Návštěvníci 3 free porn video

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Když Sára třetí den konečně vstala z postele, cítila se neobyčejně svěží. Zřejmě to způsobil ten celodenní spánek. To však ještě nevěděla, co si na ní Saturňané připravili. Kovová chapadla jí opět připoutala na křeslo určené na pokusy a roboti se začali věnovat sexuálnímu výzkumu jejího těla. Jedním dráždidlem Sáře dráždili klitoris, zatímco další umělý penis se dobýval do hloubi její pochvy a třetí si vzal na starost Sářinu kakaovou dírku. Všichni roboti se v ní tak dokonale doplňovali, že v ní rozehráli hotový koncert orgasmů. Ten v jejím řitním otvůrku jen tak lehce vibroval, ale ten v pochvě se jí kroutil na všechny strany a Sára měla pocit, že svým silným přirážením se jí dostává až kamsi do žaludku. Když se roztřásla v prvním orgasmu, zpozorovala, že k ňadrům se jí znovu přibližují ty samé přísavky, které tu poznala prvního dne. Tentokrát již ale uměly něco navíc. Nejen že jí procítěně hnětly celá prsa a intenzivně dráždily její vystouplé bradavky, ale teď Sára jasně cítila drobné elektrické výboje, které jí vzrušovaly na nejvyšší míru. Chvíli pozorovala jiskřičky, které probíhaly přímo od jednoho prsu k druhému, ale po chvilce zavřela oči, hlasitě, rychle dýchala a připravovala se na nával orgasmů. Ten se dostavil brzy poté, co miniaturní elektrické jiskérky začaly oblažovat i její rozkrok, který se v tu chvíli začal lesknout milostnými šťávami, které se v ní od posledního dobrodružství s „mucholapkou“ zase našetřily.
Sára v tu chvíli byla naprosto mimo veškeré dění a orgasmy s ní cloumaly o sto šest.
Vzápětí však stroje o ni ztratili zájem, ale stále byla připoutána na křeslo. Kovová stěna před ní se stejně jako prvého dne zprůhlednila a za ní stáli mimozemští vědci.
„Vážená Sáro, díky našim pozitivním výsledkům jsme opět trochu pokročili v našem zkoumání vaší civilizace, a proto bychom vás rádi o něco požádali. Už dávno jsme zjistili, že vy, pozemšťané jste zvyklí na partnerský život ve dvou. Proto bychom byli rádi, kdybyste si mezi svými spoluobyvateli na naší lodi našla partnera, se kterým byste zde chtěla žít po několik dalších měsíců.“
Sára nejdřív nepochopila jejich požadavek.
„Chcete, abych si tu našla partnera?“ opakovala. „Ale já se ještě necítím na nějaký trvalý vztah,“ namítla.
„Samozřejmě,“ odpověděl vedoucí výzkumu, „s tím jsme počítali a proto tento výběr necháváme zcela na vás. Na naší lodi se nachází přesně 394 pozemšťanů mužského pohlaví a podle důkladné analýzy vašeho myšlení by vám mohla vyhovovat více než polovina z nich.“ Sára ale dál odporovala:
„To si tu mám ve svých šestnácti letech najít přítele a žít tu s ním natrvalo? Jako v manželství? A co když vám řeknu, že nechci?“
„V tom případě bychom Vás museli poslat zpět na Zemi, abyste tam těžce pracovala spolu se zbytkem vaší civilizace pod dohledem našich vojáků. Pochybuji, že by se vám to tak zamlouvalo. Uvědomte si, prosím, že my jsme vědci a být na naší lodi je výsada, kterou z miliardy lidí máte vy a dalších zhruba osm set lidí“ odvětil Saturňan. V tom měl nejspíš pravdu a tak Sára raději souhlasila s vědomím, že si tedy najde chlapce podle svých představ.
Pokud má ten mimozemšťan pravdu - pomyslela si - tak bych si měla vybrat docela rychle.
Jakmile jí stroje odpoutaly od pseudogynekologického křesla, oblékla se do připravených nových šatů a vydala se bloudit metropolí na vesmírné lodi. Ukázalo se, že vědec měl vážně pravdu. Nejprve zamířila do kavárny. Hezcí chlapci tam sice byli, ale většinou již dělali společnost jiným dívkám, přibližně stejně starým jako Sára. Zklamaně si sedla a pozorovala mladé flirtující páry. Náhle jí někdo zezadu zakryl oči. Prudce se otočila a spatřila chlapce, kterého poznala nedávno, když ho k ní dopravil neznámý „tekutý“ živočich.
„Jé, ahoj,“ vypískla Sára, „přisedni si ke mně, jestli chceš. Jak se máš?“ pobídla ho.
„No, pořád je lepší dělat pokusného králíka tady, než otroka tam dole, na Zemi, ne?“ odpověděl mladík a usedl na volnou židli, „a jak se vede tobě?“ zeptal se.
„Taky si nestěžuju, po nikom na Zemi se mi nestýská a pochybuji, že mě tam někdo postrádá,“ odvětila Sára.
Chlapec jakoby nebyl překvapen.
„Takže ty taky na Zemi nikoho nemáš,“ poznamenal.
„Nejspíš je nás tu takových většina, jak jsi přišla o rodinu?“ zeptal se.
„Byla jsem jedináček, moji rodiče zemřeli při epidemii ptačí chřipky a než jsem se ocitla tady, tak jsem žila u nevlastních, kteří mě sice živili, ale bylo na nich jasně vidět, že se mě rádi zbaví, jakmile budu schopná se postarat sama o sebe.“ Sklopila pohled a odmlčela se.
„Ale tys tu chřipku nedostala, že ne?“ vyptával se mladík.
„Ne, nedostala,“ odvětila Sára, „proč se ptáš?“
„Aha, tak to vypadá, že si všechny lidi na svůj výzkum z nějakého důvodu vybrali z oblastí postižených nějakou epidemií. V naší čtvrti většina obyvatel včetně mých rodičů a prarodičů nepřežila nákazu cholery z kontaminované studny. Mámina přítelkyně ze vzdálenějšího konce města pila vodu odjinud a tak, když se to u nás rozkřiklo o té nemoci, rodiče mě k ní přestěhovali, abych to taky nechytil. Tím mi nejspíš zachránili život, protože jsem jediný přežil. Možná že si naše těla vytvořila na tu nemoc imunitu a proto si nás ti mimozemšťané pro nějaký účel vybrali.“
„Myslím, že tady je to o dost lepší,“ usmála se Sára. Mladíka její úsměv okouzlil. Rozhodl se, že uchopí svou šanci: „Mohl bych tě někam pozvat? Slyšel jsem, že tu maj pěkný kino.“
Sáru jeho zájem potěšil a v hlavě se jí honily ty samé myšlenky.
„No tak jo, ale vždyť se ani pořádně neznáme jmény,“ odvětila.
„Nojo, promiň, já jsem Johny,“ představil se. „Fajn, já jsem Sára.“
V kině se právě promítaly válečné filmy, které Saturňané našli v polorozbořených kinech na Zemi
a Johny cítil, že by se mělo něco stát. Stále na Sáru hleděl, ale z jejího výrazu pořád nemohl nic vyčíst.
Náhle se všiml, že se Sára třese, zvláště při drastických scénách, kdy tam krev tekla proudem.
„Kde to ti pitomí marťani vyhrabali,“ pomyslel si a vzal Sáru kolem ramen. Celá se třásla a tak jí Johny navrhnul:
„Nepůjdeme radši jinam?“
Sára byla ráda, že ho to napadlo, protože film se jí skutečně nelíbil. A tak se sebrali a uprostřed filmu se vytratili jinam. Rozhodli se vyzkoušet 3D kino, které jim mimozemšťané poskytovali, stejně jako všechno ostatní, zdarma. Usedli do velké hluboké sedačky, nasadili si speciální brýle a pak už se jen kochali nádhernou krajinou, která se jim vyjevila před očima. Sára mimoděk vzala Johnyho za ruku, a tak oba měli pocit, jakoby ruku v ruce letěli nad loukami a lesy, protože saturňané jim promítali jakýsi vyhlídkový let po nebi nad luhy a háji. Jenže po chvíli se obraz změnil. Pod nimi se zjevilo tak rozlehlé město, že nebylo možno dohlédnout na druhý konec. Sára ho nejdříve nemohla poznat, ale jakmile uviděla ohromnou sochu s pochodní v jedné ruce a s knihou v druhé, uvědomila si, že je to New York, město, o kterém se z knížek dozvěděla, že bylo zničeno v roce 2050, kdy se rozpoutala Třetí světová válka. Tohle však byl New York v celé své kráse a slávě. Náhle se přiblížili ke dvěma vysokým mrakodrapům, které Sára nepoznávala. Byly navlas stejné a dominovaly celé čtvrti. Ve chvíli kdy si začala lámat hlavu, proč pak místo nich postavili jednu jedinou špičatou věž, odněkud se vyřítilo ohromné dopravní letadlo a doslova zmizelo v jedné věži. Za ním se vyvalily plameny a oblaka hustého dýmu. Ještě než se Sára stačila vzpamatovat ze šoku, objevilo se druhé letadlo a druhá věž mu posloužila jako cíl stejně jako první. Nemohla uvěřit vlastním očím: právě s Johnym viděla nechvalně proslulý atentát na Světové obchodní centrum. Sáře vyhrkly do očí slzy, když po chvíli spatřila, jak z oken hořících budov zoufale vylézají lidé a padají dolů. Něco o tom četla, ale takhle „naživo“ to nemělo srovnání s žádnými knížkami, které to popisovaly. Když se obě budovy zřítily, Sára už to nevydržela, strhla si brýle z očí, zhroutila se Johnymu do náruče a usedavě plakala.
„Tohle se nemělo stát, Johne, tohle se nemělo stát,“ vzlykala, „tím to tenkrát všechno začalo.“
Johny nejdřív nevěděl, co na to má Sáře říci, a tak jí otřel slzy a pak se jí upřeně zadíval do očí.
„Sáro,“ zašeptal, „to už nezměníme, teď už jde změnit jedině budoucnost“ a krátce jí políbil. Sára mu polibek oplatila, ale ten již byl mnohem delší a vášnivější a Sára věděla, že v jejím srdci začíná růst něco nového a překrásného. I Johny to tak cítil a tak se líbali ještě hodně dlouho, až nakonec skončili v Johnyho kajutě a navzájem se svlékali. Johny položil Sáru na postel a jazyk nasměroval na Sářina ňadra, které na ní obdivoval od okamžiku, kdy ho k ní přinesl onen neznámý tekutý živočich. Sára potěšeně vzdychala a ještě víc si na sebe tiskla jeho hlavu. Bylo to úplně něco jiného než dráždění od stroje. Johnovy dotyky jí naprosto uchvátily a zatoužila mít v ruce jeho mužství, aby mu mohla dopřát stejné slasti, jaké dával on jí. Jenže Johny jí teď jazykem zaútočil mezi nožky a tak se opět jen mohla oddávat rozkoším, jaké umí vytvořit jedině lidský jazyk na klitorisu. Krátce na to jí Johny dovedl k prvnímu orgasmu. Sára se konečně zmocnila Johnova tvrdého pyje a vpustila ho mezi své rty. Za okamžik i Johny slastí vzdychal jako před chvílí ona. Po chvíli mu v penisu několikrát prudce zaškubalo a vytrysklo z něj bílé semeno, které Sára s chutí polykala. I když to dělala poprvé, nebála se, neboť chuť sperma již znala. Johnyho penis však nechtěl klesnout. Stále se tyčil proti Sářině pusince a tak se Johny otočil a pomalu ho Sáře začal zasouvat do její skulinky. Sára se ale prudce vzepjala a narazila se na něj, až v ní byl až po kořen. Johny začal plynule přirážet a cítil se jako v ráji. Dosud se žádnou dívkou nic neměl a experimenty Saturňanů se s klasickou souloží nedaly srovnat. Za chvíli pocítil, že opět stane na vrcholu slasti.
Sára mu obtočila nohy kolem těla a tak mu dala jasně najevo, aby v ní zůstal i při vyvrcholení
S každým jeho přírazem se dostávala do stále větší a větší extáze, a když pak v sobě ucítila jeho horké semeno, vyvrcholila s velikým křikem, že se div nerozsypala celá kosmická loď.
Oba si vyčerpaně padli do náruče a dlouho se líbali. Johny se pak svalil vedle Sáry na postel a Sára si mu spokojeně položila hlavu na hrudník. Stále v sobě cítila jeho sperma, pomalu vytékající ven. Snažila se ho tam udržet co nejdéle, ale svírání poševních svalů ji znovu vzrušilo a tak její prstík zabloudil znovu do těch míst. Johny si toho všiml a nasměroval tam i svoji ruku. Ukazováčkem jí citlivě dráždil poštěváček a během chvilky tam opět zavítal i jeho jazyk. Nevadilo mu, že spolu se Sářinými milostnými šťávami slízává i své vlastní, zábrany tohoto typu ho nijak netrápily a tak Sáře za chvíli vyčistil klín téměř do sucha. Zůstala jen natolik vlhká, aby v ní mohl jako píst jezdit jeho pyj, který mu znovu stál jako svíčka. Sára si Johna přitáhla za vlasy na sebe, uchopila jeho penis do prstů a sama si ho dovnitř zasunula. Ve chvíli, kdy do ní Johny začal přirážet, pohlcovaly jí orgasmy jeden za druhým. Johny se najednou přetočil, lehl si na záda a Sáru si posadil na břicho. Tak ho mohla Sára milovat stylem „na koníčka,“ jak tomu říkali jejich předkové, zatímco Johny jí oběma rukama hnětl prsa a přidal k nim i své rty. Tentokrát měl neuvěřitelnou výdrž. Sám nevěděl, že toho bude schopen, ale dovedl ji obšťastňovat celou čtvrthodinu, během které se ještě Sára otočila, lehla si na něj zády a Johny jí prsa hladil zezadu. V této poloze se udělali oba naráz a Johnovo semeno ten den podruhé navštívilo Sářinu pochvu.
Ještě chvilku v ní jezdil, dokud definitivně neklesnul. Sára si lehla vedle Johna a spokojeně zavrněla:
„Johny, já tě asi miluju.“
„Já tebe taky, Sáro,“ odpověděl jí Johny a oba si spokojeně usnuli v náručích.

© Leden 2004
Korekce1: © Leden 2012

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Hello readers, Today, I’m going to share my darkest secret with you all. I have been an avid reader of ISS website. There is something about reading sex stories that even porn fails to satisfy and now it’s my turn to share my story. My name is Shweta. I’m from Delhi. I come from a higher middle class family. Both of my parents work for IT firms in Delhi. Since they both are engineers, they wanted me to become one too. My parents have done a wonderful job of raising me. They have always gone...

2 years ago
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the next step on the road to being a slut

the newer pleasures of being submissive, obedient,an exhibitionist and as best a slut as i could for a horny guy using me.Later after being used over my car bonnet and having time to think about it and fantasize about what i wanted to happen next time. i decided to take out an ad on a website catering to bi/gay guys meeting up and set up an advert looking for single guys who wanted to fuck and well use a fit smooth whore.Fairly straight away i had messages from guys but most were...

4 years ago
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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 128

It was a formal occasion, but it was a celebration of gay sex. So the boys dress appropriately in red and black. They didn't actually expose anything, but everything was clearly outlined and displayed. They got a lot of attention. As usual, Yann pushed the envelope furthest wearing a black skirt with a red thong under it. It would have been subtle if the skirt had actually been long enough to cover the thong. It wasn't so most of the night, Yann's dick was in easy view. Yann's hard...

2 years ago
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A Weekend away

Stevie had always wanted to have a weekend away with a load of like minded people, i.e. trannies and admirers. He decided to find a place where he could do this and be the real Stevie, or his girly name, Lucy Lou. He searched the net and found a place about two hours drive away. He booked it and counted down the days to be there.He had bought some new stuff and had practised his makeup. Then the time arrived. He decided not to stimulate himself for the whole week before so he would be feeling...

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Family LettersChapter 35

Dearest Willow, I suppose that you could say that I got a promotion. I retook the CAP test, even though I have quite a bit of time to go to my next birthday. The reason for that is that Marissa, the Captain, and Mr. Ackermann all insisted. While the last two really don't hold much weight in my world Marissa does. They however are the powers that be aboard the Dawn Princess. Even the AI of the ship listens to them. Some of the time anyway ... So I went down the medcenter and took the CAP...

3 years ago
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Traded Sexual Favors To Score In Exams 8211 Part 1

Hello readers. Myself Niharica from Mumbai and a student by profession.  I want to share my intercourse details which occurred during my graduation board exams. Rather I would say that I was bound to trade my virginity for question papers. Coming to the day of my final graduation exam. I was allotted a center in North Mumbai while my home was in South Mumbai. On the day of the exam, I reached the center 2 hours prior exam. When I saw the college building I was stunned, the building was weird as...

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Cousin Ke Saath Sex

Hi everyone on indian sex stories dot net , I am sam from gujarat and happily married.This is my first story on iss, before starting my story , I will tell about my self I’m 38 years old my hight is 5’7″ & weight is 68 kgs & my dick size 7″Lamba 2.5″ mota hai. And I have good athletic build, now I tell my story that’s happen between me & my cousin sister, her name is harshda (name changed),now she is married before 9 years. Now she has figure with 36d 32 38 with the hight 4’6″, with currly hair...

3 years ago
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Stories Of My Youth Chapter 6 Giving Ken His Wish

Linda and I retired to the bedroom. I removed her clothes and she removed mine and we lay on the bed facing each other. For my part, I was quite horny. Linda and I had not made love since Ken had told Linda that he was coming home. I would have liked to but knowing how stressed and concerned Linda had been about her husband’s decision to return in the middle of his work stint, I had not pushed the point.Now, however, we knew that Ken accepted Linda’s right to be with me. In fact, he seemed to...

2 years ago
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Andreas Playtime

When they left the party they couldn’t stop looking or thinking about each other and the excitement kept building in the two of them. They arrived at her building and Andrea invited John up for a drink. She gave him a brief tour of her place, and then offered him a glass of wine while they were in the kitchen.He kept looking at her lips wondering how soft they were, she could feel him looking at her lips and the excitement was building within her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled...

Straight Sex
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mdash Daddy needs a lot of sex and she tries to help

Jamie walked through the door and ran up the stairs. That bitch Hannah had better not call her tonight or she would be sorry. Jamie was suppose to sleep over Hannah's tonight but Hannah ditched her for her boyfriend Mathew! Never again, Jamie thought to herself as she stripped off her clothes from her slim, perky body. Grabbing her nightdress she pulled it on and threw herself on her bed and tried to calm the anger that wanted to explode. Since she'd come home from college for Christmas break,...

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The Bartered WifeChapter 2

Mr. Bernstein led Paul to the front stairway and gave him directions for finding Mrs. Bernstein's room. Then he left by a side door. Paul listened as his a car pulled away from the house and headed down the driveway. Once the sound of the car faded, the house was quiet. Paul quickly located Sheila's bedroom. The door was open, and Sheila was sitting in a chair next to the bed looking at a magazine. Paul closed and bolted the door. Sheila looked at Paul with calm indifference. "Stand up,...

4 years ago
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The Ex Comes to Visit

I should have known better. I should have known that it was a stupid thing to do, but I did it anyway and now I get to pay the price. It all started the day my wife came to me and said, "Honey, I need a favor." "What do you want?" "Don't go through the roof on me when I ask, okay?" "Spill it Francine, what do you want?" Carl is going to be in town for a week and he needs a place to stay. Can we put him up in the spare bedroom?" "Are you out of your fucking mind? Why in God's...

2 years ago
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Fierce Tiger

Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other 'deviant' sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is...

3 years ago
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I Love College TownsChapter 2

The next day I woke up around noon, giving me a little less than two hours to be showered, shaved, and ready for work. When I got out of bed, I spent about ten minutes while enjoying my morning cigarette, deciding whether the night before had been a dream. "It was too odd," I thought. "these things don't happen to me." Finishing the cigarette, I rose from the bed, still in the nude. I stumbled to the bathroom, and gathered the necessities for my shower. Before I knew it, I had showered,...

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Episode 129 Humiliation

After cat was nearly destroyed by ebony in the lesbian cage fight, Sam sent out flash invitation cards for dinner at a flash country house hotel the weekend after New YearCat and red were told to report to the kitchens for instruction; waitress uniforms were an obscenely short black skirt and a scoop-necked white blouse, fulling exposing the breasts.They had a choice of black or white open crotch suspender tights, dotted with tiny LEDs along the open edges to illuminate the cuntal area in the...

2 years ago
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We Are Family

Hi, I am Raja (name changed) from Mumbai slum area I am going to tell a story which is real to some extend let me start with some details. We are 5 members in the family father mother 2 sisters and I, father and mother always fight with each other and father stays away from home till his mood changes sometime even 6 months mother makes and sell idli for our living sisters name is Priya (20) and Sudha (19) (both name changed) And I am Raja (18) these age are before 5 years at the time this...

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### CB-4315 ###Neighborhood Babysitterby Steve GoldenFOREWORDA question often asked by those who deal with psychological problems is: What is normal? The answer to that seemingly simple question will probably never be answered.The people within a particular society usually are well aware of what is considered acceptable behavior from them. And therein lies the problem of the main character of this story.Becky is a woman possessed of deep and abiding passions, passions which control her life...

4 years ago
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While My Husband Was Away Part Three

I woke up before the alarm went off, and lay in bed for a while before getting up. I had slept soundly after another round of amazing sex with my father-in-law Bill last night. I smiled as I recalled his remarkable virility and stamina for a man of his age.I had little doubt that, had we spent the night together, he would have given me orgasm after orgasm. I was getting wet just thinking of our lovemaking.Sexual excitement soon gave way to guilt as I thought about the relationship that I had...

3 years ago
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A Different Kind of Woman

It appeared his parents had a sense of humor, his full name was Thadious S. Swarthski. He hated that name. Plus his older sister was named Teanna F. Swarthski, not much better. He was around age 9 or 10 when he asked his Dad what the initial stood for. ‘Tea was first and you was second.’ His father guffawed like that was somehow funny. His Dad had a really strange sense of humor. A huge man, his face always looked dirty from working in the mines. By the time he was 18 Thad was using the...

2 years ago
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Laiva8217s Cone Shaped Breasts

Hi Everyone.. This is my first story and I’m going to tell about my incident which happened during my school days. I hail in the outskirts of Chennai. For some personal factors, I’m going to use my name here as Pleasantguy_69. Now I am 22 years old but this started when I was 18 years old. It may be long story but I believe definitely this story will be more appropriate for the people who have similar thoughts towards lust and sex. Also this story can be put in any section under couple or...

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Shamed Sissy Sisters

SHAMED SISSY SISTERS by Throne Tammy and Ronette (formerly Tommy and Ron) were herded into the garage by their wives, Jane and Kate. The husbands looked rather alike, with their short stature, slender bodies, and absolute lack of any hair below their eyebrows, which were subtly shaped by careful plucking. They also both had longish hair, nearly collar length, and conservative but noticeable touches of make-up. Both of them wore hints of eye shadow and a coating of lip gloss, the...

4 years ago
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The Prisoner Wore Panties Chapter Three

The Prisoner Wore Panties By Michele Nylons Chapter Three - Oberst Kurt Wessel "For god sake will you two at least pretend that you like each other." Benny was exasperated. Danielle and Steven both had their roles down pat and had mastered all of the scenes, especially the scenes where they argued or fought, but their love scenes were awful. They held each other apart and pecked each other chastely. "I've told you that I'll fire you and put in the understudies unless you two...

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Sara Becka and me Chapter 9

Sara, Becka and me. by Teddie S. Chapter IX The Second Week Wednesday - Nails Thursday - A Trip Well, I've met the other bridesmaids and it went well. I think that they were all shocked when they first met me and full of questions. But I was quickly accepted as one of the girls. And one of them even said, "You should have been born a...

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My Bosss Shocking Secret

Sylvia Watson, a twenty six year old young journalist, walked over to her desk at the New York Times and sat down in her chair and sighed. She placed her bag on the back of her chair when an Asian guy in a dark suit came over to her. ‘The new boss is in the office,’ he whispered. ‘Her face is like thunder. Where have you been? The first meeting with her was half an hour ago.’ ‘My alarm went off late,’ Sylvia replied, she pushed a long strand of blonde hair off her shoulder. The door to the far...

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My English Teacher

One day at school, I must have been about in the final year of school. I walked into my English class and saw this amazing beautiful woman sitting at the teachers desk. Not my regular english teacher. Apparantly he had an accident and this was a supply teacher.She sat there, she was about 35-36, with short brown hair, gorgeous body and dressed like an old school librarian. Cream coloured wooly jumper, long brown skirt, brown tights and a pair of short heeled shoes.I sat down and luckily it was...

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Barnyard OrgyChapter 8

The boar was pink and hairy, the kind of pig Jenny imagined when she thought of the word pig. And he was huge, an enormous oval mass of pork and fat. The hillbillies had him penned in a cramped cage constructed of silvery-gray wood. He could do nothing but stand in the pen. He had no room to turn, no room to move forward or backward, no space even to lie down. He snorted malevolently, his snout protruding between the thick wooden slats in front, his curlicue tail quivering between the slats...

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Miranda Naughty Dental Assistant

Miranda is a beautiful 17 year-old Vietnamese girl with a slender, lithe body and legs that make men turn their heads whenever she passes by. While she's doing her best to further her goals as a model, she has dreams of one day being a doctor. Currently, as part of an internship program at her high school, Miranda is an assistant technician at a dentist's office, helping the dentist during routine procedures and more important oral surgeries. It's not exactly what she wanted for an...

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There is no greater feeling than rope against the skin. Not soft rope...the hard twine kind, that would burn you if you grabbed on to it to tight as it slid through your hands. The kind that leaves fossil like indentations on your flesh. Tied tightly, knotted neatly, growing into your skin. The numbness you feel as it is bound around your hands, feet, and everywhere in between. Tucked between the hot mound, lips wrapped around it tightly, aching to grind into it with every motion. Wedged in...

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Juans Crazy sex adventures in Puerto Rico Part One

Being 34 years old, standing at 62 and weighing in at 170 lbs. Dark reddish blondish brownish, Low Cesar haircut. I'm a mixed man, mothers Italian, fathers Puerto Rican and Indonesian. I don't know my parents, they were killed in a high jacking in a airplane coming from Italy visiting my grandparents on my mom's side. All I know is at five I was living with my grandfather on my dads side, In Puerto Rico, and things changed from the start. I went from hi middle-class, proper education...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 560

dorsetmike1 has to take responsibility for this one! ???? Tom had been in business for 25 years and is finally sick of the stress. He quit his job and bought 50 acres of land in the Scottish highlands as far from humanity as possible. He sees the postman once a week and gets groceries once a month. Otherwise, it’s total peace and quiet. After six months or so of almost total isolation, someone knocks on his door. He opens it and there is a huge, bearded man standing there. “Hi, my name’s...

3 years ago
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Deedee Gets It

Deedee stood at the curtained window of her bedroom, her iPhone in her hand, a wonderfully curved, soft plastic dildo clamped tightly in her throbbing vagina and watched her lovely older sister kill their father at the side of the pool. Margo emptied her little Beretta into Roger Morgan, the CEO and majority owner of Morgan Oil, at point-blank range, and Deedee could see that there were spots of their father's blood on her sister's new, white bikini as she snapped in another 7.65 cartridge...

2 years ago
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Dad caught us

The betrayal of trust in a relationship is heartbreaking and one of the most hurtful things you can do. Unfortunately for my wife, you can times that by ten when you catch your husband fucking your own daughter and finding out she was pregnant with his child.A week had passed since my wife had caught us, and I still hadn't heard from her. Least she hadn't called the police I thought. Even so, Megan and I were still making love every day and now Megan had even stopped wearing clothes at home. As...

3 years ago
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Such Sweet SorrowChapter 2 A Dark Sun Rising May

18 months, 568 days since Jenny's disappearance I'm sitting in the bar at my hotel, thinking about the course, thinking about my resolutions. Then I find I'm smiling to myself, remembering the daydreams I had about Gwenda earlier on, as I walked back from the course. I'm playing with my mobile phone, absent-mindedly flicking through the menus. I look down. Without realising it I've thumbed through to Gwenda's number. There in the "A's" is Gwenda Andrews. For a few moments I stare...

4 years ago
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A Date Gone Wrong Chapter 2

They arrived at his house and he pulled into the driveway, clicking the remote to open the garage door.Maria looked at the house and the well-cared-for lawn and trimmed hedges. She was duly impressed. "This is a very nice looking place!""Thank you. Let me show you the inside." Brett helped her out of the car and led her into the house and into the living room. "I'll be back in just a moment, won't you sit down?" Maria sat down on the sofa looking around at the decor and furnishings while Brett...

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Donna Kevin Go to the Zoo

Winter had ended and spring was in full bloom on the Friday morning when Kevin O’Brien looked at the calendar in the kitchen of the apartment where he and his family lived in loving closeness. It was April 15, probably the hardest working day of the year for him, as managing partner at the local branch of the big CPA firm where he had worked since graduating from college. He also noted the following Friday, April 22, was Earth Day, and decided the day following that, since it would be Saturday,...

2 years ago
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Ramblings of a madman

"WHY HELLO THERE"... "DONT BE AFRAID COME ON IN" you look at the man infront of you his long shaby hair tied into a ponytail, that pointy beak of a nose about ready to stab someone's eye out, speaking of eye his only good one burning a hole into you as his glass one lears of to the left. "here let me get your coat its soaking wet" Unwillingly you let him have at your coat and as he hung it up you can't help but notice his atier (getup) Long white labcoat with blotchy spots of red and green...

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My friends mom wears my girlfriends panties

I’ve been friends with my mate practically all my life. I’m in my late 20s and we’ve known each other since day one, his family is almost like my family, they’ve took me in and looked after me any time I needed them and made me feel so welcome. Growing up I never really found my friends mom an attractive lady or had any sexual desires towards her however this all changed one day a few years back. His mom is a 65 year old woman, she doesn’t wear sexy clothes. She doesn’t know any skin, she...

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Sailing Adventure 3

Kurt comes back on top with a beer. Marsha is still sitting with her shirt open and breasts partially exposed. She feels so free and uninhibited.Dave stands up and stretches. "I'm going down below for a while.""OK, honey. Why don't you take a little nap? I'll stay up here and relax with the captain."She feels the heat and intimacy of being alone with Kurt. Marsha takes off her shirt. "There, that's better, don't you think? You can look at my tits all by yourself.""Come here.""That sounds like...

Wife Lovers
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A Bad ReactionChapter 4

He showed up at ten before the hour. He took Heather and me into the back to get dressed to his specifications. The strange thing about the way he chose to dress us was that he bought all those slut clothes for us yesterday but except that he made us put some of the new sexy underwear on he dressed us in our normal, everyday, conservative outfits. I guess it's more fun to despoil and degrade us when we look like normal people. He led us out to his car and before I forgot I thanked him for...

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But Yer Mah Maw

My Paw’s bin in jail fer a few years now. He kilt a man what he found with my Maw. I donno why he done it tho. A few tahms a week my Maw brings home a man. Differ’nt wuns too. They goes in her bedroom and Ah hears thumpin and odd noises. Then the man leaves and Maw is smilin. She don’t smile all the tahm so when she does Ah’s glad. Ah’m Jimmy Bob and Ah’m thirteen and Ah ain’t got no brothers or sisters. Paw always said he were disappointed in Maw fer that. So I hang out with Clyde who is my...

3 years ago
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Our Trip to RIO

I had been dating Danielle for about a month and things were so hot I decided to invite her on my trip to Rio. She’s 22 years old and works in my building. NOrmally I don’t mess around with girls this close to my business but Danielle is smoking hot, 5’6′, long blonde hair, medium sized firm tits and an incredible ass. She is also up for the freaky things, she flashes me, she wears sheer tops and never wears panties when we go out. We landed in Rio and headed to the beach soon after. I noticed...

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