual things we've done up to now have been way more satisfying than anything I ever experienced before," I blurted out in one long sentence. "No wonder my Momma said you needed my help with things that only I could understand." I looked at her blankly. "Momma knows all about me and Tina playing games together as she called it. I even helped Tina do her cleansing ritual beforehand." We sat and talked for longer than I thought as she explained about the different toys. And what each one would do. Then I jumped when the phone rang a half second after Molly started thumping her tail excitedly. "Hi Babe, you sound a bit startled, is everything ok?" "Yes, yes it is, it's just that Molly seemed to know before the phone rang," I giggled and Blossom giggled. "You have company?" he asked hearing her. "Yes I just met Blossom and she's been teaching Molly to play fetch." "Fetch the Dildo," she said out loud and I blushed again. As she reached for the phone. "Hi Uncle Tim, don't worry I'm not going to teach her any bad habits." Molly or Missy?" he asked. "Either one. but I am going to teach her a few things she needs to know about. Did you know she has Tina's Manual?" "Yes I do, but I'm not sure if it's a good thing for you to teach her." "You worry too much," she handed the phone back to me. "Love, I think if she's there to help you I'll not worry so much. But what was that about Molly and a Dildo?" "I found Tina's toys today and Molly got hold of one of them and well she seems to think it's hers now." I told him. It's one that I have to agree with Blossom on no sane girl would ever want that in her coochie," I used the word that Agnes had said earlier. "I'm glad to hear that, I wouldn't want your little coochie to try that one either." He seemed to know the one I was talking about. "Just let her have it I'm sure she'll find something else to focus on by the time I get home." We talked for a bit then he blew me kisses over the phone before hanging up. Blossom said, "I see you've already been experimenting." Then said, "Come on we still got time for a good cleansing before I show you how to use this little baby." She held up the one that her mother suggested I start with. Thirty minutes later we were laying across Tina's bed as she worked it around in and out gently pushing it in deeper and deeper. I was using the one that looked like a real cock, in her pussy since she said that was how I could repay her for helping me out. When she pushed it in all the way past the largest part just in front of the base she said, "Now I want you to leave that in all night." She pulled the one from her pussy and said show me what you know about giving head. I blushed and she pushed the end against my lips. It was slick with her juices and I licked it then kissed it. "No like this," she started working it like a pop sickle. Then returned it to me. Suddenly she looked up at the clock and said "Oh crap." It was eleven thirty. We giggled while she got dressed and she called her Mother and said she was getting ready to start home. "Your Daddy say's you should stay there tonight, he thinks maybe Missy needs some time with another girl to visit with." "Thank you Momma, tell Daddy I said thank you too." she said. We both slept on Tina's, now my bed, with Molly laying between us. "You're like really special to have Molly you know that right?" "Yeah, Molly and Tim," I said. "Oh god Blossom, I'm so scared I'll screw it all up. I never had anyone care about me the way he does. I never really had anyone I cared this much about either." I looked at her a plea for help. "Look Missy I can give you all the help in the world, teach you to do all kinds of things," she said. "But if they don't come from your heart they won't mean anything. The best way to learn most of this stuff is by doing it with the one you really love." "Blossom, I'm afraid I'll mess up, go too far too fast. I don't want him to think I'm some kind of slut, but I don't want him to be so gentle that he has to hold back either." "Just take it one step at a time, like learning to walk." She smacked my ass playfully. "My first time was with Tina, I had to practically rape her to get her to do it. but it was worth it," she told me. "It helped me be ready for my first guy," she blushed. "But you know what? I'm still a Virgin up front so I don't have to worry about getting knocked up. I just make sure of who it is I want before I let him have any. Like I said one step at a time, and if he's worth it he'll give you that courtesy." We talked until after midnight, and Molly curled up cuddling with us. I woke to the ringing of the telephone, it was Tim calling to ask if I slept good. Carrying the cordless phone I skipped into the bathroom then followed the smell of fresh brewed Coffee. He told me where he was as usual and I got out the map to see. We talked and I told him how much I missed him, and let Molly talk to him in her whines and barks until she started howling. As I absently ate my breakfast which Blossom had cooked she poured over the map. "If he's here and this was a week's schedule, then he's way ahead." She looked at me as her mind calculated distances and travel times. "I better show you how to get into town and back the fast way. I think he'll be waking you up in the morning if not sooner," she giggled. The four wheelers were fun, Molly enjoyed running beside us as I pulled the little trailer behind mine. We refueled at the truck stop and they put in a new battery. Then we went to the farm and home store and the grocery store, stopping by the truck stop on the way back where Gladys gave me an Avon book and said call her whenever I wanted to order anything. "He always stops here a fuels up before he goes home," she winked. "I'll be sure someone gives you a call the minute he gets here." "Thank you Gladys," I hugged her. She stuffed a bag in the trailer, "Just a little something for you." Molly hopped into the trailer laying on top of everything as we raced back to the house. Blossom helped me get things put away and then left for home. "I've got a Date tonight," she said with a wink. Finally I opened the bag from Gladys. A jar of bath oil beads, and a box of condoms. I giggled and blushed remembering what Blossom had said about letting a guy cum in my ass. "Like a hot beef enema." She'd giggled. "Always use a condom unless you want to interrupt your play time with a potty break five to ten minutes later." I wasn't sure how long I lay back in the hot tub of scented bath oils, but I was startled awake by the phone ringing and Molly bouncing around barking. Naked dripping water everywhere I rushed to answer the phone, "Yes?" "Oh Honey I'm glad I finally got you, I've been trying to call you for forty five minutes. He didn't stop for fuel he kept on going, he'll probably be there any minute," I could hear the sound of the big diesel engine as it geared down breaking to a stop in front of the house. the lights shining through the front picture window illuminating me as I stood there on the phone. "He's here, oh god I fell asleep in the tub," I giggled. "Thanks for calling though." I set the phone down as I saw him hop from the truck to the ground. Without thinking I ran out the door into his arms, as he scooped me up. "Well I guess you did miss me as much as I missed you," he kissed my face all over. Then carried me into house with Molly running circles around us. "I was taking a bath and fell asleep, I wanted to be all pretty for you when you got home," I pouted. Holding my chin between his finger and thumb he kissed my lips softly, "But you are pretty Missy. The prettiest young Woman I've ever seen, can't you tell that?" His cock was stiff pressing into my stomach as I stood there hugging him tightly. He leaned over petted Molly, "Thank you for keeping Momma safe for me while I was gone." Molly panted and hopped up on the couch before rolling onto her back for a tummy rub. Laughing he said, "It looks like both my Ladies missed me." Kissing him more passionately I said, "You sit back and relax, I'm going to put on something. And then fix you a bite to eat. Then I want to sit on your lap and talk about the first thing that pops up." I wiggled my ass as I hurried to my room for a nitie. Five minutes later when I emerged in the soft pink Baby Doll with the ruffled panties I found him sound asleep in his chair. He really had been pushing it hard to get home to me. Carefully I pulled off his boots, then unbuttoned his shirt. As I slipped it off his shoulders I leaned in and kissed his nipples. When he stirred I giggled at the throbbing hard on in his pants. I straddled his lap as I carefully worked his shirt off. Then I reached down unfastening his belt, then his jeans. Molly lay on the couch watching me as if to ask, "What are you doing?" I slid into the floor at his feet, then sleepily he raised up off the chair as I pulled his jeans and underwear down to his knees. I suspected now that he was pretending to be asleep. I winked at Molly who got up and went to find her toy while I worked his clothes the rest of the way off including his socks. Molly jumped back onto the couch then worked her toy around until it was standing upright between her front paws. Then she very deliberately began licking it lengthwise. "Molly I am not going to take advantage of him while he is asleep," I told her. But my hand was already around his stiff cock twitching in my hand. "I'm just going to kiss it goodnight." I leaned forward raising up on my knees to kiss it, the drool glistening at the little slit on the head. Molly licked her toy more urgently, and I giggled as I kissed his cock head licking the clear fluid. He let out a soft moan, and I kissed it again, then let my tongue curl around it before closing my lips and sucking inward. He responded by letting his knees open, as my breasts pressed against them. I looked up toward his face, rewarded by his satisfied smile as he watched me going down on him. He reached across and scratched Molly behind the ear, "Have you been showing Momma what to do?" he asked. "You can scratch my ears too," I mumbled around a mouthful of hard cock. Locking eyes with him I pushed my head down until he was pressed against the back of my throat, my throat muscles rippling in response to the attempted invasion. I felt his fingertips curling behind my left ear as pushed harder feeling the head push past as it bent into my throat before I had to back off. God he was huge, stretching my mouth wide. I could barely keep from raking it with my teeth. I tried a few more times, managing to get the head into my throat before having to back off again. My saliva was flowing like a river drooling all over his wonderful cock. More determined I started down again more urgently trying to force his cock into my throat. Suddenly both his hands gripped the sides of my head, "I'm going to cum," he warned and I just kept pushing down as he erupted into my throat. Quickly I backed off only to have it twitch and escape my mouth, spraying my face with hot slimy cum. I pressed my lips to it licking around the head it pumped over and over splashing my face, my hair, up my nose, and in my eyes. God how it stung in my eyes. But it was his cum, my man's cum, and I smiled as I closed my lips around the head once more sucking out the last drops. His hands slid down my front cupping my breasts, before pulling me up onto his lap. "God you are so Beautiful," he said. "I really am happy I hurried home." He started kissing my face all over, licking it clean. I could feel his cock growing hard again as it stirred against my own which was tucked back in my panties. Oh how I wanted to feel it deep inside me, pounding me to orgasm before it filled me with his wonderful seed. Giggling I leaned over toward Molly scratching her ears. "Molly go bring Momma's basket please." She thumped her tail then dropped her toy and darted into my room. He raised his eyebrows at me as I rotated my hips rubbing my crotch against his stiffening cock. Molly returned with the basket setting it on the end table. "Good girl," I scratched her ears. "Now go play with your toy," I told her as I took a tube of KY from the basket. "Are you sure about this? You think you're ready for it? what if I hurt you?" Raising up I pulled my panties to the side in back, "Then it will be the most wonderful hurt of my life," I kissed him. "It always hurts the first time, that's why it's called getting your Cherry Popped. You do want to pop my cherry don't you?" I pouted at him. "But what if it hurts too much?" I was busy getting myself ready for him, "Then I'll say Cotton Candy." "That doesn't make any sense," he said. "Exactly," I was raising up even more, my hand guiding his cock from behind me. "If we decide to play rough, and I'm sure we will you'll know I'm not just playing." "Ohhhh," he grinned as he felt himself pressing against my pucker. "So you think you might like it rough?" "Not the first time, but I do have fantasies about us." I was letting more and more of my weight settle downward feeling his cock head pushing spreading me open. I bit my lip as the head popped suddenly past the tight ring of virgin muscles. His hands suddenly gripping my hips tight holding me in place. I was panting hard. When he saw and felt me begin to relax he eased up letting me wiggle my way slowly down until he was fully into me. I sat there resting feeling is hard cock twitch and throb inside me while he kissed my face and caressed my breasts. Finally I gave in and let my body take over as I began to move in slow gentle motions, around and around. Then back and forth as I raised up and down. Little bounces at first then longer and faster. I felt his hand as he pulled my cock out of my panties, his fingers curling around it gently, lovingly. His hard cock massaging my prostate as I panted and begged him, "Fuck me, fuck me like a slut." I knew I was squirting, the euphoric release coursing through my body. He pulled me to him as he hungrily sucked and bit my nipples, his hands holding me steady as he finally gave in and began thrusting up into me. Over and over again he pounded into my ass, then suddenly his cock seemed to swell even bigger as he thrust up hard, my own orgasm beginning again more intense as he began to pump his cum deep into my Coochie, scalding hot and wonderful. Molly howling in response to our grunts and my squeals of rapture. Tears streamed down my cheeks, my eyes I knew sparkled in delight as I smiled at him before slamming my tongue down his throat. I could feel my Coochie clenching him tight as it spasmed in bliss. A few minutes later I realized he was still hard inside me. "Are you ok Baby, I didn't hurt you did I?" he asked. I giggled, "I'm going to walk funny for a week, but you know what?" he looked at me in question. "I fucking love it, and I love you. And I don't want to stop here, I want to keep going." He kissed me and wrapped his arms around me as he sat up in his chair. "Remember you asked for it, and I'll remember Cotton Candy." I giggled then he stood up still buried deep inside me, "I'm going to pound that tight little Coochie of yours till you're too sore to walk." I giggled, "Promise!?" He held me tight as I rode on his cock to his bed. I came three more times before he came again. Then he let himself slide out as he began to soften. Carrying me he took me into the bathroom and sat me gently on the toilet. "You're sure I didn't hurt you?" he asked. "No you didn't hurt me," I blushed and giggled as my ass let go of its flood. "I'm going to be sore, but I want to do it every chance we have." When I was finished he carried me back to his bed then quickly cleaned up himself. He pulled me to him and then said, "Molly, come on, come to bed girl." She jumped up and lay down beside us her tail thumping happily on the blankets. Molly woke us the next day just before noon. She was racing back and forth between the bed and the front door. I was so sore I could barely move, but Tim pulled on a pair of jeans and went to the Door. "Is everything ok?" I heard Joseph ask. "Never better," Tim said. "Why?" "Your trailer is blocking the road. Brenda called to say she thought maybe something was wrong because you always park in the barn when you get home, and you are a day early." I'd pulled on a robe and hobbled out to stand with my arm around Tim. "Good morning Joseph. I'm sorry I distracted him before he had a chance to park it last night." I blushed, "I'm going to fix some coffee, would you like some? You should see how much Molly has grown in the last week." He swallowed hard, then said "Thank you, that'd be nice. I'll just help Tim with the truck first." I knew he was giving me a chance to put on some real clothes, but I started the coffee first anyway. I found the more I moved the easier it got to move. I had the skillet on the stove and was whipping up biscuits by the time they got back to the house. Brenda pulled into the drive and walked up greeting them as they returned to the house. "Tim? I'm sorry I guess she took off on you like I knew she would," she began. I stepped out onto the porch carrying two cups of coffee. "Actually Brenda I met him naked in the front yard and then I fucked his brains out," I told her honestly. "I'll let him park the rig next time so you don't worry though." "My god Tim, she's even younger than your," she didn't get to finish. "Brenda, I don't know why Red Eagle puts up with your ways and continues to let you stay in his house. But if you haven't figured out by now that love knows no age limit, I feel sorry for you," Joseph said. "Besides, Tim has made his choice and has tribal support." I waved goodbye to her with a very satisfied smile on my face. After she'd gotten in her car and left Tim asked, "Did you have words with Brenda?" I giggled, "Sort of, she let me know she'd made a few advances. Then said you were too rough for her taste but she'd give you a second chance seeing as how you had another little girl to take care of." After a pause I added, "Agnes and Blossom both warned me about her too. but I wasn't worried. You'd already tried her and passed on by." "Damn it's going to be good having you around here," Joseph said. then asked, "Does she know why she lost to you?" "No she thinks I'm just another real girl. Besides I already know she isn't the only Avon lady in these parts." I let my ass wiggle as I sauntered back into the kitchen. "Damn Tim, she sure is fine. I'm going to have to make sure the young bucks know not to go chasing after her." Joseph said as they followed. Looking over my shoulder I said, "I'm a one man Woman Joseph. I'm only a slut for my own man I don't need everyone else's. Molly, take your toy into the other room it's time for breakfast," I told the young wolf. She grabbed her toy and disappeared into my room. "Was that?" began Joseph. "Yes it was, but if she likes chewing on it I don't mind. It's certainly nothing any sane woman would want to use but she likes it and it does sort of look like one of those dental chew bones they sell at the store." He laughed, "I don't even want to think about where it came from. I wanted to thank you for letting my daughter stay over the other night. She was chomping at the bit to get to talk with you. The next closest girl her age is about ten miles from here." I looked at him in question, "Where's that? I saw lots of girls in town yesterday." "Sorry I meant Girls who understand and respect Nature.," he said. "And your about as close to being born and raised Native American as they come. And Blossom has been a bit lonely since Layla decided to join the rest of the pack this spring." "Layla?" "Yes the wolf pup that she raised, she didn't mention her? Old Ringo brought her to us right after Tina," he let it trail off. I served up biscuits gravy and scrambled eggs and bacon. Then I set a plate in the floor for Molly. After we ate Tim asked, "Would you like to go swimming today?" "I don't have a bathing suit," I told him. "Pick one of Tina's, I'm sure she'd want you wear them anyway." he told me as I stood at the sink and took my morning doses of Hormones. Joseph had gone home already and had been talking about taking his Wife and Daughter to the river. I giggled as I saw the swim suits I had to choose from, all bikini's, all very skimpy. I found one with a wider crotch than the rest and pulled it on. The top still barely covered my nipples, but it felt so girly and sexy. "So what's the name of this river we're going to?" I asked him wondering if I'd ever heard of it. "The Little Big Horn, Love." Was his answer. "You mean where Custer died?" I asked. "I've always wanted to see that river." He helped me up into the truck, then lifted Molly up into the seat beside me. "You'll not only get to see it but you'll get to swim in it." As we drove down the winding road I saw a young teenaged boy and a younger girl walking. Hearing the truck they turned around and stopped. Tim pulled up beside them, "Headed to the river?" he asked. "Yes sir, Blossom called and said she thought you were heading that way." "Then hop on in," he said and the boy tossed a blanket in the back then helped his little sister climb in. Tim opened the back window so we could talk. "You really are as pretty as everyone says you are," the boy said. "Thank you, but how did Blossom know we were going swimming?" "She saw you getting in the truck in your swim suit," was the answer. Before we reached the edges of the river we stopped and picked up several other youngsters headed that way. "Normally anyone headed for the river will call two or three people to let them know, that way we share rides," Tim said. "I bet Blossom shows up with the flat bed full." I got out and we helped everyone down before they all took off at a full run, stripping off their clothes as they went. Seeing my astonishment Tim said, "We have few inhibitions about nudity here. the only real rule is don't stop and stare." I let my wrap drop at the edge of the water, and he held my hand as we both jumped in together. We swam out toward a large flat topped rock that stood in the middle of the river. Then hearing honking I turned to see Blossom behind the wheel of her families big flatbed hay truck full of people. Someone had put the side rails on it so no one was in danger of falling off. Treading water I waited while she stood on the same flat rock out cropping that Tim and I had dove from. She stripped down to just her Bikini bottoms, then holding hands with two boys her age they jumped in together before she swam over to us. "Uncle Tim, Missy, Good to see you here. I was afraid you have her up on lovers rock before I got here." she said. "Lovers Rock? Where's that?" I asked in ignorance. "Behind you silly, no one but lovers is allowed to climb up on top of it," she explained. "What do you do up there?" "Get naked and make love," Tim answered me. "In front of everyone?" I asked. You can just make out or hold hands or lay naked sunbathing," Blossom offered. "But what's the fun in that?" "Besides, once you're up there together no one else will try to court either of you." Said Blossoms father, Joseph. I twisted around in Tim's arms and began kicking my feet as I propelled us toward the big rock. "Are you sure you want to do this? You might see someone that has more to offer." He prompted. I kissed his lips and ducked out under his arms removing my top in the process. Then tossing the top to him I kicked out swimming for the edge that looked easiest to climb. He treaded water watching me, ready to catch me if I fell. At the top I turned my back to him and the rest as I slid my bottoms down. Then looking over my shoulder I tossed them to him too. "I'll be waiting Mr Wyoming." I didn't have long to wait, Tim topped the rock in record time. Then sat down quickly and began sucking on the side of his arm. Then spit over the edge into the water, saying something I couldn't understand. "What was that, what happened?" I asked him as I took his arm in my hands to look at the two puncture marks. "The River Spirit was testing my resolve to reach the top," he said. "She sent a Water Moccasin to try and stop me. You didn't get bitten did you?" he was all concern for me. "No Tim there weren't any when I climbed up or I'd have dived off into your arms," I assured him. He laughed, "That's because you are a blessed Spirit." "Should we take you to the doctor?" "No, it was only one bite. And not even serious at that. of course it might make for a pretty good fantasy," he laughed as he rolled over pinning me to the rocks surface. I squealed and giggled as he nibbled on my neck working his way down my body. He took his time bringing me off, then tongued my Coochie till I was squirming with excitement. I let him relax then flipped us over so that I was on top of him now. "You're in big trouble now," I said as I wiggled around till I could feel the head of his cock poking at my entrance. As he sucked on my breasts I thrust my hips back, taking him inside me a little more each time until he was in all the way. "God you're beautiful," he said looking up into my eyes. We never looked away from each other as sat atop him riding that marvelous cock from one orgasm to the next. When he warned me that he was going to cum I giggled and raised up letting it slip out then rolled over pulling him on top. "I want it on my face," I looked in pure rapture at him as he let go splashing his spunk all over my breasts and face. Only then did I hear the giggles and realize we weren't alone up there. Two other young couples had climbed up to join us. The girls were sisters I could tell, and they'd been watching us. Now they too wanted their lovers to cover their faces. Tim hugged me as I turned my attention back to him, "I never thought I could do that in front of someone else," I said. "It was fun, you want to go again my Stallion?" His eyes were glassy but he was more than ready, he rolled me onto all fours. "More than ready my little Filly," his cock head was pressing against me and I threw my head back as I thrust back at almost the same time he thrust forward. "Unnnnng, yes fuck your little pony," I moaned. "You better take hold of her reigns Tim," I heard one of the young braves say. And Tim reached forward with one hand grasping my long hair. It felt even more exciting having his hand gripping my hair as he slammed into me from behind. Then his other hand smacked my ass cheek, "Move that ass like you want to be ridden." I felt my own cock grow hard as I met his forward thrusts with my own backward thrusts. He was slamming into me harder and harder, his grip on my hair pulling me back into him, as his hand smacked my ass cheek. when I came I squealed, and heard the echoes off the canyon walls, feeling his cock erupting inside me filling me up. We both collapsed onto the flat top of the rock, and he rolled to the side. I clenched my cheeks together as I leaned over him kissing his face all over, "Thank you, I love you, you know." He pulled my face to his and our tongues entwined. Then he asked, "Did I hurt you? Was I too rough?" "I'm still here aren't I?" then suddenly we were showered in a spray of water before Molly lay down beside us. I giggled, "Molly you got me all wet." But I reached out and hugged her, Tim scratching under her chin just before my tummy gurgled. He rose up onto his knees scooping me into his arms. Then rose to his feet and took four fast strides to the edge and jumped. We came up to the top in time to get splashed by Molly as she followed behind us. "Tim I'll never make it to the shore," I told him. "That's why I jumped in downstream from everyone else, just let it go." I giggled as we swam to make sure it would wash away from us. "That's why every so often someone swims out this way then back," he told me and I blushed. "No need to worry besides everyone does it." We swam over to where several others were laying in the sun, and he rubbed lotion on me so I wouldn't burn. Then Molly once again showered everyone as she shook off the water from her fur before laying down next to us.

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Bhabhi Ke Saath Raat

By : Rohan Hi all I am 26 year old guy from Mumbai. I am sharing my first experience with you all with bhabhi. One day in my brother and my bhabhi went to Goa for a holiday. My bhabhi is 35 years approx with big boob’s lusty skin and long straight hair big bums and nice smile very horny nature.My brother loves to drink and party with friends and be with his friends. In Goa also he called his friends and went out with them the night we came. I and bhabhi were alone in the hotel room and he went...

1 year ago
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Daddys Little Girl Part 2

Waking up covered in the sticky reminder of last night was amazing to Lindsey. Her father was still holding her in his arms, their naked bodies cuddled close. His cock rested against her buttocks, now limp and soft as he slept. She gently moved his arm and slid out of his bed. Just as she got to her bedroom, the door bell rang. She quickly pulled on a pair of boy shorts panties and her long black silk robe. She had just tied the sash when she opened the front door. When she saw her...

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A game Ive played

I was walking down the park. Around midnight. I was walking back from a friends house from a gang meeting. They all know im a girl. The other gangs dont. Im a pretty girl when i dress like one. Other than that I look like a boy. A boy that live alone across the park from the other house. I have black hair that is shoulder length. I always have it up. I have deep brown eyes with red lips. My body type is skinny and small. I am about, 5 feet, and only 120 lbs. I would look like a girl if not for...

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My Cute Neighbour Girl Pooja

Hi,this is Aditya Aryan,studying in IIT Bombay.Age-21, 5’7″ tall,very fair and intelligent boy. As I am single now, if any girl interested in sex or short term relationship, ping me at “”.Now coming to the sex story. I am a regular user of ISS. After reading stories, I used to think about sharing my stories. So, I am. I am not very experienced in sex. I only have sex experience with three girls till now. This was my first encounter with my neighbor pooja(changed name), which were also a...

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Deep in the night a small light travels across a starlit sky, getting bigger as it gets closer to earth and picking up speed on the descend. With a deep sound it hits the earth in a cornfield, making the resident dog bark loudly. Following the barking of the dog, lights got lit in the farm next to the field and a man yelling at the dog to quiet down came walking out of his farmhouse. At first he didn’t notice any difference, but then he saw a light glow rising above the crops. He called for his...

3 years ago
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Futa Naked in School 03 Futa Mvps RewardChapter 2 Futarsquos Taboo Decision

Charisma Lacy’s Week, Tuesday I felt numb as I sat naked in Coach Musil’s office. My little sister was beside me, equally as nude as me. We were both chosen to attend classes sans clothing thanks to the Program. Being naked wasn’t why I was numb. After two months of the Program running at our high school, I’d grown used to seeing naked girls and wild sex around campus. I’d even made love to my sister before our mythology class the day before. No, I was numb because of Principal McTaggart’s...

1 year ago
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The Train Traveller Episode 2

There was no way my trip home from college could be as exciting as my trip to college (see episode 1) could it?.I boarded the train, alone and still a virgin despite my best efforts during the semester.College had been, well, not great. I found it hard to make new friends, the guys thought I was a nerd, the girls, well the just didnt seem interested. It was nice to be heading home.Boarding the train my thoughts drifted back to my journey here. Thoughts of cumming over the teenage girls feet as...

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mom and son

Chrismas Party-Fill in*Jim walked in the house and tossed his keys on the table by the door. "Hey Mom, you home?" he yelled and went looking for her. He stopped by her door and heard something odd. It sounded like she was moaning and having sex. 'Oh man,' he moaned with disgust, starting to walk away, but he heard something else and went back."Yeah, that's it, baby! Fuck me with that big, beautiful cock! Fuck my pussy! Fuck it, fuck it, baby!" Mom groaned and Jim wanted to rush in and help, but...

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Mami the sex bomb

It was story when we went to Masuri in my vacation. I am living with my parents in Deharadoon during my vacation holidays my mami visited me she has a sex bomb like figure i thing i had done hand practice thousand times on my trip to the place we shopped and in evening we went to hotel where i got an opportunity to sleep with my mami as i had a good impression and bcz. My mama didn’t came with us at around 11 we went to sleep during sleep my hand went onto her breast when i woke up i felt the...

3 years ago
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Cuckolded slowly part deux le Parisian

The flight from Atlanta to Charles de Gaulle was not bad at all. Thank goodness we were in business class. It cost a zillion frequent flyer miles to bring my wife along, but I figured it was worth it. It would be a working trip for me, but I had a couple of days free at the beginning of the trip and would have occasional free time in the middle. For the most part, though, Cindy would have to fend for herself. She assured me she was fine with that and was excited about the trip. Who could’ve...

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She was running hard – her aertex shirt clinging to her wet flesh, rain and sweat mingling and pouring down her face, her chest, between her breasts and down her belly. The short gym skirt flapping as her thighs pounded against the slippery ground was leaving red marks on the vulnerable skin. Mud splashed on her calves, forming dark marks against the cold pink. She looked up as she ran down the hill and lost her rhythm as she saw him standing at the gate. Even from this distance she could make...

2 years ago
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Why I got addicted to BBWS

This story is fiction, it didn't actually happen, but I wish it would have!It seems I always had this thing for bigger, full figure women. I don't know where is started but I seemed to fantasize about them all the time. My step mom was a bigger woman. My dad divorced and remarried when I was very young. He was away quite a lot with business so it was just me and Sally, that's my stepmom, at home most times. I always thought Sally was quite attractive even when I was young. As I grew older I...

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The Dungeon Bar

On Saturdays, I had a regular breakfast gathering with two of my longest-standing buddies. We were all in our mid-twenties and had known one another for over five years. The place we frequented made the most incredible three duck egg omelette. Comparing a duck egg to a chicken egg, if you will forgive my ridiculous comparison, is like comparing Swiss chocolate to homemade fudge.One Saturday morning, as we gathered for our weekly indulgence, Peter, who was one of the three, then intrigued us...

Gay Male
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The precious aunt 2

I wrote in a previous story about my aunt who is an amazing woman at 50’s.Top class milf,average face but with a body at least 15-20 years younger.So i told you that she had an affair with my dad and with her boss.When i caught her fucking like a whore in a threesome i decide to take actions and at last she became my whore too. Now i am writing a story about my aunt and me at a holiday trip in our village.I dont remember the year,it was 5 or 6 years ago on a July.My f****y,me,my parents and my...

1 year ago
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Summer Screwing Never Felt So Right

It was a hot day. A very hot 100 degree day and me and my gorgeous boyfriend Peter were outside playing basketball. I loved to look at him. God damn was he completely beautiful. He had the most wonderful light blue eyes, soft pink lips, dimples, he was tall, and he died his hair black. That made me unhappy because I for one LOVE BLONDES. He WAS a blonde, but he always had to make ways for me to be upset with him. But that’s fine. Cause naughty boys get punished right? I would sometimes ask...

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Biwi Ki Chudai Part 8211 2

Hay doton kasi lagi story ka first part ap agy ki story richer meri wife ka boobs dabany shuro kar dyta ha or phir us ki sari nikal dyta ha ab meri wife blouse orpetricot ma te richer kabi us ka lips kbi nose kbi neck par kiss karta meri biwi us ka is trha karny sy pagal hoti ja rahi te or apny ap ko richer ka hawalay kar chuki te ab tk richer ny meri biwi ka blouse bi utar diya tha or boobs choosnay ma magan rtha ka light chali gai or anni ki avaz ai ka candle jala do tb ja kar dono nashy sy...

2 years ago
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Getting the Promotion

I am a 30 year old regional sales manager happily married to my wife, Lindsey for 5 years now. She is 25 years old, a brunette with hair that just reaches her shoulders, 5'7" tall and a body to die for. I was attracted to her the moment I saw her. This story also includes my boss, Bill Evans, who is 5 years older than me with a commanding attitude and a well built body to back it up.I arrived to work on Monday morning at 7:30 A.M. Just like any other morning, I reviewed the week’s tasks...

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Join the Feminine Side

Males from all fictional world will soon find themselves varies scenarios, which will end in the lost of their masculinity. How, well that's up to you to decide. Any male from any anime, cartoon, book, TV show, movie will not be safe. The method is up to you and want will befall the former males is up to you. There are a few things I will not allow in the story no scat, watersports, toilet stuff, baby stuff, diapers and other stuff like that. Plus, follow any and all rule this site has. If a...

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What Might Have Happen to Her in College

Dear Uncle I can’t believe I was so naive. Please don’t anyone about it, I think you’ll understand. Don’t share the letter I’m sending, even if your sister heard about it already. It all started when I mentioned I thought his guy cute in the hearing of a couple classmates. I didn’t know then that they knew him. No one can claim I consented so I’m not guilty of any sin! They whispered to me that they were into white witch craft; you know the kind that involves nudity, sunshine, plants, sex...

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The love of a sister 8211 Part 1

It was that day of the year to which I looked forward most eagerly—Bhai Phonta. The day all sisters in Bengal pray for their brother’s long life, treat them to various delicacies, and get gifted by their brothers. I had put on the traditional Bengali saree. I was ready with all ingredients and my little brother’s favourite dishes. In no other culture in the world the love between brother and sister is celebrated this way. It is said once Yama- the god of death – visited his sister’s house....

3 years ago
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Weve Always Been Close

We've always been close, my brother and I. We've been inseparable for as long as I can remember. Most of that was down to the situation we grew up in. Perhaps I should go back a bit. I'm Amy, my brother is Jack. We grew up in a small house with just us two and mom. I've never met my father and my brother was too young to remember him. See, he always had his "issues" and it put a lot of strain on my parent's marriage. When mom got pregnant with Jack, things got worse. Just months after my...

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Fun With Neighbor Aunt

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers I would like to share my experience with an older women lives near to my room in Bhopal. After my engineering, I got a job and shifted here. I am the normal looking guy. The names are changed due to privacy concern. mail me to to keep a good reliable relationship. It was during summer, I have taken a room in a three storied building. The land lord stays on the ground floor and rest of the families are for rent. Initially, I got a single room on the third...

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Ritu Chachiji Bani Kothe Ki Sasti Raand Reshama 8211 Part I

Hi! sabhi lund walo aur chut waaaliyon ko mera lund wat pranam. Main ISS pe naya nahin hun magr yeh meri pehli story hai. Bahut saalon se stories padh raha hun aur hila raha hun. Aisa ek din bhi nahin hota jab ISS pe log in nahin kiya ho. Badi hi mast site hai aur mast kahaniyan hai. Ab bakwass bandh karke maal pe aate hai. Apni pehli kahaani mein main aapko apne ghar le jaata hun aur apni raand maal RITU chachi se milwata hun. Aisa koi lund na hoga jo is chinaal ko chodna na chahe. Saaali...

2 years ago
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My bset friends little sister true story

This happened on a weekend when a lot of my friend Chris's friends were over that weekend. i was there because i am always there because i live across the street. at the time i was 17, Chris was 17, and his little sister was 15. Since the first time i saw her i wanted to cum all over her pretty little face. So that weekend i got my chance. the only reason i did that is because everyone was over. So the first night i planned out how i was gonna do it. first i would lay there until everyone...

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Good Chemistry with Chemistry Lecturer

Yo guys I'm Rajiv 19 years from Tamilnadu. This happened a year back with my chemistry Lecturer. She was a Muslim lady with 25 years of age with white complexion and rosy lips. I used to stare at her when she was lecturing. She caught me few times in the class but don't care about it. One day most of our class students were absent. So rest also bunked the college. Me and few girls were there. Around 2 pm she came to our class for noting the attendance. Meanwhile I noticed her boobs and navel....

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The enormous cock

A massive dick. By Marcos Urbina Well, after I’ve been reading so many erotic stories I decided it was my turn to tell you one myself,  playing the main character.  I already turned to 26yo girl,  I used to date my girlfriends since I was 19.  Once, I was invited to drink at one of my buddies’ apartment.  We were a party of six, but these guys   were elder, and as they drunk alcohol,    they were  drunk too quickly.   But it came the moment   when one of my girl friends invited over...

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White DelightsChapter 10 Help

"I don't know what to do. She doesn't seem happy here, yet she is as obedient and submissive as can be, and she seems to enjoy being spanked and beaten. I had hoped for a little more fire." The Emir was discussing Lujain, his new French concubine, with Ramzy El-Najjar who had no idea why the Emir thought there was a problem. If the concubine was submissive and obedient, and took the whip well, what else could a man want? Suddenly the Emir stood up and said, "Excuse me Ramzy; I just had...

4 years ago
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To Catch a Merchant PrincessChapter 4

Alicia sat cross-legged beneath a cherry tree in the garden, blissfully savoring a few of the ripe fruits, plucked directly from the tree. As with the day before, her parents were simply too stunned by her sudden shift in behavior to articulate their disappointment. She knew the reprieve wouldn't last long, but she planned to take advantage of every moment. A beam of sunlight shone upon her spellbook, open in her lap. The spell to soothe sore and chafed nipples from nursing a child...

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