EverywhenChapter 18 free porn video

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[Wednesday, June 25th, 1986]

I woke up to a heavenly sensation. Kim had decided to start her day with a little more practice. I could only applaud her dedication. There was more than enough light in the room to see that Kim had crawled under the covers, and the alarm clock on the nightstand showed it was just after 8:00 am. We were up pretty late last night. I’m not surprised I had slept in a bit later than my norm.

I said, “Well, good morning to you too.”

I heard and felt what I could only assume was “Good Morning” from her.

I told her, “Thank you for that baby, but would you come up here for a minute, please?”

She crawled up to me, kissing her way up to my lips. I returned her kiss gladly and hugged her to me for a bit. Then I began to explain.

“First, let me say that I truly do appreciate what you were doing there. If I let you go long enough, I’m sure I would have gotten there, but it probably would have taken quite a bit longer than you were expecting, and I thought I should fill you in on another fact of life about me before you dedicated so much effort into it.”

She said, “What do you mean?”

I explained, “Pretty much since the first time I had an erection, I’ve woken up almost every morning with a stiffy. It’s part of the body’s natural response to help hold off going to the bathroom for most guys. You might have heard of it being called a piss-on instead of a hard-on. Most mornings, I stumble my way to a toilet and have to wait for it to go down before I can go pee.”

“Sometimes I have to pee so bad that I take a stance like a football linesman, with one hand on the floor and my butt in the air, since I can’t wait for it to get soft and allow me to point it down before letting go. It’s kind of funny when you picture it. I’ve laughed at myself about it before.”

“Anyway, what I was getting at is that while what you were doing certainly felt amazing, it might take a long time for me to shift from the ‘I’ve got to pee’ feeling to allow myself to get into the ‘I’m gonna come’ feeling. Eventually, I’m sure it would happen, but you literally could be working on it for more than half an hour before it happens. I’ve had that happen before. I’ve also had it happen reasonably quickly too, but I wanted you to know what was going on there.”

“A smarter play might be for us to take a time-out while I go use the bathroom, and we get back to that in just a little while.”

Kim fake pouted a little and said, “So I guess you weren’t dreaming about me after all.”

I said, “You would be wrong about that. I most certainly did. But while junior and I both hold you in the highest regard ... The honest answer is that it probably wasn’t about sex if he was hard when you started. Sorry.”

Kim said, “That’s okay, and thanks for telling me. It’s good to know.”

“Now, don’t get the wrong idea; morning sex is still good sex. Sometimes it is amazing sex. Junior’s slowness to shift gears can mean good things for you too if you think about it,” I said with a smile.

Kim’s eyes widened, and she said, “Ohhh.”

I told her, “Kim, I think you will find I am always willing and usually eager to do these things. I hope I wake up with you doing that, or something like that many many more times in the future. How about for you? If I wake up in the middle of the night or before you in the morning, do I have your permission to try and wake you up in one of those ways?”

Kim smiled and said, “Oh, please do.”

“You can count on it.”

I got up and went to the bathroom, making a special effort to wash and dry everything at the sink afterward. When I came out, Kim held the blankets open for me, and I quickly got back in bed with her. Kim got back to her interrupted plans, and I held off as long as I could. To be perfectly honest about it, that wasn’t very long at all.

She asked how soon I could be ready to do something else with junior again, and I checked my watch and said, “Let’s find out. Why don’t we see how long it takes you to wake him up again.” She grinned and accepted the challenge. About ten minutes later, she had something to work with, and she climbed on board.

We’d had a few conversations about different positions, but we hadn’t gotten around to her being on top last night. It turns out that we were both big fans. I was glad we had waited until morning for it. Watching her moving above me in the morning light was pretty damn magical. It certainly gave the best sunrise I could remember a run for its money.

Things got taken to another level when I convinced her to rub herself while she was at it. She found that tip very helpful indeed and soon collapsed on top of me, after making her way to a nice orgasm. Unfortunately for me, she stopped when I was well on my way to getting there myself. I wasn’t quite at the point of no return, so I gave her a minute to stop twitching. I reached up and ran my hands into her hair, massaging her scalp for a minute, then I moved them to the sides of her face. I lifted her head in front of mine and kissed her forehead, then her cheek. Then I asked if she was doing alright.

She weakly answered she was okay. I said, “Good, but I have a little problem here. I was awful close a minute ago. I was wondering if you’d mind if I took over for a minute here.” She said, “Go right ahead. I just don’t know how much help I’ll be.”

I said, “Leave it to me,” and I grabbed onto her hips and started working it from below. I ramped my pace up steadily, and she started saying things like Jesus, Oh fuck, Oh My God. As I got more energetic, her hands moved around, searching for something to hold on to. She ended up just grabbing onto my shoulders by curling her arms under me. Eventually, I was going a lot faster and harder than I had ever done to this point.

When I finally got there, she dug her nails into my skin while I roared as I came. I’m pretty sure she came too if the contractions of her pussy around me were any indication. Frankly, I forgot to ask. We were both out of breath for quite a while, and I wasn’t thinking very clearly.

When my breathing slowed down to normal levels again, I said, “That was great. I hope I wasn’t too rough on you there.”

Kim said, “God no, that was fabulous. I might be a little sore later, but I’ll take that trade gladly. I loved how you were just going to town, getting what you wanted. You’ve been so gentle and focused on me, for the most part, all night long. I wouldn’t trade last night for the world, but it was nice to see that level of need from you too.”

I said, “I don’t regret a second of last night either. I supposed I was a bit more focused on you than me. Honestly, I think that’s probably the way I naturally lean, and you can expect a lot more of that in the future. But trust me, there is also a part of me that is much more caveman too. He most definitely exists and is an integral part of who I am. Now that I know you like him too, I’ll be more likely to let him loose a little more often.”

Kim said, “I’m looking forward to a lot of time spent getting to know both of you.”

She glanced over to the alarm clock and said, “We should probably get started on our day. We want to get cleaned up and packed before check out time. I saw in the pamphlet that they ask people to check out by 10:30 am.”

Looking at the clock, I saw it was just a few minutes after 9 am.

I said, “Good, we still have plenty of time. Let’s try another shower together. Maybe we can keep our focus on getting the job done first this time.”

We didn’t want to run out of hot water again, and we managed it without doing so. Mostly because this time, we learned to turn off the water in between for our fooling around sessions. We didn’t have sex, but we did still have a lot of fun.

Cleanup was a breeze. While Kim dried her hair, I poured the water off the half-melted ice out of the foam chest into the sink and loaded everything back in the cooler. Then I dumped the ice I had stored in the freezer back over everything. Kim wanted the candles and the flowers, and they all made it back into the box I got from the florist, along with the scarves. The few other sundry items got put in the box too. I’m sure the baby oil will get used sooner or later. I left the condoms, which I didn’t expect to need any time soon, in the drawer as a gift. Somebody would end up putting them to good use, I was sure.

We checked out and thanked Jan for a wonderful stay. I thought we might be back sometime in the future. Time would tell. Kim and I drove back to her house, and I carried the box for her as we went in. Claire cornered Kim in the kitchen and asked me to drop the package off in Kim’s room. I took my time doing so, as she obviously wanted a word with her daughter. I didn’t hear any raised voices, so I thought it was probably going okay.

When I joined them in the kitchen, Kim asked me if I wanted some coffee. We hadn’t eaten anything yet, and it sounded good. She poured both of us a cup, and we all sat around the table. I figured Kim was giving her Mom a chance to start the conversation, so I kept my mouth shut other than drinking coffee.

Eventually, Claire said, “So how was the B&B?”

Kim said, “It was incredible. How did Dad take the news that I wasn’t coming home last night?”

Claire said, “About like you would expect. You’re lucky I never told him the name of where you were staying. You might have gotten a very rude wake-up call or visitor. I thought it best to let him rant and rave last night. I’ve got my work cut out for me there. I fully support the two of you, and John, I think you are a wonderful young man, but Sean might need a little time before he’s ready to accept this level of things.”

Kim said, “Mom, I won’t accept him being an overbearing ass about this. I love him to death, but I will not let him interfere with my relationship with John. I’ll move out first, and if he tries to hold going to college over my head, he won’t see me again until I get over my mad, which might never be.”

Claire said, “I know that love. Don’t worry. He won’t make that mistake if he ever wants to sleep with me again. I’ll remind him of it when he gets home. I think it might be best if the two of you were out when he gets here. In fact, now that I think about it. The two of you ought to spend the rest of the week without coming back here at all. Try to call every night, but don’t plan on being back home until Sunday afternoon. Your father and I have a little negotiating to do, and it would be best if we had the house to ourselves for it.”

Kim smiled and said, “Oh, he’s in for it now. Thanks, Mom. I’ll pack a bag. John, could you take that box back to the trunk of your car?”

I looked from one to the other. The sparkle in the eyes of both fiery redheads made me briefly wonder what I was getting into, but I wasn’t stupid enough to say anything like that out loud. I said, “Sure thing,” and went to go make that happen. I decided to take my time and spent a while rearranging things in the trunk, then cleaning out the car a little more.

When I had wasted all the time I could on that, I moved to sit on the bench on Kim’s front porch and waited for Kim to come out. A while later, Kim and Claire came out together, with Kim holding a small suitcase.

“Oh, there you are,” Kim said. “Why didn’t you come back in?”

I said, “I just wanted to give you two a chance to talk with each other privately if you wanted to. Are we still going with the same plan?”

Claire said, “You don’t approve?”

I grinned and said, “I get to wake next to Kim for the rest of the week? Hell, yes, I approve. I think I might feel a little sorry for Sean, but I expect he’ll come out of it just fine.”

Claire laughed and said, “Don’t worry, I’m sure all will be well by the time you get back.”

I said, “I’m not sure where we will be staying, but Kim will pass on a number to you wherever we end up. I don’t know if you would feel comfortable doing this, but do you think you could speak to Amanda and get her permission to give me her phone number? I hadn’t planned on being out of pocket for quite so long this week, and I want to be able to touch base with her.”

Claire said, “That is a good idea. I’ll certainly be able to do that for you. Kim, you should also take your car, at least to get it out of here. I want your Dad to be able to picture what it’s like when you are gone, and that empty garage stall might help.”

Kim said, “Okay, in that case, John, why don’t I meet you at your house. It won’t be too long. I do want to run a few more things past my mom before I go.”

I nodded and got up to leave. Kim gave me a nice kiss and promised to be quick. I waved to them both, then got in the car and headed back home. Thinking about it, I was confident that my Mom would be okay with Kim staying over if she had to, but she would most definitely not be OK with us spending the night together in her house. Not without us getting married in the next few hours first. I would have to call around to hotels in the area.

I got home, and the house was empty. I got out the Yellow Pages and started looking for a place to stay through Saturday night. There were many no-tell motels listed, but I had no intention of going to anyplace like that. I wanted a Sheraton, or a Hyatt, maybe a Marriot. I supposed I could do a Holiday Inn in a pinch.

I found an ad for a Marriot in Norwich, which could work. I picked up the phone and called the listed number. I asked about vacancies for a stay through Saturday night, preferably in a suite if they had one available. They did have one available. It got a little steep, especially for Friday and Saturday, but still way cheaper than the B&B was. They asked for a name and phone number for the reservation, and I gave them both. Without a credit card, they would only hold the reservation until 6 pm, but that would work for our needs.

Kim showed up about 20 minutes after I got off the phone and joined me in the kitchen. She had news. She handed me a piece of paper with Amanda’s number on it, as well as an address.

Kim told me, “We have been cordially invited to visit Amanda and stay as her guests in Old Greenwich this week. Mom called her up right after you left, and the conversation drifted to our situation. Amanda wanted to help us out. I think we should take her up on it. In fact, I took a chance and already told her that we would accept. I hope you don’t mind. It just seemed like the right choice to me.”

I agreed that it would probably be a better choice in many ways. I started thinking about the things we would need to do to get ready. Even though the reservation would automatically expire, the agent was so pleasant I felt the need to let them know of our change of plans. That only took me a minute to accomplish.

I decided to fill Mom in on my plans for the rest of the week and called her at work. She appreciated my letting her know and wished us well. I left Amanda’s name and number on the board in case she needed to reach us. I had asked for and received her permission to borrow a suitcase from her. It lived under Mom’s bed.

Kim and I found it, and we packed clothes for me to take. The suitcase I got from Mom was full-sized and excess to my needs. Considering the probable wealth we would encounter at our destination, I thought Kim’s car would fit in better than mine, but it had much more limited storage. We chose to add Kim’s things to my larger bag and stored her empty bag in my room.

We loaded the suitcase into Gertie’s trunk along with the florist’s box. There wasn’t room for much more than that in the small space, so we made the right call with the suitcases. We packed the foam cooler and my backpack into the back seat. Lastly, I grabbed the road atlas from my car, and we hit the road.

We got on the highway, and because we had not eaten anything today, we chose to pull into the first rest area and make some sandwiches from the cooler. We quickly realized that while we could squeeze mustard just fine, getting mayonnaise from the jar would be tricky without a knife. We made do without it for now. The sandwiches were still quite good. We finally opened the bag of potato chips too.

Kim was a great road companion and always had a smile and an upbeat attitude. We just laughed at our stupid mistakes and moved on. I had been on many road trips with people who would do nothing but complain if something like that happened. It was just another way she shined as a person. I don’t know what I did to earn having her in my life, but I vowed to do whatever I could not to screw this up.

I knew Greenwich was located in that little stubby outcropping on the state’s southwest corner, but I wasn’t 100% sure where Old Greenwich was in relation. I assumed it would be nearby it, and I was correct in that assumption, according to the atlas. Kim and I took I-395 down to I-95, and that would take us right into the area. It looked like we should expect to find it right after going through Stamford. Connecticut is not all that big of a place, but it would still take us at least two hours to travel the 120ish miles to get there, assuming the traffic never got bad.

As we passed Norwich, I asked Kim if she knew what her Mom had planned for her Dad.

Kim said, “Oh, there will probably be some broken dishes and maybe a dent in the wall or two when we get back. Mom likes to throw things to make a point sometimes when she lets her temper show. I expect a whole lot of yelling, and then I would wager there will be a lot of makeup sex. She’ll show him how nice it will be that their little girl has grown up and left them all alone in the house, so they can run around naked if they want to.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle at Kim’s descriptions. I asked her if she knew the difference between “Naked and Nekkid.” She didn’t, so I explained, “Naked is when you don’t have any clothes on, Nekkid is when you’re up to something too.”

Kim laughed and said, “We’re going to spend a lot of nekkid time this week.” I could only agree with that plan.

We stopped for gas outside New Haven, and I got some more ice for the cooler while we were at it. We also picked up a couple of sets of plastic utensils and some napkins for her glove box. They were free from the Wendy’s that was attached to the store. We both got chocolate Frostys while we were there.

When we pulled into Old Greenwich, we spent a while just driving around and enjoying looking at the town. There was a fantastic assortment of beautiful homes to be seen. Frankly, this looked like a great place to live. Eventually, we happened across the street Amanda lived on, and finding her address was easy after that.

Women often give men a hard time for not stopping and asking directions, but I’ve always believed that if I weren’t in a hurry, I’d simply prefer to find things for myself. Maybe it is silly, but it felt good to succeed at it, and so what if you got lost a few times. Kim seemed to share the opinion, at least in this case. We both agreed to do some more driving around this week to explore this beautiful area.

We pulled into Amanda’s driveway and made our way to the circular courtyard in front of her lovely home. We stopped in a covered portion of the driveway nearest the front door and approached the entryway. Amanda opened the door before we got there and welcomed us to her home. She told us the car was fine for now, but we should grab our things and settle in first off. She followed us back to the car and offered to lend us a hand.

I got the suitcase, and Kim grabbed the florist’s box out of the trunk. I asked Amanda to grab my backpack, as it would be the lightest of our items. I said, “This is probably going to be a two trip deal. Let me put that chest in the foyer for a minute. Then, I can handle the suitcase, and Kim can take the florist’s box. We can put the cold items away later.”

Amanda said, “Nonsense, Kim, can you handle that cooler?”

Kim said, “Sure, I can handle it easily.”

“Then hand me that box, and we’ll do this in one trip. It doesn’t look heavy, and I can certainly handle it and the backpack too. This bag weighs almost nothing.” So that is what we did.

As Amanda led the way to our room, she said, “I’m so glad you decided to accept my invitation and visit with me, I think this will be a lot of fun. Let me show you where you two will be staying, and then I’ll give you the nickel tour.”

The room was huge. The double doors opened up to show us the large canopy bed that had to be King sized on one side of the room. A seating area with a good-sized couch and a loveseat faced each other across a beautiful coffee table. A chaise lounge over by a large window had a tall light for late-night reading hanging over it. Another row of windows showed a large pool and patio area in the backyard. There was an open door that looked like it went into an en-suite bath, and another door that I was betting led to a walk-in closet. A built-in bank of cabinets along one wall included a small bar, and there was even a mini-refrigerator below it.

Same as Everywhen
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There was a time when all I could dream about was getting away, taking a break, and being the only person on an entire island. Okay, so that wasn’t going to happen, I’m not rich and I don’t have a sugar daddy, so sue me. So I had to take that dream and turn it into something real, something obtainable. Destination: island time! So me being of the miniscule budget, ended up booking a cruise to Bermuda. I know, not really a lot of island time, but hey, the ship is like a huge floating island,...

4 years ago
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A Lesson Learned1

It had been a long time since she'd been disobedient, she certainly knew better. She'd learned that lesson very quickly. Master was swift and thorough with both punishment and reward. She didn't know why she'd taken such a dislike to Master's friend, she just had. From the moment she met him she couldn't stand him and hoped against hope that Master wouldn't decide to have her put on a show or service this particular friend. Unfortunately for her he had and she hadn't...

3 years ago
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My Brother Took My Virginity

Friends its my true story,not a fiction.First of all i will introduce myself to all of you so that you guys can imagine my true picture as the story goes on.My name is sweety.I am 18 years old.I am 5-5 in height.My measurement is 34-30-36.I am slim and beautiful,every part of my body is spotless.From the age of 13 my boobs looked like rocks.My nipple colour is brown.My brother is 20 years old,and he is smart and strong his cock is 6″,(i knew it when he fucked me).My mom and dad both are in a...

4 years ago
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My First Black Cock

As I felt the warm rush of hot cum unloaded deep in my ass, I revisited the reason that I was bent over the bed with the hard black cock deep in my ass, filling it with his cum. Let me back up a bit, I am a 51 year old white male who is married and bisexual. I love sex with my wife and also like to bottom for hot guys. The 25 year old black male that was unloading deep inside of me was someone who I had meet online and had talked to for about a year before we managed to get together. His big...

2 years ago
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Bewitching Copyright© 2010 Castlequeen As I wake, I get a touch of my lover's scent, and it warms my heart. Jason is an intern at a nearby hospital,, and some day he'll be the successful and caring doctor, but for now he's just working so very hard. It's just one of the things that I love about him. I don't get much time with him, but I get by, and of course, there's Leila, who is my girlfriend. Confused? It's not really that confusing. I'm bisexual, yes, and I have both a girlfriend and a...

2 years ago
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That lucky bastardbitch

Example chapter: Sam ran as fast as he could through the empty dorm hall. He couldn't believe that the football team had stolen his towel and spare clothes while he was in the shower. He was lucky enough that no one was in the hall, but he could feel that his luck was going to run out. He knocked on the door of his best friend Sarah. She was sympathetic to his plights with the football team and her position on the cheerleader team meant she could get him some leeway. But there was only so much...

2 years ago
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Vixen 2

The busy sound of phones ringing and papers shuffling filled the precinct as a lulling background noise that every officer and detective had grown accustomed to. Despite the drug addict that had to be dragged through the office to his awaited cell in handcuffs and eventually shown the effects of a stun gun, today seemed lazily uneventful. Dane sat at his desk in the center of the sluggish haze, tapping a pen to his lower lip with his feet resting next to his sleek desktop computer...

1 year ago
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ThisGirlSucks Haley Reed Getting Blown Away

Ike is usually easily impressed, but boy oh boy did little Haley Reed BLOW HIM away. Not only could she fit his entire dong down her throat, but she could recite the alphabet while doing it. The added vocals made this quite an interesting dick sucking experience, none like he had ever had before. Haley did not just like to slobber and suck either. She surprised us with a new kink of just rubbing that phallus all over her pale little face. It was kind of hot too, and seeing her get pleasure from...

3 years ago
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Life Changing Sex

Jake and I have been dating for a year. Lately, to be honest, our sex life has been kind of boring and I've been hinting about it. But he doesn't seem to be taking the hint. I resolve to say something this weekend, which is our 'anniversary' and he is taking me somewhere. I am unsure where; he says it's a surprise. Which is kind of exciting in itself. He tells me to wear that little hot black dress that he loves to see me in. The neckline dips down to show just enough cleavage to tease. But...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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The Serendipity of Freedom Part 12 The Dying Of The Light

Author's note: Please feel free to post this story to any free site, as long as the following conditions are met. It shall not be posted to any site charging a fee for reading it, either direct or indirect (avs), the story remains fully intact, and the original author shall be credited in entirety. This story contains harsh language and scenes of a frank sexual nature and is not suitable for younger readers. Also if you are offended by Transgendered, Gay, and Lesbian themes,...

2 years ago
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At the Pool Part Two

As Matt got into the front passenger seat of my car, I unlatched the ragtop and flipped the convert switch. There was a whirr of small servos and the roof gave way to bright sunshine and the rustling of branches and sparkling green leaves. We were in the parking lot of the community pool; it was mostly empty as most of the summer swimmers were at the National Fair that was in town. I looked over at Matt, my heart clenched with excitement, my stomach with butterflies and my manly cock twitching...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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The InheritanceChapter 10

Percy was the last person that I would have thought would try this. I was somewhat gratified that my assessment of the shooter was correct, but Percy Wilcox? Everything I had been told and seen about him contradicted even trying it. Either the power brokers considered him expendable. Or Percy was trying to make points with them. As I was considering all this, I slipped out of my battle mode and back to normal. I could also feel the adrenaline draining off. Rather than fall into the same trap...

3 years ago
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sex and fishing yum yum

We started to make out and he started to finger me but I got bored and wondered how far the tails went so I ran off.As usall he followed me like a dog with his tail between his legs.See iv3e known him since we was kids and I always was able to beat him up hes always been scared of me.( which was a plus) Well we got to this place you could tell its where cars did doughnuts and he still wanted to fuck and wanted it there.So he grabed ahold of me and pulled me to him. He told me to get...

3 years ago
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One Shoe GumshoeChapter 27 Friday 28 September 1941

WHILE I waited for Mary’s train to come into Paddington Station the events of the last seven months played through my head. The judicial system in England and Wales is a behemoth, tortuously slow and justice takes a long time. There are sound reasons for this, it allows better evidence to show up, more witnesses to come forward, better consideration of the facts and hopefully better judgements. And the accused too have longer to examine their consciences and reflect on the scales of...

3 years ago
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InterfaceChapter 11

I got to school fairly early on Monday Vicky was very talkative about her weekend and it took the pressure off me to explain what I had been up to without lying to my best friend, for which I was grateful. Vicky had been to see her grandma at the weekend and was full of stories about what they had got up to. She didn't see most of her extended family that often these days due to a lot of them being anti-MORFS. Her Grandma on her mother's side was one of the few who had stood by them. So she...

1 year ago
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Jill Dipping our toes in the water

I'm going to publish this under “stories” and while most of this completely true, I've had to change or embellish on exact verbiage as best I can remember it. This is going to be a slow burn, so if you are looking for a quick sex story, you might want to move on. Just a fair warning.I was engaged to my wife Jill when I was fairly young. I was twenty-three and she was twenty-two. She is a beautiful woman with dark hair and stunning blue eyes. It was definitely lust or infatuation at first sight....

Wife Lovers
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Bens Instruction

“Summer vacation...great,” I sighed. My girls would be going to summer camp in a couple of days, and the husband will be going out of town for business. Who was I kidding? He was going to see his mistress. Not that I minded. Our marriage was basically just paper at this moment. I would have the house to myself for 2 weeks. What to do? What to do? I made my list of projects to get done, thinking that it would last me more than a couple of days. I needed to spring clean the house, as well as get...

First Time
2 years ago
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Chloes Feet Humiliation

4 months after choosing to transfer over to a university and leaving her family and friends in Minnesota, Chloe Nelson has adapted quite well to her new life in California. She is currently following her passion as an art major and loving every minute of it. Her professors for the most part are nice, as well as her fellow peers. She at times does get homesick, as she misses her loved-ones back at home, however she still much prefers her more independent life over here, plus she can’t stand...

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Steve and ChuckChapter 10

Chuck Wednesday The room phone rang a couple of times before I could reach for it. The recorded announcement for the wakeup call told me it was time to get up. I kissed Lisa a couple of times and she wrapped me up in a warm good morning hug, whispering, "Do we have time for a little happiness before work?" I said, "Being with you is always happiness, but we do need to get rolling. I'm hungry and we're only going to each get a cup of coffee until we get downstairs, so let's...

3 years ago
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Broken PromisesChapter 34

“Hi honey,” said Ava. “Daddy said you were coming over this morning. Said you’d seen your other Dad.” “Yes,” said Candace. “We need to talk.” “Okay, let me get your dad; he’s upstairs shaving.” Candace nodded. It was 8:00 a.m. Her dad always did his morning thing at 7:30, done by 8:00 a.m. He’d be down in a very few minutes. Her mom disappeared up the stairs. She waited by the big picture window that looked out upon the broad sward of lawn that fronted the mansion. Time elapsed: three...

3 years ago
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Happy Birthday

After several months of Monday morning coffee, conversation and great sex with Cheryl I realized that it was her birthday and I just had to give her a gift that she would never forget. I started to prepare for this event a few weeks in advance and couldn't wait to give it to her. our usual meeting time was about 9 am well as is the case when you have a big day planed you end up over sleeping and now everything seemed rushed. I gave Cheryl a key a long time ago so I knew she would have no...

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Not Taken IV

I was just getting back to the condo after work on Friday when I saw my neighbor from the running group, as I now thought of him. I hadn’t thought about his invitation at all during the week, but he held the elevator for me and we talked as we went up. I felt like I had to agree to go, but really, I had nothing else planned, and wasn’t I supposed to be doing things differently?He looked different to me today, although that might have been my horniness talking. He was wearing no ring and he’d...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Private Jayla De Angelis Anal Welcome

Jayla de Angelis is a real beauty, and today she’s come to Private Blockbusters, The Love Hotel to have a romp with stallion, Dean Van Damme, who’s taking her to her very own private room for a well-deserved welcome! Jayla is in need of some extra-special loving after a long trip, and that’s exactly what’s in store for this sexy girl on www.private.com as she gets the fun started with some sloppy oral action before going on to enjoy a long and hard anal pounding that has her moaning all the way...

3 years ago
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Black Guard TalesChapter 9

George and Rada peered through their far seekers at the distant object from one of the highest points near their mountain camp. It was still a good twenty klicks away, they estimated, and traveling no more than 30 kilometres an hour. "A surveyor's rover?" Rada suggested. "I thought they'd all left after the fight?" "I told them the truth," George replied, without looking up. "That was not an honourable victory for the Black Guard. We don't nobble our opponents in a sporting...

2 years ago
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My tiny petite Muslim wifes first black expe

I have been asking my wife to have sex with another man for years now! She hates the idea and has always said no u til recently when I found out she had o ce cheated on me a few years back. Now divorce is a huge taboo in the Muslim community so she begged me not to go down that route! I said if she made my fantasy come true then all wil be forgotten. She agreed but told me she was not happy about it. I was overjoyed! I was thinking about what kind of man I wanted. I had never thought of a black...

4 years ago
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LeilaChapter 10

Thanksgiving week was one of great activity in the O'Connell Realm. It started for us following services on Sunday the 23nd. We had just returned home when Mom had a question. "When will you be ready to move into your own house?" she asked Leila and me. "It's not that we don't enjoy having you here, but young couples need more privacy than you have here." "House! What house?" Leila replied, confused. "Why the house that has been set aside for Thomas for the last eight or nine...

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Sister Magdalene

It was quiet in the chapel. Serene. For some, the stillness, the lack of breathing, the rustle of clothing, would add to the serenity. In reality, it was just another indication that they were dying, and not just them, the entire church. Sister Magdalene looked up, the figure of Jesus Christ predominant behind the small altar. She knew every nook and cranny of the chapel, having cleaned it more times than she could recall. Twenty four years of her Twenty seven years, she had spent here in...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 678

The Retreat Near bedtime, Jeff summoned Ann and Arlene to his office. A few minutes later, the two, having just finished showering, tentatively entered wearing robes and with their hair wrapped in towels. “Oops,” he said while coming to his feet, “I meant to catch you before bedtime and your shower. Looks as if I’m a bit late. I apologize.” The two young women passed a glance before Arlene said, “No problem. We just get to be with our husband a little earlier,” and dropped her robe. With a...

1 year ago
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Mr Stephensons fucking machine

"Mr Stephenson is here sir"Arthur Cleghorn was a self made man, a man of vision, a modern man, a man prepared to embrace modern technology to its fullest degree."Send him up Perkins"Arthur replaced the speaking  tube on its whistle and paced up and down the Oak panelled reading room in the west wing of his as yet unfinished brand new mansion."Mr Stephenson, Sir.""Ah Stephenson, good of you to come so quick, now this is ah delicate, a slight accident, mishap.""Begging pardon sir I'm buggered if...

2 years ago
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The Reunion the Hotel Part II

So if you are reading this then you have either read The Hotel; or haven’t. If you have just ignore this. If not then go back and read it. We left off with my recounting of my experience with my cousin. After that we left for our respective homes and went about our lives. I never forgot what it was like to have slept with my cousin. I made her promise to keep in touch with me and we did. We talked quiet frequently. Most of the time it was about her and her boy friend but every now and...

4 years ago
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RoadhouseChapter 13

It was nice to be back home, I considered the camp to be my home as did most of the permanent residents. Alice Parsons, the relieving cook welcomed me back as I walked into the cook house. "Welcome back Tony, how did your time in the army go?" "Great Alice, I finished up in the kitchen, I'll tell you what, the kitchens there make this place look pretty shabby but I'm still happy to be back home. How did you enjoy cooking for the boys, did any of them give you a hard time?" "No, they...

4 years ago
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Sows Ear

Strange things happen at the strangest times. Last week a client of mine gave me a ticket to the opera. Why I don’t know, but he did. Me at an opera would be a terrible thing to consider from anyone’s point of view, especially mine. Now don’t get me wrong, I love music, all kinds of music with maybe the exception of acid rock, rap, and hard opera. The idea of a fat lady belting out a story in song and in a foreign language to boot is just not my cup of tea. The only reason I even accepted the...

3 years ago
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Bill and Haley and DeenaChapter 8

Bill’s turn: Business is business, and with 3Sigma business is good. In the short time that I’ve been on board we’ve grabbed three million dollars from ONE client, and others are queued up, waiting. Adding Dave Johnson to the western group is going to help us, as is getting a few field technicians going. The Alabama bunch just made a big kill with a client in Oklahoma. “We’re going to get an easy four or five million from them, but we’re going to do it at the expense of putting some people...

3 years ago
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Thank you craigslist

The email I got back from her asked how I would torture her. I described it to her is great detail, not putting the details here yet, but don’t worry I’ll tell you soon enough. She emailed me back again practically begging me to actually do the things I said I’d do to her, and she wanted a pic of me. I sent her my pic asking for one in return. I didn’t get one, instead I got an email that just said “I’m not sending you a pic, we went to high school together I’m coming over now don’t worry...

4 years ago
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The Worm Turns And The Punishment

My ex, Dave, loved having me helpless, then he would tease me, playing with my body, making me come, or teasing and denying, which was worse. There came a day though when I sort of got my own back on him. He had started to put the handcuffs on me, when I complained."Ow, there is something sharp inside the cuff," I told him, "it scratched my wrist."He felt inside the steel band, but could feel nothing. Not surprising, as I had made it up."You won't feel anything like that," I insisted,...

2 years ago
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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 31 Whatrsquos Love Got to Do with It

London Armories Hotel, London, Ontario 10:51pm, Saturday, December 8, 1979 “Evy, are you sure you’re good going with Jenn and Andy?” Colleen asked her same grade, best friend as the three St. Mike’s girls were standing at the doorway to our co-joining rooms on the tenth floor of the Armories Hotel in downtown London. “Oh, yeah. Jenn and I will have a good time with Andy,” Evy replied and gave her redheaded friend, as well as her younger sister, Lilly a small kiss and then ducked into...

3 years ago
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Not Taken

It’s never one thing that seemingly sends you over the line; it’s far too easy to put the blame on your partner, no matter who he or she is. But if I was honest with myself, even a little, I knew it wasn’t her. Not really. It was too easy to just let things slide or to swallow my desire after a number of rejections. If I had been able to put my supposed needs or fetishes aside, I wouldn’t be here, in the office, on my knees.And if I was honest with myself, I would have to admit that no one but...

Gay Male
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Kelly and Billy

"Billy", Kelly asked, "did you steal a pair of panties from my laundry basket last week?". Nervous and penitent, Billy acknowledged that he had. "Why, Billy?", Kelly asked, as though she didn't know the answer. "Because they smell pretty:", Billy told her. "Well, its not right to steal things, Billy, and smelling girl's underwear is naughty.". The knoledge that Billy was interested in scent of her vagina was flattering to Kelly, and even though she had told him it was naughty, there was...

2 years ago
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Sparks Fly

All rights reserved by the author, 2002. No commercial re-prints are authorized without written consent of the author. I opened the front door to pick up the morning paper. The house across the street was hidden behind a network of toilet paper hanging from the tree. I smiled. Looks like somebody got their house papered. I remembered the time my friends and I papered Sue's house. I had a crush on Sue and talked my friends into papering her house. We stopped at Safeway and bought thirty...

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