Návštěvníci 3 free porn video

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Když Sára třetí den konečně vstala z postele, cítila se neobyčejně svěží. Zřejmě to způsobil ten celodenní spánek. To však ještě nevěděla, co si na ní Saturňané připravili. Kovová chapadla jí opět připoutala na křeslo určené na pokusy a roboti se začali věnovat sexuálnímu výzkumu jejího těla. Jedním dráždidlem Sáře dráždili klitoris, zatímco další umělý penis se dobýval do hloubi její pochvy a třetí si vzal na starost Sářinu kakaovou dírku. Všichni roboti se v ní tak dokonale doplňovali, že v ní rozehráli hotový koncert orgasmů. Ten v jejím řitním otvůrku jen tak lehce vibroval, ale ten v pochvě se jí kroutil na všechny strany a Sára měla pocit, že svým silným přirážením se jí dostává až kamsi do žaludku. Když se roztřásla v prvním orgasmu, zpozorovala, že k ňadrům se jí znovu přibližují ty samé přísavky, které tu poznala prvního dne. Tentokrát již ale uměly něco navíc. Nejen že jí procítěně hnětly celá prsa a intenzivně dráždily její vystouplé bradavky, ale teď Sára jasně cítila drobné elektrické výboje, které jí vzrušovaly na nejvyšší míru. Chvíli pozorovala jiskřičky, které probíhaly přímo od jednoho prsu k druhému, ale po chvilce zavřela oči, hlasitě, rychle dýchala a připravovala se na nával orgasmů. Ten se dostavil brzy poté, co miniaturní elektrické jiskérky začaly oblažovat i její rozkrok, který se v tu chvíli začal lesknout milostnými šťávami, které se v ní od posledního dobrodružství s „mucholapkou“ zase našetřily.
Sára v tu chvíli byla naprosto mimo veškeré dění a orgasmy s ní cloumaly o sto šest.
Vzápětí však stroje o ni ztratili zájem, ale stále byla připoutána na křeslo. Kovová stěna před ní se stejně jako prvého dne zprůhlednila a za ní stáli mimozemští vědci.
„Vážená Sáro, díky našim pozitivním výsledkům jsme opět trochu pokročili v našem zkoumání vaší civilizace, a proto bychom vás rádi o něco požádali. Už dávno jsme zjistili, že vy, pozemšťané jste zvyklí na partnerský život ve dvou. Proto bychom byli rádi, kdybyste si mezi svými spoluobyvateli na naší lodi našla partnera, se kterým byste zde chtěla žít po několik dalších měsíců.“
Sára nejdřív nepochopila jejich požadavek.
„Chcete, abych si tu našla partnera?“ opakovala. „Ale já se ještě necítím na nějaký trvalý vztah,“ namítla.
„Samozřejmě,“ odpověděl vedoucí výzkumu, „s tím jsme počítali a proto tento výběr necháváme zcela na vás. Na naší lodi se nachází přesně 394 pozemšťanů mužského pohlaví a podle důkladné analýzy vašeho myšlení by vám mohla vyhovovat více než polovina z nich.“ Sára ale dál odporovala:
„To si tu mám ve svých šestnácti letech najít přítele a žít tu s ním natrvalo? Jako v manželství? A co když vám řeknu, že nechci?“
„V tom případě bychom Vás museli poslat zpět na Zemi, abyste tam těžce pracovala spolu se zbytkem vaší civilizace pod dohledem našich vojáků. Pochybuji, že by se vám to tak zamlouvalo. Uvědomte si, prosím, že my jsme vědci a být na naší lodi je výsada, kterou z miliardy lidí máte vy a dalších zhruba osm set lidí“ odvětil Saturňan. V tom měl nejspíš pravdu a tak Sára raději souhlasila s vědomím, že si tedy najde chlapce podle svých představ.
Pokud má ten mimozemšťan pravdu - pomyslela si - tak bych si měla vybrat docela rychle.
Jakmile jí stroje odpoutaly od pseudogynekologického křesla, oblékla se do připravených nových šatů a vydala se bloudit metropolí na vesmírné lodi. Ukázalo se, že vědec měl vážně pravdu. Nejprve zamířila do kavárny. Hezcí chlapci tam sice byli, ale většinou již dělali společnost jiným dívkám, přibližně stejně starým jako Sára. Zklamaně si sedla a pozorovala mladé flirtující páry. Náhle jí někdo zezadu zakryl oči. Prudce se otočila a spatřila chlapce, kterého poznala nedávno, když ho k ní dopravil neznámý „tekutý“ živočich.
„Jé, ahoj,“ vypískla Sára, „přisedni si ke mně, jestli chceš. Jak se máš?“ pobídla ho.
„No, pořád je lepší dělat pokusného králíka tady, než otroka tam dole, na Zemi, ne?“ odpověděl mladík a usedl na volnou židli, „a jak se vede tobě?“ zeptal se.
„Taky si nestěžuju, po nikom na Zemi se mi nestýská a pochybuji, že mě tam někdo postrádá,“ odvětila Sára.
Chlapec jakoby nebyl překvapen.
„Takže ty taky na Zemi nikoho nemáš,“ poznamenal.
„Nejspíš je nás tu takových většina, jak jsi přišla o rodinu?“ zeptal se.
„Byla jsem jedináček, moji rodiče zemřeli při epidemii ptačí chřipky a než jsem se ocitla tady, tak jsem žila u nevlastních, kteří mě sice živili, ale bylo na nich jasně vidět, že se mě rádi zbaví, jakmile budu schopná se postarat sama o sebe.“ Sklopila pohled a odmlčela se.
„Ale tys tu chřipku nedostala, že ne?“ vyptával se mladík.
„Ne, nedostala,“ odvětila Sára, „proč se ptáš?“
„Aha, tak to vypadá, že si všechny lidi na svůj výzkum z nějakého důvodu vybrali z oblastí postižených nějakou epidemií. V naší čtvrti většina obyvatel včetně mých rodičů a prarodičů nepřežila nákazu cholery z kontaminované studny. Mámina přítelkyně ze vzdálenějšího konce města pila vodu odjinud a tak, když se to u nás rozkřiklo o té nemoci, rodiče mě k ní přestěhovali, abych to taky nechytil. Tím mi nejspíš zachránili život, protože jsem jediný přežil. Možná že si naše těla vytvořila na tu nemoc imunitu a proto si nás ti mimozemšťané pro nějaký účel vybrali.“
„Myslím, že tady je to o dost lepší,“ usmála se Sára. Mladíka její úsměv okouzlil. Rozhodl se, že uchopí svou šanci: „Mohl bych tě někam pozvat? Slyšel jsem, že tu maj pěkný kino.“
Sáru jeho zájem potěšil a v hlavě se jí honily ty samé myšlenky.
„No tak jo, ale vždyť se ani pořádně neznáme jmény,“ odvětila.
„Nojo, promiň, já jsem Johny,“ představil se. „Fajn, já jsem Sára.“
V kině se právě promítaly válečné filmy, které Saturňané našli v polorozbořených kinech na Zemi
a Johny cítil, že by se mělo něco stát. Stále na Sáru hleděl, ale z jejího výrazu pořád nemohl nic vyčíst.
Náhle se všiml, že se Sára třese, zvláště při drastických scénách, kdy tam krev tekla proudem.
„Kde to ti pitomí marťani vyhrabali,“ pomyslel si a vzal Sáru kolem ramen. Celá se třásla a tak jí Johny navrhnul:
„Nepůjdeme radši jinam?“
Sára byla ráda, že ho to napadlo, protože film se jí skutečně nelíbil. A tak se sebrali a uprostřed filmu se vytratili jinam. Rozhodli se vyzkoušet 3D kino, které jim mimozemšťané poskytovali, stejně jako všechno ostatní, zdarma. Usedli do velké hluboké sedačky, nasadili si speciální brýle a pak už se jen kochali nádhernou krajinou, která se jim vyjevila před očima. Sára mimoděk vzala Johnyho za ruku, a tak oba měli pocit, jakoby ruku v ruce letěli nad loukami a lesy, protože saturňané jim promítali jakýsi vyhlídkový let po nebi nad luhy a háji. Jenže po chvíli se obraz změnil. Pod nimi se zjevilo tak rozlehlé město, že nebylo možno dohlédnout na druhý konec. Sára ho nejdříve nemohla poznat, ale jakmile uviděla ohromnou sochu s pochodní v jedné ruce a s knihou v druhé, uvědomila si, že je to New York, město, o kterém se z knížek dozvěděla, že bylo zničeno v roce 2050, kdy se rozpoutala Třetí světová válka. Tohle však byl New York v celé své kráse a slávě. Náhle se přiblížili ke dvěma vysokým mrakodrapům, které Sára nepoznávala. Byly navlas stejné a dominovaly celé čtvrti. Ve chvíli kdy si začala lámat hlavu, proč pak místo nich postavili jednu jedinou špičatou věž, odněkud se vyřítilo ohromné dopravní letadlo a doslova zmizelo v jedné věži. Za ním se vyvalily plameny a oblaka hustého dýmu. Ještě než se Sára stačila vzpamatovat ze šoku, objevilo se druhé letadlo a druhá věž mu posloužila jako cíl stejně jako první. Nemohla uvěřit vlastním očím: právě s Johnym viděla nechvalně proslulý atentát na Světové obchodní centrum. Sáře vyhrkly do očí slzy, když po chvíli spatřila, jak z oken hořících budov zoufale vylézají lidé a padají dolů. Něco o tom četla, ale takhle „naživo“ to nemělo srovnání s žádnými knížkami, které to popisovaly. Když se obě budovy zřítily, Sára už to nevydržela, strhla si brýle z očí, zhroutila se Johnymu do náruče a usedavě plakala.
„Tohle se nemělo stát, Johne, tohle se nemělo stát,“ vzlykala, „tím to tenkrát všechno začalo.“
Johny nejdřív nevěděl, co na to má Sáře říci, a tak jí otřel slzy a pak se jí upřeně zadíval do očí.
„Sáro,“ zašeptal, „to už nezměníme, teď už jde změnit jedině budoucnost“ a krátce jí políbil. Sára mu polibek oplatila, ale ten již byl mnohem delší a vášnivější a Sára věděla, že v jejím srdci začíná růst něco nového a překrásného. I Johny to tak cítil a tak se líbali ještě hodně dlouho, až nakonec skončili v Johnyho kajutě a navzájem se svlékali. Johny položil Sáru na postel a jazyk nasměroval na Sářina ňadra, které na ní obdivoval od okamžiku, kdy ho k ní přinesl onen neznámý tekutý živočich. Sára potěšeně vzdychala a ještě víc si na sebe tiskla jeho hlavu. Bylo to úplně něco jiného než dráždění od stroje. Johnovy dotyky jí naprosto uchvátily a zatoužila mít v ruce jeho mužství, aby mu mohla dopřát stejné slasti, jaké dával on jí. Jenže Johny jí teď jazykem zaútočil mezi nožky a tak se opět jen mohla oddávat rozkoším, jaké umí vytvořit jedině lidský jazyk na klitorisu. Krátce na to jí Johny dovedl k prvnímu orgasmu. Sára se konečně zmocnila Johnova tvrdého pyje a vpustila ho mezi své rty. Za okamžik i Johny slastí vzdychal jako před chvílí ona. Po chvíli mu v penisu několikrát prudce zaškubalo a vytrysklo z něj bílé semeno, které Sára s chutí polykala. I když to dělala poprvé, nebála se, neboť chuť sperma již znala. Johnyho penis však nechtěl klesnout. Stále se tyčil proti Sářině pusince a tak se Johny otočil a pomalu ho Sáře začal zasouvat do její skulinky. Sára se ale prudce vzepjala a narazila se na něj, až v ní byl až po kořen. Johny začal plynule přirážet a cítil se jako v ráji. Dosud se žádnou dívkou nic neměl a experimenty Saturňanů se s klasickou souloží nedaly srovnat. Za chvíli pocítil, že opět stane na vrcholu slasti.
Sára mu obtočila nohy kolem těla a tak mu dala jasně najevo, aby v ní zůstal i při vyvrcholení
S každým jeho přírazem se dostávala do stále větší a větší extáze, a když pak v sobě ucítila jeho horké semeno, vyvrcholila s velikým křikem, že se div nerozsypala celá kosmická loď.
Oba si vyčerpaně padli do náruče a dlouho se líbali. Johny se pak svalil vedle Sáry na postel a Sára si mu spokojeně položila hlavu na hrudník. Stále v sobě cítila jeho sperma, pomalu vytékající ven. Snažila se ho tam udržet co nejdéle, ale svírání poševních svalů ji znovu vzrušilo a tak její prstík zabloudil znovu do těch míst. Johny si toho všiml a nasměroval tam i svoji ruku. Ukazováčkem jí citlivě dráždil poštěváček a během chvilky tam opět zavítal i jeho jazyk. Nevadilo mu, že spolu se Sářinými milostnými šťávami slízává i své vlastní, zábrany tohoto typu ho nijak netrápily a tak Sáře za chvíli vyčistil klín téměř do sucha. Zůstala jen natolik vlhká, aby v ní mohl jako píst jezdit jeho pyj, který mu znovu stál jako svíčka. Sára si Johna přitáhla za vlasy na sebe, uchopila jeho penis do prstů a sama si ho dovnitř zasunula. Ve chvíli, kdy do ní Johny začal přirážet, pohlcovaly jí orgasmy jeden za druhým. Johny se najednou přetočil, lehl si na záda a Sáru si posadil na břicho. Tak ho mohla Sára milovat stylem „na koníčka,“ jak tomu říkali jejich předkové, zatímco Johny jí oběma rukama hnětl prsa a přidal k nim i své rty. Tentokrát měl neuvěřitelnou výdrž. Sám nevěděl, že toho bude schopen, ale dovedl ji obšťastňovat celou čtvrthodinu, během které se ještě Sára otočila, lehla si na něj zády a Johny jí prsa hladil zezadu. V této poloze se udělali oba naráz a Johnovo semeno ten den podruhé navštívilo Sářinu pochvu.
Ještě chvilku v ní jezdil, dokud definitivně neklesnul. Sára si lehla vedle Johna a spokojeně zavrněla:
„Johny, já tě asi miluju.“
„Já tebe taky, Sáro,“ odpověděl jí Johny a oba si spokojeně usnuli v náručích.

© Leden 2004
Korekce1: © Leden 2012

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To the bush and back

Part 1 We have been driving for hours. Having left just after work we hit the bumpy dirt road just after 7pm. You look over to me in anticipation as my foot lifts from the pedal and we settle into a smooth drive. Weeks we have waited for this opportunity to get away from everyone and spend a long weekend together. The drive has been relatively uneventful. Hours of small talk have passed and apart from my hand on your leg, nothing else has had you all excited. I roll the windows down and...

4 years ago
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Secrets of Liberty Mountain Yesterdays TomorrowChapter 27

Alice and I took our seats on each side of Sheila as the last stragglers filed into the amphitheater and returned to their places. “Before we resume, I want to thank our kitchen crew for a fantastic, as usual, flash-banquet. Well done, thank you,” Sheila said as she held her gavel in the ready position. With plumbing and dietary needs satisfied, a soothing and comfortable afterglow had fallen over the proceedings. It wouldn’t last long, but at least we were starting with an advantage....

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The JAG Crew Gets It OnChapter 2

Harriet was glad that Bud was away from home for a few days on an official JAG trip so she could indulge her own sexual fantasies. That night after work, she’d gone directly home, got both of her children fed, bathed and off to bed and then Harriet had lavished herself with a sexy hot bubble bath and another round of masturbation that was far hotter than the one she’d enjoyed that afternoon at work. Harriet had wanted to go straight into Admiral Chegwidden’s office after Mac had told her...

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Family Secrets Part Two

Edited by DeepBlueCAs luck would have it my grandparents had to go out of town for a few days to attend a funeral. So as the old saying goes, “When the cat’s away the mice will play.”I always loved amusement parks. So when my grandparents left, there was no doubt in my mind where I was going and who I was going there with. I could have called one of the girls from school and asked her to go to Six Flags with me, but I didn’t. I called Patty instead and she readily agreed to go with me and told...

2 years ago
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Middle School Mischief at DorsetChapter 32 A Becky Banquet

Becky slept well that night but when she awakened in the morning she had a gnawing feeling, sort of an urge in her belly. She wanted something but she didn't know what. Was it Jesus' message from Reverend Wilson? The day seemed to go on and on. Several times Mr. Best caught her daydreaming and she'd been very embarrassed but finally school was over and she was off to her appointment with her minister. Although Mrs. Bartlett's inexperienced mouth had performed with consummate skill and...

3 years ago
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Utmost Pleasure

Utmost PleasureBy: Londebaaz ChohanMy sister and I have arrangements. She took my cock in her mouth. No; she did not have to but she wanted to. Although only one week but without my taste in her mouth, my smell in her total body; it seemed more like a month or even more and now she needed to have me inside her through any and every possible entrance of her body. She slid down the bed, closed her eyes and let her lips move up and down my super thick and extra-long cock. I was already fully hard...

3 years ago
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Past Renewed

‘It had been 5 years since they had seen each other.’ She thought as she spied him across the way. Jason was now engaged to a beautiful actress. Annika was still quite single in the regard. Not for lack of attention, mind you, but because she knew no one would ever measure up to her first lover. He had been so thoughtful, so loving with her, and until she found someone like him again she could do without men. Oh she had an occasional fuck when the mood set in, but nothing permanent. All in...

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End of Term

The end of the college term was always very much welcomed by the student's of Saint Philomena the Chaste's Catholic College. Their education was administered through strict corporal punishment even for the most minor of transgressions,so as the end of term approached many of the student's went a bit wild and attended some very raucous parties. The Nun's and Monk's of Saint Philomena's were aware of these naughty parties and were only too thankful for any information received which would lead to...

3 years ago
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All in a Days Work

All in a Day’s Work Jessica stepped out of the shower and slowly dried herself. Back in the bedroom she inspected herself in the full-length mirror. God, she looked good. Her long black hair was tied in a tight bun at the back of her head exposing the full length of her slender neck. Her breasts were firm and full and her waist went in sharply from her chest before spreading out towards her hips. A true hour-glass figure. Her stomach was flat and toned and showed how well she looked after her...

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Confessions Of A Naughty Bad Girl Some Sort Of Trouble

I walk into Danielle’s office on a Wednesday morning. But I’m not here to see her. I walk up to the receptionist’s desk. ‘Is Mr. Harper in his office?’ I ask. ‘Yes he is. May I tell him you’re here?’ ‘No, I know my way. Thanks anyway.’ I make my way down the hall and as I pass Danielle’s office, I grin. I know she’s not in today. She’s with Blake. I get to Jake’s office door and I knock. ‘Yes, come in,’ comes a voice from inside. I open the door and walk in.

2 years ago
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The Arrangement

 “So what do you think?”Ruth bit her lip. The studio apartment was tiny, no larger than a bog-standard hotel room. The location, however, was perfect.“Bills are inclusive, there’s free Wi-Fi and residents get a key to the basement gym. Did you take a peep at that?”“Not yet.” She smiled.“It’s excellent. You’ll like it.” The smartly-dressed man, holding iPad and keys, peered at Ruth through thick glasses. “So, you’re a student?”“Yes.” She smoothed down her dress, conscious of the creases. “Is...

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Hindsight 2020 Book 1Chapter 40

I had seen all I wanted to see on this trip, so I put up my kickstand and nine hours later walked into my apartment. There were twenty-six voice messages waiting for me on the machine. Reggie, Dani, Monica, Penny, Dottie had all checked in to say hi, some more than once. I think Dani was in town because she called a couple times and I heard her say something on one of the eight hang-ups. Dottie had a package for me, and Mom and Ashley wanted to see if I made it back OK. Although I had been...

3 years ago
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Journey OutwardChapter 18 A Look Around

"All right, here is the plan," Saber says without any preamble, once we have all met back by the Hummer. "Two groups. Gunga Din, you and Chronos will check out the back door. Me and Galahad will do a perimeter sweep. we meet back here at noon." "Hey, what do you mean Chronos is going to go off and do some scouting?" Galahad whines at the orders. "Chronos is..." Saber stops not sure what to say about me, He looks over at me. I just give him thin lipped smile and offer him a shrug in...

4 years ago
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SecretsChapter 20

Vikki’s eyes fluttered open. She was still a bit woozy from the drug, her mind trying to comprehend what had happened. “I’m sorry, my dear, perhaps it would have been more humane to have dispatched you while you were unconscious, but I thought I, at least, owed you an explanation even though it will do you no good.” It was only then that Nikki realized she was nude and tied securely to a straight back chair. They seemed to be in some kind of cellar. “It’s an old bomb shelter my grandfather...

4 years ago
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SurpriseChapter 4

My phone ringing woke me up, “Hello?” “We are in the basement working out,” my Dad said. “Join us, if you want, or not?” “We got to sleep rather late, we’ll be downstairs, eventually, OK?” “Sure thing.” “Who was that?” my lovely sister said stretching her arms out. “Mom and Dad are working out, in the basement, I thought we’d stay here for a while longer, OK?” “Kiss me, please?” Never one to refuse the request of my sister, since she was nine and I was eight, I leaned over her, and we...

2 years ago
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Reddit Porn Memes

r/PornMemes, aka Reddit PornMemes! You know, I think of myself as a pretty witty, smart motherfucker. I spend my days jacking off to online porn and writing up reviews for my site, and I make sure to pack in a fair share of dirty jokes about dick sizes, felching, and the different types of bacteria you can swap through ass-to-mouth contact. That said, I sometimes wonder if my joke style is getting a little old-timey for you fucking millennials out there. I feel like some kind of old, dead fart...

Funny Porn Sites
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Spizoo Mandy Meadows Cute Brunette Sex Slave

Mandy Meadows is being slaved and dominated by Mr. Pete. She does whatever you ask and is going to be spit on her face, dominated totally. She got her throat fucked hard, deep and fast and is slapped around as she looks up. Every time she is fucked she asks for more. After taking the throat invasion by big cock, the guy took turns stretching out her tight pussy and asshole. Once her holes were used and abused, she sat down to take a load of cum dumped on her face heavily covered with jizz...

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How Much Do You Love Your Wife

Sometimes things happen that can shatter the image you have of who you are. Given the proper motivation, the right incentive any man will give in. It may not be his fault but sometimes, thick, brown, smelly shit just happens. About 2 months ago it happened to me. It ruined my life. My therapist thought it would help if I wrote it all down. Here is a list of things that John Pressman never thought he would do. See a Therapist. Talk about personal feelings. Cry like a bitch Seriously...

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Moni and Marcs best freind

My hubby Marc decided to be a writerMostly true but fictionalized a bit. My name is Marc. I am a professional working at a large construction firm in the Canada. I had remained unmarried into my mid twenties partly because I didn't want to give up the variety of different women that I bedded and partly because I couldn't find a women that I was willing to wake up next to for the rest of my life.I met Moni at a party about two years ago, and was immediately captivated by her looks as well as...

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A true monster cock

It started out as one of the worst dates I'd ever had. He was good looking enough, to be sure... tall, blonde, and decent muscles showed through the nice suit. And he had money. Designer sunglasses hid his emerald eyes while he drove, and when he laid them down; it was on the dash of a beautiful blueFerrari convertible. But his arrogance was overwhelming. "Order whatever you want, babe," He said as he offered me the menu, then added, "I can afford anything, especially when I'm about to...

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Morning becomes electric

I have long been an enthusiastic participant in phone sex especially during the days when I travelled a great deal. Travel simultaneously limits and expands opportunities. On the plus side is the provision of long distance relationships and opportunities for honing one’s proclivity for talking dirty. The negative side should be obvious and flows directly from the positive. Still, the s**ttered moments of sheer exhilaration should not be denigrated. One morning of a trip, a friend called me...

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New Years New Tears New Start

Happy New Year. This one's a bit different. So many of the you have asked for a story where it's not the wife who cheats. Okay here it is.SS06 Christmas had been a nightmare as usual. I awoke the following day and went into the bathroom while Ted continued to snore. Our argument yesterday had been even worse than normal. Ted had screamed and cursed at me in front of our parents. I guess I knew it was bad when I'd done it but there are times when you have to take a risk for the ones you...

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Rachels Ravishment Pt III

I’m not sure if days of the week have the ability to be sentient but I’m convinced Thursday is plotting against me. Thursday is in cahoots with its cousins, Tuesday and Wednesday, to extend every one of their minutes to an hour, their hours to days, days to weeks. By the time my digital clock ticked over to 12.00 am I could feel Thursday laughing at me, the little red dots calmly blinking the seconds at me, mocking me with the fact that it may be the day I was desperately waiting for but there...

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The Perfect Compromise

The Perfect Compromise by suki My wedding day was less than three weeks away and I had to do something. For some time I had been brainwashed into believing I could happily live the rest of my life as another man's wife. Surely my new body looked the part. As I glanced down at my breasts and hips, my shapely arms and legs, and then up into the mirror at the alterations that had permanently formed my mouth into a sexy pout I could not deny that the trouble they had taken...

4 years ago
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Just a Little RideChapter 6

Still Rob. So. Lisa and I facing each other across the room – not that we were that far apart in a studio flat. After an endless silence, her face crumpled. I took a step forward, she did the same, and she was in my arms, crying. “Baby?” What am I saying? Baby? Pet names? “Rob ... I ... my Dad ... he’s ... Oh, God...” So I held her until she calmed somewhat. “Lisa, I need to sit...” “Oh! Rob! I’m sorry...” She relaxed her hold and I followed suit. “Don’t be.” I made my way to the...

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This all started with me thinking outloud. I was in the kitchen drinking a soda when my eighteen year old sister, Tracy, walked in. Tracy had on a tight pair of shorts and a loose tee shirt. She opened the door on the refrigerator, and bent down to pull out a bottle of water. This gave me a perfect view."Nice ass!" I said this out loud, but I was just thinking it.Tracy turned her head at me, and smiled. "Thanks, b*o."Being two years older than Tracy didn't help me much. I felt like a little boy...

1 year ago
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MILF lover

My name is JB and on one hot summer day in June was when my ultimate fantasy happened. I would consider myself a good looking guy. I am 18 years old and about 6’1” with a muscular body brown hair and hazel eyes. I don’t have that much trouble getting girls but I didn’t really want a girl. I wanted a woman! For as long as I’ve known that I even had a dick I have wanted an older woman. This is the story of how it happened… Me and my friend John were bored as hell and were thinking of something to...

3 years ago
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Introducing Amy to the life style with a bbc

Introduction: First threesome with my young gf and older BBC My ex Amy was only 20 years old her first time she got a taste of the swinging life,meeting a couple online Tony and Jane we planned to meet on the weekend and they told us stories about this guy Jim they see for mfm fun and having his own place in the city its a great place to meet. So Amy and I messaged him on the site we used telling him about our plans and about ourselfs. Now the couple were in their 40s so telling Jim a couple...

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Into The World Of Romance Erotica 8211 Part 1

Hi, I’m Raj, an avid reader of ISS since the day I heard about the site. It has been almost four years, and there wasn’t a single day I missed checking out new stories. I always thought it is unfair not to contribute, and here I am with my first story. I came from a small town in undivided Andhra Pradesh and now settled in Hyderabad. I think I’m 15 when I first masturbated, and my aunt (Attha) wife of my maternal uncle was my first angel. She lived in the same town and was the sex bomb of our...

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Pure Lust 8211 We Lost Our Age And Had An Affair 8211 Part 2

First of all, I wish to thank all the readers who took an extra step in coming forward and expressing your thoughts on mail. To get a look at my first sex story, “Pure Lust – We Lost our age and had an Affair Part 1” You can comment or if you want any sexual casual encounter or discrete phone relationship which some of my viewers currently having you can contact me on This is the continuation of the first part so do please have a look at it, after our first encounter I started developing a...

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The joys of vodka

15 year old Abbey and Leah were on holiday in Cyprus. Abbey had family out there and they had been kind enough to offer her and her friend a room for a week. Abbey looked flustered and tottered down the steps in her high heels. She looked perfect her blonde hair twisted perfectly into its curls, her figure squeezed perfectly into a little silver dress. Leah looked down at her own halter top and denim mini skirt feeling a little underdressed. ‘Abbey do I look ok?’ Leah asked a little...

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Finnegans whore

Shara giggled with her friends at Finnegans Bar after they clinked glasses and toasted to the promotion she received at work earlier that day.  They made plans to go out dancing and drinking  to celebrate her good fortune. Truth be told she had worked long hours and most weekends for the past 6 months to proove her worth to the company.  She was happy they finally noticed her!!  Once they arrived at the bar, Shara spent most of her time on the dance floor, while the girls opted to sit at their...

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Vilkatas The BeginningChapter 11

We left town after three days of partying. The 50 gold coins were used up in party expenses, but we had a ball while it lasted. We got out before any open animosity developed between us and the town fathers; they weren't all that evil, I just didn't like them and their holier-than-thou attitude. I felt no particular urge to travel in any specific direction, so we headed south to escape the cold weather coming with winter. I had heard that the weather was perpetually warm a few hundred...

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For Him

She pulled off her top and showed her huge tits to the man sitting in front of her. Then she grabbed his head and pulled his mouth to a hard nipple and told him "Suck my tit. I know you like my big jugs. Now enjoy them and I will make you feel so good." As he sucked each nipple she undid her pants and pulled them down and stepped out of them. She put his hand to her fuck hole and he pushed in two fingers and fucked her wet cunt hard. She said "See how wet you make me. Now let's get your big...

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Sexy Wife and the Resort

John had a very sexy wife. He could hardly keep her satisfied. She wanted sex all the time. He was thirty but had started taking viagara just to keep his cock hard to please her. Last night he ate her pussy and tongue fucked her for an hour and a half then he fucked her for two hours and she still woke him as he slept and sucked his cock then pushed it in her cunt to be fucked. He could not resist her triple D tits and the thick pussy lips and that sexy round ass. Last Saturday she stayed naked...

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Joyce and Me at the Cape Part 1

It is Friday morning 7:00 am. I drive up to Joyce’s house in my friend’s 1959 Ford Galaxie 500 Sunliner. It is a hardtop convertible. I put the top down for two reasons, it is a warm day and Joyce loves the wind in her hair as we drive. Her long blond hair always looks beautiful blowing in the wind or spread around my lap as she gives me a blowjob. Joyce is waiting outside for me excited to be going on this weekend. It is all she can talk about. To her friends she tells them it is four days...

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Mom After Mom Season 3 Part 4 The Rejections

The next day we woke up, lying on one another. I was the first to open my eyes to see her fair and flat belly. I raised my head to only find her half-naked and full breasts over me. The sight instantly triggered my lust, or should I call it fondness. I looked at her face and her fair cute expressions always put a smile over my lips. I moved up, over her body and hugged her tightly to which she adjusted herself, enclosing me in her wide arms. I rested my face on her chest, snuggling over her...

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Piece Parts

Piece Parts By Dawna Tompson April 2018 Bobby is a wimp who lives a dull, mundane life. His only relief comes from his very private sexual fantasies. Lately, he's become quite successful at creating fantasies that seem incredibly real and lifelike. A small mistake forces Bobby to confront just how genuine they really are. Rating R, Adult Content [email protected] - - Bobby Mathews is a wimp. To be sure, he might not describe himself quite that way. He might use...

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The secret underworld of sharing your wife

Dave and Kelly were in their mid thirties and had been married for almost 10 years. Dave was a salesmen, while Kelly was a stay at home mom. Dave’s job required him to travel out of town several times a year. This is when Dave’s thoughts about seeing his beautiful with another man had all started. Dave found himself stuck in hotel rooms night after night and had nothing better to do but collect his thoughts. He had recently began to explore the thought of wanting to see his wife being fucked...

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Caribbean VacationChapter 10

When Cornelia arrived back at the house she got a nod from her husband. She felt somewhat better about what had happened. Her husband had found something which made her dalliance, despite the fact her husband had condoned it, had been done for a good reason. "How was your ride dear? It seemed to be warmer than usual today." "It wasn't quite what we expected Stephen. It was a hot and sweaty ride. So after we got to the top we walked down the path. There was a wonderful pool of water...

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