Wyoming Ute IGT free porn video

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Wyoming / Ute IGT, (Inter Galactic Trucking) Living Beyond the Dream Tim, Missy, Old Elk and Swallow sat at the booth in the usual diner at Prudhoe Bay waiting for the rest of their combined families. Tim was busy bouncing Daffodil, his new granddaughter on his knee when a waitress brought him an envelope. "What is it Tim?" I asked my husband as he tore it open. "Mr Wyoming, Mr Lightfeather," the note began. "My friends and I have been searching for Driver's such as you and wish to employ your small family businesses. We wish to appeal to your adventurous spirits, as well as your trustworthiness." "I wish I could tell you more about our business. But until we receive word from you it must remain confidential. At the end of the air strip are six, sealed containers on trailers. If you wish to know more and become pioneers in your own field of expertise simply hook up to the trailers and haul them to the below listed location." "All expenses will be paid through the enclosed cards issued for this purpose by us at the IGB of Omega Seven." "The pay for this adventure is GC 1,000,000.00 equal to approx. $3,000,000.00 per container, to be received at the delivery point." Tim upended the envelope after passing the note to Old Elk. Six plastic cards that looked like credit cards fell out. Across each card was a strip of tape. "Only to be removed by the person to use this card. DNA Imprint will occur upon removal!" stated a warning. It wasn't the cards which caused Tim's eyes to grow wide, he was looking at a piece of paper with a grid coordinate on it. "Tim have you been there before?" both Elk and I asked together. "Yes and so have each of you," he said dryly handing the page to Elk with a shaking hand. I'd never seen my husband shake like that, and I was beginning to get worried. "Tim, this could be a link," Old Elk said. "No one knows what happened to the A'shiwi," he said. I punched the numbers into my GPS, and then sat staring in disbelief at the location it gave me. "Tim, oh god this is where we hauled that load to last summer." "Actually its eighty seven miles north," he said. "But we have to follow the old road that goes north from the motel." "Or we could come in from Socorro," offered Old Elk. "Socorro? Are we going to the A'shiwi holy grounds?" asked Swallow. "You mean those old Pueblo towns?" I asked. "Yes the A'shiwi, 'The Flesh', they disappeared before the Mayan's and the Aztec's. No one knows what became of them," finished Swallow. "Well this exact location is one that has never been open to the public," Old Elk stated. "Dad, what's going on? You look strange." TooTall said as they joined us. "I'm not sure son," he looked between Tim, Swallow and myself as he said, "I don't think we can afford to pass this up." "Myself, Missy, And Red will go from our end," said Tim. "Myself, TooTall and Cat, will go from ours," confirmed Old Elk. And Tim passed out the little plastic credit cards. Curiously I held mine and peeled off the strip. I felt my finger and thumb grow warm then watched as my face appeared on the card along with my name. I took out my purse and started to slide the card in next to my CDL when I noticed my license was changed. "What the?" I began but quickly stopped. "What about the rest of us?" asked our remaining drivers who were there with us? "I think some of us need to stay home. Besides we only have six loads. We can call you when we know more." Agreed Tim and Old Elk. I was almost too nervous to eat. And kept looking at my CDL, it now read, 'Interstellar Commercial Driver'. When Tim looked at me funny I passed it to him and saw his face change to disbelief. Before they would let us hook up Tim insisted they go over the trailers. "I've never seen metal like this before," commented TooTall as he tapped on the side. There was no echo or any other sound, as if the trailer itself was one solid object. "What the hell is it," I asked? "It's a road Gramma," Daffodil giggled. Several people stood watching laughing as we began backing up to the trailers. "Forget it we've tried already," said a very official looking Military officer. None of the other trucks could get close, like there was a force field. But Beauty glided right into position and I was rewarded by a clinking as the hitch pin slid into place and then the lock pin tripped to lock it into the plate. "How did you do that?" "Elk, let me try something," Tim said taking out his card and removing the strip. He touched it to his CDL, and it changed the same way mine had. He showed it to Elk, then got in Jumper and backed smoothly into place. "Looks like being able to hook up is triggered by these," he smiled. Soon we were all hooked up and ready to go, half of our families left in front, the rest followed behind us. "Anyone notice anything strange about their dash displays?" asked Darlene over the open link. Gravity Stabilization, 100%, the speedometer now read in both KPH and MPH but went up to 300MPH, or 1,800KMH. "Uhhh, Tim is this even possible?" "Tim, I want to try something," Old Elk said. "I'm coming around," he warned the other drivers as he pulled out to pass on the narrow roadway. His trailer never wavered or rocked as he did so and soon he read out his speed. "I'm not slipping on this stuff and I'm doing a hundred." "Elk, let's get together and talk in about twenty to twenty five minutes." We all switched to channel forty five. We discussed the recent changes to our trucks since connecting to the trailers. For instance we could no longer hear the noise from the road. The dash display was looking more digital. We'd gone over a hundred miles and all our tanks still showed full. Then I noticed that my laptop which was linked into the trucks system to track my driving for the electronic logbook had a few more displays. I looked at the one that read load status. "Holy shit, that can't be," I gasped out loud. "What is it Momma?" asked Red and Darlene at the same time. "My PC has a read out that says load status. It says Beauty is pulling one thousand compressed metric tons." "Yeah mine has a load manifest that says Galactic onramp and Transit Cylinders, Stable, Compressed, Dormant," Red informed us. "Galactic Onramp?" several of us asked, before spotting the same display on our own computer screens. I think we all need to sleep in the trucks tonight, I'd hate to lose one of these loads." Tim said. "Did anyone else's cards make a copy of itself or change someone else's ID when they touched it?" asked Zoey. "I was wondering when someone else was going to mention it," Swallow said. The team drivers, Old Elk, Swallow, and Longreach. TooTall, Darlene, and Daffodil. TomCat and Zoey, and Red and Running Water, had all experienced the same thing. In Daffodils case it just created an Intergalactic Identification card. "This is some wicked advanced technology Dad," stated TooTall. We stopped for the rest to refuel and we each double checked our tanks. Sure enough they were still full. "I can't say I'm not a bit freaked out by this, but damn it sure is good to know I don't have to spend so much on fuel," Commented Red. We drove on to Kanuti Station, Little Elk and Long Dog volunteering to hang back and lead the rest in. As we neared the small town though we began seeing the dancing lights in the sky again. Then just as suddenly as they appeared they were gone again. The rest of the convoy caught up before midnight and when we got out to greet them we found our places had been altered. We were now in the exact opposite order of how the trailers had been when we hooked up to them. We decided that this was the order they were intended to arrive in. Red was thrilled as it now put him in the lead position. Pausing briefly at the staging point, we met with Stan to let him know we'd be in contact for next year's runs. "Just a minute before you go," he said. "I have someone that wants to talk with you." And he waved his hand which brought a car the likes of which we'd never seen before, over to us. I was surprised when a door just appeared in the side, and a feminine voice said. "Tim, Elk, Missy, Swallow, won't you join me for a few minutes?" Unsure the four of us slid easily into the soft cushioned seat and the door closed. "My name is Rita, I've been watching you three for a long time." "And you're from?" prompted Tim. "Omega Seven, but it isn't on any known astrological charts. At least not the ones known around here. I'm sure you have a lot of questions." "What ummm, what race are you from?" Old Elk finally asked. With a smile she began speaking rapidly, then stopped. "Ah the ancient language has been lost, pity. But to answer your question I was a servant of the A'shiwi, and need your help to get home. The Stellar Freeway onramp was delivered to the wrong location but the Delivery craft wasn't reachable to correct it." "How did you get here?" I finally asked. With a glittering grin she said, "I ran out of fuel and crashed while surveying the old home cities to see if anyone had unlocked the clues we left behind. Sadly all they managed to do was contaminate the fuel source, and destroy the clues." After a short pause she continued, "One who was traveling with me was taken by force, I was trying to retrieve her when I ran out of fuel. But I have found a temporary source for now." "You said the Interstellar Freeway?" Tim asked. "Yes, also known as the Red Limit Freeway by a few of the other races that use it. We needed a way to give other beings a chance to meet us. To join with us. So we created the Road. All one has to do is find us at the end of the road." "I don't suppose there are any maps of this road are there?" I asked already suspecting the answer. "No, if you are meant to find us you will. But only those at peace with themselves and those around them can find the right pathway. And there are some points we had hopes for that have turned out to be very selfish and greedy, wanting to control the road, most disappointing. But most beings just want to travel in peace." "So you just want us to haul these to the starting point?" Tim asked. "No we need certain," she paused as if searching for the right words, "Artifacts and such taken to a safe place. But you will need to be at the starting point where they will be gathered waiting. I will of course meet you there, after you have stopped and gathered the rest of your families who wish to come along. The necessary changes will be made to their transportation as well when they get there." "Who? Who is it that you are looking for?" I finally asked. She pointed to a screen and I was suddenly shocked to see the very young face staring back at me. "It is time for us to go, you will lead me to her and I will follow." A door opened silently and I realized suddenly that I was a good five feet off the ground. Standing on the tarmac, I was now looking at Rita, she had transformed into the image of a Peterbuilt 379. "My family calls me the Wanderer," she said before the door closed. "Hey, where'd that truck come from?" asked Stan. "It wasn't here before." "That's a friend of ours, here to make the run home with us," Old Elk stated. "Oh, ok." He was clearly confused. Somehow Rita had effected Stan's memory, he had no idea what had just occurred before his eyes. Before we could get to our trucks though Night Wolf bailed out of Kanuti Princess at a dead run toward Rita. Tears streaming from her eyes, "You're here," she jumped to the first step and the strange vehicle seemed to swallow her. "Thank you for finding her for me, we heard from the truck." Now the inconclusive DNA tests that Dr Cambridge had run seemed to make sense. Night Wolf while being human was also somehow of the Ancient Race, the first ancestors, the A'shiwi. Climbing up into Beauty again I noticed a few other new changes. The door seals for one, but also the Cab looked like the inside of what I imagined a Star Freighter might look like, not that I or anyone else had ever actually seen one. "At least I still have a steering wheel, shifter and pedals," I mumbled. "Yeah next thing we know they'll be talking to us," commented Tim. "She sure is a Beauty though," I said. "Thank you Star Driver," replied my truck from the speaker system, followed by a soft girlish giggle. "I hope we have the chance to learn what all this new stuff does while we're driving," Old Elk commented. We started driving, it was eerie, that none of our trucks were making a sound. "Damn I miss hearing the purr of the engine," I commented. Suddenly Beauty was sounding like her old self. "Combustion Fuel Engine simulation mode," announced the trucks computer. "Hey Beauty, my passengers want to know if you can open a link to your sister." BJ called out over the live link that was still active. "I don't know, let me ask my truck," "Contacting the Colonel now, please hold while I secure communications between all vehicles in the convoy." "Go ahead Blackfoot Princess," I heard my sister say as clear as if she was sitting beside me. "We're all green here, heading to the deployment site now. We're stopping on the way to gather the rest of the families." Melody informed her. "Ok We are go for Operation Northern lights. I say again, Go for Operation Northern Lights." "Copy Commander, securing what we have, we'll see you in the desert." Came another voice over the radio. We were pushing it, our family leaders Tim and Elk wanting to put as much distance between us and Prudhoe as possible. "Momma, do you see where it says Star Train mode on your computer?" asked Darlene. "Yeah, I never noticed it before." I admitted. We'd mixed the rest in with us so we didn't risk running off and losing them. We had Flower between Darlene and I. I touched the indicator intending to get a readout of what it did. "Star train link established with Kanuti princess," came the soft sensuous voice of my truck. "Requesting link with other vehicles in this convoy." "Linking with BJ, linking with Beast. Link complete with Big Dog." I was sitting there listening to everyone asking what was happening as the trucks all went bumper to bumper as if they'd become fused together. In some cases it was plow to bumper. "Joint vehicle transformation process started, linking with Wanderer." "Oh shit," Red breathed from the lead position. I hope that thing knows how to control everything. "Star Rigs in auto pilot mode. Bio-Ship Wanderer assuming control. Please relax and enjoy the ride." "Missy what did you do?" asked Tim. "I'm sorry Tim, I was trying to figure out what that Star Train thing was for." "I think we found out." "Dad," Lightfoot said. "My truck is changing. The dash is, it just got all fuzzy and then it cleared up and now it's all digital." "Look at your driving computer, son." "Holy shit Dad, it's got most of the same things yours has. Gravity stabilization, load stabilization." We heard a thumping sound. "What the? Hey where'd that door come from?" asked Long Dog. "Dude, seriously, your sleeper is connected to my cab and you're worried about the connecting door?" said Little Elk. I slowly leaned over to look back behind the seats. There was now another five feet of sleeper space ending in a door. "Rita? Can you hear me?" "Yes Missy Wyoming, I can hear you." "What's happening to our trucks?" "They are being altered to allow you to transit the Inter-galactic Freeway. The living compartment door allows you to access the trailer. The front door allows you to go forward to visit another driver when linked in Star Train mode." I realized there was now a transparent extension from Lightfoot's truck back to my own, with a section that had a door. "How do I get to that door?" "You open the trap door above the cab, and use the access ladder," answered Long Dog. "Rita, if you wish to avoid attention, you might want to slow it down to the posted speed limit." I looked and saw the readout showed 250MPH. "I thought the Wyoming's wished to be home for the birth of the newest driver." "Ice Pack, you copy?" I heard Tim call over the radio. "Tim, I mean Hopper, where are you guys at?" asked Lorelei. "Coming out of the mountains towards Montana," he answered. "I think it's getting close, but Jill won't leave for the clinic. She says you all promised to be here." "If we slow down to the speed limit it will be two more days before we reach your home," stated Rita over the radio. "If you allow me to continue at my current velocity we will be there in four hours forty three minutes." "Tim who is that?" asked Jill. "Hello Jillian Wyoming, my name is Wanderer but you may call me Rita." "Rita, did you have something to do with repairing Beast and Makenzie?" she asked "Makenzie?" Darlene jumped into the conversation. In our excitement we'd forgotten to tell her about her truck. "Yes, the truck you began driving this winter. She will be waiting for you." Replied Rita. "TooTall, how are we going to drive three trucks?" she asked her husband over the open link "Darlene, we have four. Well technically the Jammer is Daffodil's but it belonged to her mother, that's you now," he reminded her. "Jammer? You mean that Kenworth she was hiding in at home?" "Yes, and I think I have it figured out how we can do it. Look right here, see this setting?" "Remote link? This means we can still be a two Mack family." I heard a round of loud laughter. Jill, is your special guest and her daughter still there?" asked Tim. "Yes she's right here, go ahead." "Spider, if you want her the Beast is yours and Tabitha's. Red has the 'Big Beast' now," said Tim. "I, I, thank you. I was going to try to talk my cousin out of the Mack Attack. But I sure don't understand it, I was in that thing last week with the kids while they pretended to drive." "I prefer to think of it as a miracle," I told her. "We've sure had our fair share of them this trip." "Missy, how is it you're already in Alberta?" asked Jill. "You'd have to see it to believe it, Love. But we're all linked together doing over 250 MPH." I answered her. "You're right. I can't believe it, I'll have to see it for myself. But you guys drive safe ok?" "Count on it, we'll see you in a few hours." We signed off. I was wondering why we weren't hearing any other drivers outside our convoy. "Beauty, why don't we hear anyone else on the radio?" I decided to ask. "We are in secure communications mode. Anyone not in the link or not authorized is filtered out and cannot hear the conversation." "Can I safely go back and check on Flower to see how she's doing? You'll give me plenty of warning before I need to be back at the wheel?" "I'm sorry Missy Wyoming, but the density of the load will not allow for you to pass through the trailer. You may go forward to visit if you wish." "Thank you," answered. "I'm doing fine Momma. Kind of freaked out by all this new stuff I never dreamed of, but fine." "It's ok Missy, I'm going forward to talk with her. Maybe we can learn some together." I pulled down the overhead access that hadn't been there before, and a ladder slowly dropped down. It was like a scene out of a science fiction movie as I stepped over the air horns and cab lights, and onto the walkway that extended out to the rear door of Lightfoot's sleeper which had extended out to his rear bumper. As I started to cross over the blower, handrails appeared. I was now seeing the twin augers of my blower from a different angle I'd never dreamed of. Still I was happy they weren't turning. A shiver went through me as I thought what would happen if I slipped and fell into them. At the door I placed my hand on the little plate next to it and it slid silently open to show a huge living area. "Oh hi, I was just about to fix something for lunch," said Lightfoot. I could see he was still trying to get a grip on what was going on. Hell we all were. Moving to his fridge I took out the makings for sandwiches. "Have a seat, I'll fix you up one of my specials," I offered. Then called forward into the cab, "Longreach, you want one too?" he'd decided to ride with Lightfoot to give TomCat and Zoey some much needed privacy before we hooked up to the mysterious trailers. "Uhh, yes Ma'am." "Ma'am? If you and Rose become an item you'll need to start calling me Mom, besides Ma'am makes me sound old." I finished making the sandwiches and we sat in the cab going over all the new changes. Then Longreach asked if he could come back to see Beauty. We made the walk back to my truck, and sat in the cab watching the scenery fly by. He was making idle chat and I could tell there was something on his mind. Something he didn't really want everyone else to hear. "Beauty, can you take us out of the link, I'd like a private chat with Longreach." "Isolating us from the rest of the convoy, I'll alert you if anything happens." "Thank you Beauty," I said. "Now tell me what's on your mind." I urged him gently. "I ummm, well I was wondering if Rose is going to be going with us. Her and May, I mean." He was blushing. "Son, I won't leave this planet without her, unless of course she chooses to stay. And I doubt your father would leave without May either." I saw a look of relief on his face. "You really fell for her didn't you?" I asked gently, motherly. "I, yeah she's, she's the first girl I ever felt attracted to," he blushed, then looked up into my eyes seriously. "She, she says she understands my needs for ummm," "You are attracted to other guys, yes she understands that, and she accepts it. Did you know she's attracted to other girls as well?" "We talked about it on the phone. And Darlene say's, umm, she said that I would need to get her Daddy's permission before I start dating her." I had to laugh, I couldn't help it. "Oh Longreach, you already have his permission. All you have to do is ask to make it official." "I felt kind of awkward after we met on that last run, I kind of did something stupid. I just wanted her to know how she makes me feel," he said. "What did you do that was kind of stupid?" I had to ask. "I umm, I," he stood up and pulled his shirt open to reveal his pierced nipples. "I know it's not traditional, but I told her I would do anything for her, and I would willingly share her with anyone else just so long as I could be hers one day. I got these to prove it to her." "Did she ask you to do that, get your nipples pierced?" "No, I, I asked a friend at school, and he said his Moms had done it for his Dad, and his sisters had all done it. Even May had hers done, but hers were for fun." I was smiling at him now. "Longreach, did you know she got hers pierced two weeks ago?" "No I didn't," he admitted. "Her and my youngest sister's son Danny," I told him. I saw a light in his eyes. "D, Danny pierce?" I could feel the excitement radiating from him. "Beauty, can you call Rose Wyoming's cell phone?" "Dialing now." "Thank you Beauty." "Creating secure link, go ahead." "M, Momma is everything ok? We haven't heard anything on the radio since you left Prudhoe Bay." "Rose, everything is fine. We're almost home, why did you think something was wrong?" I asked. "Is everything ok at school?" "Yes it's kind of strange, I don't know how to tell you about It." she said. "I know what you mean about strange things happening, trust me." "Momma, I, Aunt Malissa said Aunt Stephanie is going to be here on Friday. And I umm I met someone named Joanne who says, she says we're all going to be leaving soon." "That's right. Listen as soon as we get home, Longreach is going link up to Hopper and haul her out to you. I'm not sure who is going to bring May's truck to her though. Probably Lightfoot, but I think maybe you and Longreach should decide who's going to haul Danny's car." "You've talked to Longreach?" "He's right here beside me, turn on your video chat. I'm going to go forward to the cab and let you two have some privacy. I think you should show him your new jewelry." "Momma!" "Hey, I think you might match, besides he's worried you won't like his. I love you sweetheart, see you soon." I'd managed to get in a light nap while Longreach and Rose talked, but was instantly awake when Beauty reported the drop in velocity. "All drivers should return to their own trucks please," said Rita as we continued to slow down rapidly. Once everyone was back where they were supposed to be she announced, "Beginning separation sequence." It started in the rear as they began dropping away from the truck in front. Soon we were all driving our individual trucks again. "Hello Rochester," breathed Running Water over the open link. "Break, Tomahawk you got your ears on Momma?" "Water is that you?" Gladys asked. "Yes Momma, can we put in our orders for two Long Haul Specials." "It's a bit early don't you think?" "We'll be there in fifteen minutes Momma," she giggled. "What, but you just left out of Alaska?" "I know Momma, isn't it so cool?" "Mom, is there a big enough space for all of us to park?" asked Red. "You're serious, you really drove all this way that fast?" "Gladys, we'll tell you all about it after we see Jill," I promised. "Oh, Spider is here with the Beast and Makenzie. Though I still don't know how she managed to drive both trucks. Tabitha certainly isn't big enough to drive one yet." We all slowly pulled off into the lot making sure the six trailers were together. "What the hell did you do to those trucks?" asked Hatchetman. "I'll get Little Joe and the boys busy refueling if you want to pull on up to the pumps." "Hatch, we'll top off later, right now I want to see Jill." We were headed for the Beast and Makenzie. Darlene reached out and caressed the fender, then kissed it, "Hi Baby, Momma's proud to see you're all better." "You go ahead Love, I'll stay with Big Dog and help keep an eye on the trucks," TooTall told her as she and Daffodil climbed up and in. Wanderer was already waiting at the house when we arrived, she was backed up to the front of the tractor barn. It took me a minute to realize she was touching Ice Pack and Hopper. Out the corner of my eye I saw Tim rushing to the house. "I'm alright Tim, trust me. Missy tell him I don't need to go to the clinic." Jill said. "If you go to the clinic they'll give you drugs for the pain," both BJ and Spider told her. "Yeah and Tim will stop worrying like an old woman," I had to giggle at Mother Rain's comment. We were waiting as the contractions started. "Old Elk called to say that Lightfoot and the rest were heading home to get the rest of their trucks, and family ready to travel. It was a full ten hours, during which Jill had held and squeezed Tim, BJ and my hands in her pain induced death grip. The look on Tim's face as he looked at our new daughter was priceless. I hadn't realized how many people were crowded around on the back lawn until I followed him outside. "Tears in his eyes, he faced the rising sun. "New Dawn, welcome to the world." He said among the round of cheers. True to her native upbringing Jill was up and around the next morning. "So tell me what's happening, I want to know what's going on." "Jill, have you ever thought about what it would be like if there was a highway that you could just drive from one planet to the next?" Tim asked her. "You mean like in those books?" "What books?" we both asked her. "The ones Tina had on the bookshelf. Starrigger, Red Limit Freeway, and Paradox Alley." She answered. "Oh her science fiction, never read them." we admitted. "Well I have, and almost everything you have talked about makes me think maybe the person who wrote those books actually knew something." "What do you mean?" I asked. "What did you say Rita called this roadway, the Red Limit Freeway?" she was holding up one of the books with that title. "Our trucks look nothing like that," I said too soon. I looked out the window and saw Hopper and Makenzie. Except for the paint jobs and the lack of wind spoilers over the wheels they resembled model scale sized versions of the truck on the cover. "That's what I saw when I woke up this morning. So what do Beauty and Jumper look like?" she asked. We told her and then after Doc gave her a checkup and said she could start traveling again in two more days, she said she was going with us. We got to meet Amy finally, and she looked so much like Tabitha it was easy to believe they were sisters, or at least half sisters. We started getting ready to leave. "Tim, do you think we'll be back here?" I asked. "Yes I do. I'm not sure when, but I feel it in my heart. I've asked Agnes and Joseph to look after the place and not let it fall into ruin. I gave them access to one of our accounts so they can look after everyone else's too." he said. "It might be a year or two, maybe longer." "Old Elk?" "He's done the same thing with Zoey's father. But I think maybe some of our families will be staying out there to live." I looked at Red and Running Water, then at Darlene and TooTall with Daffodil. We rode down to the truck stop and began getting our stuff in our trucks, preparing for a long haul that none of us knew where it would end. "Red Wing, Be a good Brave and stow my things in the truck for me," I heard Rain saying. "What? You're leaving us?" it was Maple, her apprentice Spirit Woman. "You can't just leave the People like this." "Maple, you are more than ready to take my place. That I've had such a hard time hiding from you the fact that I am leaving is proof of that. Now if you would please remove your hand from my arm, unless you intend to help me up the steps." I looked at Tim in shock, A Spirit Woman never left the tribe before her last journey. "It is not for us to dispute," he told me. "But she is not the only one going." "Right, Fox is going too," I said realizing that she would follow her family to the ends of the universe. We all pulled out together, lots of tears and fair wells. Then when we reached Buffalo, Nikki, Raven and Stacy split off. They were pulling a 63 foot trailer each, and I realized that Hopper was following on 'Remote' pulling another empty trailer. Man would the officials be stunned if they got caught at a weigh station. There was a lot of highway between here and the Spirit Lake Reservation, where Stacy was headed. The others were going to meet up with Longreach and Lightfoot at the schools. The plan was to have everything set up at our end by the time they arrived. We were moving fast, hopefully before anyone could get suspicious, namely Governments. I was still having trouble believing that my newest oldest sister was the commander of some high level Multinational Military group called Bravo Command. She was barely older than I was, and last I knew the military didn't allow Trans-genders, let alone gays or lesbians to openly serve. But she had risen in rank, everyone I'd met followed her slightest suggestion as if it was an order from a seasoned general. Tim had us stop at the Fruehauf Trailer yard in Casper, where six more empty trailers were added to those already being pulled. Of course BJ had to go one better and add a third trailer behind her. "I think we might need the extras," he said. "I doubt these trailers we're pulling are going stay in this shape once we get where we're going." It felt strange to be running the legal speed limit, after the speeds we had achieved leaving Alaska. But here we were, and yes we were actually driving. It felt good to be jamming gears and controlling the movements of my truck, I doubted I'd ever want to just sit back and let my truck run herself on auto pilot. It also felt strange not having Rita out front, but she had other things to do, other 'Beings', to get ready. We heard from Longreach about the time we got to Cheyenne. "My computer says my trailer is configured for Equine transportation. I guess I'm going to be hauling horses," he said. "Joe, are you guys about ready to roll?" I heard a familiar voice suddenly on the radio. "Yeah, our escort finally showed up," answered Derrick Sampson. "I still can't get used to how quiet the radio is." I heard Joe's daughter say. I searched my memory for her name. "Hey Angela, is that really you I hear?" "Oh hey Beauty, are you part of this convoy?" "I don't think we'd be hearing each other if we weren't. I'm kind of glad to know who some of the others are though," I admitted. "So tell me, have your trucks changed too?" "Oh man this is like real science fiction stuff. You know like out of those Starrigger novels?" said someone else whose voice I thought I should recognize. "Yeah don't you know it Jake? Of course you got the name to go with the main character," replied China Sampson. "I'm sorry guys I never read any of those novels before," I admitted. "Oh my good heavens, you're hauling part of the Red Limit Freeway and you don't even know who Jake McGraw is?" "Hey, I don't know who he is either," admitted Tim. That got everyone talking about the books. Then Jill called us over our open link. "I need to feed Dawn, how about we pull up someplace?" "Jill if you tap that spot on the screen that says Auto pilot, she'll drive herself," suggested Tim. "Or you can go rig to rig link with another truck and their truck will control yours while you're busy." I suggested. "Can I link with you Missy?" "Only if you pull around front, my load is too dense to allow access to the rigs behind me." "Hey, you can go into my Rocking chair. We can do a three-way," suggested BJ. "Damn I'd like be in on that," chuckled Tim. "Not that kind of three-way," BJ and I both responded. "Did you say Jill had her baby?" asked China. "Yeah three days ago, why?" "Oh nothing just Corra Morning Star Pierce was born last week while you all were heading up north." "Isn't she a bit early?" now I was worried about how they were going to have an incubator for a premature infant hooked up in a rig. "Not according to the Doctors. The one who made it possible said she was right on time." We women passed the time discussing children and such and all the possibilities. The men discussed other things like loads and how to map the highway as they drove. All of us of course discussed our trucks and the new changes since coming into contact with the Alien Technology. "So tell me, whose horses' you hauling?" asked Tim of Longreach. "My computer shows I'm picking them up at Spirit Lake, he said. "I'm hauling a bunch for some place called the 'Tyler Ranch' near St Joe. Not just horses though, my second trailer is designated for Cattle. And there are some other passengers for the living quarter's portion of my first trailer. Anyone know what a Draconian is? It says I'll have two of them onboard." "Hell Joe, I still don't know what an Omegan is and that's whose paying out for this little expedition," said Old Elk. "Don't get me wrong, I just want to get to know my passengers. I'm sure they're wonderful people, I just don't want them thinking I'm some kind of Hick if I get a bit of a shock seeing them for the first time. It might give them the wrong idea about us." "You are all to be commended for your interests. I am glad to know that you are wanting to know as much about those you will be transporting. Your computers have received a file named Races of the Universe. If you select the sub file Human Galaxy you will find information on all who are being transported." Came the voices of our individual trucks. A moment later we heard Joe exclaim, "Holy cow, they're absolutely gorgeous. Oh, I think I know why we're hauling the cattle." My curiosity up now I looked at the file on Draconian's there were only two on earth at present. Both very breathe taking beautiful, and their diet consisted of fresh blood." 'Holy shit,' I thought to myself, 'Vampires really do exist.' I read more only to find that they only needed a small amount on a regular basis to exist. And those who took life were considered to be criminals be their own society. And they were actually far from invincible, they just had a much higher pain threshold than considered to be normal. Well didn't Native American's practice eating raw hearts, and drinking the blood of their game during hunts to show respect and become one with that which was providing them nourishment? I looked up Omegan's next. The three most prominent ones on the planet were the heads of three schools. Two I had actually met in person. I began to laugh out loud. "Missy what's so funny?" asked Tim. "Miss Clara, and Colonel Heart are Omegan's," I said. "Two of the most prominent ones on our planet." "Oh hell now I feel really embarrassed," stated Old Elk. "Just goes to show you, they're as ordinary as anyone else." "There are some that would stand out in any crowd though." "Ahh the Furry Races, no wonder there's been that increase in people dressing up like Animals. And that craze on the internet with Furry Art," chuckled TooTall and Red. "Red Wing, is that why you like it when I purr in your ear?" Running Water asked. "Hey you like it when I Howl," he retorted. We pulled off just outside of Denver to rest. Sure we could have set the trucks on auto pilot but that wasn't the sort of think Truckers did when it was possible they could run into people. Fox called Old Elk. "How's it going Love?" he asked. "We'll be ready and waiting for you by the time you get to Walsenburg. How about you? How's Daffodil? And has my sister thoroughly rocked your world every night?" she asked. "I'm Grrrrrrrrrreat, Gramma," she giggled. "I thought you were riding with your Mommy and Daddy," Fox was a bit startled as well as embarrassed. "She is Mom, Dad forgot to tell the truck he wanted a private conversation," I told her. "How's your Momma Jill and New Dawn?" "We're doing well, Fox," Jill answered. "How are you handling all this weirdness?" "Well once you get used to a truck talking to you, I guess it's pretty cool." "Mom, how's Spider doing?" I asked. "Let's just say her mother has learned a bit of respect for her life experiences. Of course her two granddaughters are helping out a lot." "Hey, I heard that. I wasn't that hard to get along with." Beaver shot back. "Tabitha, don't touch that, you don't know what it does." "It's ok Sweetie, Gramma forgets you grew up around trucks." Spider told her youngest daughter. "Mother, remember how you drove me out before? Think about the fact that we have the entire uncharted universe to hide in now if we choose to." "Mommy, will we have trouble finding crickets for Bob?" "That's a good question, but I think she'll be ok. Why don't you and Amy look through stores and see what we have for now?" A moment later Spider said, "Momma, I am a grown woman with two children of my own. They are my children and while I will accept advice when it is needed, I will not have you dictating to me how they are to be raised. If you can't live with that, I suggest you find another truck to travel in." "I was just worried about," "Mother, they both know enough about trucks, and they've been at the computer learning since we started out. Daddy always told me, Knowledge was power, well right now those two little girls have way more power than you do. Now would you like to join us in the diner? Please Momma?" Spider was laying down the law to her mother while trying to be nice about it. I had a thought, "Makenzie, can you show me where Spider is?" The windshield took on the appearance of a large map. They were sitting at Alamosa, and I tried to remember what diner was there. But I couldn't remember any. "Hey Spider?" "Yeah Darlene?" "What's the name of that Diner you guys are eating at?" She began laughing, "I'm sorry Hon, and it's called the Brightfeather Express Kitchen." "What? No freakin way!" Zoey blurted out. "I'm afraid so little sister, you can't run away from your hash slingin' past just by marrying a truck driver," said Babsie Brightfeather. "If you think I'm slinging hash in the roach coach you better think again," Zoey said. "Oh now is that anyway to be Baby Sister?" asked Carline. "Carline I'm not waiting tables or peeling potatoes. I'm a truck driver now." Spouted Zoey indignantly. "My Inter Galactic CDL says so. "Yeah Mom and Dad told us that too before they gave us the keys," Marline answered. "But when you get to where you're going you're going to want a friendly truck stop diner to call home. Besides I have my own CDL so can get this little Roach Coach where it's going." "Yeah well you better get your but back here and help clean up too, heaven only knows what kinds of health inspections we'll be subjected too out there," added Carline one of the five Brightfeather sisters. "Where's Paula, didn't she come along too?" Zoey finally asked. "She's in the office downloading recipes, and trying to figure out how to find some of the ingredients," answered Babsie. "I'm glad to know that Marline is as good a driver as she claimed though. She begged Daddy to let her hook up to the other trailer too." The Brightfeather's had turned a semi-trailer into a rolling diner using an old Army Surplus Expandable chow hall kitchen trailer. Its primary use was for large BBQ's and other events. The idea had been so profitable they'd bought three more of the trailers. But only one was turned into a portable diner to go with the kitchen. There were plans for buying two more of the straight trailers to use with the other two kitchens. "Intergalactic health regulations are enforced when entering the toll booths. Vehicles are scanned and parasites and other harmful vermin are exterminated at the entry point." "Beast, what about Spiders and crickets?" "Spiders, unless registered in the vehicle log and tagged, are considered a health code hazard. Crickets may only be transported between planets if properly labeled in the manifest as Feeders or exotic food sources." "How do I get a registration or even a tag small enough for Bob?" she asked her computer. Spider reached down and gently lifted the spider from her travel enclosure. She'd been kept there until her mother got used to her. "Please place 'BOB' on this computers mouse pad for identification." She placed her on the mouse pad. "Arachnid, species Tarantula, subspecies Missouri Red Banded, Sex Female, Age Four years two months, expected life span twenty one to Fifty years, Name inconsistent with Sex. Suggested registration names: Bobbette, Bobara, Bobbi, Roberta. Nickname; Bob." Bob crawled over the keyboard, then started to climb up the screen. When she did one of her legs touched the name Bobara. "Registration name selected. Registration complete, subject spider too small for registration tag, this vehicle has a pet tag logged in computer system. All containers with crickets are now registered as Feeder containers. Thank you Star Driver for complying with Inter Galactic Exotic Pet Regulations." "Wow I never knew there were spiders bigger than Bob out there," she mused. "I wonder what they're like." The comment began another instructional program. Then she spotted what looked like a Tarantula. "Terrellian Goth" Size 1.5M tall, Leg span up to 7M, weight up to 120Kg. nonpoisonous, used for hunting in the Terrellian system. A whole list of different species began spilling out with sizes and stats along with pictures. The last was one she'd never really dreamed of. "Phase Spider, several subspecies exist. Intelligence Genius, telepathic, some acquire the ability for speech upon reaching adult hood. Percentage that reach adult hood, less than 2%. Number of adult Queens currently in existence, Five. Known locations, information is protected by Intergalactic treaties." She was looking at several pictures, marveling at the sheer size when Tabitha and Amy joined her. "Mommy what kind of spiders are those?" asked Amy. "That's a Black Widow," answered Tabitha. "Yes it is, but it is a very rare bread known as a phase spider. Look how big they get," she showed them a picture of one standing next to some sort of transport vessel. "Are there any that look like Bob?" asked Tabitha. "Yes actually there are, look this one is even used to hunt with," she showed them the Terrellian Goth. After a few minutes she said, "I think we need to make sure everyone has their pets and companions registered in their trucks computers." "Why is that?" someone asked. "Inter Galactic health codes, and such. Listen I just found out that anything passing through the Toll Booth things will be scanned and anything that might be seen as a pest will be exterminated unless it's registered in the logs," she told the rest. I was enjoying a peaceful nights rest with our trucks parked side by side and linked at the cab. The others were parked in contact leaving us an open space in the middle so we could get out and stretch our legs, when Beauty's computer woke us up. "Attention, Bio-Ship contact eminent." I was wondering why Beauty was warning us that wanderer was close by. I'd just gotten dressed and Jill and Tim had gone back to their own trucks when the parking lot lit up. "Bio-Ship contact established, matching frequencies." "Who can tell me the location of Wanderer?" The two ships in front of us while being similar looked different from wanderer. "And you would be?" prompted Red before we could say anything. "I am Sand, this is Keel, Earthling. I know you have been in contact with her, your transport shows signs of Bio-Genetic transformation. And my scan of your contents shows you are carrying a full set of Toll Booths." "Momma, Unicorn says she is on another continent, but heading this way." "Thank you Keel. How is your companion Tia doing?" "Uhh, a little cramped up but I can handle it." "Nonsense, Keel will wait in the midst of these friends of my sister and you should get out and stretch your legs before we move on." With that the smaller ship only half the size of one of our rigs floated up and over to settle in the clear space. "I will go help gather those without transportation. Keep my Son safe Earthlings." And the larger ship was gone in a flash. "Red where are you going?" asked Running water. "I'm going out to say hello," he was going out through Ice Packs trailer access. We slowly followed him unsure what to expect. Then as he stepped to the ground an opening appeared, and what could only be described as a feline humanoid stepped out stretching her legs and arms. Her breasts were bare where the fur stopped short of covering them. After a moment of hesitation Red marched up to her, hand extended in friendship. "Welcome, I'm Redwing Wyoming." "Lt Tia formerly of the Helconian Cruiser Falcon. Now I am Keel's life companion." They shook hands. As Running Water hurried out to stand beside him. "I'm Running Water, his Wife," she said puffing out her chest as if trying to show that she too had breasts. Tia looked amused a moment then said, "Forgive me, I should have accessed the local customs." She reached inside the ship and pulled out what looked like a halter top and pulled it on. "So you're Helconian?" asked Red. "No I'm Kaidran. But Helconia is where our government relocated to after the Great War." It didn't take long for the rest of us to join in the introductions, Melody and Mike sat watching her closely. "Keel tells me you are both Human Military, is this true?" she finally asked. "Yes we are. And by the looks of you I'd say you are an officer in your own Military. "Lieutenant Fighter Pilot Tia Steelheart," she snapped a crisp left handed salute. Melody returned it. "So you're a fighter pilot?" she asked. "Former, I'm afraid. But I wouldn't trade my current position for anything in the world." "She saved my Life," intoned the little ship. "And you saved mine." "Sorry to interrupt Tia, but I have a mission for Keel," interrupted the larger ship now hovering silently above us. "Yes Mother, is it dangerous?" "No but it is very important, do you think you could impersonate a small combustion vehicle?" "I've been studying them Mother, which of them should I become?" A holographic image appeared in the space in front of the little ship and I gasped in surprise. "You know this conveyance?" asked the Ship, Sand. "It's a 1969 Pontiac GTO," I answered. "And this one?" another hologram appeared. "A 66 Barracuda named Bitch." "Oh then my sisters memory is faulty, I was under the impression the name was Julie Newmar." "Oh," I half chuckled. "I forgot, you're right. The bitch was totaled when my sister got shot." "I detect a lot of sentimental feelings for the original vehicle." "It's most likely been crushed already. It was hauled off to a salvage yard." I said. "Near where your sister lives, I see its location." "Keel you will go this coordinate and educate the vehicles there. Nova will join you when she is done at the salvage yard." "Star Drivers you should finish your journey today, time is growing close." And then both ships were gone. As I was climbing back up into Ice Pack's trailer entrance I shook my head. I'd swear there were only five steps, but I now counted seven. "They've grown again," Tim commented behind me. "What?" "The Trucks, they keep getting bigger. Not just the trucks, the trailers too." We all decided to eat in our trucks as we drove, sure that a lot of people had noticed the strange happenings. There was certainly a lot of Government Suburban's on the road the last few days but none got close to us. They just sat and watched. Passing the twelve trucks waiting at Walsenburg, I noticed that there really was a size difference. Those who had been in Alaska were half again larger than the rest. We picked up 84 south at Romeroville, then cut off at Tecolotito. "Son, where are you going?" asked Tim. "I'm following the Big Beasts directions." We barely made it through the underpass at I-40, but we were in Vaughn following NM Hwy 54. Red had just cut about six hours out of our driving time. At Carizozo, he turned west on Hwy 380. Suddenly our trucks began spacing out. "Prepare for Onramp deployment," announced the Trucks computer. "All trucks not attached to a portion of onramp please stop here." "Elk, you know where we are, right?" "The Chupadera Mesa," he answered. The trucks had taken over driving themselves now and I was getting nervous as they left the road headed out across the Mesa. At spaced distances the trucks stopped. Red was almost at the far edge. "What now?" asked TooTall. "We unhook. And get out of the way, I think. We bailed out of our trucks quickly unhooking the trailers. Then jumped back in and drove quickly to be outside any kind of effect, we hoped. It started slowly. The farthest trailer looked as if it was melting, flowing outward from itself. Then the next one began, and the next. It wasn't until the last trailer had melted into the sand that we saw anything that resembled a highway. The twelve pillars shot up out of the sand, each pair taller than the ones before. They shimmered shifting colors as they spun up. Then the roadway formed between them stretching out and upward. From out of nowhere six of the strange light craft appeared racing along the road and disappeared through a shimmering haze. "Bravo Six, Delta Four. This is Bravo Command, copy?" "Copy Command," said SSG Nash. "Tell the Blackfoot Princess to download the passenger lists. We are securing the access roads at this time," I heard my oldest sister say.

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Wyoming Trucking Family Man2

Family Man 2 Tim realized he hadn't heard anything from Night Wolf since the EMP had gone off. Now he called her on the radio. "Wanderer are you Ok Sweetie?" he asked. "Yes Daddy, we were just analyzing the source of the EMP and coordinating with the revived builders," she answered. "Can they get another Portal brought in?" he asked. "Not unless we reconvert to a ship and fly out to the nearest Terminal. But the ones here can create a new one faster." "Does Wanderer...

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Ute Trucking Darlene 2

Ute Trucking, Darlene, 2 I was kind of sad as we left the school behind, knowing it would be a while before I got to see my little sister Rose again. But all had to do to cheer myself up again was look at my loving husband TooTall, or our adopted daughter Daffodil. Still it was hard to believe that I was married and had my own precious daughter who really needed me. "You know I think Longreach has a thing for Rose," TooTall said jolting me out of my thoughts. "What? I'm...

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Wyoming 3

Wyoming, 3 By; Malissa Madison The trip to Dr Cambridge's office took forty five minutes, and Agnes had told me to bring along my Hormones so that he could see what strength they were. As we talked he asked me lots of personal Questions. "How long had I been wanting to be a girl? How had I gotten my hormones? Did I understand how lucky I was that I hadn't had any complications for having not gotten a proper prescription or had my levels checked?" All this frightened...

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Wyoming Trucking 9

Wyoming Trucking, 9/ Ute Trucking, 3 By: Malissa Madison We'd just returned to the diner from seeing everyone off, when a freak gust of wind swept down the center of the highway out front sending snow billowing in its wake. As it died down though it curved into the parking lot and then died out as the loose snow settled again. I turned my attention back to Momma, Daddy and Tim when Cold Winter began pointing. "Look Mommy Angels," she said. Turning my head I saw them walking...

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Naacutevscarontvniacuteci 3

Když Sára třetí den konečně vstala z postele, cítila se neobyčejně svěží. Zřejmě to způsobil ten celodenní spánek. To však ještě nevěděla, co si na ní Saturňané připravili. Kovová chapadla jí opět připoutala na křeslo určené na pokusy a roboti se začali věnovat sexuálnímu výzkumu jejího těla. Jedním dráždidlem Sáře dráždili klitoris, zatímco další umělý penis se dobýval do hloubi její pochvy a třetí si vzal na starost Sářinu kakaovou dírku. Všichni roboti se v ní tak dokonale doplňovali, že v...

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SSBBW Encouter Part 7 the plan executed

Part 7, the plan executedI took her hand and led her up the stairs and indicated for Tom to follow. I could sense her nervousness as we slipped into the bedroom, her eyes were cast down, and she was moving hesitantly as she kicked off her shoes. I pulled her into my body, kissing her face, then I whispered in her ear, “this is all about you, sweetie. Tonight you will have pleasure like you’ve never known,” I could feel a faint shiver run through her with my words. I kept up the steady banter...

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Computer Institute Experience

Ye meri life ka jo first sexperience tha wo aaj aap sab ISS readers se pehli baar share kar raha hu. Ek ek word khud likha hai maine, kahi se copy nahi kiya isliye pls mere is exprnce ko dil se padna aur dil se mujhe response bhejna. Meri id hai – Hi Tough Guys. Hi all beautiful Girls & sexy ladies (I think married girls/ladies are sexier than unmarried girls but at the same time I feel unmarried girls are very very hot indeed! Ha ha ha. Me Clever na? dono ko pata raha hu!) Mera naam RAJ...

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Talált történetSötét volt, rémisztően sötét, remegő lábakkal sétáltam végig az annyira jól ismert utcán, de most mégis olyan idegennek, és elhagyatottnak tűnt. Már csak két ház, és otthon vagyok – gondoltam magamban, és megszaporáztam a lépteimet, közben a zsebembe csúsztattam a kezem, és megszorítottam a lakáskulcsot. Elhaladva a Haris ház mellett, ott ahol Ő lakott, akibe már kiskorom óta szerelmes vagyok, reménytelenül, és viszonzatlanul. Ben Haris, a legmenőbb, leghelyesebb és legszexisebb...

3 years ago
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First anal experienceEls anaacutelis eacutel

Szeretkeztünk a párommal és egyre jobban elkezdte újjal izgatni a lyukamat nekem meg egyre jobban tetszet.Éreztem ahogy elazulnak a záró izmaim és egyre beljebb tudja tolni az uját.Közben egy kis időre néha bekapta a farkam és a heréimet felváltva hogy jól megszívja ekkor még jobban elazult a záró izmom és beljeb hatolt.Majd az uját bekapva nyálazni kezdte persze ez is izgatott nagyon hisz nemrég még a lyukamba nyuljált és mosta meg nyalja.Majd újra elkezdte a nyálas úját feldugni.Amikor már...

2 years ago
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Faculty With Indian Aunty 8211 Computer Institute

Hi Readers. I am Kalyan from Hyderabad. Basically I am a trainer (faculty) in a computer institute in Hyderabad. I am married. I take computer classes. This incident happened few years back. One fine day one lady joined in our institute. Her name is Saritha (name changed). She came to our institute one day to find out the courses. At that time I counseled her. While counseling I checked her entire body. Wow! What a structure. I was not able to control after seeing her structure. After...

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Hirsute Indian Princess

Ever since I was a boy, I've been fascinated with women's big beautiful bushes. It all started when I found my dads porno stash. He had several video tapes of 70's porn like Taboo and Debbie Does Dallas where all the women had long thick bushy tangles of pubic hair. This was before the 90's and the internet when bushes were brutally hacked down and waxed off, leaving behind mini mountain ranges of pimply in grown hairs. Anyway, I took advantage of every opportunity that I had to watch these...

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Sex In Computer Institute

Hi friends this is kkb from lucknow with a real story hope you all will enjoying. This is my first story. This is about me and my computer institute student. When I was teaching in a computer institute, to earn pocket money and other expenses. I had a mobile phone on that time. My teaching was running fine. I was getting very frequent miss call from two number, around 70-80 calls in a day. I was Ok with this and was not getting worried. But, it remains continue for whole one week. Now, I was...

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De toutes sortes

It provides a list of the “in” places to go, but I’m not really an “in” place person. However at the end of the listings I came across a series of Petites Annonces – Personal Ads. I was just looking at it out of curiosity – yes curiosity I was not looking for the advert which ran “jolie fille sexy recherche rencontre hot sur Paris” and I did not answer that one (honest). Then I noticed a section headed Photos - Modeles which seemed to consist mainly of photographers looking for lady models...

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Our Institute Computer Lab Had Become A Sex Lab For Me

Hi readers, This is a true incident which happened in my life one year back. before going to story let me introduce my self, am Ajay married with lovely wife , I am aged 36 from Davangere karnataka. This incident happened 1 year back, I was working as a faculty in a computer institute in Davangere where many students were middle aged or married among them some were married women who also attended the classes to kill their time or to become computer literate, among them some were unsatisfied...

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Mi primera experiencia LeacutesbicoFetichista

Introduction: Norma y la belleza de sus piernas me tení,an obsesionada Como he expresado ya en relatos anteriores, soy una fogosa bisexual fetichista de pies femeninos, y si es que han leí,do mis relatos, verá,n que só,lo me habí,a limitado a narrarles acontecimientos de corte fetichista ocurridos con mis amantes varones. Hace poco tuve un reencuentro incidental con una ex amante femenina, de hecho fue la primera con quien compartí, experiencias de corte...

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My fianceacutee Anna

My fiancé,e Introduction : This is a true story. It was happened about 15 years ago. At that time we were young, ignorance and innocent in exploring sex. ———————————————————————————————————————- I had been dating my fiancé,e for sometime. Today I decided to take her cherry a week after we were engaged . I was 22 then and Anna was 17 y. o. I took her to a lodging house in the out-skirt downtown which I had surveyed the other day. It was a bit run-down and old but quite cozy and...

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Estudando Fiacutesica e Quiacutemica

Hello Readers xHamster I tell a story that happened to me lately. Nany had discovered that I had been betrayed by my husband, a woman skinny-faced bitch. This event took place around July 2010, but I forgave him and decided I would not do the same thing to keep my character intact. More this year, to be exact in August 2011, marked to study with some of my friends including Carla, Philip, Mark and Alan. They came here at home in the afternoon, it's time that my husband is at work. And we began...

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Pokeacutemon Misty II

Introduction: sorry, im trying to figure out the grammar and reading issues. Charmander, we need you! The white light flashed from the poké,ball in Ashs hand and the fire lizard Poké,mon appeared in front of him. Ash didnt like using his Charmander, but Brock insisted on trying out a new recipe and they were out of matches. The Poké,mon didnt mind at all. He enjoyed being out of his Poké,ball. He enjoyed it so much that Ash let out the others as well. The six...

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The Magic Flute

Copyright Oggbashan August 2013 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ************************************************* ‘Only those with a pure heart can pass safely through the ordeal…’ ‘You’re joking! Who has one of them?’ ‘That’s what I’m supposed to say to...

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Neutered White Fuckpig

NEUTERED WHITE FUCKPIG by Kimmie Holland and Meeah Mackenzie**ONE**?Pig! Come!?Daddy Sir calls and I struggle to my feet from my corner in the kitchen. I waddle into the living room where he sits sprawled in his brand-new leather easy chair watching the NBA Finals on his new HD home theater system, all bought with my latest paycheck. It’s half-time and he’s pressed the mute button on a series of commercials. There’s enough time for a quickie.?Two,? he barks.This is the command for me to turn...

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Commuter texting and masturbation

I was feeling sleepy, then again, packed commuter trains will do that, all the Oxygen being used up, still, the warmth and the cozy atmosphere will do that, especially as the cold Winters morning outside adds to the sense of warmth inside.The train clatters across a rail junction causing people to come into contact with each other, strangers to each other, but for this morning, all crushed together, the young and the old, the beautiful and the ugly, my eyes settle on a girl, standing and still...

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Moms Cum Tribute III

“Are you busy sweetie? Do you have time for another cum tribute?” I gave her a smile which said, ‘I am always ready.’ “Good, I have something I would like to try out, maybe make your tribute even better.” She gave me a naughty smile before revealing what she had behind her back. She had a bag in one hand and her smartphone in the other. My mom placed the bag down on my bed, then she tapped away at her phone, my tablet buzzed, so I knew she just sent me another photo that she wanted me to...

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Earths CoreChapter 12 Diluted Element Blessing Or A Curse

‘He stopped following me?’ After the short barrage of flickering light bullets ended, Zax managed to catch a break and gaze up to confirm. Slowly, while riddled with seven bullet holes, grazed by twenty something strays and suffering the corrosiveness of the seawater, a smile of relief stretched across his face. ‘This was probably the most dangerous situation I’ve ever got myself into’. He had to admit. ‘Although the Horned Eel and Four Wings Stork were the same as fifth level Martial Mortal,...

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Auf gute Nachbarschaft

Wer meine Stories liest, wird schnell feststellen, dass ich versuche, um den wichtigen Teil eine Geschichte zu packen. Ich finde zwar auch Geschichten toll, wo es schnell zur Sache geht. Aber hier ist es mal wieder etwas mehr Text geworden. Kommentare sind ausdrücklich erwünscht! Diese Story ist frei erfunden! Mögliche Ähnlichkeiten mit Namen und Orten sind rein zufällig.Ich war erst vor ein paar Tagen in meine Wohnung im Hamburger Randbezirk gezogen. Nach der Trennung von meiner Ex musste...

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The Extremely Hirsute Spaniard

It all began innocently. I was at the supermarket buying some groceries for home. Across the aisle I saw a few items toppling to the floor. A girl in her mid twenties in a short skirt bent down to pick up the fallen cans when my eyes turned and I saw her naked ass. Lots of crinkly black hair was visible growing up her hairy asshole. I was turned on by her big buns with all that hair growing up her crack as I moved over to pick up the Aerosol Cans” or may be I should call it “The Hairy Arse...

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The Commuter Train

Chapter I?The Commuter Train  (Note: If you would like to read and view this story as fully illustratedby a very talented artist friend of mine, please go to the following link: http://www.samarelart.com/Adultstories/dottieWom/dottie_archive.htm Thisis a 'free' and 'safe' link. You are invited to 'look' around. As usual, feedback is always deeply apppreciated). (Dedicated to my most wonderful sweetheart Deni, my honey, my darling,my mentor, my inspiration! And to Penny, my 'precious' Penny,...

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Indian Bride Examination and Skills Training Institute

Chapter 1 – My admission to the instituteI am Aiswarya, aged 22, from Chennai in south India. I am about 5’8? in height and about 52 kgs in weight. I have a good physique and quite fair in skin colour for my part of the world. I have thick long hair and sharp blue eyes and generally look beautiful and attractive. My father is a construction supervisor and mother is a bank employee. I have one younger sister, Leela, aged 18. I just completed my Bachelors in Computer Science at a nearby college...

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Moms Cum Tribute

My friends are constantly bugging me to send them her hot modeling photos or better yet, trying to get a photo of her naked. I never tried getting a nude photo of her, and as for sharing her modeling photos well, my opinion was that was my spank bank material. I just never told them that as I was afraid, that one of them would let it slip my incest fantasies about my mother. Besides, I know they have taken sneaky photos of her when they can. I was in my room, laying on my bed jerking off...

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Landd aur chute ka koi rishta nahi hoota

ISS ke sabhi readers or dosto ko mera ek baar phir se namaskar, aur unn sabhi to tahe dil se sukriya jinhone mere likhe first part “Landd aur chute ka koi rishta nahi hoota- I” ki tareef ki aur mujhe bohot se mail kiye, vaise to maine sabhi ko reply kiya hai par phir bhi koi chhut gaya ho to please iss baat ko dil par naa le. Aur mujhe vaise hi response kare jaise first part me kiya tha. Dosto vaade ke mutaabik aaj main apni first story “Landd aur chute ka koi rishta nahi hota-I” ka Second part...

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Moms Cum Tribute II

Honestly, it was becoming quite a struggle for me. On the one hand, I wanted to keep this a secret and keep my mom and my cum tributes our dirty secret but on the other side, the thought of a friend or two or three joining in and giving my hot my cum tributes as well. I did notice that my mom increased her cock teasing when my friends would come over. She would walk around in her tight leggings, changing into them if she needed to, or she would wear low cut tops and engage in a lot of...

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E124 Emma at the Institute

The Tuesday after their wonderful reunion with Sasha, Emma is worried and in a state of excitement at the same time.  Tonight is going to be so special and revealing; her nerves are on end.  She wasn’t in such a state when Donald took her to be displayed at the club as her final pearl, but this is so different.  And so important.During the months Emma and Donald have been together, she has never been to the Institute where he works.  The ISE, Institute for Sexual Exploration, where Donald...

Love Stories
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Larraine Institute Chapters 2 and 3 Handjob Addict

The Larraine Institute for Young Gentlemen, Chapters 2 and 3CLICK HERE FOR CFNM VIDS & PICS OF THIS TYPE OF SCENARIO!Continued from Chapter 1 of this story through this link here.All too soon, it was Monday morning and Craig was nervous as he got up and made his bed. Aunt Irene happened to be walking by the doorless entry of his small bedroom and paused to smile and watch the boy's cute bottom and dangling testicles as he bent across the bed to pull the covers up.It occurred to her that she...

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